EBC Financial Group introduit les actions américaines, offrant ainsi aux traders de CFD du monde entier l’opportunité d’investir dans les plus grandes entreprises américaines

LONDRES, 16 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EBC Financial Group (EBC) est ravi d’annoncer le lancement des contrats de différence (CFD) sur actions américaines sur sa plateforme de trading. Cette intégration très attendue élargit la gamme déjà diversifiée de produits de trading d’EBC, qui comprend les opérations de change, les matières premières, les indices et bien plus encore. Ce lancement offre désormais aux traders du monde entier un accès direct et transparent aux actions des entreprises les plus influentes, comme NVIDIA, Tesla, Apple, Microsoft et Meta. Ce développement place EBC au premier plan des opportunités de trading innovantes pour ses clients en Asie–Pacifique, en Amérique latine, en Afrique et au–delà.

Ce lancement intervient à un moment crucial pour les marchés mondiaux, à la suite de l’élection présidentielle américaine qui a ravivé la volatilité des marchés et les opportunités de trading. Les CFD sur actions américaines d’EBC permettent aux traders mondiaux de capitaliser sur cette dynamique, offrant un moyen innovant de diversifier leurs portefeuilles tout en naviguant dans un paysage financier mondial en constante évolution.

Combler le fossé : accès mondial au marché boursier américain
Le marché boursier américain, qui représente plus de 65 % de la capitalisation boursière mondiale, est reconnu comme l’épicentre de la finance et de l’innovation mondiales. Avec l’introduction des CFD sur actions américaines, EBC offre à ses clients l’opportunité de tirer parti de ce marché dynamique, en capitalisant sur les performances de marques emblématiques des secteurs technologique, bancaire et de la vente au détail.

Cette offre inclut une sélection d’actions reconnues pour leur potentiel de croissance et leur résilience, comme NVIDIA, dont le leadership en IA a entraîné une hausse impressionnante de 170 % de ses actions cette année, ou encore Apple, pionnier dans la technologie et les produits grand public.

Avec cette nouvelle offre, EBC permet aux traders de réagir facilement aux fluctuations du marché, en prenant des positions longues ou courtes selon les conditions. De plus, l’absence de droits de timbre optimise leur rentabilité. En optimisant les exigences en capital, la plateforme permet aux investisseurs d’accéder aux plus grandes entreprises américaines sans immobiliser de fonds importants, offrant ainsi accessibilité et flexibilité pour leurs portefeuilles.

Un autre avantage majeur est la possibilité de percevoir les dividendes versés par les entreprises. Les positions détenues aux dates ex–dividende bénéficient de récompenses équivalentes, reflétant les avantages de l’actionnariat direct. Combiné à une plateforme rationalisée qui connecte les traders directement au marché américain via un compte unique, EBC garantit une expérience efficace et simple à ceux qui naviguent sur l’un des marchés financiers les plus dynamiques au monde.

Une vision partagée à l’intention des investisseurs internationaux
Leader mondial du trading en ligne, EBC innove constamment pour répondre aux besoins changeants de sa clientèle. L’ajout du trading sur actions américaines souligne l’engagement de la société à fournir une suite complète de solutions financières qui permettent aux traders de réussir sur des marchés complexes.

À propos d’EBC Financial Group
Fondé dans le prestigieux quartier financier de Londres, EBC Financial Group (EBC) est réputé pour sa gamme complète de services qui comprend le courtage financier, la gestion d’actifs et des solutions d’investissement globales. EBC Financial Group a rapidement établi sa position en tant que société de courtage d’envergure mondiale, avec une forte présence sur des hubs financiers majeurs tels que Londres, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapour, Sydney, les Îles Caïmans ainsi que sur les marchés émergents d’Amérique latine, d’Asie du Sud–Est, d’Afrique et d’Inde. EBC s’adresse à une clientèle diversifiée d’investisseurs de détail, professionnels et institutionnels aux quatre coins du monde.

Lauréat de multiples récompenses, EBC est fier de respecter les plus hauts niveaux de normes éthiques et de réglementation internationale. Les filiales d’EBC Financial Group sont réglementées et agréées dans leurs juridictions locales. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited est réglementé par la Financial Conduct Authority (« FCA ») du Royaume–Uni, EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited est réglementé par la Monetary Authority (« CIMA ») des Îles Caïmans, et EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd et EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd sont réglementés par la Securities and Investments Commission (« ASIC ») australienne.

Au cœur d’EBC Group sont réunis des professionnels chevronnés, forts de plus de 30 ans d’expérience marquée dans des institutions financières majeures, ayant habilement traversé des cycles économiques majeurs, des accords du Plaza à la crise du franc suisse de 2015. EBC défend une culture où l’intégrité, le respect et la sécurité des actifs de ses clients priment et veille à ce que chaque engagement d’investisseur soit traité avec tout le sérieux qu’il mérite.

EBC est Partenaire officiel des marchés des changes du FC Barcelona, et propose des services spécialisés en Asie, Afrique, Amérique latine, Océanie et au Moyen–Orient. EBC est également partenaire de United to Beat Malaria, une campagne de la United Nations Foundation dont l’objectif est d’améliorer les résultats en matière de santé mondiale. Depuis février 2024, EBC accompagne la série d’engagement public « What Economists Really Do » du Département d’Économie de l’Université d’Oxford, visant à démystifier l’économie et son application aux grands défis de société afin d’améliorer la compréhension et le dialogue avec le public.


Contact avec les médias : 
Angela Wu
Relations publiques internationales (Asie–Pacifique)

Susindhraseghar Chandrasekar
Relations publiques internationales (Asie–Pacifique)

Chyna Elvina
Responsable des relations publiques internationales (Asie–Pacifique et Amérique latine)

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4d20b58e–0a98–46d9–aea9–8abcad57a18e/fr 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9319582)

EBC Financial Group Agora Oferece Ações dos EUA, Capacitando os Traders Globais de CFD a Investir nas Principais Empresas dos EUA

LONDRES, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O EBC Financial Group (EBC) tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento dos Contratos por Diferença de Ações dos EUA (CFDs) na sua plataforma de negociação. Essa adição altamente esperada expande a já diversificada gama de produtos de negociação da EBC, que inclui forex, commodities, índices e muito mais. Com este lançamento, os traders globais agora têm acesso contínuo às ações das empresas mais influentes do mundo, incluindo NVIDIA, Tesla, Apple, Microsoft e Meta. Esse desenvolvimento posiciona a EBC na vanguarda do fornecimento de oportunidades comerciais inovadoras para clientes em toda a Ásia–Pacífico, América Latina, África e além.

O lançamento ocorre em um momento crucial para os mercados globais após a eleição presidencial dos EUA que reacendeu a volatilidade do mercado e as oportunidades de negociação. Os CFDs de ações dos EUA da EBC capacitam os traders globais a capitalizar essas dinâmicas, oferecendo uma maneira inovadora de diversificar portfólios enquanto navegam no cenário financeiro global em constante mudança.

Conexão: Acesso Global ao Mercado de Ações dos EUA
O mercado de ações dos EUA, que representa mais de 65% da capitalização de mercado global, é reconhecido como o epicentro das finanças e da inovação globais. Ao introduzir CFDs de ações dos EUA, a EBC permite que seus clientes aproveitem esse mercado vibrante, aproveitando o desempenho de marcas icônicas dos EUA nos setores de tecnologia, bancos e varejo.

Esta oferta inclui ações cuidadosamente selecionadas, conhecidas por seu potencial de crescimento e resiliência, como a NVIDIA, cuja liderança em IA impulsionou um aumento de 170% nas ações este ano, e a Apple, pioneira em tecnologia e produtos de consumo.

Por meio da mais recente oferta da EBC, os traders podem facilmente assumir posições nos movimentos do mercado, com a conveniente capacidade de comprar ou vender dependendo das condições do mercado, e a não cobrança de impostos de selo garante uma boa relação custo–benefício. Ao otimizar os requisitos de capital, a plataforma viabiliza que os investidores se envolvam com as principais empresas dos EUA sem grandes investimentos, com a acessibilidade e flexibilidade do portfólio.

Outra característica importante é o benefício do pagamento de dividendos corporativos. As posições detidas em datas ex–dividendos recebem recompensas equivalentes, refletindo os benefícios da propriedade direta de ações. Combinado com uma plataforma simplificada que conecta os traders diretamente ao mercado dos EUA por meio de uma única conta, o EBC garante uma experiência eficiente e direta para quem navega em um dos mercados financeiros mais dinâmicos do mundo.

Uma Visão Compartilhada para Investidores Globais
Como líder global em negociação online, a EBC inova continuamente para se alinhar às necessidades em evolução dos seus clientes. A adição da negociação de ações nos EUA ressalta o compromisso da empresa em fornecer um conjunto abrangente de soluções financeiras que capacitam os traders a ter sucesso em mercados complexos.

Sobre o EBC Financial Group
Fundado no conceituado distrito financeiro de Londres, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) é conhecido pelo seu conjunto abrangente de serviços que incluem corretagem financeira, gestão de ativos e soluções de investimento abrangentes. O EBC rapidamente estabeleceu sua posição como uma corretora global, com uma ampla presença em centros financeiros importantes, como Londres, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura, Sydney, Ilhas Cayman e em mercados emergentes na América Latina, Sudeste Asiático, África e Índia. O EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo.

Reconhecido com várias premiações, o EBC se orgulha de aderir aos principais níveis de padrões éticos e regulamentações internacionais. As subsidiárias do EBC Financial Group são regulamentadas e licenciadas em suas jurisdições locais. O EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited é regulado pela Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do Reino Unido, o EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited é regulado pela Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), o EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd e o EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd são regulados pela Australia’s Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

No centro do Grupo EBC estão profissionais experientes com mais de 30 anos de profunda experiência em grandes instituições financeiras, tendo navegado habilmente por ciclos econômicos significativos, desde o Plaza Accord até a crise do franco suíço em 2015. O EBC defende uma cultura na qual a integridade, o respeito e a segurança dos ativos dos clientes são fundamentais, garantindo que todo o envolvimento dos investidores seja tratado com a máxima seriedade que merece.

O EBC é o Parceiro Oficial de Câmbio do FC Barcelona, oferecendo serviços especializados em regiões como Ásia, LATAM, Oriente Médio, África e Oceania. O EBC Financial Group tem parceria com a Unidos para Combater a Malária, uma campanha da Fundação das Nações Unidas que visa aumentar a saúde global. A partir de fevereiro de 2024 a EBC passou a apoiar a série de engajamentos públicos “What Economists Really Do” (O que os economistas realmente fazem) do Department of Economics da Oxford University, desmistificando a economia e sua aplicação aos principais desafios sociais para aumentar a sua compreensão e o diálogo do público.


Contato com a Mídia:
Angela Wu
Relações Públicas Globais (APAC)

Susindhraseghar Chandrasekar
Relações Públicas Globais (APAC)

Chyna Elvina
Gerente Global de Relações Públicas (APAC, LATAM)

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4d20b58e–0a98–46d9–aea9–8abcad57a18e/pt

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9319582)

EBC Financial Group führt US-Aktien ein und ermöglicht es globalen CFD- Tradern, in führende US-Unternehmen zu investieren

LONDON, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die EBC Financial Group (EBC) freut sich, die Einführung von US–Aktien–Differenzkontrakten (CFDs) auf ihrer Handelsplattform bekannt zu geben. Dieser mit Spannung erwartete Neuzugang erweitert die bereits vielfältige Palette an Trading–Produkten der EBC, die Forex, Rohstoffe, Indizes und mehr umfasst. Mit diesem Start haben globale Trader nun nahtlosen Zugang zu den Aktien der einflussreichsten Unternehmen der Welt, darunter NVIDIA, Tesla, Apple, Microsoft und Meta. Mit dieser Entwicklung steht die EBC an vorderster Front bei der Bereitstellung innovativer Handelsmöglichkeiten für Kunden im asiatisch–pazifischen Raum, in Lateinamerika, Afrika und darüber hinaus.

Der Start erfolgt zu einem entscheidenden Zeitpunkt für die globalen Märkte, nachdem die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA die Marktvolatilität und die Handelsmöglichkeiten neu entfacht haben. Die US–Aktien–CFDs von EBC ermöglichen es globalen Tradern, aus dieser Dynamik Kapital zu schlagen. Sie bieten eine innovative Möglichkeit, Portfolios zu diversifizieren und gleichzeitig die sich ständig verändernde globale Finanzlandschaft zu navigieren.

Überbrückung der Kluft: Globaler Zugang zum US–Aktienmarkt
Der US–Aktienmarkt, auf den mehr als 65 % der weltweiten Marktkapitalisierung entfallen, gilt als das Epizentrum des globalen Finanzwesens und der Innovation. Durch die Einführung von US–Aktien–CFDs ermöglicht die EBC ihren Kunden, diesen dynamischen Markt zu erschließen und die Performance bekannter US–Marken in den Bereichen Technologie, Banken und Einzelhandel zu nutzen.

Dieses Angebot umfasst sorgfältig ausgewählte Aktien, die für ihr Wachstumspotenzial und ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit bekannt sind, wie NVIDIA, dessen führende Rolle im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz in diesem Jahr zu einem Kursanstieg von 170 % geführt hat, und Apple, ein Vorreiter im Bereich Technologie und Konsumgüter.

Mit dem neuesten Angebot der EBC können Trader problemlos auf Marktbewegungen reagieren und je nach Marktlage Long– oder Short–Positionen eingehen, und das Fehlen von Stempelgebühren sorgt für Kosteneffizienz. Durch die Optimierung des Kapitalbedarfs ermöglicht es die Plattform den Anlegern, sich an Top–Unternehmen in den USA zu beteiligen, ohne erhebliche Mittel zu binden, und bietet so Zugänglichkeit und Flexibilität des Portfolios.

Ein weiteres wichtiges Merkmal ist die Möglichkeit, von den Dividendenausschüttungen der Unternehmen zu profitieren. Positionen, die an Ex–Dividenden–Terminen gehalten werden, erhalten eine gleichwertige Belohnung, die die Vorteile des direkten Aktienbesitzes widerspiegelt. In Kombination mit einer optimierten Plattform, die Trader über ein einziges Konto direkt mit dem US–Markt verbindet, gewährleistet EBC eine effiziente und unkomplizierte Erfahrung für diejenigen, die sich auf einem der dynamischsten Finanzmärkte der Welt bewegen.

Eine gemeinsame Vision für globale Investoren
Als weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Online–Trading entwickelt die EBC kontinuierlich Innovationen, um den sich wandelnden Bedürfnissen ihrer Kunden gerecht zu werden. Die Aufnahme des US–Aktienhandels unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens, eine umfassende Palette von Finanzlösungen anzubieten, die es Tradern ermöglichen, in komplexen Märkten erfolgreich zu sein.

Über die EBC Financial Group
Die EBC Financial Group (EBC) wurde im renommierten Londoner Finanzdistrikt gegründet und ist für ihr umfassendes Dienstleistungsangebot bekannt, das Finanzmaklergeschäfte, Vermögensverwaltung und umfassende Investitionslösungen umfasst. EBC hat sich in kurzer Zeit einen Namen als globales Maklerunternehmen gemacht und ist an wichtigen Finanzzentren wie London, Hongkong, Tokio, Singapur, Sydney, den Cayman Islands und in Schwellenmärkten in Lateinamerika, Südostasien, Afrika und Indien stark vertreten. Die EBC bedient einen vielfältigen Kundenstamm aus Einzelhändlern, professionellen und institutionellen Investoren weltweit.

Die EBC wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet und ist stolz darauf, führende ethische Standards und internationale Vorschriften einzuhalten. Die Tochtergesellschaften der EBC Financial Group sind in ihren jeweiligen lokalen Rechtsprechungen reguliert und lizenziert. Die EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited wird von der britischen Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reguliert, die EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited wird von der Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) reguliert, die EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd und die EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd werden von der australischen Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) reguliert.

Den Kern der EBC Group bilden erfahrene Fachleute mit mehr als 30 Jahren fundierter Erfahrung in großen Finanzinstituten, die geschickt durch bedeutende Wirtschaftszyklen navigiert sind, vom Plaza Accord bis zur Schweizer Frankenkrise 2015. Die EBC setzt sich für eine Kultur ein, in der Integrität, Respekt und die Sicherheit des Kundenvermögens an erster Stelle stehen, und stellt sicher, dass jedes Engagement eines Anlegers mit der größten Ernsthaftigkeit behandelt wird, die es verdient.

Die EBC ist der offizielle Devisenpartner des FC Barcelona und bietet spezialisierte Dienstleistungen in Regionen wie Asien, LATAM, dem Nahen Osten, Afrika und Ozeanien. Die EBC ist auch Partner von United to Beat Malaria, einer Kampagne der United Nations Foundation zur Verbesserung der globalen Gesundheitslage. Ab Februar 2024 unterstützt die EBC die Reihe „What Economists Really Do“ (Was Ökonomen wirklich tun) des Department of Economics der Oxford University, in der die Wirtschaftswissenschaften entmystifiziert und auf wichtige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen angewandt werden, um das öffentliche Verständnis und den Dialog zu verbessern.


Angela Wu
Global Public Relations (APAC)

Susindhraseghar Chandrasekar
Global Public Relations (APAC)

Chyna Elvina
Global Public Relations Manager (APAC, LATAM)

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung finden Sie unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4d20b58e–0a98–46d9–aea9–8abcad57a18e/de 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9319582)

Bitget Introduces LaunchX: A New Token Launch Platform Featuring Fuel Network as Its First Project

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, announces the launch of LaunchX, a token launch platform that connects transformative blockchain projects with the global Web3 community, enabling effective early token distribution and adoption. The inaugural project to debut on LaunchX is Fuel Network (FUEL), an advanced blockchain solution that sets new standards for scalability, modularity, and efficiency in decentralized systems.

LaunchX combines robust security with fair distribution practices, ensuring a user–centric environment for token launch and distribution. It supports blockchain projects by offering access to Bitget’s vast ecosystem of over 45 million users and expert guidance through token listings and post–launch growth. The platform empowers developers to focus on innovation while providing participants with the confidence and convenience of a trusted exchange platform.

As part of the $FUEL launch, 20% of the total initial supply will be allocated to the Fuel community. The FUEL token, with a total supply of 10 billion, will have 2.75% of its supply available for sale through the Bitget LaunchX platform. Eligible Bitget users meeting KYC and other requirements can participate in the subscription using USDT from December 16 to 19, with an individual cap of 3,000 USDT per user.

Fuel Network represents a breakthrough in blockchain infrastructure. Fuel Ignition is the fastest (>600 TPS) and least expensive (<$0.0002 min per transaction). Optimistic rollup on Ethereum and employs advanced technologies like the Fuel Virtual Machine (FuelVM) and its proprietary UTXO–based design to offer unprecedented scalability and speed. Since launch, Fuel Ignition has achieved nearly $400 million in total value locked (TVL).

Nick Dodson, the CEO and co–founder of Fuel Labs, leads the team responsible for the first Stage 2 optimistic rollup, which includes experts in blockchain scalability and Ethereum Layer 2 solutions. In 2023, the company raised $80 million in funding with participation from prominent investors such as Blockchain Capital, Stratos, and Maven 11.

“Our focus at Bitget has always been providing the best possible solutions for users and projects. We're here to support the ongoing wave of crypto innovation and plan to sharpen our products as per the needs of the market. With LaunchX, users will now gain almost instant access to top projects that were previously not easy to find and shortlist. This is the new route to find hidden gems,” said Gracy Chen, CEO at Bitget.

LaunchX marks a significant step forward in Bitget’s mission to drive global crypto adoption. By prioritizing security, transparency, and accessibility, the platform aims to provide a seamless and reliable experience for both projects and participants.

For further information about LaunchX and Fuel Network, please visit here.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 45 million users in 150+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions, while offering real–time access to Bitcoin price, Ethereum price, and other cryptocurrency prices. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world–class multi–chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, token swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more.

Bitget is at the forefront of driving crypto adoption through strategic partnerships, such as its role as the Official Crypto Partner of the World's Top Football League, LALIGA, in EASTERN, SEA and LATAM market, as well as a global partner of Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team), to inspire the global community to embrace the future of cryptocurrency.

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
For media inquiries, please contact: media@bitget.com

Risk Warning: Digital asset prices may fluctuate and experience price volatility. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The value of your investment may be impacted and it is possible that you may not achieve your financial goals or be able to recover your principal investment. You should always seek independent financial advice and consider your own financial experience and financial standing. Past performance is not a reliable measure of future performance. Bitget shall not be liable for any losses you may incur. Nothing here shall be construed as financial advice.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/309caeea–0412–44f8–8e9a–93891c0a2e53

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001028949)

Bridging the Gap in Africa’s Surgical Care Crisis

COSECSA trained surgeons prepare young boy for surgical procedure in Mangochi, southern Malawi. Credit:: College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA).

By Eric O’Flynn
DUBLIN, Ireland, Dec 16 2024 – For decades, preventable deaths, lifelong disabilities, and disfigurements presented devastating consequences for over 90% of the population in Africa, where surgical care remains largely out of reach.

Simple, affordable procedures like skin grafts for burns, bone fracture repair, and hernia procedures routinely go untreated, causing needless suffering and often driving families into abject poverty due to loss of livelihood.

Consider a young man in his 20s in rural Zambia, electrocuted by a low-hanging power cable while riding on the back of a lorry, whose exposed skull and severely damaged scalp were repaired during a 16-hour procedure, allowing him to make a full recovery; a 19-year-old woman with a deep-seated tumor that caused her to lose her sight and whose surgery was made possible by a resourceful clinician using magnifying glasses in the absence of a microscope, removing the tumor in full and allowing her to regain her vision; a 32-year-old mother of two in rural Zambia, run over by a truck and left with devastating injuries who underwent eight months of intensive treatment and rehabilitation putting her on a path to recovery.

Cases like these are the everyday reality faced by surgeons Dr. Peter Mushenya from Zambia and Dr. Nathalie Umugwaneza from Rwanda, both recent graduates of the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA), which celebrates its 25th anniversary this December.

Since its founding, COSECSA has grown from graduating just six surgeons in 2010 to an impressive 152 in 2023. This growth reflects the organization’s commitment to equipping surgeons with the skills to meet the urgent needs of communities across the region. Over the course of their careers, COSECSA-trained surgeons are projected to perform nearly 9.5 million surgeries, a stunning demonstration of the impact of successful surgical training programmes.

Qualified just a year, Dr Mushenya is a specialist neurosurgeon working at Maxcare hospital in Lusaka, where patients often travel over 1000 kilometres to receive care from the only neurosurgical team in the country.

On average, he and his team perform 70 surgeries a month. He describes challenges such as a shortage of surgical supplies, long waiting lists and needless complications arising from untreated simple infections that worsen due to a delay in care. Common, he explains, are untreated coughs in children that escalate into meningitis and later abnormal swelling of the head due to excess fluid on the brain.

“Many patients are two years down the line without a CT scan and come to us in critical condition in need of urgent surgical attention. In many cases, we often have to use our own money to buy drills, sutures, shunts – not just the expensive equipment like microscopes, but even the little things are not there. Instead, we rely on well-wishers. A lot of the conditions we see are simple to treat, yet we don’t get the support we need,” says Dr Mushenya.

It is an all too familiar scene in Rwanda, according to Dr. Umugwaneza, who counts road traffic accidents and falls among her most common surgeries, “Patients often wait up to six months for surgeries that are not considered acute, resulting in improperly consolidated fractures that cause life-long disability.” She emphasizes the need to strengthen the entire surgical system, from training surgeons to strengthening entire surgical teams across a range of disciplines from nurses to anesthetists.

The situation experienced in Zambia and Rwanda matches the broader challenges faced in the region. In many countries of the Global South, the surgeon-to-patient ratio is alarmingly low, with just one trained surgeon for every 2.5 million people. This neglect persists even though surgically treatable conditions cause more deaths and disabilities than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.

Despite a 2015 World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution urging the inclusion of global surgery within primary healthcare as a critical component of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), surgical care remains strikingly absent from policymakers’ agendas.

This lack of priority has contributed to minimal progress in strengthening emergency and essential surgical and anesthesia services. As a result, 16 million people worldwide die annually from conditions that could be treated surgically.

In response to the urgent demand for surgical care, COSECSA, supported by Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland has trained 910 surgeons through its intensive five-year programme, achieving this at an astonishingly low cost of just $600 per surgeon per year. Prof. Juan Carlos Puyana, Chair of Global Surgery at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin, has witnessed firsthand the impact of the programme and is a passionate advocate for further investment in global surgery.

An experienced surgeon himself, he worked for decades in low resource settings, and emphasises the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the initiative, underlining the importance of changing perceptions about surgical care: “There’s a misconception that surgical care is prohibitively expensive, but simple procedures don’t require large investments in infrastructure and expensive equipment.

Our approach is grounded in evidence that safe surgery is not an expense but a critical investment in health infrastructure and in promoting economic development.”

Dr Puyana’s views are echoed in the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, which underscored that billions of people lack access to safe surgery. The report highlighted that investing in surgical services is not only affordable but essential to saving lives and securing safe health systems.

Closing the gap to ensure that surgical services are more readily accessible in lower- and middle-income countries, will not only save lives but also restore patients’ ability to work and lead productive lives, generating economic benefits that far outweigh their costs. The programme stands as a powerful testament to how targeted, cost-effective interventions can make a lasting impact.

In recent years, it has broadened its scope beyond surgical training. Recognizing that effective surgical care relies on multidisciplinary teams, it now supports the development of colleges in anesthesiology, obstetrics and gynecology, and nursing across the region.

This expansion builds on a proven model for rapidly scaling up training in the sub-Saharan context that involves a blend of virtual classrooms, mentorship, and a support network for isolated health workers. In some countries like Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi, particularly in rural hospitals, non-specialist and non-physician surgeons also play a key role in delivering essential procedures.

Further, at a time when trained health workers from the Global South are increasingly migrating to the Global North in search of better opportunities, the programme has proven to be a game-changer in stemming the exodus of health workers in the region.

A 2024 study reveals a significant shift, with an impressive 98.5% retention rate of specialist surgeons within Africa, addressing the chronic shortage of skilled health professionals. This shift represents not only a major achievement for the programme, but also an important step toward the sustainability of local healthcare systems.

Addressing the crisis in global surgery demands a fundamental shift in global health priorities: surgery is not a luxury intervention, but an essential component of any functioning health system. This requires policymakers to prioritize investments in training, infrastructure, and system-wide support, ensuring that surgical care is within reach for the millions who still don’t have access.

As the network of skilled practitioners expands, communities are themselves laying the groundwork for resilient health systems. In doing so, surgeons like Dr Mushenya and Dr Umugwaneza are safeguarding future generations from the preventable suffering that has long plagued the world’s poorest regions.

Eric O’Flynn is Programme Director — Education, Training and Advocacy, Institute of Global Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dublin.

IPS UN Bureau


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Brains Bioceutical Expands Industry-Leading Cannabinoid Offering with D9-THC and CBN, Unveiling New Frontiers for Drug Development

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brains Bioceutical Corp. (Brains Bio), a global leader in natural, GMP–compliant cannabinoid Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), announces the expansion of its industry–leading offering. Cannabinol (CBN) is available as an EU–GMP certified API, D9–Tetrahydrocanabinol (THC) is in a solid crystalline form, undergoing enhanced stability optimization work and final validation work is being undertaken on Cannabigerol (CBG).

These new additions complement Brains Bio's current portfolio, with the CBD API being used in over 30 clinical and pre–clinical studies, including a completed Phase III Refractory Epilepsy Study – submitted for Marketing Authorisation – and a Phase II Opioid Use Disorder Study. With immediate global sample distribution, Brains Bio unlocks new avenues for clinical research, product development, and therapeutic innovation.

Unveiling the Next Wave of Cannabinoid–Based Therapies
Brains Bio's expanded portfolio reflects the company's dedication to the development of cannabinoids for pharmaceutical research and development. Their offerings include formulated products and APIs compliant with the Ph. Eur. Monograph and ICH Q7 requirements, designed to support regulatory–approvable clinical programs targeting critical unmet medical needs. These APIs, with potential applications for a wide range of therapeutic uses, including neurological disorders, chronic pain, and inflammatory conditions, are poised to drive groundbreaking clinical advancements.

Building on Existing Success Stories
The pharmaceutical industry has already witnessed the successful integration of cannabinoid–based medications. Several FDA– and EMA–approved drugs showcase significant clinical benefits, including:

  • Epidiolex (CBD): An oral solution for treating epileptic seizures associated with Lennox–Gastaut and Dravet syndromes (FDA/ EMA–approved).
  • Marinol & Syndros (Dronabinol): Formulations for chemotherapy–induced nausea and vomiting, and AIDS–related anorexia (FDA/EMA–approved).
  • Sativex (CBD/THC): A treatment for spasticity in MS and other neurological conditions (EMA–approved).

These successes highlight the therapeutic potential of cannabinoid–based therapies and their growing acceptance within the medical community. with Brains Bio remaining dedicated to advancing the scientific understanding of cannabinoids.

“A Milestone for the Pharmaceutical Industry”
“The introduction of high–quality CBN API, D9 THC and CBG is a landmark moment for Brains Bio, and for the entire pharmaceutical industry,” said Ricky Brar, CEO and Chairperson of Brains Bioceutical Corp. “These products empower researchers and drug developers to push the boundaries of cannabinoid science, accelerating the delivery of transformative therapies to patients worldwide. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to providing APIs that meet the highest standards of safety, quality, and consistency.”

A Market Poised for Growth
The Global Cannabinoid Derived Pharmaceutical Market Research Report 2024 projects a significant rise, from $884.3 million in 2021 to $4.87 billion by 2034 (CAGR of 13.4%). This surge reflects the increasing recognition of cannabinoid therapies' effectiveness in addressing a wide range of medical conditions.

Brains Bio's API portfolio represents the next frontier, providing pharmaceutical innovators with a robust and compliant ingredient to expedite the development of regulatory–approved cannabinoid–based treatments.

Requesting Samples and Inquiries
Brains Bioceutical Corp.'s THC and CBN API are now available for sample distribution. For inquiries and further information, pharmaceutical companies and research organizations can contact the company at ir@brainsbio.com.

About Brains Bioceutical Corp.
Brains Bioceutical Corp. is a global leader in developing and manufacturing natural cannabinoid APIs for the pharmaceutical industry. Their focus on advancing cannabinoid research translates into innovative solutions that address critical unmet medical needs, transforming the future of medicine.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b460b7ca–9a31–4a41–a012–23d26e61ef5d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9319537)

Quantexa é destacada como líder de categoria no relatório de soluções de monitoramento de transações AML da Chartis de 2024

LONDRES, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Quantexa, fornecedora líder de soluções de Inteligência de Decisão para os setores público e privado, anunciou hoje o reconhecimento em Chartis’ RiskTech Quadrant Update para soluções de monitoramento de transações contra lavagem de dinheiro (AML). O relatório destaca os recursos “melhores da categoria” da Quantexa em áreas críticas para ajudar as instituições financeiras (IFs) a combater o crime financeiro e cumprir o escrutínio regulatório.

As instituições financeiras estão sujeitas a regulamentações nacionais (como o USA PATRIOT Act) e supranacionais (como as Diretivas de Prevenção à Lavagem de Dinheiro da UE) para prevenir a lavagem de dinheiro. A ONU estima que os volumes anuais de lavagem variam de dois a cinco por cento do PIB. A conformidade e a prevenção podem ser desafiadores devido às frequentes mudanças nessas regulamentações, esquemas de lavagem de dinheiro cada vez mais sofisticados e desafios internos tecnológicos e de dados.

O conjunto de soluções AML da Quantexa permite que as instituições financeiras enfrentem esses desafios utilizando IA e ML em seus recursos de resolução de entidades e gráficos de conhecimento, para integrar dados dispersos, descobrir riscos ocultos e realizar monitoramento e detecção proativos. Entre outras categorias, suas soluções são utilizadas em investigações orientadas por inteligência, AML em bancos correspondentes e AML em comércio e varejo.

A Chartis destaca que a IA generativa é uma característica cada vez mais importante nas soluções de monitoramento de transações AML. Em junho, a Quantexa anunciou seu conjunto de tecnologia de IA generativa, Q Assist, que permite que unidades de investigação financeira (UIFs) utilizem seus dados como parte de seu processo investigativo para identificar e compreender potenciais riscos.

A Quantexa segue sendo destacada como líder de categoria em Monitoramento de Transações AML, ao fortalecer seu conhecimento em inteligência de decisão e GenAI, desenvolvendo uma abordagem inovadora para automatizar investigações complexas, enfrentando de forma eficaz um dos maiores desafios da área“, disse Nick Vitchev, diretor de pesquisa da Chartis. “Seus indicadores de desempenho de tipologia são uma abordagem inovadora e altamente prática para um ecossistema cada vez mais complexo e centrado em tipologias, enquanto seu recurso de integrar vastos e diversos conjuntos de dados e sinais na pilha de monitoramento de transações contribui para uma maior eficácia e eficiência.”

Alexon Bell, diretor de produtos (FinCrime) da Quantexa, disse: “Ser nomeado líder da categoria pela Chartis, ao lado de proeminentes participantes do setor, ressalta o crescente reconhecimento de nossa abordagem inovadora para monitoramento contextual de AML e avanços em IA generativa. Nossas classificações de alto nível em áreas essenciais, como integração de dados e sistemas, além de modelagem e tipologia de risco, reforçam nosso compromisso em fornecer às instituições financeiras ferramentas inovadoras para combater o crime financeiro. Este reconhecimento confirma tanto nosso conhecimento tecnológico quanto nosso compromisso em entender e enfrentar os desafios em constante evolução que nossos clientes enfrentam na luta contra a lavagem de dinheiro.”

A Chartis destacou a Quantexa como Líder de Categoria em cinco categorias em 2024. Estas categorias incluem o RiskTech Quadrant® para Soluções de Fraude Empresarial, o relatório Atualização de Mercado e Panorama de Fornecedores de Soluções de Fraude Empresarial e de Pagamentos de 2024 e como um dos principais fornecedores no ranking e relatório de pesquisa estreante Chartis RiskTechAI 50 de 2024. A Quantexa também foi indicada como Líder de Categoria no RiskTech Quadrant® para Soluções de KYC e classificada entre os 20 principais no Relatório RiskTech100® de 2025, destacando sua presença no mercado, inovação e liderança em risco e conformidade.

Para saber mais sobre os recursos de AML e monitoramento de transações da Quantexa, acesse aqui.

Sobre a Quantexa
A Quantexa é uma empresa global de software de IA, dados e análises, pioneira em Inteligência de Decisão, com o objetivo de capacitar organizações a tomar decisões operacionais confiáveis com dados contextualizados. Usando os mais recentes avanços em IA, a plataforma de inteligência de decisão da Quantexa ajuda as organizações a descobrir riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, unificando dados em silos e transformando–os no recurso mais confiável e reutilizável. Resolve os principais desafios de gerenciamento de dados, inteligência de clientes, KYC, crimes financeiros, riscos, fraudes e segurança, durante todo o ciclo de vida do cliente.

A Plataforma de Inteligência Decisória da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional, proporcionando um aumento de mais de 90% na precisão e uma resolução do modelo analítico 60 vezes mais rápida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Um estudo da Forrester TEI encomendado de forma independente sobre a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa descobriu que os clientes obtiveram um ROI de 228% em três anos. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa agora conta com mais de 800 funcionários e tem milhares de usuários da plataforma que trabalham com bilhões de transações e pontos de dados em todo o mundo.

Comunicação social
C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E–mail: Quantexa@fightorflight.com


C: Adam Jaffe, SVP de Marketing Corporativo
Tel.: +1 609 502 6889
E–mail: adamjaffe@quantexa.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001028819)

Quantexa est reconnu comme un Leader de sa catégorie dans le rapport 2024 de Chartis sur les solutions de surveillance des transactions qui assurent la conformité AML

LONDRES, 16 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle pour les secteurs public et privé, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir été reconnu dans le rapport RiskTech Quadrant Update de Chartis pour ses solutions de surveillance des transactions qui assurent la conformité en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent (AML). Le rapport souligne les capacités « de premier ordre » de Quantexa dans des domaines critiques qui permettent d’aider les institutions financières à lutter contre la criminalité financière et à se conformer aux contrôles réglementaires.

Afin de prévenir le blanchiment d’argent, les institutions financières sont tenues de respecter les réglementations nationales (comme le PATRIOT ACT des États–Unis) et supranationales (comme les directives de l’UE sur la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux). Selon une estimation des Nations Unies, les volumes annuels de blanchiment de capitaux représentent deux à cinq pour cent du PIB. La conformité et la prévention peuvent s’avérer difficiles à assurer du fait des changements fréquemment apportés à ces réglementations, mais aussi en raison des schémas de blanchiment d’argent de plus en plus sophistiqués et des défis internes en matière de technologie et de données.

La suite de solutions AML de Quantexa permet aux institutions financières de relever ces défis grâce à l’intégration de l’IA et de l’apprentissage automatique dans ses capacités de résolution d’entités et de graphes de connaissances qui permettent de relier des données disparates, de découvrir des risques cachés et de mettre en œuvre une surveillance et une détection proactives. Entre autres catégories, ses solutions sont utilisées dans les enquêtes fondées sur le renseignement, ainsi que pour la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent dans le secteur bancaire et les secteurs du commerce et de la vente au détail.

Chartis souligne que l’IA générative est une fonctionnalité qui prend une importance croissante dans les solutions de surveillance des transactions qui assurent la conformité AML. En juin, Quantexa a annoncé la sortie de sa suite technologique d’IA générative, Q Assist, qui permet aux unités d’enquête financière (FIU) d’exploiter les données dont elles disposent dans le cadre de leurs processus d’investigation afin d’identifier et de comprendre les risques potentiels.

« En renforçant ses capacités en matière d’intelligence décisionnelle et d’IA générative, Quantexa développe une approche permettant l’automatisation des enquêtes complexes qui touche au cœur de l’un des plus grands défis dans ce domaine. À ce titre, Quantexa continue de se positionner comme un Leader de sa catégorie pour la surveillance des transactions visant à assurer la conformité AML », a déclaré Nick Vitchev, directeur de la recherche chez Chartis. « Ses fiches d’évaluation typologiques constituent une approche innovante et très pratique vis–à–vis d’un écosystème à la complexité croissante et centré sur la typologie, tandis que sa capacité à intégrer de vastes ensembles de données et des signaux diversifiés dans le processus de surveillance des transactions contribue à renforcer l’efficacité et l’efficience. »

Alexon Bell, directeur des produits (FinCrime) chez Quantexa, a déclaré : « Le fait d’être nommé Leader de sa catégorie par Chartis, aux côtés d’acteurs de premier plan du secteur, souligne la reconnaissance croissante de notre approche innovante en matière de surveillance contextuelle de la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et d’intégration des avancées dans le domaine de l’IA générative. Les notes de premier ordre que nous avons obtenues dans des domaines clés tels que l’intégration des données et des systèmes, ainsi que la modélisation et la typologie des risques, soulignent notre engagement à doter les institutions financières d’outils de pointe afin de lutter contre la criminalité financière. Cette reconnaissance confirme à la fois notre expertise technologique et notre engagement à comprendre et à relever les défis en constante évolution auxquels nos clients sont confrontés dans le cadre de la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent. »

En 2024, Chartis a reconnu Quantexa comme un Leader de sa catégorie dans cinq catégories. Il s’agit notamment du RiskTech Quadrant® pour les Solutions contre la fraude affectant les entreprises, des Solutions contre la fraude affectant les entreprises et les paiements, du 2024 Market Update and Vendor Landscape Report, et de sa reconnaissance comme l’un des meilleurs fournisseurs dans le premier classement et rapport de recherche RiskTechAI 50 2024 de Chartis. Quantexa a également été nommé Leader de sa catégorie dans le RiskTech Quadrant® pour les solutions KYC et classé parmi les 20 premiers du RiskTech100® 2025 Report, soulignant ainsi sa présence sur le marché, sa force en matière d’innovation ainsi que son leadership en matière de risque et de conformité.

Pour en savoir plus sur les capacités de Quantexa en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et de surveillance des transactions, cliquez ici.

À propos de Quantexa
Quantexa est une société mondiale de logiciels d’analyse, d’IA et de données qui innove dans le domaine de l’intelligence décisionnelle afin de permettre aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables grâce à des données contextualisées. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aide les organisations à découvrir les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en unifiant les données en silos et en les transformant en ressources réutilisables les plus fiables. Elle permet de relever des défis majeurs en lien avec la gestion des données, la veille client, la connaissance du client, la criminalité financière, les risques, la fraude et la sécurité, tout au long du cycle de vie de la relation client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Une étude indépendante de Forrester TEI commandée sur la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa révèle que les clients enregistrent un retour sur investissement de 228 % en trois ans. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 800 collaborateurs et des milliers d’utilisateurs de la plateforme travaillant sur des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde.

Demandes de renseignements des médias
Contact : Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E–mail : Quantexa@fightorflight.com


Contact : Adam Jaffe, Vice–président directeur du marketing d’entreprise
Tél. : +1 609 502 6889
E–mail : adamjaffe@quantexa.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001028819)

Quantexa Recognized as Category Leader in Chartis’ 2024 AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions Report

LONDON, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, a leading provider of Decision Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced recognition in Chartis’ RiskTech Quadrant Update for anti–money laundering (AML) transaction monitoring solutions. The report highlights Quantexa’s “best–in–class” capabilities across critical areas to help financial institutions (FIs) fight financial crime and comply with regulatory scrutiny.

Financial institutions are bound by national (such as the USA PARIOT ACT) and supranational regulations (such as the EU’s Anti–Money Laundering Directives) to prevent money laundering. The UN estimates that annual laundering volumes range from two to five percent of GDP. Compliance and prevention can be challenging due to the frequent changes to these regulations, increasingly sophisticated money laundering schemes and internal technological and data challenges.

Quantexa’s AML Solution Suite allows financial institutions to deal with these challenges by using AI and ML in its entity resolution and knowledge graph capabilities to join disparate data, uncover hidden risk and execute proactive monitoring and detection. Among other categories, its solutions are used across intelligence–led investigations, corresponding banking AML and trade and retail AML.

Chartis highlights that Generative AI is an increasingly important feature of AML transaction monitoring solutions. In June, Quantexa announced its Generative AI technology Suite, Q Assist, which allows financial investigation units (FIUs) to leverage their data as part of their investigation process to identify and understand potential risk.

Quantexa continues to place as a Category Leader for AML Transaction Monitoring by building on its strength in decision intelligence and GenAI to develop an approach to automating complex investigations that cuts to the heart of one of the biggest challenges in the field,” said Nick Vitchev, Research Director at Chartis. “Its typology scorecards are a novel and highly practical approach to an increasingly complex and typology–centric ecosystem, while its ability to integrate vast, diverse datasets and signals into the transaction monitoring stack helps to deliver effectiveness and efficiency.”

Alexon Bell, Chief Product Officer (FinCrime) at Quantexa, said, “Being named a Category Leader by Chartis, alongside prominent industry players, underscores the growing recognition of our innovative approach to Contextual AML monitoring and advancements in generative AI. Our top–tier ratings in key areas like data and system integration, as well as modeling and risk typology, highlight our dedication to equipping financial institutions with cutting–edge tools to combat financial crime. This acknowledgment affirms both our technological expertise and our commitment to understanding and addressing the evolving challenges our clients face in the fight against money laundering.”

Chartis has recognized Quantexa as a Category Leader in five categories in 2024. These include the RiskTech Quadrant® for Enterprise Fraud Solutions, the Enterprise and Payment Fraud Solutions, 2024 Market Update and Vendor Landscape report and as one of the top vendors in the inaugural Chartis RiskTechAI 50 2024 ranking and research report. Quantexa was also named a Category Leader in the RiskTech Quadrant® for KYC Solutions and ranked among the top 20 in the RiskTech100® 2025 Report, highlighting its market presence, innovation, and leadership in risk and compliance.

To learn more about Quantexa’s AML and transaction monitoring capabilities, visit here.

About Quantexa
Quantexa is a global AI, data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence to empower organizations to make trusted operational decisions with data in context. Using the latest advancements in AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform helps organizations uncover hidden risk and new opportunities by unifying siloed data and turning it into the most trusted, reusable resource. It solves major challenges across data management, customer intelligence, KYC, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. An independently commissioned Forrester TEI study on Quantexa's Decision Intelligence Platform found that customers saw a three–year 228% ROI. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has over 800 employees and thousands of platform users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world.

Media Inquiries
C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightorflight.com


C: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
T : +1 609 502 6889
E : adamjaffe@quantexa.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001028680)

Quantexa wird im Bericht zu Transaktionsüberwachungslösungen zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche von Charteris für 2024 als Branchenführer ausgezeichnet

LONDON, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, ein führender Anbieter von Decision–Intelligence–Lösungen für den öffentlichen und privaten Sektor, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass seine Lösungen für die Transaktionsüberwachung zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche (AML) im RiskTech Quadrant–Update von Chartis anerkannt worden sind. Der Bericht hebt die „Best–in–Class“–Fähigkeiten von Quantexa in kritischen Bereichen hervor, um Finanzinstitute bei der Bekämpfung von Finanzkriminalität und der Einhaltung behördlicher Auflagen zu unterstützen.

Finanzinstitute sind durch nationale (z. B. den USA Patriot Act) und supranationale Vorschriften (z. B. die EU–Richtlinien zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche) verpflichtet, Geldwäsche zu verhindern. Die UN schätzt, dass das jährliche Geldwäschevolumen zwischen 2 und 5 Prozent des BIP liegt. Die Einhaltung von Vorschriften und Verhinderung von Geldwäsche kann aufgrund der häufigen Änderungen dieser Vorschriften, immer ausgefeilterer Geldwäschesysteme und interner technologischer und datenbezogener Herausforderungen eine Herausforderung darstellen.

Die AML Solution Suite von Quantexa ermöglicht es Finanzinstituten, diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, indem sie KI und ML in ihren Funktionen zur Entitätsauflösung und Wissensgraphen nutzt, um unterschiedliche Daten zusammenzuführen, versteckte Risiken aufzudecken und eine proaktive Überwachung und Erkennung durchzuführen. Die Lösungen des Unternehmens werden unter anderem in nachrichtendienstlichen Ermittlungen, im Bereich der Geldwäschebekämpfung im Bankwesen und im Bereich der Geldwäschebekämpfung im Handel und Einzelhandel eingesetzt.

Chartis hebt hervor, dass generative KI ein immer wichtigeres Merkmal von Lösungen für die Transaktionsüberwachung zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche ist. Im Juni kündigte Quantexa seine auf generativer KI basierende Technologiesuite Q Assist an, die es Finanzermittlungsstellen ermöglicht, ihre Daten im Rahmen ihres Ermittlungsprozesses zu nutzen, um potenzielle Risiken zu identifizieren und zu verstehen.

Quantexa ist weiterhin führend in der Kategorie der Transaktionsüberwachung zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche, indem es auf seiner Stärke in der Entscheidungsintelligenz und generativer KI aufbaut, um einen Ansatz zur Automatisierung komplexer Untersuchungen zu entwickeln, der eine der größten Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich auf den Punkt bringt“, so Nick Vitchev, Research Director bei Chartis. „Die Typologie–Scorecards sind ein neuartiger und äußerst praktischer Ansatz für ein zunehmend komplexes und typologiezentriertes Ökosystem, während die Fähigkeit, umfangreiche, vielfältige Datensätze und Signale in den Transaktionsüberwachungsstapel zu integrieren, zur Effektivität und Effizienz beiträgt.“

Alexon Bell, Chief Product Officer (FinCrime) bei Quantexa, dazu: „Die Ernennung zum Kategorieführer durch Chartis, zusammen mit prominenten Akteuren der Branche, unterstreicht die wachsende Anerkennung unseres innovativen Ansatzes zur kontextbezogenen AML–Überwachung und die Fortschritte im Bereich der generativen KI. Unsere erstklassigen Bewertungen in Schlüsselbereichen wie Daten– und Systemintegration sowie Modellierung und Risikotypologie unterstreichen unser Engagement, Finanzinstitute mit modernsten Instrumenten zur Bekämpfung der Finanzkriminalität auszustatten. Diese Anerkennung bestätigt sowohl unsere technologische Expertise als auch unser Engagement, die sich wandelnden Herausforderungen zu verstehen und anzugehen, mit denen unsere Kunden im Kampf gegen die Geldwäsche konfrontiert sind.“

Chartis hat Quantexa im Jahr 2024 in fünf Kategorien als Kategorieführer ausgezeichnet. Dazu gehören der RiskTech Quadrant® für Unternehmensbetrugslösungen, die Unternehmens– und Zahlungsbetrugslösungen, den Bericht „2024 Market Update and Vendor Landscape“ und als einer der Top–Anbieter im ersten Chartis  RiskTechAI  50 2024 Ranking– und Forschungsbericht. Quantexa wurde außerdem als Kategorieführer im RiskTech Quadrant® für KYC–Lösungen genannt und rangiert unter den Top 20 im RiskTech100® 2025 Report, was die Marktpräsenz, Innovation und Führungsposition des Unternehmens im Bereich Risiko und Compliance unterstreicht.

Weitere Informationen zu den verfügbaren Funktionen im Bereich Geldwäschebekämpfung und Transaktionsüberwachung von Quantexa finden Sie hier.

Über Quantexa
Quantexa ist ein globales Unternehmen für KI–, Daten– und Analysesoftware und leistet Pionierarbeit im Bereich Decision Intelligence, um Unternehmen in die Lage zu versetzen, zuverlässige betriebliche Entscheidungen anhand von Daten im Kontext zu treffen. Mit den neuesten Fortschritten in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) hilft die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa Unternehmen, versteckte Risiken und neue Chancen aufzudecken, indem sie isolierte Daten zusammenführt und in eine zuverlässige, wiederverwendbare Ressource verwandelt. Es löst die größten Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Datenmanagement, Customer Intelligence, KYC, Finanzkriminalität, Risiko, Betrug und Sicherheit während des gesamten Kundenlebenszyklus.

Die Quantexa Decision Intelligence–Plattform verbessert die operative Leistung mit einer um über 90 % größeren Genauigkeit und einer 60–mal schnelleren Auflösung des Analysemodells als herkömmliche Ansätze. Eine von Forrester unabhängig in Auftrag gegebene TEI–Studie über die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa ergab, dass die Kunden innerhalb von drei Jahren einen ROI von 228 % erzielten. Quantexa wurde 2016 gegründet und hat heute über 800 Mitarbeiter und Tausende von Plattformnutzern, die mit Milliarden von Transaktionen und Datenpunkten auf der ganzen Welt arbeiten.

Kontakt: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E–Mail: Quantexa@fightorflight.com


Kontakt: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
Tel.: +1 609 502 6889
E–Mail: adamjaffe@quantexa.com

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