EMGA sichert sich 90 Mio. US-Dollar von der EIB für die brasilianische BTG Pactual

LONDON, Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) gibt heute bekannt, eine Fremdfinanzierung in Höhe von 90 Millionen US–Dollar für ihren langjährigen brasilianischen Kunden BTG Pactual gesichert zu haben.

Das vorrangige unbesicherte Darlehen in Höhe von 90 Millionen US–Dollar wurde von der EIB bereitgestellt und die Transaktion folgt auf eine kürzlich von EMGA beratene Transaktion über 210 Millionen US–Dollar.

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Managing Director und Head of Investment Banking bei EMGA, dazu: „Dies war eine fantastische Zusatztransaktion zu der 210 Millionen US–Dollar umfassenden grünen Finanzierungsfazilität, die wir für BTG von der EIB erhalten haben. In diesem Fall zielt die Finanzierung auf die Finanzierung des KMU–Kreditportfolios der BTG ab und hat eine besonders hohe entwicklungspolitische Wirkung, da die Finanzierung die Entwicklung von Kleinunternehmen in benachteiligten Regionen Brasiliens unterstützt und sich zudem auf Unternehmerinnen konzentriert. Die EIB ist nach wie vor ein wichtiger Investor für EMGA, und wir sind stolz darauf, dass wir das Unternehmen bei der Ausweitung seiner Präsenz in Brasilien im Rahmen seiner umfassenderen globalen Strategie unterstützen konnten.“

Jeremy Dobson, Managing Director und Head of Operations bei EMGA, fügt hinzu: „Es war sehr erfreulich, bei dieser zusätzlichen Finanzierung durch die EIB erneut mit BTG zusammenzuarbeiten. Wir freuen uns darauf, unsere starke Erfolgsbilanz bei der Vermittlung von Finanzierungen in Brasilien und dem Rest Lateinamerikas fortzusetzen.“

BTG Pactual: BTG ist die größte Investmentbank in Lateinamerika, die sechstgrößte Bank in Brasilien nach Eigenkapital und ein wichtiger Akteur bei der Bereitstellung von Krediten und Garantien für eine breite Palette von Kunden, von KMU bis hin zu Großunternehmen. BTG ist ein Vorreiter bei der Förderung der Klimafinanzierung in Brasilien und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Kanalisierung von Ressourcen für Projekte mit positiven Auswirkungen auf die lokalen Gemeinschaften. 

EIB: EIB ist The European Investment Bank (EIB) – die Investitionsbank der Europäischen Union. Sie ist die größte multilaterale Finanzinstitution der Welt. Die EIB finanziert und investiert sowohl über Eigenkapital– als auch über Fremdkapitallösungen und konzentriert sich auf die Bereiche Klima, Umwelt, kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Entwicklung, Kohäsion und Infrastruktur. 

Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), mit Niederlassungen in London und New York, unterstützt Finanzinstitute und Unternehmen bei der Beschaffung von neuem Fremd– oder Eigenkapital. Das multinationale Team von EMGA verfügt gemeinsam über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Abschluss von Transaktionen im Wert von über 9 Mrd. US–Dollar in den Bereichen Schulden und Private Equity für seine Kunden in den Schwellen– und Grenzmärkten der Welt, darunter Brasilien, das nach wie vor ein wichtiger Markt ist. Mit einer nachgewiesenen Erfolgsbilanz in der Kapitalbildung und strategischen Beratung während verschiedener Wirtschaftszyklen bietet EMGA weiterhin eine geografische Reichweite und ein vielfältiges Dienstleistungsangebot und festigt damit seine Position auf dem Markt als herausragende, auf Schwellenländer spezialisierte Boutique–Investmentbank.

Kontaktinformationen: info@emergingmarketsglobaladvisory.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001029842)

EMGA obtient 90 millions de dollars américains de la EIB pour BTG Pactual (Brésil)

LONDRES, 20 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) annonce, ce jour, avoir obtenu un financement par emprunt de 90 millions de dollars américains pour son client de longue date basé au Brésil, BTG Pactual.

Cet emprunt prioritaire non garanti de 90 millions de dollars américains a été accordé par la EIB et cette transaction fait suite à une opération plus récente, également conseillée par EMGA, d’un montant de 210 millions de dollars américains.

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Directeur général et Responsable de la banque d’investissement chez EMGA, a déclaré : « Il s’agit d’une transaction formidable qui vient s’ajouter au mécanisme de financement vert de 210 millions de dollars américains que nous avons obtenu pour BTG auprès de la EIB. En l’occurrence, ce financement est destiné à couvrir les portefeuilles de prêts des PME de BTG et son impact sur le développement est considérable étant donné que ce financement soutiendra le développement des petites entreprises dans les régions défavorisées du Brésil et que les femmes entrepreneurs seront les premières à en bénéficier. La EIB reste un investisseur clé pour EMGA et nous sommes fiers de l’avoir aidée à renforcer sa présence au Brésil dans le cadre de sa stratégie mondiale ».

Jeremy Dobson, Directeur général et Chef des opérations chez EMGA, a ajouté : « Ce fut un plaisir de collaborer à nouveau avec BTG sur ce financement supplémentaire auprès de la EIB. Nous nous réjouissons de poursuivre nos excellents résultats en matière de financement au Brésil et dans le reste de l’Amérique latine ».

BTG Pactual : BTG est la plus grande banque d’investissement d’Amérique latine, la 6e banque du Brésil en termes de capitaux propres et un acteur clé dans l’octroi de prêts et de garanties à un large éventail de clients, des PME aux grandes entreprises. BTG est une banque pionnière dans la promotion du financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique au Brésil et joue un rôle décisif dans la canalisation des ressources vers des projets ayant un impact positif sur la communauté. 

EIB : La European Investment Bank (EIB), est la banque d’investissement de l’Union européenne et la plus grande institution financière multilatérale au monde. La EIB finance et investit à la fois par le biais de capitaux propres et de solutions d’emprunt et se concentre sur les domaines du climat, de l’environnement, des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), du développement, de la cohésion et des infrastructures. 

Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), dont les bureaux sont basés à Londres et à New York, vient en aide aux établissements financiers et aux entreprises à la recherche de nouveaux capitaux d’emprunt ou de capitaux propres. L’équipe multinationale d’EMGA possède collectivement des dizaines d’années d’expérience dans la conclusion de plus de 9 milliards USD de transactions d’emprunt et de capital–investissement pour leurs clients sur les marchés émergents et les économies frontières du monde, y compris le Brésil qui reste un marché stratégique. Avec une expérience reconnue dans la formation de capital et le conseil stratégique à travers divers cycles économiques, EMGA continue d’offrir une vaste couverture géographique et une gamme de services diversifiée, consolidant ainsi sa place sur le marché en tant que banque d’investissement de premier plan spécialisée dans les marchés émergents.

Contact : info@emergingmarketsglobaladvisory.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001029842)

A EMGA obtém US$ 90 milhões do EIB para o BTG Pactual no Brasil

LONDRES, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) anunciou hoje que obteve US$ 90 milhões em financiamento de dívida para seu cliente de longa data no Brasil, o BTG Pactual.

O empréstimo sênior sem garantia de US$ 90 milhões foi fornecido pelo EIB, e a transação segue uma transação muito recente, também assessorada pela EMGA, no valor de US$ 210 milhões.

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Diretor Executivo e Chefe do Banco de Investimentos da EMGA, disse: “Esta foi uma transação fantástica que complementa a linha de financiamento sustentável de US$ 210 milhões que levantamos para o BTG junto ao EIB. Neste caso, esse financiamento tem como objetivo financiar os portfólios de empréstimos para PMEs do BTG e tem um impacto de desenvolvimento especialmente significativo, pois o financiamento apoiará o desenvolvimento de pequenas empresas em regiões desfavorecidas do Brasil, com um foco adicional em empreendedores do sexo feminino. O EIB continua sendo um relacionamento fundamental de investidor para a EMGA, e estamos orgulhosos por ajudá–los a aumentar sua presença no Brasil como parte de sua estratégia global mais ampla do EIB.”

Jeremy Dobson, Diretor Executivo e Chefe de Operações da EMGA, acrescentou: “Foi um prazer trabalhar com o BTG novamente nesse financiamento adicional do EIB. Esperamos dar continuar à nossa sólida trajetória na organização de financiamentos no Brasil e no restante da América Latina.”

BTG Pactual: o BTG Pactual é o maior banco de investimentos da América Latina, o 6º maior banco do Brasil em termos de patrimônio líquido e um agente importante na concessão de empréstimos e garantias a um amplo conjunto de clientes, de PMEs a grandes corporações. O BTG é pioneiro na promoção do financiamento climático no Brasil e desempenha um papel fundamental na canalização de recursos para projetos com impacto positivo na comunidade.  

EIB: EIB é o European Investment Bank (EIB), o banco de investimentos da União Europeia e a maior instituição financeira multilateral do mundo. O EIB financia e investe tanto por meio de soluções de ações quanto de dívida, com foco nas áreas de clima, meio ambiente, PMEs, desenvolvimento, coesão e infraestrutura.  

A Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), com escritórios em Londres e Nova York, auxilia instituições financeiras e empresas que buscam novos capitais de dívida ou ações. A equipe multinacional da EMGA acumula décadas de experiência na conclusão de transações que somam mais de US$ 9 bilhões em dívida e private equity para seus clientes em mercados emergentes e economias de fronteira em todo o mundo, incluindo o Brasil, que continua sendo um mercado estratégico. Com um histórico comprovado em formação de capital e assessoria estratégica ao longo de diversos ciclos econômicos, a EMGA continua a oferecer alcance geográfico e uma oferta diversificada de serviços, consolidando sua posição no mercado como um banco de investimentos especializado em mercados emergentes.

Contato info@emergingmarketsglobaladvisory.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001029842)

South Korea’s Democracy Defended

Credit: Daniel Ceng/Anadolu via Getty Images

By Andrew Firmin
LONDON, Dec 20 2024 – Democracy is alive and well in South Korea. When President Yoon Suk Yeol tried to impose martial law, the public and parliamentarians united to defend it. Now Yoon must face justice for his power grab.

President under pressure

Yoon narrowly won the presidency in an incredibly tight contest in March 2022, beating rival candidate Lee Jae-myung by a 0.73 per cent margin. That marked a political comeback for one of South Korea’s two main political parties, the rebranded centre-right People Power Party, and a defeat for the other, the more progressive Democratic Party.

In a divisive campaign, Yoon capitalised on and helped inflame a backlash among many young men against the country’s emerging feminist movement.

South Korea had a MeToo moment in 2018, as women started to speak out following high-profile sexual harassment revelations. South Korea is one of the worst performing members on gender equality of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development: it ranks third lowest for women’s political representation and last for its gender pay gap.

Some modest steps forward in women’s rights brought a disproportionate backlash. Groups styling themselves as defending men’s rights sprang up, their members claiming they were discriminated against in the job market. Yoon played squarely to this crowd, pledging to abolish the gender equality ministry. Exit polls showed that over half of young male voters backed him.

Human rights conditions then worsened under Yoon’s rule. His administration was responsible for an array of civic space restrictions. These included harassment and criminalisation of journalists, raids on trade union offices and arrests of their leaders, and protest bans. Media freedoms deteriorated, with lawsuits and criminal defamation laws having a chilling effect.

But the balance of power shifted after the 2024 parliamentary election, when the People Power Party suffered a heavy defeat. Although the Democratic Party and its allies fell short of the two-thirds majority required to impeach Yoon, the result left him a lame-duck president. The opposition-dominated parliament blocked key budget proposals and filed 22 impeachment motions against government officials.

Yoon’s popularity plummeted amid ongoing economic woes and allegations of corruption – sadly nothing new for a South Korean leader. The First Lady, Kim Keon Hee, was accused of accepting a Dior bag as a gift and of manipulating stock prices. It seems clear that Yoon, backed into a corner, lashed out and took an incredible gamble – one that South Korean people didn’t accept.

Yoon’s decision

Yoon made his extraordinary announcement on state TV on the evening of 3 December. Shamefully, he claimed the move was necessary to combat ‘pro-North Korean anti-state forces’, smearing those trying to hold him to account as supporters of the totalitarian regime across the border. Yoon ordered the army to arrest key political figures, including the leader of his party, Han Dong Hoon, Democratic Party leader Lee and National Assembly Speaker Woo Won Shik.

The declaration of martial law gives the South Korean president sweeping powers. The military can arrest, detain and punish people without a warrant, the media are placed under strict controls, all political activity is suspended and protests are widely banned.

The problem was that Yoon had clearly exceeded his powers and acted unconstitutionally. Martial law can only be declared when there are extraordinary threats to the nation’s survival, such as invasion or armed rebellion. A series of political disputes that put the president under uncomfortable scrutiny clearly didn’t fit the bill. And the National Assembly was supposed to remain in session, but Yoon tried to shut it down, deploying armed forces to try to stop representatives gathering to vote.

But Yoon hadn’t reckoned with many people’s determination not to return to the dark days of dictatorship before multiparty democracy was established in 1987. People also had recent experience of forcing out an evidently corrupt president. In the Candlelight Revolution of 2016 and 2017, mass weekly protests built pressure on President Park Guen-hye, who was impeached, removed from office and jailed for corruption and abuse of power.

People massed outside the National Assembly in protest. As the army blocked the building’s main gates, politicians climbed over the fences. Protesters and parliamentary staff faced off against heavily armed troops with fire extinguishers, forming a chain around the building so lawmakers could vote. Some 190 made it in, and they unanimously repealed Yoon’s decision.

Time for justice

Now Yoon must face justice. Protesters will continue to urge him to quit, and a criminal investigation into the decision to declare martial law has been launched.

The first attempt to impeach Yoon was thwarted by political manoeuvring. People Power politicians walked out to prevent a vote on 7 December, apparently hoping Yoon would resign instead. But he showed no sign of stepping down, and a second vote on 14 December decisively backed impeachment, with 12 People Power Party members supporting the move. The vote was greeted with scenes of jubilation from the tens of thousands of protesters massed in freezing conditions outside the National Assembly.

Yoon is now suspended, with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo the interim president. The Constitutional Court has six months to hold an impeachment process. Polls show most South Koreans back impeachment, although Yoon still claims his move was necessary.

Democracy defended

South Korea’s representative democracy, like most, has its flaws. People may not always be happy with election results. Presidents may find it hard to work with a parliament that opposes them. But imperfect though it may be, South Koreans have shown they value their democracy and will defend it from the threat of authoritarian rule – and can be expected to keep mobilising if Yoon evades justice.

Thankfully, Yoon’s attacks on civic space hadn’t got to the stage where civil society’s ability to mobilise and people’s capacity to defend democracy had been broken down. Recent events and South Korea’s uncertain future make it all the more important that the civic space restrictions imposed by Yoon’s administration are reversed as quickly as possible. To defend against backsliding and deepen democracy, it’s vital to expand civic space and invest in civil society.

Andrew Firmin is CIVICUS Editor-in-Chief, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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