Foreign Investors in Addison Row (JF32) Project Obtain Conditional Green Card Approvals

WASHINGTON, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EB5 Capital is pleased to announce the first individual I–526E petition approval for an investor in its Addison Row (JF32) project. An I–526E approval is a significant step in the EB–5 immigration process as it qualifies the investor and their eligible immediate family members for conditional permanent residency in the United States. The approved petition was filed in November 2022 and was pending for 25.6 months.

Addison Row (JF32) is a 327–unit apartment building in Capitol Heights, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. The $105.6 million development was completed in 2024 and features nearly 400,000 gross square feet including a clubhouse, fitness center, swimming pool, picnic area, dog park, and approximately 500 parking spaces. EB5 Capital raised foreign capital from 52 investors, representing a variety of nationalities, to finance a portion of the capital stack.

“We are excited to have received the first I–526E approval for this project,” said Natalia Pronina, Vice President of Investor Relations at EB5 Capital. “This important milestone highlights our dedication to offering outstanding EB–5 investment opportunities to our investors.”

To date, EB5 Capital has raised foreign investor funds across over 40 EB–5 projects throughout the United States. Addison Row (JF32) is EB5 Capital’s 32nd project which has reached the conditional green card stage for foreign investors going through the EB–5 immigration process. Now that the first petition has been approved, additional I–526E petition adjudications for this project are expected in the near future.

About EB5 Capital

EB5 Capital provides qualified foreign investors with opportunities to invest in job–creating commercial real estate projects under the United States Immigrant Investor Program (EB–5 Visa Program). Headquartered in Washington, DC, EB5 Capital’s distinguished track record and leadership in the industry has attracted investors from over 75 countries. As one of the oldest and most active Regional Center operators in the country, the firm has raised over $1 billion of foreign capital across approximately 40 EB–5 projects. 100% of our investors’ funds are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance prior to their deployment into our projects. Please visit for more information.  

Katherine Willis
Director, Marketing & Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9332118)

دشنتها مجموعة “جيمس للتعليم” انسجاماً مع “استراتيجية التعليم 2033” في الإمارة دبي تشهد افتتاح مدرسة جديدة للأبحاث والابتكار

  • مدرسة “جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار تفتح أبوابها في أغسطس 2025 بمدينة دبي الرياضية مستندة إلى 65 عاماً من التميز التربوي لمجموعة جيمس التعليمية.
  • تحتضن أفضل الاختصاصيين التعليميين وتعتمد على أحدث التقنيات الذكية بالإضافة إلى مجموعة واسعة من المرافق المتميزة التي تم تصميمها وفقاً لأعلى المعايير العالمية.
  • مختصون بارزون يشيدون بخطط جيمس للارتقاء بالمنظومة التعليمية اعتماداً على منهجية متطورة تُرسخ معايير جديدة في المنطقة والعالم.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

شهدت إمارة دبي اليوم افتتاح واحدة من أكثر المؤسسات التعليمية تميزاً وابتكاراً على مستوى العالم تحت اسم مدرسة “جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار“. ويأتي إطلاق المدرسة الجديدة من قبل مجموعة “جيمس للتعليم” في خطوة ترسخ المكانة العالمية الرائدة للمجموعة في قطاع التعليم، وتنسجم مع التزام دبي المستمر بتطوير منظومة تعليمية متقدمة تعزز الإبداع والتميز.
وتعد مدرسة جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار إحدى المبادرات الرائدة التي تجسد أهداف “استراتيجية التعليم 2033” في دبي، والرامية إلى تحقيق تحول جذري في المنظومة التعليمية، وذلك عبر تقديم تجربة تعليمية نموذجية ذات جودة عالية تركز على الطالب كعنصر محوري، مع تعزيز قدرات الأجيال الناشئة بمهارات الابتكار والإبداع، بما يتيح لهم مواكبة طموحات دبي المستقبلية والمساهمة في تحقيق رؤيتها الريادية.
وتفتتح المدرسة الجديدة أبوابها في شهر أغسطس المقبل بمدينة دبي الرياضية، وهي تجمع بين المناهج التعلمية المتطورة باللغة الإنجليزية وأعلى معايير التدريس الدولية ومجموعة من المرافق الحديثة والتقنيات المبتكرة، بهدف تقديم تجربة تعليمية استثنائية تلبي تطلعات الطلبة.
وتسعى المدرسة الجديدة إلى أن تكون مركزاً عالمياً للأبحاث التربوية، كما تهدف إلى تحسين المنظومة التعليمية عن طريق تبني القيم الإيجابية والتعاون مع أفضل الاختصاصيين التعليميين والاعتماد على التكنولوجيات الحديثة وأنظمة الذكاء الاصطناعي المتقدمة. وتسعى المدرسة لأن تضع السعادة والرفاهية ضمن أولوياتها متجاوزة الحدود التقليدية للعملية التعليمية والتدريسية من خلال تقديم تجربة تعليمية شاملة.
وتحظى المدرسة الجديدة بإشادة واسعة من قبل نخبة من أبرز المختصين التعليميين في بريطانيا، مثل السيدة أماندا سبيلمان، التي شغلت منصب كبيرة مفتشي مكتب المعايير التعليمية وخدمات الأطفال والمهارات في المملكة المتحدة (أوفستد) خلال الفترة الممتدة بين 2017 و2023. وذلك إلى جانب جولي يونغ، الخبيرة الأكاديمية المتخصصة في تصميم النماذج التعليمية المبتكرة والمعززة بالتكنولوجيا من جامعة ولاية أريزونا، والتي أبدت دعمها الكامل لهذا المشروع الرائد.
وبهذا الصدد، قال صني فاركي، رئيس مجلس إدارة ومؤسس مجموعة جيمس للتعليم ومؤسسة فاركي
:”نحن نؤمن بضرورة تمكين الأجيال القادمة من بناء مستقبل أفضل، وتعكس مدرسة جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار التزامنا الراسخ بتقديم تعليم استثنائي يستند إلى خبرتنا الممتدة لـ 65 عاماً وذلك من خلال الجمع بين أفضل المدرسين والتكنولوجيا المتطورة والمرافق المتميزة، التي ستسهم في توفير مدرسة فريدة تتيح للطلبة الازدهار والابتكار واستكشاف إمكاناتهم الكاملة.”

ومن جهة أخرى، تعتمد فلسفة المدرسة على ترسيخ قيم الريادة والتواصل والاستعداد لمواجهة التحديات العالمية. كما تعزز المدرسة نهج “الأسرة أولاً” الذي يشجع على التعاون الوثيق مع أولياء الأمور لتقوية القيم الأسرية.
وتم تصميم جميع مرافق المدرسة بعناية فائقة لتقديم تجربة حسية متكاملة تُلهم الإبداع وتغذي التفكير النقدي، والتي تشتمل على أحدث مختبرات العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات والروبوتات.
كما توفر المدرسة مساحات تكنولوجية ورياضية وفنية مع مساحات متخصصة في مجال التصميم، إلى جانب مراكز للتكنولوجيا وللأبحاث المتقدمة، والتي تشكل فرصاً استثنائية تساعد الطلبة على الاستكشاف والتفوق.
بدورها، قالت ليزا كروسبي، الرئيس التنفيذي للتعليم في المجموعة “إن المدرسة الجديدة ليست مجرد مكان للتعلم، بل هي مساحة تحوّلية حيث يلتقي التعليم بالابتكار. وسيتمكن الطلاب في مدرسة جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار من الاستفادة من تجارب تعليمية مخصصة يقودها معلمون استثنائيون، وتعززها مرافق عالمية المستوى. نحن نعدّ طلابنا ليس فقط لمواجهة تحديات اليوم بل لاغتنام فرص الغد.”
وتعتمد المدرسة الجديدة المنهاج البريطاني المعزّز والذي يجمع بين التميز الأكاديمي والتركيز على موضوعات مستقبلية مثل الذكاء الاصطناعي، الروبوتات، الرياضات الإلكترونية، وتصميم الألعاب منذ مرحلة عمرية مبكرة. كما يشمل برامج ممتدة للمناهج الإضافية التي تنمّي مهارات الطلاب في اللغات والفنون والرياضة والهندسة والأعمال، ذلك إلى جانب المناهج التي تنمي مواهب الطلبة في الجمباز والسباحة والمسرح والموسيقى والفنون الأدائية الكلاسيكية والحديثة.
وبصفته مركزاً للتميز في البحث والتكنولوجيا تابعاً لمجموعة جيمس للتعليم، ستتيح المدرسة للطلاب فرصة التواصل مع مدارس عديدة حول العالم والمشاركة في مؤتمرات اليونسكو كسفراء عالميين. كما يوفر لهم المركز الوصول إلى جامعات مرموقة ونخبة من الشركات العالمية من خلال برنامج “جيمس مدى الحياة.
وتسهم شراكات المجموعة مع كبرى الشركات العالمية مثل مايكروسوفت، وإتش بي، وأبل، ومركز بلج آند بلاي للتكنولوجيا في توفير فرص تعليمية تعزز التفكير الريادي، وتشجع الطلاب على تحويل أفكارهم إلى حلول مبتكرة وفعّالة.
وسيعزز مختبر الابتكار ومركز الأبحاث في المدرسة من تنمية مهارات الطلبة في مجال ريادة الأعمال وتعزيز التفكير الإبداعي، بما يُمكنهم من تحويل أفكارهم الإبداعية إلى حلول مبتكرة للتحديات الواقعية.

ويتميز الحرم المدرسي بمرافق متطورة على مستوى عالمي تهدف إلى تقديم تجربة تعليمية متكاملة، وتشمل:

  • مختبرات متخصصة في مجالات الروبوتات والعلوم.
  • قاعة محاضرات بسعة 600 مقعد.
  • حوض سباحة بحجم أولمبي.
  • مراكز تعليمية مزودة بتقنيات الواقع المعزز والواقع الافتراضي.

ومن جهة أخرى، أشادت أماندا سبيلمان بالمدرسة قائلةً: “تم تصميم هذه المدرسة ليس فقط لتحقيق نتائج أكاديمية استثنائية وإنما أيضًا لإعداد كوادر شابة متميزة ومؤهلة لمواكبة متطلبات المستقبل، لذا من المؤكد أن التركيز على استقطاب نخبة من المعلمين المتميزين وتزويدهم بأدوات ومرافق عالمية المستوى يشكل نموذجاً تعليمياً متميزاً يحتذى به. وبذلك ستسهم المدرسة في إطلاق معايير عالمية جديدة للعملية التعليمية.”
من جهتها، صرحت جولي يونغ: “تعكس مدرسة جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار رؤية مستقبلية استثنائية للتعليم والتي ستسهم في وضع معايير جديدة للمدارس الرائدة عالمياً للسعي لمجاراتها. من خلال دمج أحدث التقنيات المبتكرة مع تصميم استثنائي ونهج تعليمي يستند إلى القيم الإيجابية، ستمنح المدرسة الطلبة الفرصة للتميز الأكاديمي والاجتماعي في ظل عالم سريع التطور.”
وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن مدرسة جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار تستند إلى إرث عريق يمتد لأكثر من 65 عاماً من التميز التعليمي الذي تقدمه مؤسسة جيمس للتعليم، متبنية رؤية طموحة لرعاية العبقرية الكامنة في الأطفال ولإعداد قادة ومبتكري المستقبل.
لمزيد من المعلومات عن مدرسة جيمس للأبحاث والابتكار، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني الرسمي عبر https://gems–

الصورة المصاحبة لهذا الإعلان متاحة على–ddb5–4cc8–b8be–a19ac1ad6c96–f1e0–4907–9817–c29e85ca731a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9331644)

GEMS Education launches one of the finest schools in the world with School of Research and Innovation

  • GEMS School of Research and Innovation to open August 2025 in Dubai Sports City, drawing on 65 years of GEMS’ educational excellence for families
  • Hand–picked specialist teachers, latest AI technologies, and wide range of outstanding facilities will place it among world’s top private schools
  • Leading educational figures praise GEMS’ plans to redefine teaching in English curriculum school that will set benchmark for region and beyond

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GEMS Education today announces the launch of its most innovative school to date, GEMS School of Research and Innovation, set to open its doors in August 2025 to take its place among the finest schools in the world. The purpose–built English curriculum school seamlessly blends world–class teaching, cutting–edge facilities, and purposeful innovation that will create an unprecedented learning experience for students.

Designed as a global hub for educational research, the school optimises education through hand–picked specialist teachers, the transformative power of artificial intelligence, advanced technology, and values–led education. Placing wellbeing and happiness at the heart of its mission, the school breaks traditional boundaries to deliver a truly holistic education experience.

The new school has already been endorsed by a string of highly respected figures in British education, including Amanda Spielman, who served as His Majesty’s Inspector for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) from 2017–2023.

Additionally, Julie Young, a highly renowned educator, innovator, and visionary leader from Arizona State University known for her expertise in school design for diverse educational models, including virtual, blended, and technology–enhanced learning, has also given the new school her full endorsement.

Sunny Varkey, Chairman and Founder of GEMS Education and The Varkey Foundation, said: “We believe in empowering the next generation to shape a better world. GEMS School of Research and Innovation is a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional education based on our 65 years of experience.

“By combining the very best hand–picked educators recruited from the UK and around the world with cutting–edge technology and unmatched facilities, we are creating a unique school where every student has the opportunity to thrive and innovate, leveraging their own innate curiosity.”

At the core of the school’s philosophy are its values, which nurture students to be pioneering, empathetic, and prepared to address global challenges with care and purpose. The school’s Family First movement strengthens this approach, fostering close collaboration with parents to uphold strong family values.

Every element of the school has been meticulously crafted to provide an enhanced sensory experience. From dedicated reading and play spaces to state–of–the–art STEM and disruption labs, the environment is designed to inspire creativity and foster critical thinking.

Specialist primary spaces for technology, design, sports, and the arts, alongside collaborative tech hubs and an immersive research centre, offer unmatched opportunities for young learners to explore and excel.

Lisa Crausby OBE, Chief Education Officer of GEMS Education, said: “This is more than a school – it is a transformative space where education meets innovation. At GEMS School of Research and Innovation, students will benefit from personalised learning experiences, driven by exceptional teachers and enhanced by world–class facilities. We are preparing our students not just for the challenges of today, but for the opportunities of tomorrow.”

The enhanced British curriculum is meticulously designed to blend academic excellence with future–focused subjects. Students will engage with computer science, artificial intelligence, robotics, esports, and game design from an early age while exploring specialist languages, arts, sports, engineering, and business.

The school’s extended day programme further invests in a super co–curriculum that nurtures students’ talents in everything from gymnastics and swimming to musical theatre, classical dance, and street performance.

As a GEMS Centre of Excellence for Research and Technology, students will connect with schools worldwide, participating in UNESCO conferences, becoming global ambassadors, and gaining access to prestigious universities and top–tier employers through the GEMS for Life programme.

Partnerships with industry leaders like Microsoft, HP, Apple, and Plug and Play Tech Center provide real–world learning opportunities that foster entrepreneurial mindsets and encourage students to turn ideas into impactful solutions.

The school’s Disruption Lab and Research Centre is dedicated to developing entrepreneurial skills and cultivating innovative thinking, empowering students to create solutions that address real–world challenges.

The campus boasts world–class amenities designed to bring the learning experience to life, including:

  • Specialist robotics and science laboratories.
  • A 600–seat auditorium.
  • Olympic–sized swimming pool.
  • AR and VR–enabled learning centres.

Amanda Spielman commented: “This is a school built not only to deliver outstanding academic results but also to develop well–rounded, future–ready young people. The emphasis on attracting exceptional teachers and providing them with world–class tools and facilities, I believe is a model for others to follow. GEMS School of Research and Innovation can set a new global benchmark for education.”

Julie Young added: “GEMS School of Research and Innovation represents a breathtaking vision for the future of education, which will set new standards for other leading schools around the world to try to match. By integrating cutting–edge technology and exceptional design with a deeply values–driven approach, this school will empower students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially in a rapidly evolving world.”

GEMS School of Research and Innovation builds on GEMS Education’s 65–year legacy of delivering global education excellence, nurturing the genius in every child to shape the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

Families and educators eager to be part of this transformative journey are encouraged to visit https://gems– for more information.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–ddb5–4cc8–b8be–a19ac1ad6c96–f1e0–4907–9817–c29e85ca731a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9331644)

Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Continua Sendo o Aeroporto Mais Movimentado do Mundo em 2024, Confirmam Dados da OAG

Principais Conclusões:

  • Quatro dos aeroportos mais movimentados estão localizados na América do Norte, três na Ásia, dois na Europa e um no Oriente Médio.
  • O Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) lidera com um impressionante aumento da capacidade de 29% em relação ao ano anterior, o mais alto entre os 10 principais.
  • Novos participantes do Top 10 desde 2019: Dallas Fort Worth International (DFW), Denver International Airport (DEN), Guangzhou Baiyun Airport (CAN) e Istanbul Airport (IST).

LONDRES, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A OAG, principal plataforma de dados da indústria global de viagens, divulgou hoje seu ranking anual dos aeroportos mais movimentados do mundo em 2024.

O Atlanta Hartsfield–Jackson International Airport (ATL) continua a liderar como o aeroporto global (internacional + capacidade doméstica) mais movimentado do mundo, com 62,7 milhões de assentos. A capacidade do ATL aumentou 2% em comparação com 2023, mas ainda está um pouco abaixo dos níveis de 2019 em 1%.

O Dubai International Airport (DXB) é o segundo mais movimentado e também o líder em capacidade internacional, com um aumento dos assentos de 7% em relação ao ano anterior, para 6,2 milhões. Tokyo Haneda (HND) está em terceiro lugar, com 55,2 milhões de assentos, um aumento de 5% em 2023, seguido pelo London Heathrow (LHR) em quarto lugar.

O London Heathrow Airport (LHR), em quarto lugar, com 51,5 milhões de assentos, é o aeroporto mais movimentado da Europa, seguido pelo Istanbul Airport (IST) e pelo Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG).

Nos EUA, Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) e Denver International (DEN) apresentaram um aumento substancial da sua capacidade em 18% e 24%, respectivamente, ficando em quinto e sexto lugares no ranking.

O Guangzhou Baiyun International (CAN) e o Shanghai Pudong International Airport Pudong (PVG) na China ocupam as 7a e 9a posições, com a capacidade aérea da China continuando a se recuperar do impacto da pandemia global. O PVG é o aeroporto que mais cresce do Top 10, com um crescimento da capacidade de 29%, e isso o levou da 15ª para a 9a posição ao longo do ano.

O Istanbul Airport (IST) subiu para o oitavo lugar, refletindo sua crescente importância como um centro global.

O Analista Chefe da OAG, John Grant, comentou:
“Com crescimento em todas as regiões do mundo, os dez aeroportos mais movimentados mais uma vez refletem a forte recuperação do setor da aviação nos últimos dois anos. Desde os sucessos em Dallas Ft Worth e Guangzhou até a rápida recuperação mais recente da capacidade em Shanghai Pudong, as companhias aéreas continuam a avançar com novas rotas e serviços, apesar dos desafios da cadeia de suprimentos do mundo pós–pandemia.”

Veja os rankings e metodologia completos no site da OAG.

Sobre a OAG

A OAG é uma plataforma de dados líder da indústria global de viagens, oferecendo uma fonte única de dados de oferta, demanda e preços.

Consultas da Mídia:

Tendências Principais:

  • Recuperação da Capacidade: Aeroportos como Xangai Pudong (PVG) e Seul Incheon (ICN) estão tendo uma rápida recuperação pós–pandemia, beneficiando–se do aumento da demanda e da flexibilização das restrições.
  • Expansão na América do Norte: O forte crescimento de DFW e DEN destaca a dinâmica das mudanças nos centros globais de viagens aéreas.
  • Domínio no Oriente Médio: O Dubai (DXB) continua a ser um participante dominante, liderando o mundo em capacidade internacional.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9330356)

Selon les dernières données de la plateforme OAG, l’aéroport Hartsfield-Jackson d’Atlanta demeure le plus fréquenté au monde en 2024

Principales conclusions :

  • Quatre des aéroports les plus fréquentés sont situés en Amérique du Nord, contre trois en Asie, deux en Europe et un au Moyen–Orient.
  • L’aéroport international de Shanghai–Pudong (PVG) arrive en tête en enregistrant une impressionnante hausse de 29 % par rapport à l’année précédente, soit la plus forte croissance de capacité des 10 premiers aéroports référencés.
  • Pour la première fois depuis 2019, l’aéroport international de Dallas Fort Worth (DFW), l’aéroport international de Denver (DEN), l’aéroport de Canton–Baiyun (CAN) et l’aéroport d’Istanbul (IST) rejoignent les 10 premiers du classement.

LONDRES, 14 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OAG, première plateforme de données de l’industrie mondiale du voyage, publie ce jour l’édition 2024 de son classement annuel des aéroports les plus fréquentés du monde.

L’aéroport international Hartsfield–Jackson d’Atlanta (ATL) se maintient en tête de classement et se distingue en tant qu’aéroport le plus fréquenté du monde (capacités nationales et internationales confondues) à l’appui de ses 62,7 millions de passagers. Si sa capacité affiche une hausse de 2 % par rapport à 2023, elle demeure inférieure d’1 % à l’échelle de 2019.

L’aéroport international de Dubaï (DXB) se hisse à la deuxième place et mène la danse en matière de capacité internationale. En enregistrant une progression annuelle de 7 %, elle totalise 6,2 millions de sièges. L’aéroport de Tokyo–Haneda (HND) occupe la troisième place du podium avec ses 55,2 millions de sièges, soit une augmentation de 5 % par rapport à 2023. Il est talonné par l’aéroport de Londres–Heathrow (LHR), en quatrième position.

Avec ses 51,5 millions de sièges, l’aéroport de Londres–Heathrow (LHR) termine en 4ᵉ position et reste l’aéroport le plus fréquenté d’Europe, suivi par celui d’Istanbul (IST) et celui de Paris–Charles de Gaulle (CDG).

Aux États–Unis, les aéroports internationaux de Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) et Denver (DEN) ont vu leurs capacités respectives relevées de 18 % et 24 %, et gagnent ainsi les cinquième et sixième places du classement.

Du côté de la Chine, les aéroports internationaux de Canton–Baiyun (CAN) et de Shanghai–Pudong (PVG) se glissent respectivement aux 7e et 9e rang, à l’heure où la capacité aérienne du pays continue à se relever des effets de la pandémie mondiale. L’aéroport de Shanghai–Pudong enregistre la croissance la plus rapide des dix premiers de sa catégorie, soit une progression de 29 % de sa capacité, ce qui lui permet de passer cette année de la 15e à la 9e place.

L’aéroport d’Istanbul (IST) franchit le cap de la huitième place, traduisant ainsi son importance grandissante comme centre mondial.

Pour John Grant, analyste en chef d’OAG :
« À l’appui d’une croissance dans toutes les régions du monde, les dix aéroports les plus fréquentés illustrent une fois encore la nette reprise du secteur de l’aviation des deux dernières années. Depuis le succès des aéroports de Dallas Fort Worth et Canton jusqu’au rebond rapide de celui de Shanghai–Pudong, les compagnies aériennes poursuivent sur la voie du développement en ouvrant de nouvelles lignes et en proposant de nouveaux services, malgré les enjeux de la chaîne d’approvisionnement de l’ère postpandémique. »

Vous trouverez le classement complet et des détails relatifs à la méthodologie retenue sur le site Internet d’OAG.

À propos d’OAG

OAG est une plateforme de données de première importance pour l’industrie mondiale du voyage, et constitue une source unique inédite de données rapportées à son offre, sa demande et sa tarification. 

Demandes médias :

Tendances clés :

  • Retour de flamme : des aéroports tels que celui de Shanghai–Pudong (PVG) ou de Séoul–Incheon (ICN) connaissent un rapide regain d’activité à l’issue de la pandémie, et profitent d’une demande en hausse et de la levée des restrictions.
  • Essor de l’Amérique du Nord : la forte croissance des aéroports DFW et DEN fait ressortir les dynamiques changeantes des centres internationaux du voyage aérien.
  • Supériorité du Moyen–Orient : l’aéroport de Dubaï (DXB) reste un acteur dominant du trafic aérien, et tient le haut du classement mondial en termes de capacité internationale.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9330356)

Laureates Call For Moonshot Innovation Effort to Avert Hunger Catastrophe

Hardy, nutrition-rich indigenous crops such as sorghum should be esearched as innovative solutions to ending hunger and malnutrition. More than 150 Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates call on world leaders to prioritize urgent agricultural research to meet food needs of 9.7 billion people by 2050. Credit: Busani Bafana/IPS

Hardy, nutrition-rich indigenous crops such as sorghum should be esearched as innovative solutions to ending hunger and malnutrition. More than 150 Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates call on world leaders to prioritize urgent agricultural research to meet food needs of 9.7 billion people by 2050. Credit: Busani Bafana/IPS

By Busani Bafana
BULAWAYO, Jan 14 2025 – Neglected indigenous crops, rich in nutrition and resilient to climate change, are key to tackling global hunger only if governments invest in research and development (R&D) to tap the potential of such innovations.

More than 150 Nobel and World Food Prize Laureates are calling for investment in moonshot technologies to realize the potential of innovative solutions such as these hardy crops, warning that without swift action, there is a “food insecure, unstable world.”

Neglected crops are indigenous crops that have been lost or forgotten over time. They are important for the food security of resource-poor farmers and consumers, especially in Africa.

In an open letter to the “Agricultural R&D Moonshot: Bolstering U.S. National Security” meeting in the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture in Washington, DC, this week, the Laureates called on world leaders to prioritize urgent agricultural research to meet the food needs of nearly 10 billion people by mid-century. They urged for financial and political support to develop “moonshot” technologies with the greatest chance of averting a hunger catastrophe in the next 25 years.

“The most promising scientific breakthroughs and emerging fields of research that should be prioritized to boost food production include research into hardy, nutrition-rich indigenous crops that have been largely overlooked for improvements,” the Laureates of the Nobel Prize and the World Food Prize said, citing other moonshot technology candidates as improving photosynthesis in staple crops such as wheat and rice to optimize growth and developing cereals that can source nitrogen biologically and grow without fertilizer.

“The scale of ambition and research we are advocating will require mechanisms to identify, recommend, coordinate, monitor and facilitate collaborative implementation of the proposed food security moonshots,” the Laureates said, in advocating for research investment to ensure the world’s future food and nutrition security.

Research to Rid the World of Hunger

While agricultural research had favourable returns on investment, the Laureates bemoaned that it was failing to provide people in developing countries with a nutritious diet in a resilient, environmentally sustainable, and cost-effective manner. The Laureates are convinced that improving agricultural productivity will be enough to meet the world’s future food needs but caution that if we do not prioritize agricultural R&D the global farming systems will be tied to the increased use of diminishing non-replenishable resources to feed humanity.

More than 150 Nobel and World Food Prize laureates call for urgent "moonshot" efforts to avert global hunger catastrophe. Credit: World Food Prize Foundation

More than 150 Nobel and World Food Prize laureates call for urgent “moonshot” efforts to avert global hunger catastrophe. Credit: World Food Prize Foundation

The world was “not even close” to meeting future food needs, with an estimated 700 million people already going hungry and an additional 1.5 billion people needing to be fed by 2050, the Laureates said, urging for the transformation of the global food value chain.

Other moonshot initiatives that should be researched include the enhancement of fruits and vegetables to improve storage and shelf life and to increase food safety, and the creation of nutrient-rich food from microorganisms and fungi.

In 2007, African Union member countries pledged to invest one percent of their GDP by 2020 in science and research, an ambitious bid for science-led development but a goal many countries have failed to meet.

Science, technology and innovation have been identified as key to Africa’s development under the Africa Agenda 2063—a development roadmap for the next fifty years adopted by African Heads of State.

Climate Change Affecting Food Security

Climate change is projected to decrease the productivity of most major staples when substantial increases are needed to feed a world, which will add another 1.5 billion people to its population by 2050.

For maize, the major staple for much of Africa, the picture is particularly dire, with decreasing yields projected for virtually its entire growing area. Increasingly common extreme weather events associated with climate change will only make matters worse. Moreover, additional factors such as soil erosion and land degradation, biodiversity loss, water shortages, conflict, and policies that restrict innovation will drag crop productivity down even further.

“Yet as difficult and as uncomfortable as it might be to imagine, humanity is headed towards an even more food insecure, unstable world by mid-century than exists today, worsened by a vicious cycle of conflict and food insecurity,” said the Laureates, who include Robert Woodrow Wilson, who won the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery that supported the big bang theory of creation and Wole Soyinka, the first Black African to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

“The impacts of climate change are already reducing food production around the world, but particularly in Africa, which bears little historical responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions yet sees temperatures rising faster than elsewhere,” Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank, who received the World Food Prize in 2017, said in a statement. “In low-income countries where productivity needs to almost double by 2050 compared to 1990, the stark reality is that it’s likely to rise by less than half. We have just 25 years to change this.”

Other notable signatories to the letter include the 14th Dalai Lama., Ethiopian-American plant breeder and U.S. National Media of Science recipient Gebisa Ejeta, Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank and Cary Fowler, joint 2024 World Food Prize Laureate, who is also the outgoing U.S. Special Envoy for Global Food Security who coordinated the appeal.

“We must take bold action to change course,” said the Laureates, adding, “We must be prepared to pursue high-risk, high-reward scientific research with the goal of transforming our food systems to meet the nutritional needs of everyone sustainably.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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How US Media Hide Truths About the Gaza War

Kamal Adwan Hospital faced several Israeli military bombardments. Credit: World Health Organization (WHO) December 2024

By Norman Solomon
SAN FRANCISCO, USA, Jan 14 2025 – A few days before the end of 2024, the independent magazine +972 reported that “Israeli army forces stormed the Kamal Adwan Hospital compound in Beit Lahiya, culminating a nearly week-long siege of the last functioning hospital in northern Gaza.”

While fire spread through the hospital, its staff issued a statement saying that “surgical departments, laboratory, maintenance, and emergency units have been completely burned,” and patients were “at risk of dying at any moment.”

The magazine explained that “the assault on medical facilities in Beit Lahiya is the latest escalation in Israel’s brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing in northern Gaza, which over the last three months forcibly displaced the vast majority of Palestinians living in the area.”

The journalism from +972 — in sharp contrast to the dominant coverage of the Gaza war from U.S. media — has provided clarity about real-time events, putting them in overall context rather than episodic snippets.

+972 Magazine is the work of Palestinian and Israeli journalists who describe their core values as “a commitment to equity, justice, and freedom of information” — which necessarily means “accurate and fair journalism that spotlights the people and communities working to oppose occupation and apartheid.” But the operative values of mainstream U.S. news outlets have been very different.

Key aspects of how the U.S. establishment has narrated the “war on terror” for more than two decades were standard in American media and politics from the beginning of the Gaza war in October 2023. For instance:

**·Routine discourse avoided voices condemning the U.S. government for its role in the slaughter of civilians.

**The U.S. ally usually eluded accountability for its high-tech atrocities committed from the air.

**Civilian deaths in Gaza were habitually portrayed as unintended.

**Claims that Israel was aiming to minimize civilian casualties were normally taken at face value.

** Media coverage and political rhetoric stayed away from acknowledging that Israel’s actions might fit into such categories as “mass murder” or “terrorism.”

**Overall, news media and U.S. government officials emitted a mindset that Israeli lives really mattered a lot more than Palestinian lives.

The Gaza war has received a vast amount of U.S. media attention, but how much it actually communicated about the human realities was a whole other matter. The belief or unconscious notion that news media were conveying war’s realities ended up obscuring those realities all the more. And journalism’s inherent limitations were compounded by media biases.

During the first five months of the war, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post applied the word “brutal” or its variants far more often to Palestinians (77 percent) than to Israelis (23 percent).

The findings, in a study by Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), pointed to an imbalance that occurred “even though Israeli violence was responsible for more than 20 times as much loss of life.” News articles and opinion pieces were remarkably in the same groove; “the lopsided rate at which ‘brutal’ was used in op-eds to characterize Palestinians over Israelis was exactly the same as the supposedly straight news stories.”

Despite exceptional coverage at times, what was most profoundly important about war in Gaza — what it was like to be terrorized, massacred, maimed and traumatized — remained almost entirely out of view.

Gradually, surface accounts reaching the American public came to seem repetitious and normal. As death numbers kept rising and months went by, the Gaza war diminished as a news topic, while most talk shows seldom discussed it.

As with the slaughter via bombardment, the Israeli-U.S. alliance treated the increasing onset of starvation, dehydration, and fatal disease as a public-relations problem. Along the way, official pronouncements — and the policies they tried to justify — were deeply anchored in the unspoken premise that some lives really matter and some really don’t.

The propaganda approach was foreshadowed on October 8, 2023, with Israel in shock from the atrocities that Hamas had committed the previous day. “This is Israel’s 9/11,” the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations told reporters in New York, and he repeated: “This is Israel’s 9/11.” Meanwhile, in a PBS News Weekend interview, Israel’s ambassador to the United States declared: “This is, as someone said, our 9/11.”

What was sinister about proclaiming “Israel’s 9/11” was what happened after America’s 9/11. Wearing the cloak of victim, the United States proceeded to use the horrible tragedy that occurred inside its borders as an open-ended reason to kill in the name of retaliation, self-protection, and, of course, the “war on terror.”

As Israel’s war on Gaza persisted, the explanations often echoed the post-9/11 rationales for the “war on terror” from the U.S. government: authorizing future crimes against humanity as necessary in the light of certain prior events.

Reverberation was in the air from late 2001, when the Pentagon’s leader Donald Rumsfeld asserted that “responsibility for every single casualty in this war, whether they’re innocent Afghans or innocent Americans, rests at the feet of the al Qaeda and the Taliban.”
After five weeks of massacring Palestinian people, Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that “any civilian loss is a tragedy” — and quickly added that “the blame should be placed squarely on Hamas.”

The licenses to kill were self-justifying. And they had no expiration date.

This article is adapted from the afterword in the paperback edition of Norman Solomon’s latest book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine (The New Press).

This was originally published by MediaNorth.

IPS UN Bureau


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EBC Financial Group Recognised Across Four Top Categories in FXEmpire’s 2025 Review

LONDON, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EBC Financial Group (EBC), a leading global brokerage, has been recognised in FXEmpire’s 2025 review, earning recognition in four key categories: Best FCA–regulated Broker for Professionals, Best ASIC–regulated Broker for Automated Trading, Best Order Execution for Copy & Social Trading, and Best Fast Execution Broker for Day Traders. This assessment highlights both EBC’s strengths and areas where it continues to evolve as one of the top FCA–regulated brokers on FXEmpire’s platform.

Alongside these recognitions, EBC received high praise for several aspects of its trading services, showcasing the company’s commitment to making trading seamless, reliable, and accessible for all types of traders.

Streamlined Deposit and Withdrawal Process
EBC’s deposit and withdrawal process received high praise for its exceptional speed, efficiency, and reliability. By providing a seamless financial experience, EBC ensures traders can transfer funds effectively and with confidence, reflecting its dedication to delivering trusted trading services.

Flexible Account Offerings
EBC’s account options were recognised for their flexibility and versatility, catering to a diverse range of trading needs. Whether for novice or professional traders, EBC’s personalised account structures are designed to meet unique requirements and enhance trading experiences.

Cutting–Edge Platforms and Tools
EBC’s trading platforms and tools earned strong recognition for their performance and innovative features. With MetaTrader 4 and 5, VPS hosting, and AI–driven solutions, EBC empowers traders to execute strategies with precision and confidently explore new opportunities. Additionally, EBC’s proprietary copy trading platform was praised for its innovative use of AI, enabling seamless social trading for both novice and experienced traders.

Elevating the Trading Environment: Flexible, Fast, and Reliable
These results come from the flexibility of EBC’s platform, designed to support traders of all experience levels with intuitive and easy–to–use features. With tight spreads and low commission fees, EBC offers a cost–efficient trading environment for those looking to optimise their investment strategies.

EBC’s trading environment is further enhanced by ultra–fast order execution speeds of under 20 milliseconds, ensuring traders can capitalise on market opportunities with precision and minimal slippage. Exceptional customer service remains a cornerstone of EBC’s offerings, with 24/7 support ensuring clients always have access to assistance. By adhering to stringent regulatory standards and maintaining transparency, EBC fosters trust and reliability globally.

EBC also empowers traders with advanced tools, such as an order flow analysis tool powered by CME data, delivering institutional–grade insights. This complements its diverse selection of financial products, including forex, stocks, indices, and commodities, catering to a wide range of trading preferences.

Beyond its product offerings, EBC prioritises trader education through webinars, tutorials, and market insights, equipping clients with the knowledge to make confident and informed decisions.

Looking ahead, EBC continues to build on its strengths by expanding its range of tradable instruments, enhancing educational resources, and upholding its commitment to client protection with regulatory oversight from the FCA, CIMA, and ASIC. With Lloyds of London insurance coverage reinforcing client security, EBC exemplifies its focus on setting new benchmarks for security, innovation, and global excellence.

Proven by Ratings, Driven by Innovation
EBC’s recognition is a testament to its ability to meet the highest industry standards, as verified by FXEmpire’s renowned review methodology. FXEmpire employs a proprietary rating system based on meticulous testing, live trials, detailed questionnaires, and in–person broker demonstrations.

Brokers are evaluated on over 250 variables across nine critical categories, including regulatory compliance, platform features, fees, customer service, research, and education. Categories are scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 denoting excellences. This rigorous process ensures that FXEmpire’s ratings provide traders with reliable insights to make informed financial decisions.

As the company continues to grow, these accolades serve as a foundation for further excellence in the ever–evolving financial landscape. By prioritising client trust and long–term partnerships, EBC remains poised to lead the forex industry, shaping a future where every trading experience is backed by integrity, innovation, and opportunity.

Discover how EBC’s award–winning platform can enhance your trading experience. Visit to explore our tools, resources, and account offerings tailored to traders of all levels.

About EBC Financial Group
Founded in the esteemed financial district of London, EBC Financial Group (EBC) is renowned for its services in financial brokerage and asset management. With offices strategically located in prominent financial centres such as London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, the Cayman Islands, Bangkok, Limassol, and more, EBC enables retail, professional, and institutional investors to access a wide range of global markets and trading opportunities, including currencies, commodities, shares, and indices.

Recognised by multiple awards, EBC prides itself on adhering to leading levels of ethical standards and international regulation. EBC Financial Group's subsidiaries are regulated and licensed in their local jurisdictions. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited is regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd, and EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd are regulated by Australia's Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

At the core of EBC Group are seasoned professionals with over 30 years of profound experience in major financial institutions, having adeptly navigated through significant economic cycles from the Plaza Accord to the 2015 Swiss franc crisis. EBC champions a culture where integrity, respect, and client asset security are paramount, ensuring that every investor engagement is treated with the utmost seriousness it deserves.

EBC is the Official Foreign Exchange Partner of FC Barcelona, offering specialised services in regions such as Asia, LATAM, the Middle East, Africa, and Oceania. EBC is also a partner of United to Beat Malaria, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, aiming to improve global health outcomes. Starting February 2024, EBC supports the 'What Economists Really Do' public engagement series by Oxford University's Department of Economics, demystifying economics, and its application to major societal challenges to enhance public understanding and dialogue.

Media Contact:

Savitha Ravindran
Global Public Relations Manager (EMEA, LATAM)

Chyna Elvina
Global Public Relations Manager (APAC, LATAM)

Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Lead

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–c0b2–43a0–a40b–432c6790f11d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9331470)

Delinea Hires CyberArk Veteran Chris Kelly as President, GTM to Continue Disrupting the Identity Market

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Delinea, a pioneering provider of solutions for securing identities through centralized authorization, today announced the leadership appointment of Chris Kelly as President, Go–To–Market. With 20+ years of experience driving revenue growth and client experience, Kelly will oversee Delinea’s global sales, channel, solution engineering, and customer success teams as the company positions for accelerated growth.

“Chris’ appointment comes on the heels of a remarkable year for Delinea,” said Art Gilliland, CEO of Delinea. “His extensive global leadership and operational expertise make him the perfect choice to drive Delinea’s next chapter of growth. Chris’ ability to align innovative strategies with customer needs will strengthen our market position and fuel our commitment to serving customers with best–in–class identity security solutions.”

Kelly brings an exceptional track record in the cybersecurity industry, including his tenure as Chief Revenue Officer at CyberArk, where he played a pivotal role in driving revenue growth and market expansion. He has also held senior leadership roles at Adobe and Cisco, showcasing his ability to deliver transformative results for global enterprises.

“I am thrilled to join Delinea at this pivotal moment in the company’s journey,” said Kelly. “Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way organizations approach identity security, risk management, and resilience. With strong investment partners, a talented team, and market–leading technology, Delinea is uniquely positioned to drive innovation and disrupt the market. I am excited to contribute to this mission.”

In 2024, Delinea achieved significant milestones, including:

  • Introducing Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) and Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) to the Delinea Platform
  • Completing two strategic acquisitions—Authomize and Fastpath—empowering customers to enhance their security posture, boost productivity, and operate confidently on the most secure and resilient SaaS platform available
  • Surpassing a key annual recurring revenue (ARR) milestone of $350 million as of Q2 2024.
  • Enabling our customer base of over 8,500 organizations worldwide.
  • Earning the leadership position in all 5 leading analyst reports for Privileged Access Management (PAM)

To learn more about how Delinea secures identities at every interaction, visit:–choose–delinea

About Delinea
Delinea is a pioneer in securing identities through centralized authorization, making organizations more secure by seamlessly governing their interactions across the modern enterprise. Delinea allows organizations to apply context and intelligence throughout the identity lifecycle across cloud and traditional infrastructure, data, and SaaS applications to eliminate identity–related threats. With intelligent authorization, Delinea provides the only platform that enables you to discover all identities, assign appropriate access levels, detect irregularities, and immediately respond to identity threats in real–time. Delinea accelerates your teams’ adoption by deploying in weeks, not months, and makes them more productive by requiring 90% fewer resources to manage than the nearest competitor. With a guaranteed 99.99% uptime, the Delinea Platform is the most reliable identity security solution available. Learn more about Delinea on, LinkedIn, X, and YouTube.

Media Contact
Justin Ordman
Corporate Communications Director

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–29fc–4a11–b576–d4d000e06eea

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9330484)

Mastercard und FreedomPay erschließen globalen Handel mit neuer Payment-Gateway-Partnerschaft

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, ein führender Anbieter von Next Level Commerce™–Technologien, hat heute eine strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Mastercard bekanntgegeben. Diese Kooperation bietet Unternehmen weltweit eine vereinfachte und erweiterte globale Payment–Gateway–Lösung, die die Vernetzung mit Acquirern und die Akzeptanz einer Vielzahl von Zahlungsarten optimiert.

Die etablierte Präsenz von FreedomPay in Nordamerika, Europa und Lateinamerika und das globale Netzwerk von Mastercard ermöglichen es Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt, mehr Optionen für die Anbindung an Zahlungssysteme und die Abwicklung von Transaktionen zu nutzen.

„Die Komplexität verschiedener grenzüberschreitender Zahlungssysteme kann die Entwicklung des internationalen Handels bremsen“, erklärte Chris Kronenthal, Präsident von FreedomPay. „Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Mastercard beseitigen wir diese Barrieren und ermöglichen Händlern eine einzige, einheitliche Plattform für reibungslose globale Transaktionen.“

Diese strategische Partnerschaft bietet eine ganze Reihe von Vorteilen für Unternehmen jeder Größe, darunter:

  • Erweiterte globale Reichweite: Zugang zu über 230 Acquirern und Akzeptanz einer Vielzahl von lokalen und globalen Zahlungsmethoden.
  • Erhöhte Sicherheit: Globaler technischer Support rund um die Uhr und zuverlässige PCI–validierte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zur Risikominderung und Senkung der Betriebskosten.
  • Vereinfachte Integration: Ein einziger Integrationspunkt für globale Handelsoperationen zur Reduzierung der Komplexität und Verkürzung der Markteinführungszeit.
  • Mehrwertdienste: Verfügbarkeit von personalisierten Incentives, Business Intelligence und fortschrittlichen Tools zur Betrugsprävention.

„Mastercard ist bestrebt, Unternehmen mit den erforderlichen Ressourcen und der nötigen Flexibilität auszustatten, um auf dem dynamischen globalen Markt von heute erfolgreich zu sein“, kommentierte Kaushik Gopal, EVP, Mastercard Enterprise Gateway Solutions. „Diese Partnerschaft mit FreedomPay versetzt uns in die Lage, eine erstklassige Payment–Gateway–Lösung anzubieten, die grenzüberschreitende Transaktionen vereinfacht und unseren Kunden neue Wachstumschancen eröffnet.“

Mit dieser strategischen Zusammenarbeit gelingt ein wichtiger Schritt zur Vereinfachung des internationalen Handels, sodass Unternehmen ihre Reichweite erweitern und das volle Potenzial des globalen Marktes ausschöpfen können. Diese Partnerschaft verknüpft das ausgedehnte globale Netzwerk und die hochmoderne Zahlungstechnologie von Mastercard mit dem Know–how von FreedomPay in puncto Commerce–Lösungen der nächsten Generation und ebnet so den Weg für ein sicheres und effizientes Ecosystem für den globalen Zahlungsverkehr.

Über FreedomPay
Die Next Level Commerce™–Plattform von FreedomPay verwandelt bestehende Zahlungssysteme und –prozesse von veralteten in moderne Lösungen und ermöglicht es Händlern, neue Zahlungsmöglichkeiten für sich zu entdecken. Als erste Wahl für viele der weltweit größten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Glücksspiel, Sport und Unterhaltung, Systemgastronomie, Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und Finanzdienstleistungen wurde die Technologie von FreedomPay speziell entwickelt, um in der hochkomplexen Umgebung des globalen Handels felsenfeste Leistungen zu erbringen.

Das Unternehmen unterhält eine erstklassige Sicherheitsumgebung und wurde als einer der ersten Anbieter von Zahlungslösungen in Nordamerika vom PCI Security Standards Council validiert. Die robusten Lösungen von FreedomPay in den Bereichen Zahlungen, Sicherheit, Identität und Datenanalyse sind in Geschäften, online und mobil verfügbar und werden durch eine schnelle API–Einführung unterstützt. Die preisgekrönte FreedomPay Commerce–Plattform arbeitet auf einem einzigen, einheitlichen Technologie–Stack über mehrere Kontinente hinweg und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ein innovatives Next Level–Erlebnis auf globaler Ebene anzubieten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Jennifer Tayebi
Burson für FreedomPay 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9330909)