iHerb lança Digital Wellness Hub para Fortalecer os Objetivos Pessoais de Saúde

IRVINE, Califórnia, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A iHerb, um dos principais varejistas online do mundo de vitaminas, minerais, suplementos e outros produtos de saúde e bem–estar, anunciou hoje o lançamento do seu iHerb Wellness Hub, um destino multimídia online de bem–estar, fitness, nutrição, beleza e muito mais. Esta plataforma global inovadora apresenta uma ampla gama de artigos de saúde, receitas, vídeos e podcasts, fornecendo informações valiosas sobre o papel que vitaminas, minerais e suplementos, ervas e remédios naturais desempenham na promoção de um estilo de vida saudável.

Disponível em 14 idiomas, o iHerb Wellness Hub capacita sua comunidade global a tomar decisões informadas sobre produtos de saúde e bem–estar por meio de recursos abrangentes e acessíveis. A plataforma oferece uma gama diversificada de conteúdo, com mais de 1.200 artigos escritos por especialistas, incluindo médicos, naturopatas, nutricionistas e outros líderes do setor de saúde.

“Com a abundância da desinformação disponível online, encontrar fontes confiáveis de conteúdo relacionado à saúde passou a ser crucial”, disse Neil Folgate, Vice–Presidente Sênior de Marketing Global da iHerb. “O iHerb Wellness Hub foi projetado para ajudar a resolver esse problema com a seleção de conteúdo objetivo com base em pesquisas que abrangem uma variedade de tópicos relacionados à dieta e nutrição, longevidade, energia, metabolismo e saúde geral. Temos orgulho de ajudar os consumidores a fazer escolhas informadas sobre sua saúde com confiança e continuaremos esses esforços com o espírito de promover o bem–estar em todo o mundo.”

O conteúdo orientado por especialistas garante que todos tenham acesso ilimitado a informações confiáveis para tomada de decisões de bem–estar, para que possam dar o próximo passo na sua jornada de saúde. Isso é particularmente impactante em um momento em que, de acordo com o NIH*, quase 60% dos adultos têm dificuldades para distinguir fontes confiáveis de informações de saúde online. Mantendo–se fiel à sua missão de décadas de tornar a saúde e o bem–estar acessíveis a todos, o iHerb Wellness Hub é totalmente gratuito e não exige que os visitantes criem um perfil online para obter acesso.

Para os consumidores que queiram saber sobre os benefícios potenciais de vitaminas específicas, a importância de minerais essenciais ou os suplementos mais eficazes para suas necessidades, o iHerb Wellness Hub serve como um recurso confiável para todas as suas dúvidas relacionadas à saúde.

O iHerb Wellness Hub substituirá o popular iHerb Blog, que atraiu quase 20 milhões de visitantes em 2024. O novo Wellness Hub organiza o extenso conteúdo do blog da iHerb, permitindo que os consumidores naveguem facilmente pela vasta biblioteca que agora é categorizada por Bem–Estar, Fitness, Nutrição e Beleza. O iHerb Wellness Hub oferece dicas sobre como gerenciar o sono, a saúde intestinal, a menopausa, a saúde óssea, a perda de cabelo e muito mais. Alguns dos artigos também incluem maneiras naturais de aumentar a testosterona, como apoiar o envelhecimento saudável e os benefícios da mucina de caracol para o cuidado diário da pele.

Qualquer pessoa que esteja pronta para cuidar da sua saúde pode se juntar à crescente comunidade de entusiastas do bem–estar que estão utilizando o iHerb Wellness Hub para orientar e aprimorar sua jornada pessoal de saúde.

Os seguintes artigos: “How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle” e “How to Detox your Body in 8 Simple Steps” oferecem orientações práticas para um novo começo de ano.

O Wellness Hub não pretende fornecer diagnóstico, tratamento ou aconselhamento médico.


Sobre a iHerb:
A iHerb é um dos principais varejistas online do mundo dedicado a oferecer uma seleção imbatível de vitaminas, minerais, suplementos e outros produtos de saúde e bem–estar, incluindo nutrição esportiva, beleza, banho e cuidados pessoais, mercearia, cuidados com bebês e animais de estimação de mais de 1.800 marcas conceituadas. Apoiada por uma força de trabalho global com uma equipe de 3.000 membros, a iHerb atende a mais de 12 milhões de clientes globais em 180 países e 22 idiomas. A sofisticada rede de logística global da iHerb é ancorada por sete centros de atendimento com controle climático localizados nos EUA e na Ásia, oferecendo aos clientes uma experiência de compra perfeita e confiável. Fundada em 1996 e sediada em Irvine, Califórnia, a iHerb tem a missão de tornar a saúde e o bem–estar acessíveis a todos. Para mais informações, visite corporate.iherb.com.

iHerb Mídia:
[email protected]

Foto deste comunicado disponível em: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3f0d1fca–e9f3–4169–9306–072eef590ef7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326453)

iHerb lanciert digitales Gesundheitsportal zur Unterstützung persönlicher Gesundheitsziele

IRVINE, Kalifornien, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iHerb, einer der weltweit größten Online–Händler für Vitamine, Mineralien, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und andere Gesundheits– und Wellnessprodukte, hat heute den Launch seines iHerb–Gesundheitsportals bekannt gegeben, eines Online–Multimedia–Portals für Wellness, Fitness, Ernährung, Beauty und mehr. Auf dieser innovativen globalen Plattform wird eine Vielzahl von gesundheitsrelevanten Artikeln, Rezepten, Videos und Podcasts bereitgestellt, die wertvolle Einblicke zur Rolle von Vitaminen, Mineralien, Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, Kräutern und Naturheilmitteln im Hinblick auf einen gesunden Lebensstil bieten.

Das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal ist in 14 Sprachen verfügbar und bietet seiner globalen Community mithilfe umfassender, frei zugänglicher Ressourcen die Möglichkeit, sich gezielt über Gesundheits– und Wellnessprodukte zu informieren. Das vielfältige Angebot der Plattform umfasst unter anderem mehr als 1.200 von Ärzten, Naturheilkundlern, Medizinern, Ernährungsberatern und anderen Experten aus der Gesundheitsbranche verfasste Artikel.

„Vertrauenswürdige Informationsquellen für gesundheitsbezogene Inhalte sind angesichts der Fülle an Falschinformationen im Internet wichtiger denn je“, so Neil Folgate, SVP of Global Marketing bei iHerb. „Mit dem iHerb–Gesundheitsportal wollen wir diesem Missstand entgegenwirken, indem wir objektive, forschungsbasierte Inhalte kuratieren, die eine Vielzahl von Themen rund um Ernährung, Langlebigkeit, Energie, Stoffwechsel und allgemeine Gesundheit abdecken. Wir sind stolz darauf, Verbraucher dabei zu unterstützen, fundierte Entscheidungen in Bezug auf ihre Gesundheit zu treffen, und werden unsere Bemühungen fortsetzen, um das Thema Wellness weltweit zu fördern.“

Dank der von Experten erstellten Inhalte haben Verbraucher uneingeschränkten Zugang zu seriösen Informationen, wenn es darum geht, Entscheidungen über ihr Wohlergehen zu treffen, und können so auf ihrem Weg zum Wohlbefinden die nächsten Schritte unternehmen. Dies ist insbesondere in einer Zeit von Bedeutung, in der laut NIH* fast 60 Prozent der Erwachsenen Mühe haben, seriöse Quellen für Gesundheitsinformationen im Internet zu finden. Ganz im Sinne des seit Jahrzehnten bestehenden Auftrags, Gesundheit und Wellness für jedermann zugänglich zu machen, ist das iHerb–Gesundheitsportalkomplett kostenlos und kann auch von Besuchern ohne Online–Profil genutzt werden.

Ob Verbraucher sich über das Wirkungspotenzial bestimmter Vitamine, die Bedeutung essenzieller Mineralien oder die wirksamsten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für ihre Bedürfnisse informieren möchten – das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal ist eine vertrauenswürdige Quelle für alle gesundheitsbezogenen Fragen.

Das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal wird den beliebten iHerb Blog ersetzen, der 2024 fast 20 Millionen Besucher zählte. Im neuen Gesundheitsportal sind die umfangreichen Blog–Inhalte von iHerb übersichtlich gegliedert, sodass Verbraucher leichter durch die umfangreiche, nun nach den Kategorien Wellness, Fitness, Ernährung und Beauty geordnete Bibliothek navigieren können. Das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal bietet Tipps zu den Themen Schlaf, Darmgesundheit, Menopause, Knochengesundheit, Haarausfall und vielem mehr. Einige Beiträge befassen sich auch mit natürlichen Methoden zur Steigerung des Testosteronspiegels, Strategien für gesundes Altern und den Vorzügen von Schneckenschleim bei der täglichen Hautpflege.

Wer seine Gesundheit selbst in die Hand nehmen möchte, kann sich der wachsenden Community von Wellness–Fans anschließen, die ihre ganz persönliche Gesundheitsreise mit dem iHerb–Gesundheitsportal unterstützen und verbessern.

Die folgenden informativen Beiträge: „How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle“ und „How to Detox your Body in 8 Simple Steps“ bieten praktische Unterstützung für einen frischen Start in das neue Jahr.

Das Gesundheitsportal bietet keine Diagnose, Behandlung oder medizinische Beratung.


Über iHerb:
iHerb ist einer der weltweit führenden Online–Händler, der seinen Kunden ein einzigartiges Angebot an Vitaminen, Mineralien, Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln und anderen Gesundheits– und Wellness–Produkten, einschließlich Sportlernahrung, Beauty–, Bade– und Körperpflegeprodukten, Lebensmitteln, Baby– und Haustierbedarf von über 1.800 renommierten Marken bereitstellt. Mit der Unterstützung von 3.000 Mitarbeitern weltweit bedient iHerb mehr als 12 Millionen Kunden in 180 Ländern und 22 Sprachen. Das hochentwickelte globale Logistiknetzwerk von iHerb umfasst sieben klimatisierte Fulfillment Center in den USA und Asien, die den Kunden ein reibungsloses und zuverlässiges Einkaufserlebnis bieten. Das 1996 gegründete Unternehmen mit Sitz in Irvine, Kalifornien, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Gesundheit und Wellness für alle zugänglich zu machen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: corporate.iherb.com.

iHerb Media Relations:
[email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326453)

iHerb lance son Centre du bien-être numérique pour permettre aux utilisateurs d’atteindre leurs objectifs santé

IRVINE, Californie, 03 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iHerb, l’un des principaux détaillants en ligne de vitamines, minéraux, compléments et autres produits de santé et de bien–être, a annoncé ce jour le lancement de son Centre du bien–être iHerb, un environnement multimédia en ligne dédié au bien–être, à la remise en forme, à la nutrition, à la beauté et bien plus encore. Cette plateforme mondiale innovante propose un large éventail d’articles sur la santé, de recettes, de vidéos et de podcasts, qui apportent de précieux détails sur le rôle que jouent les vitamines, minéraux, compléments, herbes et remèdes naturels pour favoriser un mode de vie sain.

Disponible en 14 langues, le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb permet à sa communauté internationale de faire des choix éclairés en matière de produits de santé et de bien–être grâce à des ressources exhaustives et accessibles. La plateforme propose un large éventail de contenus, notamment plus de 1 200 articles rédigés par des experts, y compris des médecins, des naturopathes, des diététiciens agréés et d’autres autorités du secteur de la santé.

« Face aux fausses informations qui fourmillent sur Internet, il est devenu primordial de trouver des sources fiables en matière de contenu lié à la santé », a déclaré Neil Folgate, vice–président principal du marketing mondial chez iHerb. « Le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb est conçu pour répondre à ce besoin en proposant un contenu objectif et basé sur des recherches, couvrant divers sujets liés à l’alimentation et à la nutrition, à la longévité, à l’énergie, au métabolisme et à la santé en général. Nous sommes fiers d’aider les consommateurs à faire des choix éclairés concernant leur santé et nous poursuivrons ces efforts dans le cadre de notre effort d’améliorer le bien–être à l’échelle mondiale ».

Le contenu créé par les experts permet à chacun d’accéder sans limites à des informations fiables afin de faire des choix éclairés en matière de bien–être, et de progresser dans son parcours de santé. Cela est particulièrement pertinent à une époque où, selon les NIH*, près de 60 % des adultes peinent à distinguer les sources fiables d’informations sur la santé en ligne. Fidèle à sa mission de rendre la santé et le bien–être accessibles à tous depuis des décennies, le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb est entièrement gratuit et ne nécessite pas la création d’un profil en ligne pour y accéder.

Que les consommateurs souhaitent en apprendre davantage sur les bienfaits potentiels de certaines vitamines, sur l’importance des minéraux essentiels ou sur les compléments les plus efficaces en fonction de leurs besoins, le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb constitue une ressource de confiance pour toutes leurs questions relatives à la santé.

Le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb remplace l’ancien blog très populaire d’iHerb, fréquenté par près de 20 millions de visiteurs en 2024. Le nouveau Centre du bien–être organise le riche contenu du blog d’iHerb et permet aux consommateurs de naviguer facilement dans la vaste bibliothèque désormais classée par catégories : Bien–être, Remise en forme, Nutrition et Beauté. Il offre également des conseils sur la gestion du sommeil, la santé intestinale, la ménopause, la santé osseuse et la chute de cheveux, entre autres thématiques. Entre autres, certains articles présentent des méthodes naturelles permettant d’augmenter le taux de testostérone, des conseils pour bien vieillir et les bénéfices de la mucine d’escargot pour les soins quotidiens de la peau.

Toute personne prête à prendre sa santé en main peut rejoindre la communauté grandissante des passionnés de bien–être qui utilisent le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb pour orienter et enrichir son parcours de santé personnel.

Parmi les articles intéressants disponibles, on peut citer « Prendre une activité physique aérobique » et « Conseils pour détoxifier votre corps » qui offrent des conseils pratiques pour commencer l’année sur de bonnes bases.

Le Centre du bien–être n’a pas vocation à fournir de diagnostics, de traitements ou de conseils médicaux.

* https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/08/finding–reliable–health–information–online

À propos d’iHerb : 
iHerb est l’un des principaux détaillants en ligne au monde à proposer une sélection unique de vitamines, minéraux, compléments et d’autres produits de santé et de bien–être, y compris des produits de nutrition sportive, de beauté, pour le bain et les soins personnels, des produits d’épicerie, pour bébés et pour animaux de compagnie de plus de 1 800 marques réputées. Avec une équipe internationale de 3 000 employés, iHerb séduit plus de 12 millions de clients à travers 180 pays et se décline en 22 langues. Le réseau logistique mondial sophistiqué d’iHerb s’appuie sur sept centres de traitement des commandes climatisés situés aux États–Unis et en Asie, offrant aux clients une expérience d’achat fluide et fiable. Fondée en 1996 et basée à Irvine, en Californie, iHerb poursuit sa mission visant à rendre la santé et le bien–être accessibles à tous. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site corporate.iherb.com.

Relations avec les médias auprès d’iHerb : 
[email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326453)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group ernennt Jeff Mumford zum Executive Vice President of Operations and Manufacturing

TEMECULA, Kalifornien, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, ein Geschäftsbereich der Nikkiso Co., Ltd., hat Jeff Mumford mit Wirkung zum 2. Januar 2025 zum neuen Executive Vice President of Operations and Manufacturing ernannt. In dieser Funktion übernimmt er die Verantwortung für die weltweiten Betriebs– und Produktionsprozesse sowie die Leitung wichtiger Unternehmensbereiche wie IT, Anlagen, Sicherheit, Gesundheit, Umwelt und Qualität (SHEQ) sowie Projektmanagement.

Mumford kam 2016 als Projektmanager zu Nikkiso und hatte seitdem verschiedene Führungspositionen inne, darunter Procurement Director, Project Management Director und General Manager des Standorts Las Vegas. Seit seinem Eintritt bei Nikkiso hat er einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung und zur Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens geleistet.

Mumford hat einen Bachelorabschluss in Literatur und Linguistik von der University of Nevada, Las Vegas, und ist zertifizierter Project Management Professional (PMP).

„Jeff ist eine erfahrene Führungskraft mit einem klaren Fokus auf kontinuierliche Verbesserung. Er ist bekannt für seine Fähigkeit, transformative Veränderungen herbeizuführen und gleichzeitig das Wachstum des Unternehmens im Auge zu behalten.“

Adrian Ridge
President and CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Über die Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
Die Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von kryogenen Anlagen und Lösungen. Sie unterstützt die kryogene und flüssige Wertschöpfungskette für Wasserstoff, Ammoniak, CO2, LNG und andere Industriegase in den Bereichen Energie, Transport, Schifffahrt, Luftfahrt und Industriegasmärkte – und das unabhängig vom jeweiligen Molekül. Die Gruppe wird von Cryogenic Industries, Inc. in Südkalifornien, USA, geleitet, einer hundertprozentigen Tochtergesellschaft von Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

[email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326350)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Promove Jeff Mumford a Vice-Presidente Executivo de Operações e Manufatura

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, parte do segmento de Empresas Industriais da Nikkiso Co. Ltd., nomeou Jeff Mumford a Vice–Presidente Executivo de Operações e Manufatura, a vigorar a partir de 2 de janeiro de 2025. Nesta função, suas responsabilidades incluirão a supervisão de operações e fabricação globais, bem como a gestão de departamentos corporativos, incluindo TI, Instalações, Segurança, Saúde, Meio Ambiente e Qualidade (SHEQ) e Gerenciamento de Projetos.

Mumford ingressou na Nikkiso em 2016 como gerente de projetos e foi promovido várias vezes a cargos de liderança, incluindo Diretor de Aquisições, Diretor de Gerenciamento de Projetos e Gerente Geral nas operações do Grupo em Las Vegas. Durante seu mandato na Nikkiso, Jeff criou eficiências e expansão dos negócios.

Mumford é bacharel em Literatura e Linguística pela University of Nevada, Las Vegas, e é certificado como Profissional de Gerenciamento de Projetos (PMP).

“Jeff é um líder comprovado, com uma dedicação admirável à melhoria contínua. Ele é reconhecido por sua capacidade de impulsionar mudanças transformacionais, mantendo o foco no crescimento dos negócios.”

Adrian Ridge
Presidente e CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
O Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group da Nikkiso é provedor líder de equipamento e soluções criogênicas em todo o mundo. Ele facilita as cadeias de valor criogênicas e líquidas de hidrogênio, amônia, CO2, GNL e outros gases industriais dos mercados de energia, transporte, marítimo, aeroespacial e de gás industrial, permanecendo independente de moléculas. O grupo é liderado pela Cryogenic Industries, Inc. do sul da Califórnia, EUA — uma subsidiária da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Contato com a Mídia
[email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326350)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group promeut Jeff Mumford au poste de vice-président exécutif des opérations et de la fabrication

TEMECULA, Californie, 03 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, qui fait partie de la division industrielle de Nikkiso Co. Ltd., a nommé Jeff Mumford au poste de vice–président exécutif des opérations et de la fabrication, avec effet à compter du 2 janvier 2025. Dans le cadre de cette fonction, ses responsabilités comprendront la supervision des opérations et de la fabrication mondiales ainsi que la gestion des services de l’entreprise, notamment les services Informatique, Installations, SHEQ (Sécurité, Santé, Environnement et Qualité), et Gestion de projet.

Après avoir rejoint Nikkiso en 2016 en tant que chef de projet, Jeff Mumford a depuis été promu à plusieurs reprises à des postes de direction, notamment en tant que directeur des achats, directeur de la gestion de projet et directeur général des opérations du groupe à Las Vegas. Au cours de son mandat chez Nikkiso, Jeff a généré des gains d’efficacité tout en continuant d’assurer la croissance de l’entreprise.

Titulaire d’une licence en littérature et linguistique de l’université du Nevada à Las Vegas, Mumford est certifié PMP (Project Management Professional).

« Jeff est un leader confirmé, dont le dévouement en matière d’amélioration continue est admirable. Il est reconnu pour sa capacité à mener à bien des transformations profondes tout en restant concentré sur la croissance de l’entreprise. »

Adrian Ridge
Président et directeur général, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group est l’un des plus grands fournisseurs mondiaux d’équipements et de solutions cryogéniques. Le groupe facilite les chaînes de valeur cryogéniques et liquides de l’hydrogène, de l’ammoniac, du CO2, du GNL ainsi que d’autres gaz industriels pour les marchés de l’énergie, des transports, des activités maritimes, de l’aérospatiale et des gaz industriels tout en restant indépendant de la molécule. Cryogenic Industries, Inc., qui est une filiale à 100 % de Nikkiso Co., Ltd., assure la direction du groupe dans le sud de la Californie, aux États–Unis. (TSE : 6376).

Contact médias
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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326350)

Carter’s Virtue Trumps Mendacity

Credit: White House

By James E. Jennings
ATLANTA, Georgia, Jan 3 2025 – The fireplace in the State Dining Room of the White House that says, “May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.” President John Adams wrote that in a letter to his wife Abigail in 1800.

Jimmy Carter was by all accounts a wise, just, and decent man—a man of deep religious faith, who was also circumspect—some may say old fashioned—about his rhetoric.

He was refreshingly candid in using the country-boy phrase “I’ll whip his ass!” against Democratic primary opponent Sen. Edward Kennedy. Most reporters in that era considered it too harsh or nearly obscene, so instead, they wrote, “I’ll whip his donkey!”

Carter was honest. When asked by a reporter amid stories of the Kennedy brothers’ sexual indulgences, if he had ever had lust in his heart, he responded straightforwardly, “Yes.” That’s something no other politician would ever do. But it was easy for Carter to admit because he followed the Christian and Calvinist doctrine that “We are all sinners.”

Historians view his administration as a watershed in the civil rights struggle, especially in the South. As president he negotiated the first ever peace agreement between Israel and the Arabs. In his post-presidential years, he made a worldwide impact as a humanitarian.

Civic virtue must be faithful to the original concept of American nationhood—favoring citizens ahead of government. Liberty and justice are the watchwords of democracy, not blind obedience to politicians.

George Washington said, “There exists an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness.” Lincoln advised “Malice toward none…charity for all…firmness in the right.” Carter followed these sentiments at his inauguration with a pledge from the Biblical Prophet Micah: “Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly.”

There are two ways of recognizing people as honest and wise—by their words and by their deeds. Carter told the truth straight out—even if it was inconvenient or might hurt him. His policies were based on simple fairness, especially in his efforts to overcome the endemic racism of the Old South.

By contrast, President-elect Trump is famous for the lies and invective-filled slander constantly dripping from his lips: “When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can…. When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades.” Trump’s brand, he said, means, “Power is the only true value.”

We teach our kids differently. “Be nice,” we always say. Sesame Street TV and First Grade teachers call out children for “Courtesy Lacking.” Why can’t we demand as much from our leaders?

Trump is a symptom of the ills of our society, not the cause. Today most of us tolerate curses and obscenities that would have scandalized our grandmothers. Trump is simply riding the crest of a flood of indecency that already exists among the public.

Let’s bring back civic virtue. Jimmy Carter may be the best example of personal rectitude among US leaders in our lifetimes. Let him be your model—not the empty, sleazy suit that is soon to be the next occupant of the White House.

James E. Jennings PhD is President of Conscience International.

IPS UN Bureau


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Tanzania’s Disaster Preparedness: A Nation on Edge

The recent collapse of a high-rise building in Dar es Salaam, killing 16 people and injuring more than 80, has reignited concerns about the city’s disaster preparedness. Credit: Kizito Makoye Shigela/IPS

The recent collapse of a high-rise building in Dar es Salaam, killing 16 people and injuring more than 80, has reignited concerns about the city’s disaster preparedness. Credit: Kizito Makoye Shigela/IPS

By Kizito Makoye
DAR ES SALAAM, Jan 3 2025 – As the dust settled over Kariakoo’s bustling streets, Halima Abdallah’s voice trembled through the cracks of a collapsed four-story building. “Help me, please! I don’t get air,” she gasped, trapped under the rubble. For four hours, rescue workers scrambled to locate her. Their efforts, hampered by the lack of proper equipment, relied on tools hastily borrowed from a private company. By the time they reached her, it was too late. Abdallah had died.

Moments before the building collapsed, Husna Faime, a single mother, was humming softly inside her tailoring shop, finishing a client’s order. Minutes later, her harmony shattered—literally.

“I felt the ground shaking, and before I knew it, everything was falling,” she recounted from her hospital bed a week later. Trapped under the rubble, she used the last of her phone’s battery to send her sister a haunting text: “If I don’t make it, please take care of Aisha. Tell her mom loves her.”

Local volunteers dug through the rubble with their bare hands, managing to rescue Faime hours later. Her survival was miraculous, but her ordeal exposed a grim truth: disasters—both natural and man-made—regularly strike unprepared communities in Tanzania, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

The Perfect Storm

Tanzania, home to over 62 million people, faces a myriad of hazards: floods, droughts, cyclones, and earthquakes. Compounding these are man-made disasters like road accidents, industrial mishaps, and collapsing buildings. For the 34 percent of Tanzanians living below the poverty line, the financial burden of recovery is overwhelming.

In Kariakoo, a bustling hub of markets and skyscrapers, a hidden danger lurks behind the concrete walls. Systemic corruption and shoddy workmanship have turned many buildings into potential death traps. Investigations reveal that dishonest developers, in collusion with corrupt officials, routinely use substandard materials to cut costs, ignoring safety regulations and bypassing inspections.

At least five major building collapses have been reported in Dar es Salaam over the last decade, claiming many lives. Kariakoo in particular has emerged as a hotspot for such tragedies. Experts warn that many other buildings in the area remain structurally unsound, putting lives at constant risk.

Lack of Preparedness

Tanzania’s vulnerability is exacerbated by poor disaster preparedness and infrastructure. Rapid urban sprawl, informal settlements, and inadequate drainage systems leave communities exposed to climate-induced disasters.

“Our cities are not built to absorb the shocks caused by natural disasters,” said Pius Yanda, a climate change adaptation specialist at the University of Dar es Salaam. Informal settlements are particularly vulnerable, with little to no infrastructure to mitigate flooding or other hazards.

Man-made disasters are equally concerning. Weak enforcement of building regulations makes building collapses tragically routine. “The warning signs are always there,” said Peter Kazimoto, a disaster risk reduction expert at the Tanzania Red Cross Society. “Developers prioritize saving money over safety, and enforcement is weak.”

Rural areas face their own struggles. In the eastern Morogoro region, floods destroyed Ahmed Selemani’s maize crop, his sole source of income. “We heard warnings on the radio, but no one came to evacuate us,” Ahmed said. “Now we have nothing.”

Institutional Gaps

Tanzania has a disaster response framework—the Tanzania Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (TEPRP)—but its implementation remains weak. Agencies like the Disaster Management Department (DMD) operate on limited budgets, meeting only 35 percent of their funding needs in 2023.

“We have made some progress with early warning systems,” said Jim Yonazi, an official in the Prime Minister’s Office. “But we need more resources to mitigate risks effectively.”

With limited government intervention, many Tanzanians have taken matters into their own hands. In Tandale, a sprawling slum in Dar es Salaam, residents like John Mnyamasi have built rudimentary flood defenses with sandbags and canals. “We can’t wait for the government,” Mnyamasi said.

During building collapses, local volunteers are often the first responders. Kariakoo resident Emmanuel Joseph recounted rescuing 12 people trapped under rubble. “When you hear someone crying for help, you just act—even if it means risking your own life,” he said.

Pathways to Resilience

Experts emphasize the need for disaster risk reduction to protect Tanzanians. “Disaster risk reduction isn’t just about emergencies—it’s about prevention,” said James Mbatia, a former legislator and disaster risk specialist.

Investments in early warning systems, stronger infrastructure, and public awareness campaigns are critical. Neighboring Kenya, for instance, uses mobile apps to provide real-time weather updates, enabling faster evacuations. “Empowering communities with tools and knowledge can save lives,” said Mbatia.

Critics argue that Tanzania’s government must take greater responsibility for disaster management failures. “It’s like watching a fire spread while holding a bucket of water you never use,” Mbatia said, pointing to predictable disasters such as annual floods in low-lying regions.

Gordian Kazaura, an urban planning specialist at Ardhi University, highlighted the human cost. “The poorest suffer the most. They lack the resources to recover, and the government’s response often comes too late,” he said.

A glimmer of Hope

Despite the challenges, there is growing momentum for change. Organizations like the Tanzania Red Cross are training volunteers and advocating for better early warning systems. Workshops are equipping local authorities with emergency planning skills.

“Disasters are local by nature,” said Kazimoto. “Empowering communities and regional committees to act swiftly without waiting for central government instructions is critical.”

For survivors like Faime, recovery is uncertain, but hope persists. “We need help, but we also need change,” she said. “People like me can’t keep starting over.”

Halima Abdallah’s final plea must serve as a wake-up call. Tanzania must transition from reactive responses to proactive resilience, ensuring that no cry for help goes unanswered. Observers agree—the time for action is now—before the next disaster strikes.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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A Renewed Vision for Prosperity for Landlocked Developing Countries

OHRLLS Office Banner. Credit: The United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS)

By Rabab Fatima
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 3 2025 – Over 570 million people live in the world’s 32 Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), spanning across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. These nations face unique and complex development challenges. Their lack of direct access to the sea, geographical isolation, limited infrastructure, and difficulty integrating into global trade and value chains hinder sustainable development and progress.

The lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, rising vulnerability to external shocks, climate change, and mounting debt burdens have further compounded these challenges, eroding progress achieved under the last developmental roadmap for LLDCs—the Vienna Programme of Action.

However, a pivotal moment for LLDCs is at hand. In the lead-up to the Third United Nations Conference on LLDCs (LLDC3), to be held next year, the international community has adopted a new Programme of Action (PoA) to guide LLDCs’ development from 2025 to 2035.

UN Under-Secretary-General (USG) and High Representative, cr. Credit: OHRLLS

A new decade of opportunity and progress

The new PoA is a landmark achievement designed to address the structural challenges of LLDCs and accelerate their socio-economic integration into the global economy. This vision focuses on five priority areas critical to transforming LLDCs into resilient and competitive economies:

Structural Transformation and Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)

Economic diversification is crucial for LLDCs. Their dependence on a narrow range of commodities leaves them highly vulnerable to external shocks. The new PoA prioritizes value-added industries and leveraging technology and innovation to help LLDCs integrate more effectively into global value chains and build more resilient economies.

Digital connectivity, which is pivotal for sustainable development, is also an important focus of the PoA. In 2023, only 39% of LLDC populations used the internet, compared to the global average of 67%. The PoA aims to create regional digital platforms for peer learning and capacity building while increasing support to LLDCs to leverage technology for sustainable growth.

Trade, Trade Facilitation, and Regional Integration

Trade drives economic growth, yet LLDCs account for just 1.1% of global merchandise exports. High trade costs—averaging 30% more than coastal countries—significantly hamper their competitiveness.

The new PoA highlights LLDCs’ interest in establishing a dedicated work programme at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to address their unique needs. It also recommends developing a high-level panel of experts to examine the application of existing international laws on freedom of transit for LLDCs, ensuring that LLDCs can engage in international trade under fairer conditions.

Transit, Transport, and Connectivity

Transport infrastructure is a critical link for LLDCs to global markets. Bridging the current gap—nearly 200,000 km of paved roads and over 46,000 km of railways—will require over half a trillion dollars.

To address this, the PoA proposes an Infrastructure Investment Finance Facility (IIFF) for LLDCs to mobilize resources for sustainable transport infrastructure, thereby reducing trade costs and enhancing connectivity.

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters

LLDCs face significant vulnerabilities to climate-related disasters. Between 2012 and 2022, 447 such events affected 170 million people in LLDCs—double the global average.

The PoA emphasizes climate-resilient infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, and improved access to climate finance. It also notes LLDCs’ interest in developing a dedicated work programme under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Lastly, but more importantly,

Means of Implementation

The success of the new Programme of Action depends on robust means of implementation, including adequate resources, technical support, and strong partnerships. The PoA calls for increased development assistance and emphasizes the role of public-private partnerships in realizing its ambitious goals.

Driving Progress through Partnerships – a call for global solidarity and action

The adoption of the new Programme of Action is more than a commitment—it is a renewed call to action. Global solidarity is essential to provide LLDCs with the financial, technical, and capacity-building support they need. Strengthened partnerships and concerted efforts will enable LLDCs to leverage their potential and contribute meaningfully to the global economy.

The upcoming LLDC3 Conference in 2025 will serve as a critical platform to build this momentum and strengthen international collaboration and multi-sectoral partnerships for the implementation of the PoA.

With political resolve, enhanced partnerships, and tangible actions, LLDCs can emerge as dynamic contributors to the global economy, charting a path toward sustainable prosperity over the coming decade.

Ms. Rabab Fatima, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States.

IPS UN Bureau


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