Neoviva العيادة الأولى من نوعها لمعالجة الإدمان في سويسرا التي تقدم ضمانة بالسرية والخصوصية

لوسيرن، سويسرا, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — أطلقت Neoviva،  وهي عيادة طبية رائدة وفاخرة لمعالجة الإدمان ومتخصصة في إعادة التأهيل، برنامج الضمانات الأول والوحيد من نوعه في سويسرا في معالجة الإدمان. بفضل النهج المنظّم والمخصّص للغاية، يسمح برنامج Neoviva بتلبية الاحتياجات الفريدة لكل عميل، إذ تستخدم العيادة مزيجاً من الوسائل العلاجية المتطورة والحديثة وخدمات الرعاية اللاحقة الشاملة. هذا وتعدّ الضمانة التي توفرها العيادة Neoviva Guarantee شهادة على فعالية برنامجها المخصّص الرائد Signature Programme، كما يعكس الثقة في قدرة البرنامج على مساعدة العملاء على تحقيق التعافي المستدام.

وقالت Fenina Erpf، الرئيسة التنفيذية والمؤسسة المشاركة لعيادة NEOVIVA إلى جانب Oliver Neubert، مؤسس عيادة NEOVIVA، في معرض تعليقها: “يشكّل سجّلنا الحافل بقصص النجاح في التعافي المستدام وعدم الانتكاس شهادة على قدراتنا الغنية عن التعريف في هذا المجال. بالتالي، يمثّل إطلاق ضمانة Neoviva Guarantee انعكاساً لالتزامنا بترجمة الأقوال إلى أفعال. نحن مقتنعون بشدة بفعالية برنامجنا لدرجة أننا مستعدون لدعم عملائنا لفترة طويلة بعد مغادرتهم عيادتنا. فالبرنامج ليس عبارة عن رحلة علاجية فحسب، إنما نعتبره شراكة لمدى الحياة في التعافي.”  

هذا وتُمنح الضمانة Guarantee إلى العملاء الذين يكملون ما لا يقل عن ستة أسابيع ضمن برنامج Neoviva Signature ويلتزمون بخطة الرعاية اللاحقة المستمرة على مدى 30 أسبوعاً. وفي حال تعّرض العميل المتعافي للانتكاس في غضون عام واحد بعد إكمال البرنامج، يمكنه العودة إلى العيادة لتلقي العلاج الإضافي المكثف لمدة تصل إلى أربعة أسابيع دون أي تكلفة إضافية.*

تحتلّ عيادةNEOVIVA  الفاخرة لإعادة التأهيل وعلاج الإدمان موقعاً مثالياً على ضفاف بحيرة لوسيرن الهادئة، وتقدم مزيجاً من الرعاية عالمية المستوى والبيئة الحصرية والهادئة. تقع عيادتنا ضمن بيئة تحاكي المنتجعات الفندقية، وبالتالي، فهي توفر للعملاء جواً مثالياً يمزج بين الراحة والخصوصية والسرية التامة، ما يضمن لهم مساحة آمنة وداعمة لبلوغ التعافي. وبفضل هذه الميزات الفريدة من نوعها، توفر هذه المنشأة للعملاء الأدوات والاستراتيجيات اللازمة للتكّيف مع الحياة بعد رحلة العلاج، والتمتع في الوقت عينه بالجمال الخلاب لجبال الألب السويسرية.

لمحة عن Neoviva:

تعدّ عيادة Neoviva مركزاً فاخراً لإعادة التأهيل في سويسرا، هي تقدم الخطط العلاجية المخصصة لتعزيز الصحة العقلية وعلاج الإدمان. توفر العيادة مجموعة من المنهجيات الرائدة، وتتميز بتوفير نسبة عالية من الموظفين الكافين لكل العملاء، فضلاً عن التزام راسخ بالتحول الشخصي العميق. تساهم هذه الميزات في جعل Neoviva أكثر من مجرد مركز لإعادة التأهيل وعلاج الإدمان – إذ يمكن اعتبارها تجربة مغيّرة للحياة للأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن التعافي الدائم والمستدام.

*تطبق الشروط والأحكام.
لمشاهدة الصورة المُرفقة بهذا البيان الصحفي، يُرجى زيارة الرابط الالكتروني التالي:–00e5–4d4c–9f88–fde0ffc48718

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Neoviva, die erste Suchtklinik der Schweiz mit Erfolgsgarantie

LUZERN, Schweiz, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Neoviva, eine führende Suchtklinik, lanciert das erste und einzige Garantieprogramm für Suchtbehandlungen in der Schweiz. Mit einem strukturierten und maßgeschneiderten Ansatz geht die Neoviva Klinik auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen Klienten ein und verbindet modernste Therapiemethoden mit einer umfassenden Nachsorge. Die Neoviva–Erfolgsgarantie ist der Beweis für die Wirksamkeit des personalisierten Signature–Behandlungsprogramms und spiegelt das Vertrauen in die Fähigkeit des Programms wider, den Klientinnen und Klienten zu einer nachhaltigen Genesung zu verhelfen.

„Unsere Erfolgsbilanz spricht für sich: Unzählige Geschichten berichten von dauerhafter Genesung. Mit der Neoviva–Erfolgsgarantie lassen wir unseren Worten Taten folgen. Wir sind von der Wirksamkeit unseres Programms überzeugt und begleiten unsere Klientinnen und Klienten auch noch lange nach ihrem Aufenthalt in unserer Einrichtung. Wir bieten nicht nur eine Behandlung, sondern eine lebenslange Partnerschaft bei der Genesung“, erklärt Fenina Erpf, CEO und Mitbegründerin von NEOVIVA, gemeinsam mit Oliver Neubert, Gründer von NEOVIVA.

Klientinnen und Klienten, die das Signature–Programm von Neoviva für mindestens sechs Wochen durchlaufen und den 30–wöchigen Nachsorgeplan einhalten, haben Anspruch auf die Erfolgsgarantie. Sollte eine Klientin oder ein Klient innerhalb eines Jahres nach Abschluss des Programms einen Rückfall erleiden, kann er eine zusätzliche Intensivbehandlung von bis zu vier Wochen ohne zusätzliche Kosten in Anspruch nehmen.*

Das luxuriöse Rehabilitationszentrum von NEOVIVA liegt am ruhigen Ufer des Vierwaldstättersees und verbindet erstklassige Pflege mit einer exklusiven und ruhigen Umgebung. Unsere Klinik befindet sich in einem echten Hotel und bietet die perfekte Balance zwischen Komfort, Privatsphäre und Diskretion, um einen unterstützenden Raum für die Genesung zu schaffen. Dank dieser einzigartigen Kombination können sich die Klientinnen und Klienten die notwendigen Werkzeuge und Strategien für das Leben nach der Behandlung aneignen und gleichzeitig die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Alpen genießen.

Über Neoviva:

Neoviva ist ein luxuriöses Rehabilitationszentrum in der Schweiz, das individuelle Behandlungspläne für psychische Erkrankungen und Suchtkrankheiten anbietet. Mit bahnbrechenden Methoden, einem optimalen Betreuungsverhältnis und dem Ziel einer tiefgreifenden persönlichen Veränderung ist Neoviva mehr als eine Reha–Klinik – wer nachhaltige Genesung anstrebt, kann hier lebensverändernde Erfahrungen machen.

*Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.

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Neoviva est la première clinique suisse de traitement des dépendances à offir une garantie

LUCERNE, Suisse, 21 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Neoviva, un centre de réadaptation de luxe de premier plan, lance le premier et unique programme de garantie en matière de traitement des dépendances en Suisse. Doté d’une approche structurée et personnalisée, le programme de Neoviva répond aux besoins uniques de chaque client, en associant des méthodes thérapeutiques de pointe à un suivi post–traitement complet. La Garantie Neoviva témoigne de l’efficacité de son programme Signature personnalisé et reflète la confiance que l’établissement accorde à la capacité de son programme à aider les clients à parvenir à une guérison durable.

« Basés sur d’innombrables exemples de guérison durable, nos résultats parlent d’eux–mêmes. La Garantie Neoviva est notre façon de joindre l’acte à la parole. Nous sommes tellement convaincus de l’efficacité de notre programme que nous sommes prêts à accompagner nos clients bien après leur départ de notre établissement. Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’un traitement, mais d’un partenariat à vie dans la guérison », déclare Fenina Erpf, PDG et cofondatrice de NEOVIVA, aux côtés d’Oliver Neubert, fondateur de NEOVIVA.

Les clients qui suivent le programme Signature de Neoviva pendant une durée d’au moins six semaines et qui adhèrent au programme de soins continus de 30 semaines sont éligibles à la Garantie. Si un client rechute dans l’année suivant la fin du programme, il peut revenir afin de bénéficier d’un traitement intensif supplémentaire d’une durée de quatre semaines maximum sans frais supplémentaires.*

Niché sur les rives paisibles du lac des Quatre–Cantons, le centre de réadaptation de luxe de NEOVIVA allie des soins de classe mondiale à un environnement exclusif et serein. Située dans un véritable cadre hôtelier, notre clinique offre l’équilibre parfait entre confort, intimité et discrétion, garantissant ainsi un espace propice à la guérison. Ce cadre unique offre aux clients les outils et les stratégies dont ils ont besoin afin d’aborder sereinement leur parcours post–traitement, tout en bénéficiant de la beauté époustouflante des Alpes suisses.

À propos de Neoviva :

Neoviva est un centre de réadaptation de luxe situé en Suisse qui propose des programmes de traitement personnalisés pour la santé mentale et le traitement des dépendances. Grâce à des méthodologies pionnières, un ratio personnel/client élevé et un engagement en faveur d’une transformation personnelle profonde, la clinique Neoviva est plus qu’un simple centre de réadaptation : elle offre une expérience transformatrice qui change la vie des personnes en quête de guérison durable.

*Des conditions générales s’appliquent.

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Neoviva, a primeira clínica de tratamento de dependência química da Suíça a oferecer garantia

LUCERNA, Suíça, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Neoviva, um centro de reabilitação líder de luxo, lança o primeiro e único programa da Suíça com garantia no tratamento de dependência química. Com uma abordagem estruturada e personalizada, o programa da Neoviva responde às necessidades exclusivas de cada cliente, combinando métodos terapêuticos de ponta com cuidados pós–tratamento integrais. A Garantia Neoviva é uma prova da eficácia do seu programa personalizado, Programa Signature, e reflete a confiança na capacidade do programa de ajudar os clientes a alcançar uma recuperação sustentável.

“Nosso histórico fala por si, com inúmeras histórias de sucesso de recuperação duradoura. A Garantia Neoviva é a nossa forma de transformar palavras em ações. Estamos tão convencidos da eficácia do nosso programa que estamos dispostos a apoiar nossos clientes mesmo depois de eles deixarem nossas instalações. Não se trata apenas de um tratamento, mas de uma parceria vitalícia na recuperação”, afirma Fenina Erpf, CEO e Cofundadora da NEOVIVA, ao lado de Oliver Neubert, Fundador da NEOVIVA.

Os clientes que completarem no mínimo seis semanas do programa Signature da Neoviva e aderirem ao plano de cuidados contínuos de 30 semanas são elegíveis para a Garantia. Caso o cliente tenha uma recaída em até um ano após concluir o programa, ele pode retornar por até quatro semanas de tratamento intensivo adicional, sem custo adicional.*

Localizada nas tranquilas margens do Lago de Lucerna, a unidade de reabilitação de luxo da NEOVIVA combina cuidados de alto nível com um ambiente único e sereno. Situada em um ambiente real de hotel, nossa clínica oferece o equilíbrio perfeito entre conforto, privacidade e discrição, garantindo um espaço de apoio para a recuperação. Este ambiente exclusivo oferece aos clientes as ferramentas e estratégias essenciais para superar os desafios da vida pós–tratamento, enquanto desfrutam da deslumbrante beleza dos Alpes suíços.

Sobre a Neoviva:

A Neoviva é um centro de reabilitação de luxo na Suíça que oferece planos de tratamento personalizados para saúde mental e tratamento de dependência química. Com metodologias pioneiras, uma alta proporção de funcionários por cliente e um compromisso com a profunda transformação pessoal, a Neoviva é mais do que um centro de reabilitação: é uma experiência transformadora para quem busca uma recuperação duradoura.

*Aplicam–se termos e condições.

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The First Phase of Israel-Palestine Ceasefire Begins

The United Nations Security Council meets to discuss the implementation of the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Palestine. Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 21 2025 – On January 15, 2025, the long-awaited ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hamas was approved, bringing the first bout of relief for the people of the Gaza Strip after 15 months of conflict. This has allowed for the exchange of prisoners and hostages between the two nations as well as a greater flow of humanitarian aid to be directed to Gaza. Although this only accounts for the first phase out of the three phase plan, it is uncertain if Israel will continue to uphold the negotiations of a truce after the first phase is completed.

On January 20, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) issued a press statement in which it was confirmed that they facilitated the first transfer of hostages and prisoners between Israel and Hamas. In the statement, the ICRC stated that three Israeli hostages had been returned to Israel from Gaza and 90 Palestinian prisoners had been returned to the occupied Palestinian territory.

The ICRC described exchange operations between the two nations as “complex” and requiring “rigorous” safety measures to be upheld. The hazards of unexploded artillery, large crowds, and destroyed infrastructure made these operations particularly meticulous. Specialized ICRC staff, including doctors, were on the frontlines and provided medical care as the exchanges took place.

“We are relieved that those released can be reunited with their loved ones. Ensuring their safe return and providing the necessary care at this critical moment is a great responsibility. More families are waiting anxiously for their loved ones to come home. We call on all parties to continue to adhere to their commitments to ensure the next operations can take place safely. Our teams are ready to continue to implement the agreement so that more hostages and detainees are released, and more families reunited,” said ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric.

In the statement, the ICRC reiterated the urgency of the humanitarian situation that has amounted in Gaza since October 7, 2023. Gazans have struggled for over one year for access to food, clean water, electricity, fuel, and shelter. In addition, access to most basic services, such as sanitation, education, and healthcare, have been significantly reduced.

Concurrent with the exchanges of detainees between Israel and Palestine, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, António Guterres, addressed the Security Council on the current situation in Gaza. Guterres stated that the UN remains dedicated to facilitating a peaceful transitional period for both nations, adding that both parties must “make good” on the terms of the ceasefire agreement. This includes a complete cessation of hostilities and an uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

“I urge the Security Council and all Member States to support all efforts to implement this ceasefire, bring about a permanent cessation of hostilities, ensure accountability, and create the conditions for recovery and reconstruction. The international media must also be allowed into Gaza to report on this crucial story on the ground. We must seize the opportunity presented by the ceasefire deal to intensify efforts toward addressing governance and security frameworks in Gaza,” said Guterres.

Guterres adds that the UN must have safe and unimpeded access through all available access points in Gaza to deliver essential resources and basic services and to rebuild critical infrastructures in the enclave. On January 19, the World Food Programme (WFP) released a press statement in which they confirmed that aid trucks have begun crossing into Gaza. WFP seeks to facilitate the daily delivery of 150 trucks of aid material into Gaza from all available border crossings. Trucks from Jordan and Israel aim to reach civilians in the north of the enclave and trucks from Egypt aim to reach people in the south.

Additionally, WFP has delivered 5,000 litres of fuel, as well as food parcels, bottled water, winter clothes and vaccines. Furthermore, 33 patients, nearly a dozen doctors, and 16 administrative staff remain in the Al Awda Hospital. Access remains extremely challenging due to continuing security concerns.

On January 20, The Palestinian Non-Governmental Network (PNGO) and the Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA) released a joint statement in which they welcomed the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and highlighted the vast scale of needs facing the people of Gaza. The two organizations urged all parties involved to monitor the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement and investigate all violations of international humanitarian law.

“They must ensure accountability through investigations, support international legal bodies, and establish an international mechanism to address ongoing violations. Ending impunity is crucial to breaking cycles of violence, for Palestinians, the region and all of humanity. We call on all parties to the conflict and the guarantors to honor and ensure the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement. This ceasefire must only be the beginning of a crucial process toward justice, peace and dignity for all. Palestinian voices must be centred in all rebuilding negotiations for a meaningful solution to end the suffering of the Palestinian people,” said a spokesperson for the two organizations.

On January 18, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a televised statement, informed reporters that the ceasefire is temporary and that Israel reserves its right to resume its offensives with the support of the United States if Hamas doesn’t comply with their end of the deal. “If we need to resume fighting, we will do that in new ways and we will do it with great force,” said Netanyahu.

The statements by Netanyahu have generated much concern among political analysts and humanitarian organizations that the ceasefire may not be implemented fully. Marc Lynch, the director of the Middle East Studies programme at George Washington University, opined that the ceasefire will likely not move past phase one and permanent peace will not be achieved.

“There are endless openings for spoilers on both sides, and serious disagreements remain about the details of the agreement’s next steps. In Israel, there are many people who would like to see this war prosecuted indefinitely,” said Lynch.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Rethinking Africa’s Debt: Debunking Myths and Identifying Sustainable Solutions

The 2024 UN OSAA flagship report ‘Unpacking Africa’s Debt: Towards a Lasting and Durable Solution’ addresses the urgent need to reform Africa’s debt structures and suggests how countries can get out of unsustainable debt.

By Franck Kuwonu
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 21 2025 – To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063 aspirations, Africa requires an additional $1.3 – 1.6 trillion in financing.

According to a new report ‘Unpacking Africa’s Debt: Towards a Lasting and Durable Solution’ by the UN Special Advisor on Africa launched on 14 November 2024, borrowing remains a necessary tool to navigate the compounding crises of financial distress, climate change, food insecurity, and persistent conflict.

The report emphasizes the need to re-examine Africa’s historical reliance on debt instruments to address structural constraints and unlocking economic opportunities. By fostering economic growth and ensuring debt sustainability, debt can become a tool for progress rather than a hindrance.

Debt is an important mode of financing. While many countries are in debt distress, we must not treat Africa as a completely debt-distressed continent.
–Under-Secretary-General Cristina Duarte, Special Adviser on Africa to the United Nations Secretary-General.

This shift requires aligning debt strategies with long-term development priorities.

“Debt is an important mode of financing. While many countries are in debt distress, we must not treat Africa as a completely debt-distressed continent,” said Cristina Duarte, Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa to the UN Secretary-General, at the launch of the report in New York.

“Debt, when managed effectively, can help us invest in achieving development goals,” added Ms. Duarte. The need to reform the global financing system to ensure predictable and affordable financing, prioritize development outcomes over private finance interests, and create fiscal space to fund SDG investments, is also emphasized in the report.

Existing frameworks, including debt restructuring arrangements like the Common Framework, the Report says, are insufficient to meet Africa’s development needs. The Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI (Debt Service Suspension Initiative) is an initiative launched by the G20 in November 2020 to help low-income countries address unsustainable debt levels.

Developed by the G20 and the Paris Club (a group of major creditor countries), the Common Framework aims to streamline debt restructuring and provide more comprehensive debt relief options for countries struggling with high debt burdens, particularly following the economic impact of COVID-19.

At the national level, African countries can deepen domestic debt markets to incentivize local investment and effectively engage with the private sector.

Strengthening regional financing architecture can support transboundary infrastructure projects, complementing national efforts. Enhancing debt management and reform capacity across the continent will also play a critical role in addressing the development financing gap.

The report envisions debt as a means to support a more sustainable economic model. Moving beyond resource extraction for export, African economies can leverage debt to build value-added industries, fostering resilience and self-reliance.

By rethinking debt, fostering domestic investment, and pushing for global financing reforms, Africa can bridge its development gap and achieve its aspirations sustainably.

Key recommendations
Some of the recommendations proposed by the report aimed at addressing Africa’s financing challenges, include:

Increasing access to affordable finance:
Fulfill Official Development Assistance (ODA) pledges, allocating 10% to capacity building and digitization for domestic resource mobilization (DRM)systems.

Reform Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to prioritize long-term (30-50 years) concessional lending, increase capital, and lend in local currencies to reduce currency risks.
Prioritize sustainable development by ensuring predictable, large-scale climate adaptation financing.

Reducing borrowing costs:
Restructure high-interest, short-term debt into long-term, low-cost loans to ease fiscal pressure.
Strengthen the G20 Common Framework by expanded eligibility, clarifying processes, and ensuring debt service suspension during negotiations.

Enhancing debt sustainability:
Introduce debt service suspension linked to SDG progress.
Establish a Sovereign Debt Authority to prioritize development in debt treatment.

Leveraging Financing Innovations:
Use state-contingent clauses to suspend debt payments during crises.
Employ debt-for-development, debt-for-nature, debt-for-climate swaps to free resources for SDG investment.

Strengthening regional cooperation:
Boost regional development banks and accelerate Pan-African institutions like the African Investment Bank.
Promote cross-border financing for infrastructure and deepen regional financial markets.

Source: Africa Renewal, United Nations

IPS UN Bureau


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A World Where Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer — and Billionaires Rise

Credit: UN Women

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 21 2025 – Perhaps one of the UN’s most ambitious and longstanding projects – the launching of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)– is aimed, among other things, at helping developing nations eradicate extreme poverty by 2030. But that elusive goal has made little or no significant progress.

And now comes a new report from Oxfam, “Takers Not Makers” which finds that in 2024 alone, billionaires amassed $2 trillion in wealth, and nearly four new billionaires were minted every week.

“Not only has the rate of billionaire wealth-accumulation accelerated ―by three times― but so, too, has their power. The failure to stop billionaires is now spawning soon-to-be trillionaires. At this pace, we won’t see one trillionaire in a decade, but at least five”.

Meanwhile, the number of people living in poverty (around 3.5 billion) has barely changed since 1990, says Oxfam.

And, according to the UN, if current patterns persist, an estimated 7% of the global population – around 575 million people – could still find themselves trapped in extreme poverty by 2030, with a significant concentration in sub-Saharan Africa.

Nabil Ahmed, Oxfam America’s director of economic and racial justice, told IPS the achievement of the global goals—and efforts to end poverty—are being crushed by extreme levels of economic inequality.

“Our world, in which the top 1% own more than the 95% combined, in which we’re on course for five trillionaires within a decade, is not on course to end poverty soon, nor to meet the scale of the climate crisis”.

The number of people living under the $6.85 poverty line today is in fact close to what it was in 1990, he said.

Meanwhile, the World Bank calculates that if current growth rates continue and inequality does not decrease, it will take more than a century to end poverty.

“There can no longer be any avoiding what was clear at the onset of the SDGs: governments, and all of us, have to address the power and unimaginable wealth of the ultra-rich and mega-corporations to have any chance of succeeding”.

“We need action that includes taxing the ultra-rich, investing in public goods and not privatizing them, breaking up monopolies and rewriting global rules from sovereign debt to patents. As the World Bank itself shows, if we reduce inequality, poverty could be ended three times faster,” declared Ahmed.

In 2024, the number of billionaires rose to 2,769, up from 2,565 in 2023. Their combined wealth surged from $13 trillion to $15 trillion in just 12 months. This is the second largest annual increase in billionaire wealth since records began, according to Oxfam.

The wealth of the world’s ten richest men grew on average by almost $100 million a day —even if they lost 99 percent of their wealth overnight, they would remain billionaires.

Last year, Oxfam predicted the emergence of the first trillionaire within a decade. However, with billionaire wealth accelerating at a faster pace this projection has expanded dramatically —at current rates the world is now on track to see at least five trillionaires within that timeframe.

This ever-growing concentration of wealth is enabled by a monopolistic concentration of power, with billionaires increasingly exerting influence over industries and public opinion.

Ben Phillips, author of “How to Fight Inequality”, told IPS the promises made in the Sustainable Development Goals, including to end extreme poverty, can be met. But doing so depends on leaders making the decision to challenge extreme wealth. They need to tax and regulate the superrich, not only to raise essential revenue, but also to reshape the economy so that it works for everyone.

“The money is there, and the policies are known, to ensure that no one is held down in extreme poverty. Expert economic analysis that the G20 has commissioned shows that wealth taxes would unlock billions of dollars to tackle poverty”.

It also shows that taxing the wealth of the super-rich, and reining in the power of the oligarchs, would make the economy fairer and more secure. Furthermore, public opinion research shows that taking on the power of the super-rich, including by taxing them, would be hugely popular with voters from across the political spectrum.

“There is no mystery about what needs to be done about the twin evils of extreme poverty and extreme wealth. The difficulty is to get leaders to do it,” he pointed out.

The challenge is this: the extreme concentration of wealth has brought about an extreme concentration of power, and so to get political leaders to break with the super-rich requires public pressure that overwhelms the pressure of the oligarchs.

“There is hope, but that hope needs to be active. A fair economy that overcomes extreme poverty and extreme wealth won’t be given to people, but it can be won by people power”, said Phillips.

Daniel D. Bradlow, Professor/Senior Research Fellow, Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria, told IPS according to the One Campaign, Africa’s total external debt in 2023 was $685.5 billion, equal to about 25% of the continent’s total GNP and its total debt service in 2024 was about $102 billion.

African countries are spending more on debt service than on health and education. This means that the world’s approximately 2500 billionaires, could spend less than half their $2 trillion increase in wealth in 2024 to pay off the total African external debt.

“Given this situation, it is highly unlikely that Africa can meet the SDGs without some correction in the gross maldistribution of wealth— and the power and influence that goes with it,” predicted Prof Bradlow.

Meanwhile, Oxfam has released its new study during a week (January 20-24) when business elites are gathering in the Swiss resort town of Davos, and billionaire Donald Trump was inaugurated Monday as President of the United States, backed by the world’s richest man Elon Musk.

The Oxfam report shows how unmerited wealth and colonialism —understood as not only a history of brutal wealth extraction but also a powerful force behind today’s extreme levels of inequality— stand as two major drivers of billionaire wealth accumulation.

Some of the findings include:

*60 percent of billionaire wealth now comes from inheritance, monopoly power or crony connections.

*The wealth of the world’s ten richest men grew on average by almost $100 million a day in 2024 —even if they lost 99 percent of their wealth overnight, they would remain billionaires.

*The richest 1 percent in Global North countries like the US, UK and France extracted $30 million an hour from the Global South through the financial system in 2023.

*Global North countries control 69 percent of global wealth, 77 percent of billionaire wealth and are home to 68 percent of billionaires, despite making up just 21 percent of the global population.

Oxfam is calling on governments to act rapidly to reduce inequality and end extreme wealth.

Radically reduce inequality
Governments need to commit to ensuring that, both globally and at a national level, the incomes of the top 10 percent are no higher than the bottom 40 percent. According to World Bank data, reducing inequality could end poverty three times faster. Governments must also tackle and end the racism, sexism and division that underpin ongoing economic exploitation.

Tax the richest to end extreme wealth
Global tax policy should fall under a new UN tax convention, ensuring the richest people and corporations pay their fair share. Tax havens must be abolished. Oxfam’s analysis shows that half of the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax for direct descendants. Inheritance needs to be taxed to dismantle the new aristocracy.

End the flow of wealth from South to North
Cancel debts and end the dominance of rich countries and corporations over financial markets and trade rules. This means breaking up monopolies, democratizing patent rules, and regulating corporations to ensure they pay living wages and cap CEO pay.

Restructure voting powers in the World Bank, IMF and UN Security Council to guarantee fair representation of Global South countries. Former colonial powers must also confront the lasting harm caused by their colonial rule, offer formal apologies, and provide reparations to affected communities.

The full report is available at:

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Bitget lance un service Hold-to-Earn qui prend en charge les USDE et les weETH comme jetons initiaux

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 21 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, la principale bourse de crypto–monnaie et société Web3, est fière de présenter Bitget HodlerYield. Les premiers jetons pris en charge par ce service Hold–to–Earn innovant sont les USDE et les weETH. Ce nouveau service offre aux utilisateurs un moyen simple de gagner un revenu passif en détenant des jetons courants, tout en bénéficiant à la fois de rendements annuels en pourcentage (APR) de base et de la possibilité de recevoir des récompenses supplémentaires grâce à des promotions spéciales, ce qui porte le TAEG total à plus de 20 %.

Bitget HodlerYield est conçu pour répondre aux besoins variés des utilisateurs en prenant en charge plusieurs méthodes de détention, notamment les détentions au comptant, les détentions de garanties en mode de marge unifiée, et les participations aux sous–comptes. En détenant des jetons éligibles tels que le weETH, un jeton de re–jalonnement liquide émis par, ou l’USDE, un dollar synthétique émis par Ethena, les utilisateurs peuvent profiter de récompenses calculées quotidiennement et distribuées automatiquement sur leurs comptes. Le service ajuste les TAEG de manière dynamique en fonction des conditions du marché, ce qui permet de garantir l’équité et la transparence tout en maximisant les avantages pour les utilisateurs.

« Chez Bitget, nous nous efforçons de proposer des solutions d’investissement cryptographiques plus intelligentes qui aident le grand public à générer des revenus passifs. Contrairement aux programmes traditionnels de type Earn/Staking proposés par les bourses centralisés, les utilisateurs de Bitget peuvent désormais recevoir directement des récompenses en détenant simplement les jetons, quel que soit le compte sur lequel les avoirs cryptographiques sont stockés. Cette approche simplifie le processus pour commencer à obtenir des rendements sur notre plateforme, ce qui la rend encore plus conviviale car les utilisateurs n’ont plus à se soucier de la liquidité et des périodes de blocage », a déclaré Gracy Chen, PDG de Bitget.

« Nous avons eu une énorme demande de la part des clients pour le weETH en tant que garantie, et nous sommes ravis de nous associer à Bitget pour faire de ce souhait une réalité ! Les utilisateurs de Bitget qui détiennent des weETH obtiendront des gains passifs sur leur compte ETH tout en maintenant leur exposition au prix », a commenté Mike Silagadze, fondateur et PDG d’

HodlerYield offre aux utilisateurs la flexibilité de pouvoir gérer leurs avoirs tout en bénéficiant de rendements constants. Des instantanés quotidiens des soldes détenus par les utilisateurs sur leurs différents comptes, y compris les comptes spot, contractuels et stratégiques, déterminent les récompenses éligibles. Une valeur de détention minimale de 1 USDT en weETH ou en USDE est requise, et les récompenses sont distribuées le jour suivant en fonction du prix du marché du jeton désigné. Le service garantit simplicité et facilité d’utilisation, les utilisateurs pouvant gérer leurs avoirs sans aucune action manuelle supplémentaire de leur part afin de souscrire des abonnements et de réclamer des récompenses.

Le lancement de HodlerYield illustre l’engagement de Bitget à fournir une plateforme sécurisée et centrée sur l’utilisateur. Ce service élargit les cas d’utilisation des jetons à rendement et reflète la vision à long terme de l’entreprise consistant à fournir aux utilisateurs des outils innovants au profit d’investissements plus intelligents.

À propos de Bitget

Fondée en 2018, Bitget est la première bourse de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 45 millions d’utilisateurs répartis dans plus de 150 pays et régions, la bourse Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonctionnalité révolutionnaire de copy trading et ses autres solutions de trading, tout en fournissant un accès en temps réel aux cours du Bitcoin, de l’Ethereum et d’autres cryptomonnaies. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multi–chaînes de classe mondiale qui offre une gamme de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3 complètes, dont des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, d’échange de jetons, une place de marché NFT, un navigateur DApp, entre autres.

Bitget est le fer de lance de l’adoption des cryptomonnaies grâce à des partenariats stratégiques, comme en témoigne son rôle de Partenaire crypto officiel de la meilleure ligue de football au monde, LA LIGA, sur les marchés de l’EST, de l’ASEAN et de l’Amérique latine, ainsi qu’en tant que partenaire mondial des athlètes olympiques turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (champion du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaille d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball). Bitget a pour vocation d’inciter la population mondiale à adopter les cryptomonnaies, symboles d’avenir.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez : Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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Bitget führt Hold-to-Earn-Dienst ein und unterstützt USDE und weETH als erste Token

VICTORIA, Seychellen, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, die weltweit führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma, freut sich, ihren innovativen Hold–to–Earn–Dienst Bitget HodlerYield mit USDE und weETH als erste unterstützte Token vorzustellen. Dieser neue Dienst bietet Benutzern eine nahtlose Möglichkeit, passives Einkommen zu erzielen, indem sie Mainstream–Token halten. Er bietet sowohl effektive Jahreszinssätze (Annual Percentage Returns, APRs) als auch die Möglichkeit, zusätzliche Belohnungen durch Sonderaktionen zu erhalten, wodurch die Gesamt–APR über 20 % liegt.

Bitget HodlerYield ist so strukturiert, dass es unterschiedliche Benutzerbedürfnisse abdeckt, indem es mehrere Haltemethoden unterstützt, darunter Spot–Bestände, Sicherheitenbestände im Rahmen des einheitlichen Margin–Modus und die Teilnahme an Unterkonten. Durch das Halten von berechtigten Token wie weETH, einem liquiden Restaking–Token, der von ausgegeben wird, oder USDE, einem synthetischen Dollar, der von Ethena ausgegeben wird, können Benutzer täglich berechnete Prämien erhalten, die automatisch auf ihre Konten verteilt werden. Der Dienst passt die APRs dynamisch an die Marktbedingungen an und gewährleistet so Fairness und Transparenz bei gleichzeitiger Maximierung des Nutzens für die Benutzer.

„Bei Bitget streben wir danach, intelligentere Krypto–Investitionslösungen bereitzustellen, die dazu beitragen, passives Einkommen für die breite Masse zu generieren. Im Gegensatz zu den traditionellen Earn/Staking–Programmen, die von zentralisierten Börsen angeboten werden, können Bitget–Benutzer jetzt direkt Prämien erhalten, indem sie die Token einfach halten, unabhängig davon, auf welchem Konto die Krypto–Bestände gespeichert sind. Dies hat die Schritte vereinfacht, die erforderlich sind, damit Benutzer auf unserer Plattform Erträge erzielen können, und macht sie noch benutzerfreundlicher, da sich die Benutzer nicht mehr um Liquidität und Sperrfristen kümmern müssen“, so Gracy Chen, CEO von Bitget.

„Wir haben eine große Kundennachfrage nach weETH als Sicherheit und freuen uns, mit Bitget zusammenzuarbeiten, um dies zu verwirklichen! Bitget–Benutzer, die weETH halten, verdienen passiv an ihren ETH, während sie gleichzeitig dem Kursrisiko ausgesetzt sind“, kommentiert Mike Silagadze, Gründer und CEO von

HodlerYield bietet Benutzern die Flexibilität, ihre Bestände zu verwalten und gleichzeitig konstante Renditen zu erzielen. Tägliche Momentaufnahmen der Benutzerguthaben über Konten hinweg, einschließlich Spot–, Vertrags– und Strategiekonten, bestimmen die berechtigten Prämien. Ein Mindestbestandswert von 1 USDT in weETH oder USDE ist erforderlich, und die Prämien werden am folgenden Tag auf der Grundlage des Marktpreises des designierten Tokens verteilt. Der Dienst ist einfach und benutzerfreundlich, da Benutzer ihre Bestände ohne zusätzliche manuelle Aktionen verwalten können, um Abonnements abzuschließen und Prämien zu erhalten.

Die Einführung von HodlerYield zeigt das Engagement von Bitget für die Bereitstellung einer sicheren, benutzerzentrierten Plattform. Dieser Dienst erweitert die Anwendungsfälle für ertragbringende Token und spiegelt die langfristige Vision des Unternehmens wider, Nutzern innovative Tools für intelligentere Investitionen an die Hand zu geben.

Über Bitget

Bitget wurde 2018 gegründet und ist die weltweit führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma. Mit über 45 Millionen Benutzern in mehr als 150 Ländern und Regionen hat sich die Bitget–Börse dazu verpflichtet, den Benutzern mit ihrer bahnbrechenden Copy–Trading–Funktion und anderen Handelslösungen zu helfen, intelligenter zu handeln. Sie bietet gleichzeitig Echtzeit–Zugang zum Bitcoin–Kurs, Ethereum–Kurs und anderen Kryptowährungspreisen. Die ehemals unter dem Namen BitKeep bekannte Bitget Wallet ist eine erstklassige Multichain–Krypto–Wallet, die eine Reihe umfassender Web3–Lösungen und –Funktionen, darunter Wallet–Funktionen, Token Swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp–Browser und mehr, bietet.

Bitget ist Vorreiter bei der Verbreitung von Kryptowährungen durch strategische Partnerschaften, wie z. B. als offizieller Krypto–Partner der World's Top Football League, LALIGA, in den Märkten des OSTENS, SÜDOSTASIENS und LATEINAMERIKAS, sowie als globaler Partner der türkischen Nationalsportler/innen Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Weltmeister im Ringen), Samet Gümüş (Goldmedaillengewinner im Boxen) und İlkin Aydın (Volleyball–Nationalmannschaft), um die weltweite Gemeinschaft zu inspirieren, sich der Zukunft der Kryptowährung zu öffnen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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