A Forbes inclui a Bitget entre as bolsas de criptomoedas mais confiáveis do mundo.

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Bitget, a principal bolsa de criptomoedas e empresa Web3 foi incluída na lista Top 25 bolsas de criptomoedas mais confiáveis da Forbes. Ocupando a oitava posição na lista, a Bitget registrou um aumento no número de usuários no último ano, além de uma série de atualizações e colaborações que corroboraram sua posição para entrar no seleto grupo. Com grandes nomes como Coinbase, Binance e Robinhood, a lista destaca bolsas de criptomoedas de todo o mundo.

Recentemente, em seu relatório de transparência, a Bitget registrou um aumento de 400% em sua base de usuários, ultrapassando 100 milhões em dezembro, e o volume de negociações à vista cresceu de US$ 160 bilhões no primeiro trimestre para US$ 600 bilhões no quarto trimestre. Desde colaborações com atletas nacionais turcos até parcerias com a lendária liga de futebol LALIGA, além da chegada de novos executivos e da obtenção de várias licenças, a Bitget fortaleceu sua posição como líder global, tornando–se o segundo maior ecossistema de bolsa de criptomoedas.

O foco da Bitget está em seus mercados de expansão por meio de marketing localizado, parcerias e iniciativas educacionais. A bolsa oferece um processo de integração simplificado, gateways de moedas fiduciárias e suporte ao cliente localizado para facilitar o acesso. A Bitget também investe em educação sobre blockchain, patrocínios estratégicos e programas de incentivo para reter usuários em regiões de alto crescimento. Com a chegada de Hon NG, CLO da Bitget, a equipe está bastante empenhada em conformidade regulatória. Recentemente, a Bitget obteve aprovação no Reino Unido, uma licença BSP em El Salvador e abriu uma nova bno Vietnã para operá–la conforme os requisitos locais.

Um relatório recente da CCData destaca o sucesso da Bitget com o aumento da participação de mercado para 4,25%, superando o recorde anterior de abril de 2024. Comparando a mudança na participação de mercado do mercado combinado de spot e derivativos, a Bitget, Coinbase e Crypto(dot)com foram os maiores beneficiários de 2024, aumentando sua participação de mercado em 4,05%, 3,89% e 3,39%, atingindo 10,5%, 5,43% e 4,71%, respectivamente.

Anteriormente, o Bitget Token (BGB) foi classificado como uma das 10 criptomoedas de melhor desempenho pela Forbes no primeiro semestre de 2024. Desde então, o BGB superou todas as expectativas com um aumento de mais de 1000% no ano passado. Ao reduzir o fornecimento do BGB, melhorar sua utilidade e expandir suas aplicações no mundo real, a Bitget planeja fortalecer mais funcionalidades e produtos no ecossistema Bitget, levando ao crescimento sustentável e um valor de longo prazo para os detentores.

A estreia da Bitget na lista de 2025 da Forbes das bolsas de criptomoedas mais confiáveis do mundo enfatiza seu notável crescimento e crescente credibilidade na indústria. Com um forte índice de retenção de BTC–ETH e foco na transparência, a Bitget se destaca como uma das bolsas de criptomoedas mais seguras do mundo. Com prova transparente de reservas garantindo 100% de seus ativos e um Fundo de Proteção de $600 milhões para proteger os usuários, a bolsa acelerou seu crescimento mundial. A inclusão na lista da Forbes mostra a crescente influência da bolsa no espaço das criptomoedas.

Sobre a Bitget

Fundada em 2018, a Bitget é líder em bolsa de criptomoedas e empresa Web3 do mundo. Atendendo a mais de 100 milhões de usuários em mais de 150 países e regiões, a bolsa Bitget está comprometida em ajudar os usuários a negociar de forma mais inteligente com sua inovadora funcionalidade de copy trading e outras soluções de negociação, enquanto oferece acesso em tempo real aos preços de Bitcoin, Ethereum e outros preços de criptomoedas. Anteriormente conhecida como BitKeep, a Bitget Wallet é uma carteira de criptografia multicadeia de classe mundial que oferece uma variedade de soluções e recursos Web3 integrais, incluindo funcionalidade de carteira, swap de tokens, NFT Marketplace, navegador DApp e muito mais.

A Bitget está na vanguarda da adoção de criptomoedas por meio de parcerias estratégicas, como seu papel de Parceiro Oficial de Criptomoedas da Principal Liga de Futebol do mundo, LALIGA, nos mercados do Leste, Sudeste Asiático e América Latina, bem como um parceiro global dos atletas nacionais turcos Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campeão mundial de luta livre), Samet Gümüş (medalhista de ouro de boxe) e İlkin Aydın (equipe nacional de vôlei), para inspirar a comunidade global a abraçar o futuro da criptomoeda.

Para mais informações, acesse: Site | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Para consultas da imprensa, entre em contato com: [email protected]

Aviso de risco: os preços dos ativos digitais estão sujeitos a flutuações e podem sofrer volatilidade significativa. Invista somente o que pode perder. É possível que o valor de seu investimento seja afetado e não atinja suas metas financeiras ou que você não consiga recuperar o seu investimento principal. Procure sempre uma consultoria financeira independente e considere sua própria experiência e situação financeira. O desempenho no passado não é uma medida confiável do desempenho no futuro. A Bitget não se responsabiliza por possíveis perdas incorridas. Nada contido neste documento deve ser interpretado como aconselhamento financeiro. Para mais informações, consulte nossos Termos de Uso.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001045992)

Forbes listet Bitget unter den vertrauenswürdigsten Kryptobörsen der Welt

VICTORIA, Seychellen, Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, die weltweit führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma, ist von Forbes in die Liste der 25 vertrauenswürdigsten Kryptobörsen aufgenommen worden. Bitget liegt auf Platz acht der Liste und hat im letzten Jahr neben einem Zustrom von Benutzern eine Vielzahl von Upgrades und Kooperationen gemeldet, die für seine Position beim Eintritt in den Club förderlich waren. Mit Top–Playern wie Coinbase, Binance und Robinhood finden sich auf der Liste Kryptobörsen aus der ganzen Welt.

In seinem kürzlich veröffentlichten Transparenzbericht verzeichnete Bitget einen Anstieg der Zahl seiner Benutzer um 400 % und überschritt im Dezember die 100–Millionen–Marke. Das Spot–Handelsvolumen erhöhte sich von 160 Mrd. USD im ersten Quartal auf 600 Mrd. USD im vierten Quartal. Mit der Zusammenarbeit mit türkischen Nationalsportlern über die legendäre Fußballliga LALIGA, dem Eintritt neuer Führungskräfte in das Unternehmen und der Erteilung mehrerer Lizenzen hat Bitget seine Position als weltweit führendes Unternehmen gestärkt und sich zum zweitgrößten Ökosystem für den Krypto–Austausch entwickelt.

Bitget konzentriert sich auf seine Expansionsmärkte und bietet lokalisiertes Marketing, Partnerschaften und Bildungsinitiativen. Um den Zugriff zu vereinfachen, bietet die Börse vereinfachtes Onboarding, Fiat–Gateways und lokalisierten Kundensupport. Bitget investiert außerdem in Blockchain–Bildung, strategisches Sponsoring und Anreizprogramme, um Benutzer in wachstumsstarken Regionen zu halten. Mit dem Eintritt von Hon NG, CLO bei Bitget, investiert das Team stark in Compliance. Bitget erhielt vor Kurzem die britische Zulassung sowie eine BSP–Lizenz in El Salvador und eröffnete sogar eine neue Börse in Vietnam, um sie gemäß den lokalen Anforderungen betreiben zu können.

Ein aktueller Bericht von CCData unterstreicht den Erfolg von Bitget. Mit dem Anstieg des Marktanteils auf 4,25 % wurde der bisherige Höchststand vom April 2024 übertroffen. Vergleicht man die Veränderung der Marktanteile des kombinierten Spot– und Derivatemarkts, so haben Bitget, Coinbase und Crypto(dot)com am meisten von der Entwicklung im Jahr 2024 profitiert und steigerten ihre Marktanteile um 4,05 %, 3,89 % und 3,39 % auf 10,5 %, 5,43 % bzw. 4,71 %.

Zuvor wurde der Bitget Token (BGB) von Forbes für das erste Halbjahr 2024 als eine der zehn Kryptowährungen mit der besten Performance eingestuft. Seitdem hat BGB mit einem Anstieg von über 1000 % im letzten Jahr alle Erwartungen übertroffen. Durch die Verringerung des Angebots von BGB, die Erweiterung der Nutzbarkeit und Ausweitung praktischer Anwendungen wird Bitget mehr Funktionen und Produkte im Bitget–Ökosystem stärken und nachhaltiges Wachstum und langfristigen Wert für Inhaber fördern.

Die Aufnahme von Bitget in die Forbes–Liste des Jahres 2025 der vertrauenswürdigsten Kryptobörsen der Welt unterstreicht sein bemerkenswertes Wachstum und seine wachsende Glaubwürdigkeit in der Branche. Mit einem starken BTC–ETH–Holding–Score und einem Fokus auf Transparenz gilt Bitget als eine der sichersten Kryptobörsen der Welt. Mit einem transparenten Nachweis der Reserven, der ihre Vermögenswerte zu 100 % absichert, und einem Schutzfonds in Höhe von 600 Mio. USD zum Schutz der Benutzer hat die Börse ihr weltweites Wachstum beschleunigt. Die Aufnahme in die Forbes–Rangliste zeigt den steigenden Einfluss der Börse im Kryptobereich.

Über Bitget

Bitget wurde 2018 gegründet und ist die weltweit führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma. Mit über 100 Millionen Benutzern in mehr als 150 Ländern und Regionen hat sich die Bitget–Börse dazu verpflichtet, Ihren Benutzern mit ihrer bahnbrechenden Copy–Trading–Funktion und anderen Handelslösungen dabei zu helfen, intelligenter zu handeln. Sie bietet gleichzeitig einen Echtzeit–Zugang zu Bitcoin–KursenEthereum–Kursen und anderen Kryptowährungspreisen. Die ehemals unter dem Namen BitKeep bekannte Bitget Wallet ist eine erstklassige Multichain–Krypto–Wallet, die eine Reihe umfassender Web3–Lösungen und –Funktionen, darunter Wallet–Funktionen, Token Swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp–Browser und mehr, bietet.

Bitget steht an vorderster Front, wenn es darum geht, die Akzeptanz von Kryptowährungen durch strategische Partnerschaften voranzutreiben, wie z. B. als offizieller Krypto–Partner der weltbesten Fußball–Liga LALIGA für den OST–, SEA– und LATAM–Markt, sowie als globaler Partner der türkischen Nationalsportler Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Weltmeister im Ringen), Samet Gümüş (Goldmedaillengewinner im Boxen) und İlkin Aydın (Volleyball–Nationalmannschaft), um die globale Gemeinschaft zu inspirieren, Teil der Zukunft der Kryptowährung zu werden.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Für Medienanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: [email protected]

Risikohinweis: Die Preise digitaler Vermögenswerte unterliegen Schwankungen und können eine hohe Volatilität aufweisen. Anlegern wird empfohlen, nur Gelder zu investieren, deren Verlust sie sich leisten können. Der Wert jeder Investition kann beeinträchtigt werden, und es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die finanziellen Ziele nicht erreicht werden und die Investition nicht zurückgezahlt werden kann. Es sollte immer eine unabhängige Finanzberatung in Anspruch genommen werden, und die persönliche finanzielle Erfahrung und Situation sollte sorgfältig geprüft werden. Die Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit ist kein zuverlässiger Indikator für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Bitget übernimmt keine Haftung für etwaige Verluste. Die hierin enthaltenen Informationen sind nicht als Finanzberatung auszulegen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren Nutzungsbedingungen.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001045992)

Forbes classe Bitget parmi les Bourses de crypto-monnaies les plus fiables au monde

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 31 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, la principale Bourse de crypto–monnaies et société Web3, a été citée par Forbes dans son classement des 25 Bourses de crypto–monnaies les plus fiables au monde. Occupant la huitième place du classement, Bitget a déclaré un afflux d’utilisateurs au cours de la dernière année ainsi qu’une myriade de mises à niveau et de collaborations qui ont contribué à la mettre en bonne position pour effectuer son entrée dans le club. Le classement met à l’honneur des Bourses de crypto–monnaies du monde entier, dont notamment des acteurs de premier plan tels que Coinbase, Binance et Robinhood.

Récemment, dans son rapport de transparence, Bitget a fait état d’une augmentation de 400 % de sa base d’utilisateurs qui a dépassé les 100 millions d’utilisateurs en décembre, tandis que le volume des transactions au comptant est passé de 160 milliards de dollars au premier trimestre à 600 milliards de dollars au quatrième trimestre. De la collaboration avec les athlètes nationaux turcs à la légendaire ligue de football LALIGA en passant par l’arrivée de nouveaux membres dans l’équipe de direction de l’entreprise et la création de plusieurs licences, Bitget a renforcé sa position de leader mondial en se hissant au rang de deuxième plus grand écosystème d’échange cryptographique.

Bitget se concentre sur ses marchés d’expansion via un marketing localisé, des partenariats, ainsi que des initiatives pédagogiques. La Bourse propose une intégration simplifiée, des passerelles vers les monnaies fiduciaires ainsi qu’un support client localisé afin de faciliter l’accès. Bitget investit également dans l’éducation à la blockchain, les parrainages stratégiques et les programmes d’incitations afin de fidéliser les utilisateurs dans les régions à forte croissance. Avec l’arrivée de Hon NG chez Bitget au poste de directeur juridique, l’équipe témoigne désormais d’un ferme engagement en matière de conformité. Récemment, Bitget a obtenu l’approbation du Royaume–Uni, une licence BSP au Salvador, et a même ouvert une nouvelle Bourse au Vietnam qu’elle pourra gérer conformément aux exigences locales.

Un récent rapport de CCData met en évidence le succès de Bitget dont la part de marché a atteint 4,25 %, dépassant ainsi son précédent record historique enregistré en avril 2024. La comparaison de l’évolution de la part de marché du marché au comptant et des produits dérivés combinés révèle que Bitget, Coinbase et Crypto(dot)com ont été les plus grands bénéficiaires de l’année 2024 avec une augmentation de leurs parts de marché de 4,05 %, 3,89 % et 3,39 % à 10,5 %, 5,43 % et 4,71 % respectivement.

Précédemment, le jeton Bitget (BGB) avait été classé par Forbes parmi les 10 crypto–monnaies les plus performantes pour le premier semestre 2024. Depuis lors, le BGB a dépassé toutes les attentes en affichant une augmentation de plus de 1 000 % l’année dernière. En réduisant l’offre de BGB, en améliorant l’utilité et en élargissant le périmètre des applications concrètes, Bitget prévoit de renforcer un plus grand nombre de fonctionnalités et de produits au sein de l’écosystème Bitget, ce qui permettra de favoriser une croissance durable et de générer de la valeur à long terme pour les détenteurs.

L’arrivée de Bitget dans le classement 2025 des Bourses cryptographiques les plus fiables au monde publié par Forbes souligne son développement remarquable et sa crédibilité croissante dans le secteur. Avec un score élevé de détention de BTC–ETH et une attention particulière portée à la transparence, Bitget est aujourd’hui l’une des Bourses cryptographiques les plus sécurisés au monde. Avec une preuve de réserves transparente qui garantit 100 % de ses actifs et un fonds de protection doté de 600 millions de dollars qui protège ses utilisateurs, la Bourse a accéléré sa croissance dans le monde entier. Son inclusion dans le classement de Forbes illustre l’influence croissante de la Bourse dans le domaine des crypto–monnaies.

À propos de Bitget

Fondée en 2018, Bitget est la première Bourse de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 100 millions d’utilisateurs répartis dans plus de 150 pays et régions, la Bourse Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonctionnalité révolutionnaire de copy trading et ses autres solutions de trading, tout en fournissant un accès en temps réel aux cours du Bitcoin, de l’Ethereum et d’autres cryptomonnaies. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multi–chaînes de classe mondiale qui offre une gamme de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3 complètes, dont notamment des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, d’échange de jetons, une place de marché NFT et un navigateur DApp, entre autres.

Bitget est le fer de lance de l’adoption des cryptomonnaies grâce à des partenariats stratégiques, comme en témoigne son rôle de partenaire crypto officiel de la meilleure ligue de football au monde, LA LIGA, dans les régions EASTERN, SEA et LATAM, ou encore de partenaire mondial des athlètes olympiques turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (championne du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaille d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball). Bitget a pour vocation d’inciter la population mondiale à embrasser l’avenir des cryptomonnaies.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez : Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
Pour toute demande média, veuillez nous contacter à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]

Mise en garde sur les risques : les cours des actifs numériques peuvent fluctuer et connaître une forte volatilité. Il est recommandé aux investisseurs d’investir uniquement la somme qu’ils peuvent se permettre de perdre. La valeur de votre investissement peut être affectée et il est possible que vous n’atteigniez pas vos objectifs financiers ou que vous ne parveniez pas à récupérer votre investissement principal. Nous vous encourageons à toujours solliciter les conseils d’un spécialiste indépendant de la finance et à tenir compte de votre expérience et de votre situation financière. Les performances passées ne constituent pas un indicateur fiable des résultats futurs. Bitget décline toute responsabilité envers toute perte potentielle encourue. Nulle disposition des présentes ne saurait être interprétée comme un conseil d’ordre financier. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter nos Conditions d’utilisation.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001045992)

Mexico’s New Economic Plan Lacks Energy

Portion of the Jáltipan-Salina Cruz pipeline, which operates between the southeastern state of Veracruz and the southern region of Oaxaca. To meet its industrialization goals, Mexico would have to increase its reliance on fossil gas imported from the United States. Credit: Cenagás

Portion of the Jáltipan-Salina Cruz pipeline, which operates between the southeastern state of Veracruz and the southern region of Oaxaca. To meet its industrialization goals, Mexico would have to increase its reliance on fossil gas imported from the United States. Credit: Cenagás

By Emilio Godoy
MEXICO, Jan 31 2025 – This January, Mexico has embarked on a new industrial path for the next six years, where the viability of its energy component faces fundamental challenges that put it at risk.

Energy scarcity is among the main obstacles faced by the economic program of President Claudia Sheinbaum, who has been in office since October.

Researcher Luca Ferrari from the Geosciences Center of the public National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) identified limited financial resources and energy supply as barriers to progress.

“There are budgetary and energy quantity constraints. Increased industrialization for export will run into energy shortages or very limited availability, due to necessary investments and where they will come from. We are in a very precarious energy situation because we are dependent on fossil fuels and are energy deficient,” he told IPS.”These are isolated projects that may be interesting. They are a statement of intentions, but should be read in light of other public policy instruments, such as climate and transition, along with the need to align with a comprehensive energy policy”: Carlos Asunsolo.

Launched on January 13 under the general title of the National Industrialization and Shared Prosperity Strategy, Plan Mexico (PM) consists of 10 objectives, 13 goals, 2,000 projects, and a total planned investment of US$277 billion, which would create 1.5 million new jobs in manufacturing and other sectors.

Among the plan’s investments, which are seen internally as a partial response to the arrival of ultra-conservative Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency, is an investment by the state-owned Federal Electricity Commissionx (CFE) of US$23.4 billion.

Of this, US$12.3 billion will be allocated to generation, US$7.5 billion to transmission infrastructure, and US$3.6 billion to decentralized photovoltaic production in homes.

Additionally, the government is preparing rules for the private sector’s renewed participation in electricity generation, a modality suspended since 2018 to favor CFE and also the state-owned Mexican Petroleum (Pemex).

This return would include, among other measures, lower energy purchase costs for the electric monopoly and the use of storage batteries to maintain grid stability.

As a result, the plan would add 21,893 megawatts (MW) to the national energy matrix, aiming to reach a 37.8% of clean energy, up from the current 22.5%. By law, CFE controls 54% of the electricity market, with the rest being in private hands.

At least 17 transmission and distribution projects are under study for implementation at an undetermined time, but their development would be independent of the new PM, which does incorporate several projects already underway, as well as new ones.

With a current installed capacity of 89,000 MW, in 2024 approximately 63% of electricity generation depended on fossil gas, followed by conventional thermoelectricity (6.8%), hydroelectricity (5.9%), wind energy (5.8%), solar photovoltaic (5.2%), nuclear (3%), and geothermal (1%).

Renewable sources have an installed capacity of 33,517 MW but only contribute 22.5% of electricity.

In December 2023, during the annual climate summit in Dubai, Mexico joined the Global Commitment on Renewables and Energy Efficiency, which aims to triple alternative installed capacity and double the energy efficiency rate by 2030. Thus, the PM would fall short of the clean generation target.

The first phase of the Puerto Peñasco photovoltaic plant, with a capacity of 120 megawatts and located in the northern state of Sonora, has been operational since 2023. The Mexican government included the project in its multi-billion-dollar investment for the energy sector. Credit: Government of Mexico

The first phase of the Puerto Peñasco photovoltaic plant, with a capacity of 120 megawatts and located in the northern state of Sonora, has been operational since 2023. The Mexican government included the project in its multi-billion-dollar investment for the energy sector. Credit: Government of Mexico

Gasify, baby, gasify

Since December 2018, when Sheinbaum’s predecessor and mentor left-wing populist Andrés Manuel López Obrador took office as president, Mexico has pursued the so far unattained goal of energy sovereignty, one of whose effects has been the halt of the transition to less polluting fuels.

Sheinbaum’s new package of projects continues this model but also deviates from its extremes, in what seems like the resurrection of the much-needed energy transition, in a strategy marked by apparent contradictions.

For Carlos Asunsolo, manager of Research and Public Policy at the non-governmental Mexican Center for Environmental Law (Cemda), Plan Mexico lacks specific details, such as the pathways to achieve the goals.

“These are isolated projects that may be interesting. It is a statement of intentions, but it should be read in light of other public policy instruments, such as climate and transition, along with the need to align with a comprehensive energy policy,” he analyzed for IPS.

The expert cited concerns about project execution conditions, their type, human rights guarantees, and transparency.

One of the pillars of PM is promoting the relocation (nearshoring) of companies in sectors such as electronics, high technology, and the automotive industry. This is due to the alteration of global maritime transport routes, the repercussions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and the trade dispute between the United States and China.

This section also needs energy and projects progress in the construction of 100 industrial parks, including 12 in the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT), a megaproject already underway under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Navy.

This corridor in the southeast of the country is one of the three most important legacies of the current government, along with the Maya Train in the southeastern Yucatán Peninsula and the Olmeca refinery in the state of Tabasco, also in the southeast. All three are integrated into the new PM.

The CIIT involves the construction and modernization of three rail routes and three ports between the Pacific coast and the Atlantic Gulf of Mexico.

A lone solar panel powering a water well in the rural community of Tahdzui, in the southeastern Mexican state of Yucatán. The government of Claudia Sheinbaum has shown signs of reviving the clean energy transition, which had been suspended since 2018, including decentralized generation. Credit: Emilio Godoy / IPS

A lone solar panel powering a water well in the rural community of Tahdzui, in the southeastern Mexican state of Yucatán. The government of Claudia Sheinbaum has shown signs of reviving the clean energy transition, which had been suspended since 2018, including decentralized generation. Credit: Emilio Godoy / IPS

But these facilities, which seek regional development in the southeast and the substitution of imports from Asia, require lots of energy. Existing and planned renewable generation would not be enough in this area, which would lead Mexico to deepen its dependence on gas imported from the United States.

Since 2010, the northern neighbor has sent more than 18 billion cubic feet (ft3) of gas to Mexico via pipelines. In 2023, Mexico consumed 8.514 billion ft3 daily, of which it imported 6.141 billion from the United States, making it the supplier of 72% of all its gas.

Additionally, the López Obrador administration promoted the Sonora Sustainable Energy Plan, which includes photovoltaic energy, lithium exploitation, and electric vehicle manufacturing in the northern state of Sonora, and which is now incorporated into Sheinbaum’s PM.

One of its components is the Puerto Peñasco photovoltaic plant in Sonora, whose first phase of 120 MW has been operational since 2023. When completed in 2026, it will provide 1,000 MW, with a total investment of $1.6 billion.

For Ferrari, the UNAM researcher, the only possibility for more energy to sustain the business promise is gas.

“We are already in a ridiculously dependent situation. In the United States, production has stabilized over the past year, and it is likely to fall in the coming years. Gas delivery to Mexico is not guaranteed,” he predicted.

Meanwhile, specialist Asunsolo considers it essential to question for whom and for what more energy is being generated, the size of the projects, and the fueling of consumption, at a time when the climate crisis is tightening its grip on very vulnerable places like Mexico.

“There is a clear bet for CFE, through gas, and Pemex, through hydrocarbons, to be the main energy policy. We are only swapping one problem for another with the change of source. If it does not translate into a reduction of hydrocarbons, only generation capacity is increased. There is a confusing message,” emphasized the Cemda expert.

As it progresses, the PM will not only have to face energy obstacles, according to analysts, but will also have to navigate the growing water deficit.

Northern Mexico and parts of the center, south, and southeast were experiencing some degree of drought by January 15, raising questions about water availability for the large projects outlined in the new industrial plan.


Gaza Humanitarian Aid: How a Lack of Political Will Sabotaged Resolution 2720

Sigrid Kaag, Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. Credit: UN Photo

Sigrid Kaag, Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. Credit: UN Photo

By Dawn Clancy
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 31 2025 – Before the three-phased ceasefire deal—proposed by President Joe Biden and dragged over the finish line by the then-incoming Donald Trump administration—silenced the bombs and drones over Gaza and allowed for humanitarian aid to flow into the strip, there was United Nations Security Council Resolution 2720.

Adopted on December 22, 2023, and tabled by the United Arab Emirates, the resolution was created to streamline and accelerate the delivery and distribution of much-needed humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. However, critics of the resolution say that a lack of political will and cooperation from the Israeli government and COGAT, the aid coordination arm of Israel’s military—identified by UN bodies and aid organizations on the ground in Gaza as the primary obstruction to aid delivery and distribution—paralyzed the implementation of the resolution’s mandate, unnecessarily prolonging the suffering of Palestinian civilians in the battered and bloodied enclave.

COGAT did not respond to a request for comment.

The resolution also tasked Secretary-General António Guterres to appoint a senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator to expedite the mandate and to “establish a UN mechanism for accelerating the provision of humanitarian relief.” For that role, he chose Sigrid Kaag of the Netherlands. She officially started the job on January 8, 2024.

“There are thousands of trucks [with humanitarian aid] trying and failing” to enter Gaza, said Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s ambassador to the UN, in her remarks to the Council before the vote in December 2023. “Unless we take drastic action, there will be famine in Gaza.” The situation for Palestinians, she added, is “desperate” and “unbearable.”

In the name of self-defense and security, Israeli Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Jonathan Miller, told Council members after resolution 2720 was adopted that Israel “will not change” its approach to the delivery and distribution of aid. In stark contrast to Nusseibeh’s warning of a looming famine in the strip, Miller said, “Hundreds of truckloads of aid enter Gaza every day… the only roadblock for aid entry is the UN’s ability to accept them.”

But Kaag chipped away at Miller’s claim in her first public briefing to the Security Council on April 24, 2024—her first official briefing was a closed session with Security Council members on January 30, 2024—which followed an Israeli airstrike on a World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid convoy in Gaza that killed seven aid workers on April 1.

Notably, before the WCK strike, leadership at the highest levels of the UN recognized the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. Secretary-General Guterres described the humanitarian situation as “appalling.” And Martin Griffiths, the former UN relief chief, told the Security Council that “providing humanitarian assistance across Gaza is almost impossible.”

Jeremy Konyndyk, the president of Refugees International, in a televised interview, called out Israel for “actively blocking humanitarian groups” from getting into northern and southern Gaza. “What we need to see is the opening of border crossings,” said Konyndyk. “We need to see Israel doing much more to facilitate humanitarian action.”

Meanwhile, the “tragic” and unintentional WCK military strike—as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described it in a video statement—drew heaps of condemnation and criticism from the international community, prompting Netanyahu, after a call with Biden, to make commitments to improve Israel’s approach to humanitarian aid in Gaza, which Kaag noted in her remarks on April 24. Some of these steps included an increase in the volume of aid crossing into Gaza, the temporary opening of the Erez crossing and the opening of Ashdod port for humanitarian goods.

“There’s still a lot of work to be done,” Kaag told reporters after the council meeting. She added that her mandate “requires the full cooperation of the Israeli authorities.”

However, three months after the WCK military strike, on July 29, 2024, while briefing reporters at UN headquarters in New York from Amman, Jordan, Kaag, who had just returned from a trip to Gaza, described the situation as “absolutely catastrophic” and the level of destruction as “almost incomprehensible.” When Kaag returned to New York to brief the Council on September 16, her assessment grew darker.

“Effective humanitarian operations require the right quality, quantity and a broad range of goods to meet the daily needs of civilians in Gaza. That goal is not being met.” She added that the breakdown of law and order and looting of supplies “are additional significant impediments to the UN operations in Gaza. “The operating conditions for humanitarian workers include denials, delays, a lack of safety and security and poor logistical infrastructure. This continues to hamper relief operations,” she said.

Contrary to Kaag’s briefing, Danny Danon, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, in his remarks to the council, described Israel’s humanitarian efforts as “unparalleled” for a country that was forced to go to war.

“We have gone above and beyond our obligations, aiming to improve the well-being of a civilian population embedded within the enemy,” he said. Less than a month later, on October 6, 2024, the Israeli military laid siege to north Gaza, complicating Resolution 2720’s mandate by prohibiting aid deliveries, including food and other essential supplies and trapping upwards of 65,000 Palestinians.

“We have been collectively killing ourselves to establish systems, negotiate, to get dual-use items in, to assist children that are deaf, to get their hearing aids… we’ve established the systems, the teams, the mechanism, the database, we’ve organized the suppliers,” Kaag told reporters in New York on December 10, 2024. “But there’s no substitute for political will. You can’t “ask humanitarians to do more.”

On January 17, 2025, the UN’s press office announced the temporary appointment of Kaag as special coordinator for the Middle East peace process. According to the statement, her new role “will be concurrent” with her present mandate as Gaza’s senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator.

Notably, as Kaag worked to implement her mandate to increase and streamline aid into the Gaza Strip, the International Court of Justice (ICJ)—the judicial body of the United Nations—ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to take steps to prevent genocide in Gaza, including taking all measures within its power to provide adequate access to food, water, fuel, shelter and medical supplies to civilians in Gaza. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) issued reports of imminent famine in Gaza. Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a report that detailed how Israeli authorities have “deliberately obstructed Palestinians’ access to the adequate amount of water required for survival.”

Amnesty International published a report on December 5, 2024, concluding that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza by “failing to facilitate meaningful access within Gaza so others, particularly humanitarian organizations, could deliver essential services and life-saving supplies.” And on November 21, 2024, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity and the “war crime of starvation as a method of warfare.”

Additionally, a recent ProPublica investigation revealed that two humanitarian agencies within the US government had concluded last spring that “Israel had deliberately blocked deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza.” The investigation claims that former US Secretary of State Antony Blinken rejected the agency’s findings.

Despite multiple attempts by IPS to interview a variety of humanitarian aid organizations on the implementation of resolution 2720 and its impact on the ground in Gaza—including whether Kaag has effectively executed her ongoing mandate and whether Israel played a primarily obstructive role in the process—some, due to the issue’s sensitivity, declined to speak on the record.

A spokesperson for Islamic Relief did, however, provide IPS with an email statement.

“UN resolution 2720 did not deliver on its mandate to get more humanitarian aid to people in Gaza. It should have led to a massive surge in aid, but instead the amount of aid getting into Gaza decreased even further. Israel has continued to use starvation and denial of aid as a weapon of war, violating international law and UN resolutions with complete impunity.”

A series of humanitarian access snapshot reports published by a group of international humanitarian organizations operating in Gaza also provides insight into the challenges aid workers face despite what Security Council Resolution 2020 has tried to accomplish. These include, according to available snapshots, denials and delays in the delivery of food, medical and building supplies, forced displacement of humanitarian staff and multiple incidents of the Israeli military targeting areas close to aid distribution sites.

After 15 months of war, President Biden, alongside the Trump administration, announced a three-phased ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, the armed group that attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. The deal’s first phase, which began on January 19, called for a surge in humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has reported that through “interactions with the Israeli authorities and the guarantors for the ceasefire deal,” 915 aid trucks crossed into the Gaza Strip on Monday, January 20, and 897 entered on Tuesday. OCHA estimates that a daily average of 76 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered Gaza in December 2024. Currently, the flow of aid into Gaza and other critical supplies continues as the ceasefire appears to be holding. It updates humanitarian aid daily.

Still, the uptick in trucks entering Gaza, notably more than the 600 a day stipulated in the ceasefire agreement, has some wondering why aid has been so severely obstructed for the last 15 months.

“You can make the argument that it was more difficult to deliver supplies during Israel’s military campaign than it is during a ceasefire,” said Mouin Rabbani, a nonresident fellow at the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies. However, he added that the sudden surge in aid “shows that there was a decision, a policy to starve the Gaza Strip.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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شركة Budget Saudi تتعاون مع المؤثر Azooz Bakr لجمع الناس معاً من خلال مبادرة ’Quit Screens to Scenes‘

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — أطلقت شركة Budget Saudi Arabia، وهي الشركة الرائدة في مجال تأجير السيارات في المملكة العربية السعودية، مبادرة مُلهمة لجمع الأصدقاء والعائلات والأحباء معاً. وتأكيداً على التزامها بتمكين الأشخاص من الانطلاق في تجارب سفر وتنقّل ممتعة، عقدت الشركة شراكة مع المؤثر السعودي Azooz Bakr لإضفاء أجواء ممتعة على المناسبات خاصة والاحتفال باللحظات القيّمة وتكوين ذكريات جميلة.

ومع تنامي عدد الأفراد الذين يمضون المزيد من الوقت في استخدام الإنترنت أكثر من أي وقت مضى، طرحت شركة Budget Saudi مبادرتها الجديدة “ Quit Screens to Scenes” لإلهام المستهلكين في جميع أنحاء المملكة وتشجيعهم على الانغماس في العلاقات الحقيقية، وتحويل المشاركات الافتراضية إلى تجارب شخصية هادفة.

تماشياً مع القيم التي تنتهجها شركة Budget Saudi ومهمتها المتمثلة في تنظيم مغامرات مخصّصة ورحلات تنقّل لعملائها، ستوفر المبادرة خدمة جديدة للمستهلكين. فبدلاً من توجيه رسالة رقمية، سواء كان ذلك عبر رسالة نصية أو بريد إلكتروني، إلى صديق أو أحد أفراد العائلة عند الاحتفال بالمناسبات الخاصة مثل أعياد الميلاد والترقيات الوظيفية والإنجازات المهنية الجديدة، ستوفر شركة Budget Saudi للأشخاص فرصة إعادة التواصل مع الأشخاص الأقرب إليهم ومشاركتهم احتفالاتهم الخاصة على أرض الواقع.

هذا وسيتولى Azooz Bakr إيصال المشاركين شخصياً لمفاجأة أحبائهم والاحتفال معهم، ما من شأنه أن يحوّل التفاعلات الافتراضية إلى مناسبات مميزة بالفعل. وستتولى شركة Budget Saudi Arabia مسؤولية الاهتمام بجميع الخدمات اللوجستية للحرص على أن تكون التجربة سلسة وبسيطة قدر الإمكان، مع التأكيد على أن الاحتفاء بالروابط والعلاقات الشخصية في العالم الحقيقي يمكن أن يكون بسيطاً وسهلاً، تماماً مثل إرسال رسالة افتراضية، إنما أكثر قيمة وفعالية.

وفي هذا السياق، قال Fawaz Abdullah Danish، الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لمجموعة Budget Saudi Arabia: “تفخر شركة Budget Saudi بالتزامها الراسخ نحو إيصال الأفراد إلى حيث يريدون، تماشياً مع شعارها KEEP MOVING. نحن ندرك أهمية جمع الأحباء ولمّ شملهم للاحتفال باللحظات والمناسبات الأكثر أهمية بالنسبة لهم. ومن خلال القيام بذلك، ندرك أن عملنا يتخطى مجرد تمكين العملاء من الانتقال من مكان إلى آخر؛ إنها الخطوة التي تحررهم من القيود التي يفرضها الوضع الحالي نحو حرية الإبداع والتمكين. وهي تمكّن الأفراد من إثراء حياتهم من خلال السماح لهم بتعزيز علاقاتهم مع الأشخاص الأقرب إليهم، بغض النظر عن المسافات التي تفصل بينهم. وهذا هو الهدف من إطلاق مبادرة ’ Quit Screens to Scenes‘، التي نسعى من خلالها إلى تغيير حياة الأفراد والطريقة التي يحتفلون بها بمناسباتهم الشخصية من خلال سد الفجوة بين العالمين الافتراضي والحقيقي“.

لمشاهدة الصورة المرفقة بهذا البيان الصحفي، يُرجى زيارة الرابط الإلكتروني التالي: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/77be71a6–1e02–44d1–a0e1–82ee22325b84

جهات الاتصال:
Wael Abdel Samad
البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001045961)

Budget Saudi s’associe à Azooz Bakr dans le but de rapprocher les gens grâce à l’initiative « Quit Screens to Scenes »

RIYADH, Arabie saoudite, 31 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Budget Saudi Arabia, la principale société de location de voitures du Royaume, a lancé une initiative prometteuse visant à réunir les amis, les familles et les proches. Afin de souligner son engagement à donner à chacun les moyens de se lancer dans des expériences de voyage et de transport enrichissantes, la société s’est associée à l’influenceur saoudien Azooz Bakr pour l’animation d’occasions spéciales, la célébration de moments précieux ainsi que la création de souvenirs.

À l’heure où un nombre croissant de personnes passent plus de temps en ligne que jamais, la nouvelle initiative de Budget Saudi intitulée « Quit Screens to Scenes » a été lancée dans le but d’inciter les consommateurs de tout le Royaume à s’immerger dans des connexions avec le monde réel et de transformer ainsi leurs interactions virtuelles en expériences significatives et concrètes.

Fidèle aux valeurs de Budget Saudi Arabia et en accord avec la mission de l’entreprise qui consiste à organiser des aventures de transport pour ses clients, l’initiative offrira un nouveau service aux consommateurs. Au lieu d’envoyer un message numérique, que ce soit par SMS ou par e–mail, à un ami ou à un membre de la famille pour célébrer des occasions ou des fêtes tels que des anniversaires, des promotions professionnelles et de nouvelles étapes de carrière, Budget Saudi offrira à chacun la possibilité de renouer avec ses proches et de participer à des célébrations spéciales sur le terrain.

Les participants seront personnellement accompagnés par Azooz Bakr pour organiser des surprises et des célébrations avec leurs proches de manière à transformer chaque interaction virtuelle en une occasion vraiment spéciale. Toute la logistique sera prise en charge par Budget Saudi Arabia afin de rendre l’expérience aussi fluide, transparente et simple que possible, et de souligner le fait que la célébration de nos relations humaines dans le monde réel peut être aussi simple que l’envoi d’un message virtuel — et bien plus gratifiante.

Fawaz Abdullah Danish, président et directeur général du groupe Budget Saudi Arabia, a déclaré : « Chez Budget Saudi, nous sommes très fiers de CONTINUER À FAIRE BOUGER les gens pour qu’ils puissent être là où ils ont besoin d’être. Nous comprenons toute l’importance de cette démarche — lorsque nous réunissons nos proches pour célébrer les moments et les occasions qui comptent le plus pour eux. En faisant cela, nous reconnaissons que notre travail va au–delà du simple fait de permettre aux clients de se déplacer d’un point A à un point B : il s’agit en réalité d’un déplacement qui brise les chaînes du statu quo pour accéder à la liberté de la créativité et de l’autonomisation. Il permet aux gens d’enrichir leur vie en renforçant leurs liens avec leurs proches. Peu importe la distance qui les sépare. L’initiative « Quit Screens to Scenes » a été créé pour faire exactement cela : transformer les célébrations personnelles et la vie des gens en comblant le fossé qui sépare l’espace virtuel du monde réel. »

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/77be71a6–1e02–44d1–a0e1–82ee22325b84

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001045961)

Avatars of Extinction: ‘Endlings’ and the Protection of the Species That Remain

By External Source
Jan 31 2025 (IPS-Partners)

George the Pinta Island tortoise and Martha the passenger pigeon achieved fame as ‘endlings’ – the last individuals of their species. Their passing is tragic, but can their fate perhaps help us to protect other threatened species?

In this final episode of Season 4, Brit interviews Dr. Alexander Lees, from Manchester University in the UK, who has been working on Amazonian conservation issues for more than 20 years and has a particular interest in birdlife. Brit also hears from Joanna Lilley, a poet who uses verse to capture the beauty and tragedy of endlings.

To find out more about IPBES, head to www.ipbes.net or follow us on social media @IPBES.


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The Road to and from Wuhan: Is Trump a Threat to Global Health?

By Jan Lundius
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan 31 2025 – On his first day in office, President Donald Trump signed an executive order withdrawing the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO) – a move experts say makes the U.S. and other countries less safe from infectious diseases and other public-health threats. It might thus be opportune to return to the global COVID 19 pandemic. Has the threat really gone away? Can something similar not erupt again?

Around the world, numerous scientific institutions store and experiment with deadly microbes and viruses. This is done for the benefit of humanity, but it might also have more macabre aspects. It has happened that deadly material leaked from laboratories; perhaps not too often, but the risk is always there. On 2 April, 1979, the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), at the time with a population of over a million, was struck by an accidental release of anthrax bacteria, which officially killed at least 68 people (as in similar cases, this figure is likely to be a low estimate). Nevertheless, Soviet/Russian research on the development of chemical and biological weapons continued and, evidently, still does. The use of the radioactive nerve agent Novichok has drawn significant attention. Developed between 1971 and 1993, Novichok has reportedly been used on several occasions to poison and kill Russian dissidents.

A great amount of material from the infamous Japanese Unit 731 was after World War II brought to both the Soviet Union and the U.S. In the USSR it became the basis for the development of the Sverdlovsk facilities and in the U.S. it were brought to the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, where it, just as in the USSR, were further developed. Strangely enough, the facilities at Fort Detrick were shut down in August 2019, only three months before the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported from China. The reason for the closure was cited as “a risk of severe threats to public, animal, or plant health, as well as animal or plant products.” No further details were provided.

Unit 731 was a secret biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army, where horrific human experimentation occurred – no one survived these experiments, which nevertheless was meticulously recorded by the researchers who performed them, leaving behind a vast documentation. Between 1936 and 1945, approximately 14,000 victims were murdered in Unit 731, established in occupied Manchuria, while at least 300,000 individuals died due to infectious illnesses originating from Unit 731 and spread across China.

So, what is currently happening within intensely guarded and well protected microbiological facilities around the world? First and foremost, vaccines and drugs are being developed to eradicate and cure a variety of often life-threatening diseases. However, like all research, this can also have its downsides. Ron Fouchier is known for his research on respiratory viruses; how they can mutate, and through zoonosis spread from animals to humans. His research is also evidence of how viruses and microbes can be manipulated and altered within a laboratory environment. In 2003, at the annual meeting of the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza, assembled microbiologists listened as Fouchier described how he had transferred avian (bird) influenza from one animal to another, thus making the virus significantly more contagious.

He mutated the genetic sequence of the avian virus in many different ways, until, as he later put it, “someone convinced me to do something really, really stupid.” He spread the virus by allowing it to mutate in the nose of a ferret and then implanted the animal’s nasal fluid into the nose of another ferret. After ten such manipulations, from one ferret to another, the virus spread by itself among the animals and within a few days killed most of them. Fouchier found five new mutations of the virus and then managed to combine them into a single super-virus, turning out to be far more deadly than the original avian virus. He had thus achieved something that could probably happen in nature, where a virus mutates when transferred from one animal to another and thus become increasingly deadly. What happens in nature can be done much faster and more efficiently in a laboratory. Fouchier’s virus is now securely stored in an underground facility in Rotterdam.

China is the country that so far suffered the most from biological warfare. When Unit 731 had been destroyed and some of its researchers captured by Russians and Americans, the Chinese might not have had much interest, or time, to focus on the scientific results of the Japanese Biological – and Chemical warfare programmes. The country was torn apart by violent fighting between Chiang Kai-shek’s republican forces and Mao Zedong’s communists. However, there were branches of Unit 731 in Chinese-controlled areas. Unit 731’s largest auxiliary facilities had been established in Beijing, Nanjing, and Guangzhou, and it is likely that Chinese forces succeeded in securing some of the material from these installations

After the war and the Communists’ victory, the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ facilities in Beijing became the centre for the country’s microbiological research and branches were soon established throughout China. Wuhan’s microbiological laboratory was founded in 1956 and initially focused on research concerning zoonotic transmission of viral diseases.

The so-called Hong Kong flu struck China in the summer of 1968 and spread to Hong Kong, where half a million people fell ill, and after the disease had spread worldwide more than a million people died. This served as a warning for the Chinese authorities, who, despite the general chaos reigning in the country, discreetly began cooperating with international epidemiologists. This cooperation deepened over the years. Wuhan’s laboratory developed an intimate collaboration and exchange with researchers from Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas, Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory, and Centre international de recherche en infectiologie in Lyon, France.

The SARS virus, a group to which the deadly coronavirus belongs, first appeared in November 2002, causing a relatively mild epidemic, with about 8,500 cases, of which 800 died. It was a group of researchers from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology who found that China’s horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs for the SARS-like coronavirus. Wuhan’s researchers collected samples from thousands of horseshoe bats across China and isolated over 300 bat coronavirus sequences. In 2015, an international team, including two researchers from the Wuhan Institute, published their research results concerning the probability that a bat’s coronavirus could infect a human cell line. They had constructed a hybrid virus by combining a bat coronavirus with a SARS virus, which was then adapted to grow in mice and subsequently replicate human diseases. It was found that this hybrid virus could infect human cells.

We are still stuck with the question – where did SARS-CoV-2 originate? Can it be traced all the way back to Unit 731? Probably not. Did it come from a bat? It is very possible. Did it leak from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology? This continues to be an open question. The prestigious British scientific weekly journal Nature, stated in 4 December 2024 that most researchers now agree that SARS-CoV-2 finds its origins in animals. However, since the virus’ definitive origin has not yet been traced to any animal, some researchers continue to claim that the virus may have been developed in and then leaked – either by accident or intentionally – from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology.

In August of the same year, an editorial in the equally prestigious British medical journal The Lancet did in its monthly issue Lancet Microbe call for an end to all unscientific conspiracy theories about the virus leaking from Wuhan’s research laboratory, stating that “SARS-CoV-2 is a natural virus that found its way into humans through mundane contact with infected wildlife that went on to cause the most consequential pandemic for over a century. While it is scholarly to entertain alternative hypotheses, particularly when evidence is scarce, alternative hypotheses have been implausible for a long time and have only become more-so with increasing scrutiny. Those who eagerly peddle suggestions of laboratory involvement have consistently failed to present credible arguments to support their positions.”

The Lancet’s editorial writer continued to state that zealous attacks from amateurs might intimidate and even scare scientists, who are trying to objectively pursue their research.

“A worrying potential consequence of this saga is that it might have a chilling effect on the pursuit of answers in the future on both COVID-19 and new potential threats. With researchers unwilling to ask questions freely for fear of being persecuted when facts lead to inevitable refinement or revision of earlier conclusions.”

Accordingly, we have to let science continue to work undisturbed, though under supervision. However, this does not mean that we have to yield to unfounded conspiracy theories and leave global scientific cooperation. By leaving WHO, the U.S. is taking a first step on a dangerous road. This becomes even more worrisome while considering President Trump’s decision to nominate Robert F Kennedy Jr, a man without medical expertise and prone to believe in conspiracy theories, to become U.S. health secretary, overseeing everything from medical research to food safety and public welfare programmes. One of the mandates Trump will provide Kennedy with is to remove “corruption” from health agencies, whatever he might mean by that?

Main sources: Harris, Sheldon H. (2002) Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare 1932-1945, and The American Cover-up. New York: Routledge, and Specter, Michael (2012) “The deadliest Virus”, The New Yorker, March 4.

IPS UN Bureau


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‘Areas Essential to the Global Climate Are Being Threatened by Economic Projects’

Jan 31 2025 –  
CIVICUS discusses activism against oil auctions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with François Kamate, founder and coordinator of the young environmental volunteer movement Extinction Rebellion Rutshuru.

François Kamate

In October 2024, climate activists in the DRC won the suspension of a controversial oil and gas licence auction that threatened the Congo Basin rainforest and Virunga National Park, two carbon reservoirs that are vital for Africa. The civil society campaign exposed the environmental damage and social costs of oil extraction in these fragile ecosystems. Despite arrests and police violence, campaigners mobilised support through local actions, public protests, petitions and international partnerships. But the suspension is temporary and the government plans to resume auctions. In response, civil society has launched a new campaign, Our Oil-Free Earth.

What’s the current state of oil and gas exploitation in the DRC?

The DRC, a country with unique potential to respond to the global climate crisis, is paradoxically pursuing a policy of auctioning off its oil and gas. Companies such as Alfajiri Energy Corporation, Perenco, Production LLC, Red Winds Exploration and Symbion Power, in collaboration with the political and administrative authorities, have launched tenders to exploit 27 oil blocks and three gas blocks. These areas, which are vital for biodiversity, local communities and the global climate, are now threatened by these projects, which the authorities see as an economic opportunity.

These auctions continue despite the US$500 million agreement signed by the DRC at COP26 to halt deforestation in the Congo Basin. The example of Perenco, which has been exploiting resources in the Central Congo Province for 20 years, illustrates the disastrous consequences: further environmental degradation without any social benefits for local communities.

What would be the consequences of extraction in these ecosystems?

The consequences would be disastrous. In the short term, mining would destroy Upemba National Park, one of the country’s oldest, and Virunga National Park, Africa’s most biodiverse protected area, compromising their crucial role in regulating the global climate. The destruction of peatlands, which store immense amounts of carbon dioxide, would release massive quantities of greenhouse gases, exacerbating the climate crisis. Local communities would be exposed to an increase in respiratory diseases caused by air, soil and water pollution.

In the long term, mining would lead to land expropriation, the disruption of agricultural activities, increased insecurity for thousands of families and massive population displacement. It would also encourage the proliferation of armed groups in protected areas, exacerbating instability and encouraging corruption among the authorities.

What campaign tactics have been effective?

The most effective tactics have been those based on non-violent and peaceful action. We organised peaceful marches to mobilise people and draw attention to our cause. We organised sit-ins in strategic locations to keep the pressure on the authorities. We also used open letters to publicly question politicians and call for boycotts to target companies involved in oil and gas extraction. Public meetings helped raise awareness and mobilise local communities.

‘Dead city’ days – stay-at-home protests – were a symbolic but powerful form of protest, and door-to-door meetings with residents in affected areas strengthened our links with communities. Participatory forums and artistic activities such as musical performances were also essential in spreading our message.

How has the campaign influenced the debate on oil and gas extraction in the DRC?

The campaign has had a significant impact. It exposed the many irregularities in the process of putting oil and gas blocks up for sale. For example, there was a blatant contradiction between the minutes of the Council of Ministers, which announced 16 oil blocks, and the public statements of the Minister of Hydrocarbons, who spoke of 27 oil blocks and three gas blocks, revealing obvious corrupt practices.

Doubts have also been raised about the actual amount of oil available, calling into question the viability of these projects. The inexperience of some of the companies selected, such as Alfajiri, and disputes surrounding some of the blocks put up for sale have also been criticised.

What obstacles have you encountered?

First of all, the ongoing insecurity around some of the protected areas made it difficult to organise our activities. Threats from the authorities and armed groups present in parks such as Virunga were also a major obstacle.

The lack of resources to reach all the communities bordering the oil and gas blocks complicated our work. We also faced bans and repression of protests, intimidation, arrests of activists and interrogations.

To overcome these challenges, we implemented strategic communications, strengthened our international partnerships and adapted our approaches to local realities.

What’s your strategy for dealing with the possible relaunch of auctions?

We have launched a new campaign that will push for the definitive cancellation of the auctions and support for investment in clean and renewable energy. At the same time, we will be demanding that the DRC immediately withdraw from its bilateral agreement with Uganda on the exploitation of hydrocarbons from transboundary resources, given the disastrous impact of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline project on Ugandan people.

In order to achieve permanent cancellation, we need resources to invest in actions on the ground, expand our actions to other platforms, strengthen our links with other structures and organise coaching sessions and online or face-to-face mentoring to support activists in building sustainable social movements. We also need to participate in activist gatherings and international conferences to highlight auction issues and build global support for our cause.


DRC: ‘Civil society action is needed more than ever, but the space in which it can undertake it is getting smaller’ CIVICUS Lens | Interview with Bahati Rubango 13.Apr.2024
DRC: ‘Civil society is targeted by politicians who see it as an obstacle to their power’ CIVICUS Lens | Interview with Jonathan Magoma 08.Feb.2024
DRC: ‘Defending the environment means becoming the target of politicians and businesspeople’ CIVICUS Lens | Interview with Guillaume Kalonji 02.Aug.2023


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