Bitget devient le deuxième plus grand écosystème d’échange de crypto-monnaies par base d’utilisateurs

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 24 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, la principale bourse de crypto–monnaies et société Web3, a publié son rapport de transparence 2024. Il révèle que l’année passée a été l’une des plus fructueuses que la société ait connue depuis son lancement en 2018, en la faisant accéder au deuxième rang mondial des plus grands écosystèmes d’échange de crypto–monnaies par base d’utilisateurs. Porté par l’innovation, des décisions commerciales stratégiques ainsi qu’une forte demande pour des plateformes fiables, l’écosystème a été poussé à se développer au–delà de toute attente.

La plateforme a connu une forte augmentation de sa base d’utilisateurs : de 20 millions en janvier, elle est passée à plus de 100 millions en décembre, soit une croissance extraordinaire de 400 %. Cette expansion s’est accompagnée d’avancées significatives en termes d’activité de trading, avec un doublement des volumes quotidiens qui ont atteint les 20 milliards de dollars. En passant de 160 milliards de dollars au premier trimestre à 600 milliards de dollars au quatrième trimestre, les volumes de trading au comptant ont connu une croissance exponentielle. Ces excellents résultats sont le fruit d’une stratégie ciblée impliquant des offres hautement compétitives, des innovations centrées sur l’utilisateur, et un développement international.

Entre 2021 et 2024, la base d’utilisateurs de Bitget a enregistré une croissance substantielle dans plusieurs régions. Si l’Asie du Sud a connu une croissance de 200 %, l’Asie du Sud–Est a progressé de 140 % et le nombre d’utilisateurs européens a augmenté de 67 %, tandis que l’Amérique latine et le Moyen–Orient ont connu des augmentations significatives. La région de la CEI a enregistré une croissance de 150 %, et l’Afrique a quant à elle connu la plus forte augmentation en affichant un taux de 300 %.

Tout au long de l’année 2024, Bitget a lancé une série d’initiatives qui ont eu pour effet d’accélérer sa croissance au sein des écosystèmes CEX. Cette croissance est attribuée à l’augmentation de la demande d’actifs numériques à l’échelle mondiale pour laquelle Bitget propose une gamme diversifiée de services centralisés et décentralisés. L’intégration des outils « Smart Money » de Bitget Wallet, personnalisés pour l’analyse avancée des données on–chain, et le lancement de PoolX, une plateforme de stake–to–mine, ont permis d’améliorer l’engagement des utilisateurs et de diversifier les opportunités d’investissement. En outre, la société a lancé une plateforme de trading pré–marché qui offre aux utilisateurs un accès transparent aux nouveaux jetons et à la liquidité pré–cotation.

En collaboration avec Foresight Ventures, Bitget a réalisé un investissement stratégique de 30 millions de dollars dans la blockchain The Open Network (TON) en accord avec sa politique de soutien aux tendances émergentes telles que GameFi et Tap–to–Earn. La croissance rapide des volumes de transactions de TON et l’adoption d’applications décentralisées ont également joué un rôle important dans l’exploitation des opportunités du marché.

BGB, le jeton natif de la plateforme, a enregistré une augmentation de plus de 1 000 %, sa valeur ayant été multipliée par dix pour atteindre 8 $ à la fin de l’année. Un mécanisme de destruction de jetons nouvellement mis en œuvre, combiné à un utilitaire de jeton amélioré et à un livre blanc mis à jour, a contribué à cette croissance. En réduisant l’offre totale et en introduisant un programme trimestriel de destruction de jetons, Bitget a positionné le BGB au cœur de la future croissance de son écosystème.

En 2024, les transitions effectuées dans les postes de direction de la société ont encore affiné la trajectoire de Bitget. Gracy Chen, auparavant directrice générale, a pris les fonctions de PDG, devenant ainsi la seule femme dirigeante parmi les 10 premières bourses du monde. À ses côtés, Hon Ng a été nommé directeur juridique, Vugar Usi Zade directeur de l’exploitation, et Min Lin directeur commercial. Cette solide équipe de direction a joué un rôle stratégique dans la mise en œuvre d’initiatives stratégiques, dans les avancées obtenues en matière de conformité, ainsi que dans le développement de services axés sur l’utilisateur.

Grâce à cela, Bitget a obtenu des approbations clés, avec notamment une licence au Royaume–Uni, une licence de fournisseur de services Bitcoin (BSP) au Salvador, et le lancement d’une bourse localisée au Vietnam. Ces avancées ont été obtenues dans le respect des normes régionales tout en contribuant à étendre sa présence mondiale.

Grâce à des initiatives telles que Blockchain4Her, qui promeut la diversité des genres dans la blockchain, et Blockchain4Youth, qui sensibilise les jeunes professionnels du monde entier à la blockchain, Bitget a également enregistré des progrès en matière de responsabilité sociale d’entreprise. Ces programmes reflètent la vision plus large de la bourse de crypto–monnaies consistant à favoriser une croissance inclusive au sein de l’espace Web3.

Avec ses investissements stratégiques, ses succès en matière de réglementation et ses innovations centrées sur l’utilisateur, Bitget entame l’année 2025 en prenant le chemin d’une expansion et d’une influence continues au sein de l’écosystème cryptographique. Ces résultats exceptionnels de l’année écoulée attestent de la vision stratégique de la plateforme visant à façonner l’avenir de la blockchain et de la crypto–monnaie.

Pour consulter le rapport de transparence complet, veuillez cliquer ici.

À propos de Bitget

Fondée en 2018, Bitget est la première Bourse de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 45 millions d’utilisateurs recensés dans plus de 150 pays et régions, la Bourse Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonctionnalité révolutionnaire de copy trading et ses autres solutions de trading, tout en fournissant un accès en temps réel aux cours du Bitcoinde l’Ethereum et d’autres cryptomonnaies. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multi–chaînes de classe mondiale qui offre une gamme de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3 complètes, dont notamment des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, d’échange de jetons, une place de marché NFT et un navigateur DApp, entre autres.

Bitget est le fer de lance de l’adoption des cryptomonnaies grâce à des partenariats stratégiques, comme en témoigne son rôle de partenaire crypto officiel de la meilleure ligue de football au monde, LALIGA, sur les marchés de l’EST, de l’ASEAN et de l’Amérique latine, ou encore son rôle de partenaire mondial des athlètes olympiques turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (championne du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaillé d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball). Bitget a pour vocation d’inciter la population mondiale à embrasser l’avenir des cryptomonnaies.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez : Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001044743)

Report Exposes Silent Global Emergency as More Crises-Affected Children Need Urgent Education Support

Syrian children in an internal displaced people camp in Lebanon. Credit: ECW Choufany

Syrian children in an internally displaced people camp in Lebanon.
Credit: ECW Choufany

By Joyce Chimbi
NEW YORK & NAIROBI, Jan 24 2025 – A report released today on the International Day of Education sounds alarm as the number of school-aged children in crisis worldwide requiring urgent support to access quality education reaches a staggering 234 million—an estimated increase of 35 million over the past three years fueled by intensifying armed conflict, forced displacements, more frequent and severe weather and climatic events, and other crises.

According to the State of Education for Crisis-Affected Children and Adolescents: Access and Learning Outcomes, Global Estimates 2025 Report by Education Cannot Wait (ECW), a silent global emergency is festering as nearly a quarter of a billion crisis-affected children could be left behind the opportunity of a quality education.

“I wish I could wish you a happy International Day of Education. We have just released our Global Estimates Report 2025 showing the state of education for children and adolescents who are suffering armed conflicts, climate disasters and forced displacement. Today, we have a total number of 234 million children across over 50 armed conflict countries and contexts who do not access a quality education,” said Yasmine Sherif, ECW’s Executive Director.

“When will the world listen? We are about to hit a quarter of a billion children who cannot access a quality education while they are trying to survive in the midst of very extreme, brutal armed conflicts, brutal climate disasters or being on flight as refugees and forcibly displaced.”

Students in a temporary learning space for displaced children in Kikumbe Village, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Credit: ECW/Makangara

Students in a temporary learning space for displaced children in Kikumbe Village, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Credit: ECW/Makangara

Of these, 85 million, or 37 percent, are already out of school due to intersecting crises. Girls make up more than half of these children (52 percent); over 20 percent are children with disabilities, and 17 percent are forcibly displaced (this includes 13 percent who are internally displaced and 4 percent who are refugees and asylum seekers). Around 75 percent of the children with disabilities, an estimated 12.5 million, are affected by high-intensity crises. These are ECW’s top priority groups.

“The rest will go to school and sit behind a desk with no school supplies, no school feeding, no reading or learning and no mental health and psychosocial services. We are speaking about extreme learning poverty. It is a disaster that is worsening from one year to the next,” Sherif emphasised.

The transition to secondary school is still a right denied to too many crisis-affected children, as nearly 36 percent of children of lower-secondary and 47 percent of upper-secondary school-aged children are unable to access education. But even when in school, many are falling behind. Only 17 percent of crisis-affected primary school-aged children are able to read by the end of primary school.

The report exposes the scale and spread of the global education crisis, provides trends over time, and supports evidence-based policymaking. The 2025 Global Estimates is the third iteration of the insightful study, first published in 2022. Today, nearly half of the crisis-affected school-aged children globally live in sub-Saharan Africa, where the road to education is long and winding. Children in the sub-region are amongst those left furthest behind.

Overall, 50 percent of out-of-school crisis-affected children, or 42 million, are concentrated in just five protracted crises in Sudan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Pakistan. In 2024, Sudan experienced Africa’s most severe education crisis as armed conflict affected most of the country.

Sherif stressed that climate change and education are intrinsically linked, emphasizing that “while the climate-induced disasters are man-made in the global North, the ones paying the price are the people in the global South. They are the ones we have to provide with education because their education is being disrupted. Where, like in Pakistan, schools have been destroyed by floods, we need to rebuild back better so that the schools can withstand climate shocks.”

Young girls in a UNHCR relocation site in Birao, Central African Republic. Credit: ECW/Jiménez

Globally, ECW identified an estimated 234 million school-aged children and adolescents across 60 countries affected by crises. This figure defines “school-aged as one year before the legal age of entry in primary until the expected age of completion of secondary school. Widening the focus to children aged 3 years until the legal age of secondary school completion, the figure stands at 277 million.”

Despite these growing needs, the report raises concerns that humanitarian education aid funding has stagnated and, the share of total Official Development Assistance allocated to education has even declined in recent years. Stressing that failing to act perpetuates cycles of hunger, violence, disasters, extreme poverty, gender inequality, exploitation and human rights violations.

In humanitarian crises, access to quality education is not only a fundamental right; it is also lifesaving and life-sustaining. With crises intensifying and global conflicts doubling in five years, the need for action is greater than ever. Reaching all of these children requires urgent, additional financing to scale up results. ECW stresses that it is supporting Multi-Year Resilience Programmes in the majority of these crisis contexts and that all that is required to expand these programmes and reach more children with a quality holistic education is additional financing.

“The world invests more in military expenditures than in development, more in bombs than in schools. This is a call to action. As a global community, unless we start investing in the young generation—their education and future—we shall leave behind a legacy of destruction. Over USD 2 trillion are invested globally and annually in war machinery, all while a few hundred billion dollars could secure a quality education annually for children and their teachers in crises. It is time to drop the arms race and sprint for the human race,” Sherif argues.

As children cannot wait for wars to end or for the climate crisis to be resolved to have the opportunity, and their right, to learn and thrive, as by then, it would be too late, ECW urgently calls for USD 600 million in additional funding to reach at least 20 million crisis-affected girls and boys with the safety, opportunity, and hope of a quality education by 2026, accelerating progress towards realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Behind the numbers are children inside damaged walls of classrooms, makeshift refugee settlements, and communities torn apart by war and disaster, desperately holding on to the hope that education will help them to realize their dreams. Additional funding will facilitate access to a level of holistic education that is lifesaving and life-sustaining. According to the UN, there is a USD 100 billion annual financing gap to achieve the education targets in low- and lower-middle-income countries outlined in the SDGs.

Quality learning opportunities delivered through a whole-of-child approach keep the world’s most vulnerable children out of harm’s way, protecting them from human trafficking, sexual exploitation and being forcibly recruited into militia groups. For young minds exposed to armed conflict and climatic catastrophes, education provides a sense of normalcy, critical protection, and services such as psychosocial and menstrual hygiene support for adolescent girls, and restores hope amid the most challenging circumstances towards the best possible learning outcomes.

The global fund for education in protracted crises and emergencies works with partners such as national governments, United Nations agencies, international NGOs and grassroots organizations to deliver quality education to crisis-affected children, no matter who or where they are. Reaching over 11.4 million crisis-affected children with the safety, opportunity, and hope of a quality education.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Asia’s Economies

AI may widen inequality, but policymakers can counteract this with more effective social safety nets, reskilling programs, and regulations to promote ethical use of the technology. Credit: Chunip Wong/iStock by Getty Images via IMF

By Tristan Hennig and Shujaat Khan
WASHINGTON DC, Jan 24 2025 – Asia-Pacific’s economies are likely to experience labor market shifts because of artificial intelligence (AI), with advanced economies being affected more. About half of all jobs in the region’s advanced economies are exposed to AI, compared to only about a quarter in emerging market and developing economies.

However, as we show in our latest Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Outlook, there are also more jobs in the region’s advanced economies that can be complemented by AI, meaning that the technology will likely enhance productivity rather than replace these roles altogether.

The concentration of such jobs in Asia’s advanced economies could worsen inequality between countries over time. While about 40 percent of jobs in Singapore are rated as highly complementary to AI, the share is just 3 percent in Laos.

AI could also increase inequality within countries.

Most workers at risk of displacement in the Asia-Pacific region work in service, sales, and clerical support roles. Meanwhile, workers who are more likely to benefit from AI typically work in managerial, professional, and technician roles that already tend to be among the better paid professions.

As the Chart of the Week shows, we also find that women are more likely to be at risk of disruption from AI because they are more often in service, sales, and clerical roles. Men, by contrast, are more represented in occupations that are unlikely to be impacted by AI at this stage, like farm workers, machine operators, and low-skill elementary workers.

How could policymakers address the threat of worsening inequality?

First, effective social safety nets combined with reskilling programs for affected workers will be critical to achieve an inclusive AI transition.

Second, education and training to help the workforce leverage what AI makes possible will be especially relevant in Asia’s emerging economies, given that they have relatively few jobs in which AI could make workers more productive. It will also help displaced workers transition to new roles and support research and development that enhances innovation.

—This blog is based on Box 1 of the analytical note included in the October 2024 Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Outlook. For more on AI and jobs, see IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva’s blog on labor market implications and the Chart of the Week showing which economies are better equipped for AI adoption.

Tristan Hennig is an economist on the Malaysia and Singapore desk at the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge. His research interests include financial economics, monetary policy, and systemic risk.

Shujaat Khan is an economist on the Japan desk at the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department. He holds a Ph.D. and master’s degree in economics from Johns Hopkins University and bachelor’s degrees in physics and economics from Middlebury College.

Source: IMF

IPS UN Bureau


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Should King Baudouin, DRC’s Last Sovereign, Be Beatified?

While the Vatican has launched the process for the beatification of King Baudoin I of Belgium in 2024, opinions remain divided on the need for this decision in the DRC, a country that Belgium colonized for 80 years. The country’s Catholic Church has not officially expressed an opinion on the matter, leaving many questions unanswered.

CGTN: Xi Jinping visits flood-affected residents ahead of Spring Festival

CGTN publishes an article on Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent visit to a village in northeast China's Liaoning Province, which was heavily affected by floods last August. The article highlights the president's tradition of visiting ordinary citizens ahead of the Spring Festival, reviews heartwarming moments from his visits, and explains how Xi's actions reinforce his commitment to ensuring a happy life for the people.

BEIJING, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With just over a week until the Spring Festival, the most important holiday on the Chinese calendar, families affected by flooding in Zhujiagou Village, northeast China's Liaoning Province, are preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year in new homes.

Last August, torrential rains lashed Liaoning's Suizhong County, triggering severe flooding and heavily affecting the lives of as many as 185,000 residents in 110 villages across 10 townships. The low–lying Zhujiagou Village was among the hardest–hit areas, with roads destroyed, over 70 hectares of farmlands inundated, and more than 50 homes damaged – 41 of which were deemed unsafe for repair.

The 186 villagers from the 41 affected households were collectively relocated to a new site on higher ground. A construction project then began in early September to ensure residents could have a roof over their heads before the arrival of the cold winter in northeast China. By October 24, 2024, all these villagers had moved into newly–built homes.

Braving freezing temperatures, President Xi Jinping took time out of his busy schedule to visit the villagers in Zhujiagou on Wednesday.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, inspected the progress in post–disaster restoration and reconstruction and asked locals about the quality of the reconstructed homes and the standards of their daily living conditions.  

“Huludao suffered severe flooding last year. I have been concerned about you and came to see you before the Spring Festival,” Xi told the villagers.

“What I've seen today makes me feel relieved,” he added.

'People can always count on Party, government'

Noting a number of natural disasters that occurred across the country last year, Xi on Wednesday expressed his belief that restoration and reconstruction in the affected areas will yield good results.

“We have always put the people first,” Xi said. “The people can always count on the Party and the government in their most difficult times, and we will help them overcome difficulties and rebuild their homes.”

Looking back at the footprints of the president's visits ahead of the Spring Festival, “post–disaster reconstruction” has been a major corner to be addressed head–on.

In addition to the recent visit to Zhujiagou, last February Xi visited those affected by the floods in Diliubu Village, Tianjin Municipality. As he told the villagers, “Only when the people are secure can the country prosper,” adding that the Party's central leadership has “made a resolution to improve the livelihood of the people by striving to enhance the construction of water conservancy and flood control projects.”

Back in January 2022, he braved the snow to visit people in a small village called Fengnanyuan in north China's Shanxi Province that had been hit hard by autumn floods. “The CPC's resolve to ensure all Chinese people live happy lives has remained unchanged for more than a century, and it will not falter,” said Xi.

He also visited Yingxiu, a township in Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province in February 2018, which was the epicenter of a major earthquake that claimed the lives of tens of thousands in 2008. “My job is to serve the people,” Xi said during the visit.

Spending time with people

The visit to Liaoning continues a tradition Xi has maintained for 13 consecutive years: visiting people at the primary and grassroots level ahead of Spring Festival, leaving many heartwarming moments.

During a pre–festival inspection in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province in January 2017, Xi visited Desheng Village, where he helped a villager meticulously calculate household income and expenses.

In February 2016, Xi visited Shenshan Village in Jiangxi Province and joined the villagers in making the festive snack ciba, a traditional glutinous rice cake. He quipped that pounding the snack with a mallet was a good workout.

When inspecting northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in January 2014, Xi went to a children's welfare home where he used sign language to interact with the hearing–impaired. In his latest New Year message, Xi Jinping again stressed that “of all the jobs in front of us, the most important is to ensure a happy life for our people.” The president's busy schedule is a vivid demonstration of actions backing up words.

For more information, please click:–01–23/Xi–Jinping–visits–flood–affected–residents–ahead–of–Spring–Festival–1AoP9YVemLC/p.html

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336909)

Workplace Options Unveils Comprehensive & Compassionate Return-to-Work Program for Cancer Survivors

RALEIGH, N.C., Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Returning to work after a cancer diagnosis is a journey fraught with challenges—physical fatigue, emotional hurdles, and workplace reintegration complexities. To bridge this critical gap, Workplace Options (WPO), a global leader in holistic health and employee engagement solutions, introduces the Return to Work: Cancer Care Compass Program. This is the first global, inclusive program designed to provide unparalleled support for employees recovering from cancer and the managers who guide them through their transition back to work.

The Challenges of Returning to Work After Cancer
For employees recovering from cancer, the return–to–work journey often includes:

  • Physical fatigue and cognitive difficulties impacting day–to–day productivity.
  • Emotional challenges such as anxiety, fear of judgment, or stigma in the workplace.
  • Uncertainty about navigating workplace dynamics and performance expectations.

Employers, too, face challenges in understanding how to provide meaningful support while balancing business priorities. Managers may struggle with designing flexible accommodations or fostering team inclusivity.

How the Cancer Care Compass Program Addresses These Challenges
The Return to Work: Cancer Care Compass Program is purpose–built to tackle these specific hurdles with a holistic, multi–layered approach:

  • Emotional and Psychological Support: Up to 18 counseling sessions, combined with mindfulness sessions, help employees build resilience and manage stress.
  • Vocational Reintegration: 12 tailored coaching sessions with a Coordinator of Occupational Reintegration and Adaptation (CORAT), a specialist who guides employees in setting achievable goals, enhancing skills, and addressing workplace challenges.
  • Functional Assessments and Work–Life Searches: CORAT specialists evaluate employees’ holistic needs and connect them to essential resources, including dietary consultations, physical rehabilitation, mobility aids, and complementary therapies such as acupuncture or therapeutic yoga.
  • Seamless Manager Collaboration: CORAT specialists facilitate communication between employees and managers, ensuring accommodation and reintegration plans are aligned with the needs of both parties.

Empowering Managers to Lead with Confidence and Compassion
The Cancer Care Compass Program recognizes that managers play a pivotal role in fostering a compassionate and inclusive workplace. The program provides:

  • Unlimited Manager Consultations: CORAT specialists offer expert guidance on workplace accommodation and flexible reintegration plans.
  • Manager Toolkit: A three–chapter guide offering practical strategies for every stage of reintegration:
    • Prepare: Understanding cancer treatments, legal compliance, and flexible planning.
    • Act: Implementing accommodations, managing team dynamics, and conducting check–ins.
    • Support: Sustaining emotional and practical support for employees and teams while encouraging self–care for managers.

“Managers are the architects of an inclusive and psychologically safe workplace culture,” explains Dr. Kennette Harris, Chief Clinical Officer at Workplace Options. “This program equips them with specific tools to create environments where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to be their best self.”

What Sets Workplace Options Apart
Unlike traditional programs that focus solely on medical recovery, WPO’s Cancer Care Compass Program emphasizes vocational reintegration and resilience–building. Its unique features include:

  • A Single Point of Coordination: CORAT specialists serve as a central resource for employees and managers, streamlining the reintegration process.
  • Global Adaptability: The program’s scalable design ensures it meets the diverse cultural and regulatory needs of organizations worldwide.
  • A Holistic Focus: By addressing physical, emotional, and professional dimensions, the program ensures a sustainable return to work.

Seamless Integration with Existing Policies
The Cancer Care Compass Program complements an organization’s existing employee assistance and wellbeing program. By aligning with workplace policies, it enhances support systems while addressing employees’ unique challenges and fostering an inclusive environment.

A Commitment to Cancer Recovery and Workplace Inclusion
As a signatory of the Working with Cancer Pledge, WPO is dedicated to creating workplaces where cancer survivors feel valued and empowered at every stage of recovery.

“Cancer recovery isn’t just about surviving—it’s about thriving,” said Alan King, President and CEO of Workplace Options. “Through WPO’s Cancer Care Compass Program, we’re helping employees return to work with confidence and helping businesses create cultures of care that last.”

About Workplace Options:

Founded in 1982, Workplace Options (WPO) is the largest independent provider of holistic well–being solutions. Through customized programs, and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals, WPO supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive both personally and professionally. Trusted by 50 percent of Fortune 500 companies, WPO delivers high–quality care digitally and in–person to more than 88 million people across 127,000 organizations in more than 200 countries and territories.

Contact: Jennifer Dart, Senior Corporate Communications Manager

A video accompanying this announcement is available at–e2ed–498f–8c98–a835046b9d6b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336708)

Workplace Options Unveils Comprehensive & Compassionate Return-to-Work Program for Cancer Survivors

RALEIGH, N.C., Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Returning to work after a cancer diagnosis is a journey fraught with challenges—physical fatigue, emotional hurdles, and workplace reintegration complexities. To bridge this critical gap, Workplace Options (WPO), a global leader in holistic health and employee engagement solutions, introduces the Return to Work: Cancer Care Compass Program. This is the first global, inclusive program designed to provide unparalleled support for employees recovering from cancer and the managers who guide them through their transition back to work.

The Challenges of Returning to Work After Cancer
For employees recovering from cancer, the return–to–work journey often includes:

  • Physical fatigue and cognitive difficulties impacting day–to–day productivity.
  • Emotional challenges such as anxiety, fear of judgment, or stigma in the workplace.
  • Uncertainty about navigating workplace dynamics and performance expectations.

Employers, too, face challenges in understanding how to provide meaningful support while balancing business priorities. Managers may struggle with designing flexible accommodations or fostering team inclusivity.

How the Cancer Care Compass Program Addresses These Challenges
The Return to Work: Cancer Care Compass Program is purpose–built to tackle these specific hurdles with a holistic, multi–layered approach:

  • Emotional and Psychological Support: Up to 18 counseling sessions, combined with mindfulness sessions, help employees build resilience and manage stress.
  • Vocational Reintegration: 12 tailored coaching sessions with a Coordinator of Occupational Reintegration and Adaptation (CORAT), a specialist who guides employees in setting achievable goals, enhancing skills, and addressing workplace challenges.
  • Functional Assessments and Work–Life Searches: CORAT specialists evaluate employees’ holistic needs and connect them to essential resources, including dietary consultations, physical rehabilitation, mobility aids, and complementary therapies such as acupuncture or therapeutic yoga.
  • Seamless Manager Collaboration: CORAT specialists facilitate communication between employees and managers, ensuring accommodation and reintegration plans are aligned with the needs of both parties.

Empowering Managers to Lead with Confidence and Compassion
The Cancer Care Compass Program recognizes that managers play a pivotal role in fostering a compassionate and inclusive workplace. The program provides:

  • Unlimited Manager Consultations: CORAT specialists offer expert guidance on workplace accommodation and flexible reintegration plans.
  • Manager Toolkit: A three–chapter guide offering practical strategies for every stage of reintegration:
    • Prepare: Understanding cancer treatments, legal compliance, and flexible planning.
    • Act: Implementing accommodations, managing team dynamics, and conducting check–ins.
    • Support: Sustaining emotional and practical support for employees and teams while encouraging self–care for managers.

“Managers are the architects of an inclusive and psychologically safe workplace culture,” explains Dr. Kennette Harris, Chief Clinical Officer at Workplace Options. “This program equips them with specific tools to create environments where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to be their best self.”

What Sets Workplace Options Apart
Unlike traditional programs that focus solely on medical recovery, WPO’s Cancer Care Compass Program emphasizes vocational reintegration and resilience–building. Its unique features include:

  • A Single Point of Coordination: CORAT specialists serve as a central resource for employees and managers, streamlining the reintegration process.
  • Global Adaptability: The program’s scalable design ensures it meets the diverse cultural and regulatory needs of organizations worldwide.
  • A Holistic Focus: By addressing physical, emotional, and professional dimensions, the program ensures a sustainable return to work.

Seamless Integration with Existing Policies
The Cancer Care Compass Program complements an organization’s existing employee assistance and wellbeing program. By aligning with workplace policies, it enhances support systems while addressing employees’ unique challenges and fostering an inclusive environment.

A Commitment to Cancer Recovery and Workplace Inclusion
As a signatory of the Working with Cancer Pledge, WPO is dedicated to creating workplaces where cancer survivors feel valued and empowered at every stage of recovery.

“Cancer recovery isn’t just about surviving—it’s about thriving,” said Alan King, President and CEO of Workplace Options. “Through WPO’s Cancer Care Compass Program, we’re helping employees return to work with confidence and helping businesses create cultures of care that last.”

About Workplace Options:

Founded in 1982, Workplace Options (WPO) is the largest independent provider of holistic well–being solutions. Through customized programs, and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals, WPO supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive both personally and professionally. Trusted by 50 percent of Fortune 500 companies, WPO delivers high–quality care digitally and in–person to more than 88 million people across 127,000 organizations in more than 200 countries and territories.

Contact: Jennifer Dart, Senior Corporate Communications Manager

A video accompanying this announcement is available at–e2ed–498f–8c98–a835046b9d6b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336708)

Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission Launches Art Week Riyadh: A New Platform Celebrating A Thriving Art Scene

  • From insights into private collections and gallery–led exhibitions to a series of talks and workshops, Art Week Riyadh’s inaugural edition, taking place from 6–13 April 2025, will be held under the theme At The Edge
  • An initiative of the Ministry of Culture’s Visual Arts Commission, the event is a platform for amplifying Saudi Arabia’s dynamic art scene, by fostering exchange and supporting the arts as a cornerstone of the Kingdom’s future

JAX 01, Courtesy the Visual Arts Commission, Saudi Arabia.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Saudi Visual Arts Commission announces the inaugural edition of Art Week Riyadh, a unique initiative that celebrates Saudi Arabia’s thriving art scene. Taking place from 6 to 13 April 2025, this event will gather leading local and international galleries, cultural institutions, artists, patrons, collectors, and art enthusiasts.

Art Week Riyadh, a non–commercial initiative, builds on the foundations of a dynamic art community to cultivate a collaborative landscape where the visual arts will continue to flourish for generations to come. With programming designed to honour the past, celebrate the present, and invest in the future, Art Week Riyadh will showcase the depth and breadth of Saudi’s art landscape.

The week–long inaugural event will span a diverse line–up of programming and activities and will take place across the city of Riyadh, headquartered at the JAX District in the historic town of Diriyah. Highlights include:

  • Exhibitions: Showcasing works by established and emerging artists presented by leading Saudi and international galleries;
  • Collectors’ exhibitions: Curated displays of private collections, granting unprecedented access to rarely seen works;
  • Public programming and events: Engaging talks, workshops, and performances that emphasise education, collaboration, and inclusivity, designed to inspire and connect audiences.

Under the theme At The Edge, the inaugural edition will explore thresholds, transitions, and liminal spaces, reflecting Riyadh’s role as a centre of global cultural engagement.

Art Week Riyadh, which runs from 6 to 13 April 2025, is an initiative of Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission — one of 11 sector–specific commissions under the Ministry of Culture, leading the development of the visual arts sector in Saudi Arabia.

Dina Amin, CEO of the Visual Arts Commission, comments:

“Art Week Riyadh is about building a robust and inclusive framework—one that supports innovation, creativity and thought leadership, and an unwavering commitment to preserving and advancing culture. By bringing together diverse elements of the Saudi art sector, it aims to empower and nurture practitioners and foster a shared vision of growth, opportunity, and cultural enrichment.”


Press kit available here.

For more information regarding Art Week Riyadh please contact:

International press enquiries: Pelham Communications
Rania Habib / Zara Doshi: / 

Local press enquiries: March PR
Angelina Soueidi:

About Art Week Riyadh
Art Week Riyadh, a new initiative by the Visual Arts Commission, is a city–wide platform for showcasing and celebrating the dynamic Saudi art landscape. Rooted in the country's thriving art scene, it will spotlight Riyadh's position as a key art world destination, uniting leading local and international institutions, galleries, patrons and practitioners. This distinctive weeklong event will feature exhibitions presented by galleries, highlights from prominent private collections, and an engaging public program – all of which will serve as an inclusive platform for artistic dialogue and exchange, nurturing a culture of art collecting and patronage, and contributing to Saudi Arabia's creative economy. The website page can be found here. #ArtWeekRiyadh #ArtWeekRiyadh2025

About the Visual Arts Commission
The Visual Arts Commission is one of 11 sector–specific commissions under the Ministry of Culture. Founded in 2020, it is leading the development of the visual arts sector in Saudi Arabia. The Commission is working to nurture the talent of art enthusiasts, practitioners, and professionals in the country, and support the production and exhibition of artwork in all its forms, locally and internationally. To learn more about the Visual Arts Commission, please visit and the commission’s page on X: @MOCVisualArts.

About the Ministry of Culture
Saudi Arabia has a vast history of arts and culture. The Ministry of Culture is developing Saudi Arabia’s cultural economy and enriching the daily lives of citizens, residents, and visitors. Overseeing 11 sector–specific commissions, the Ministry works towards the support of and preservation of a vibrant culture that is true to its past and looks to the future by cherishing heritage and unleashing new and inspiring forms of expression for all. Find the Ministry of Culture on social media: X @MOCSaudi (Arabic); @MOCSaudi_En (English) | Instagram @mocsaudi

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–5638–41eb–b781–c3be07a538f9

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336650)

BitMEX Launches Chinese New Year Competition: Win a 188,888 USDT Prize Pool

MAHE, Seychelles, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BitMEX, the OG crypto derivatives exchange, today launched the Slither to Success Trading Competition to kick off the Lunar New Year. Participants can compete for a share of 188,888 USDT.

The competition will run from 23 January 2025 at 11:00 AM (UTC) to 16 February 2025 at 11:59 PM (UTC). Users can participate in the competition anytime during the campaign period.

Rewards will be distributed across three leaderboards:

  • Highest Trading Volume: 70% of the total prize pool will be shared by the Top 50 Traders ranked by trading volume
  • Highest PnL: 15% of the total prize pool will be shared by the Top 50 Traders ranked by PnL
  • Highest ROI%: 15% of the total prize pool will be shared by the Top 50 Traders ranked by ROI%

Traders can compete for the highest trading volume, PnL, or ROI%, with each trader eligible to win rewards across all three leaderboards.

Bottom traders will also stand to benefit, with a 1,000 USDT bonus available to the bottom 5 traders with the highest loss in PnL.

To participate in the Slither to Success Trading Competition, new customers must be fully verified on BitMEX. For full details and registration, visit here.

About BitMEX
BitMEX is the OG crypto derivatives exchange, providing professional crypto traders with a platform that caters to their needs through low latency, deep crypto native liquidity and unmatched reliability.

Since its founding, no cryptocurrency has been lost through intrusion or hacking, allowing BitMEX users to trade safely in the knowledge that their funds are secure. So too that they have access to the products and tools they require to be profitable.

BitMEX was also one of the first exchanges to publish their on–chain Proof of Reserves and Proof of Liabilities data. The exchange continues to publish this data twice a week – proving assurance that they safely store and segregate the funds they are entrusted with.

For more information on BitMEX, please visit the BitMEX Blog or, and follow Telegram, Twitter, Discord, and its online communities. For further inquiries, please contact

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–7565–4cc7–b52b–8033050f9ff3

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001044564)

Announcing Groundbreaking ‘Indiaspora Forum for Good’ to Address Worldwide Challenges

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Indiaspora, a leading nonprofit organization will host the “Indiaspora Forum for Good” (IFG) in Abu Dhabi and Dubai from February 23–26, 2025.

This forum (IFG) will convene global leaders in business, technology, investment, healthcare, academia, and climate along with their peers in the arts, sports and entertainment fields. Renowned Indian actor and philanthropist, Vivek Oberoi, will serve as our Forum Ambassador in the UAE.

By facilitating collaborative sessions across these diverse sectors we hope to create innovative models to address complex challenges like climate change, healthcare and more. There will be important announcements in the areas of philanthropy, economic impact, and the arts made during the event.

The Forum will be held across two of the United Arab Emirates' most dynamic cities. Participants will gather first in Abu Dhabi before concluding in Dubai at the iconic Museum of the Future on the 26th for a uniquely AI–focused agenda. Additional key venues will include renowned cultural and architectural landmarks such as Abu Dhabi's Louvre Museum, The Grand Mosque, BAPS Hindu Mandir, and the Emirates Palace Mandarin Oriental, offering a diverse and inspiring backdrop for global discussions.

The agenda, speakers, and further details can be found on our website here.

MR Rangaswami, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Indiaspora, said, “IFG represents the power of collective action and innovation within the global Indian diaspora. This forum is a testament to the diaspora’s unique ability to serve as a bridge among cultures, fostering transformative ideas into lasting impact. Given that almost half of the world elected new leaders in 2024, it is more important now than ever to convene dialogues that serve as a platform for thought leadership and the exchange of ideas on a global scale.”

Shanthini Naidoo, CEO of St Vincent's Curran Foundation, shared her thoughts on the significance of the event: “I am proud to support initiatives that harness the power of global partnerships to drive meaningful progress in healthcare, arts, and culture. By working together, we can build stronger, more inclusive, communities that create lasting, positive impact.”

Dr. Tayeb Kamali, Chairman of the Board, Abu Dhabi School of Management and a member of the Host Committee added, “The Abu Dhabi School of Management is dedicated to cultivating entrepreneurial leadership that drives impactful, sustainable solutions for the global community. As the academic partner for the Indiaspora Forum for Good 2025, we are honored to contribute to this platform that aligns with our mission of empowering individuals to lead with purpose and innovation. This forum exemplifies the power of collaboration in addressing global challenges and shaping a better future for all.”

“I am looking forward to the Forum for Good and convening with leaders who are pioneering transformative social change,” said Roshini Bakshi, Managing Director at Everstone Capital Asia. “This event will showcase the remarkable breadth and depth of the Indian diaspora—entrepreneurs, market innovators, and global professionals united by a shared commitment to collaboration and mutual empowerment.”

Indiaspora, in partnership with Dubai Future Foundation, will be collaborating on events and activities, starting with the Forum for Good in February at the Museum of the Future. Alia Al Mur, Chief of Transformation and Partnerships at Dubai Future Foundation, an IFG partner, said, “Dubai’s forward–looking ethos and role as a global gateway align perfectly with the Indian diaspora’s drive for innovation and entrepreneurship. The Indiaspora Forum for Good being held in the United Arab Emirates is a natural fit.”

Vivek Anand Oberoi, acclaimed actor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur stated, “Indiaspora's Forum for Good is a celebration of the shared roots, and collective vision of the Indian diaspora. It’s inspiring to see so many leaders come together to exchange ideas and work towards building a brighter future, while staying authentic to the Indian ethos of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam meaning ‘The world is one family.’ The Indian diaspora significantly contributes to global society, fostering peace and cooperation wherever they reside.”

Sanjeev Joshipura, Executive Director of Indiaspora, shared his thoughts on the significance of the event: “Indiaspora is growing its global reach by convening diaspora from all corners of the world to create positive change. IFG is the culmination of many years of international work, establishing a forward–thinking platform for dialogue and action. At IFG we plan to facilitate meaningful conversations spanning numerous areas including geopolitics, technology, business and investments, the arts, sports, climate, healthcare, cuisine, culture, and artificial intelligence.”

Prominent leaders serving on our Host Committee include Raj Subramaniam, CEO of FedEx, Dr. Tayeb Kamali, Chairman of Abu Dhabi School of Management, Faizal Kottikollon, Founder of KEF Holdings, Dr. Kris Gopalakrishnan, Founder of Infosys, Shanthini Naidoo, CEO of St. Vincent's Curran Foundation, Roshini Bakshi, Managing Director and Head Impact at Everstone Capital, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Member of the House of Lords, Nadir Patel, former Canadian High Commissioner to India, Himanshu Shah, Founder & Executive Chairman, Marius Pharmaceuticals & Shah Capital.

About Indiaspora: Indiaspora ( is a nonprofit community of powerful global Indian leaders from diverse backgrounds and professions who are committed to inspiring the diaspora to be a force for positive impact by providing a platform to collaborate, engage, and catalyze social change.

Media Contact:
USA (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Mira Bhayroo
Manager, Marketing & Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336287)