“انعش حياتك!” الحملة تصل إلى 50 مليون شخص في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ترويجًا للمنتجات الأوروبية الطازجة

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — اختتام حملة ناجحة استمرت لمدة ثلاث سنوات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، حيث نجحت مبادرة “انعش حياتك! فواكه وخضروات أوروبية عالية الجودة” في تعزيز قيمة الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة واستهلاكها، مع تسليط الضوء بشكل خاص على تلك المحاصيل التي تُزرَع في إيطاليا.

حققت الحملة وصولاً مميزًا لجمهور بلغ 50 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة، بتمويل من الاتحاد الأوروبي وشركة CSO Italy – وهي اتحاد شركات رائد في إيطاليا يضم أكبر مُنتجِي الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة. ساهمت هذه الحملة في تعزيز مكانة إيطاليا كمصدر موثوق للمنتجات الفاخرة.

وتتزامن هذه الحملة مع زيادة بنسبة 8.4 في المائة في صادرات الأغذية الزراعية الإيطالية إلى الإمارات العربية المتحدة، والتي تخطّت الآن 412 مليون يورو. يُرسخ هذا النمو مكانة إيطاليا كواحدة من أبرز مُورِّدي الأغذية إلى الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وفقًا للبيانات المتاحة حتى نوفمبر 2023.

صرّحت Elisa Macchi، العضو المنتدب لشركة CSO Italy: “لقد أدّت الفعاليات الكبرى مثل معرض الخليج للأغذية “Gulfood” دورًا رئيسيًا في نجاح الحملة، وقد وفرت هذه التجمعات منصات حيوية للتواصل التجاري، مما ساعد في بناء علاقات تجارية قيِّمة، وعرض تراث فن الطهي الغني الذي يميز كلٍ من أوروبا وإيطاليا، كما أثارت الحملة اهتمامًا متزايدًا بالمنتجات الإيطالية وعمّقت الروابط التجارية بين الشركات الإيطالية والإماراتية.”

تتطلع حملة “انعش حياتك!” إلى المستقبل، وتطمح إلى ترك إرث مستدام. وقد أبرزت استراتيجيتها المبتكرة كيفية مساهمة التعاون والتبادل الثقافي والشغف المشترك بالتميز في خلق فرص جديدة للمنتجات الأوروبية في الأسواق الدولية النشطة مثل الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

نبذة عن CSO ITALY

تأسست شركة CSO ITALY في عام 1998، وهي اتحاد شركات رائد في إيطاليا يضم العديد من الشركات الإيطالية البارزة في قطاع الفواكه والخضروات. تتولى CSO جميع مراحل سلسلة توريد الفواكه والخضروات، بدءًا من خدمات التعبئة والتغليف ومرورًا بالخدمات اللوجستية وانتهاءً بالتجهيز والتصنيع والتوزيع. انعش حياتك! – فواكه وخضروات أوروبية عالية الجودة هو المشروع الجديد المُموَّل من الاتحاد الأوروبي وشركة CSO Italy بهدف تعزيز ثقافة استهلاك الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والإمارات العربية المتحدة، مع التركيز على المنتجات الإيطالية.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001046455)

Business Schools Prepare for the GenAI Era: AACSB Shares Global Survey Findings

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AACSB International (AACSB) released a new report, GenAI Adoption in Business Schools: Deans and Faculty Respond, informed by survey input from business school deans and faculty. The report explores how these groups are navigating the opportunities and challenges of generative AI (GenAI), focusing on the practical use of GenAI in teaching, research, and governance. It offers valuable insights into the adoption trends and strategic priorities within business schools globally.

Key Survey Findings
Conducted separately among faculty and deans, the surveys reveal shared and diverse perspectives and priorities, highlighting the need for coordinated efforts to drive meaningful progress in GenAI adoption.

  • Optimism vs. Skepticism: Deans express greater optimism about GenAI’s potential, while faculty are generally more cautious, citing concerns about ethical implications and readiness. Despite this disparity, both groups agree on the importance of integrating GenAI across teaching, research, and governance.
  • Proficiency and Usage: Most survey respondents identify as novice or intermediate users of GenAI. Faculty primarily use GenAI for tasks like content creation and summarization in teaching, while they remain more hesitant about using the technology for research applications like data analysis, citing data integrity issues.
  • Ethical Concerns and Governance: Issues such as plagiarism, data privacy, and academic integrity are highlighted as major barriers to more widespread adoption. Although nearly half of the deans report existing AI policies at their institutions, many schools lack actionable guidance, signaling a need for clearer governance.
  • Educational Potential and Risks: Both faculty and deans recognize GenAI’s role in enhancing creativity and problem–solving while also posing risks to critical thinking. Striking a balance between AI integration and traditional pedagogy remains a key priority.
  • Resource Allocation: Schools are focusing on integrating GenAI into curricula using existing resources, with limited efforts directed toward expanding or redesigning current infrastructure.
  • Training Opportunities: A mix of self–directed learning and structured institutional support is preferred for skill development. However, low engagement with formal credentialing programs presents an opportunity for schools to expand training pathways.

AACSB’s findings emphasize the importance of promoting collaboration among educators, administrators, and institutional leaders to address challenges and responsibly leverage GenAI’s potential. The organization is committed to supporting business schools with actionable resources and insights to navigate the evolving AI landscape.

Support for this report is provided by the Kogod School of Business at American University. Learn how the Kogod School is preparing the business leaders of tomorrow at kogod.american.edu.

To read the full report, visit aacsb.edu/genai–adoption. For media inquiries or to arrange an interview with one of AACSB's thought leaders about this report, please contact [email protected].

About AACSB International

Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education association, connecting educators, learners, and businesses to create the next generation of great leaders. With members in over 100 countries and territories, AACSB elevates the quality and impact of business schools globally. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at aacsb.edu.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351923)

AACSB Approves Global Standard-Setting Framework, Paving the Way for the Next Era of Business Education Standards

TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AACSB International (AACSB), the world’s leading accrediting body for business schools, has approved the AACSB Global Standard–Setting Framework. This framework formalizes the process for revising business education standards and establishes a structured five–year review cycle. This initiative reaffirms AACSB’s position as the global authority on business education quality and impact.

The AACSB Board of Directors has charged Chief Accreditation Officer Stephanie Bryant with implementing the new framework and initiating a review and revision of the current standards. A global task force comprising key stakeholders from across the business education ecosystem will oversee the revision process to ensure alignment with the evolving needs of business schools, industry, and society.

Anticipated to launch on July 1, 2026, the revised standards will be released as The Global Standards for Business Education™. This initiative reinforces AACSB’s mission to advance the quality and impact of business education, providing more than 17,000 business schools worldwide with a structured framework for continuous improvement and global impact.

“For over a century, AACSB has been the de facto global standard–setting body for business education, guiding institutions toward quality, excellence, and impact,” said Lily Bi, President and CEO of AACSB. “As the business education landscape continues to evolve, AACSB is committed to ensuring that business schools remain agile, innovative, and aligned with industry and societal needs.”

The standards revision process will include an exposure draft and a public comment period, allowing for broad engagement from AACSB’s global community. The final version of The Global Standards for Business Education is expected to be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting in April 2026, with official implementation on July 1, 2026.

“The updated standards will provide all business schools with a clear, future–ready framework to drive excellence and innovation,” said Sherif Kamel, Chair of AACSB’s Board of Directors and Dean of Onsi Sawiris School of Business, The American University in Cairo.

About AACSB International 

Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education association, representing 1,900 institutional members and 1,000 accredited schools, connecting business schools, businesses, and lifelong learners to create the next generation of great leaders. With members in over 100 countries and territories, AACSB elevates the quality and impact of business schools globally. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at aacsb.edu. 

Media Contact:
Andrew Thriffiley
PR Manager, AACSB International
[email protected]
+1 813–769–6500

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351956)

BioAro launches AI-Driven PanOmiQ with Ultrafast Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis Technology

CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BioAro, a global leader in precision health and genomics, will unveil its groundbreaking AI–powered PanOmiQ platform at the prestigious Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) in Silicon Valley. This Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) solution achieves unparalleled efficiency, reducing analysis time to under two hours and generating Variant Call Format (VCF) files in under five minutes. This historic milestone in medical and computing science redefines the landscape of precision medicine and AI–driven genomic analysis.

This innovation represents a transformative leap in global healthcare, combining speed, accuracy, and affordability to make precision medicine more accessible than ever before. “PanOmiQ isn’t just a technological advancement–it’s a game–changer for global healthcare,” says Dr. Anmol S. Kapoor, Chairman and CEO at BioAro. “By cutting genome analysis time from days to hours, we’re making precision medicine available to everyone, not just the privileged few. This innovation allows clinicians to act on real–time genetic insights, shifting medicine from reactive treatments to proactive, preventative care. This is how we extend human longevity and make personalized health a universal reality.”

BioAro’s commitment to innovation is evident in its continuous pursuit of cutting–edge AI–driven solutions that enhance diagnostic accuracy and expand accessibility to genomic medicine. By integrating AI into genomic analysis, PanOmiQ effectively eliminates the bottlenecks of traditional sequencing methods, which have historically been time–consuming and cost prohibitive. This breakthrough enables researchers, healthcare providers, and institutions to expedite precision diagnostics, optimize treatment plans, and significantly reduce the burden on healthcare infrastructure.

Dr. Raja B. Singh, Chief Scientific Officer at BioAro, will showcase PanOmiQ at PMWC, highlighting its ability to democratize precision health through AI–driven genomic technology. By eliminating the high costs and complexity of traditional Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), PanOmiQ makes advanced genomics accessible to hospitals, researchers, and underserved communities worldwide. This innovation paves the way for new possibilities in cancer research, rare disease diagnostics, and infectious disease monitoring, reinforcing the critical role of AI in shaping the future of healthcare.

One of PanOmiQ’s most remarkable achievements is its proficiency in variant calling. In August 2024, PanOmiQ achieved a 100% match in variant calling during proficiency testing conducted by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), solidifying its position as one of the most accurate genomic platforms available. This level of precision ensures that clinicians and researchers can trust the insights derived from genomic data, leading to better patient care and groundbreaking discoveries.

“We’re not just making genomics faster; we’re making it smarter and more precise,” says Dr. Raja B. Singh. “AI–driven accuracy at this scale ensures that patients receive the most reliable genetic insights, leading to better diagnostics, targeted treatments, and groundbreaking discoveries in fields like cancer research and rare genetic diseases. This is the future of precision medicine.”

The unveiling of PanOmiQ at PMWC Silicon Valley marks a transformative moment in healthcare innovation. By harnessing AI–driven genomic analysis, PanOmiQ enables faster, personalized treatments, reduces healthcare costs, and expands access to precision medicine in underserved regions. From advancing cancer research and rare disease treatments to monitoring infectious diseases in real–time, this groundbreaking platform empowers clinicians and researchers to deliver proactive, preventative care, ultimately improving patient outcomes and extending human longevity.

Healthcare providers worldwide face significant challenges in delivering timely and accurate diagnoses, particularly in regions with limited access to advanced medical technologies. PanOmiQ bridges this gap by providing an efficient, scalable, and cost–effective genomic analysis solution. This advancement is particularly crucial in oncology, where rapid genome sequencing can inform personalized treatment strategies and improve survival rates. Similarly, in the study of rare genetic diseases, PanOmiQ’s capabilities accelerate diagnosis and enable early intervention, transforming patient lives.

PanOmiQ is more than just a Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) platform–it is the World’s Fastest Multi–Genomic Platform. Its advanced AI–powered analytics extends to Whole Exome Sequencing and microbiome analysis, covering skin, oral, gut, and vaginal microbiomes in real–time. This comprehensive approach to genomics allows researchers and healthcare professionals to gain deeper insights into the interplay between genetics and microbiomes, further advancing the field of precision health.

By integrating microbiome analysis, PanOmiQ enhances the understanding of how microbial ecosystems influence human health. This is particularly relevant in personalized nutrition, immunotherapy, and chronic disease management, where microbiome composition plays a critical role. The ability to conduct real–time microbiome assessments allows clinicians to tailor interventions with unprecedented accuracy, optimizing patient care on an individual level.

“The ability to analyze an entire genome at the population level in under two hours is a historic leap in medical science,” Dr. Kapoor concludes. “We’re not just decoding DNA faster; we’re rewriting the future of healthcare.”

By accelerating genomic analysis and expanding access to precision medicine, PanOmiQ is poised to transform the global healthcare landscape. The implications of this innovation are profound, ranging from improved disease prevention strategies to personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique genetic profile. As BioAro continues to drive innovation, the company remains steadfast in its mission to make precision health a reality for all.

About BioAro

BioAro is a pioneering precision health and genomics company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. Specializing in Whole Genome Sequencing, Whole Exome Sequencing, CF–DNA testing, Epigenetics such as Telomere, Methylation, Gene Expression Analysis, Cancer Sequencing, Pharmacogenomics, Microbiome Testing, and AI–Powered Bioinformatics, BioAro is at the forefront of AI–driven healthcare innovation. Through its cutting–edge genomic, longevity, and precision health solutions such as BioELR, Biongevity, The BioSport, and BioGut Clinic, BioAro is transforming patient outcomes, accelerating medical research, and shaping the future of personalized medicine.

Media Contact

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 587–721–2222

Website: www.PanOmiQ.com

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351417)

Relo Metrics, Meltwater Team Up to Redefine Sponsorship Measurement in Sports and Entertainment

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Relo Metrics, the leading sports measurement platform, and Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social, and consumer intelligence, today announced a new partnership that will transform how sports and entertainment customers measure and maximize sponsorship performance in the digital landscape. This collaboration will enable customers to unlock unparalleled insights with Relo’s AI–powered sponsorship analytics platform alongside Meltwater’s media intelligence solutions.

2024 has been the year of sports, and the overall live entertainment industry continues to have a renaissance worldwide. The need for all parties to ensure that their messages are breaking through, and that all the value is being properly measured has risen in strategic importance.

The vast digital media landscape, the thousands of websites that cover sports, entertainment, and news are the source of trillions of impressions worldwide. Previously all of that engagement and brand exposure in stories, photos, and videos was not being measured and valued in relation to a brand and a sports team, or a brand and an entertainment event. With this partnership, customers will now gain access to even more actionable insights on sponsorship performance including media values and impressions, alongside all the other channels of measurement in the Relo and Meltwater platforms.

The primary customer profiles benefiting from this partnership include:

  • Rights Holders (Sports Properties, Teams, and Leagues): Closing the gap between marketing, social, PR/comms and partnership sales teams with insights that measure partner performance across the season, assisting with renewing partnerships and growing revenue potential.
  • Brands: Within marketing there are planning and execution teams that cut across all marketing and communication channels uniting it with media strategy and experiential marketing.
  • Agencies: This partnership will enable various agencies within PR, Media, and Sports to collaborate on data strategy and measurement.

“This partnership with Meltwater is a game–changer for the sports and entertainment industry. By providing even more insights into media and sponsorship measurement we are unlocking a massive, previously untapped source of brand value,” said Jay Prasad, CEO of Relo Metrics. “By adding additional media insights alongside broadcast and social exposure, we’re empowering rights holders, brands, and agencies to see the full picture of their sponsorship performance, and ultimately drive more strategic and data–backed decisions. This is a huge leap forward in delivering actionable insights that transform how sponsorships are valued.”

Meltwater’s suite of solutions unlocks the power of media, social, and consumer data, transforming them into actionable insights to give customers a competitive edge. With the most comprehensive dataset in the industry and more than 1 billion pieces of media and social content analyzed each day, Meltwater empowers companies with easy–to–action insights that drive data–backed decision–making. Its suite of solutions spans media intelligence, media relations, social listening, social media management, influencer marketing, consumer intelligence, and more.

For brands, agencies, rights holders, and media companies who seek to maximize the impact and ROI of their sports sponsorship investments, Relo Metrics provides unparalleled performance analytics that delivers granular insights and full–funnel measurement. Relo differentiates itself by offering deterministic conversion and attribution metrics, empowering stakeholders to understand the true value and outcomes of their sponsorships.

A key part of this strategy is Relo Metrics’ partner ecosystem by which is enabling Relo to go beyond valuation, named strategic partnerships with complementary technologies in the sports marketing space, giving clients a complete picture of their sponsorship performance.

“In today’s rapidly–evolving media landscape, it’s critical that brands have a comprehensive view of their performance and brand value across all channels. Meltwater is excited to partner with Relo Metrics to enable brands, agencies, rights holders, and media companies to gain a more holistic view of the impact of their sponsorships and optimize their strategies to reach even greater heights,” said Doug Balut, SVP of Global Alliances and Partnerships at Meltwater.

Relo Metrics
Relo Metrics is an AI–powered sponsorship analytics platform that enables brands to track and optimize their sponsorship investments and powers teams and leagues with the insights they need to retain and grow revenue. The company tracks sponsor exposure across live broadcasts, social media, and streaming platforms and delivers actionable insights via a fast, single–solution platform. For more information, visit www.relometrics.com

Meltwater empowers companies with a suite of solutions that spans media, social, consumer and sales intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content each day and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner of choice for global brands making an impact. Learn more at meltwater.com.

Hannah Shain, VP Marketing, Relo Metrics, [email protected]
Jonalyn Morris (US) / Shawn Belluigi (EMEA), Bubble Agency, [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351610)

Meltwater Announces New Integration with Snapchat for Social Listening

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Meltwater, a global leader in media, social and consumer intelligence, today announces a new integration with Snap Inc., becoming the first social listening platform to provide Snapchat–specific insights for brands and agencies to inform their advertising and content strategies on the platform.

As brands increasingly recognize the importance of Snapchat, which is home to a community of 443 million daily active users1, in their marketing efforts, the new partnership allows Meltwater to provide customers with tools to optimize their presence on the platform.

Through the integration, Meltwater customers can surface and analyze content coming from public Snapchat profiles, including Stories, saved Stories, and Spotlight videos, via Snapchat's Public Profile API. Meltwater users can view post and profile–level Snapchat metrics like views and engagement, and gain insights on topics, sentiment and more. 

Meltwater’s listening analytics are geared towards marketing teams who want to boost their Snapchat presence and drive better campaign results. By analyzing trends and best–performing stories, brands and agencies can gain deeper audience insights and improve content performance on Snapchat.

Key benefits of the new integration include:

  • Comprehensive campaign analysis: Measure and analyze the resulting engagement, reach, and sentiment of branded content and campaigns on Snapchat, and easily report on the impact of campaigns.
  • Image recognition: Measure brand exposure and ROI of sponsorship activities with AI generated tags on video and image content that can highlight brand names, logos and more.
  • Optimized content strategy & performance: Analyze the types of public Snapchat content that perform best and incorporate insights and learnings to boost performance.
  • Deeper audience insights: Analyze and learn audiences’ attitudes, interests, and preferences and craft more engaging content aligned to audiences’ wants, needs, and interests.
  • Trendspotting: Detect emerging themes and trends across public Snapchat profiles.
  • Competitive benchmarking: Benchmark and analyze competitors’ content performance on Snapchat and identify opportunities to outperform competitors.

“Meltwater's integration with Snapchat represents a new milestone in social listening, enabling brands to gather meaningful public insights from Snapchat's platform to help them stay informed, competitive, and engaged with their audiences,” said Ali Rana, Global Head of Revenue Partnerships, Snap Inc. “We are pleased to welcome Meltwater as an official API partner and look forward to seeing how this integration helps brands and agencies achieve impactful campaign results across the board.”

“We’re excited to partner with Snapchat and become an official Snapchat partner,” said Chris Hackney, Chief Product Officer at Meltwater. “With the increased importance of video content across social media, our customers are eager for greater insights into how they can craft standout campaigns and build stronger, more meaningful connections with their audiences. It’s fantastic to see Snapchat leaning into the power of social listening, and enabling brands to better understand how they are performing on this important platform.”

With this integration, Meltwater is well–positioned to support brands in navigating the competitive landscape of social media marketing and ensure they have the insights needed to reach audiences on Snapchat for years to come.

For more information please contact:
Kelly Costello
[email protected]

About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at meltwater.com.

About Snapchat
Snap Inc. is a technology company. We believe the camera presents the greatest opportunity to improve the way people live and communicate. We contribute to human progress by empowering people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together. The Company's three core products are Snapchat, a visual messaging app that enhances your relationships with friends, family, and the world; Lens Studio, an augmented reality platform that powers AR across Snapchat and other services; and its AR glasses, Spectacles. For more information, visit snap.com.

Snap Inc. internal data Q3 2024 vs. Q3 2023

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351644)

Hidden Danger: How War Remnants Threaten Syrian Lives

Syrian Civil Defense prepares to remove unexploded munitions of all shapes and types, including landmines. Credit: Sonya Alali/IPS

Syrian Civil Defense prepares to remove unexploded munitions of all shapes and types, including landmines. Credit: Sonia Alali/IPS

By Sonia Al Ali
IDLIB, Syria, Feb 3 2025 – When 42-year-old Amina al-Hassan’s family returned home after the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime, her son stood on a landmine.

Hassan, from Kafranbel in southern Idlib countryside, sits beside her son’s bed in the hospital after his leg was amputated following the explosion on agricultural land near their home.

“After the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime and the expulsion of its elements from our city, we went to check on our house, while my son went to inspect the agricultural land near the house. He did not notice a landmine planted among the weeds and plants, and it exploded, amputating his leg,” she told IPS.

Explosive remnants of war and landmines are scattered haphazardly across Syria, endangering the lives of civilians, hindering the return of displaced persons to their cities and villages, and obstructing their agricultural work. The frequency of explosions caused by unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance has significantly increased following the collapse of the Bashar al-Assad regime and the fading of the frontlines between the regime and the opposition, where mines and unexploded ordnance are widely dispersed.

“When I heard the explosion, I ran as fast as lightning towards the source of the sound. When I reached the explosion site, I tried to take out my son myself, but the people present at the scene prevented me from doing so. One of the engineering team specialists took charge of removing the mines around him and took him out, then we rushed him to the nearest hospital in the city,” she said, her voice tinged with sorrow.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) confirmed on January 14 that the deadly legacy of landmines and other explosives left behind by years of conflict in Syria had killed more than 100 children in December alone, urging the international community to urgently support mine clearance projects across the country.

According to the Syria Response Coordinators team, the war remnants left by the former Syrian regime continue to claim the lives of Syrians. Since December 8, 2024, explosions of mines and cluster munitions in more than 108 locations in Syria have killed 109 people, including 9 children and 6 women. More than 121 others were injured, including 48 children and one woman.

Rowan al-Kamal (46), from the western Aleppo countryside, visited her home after Syria was liberated from the Assad regime. Unlike many others, she was fortunate, not because her house was intact, but because she noticed an unexploded shell near the house. She recounts, “I moved my children away and called the Syrian Civil Defense, who worked to dismantle it. We were saved from death or injury.”

Kamal adds, “I don’t know how I spotted it amidst the rubble. When I saw it, I was rushing to check what remained of the house. I think my eyes have become accustomed to recognizing shells, as we lived with them throughout the long years of war.”

She reveals that she won’t be able to return to her home due to the presence of landmines and unexploded ordnance, despite living in a makeshift camp with her family of seven and facing extremely harsh conditions, especially with the significant drop in temperatures and the inability of humanitarian organizations to provide the displaced with necessary supplies such as food and heating.

While Kamal and her family survived injury or death, Wael al-Ahmad (22), from Has town in southern Idlib, lost his life after his city was liberated. His mother, Fatima al-Ahmad, recounts, “My son was tending to the sheep on the outskirts of the town and stepped on a landmine without noticing it, causing him severe injuries. He passed away hours later due to his injuries.”

Ahmad calls for intensified efforts to remove these remnants to prevent further casualties and ensure the safe return of the displaced. “The war remnants planted by the Syrian regime and its allies represent a delayed death for Syrians, as they threaten lives and prevent civilians from returning to their homes and farms,” she says tearfully.

Mohammed al-Saeed (32), who works on a war remnants removal team at the Syrian Civil Defense, explains, “War remnants are unexploded munitions of all shapes and types that remain in an area after the end of a war.”

He adds, “War remnants pose a real threat to Syrians in various parts of the country. They are divided into unexploded ordnance such as bombs, rockets, and shells, in addition to landmines.”

Al-Saeed clarifies that the first type is easier to remove and avoid because it can be seen and is usually found above ground. However, the biggest challenge lies in landmines that people cannot see.

Saeed further explained that Syrian government forces planted hundreds of thousands of mines in various regions of Syria, particularly in agricultural lands, military barracks, and frontline areas between the regime and the opposition. He warned that anyone returning to their town, home, or land should be aware that there may be unexploded ordnance present.

According to Saeed, Syrian Civil Defense teams conducted 822 operations to dispose of unexploded ordnance in northwestern Syria between November 27, 2024, and January 3, 2025.

He urged residents to be cautious of strange objects, to avoid touching or moving them, and to report them immediately. Meanwhile, Civil Defense engineering teams continue to conduct daily technical surveys of land contaminated with war remnants and work to dispose of munitions.

Saeed emphasized the need for the international community to work with the new Syrian government and coordinate with it to remove mines by providing funding to expand the Civil Defense’s capacity, hire more personnel, purchase more equipment, and operate in wider areas.

‘The former Syrian regime and its allied militias deliberately planted mines in vital areas, aiming to inflict the maximum number of civilian casualties. This long-term crime represents another facet of their brutal practices,” says Saeed.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Venezuela: The Democratic Transition That Wasn’t

Credit: Juan Barreto/AFP via Getty Images

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Feb 3 2025 – Venezuela stands at a critical juncture as Nicolás Maduro begins a controversial third term as president. His 10 January inauguration, following a post-election period marked by widespread protests against election fraud and heightened repression, represents a significant setback for democratic aspirations in a country devastated by years of economic collapse and political oppression. Maduro’s confirmation at the helm is the latest chapter in a decades-long process that has transformed Venezuela from a beacon of leftist democratic aspirations into a full-blown authoritarian regime, where the last shred of legitimacy – popular election – has now vanished.

The implications of Venezuela’s crisis extend far beyond its borders, triggering the largest refugee exodus in the Americas and creating significant challenges for neighbouring countries. Almost eight million Venezuelans live abroad, with projections suggesting another two or three million might leave in the coming years.

This crisis comes at a moment when, unlike in the past, two key factors potentially leading to a democratic transition are present: unprecedented opposition unity capable of sustaining a protest movement and growing international support, with progressive Latin American governments increasingly distancing themselves from Maduro. However, Maduro’s willingness to use violent repression and his ability to maintain military loyalty suggest a difficult path ahead for democratic restoration.

Election fraud and post-election repression

The 2024 presidential election initially sparked hopes for democratic change. These hopes were crushed when Maduro declared himself the winner despite clear evidence that opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia had secured a significant victory.

The election campaign unfolded against a backdrop of intensifying civic space restrictions and was far from free and fair. The government disqualified popular opposition leader María Corina Machado and blocked her proposed replacement, forcing the opposition to field González Urrutia. Additional irregularities included systematic persecution of opposition leaders, abuse of public resources, media manipulation and voter suppression tactics, particularly targeting the estimated four million Venezuelan voters abroad.

Despite these challenges, the opposition demonstrated unprecedented unity and organisation. Through its Plan 600K initiative, it mobilised around 600,000 volunteers to monitor polling stations, collect the tallies produced by voting machines and independently calculate results. Their parallel count revealed that González won around 67 per cent of votes compared to Maduro’s 29 per cent, figures supported by independent exit polls. However, the National Electoral Council stopped publishing results after counting 40 per cent of votes, eventually declaring an implausible Maduro victory without providing any supporting data.

Fraud sparked widespread unrest, with 915 spontaneous protests erupting across Venezuelan cities in the two days following the election. The regime’s response was swift and severe. It labelled protests a ‘fascist outbreak’ and charged many protesters with terrorism and incitement to hatred. Security forces used deadly force, resulting in at least 25 deaths, while pro-government paramilitaries engaged in intimidation and violence.

The crackdown extended beyond protesters to target opposition and civil society leaders. Several prominent figures were forced into hiding or exile, while others faced arbitrary detention. Repression intensified in the lead-up to Maduro’s inauguration, with 75 new political detentions in the first 11 days of January alone.

Inauguration day

Maduro’s inauguration reflected both the regime’s isolation and its increasingly authoritarian character. Only two presidents – from Cuba and Nicaragua – attended the ceremony, while other governments sent lower-level representatives. The swearing-in ceremony took place 90 minutes earlier than scheduled, out of fear that the opposition’s president-elect, in exile in Spain, could somehow materialise its declared intention to enter Venezuela and hold a parallel counter-inauguration.

The government implemented extraordinary security measures to make sure this wouldn’t happen, closing land borders with Brazil and Colombia, shutting down Venezuelan airspace and deploying an unprecedented number of security forces throughout Caracas. The militarisation extended to the closure of opposition-controlled neighbourhoods and the pre-emptive detention of dozens of opposition figures.

Maduro’s inaugural address and subsequent appearances were particularly confrontational. He announced plans for constitutional changes to further consolidate power and declared the beginning of a new phase of governance based on a strong alliance between civilian authorities, military forces, the police and the intelligence apparatus. He openly discussed Venezuela’s readiness to take up arms against intervention alongside Cuba and Nicaragua, framing political opposition as a threat to national sovereignty.

International responses and regional implications

In the Americas, only Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras and Nicaragua recognise Maduro as the legitimately elected president, with only an additional handful worldwide, including China, Iran and Russia, maintaining their support.

The USA responded to Maduro’s inauguration by increasing the reward it offers for information leading to Maduro’s arrest to US$25 million, while also targeting his inner circle with new sanctions. The European Union also imposed new sanctions. The G7’s foreign ministers and the High Representative of the European Union issued a joint statement condemning Maduro’s ‘lack of democratic legitimacy’ and the ongoing repression of civil society and the political opposition.

Most significantly, the positions of Latin American states appear to be slowly shifting, with some left-wing leaders, notably those of Brazil and Colombia, not automatically siding with the Maduro regime for the first time. However, Colombia’s pragmatic approach reveals the complexities faced by Venezuela’s neighbours: while not accepting the official election results at face value, Colombia has stopped short of condemnation and has been careful to maintain its diplomatic relations, citing the need to manage border issues and the refugee situation.

Prospects for democratic change

The path to democratic transition faces significant obstacles, with military support remaining crucial to Maduro’s hold on power. The regime has secured military loyalty through a combination of institutional integration, coercion and economic privilege, with high-ranking military officers reaping generous rewards. The regime has found additional layers of protection in security structures including the National Bolivarian Guard, special police units and pro-government militias, and the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service, strongly backed by G2, Cuba’s secret service.

But the authoritarian regime has vulnerabilities. Growing international isolation, combined with continued economic deterioration, may eventually strain the system of patronage that maintains elite loyalty, including among the military. The opposition’s commitment to peaceful resistance, while seemingly ineffective in the short term, continues to earn it moral authority and international support.

While the combination of peaceful resistance, international pressure and potential internal divisions within the regime may eventually create conditions for change, the immediate future suggests a continuing struggle between an entrenched authoritarian system and a resilient democratic movement. The outcome will have profound implications for Venezuela and for all of Latin America.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.

For interviews or more information, please contact [email protected].


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Bitget Wallet Unveils PayFi Vision: Bridging Real-World Payments and Onchain Finance

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget Wallet, a leading Web3 non–custodial wallet, has unveiled its 2025 strategy with PayFi being a key focus. With over 60 million users, Bitget Wallet is bringing PayFi to the forefront of personal finance, transforming crypto from a passive asset into a powerful financial tool for everyday use. By combining the efficiency of crypto payments and the ability to earn through decentralized finance (DeFi), PayFi integrates earning, sending, and spending into an ecosystem that maximizes the utility of every dollar, ensuring that every transaction contributes to financial growth. Bitget Wallet is positioning itself as a financial superapp, bridging blockchain innovation and real–world usability to revolutionize how individuals manage their money.

Bitget Wallet's PayFi Flywheel transforms crypto wallets from passive storage tools into engines of financial empowerment. With its earning, sending, and spending ecosystem, users can deposit crypto assets, such as stablecoins, into savings accounts offering flexible, real–time yields. These yields aren't locked away but directly fuel daily expenditures, from shopping to subscriptions, supporting the “Buy Now, Pay Never” concept, where DeFi yields cover part of the expenses. By converging earning, sending, and spending, powered by blockchain's efficiency, PayFi creates an interconnected ecosystem that keeps money productive and empowers users to grow their assets seamlessly.

PayFi is not just a product; it's a movement to make crypto a viable financial tool for billions globally,” said Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet. “By leveraging the PayFi Flywheel, we're redefining personal finance, integrating blockchain–powered systems into everyday life. This marks a paradigm shift in how people manage money — empowering individuals with tools to maximize productivity and financial freedom while making crypto more practical and impactful worldwide.

A cornerstone of Bitget Wallet's PayFi initiative is the upcoming Bitget Wallet Card, a crypto card supported by Mastercard and linked to a crypto–friendly, multi–currency international bank account. The card will enable seamless global spending, offering competitive exchange rates. In addition to the card, Bitget Wallet is building an in–app shopping experience through partnerships with companies such as Triple A, Bitrefill, IvendPay, PundiX, and Coinpal. These partnerships enable users to spend crypto on everyday services, from purchasing gift cards for top brands like Amazon and Apple to topping up mobile credits and making in–store payments via QR codes or blockchain–powered POS systems. This interconnected ecosystem broadens crypto's real–world application, ensuring that earning, sending, and spending reinforce one another in a cycle of value creation.

Bitget Wallet also plans to introduce enhanced earning features, offering flexible yield options ranging from low–risk returns to higher–yield opportunities. Users can keep their funds productive even while using them for daily spending, ensuring money generates yield while remaining accessible. Peer–to–peer transfers will be streamlined, allowing faster, cheaper, and more accessible crypto transactions for daily use and remittances. “We've seen exceptional growth in some regions driven by high inflation and limited banking access,” said Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet. “In Africa alone, user numbers grew over 1000% last year, with similar trends in the Middle East and Latin America. These figures underscore the rising demand for decentralized solutions, and with PayFi, we aim to empower underserved regions with accessible financial tools.

For further details, visit the Bitget Wallet blog.

About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, uniting endless possibilities in one non–custodial wallet. With over 60 million users, it offers comprehensive onchain services, including asset management, instant swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, an NFT marketplace and crypto payment. Supporting over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi–chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross–chain bridges, along with a $300 million protection fund to ensure safety of users' assets. Experience Bitget Wallet Lite to start a Web3 journey.
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Photos accompanying this announcement are available at



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001046243)

شركة BioAro تطلق تقنية تحليل تسلسل الجينوم الكامل فائقة السرعة PanOmiQ المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي

كالجاري، ألبرتا،, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

ستكشف شركة BioAro، الرائدة عالميًا في مجال الصحة الدقيقة وعلم الجينوم، عن منصتها المبتكرة PanOmiQ المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي في المؤتمر العالمي المرموق للطب الدقيق (PMWC) في منطقة وادي السيليكون، ويحقق هذا الحل الخاص بتحليل تسلسل الجينوم الكامل (WGS) كفاءة لا مثيل لها، حيث يقلل وقت التحليل إلى أقل من ساعتين ويُولِد ملفات بتنسيق الاتصال المتغير (VCF) في أقل من خمس دقائق، وبذلك يُعيد هذا الإنجاز التاريخي في علوم الطب والحوسبة ترسيخ مكانة الطب الدقيق وتحليل الجينوم المدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعي.

يشكل هذا الابتكار تحولاً جذريًا في مجال الرعاية الصحية العالمية، حيث يجمع بين السرعة والدقة والتكلفة الميسورة، مما يجعل الطب الدقيق في متناول الجميع أكثر من أي وقتٍ مضى. يقول الدكتور Anmol S. Kapoor، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة BioAro: “إن تقنية PanOmiQ ليست مجرد تقدم تكنولوجي فحسب، بل إنها تغيير جذري في مجال الرعاية الصحية العالمية”. “ومن خلال تقليص مدة تحليل الجينوم من أيام إلى ساعات، فإننا نجعل الطب الدقيق متاحًا للجميع، وليس فقط لطبقة الأثرياء، فتُمكِن هذه الابتكارات الأطباء السَريريين من اتخاذ قرارات مبنية على رؤى وتحليلات جينية فورية، مما يحوّل الطب من العلاجات التفاعلية إلى رعاية استباقية ووقائية، وبهذا يُمكننا إطالة عُمْر الإنسان وجعل صحته الشخصية واقعًا عالميًا.”

يظهر التزام شركة BioAro بالابتكار من خلال سعيها المستمر لتقديم حلول متطوّرة مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي، والتي من شأنها أن تعزز دقة التشخيص وتُيسر إمكانية الوصول إلى الطب الجيني. وتذلل تقنية PanOmiQ بفعاليةٍ العوائق التي كانت تعترض طرق التسلسل التقليدية، والتي كانت عادةً ما تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً وتتكبد تكاليف باهظة، وذلك من خلال دمج الذكاء الاصطناعي في تحليل الجينوم. يُمكِّن هذا الإنجاز الباحثين ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية والمؤسسات من تسريع التشخيص الدقيق وتحسين خطط العلاج وتقليل العبء على البنية التحتية للرعاية الصحية بشكل كبير.

سيعرض الدكتور Raja B. Singh، كبير المسؤولين العلميين في شركة BioAro، تقنية PanOmiQ في المؤتمر العالمي للطب الدقيق (PMWC)، مُسلطًا الضوء على قدرتها على تمكين الوصول إلى الصحة الدقيقة من خلال تكنولوجيا الجينوم المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي. تجعل تقنية PanOmiQ علم الجينوم المُتقدم متاحًا للمستشفيات والباحثين والمجتمعات المحرومة في جميع أنحاء العالم، وذلك من خلال القضاء على التكاليف الباهظة وتعقيدات تحليل تسلسل الجينوم الكامل (WGS) التقليدي، ويفتح هذا الابتكار آفاقًا جديدة في أبحاث السرطان وتشخيص الأمراض النادرة ومراقبة الأمراض المُعْدية، مما يعزز الدور الفعّال للذكاء الاصطناعي في تشكيل مستقبل الرعاية الصحية.

ومن بين أبرز إنجازات تقنية PanOmiQ، كفاءتها العالية في اكتشاف المتغيرات الجينية. وفي أغسطس 2024، حققت تنقية PanOmiQ تطابقًا بنسبة 100% في اكتشاف المتغيرات الجينية خلال اختبار الكفاءة الذي أجرته الكلية الأمريكية لأطباء علم الأمراض (CAP)، مما يعزز مكانتها كإحدى أكثر منصات الجينوم المتاحة دقةً. يضمن هذا المستوى من الدقة أن يثق الأطباء والباحثون في النتائج المستمدة من البيانات الجينية، مما يسهم في تحسين رعاية المرضى وتحقيق اكتشافات رائدة.

يقول الدكتور Raja B. Singh: “نحن لا نجعل التحليلات الجينية أسرع فحسب؛ بل نجعلها أكثر ذكاءً ودقة، وتضمن الدقة المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي في هذا النطاق حصول المرضى على تحليلات ونتائج جينية أكثر موثوقية، مما يؤدي إلى تشخيصات أفضل وعلاجات أكثر دقةً واكتشافات رائدة في مجالات مثل أبحاث السرطان والأمراض الوراثية النادرة، لذلك، تُعَد هذه التقنية مستقبل الطب الدقيق.”

إن إطلاق تقنية PanOmiQ في المؤتمر العالمي للطب الدقيق (PMWC) في منطقة وادي السيليكون يُعَد لحظةً فارقةً في مجال ابتكارات الرعاية الصحية. وبفضل الاستفادة من التحليل الجينومي القائم على الذكاء الاصطناعي، تُمكِن تقنية PanOmiQ من توفير علاجات أسرع وأكثر تخصيصًا وتقلل من تكاليف الرعاية الصحية وتُوسِع نطاق الوصول إلى الطب الدقيق في المناطق المحرومة. تساعد هذه المنصة الرائدة الأطباء والباحثين على تقديم رعاية استباقية ووقائية، بدءًا من تطوير أبحاث السرطان وعلاجات الأمراض النادرة وصولًا إلى مراقبة الأمراض المُعْدية في الوقت الفعلي، مما يساهم في تحسين نتائج المرضى وإطالة العُمْر البشري.

يواجه مقدمو الرعاية الصحية في جميع أنحاء العالم تحديات كبيرة في تقديم تشخيصات دقيقة وفي الوقت المناسب، لا سيما في المناطق ذات الوصول المحدود إلى التقنيات الطبية المتقدمة. وتسدّ تقنية PanOmiQ هذه الفجوة من خلال تقديم حل تحليل جيني فعّال وقابل للتطوير ومنخفض التكلفة. يُعَد هذا التطوُّر إنجازًا مهمًا للغاية في مجال الأورام، حيث يمكن للتسلسل السريع للجينوم أن يساهم في وضع استراتيجيات علاجية مخصصة لكل مريض وبالتالي تحسين معدلات البقاء على قيد الحياة. وعلى نحوٍ مماثل، في دراسة الأمراض الوراثية النادرة، تسهم إمكانات تقنية PanOmiQ في تسريع التشخيص وتمكين التدخل المبكر، مما يُحدِث تحولاً في حياة المرضى.

لا تُعَد تقنية PanOmiQ مجرد منصة لتسلسل الجينوم الكامل (WGS) فحسب – إنها أسرع منصة تقدم نتائج تحليلات جينية متعددة في العالم. وتمتد تحليلاتها المتقدمة المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لتشمل التسلسل الكامل للإكسوم وتحليل الميكروبيوم، بما في ذلك ميكروبيومات الجلد والفم والأمعاء والمهبل بشكل فوري. يتيح هذا النهج الشامل في علم الجينوم للباحثين ومُقدمي الرعاية الصحية التوصل إلى رؤى أعمق حول التفاعل بين الجينات والميكروبيومات، مما يعزز التقدم في مجال الصحة الدقيقة.

ومن خلال دمج تحليل الميكروبيوم، تُحسِّن تقنية PanOmiQ الفهم حول كيفية تأثير الأنظمة البيئية الميكروبية على صحة الإنسان. ويحظى هذا الأمر بأهمية خاصة في التغذية الشخصية والعلاج المناعي وإدارة الأمراض المزمنة، حيث يؤدّي تكوين الميكروبيوم دورًا حيويًا في هذا المجال. تُمكِن القدرة على إجراء تقييمات الميكروبيوم الفورية الأطباء السَريريين من تخصيص التدخلات بدقة غير مسبوقة، مما يحسن رعاية المرضى على المستوى الفردي.

واختتم الدكتور Kapoor حديثه قائلاً: “إن القدرة على تحليل جينوم كامل على مستوى السكان في أقل من ساعتين هي قفزة تاريخية في قطاع العلوم الطبية. فنحن لا نحلل الحمض النووي بشكل أسرع فحسب، بل نعيد كتابة مستقبل الرعاية الصحية.”

تستعد PanOmiQ لتحويل المشهد في قطاع الرعاية الصحية العالمي من خلال سرعة إنجاز التحليلات الجينية وتوسيع نطاق الوصول إلى الطب الدقيق. تتعدد النتائج المترتبة على هذا الابتكار بشكل كبير، بدءًا من تحسين استراتيجيات الوقاية من الأمراض إلى خطط العلاج الشخصية المُصَممة خصيصًا لتناسب السمات الجينية الفريدة لكل مريض. وبينما تواصل BioAro دفع عجلة الابتكار، تظل الشركة متمسكةً بمهمتها لجعل الصحة الدقيقة واقعًا متاحًا للجميع.

نبذة عن شركة BioAro

BioAro هي شركة رائدة في مجال الصحة الدقيقة وعلوم الجينوم، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في كالجاري، ألبرتا. تتخصص شركة BioAro في تحليلات تسلسل الجينوم الكامل وتسلسل الإكسوم الكامل وتحليل الحمض النووي الخالي من الخلايا وعلم ما فوق الجينات مثل التيلومير والمِثْيَلَة وتحليل تعبير الجينات وتسلسل أورام السرطان وعلم الصيدلة الجيني واختبار الميكروبيومات وعلم المعلومات الحيوية القائم على الذكاء الاصطناعي، مما يجعلها في طليعة الشركات المبتكرة في قطاع الرعاية الصحية المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي. تعمل BioAro على تحسين نتائج المرضى وتسريع مدة إنجاز الأبحاث الطبية وإعادة تشكيل مستقبل الطب الشخصي، وذلك من خلال حلولها المتطورة في علم الجينوم وإطالة العُمْر البشري والصحة الدقيقة مثل BioELR وBiongevity وThe BioSport وBioGut Clinic.

جهة الاتصال الإعلامية

البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]

الهاتف: 2222–721–587

الموقع الإلكتروني: www.PanOmiQ.com

الصور المرفقة بهذا البيان الصحفي متوفرة على الرابط التالي


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