Bitgets Protection Fund Durschnitt erreicht 648 Mio. $ im Januar 2025

VICTORIA, Seychellen, Feb. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, die führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma, hat bekannt gegeben, dass ihr Protection Fund im Januar 2025 eine Bewertung von 648 Mio. $ erreicht hat, was das anhaltende Wachstum und die Stabilität des Kryptomarktes widerspiegelt. Der Fonds, der den Nutzern in volatilen Marktsituationen finanzielle Sicherheit bieten soll, beweist weiterhin seine Widerstandsfähigkeit und Bedeutung, da Bitcoin und andere digitale Vermögenswerte erhebliche Preisschwankungen erleben.

Im Januar 2025 erreichte der Bitget Protection Fund einen Wert von 690 Millionen US–Dollar und hielt seinen Aufwärtstrend bei, während Bitcoin in einer Spanne von 87.000 bis 105.000 US–Dollar gehandelt wurde. Im Januar hielt der Fonds eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von etwa 648 Millionen US–Dollar aufrecht und erfüllte damit seine wichtige Rolle als verlässlicher Schutz für die Nutzer–Assets in einem schwankenden Marktumfeld.

„Das stetige Wachstum unseres Protection Fund steht im Einklang mit unserem Fokus, die Sicherheit zu verbessern und das Vertrauen der Nutzer zu stärken“, sagte Gracy Chen, CEO von Bitget. „Während sich der Kryptomarkt weiterentwickelt, sind wir weiterhin bestrebt, unseren Nutzern eine sichere und transparente Plattform zu bieten, die es ihnen ermöglicht, sich vertrauensvoll auf dem Markt zu bewegen.“

Der im Jahr 2022 mit einer anfänglichen Dotierung von 300 Mio. USD eingerichtete Protection Fond ist stetig gewachsen und bietet den Nutzern in Zeiten der Marktvolatilität mehr Sicherheit. Diese jüngste Bewertung spiegelt das robuste Risikomanagement von Bitget wider, das sicherstellt, dass der Fonds gut kapitalisiert bleibt, um die Assets Nutzer auch bei erhöhter Marktaktivität zu schützen. Die Performance des Fonds im Januar steht im Einklang mit den allgemeinen Markttrends, einschließlich des gestiegenen Interesses von Institutionen und der regulatorischen Entwicklungen, die die Kryptolandschaft weiterhin prägen.

Zusätzlich zum Protection Fund hält Bitgets Proof of Reserves ein 1:1 Reservenverhältnis aufrecht, was die Transparenz und das Vertrauen weiter stärkt. Bitget wurde vor kurzem von Forbes in die Liste der vertrauenswürdigsten Krypto–Plattformen aufgenommen. Diese Initiativen positionieren Bitget als eine führende Börse, die die Sicherheit und das Vertrauen der Nutzer in einem sich ständig verändernden Marktumfeld in den Vordergrund stellt.

Ausführliche Berichte zum Protection Fund und Proof of Reserves finden Sie hier.

Über Bitget

Bitget wurde 2018 gegründet und ist eine führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3–Firma, die über 100 Millionen Nutzer in mehr als 150 Ländern und Regionen bedient. Die Bitget–Börse hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Nutzern innovative Handelslösungen zu bieten, einschließlich der bahnbrechenden Copy–Trading–Funktion, und gleichzeitig einen Echtzeit–Zugang zu den Preisen von Bitcoin, Ethereum und anderen Kryptowährungen zu ermöglichen. Die ehemals unter dem Namen BitKeep bekannte Bitget Wallet ist eine erstklassige Multi–Chain–Kryptowallet, die umfassende Web3–Lösungen anbietet, darunter Wallet–Funktionen, Token–Swaps, einen NFT–Marktplatz und einen DApp–Browser.

Bitget treibt die Einführung von Kryptowährungen durch strategische Partnerschaften weiter voran, darunter die Rolle als offizieller Krypto–Partner von LALIGA in den Märkten EASTERN, SEA und LATAM sowie die Zusammenarbeit mit den türkischen Nationalsportlern Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Weltmeister im Ringen), Samet Gümüş (Goldmedaillengewinner im Boxen) und İlkin Aydın (Volleyball–Nationalmannschaft). Diese Partnerschaften zielen darauf ab, globale Gemeinschaften zu inspirieren, die Zukunft der Kryptowährung zu begrüßen.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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[email protected]

Risikowarnung:* Die Preise für digitale Assets sind Schwankungen unterworfen und können erheblicher Volatilität ausgesetzt sein. Anlegern wird empfohlen, nur Gelder zu investieren, deren Verlust sie sich leisten können. Der Wert jeder Investition kann beeinträchtigt werden, und es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die finanziellen Ziele nicht erreicht werden und die Investition nicht zurückgezahlt werden kann. Es sollte immer eine unabhängige Finanzberatung in Anspruch genommen werden, und die persönliche finanzielle Erfahrung und Situation sollte sorgfältig geprüft werden. Die Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit ist kein zuverlässiger Indikator für zukünftige Ergebnisse. Bitget übernimmt keine Haftung für etwaige Verluste. Die hierin enthaltenen Informationen sind nicht als Finanzberatung auszulegen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren *Nutzungsbedingungen.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001048642)

O Fundo de Proteção da Bitget atinge média de US$ 648 milhões em janeiro de 2025

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Feb. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Bitget, a principal corretora de criptomoedas e empresa de Web3, anunciou que seu Fundo de Proteção alcançou uma avaliação de US$ 648 milhões em janeiro de 2025, refletindo o crescimento contínuo e a estabilidade do mercado de criptomoedas. O fundo, criado para oferecer segurança financeira aos usuários durante períodos de volatilidade no mercado, continua a demonstrar sua resiliência e importância à medida que o Bitcoin e outros ativos digitais passam por variações significativas de preço.

Em janeiro de 2025, o Fundo de Proteção da Bitget atingiu uma avaliação máxima de US$ 690 milhões, mantendo sua trajetória de crescimento enquanto o Bitcoin foi negociado entre US$ 87.000 e US$ 105.000. Em janeiro, o Fundo de Proteção manteve uma avaliação média de aproximadamente US$ 648 milhões, desempenhando um papel essencial como uma proteção confiável para os ativos dos usuários de diante das oscilações do mercado.

“O crescimento constante do nosso Fundo de Proteção está alinhado com nosso compromisso de aprimorar a segurança e fortalecer a confiança dos usuários”, disse Gracy Chen, CEO da Bitget. “À medida que o mercado de criptomoedas evolui, seguimos comprometidos em oferecer um ambiente seguro e transparente para nossos usuários, permitindo que eles operem com confiança”.

Lançado em 2022 com um compromisso inicial de US$ 300 milhões, o Fundo de Proteção cresceu de forma constante, oferecendo aos usuários maior segurança durante períodos de volatilidade no mercado. Essa última avaliação reflete a sólida estrutura de gestão de riscos da Bitget, garantindo que o fundo permaneça bem capitalizado para proteger os ativos dos usuários, mesmo em períodos de intensa atividade no mercado. O desempenho do fundo em janeiro está alinhado com as tendências gerais do mercado, incluindo o crescente interesse institucional e os avanços regulatórios que continuam a moldar o cenário de criptomoedas.

Além do Fundo de Proteção, a Prova de Reservas da Bitget mantém uma proporção de reserva de 1:1, o que reforça ainda mais a transparência e a segurança. Recentemente, a Forbes incluiu a Bitget na lista das principais plataformas de criptomoedas confiáveis do mercado. Essas iniciativas posicionam a Bitget como uma corretora líder que prioriza a segurança e a confiança dos usuários em um ambiente de mercado em constante mudança.

Para consultar relatórios detalhados sobre o Fundo de Proteção e a Prova de Reservas, acesse aqui.

Sobre a Bitget

Fundada em 2018, a Bitget é uma corretora líder de criptomoedas e empresa de Web3, com mais de 100 milhões de usuários em mais de 150 países e regiões. A corretora Bitget é dedicada a fornecer aos usuários soluções de negociação inovadoras, incluindo sua pioneira funcionalidade de copy trading, além de oferecer acesso em tempo real aos preços do Bitcoin, Ethereum e de outras criptomoedas. A Bitget Wallet, anteriormente conhecida como BitKeep, é uma carteira de criptomoedas multicadeia de padrão internacional, que oferece soluções completas para Web3, incluindo funcionalidade de carteira, troca de tokens, um mercado de NFTs e um navegador DApp.

A Bitget continua a promover a adoção de criptomoedas por meio de parcerias estratégicas, incluindo seu papel como parceiro oficial de criptomoedas da LALIGA nos mercados do LESTE e SUDESTE ASIÁTICOS e da AMÉRICA LATINA, além de sua colaboração com os atletas nacionais turcos Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campeã mundial de Luta), Samet Gümüş (medalhista de ouro no Boxe) e İlkin Aydın (seleção nacional de Vôlei). Essas parcerias têm como objetivo inspirar comunidades globais a adotarem o futuro das criptomoedas.

Para obter mais informações, acesse:

Site | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

Contato para a imprensa:

[email protected]

Aviso de risco:* os preços dos ativos digitais estão sujeitos a flutuações e podem sofrer volatilidade significativa. Os investidores devem investir apenas o valor que estão dispostos a perder. O valor de um investimento pode sofrer variações, e há o risco de que as metas financeiras não sejam alcançadas ou que o capital investido não seja recuperado. Procure sempre uma consultoria financeira independente e considere sua própria experiência e situação financeira. O desempenho no passado não é uma medida confiável do desempenho no futuro. A Bitget não se responsabiliza por possíveis perdas incorridas. O conteúdo deste documento não deve ser interpretado como orientação financeira. Para obter mais informações, consulte nossos *Termos de uso.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001048642)

Le fonds de protection de Bitget atteint une valorisation de 648 millions de dollars en janvier 2025

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 14 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, la première Bourse de crypto–monnaies et société Web3, vient d’annoncer que son fonds de protection a atteint une valorisation de 648 millions de dollars en janvier 2025, reflétant ainsi une croissance et une stabilité soutenues sur le marché des crypto–monnaies. Conçu pour offrir une sécurité financière aux utilisateurs dans des conditions de marché volatiles, le fonds continue de démontrer sa résilience et son importance alors que le cours du Bitcoin et celui d’autres actifs numériques connaissent des fluctuations importantes.

En janvier 2025, le fonds de protection de Bitget a poursuivi sa trajectoire ascendante en atteignant une valorisation maximale de 690 millions de dollars, alors que le Bitcoin se négociait dans une fourchette comprise entre 87 000 et 105 000 dollars. Tout au long du mois de janvier, le fonds de protection a maintenu une valorisation moyenne de 648 millions de dollars environ, jouant ainsi son rôle essentiel de protection fiable des actifs des utilisateurs dans un contexte de conditions de marché fluctuantes.

« La croissance continue de notre fonds de protection s’inscrit parfaitement dans notre stratégie d’amélioration de la sécurité et de renforcement de la confiance des utilisateurs », a déclaré Gracy Chen, PDG de Bitget. « Au fil de l’évolution du marché des crypto–monnaies, nous restons déterminés à fournir un environnement sécurisé et transparent à nos utilisateurs afin de leur permettre d’explorer le marché en toute confiance. »

Le fonds de protection a été lancé en 2022 avec un engagement initial de 300 millions de dollars et a connu une croissance constante qui offre aux utilisateurs une sécurité renforcée pendant les périodes de volatilité du marché. Cette récente valorisation traduit parfaitement la robustesse du cadre de gestion des risques de Bitget, qui garantit que le fonds reste bien capitalisé de manière à protéger les actifs des utilisateurs, même en cas d’activité accrue du marché. La performance affichée par le fonds en janvier est en adéquation avec les tendances générales du marché, notamment en termes d’intérêt accru de la part des institutions et de développements réglementaires qui continuent de façonner le paysage des crypto–monnaies.

Outre le fonds de protection, la preuve de réserves de Bitget maintient un ratio de réserve de 1:1, ce qui renforce davantage encore la transparence et la confiance. Récemment, Forbes a mentionné Bitget dans son classement des plateformes cryptographiques les plus fiables. Collectivement, ces initiatives positionnent Bitget comme une Bourse de crypto–monnaies de premier plan qui accorde la priorité à la sécurité et à la confiance de ses utilisateurs dans un environnement de marché en constante évolution.

Pour consulter des rapports détaillés sur le fonds de protection et la preuve de réserves de Bitget, rendez–vous ici.

À propos de Bitget

Créée en 2018, Bitget est une Bourse de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 de premier plan, au service de plus de 100 millions d’utilisateurs dans plus de 150 pays et régions. La Bourse Bitget a pour vocation de fournir aux utilisateurs des solutions de trading innovantes, avec notamment sa fonction pionnière de copy trading, tout en offrant un accès en temps réel au cours du Bitcoin, au cours de l’Ethereum et aux cours d’autres cryptomonnaies. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille cryptographique multi–chaînes de classe mondiale qui offre des solutions Web3 complètes, dont notamment des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, d’échange de jetons, une place de marché NFT et un navigateur DApp.

Bitget continue de favoriser l’adoption des crypto–monnaies grâce à des partenariats stratégiques, comme en témoigne son rôle de Partenaire crypto officiel de LALIGA sur les marchés de l’EST, de l’ASEAN et de l’Amérique latine, ainsi que sa collaboration avec les athlètes olympiques turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (champion du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaillé d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley–ball). Ces partenariats ont pour vocation d’inciter la population mondiale à adopter les cryptomonnaies, symboles d’avenir.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site :

Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

Pour les demandes médias, veuillez contacter :

[email protected]

Avertissement relatif aux risques : * Les cours des actifs numériques peuvent fluctuer et connaître une forte volatilité. Il est recommandé aux investisseurs d’investir uniquement la somme qu’ils peuvent se permettre de perdre. La valeur de votre investissement peut être affectée et il est possible que vous n’atteigniez pas vos objectifs financiers ou que vous ne parveniez pas à recouvrer votre investissement principal. Nous vous encourageons à toujours solliciter les conseils d’un spécialiste indépendant de la finance et à tenir compte de votre expérience et de votre situation financière. Les performances passées ne constituent pas un indicateur fiable des résultats futurs. Bitget décline toute responsabilité envers toute perte potentielle encourue. Nulle disposition des présentes ne saurait être interprétée comme un conseil d’ordre financier. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter nos *Conditions d’utilisation.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001048642)

Bitget Secures Virtual Asset Service Provider license in Bulgaria Aligning with its EU Expansion Plans

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Feb. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has obtained a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) license from Bulgaria's National Revenue Agency. The official licensing now enables Bitget to offer a comprehensive suite of crypto services within Bulgaria, including the exchange, trading, transfer, custody, and public offering of crypto assets, as well as wallet services. This aligns with Bitget's broader plans of obtaining EU's Markets in Crypto–Assets (MiCA) license, which will boost its foothold in the region.

The VASP license in Bulgaria aligns with Bitget's strategic expansion across the European Union. The company is actively preparing for compliance with the EU's MiCA framework, which seeks to establish a unified regulatory environment for crypto assets throughout the region.

“The successful application of the VASP license in Bulgaria is a part of Bitget's expansion strategy to serve users across the European Union,” said Hon Ng, Chief Legal Officer at Bitget. “As the EU continues to lead with regulatory frameworks like MiCA, we see strong potential for sustainable growth and innovation in the region while maintaining compliance. Bulgaria serves as a strategic gateway for our European expansion, offering crypto–friendly ecosystems the chance to accelerate crypto's adoption.”

Ng added, “In 2025, we are excited to continue to grow Bitget's global regulatory footprint in partnership with various regulators around the world. We have a sharp focus on meeting compliance standards in every jurisdiction where we operate and we have been investing in our compliance programme from day one. We believe that our approach enhances user trust, ensures market integrity while at the same time increasing global adoption of digital assets and ensures long–term sustainable growth as we align our operations with emerging regulations worldwide.”

Bitget views regulatory compliance as an integral part of its future success, which is evident through its acquisition of approvals in key markets such as Poland, Italy, Lithuania, UK and now Bulgaria.

The VASP license in Bulgaria grants Bitget the regulatory approval to offer a wide array of services to cater to the needs of digital asset users in the region. These services include the exchange of crypto assets, enabling seamless conversion between crypto and fiat; trading and transfer of crypto assets, facilitating efficient and secure transactions; and custody services, providing a strong framework for safeguarding user assets. Additionally, the license permits the public offering of crypto assets, supporting the scope for innovative token launches and opportunities.

In the last three months alone, Bitget has put forth major licensing and expansion updates. It has secured a BSP license in El Salvador, approval in the UK to provide digital asset services, and has powered a compliant Vietnam–based exchange BitEXC. Recently, Forbes has ranked Bitget as one of the world's most trustworthy exchanges and with Bulgaria's VASP license, Bitget continues to make significant progress in this area. The company plans to collaborate closely with European regulators to ensure its products meet all regulatory requirements while prioritizing the protection of user assets and data.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 100 million users in 150+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions, while offering real–time access to Bitcoin price, Ethereum price, and other cryptocurrency prices. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world–class multi–chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, token swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more.

Bitget is at the forefront of driving crypto adoption through strategic partnerships, such as its role as the Official Crypto Partner of the World's Top Football League, LALIGA, in EASTERN, SEA and LATAM market, as well as a global partner of Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team), to inspire the global community to embrace the future of cryptocurrency.

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

Risk Warning: Digital asset prices may fluctuate and experience price volatility. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The value of your investment may be impacted and it is possible that you may not achieve your financial goals or be able to recover your principal investment. You should always seek independent financial advice and consider your own financial experience and financial standing. Past performance is not a reliable measure of future performance. Bitget shall not be liable for any losses you may incur. Nothing here shall be construed as financial advice.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001048549)

Development Effectiveness & the Quality of Financing: Towards a More Holistic Approach at Seville

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are off track. Decades of progress on poverty and hunger have stalled, and in some cases, been thrown into reverse. Many developing economies are mired in debt, with financing challenges preventing the urgently needed investment push in the SDGs, according to the United Nations. But amid these challenges there lies opportunity. The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) – 30 June to 3 July 2025–provides a unique opportunity to reform financing at all levels, including to support reform of the international financial architecture. Credit: United Nations

By Annika Otterstedt and Luca De Fraia
STOCKHOLM Sweden / MILAN, Italy, Feb 14 2025 – When world leaders gather in Seville for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in June, they will be meeting at a pivotal moment: one defined by mounting systemic risks, a multiplication of crises, and proliferation and fragmentation of development co-operation actors and funds.

International development co-operation is also threatened by the ongoing erosion of funding, including through unilateral decisions of unparalleled magnitude. While momentum for reform and transformative change to the financial and development architecture is growing, it is crucial not to lose sight of the fundamentals.

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), increases in the quantity of development financing, be it official development assistance (ODA), private finance, or South-South co-operation, must be complemented with boosting the quality of all types of financing so that they are delivered and used in the most effective way.

Credit: Nuthawut Somsuk

Efforts to increase the quality of financing are embodied by the development effectiveness agenda and its internationally agreed principles: country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships, and transparency and mutual accountability. The principles are tried and tested, and more relevant than ever.

They build on and reflect decades of global experience and are increasingly crucial for addressing the challenges that characterize today’s development co-operation landscape, such as fragmentation and misalignment with country priorities. They are also key for mobilising different types of finance from a growing array of development partners and partnerships.

Yet, as the development landscape has increased in complexity in the years after the 2015 Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the systematic focus on development effectiveness at country level has not been adequately integrated into country ecosystems and ambitions. For instance, Integrated National Finance Framework (INFF) processes could be better utilized as opportunities to talk about development effectiveness.

As Co-Chairs of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, we believe that development effectiveness is essential to mobilising financing for sustainable development, across all types of international co-operation for development. The FfD4 Outcome Document must clearly stress this point.

A stronger, more systematic focus on the benefits of development effectiveness – and on addressing the bottlenecks and trade-offs that hinder progress on the 2030 Agenda and SDGs – is essential to reinstate trust, increase financing for development, and achieve long-term positive impacts.

The four principles of effective development co-operation remain the core enablers of development effectiveness. We welcome the focus of the recently released FfD4 Zero Draft Outcome Document on country leadership, coherence, and mutual accountability, but reiterate the need to uphold past commitments originating from the long-lasting aid effectiveness and development effectiveness processes.

It is important for the Outcome Document to stress the continued validity and intertwined nature of the four effectiveness principles, including the role of inclusive partnerships and of civil society organizations in particular.

The involvement of all stakeholders – partner countries, development partners, the private sector, civil society, parliamentarians, philanthropies, and trade unions – remains central to the effectiveness agenda. It is also important to focus on the effectiveness of partnerships with the private sector, in particular by creating enabling environments for a local private sector to thrive, an area monitored by the Global Partnership through the Kampala Principles Assessment.

Effective private sector partnerships are key for ensuring transparency and accountability and for combatting corruption. A whole-of-society approach is key to achieving true country ownership, which has emerged as a central theme in the FfD4 negotiations.

How can the Global Partnership and development effectiveness contribute to FfD4 and its follow-up?

First, the Global Partnership Monitoring Exercise provides evidence to inform how development actors can improve their policies, practices and partnerships, insights into progress in implementing the agreed effectiveness commitments, as well as opportunities for learning, dialogue and sharing of experiences on emerging effectiveness challenges.

The monitoring is a partner-country led tool holding development stakeholders to account for their implementation of the commitments, and a starting point for concrete action and behaviour change. Since 2011, 103 partner countries have led the monitoring exercise one or more times in collaboration with over 100 development partners and other actors. The ongoing global monitoring round will bring new evidence into the discussions on effectiveness, including in the lead-up and follow-up to FfD4.

(Read preliminary observations from the first 11 countries to complete data collection: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nepal, the Philippines, Uganda, Yemen and Zambia).

The fresh insights from the monitoring round are one important source of evidence which will feed into country-led multi-stakeholder action for how to enhance effectiveness.

Second, the Global Partnership’s 4th High-Level Meeting (HLM4) in 2026, where the monitoring results will be presented, is the next crucial moment after FfD4 to take stock of development effectiveness, accelerate progress, drive accountability, and inform policy dialogue on international development co-operation trends.

We invite all development stakeholders to contribute to HLM4, and to act on the dilemmas, tensions and trade-offs we are all facing to expedite delivery of the 2030 Agenda. Strengthening and streamlining the development co-operation architecture must be a collaborative, inclusive process.

The Global Partnership offers a proven, multi-stakeholder platform to ensure that all voices are heard in shaping the future of development co-operation.

We invite you to join forces with us: raise the profile of development effectiveness in the lead-up and follow-up to FfD4, and use the monitoring findings for learning, dialogue and action at country level.

Recognizing that development effectiveness is a key enabler for sustainable development by 2030 (and beyond) and fully embracing and recognizing the effectiveness principles in their integrity, is a prerequisite for an impactful and action-oriented outcome at FfD4.

Annika Otterstedt is Assistant Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and Luca De Fraia is Co-Chair, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness.

Annika Otterstedt and Luca De Fraia are also Co-Chairs of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation.

IPS UN Bureau


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US Pullout Gives Upper Hand to Human Rights Abusers Worldwide

The UN General Assembly votes to suspend the rights of the membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council during an Emergency Special Session on Ukraine. April 2022. Credit: UN Photo/Manuel Elías

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 14 2025 – When some of the world’s “authoritarian and repressive regimes” were elected as members of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) –including Cuba, China, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) — a US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher infamously remarked: “The inmates have taken over the asylum, I don’t plan to give the lunatics any more American tax dollars to play with.”

That remark brought back memories of a 1975 award-winning Hollywood classic “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, with Jack Nicholson as a rebellious patient causing havoc at a US mental institution while leading a group of protesting inmates.

And last week, the US decided, metaphorically speaking, to fly over the cuckoo’s nest—and withdraw from the Geneva-based 47-member Human Rights Council.

Dr. Simon Adams, President and CEO of the Center for Victims of Torture, told IPS the Human Rights Council and all United Nations bodies are better and stronger with the United States being actively engaged.

“Any state withdrawing from the HRC only encourages the dictators, torturers, and human rights abusers of the world. At this moment in history, with creeping authoritarianism and human rights under attack in so many parts of the world, the Human Rights Council remains indispensable,” he added.

UN Human Rights Council in session in Geneva. Credit: UN Photo/Elma Okic

Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez, a foreign policy commentator, who previously served as Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, told IPS the United States’ withdrawal from the UNHRC is a counterproductive move that harms both US interests and the global cause of human rights.

This departure from a critical multilateral institution is unlikely to achieve transformative change within the council. It never happened with its previous withdrawals, nor may it happen now, with the current one, he pointed out.

What does it achieve then?

“It removes the US’s opportunity to engage constructively with members and stakeholders, contributing to the strengthening of human rights multilateralism. By exiting, the US forfeits its ability to shape the narrative, push for necessary reforms, and advocate for its values”.

Human rights multilateralism, he argued, depends on the engagement and collaboration of diverse nations. Not one state or a small group of states alone however influential they are!”

This withdrawal amounts to an abdication of shared responsibility for promoting and protecting human rights. It risks signaling a diminished US commitment to human rights, potentially eroding the international human rights system and damaging whatever credibility and moral authority the US has on the world stage, said Ambassador Azeez.

Periodic withdrawals from international bodies like the UNHRC severely damage the US’s image as a steadfast defender of human rights and multilateralism. The US cannot afford to project an image of selective engagement, perceived as contingent on the council’s alignment with US views.

This erosion of credibility hinders the US’s ability to lead by example and effectively champion human rights.

The primary motivation for the withdrawal seems to be concerns about bias against a close US ally in the Middle East. While such concerns are often expressed, is exiting the council the best solution? A more constructive approach would be to remain engaged and work to address perceived concerns from within.

While strategic calculations may drive the idea of disengagement from multilateral bodies, the era of unipolarity is over. Multilateralism must reassert itself, acting as a mediating force among competing geopolitical interests. The importance of remaining engaged in multilateral human rights efforts and driving meaningful change from within cannot be overstated, declared Ambassador Azeez.

Responding to a question at the UN press briefing February 4, UN Spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said: “It doesn’t alter our position on the importance of the Human Rights Council as part of the overall human rights architecture within the United Nations,” he said.

“And on UNRWA, I’m not sure that’s something that’s very new. I mean, and again, it doesn’t alter our commitment to supporting UNRWA in its work, and in its work of delivering critical services to Palestinians under its mandate,” said Dujarric.

Amanda Klasing, National Director, Government Relations & Advocacy with Amnesty International USA, said announcing that the United States is withdrawing from the Human Rights Council when it is not even a sitting member, is just the latest move by President Trump to demonstrate to the world his complete and blatant disregard for human rights and international cooperation — even if it weakens U.S. interests.

“Our world needs multilateral cooperation around shared interests, especially the protection of human rights. International institutions will continue to function, either with the U.S. or without it, but it seems that President Trump is uninterested in having a seat at that table to shape the norms and policies of the future, or even to protect the human rights of people in the United States”.

The HRC provides a global forum for governments to discuss human rights concerns, can authorize investigations that bring to light human rights violations, and, while not perfect, is a tool to hold governments accountable in fulfilling their human rights obligations, including to their own population.

President Trump’s performative decision to pull the U.S. out of the HRC, Klasing pointed out, signals to the rest of the world that the U.S. is happy to completely cede important decisions about human rights violations happening across the globe to other countries.

“This isn’t about President Trump thumbing his nose at the institution, instead he’s just demonstrating he’d rather make a callous show of rejecting human rights than do the work needed to protect and promote human rights for people everywhere, including in the U.S.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Bangladesh: UN Human Rights Denounces Former Government’s Violations Against Protestors

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called for national healing in a report on the Bangladesh 2024 protests. Credit: UN Photo

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called for national healing in a report on the Bangladesh 2024 protests. Credit: UN Photo

By IPS Correspondent
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 14 2025 – A new report from the UN Human Rights Office confirms that Bangladesh’s former government coordinated and committed human rights violations against its civilians to suppress the protest movement in July last year, with the high commissioner calling for justice and serious reform to end the cycle of violence and retribution.

On 12 February, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a long-awaited report on the human rights violations and abuses that took place during and following the anti-government protests in Bangladesh from 1 July to 15 August, 2024. This report is the outcome of a fact-finding mission conducted in September at the invitation of the interim government and its Chief Advisor, Dr. Muhammad Yunus.

The student-led movement began as a protest against the country’s high court’s decision to reinstate an unpopular quota system for civil service jobs. The movement spread across the country and garnered national attention when senior officials of the Awami League, the former ruling party, decried the students’ requests. As the students faced escalating retaliation from the Awami League and security forces, protestors shifted their demands towards wider government reform and the resignation of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina. She fled to India on August 5, 2024, marking an end to her regime.

The report found that Hasina’s government and the security and intelligence teams systematically engaged in serious human rights violations. These included hundreds of extrajudicial killings, use of force on protestors, including children, and arbitrary detention and torture. OHCHR states that these human rights violations were conducted with the full knowledge and at the direction of the political leaders and security personnel, with the intent to suppress the protests.

“The brutal response was a calculated and well-coordinated strategy by the former government to hold onto power in the face of mass opposition,” said UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk.

The OHCHR investigation found that senior Awami League officials mobilized their supporters and the Chhtra League, the party’s student wing, to carry out armed attacks on student protestors to dissuade dissent. When the protestors held their ground, police forces were instructed to take more forceful measures, and the government prepared to deploy paramilitary forces armed with military rifles.

The report confirmed the presence and use of metal pellets, rubber bullets, and tear gas on protestors, who were often unarmed. Excessive force was used against protestors by police and military personnel, notably the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), a paramilitary group that have been criticized by human rights groups for their excessive use of violence and intimidation. An examination from Dhaka Medical College of 130 deaths from that period revealed that 80 percent were caused by firearms. Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health recorded over 13,000 injuries, many of which are long-term damage to the eyes and torso.

Women that participated in the protests faced verbal abuse and physical assaults from the police and Awami League supporters. Female students were also threatened with sexual violence to dissuade them from joining the protests. OHCHR references at least two accounts of women who were physically assaulted and groped by Chhatra League members before being turned over to the police. They remark in the report that it was possible that many more such cases might have occurred but were unreported.

OHCHR estimates that as many as 1,400 deaths occurred relating to the protests, with children accounting for approximately 12 percent of those deaths. These deaths occurred among underage students who participated in the protests or children who were bystanders and were fatally shot by stray bullets.

The report also notes the state’s efforts to suppress information and conceal the extent of the unrest. Journalists faced intimidation from security forces; by the end of the protests, at least 200 journalists were injured and six were confirmed dead. Meanwhile, the former government’s intelligence and telecommunications agencies implemented internet and telecom shutdowns without providing legal justification. This was to prevent the organization of protests through social media and prevented journalists, activists and the general public from sharing or accessing information about the protests and the government’s retaliation.

In the immediate aftermath of Hasina’s departure, the violence did not end. Instead, there were reported cases of revenge violence targeting the police, Awami League supporters, or those perceived to be supporting them. Reports also emerged of attacks on indigenous communities from the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the minority Hindu communities. Although 100 arrests relating to these attacks were reportedly made, many of the perpetrators still faced impunity.

OHCHR remarks that the former government’s crackdown on the protest movement constituted violations of international law. It is emblematic of a deeper trend towards employing intimidation and even lethal force to clamp down on civic and political activity.

The report concludes with a series of recommendations for sweeping reforms across the justice and security sectors and to implement broader changes to the political system.

Since the report’s release, the interim government has indicated they welcome its findings and will take steps to implement the recommendations. “I, along with everyone else working in the interim government and millions of other Bangladeshis, am committed to transforming Bangladesh into a country in which all its people can live in security and dignity,” Yunus said on Wednesday. Noting the report’s reference to structural issues within the law enforcement sectors, Yunus called on the people in those sectors to “side with justice, the law, and the people of Bangladesh in holding to account their own peers and others who have broken the law and violated the human and civil rights of their fellow citizens.”

Türk expressed that his office would be ready to support Bangladesh in the process of national accountability reform. “The best way forward for Bangladesh is to face the horrific wrongs committed during this period through a comprehensive process of truth-telling, healing and accountability and to redress the legacy of serious human rights violations and ensure they can never happen again.”

The interim government’s acknowledgement of the human rights report is to be welcomed. In the past, it was common for previous governments to dismiss any such reports. Healing and retribution must be owed to the lives lost during the protests. At the same time, this government and the people they represent must also recognize that in their efforts to seek justice and accountability, they should not fall into the trap of mob violence or a total otherizing of former leaders, even as the ousted regime carries out a campaign against the interim government and last year’s protests.

Meenakshi Ganguly, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, warns that the government “should not repeat the mistakes of the past” and instead ensure the proper procedures for impartial rule of law. “Bangladeshis are angry over the repression by the Hasina administration and they deserve justice and accountability, but it has to be in a rights-respecting manner,” she said. “All crimes, including mob violence, should be punished, but when authority figures characterize opponents as the ‘devil,’ it can fuel abuses by security forces that have never faced accountability.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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