Mavenir e EdgeQ Introduzem Primeiras Small Cells 4G e 5G da Próxima Geração Definidas por Software para Hospedagem Neutra e Densificação Urbana

RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mavenir, fornecedora de infraestrutura de rede nativa na nuvem que está criando o futuro das redes, e a EdgeQ, líder em infraestrutura 5G sem fio introduzem a próxima geração de small cells internas e externas no Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025. As small cells nativas da nuvem e programáveis por software, fornecem 4G e 5G em um único chip, viabilizando que os clientes reconfigurem dinamicamente e escalonem elasticamente de 4G para 5G sem qualquer alteração, redesenho ou reinstalação de hardware.

A colaboração introduz novos recursos voltados para provedores de hospedagem corporativos e neutros para ambientes internos e atende às demandas dos provedores de serviços de comunicação (communication service providers – CSPs) que precisam de equipamentos externos de ponta para apoiar a densificação urbana.

A oferta de small cells da próxima geração se concentrará na viabilização da flexibilidade, baixo consumo de energia e facilidade da implantação. A solução capacita os CSPs a atender rapidamente às crescentes demandas de tráfego de dados, garantindo um retorno do investimento a longo prazo. A solução de small cells, definida para disponibilidade geral no 2T 2025, dará suporte a uma ampla gama de bandas de espectro 4G e 5G, e configurações flexíveis de 4G ou 5G de banda única a combinações complexas de múltiplas bandas, em uma única placa. Além disso, a solução oferece uma abordagem preparada para o futuro com atualizações de software remotas, permitindo que os CSPs migrem sem problemas de 4G para 5G sem alterações de hardware com maximização dos investimentos.

Sachin Karkala, Vice–Presidente Sênior e Gerente Geral da Mavenir, disse: “Esse relacionamento estratégico será disruptivo para o mercado de small cells com a introdução de novas capacidades que atendem a uma ampla gama de necessidades. A EdgeQ é um parceiro que trabalha na vanguarda da tecnologia de silício, e essa parceria proporcionas maiores níveis de flexibilidade para CSPs, empresas e provedores de hospedagem neutros. Estamos mudando a economia das implantações de 5G com small cells, reduzindo o consumo de energia, simplificando a implantação e garantindo o ROI de longo prazo.”

A solução de small cells internas da Mavenir utiliza a “Base station–on–a–chip” altamente programável da EdgeQ para fornecer uma solução singular dinamicamente configurável para ajudar os provedores de serviços a navegar na migração de 4G para 5G, de NSA para SA, de TDD e FDD, e suporte a várias operadoras. O design otimizado é ideal para implantações internas e externas, onde a onipresença de cobertura com baixo TCO é esperada pelos operadores.

Vinay Ravuri, Fundador e CEO da EdgeQ, disse: “Estamos muito contentes com a parceria com a Mavenir para o fornecimento de uma nova categoria de small cells que converge vários rádios, bandas e operadoras em uma nova economia de unidades há muito procurada pelos provedores de serviços. A flexibilidade que oferecemos com a Mavenir impulsionará implantações de small cells sem atrito, atendendo às necessidades de curto e longo prazo de todos os provedores de conectividade. Nossa plataforma 4G e 5G de última geração possibilita a mais ampla gama de configurações de espectro e garante uma via de atualização clara que acompanha o crescimento do tráfego.”

As soluções de small cells da Mavenir viabilizam o aumento da capacidade e da cobertura de rede em ambientes internos e externos, atendendo a toda a gama de casos de uso de rede pública e privada.

O portfólio de rádio completo da Mavenir será exibido no próximo MWC Barcelona, de 3 a 6 de março, no Pavilhão 2, Estande 2S60. Para mais informações sobre a presença da Mavenir no evento, visite–2025/

Sobre a Mavenir

A Mavenir está estabelecendo hoje o futuro das redes com soluções nativas da nuvem e habilitadas para IA, que são ecológicas por design, capacitando as operadoras a obter os benefícios do 5G e alcançar redes inteligentes, automatizadas e programáveis. Como pioneira da Open RAN e uma comprovada disruptora revolucionária do setor, as soluções premiadas da Mavenir fornecem automação e monetização em redes móveis em todo o mundo, acelerando a transformação da rede de software para mais de 300 provedores de serviços de comunicações em mais de 120 países, que atendem a mais de 50% dos assinantes de todo o mundo. Para mais informação, visite

Sobre a EdgeQ

EdgeQ é uma empresa de semicondutores com sede no Vale do Silício que desenvolveu a primeira “Base Station–on–a–Chip” 4G+5G definida por software do mundo, proporcionando aos clientes a capacidade revolucionária de criar e implantar redes celulares em um único chip do tamanho de uma moeda. Liderada por executivos da Qualcomm, Intel e Broadcom, a EdgeQ é pioneira em conectividade convergente e IA totalmente personalizável e programável por software. A empresa é apoiada por investidores e titãs do setor de renome mundial. Para mais informações sobre a EdgeQ, visite 

Contatos de PR:

Mavenir: Emmanuela Spiteri |
EdgeQ: Edward Wu (Dirigente de Marketing) |

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360542)

Mavenir und EdgeQ stellen branchenweit erste software-definierte 4G- und 5G-Small Cells der nächsten Generation für neutrale Hosts und städtische Ballungsräume vor

RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, der Anbieter von cloudbasierter Netzwerkinfrastruktur, der die Zukunft der Netzwerke gestaltet, und EdgeQ, ein führender Anbieter von 5G–Mobilfunkinfrastruktur, stellen auf dem Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025 die nächste Generation von Small Cells für Indoor– und Outdoor–Anwendungen vor. Die cloudnativen, softwareprogrammierbaren Small Cells unterstützen sowohl 4G als auch 5G auf einem einzigen Chip und ermöglichen den Kunden eine dynamische Rekonfiguration von 4G auf 5G und eine elastische Kapazitätsskalierung, ohne dass die Hardware geändert, umgestaltet oder neu installiert werden muss.

Im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit werden neue Funktionen eingeführt, die sich an Unternehmen und neutrale Hosting–Anbieter für den Indoor–Bereich richten und die Anforderungen von Kommunikationsdienstleistern erfüllen, die hochmoderne Outdoor–Systeme zur Unterstützung dicht besiedelter städtischer Gebiete benötigen.

Das Small–Cell–Angebot der nächsten Generation wird sich auf Flexibilität, geringen Stromverbrauch und einfache Bereitstellung konzentrieren. Die Lösung ermöglicht es Kommunikationsdienstleistern, die schnell wachsenden Anforderungen des Datenverkehrs zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig eine langfristige Rendite zu erzielen. Die Small–Cell–Lösung, die voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal 2025 kommerziell verfügbar sein wird, unterstützt eine Reihe von 4G– und 5G–Spektralbändern sowie flexible Konfigurationen von Single–Band–4G– oder 5G–Setups bis hin zu komplexen Multi–Band–Kombinationen auf einem einzigen Board. Darüber hinaus bietet die Lösung einen zukunftssicheren Ansatz mit Remote–Software–Upgrades, die es Kommunikationsdienstleistern ermöglichen, reibungslos von 4G auf 5G zu migrieren, ohne die Hardware ändern zu müssen, und so ihre Investitionen zu maximieren.

Sachin Karkala, SVP & GM RAN bei Mavenir, kommentierte dies wie folgt: „Diese strategische Partnerschaft wird den Small–Cell–Markt revolutionieren. Wir werden neue Funktionen einführen, die eine Vielzahl von Anforderungen erfüllen. EdgeQ ist ein Partner, der an vorderster Front im Bereich der Siliziumtechnologie arbeitet, und diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht Kommunikationsdienstleistern, Unternehmen und neutralen Host–Anbietern ein höheres Maß an Flexibilität. Wir verändern die Wirtschaftlichkeit von 5G–Implementierungen mit Small Cells, indem wir den Energieverbrauch senken, die Bereitstellung vereinfachen und eine langfristige Kapitalrendite sicherstellen“.

Die Indoor Small Cell–Lösung von Mavenir nutzt EdgeQs hochgradig programmierbare „Base Station–on–a–Chip“, um eine einzigartige, dynamisch konfigurierbare Lösung bereitzustellen, die Service Providern bei der Migration von 4G zu 5G, von NSA zu SA, von TDD zu FDD und bei der Unterstützung mehrerer Netzbetreiber hilft. Das schlanke Design ist ideal für den Einsatz im Indoor– und Outdoor–Bereich, wo Betreiber eine flächendeckende Versorgung bei niedrigen Gesamtbetriebskosten erwarten.

Vinay Ravuri, Gründer und CEO von EdgeQ, sagte: „Wir freuen uns, mit Mavenir zusammenzuarbeiten, um eine neue Kategorie von Small Cells auf den Markt zu bringen, die mehrere Funksysteme, Frequenzbänder und Netzbetreiber zu neuen wirtschaftlichen Einheiten zusammenführt, die von Dienstanbietern seit langem erwartet werden. Die Flexibilität, die wir mit Mavenir ermöglichen, wird reibungslose Small–Cell–Implementierungen vorantreiben, indem sie die kurz– und langfristigen Anforderungen aller Konnektivitätsanbieter erfüllt. Unsere hochmoderne 4G– und 5G–Plattform ermöglicht eine Vielzahl von Frequenzkonfigurationen und bietet einen klaren Upgrade–Pfad, wenn der Datenverkehr zunimmt.“

Die Small–Cell–Lösungen von Mavenir ermöglichen eine verbesserte Netzkapazität und –abdeckung im Indoor– und Outdoor–Bereich und umfassen das gesamte Spektrum öffentlicher und privater Netzwerkanwendungen.

Das gesamte Funkportfolio von Mavenir wird auf der kommenden MWC in Barcelona vom 3. bis 6. März in Halle 2, Stand 2H60 zu sehen sein. Weitere Informationen zum Messeauftritt von Mavenir finden Sie unter–2025/

Über Mavenir

Mavenir baut die Zukunft der Netzwerke schon heute mit cloudbasierten, KI–fähigen Lösungen auf, die von Grund auf umweltfreundlich sind und es den Betreibern ermöglichen, die Vorteile von 5G zu nutzen und intelligente, automatisierte und programmierbare Netzwerke zu realisieren. Als Pionier des Open RAN und bewährter Branchenumgestalter sorgen die preisgekrönten Lösungen von Mavenir für Automatisierung und Monetarisierung in Mobilfunknetzen weltweit und beschleunigen die Transformation von Software–Netzwerken für über 300 Kommunikationsdienstanbieter in über 120 Ländern, die mehr als 50 % der weltweiten Abonnenten bedienen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Über EdgeQ

EdgeQ ist ein im Silicon Valley ansässiges Halbleiterunternehmen, das die weltweit erste softwaredefinierte 4G+5G „Base Station–on–a–Chip“ entwickelt hat, die es Kunden ermöglicht, Mobilfunknetze auf einem einzigen Chip in der Größe einer Münze aufzubauen und zu betreiben. Unter der Leitung von Führungskräften von Qualcomm, Intel und Broadcom leistet EdgeQ Pionierarbeit im Bereich konvergierter Konnektivität und KI, die vollständig über Software anpassbar und programmierbar ist. Das Unternehmen wird von weltbekannten Investoren und Branchengrößen unterstützt. Weitere Informationen zu EdgeQ finden Sie unter 


Mavenir: Emmanuela Spiteri |
EdgeQ: Edward Wu (Head of Marketing) |

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360542)

Mavenir et EdgeQ présentent les premières petites cellules de nouvelle génération 4G et 5G définies par logiciel pour lʼhébergement neutre et la densification urbaine

RICHARDSON, Texas, 18 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, le fournisseur dʼinfrastructure réseau basée sur le cloud et bâtisseur de lʼavenir des réseaux, et EdgeQ, leader de lʼinfrastructure sans fil 5G, dévoilent la nouvelle génération de petites cellules adaptées pour lʼintérieur et lʼextérieur à lʼoccasion du Congrès mondial de la téléphonie mobile (Mobile World Congress) organisé à Barcelone en 2025. Les petites cellules programmables par logiciel et basées sur le cloud offrent à la fois la 4G et la 5G sur une seule puce, permettant aux clients de reconfigurer dynamiquement et dʼévoluer avec flexibilité de la 4G à la 5G sans changement, reconception, ou réinstallation de matériel.

Cette collaboration ouvre la voie à de nouvelles fonctionnalités destinées aux entreprises et aux fournisseurs dʼhébergement neutres pour les environnements intérieurs et répond aux demandes des fournisseurs de services de communication (CSP) à la recherche dʼun équipement extérieur de pointe répondant aux exigences de la densification urbaine.

Cette nouvelle génération de petites cellules sera caractérisée par sa flexibilité, sa faible consommation dʼénergie et sa facilité de déploiement. Cette solution permet aux fournisseurs de services de communication de satisfaire les besoins croissants en matière de trafic de données, tout en garantissant un retour sur investissement à long terme. Cette solution destinée aux petites cellules, dont la disponibilité généralisée est prévue pour le deuxième trimestre 2025, prendra en charge une série de bandes de spectre 4G et 5G, ainsi que des configurations flexibles allant des installations 4G ou 5G à bande unique aux combinaisons multibandes complexes, sur une seule carte. En outre, cette solution offre une approche évolutive grâce à des mises à jour logicielles à distance, ce qui permet aux fournisseurs de services de communication de migrer en douceur de la 4G vers la 5G sans changer de matériel et de maximiser leurs investissements.

Sachin Karkala, SVP & GM RAN chez Mavenir, a déclaré : « Cette relation stratégique va bouleverser le marché des petites cellules, en introduisant de nouvelles fonctionnalités répondant à un large éventail de besoins. EdgeQ est un partenaire œuvrant à la pointe de la technologie du silicium, et ce partenariat permet dʼaccroître les niveaux de flexibilité des fournisseurs de services de communication, des entreprises et des fournisseurs dʼhébergement neutres. Nous sommes en train de bouleverser lʼéconomie des déploiements 5G grâce à ces petites cellules en réduisant la consommation dʼénergie, en simplifiant le déploiement et en garantissant un retour sur investissement à long terme. »

Cette solution de petites cellules adaptées à lʼintérieur lancée par Mavenir capitalise sur la « station de base sur puce » hautement programmable dʼEdgeQ pour offrir une solution unique et dynamiquement configurable afin dʼaider les fournisseurs de services à passer de la 4G à la 5G, de la NSA à la SA, de la TDD à la FDD et à la prise en charge de plusieurs porteuses. La conception allégée est idéale pour les déploiements en intérieur comme en extérieur où les opérateurs exigent une couverture omniprésente avec un faible coût total de possession.

Vinay Ravuri, fondateur et PDG dʼEdgeQ, a indiqué : « Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à Mavenir pour créer une nouvelle catégorie de petites cellules qui font converger plusieurs radios, bandes et opérateurs vers de nouvelles économies unitaires longtemps recherchées par les fournisseurs de services. La flexibilité que nous apportons avec Mavenir permettra des déploiements de petites cellules sans heurts en répondant aux besoins à court et à long terme de tous les fournisseurs de connectivité. Notre plateforme 4G et 5G à la pointe de la technologie permet la plus grande variété de configurations de spectre possible et garantit une mise à niveau précise au fur et à mesure que le trafic augmente. »

Mavenir propose une solution de petites cellules permettant dʼaméliorer la capacité et la couverture du réseau dans des environnements intérieurs et extérieurs, répondant ainsi à lʼensemble des besoins dʼutilisation des réseaux publics et privés.

L’ensemble du portefeuille radio de Mavenir sera présenté lors du prochain salon MWC Barcelona, qui se tiendra du 3 au 6 mars, dans le hall 2, stand 2H60. Pour plus d’informations sur la présence de Mavenir au salon, consultez le site–2025/

À propos de Mavenir :

Mavenir bâtit aujourd’hui les réseaux de demain grâce à des solutions basées sur le cloud et à l’IA, qui sont écologiques de par leur conception et qui permettent aux opérateurs de tirer parti des avantages de la 5G et de mettre en place des réseaux intelligents, automatisés et programmables. En tant que pionnier de l’Open RAN et innovateur du secteur, Mavenir et ses solutions primées assurent l’automatisation et la monétisation des réseaux mobiles dans le monde entier, accélérant la transformation des réseaux logiciels auprès de plus de 300 fournisseurs de services de communication dans plus de 120 pays, qui desservent plus de 50 % des abonnés dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur

À propos dʼEdgeQ

EdgeQ est une société de semi–conducteurs basée dans la Silicon Valley qui a mis au point la première « station de base sur puce » 4G+ et 5G définie par logiciel au monde, offrant aux clients la possibilité révolutionnaire de construire et de déployer des réseaux cellulaires sur une seule puce de la taille dʼune pièce de monnaie. Dirigé par des cadres de Qualcomm, Intel et Broadcom, EdgeQ est un pionnier de la connectivité convergente et de lʼIA entièrement personnalisable et programmable par logiciel. La société est parrainée par des investisseurs de renommée mondiale et des géants de lʼindustrie. Pour en savoir plus sur EdgeQ, rendez–vous sur le site 

Contacts RP :

Mavenir : Emmanuela Spiteri |
EdgeQ : Edward Wu (Directeur Marketing) |

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360542)

Global Nonprofit NFTE Announces Winners of First-Ever “Imagination League” in World Series of Innovation

New York, NY, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) — in partnership with Aramco, the Citi Foundation, and MetLife Foundation — proudly announces the winners of the Imagination League of the World Series of Innovation (WSI). Since 2009, NFTE’s annual WSI competition has invited young people from around the world to come up with creative solutions addressing real–world issues tied to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

This year marked a significant expansion of WSI, which was offered for the first time to a younger audience of children ages 5–12 through the Imagination League, and in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, and Hindi, thanks to the generous support of Aramco. The program aimed to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to think critically about global challenges and devise innovative solutions. 

“Through the World Series of Innovation Imagination League, NFTE provides a platform for our youngest entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and engage meaningfully with global problems,” said Dr. J.D. LaRock, President & CEO of NFTE. “As the program continues to grow, I’m excited to see it inspire even more young innovators to consider how their ideas can contribute to a sustainable future for all.” 

“We are proud to support WSI and especially the newly expanded Imagination League. This comes as part of our commitment to provide children around the world with greater opportunities to learn and participate through ensuring resource accessibility in multiple languages,” said Hadeel Al–Eisa, Corporate Citizenship Manager at Aramco. “The talent and creativity of these young innovators is incredible. Their ideas not only reflect their potential but also highlight the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and sustainability from an early age.” 

Overall, this year’s World Series of Innovation drew a total of 5,112 participants from 82 countries, with 1,161 participating in the Imagination League and competing for the chance to win up to $600 in prizes. Each challenge is linked to a specific SDG, encouraging participants to think critically about pressing global issues: 

  • Harlyn Bowns & Becca Dean from Randall Middle School in Florida won the Aramco Clean Water Challenge with their idea CWW, a long filtration pipeline that can stretch for miles to filter out harmful germs in contaminated water. 
  • Michal Lucian Prenoveau and Avi Dhillon from Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida won the Citi Foundation Youth Economic Advancement Challenge with their idea Stock Up on Jobz, an app designed for kids who want to explore additional ways to earn money within their community. 
  • Myra Saxena from Herbert Hoover Elementary School in California won the MetLife Foundation Good Health and Well–Being Challenge with her idea Healthy Littles, a convenient platform for children with diabetes to research healthy habits, discover diabetes–friendly recipes, and log their food intake. 

The winners of the World Series of Innovation Impact League (ages 13–24) will be announced on April 14, 2025. 

Learn more about the NFTE WSI innovation challenges, the sponsoring organizations, and the prizes being offered at Find out more about the winning entries at


For media inquiries, please contact NFTE National Communications Director Denise Berkhalter, APR, 917–281–4362, at

About NFTE 

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) ignites the entrepreneurial mindset with unique learning experiences that empower students to own their futures. A global nonprofit founded in 1987, NFTE provides high–quality entrepreneurship education to middle school, high school, and postsecondary students. NFTE brings the power of entrepreneurship to students, regardless of family income, community resources, special needs, gender identity, race, or ethnicity. NFTE has educated more than a million students, delivering our programs in school, out of school, in–person, online, or through hybrid models. Visit to learn more. 


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360222)

Mavenir and EdgeQ Introduce Industry’s First Software-Defined 4G and 5G Next Generation Small Cells for Neutral Host and Urban Densification

RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, the cloud–native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, and EdgeQ, a leader in 5G wireless infrastructure, unveil the next generation of indoor and outdoor small cells at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025. The cloud–native, software programmable small cells deliver both 4G and 5G on a single chip, allowing customers to dynamically reconfigure and elastically scale from 4G to 5G without any hardware change, redesign, or reinstallation.

The collaboration introduces new capabilities aimed at enterprise and neutral host providers for indoor environments and meet the demands of communication service providers (CSPs) needing cutting–edge outdoor equipment to support urban densification.

The next generation small cell offering will focus on enabling flexibility, low power consumption, and ease of deployment. The solution empowers CSPs to address rapidly increasing data traffic demands while ensuring a long–term return on investment. The small cell solution, set for general availability in 2Q 2025, will support a range of 4G and 5G spectrum bands, and flexible configurations from single–band 4G or 5G setups to complex multi–band combinations, on a single board. Additionally, the solution offers a future–proof approach with remote software upgrades, allowing CSPs to migrate smoothly from 4G to 5G without hardware changes and maximizing their investments.

Sachin Karkala, SVP & GM RAN at Mavenir, said: “This strategic relationship will be disruptive for the small cell market, introducing new capabilities that meet a wide range of needs. EdgeQ is a partner that’s working at the cutting edge of silicon technology, and this partnership enables increased levels of flexibility for CSPs, enterprises and neutral host providers. We’re changing the economics of 5G deployments with small cells by reducing energy consumption, simplifying deployment and ensuring long–term ROI.”

Mavenir’s indoor small cell solution leverages EdgeQ’s highly programmable “Base station–on–a–chip” to deliver a singular solution that is dynamically configurable to help service providers navigate 4G to 5G migration, NSA to SA migration, TDD and FDD migration, and multi–carrier support. The lean design is ideal for both indoor and outdoor deployments where ubiquity of coverage at low TCO is expected by operators.

Vinay Ravuri, Founder and CEO of EdgeQ, said: “We are delighted to partner with Mavenir to enable a new category of small cells that converges multiple radios, bands, and carriers at new unit economics long sought after by service providers. The flexibility that we are enabling with Mavenir will drive frictionless small cell deployments by meeting the short and long–term needs of all connectivity providers. Our state–of–the–art 4G and 5G platform makes the widest range of spectrum configurations possible and ensures a clear upgrade path as traffic grows.”

Mavenir’s small cell solutions enable enhanced network capacity and coverage in indoor and outdoor environments meeting the full range of public and private network use cases.

Mavenir’s full radio portfolio will be displayed at the upcoming MWC Barcelona, March 3–6, in Hall 2, Stand 2H60. For more on Mavenir’s presence at the show visit–2025/

About Mavenir:

Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud–native, AI–enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award–winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit

About EdgeQ

EdgeQ is a Silicon Valley based semiconductor company that has developed the world’s first software–defined 4G+5G “Base Station–on–a–Chip,” giving customers the revolutionary ability to build and deploy cellular networks on a single chip the size of a coin. Led by executives from Qualcomm, Intel, and Broadcom, EdgeQ is pioneering converged connectivity and AI that is fully software–customizable and programmable. The company is backed by world–renowned investors and industry titans. To learn more about EdgeQ, visit 

PR Contacts:

Mavenir: Emmanuela Spiteri |
EdgeQ: Edward Wu (Head of Marketing) |

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9359709)

BYD Energy Storage unterzeichnet weltweit größte Batteriespeicherprojekte im Netzmaßstab mit 12,5 GWh

SHENZHEN, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BYD Energy Storage und Saudi Electricity Company haben vor kurzem erfolgreich die Verträge für die weltweit größten Energiespeicherprojekte im Netzmaßstab mit einer Kapazität von 12,5 GWh unterzeichnet. Zusammen mit dem zuvor durchgeführten 2,6–GWh–Projekt beläuft sich die Gesamtleistung der Zusammenarbeit nun auf beeindruckende 15,1 GWh.

Das Meeting zum Projektstart

Diese Zusammenarbeit ist ein entscheidender Schritt zur Förderung der saudi–arabischen Industrie für erneuerbare Energien und zur Erreichung der ehrgeizigen Ziele, die in der Initiative „Vision 2030“ Saudi–Arabiens festgelegt wurden. Als Reaktion auf die drängenden globalen Klimaherausforderungen hat sich die SEC unerschütterlich für die Umgestaltung der Energielandschaft Saudi–Arabiens und die Vorreiterrolle bei der Erforschung erneuerbarer Energien eingesetzt, angetrieben vom Bestreben des Königreichs, bis 2030 einen optimalen Energiemix von 50 % erneuerbaren Energien zu erreichen.

Die BESS–Ausrüstung in den Projekten wird an fünf Standorten im Land installiert. BYD Energy Storage wird MC Cube–T ESS der neuen Generation liefern, die mit der weltweit bahnbrechenden, superintegrierten CTS–Technologie (Cell–to–System) ausgestattet sind und einen Vcts–Index (Verhältnis von Zellvolumen zu Systemvolumen) von über 33 % aufweisen. Diese Anlagen werden in das saudi–arabische Stromübertragungsnetz integriert und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen, die sich aus der steigenden Zahl von Anlagen zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien ergeben, indem sie eine stabile Stromversorgung gewährleisten und den Spitzenbedarf an Energie decken.

Vor 17 Jahren wurde das erste BESS–Pilot–System von BYD auf den Markt gebracht, um den potenziellen Wert eines LFP–basierten Batteriespeichersystems zu ermitteln, das in das Stromnetz integriert werden kann. Bis heute hat BYD Energy Storage über 75 GWh BESS–Ausrüstung für 350 Projekte in mehr als 110 Ländern und Regionen weltweit geliefert. Das vielfältige Produktportfolio des Unternehmens deckt verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien auf der Erzeugungs–, Versorgungs– und Verbraucherseite ab und bildet eine vollständige Industriekette, die Forschung, Entwicklung, Fertigung, Vertrieb und Service umfasst. BYD Energy Storage hat sich als gut gerüstet erwiesen, um ein Großprojekt mit mehr als 15,1 GWh zu beliefern.

Dieses bahnbrechende Projekt wird den Wert und den Status von elektrochemischen Energiespeicherlösungen in der globalen Energielandschaft neu definieren. Mit dieser Zusammenarbeit als neuem Ausgangspunkt wird BYD Energy Storage weiterhin verstärkt in die technologische Forschung und Entwicklung investieren und sich mit globalen Partnern zusammenschließen, um eine neue Ära der Energiewende einzuleiten und die Energiespeicherbranche in eine saubere und nachhaltige Zukunft zu führen.


Qifen Zhong

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360085)

BYD Energy Storage a signé les plus grands projets mondiaux de stockage de batteries à l’échelle du réseau, d’une capacité de 12,5 GWh

SHENZHEN, 18 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BYD Energy Storage et Saudi Electricity Company ont récemment signé avec succès les plus grands contrats de projets mondiaux de stockage d’énergie à l’échelle du réseau, d’une capacité de 12,5 GWh. Si l’on y ajoute le projet de 2,6 GWh déjà livré, la collaboration totalise désormais des projets d’une capacité considérable de 15,1 GWh.

Réunion de lancement du projet

Cette coopération est une étape cruciale pour faire progresser l’industrie des énergies renouvelables en Arabie saoudite et s’aligner sur les objectifs ambitieux énoncés dans le plan Vision 2030 de ce pays. En réponse aux défis climatiques mondiaux urgents, la SEC s’est fermement engagée à remodeler le paysage énergétique de l’Arabie saoudite et à promouvoir le développement des énergies renouvelables, conformément à l’ambition du Royaume d’atteindre son mix énergétique optimal de 50 % d’énergies renouvelables d’ici à 2030.

L’équipement BESS des projets sera installé sur cinq sites dans le pays. BYD Energy Storage fournira des systèmes de stockage d’énergie de nouvelle génération MC Cube–T qui exploitent sa technologie super–intégrée CTS (Cell–to–System), novatrice à l’échelle mondiale, avec un indice Vcts (proportion du volume de la cellule par rapport au volume du système) supérieur à 33 %. Ces installations viendront compléter le réseau de transport d’électricité de l’Arabie saoudite et joueront un rôle essentiel pour relever les défis posés par le nombre croissant de systèmes de production d’énergie renouvelable, assurer la stabilité de l’approvisionnement en électricité et répondre aux pics de consommation d’énergie.

Il y a 17 ans, BYD a livré le premier système pilote BESS sur le marché afin d’étudier la valeur potentielle des systèmes de stockage par batterie à base de LFP pour les coupler au réseau électrique. À ce jour, BYD Energy Storage a livré plus de 75 GWh d’équipements BESS pour 350 projets dans plus de 110 pays et régions du monde. Son portefeuille de produits diversifiés répond à différents scénarios d’application en matière de production, de services publics et de consommation, formant une chaîne industrielle complète englobant la recherche, le développement, la fabrication, les ventes et le service après–vente. BYD Energy Storage a démontré son aptitude dans la fourniture d’un projet à très grande échelle dépassant les 15,1 GWh.

Ce projet historique redéfinira la valeur et le statut des solutions de stockage d’énergie électrochimique dans le paysage énergétique mondial. Avec cette coopération comme nouveau point de départ, BYD Energy Storage continuera d’augmenter ses investissements dans la recherche et le développement technologique et s’associera à des partenaires mondiaux pour ouvrir une nouvelle ère de transition énergétique, menant l’industrie du stockage d’énergie vers un avenir propre et durable.

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Qifen Zhong

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360085)

BYD Energy Storage Fecha Contrato para Maiores Projetos de Armazenamento de Baterias em Escala de Rede de 12,5GWh do Mundo

SHENZHEN, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recentemente, a BYD Energy Storage e a Saudi Electricity Company fecharam os maiores contratos de projetos de armazenamento de energia em escala de rede do mundo, com uma capacidade de 12,5 GWh na ocasião. Juntamente com o projeto de 2,6 GWh anterior, o total agora alcança 15,1 GWh de projetos.

A Reunião de Lançamento do Projeto

Essa cooperação é um passo fundamental para o avanço do setor de energia renovável da Arábia Saudita e para o alinhamento com as metas ambiciosas estabelecidas na iniciativa Vision 2030 da Arábia Saudita. Em resposta aos prementes desafios climáticos globais, a SEC tem sido firme em seu compromisso de reformular o cenário energético da Arábia Saudita e liderar a exploração de energia renovável, impulsionada pela ambição do Reino de alcançar seu mix de energia ideal de 50% de renováveis até 2030.

Os equipamentos BESS dos projetos serão instalados em cinco locais no país. A BYD Energy Storage fornecerá ESS MC Cube–T de nova geração que adota sua tecnologia super integrada CTS (Cell–to–System) pioneira em todo o mundo, com um índice Vcts (proporção do volume da célula para o volume do sistema) superior a 33%. Essas instalações se integrarão à rede de transmissão de energia da Arábia Saudita, desempenhando um papel fundamental no enfrentamento dos desafios impostos pelo crescente número de sistemas de geração de energia renovável, garantindo o fornecimento de energia estável e atendendo às demandas de pico de energia.

Há 17 anos o primeiro sistema piloto BESS foi entregue pela BYD ao mercado para buscar o valor potencial do sistema de armazenamento de bateria baseado em LFP para ser acoplado ao sistema de rede elétrica. Até o momento, a BYD Energy Storage entregou mais de 75 GWh de equipamentos BESS para 350 projetos que abrangem mais de 110 países e regiões em todo o mundo. Seu portfólio diversificado de produtos atende a vários cenários de aplicação no lado da geração, no lado da utilidade e no lado do consumo, formando uma cadeia industrial completa que abrange pesquisa, desenvolvimento, fabricação, vendas e serviços. A BYD Energy Storage provou estar bem equipada para fornecer um projeto de ultra grande escala superior a 15,1 GWh.

Este projeto histórico redefinirá o valor e o status das soluções de armazenamento de energia eletroquímica no cenário global de energia. Tomando essa cooperação como um novo ponto de partida, a BYD Energy Storage continuará a aumentar o investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de tecnologia e se unirá a parceiros globais para estabelecer uma nova era de transição energética, levando o setor de armazenamento de energia a um futuro limpo e sustentável.


Contato com a Mídia:
Qifen Zhong

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360085)

Fatima’s Story: The Struggles of Afghan Women Under Taliban Rule

Afghan women, forced out of work, face an uncertain future, trapped in a struggle that has left many devastated. Credit: Learning Together.

Afghan women, forced out of work, face an uncertain future, trapped in a struggle that has left many devastated. Credit: Learning Together.

By External Source
Feb 18 2025 – Fatima Mohammadi was a manager in a government office in Afghanistan’s Parwan province before the Taliban came to power. But having been forced out of her job she is back home unemployed.

I decided to pay her a visit at her home after several attempts to reach her on phone proved unsuccessful. Later I understood that she was ashamed for her situation and had thus tried to avoid meeting me.

Upon arrival at her home, I was guided into a neatly arranged guest room where we sat next to a window. Her daughter and daughter-in-law also came along to welcome me.

The Taliban’s implementation of restrictive Islamist laws over the past three years has had a devastating impact on the physical and mental welfare of women and girls in Afghanistan
Fatima appeared shortly after carrying a thermos of tea, chocolates and home-baked pies. With a smile, she said, “You remind me of the good days we had”. “Will those days be repeated in our lives again?”, she wondered while taking a seat next to me.

Fatima Mohammadi was referring to the days when she was a manager in a government office in Parwan province. Her department worked to encourage women to take their place in society and contribute to the upkeep of their families. She earned a good salary, lived a comfortable life and was able to support her entire family. But the return of the Taliban upended all that. She is now an unemployed housewife, faced with severe challenges in life.

After seizing back power in August 2021, the Taliban placed severe restrictions on women’s lives with draconian Islamist laws. Women and girls have been banned from having an education, and crucially, they are no longer allowed to take up salaried employment and mainly confined to the house.

Fatima, 43, lives in the centre of Parwan province with a family of six. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Dari language and literature from Parwan University.

She lives in a four-room house with her husband, daughter, son, son-in-law, and grandson.

As the conversation began to pick up, I detected that Fatima was a little ill at ease. She tried to pull herself together but the distress on her face revealed her pain.

“Our economy is deeply in the red”, Fatima opens up. “We cannot afford to buy a bag of flour, and our debts have piled up so, no one is willing to lend us money anymore”, she laments.

She says her family can barely make ends meet from the little income that her son – a former student in the university – earns as a street seller.


Life in today’s Afghanistan is shrouded in uncertainty. Credit: Learning Together.

Life in today’s Afghanistan is shrouded in uncertainty. Credit: Learning Together.


The Taliban’s implementation of restrictive Islamist laws over the past three years has had a devastating impact on the physical and mental welfare of women and girls in Afghanistan. They are marginalized in society and, have low expectation of the future.

Fatima’s dire situation is aggravated by the fact that her husband is also out of work, having lost his job as logistics manager in a previous government. It is a reflection of the economic devastation wrought by Taliban rule in Afghanistan, which has created hardship for everyone at large.

“My husband is currently unemployed and stays at home”, Fatima complains. Adding, “His behaviour towards the family has taken a turn for the worse of late; it is not easy to talk to him”. He believes he is a burden on his family, and it feels unbearable.

Fatima recalled her previous life: “When I was a government employee, I worked outside home. Our economy was good and I had a stable mind. There were other programs, which were also sources of good income and my family needs were adequately met.”

“But, now”, she says, “I have lost everything since the return of the Taliban and my mental health is also worsening by the day”.

After spending a few hours talking with her, I returned home with a heavy heart.


The author is an Afghanistan-based female journalist, trained with Finnish support before the Taliban take-over. Her identity is withheld for security reasons

Bitget Releases January 2025 Transparency Report, Showcasing Market Growth and Innovation

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has released its January 2025 Transparency Report, highlighting a dynamic start to the year marked by significant growth in trading volumes, platform engagement, and ecosystem innovation.

Bitget expanded the BGB ecosystem through strategic initiatives, including launching a BGB liquidity pool on Uniswap and a $1.1 million liquidity pool on Bulbaswap following its integration with Morph Chain. These efforts enhance cross–chain compatibility and deepen liquidity, positioning BGB as a strong pillar of the Bitget ecosystem. Additionally, Bitget Research shared a report on 20% of Gen Z and Gen Alpha respondents who are open to incorporating crypto into pension plans, signaling a shift in long–term financial planning preferences toward digital assets.

January saw the introduction of multiple platform enhancements. Bitget TraderPro Season 4 launched with a 10,000 USDT Grand Prize, enabling traders to test strategies and optimize returns. The HodlerYield service debuted, allowing users to earn passive income by holding USDE and weETH. Bitget Seed, an AI–powered algorithm, was unveiled to identify early–stage Web3 projects, while a strategic integration with Zen streamlined crypto payments across 11 fiat currencies. Bitget also became the first centralized exchange to offer TAO staking, expanding opportunities for users to earn rewards.

Bitget Wallet strengthened its offerings with a $1 million airdrop for BGB holders, exclusive collaborations with Bitrefill for crypto–powered gift cards, and AI Agent Trading Zone features. The wallet’s limit order support on Base and Solana chains further enhances automated trading capabilities.

Global engagement efforts included participation in the Crypto XR event in Auxerre, France, attended by over 3,000 enthusiasts, and New Year's meetups in the Philippines, Vietnam, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Kenya, and other regions. These events fostered deeper connections with users and showcased Bitget’s expanding global footprint.

Bitget’s January 2025 achievements build on its 2024 momentum, establishing the platform as a top–tier exchange focusing on security, innovation, and accessibility. As the crypto landscape evolves, Bitget remains poised to drive adoption through cutting–edge solutions and strategic partnerships, supporting users in navigating the opportunities and complexities of the digital asset era.

For the full January 2025 transparency report, visit here.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 100 million users in 150+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions, while offering real–time access to Bitcoin priceEthereum price, and other cryptocurrency prices. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world–class multi–chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, token swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more.

Bitget is at the forefront of driving crypto adoption through strategic partnerships, such as its role as the Official Crypto Partner of the World's Top Football League, LALIGA, in EASTERN, SEA and LATAM markets, as well as a global partner of Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team), to inspire the global community to embrace the future of cryptocurrency.

For more information, visit: WebsiteTwitterTelegramLinkedInDiscordBitget Wallet

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