International Women’s Day, 2025It’s time for a Feminist Woman Secretary General at the UN

International Women’s Day March 8 2025: This year it will be celebrated under the theme, ‘Accelerate Action’: a worldwide call to acknowledge strategies, resources, and activities that positively impact women’s advancement, and to support and elevate their implementation.

By Jesselina Rana
NEW YORK, Mar 5 2025 – In 2025, the United Nations will celebrate 80 years of shaping global policies, fostering peace, and driving international development. Yet, in those eight decades, not a single woman has held the position of Secretary-General.

This glaring absence speaks volumes; the institution that champions gender equality on the world stage cannot seem to practice what it preaches.

As the UN prepares to host the 69th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) in New York, this dichotomy is impossible to ignore. While the world gathers to assess progress on gender equality, the UN itself remains stuck in a cycle of male dominance.

There are no gender quotas for national delegations, no real push to increase women’s representation, and no collective effort to break the all-male stronghold at the highest leadership level.

The UN’s gender imbalance mirrors the entrenched inequalities within its member states. This disparity was painfully clear at the 79th UN General Assembly, where women comprised less than 10% of speakers during the General Debate. Only 19 women took the podium—a mere five as Heads of State and three as Heads of Government. Meanwhile, 175 men dominated the conversation, including 67 Heads of Government and 47 Heads of State.

These numbers are not just statistics—they reflect a deeper, more troubling truth: women continue to be excluded from the highest levels of decision making.

The obstacles to women’s leadership are not just about individual ambition. They are tied to larger systems of repression and silencing. According to CIVICUS’ flagship research, 70% of the world’s population lives in countries where civic space is restricted or closed.

In these conditions, women’s rights groups face constant threats as governments wield restrictive laws to suppress dissent under the pretext of countering terrorism, online crime, or disinformation. Women human rights defenders, particularly those fighting for climate action, gender equality, and LGBTQIA+ rights, face increasing persecution.

These restrictions make it harder for civil society to demand transparent, accountable and gender representative institutions. Without open civic space, women—especially those from marginalized communities—are shut out of decision-making processes and denied the opportunity to shape stronger, more inclusive institutions and policies. It is no surprise that countries with repressed civic space also tend to have low gender equality outcomes.

CSW69, intended to review the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, comes at a pivotal moment, just ahead of the UN’s 80th anniversary. However, this review is overshadowed by the fact that the chair of CSW69 has a dismal human rights record, particularly on women’s rights.

The event is being hosted in a country that has actively regressed on gender equality, both nationally and internationally—withdrawal from the Human Rights Council and the Paris Agreement, re-imposing the global gag rule to cut abortion access funding, and promoting the Geneva Consensus Declaration, an anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBTQ+ political statement.

Moreover, it has pressured UN agencies to align with its regressive stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a climate of fear and self-censorship. This chilling effect has led global north CSOs to retract terms like ‘feminism’ from their website and advocacy platforms, while EU governments cut funding for gender equality initiatives.

CSW69 must not be just a moment for reflection—but a moment for action.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres himself called the gender imbalance “unacceptable” in his opening speech at the General Assembly. Yet, rhetoric alone will not change reality. The systemic barriers extend far beyond the top position. GWLvoices, a collective of global women leaders, found that since 1945, only 13% of elected leaders in multilateral organizations have been women.

Civil society is not staying silent. The 1 for 8 Billion advocacy campaign, with CIVICUS as a steering committee member, is pushing for transformative reforms. It builds on the success of the earlier 1 for 7 Billion campaign, which in 2016 successfully advocated for a more transparent and accountable selection process for the Secretary-General.

That campaign led to key reforms, including open candidate hearings and greater public scrutiny of the selection process—an important step toward breaking the culture of backroom deals.

The 1 for 8 Billion campaign calls on Member States to nominate feminist women candidates and demands full transparency in the Secretary-General selection process. The campaign insists on public updates, the publication of straw poll results, and the disclosure of campaign funding. It also urges candidates to make explicit commitments to uphold the UN Charter and reject political bargaining.

The UN was founded on principles of human dignity, equality, and justice. Yet, these ideals ring hollow when the institution itself fails to elevate women to its highest office. As the world faces intersecting crises—from climate change and rising authoritarianism to gender apartheid and genocide—we need a leader who understands the urgency of inclusion and the power of diverse voices.

A feminist woman Secretary-General would do more than break a symbolic barrier—she would center the lived experiences of half the world’s population, which have been excluded from global decision-making for nearly a century. As the UN approaches its 80th anniversary, it must choose to lead by example. The time for a feminist woman Secretary-General is not in the future—it is now.

Jesselina Rana is UN Advisor, CIVICUS, in New York.

IPS UN Bureau


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Studierende der Dauphine Universität gewinnen Denodo University Challenge

PALO ALTO, Kalifornien, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Denodo, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Datenmanagement, gab bekannt, dass der Gewinner der jüngsten Denodo University Challenge, Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy, das Team Data Shoe von der Universität Dauphine in Paris, Frankreich ist. Das Team besteht aus Dounia Bouloudene (Kapitänin), Nassim Fatmi und Youcef Azouaoui (Die oben verlinkte Seite enthält ein von Data Shoe bereitgestelltes Video, das die Lösung des Gewinners zeigt). Darüber hinaus wurde die Universidade da A Coruña in Spanien mit einem Preis für die Teilnahme der meisten Teams an diesem Wettbewerb ausgezeichnet.

Das Akademische Programm von Denodo bereitet Studierende durch virtuelle, selbstgesteuerte Trainingsmodule, Live–Workshops und eine kostenlose Version der Denodo–Plattform vor. Bei der letzten University Challenge, die im September letzten Jahres angekündigt wurde, wurden Studierendenteams mit der Aufgabe konfrontiert, die effektivste Lösung für die Nutzung von Daten und Analysen zur Verbesserung der ESG–Praktiken und letztlich der Lebenserwartung zu entwickeln.

Die Challenge „Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy“ verlangte von den Studierenden die Integration von Datenquellen, sowohl bereitgestellte als auch selbst identifizierte, um so die Lebenserwartung mit einer Vielzahl von Faktoren in Beziehung zu setzen und Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen. Dabei mussten die Studierenden die Daten mithilfe von Berichts– und/oder Visualisierungstools analysieren sowie Diagramme und andere Darstellungen erstellen, um ihre Ergebnisse zu präsentieren.

Das Gewinnerteam Data Shoe hat gezeigt, dass die Verbesserung des Zugangs zur Gesundheitsversorgung, die Verringerung der Luftverschmutzung und die Förderung der politischen Stabilität entscheidend für die Verbesserung der Lebenserwartung sind und dass die Förderung der öffentlichen Politik in diesen Bereichen nicht nur einen bedeutenden sozialen Fortschritt, sondern auch eine bessere Lebensqualität auf der ganzen Welt bewirken kann. Um diese Aufgabe zu lösen, hat das Team Data Shoe öffentlich verfügbare Daten über Luftverschmutzung und politische Stabilität identifiziert, abgerufen und integriert.

Die Jury stellte außerdem fest, dass Data Shoe die in der Denodo–Plattform erstellten Metadaten mit Hilfe des Denodo Design Studios hervorragend erklärt und in ihrem Microsoft Power BI–Bericht eine klare Darstellung mit leicht verständlichen Grafiken geliefert hat. Die Schlussfolgerungen des Teams wurden durch seine Analyse gut unterstützt.

Dounia sprach für das ganze Team, als sie sagte: „Die Denodo University Challenge hat uns beigebracht, wie man strategisch über die Lösung komplexer Datenintegrationsprobleme nachdenkt. Dabei wurde die Denodo Plattform effektiv mit dem Ziel eingesetzt, relevante Erkenntnisse aus Rohdaten zu gewinnen. Unsere größten Herausforderungen waren die Wahl der besten Methode zur Optimierung unseres Ansatzes und die Suche nach den wertvollsten Datenquellen. Durch Teamarbeit und Beharrlichkeit konnten wir diese Herausforderungen meistern.“

„Ich war sehr stolz auf die Professionalität, mit der das Team Data Shoe an diesem Wettbewerb teilgenommen hat“, sagte Alberto Pan, Chief Technology Officer bei Denodo. „Durch ihre Zusammenarbeit haben sie gezeigt, wie wichtig gute Daten sind, die durch eine semantische Ebene erweitert werden, um Fragen zur Langlebigkeit auf klare und vertretbare Weise zu beantworten. Die logischen Datenverwaltungsfunktionen der Denodo–Plattform, wie z. B. die Unterstützung von Low Code/Ono Code Development, machen es auch Studierenden und Personen ohne umfassende Datenverwaltungserfahrung leicht, die Plattform schnell zu erlernen und Lösungen zu entwickeln. Das Team Data Shoe hat diese Möglichkeiten optimal genutzt, um in kürzester Zeit eine stabile, gut durchdachte Lösung zu entwickeln.“

Die nächste Denodo University Challenge mit dem Schwerpunkt KI ist ab heute für Voranmeldungen geöffnet.


Über Denodo
Denodo ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Datenmanagement. Die preisgekrönte Denodo–Plattform ist die führende logische Datenmanagementplattform für die Bereitstellung von Daten in der Sprache des Unternehmens, in der Geschwindigkeit des Unternehmens, für alle datenbezogenen Initiativen im gesamten Unternehmen. Mit einem ROI von über 400 % und Gewinnen in Millionenhöhe haben sich die Investitionen von Denodo–Kunden in Unternehmen in über 30 Branchen auf der ganzen Welt in weniger als sechs Monaten amortisiert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389230)

Les étudiants de l’université Dauphine grands vainqueurs du Denodo University Challenge

PALO ALTO, État de Californie, 05 mars 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Denodo, acteur leader de la gestion des données, annonce que l’équipe Data Shoe de l’université Paris–Dauphine, en France remporte le dernier Denodo University Challenge, intitulé « Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy » (les données au service du changement social : comment améliorer l’espérance de vie). L’équipe gagnante réunit Nassim Fatmi et Youcef Azouaoui sous la houlette de leur capitaine Dounia Bouloudene. Le lien ci–dessus renvoie vers une vidéo, fournie par leurs soins, qui présente la solution. L’université espagnole A Coruña (université de La Corogne) a en outre remporté un prix récompensant la plus grande participation d’équipes à ce concours.

Le programme académique de Denodo prépare les étudiants au moyen de modules de formation virtuels et adaptés à leur rythme, d’ateliers en temps réel et d’un accès sans frais à un environnement de sa plateforme. Le dernier Denodo University Challenge, annoncé en septembre 2024, a mis les équipes estudiantines au défi de développer la solution la plus efficace pour exploiter les données et l’analytique en vue d’améliorer les pratiques ESG et, en définitive, l’espérance de vie.

Pour les étudiants participants, le challenge « Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy » a sous–tendu l’intégration d’opinions sur les sources de données, à la fois préfournies et identifiées par leurs soins pour associer l’espérance de vie à différents facteurs en vue de tirer des conclusions. Un tel exercice leur a imposé des analyses de données moyennant des outils de reporting et/ou de visualisation, et la réalisation de graphiques et autres visuels en amont de la présentation de leurs travaux.

L’équipe gagnante, Data Shoe, a démontré que l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins de santé, la réduction de la pollution de l’air et la promotion en faveur de la stabilité politique constituent des atouts majeurs pour améliorer l’espérance de vie, et que l’avancement des politiques publiques dans ces domaines peut à la fois déclencher un progrès social significatif et améliorer la qualité de vie à l’échelle mondiale. Pour résoudre ce challenge, l’équipe Data Shoe a identifié, consulté et intégré des données publiques disponibles sur la pollution de l’air et la stabilité politique.

Le jury a par ailleurs salué l’excellent travail réalisé par l’équipe Data Shoe dans l’explication des métadonnées entrées sur la plateforme Denodo et relayées par le module Denodo Design Studio et dans la restitution d’un résumé clair dans leur rapport sous Microsoft Power BI, annexé de visuels faciles à comprendre. Les conclusions de l’équipe étaient également bien étayées par leur analyse.

La capitaine, Dounia, s’est exprimée au nom de toute l’équipe en ces termes : « Le Denodo University Challenge nous a appris à réfléchir de manière stratégique pour résoudre des enjeux complexes d’intégration de données en utilisant efficacement la plateforme Denodo, et à extraire des informations pertinentes à partir de données brutes. Nos plus grands obstacles ont été de choisir la meilleure manière d’optimiser notre approche et d’identifier les plus pertinentes sources de données. Nous les avons surmontés grâce au travail d’équipe et à notre persévérance. »

« J’ai ressenti une extrême fierté envers le niveau de professionnalisme dont l’équipe Data Shoe a fait preuve dans cette compétition », observe Alberto Pan, Directeur technique de Denodo. « Ensemble, ils ont su démontrer l’importance de bonnes données, enrichies par une couche sémantique, pour répondre de manière claire et articulée aux questions de longévité. Les fonctionnalités de gestion logique des données de la plateforme Denodo, tout comme le support au développement low code/no code, facilitent l’apprentissage rapide de la plateforme et la conception de solutions pour les étudiants, et jusqu’aux individus sans expérience approfondie en gestion des données. L’équipe Data Shoe a su tirer parti de ces capacités pour élaborer rapidement une solution robuste et bien conçue. »

Le prochain Denodo University Challenge, axé sur l’IA, est ouvert à la pré–inscription dès aujourd’hui.

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À propos de Denodo
Denodo est un acteur leader de la gestion des données. Sa plateforme primée est une référence en gestion logique des données et permet de fournir des données dans la langue des affaires et à un rythme adapté, pour toutes les initiatives liées aux données au sein de toute organisation. À l’appui d’un retour sur investissement supérieur à 400 % et d’un bénéfice chiffré en millions de dollars, les clients de Denodo, spécialisés dans plus de 30 secteurs et répartis à travers le monde, ont pu récupérer leur investissement en moins de six mois. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur le site Internet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389230)

Our Silence on Female Genital Mutilation in Sierra Leone Will Not Protect Us

When silence allows the practice to go unchallenged, it reinforces the assumption that FGM is a cultural tradition rather than a human rights violation. Credit: Travis Lupick/IPS - Over 200 million women and girls around the world have undergone female genital mutilation. The largest share of these cases is happening in Africa

When silence allows the practice to go unchallenged, it reinforces the assumption that FGM is a cultural tradition rather than a human rights violation. Credit: Travis Lupick/IPS

By Kaata Minah
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone, Mar 5 2025 – Over 200 million women and girls around the world have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM). This is the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.

The largest share of these cases is happening in Africa. FGM has lifelong consequences, including complications during childbirth and painful sex. It also disrupts girls’ education and often serves as a gateway to child marriage, trapping them in cycles of poverty. There is a clear pathway to change this.

In Sierra Leone, 83 percent of women aged 15–49 have been subjected to FGM. The practice is deeply tied to the Bondo Society – a female secret society that is integral to the cultural identity of Sierra Leonean women; where girls are prepared for womanhood. The Society is defended as a powerful space for sisterhood and solidarity.

But sisterhood cannot come at the cost of girls’ bodily autonomy. Cutting a girl’s genitals in the name of tradition is not a rite of passage, it is violence – and it must stop.

The data is clear; 71 percent of girls who undergo cutting do so before the age of 15. Passing this legislation will ensure that the rights of girls are legally protected and perpetrators are held accountable – which in turn would have a deterrence effect

If we are to end this harmful tradition, we must first break the silence that perpetuates the practice. Growing up, FGM was not debated, questioned, or acknowledged in my household. Although my mother is a member of society, she did not subject me and my sister to this horror. Just the same, we also never spoke about it.

Looking back, I see her silence not as indifference but as survival. A quiet act of defiance against a harmful practice in a society that socially and culturally punishes outright defiance. Nonetheless, silence can be complicity.

When silence allows the practice to go unchallenged, it reinforces the assumption that FGM is a cultural tradition rather than a human rights violation.

There are survivors and activists who refuse to stay silent. They are using creativity and innovation to challenge societal norms perpetuating the practice, pushing for open dialogue towards mitigation, and ultimately eradicating the practice.

These include integrating the fight against FGM with advocacy for universal education. Additionally, leveraging technology to tell stories that vividly capture the dual realities of FGM – that is, the beauty of cultural traditions and the brutality of the practice. Such initiatives are crucial in the fight to end the long-standing practice.

But dialogue is not enough. Progressive legal and policy frameworks must galvanise the cultural shift. On paper, there has been some progress.

At the recently concluded African Union Heads of State Summit, African leaders adopted the AU Convention on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls, which proposes a comprehensive, legally binding framework for the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, including FGM.

It calls for addressing root causes, strengthening legal and institutional mechanisms, and promoting a culture of respect for human rights, gender equality, and the dignity of women and girls. It builds on the Maputo Protocol, which Sierra Leone ratified in 2015.

This is Africa’s comprehensive legal instrument on the rights of women, which eliminates harmful practices and provides for the right to reproductive health, dignity and security of persons, among others. Yet, despite these commitments, the country has yet to pass domestic legislation ending female genital mutilation.

There is, however, an opportunity to do so with the Child Rights Amendment Bill, which seeks to amend the Child Rights Act of 2007. Here there is the welcome proposal to explicitly prohibit the cutting of minors.

The data is clear; 71 percent of girls who undergo cutting do so before the age of 15. Passing this legislation will ensure that the rights of girls are legally protected and perpetrators are held accountable – which in turn would have a deterrence effect.

This will significantly reduce the depressing statistics on human rights violations of children and the widespread deleterious implications on their lives.

Ending FGM is possible, but it will need a concerted effort with varied strategies. The bottom line is that we must refuse to stay silent and challenge harmful norms and narratives that endorse the practice.

Additionally, the citizenry must demand progressive laws and their full implementation to ensure the safety, dignity and rights of women and girls. Until this happens, most women and girls in our country will continue to suffer preventable harm to their health and lives.


Kaata Minah is an African feminist activist, and 2024 Impact West Africa Fellow dedicated to achieving gender equality through transformative feminist education and community-led initiatives.  Kaata has experience in policy advocacy, program design and management, feminist education, and event management. Kaata drives campaigns that challenge power structures, foster movement-building, and promote social justice and gender equality. Kaata’s commitment extends into academia, where she volunteers as a lecturer at the Institute for Gender Research and Documentation (INGRADOC) at the University of Sierra Leone (Fourah Bay College).

Mavenir and e& UAE Announce Multi-Year Strategic Technology Partnership at #MWC25 Starting with Collaboration in Converged 5G Packet Core

BARCELONA, Spain, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mavenir, the cloud–native network infrastructure provider, and e& UAE, telecom arm of global technology group e&, announced a collaboration to advance e& UAE’s future of cloud–native converged packet core networks across 4G, 5G (NSA and SA) at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This marks a significant milestone in the journey towards next–generation connectivity and digital transformation.

This long–term partnership leverages cutting–edge technologies and advanced features, including AI–enabled 5G services, automation, and orchestration. This robust infrastructure is designed to support a wide range of future use cases, from enhanced mobile broadband and ultra–reliable low–latency communications to massive machine–type communications.

With Mavenir and e& UAE coming together, it sets the stage for innovative use cases, including smart cities, autonomous vehicles, industrial IoT, and immersive AR/VR experiences using the latest AI technology. The converged packet core environment ensures seamless transition and readiness for 6G capabilities, paving the way for future advancements in connectivity supporting the expanding business needs of e& UAE.

Pardeep Kohli, President and CEO of Mavenir: “We are thrilled to partner with e& UAE in deploying a state–of–the–art 5G core network. This collaboration underscores our commitment to driving innovation and delivering cutting–edge solutions that empower our customers. The advanced features and technologies integrated into this network will unlock new possibilities and set the foundation for future 6G capabilities.”

Khaled Al Suwaidi, core networks and platforms, e& UAE, said: “Our successful collaboration with Mavenir marks a significant step forward in our mission to provide world–class connectivity and digital services to our customers. The deployment of this advanced 5G core network not only enhances our current offerings but also positions us at the forefront of technological innovation. We look forward to exploring new areas together in AI, automation, orchestration, digital BSS, and RCS, to continue delivering exceptional value to our customers.”

Mavenir and e& UAE are committed to ongoing collaboration in various domains to drive continuous innovation and deliver transformative digital experiences to customers across the region.

About Mavenir

Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud–native, AI–enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award–winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit

About e& UAE

e& UAE is the flagship telecom arm of e& in the UAE, built on a 5–decades legacy of connectivity excellence. Our mission is to deliver world–class superior connectivity experiences that fuel the UAE’s future–focused innovation.

Leveraging the latest world–class technologies, e& UAE aims to transform lives and industries, turning every connection into an opportunity for growth and every interaction into a transformative possibility.

We are focused on expanding our core services and digital marketplaces by enriching consumer value propositions that cater to new lifestyles and emerging demands beyond core telecom services, including health, insurance and gaming.

As a trusted enterprise partner, e& UAE continues to power entire industries with 5G and AI, delivering a tailored ecosystem of solutions to meet their connectivity needs and more, empowering them to automate, innovate, transform, and scale.

Strengthening our leadership position as an AI–powered telco, e& UAE delivers seamless connectivity, cutting–edge AI solutions, and sustainable innovation to uplift people and communities, and empower businesses and industries, so everyone thrives in a digital–first world.

To learn more about e& UAE, please visit:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9388902)

Quantexa Completes USD 175 million Series F Investment Round, led by Teachers’ Venture Growth

UK AI leader accelerates growth plans as it reaches a USD 2.6 billion valuation

The funding will be used to develop new initiatives, strengthen Quantexa’s platform innovation and drive further growth in North America

LONDON and NEW YORK, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, a global leader in Decision Intelligence (“DI”) solutions for the public and private sectors, announced today that it has completed a USD 175 million Series F investment round, led by Teachers’ Venture Growth (“TVG”).

The latest round values the British tech company at USD 2.6 billion and this milestone is fueling Quantexa’s progress against its mission to help enterprises and government agencies across multiple markets stay ahead in the race for AI–driven DI.

The round was led by TVG, which is part of the CAD 255 billion international investor Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, with existing investors participating, including British Patient Capital. *As part of this funding, Ara Yeromian, Managing Director at TVG, will join Quantexa’s board, which includes representation from existing investors (Warburg Pincus, Dawn Capital, BNY, Evolution Equity Partners, AlbionVC, and HSBC).

Following this investment round, Quantexa will bolster its platform innovation efforts to elevate experiences for existing clients, create new partnerships and alliances, deepen its presence in North America and pursue selected M&A opportunities. TVG will leverage its expertise in successfully scaling high–growth AI and software companies, along with its extensive network, to support Quantexa’s strategic international expansion and growth plans.

This Series F investment comes just months after Quantexa achieved Centaur status, joining an elite group of SaaS businesses recognized for surpassing USD 100 million in ARR.

Avid Larizadeh Duggan, Senior Managing Director and Head of TVG in EMEA, said:Businesses today need to build trusted data foundations to enable AI–enhanced decision making, to drive real world impact. Quantexa is revolutionizing how they do this. At TVG, we invest in high–growth, game–changing companies, led by visionary leaders making a global difference. Quantexa’s impressive track record, expanding customer base, and bold approach to data and AI innovation make it a natural fit for our portfolio. We’re excited to support Vishal, and his world–class team scale the company internationally as they continue helping industry–leading organizations embrace AI–driven decision–making with confidence.”

The Next Step for One of AI’s Fastest Rising Players
As Quantexa works to further cement its leadership in the DI category, the company is fast–tracking its Microsoft partnership, launching an AI–powered workload for Microsoft Fabric and a cloud–native AML solution for U.S. mid–market banks via Azure Marketplace. Additionally, Quantexa is expanding its Public Sector Business Unit, doubling down on growing global demand, helping government agencies use structured and unstructured data to safely deploy AI across a range of uses cases.

Quantexa’s rapid growth underscores the demand for its DI Platform, helping enterprises and government agencies scale AI and data initiatives with greater speed and success. With nearly 40% license revenue growth and 23 new customers added in 2024, Quantexa’s reach now extends beyond financial services, with revenue from insurance, TMTE, and the public sector. The company has a growing global footprint of 16 offices and more than 800 employees.

Vishal Marria, Founder and CEO of Quantexa, said: “AI is a once–in–a–generation technology transforming industries, redefining operations, and creating entirely new processes. From day one, Quantexa has been at the forefront of this revolution, helping enterprises create trusted, curated data to unlock AI’s full potential. This latest investment reflects investors’ embracing our vision and committing to join our journey as we accelerate innovation, platform deployments, and amplify the value we deliver to clients and the broader ecosystem. With the continued support of our investors, now including TVG, we are poised to push the boundaries of AI by harnessing the power of trusted data, reinforcing our leadership in this rapidly evolving landscape.”

* Ara Yeromian’s appointment to Quantexa’s Board is subject to regulatory approval.

About Quantexa 
Quantexa is a global AI, data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence to empower organizations to make trusted operational decisions with data in context. Using the latest advancements in AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform helps organizations uncover hidden risk and new opportunities by unifying siloed data and turning it into the most trusted, reusable resource. It solves major challenges across data management, customer intelligence, KYC, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. An independently commissioned Forrester TEI study on Quantexa's Decision Intelligence Platform found that customers saw a three–year 228% ROI. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has over 800 employees and thousands of platform users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. For more information visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

About Teachers’ Venture Growth
Teachers’ Venture Growth (TVG) focuses on late–stage venture and growth equity investments in cutting–edge technology companies worldwide. We partner with founders with bold missions, looking to expand their product offering, scale geographically, and become the leaders in their markets. We bring long–term thinking and active investing to help build better businesses and a better world. We think globally and act locally through our direct presence across Europe, North America and Asia.

TVG is part of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board (Ontario Teachers'), a global investor with net assets of CAD 255.8 billion as of June 30, 2024. We invest in more than 50 countries in a broad array of assets including public and private equities, fixed income, credit, commodities, natural resources, infrastructure, real estate and venture growth to deliver retirement income for 340,000 working members and pensioners.

Our more than 450 investment professionals operate in key financial centres around the world and bring deep expertise in a broad range of sectors and industries. We are a fully funded defined benefit pension plan and have earned an annual total–fund net return of 9.3% since the plan's founding in 1990. At Ontario Teachers', we don't just invest to make a return, we invest to shape a better future for the teachers we serve, the businesses we back, and the world we live in. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

Media Enquiries  
C: Stephanie Crisp, Director and Growth Tech Lead, Fight or Flight   

C: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing   
T: +1 609 502 6889   
– or –  

Teachers’ Venture Growth
Kekst CNC
Alisha Prakash

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001051905)

Ambiq rend l’IA en périphérie du réseau plus accessible avec la série de SoC Apollo330 Plus

AUSTIN, Texas, 05 mars 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambiq®, un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions semi–conducteurs à ultra–faible consommation, qui répond aux défis énergétiques liés au calcul conventionnel et à l’IA en périphérie du réseau, dévoile la série Apollo330 Plus System–on–Chip (SoC). La série comprend le modèle de base Apollo330 Plus, ainsi que les versions Apollo330B Plus et Apollo330M Plus. Chacun offre un large éventail de périphériques et d’options de connectivité adaptés aux secteurs de la santé, des bâtiments intelligents, des applications industrielles et bien d’autres usages nécessitant une IA en temps réel et en continu.

Caractéristiques clés :

  • Le processeur d’application Arm® Cortex–M55 ® atteint une fréquence maximale de 250 MHz et intègre la technologie turboSPOT® ainsi que la technologie Helium™ Arm®
  • Un processeur réseau Arm Cortex–M4F fonctionnant à 48/96 MHz ainsi qu’une radio multiprotocole sont intégrés dans les options de produits sans fil
  • Les performances sont multipliées par 16, avec une latence réduite et une efficacité énergétique 30 fois supérieure pour l’IA, comparé aux solutions basées sur les générations précédentes de processeurs Cortex–M
  • Microphone numérique PDM à ultra–faible consommation pour une reconnaissance vocale véritablement toujours active
  • La série Apollo330 Plus offre plusieurs options de conditionnement et de connectivité, dont Bluetooth® Low Energy, Matter et Thread, facilitant l’intégration sur divers dispositifs périphériques

La série Apollo330 Plus est spécialement conçue pour permettre une IA toujours active et un inférence en temps réel sur les appareils. Reposant sur la technologie propriétaire d’optimisation énergétique en sous–seuil d’Ambiq (plateforme SPOT®), elle offre des performances 16 fois plus rapides et une efficacité énergétique en IA jusqu’à 30 fois supérieure par rapport aux solutions similaires basées sur les générations précédentes de processeurs Cortex–M. Cela permet aux fabricants d’intégrer des fonctionnalités innovantes tout en prolongeant la durée de vie des appareils, en proposant une connectivité multiprotocole sur divers terminaux et en améliorant l’expérience utilisateur.

L’architecture Apollo330 Plus exploite pleinement le processeur Arm Cortex–M55 et la technologie Arm Helium, optimisant l’accélération de l’IA et permettant le traitement jusqu’à 8 MACs par cycle. Elle intègre également 2 Mo de RAM embarquée, 2 Mo de mémoire non volatile intégrée, un cache I de 32 Ko et un cache D de 32 Ko sur un bus large, ainsi qu’une radio multiprotocole pour permettre aux développeurs de concevoir des produits hautes performances et à faible consommation énergétique.

« Alors que les appareils intelligents d’aujourd’hui dépendent fortement d’un cloud énergivore, la série Apollo330 Plus crée une toute nouvelle opportunité en permettant un véritable traitement de l’IA en périphérie du réseau », a déclaré Fumihide Esaka, PDG d’Ambiq. « Cela permet aux fabricants de concevoir des appareils intelligents plus durables, plus réactifs et mieux adaptés aux maisons, bureaux et usines. »

« Avec un nombre croissant de nouvelles applications d’IA en périphérie du réseau émergentes sur divers marchés, notamment l’industrie et la maison connectée, permettre un traitement de l’IA à ultra–faible consommation directement en périphérie sera une transformation majeure », a indiqué Laurence Bryant, vice–président du marketing segmentaire, IoT Line of Business chez Arm. « Avec cette nouvelle solution, basée sur Arm, Ambiq ouvre la voie à des appareils plus intelligents et plus efficaces, capables d’assurer une intelligence en temps réel sur un large éventail de cas d’usage. »

La série Apollo330 Plus est disponible en trois variantes :

  • Le modèle de base Apollo330 Plus, sans connectivité sans fil, propose un large ensemble de périphériques destinés aux objets connectés portables, aux applications médicales et aux maisons intelligentes, offrant aux développeurs la possibilité de créer facilement des applications sophistiquées basées sur des capteurs.
  • L’Apollo330B Plus étend les capacités de l’Apollo330 Plus en intégrant la prise en charge du Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) pour une large gamme de périphériques connectés et d’applications audio.
  • L’Apollo330M Plus ajoute une prise en charge de la radio multiprotocole pour IEEE 802.15.4, Thread et Matter, facilitant une interopérabilité réseau maillé à faible consommation entre les maisons intelligentes de nouvelle génération, les compteurs intelligents et les dispositifs industriels en périphérie.

Son architecture multicœur optimisée comprend un puissant processeur d’application et un coprocesseur réseau dédié, garantissant des performances radio optimales sans compromis. Ce design simplifie le développement tout en offrant des performances radio multiprotocoles sans compromis, avec une puissance de signal robuste allant jusqu’à +14 dBm et une sensibilité radio améliorée.

Les fonctionnalités innovantes secureSPOT® 3.0, basées sur la technologie Arm TrustZone®, renforcent davantage les SoC de la série Apollo330 Plus, garantissant l’intégrité et la confidentialité des données transmises et traitées par les appareils connectés. Grâce à des mécanismes de sécurité matériels, tels que le démarrage sécurisé (secure boot) et les mises à jour sécurisées du micrologiciel, ces SoC assurent une protection robuste contre les accès non autorisés et les attaques malveillantes, garantissant un déploiement sécurisé dans diverses applications.

Nouvelle addition au portefeuille d’Ambiq, la série de SoC Apollo330 Plus établit une nouvelle norme pour le traitement de l’IA ultra–basse consommation en périphérie. Avec une connectivité renforcée, une sécurité accrue, un large éventail d’interfaces périphériques et plusieurs options de conditionnement, ces SoC offrent aux développeurs les outils nécessaires pour implémenter des solutions d’IA sophistiquées et économes en énergie sur les appareils en périphérie.

Découvrez la série de SoC Apollo330 Plus, et retrouvez Ambiq au Embedded World 2025 en réservant une rencontre avec leur équipe.

À propos d’Ambiq

Notre mission est de rendre l’intelligence (intelligence artificielle (IA) et au–delà) accessible partout en proposant des solutions semi–conducteurs à la consommation d’énergie la plus faible. Nous permettons à nos clients de déployer des capacités de calcul en intelligence artificielle en périphérie du réseau, là où les défis de consommation énergétique sont les plus critiques. Nos innovations technologiques, basées sur la technologie brevetée et exclusive d’optimisation énergétique en sous–seuil (SPOT), permettent une amélioration considérable de la consommation d’énergie par rapport aux conceptions de semi–conducteurs traditionnelles. À ce jour, nous avons alimenté plus de 260 millions d’appareils. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site :


Charlene Wan 
Vice–présidente de la stratégie de marque, du marketing et des relations auprès des investisseurs

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–4944–4bf7–b13b–0a3177b7d62c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389196)

Ambiq democratiza Edge AI com SoCs da Série Apollo330 Plus

AUSTIN, Texas, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Ambiq®, fornecedora líder de soluções de semicondutores de potência ultrabaixa que abordam os desafios significativos de consumo de energia da computação convencional e de IA na borda, lança a série Apollo330 Plus System–on–Chip (SoC). A série consiste em um Apollo330 Plus básico no Apollo330B Plus e no Apollo330M Plus, cada um oferecendo um rico conjunto de opções de periféricos e de conectividade para serviços de saúde, casas e edifícios inteligentes, aplicações industriais de borda e muito mais para impulsionar a IA sempre ativa e em tempo real na borda.

Características Principais:

  • Processador de aplicação Arm® Cortex ®–M55 de até 250 Mhz com a tecnologia turboSPOT® e Arm® Helium™
  • Processador de rede ARM Cortex–M4F de 48/96 MHz e rádio multiprotocolo (em opções de produtos sem fio)
  • Desempenho acima de 16x mais rápido com menor latência, e eficiência de energia de IA 30x melhor do que as soluções semelhantes baseadas em processadores Cortex–M da geração anterior
  • Microfone digital PDM de potência ultrabaixa para voz verdadeiramente sempre ativa
  • Várias opções de pacote e conectividade, como Bluetooth® Low Energy, Matter e Thread para diversos dispositivos de borda

A série Apollo330 Plus foi desenvolvida especificamente para permitir a inferência de IA sempre ativa e em tempo real nos dispositivos. Desenvolvido na plataforma proprietária de tecnologia de otimização de energia de sublimite da Ambiq (SPOT®), alcança um desempenho sem precedentes 16x mais rápido e uma eficiência de energia de IA até 30x melhor em comparação com as soluções semelhantes baseadas em processadores Cortex–M da geração anterior, para que os fabricantes possam oferecer recursos inovadores e estender a vida útil do dispositivo, oferecendo conectividade multiprotocolo em diversos pontos de extremidade e aprimorando as experiências do usuário.

A arquitetura Apollo330 Plus utiliza totalmente o processador ARM Cortex–M55 com a tecnologia ARM Helium para aceleração de IA, processando até 8 MACs por ciclo. A série Apollo330 Plus inclui 2 MB de RAM do sistema no chip, 2 MB de memória não volátil incorporada, um grande cache I de 32 KB e um cache D de 32 KB em um barramento amplo, e um rádio multiprotocolo para desenvolvedores criarem produtos de alto desempenho e eficiência energética.

Embora os dispositivos inteligentes de hoje dependam muito da computação em nuvem que consome muita energia, a série Apollo330 Plus cria uma nova oportunidade ao viabilizar o processamento de IA de borda verdadeira”, disse Fumihide Esaka, CEO da Ambiq. “Isso capacita os fabricantes a criar dispositivos inteligentes mais duradouros e mais responsivos para residências, escritórios e fábricas.

Com um número crescente de aplicativos de IA de borda novos e atraentes surgindo em todos os mercados, incluindo industriais e residências inteligentes, a viabilidade do processamento de IA de potência ultrabaixa diretamente na borda será transformador”, disse Laurence Bryant, Vice–Presidente de Marketing de Segmento da Linha de Negócios de IoT da Arm. “Com esta nova solução, baseada na Arm, a Ambiq está abrindo caminho para dispositivos mais inteligentes e eficientes que possam fornecer inteligência em tempo real em uma ampla gama de casos de uso.

A série Apollo330 Plus oferece três variantes:

  • O modelo básico Apollo330 Plus sem conectividade sem fio oferece um rico conjunto de periféricos para dispositivos portáteis, médicos/de saúde e casas inteligentes, capacitando os desenvolvedores a criar facilmente aplicativos sofisticados baseados em sensores.
  • O Apollo330B Plus é uma extensão do Apollo330 Plus com suporte Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) para uma ampla seleção de periféricos conectados e aplicativos de áudio
  • O Apollo330M Plus adiciona ainda suporte a rádio multiprotocolo para IEEE 802.15.4, Thread e Matter, criando uma rede de malha de interoperabilidade de baixa potência entre dispositivos de borda industrial, medidor inteligente e casa inteligente da última geração

Sua arquitetura multicore simplificada abrange um potente processador de aplicativos e um coprocessador de rede dedicado para um desempenho de rádio sem compromissos. O design simplifica o desenvolvimento e oferece um desempenho de rádio multiprotocolo sem compromissos, com uma força de sinal robusta de até +14dBm e maior sensibilidade de rádio.

Recursos inovadores secureSPOT® 3.0 baseados na tecnologia Arm TrustZone® aprimoram ainda mais os SoCs da Série Apollo330 Plus, garantindo a integridade e a confidencialidade dos dados transmitidos e processados por dispositivos conectados. Com mecanismos de segurança baseados em hardware, como inicialização segura e atualizações seguras de firmware, esses SoCs fornecem proteção robusta contra acesso não autorizado e ataques maliciosos, permitindo a implantação segura em vários aplicativos.

Como a mais nova adição ao portfólio da Ambiq, a série Apollo330 Plus SoC estabelece um novo padrão para o processamento de IA de potência ultrabaixa na borda. Com mais conectividade, segurança, um conjunto mais amplo de interfaces periféricas e várias opções de pacotes, esses SoCs fornecem aos desenvolvedores as ferramentas necessárias para a implementação de soluções de IA sofisticadas e com eficiência energética em dispositivos de borda.

Veja a Série Apollo330 Plus SoC e visite a Ambiq no Embedded World 2025 reservando uma reunião com sua equipe.

Sobre a Ambiq

Nossa missão é habilitar a inteligência (inteligência artificial (IA) e além) em todos os lugares, fornecendo as soluções de semicondutores de menor potência. Habilitamos que nossos clientes forneçam computação de inteligência artificial na borda, onde os desafios de consumo de energia são mais profundos. Nossas inovações tecnológicas, baseadas na tecnologia patenteada e proprietária de otimização de energia de sublimite (SPOT), proporcionam fundamentalmente uma melhoria múltipla no consumo de energia em relação aos projetos tradicionais de semicondutores. Nós alimentamos mais de 260 milhões de dispositivos hoje. Para mais informações, visite


Charlene Wan 
VP de Branding, Marketing, Relações com Investidores

Foto deste comunicado disponível em–4944–4bf7–b13b–0a3177b7d62c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389196)

Ambiq demokratisiert Edge AI mit den SoCs der Apollo330 Plus Serie

AUSTIN, Texas, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambiq®, ein führender Anbieter von Ultra–Low–Power–Halbleiterlösungen, die die erheblichen Herausforderungen des Stromverbrauchs von konventionellen und KI–Rechnern im Edge–Umfeld meistern, stellt die Apollo330 Plus System–on–Chip (SoC) Serie vor. Die Serie besteht aus dem Basismodell Apollo330 Plus, dem Apollo330B Plus, und dem Apollo330M Plus, die jeweils eine Vielzahl von Peripheriegeräten und Konnektivitätsoptionen für das Gesundheitswesen, für Smart Homes und Gebäude, für industrielle Edge–Anwendungen und vieles mehr bieten, um Always–on und Echtzeit–KI im Edge–Umfeld zu ermöglichen.

Wichtige Features:

  • Bis zu 250 MHz Arm® Cortex ®–M55 Anwendungsprozessor mit turboSPOT® und Arm® Helium™–Technologie
  • 48/96 MHz Arm Cortex–M4F Netzwerkprozessor und Multiprotokoll– Funkeinheit (in drahtlosen Produktoptionen)
  • Mehr als 16–mal schnellere Leistung und geringere Latenzzeit sowie 30–mal bessere KI–Energieeffizienz als vergleichbare Lösungen auf der Grundlage von Cortex–M–Prozessoren der vorherigen Generation
  • Digitales PDM–Mikrofon mit extrem niedrigem Stromverbrauch für eine wirklich immer verfügbare Stimme
  • Mehrere Paket– und Konnektivitätsoptionen wie Bluetooth® Low Energy, Matter und Thread für verschiedene Edge–Geräte

Die Apollo330 Plus–Serie wurde speziell entwickelt, um KI–Inferencing in Echtzeit auf Geräten zu ermöglichen. Auf der Grundlage der Ambiq–eigenen SPOT®–Plattform (Subthreshold Power Optimized Technology) erreicht sie eine bis zu 16–mal schnellere Leistung und eine bis zu 30–mal bessere KI–Energieeffizienz im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Lösungen, die auf Cortex–M–Prozessoren der vorherigen Generation basieren.

Die Apollo330 Plus Architektur nutzt den Arm Cortex–M55 Prozessor mit Arm Helium Technologie zur KI–Beschleunigung und verarbeitet bis zu 8 MACs pro Zyklus. Die Apollo330 Plus–Serie umfasst 2 MB On–Chip–System–RAM, 2 MB eingebetteten nicht–flüchtigen Speicher, einen großen 32–kB–I–Cache und 32–kB–D–Cache auf einem breiten Bus sowie ein Multiprotokoll–Funkgerät, das Entwicklern die Entwicklung leistungsstarker und energieeffizienter Produkte ermöglicht.

Während die heutigen intelligenten Geräte stark auf leistungshungriges Cloud–Computing angewiesen sind, eröffnet die Apollo330 Plus–Serie ganz neue Möglichkeiten, indem sie echte Edge–KI–Verarbeitung ermöglicht“, sagt Fumihide Esaka, CEO von Ambiq. „Dies ermöglicht es den Herstellern, langlebigere, reaktionsschnellere und intelligentere Geräte für Haushalte, Büros und Fabriken zu entwickeln.

Mit einer wachsenden Anzahl neuer und überzeugender Edge–KI–Anwendungen, die in verschiedenen Märkten wie Industrie und Smart Home entstehen, wird die KI–Verarbeitung mit extrem niedrigem Stromverbrauch direkt am Edge eine transformative Wirkung haben,“ sagte Laurence Bryant, VP Segment Marketing, IoT Line of Business bei Arm. „Mit dieser neuen Lösung, die auf Arm basiert, ebnet Ambiq den Weg für intelligentere und effizientere Geräte, die in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungsfällen Echtzeit–Intelligenz liefern können.

Die Apollo330 Plus–Serie bietet drei Versionen:

  • Das Apollo330 Plus Basismodell ohne drahtlose Konnektivität bietet eine Vielzahl von Peripheriegeräten für Wearables, Medizin/Gesundheitspflege und Smart Home, mit denen Entwickler auf einfache Weise anspruchsvolle sensorgestützte Anwendungen erstellen können.
  • Das Apollo330B Plus erweitert das Apollo330 Plus mit Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Unterstützung für eine große Auswahl an angeschlossenen Peripheriegeräten und Audioanwendungen
  • Das Apollo330M Plus bietet darüber hinaus Multiprotokoll–Funkunterstützung für IEEE 802.15.4, Thread und Matter und ermöglicht so die Interoperabilität von Mesh–Netzwerken mit geringem Stromverbrauch zwischen Smart–Home–, Smart–Meter– und industriellen Edge–Geräten der nächsten Generation

Seine schlanke Multi–Core–Architektur umfasst einen leistungsstarken Anwendungsprozessor und einen dedizierten Netzwerk–Coprozessor für kompromisslose Funkleistung. Das Design vereinfacht die Entwicklung und bietet gleichzeitig eine kompromisslose Multiprotokoll–Funkleistung mit einer robusten Signalstärke von bis zu +14dBm und einer verbesserten Funkempfindlichkeit.

Innovative secureSPOT® 3.0–Funktionen, die auf der TrustZone®–Technologie von Arm basieren, verbessern die SoCs der Apollo330 Plus Serie weiter und gewährleisten die Integrität und Vertraulichkeit der von den angeschlossenen Geräten übertragenen und verarbeiteten Daten. Mit hardwarebasierten Sicherheitsmechanismen wie sicherem Boot und sicheren Firmware–Updates bieten diese SoCs einen robusten Schutz vor unbefugtem Zugriff und böswilligen Angriffen und ermöglichen einen sicheren Einsatz in verschiedenen Anwendungen.

Als jüngste Ergänzung des Ambiq–Portfolios setzt die Apollo330 Plus–SoC–Serie einen neuen Standard für KI–Verarbeitung mit extrem niedrigem Stromverbrauch im Edge–Bereich. Mit mehr Konnektivität, Sicherheit, einer größeren Anzahl von Peripherieschnittstellen und mehreren Paketoptionen bieten diese SoCs Entwicklern die Werkzeuge, die sie für die Implementierung anspruchsvoller, energieeffizienter KI–Lösungen in Edge–Geräten benötigen.

Informieren Sie sich über die Apollo330 Plus SoC–Serie, und besuchen Sie Ambiq auf der Embedded World 2025, indem Sie ein Treffen mit dem Team buchen.

Über Ambiq

Unser Ziel ist es, Intelligenz (künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und darüber hinaus) überall zu ermöglichen, indem wir Halbleiterlösungen mit dem geringsten Stromverbrauch anbieten. Wir ermöglichen es unseren Kunden, Rechenleistung für künstliche Intelligenz in den Edge–Bereichen bereitzustellen, in denen der Stromverbrauch die größten Herausforderungen darstellt. Unsere Technologieinnovationen, die auf der patentierten und geschützten Subthreshold Power Optimized Technology (SPOT) basieren, ermöglichen eine mehrfache Verbesserung des Stromverbrauchs gegenüber herkömmlichen Halbleiterdesigns. Wir haben heute über 260 Millionen Geräte mit Strom versorgt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


Charlene Wan
VP of Branding, Marketing, and Investor Relations

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung finden Sie unter–4944–4bf7–b13b–0a3177b7d62c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389196)

Stitching Hope: Two Afghan Women Rebuild Their Lives with Needle and Thread

In Bamyan, Afghanistan, young women are stitching a future of resilience—turning sewing skills into a livelihood for their families. Credit: Learning Together.

In Bamyan, Afghanistan, young women are stitching a future of resilience—turning sewing skills into a livelihood for their families. Credit: Learning Together.

By External Source
Mar 5 2025 – Zainab and Mursal, two young Afghan women, had their education cut short by the Taliban. But instead of surrendering to despair, they picked up a needle and thread—transforming their skills into a thriving sewing business that now provides income and inspiration to other Afghan women.

What began as two determined young women and an old sewing machine has grown into a workshop that not only sustains their families but also empowers others.

Now, they dare to dream even bigger, to expand their sewing shop in the near future to start churning out products stamped with their own brand name.

“My dream is to one day ship our products to big cities and even register our own clothing brand,” says Mursal, one of the founders.


From Hardship to Opportunity

Zainab, 22, and Mursal, 20, both from Bamyan Province, live under strict Taliban-imposed restrictions that ban women from education and salaried employment.

Zainab lives in a family of five, including her mother and three brothers. Their mother stays at home and her two brothers have not found jobs since graduating five years ago from the university. Zainab became the sole breadwinner for the entire family after her father’s death,

Mursal on her part, lives in a family of ten, including her father, mother, four sisters, and three brothers. She also contributes to her family’s income in whatever way she can, alongside her father, a security guard.

“When the Taliban slammed the university doors shut and left me with no education, it felt like my world had crashed,” says Zainab.

But her mother encouraged her “not to simply sit around or else nothing would change”. She taught Zainab how to sew—lessons that would soon change their lives.


A Business Built on Determination

Initially Zainab and Mursal took a credit of 30,000 Afghanis (USD 403), from relatives to buy an old sewing machine and some supplies.

“We had no sewing experience but were determined to learn, often working late into the night to improve our sewing skills”, says Zainab.

“Our work was very basic but our first customers, made up of neighbours and close relatives gave us full support,” says Zainab, with a smile. Adding, “Every garment we sewed boosted our confidence.”

After a few months, they were able to purchase a second sewing machine with their savings.

“The moment had come to involve other girls in our work”, Mursal explains.

Their small sewing shop, which operates from a rented space, costs 2,000 Afghanis per month, not only provides tailoring services, but also trains 16 women in sewing skills, for which they charge 250 Afghanis per month from each student.


Under Taliban rule, the city of Bamyan has fallen into silence. Credit: Learning Together.

Under Taliban rule, the city of Bamyan has fallen into silence. Credit: Learning Together.


Empowering Women, One Stitch at a Time

The sewing shop not only helps improve Zainab and Mursal’s financial situation but also provides an opportunity to empower other women.

One of the workshop participants, who happens to be their aunt, says: “This workshop has given me new hope. Prior to this, I had no source of income. But now I not only have an income, but I feel like I am a useful member of society”, she says, with air of satisfaction.

However, as Zainab explains, setting up the workshop came with its unique set of challenges. For one thing, they were still gripped by fear that the Taliban might close their shop since they had banned women from working.

For another thing, uncertainty continued to stalk the viability of the shop, says Zainab, “Sometimes, we didn’t have enough money to buy fabric and yarn. But we never gave up. Even if we had to, we would take advance payments from customers in order to buy the raw materials.”

No more. Having succeeded in turning their fortunes around with sheer determination, Zainab and Mursal can now smile towards the future.

“Every garment we sew is not just a product; it is a symbol of our hope and effort to build a better future,” Zainab says proudly.

Mursal also cuts in, “We’ve proven that no obstacle can stop someone who truly wants to change their life.”


The author is an Afghanistan-based female journalist, trained with Finnish support before the Taliban take-over. Her identity is withheld for security reasons