An Extraordinary Success for the Two Luiss “Guido Carli” Projects at Expo Dubai

ROME, April 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Forums, workshops, exhibitions, and shows have characterized the participation of Luiss University in the Italian Pavilion at Expo Dubai, one of the most visited in the entire exhibition. In six months, 1.6 million visitors were welcomed in the Italian Pavilion, which received the "Best innovation that achieves sustainability award" at the UAE Innovates awards.

Two technological applications with a highly immersive approach were included in the exhibition, with a program developed in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo.

Luiss and Intesa Sanpaolo were the protagonists of the Italian Pavilion with two projects: “Leading an Orchestra” and “Hologram Talks.” The first, “Leading an Orchestra,” offered visitors the opportunity to conduct the famous Orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale of Santa Cecilia in Rome in renowned musical pieces that made history.

“Hologram Talks,” on the other hand, allowed visitors to listen to speakers and lecturers from the University in the Italian Pavilion to stimulate the visitors' curiosity.

The holographic projection showed life–size holograms of professors and students who described the University's educational offer, making it possible to experience an innovative and high–impact show.

Paola Severino, Vice–President, Luiss “Guido Carli” University, said that the participation of Luiss in the Expo Dubai was coherent with its values: “The Luiss' distinctive factor is to stimulate cultural reflections that take into account our tradition and at the same time consider the future. These are the two elements that we have tried to put together in the project that we presented in Dubai.”

Andrea Prencipe, Rector, Luiss “Guido Carli” University, explained the choice of a musical challenge to involve the visitors of the Italian Pavilion: “The metaphor works well because leading an orchestra also means leading a company, leading an organisation, leading a firm. And this does reflect the way we think about leadership as an experience. As we know, the payoff of the Italian Pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai is 'beauty connects people.'”

Giovanni Lo Storto, General Director, Luiss “Guido Carli” University explained in a message to students how important Luiss' presence in this global event was: “The Expo 2020 universal exhibition was an opportunity to witness how and in what direction the nations of the world are looking to the future. In Dubai, all the countries showed their ideas for the future, which is coming faster than we imagine, and the only way to face it is to have the right instruments.”

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