LEXI Captioning Tool Kit (Kit de Ferramentas de Legendagem) com Tecnologia IA da AI-Media Eleva o Nível

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Aug. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI–Media, fornecedora lder de tecnologia e infraestrutura de legendagem, tem o orgulho de apresentar seu inovador LEXI Captioning Tool Kit com tecnologia IA. Este conjunto abrangente de solues de legendagem automatizada marca uma nova era na indstria com a combinao de tecnologias de IA de ponta para atender s necessidades integradas de criadores e distribuidores de contedo em todo o mundo.

O LEXI Captioning Tool Kit com Tecnologia IA aborda os desafios enfrentados por empresas de mdia, emissoras, produtores de eventos, instituies educacionais e outros produtores de contedo no fornecimento econmico e preciso de legendas de contedo ao vivo e pr–gravado que podem ser facilmente reutilizadas em outros aplicativos dos clientes.

“A AI–Media est empenhada em expandir os limites da tecnologia de legendagem. O nosso LEXI Captioning Tool Kit resultado de anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. com orgulho que oferecemos uma soluo transformadora que aprimora a acessibilidade e a incluso do contedo de mdia”, disse James Ward, Diretor de Vendas da AI–Media.

O Tool Kit composto por seis solues principais, todas projetadas para atender as diferentes necessidades de legendagem, permitindo que o consumidor misture e combine os principais componentes para atender s necessidades dos seus negcios. As solues so compatveis com a nossa srie de codificadores da iCap Cloud Network, criando o melhor ecossistema de legendagem.

  1. LEXI Live Automatic Captioning (Legendagem Automtica): Fornecendo legendas em tempo real com preciso incomparvel, o LEXI alcana consistentemente mais de 98% de preciso. Oferecendo identificao do falante e posicionamento inteligente das legendas, a Legendagem Automtica ao Vivo LEXI a pedra angular do Kit de Ferramentas, oferecendo legendas que rivalizam com as legendas humanas "" por uma frao do custo.
  2. LEXI Recorded (Gravado): Acelerando a legendagem de contedo de ps–produo, a LEXI Recorded integra–se perfeitamente aos Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Ativos de Mdia (MAM), garantindo tempos de resposta rpidos para a entrega de arquivos de legendas. Os usurios podem legendar em mais de 30 idiomas, escolher entre vrios formatos de arquivo, incluindo SRT, VTT e TXT, para atender aos seus requisitos especficos; e fazer uso da funo API e automao para uma soluo de toque zero.
  3. LEXI Translate (Traduo): Quebrando as barreiras lingusticas, o LEXI Translate permite que os usurios traduzam facilmente legendas ao vivo de e para mais de 50 idiomas, com mais idiomas adicionados todos os meses. Perfeito para reunies corporativas, eventos globais e transmisses de contedo multilngue, a preciso do LEXI Translates garante que nuances importantes sejam traduzidas de forma eficaz.
  4. LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery – Recuperao de Desastre): Nunca saia do ar com a melhor soluo de failover. O LEXI DR permite que os usurios hospedem seus servidores iCap e LEXI totalmente redundantes, garantindo legendas ininterruptas em situaes desafiadoras, como interrupes na nuvem ou problemas de conectividade com a Internet. No faltam mais legendas devido a interrupes na Internet!
  5. LEXI Local: O LEXI Local oferece legendas ao vivo e automticas altamente seguras, no local e fora da nuvem, o que significa maior segurana e maior controle. O LEXI Local ideal para qualquer organizao, como corporaes ou agncias governamentais, que exijam maior segurana para o seu contedo.
  6. LEXI Library (Biblioteca): O LEXI Library arquiva seu contedo legendado, tornando–o facilmente pesquisvel e acessvel. Com permisses personalizveis e Single Sign On, as legendas ao vivo com carimbo de hora podem ser acessadas com segurana em tempo real ou ps–sesso, simplificando o processo de transcrio e distribuio de sesses legendadas.

O Tool Kit uma soluo abrangente para maximizar os benefcios da legendagem e traduo. Totalmente compatvel com os melhores codificadores de legendas SDI e IP da categoria da AI–Media, o Tool Kit simplifica os fluxos de trabalho do cliente, fornecendo interoperabilidade perfeita.

Para mais informao sobre o LEXI Captioning Tool Kit alimentado por IA, visite www.ai–media.tv. Para agendar uma demonstrao ou falar com um representante, entre em contato com lexi@ai–media.tv.

Sobre a AI–Media

Fundada na Austrlia em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI–Media lder global de solues de legendagem, transcrio e traduo ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agncias governamentais do mundo a garantir alta preciso, segurana e custo–benefcio por meio da sua soluo de legendagem LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI so entregues a milhes de telas em todo o mundo atravs da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI–Media e sua iCap Cloud Network "" a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI–Media entrega mais de 9 milhes de minutos de mdia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI–Media negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrlia (ASX: AIM). Para mais informao, visite Ai–Media.tv.

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4763888e–6d55–490f–8749–0a5a76363f46

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8901169)

AI-Media's AI-Powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit Raises the Bar

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Aug. 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, a leading provider of captioning technology and infrastructure, is proud to unveil its groundbreaking AI–Powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit. This comprehensive collection of automated captioning solutions marks a new era in the industry, combining cutting–edge AI technologies to meet the integrated needs of content creators and distributors worldwide.

The AI–Powered LEXI Tool Kit addresses challenges faced by media companies, broadcasters, event producers, educational institutions, and other content producers in delivering cost–effective and accurate captions and subtitles for live and pre–recorded content that can be easily re–used in other customer applications.

“At AI–Media, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of captioning technology. Our LEXI Tool Kit is a result of years of research and development, and we are proud to offer a transformative solution that enhances the accessibility and inclusivity of media content,” said James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI–Media.

The Tool Kit is comprised of six key solutions each designed to address different captioning needs, enabling the consumer to mix and match key components to suit their business requirements. The solutions are compatible with our encoder series via the iCap Cloud Network creating the ultimate captioning ecosystem.

  1. LEXI Live Automatic Captioning: Delivering real–time captions with unparalleled accuracy, LEXI consistently achieves over 98% accuracy. Offering speaker identification and intelligent caption placement, LEXI Live Automatic Captioning is the cornerstone of the Tool Kit, offering captions rivalling that of human captioners "" at a fraction of the cost.
  2. LEXI Recorded: Accelerating captioning for post–production content, LEXI Recorded seamlessly integrates into Media Asset Management Systems (MAM), ensuring fast turnaround times for caption file delivery. Users can caption in over 30 languages, choose from multiple file formats including SRT, VTT, and TXT, to fit their specific requirements; and make use of the API function and automation for a zero–touch solution.
  3. LEXI Translate: Breaking down language barriers, LEXI Translate allows users to effortlessly translate live captions and subtitles to and from over 50 languages with more added every month. Perfect for corporate meetings, global events, and broadcasts of multilingual content, LEXI Translates accuracy ensures that important nuances are effectively translated.
  4. LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery): Never go off the air with the ultimate failover solution. LEXI DR enables users to host their fully redundant iCap and LEXI servers, ensuring uninterrupted captioning in challenging situations like cloud–based outages or internet connectivity issues. No more missing captions due to internet outages!
  5. LEXI Local: LEXI Local delivers highly secure live, automatic captions, on–premises and off the cloud, meaning elevated security and greater control. LEXI Local is ideal for any organization such as corporations or Government agencies requiring increased security of their content.
  6. LEXI Library: LEXI Library archives your captioned content, making it easily searchable and accessible. With customizable permissions and Single Sign On, time–stamped live captions can be accessed securely in real–time or post–session, simplifying the process of transcribing, and distributing captioned sessions.

The Tool Kit presents a comprehensive solution to maximize the benefits of captioning and translation. Fully compatible with AI–Media's best–in–class SDI and IP caption encoders, the Tool Kit simplifies customer workflows by providing seamless interoperability.

For more information about the AI–Powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit, visit www.ai–media.tv. To schedule a demo or to speak with a representative, please contact lexi@ai–media.tv.

About AI–Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company AI–Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription, and translation solutions. The company helps the world's leading broadcasters, enterprises, and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure, and cost–effective captioning via its AI–powered LEXI captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via AI–Media's range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network "" the world's largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, AI–Media delivers over 9 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. AI–Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM). For more information, please visit www.ai–media.tv.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4763888e–6d55–490f–8749–0a5a76363f46

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8900527)

AI-Media's AI-Powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit Raises the Bar

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Aug. 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, a leading provider of captioning technology and infrastructure, is proud to unveil its groundbreaking AI–Powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit. This comprehensive collection of automated captioning solutions marks a new era in the industry, combining cutting–edge AI technologies to meet the integrated needs of content creators and distributors worldwide.

The AI–Powered LEXI Tool Kit addresses challenges faced by media companies, broadcasters, event producers, educational institutions, and other content producers in delivering cost–effective and accurate captions and subtitles for live and pre–recorded content that can be easily re–used in other customer applications.

“At AI–Media, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of captioning technology. Our LEXI Tool Kit is a result of years of research and development, and we are proud to offer a transformative solution that enhances the accessibility and inclusivity of media content,” said James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI–Media.

The Tool Kit is comprised of six key solutions each designed to address different captioning needs, enabling the consumer to mix and match key components to suit their business requirements. The solutions are compatible with our encoder series via the iCap Cloud Network creating the ultimate captioning ecosystem.

  1. LEXI Live Automatic Captioning: Delivering real–time captions with unparalleled accuracy, LEXI consistently achieves over 98% accuracy. Offering speaker identification and intelligent caption placement, LEXI Live Automatic Captioning is the cornerstone of the Tool Kit, offering captions rivalling that of human captioners "" at a fraction of the cost.
  2. LEXI Recorded: Accelerating captioning for post–production content, LEXI Recorded seamlessly integrates into Media Asset Management Systems (MAM), ensuring fast turnaround times for caption file delivery. Users can caption in over 30 languages, choose from multiple file formats including SRT, VTT, and TXT, to fit their specific requirements; and make use of the API function and automation for a zero–touch solution.
  3. LEXI Translate: Breaking down language barriers, LEXI Translate allows users to effortlessly translate live captions and subtitles to and from over 50 languages with more added every month. Perfect for corporate meetings, global events, and broadcasts of multilingual content, LEXI Translates accuracy ensures that important nuances are effectively translated.
  4. LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery): Never go off the air with the ultimate failover solution. LEXI DR enables users to host their fully redundant iCap and LEXI servers, ensuring uninterrupted captioning in challenging situations like cloud–based outages or internet connectivity issues. No more missing captions due to internet outages!
  5. LEXI Local: LEXI Local delivers highly secure live, automatic captions, on–premises and off the cloud, meaning elevated security and greater control. LEXI Local is ideal for any organization such as corporations or Government agencies requiring increased security of their content.
  6. LEXI Library: LEXI Library archives your captioned content, making it easily searchable and accessible. With customizable permissions and Single Sign On, time–stamped live captions can be accessed securely in real–time or post–session, simplifying the process of transcribing, and distributing captioned sessions.

The Tool Kit presents a comprehensive solution to maximize the benefits of captioning and translation. Fully compatible with AI–Media's best–in–class SDI and IP caption encoders, the Tool Kit simplifies customer workflows by providing seamless interoperability.

For more information about the AI–Powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit, visit www.ai–media.tv. To schedule a demo or to speak with a representative, please contact lexi@ai–media.tv.

About AI–Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company AI–Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription, and translation solutions. The company helps the world's leading broadcasters, enterprises, and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure, and cost–effective captioning via its AI–powered LEXI captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via AI–Media's range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network "" the world's largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, AI–Media delivers over 9 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. AI–Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM). For more information, please visit www.ai–media.tv.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4763888e–6d55–490f–8749–0a5a76363f46

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8900527)

Ai-Media lance LEXI Viewer, révolutionnant les événements en direct avec une solution de sous-titrage de pointe

BROOKLYN, New York, 20 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ai–Media, le leader du secteur des solutions de sous–titrage, de transcription et de traduction en direct pilots par la technologie, est ravi de dvoiler le rvolutionnaire LEXI Viewer. Cette solution innovante rvolutionne la manire dont les organisateurs d'vnements captivent les audiences. Dites adieu aux contraintes des approches traditionnelles et prparez–vous entrer dans une nouvelle re d'engagement vnementiel ingal.

Dans le paysage dynamique des vnements d'aujourd'hui, il est primordial de crer une exprience exceptionnelle pour tous les participants. LEXI Viewer propose une solution facile utiliser et rentable pour amliorer l'inclusion en satisfaisant divers types d'audience. Par une intgration harmonieuse notre solution de sous–titrage automatique emblmatique LEXI, nous pouvons proposer une qualit de sous–titrage sans gale. Les utilisateurs peuvent aisment accder au sous–titrage en quelques clics, et ainsi prendre le contrle total de LEXI via l'cran LCD frontal ou une tlcommande. Cette fonctionnalit ingnieuse assure une exprience dynamique et captivante tant pour les organisateurs d'vnement que pour les participants.

Nous ne reculerons devant rien pour amliorer l'exprience d'vnement en direct de tous les individus, et en tant que pionniers dans le secteur, nous sommes fiers de prsenter LEXI Viewer comme une solution rvolutionnaire , a dclar James Ward, directeur des ventes chez Ai–Media. De par l'ajout palpitant d'une fonctionnalit click–to–caption, associe une technologie de pointe et notre puissante solution de sous–titrage pilot par l'IA, nous sommes en train de rvolutionner l'inclusion et d'lever l'engagement de diverses audiences.

LEXI Viewer est dot d'une varit de modes d'affichage conus pour satisfaire divers styles de prsentation et exigences de marque, assurant une visibilit optimale du contenu de prsentation tout en offrant des sous–titres limpides :

  • Mode plein cran : les sous–titres sont affichs sur tout l'cran, permettant une accessibilit maximale une large audience. Diverses options d'espacement de ligne et de taille de texte sont disponibles pour rpondre aux prfrences de chacun.
  • Mode image d'arrire–plan : les utilisateurs peuvent superposer quatre ranges de sous–titres sur une image d'arrire–plan personnalise, fournissant une facilit de configuration totale de l'aspect des sous–titres, y compris la police de caractres, la taille de texte, le positionnement et la couleur. Cela permet aux organisateurs d'vnements de prserver leur image de marque tout en donnant la priorit l'inclusion.
  • Mode dcodeur de sous–titres : les sous–titres peuvent tre affichs sur la vido d'entre afin de reproduire le comportement du dcodeur de sous–titre d'un consommateur tout en offrant des options de personnalisation pour la police de caractres et la couleur du texte.
  • Mode mise l'chelle : les utilisateurs peuvent maintenir une visibilit totale du contenu de prsentation en rduisant l'chelle de la vido d'entre de 20 % et en affichant deux ranges de sous–titres au–dessus ou en dessous de la vido.

Par ailleurs, les organisateurs d'vnements peuvent amliorer la scurit du sous–titrage et garder un meilleur contrle de leurs donnes en associant LEXI Viewer LEXI Local. Cette puissante solution fournit les sous–titres automatiques LEXI sur site, liminant les proccupations relatives au cloud et assurant une confidentialit totale des donnes.

Nous ralisons l'importance de la scurit et de la confidentialit des donnes, et notre solution LEXI Local rpond ces proccupations en fournissant aux organisateurs d'vnements un meilleur contrle de leurs prcieuses donnes , a ajout James Ward. Avec LEXI Viewer et LEXI Local, nous proposons une solution d'accessibilit complte qui dpasse les attentes.

Pour dcouvrir l'avenir des vnements en direct, contactez sales@ai–media.tv si vous avez des questions ou pour demander une dmonstration personnalise.

propos d'Ai–Media

Fonde en Australie en 2003, la socit technologique Ai–Media est un leader mondial des solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous–titrage enregistrs et en direct. La socit aide les principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organismes gouvernementaux du monde assurer des sous–titrages de haute prcision, scuriss et rentables via sa solution de sous–titrage automatique LEXI optimise par l'IA. Des sous–titres LEXI sont livrs sur des millions d'cran travers le monde grce la gamme d'encodeurs de sous–titrage d'Ai–Media et son rseau iCap Cloud "" le rseau de livraison de sous–titres le plus grand et le plus scuris au monde. l'chelle mondiale, Ai–Media livre plus de 8 millions de minutes de contenu multimdia en direct et enregistr chaque mois. Ai–Media est cote la bourse australienne (ASX : AIM). Pour de plus amples informations, rendez–vous sur le site Ai–Media.tv.

Les photos accompagnant cette annonce sont disponibles sur



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8878185)

Ai-Media Lança LEXI Viewer: Revolução de Eventos ao Vivo com Solução de Legendagem de Ponta

BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Ai–Media, lder da indstria de legendagem, transcrio e traduo ao vivo com base em tecnologia, tem o prazer de lanar o revolucionrio LEXI Viewer. Esta soluo inovadora revoluciona a forma como os organizadores de eventos cativam o pblico. Diga adeus s restries das abordagens tradicionais e prepare–se para abraar uma nova era de envolvimento inigualvel em eventos.

No cenrio dinmico dos eventos de hoje, a criao de uma experincia excepcional para todos os participantes fundamental. O LEXI Viewer uma soluo econmica e fcil de usar para o aprimoramento da incluso, atendendo a diversos tipos de pblico. Com a perfeita integrao com a nossa soluo de legendagem automtica LEXI, podemos oferecer uma legendagem de qualidade inigualvel. Os usurios podem clicar facilmente nas legendas e assumir o controle total do LEXI na tela LCD do painel frontal ou em um controle remoto sem fio. Essa funcionalidade inteligente garante uma experincia cativante e dinmica tanto para os organizadores do evento quanto para os participantes.

“Nos dedicamos a aprimorar a experincia do evento ao vivo para todos os participantes e, como pioneiros do setor, temos muito orgulho em lanar a soluo inovadora LEXI Viewer”, diz James Ward, diretor de vendas da Ai–Media. “Com a nova e empolgante funcionalidade clique para legendar, juntamente com a tecnologia de ponta e a nossa potente soluo de legendas com base em IA, estamos revolucionando a incluso e elevando o engajamento de diversos pblicos.”

O LEXI Viewer possui uma variedade de modos de exibio criados para atender a diversos estilos de apresentao e requisitos de marca, garantindo a visibilidade ideal do contedo da apresentao e, ao mesmo tempo, legendas ntidas:

  • Modo de Tela Cheia: As legendas so exibidas em toda a tela, oferecendo o mximo de acessibilidade para um grande pblico. Vrias opes de espaamento entre linhas e tamanho de texto esto disponveis, atendendo s preferncias individuais.
  • Modo de Imagem de Fundo: Os usurios podem sobrepor quatro linhas de legendas em uma imagem de fundo personalizada, com uma configurao completa da aparncia da legenda, incluindo fonte, tamanho do texto, posicionamento e cor. Isso permite que os organizadores do evento mantenham sua marca enquanto priorizam a incluso.
  • Modo Decodificador de Legenda: As legendas podem ser exibidas no vdeo de entrada para imitar o comportamento de um decodificador de legendas do consumidor, oferecendo opes de personalizao para a cor da fonte e do texto.
  • Modo Scaler: Os usurios podem manter a visibilidade total do contedo da apresentao reduzindo o vdeo de entrada em 20% e exibindo duas linhas de legendas acima ou abaixo do vdeo.

Alm disso, os organizadores do evento podem aumentar a segurana das legendas e manter um maior controle dos dados, emparelhando o LEXI Viewer com o LEXI Local. Esta soluo potente fornece legendas LEXI automticas no local, eliminando as questes relacionadas nuvem e garantindo total privacidade dos dados.

“Entendemos a importncia da segurana e da privacidade dos dados, e nossa soluo LEXI Local aborda essas preocupaes, fornecendo aos organizadores do evento um controle aprimorado dos seus dados valiosos”, acrescentou James Ward. “O LEXI Viewer e o LEXI Local so solues de acessibilidade abrangentes que vo alm das expectativas.”

Para explorar o futuro dos eventos ao vivo, contate sales@ai–media.tv para mais informao ou para solicitar uma demonstrao personalizada.

Sobre a Ai–Media

Fundada na Austrlia em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia Ai–Media lder global de solues de legendagem, transcrio e traduo ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agncias governamentais do mundo a garantir alta preciso, segurana e custo–benefcio por meio da sua soluo de legendagem automtica LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI so entregues a milhes de telas em todo o mundo atravs da gama de codificadores de legendas da Ai–Media e sua iCap Cloud Network "" a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A Ai–Media entrega mais de 8 milhes de minutos de mdia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A Ai–Media negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrlia (ASX: AIM). Para mais informao, visite Ai–Media.tv.

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8878185)

Ai-Media stellt den LEXI Viewer vor: Revolutionierung von Live-Veranstaltungen mit modernster Untertitelungslösung

BROOKLYN, New York, July 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ai–Media, der Branchenfhrer im Bereich technologiegesttzter Live–Untertitelung, Transkription und bersetzungslsungen, freut sich, der ffentlichkeit den bahnbrechenden LEXI Viewer vorzustellen. Diese innovative Lsung revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Veranstalter ihr Publikum fesseln knnen. Verabschieden Sie sich von den Zwngen traditioneller Anstze und bereiten Sie sich auf eine neue ra mit unvergleichlicher Einbindung des Publikums bei Veranstaltungen vor.

In der heutigen dynamischen Veranstaltungslandschaft ist die Schaffung eines auergewhnlichen Erlebnisses fr alle Teilnehmer von grter Bedeutung. LEXI Viewer bietet eine benutzerfreundliche und kostengnstige Lsung zur Frderung der Inklusivitt, die sich an unterschiedliche Publikumsgruppen richtet. Durch die nahtlose Integration mit der LEXI–Lsung fr automatische Untertitel, unserem Flaggschiffprodukt, knnen wir eine unvergleichliche Untertitelqualitt liefern. Benutzer knnen sich mhelos zu Untertiteln durchklicken und LEXI ber den LCD–Bildschirm im vorderen Bereich oder eine Fernbedienung vollumfnglich steuern. Diese ausgeklgelte Funktionalitt sorgt fr ein fesselndes und dynamisches Erlebnis fr Organisatoren und Teilnehmer gleichermaen.

"Wir widmen unseren unermdlichen Einsatz der Verbesserung des Erlebnisses bei Live–Veranstaltungen fr alle Teilnehmer und als Pioniere in der Branche sind wir stolz darauf, mit dem LEXI Viewer eine bahnbrechende Lsung prsentieren zu knnen", so James Ward, Chief Sales Officer von Ai–Media. "Mit der neuen Click–to–Caption–Funktionalitt in Verbindung mit modernster Technologie und unserer leistungsstarken, KI–gesteuerten Untertitelungslsung revolutionieren wir die Inklusivitt und frdern die Einbindung eines vielfltigen Publikums."

Der LEXI Viewer verfgt ber eine Reihe von Anzeigemodi, die auf unterschiedliche Prsentationsstile und Markenanforderungen abgestimmt sind und eine optimale Sichtbarkeit der Prsentationsinhalte bei gleichzeitig kristallklaren Untertiteln gewhrleisten:

  • Vollbildmodus: Die Untertitel werden auf dem gesamten Bildschirm angezeigt und bieten einem groen Publikum maximale Zugnglichkeit. Es stehen verschiedene Zeilenabstnde und Textgren zur Verfgung, sodass individuelle Wnsche bercksichtigt werden knnen.
  • Hintergrundbildmodus: Benutzer knnen vier Reihen von Untertiteln ber ein benutzerdefiniertes Hintergrundbild legen und das Erscheinungsbild der Untertitel vollstndig konfigurieren, einschlielich Schriftart, Textgre, Positionierung und Farbe. Auf diese Weise knnen die Organisatoren von Veranstaltungen ihr Branding beibehalten und gleichzeitig der Inklusivitt Vorrang einrumen.
  • Untertiteldecoder–Modus: Untertitel knnen ber dem Eingangsvideo angezeigt werden, um das Verhalten eines Untertiteldecoders zu imitieren, und es werden gleichzeitig Anpassungsoptionen fr Schriftart und Textfarbe geboten.
  • Skalierungsmodus: Benutzer knnen die volle Sichtbarkeit des Prsentationsinhalts aufrechterhalten, indem sie das Eingangsvideo um 20 % verkleinern und zwei Reihen von Untertiteln ber oder unter dem Video anzeigen lassen.

Darber hinaus knnen Veranstalter die Sicherheit von Untertiteln erhhen und eine bessere Kontrolle ber ihre Daten behalten, indem sie LEXI Viewer mit LEXI Local kombinieren. Diese leistungsstarke Lsung bietet automatische LEXI–Untertitel vor Ort, wodurch Bedenken bezglich der Cloud ausgerumt werden und ein vollstndiger Datenschutz gewhrleistet ist.

"Wir wissen, wie wichtig Datensicherheit und Datenschutz sind, und unsere Lsung LEXI Local trgt diesen Bedenken Rechnung, indem sie Veranstaltern eine bessere Kontrolle ber ihre wertvollen Daten ermglicht", fgt James Ward hinzu. "Mit LEXI Viewer und LEXI Local bieten wir eine umfassende Lsung fr Barrierefreiheit, die alle Erwartungen bertrifft."

Um die Zukunft von Live–Veranstaltungen zu erkunden, kontaktieren Sie sales@ai–media.tv bezglich Anfragen oder um eine persnliche Demonstration anzufordern.

ber Ai–Media

Das 2003 in Australien gegrndete Technologieunternehmen Ai–Media ist ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Lsungen fr Live– und aufgezeichnete Untertitelung, Transkription und bersetzungslsungen. Mit seiner KI–gesttzten automatischen Untertitelungslsung LEXI untersttzt das Unternehmen die weltweit fhrenden Rundfunkanstalten, Unternehmen und staatlichen Behrden bei der Gewhrleistung einer hochprzisen, sicheren und kosteneffektiven Untertitelung. LEXI–Untertitel werden ber Ai–Medias Untertitel–Encoder und das iCap Cloud Network "" dem weltweit grten und sichersten Netzwerk fr Untertitel "" auf Millionen von Bildschirmen auf der ganzen Welt bertragen. Weltweit liefert Ai–Media monatlich ber 8 Millionen Minuten an Live– und aufgezeichneten Medien. Ai–Media wird an der australischen Brse (ASX:AIM) gehandelt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Ai–Media.tv.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8878185)

Ai-Media Introduces LEXI Viewer: Revolutionizing Live Events with Cutting-Edge Captioning Solution

BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ai–Media, the industry leader in technology–driven live captioning, transcription, and translation solutions, is delighted to unveil the ground–breaking LEXI Viewer. This innovative solution revolutionizes how event organizers captivate audiences. Say farewell to the constraints of traditional approaches and prepare to embrace a new era of unrivalled event engagement.

In today's dynamic event landscape, creating an exceptional experience for all attendees is paramount. LEXI Viewer offers a user–friendly and cost–effective solution to enhance inclusivity, catering to diverse audience types. By seamlessly integrating with our flagship LEXI automatic captioning solution, we can deliver unparalleled captioning quality. Users can effortlessly click their way to captioning, taking full control of LEXI through the front panel LCD screen or a wireless remote. This ingenious functionality ensures a captivating and dynamic experience for both event organizers and attendees alike.

“Enhancing the live event experience for all individuals is our unwavering commitment, and as pioneers in the industry, we proudly present LEXI Viewer as a groundbreaking solution,” says James Ward, Chief Sales Officer of Ai–Media. “With the exciting addition of click–to–caption functionality, coupled with cutting–edge technology and our powerful AI–driven captioning solution, we are revolutionizing inclusivity and uplifting the engagement of diverse audiences."

LEXI Viewer boasts an array of display modes designed to cater to diverse presentation styles and brand requirements, ensuring optimal visibility of presentation content while delivering crystal–clear captions:

  • Full Screen Mode: Captions are displayed on the entire screen, offering maximum accessibility to a large audience. Various line spacing and text size options are available, accommodating individual preferences.
  • Background Image Mode: Users can overlay four rows of captions on a custom background image, providing complete configurability of caption appearance, including font, text size, positioning, and color. This allows event organizers to maintain their branding while prioritizing inclusivity.
  • Caption Decoder Mode: Captions can be displayed over the input video to mimic the behaviour of a consumer caption decoder while offering customization options for font and text color.
  • Scaler Mode: Users can maintain full visibility of presentation content by scaling down the input video by 20% and displaying two rows of captions above or below the video.

Furthermore, event organizers can enhance captioning security and retain greater control of their data by pairing LEXI Viewer with LEXI Local. This powerful solution provides LEXI automatic captions on–premises, eliminating cloud–related concerns and ensuring complete data privacy.

“We understand the importance of data security and privacy, and our LEXI Local solution addresses these concerns, providing event organizers with enhanced control over their valuable data,” adds James Ward. “With LEXI Viewer and LEXI Local, we are offering a comprehensive accessibility solution that goes beyond expectations.”

To explore the future of live events, contact sales@ai–media.tv for inquiries or to request a personalized demonstration.

About Ai–Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company Ai–Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription and translation solutions. The company helps the world's leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure and cost–effective captioning via its AI–powered LEXI automatic captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via Ai–Media's range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network "" the world's largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, Ai–Media delivers over 8 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. Ai–Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM). For more information, please visit Ai–Media.tv.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8877328)