Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission Announces Curatorial Team for Inaugural Art Week Riyadh

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Visual Arts Commission of Saudi Arabia announces the curatorial team for the inaugural edition of Art Week Riyadh, taking place from 6 to 13 April 2025 at JAX District, with activations across the city: Vittoria Matarrese, Artistic Director and Curator; Basma Harasani, Associate Curator; Victoria Gandit Lelandais, Associate Curator; and Shumon Basar, Curator – Public Programme.

Held under the theme At The Edge, Art Week Riyadh will feature a curated selection of works from over 30 local, regional, and international galleries, collections, and a public programme of talks, performances, and more. At The Edge will delve into the dynamic essence of Riyadh, highlighting its evolving cultural landscape and growing presence on the international stage.

Matarrese, formerly the Director of the Bally Foundation in Switzerland and of the performing arts department at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris says: “Art Week Riyadh represents an extraordinary opportunity to engage with a city and region undergoing profound cultural transformation. The inaugural edition, At the Edge, is a platform to explore these shifts and reveal how tradition and acceleration coexist and evolve.”

Saudi curator and art advisor Harasani says: “Being the first of its kind, Art Week Riyadh is a testament to the remarkable progress the country has made in establishing itself within the global cultural narrative, while still preserving its authenticity and showcasing the very best the Kingdom has to offer.”

Gandit Lelandais, a specialist in contemporary art from the Arab world, says: “The very fact that Art Week Riyadh exists demonstrates the intentional development of a thriving art ecosystem, with a clear vision to foster a healthy environment for growth among all the key players—galleries, artists, institutions, scholars, collectors, and more. This initiative is invaluable, offering a city–wide platform for critical discussions, dialogue, and reflection under one roof.”

Writer, curator and cultural convenor in the Gulf, Basar says: “Art Week Riyadh offers a moment to frame everything that has happened arts–wise in Riyadh, in the Kingdom, and in the region over the last years and decades, and to dialogue that with global scaled conversations in an increasingly multipolar world.”

For press enquiries please contact
Pelham Communications: Rania Habib / Zara Doshi: /

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–a5d4–47c3–bdc4–3541e52e85e0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9387964)

Une célébration sans frontières : Nova Gorica et Gorizia inaugurent la nouvelle capitale européenne de la culture

La ville slovène de Nova Gorica et la ville italienne de Gorizia s’unissent pour écrire un nouveau chapitre culturel qui transcende les frontières. Les villes jumelles transfrontalières organisent une célébration d’ouverture spectaculaire qui durera toute la journée du 8 février 2025, journée de la culture en Slovénie. Sous le titre From Station to Station (De gare en gare), les festivités se dérouleront dans les rues et sur les places et seront animées par des musiciens, des danseurs, des folkloristes et des artistes.

NOVA GORICA, Slovénie, 10 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — C’est sur la place de l’Europe, cœur symbolique des deux villes, que la capitale européenne de la culture sera officiellement inaugurée. À la tombée de la nuit, les projecteurs illumineront la scène en plein air, située devant le bâtiment municipal de Nova Gorica, où se déroulera un spectacle culturel inoubliable.

Plus d’informations sur l’inauguration officielle

Au cours des prochains mois, GO! 2025 proposera un millier d’événements inoubliables dans la région, avec notamment des concerts, des pièces de théâtre, des expositions d’art, des projections de films, des expériences culinaires et bien plus encore.

Après la cérémonie d’ouverture officielle, la Marche pour l’Europe (du 1er au 9 mai) transformera les passages frontaliers en œuvres d’art, tandis que le projet Tastes without Borders (Saveurs sans frontières) (du 26 au 28 septembre) offrira un festin de délices gastronomiques. La cérémonie de clôture illuminée (du 1er au 3 décembre) embrasera les deux villes lors d’une apothéose spectaculaire. Le programme sera également marqué par des temps forts autours des concerts d’Alexander Gadjijev et des projets Borderless Body, Dodecalogy 1972–1983, EPIC, ISOLABS et Benedetti Life qui célébreront l’unité, la créativité et le patrimoine culturel.

Programme officiel

GO! 2025 vous offre également l’occasion d’explorer une région où convergent l’histoire, le modernisme et une nature à couper le souffle. Nova Gorica est la plus jeune ville de Slovénie. Elle abrite de superbes exemples d’architecture moderniste et s’étend sur les berges de la Soča, une rivière à couper le souffle qui fait de ce lieu un paradis pour les amoureux de la nature. En train, les visiteurs pourront visiter la vallée de la Soča et découvrir les charmes de Tolmin, Kobarid et Bovec.

Les amateurs de vin et les passionnés de gastronomie pourront quant à eux se laisser tenter par deux régions viticoles remarquables :

  • Souvent appelée la Provence slovène, la vallée de Vipava est réputée pour ses vignobles ensoleillés et ses caves à vin de charme.
  • Le paysage plein de poésie de Goriška Brda vous séduira par sa beauté et ses vins exceptionnels.

Pour découvrir en toute simplicité la capitale européenne de la culture, nous vous invitons à utiliser l’application Internet Wherever You Go! – GO!2025, qui vous tiendra au courant des derniers événements, spectacles et manifestations culturelles, ou l’application BulevAR, qui utilise la réalité augmentée pour donner vie au passé et au présent des villes de Nova Gorica et Gorizia.

L’Office du tourisme slovène est profondément engagé dans la promotion de GO! 2025 et reconnaît les arts et la culture comme un thème central des activités promotionnelles de la saison 2024–2025.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–dbf9–4d83–ad41–16042aa316cf

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001047518)

Ein grenzüberschreitendes Fest: Nova Gorica und Gorizia eröffnen das Kulturhauptstadtjahr

Das slowenische Nova Gorica und das italienische Gorizia schlagen gemeinsam ein neues Kapitel kultureller Begegnungen auf – eines ohne Grenzen. Am 8. Februar 2025, dem slowenischen Kulturfeiertag, veranstalten die Partnerstädte eine spektakuläre ganztägige Eröffnungsfeier. Unter dem Motto „Von Station zu Station“ wird auf Straßen und Plätzen gefeiert. Musiker, Tänzer, Folkloregruppen und Künstler gestalten das umfangreiche Programm.

NOVA GORICA, Slowenien, Feb. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Auf dem Europaplatz, dem symbolischen Herzen beider Städte, findet die offizielle Eröffnung des Kulturhauptstadtjahres statt. Bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit richten sich die Scheinwerfer auf die Freilichtbühne vor dem Rathaus von Nova Gorica, wo ein unvergessliches Kulturspektakel veranstaltet wird.

Mehr zur offiziellen Eröffnung

In den nächsten Monaten finden im Rahmen des offiziellen Programs, GO! 2025, tausend unvergessliche Veranstaltungen in der Region statt, darunter Konzerte, Theater, Kunstausstellungen, Filmvorführungen, kulinarische Erlebnisse und vieles mehr.

Nach der großen Eröffnungsfeier verwandelt der „March for Europe“ (1.–9. Mai) die Grenzübergänge in Kunstwerke, während „Tastes without Borders“ (26.–28. September) ein Fest für Feinschmecker zu werden verspricht. Die Abschlussfeier (1.–3. Dezember) wird beide Städte in einem spektakulären Finale zum Leuchten bringen. Weitere Höhepunkte sind die Konzerte von Alexander Gadjijev, Borderless Body, Dodecalogy 1972–1983, EPIC, ISOLABS und Benedetti Life, die Einheit, Kreativität und kulturelles Erbe feiern.

Offizielles Programm

GO! 2025 bietet auch die einmalige Chance, eine Region zu entdecken, in der Geschichte, Moderne und atemberaubende Natur aufeinandertreffen. Nova Gorica, die jüngste Stadt Sloweniens, wartet mit atemberaubenden Beispielen modernistischer Architektur auf und liegt am atemberaubenden Fluss Soča, einem Paradies für Naturliebhaber. Mit dem Zug können Besucher das Soča–Tal und den Charme von Tolmin, Kobarid und Bovec entdecken.

Weinliebhaber und Feinschmecker können zwei bemerkenswerte Weinregionen erkunden:

  • Das Vipava–Tal, oft auch die slowenische Provence genannt, ist bekannt für seine sonnenverwöhnten Weinberge und Boutique–Weingüter.
  • Goriška Brda

Um sich in der Kulturhauptstadt Europas mühelos zurechtzufinden, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Wherever You Go! – GO!2025–Web–App zu nutzen, die Sie über die neuesten Veranstaltungen, Aufführungen und kulturellen Ereignisse auf dem Laufenden hält. Zusätzlich können Sie mit der BulevAR–App mit Hilfe von Augmented Reality die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart von Nova Gorica und Gorizia zum Leben erwecken.

Auch die Slowenische Tourismuszentrale unterstützt GO! 2025 und stellt Kunst und Kultur in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Werbeaktivitäten für 2024–2025.

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung finden Sie unter–dbf9–4d83–ad41–16042aa316cf

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001047518)

Uma celebração sem fronteiras: Nova Gorica e Gorizia inauguram a Capital Europeia da Cultura

As cidades de Nova Gorica, na Eslovênia, e Gorizia, na Itália, estão se unindo para escrever um novo capítulo cultural sem fronteiras. Em 8 de fevereiro de 2025, durante o feriado cultural da Eslovênia, as cidades gêmeas organizarão uma espetacular celebração de inauguração que durará o dia todo. Com o título De Estação a Estação, as festividades se desdobrarão pelas ruas e praças, ganhando vida com músicos, dançarinos, folcloristas e artistas

NOVA GORICA, Eslovênia, Feb. 09, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Na Europe Square, o coração simbólico de ambas as cidades, a Capital Europeia da Cultura, será oficialmente inaugurada. Durante o anoitecer, os holofotes se voltarão para o palco ao ar livre em frente ao edifício municipal de Nova Gorica, onde ocorrerá um espetáculo cultural inesquecível.

Saiba mais sobre a inauguração oficial

Nos próximos meses, o GO! 2025 trará mil eventos inesquecíveis para a região, incluindo shows musicais, teatro, exposições de arte, exibições de filmes, experiências culinárias e muito mais.

Após a grande cerimônia de abertura, March for Europe (1 a 9 de maio) transformará as travessias de fronteira em arte, enquanto o Tastes Without Borders (26 a 28 de setembro) oferecerá um banquete de delícias gourmet. A Enlightened Closing Ceremony (1 a 3 de dezembro) iluminará ambas as cidades em um final espetacular. Os destaques também incluem shows de Alexander Gadjijev, Borderless Body, Dodecalogy 1972–1983, EPIC, ISOLABS, e Benedetti Life, celebrando a união, a criatividade e o patrimônio cultural.

Programação oficial

O GO! 2025 também é o momento para explorar a região onde a história, o modernismo e a deslumbrante natureza convergem. Nova Gorica, a cidade mais jovem da Eslovênia, exibe impressionantes exemplos de arquitetura modernista e está situada ao longo do deslumbrante Rio Soča, um paraíso para os amantes da natureza. De trem, os visitantes podem conhecer o Vale do Soča e descobrir os encantos de Tolmin, Kobarid e Bovec.

Enquanto isso, os amantes de vinho e entusiastas da gastronomia podem se deliciar em duas notáveis regiões vinícolas:

Para viajar pela Capital Europeia da Cultura com facilidade, convidamos você a usar o aplicativo da web Wherever You Go! – GO!2025, que traz atualizações sobre os últimos eventos, performances e acontecimentos culturais, ou o aplicativo BulevAR, que utiliza realidade aumentada para dar vida ao passado e ao presente de Nova Gorica e Gorizia.

O Slovenian Tourist Board está profundamente envolvido na promoção do GO! 2025, reconhecendo as artes e a cultura como tema central das atividades promocionais de 2024–2025.

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em–dbf9–4d83–ad41–16042aa316cf

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001047518)

A Borderless Celebration: Nova Gorica and Gorizia Open the European Capital of Culture

NOVA GORICA, Slovenia, Feb. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At Europe Square, the symbolic heart of both cities, the European Capital of Culture will be officially inaugurated. As night falls, the spotlight will move to the open–air stage in front of Nova Gorica’s municipal building, where an unforgettable cultural spectacle will take place.

More about the official opening

Over the coming months, GO! 2025 will bring a thousand unforgettable events to the region, including concerts, theatre, art exhibitions, film screenings, culinary experiences and more.

After the grand opening ceremony, March for Europe (1–9 May) will transform border crossings into art, while Tastes without Borders (26–28 September) will offer a feast of gourmet delights. The Enlightened Closing Ceremony (1–3 December) will illuminate both cities in a spectacular finale. Highlights also include concerts by Alexander Gadjijev, Borderless Body, Dodecalogy 1972–1983, EPIC, ISOLABS, and Benedetti Life, celebrating unity, creativity and cultural heritage.

Official programme

GO! 2025 is also a chance to explore a region where history, modernism and breathtaking nature converge. Nova Gorica, Slovenia’s youngest city, boasts stunning examples of modernist architecture and sits along the breathtaking Soča River, a paradise for nature lovers. By train, visitors can visit the Soča Valley, discovering the charms of Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec.

Meanwhile, wine lovers and food enthusiasts can indulge in two remarkable wine regions:

  • The Vipava Valley, often called the Slovenian Provence, renowned for its sun–kissed vineyards and boutique wineries
  • The poetic landscape of Goriška Brda, with beauty and exceptional wines.

To navigate the European Capital of Culture with ease, we invite you to use the Wherever You Go! – GO!2025 web app, which keeps you updated on the latest events, performances and cultural happenings, or the BulevAR app, which uses augmented reality to bring the past and present of Nova Gorica and Gorizia to life.

The Slovenian Tourist Board is deeply engaged in promoting GO! 2025, recognizing arts and culture as a central theme of 2024–2025 promotional activities.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–dbf9–4d83–ad41–16042aa316cf

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001047275)

Relo Metrics, Meltwater Team Up to Redefine Sponsorship Measurement in Sports and Entertainment

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Relo Metrics, the leading sports measurement platform, and Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social, and consumer intelligence, today announced a new partnership that will transform how sports and entertainment customers measure and maximize sponsorship performance in the digital landscape. This collaboration will enable customers to unlock unparalleled insights with Relo’s AI–powered sponsorship analytics platform alongside Meltwater’s media intelligence solutions.

2024 has been the year of sports, and the overall live entertainment industry continues to have a renaissance worldwide. The need for all parties to ensure that their messages are breaking through, and that all the value is being properly measured has risen in strategic importance.

The vast digital media landscape, the thousands of websites that cover sports, entertainment, and news are the source of trillions of impressions worldwide. Previously all of that engagement and brand exposure in stories, photos, and videos was not being measured and valued in relation to a brand and a sports team, or a brand and an entertainment event. With this partnership, customers will now gain access to even more actionable insights on sponsorship performance including media values and impressions, alongside all the other channels of measurement in the Relo and Meltwater platforms.

The primary customer profiles benefiting from this partnership include:

  • Rights Holders (Sports Properties, Teams, and Leagues): Closing the gap between marketing, social, PR/comms and partnership sales teams with insights that measure partner performance across the season, assisting with renewing partnerships and growing revenue potential.
  • Brands: Within marketing there are planning and execution teams that cut across all marketing and communication channels uniting it with media strategy and experiential marketing.
  • Agencies: This partnership will enable various agencies within PR, Media, and Sports to collaborate on data strategy and measurement.

“This partnership with Meltwater is a game–changer for the sports and entertainment industry. By providing even more insights into media and sponsorship measurement we are unlocking a massive, previously untapped source of brand value,” said Jay Prasad, CEO of Relo Metrics. “By adding additional media insights alongside broadcast and social exposure, we’re empowering rights holders, brands, and agencies to see the full picture of their sponsorship performance, and ultimately drive more strategic and data–backed decisions. This is a huge leap forward in delivering actionable insights that transform how sponsorships are valued.”

Meltwater’s suite of solutions unlocks the power of media, social, and consumer data, transforming them into actionable insights to give customers a competitive edge. With the most comprehensive dataset in the industry and more than 1 billion pieces of media and social content analyzed each day, Meltwater empowers companies with easy–to–action insights that drive data–backed decision–making. Its suite of solutions spans media intelligence, media relations, social listening, social media management, influencer marketing, consumer intelligence, and more.

For brands, agencies, rights holders, and media companies who seek to maximize the impact and ROI of their sports sponsorship investments, Relo Metrics provides unparalleled performance analytics that delivers granular insights and full–funnel measurement. Relo differentiates itself by offering deterministic conversion and attribution metrics, empowering stakeholders to understand the true value and outcomes of their sponsorships.

A key part of this strategy is Relo Metrics’ partner ecosystem by which is enabling Relo to go beyond valuation, named strategic partnerships with complementary technologies in the sports marketing space, giving clients a complete picture of their sponsorship performance.

“In today’s rapidly–evolving media landscape, it’s critical that brands have a comprehensive view of their performance and brand value across all channels. Meltwater is excited to partner with Relo Metrics to enable brands, agencies, rights holders, and media companies to gain a more holistic view of the impact of their sponsorships and optimize their strategies to reach even greater heights,” said Doug Balut, SVP of Global Alliances and Partnerships at Meltwater.

Relo Metrics
Relo Metrics is an AI–powered sponsorship analytics platform that enables brands to track and optimize their sponsorship investments and powers teams and leagues with the insights they need to retain and grow revenue. The company tracks sponsor exposure across live broadcasts, social media, and streaming platforms and delivers actionable insights via a fast, single–solution platform. For more information, visit

Meltwater empowers companies with a suite of solutions that spans media, social, consumer and sales intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content each day and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner of choice for global brands making an impact. Learn more at

Hannah Shain, VP Marketing, Relo Metrics,
Jonalyn Morris (US) / Shawn Belluigi (EMEA), Bubble Agency,

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351610)

Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission Launches Art Week Riyadh: A New Platform Celebrating A Thriving Art Scene

  • From insights into private collections and gallery–led exhibitions to a series of talks and workshops, Art Week Riyadh’s inaugural edition, taking place from 6–13 April 2025, will be held under the theme At The Edge
  • An initiative of the Ministry of Culture’s Visual Arts Commission, the event is a platform for amplifying Saudi Arabia’s dynamic art scene, by fostering exchange and supporting the arts as a cornerstone of the Kingdom’s future

JAX 01, Courtesy the Visual Arts Commission, Saudi Arabia.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Saudi Visual Arts Commission announces the inaugural edition of Art Week Riyadh, a unique initiative that celebrates Saudi Arabia’s thriving art scene. Taking place from 6 to 13 April 2025, this event will gather leading local and international galleries, cultural institutions, artists, patrons, collectors, and art enthusiasts.

Art Week Riyadh, a non–commercial initiative, builds on the foundations of a dynamic art community to cultivate a collaborative landscape where the visual arts will continue to flourish for generations to come. With programming designed to honour the past, celebrate the present, and invest in the future, Art Week Riyadh will showcase the depth and breadth of Saudi’s art landscape.

The week–long inaugural event will span a diverse line–up of programming and activities and will take place across the city of Riyadh, headquartered at the JAX District in the historic town of Diriyah. Highlights include:

  • Exhibitions: Showcasing works by established and emerging artists presented by leading Saudi and international galleries;
  • Collectors’ exhibitions: Curated displays of private collections, granting unprecedented access to rarely seen works;
  • Public programming and events: Engaging talks, workshops, and performances that emphasise education, collaboration, and inclusivity, designed to inspire and connect audiences.

Under the theme At The Edge, the inaugural edition will explore thresholds, transitions, and liminal spaces, reflecting Riyadh’s role as a centre of global cultural engagement.

Art Week Riyadh, which runs from 6 to 13 April 2025, is an initiative of Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission — one of 11 sector–specific commissions under the Ministry of Culture, leading the development of the visual arts sector in Saudi Arabia.

Dina Amin, CEO of the Visual Arts Commission, comments:

“Art Week Riyadh is about building a robust and inclusive framework—one that supports innovation, creativity and thought leadership, and an unwavering commitment to preserving and advancing culture. By bringing together diverse elements of the Saudi art sector, it aims to empower and nurture practitioners and foster a shared vision of growth, opportunity, and cultural enrichment.”


Press kit available here.

For more information regarding Art Week Riyadh please contact:

International press enquiries: Pelham Communications
Rania Habib / Zara Doshi: / 

Local press enquiries: March PR
Angelina Soueidi:

About Art Week Riyadh
Art Week Riyadh, a new initiative by the Visual Arts Commission, is a city–wide platform for showcasing and celebrating the dynamic Saudi art landscape. Rooted in the country's thriving art scene, it will spotlight Riyadh's position as a key art world destination, uniting leading local and international institutions, galleries, patrons and practitioners. This distinctive weeklong event will feature exhibitions presented by galleries, highlights from prominent private collections, and an engaging public program – all of which will serve as an inclusive platform for artistic dialogue and exchange, nurturing a culture of art collecting and patronage, and contributing to Saudi Arabia's creative economy. The website page can be found here. #ArtWeekRiyadh #ArtWeekRiyadh2025

About the Visual Arts Commission
The Visual Arts Commission is one of 11 sector–specific commissions under the Ministry of Culture. Founded in 2020, it is leading the development of the visual arts sector in Saudi Arabia. The Commission is working to nurture the talent of art enthusiasts, practitioners, and professionals in the country, and support the production and exhibition of artwork in all its forms, locally and internationally. To learn more about the Visual Arts Commission, please visit and the commission’s page on X: @MOCVisualArts.

About the Ministry of Culture
Saudi Arabia has a vast history of arts and culture. The Ministry of Culture is developing Saudi Arabia’s cultural economy and enriching the daily lives of citizens, residents, and visitors. Overseeing 11 sector–specific commissions, the Ministry works towards the support of and preservation of a vibrant culture that is true to its past and looks to the future by cherishing heritage and unleashing new and inspiring forms of expression for all. Find the Ministry of Culture on social media: X @MOCSaudi (Arabic); @MOCSaudi_En (English) | Instagram @mocsaudi

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–5638–41eb–b781–c3be07a538f9

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336650)

Installation de la « Chaîne de Lumière » à Bikfaya, au Liban, par Pierre et Cédric Koukjian, designers basés à Genève, en Suisse

BIKFAYA, Liban, 20 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Une nouvelle sculpture monumentale baptisée « Chaîne de Lumière » a été installée dans la ville pittoresque de Bikfaya, au Liban. Les designers Pierre et Cédric Koukjian, représentés par SINCE, en sont les créateurs.

Composée de sept maillons, cette sculpture s’inspire de la Divine Comédie de Dante Alighieri. Chaque maillon représente l’une des sept étapes de la croissance et symbolise ainsi le voyage de l’âme humaine vers l’illumination.

Parce qu’elle incarne l’unité, la résilience et le lien, cette chaîne reflète le pouvoir unificateur qui relie tout ce qui existe. Chaînes de Lumière invite le spectateur à réfléchir au parcours transformateur de la découverte de soi et à la force durable qui s’exprime dans l’harmonie collective.

Le projet a été rendu possible grâce au soutien inestimable de Sheikha Nicole Gemayel et de la communauté artistique de Genève, dont l’engagement collectif en faveur de la créativité a joué un rôle clef dans la concrétisation de ce projet visionnaire. Les aspects logistiques du projet ont été gérés de manière experte par Blackblues afin de garantir l’installation réussie de cette œuvre monumentale au sein de son nouvel écrin.

À propos de Pierre et Cédric Koukjian
Pierre et Cédric Koukjian sont réputés pour leurs œuvres de style postmoderne qui font souvent appel à des matériaux tels que le métal, le marbre et la résine cristalline. Leurs créations explorent les thèmes du lien, de l’identité et de la résilience.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–306b–45a7–b296–1ffa31df8b01

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001044067)

Installation of “Chaîne de Lumière” by Pierre & Cedric Koukjian, designers from Geneva, Switzerland in Bikfaya, Lebanon

BIKFAYA, Lebanon, Jan. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new monumental sculpture, “Chaîne de Lumière”, created by designers Pierre & Cedric Koukjian, represented by SINCE, has been installed in the picturesque town of Bikfaya, Lebanon.

This sculpture, composed of seven links, draws inspiration from Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Each link represents one of the seven stages of growth, symbolizing the human soul’s journey toward enlightenment.

The chain embodies unity, resilience, and connection, reflecting the unifying power that binds all existence. Chaînes de Lumière invites viewers to reflect on the transformative path of self–discovery and the enduring strength found in collective harmony.

The project was made possible with the invaluable support of Sheikha Nicole Gemayel and the artistic community of Geneva, whose collective commitment to creativity has been instrumental in bringing this vision to life. The logistical aspects of the project were expertly handled by Blackblues, ensuring the successful installation of this monumental work in its new home.

About Pierre and Cedric Koukjian
Pierre and Cedric Koukjian are celebrated for their postmodernist works, often incorporating materials such as metal, marble, and crystalline resin. Their creations explore themes of connection, identity, and resilience.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–306b–45a7–b296–1ffa31df8b01

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001043836)

Omar Harfouch’s Concerto for Peace with star guest Orlando Bloom Captivates Dubai

Photo credit: Daniel Topic 

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The internationally acclaimed pianist, composer, and peace advocate Omar Harfouch brought his Concerto for Peace to the iconic Dubai Opera on December 7, delivering an unforgettable performance that celebrated unity, cultural diversity, and hope for a harmonious future.

Accompanied by the Ensemble Sequentiae Symphony Orchestra under the baton of conductor Mathieu Bonnin, Harfouch’s concert showcased the power of music to transcend boundaries and inspire reflection. The evening featured the world premiere of Dubai Me Amor, a tribute to Dubai’s unique fusion of tradition and modernity.

Collaborating with the renowned Chico & The Gypsies, Harfouch blended classical melodies with vibrant rhythms, creating a performance that had the audience on their feet, dancing and clapping in celebration of shared humanity. 

A Night of Stars and Solidarity
Adding star power to the evening was Hollywood actor and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom, who joined Harfouch on stage. “Orlando is in the house!” Harfouch announced with a smile, to cheers from the crowd. Bloom, known for his humanitarian efforts, praised the audience for supporting Harfouch’s mission of peace. His presence underscored the event’s dual focus on artistry and advocacy, aligning music with meaningful action to address global challenges.

The audience included a diverse gathering of dignitaries, artists, and philanthropists from around the world, reflecting Dubai’s role as a crossroads of cultures and ideas. The event reinforced the city’s reputation as a hub for initiatives that celebrate creativity while promoting global unity. 

A Global Journey of Peace
The Dubai performance is the latest chapter in the journey of Harfouch’s Concerto for Peace. The work debuted earlier this year at Paris’s Théâtre des Champs–Élysées, drawing an audience of over 1,900, including cultural luminaries and celebrities such as actress and director Catherine Deneuve. The Paris performance highlighted Harfouch’s ability to blend technical brilliance with emotional depth, delivering a message of harmony that resonated deeply with attendees.

In November 2024, Harfouch became the first artist to perform at the Vatican’s Apostolic Library, a historic event that earned him the Vatican Jubilee 2025 Pontifical Medal. This milestone performance underscored his commitment to using music as a bridge between cultures and a tool for fostering dialogue.

The Mission Behind the Music
More than a concert series, the Concerto for Peace represents Harfouch’s broader mission to promote understanding and empathy in a divided world. “Music can’t solve everything,” he has said, “but it can start conversations that lead to understanding.” Through his work, Harfouch offers a space for reflection and dialogue, encouraging audiences to imagine what becomes possible when unity takes precedence over division.

His efforts extend beyond the stage. Harfouch conducts workshops for young people, teaching them to use music as a means of self–expression and a tool for promoting tolerance. These initiatives aim to nurture a new generation of leaders who value collaboration and empathy.

Looking Ahead to 2025
As the world enters 2025, Harfouch’s message feels particularly timely. The ongoing conflicts in regions like Ukraine, Sudan, and the Middle East underscore the urgency of his work. Each performance of the Concerto for Peace serves as a reminder that peace is not an abstract ideal but a series of small, meaningful gestures that, collectively, can create lasting change.

Harfouch’s next stops include performances in New York City, Shanghai, and several French cities, where he will continue to share his message with new audiences. Each event builds on the momentum of Dubai, inspiring hope for a future where understanding and harmony prevail.

A Personal Note
The Dubai concert concluded on a poignant note as Harfouch invited his young daughter, Gustavia, to join him on stage. Her embrace, a gesture of pride and love, symbolized the evening’s deeper purpose: building a better world for future generations. This personal moment resonated with the audience, reminding them of the stakes involved in pursuing peace.

About Omar Harfouch
Omar Harfouch is an internationally recognized pianist, composer, and advocate for peace. His Concerto for Peace blends Eastern and Western musical traditions, reflecting his Lebanese heritage and European classical training. Harfouch has performed on some of the world’s most prestigious stages, using his music to inspire understanding and foster unity.

For more information about Omar Harfouch and his upcoming performances, visit

Contact person:  Concert for Peace Team
Organisation: Concerto Pour La Paix
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