ATP Electronics Lança SSDs 176-Layer PCIe® Gen 4 x4 M.2, U.2 Industriais que Oferecem Excelente Desempenho R/W, Capacidade Máxima de 7,68 TB

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A ATP Electronics, lder global em solues especializadas de armazenamento e memria, apresenta os seus mais recentes drives de estado slido (SSDs) N600 Srie M.2 2280 e U.2 de alta velocidade com a interface PCIe da 4a. gerao e suporte ao protocolo NVMe. A taxa de dados de 16 GT/s dos novos SSDs ATP PCIe Gen 4 duas vezes mais alta do que a da gerao anterior, resultando em uma largura de banda de 2 GB/s para cada linha PCIe.

Com linhas x4, esses SSDs tm uma largura de banda mxima de 8 GB/s, atendendo crescente necessidade de transferncia de dados de alta velocidade nos aplicativos exigentes de hoje, e tornando–os adequados para aplicativos industriais de leitura/gravao intensiva e de misso crtica, como rede/servidor, 5G, registro de dados, vigilncia e imagem, com desempenho igual ou melhor do que os principais SSDs de consumo PCIe Gen 4 do mercado.

176–Layer NAND Flash, Onboard DRAM Oferecem QoS excepcionais,
Menor Custo por GB com Pacote Prime de Matriz de 512 Gbit

A srie N600 baseada no flash NAND 3D de 176 camadas e usa o pacote de matriz de 512 Gbit para oferecer aprimoramentos de desempenho em relao tecnologia de 64 camadas, alm dos aprimoramentos de preo, resultando em menor custo por GB.

Os SSDs M.2 2280 esto disponveis em capacidades de 240 GB a 3.84 TB, enquanto os SSDs U.2 esto disponveis de 960 GB a 7.68 TB para opes mais econmicas para diversos requisitos de armazenamento.

Com uma excelente classificao de Qualidade de Servio (QoS) em comparao com a gerao anterior, a Srie N600 oferece consistncia e previsibilidade ideais com maior desempenho de leitura/gravao, alto IOPS, baixo ndice de amplificao de gravao (WAI) e baixa latncia, graas sua DRAM integrada. A DRAM integrada oferece maior desempenho sustentado durante longos perodos de operao em comparao com solues sem DRAM.

Suporte de Fornecimento de Longo Prazo Pronto para o Futuro

A maximizao da vida til do SSD, bem como a disponibilidade das unidades de reposio muito depois das contrapartes similares de nvel de consumidor terem parado a produo, importante para que as empresas possam aproveitar ao mximo seus investimentos. por isso que a ATP Electronics est comprometida com o suporte longevidade.

"Estamos entusiasmados com o lanamento desta nova linha de produtos com base no flash NAND de clulas de nvel triplo (TLC) de 176 camadas. Embora existam novas iteraes de NAND sendo lanadas em camadas 2XX+, estas se concentraro em 1 Tbit e tamanhos de densidade maiores. O NAND 3D TLC de 176 camadas com densidade de 512 Gbit continua a ser a densidade ideal para muitas aplicaes integradas e especiais, dada a sua necessidade contnua de densidades mdias e baixas de dispositivos SSD.

"Alm de preos competitivos, esta gerao oferecer melhorias de latncia e confiabilidade em todas as faixas de temperatura. Talvez ainda mais importante para a nossa base de clientes, esta gerao oferecer longevidade do produto para o futuro previsto. Podemos trabalhar em confiana com nossa base de clientes, muitas vezes precisando de planejamento de longevidade do produto por mais de 5 anos", disse Jeff Hsieh, Presidente e Diretor Executivo da ATP Electronics.

Operao Confivel e Segura
A srie N600 oferece diversos de recursos de confiabilidade, segurana e integridade de dados, como:

  • Proteo total dos dados, suporte funo TRIM e correo de erros LDPC
  • Resistores anti–enxofre repelem os efeitos nocivos da contaminao pelo enxofre, garantindo operao confivel contnua mesmo em ambientes com alto teor de enxofre
  • Criptografia AES de 256 bits com base em hardware e segurana opcional TCG Opal 2.0/IEEE 1667 para unidade de criptografia automtica (SED)
  • A srie N600Sc oferece operao confivel em temperaturas variveis com classificao C–Temp (0 a 70 ). A srie N600Si opervel por I–Temp (–40 a 85) estar disponvel mais tarde.
  • A limitao trmica ajusta de forma inteligente a carga de trabalho por unidade de tempo operacional. Os estgios de controle so pr–configurados, permitindo que o controlador gerencie efetivamente a gerao de calor para manter o SSD frio. Isso garante um desempenho sustentado e estvel, e evita que o calor danifique o dispositivo. As opes do dissipador de calor esto disponveis por projeto e de acordo com o pedido do cliente.
  • Mecanismo de proteo contra perda de energia (PLP). O N600 Series U.2 e os prximos SSDs M.2 2280 com classificao I–Temp apresentam PLP com base em hardware. Os capacitores integrados mantm a energia por tempo suficiente para garantir que o ltimo comando de leitura/gravao/excluso seja concludo e os dados sejam armazenados com segurana na memria flash no voltil. O design com base em unidade de microcontrolador (MCU) permite que a matriz PLP funcione de forma inteligente em vrias temperaturas, falhas de energia e estados de carga para proteger o dispositivo e os dados. Os SSDs M.2 2280 com classificao C–Temp, por outro lado, apresentam um PLP com base em firmware, protegendo os dados que foram gravados no dispositivo antes da perda de energia.

Aplicaes de Misso Crtica: Ns Trabalhamos com Voc
Dependendo do suporte do projeto e da solicitao do cliente, a ATP pode fornecer personalizao de hardware/firmware, personalizao de solues trmicas e validao e colaborao conjunta de engenharia.

Para garantir a confiabilidade do projeto para aplicaes de misso crtica, a ATP realiza testes extensivos, caracterizao abrangente do projeto/produto, e validao de especificaes e testes personalizados no estgio de produo em massa (MP), como burn–in, ciclo de energia, scripts de testes especficos e muito mais.

Destaques do Produto

PCIe Gen 4 NVMe M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe U.2
Capacidade 240 GB a 3.84 TB 960 GB a 7.68 TB
Temp Operacional C–Temp (0 C a 70 C): N600ScI–Temp (–40 C a 85 C): N600Si (a ser lanada)
Gerenciamento Trmico para Dissipao Ideal de Calor Distribuidor de calor de cobre revestido de nquel com design de dissipador de calor tipo barbatana de 4 mm ou 8 mm Design de dissipador de calor tipo barbatana de 15 mm
Segurana Criptografia AES de 256 bits TCG Opal 2.0
Integridade de Dados Proteo total do caminho dos dados
Desempenho (leitura/gravao at) 6.450/6.050 MB/s 6.000/5.500 MB/s
Outros Capacidade de Hot–swap

*Por Suporte ao Projeto

Para obter mais informaes sobre os SSDs N600 Series PCIe Gen 4 x 4 M.2 da ATP, visite:–gen4–nvme–M.2–ssd
Para obter mais informaes sobre os SSDs N600 Series PCIe Gen 4 x 4 U.2 da ATP, visite:–gen4–U.2–ssd

Contato com a Mdia no Comunicado Imprensa: Kelly Lin (
Siga a ATP Electronics no LinkedIn:–electronics

Sobre a ATP
A ATP Electronics ("ATP") tem 30 anos de excelncia em fabricao como o principal fornecedor de produtos de memria e de armazenamento flash NAND para aplicaes rigorosas embarcadas/industriais/automotivas. Como "Lder Global em Solues Especializadas de Armazenamento e Memria", a ATP conhecida por sua experincia em solues trmicas e de alta resistncia. A ATP est empenhada em fornecer valor adicional, diferenciao e melhor TCO para os clientes. Um verdadeiro fabricante, a ATP gerencia todas as etapas do processo de fabricao para garantir qualidade e longevidade do produto. A ATP mantm os mais altos padres de responsabilidade social corporativa, garantindo valor sustentvel para os trabalhadores, meio ambiente e negcios em toda a cadeia de suprimentos global. Para mais informaes sobre a ATP Electronics, visite ou contacte–nos em

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:–5027–442b–b9e7–c64c43e353d7–6f53–4366–b5bc–fd0cdc86f5a1–09c1–4481–a188–e66cc487ecc9–214a–4b27–bbf4–adf8fa8a3fac–4d79–4e2a–ad76–e3bc7266f7a5–0df5–485d–9a11–e130864b199b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8863001)

ATP Electronics lance les disques SSD industriels 176 couches PCIe® Gén. 4 x4 U.2 et M.2 qui offrent d'excellentes performance en lecture/écriture et une capacité pouvant aller jusqu'à 7,68 To

TAIPEI, Taïwan, 28 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATP Electronics, le leader mondial des solutions de stockage et de mmoire spcialises, lance ses tout derniers disques SSD U.2 et M.2 2280 haute vitesse de la srie N600 dots de l'interface PCIe de 4e gnration et prenant en charge le protocole NVMe. Le dbit de donnes de 16 GT/s des nouveaux SSD PCIe de 4e gnration d'ATP quivaut au double de celui de la gnration prcdente, ce qui se traduit par une bande passante de 2 Go/s pour chaque voie PCIe.

Utilisant des voies x4, ces disques SSD ont une bande passante maximale de 8 Go/s, ce qui rpond au besoin croissant de transferts de donnes grande vitesse dans les applications exigeantes d'aujourd'hui et les rend adapts aux applications industrielles critiques intensives en lecture/criture, telles que les rseaux/serveurs, la 5G, la journalisation de donnes, la surveillance et l'imagerie, avec des performances gales, voire suprieures, celles des disques SSD PCIe de 4e gnration grand public disponibles sur le march.

La flash NAND 176 couches et la DRAM intgre offrent une qualit de service (QdS) exceptionnelle,
et un cot par Go infrieur grce l'excellent jeu de puces de 512 Go

La srie N600 repose sur l'innovante technologie flash 3D NAND 176 couches et utilise un excellent jeu de puces de 512 Go pour offrir non seulement des performances suprieures celles de la technologie 64 couches, mais aussi des amliorations de prix qui se traduisent par une baisse du cot par Go.

Les SSD M.2 2280 sont disponibles dans des capacits allant de 240 Go 3,84 To, tandis que les SSD U.2 sont disponibles dans des capacits allant de 960 Go 7,68 To, pour des options plus rentables rpondant des besoins de stockage divers.

Avec une valuation exceptionnelle de sa qualit de service par rapport la gnration prcdente, la srie N600 offre une constance et une prvisibilit optimales de par des performances de lecture/criture plus leves, un fort taux d'IOPS, un faible indice d'amplification de l'criture (WAI) et une faible latence, grce sa DRAM intgre. La DRAM intgre offre de meilleures performances soutenues sur de longues priodes de fonctionnement que les solutions sans DRAM.

Une prise en charge de l'approvisionnement long terme et prpare pour l'avenir

L'optimisation de la dure de vie des disques SSD, ainsi que la disponibilit d'units de remplacement longtemps aprs l'arrt de la production de leurs homologues grand public, est importante pour que les entreprises tirent le meilleur parti de leurs investissements. C'est pour cela qu'ATP Electronics s'engage offrir une longue prise en charge.

Nous sommes ravis de lancer cette nouvelle ligne de produits base sur la flash NAND triple niveau de cellule (TLC) de 176 couches. Bien que de plus rcentes itrations de NAND soient commercialises dans des couches 2XX+, celles–ci se concentreront sur des densits de 1 Tbit et plus. La NAND 3D TLC 176 couches avec une densit de 512 Gbit reste la densit de puces idale pour de nombreuses applications intgres et spcialises, tant donn leur besoin constant de densits de dispositifs SSD moyennes et infrieures.

Outre un prix comptitif, cette gnration offrira des amliorations en termes de latence et de fiabilit dans toutes les plages de temprature. Ce qui est peut–tre encore plus important pour notre clientle, c'est que cette gnration offrira la longvit du produit pour l'avenir prvisible. Nous pouvons travailler en toute confiance avec notre clientle qui a souvent besoin de produits d'une dure de vie de 5 ans ou plus , a dclar Jeff Hsieh, prsident et directeur gnral d'ATP Electronics.

Fonctionnement fiable et scuris
La srie N600 offre une multitude de fonctions de fiabilit, de scurit et d'intgrit des donnes, telles que :

  • Protection des donnes de bout en bout, prise en charge de la fonction TRIM, et correction des erreurs LDPC
  • Les rsistances anti–soufre vitent les effets nfastes de la contamination par le soufre, garantissant un fonctionnement fiable en continu mme dans les environnements forte teneur en soufre
  • Cryptage matriel AES 256 bits et scurit TCG Opal 2.0/ IEEE 1667 en option pour un disque chiffrement automatique (SED)
  • La srie N600Sc offre un fonctionnement fiable en cas de variations de temprature avec un indice C–Temp (de 0 70 ). La srie N600Si avec un indice en fonctionnement I–Temp (de –40 85 ) sera disponible ultrieurement.
  • La rduction thermique ajuste intelligemment la charge de travail par unit de temps de fonctionnement. Les tapes de rduction sont pr–configures, ce qui permet au contrleur de grer efficacement la production de chaleur afin de maintenir le SSD au frais. Cela garantit des performances stables et durables et empche la chaleur d'endommager l'appareil. Les options de dissipateur thermique sont disponibles par projet et selon la demande du client.
  • Mcanisme de protection contre la perte de puissance (PLP). La srie N600 U.2 et les prochains disques SSD M.2 2280 classs I–Temp sont dots d'une fonction PLP matrielle. Les condensateurs intgrs maintiennent l'alimentation suffisamment longtemps pour garantir que la dernire commande de lecture/criture/effacement soit acheve et que les donnes soient stockes en toute scurit dans la mmoire flash non volatile. La conception base sur un microcontrleur (MCU) permet la matrice PLP de fonctionner intelligemment face diffrents tats de charge, tempratures et problmes de courant, afin de protger la fois le dispositif et les donnes. Les disques SSD M.2 2280 classs C–Temp, quant eux, sont dots d'une PLP base sur un micrologiciel, protgeant efficacement les donnes qui avaient t crites sur le priphrique avant la coupure de courant.

Applications essentielles : nous construisons avec vous
En fonction de la prise en charge du projet et de la demande du client, ATP peut fournir une personnalisation du matriel/micrologiciel, une personnalisation des solutions thermiques, ainsi qu'une validation et une collaboration conjointes en matire d'ingnierie.

Pour garantir la fiabilit de la conception des applications critiques, ATP effectue des essais approfondis, une caractrisation complte de la conception/du produit et une validation des spcifications, ainsi que des essais personnaliss au stade de la production de masse (MP), tels que le dverminage, les mises hors tension et sous tension successives, les scripts d'essais spcifiques et plus encore.

Points saillants des produits

PCIe Gn. 4 NVMe M.2 2280 PCIe Gn. 4 NVMe U.2
Capacits 240 Go 3,84 To 960 Go 7,68 To
Temprature en
C–Temp (0 C 70 C) : N600Sc
I–Temp (–40 C 85 C) : N600Si ( venir)
Gestion de la chaleur pour
une dissipation thermique
" Dissipateur de chaleur en cuivre nickel
" Dissipateur thermique ailerons 4 mm ou 8 mm
Dissipateur thermique ailettes 15 mm
Scurit Cryptage AES 256 bits TCG Opal 2.0
Intgrit des donnes Protection du chemin des donnes de bout en bout
Performance (vitesse de
lecture/criture maximale)
6 450/6 050 Mo/s 6 000/5 500 Mo/s
Autres Possibilit de permuter chaud

*Selon la prise en charge du projet

Pour tout complment d'information sur les SSD de la srie N600 PCIe Gn. 4 x4 M.2 d'ATP, veuillez consulter la page :–gen4–nvme–M.2–ssd
Pour tout complment d'information sur les SSD de la srie N600 PCIe Gn. 4 x4 U.2 d'ATP, veuillez consulter la page :–gen4–U.2–ssd

Contact auprs des mdias concernant le communiqu de presse : Kelly Lin (
Suivez ATP Electronics sur LinkedIn :–electronics

propos d'ATP
ATP Electronics ( ATP ) est forte de 30 ans d'exprience dans la fabrication d'excellence en tant que premier fournisseur de produits de stockage flash NAND et de mmoire pour des applications embarques/industrielles/automobiles exigeantes. En tant que Leader mondial des solutions spcialises de stockage et de mmoire , ATP est connue pour son expertise dans les solutions thermiques et haute rsistance. ATP s'engage fournir une valeur ajoute, une diffrenciation et un meilleur cot total de possession ses clients. Fabricant authentique, ATP gre toutes les tapes du processus de fabrication pour assurer la qualit et la longvit. ATP respecte les normes les plus leves en matire de responsabilit sociale d'entreprise en assurant une valeur durable pour les travailleurs, l'environnement et les entreprises tout au long de la chane d'approvisionnement mondiale. Pour plus d'informations sur ATP Electronics, rendez–vous sur ou contactez–nous via

Des photos accompagnant ce communiqu sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :–5027–442b–b9e7–c64c43e353d7–6f53–4366–b5bc–fd0cdc86f5a1–09c1–4481–a188–e66cc487ecc9–214a–4b27–bbf4–adf8fa8a3fac–4d79–4e2a–ad76–e3bc7266f7a5–0df5–485d–9a11–e130864b199b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8863001)

ATP Electronics Launches Industrial 176-Layer PCIe® Gen 4 x4 M.2, U.2 SSDs Offering Excellent R/W Performance, 7.68 TB Highest Capacity

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATP Electronics, the global leader in specialized storage and memory solutions, introduces its latest high–speed N600 Series M.2 2280 and U.2 solid state drives (SSDs) sporting the 4th generation PCIe interface and supporting the NVMe protocol. The new ATP PCIe Gen 4 SSDs' 16 GT/s data rate is double that of the previous generation, translating to a bandwidth of 2 GB/s for every PCIe lane.

Using x4 lanes, these SSDs have a maximum bandwidth of 8 GB/s, meeting the growing need for high–speed data transfer in today's demanding applications and making them suitable for both read/write–intensive, mission–critical industrial applications such as networking/server, 5G, data logging, surveillance, and imaging, with performance on par, if not better, than mainstream PCIe Gen 4 consumer SSDs in the market.

176–Layer NAND Flash, Onboard DRAM Offer Exceptional QoS,
Lower Cost per GB with Prime 512 Gbit Die Package

The N600 Series is built on innovative 176–layer 3D NAND flash and uses prime 512 Gbit die package to deliver not only performance improvements over the 64–layer technology, but also price improvements resulting in lower cost per GB.

The M.2 2280 SSDs are available in capacities from 240 GB up to 3.84 TB, while the U.2 SSDs are available from 960 GB to 7.68 TB for more cost–effective options for diverse storage requirements.

With an outstanding Quality of Service (QoS) rating compared with the previous generation, the N600 Series offers optimal consistency and predictability with higher read/write performance, high IOPS, low write amplification index (WAI), and low latency, thanks to its onboard DRAM. The onboard DRAM delivers higher sustained performance over long periods of operation compared with DRAM–less solutions.

Future–Ready, Long–Term Supply Support

Maximizing SSD lifespan, as well as the availability of replacement units long after similar consumer–grade counterparts have stopped production, is important for business to get the most out of their investments. This is why ATP Electronics is committed to longevity support.

"We are thrilled to introduce this new product line based on 176–layer triple level cell (TLC) NAND flash. While there are newer iterations of NAND being released in 2XX+layers , these will focus on 1 Tbit and larger density sizes. The 176–layer 3D TLC NAND in 512 Gbit density remains the sweet spot die density for many embedded and specialty applications given their ongoing need for mid and lower SSD device densities.

"Besides a competitive price position, this generation will offer latency improvements and reliability improvements at all temperature ranges. Perhaps even more important to our customer base, this generation will offer product longevity for the foreseeable future. We can work in confidence with our customer base often needing product longevity planning 5 plus years," said Jeff Hsieh, ATP Electronics President and Chief Executive Officer.

Reliable and Secure Operation
The N600 Series offers a host of reliability, security, and data integrity features, such as:

  • End–to–end data protection, TRIM function support, and LDPC error correction
  • Anti–sulfur resistors repel the damaging effects of sulfur contamination, guaranteeing continued dependable operation even in environments with high sulfur content
  • Hardware–based AES 256–bit encryption and optional TCG Opal 2.0/ IEEE 1667 security for self–encrypting drive (SED)
  • N600Sc Series offers reliable operation in varying temperature shifts with C–Temp (0 to 70) rating. I–Temp operable (–40 to 85) N600Si Series will be available for later release.
  • Thermal throttling intelligently adjusts the workload per operating unit time. Throttling stages are pre–configured, allowing the controller to effectively manage heat generation to keep the SSD cool. This ensures stable sustained performance and prevents the heat from damaging the device. Heatsink options are available by project and according to customer request.
  • Power loss protection (PLP) Mechanism. The N600 Series U.2 and upcoming I–Temp rated M.2 2280 SSDs feature hardware–based PLP. Onboard capacitors hold up power long enough to ensure that the last read/write/erase command is completed, and data is stored safely in the non–volatile flash memory. The microcontroller unit (MCU)–based design allows the PLP array to perform intelligently in various temperatures, power glitches, and charge states to protect both device and data. C–Temp rated M.2 2280 SSDs, on the other hand, feature a firmware–based PLP, which effectively protects data that had been written to the device prior to power loss.

Mission–Critical Applications: We Build With You
Depending on project support and customer request, ATP can provide hardware/firmware customization, thermal solutions customization, and engineering joint validation and collaboration.

To ensure design reliability for mission–critical applications, ATP performs extensive testing, comprehensive design/product characterization and specifications validation, and customized testing in mass production (MP) stage, such as burn–in, power cycling, specific testing scripts, and more.

Product Highlights

PCIe Gen 4 NVMe M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe U.2
Capacities 240 GB to 3.84 TB 960 GB to 7.68 TB
Operating Temp C–Temp (0 C to 70 C): N600Sc
I–Temp (–40 C to 85 C): N600Si (upcoming)
Thermal Management for Optimal Heat Dissipation " Nickel–coated copper heat spreader
" 4 mm or 8 mm fin–type heatsink design
15 mm fin–type heatsink design

AES 256–bit encryption
TCG Opal 2.0
Data Integrity End–to–End data path protection
Performance (Read/Write up to) 6,450/6,050 MB/s 6,000/5,500 MB/s
Others Hot–swappable

*By Project Support

For more information on ATP's N600 Series PCIe Gen 4 x4 M.2 SSDs, visit:–gen4–nvme–M.2–ssd
For more information on ATP's N600 Series PCIe Gen 4 x4 U.2 SSDs, visit:–gen4–U.2–ssd

Media Contact on the Press Release: Kelly Lin (
Follow ATP Electronics on LinkedIn:–electronics

About ATP
ATP Electronics ("ATP") has dedicated 30 years of manufacturing excellence as the premier provider of memory and NAND flash storage products for rigorous embedded/industrial/automotive applications. As the "Global Leader in Specialized Storage and Memory Solutions," ATP is known for its expertise in thermal and high–endurance solutions. ATP is committed to delivering add–on value, differentiation and best TCO for customers. A true manufacturer, ATP manages every stage of the manufacturing process to ensure quality and product longevity. ATP upholds the highest standards of corporate social responsibility by ensuring sustainable value for workers, the environment, and business throughout the global supply chain. For more information on ATP Electronics, please visit or contact us at

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–5027–442b–b9e7–c64c43e353d7–6f53–4366–b5bc–fd0cdc86f5a1–09c1–4481–a188–e66cc487ecc9–214a–4b27–bbf4–adf8fa8a3fac–4d79–4e2a–ad76–e3bc7266f7a5–0df5–485d–9a11–e130864b199b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8863001)

ATP Electronics bringt industrielle 176-Layer PCIe® Gen 4 x4 M.2-/U.2-SSDs mit hervorragender Lese-/Schreibleistung und 7,68 TB Maximalkapazität auf den Markt

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATP Electronics, der weltweit fhrende Anbieter von spezialisierten Speicherlsungen, stellt seine neuesten M.2 2280– und U.2–Hochgeschwindigkeits–Solid–State–Laufwerke (SSDs) der Serie N600 vor, die die PCIe –Schnittstelle der vierten Generation nutzen und das NVMe–Protokoll untersttzen. Die Datenrate der neuen ATP PCIe–SSDs der 4. Generation ist mit 16 GT/s doppelt so hoch wie bei der vorherigen Generation, was einer Bandbreite von 2 GB/s pro PCIe–Lane entspricht.

Durch die Verwendung von x4–Lanes haben diese SSDs eine maximale Bandbreite von 8 GB/s und erfllen damit den wachsenden Bedarf an Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenbertragung in den anspruchsvollen Anwendungen von heute. Sie eignen sich sowohl fr lese– und schreibintensive als auch fr unternehmenskritische industrielle Anwendungen wie Netzwerke/Server, 5G, Datenprotokollierung, berwachung und Bildgebung, wobei die Leistung gleichwertig, wenn nicht sogar besser ist als bei den herkmmlichen PCIe–SSDs der 4. Generation fr Verbraucher auf dem Markt.

176–Layer–NAND–Flash, Onboard–DRAM bieten auergewhnliche QoS,

niedrigere Kosten pro GB mit Prime 512 Gbit Die–Package

Die N600–Serie basiert auf innovativem 176–Layer–3D–NAND–Flash und verwendet ein erstklassiges 512–Gbit–Die–Package, das nicht nur Leistungsverbesserungen gegenber der 64–Layer–Technologie bietet, sondern auch Preisverbesserungen, die sich in niedrigeren Kosten pro GB niederschlagen.

Die M.2 2280–SSDs sind in Kapazitten von 240 GB bis zu 3,84 TB erhltlich, whrend die U.2–SSDs von 960 GB bis 7,68 TB verfgbar sind und somit kostengnstige Optionen fr verschiedene Speicheranforderungen bieten.

Mit einer herausragenden Quality of Service (QoS)–Bewertung im Vergleich zur vorherigen Generation bietet die N600–Serie optimale Konsistenz und Vorhersagbarkeit mit hherer Lese–/Schreibleistung, hohen IOPS, niedrigem Write Amplification Index (WAI) und geringer Latenz, dank des integrierten DRAMs. Der integrierte DRAM bietet im Vergleich zu Lsungen ohne DRAM eine hhere Dauerleistung ber lange Betriebszeiten.

Zukunftssichere, langfristige Untersttzung in Bezug auf die Versorgung

Die Maximierung der Lebensdauer von SSDs sowie die Verfgbarkeit von Ersatzgerten lange nach der Einstellung der Produktion hnlicher Verbraucherprodukte ist fr Unternehmen wichtig, um das Beste aus ihren Investitionen herauszuholen. Aus diesem Grund hat sich ATP Electronics zur Untersttzung der Langlebigkeit verpflichtet.

"Wir freuen uns, diese neue Produktlinie auf der Basis von 176–Layer–Triple–Level–Cell (TLC) NAND–Flash einfhren zu knnen. Es gibt zwar neuere NAND–Iterationen, die in 2XX+ Layern auf den Markt kommen, aber diese konzentrieren sich auf 1 Tbit und grere Dichtegren. Der 176–Layer–3D TLC–NAND mit einer Dichte von 512 Gbit ist nach wie vor der Sweet Spot fr viele eingebettete und spezielle Anwendungen, da der Bedarf an mittleren und niedrigeren SSD–Gertedichten weiterhin besteht.

"Neben einer wettbewerbsfhigen Preisposition bietet diese Generation Verbesserungen bei den Latenzzeiten und der Zuverlssigkeit in allen Temperaturbereichen. Vielleicht noch wichtiger fr unseren Kundenstamm ist, dass diese Generation fr die absehbare Zukunft eine lange Produktlebensdauer bieten wird. Wir knnen vertrauensvoll mit unserem Kundenstamm zusammenarbeiten, der oft eine Produktlebensdauer von mehr als 5 Jahren bentigt", so Jeff Hsieh, President und Chief Executive Officer von ATP Electronics.

Zuverlssiger und sicherer Betrieb

Die N600–Serie bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen fr Zuverlssigkeit, Sicherheit und Datenintegritt, wie z. B.:

  • End–to–End–Datenschutz, Untersttzung der TRIM–Funktion und LDPC–Fehlerkorrektur
  • Antischwefel–Widerstnde schtzen vor den schdlichen Auswirkungen von Schwefelverunreinigungen und garantieren einen zuverlssigen Betrieb auch in Umgebungen mit hohem Schwefelgehalt
  • Hardware–basierte AES 256–Bit–Verschlsselung und optionale TCG Opal 2.0/ IEEE 1667–Sicherheit fr selbstverschlsselnde Laufwerke (SED)
  • Die N600Sc–Serie bietet einen zuverlssigen Betrieb bei wechselnden Temperaturen mit C–Temperatur– (0 bis 70) Einstufung. Die I–Temp–fhige (–40 bis 85 ) N600Si–Serie wird zu einem spteren Zeitpunkt verfgbar sein.
  • Die thermische Drosselung passt die Arbeitslast pro Betriebszeiteinheit intelligent an. Die Drosselungsstufen sind vorkonfiguriert, so dass der Controller die Wrmeentwicklung effektiv steuern kann, um das SSD khl zu halten. Dies gewhrleistet eine stabile, dauerhafte Leistung und verhindert, dass die Hitze das Gert beschdigt. Khlkrperoptionen sind projektbezogen und nach Kundenwunsch erhltlich.
  • Mechanismus zum Schutz bei Stromausfall (PLP). Die U.2–Varianten der N600–Serie und die kommenden M.2 2280 SSDs mit I–Temp–Einstufung verfgen ber hardwarebasiertes PLP. Onboard–Kondensatoren halten die Stromversorgung lange genug aufrecht, um sicherzustellen, dass der letzte Lese–/Schreib–/Lschbefehl abgeschlossen ist und die Daten sicher im nichtflchtigen Flash–Speicher gespeichert werden. Das auf einer Mikrocontrollereinheit (MCU) basierende Design ermglicht es dem PLP–Array, bei verschiedenen Temperaturen, Stromausfllen und Ladezustnden intelligent zu arbeiten, um sowohl das Gert als auch die Daten zu schtzen. Die M.2 2280–SSDs mit C–Temp–Einstufung hingegen verfgen ber ein Firmware–basiertes PLP, das Daten, die vor dem Stromausfall auf das Gert geschrieben wurden, effektiv schtzt.

Einsatzkritische Anwendungen: Wir entwickeln mit Ihnen

Je nach Projektuntersttzung und Kundenwunsch kann ATP Hardware–/Firmwareanpassungen, Anpassungen von thermischen Lsungen sowie gemeinsame technische Validierung und Zusammenarbeit anbieten.

Um die Zuverlssigkeit des Designs fr unternehmenskritische Anwendungen zu gewhrleisten, fhrt ATP umfangreiche Tests, eine umfassende Design–/Produktcharakterisierung und eine Validierung der Spezifikationen sowie kundenspezifische Tests in der Massenproduktionsphase (MP) durch, wie z. B. Burn–in, Power Cycling, spezifische Testskripte und mehr.


PCIe Gen 4 NVMe M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe U.2
Kapazitten 240 GB bis 3,84 TB 960 GB bis 7,68 TB
Betriebstemperatur C–Temp (0 C bis 70 C): N600ScI–Temp (–40 C bis 85 C): N600Si (demnchst)
Thermomanagement fr optimale Wrmeableitung " Wrmeverteiler aus nickelbeschichtetem Kupfer,
" 4 mm oder 8 mm Khlkrper mit Lamellen
15 mm Khlkrper mit Lamellen
Sicherheit AES 256–Bit–Verschlsselung TCG Opal 2.0
Datenintegritt End–to–End–Datenpfadschutz
Leistung (Lesen/Schreiben bis zu) 6.450/6.050 MB/s 6.000/5.500 MB/s
Sonstiges Hot–swap–fhig

* bei Projektuntersttzung

Weitere Informationen zu den PCIe Gen 4 x4 M.2 SSDs der N600–Serie von ATP finden Sie hier:–gen4–nvme–M.2–ssd
Weitere Informationen zu den PCIe Gen 4 x4 U.2 SSDs der N600–Serie von ATP finden Sie hier:–gen4–U.2–ssd

Medienkontakt fr die Pressemitteilung: Kelly Lin (

Folgen Sie ATP Electronics auf LinkedIn:–electronics

ber ATP

ATP Electronics ("ATP") hat als fhrender Anbieter 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Herstellung von Systemspeicher– und NAND–Flash–Produkten fr anspruchsvolle Embedded–, Industrie– und Automobilanwendungen. ATP ist als "Weltmarktfhrer fr spezialisierte Speicherlsungen" fr sein Know–how bei thermischen und langlebigen Lsungen bekannt. ATP ist bestrebt, seinen Kunden Mehrwert, Vielfalt und beste Gesamtbetriebskosten zu bieten. Als vollstndiger Hersteller ist ATP Herr jeder Phase des Produktionsprozesses und stellt so Qualitt und Langlebigkeit der Produkte sicher. ATP hlt die hchsten Standards fr die soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen ein, indem es in der gesamten globalen Lieferkette nachhaltige Werte fr die Arbeitnehmer, die Umwelt und das Geschft sicherstellt. Weitere Informationen zu ATP Electronics finden Sie unter, oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8863001)

ATP’s New High-Endurance, Low-Latency SD/microSD Cards Built for Dashcams, DVRs Offer Over 109K Hours of Continuous Video Recording

S650 Series in native TLC surpasses other cards with 1.6X higher endurance;
S750 Series in pSLC mode achieves 2X higher endurance

TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATP Electronics, the global leader in specialized storage and memory solutions, introduces its new 3D triple level cell (TLC) S750/S650 Series SD and microSD memory cards built for the rigors of non–stop video recording. They meet the high endurance, low latency, and built–to–last data storage requirements of dashcams and digital video recorders (DVRs), as well as surveillance systems, autonomous vehicles, and other write–intensive applications.

High Endurance Over 109K Hours1 of Recording Time in Native TLC
Video evidence can prove critical in many scenarios; hence, it is very important for SD/microSD cards to record non–stop without compromising image quality and integrity. The S650 Series can record Full HD videos continuously up to 109,401 hours "" far longer than similar cards marketed as "high endurance." The S650 Series is based on 5K program/erase (P/E) cycles, which translate to 1.6X higher endurance than typical memory cards with 3K P/E cycles. The S750 Series, configured as pseudo single–level cell (pSLC) is based on 60K P/E cycles, while typical pSLC memory cards are rated for around 20K to 30K P/E cycles.

The following graph2 shows the endurance simulation result of ATP S650 128 GB microSD compared with other high–endurance branded cards of the same capacity, in full HD mode.

High Endurance Maximum Recording Hours: ATP S650 vs. Other High–Endurance Cards
1 Tested using 128 GB ATP S650 TLC card based on 13 Mbps (lowest bitrate of HD recording) in best–case/ideal scenario, with no other influencing factors.
2 Information sourced by ATP from publicly available data.

  • To record new data, the oldest data will be overwritten when the card is full.
  • 1Mbps=1,000,000 bps

Low Latency: Ready to Record in <1 Second, Writes 50% Faster
After power on, drive recorders may have to wait a few seconds to be ready for recording. The time between the first read command and the first write command from host is the “response time.” ATP S650 and S750 Series cards take less than 1 second response time while normal cards may take 7 to 12 seconds based on real tests on a DVR at room temperature.

While recording 16 MB data sequentially, ATP S650 cards take less than 0.1 second, saving 50% of writing time compared with consumer–rated cards and enabling high–speed backup without data loss.

Own HW/FW Design Features Offer Precise Reliability
As a true manufacturer with its own hardware/firmware capability, ATP can adjust to a variety of usages to fulfill customers' specific application requirements and conditions. Based on customers' applications, ATP does its best to meet the requirements by unique FW and HW design.

  • Auto–Read Calibration (ARC). Over time and with constant use, NAND flash memory cells degrade, causing voltage shifts that increase bit error rates (BER). When the normal Read Retry function is not enough to recover the errors, a more precise “Auto Read Calibration” (ARC) is applied to assure data integrity at extreme temperature or degraded NAND cells.
  • ATP Methodology for Advanced Card Analysis. ATP memory cards are IP67/IP57–certified and manufactured using System–in–Package (SiP) wafer/die process, making it difficult to do component analysis compared to SMT (surface– mount technology) process. ATP's uniquely designed substrate and debug tool make this mission “possible.”
    1. ATP–Developed Hardware Design – Substrate with reserved testing pin is available for future component analysis.
    2. Solder Mask Removal by Laser "" Precise and efficient method to remove solder mask so as to reach the reserved testing pins on the substrate.
    3. ATP's Own Customized Debug Tool – This is connected to the HW reserved testing pin and then linked to the SW analysis system.

For further information on ATP's advanced card analysis methodology, please go to:


SD microSD
Product Line

Premium Superior Premium Superior
S750Pi S750Sc S650Si S650Sc S750Pi S750Sc S650Si S650Sc
Flash Type 3D pSLC 3D pSLC 3D TLC 3D TLC 3D pSLC 3D pSLC 3D TLC 3D TLC
Form Factor SD Card microSD Card
Operating Temperature –40 C to 85 C –25 C to 85 C –40 C to 85 C –25 C to 85 C –40 C to 85 C –25 C to 85 C –40 C to 85 C –25 C to 85 C
Power Loss Protection Options Firmware Based Firmware Based
Capacity 8GB to 32GB 8GB to 32GB 32 GB to 128 GB 32 GB to 128 GB 8GB to 64GB 8GB to 64GB 32 GB to 256 GB 32 GB to 256 GB
Sequential Read (MB/s) up to 99 99 96 96 99 99 96 96
Sequential Write (MB/s) up to 78 78 62 62 82 82 65 65
Endurance (TBW)1 up to 1920 1920 640 640 3840 3840 1280 1280
MTBF @ 25 C
>2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours >2,000,000 hours
Number of Insertions
20,000 (SDA spec minimum 10,000) 20,000 (SDA spec minimum 10,000)
Dimensions: L x W x H (mm) 32.0 x 24.0 x 2.1 32.0 x 24.0 x 2.1 32.0 x 24.0 x 2.1 32.0 x 24.0 x 2.1 15.0 x 11.0 x 1.0 15.0 x 11.0 x 1.0 15.0 x 11.0 x 1.0 15.0 x 11.0 x 1.0
Warranty 5 years 2 years 3 years 3 years 5 years 2 years 3 years 3 years
1 Under highest Sequential write value. May vary by density, configuration and applications.

For customers requiring application–specific features or technologies, ATP offers value–added customization services encompassing firmware and hardware as well as packaging and appearance (labels, printing and marking).

For more information on the S750/S650 Series SD/microSD cards, visit:–sd–cards–microsd–usd–cards

Media Contact on the Press Release: Kelly Lin (
Follow ATP Electronics on LinkedIn:–electronics

About ATP
ATP Electronics ("ATP") has dedicated 30 years of manufacturing excellence as the premier provider of memory and NAND flash storage products for rigorous embedded/industrial/automotive applications. As the "Global Leader in Specialized Storage and Memory Solutions," ATP is known for its expertise in thermal and high–endurance solutions. ATP is committed to delivering add–on value, differentiation and best TCO for customers. A true manufacturer, ATP manages every stage of the manufacturing process to ensure quality and product longevity. ATP upholds the highest standards of corporate social responsibility by ensuring sustainable value for workers, the environment, and business throughout the global supply chain. For more information on ATP Electronics, please visit or contact us at

Photos accompanying this announcement is available at:–5d95–43f6–b8bb–cd7d2e1f639c–fcc0–4927–a482–13df5f61720e