The Inaugural MICHELIN Guide Doha 2025 selection is launched today

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DOHA, Qatar, Dec. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The inaugural MICHELIN Guide Doha 2025 was launched at a ceremony in Raffles Doha, recommending 33 establishments in its first edition.

“We are delighted to announce The MICHELIN Guide’s arrival in Qatar with our first Guide to Doha,” said Gwendal Poullennec, International Director of the MICHELIN Guide. “Our famously anonymous Inspectors have explored and experienced the city’s restaurants and their cuisines from all around the world and have selected the very best, across all price ranges and styles.”

Two establishments, Jamavar and IDAM by Alain Ducasse, received One MICHELIN Star each for their exceptional culinary experiences.

Jamavar, led by Chef Debdash Balaga, showcases refined Indian cuisine, while IDAM, under Chef Fabrice Rosso, combines Alain Ducasse’s signature style with Qatari influences.

Four restaurants earned the Bib Gourmand award for offering excellent quality at great value. These include Isaan, specializing in Thai cuisine with three open kitchens; Jiwan, known for its modern reinterpretations of Qatari dishes; Argan, offering authentic Moroccan flavors; and Hoppers, focusing on Sri Lankan and South Indian specialties.

Additionally, three Special Awards were presented:

  • Young Chef Award: Sirijan Saelee of Isaan, recognized for her skillful leadership and diverse Thai menu.
  • Service Award: Paulo Bastos and his team at Morimoto, acknowledged for their outstanding hospitality.
  • Exceptional Cocktails Award: Robi Ratan at IDAM, praised for innovative mocktails that enhance the dining experience.

The selection highlights Doha’s vibrant culinary scene, encompassing diverse cuisines and price ranges.

The MICHELIN Guide Worldwide app for iOS and Android devices.

Instagram: @MichelinGuide

About Michelin
Michelin is building a world–leading manufacturer of life–changing composites and experiences. Pioneering engineered materials for more than 130 years, Michelin is uniquely positioned to make decisive contributions to human progress and to a more sustainable world. Drawing on its deep know–how in polymer composites, Michelin is constantly innovating to manufacture high–quality tires and components for critical applications in demanding fields as varied as mobility, construction, aeronautics, low–carbon energies, and healthcare. The care placed in its products and deep customer knowledge inspire Michelin to offer the finest experiences. This spans from providing data– and AI–based connected solutions for professional fleets to recommending outstanding restaurants and hotels curated by the MICHELIN Guide. (

Press Contact

BPG Group
[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–5007–4103–b37d–e284d2cbd541

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001028478)

Pangea bringt zwei neue fortschrittliche Materialien auf den Markt

ROCHESTER, Michigan, Nov. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pangea, ein führender Innovator im Bereich nachhaltiger Materialien für die Automobilindustrie, kündigt die Einführung zweier bahnbrechender Produkte an: Pulvera und Verita. Diese fortschrittlichen Autoleder sind ein mutiger Schritt im kontinuierlichen Engagement von Pangea für Nachhaltigkeit und verantwortungsvolle Herstellungspraktiken und entsprechen der Vision des Unternehmens, umweltfreundliche Materialien zu entwickeln, die den Anforderungen einer sich wandelnden Welt gerecht werden.

Im Jahr 2024 machten sich die globalen Teams von Pangea daran, eine neue Klasse von Ledermaterialien speziell für die Automobilindustrie zu entwickeln. Diese Produkte sind nicht nur im fertigen Zustand zu fast 90 % biobasiert, sondern sorgen auch dafür, dass das Material nicht auf Deponien landet, wodurch der Abfall auf innovative Weise drastisch reduziert wird.

„Nothing Replaces Real: Charting the Path to a Zero–Waste Future“ (Nichts ersetzt das Echte: Auf dem Weg in eine abfallfreie Zukunft)
Als Teil der Pangea Corporate Trend Show–Reihe stellte Pangea „Chart the Path“ vor, ein Schlüsselkapitel auf dem Weg des Unternehmens zur Nachhaltigkeit. In Gesprächen mit Kunden erläuterte Pangea, wie langlebige, natürliche Materialien die Automobilindustrie verändern und gleichzeitig mit den globalen Nachhaltigkeitszielen in Einklang stehen. Der Höhepunkt der Serie war die Einführung von Pulvera und Verita, zwei neuen Produktangeboten, die neue Maßstäbe in Bezug auf geringere Umweltauswirkungen, innovative recycelte Chemie und ein geringeres Treibhauspotenzial (Global Warming Potential, GWP) setzen.

Wir stellen vor: Pangea Pulvera: ökologisches Leder mit einem Kreislaufprozess
Pulvera ist ein vollwertiges Leder, das einen zirkulären Herstellungsprozess umfasst. Durch die Verwendung einer recycelten Mischung aus Schwabbelabfällen reduziert Pulvera seinen ökologischen Fußabdruck erheblich. Dieses einzigartige Verfahren, bei dem Wasser und erneuerbare Energien zum Einsatz kommen, verwandelt Lederabfälle in eine wertvolle Ressource, die fast die Hälfte der zum Färben und Weichmachen des Leders verwendeten Chemikalien ersetzt.

  • Erneuerbare Chemie: 29 % aller verwendeten Chemikalien
  • Recycelte Chemie: 37 % im Nachgerbprozess; 16 % aller Chemikalien insgesamt
  • Umweltauswirkungen: Treibhauspotenzial (GWP) bis zu 40 % niedriger als bei herkömmlichen Nachgerbungsverfahren

Pulvera zeichnet sich als luxuriöses, nachhaltiges Material aus, das das Engagement von Pangea für umweltfreundliche Innovationen im Automobilinnenraum verdeutlicht.

Wir stellen vor: Pangea Verita: aufwendiges, kompostierbares Leder mit geringer Umweltbelastung

Pangea Verita erhebt die Kunst des Lederhandwerks durch die Schaffung eines kompostierbaren Substrats mithilfe eines alternativen metallfreien Gerbverfahrens. Dieses Semi–Anilin–Material hebt die natürliche Schönheit der Tierhaut mit minimaler Beschichtung hervor und betont ihre einzigartigen Eigenschaften bei gleichzeitig geringerem ökologischen Fußabdruck.

  • Erneuerbare Chemie: 45 % aller verwendeten Chemikalien
  • Treibhauspotenzial (GWP): bis zu 12 % niedriger als bei Standard–Chrom–Bräunungssubstraten
  • Biogener Kohlenstoff: 92 % biobasiert als Endprodukt

Das innovative Design und die nachhaltige Chemie von Verita ermöglichen einen höheren biogenen Kohlenstoffgehalt, was die Ausrichtung auf eine Kreislaufwirtschaft verbessert und die Gesamtauswirkungen auf die Umwelt verringert.

Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Zukunft mit biobasierten Werkstoffen
Die neuen Produkte von Pangea, Pulvera und Verita, zeigen, wie Werkstoffe mit hohem biobasierten Anteil die Automobilindustrie revolutionieren können, ohne die Leistung zu beeinträchtigen. Während die traditionellen Leder von Pangea bereits einen biobasierten Anteil von 80–85 % aufweisen, gehen Pulvera und Verita noch weiter und erreichen bei ihren Endprodukten bis zu 92 % biobasierte Anteile.

Diese Fortschritte bestärken Pangea in der Überzeugung, dass Leder als natürliches und in hohem Maße erneuerbares Material eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Schaffung einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft für die Automobilindustrie spielt. Durch den verstärkten Einsatz von biobasierten Rohstoffen will Pangea den CO2–Fußabdruck seiner Produkte verringern und zu einem gesünderen Planeten beitragen.

Über Pangea

Pangea ist ein globaler Lederlieferant für die weltweit führenden Automobilmarken und bietet Materiallösungen, die die Zukunft der natürlichen Innenausstattung vorantreiben. Pangea hat seinen Hauptsitz in Rochester Hills, Michigan, und bedient seine Kunden auf vier Kontinenten mit 3.000 Mitarbeitern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter, und folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn.


Jacquelyn Smith, Pangea
[email protected]


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9267800)

Pangea Lança Dois Novos Materiais Avançados

ROCHESTER, Michigan, Nov. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Pangea, líder inovadora em materiais sustentáveis para a indústria automotiva, anuncia com orgulho o lançamento de dois produtos inovadores: Pulvera e Verita. Esses couros automotivos avançados representam um passo ousado no compromisso contínuo da Pangea com a sustentabilidade e as práticas de fabricação responsáveis, de acordo com a visão da empresa de criar materiais ecológicos que atendam às necessidades de um mundo em mudança.

Em 2024, as equipes globais da Pangea se propuseram a criar uma nova classe de materiais de couro especificamente para a indústria automotiva. Além de serem quase 90% de base biológica no seu estado final, esses produtos também desviam ativamente os materiais dos aterros sanitários, reduzindo drasticamente o desperdício de uma forma inovadora.

“Nada Substitui o Verdadeiro: Abrindo Caminho para um Futuro de Desperdício Zero”
Como parte da série Pangea Corporate Trend Show, a Pangea introduziu o “Chart the Path” (Abrir Caminho), um capítulo essencial para a jornada de sustentabilidade da empresa. Com a participação dos clientes, Pangea fez um resumo de como materiais duráveis e naturais estão transformando a indústria automotiva, alinhando–se com as metas globais de sustentabilidade. O destaque da série foi o lançamento do Pulvera e do Verita, duas novas ofertas de produtos que estabelecem novos padrões para menor impacto ambiental, química reciclada inovadora e potencial de reduzido aquecimento global (GWP).

Pangea Pulvera: Couro Ecológico com Processo Circular
O Pulvera é um couro encorpado que adota um processo de fabricação circular. Ao incorporar um composto reciclado feito a partir de resíduos de polimento, o Pulvera reduz significativamente a sua pegada ambiental. Este processo único, que utiliza água e energia renovável, transforma os resíduos do couro em um recurso valioso que substitui quase metade dos produtos químicos usados no tingimento e amaciamento do couro.

  • Química Renovável: 29% de todos os produtos químicos utilizados
  • Química Reciclada: 37% no processo de recurtimento; 16% de todos os produtos químicos em geral
  • Impacto Ambiental: O Potencial de Aquecimento Global (GWP) impacta até 40% menos do que os processos tradicionais de recurtimento

O Pulvera se destaca como um material luxuoso e sustentável que exemplifica o compromisso da Pangea com inovações ecológicas em interiores automotivos.

Pangea Verita: Couro Luxuoso e Compostável com Baixo Impacto Ambiental

O Pangea Verita eleva a arte do artesanato em couro, criando um substrato compostável através de um processo alternativo de curtimento sem metal. Este material semi–anilina destaca a beleza natural do couro animal com revestimento mínimo, enfatizando suas características únicas, mantendo uma menor pegada ambiental.

  • Química Renovável: 45% de todos os produtos químicos utilizados
  • Potencial de Aquecimento Global (GWP): Até 12% mais baixo que os substratos cromados padrão
  • Carbono Biogênico: 92% de base biológica como produto acabado

O design inovador e a química sustentável do Verita permitem um maior teor de carbono biogênico, aprimorando seu alinhamento com uma economia circular e reduzindo seu impacto geral no meio ambiente.

Um Futuro Sustentável com Materiais de Base Biológica
Os novos produtos da Pangea, Pulvera e Verita, são exemplos de como os materiais de alto conteúdo de base biológica podem revolucionar a indústria automotiva sem comprometer o desempenho. Com os couros tradicionais da Pangea já atingindo 80–85% de conteúdo de base biológica, o Pulvera e o Verita ultrapassam esses limites, atingindo até 92% de base biológica nos seus produtos finais.

Esses avanços reforçam a convicção da Pangea de que o couro, como material natural e altamente renovável, tem um papel vital na criação de um futuro mais sustentável para a indústria automotiva. Com o aumento do uso de recursos de base biológica, a Pangea se dedica a reduzir a pegada de carbono dos seus produtos e contribuir para um planeta mais saudável.

Sobre a Pangea

A Pangea é uma fornecedora global de couro para as principais marcas automotivas do mundo, com soluções sustentáveis que impulsionam o futuro dos interiores. Com sede em Rochester Hills, Michigan, a Pangea atende seus clientes em quatro continentes com 3.000 membros da equipe. Para mais informação, visite, e siga–nos no LinkedIn.

Contato com a Mídia

Jacquelyn Smith, Pangea
[email protected]

Materiais para a Mídia

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9267800)

Pangea lance deux nouveaux matériaux haut de gamme

ROCHESTER, Michigan, 05 nov. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pangea, l’un des principaux pionniers de l’innovation en matière de matériaux durables pour l’industrie automobile, est fier d’annoncer le lancement de deux produits révolutionnaires : Pulvera et Verita. Ces cuirs automobiles perfectionnés représentent une étape décisive dans l’engagement continu de Pangea en faveur du développement durable et des pratiques de fabrication responsables, conformément à la vision de l’entreprise qui consiste à créer des matériaux respectueux de l’environnement répondant aux besoins d’un monde en pleine évolution.

En 2024, les équipes mondiales de Pangea ont entrepris de concevoir une nouvelle catégorie de matériaux en cuir spécifiquement destinés à l’industrie automobile. Ces produits sont non seulement biosourcés à près de 90 % une fois finis, mais ils contribuent également activement à la réutilisation de certains matériaux mis au rebut, réduisant ainsi considérablement les déchets de manière innovante.

« Nothing Replaces Real: Charting the Path to a Zero–Waste Future »
Dans le cadre de la série Pangea Corporate Trend Show, Pangea a présenté « Chart the Path » (« Tracer la voie »), un chapitre clé du parcours de l’entreprise en matière de développement durable. En s’engageant auprès de ses clients, Pangea a décrit comment les matériaux durables et naturels transforment l’industrie automobile tout en s’alignant sur les objectifs mondiaux en matière de développement durable. Cette édition est marquée par le lancement de Pulvera et Verita, deux nouveaux produits qui établissent de nouvelles normes en matière de réduction de l’impact sur l’environnement, de chimie recyclée innovante et de réduction du potentiel de réchauffement global (PRG).

Présentation de Pangea Pulvera : un cuir écologique fabriqué selon un processus circulaire
Pulvera est un cuir robuste qui s’inscrit dans une démarche de fabrication circulaire. En incorporant un composé recyclé fabriqué à partir de déchets de polissage, Pulvera réduit considérablement son empreinte environnementale. Ce processus inédit, qui valorise l’eau et les énergies renouvelables, transforme les déchets de cuir en une ressource précieuse qui remplace près de la moitié des produits chimiques utilisés pour la teinture et l’assouplissement du cuir.

  • Chimie durable : 29 % de la totalité des produits chimiques utilisés
  • Recyclage chimique : 37 % durant le processus de retannage ; 16 % de la totalité des produits chimiques
  • Impact environnemental : impact sur le potentiel de réchauffement global (PRG) jusqu’à 40 % inférieur à celui des processus de retannage traditionnels

Matériau luxueux et durable, Pulvera illustre l’engagement de Pangea en faveur des innovations écologiques dans les intérieurs automobiles.

Présentation de Pangea Verita : un cuir somptueux et compostable à faible impact environnemental

Pangea Verita sublime le savoir–faire du cuir en créant un substrat compostable via un processus de tannage alternatif sans métal. Ce matériau semi–aniline met en valeur la beauté naturelle de la peau de l’animal avec un minimum de revêtement, soulignant ainsi ses caractéristiques exceptionnelles tout en limitant son empreinte écologique.

  • Chimie durable : 45 % de la totalité des produits chimiques utilisés
  • Potentiel de réchauffement global (PRG) : jusqu’à 12 % de réduction par rapport aux opérations de tannage au chrome conventionnelles
  • Carbone biogénique : produit fini à 92 % biosourcé

Grâce à un design innovant et sa chimie durable, Verita présente une teneur en carbone biogénique plus élevée, pour s’inscrire encore davantage dans une économie circulaire et réduire son impact global sur l’environnement.

Construire un avenir durable grâce aux matériaux biosourcés
Les nouveaux produits de Pangea, Pulvera et Verita, témoignent du fait que les matériaux à haute teneur en matière biosourcée peuvent révolutionner l’industrie automobile sans compromettre les performances. Alors que la teneur en matériaux biosourcés des cuirs traditionnels de Pangea atteint déjà 80 à 85 %, Pulvera et Verita repoussent ces limites pour obtenir des produits finis contenant jusqu’à 92 % de biosourcé.

Ces avancées renforcent la conviction de Pangea que le cuir, en tant que matériau naturel et hautement renouvelable, joue un rôle essentiel dans la création d’un avenir plus durable pour l’industrie automobile. En augmentant l’utilisation de ressources biosourcées, Pangea s’engage à réduire l’empreinte carbone de ses produits et à contribuer à la préservation de la planète.

À propos de Pangea

Pangea est un producteur mondial de cuir pour les plus grandes marques automobiles à travers le monde qui propose des solutions de matériaux qui dessinent l’avenir en matière d’habitacles. Avec son siège situé à Rochester Hills, dans le Michigan, Pangea est au service de ses clients dans quatre continents grâce à ses 3 000 collaborateurs. Pour plus d’informations, rendez–vous sur, et suivez–nous sur LinkedIn.

Interlocutrice auprès des médias

Jacquelyn Smith, Pangea
[email protected]


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Une vidéo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–42fd–47eb–8f17–dd74c3bfdb4a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9267800)

Pangea Launches Two New Advanced Materials

ROCHESTER, Mich., Nov. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pangea, a leading innovator in sustainable materials for the automotive industry, proudly announces the launch of two groundbreaking products: Pulvera and Verita. These advanced automotive leathers represent a bold step in Pangea's ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible manufacturing practices, aligning with the company's vision of creating eco–friendly materials that meet the needs of a changing world.

In 2024, Pangea's global teams set out to design a new class of leather materials specifically for the automotive industry. These products are not only nearly 90% bio–based in their finished state but also actively divert materials from landfills, dramatically reducing waste in an innovative way.

“Nothing Replaces Real: Charting the Path to a Zero–Waste Future”
As part of the Pangea Corporate Trend Show series, Pangea introduced “Chart the Path,” a key chapter in the company's sustainability journey. Engaging with customers, Pangea outlined how durable, natural materials are transforming the automotive industry while aligning with global sustainability goals. The highlight of the series was the launch of Pulvera and Verita, two new product offerings that set new benchmarks for lower environmental impact, innovative recycled chemistry, and reduced Global Warming Potential (GWP).

Introducing Pangea Pulvera: Ecological Leather with a Circular Process
Pulvera is a full–bodied leather that embraces a circular manufacturing process. By incorporating a recycled compound made from buffing waste, Pulvera significantly reduces its environmental footprint. This unique process, which utilizes water and renewable energy, transforms leather waste into a valuable resource that replaces nearly half of the chemicals used in dyeing and softening the leather.

  • Renewable Chemistry: 29% of all chemicals used
  • Recycled Chemistry: 37% in the retanning process; 16% of all chemicals overall
  • Environmental Impact: Global Warming Potential (GWP) impact up to 40% lower than traditional retanning processes

Pulvera stands out as a luxurious, sustainable material that exemplifies Pangea's commitment to eco–friendly innovations in automotive interiors.

Introducing Pangea Verita: Lavish, Compostable Leather with Low Environmental Impact

Pangea Verita elevates the art of leather craftsmanship by creating a compostable substrate through an alternative metal–free tanning process. This semi–aniline material highlights the natural beauty of the animal hide with minimal coating, emphasizing its unique characteristics while maintaining a lower environmental footprint.

  • Renewable Chemistry: 45% of all chemicals used
  • Global Warming Potential (GWP): Up to 12% lower than standard chrome–tan substrates
  • Biogenic Carbon: 92% bio–based as a finished product

Verita's innovative design and sustainable chemistry enable a higher biogenic carbon content, enhancing its alignment with a circular economy and reducing its overall impact on the environment.

Building a Sustainable Future with Bio–Based Materials
Pangea's new products, Pulvera and Verita, showcase how high bio–based content materials can revolutionize the automotive industry without compromising performance. With traditional Pangea leathers already achieving 80–85% bio–based content, Pulvera and Verita push these boundaries further, reaching up to 92% bio–based in their end products.

These advancements reinforce Pangea's belief that leather, as a natural and highly renewable material, plays a vital role in creating a more sustainable future for the automotive industry. By increasing the use of bio–based resources, Pangea is dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of its products and contributing to a healthier planet.

About Pangea

Pangea is a global leather supplier to the world’s leading automotive brands, providing sustainable solutions that drive the future of interiors. Headquartered in Rochester Hills, Michigan, Pangea serves its customers on four continents with 3,000 team members. For more information, visit, and follow us on LinkedIn.

Media Contact

Jacquelyn Smith, Pangea
[email protected]

Media Attachments

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–b825–4e44–b87b–5fcfbc759fb9–8319–4571–abc1–dcaf4ace7bd1–c6fc–4161–ba24–17c08a2649d8

A video accompanying this announcement is available at–42fd–47eb–8f17–dd74c3bfdb4a   

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9266963)

REE Automotive, Ltd. Announces Date for Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Release and Conference Call

TEL AVIV, Israel, Aug. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — REE Automotive, Ltd. (NASDAQ: REE) ("REE" or the "Company"), an automotive technology company and provider of electric vehicle platforms and EVs, announced today it will release its second quarter 2023 financial results before market open on Tuesday, August 29, 2023.

A webcast and conference call will be held on the same date at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to review the Company's financial results for the second quarter of 2023, discuss recent events and conduct a question–and–answer session.

The live webcast of the conference call can be accessed on the Investors section of the Company's website at Click here for webcast URL.

The conference call will be accessible domestically or internationally, by pre–registering in the link provided at Upon registering, each participant will be provided with a Participant Dial–in Number, and a unique Personal PIN. For the telephone conference online registration click here.

About REE

REE Automotive (Nasdaq: REE) is an automotive technology company that allows companies to build electric vehicles of various shapes and sizes on their modular platforms. With complete design freedom, vehicles "Powered by REE" are equipped with the revolutionary REEcorner which packs critical vehicle components (steering, braking, suspension, powertrain and control) into a single compact module positioned between the chassis and the wheel, enabling REE to build the industry's flattest EV platforms with more room for passengers, cargo and batteries. We believe that REE platforms are future proofed, autonomous capable, offer a low TCO, and drastically reduce the time to market for fleets looking to electrify. To learn more visit

Kamal Hamid
VP Investor Relations
+1 303–670–7756
[email protected]

Keren Shemesh
Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8895293)

Gentex Announces Investment and Collaboration Agreement With ADASKY

ZEELAND, Mich., May 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ: GNTX), a leading supplier of digital vision, connected car, dimmable glass, and fire protection technologies, today announced that it has closed an agreement with ADASKY as the lead investor in a Series B round of financing and has also established a commercial, engineering, and manufacturing collaboration agreement to help bring ADASKY's proprietary technology to market.

The investment round of financing and the collaboration agreement with Gentex will help secure the transition of ADASKY from an early growth company to a global leader in automotive thermal sensing. ADASKY's proprietary LWIR (Long Wave Infrared) sensors are becoming well–known in the industry for their market–leading performance based on their superior size–to–performance ratio, solid state technology, high reliability, and "shutterless" constant operation design. As advanced sensing systems create the path for passenger and pedestrian safety, thermal sensing will fill the existing gaps in that technology so that ADAS and vision–based systems can operate more reliably in low light and in all–weather situations.

"After several years of investigation, research, and dialogue with the ADASKY team, we became very convinced that now was the time for Gentex to help accelerate the technology's growth and development curve as well as the commercialization of the ADASKY technology. Over the last few years, we have been investing heavily into our sensing capabilities and the ADASKY technology was a great fit to complement our existing suite of sensing products," said Gentex President and CEO, Steve Downing. "However, the last piece of the analysis always comes down to "fit' between organizations, especially when it comes to collaboration agreements, and I am personally very excited about the cultural similarities of our organizations and our ability to work together as a team," concluded Downing.

"Gentex is exactly the right strategic partner for ADASKY to complement our existing shareholders. We have the same excellence–driven engineering and innovation focus that will help propel us to expand markets and applications. With Gentex's global footprint and capability, we will be able to meet the demand we are seeing for our thermal camera," said ADASKY CEO, Yakov Shaharabani. "We are thrilled to explore new opportunities with Gentex in the automotive market and in other industries and verticals. ADASKY and Gentex share the same spirit of addressing extreme challenges with determination and innovation," concluded Shaharabani.

ADASKY develops and manufactures intelligent, high–resolution thermal sensing systems (LWIR) for vehicle safety and perception applications and smart city roadway solutions. Thermal vision systems can see at night the same as during daylight and are not limited by blinding lights or harsh weather conditions, filling gaps in existing sensor suites. Visit ADASKY's website at

About Gentex
Founded in 1974, Gentex Corporation (The NASDAQ Global Select Market: GNTX) is a leading supplier of digital vision, connected car, dimmable glass, and fire protection technologies. Visit the Company's web site at

Contact Information:
Gentex Investor Contact
Josh O'Berski
(616)772–1590 x5814
[email protected]
Gentex Media Contact
Craig Piersma
(616) 772–1590 x4316
[email protected]
ADASKY Media Contact
Raz Peleg
[email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–6a2a–409b–b46c–2e394ff8a6b4–c641–4496–b73f–ac5c6fbc9be2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8828725)

Gentex Expands Cabin Monitoring Capabilities With the Acquisition of Guardian Optical Technologies

ZEELAND, Mich., Sept. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ: GNTX) today announced the acquisition of Guardian Optical Technologies, an Israeli startup that pioneered a unique, multi–modal sensor technology designed to provide a comprehensive suite of driver– and cabin–monitoring solutions for the automotive industry.

Gentex is a long–time supplier of electro–optical products for the global automotive, aerospace and fire protection industries. It's best known for supplying nearly every major automaker with connected–car technologies and advanced electronic features that optimize driver vision and enhance driving safety.

The core of Guardian's technology is an infrared–sensitive, high–resolution camera that combines machine vision, depth perception, and micro–vibration detection. This proprietary sensor configuration allows the system to not only monitor the driver, but also the entire vehicle cabin and all its objects and occupants, assessing their behavior, gestures, and activities.
The system continuously scans, tracks and determines the physical location of every vehicle occupant and object, even without a direct line of sight, by combining two–dimensional video image recognition with 3D depth mapping and optical motion analysis. It's capable of detecting the slightest of movements, including heartbeats.

"Guardian utilizes artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms to create comprehensive, in–cabin sensing functionality for today's vehicles and the autonomous age," said Gentex Chief Technology Officer Neil Boehm. "With a single sensor module, we can monitor driver alertness, fine–tune airbag deployment, track passenger behavior — even detect the presence of a child sleeping in a car seat in the rear of the vehicle."

The Guardian acquisition further bolsters Gentex's cabin monitoring expertise. For decades, the company has integrated displays, cameras, and various ADAS features into its smart rearview mirrors. Because the interior mirror area has an ideal view of the driver and the entire vehicle cabin, it's a logical location for the integration of the in–cabin monitoring camera.

"A mirror–borne, in–cabin monitoring system would allow automakers to offer an attractively packaged, scalable, cross–car–line feature in a high–performance location that simplifies regulatory compliance," explained Boehm. "We're currently working on multiple proof–of–concept designs for mirror– and overhead–console–integrated driver monitoring solutions."

In January, Gentex announced the acquisition of Vaporsens, a Utah–based startup that pioneered a new nanofiber sensing technology capable of detecting a wide variety of chemicals, including explosives, drugs, VOCs, toxic industrial chemicals, amines, and more. This digital olfaction technology could be used to monitor in–vehicle air quality in passenger vehicles, and expanded to identify explosives, biohazards and other pollutants for self–driving cars.

"Our goal is to provide automakers with holistic cabin monitoring solutions, from simple driver monitoring through complete cabin monitoring and machine olfaction," continued Boehm. "We're engineering a comprehensive and scalable platform based on robust sensor fusion techniques that will allow us to provide features for today's vehicles, transitionary vehicles, and completely autonomous mobility solutions."

Founded in 2015 and based in Tel Aviv, Israel, Guardian Optical Technologies is dedicated to enabling "passenger aware" cars with cutting–edge, optical sensor technology that makes vehicles safer and more convenient.

Founded in 1974, Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ: GNTX) is a supplier of automatic–dimming rearview mirrors and electronics to the automotive industry, dimmable aircraft windows for aviation markets, and fire protection products to the fire protection market. Visit the company website at

Gentex Media Contact
Craig Piersma
(616) 772–1590 x4316
[email protected]

Gentex Investor Relations Contact
Josh O'Berski
(616) 772–1800 x5814
[email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8320045)

Sea Electric Extends Worldwide Presence With Increased Global Management Team and Strong Showing at Brisbane Truck Show

LOS ANGELES, May 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The recent Brisbane Truck Show (May 13–16, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane, Australia) held a significant presence for global automotive technology company SEA Electric, showcasing the first–ever public appearance of a full range of operational–ready electric trucks utilizing proprietary SEA–Drive power systems, new SEA Electric branding, and the announcement of senior global leadership taking the company's helm throughout the Asia Pacific region.

The appointment of Bill Gillespie, president of Asia Pacific, and promotion of Glen Walker to vice president of Asia Pacific, bring a wealth of international transport industry and electric vehicle expertise to the region during a time of growth for SEA Electric worldwide. Following a recent US $42 million investment, SEA Electric is bringing electrification solutions and opportunities to nearly every corner of the globe, and in the United States it has added further assembly capacity, creating the current potential for approximately 60,000 units per annum. Further U.S. assembly, including in the area of batteries, is expected in the near future.

According to SEA Electric President and Founder Tony Fairweather, SEA Electric has not only created a low–cost delivery solution, but equally meaningful it has developed a medium voltage/lightweight power system with performance outcomes that exceed the internal combustion engine equivalent. "Our own SEA–badged trucks "" including the SEA 300 and SEA 500 in Australia "" are derived from OEM Semi Knock–Down kits, creating further efficiencies to pass on to our customer base whilst supporting rapid OEM expansion into this segment," said Fairweather.

Gillespie's new leadership role allows him to build upon the company's momentum, which continues to expand on a worldwide basis. "The product showcased in Brisbane sets the framework for SEA Electric to seamlessly fold into OEM dealerships and fleets, bringing forth both new and repowered electrification options," said Gillespie. The current three medium–size EV truck models are sold through a dozen authorized dealers in Australia, while more than 220 U.S. dealers are available to support the North American market needs.

SKD Assembly Provides Solutions Efficiency
Walker further explained the commercial arrangement as a Semi Knock Down (SKD) Assembly Operation "" creating SKD "Glider' kits "" a first–of–its–kind three–way process that begins with the cab,

frame rails, wheels and axle components arriving in Australia, within containers from Japan, and upon arrival being assembled to provide a rolling chassis to support the appropriate proprietary SEA–Drive power–system to create a completely assembled SEA Electric–branded vehicle. The vehicles are then ready for distribution.

But it is their SKD assembly operation's efficiency that creates a real game–changer for SEA Electric and facilitates the solutions and productivity the company can provide. With consistency of assembly, and a process that provides multiple efficiencies, there becomes very little waste, often eliminating extra componentry that previously would have been discarded in other retrofitting processes.

"Our agreements in the U.S. go one step further," said Walker. "We are utilizing SKD and local glider assembly to set the benchmark for ongoing programs in North America and other SEA Electric markets around the world." As an example, when containers in the United States arrive for SKD assembly, all electrification is then performed by authorized upfitters, solely using SEA–Drive power–system technology and branding. The process of building the trucks from SKD kits or glider chassis provides multiple advantages over the retrofit option, including lower cost, quicker build times, and less waste.

The North American market, which recently became the new home for SEA Electric's California–based headquarters, has the largest capability for upfitting capacity at 60,000 units annually. The addition of a Des Moines Technical Center and planned offices in Chicago, Brooklyn, and Miami before August this year represents SEA Electric's commitment to the market.

With available volume and an ambitious capability to assemble the company's SEA–Drive technology, SEA Electric provides immediate and cost–efficient solutions that can be easily scaled to meet the needs for any fleet "" whether new or existing delivery vehicles in need of new EV drive capabilities. The electrification of the yellow school bus industry is also in high demand in the United States.

Perhaps the most important business growth aspect of SKD kit and OEM glider assembly is the ability for the SEA Electric vehicle range to be available from a dealer network that provides complete sales, warranty, and service support.

SEA–Drive Power–Systems
SEA Electric's proprietary SEA–Drive power–systems come in a variety of configurations for all–electric models with a GVM range of 4.5t through to 26t (i.e., 9,990 lbs. to 57,500 lbs. GVWR). Each are designed for 3,000 charge cycles based on a full overnight charge, if applied five days per week, and can result in optimum performance for 10 years.

The Brisbane Truck Show highlighted five new SEA–Electric–branded truck models, including the launch of the SEA 300–45 EV and the SEA 300–85 EV. Both models are fully ADR compliant and assembled in Melbourne for Australian distribution.

The Future for SEA Electric
While SEA Electric's roots originate in Australia, along with various manufacturing and technology capabilities, the company's North American growth brings a business model that can be replicated in Europe, as well. Current U.S. upfitting facility locations include Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, Indiana, and California.

On the heels of its recent US $42 million equity financing announcement, SEA Electric also closed its latest purchase of 1,000 electric vehicle batteries from long–time technology partner Soundon New

Energy Technology. This important transaction supports SEA Electric's proprietary SEA–Drive 70, 100, and 120 major power–system models. While most of the initial units are slated for the United States, the balance will go to SEA Electric inventories in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia, as well as the company's first entry into the European market.

About SEA Electric
Global automotive technology company SEA Electric was founded in Australia in 2012, creating its proprietary electric power–system technology (known as SEA–Drive ) for the world's urban delivery and distribution fleets, as well as front powered school bus applications.

Widely recognized as a market leader in the electrification of commercial vehicles on a global basis, SEA Electric commands a global presence, deploying product in six countries including USA, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, and South Africa with collectively more than one million miles of independently OEM–tested and in–service international operation.

The company's global sales, after–sales and engineering are represented in all subsidiaries, whilst North America, home to the company's headquarters, has the largest upfitting capacity for SEA Electric at 60,000 units per year.

Please follow this link to download this press release and HIGH RESOLUTION versions of our accompanying SEA Electric images and other supporting editorial assets.

Contact: Deb Pollack/Strategic Communications

(t) 805.320.9248 (e) [email protected]

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8243313)

Sea Electric Strikes Deal to Purchase 1,000 Electric Commercial Vehicle Battery Sets From Soundon New Energy Technology Co.

LOS ANGELES, March 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global automotive technology company SEA Electric, along with its proprietary SEA–Drive technology "" the secret sauce behind the company's leadership within the electrification of commercial vehicles "" has expanded its global reach through the purchase of 1,000 electric vehicle batteries from long–time technology partner Soundon New Energy Technology Co. The newly formed arrangement immediately follows SEA Electric's recently announced US$42 million in equity financing news. (Full background and photos:

Soundon, SEA Electric's sole battery provider since 2012, developed seven SEA–Drive battery solutions during the two companies' shared journey in the electric commercial vehicle space. Through this new relationship SEA Electric is realizing the cost benefits of Soundon's battery and power electronics technical expertise, as well as their production efficiencies. As a result, battery production is underway with fulfillment completion expected sometime in Q2 2021. The deal also allows SEA Electric to realize a significant 36 percent reduction in kilowatt hour (kWh) unit cost.

According to Tony Fairweather, SEA Electric president and founder, Soundon is not only a world–class leader in innovation and battery technology, but highly regarded for its product quality, on time delivery, and competitive pricing. "Our long–term relationship with Soundon has been a very successful commercial journey and we anticipate continuing to share our global successes along the way." While the majority of the initial 1,000 battery units are slated for the United States, the balance will go to SEA Electric inventories in Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia, along with the company's first entry into the European market.

SEA Electric's exclusive and proprietary technology fits hundreds of OEM platforms with this large order shared cross three major power–system models:

  • SEA–Drive 70 "" contains 88 kilowatt hours (kWh)
  • SEA–Drive 100 "" contains 101 kilowatt hours (kWh)
  • SEA–Drive 120 "" contains 138 kilowatt hours (kWh)

Soundon's world–class manufacturing operations are located on an eight square–mile footprint within the Hunan Province in China, and utilize a combination of robotics, high intelligence, high digitalization, and high automation to integrate a comprehensive smart–factory solution. From strict production and environmental management to quality assurance, the facility is first rate and is a leader in the new energy industry.

Wu Peng, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Soundon commented that "this is a significant milestone in our partnership with SEA Electric. Receiving this 1,000–unit order not only facilitates SEA Electric's substantial global growth, but it also positions Soundon as a leader in the export market for commercial electric vehicles. It's a winning proposition for all."

Following substantial growth in new markets, SEA Electric recently announced it has closed initial private placement equity financing for total gross proceeds of approximately US$42 million. The net proceeds from the investment will allow SEA Electric to solidify its position as a market leader in the electrification of commercial vehicles whilst funding its considerable backlog and facilitating more pilot programs with operators.

With global headquarters and key leadership in Los Angeles, SEA Electric currently has operations in five countries and more than one million miles of independent Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) testing and in–service operation in all markets.

SEA Electric currently partners with commercial vehicle OEMs, dealers, operators and upfitters to deliver a new range of zero–emissions trucks and is on schedule to deliver more than 1,000 electric commercial vehicles this year. The company forecast is to have more than 15,000 vehicles on the road by the end of 2023.

About SEA Electric

Global automotive technology company SEA Electric was founded in Australia in 2012, creating its proprietary electric power–system technology (known as SEA–Drive ) for the world's urban delivery and distribution fleets.

Widely recognized as a market leader in the electrification of commercial vehicles on a global basis, SEA Electric commands a global presence, deploying product in seven countries including USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia and South Africa with collectively more than one million miles of independently OEM–tested and in–service international operation.

The company's global sales, after–sales and engineering are represented in all subsidiaries, whilst North America has the largest upfitting capacity for SEA Electric at more than 30,000 units per annum.

About Soundon New Energy Technology Co.

Soundon New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is majority owned by Sound Group, China's leading environmental protection industry enterprise. Soundon is a comprehensive service provider specializing in lithium battery energy research and development and integrated solutions. Located in Xiangtan, Hunan, China, Soundon New Energy is committed to the research and production of lithium battery energy and power–system solutions.

Contact: Deb Pollack/Strategic Communications
(t) 805.320.9248 (e) [email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–7f95–4d0d–b452–e83784b8e1f2–1090–48df–ad48–4122d3550912

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8206309)