يشارك متداولو برنامج “اكسي سيليكت” تجربتهم في برنامج تخصيص رأس المال التابع لشركة “اكسي” في سلسلة بودكاست جديدة بعنوان “AXI SELECT TALKS”

سيدني، أستراليا, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — في الصيف الماضي، أطلقت شركة “اكسي” الرائدة عالميًا في مجال تداول العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات، برنامج “اكسي سيليكت”، وهو برنامج رائد لتخصيص رأس المال يوفر للمتداولين الطموحين الفرصة للتقدم نحو التداول الاحترافي. على مدار العام الماضي، انضم آلاف المتداولين إلى برنامج “اكسي سيليكت”، وهم الآن يشاركون قصص نجاحهم من خلال سلسلة جديدة بعنوان “Axi Select Talks“.

“أولاً، ليس عليك دفع رسوم اشتراك، فقط إيداع حد أدنى.

 وهم يمنحونك حقًا فرصة لكسب المال… لديهم بعض القواعد الواضحة التي تناسب الطرفين، وليس فقط الوسيط”، هذا ما يقوله “جيرالد وينترسبيرجر”، مهندس البرمجيات، عند الحديث عن برنامج “اكسي سيليكت”. بصفته متداولًا متمرسًا، فهو أول من وصل إلى مرحلة “برو” (Pro) في البرنامج والان يحرز تقدمًا ثابتًا نحو تأمين تمويل بقيمة 1,000,000 دولار. سيتم عرض قصص متداولين آخرين مثل “جيرالد” في سلسلة بودكاست “Axi Select Talks“.

في أعقاب الاحداث الأخيرة التي هزت صناعة التداول الممول وأدت إلى إغلاق العديد من الشركات، يبدو أن برنامج “اكسي سيليكت” هو الخيار الأكثر صدقا. تم تصميم نموذج البرنامج الذي يركز على تجربة المتداول بهدف توفير مسار عادل لهم للوصول إلى تمويل رأسمالي يصل إلى 1,000,000 دولار أمريكي وفرصة لكسب ما يصل إلى 90٪ من أرباحهم. علاوة على ذلك، يستطيع المتداولون الانضمام إلى البرنامج دون رسوم تسجيل، بالإضافة إلى الاستفادة من ظروف تداول غير مقيدة وغرفة تداول حصرية.

للاستماع إلى بودكاست جيرالد، قم بزيارة: https://youtu.be/bVpYca39e9U

برنامج “اكسي سيليكت” متاح فقط لعملاء شركة AxiTrader Limited. تحمل العقود مقابل الفروقات (CFDs) مخاطر عالية لخسارة الاستثمار. في تعاملاتنا معك، سنكون الطرف المقابل الرئيسي لجميع مراكزك. هذا المحتوى غير متاح للمقيمين في أستراليا، نيوزيلندا، الاتحاد الأوروبي والمملكة المتحدة. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى الرجوع إلى شروط الخدمة الخاصة بنا. تطبق رسوم التداول الاعتيادية.

عن شركة “اكسي”

شركة “اكسي” هي شركة وساطة عالمية لتداول العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات عبر الإنترنت، وتضم الآلاف من العملاء في أكثر من 100 دولة حول العالم.

 تقدم شركة “اكسي” العقود مقابل الفروقات للعديد من فئات الأصول بما في ذلك تداول العملات الأجنبية والأسهم والذهب والنفط والقهوة والمزيد من الأصول الأخرى.

في شركة “اكسي”، نحن نفخر بسمعتنا كوسيط صادق وعادل، حيث نقدم لعملائنا خدمة وظروف تداول متميزة منذ عام 2007. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإننا نعمل مع السلطات التنظيمية الحاكمة في جميع أنحاء العالم لضمان تجاوزنا لأعلى معايير الصناعة.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000985643)

Axi Select Traders Share Their Experience So Far on Axi’s Capital Allocation Program in New Podcast Series Axi Select Talks

SYDNEY, Australia, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Last summer, leading global Forex and CFD broker Axi launched Axi Select, a pioneering capital allocation program offering ambitious traders the opportunity to progress into professional trading. Over the past year, thousands of traders have joined Axi Select, and now, they are sharing their success stories through a new series Axi Select Talks.

First of all, you don’t have to pay a subscription fee, just a minimum deposit. And they really give you the chance to earn money… They have a few clear rules that make sense for both parties, and not just for the broker,” says Gerald Wintersberger, software engineer, when talking about Axi Select. As a seasoned trader, he is the first to reach Pro stage and is making steady advancement towards securing $1,000,000 in funding. Stories of other traders like Gerald would be featured in the Axi Select Talks podcast series.

Following the recent chaos that has shaken the prop trading industry resulting in numerous firms getting shut down, Axi Select seems to be the most promising choice. The trader–centric model is designed to offer traders a fair pathway to access capital funding up to $1,000,000 USD and the opportunity to earn up to 90% of their profits. Furthermore, traders have the advantage to join the program with zero registration fees, as well as benefit, among others, from unrestrictive trading conditions, and an exclusive trading room.

To view Gerald’s podcast visit:https://youtu.be/bVpYca39e9U

The Axi Select program is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. In our dealings with you, we will act as a principal counterparty to all of your positions. This content is not available to AU, NZ, EU and UK residents. For more information, refer to our Terms of Service.

About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFD trading company, with thousands of customers in 100+ countries worldwide. Axi offers CFDs for several asset classes including Forex, Shares, Gold, Oil, Coffee, and more.

At Axi, we are proud of our reputation as an honest, and fair broker, providing our customers with outstanding service and trading conditions since 2007. We also work with leading regulatory governing authorities globally to ensure we exceed the highest standards in the industry.

Contact:[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000985580)

شركة Axi تطلق أكبر مسابقة تداول عالمية لها على الإطلاق، مع جوائز تصل الى 250 ألف دولار أمريكي

SYDNEY, Australia, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — لقد أطلقت شركة Axi الرائدة كوسيط لتداول العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات عبر الإنترنت، أكبر مسابقة تداول عالمية لعام 2024، بمجموع جوائز إجمالي قدره 250,000 دولار أمريكي.

ترفع شركة Axi مستوى التحدي وتدعو جميع المتداولين إلى اظهار مهاراتهم والفوز بجوائز ضخمة، بما في ذلك الجائزة الكبرى التي تبلغ قيمتها 100,000 دولار أمريكي. سيتم منح أكثر من 45 جائزة للعائد على الاستثمار، وأعلى حجم تداول، وأفضل عائد على الاستثمار لكل أسبوع، بالإضافة إلى خمس جوائز عن طريق السحب بقيمة 500 دولار أمريكي أسبوعيًا.

لقد تم فتح باب التسجيل للمسابقة، ومن المقرر أن تستمر المسابقة لمدة أربعة أسابيع من 3 إلى 30 يونيو. وفقًا لشركة Axi، فإن المسابقة مفتوحة للعملاء الجدد أو الحاليين، ويجب على المتداولين الطموحين المهتمين بالمشاركة ان يكن لديهم حساب تداول حقيقي مع الشركة او يقوموا بفتح حساب تداول حقيقي جديد، وإيداع ما لا يقل عن 200 دولار، وتداول على الأقل 1 عقد (لوت). 

يشارك لويس كوبر، الرئيس التنفيذي للشؤون التجارية في شركة Axi، حماسه للمسابقة القادمة قائلا: “”Trade Your Edge” هو شعارنا، وفي شهر يونيو ندعو المتداولين لدينا للقيام بذلك – التداول بمهاراتهم في أسواقهم المفضلة مثل سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والذهب والعملات الرقمية، للحصول على فرصة للفوز بجوائز نقدية مذهلة، بما في ذلك الجائزة الكبرى التي تبلغ قيمتها 100,000 دولار أمريكي.”

لقد كانت هذه سنة مالية ناجحة للغاية بالنسبة للوسيط؛ فقد قدموا مؤخرًا برامج جديدة متطورة وقاموا أيضًا بتوسيع محفظة شراكاتهم لتشمل نادي Man City Women ونادي LaLiga Girona FC وجون ستونز، اللاعب الدولي الإنجليزي والفائز بالدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز ست مرات، كسفير للعلامة التجارية للشركة.

لمعرفة المزيد عن المسابقة وطريقة التسجيل، قم بزيارة:


عن شركة Axi

شركة Axi هي شركة وساطة عالمية لتداول العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات عبر الإنترنت. باعتبارنا الوسيط المفضل لآلاف العملاء الطموحين في أكثر من 100 دولة حول العالم، فإننا نساعد جميع أنواع المتداولين وشركات التداول والبنوك والمؤسسات المالية في العثور على الميزة التنافسية التي يحتاجونها لتحقيق أهدافهم المالية من خلال المعاملات المستنيرة التي تتم في الأسواق المالية العالمية. تقدم شركة Axi مجموعة شاملة من الأصول بما في ذلك العقود مقابل الفروقات للعديد من فئات الأصول مثل تداول العملات الأجنبية والأسهم والنفط والمعادن الثمينة والقهوة والمؤشرات والسلع الأخرى.

في شركة Axi، نحن نفخر بسمعتنا كوسيط صادق وعادل ومسؤول. تشهد جوائزنا العالمية العديدة وتقييماتنا على الثقة التي اكتسبناها من عملائنا الذين يقدرون خدمتنا الاستثنائية والتنفيذ السريع والمدفوعات الآمنة والسحب السهل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإننا نعمل بشكل فعال مع السلطات التنظيمية الحاكمة في جميع أنحاء العالم لضمان تجاوزنا لأعلى معايير الصناعة.

مسابقة التداول متاحة فقط لعملاء شركة AxiTrader Limited. تحمل العقود مقابل الفروقات (CFDs) مخاطر عالية لخسارة الاستثمار. غير متاح للمقيمين في استراليا ونيوزيلندا والاتحاد الأوروبي والمملكة المتحدة. تطبق الشروط والأحكام.

لمزيد من المعلومات أو التعليقات الإضافية من شركة Axi، يرجى التواصل معنا عبر: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000966691)

Axi lança sua maior competição global de trading, com prêmios de $250,000 USD

SYDNEY, Australia, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A principal corretora online de FX e CFD, Axi, lançou a maior competição global de trading de 2024, com um total de prêmios de $250,000 USD.

A Axi está agitando o mercado, convidando traders de todos os tamanhos a operarem seu melhor e ganharem mega prêmios, incluindo o grande prêmio de $100,000 USD. Mais de 45 prêmios serão distribuídos para ROI, maior volume de trading, melhor ROI de cada semana, além de cinco prêmios aleatórios de $500 USD por semana.

As inscrições para a competição já começaram, e a competição de quatro semanas ocorrerá de 3 a 30 de junho. Segundo a corretora, a competição está aberta tanto para novos clientes quanto para clientes existentes, e traders ambiciosos interessados em participar devem abrir ou já possuir uma conta real de trading na Axi, depositar um mínimo de $200 e operar pelo menos 1 lote.

Louis Cooper, Diretor Comercial da Axi, compartilha sua empolgação para a próxima competição: “’Opere seu melhor’ é nosso lema, e em junho convidamos nossos traders a fazer exatamente isso – operar seu melhor em seus mercados favoritos, como Forex, Ouro, Cripto, para ter a chance de ganhar prêmios em dinheiro incríveis, incluindo o prêmio máximo de $100,000 USD.”

Este foi um ano financeiro muito bem–sucedido para a corretora; eles recentemente introduziram novos programas inovadores e também expandiram seu portfólio de parcerias para incluir o time feminino do Man City, o clube da LaLiga Girona FC, e o inglês e seis vezes vencedor da Premier League, John Stones, como embaixador da marca da empresa.

Para saber mais sobre a competição e se inscrever, visite:


Sobre a Axi

A Axi é uma corretora global online de FX e CFDs. Uma corretora preferida por milhares de clientes ambiciosos em mais de 100 países ao redor do mundo, ajudamos todos os tipos de traders, empresas de trading, bancos e organizações financeiras a encontrar a vantagem de que precisam para alcançar seus objetivos financeiros por meio de transações informadas realizadas nos mercados financeiros mundiais. A Axi oferece uma ampla gama de ativos, incluindo CFDs para várias classes de ativos, como Forex, Ações, Petróleo, Metais Preciosos, Café, Índices e outras commodities.

Na Axi, temos orgulho de nossa reputação como uma corretora honesta, justo e responsável. Nossos numerosos prêmios globais e avaliações atestam a confiança e a credibilidade que conquistamos de nossos clientes, que valorizam nosso serviço excepcional, execução rápida, pagamentos seguros e retiradas fáceis. Da mesma forma, também trabalhamos proativamente com autoridades reguladoras líderes em todo o mundo para garantir que superamos os mais altos padrões da indústria.

A competição de trading está disponível apenas para clientes da AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carregam um alto risco de perda de investimento. Não disponível para residentes de AU, NZ, UE e Reino Unido. Aplicam–se termos e condições.

Para mais informações ou comentários adicionais da Axi, entre em contato: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000966691)

Axi launches their biggest global trading competition ever, with $250,000 USD up for grabs

SYDNEY, Australia, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading online FX and CFD broker Axi has launched 2024’s biggest global trading competition, with a total prize pool of $250,000 USD.

Axi is shaking the waves, inviting traders of all sizes to trade their edge and win mega prizes, including the grand prize of $100,000 USD. Over 45 prizes will be given for ROI, top trading volume, best ROI each week, as well as five random prizes of $500 USD per week.

Registration for the competition has commenced, and the four–week contest is set to run from June 3 to June 30. Per the broker, the competition is open both for new or existing clients, and ambitious traders who are interested in participating should open or already have a live trading account with Axi, deposit a minimum of $200, and trade at least 1 lot.

Louis Cooper, Chief Commercial Officer at Axi, shares his excitement for the upcoming competition: “‘Trade Your Edge’ is our strapline, and in June we invite our traders to do just that – trade their edge on their favourite markets like Forex, Gold, Crypto, for a chance to win amazing cash prizes, including the top prize of $100,000 USD.

This has been a very successful financial year for the broker; they’ve recently introduced cutting–edge new programmes and have also expanded their partnership portfolio to include Man City Women, LaLiga club Girona FC, and England international and six–time Premier League winner John Stones as the company’s Brand Ambassador.

To learn more about the competition and register, visit:


About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFDs trading broker. As the preferred broker for thousands of ambitious customers in over 100 countries worldwide, we help all types of traders, trading businesses, banks and financial organizations find the edge they need to achieve their financial goals through informed transactions made on the world's financial markets. Axi offers a comprehensive range of assets including CFDs for several asset classes such as Forex, Shares, Oil, Precious Metals, Coffee, Indices, and other commodities.

At Axi, we take pride in our reputation as an honest, fair, and responsible broker. Our numerous global awards and reviews attest to the confidence and trust we have earned from our customers who value our exceptional service, fast execution, secure payments, and easy withdrawals. Similarly, we also work pro–actively with leading regulatory governing authorities around the world to ensure that we surpass the highest industry standards.

The trading competition is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. Not available to AU, NZ, EU & UK residents. T&Cs apply.

For more information or additional comments from Axi, please contact: [email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000963491)

Axi Select hailed as the future of prop trading as multiple demo account firms close doors due to pressures from regulators, brokers, and tech providers

SYDNEY, Australia, Feb. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bucking the trend of recent negative developments in the prop firm industry, leading global CFD and FX broker Axi, which launched Axi Select – their unique capital allocation programme for talented traders – has been hailed by many industry experts as the future of the industry.

Recent issues experienced in the prop trading industry have resulted in multiple firms having to pause or close down their service due to pressure from regulators, partner brokers or tech providers.

Axi Select is completely different to the industry, and as a result has legitimised the prop firm model by offering a live trading account programme, with real controls in terms of execution, transparency, and fair market conditions. Since its launch in mid–2023, Axi Select has witnessed an incredible 40% month–on–month increase in the number of active clients on their platforms.

Axi believes their Select programme is revolutionary, sustainable and is the future of the prop firm model. Greg Rubin, Head of Axi Select, stated “In the last week the prop trading industry has been turned on its head completely with multiple firms having to suspend their services due to external pressures.

“We foresaw this, which is why we’ve developed a capital allocation programme which is built on our live trading account model and has been available in over 100 countries for more than 16 years. This has given us the confidence that Axi Select is a long–term solution to the prop trading community, and not subject to the issues now faced by prop firms who offer the demo account registration fee model and are under constant pressure from regulators and their tech partners.”

He continued “We genuinely empathise with the thousands of talented traders who will now be denied access to their allocated funds, and we encourage anyone using the demo trading registration model to question whether their prop firm partner will be able to continue as an ongoing concern given recent events. Unfortunately, this could be the beginning of the end for the demo account prop firm model.”

Axi Select offers a very attractive funding model – $1 million USD top allocation and clients can keep up to 90% of their profits – that’s one of the top allocation offerings worldwide, from an award–winning globally recognised, respected, and trusted broker.

By joining Axi you don’t need to pay a registration fee. Yes, you need to fund your trading account, but that money is yours to withdraw at any time and any profits you make on your funded account, you keep in addition to funds allocated by Axi.

“We believe passionately that Axi Select is the best allocation programme globally” said Rajesh Yohannan, Group CEO of Axi.

“By using a live trading account, with real money and the emotions that accompany this, we believe you are more likely to be profitable longer term and make money from your own live account as well as the funded proportion. Our Axi Select account has all the controls we offer to our live account holders globally. This includes access to our award–winning fast, transparent, and fair–trade execution.”

He added “If you are a talented trader and are looking for a legitimate funding programme which is designed to truly help you succeed and profit from the financial markets, and you want the stability of an account model which has been in market for 16 years, then Axi Select is the place for you to find your Edge.”

About Axi Select*

Axi Select* is a unique capital allocation programme that was specifically designed to help you succeed as a professional trader. Axi Select* offers a generous funding of up to $1 million USD as part of a structured and fair pathway to help you meet your long–term and most ambitious trading aspirations. Solidify your trading skills, knowledge and understanding of the markets and embark on your biggest trading journey ever with Axi through Axi Select.

Why Axi Select*?

  • 100% Free to join – No registration fees
  • Earn 90% of profits on $1,000,000 USD of our funds
  • Unrestrictive trading conditions & a structured pathway that provides a fair & real opportunity for traders to become professional traders
  • Trading score (Edge score) to assess & assist with trading performance
  • Dashboard with analytics, advanced stats, and a leader board
  • Exclusive online trading room with live analysis and learning videos from professional traders. Ability to interact with fellow traders and share analysis/trading ideas.
  • Trustworthy broker with over 35+ industry awards.

How is Axi Select* different from other programmes?

Programme Axi Select Industry Standard
Registration fee No Yes
Pass Evaluation No Yes
Restrictive Trading Conditions No Varies
Number of Attempts 3 1
Leverage 100:1 Varies, majority less than 100:1
Account Type Real Trading Account Demo
Additional Tools Dashboard/Leaderboard, Edge Score, Trading Room Varies

Learn more & switch to Axi Select: https://www.axi.com/select

* The Axi Select programme is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. In our dealings with you, we will act as a principal counterparty to all of your positions. This content is not available for AU, NZ, EU, and UK residents. For more information, refer to our Terms of Service. Other fees and minimum deposit apply.

About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFD trading company, trusted by thousands of ambitious customers in 100+ countries around the world. We help all types of traders, trading businesses, banks and financial organizations find the edge they need to achieve their financial goals through informed transactions made on the world's financial markets. Axi offers a wide range of assets including CFDs for several asset classes including Forex, Shares, Gold, Silver, Oil, Coffee, Indices, and other commodities.

At Axi, we are proud of our reputation as an honest, fair, and trusted broker. Our many awards and 'Great' Trustpilot reviews prove we have earned the confidence of customers who value our outstanding service, fast execution, secure payments, segregated funds, and easy withdrawals.

For further enquiries contact [email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4b7f4608–f090–471c–995d–de6c0f23438e

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000914826)

Axi launches Select Your Edge campaign with Manchester City stars

SYDNEY, Australia, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading online FX and CFD broker Axi has launched their new campaign, Select Your Edge. Featuring stars of Manchester City FC, the campaign introduces Axi's new capital allocation programme, Axi Select.

Since 2020, Axi, the Official Online Trading Partner of Manchester City, has utilised their access to the club's players to deliver engaging content and to highlight their unique offerings. This year, Manchester City stars Erling Haaland, Kyle Walker, and Rodri compete head–to–head for the edge in various challenges such as ball–sorting and tower building.

Hannah Hill, Head of Brand and Sponsorship at Axi, expressed her enthusiasm for their new campaign, stating, "As with every year, working with the City players was, once again, very exciting. They displayed amazing chemistry with each other, and this made for some great banter and amazing content. The collaboration was a unique way to introduce our latest offering, Axi Select. With our new programme, our clients can access the competitive edge they need to become pro traders."

In September, the broker proudly launched their new capital allocation programme, Axi Select. Aimed to empower ambitious traders and facilitate their progression into professional trading, the programme offers traders the opportunity to access capital funding up to $1,000,000 USD, as well as other exceptional advantages including zero registration fees, and the potential to earn up to 90% of their profits.

Talking about Axi Select when it debuted, Louis Cooper, Chief Commercial Officer at Axi, said, "At Axi, we take pride in being a brand that consistently brings the edge to life for our customers. Our revolutionary new offering, Axi Select, is the first–of–its–kind among brokers and another true reflection of our brand promise. With Axi Select, we deliver unparalleled opportunities to our traders whilst both redefining the boundaries of what's possible in trading and reshaping the evolution of the financial industry."

For more information about Axi Select, visit https://www.axi.com/int/funded–trader–programme.
Watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDZeNJGi_UU

About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFDs trading broker. As the preferred broker for thousands of ambitious customers in over 100 countries worldwide, we help all types of traders, trading businesses, banks and financial organizations find the edge they need to achieve their financial goals through informed transactions made on the world's financial markets. Axi offers a comprehensive range of assets including CFDs for several asset classes such as Forex, Shares, Oil, Precious Metals, Coffee, Indices, and other commodities.

For other Axi communications, visit https://www.axi.com/int/blog/company–news

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000900242)

Axi lança a campanha “Escolha o seu Diferencial” com estrelas do Manchester City

SYDNEY, Australia, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A principal corretora online de FX e CFDs, Axi, lanou sua nova campanha, “Escolha o seu Diferencial”. Apresentando estrelas do Manchester City FC, a campanha introduz o novo programa de alocao de capital da Axi, o Axi Select.

Desde 2020, a Axi, parceira oficial de operao online do Manchester City, tem utilizado seu acesso aos jogadores do clube para oferecer contedo interativo e destacar suas ofertas nicas. Neste ano, as estrelas do Manchester City, Erling Haaland, Kyle Walker e Rodri, competem cara a cara pelas vantagens em vrios desafios, como classificao de bolas e construo de torres.

Hannah Hill, Chefe de Marca e Patrocnio da Axi, expressou seu entusiasmo pela nova campanha, afirmando: “Como acontece todos os anos, trabalhar com os jogadores do City foi, mais uma vez, muito empolgante. Eles demonstraram uma qumica incrvel entre si, o que resultou em timas brincadeiras e contedo incrvel. A colaborao foi uma maneira nica de apresentar a nossa mais recente oferta, o Axi Select. Com nosso novo programa, nossos clientes podem acessar o diferencial competitivo de que precisam para se tornarem traders profissionais.”

Em setembro, a corretora lanou com orgulho seu novo programa de alocao, o Axi Select. Com o objetivo de capacitar operadores ambiciosos e facilitar sua progresso para a negociao profissional, o programa oferece aos operadores a oportunidade de acessar financiamento de capital de at US$ 1.000.000, alm de outros benefcios excepcionais, sem taxas de registro e a chance de ganhar at 90% de seus lucros.

Ao falar sobre o Axi Select em seu lanamento, Louis Cooper, diretor comercial da Axi, disse: “Na Axi, temos orgulho de ser uma marca que sempre traz o que h de melhor para nossos clientes. Nossa nova e revolucionria oferta, Axi Select, a primeira de seu tipo entre os corretores e outro reflexo verdadeiro da promessa de nossa marca. Com a Axi Select, oferecemos oportunidades inigualveis aos nossos traders, redefinindo os limites do que possvel na negociao e remodelando a evoluo do setor financeiro.”

Para obter mais informaes sobre o Axi Select, visite https://www.axi.com/int/funded–trader–programme

Veja este vdeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDZeNJGi_UU

Sobre a Axi

Axi uma corretora global de negociao on–line de FX e CFDs. Como corretora preferida de milhares de clientes ambiciosos em mais de 100 pases em todo o mundo, ajudamos todos os tipos de traders, empresas de trading, bancos e organizaes financeiras a encontrar o diferencial de que precisam para atingir suas metas financeiras atravs de transaes conscientes feitas nos mercados financeiros mundiais. A Axi oferece uma ampla gama de ativos, incluindo CFDs para diversas classes de ativos, como Forex, aes, petrleo, metais preciosos, caf, ndices e outras commodities.

Confira outras comunicaes da Axi em https://www.axi.com/int/blog/company–news

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000900242)