Diretor de Vendas da AI-Media Animado em Mostrar a Inovação de Legendagem na Próxima IBC Broadcast Tradeshow

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI–Media, lder em solues de legendagem, legendagem oculta, transcrio e traduo ao vivo com base em tecnologia, tem o prazer de anunciar sua presena na IBC Broadcast Tradeshow a ser realizada entre 15 e 18 de setembro em Amsterd, Pases Baixos. O evento promete ser um encontro de especialistas, lderes de pensamento e empresas inovadoras do setor de tecnologia de transmisso e mdia.

Como lder global em legendagem e legendagem oculta para a indstria de transmisso, a AI–Media tem orgulho de fazer parte deste evento influente. Nosso Diretor de Vendas, James Ward, liderar nossa delegao e representar o nosso compromisso com a excelncia no fornecimento de solues de ponta para nossos clientes e parceiros.

O Diretor de Vendas da AI–Media, James Ward, disse:

um grande prazer fazer parte da IBC Broadcast Tradeshow mais uma vez. Esta feira uma plataforma excepcional para mostrarmos nossas ltimas inovaes e demonstrarmos como continuamos a expandir os limites do que possvel no setor de transmisso. Estamos empolgados em nos envolver com lderes, clientes e parceiros do setor e compartilhar nossa viso para o futuro da transmisso.”

A AI–Media mostrar vrias solues–chave de transmisso no evento, com a nossa base fundamental, nossa soluo de legendagem automtica ao vivo com tecnologia AI "" LEXI. A LEXI oferece consistentemente taxas de preciso de mais de 98%, identifica alteraes no falante, usa IA para garantir que as legendas no interrompam o contedo na tela e tudo por uma frao do custo da legendagem humana. Esta ferramenta inovadora est revolucionando a legendagem em tempo real, fornecendo uma soluo econmica que est sendo adotada pelas principais emissoras do mundo. A AI–Media far demonstraes ao vivo no estande mostrando essa tecnologia inovadora em ao.

O recm–lanado LEXI Captioning Tool Kit, alimentado por IA, tambm ser apresentado na IBC2023, com seis solues principais, todas projetadas para atender as diferentes necessidades da legendagem. O LEXI Tool Kit transforma a criao e legendagem de contedo, oferecendo solues completas de ponta a ponta para empresas de mdia, emissoras, produtores de eventos, instituies educacionais e criadores de contedo em todo o mundo. As emissoras podem misturar e combinar os componentes do Tool Kit para atender s necessidades dos seus negcios, acessando solues, incluindo legendagem, traduo, arquivamento e pesquisa, e recuperao de desastres.

Com a produo de vdeo IP na vanguarda da inovao no cenrio de transmisso, as emissoras podem procurar a soluo ALTA da AI–Media para codificao de legendagem e legendagem oculta compatvel com IP. A ALTA compatvel com padres de transmisso globais, incluindo SMPTE–2110, entradas MPEG–TS e com sada 2110–40, legendas DVB, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext e SMPTE 2038. Implantvel como uma mquina virtual autnoma, uma AMI pr–definida ou um servidor fsico pronto para uso, a ALTA pode se encaixar em qualquer fluxo de trabalho de produo. Alm de lidar sem esforo com seis idiomas por instncia, a ALTA tambm compatvel com insero de dicas de publicidade com SCTE–35 e SCTE–104. Com a ALTA, a AI–Media est ajudando as emissoras a elevar suas transmisses de vdeo IP a novos patamares de alcance e acessibilidade. Tambm estar disponvel no estande nossa linha de codificadores de hardware SDI, incluindo nosso codificador de legenda RU Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 – agora sinnimo de padro de transmisso para codificadores SDI.

Tambm estamos muito contentes de fornecer aos clientes uma viso antecipada da nossa soluo LEXI Translate atualizada, o prximo nvel de acessibilidade de idiomas do nosso LEXI Tool Kit. Esta verso, a ser lanada em breve, tem uma preciso inigualvel na traduo em tempo real, permitindo que as emissoras distribuam contedo para um pblico mais amplo do que nunca.

Junte–se AI–Media na IBC 2023, de 15 a 18 de setembro, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Estande #5.C31. Os participantes podem marcar uma reunio com a equipe da AI–Media para descobrir sua gama de solues de legendagem de transmisso.

Sobre a AI–Media

Fundada na Austrlia em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI–Media lder global de solues de legendagem transcrio e traduo ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agncias governamentais do mundo a garantir alta preciso, segurana e custo–benefcio por meio da sua soluo de legendagem automtica LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI so entregues a milhes de telas em todo o mundo atravs da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI–Media e sua iCap Cloud Network "" a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI–Media entrega mais de 8 milhes de minutos de mdia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI–Media negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrlia (ASX: AIM). Para mais informao, visite AI–Media.tv.

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/976356bd–2ae1–4f56–89ed–437f9da454a2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922473)

Chief Sales Officer of AI-Media Excited to Showcase Subtitling Innovation at Upcoming IBC Broadcast Tradeshow

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, the leader in technology–driven live captioning & subtitling, transcription, and translation solutions, is excited to announce its presence at the IBC Show 2023, scheduled to take place from 15th "" 18th September in Amsterdam, NE. The event promises to be a gathering of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovative companies in the broadcast and media technology sector.

As the global leader in captioning and subtitling for the broadcast industry, AI–Media is proud to be part of this influential event. Our Chief Sales Officer, James Ward, will lead our delegation and represent our commitment to excellence in delivering cutting–edge solutions to our clients and partners.

AI–Media's Chief Sales Officer, James Ward said:

“We are delighted to participate at the IBC show once again. This tradeshow is an exceptional platform for us to showcase our latest innovations and demonstrate how we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the broadcast industry. We're excited to engage with industry leaders, customers, and partners, and to share our vision for the future of broadcasting.”

AI–Media will be showcasing several key broadcast solutions at the event, the cornerstone of which is our AI–Powered live automatic captioning solution "" LEXI. LEXI consistently delivers accuracy rates of over 98%, identifies speaker changes, uses AI to ensure captions don't interrupt onscreen content and all at a fraction of the cost of human captions. This innovative tool is revolutionizing real–time captioning, providing a cost–effective solution that has been embraced by the world's leading broadcasters. AI–Media will be conducting live demos at the booth to display this groundbreaking technology in action.

The recently launched AI–powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit will also be featured at IBC2023, featuring six key solutions each designed to address different captioning needs. LEXI Tool Kit transforms content creation and captioning, offering complete end–to–end solutions for media companies, broadcasters, event producers, educational institutions, and content creators worldwide. Broadcasters can mix and match the Tool Kit components to suit their business needs, accessing solutions including captioning, translation, archiving & search and disaster recovery.

With IP video production at the forefront of innovation in the broadcasting landscape; broadcasters can look to AI–Media's ALTA solution for their IP compatible closed captioning and subtitling encoding solution. ALTA supports global broadcast standards including SMPTE–2110, MPEG–TS inputs, and can output 2110–40, DVB subtitles, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext and SMPTE 2038. Deployable as a standalone virtual machine, a pre–packaged AMI or turnkey physical server, ALTA can fit into any production workflow. Along with effortlessly handling six languages per instance, ALTA also supports the insertion of advertising cues using SCTE–35 and SCTE–104. With ALTA, AI–Media is helping broadcasters elevate their IP video broadcasts to new heights of reach and accessibility. Also available at the booth will be our range of SDI Hardware Encoders, including our Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 RU caption encoder – now synonymous as the broadcast standard for SDI encoders.

We're also excited to provide customers with an early look at our upgraded LEXI Translate solution, which is the next level of language accessibility within our LEXI Tool Kit. This soon to be released version boasts unmatched accuracy in real–time translation, allowing broadcasters to distribute content to a wider audience than ever before.

Join AI–Media at IBC 2023, September 15–18, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Booth #5.C31. Attendees are encouraged to book a meeting with the AI–Media team to discover our range of end–to–end broadcast captioning solutions.

About AI–Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company AI–Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription and translation solutions. The company helps the world's leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure and cost–effective captioning via its AI–powered LEXI automatic captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via AI–Media's range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network "" the world's largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, AI–Media delivers over 8 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. AI–Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM). For more information, please visit AI–Media.tv.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/976356bd–2ae1–4f56–89ed–437f9da454a2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921516)

Duck Creek Technologies gibt Ernennung eines neuen Chief Financial Officer bekannt

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– sowie der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet, gibt die Ernennung von Teresa M. Kim zum Chief Financial Officer (CFO) bekannt. Teresa M. Kim ist eine versierte Fhrungskraft im Finanzbereich mit hervorragenden Kenntnissen und langjhriger Erfahrung in den Bereichen Cloud Computing, Technologieplattformen und der ffentlichen Rechnungslegung bei Unternehmen der "Big Four". Sie wechselt zu Duck Creek, nachdem sie 20 Jahre lang bei Akamai Technologies (Akamai), einem weltweiten Content–Delivery–Network– und Cloud–Service–Unternehmen, beschftigt war. Dort hatte sie zuletzt die Position des Vice President (VP) of Finance in der Cloud–Technologie–Gruppe inne und zeichnete fr einen Umsatz von mehr als 2 Milliarden US–Dollar verantwortlich, whrend sie dem Unternehmen half, eine skalierende Plattform der Spitzenklasse aufzubauen. Whrend ihrer Zeit bei Akamai war sie auerdem VP of Finance in der Medien– und Karriereabteilung des Unternehmens und half dabei, strategische Vertragsverhandlungen mit Medienkunden zu fhren. Zuvor war sie als Controller–Assistentin fr die globale Buchhaltung und den Betrieb zustndig und leitete ein groes Team von 120 Fachleuten sowie den Aufbau von Kompetenzzentren fr Finanzen in Indien und Polen.

Vor ihrer Ttigkeit bei Akamai war Kim als leitende Wirtschaftsprferin bei Ernst & Young (EY) ttig, wo sie Kunden im Technologie–, Kommunikations– und Unterhaltungssektor von EY untersttzte. Sie begann ihre Karriere in der Finanzberatung bei KPMG und Economic Analysis Corporation, bevor sie in die ffentliche Rechnungslegung wechselte.

"Frau Kim ist eine dynamische und umsichtige Fhrungspersnlichkeit mit ausgeprgtem finanziellen Scharfsinn, Kundenorientierung und Erfahrung im Bereich Cloud– und Plattformtechnologie. Da sich Duck Creek weiterhin auf internationales Wachstum und SaaS–Reife konzentriert, wird sie eine enorme Bereicherung sein, wenn es darum geht, unsere eigene strategische Transformation zu steuern und unsere Finanzoperationen zu optimieren", sagte Mike Jackowski, CEO von Duck Creek. "Dies ist eine aufregende Zeit fr uns alle bei Duck Creek, und ich bin zuversichtlich, dass ihr Talent uns helfen wird, weiterhin Werte fr unsere Kunden, Partner und Stakeholder zu schaffen."

Teresa M. Kim sagte dazu: "Ich freue mich, bei Duck Creek mitzuarbeiten, da das Unternehmen seine Fhrungsposition in der globalen Versicherungsbranche ausbaut. Ich fhle mich geehrt, dass ich die Gelegenheit habe, mit Mike Jackowski und dem gesamten Team von Duck Creek in einer Zeit des beschleunigten Wachstums eng zusammenzuarbeiten."

Teresa M. Kim erwarb ihren Bachelor of Arts mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft und dem Nebenfach Asiatisch–Amerikanische Studien an der UCLA. Sie erwarb einen MBA und einen Masterabschluss in Rechnungswesen an der Northeastern University. Teresa M. Kim ist im Groraum Boston ansssig.

ber Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermglicht, die Leistungsfhigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und immerwhrende Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizitt, Zweckmigkeit und Transparenz sind fr Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfgbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten brauchen. Unsere marktfhrenden Lsungen sind als Einzellsungen oder als Komplettpaket erhltlich. Alle sind ber Duck Creek OnDemand verfgbar. Besuchen Sie www.duckcreek.com, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanlen fr die neuesten Informationen "" LinkedIn und Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankndigung ist verfgbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4a0ac0b9–1a79–4e33–a4bb–d27139e4383d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920167)

Duck Creek Technologies Nomeia Nova Diretora de Finanças

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeao de Teresa M. Kim como Diretora de Finanas. Kim lder financeira snior talentosa com slida experincia e histrico em computao em nuvem, plataformas de tecnologia e auditoria e consultoria “Big Four”. Ela ingressou na Duck Creek aps uma carreira de 20 anos na Akamai Technologies (Akamai), empresa mundial de rede de distribuio de contedo e servios em nuvem, onde recentemente foi vice–presidente (VP) de finanas do grupo de tecnologia em nuvem, supervisionando uma receita de mais de US $ 2 bilhes, ajudando a empresa a criar uma plataforma de escala de categoria internacional. Na Akamai ela tambm foi vice–presidente de finanas da diviso de mdia e operadoras, ajudando a liderar negociaes estratgicas de contratos de clientes de mdia. Ela tambm ocupou o cargo de controladora assistente, supervisionando a contabilidade e operaes globais, liderando uma grande equipe de 120 profissionais, criando centros financeiros de excelncia na ndia e na Polnia.

Antes da Akamai, Kim atuou como auditora snior da Ernst &Young (EY), apoiando clientes no setor de tecnologia, comunicaes e entretenimento da EY. Ela iniciou sua carreira em funes de consultoria financeira na KPMG e na Economic Analysis Corporation antes de passar para a contabilidade pblica.

"Teresa uma lder dinmica e ponderada, com forte perspiccia financeira, foco no cliente e experincia em operaes de tecnologia de nuvem e plataforma. Com a Duck Creek dando continuidade sua concentrao no crescimento internacional e na maturidade SaaS, ela ser uma tremenda adio para ajudar a direcionar nossa prpria transformao estratgica e otimizar nossas operaes financeiras", disse Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek. "Este um momento empolgante para todos ns da Duck Creek e estou confiante de que seu talento nos ajudar a continuar criando valor para nossos clientes, parceiros e partes interessadas."

Kim acrescentou: "Estou muito feliz em me juntar Duck Creek, pois ela fortalece sua posio de liderana no setor global de seguros. Me sinto honrada em ter a oportunidade de trabalhar em estreita colaborao com Mike e toda a equipe da Duck Creek durante um perodo de crescimento acelerado."

Kim fez BA com foco em economia e especializao em estudos asitico–americanos na UCLA. Ela fez MBA e mestrado em contabilidade na Northeastern University. Kim est baseada na regio metropolitana de Boston.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indstria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operaes geis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propsito e transparncia so fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponvel para indivduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas solues lderes do mercado esto disponveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite www.duckcreek.com para obter mais informao. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informaes "" LinkedIn e Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4a0ac0b9–1a79–4e33–a4bb–d27139e4383d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920167)

Duck Creek Technologies annonce la nomination d'une nouvelle directrice financière

BOSTON, 11 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD, annonce la nomination de Teresa M. Kim au poste de directrice financire. Mme Kim est une cheffe de file majeure et accomplie dans le domaine des finances, possdant un historique et des antcdents solides en cloud–computing, en plateformes technologiques et en comptabilit publique des Big Four . Elle rejoint Duck Creek aprs 20 annes passes chez Akamai Technologies (Akamai), une socit de services cloud et un rseau de diffusion de contenu dans le monde entier, o elle tait le plus rcemment vice–prsidente des finances dans son groupe de technologie cloud, supervisant plus de 2 milliards de dollars de recettes tout en aidant l'entreprise btir une plateforme de classe mondiale volutive. Lorsqu'elle travaillait chez Akamai, elle tait aussi vice–prsidente des finances dans sa division mdias et supports, aidant mener des ngociations de contrats clients stratgiques dans le domaine des mdias. Elle occupait auparavant une fonction de contrleuse adjointe, supervisant la comptabilit et les oprations mondiales la tte d'une grande quipe de 120 professionnels et btissant des centres financiers d'excellence en Inde et en Pologne.

Avant d'arriver chez Akamai, Kim a occup la fonction d'auditrice suprieure pour Ernst & Young (EY), soutenant les clients d'EY dans le secteur de la technologie, des communications et du divertissement. Elle a dbut sa carrire des postes de conseil financier chez KPMG et Economic Analysis Corporation avant de passer la comptabilit publique.

Teresa est une cheffe de file dynamique et rflchie associant un puissant savoir–faire financier, une focalisation client importante et une grande exprience dans les oprations technologiques de plateforme et cloud. Alors que Duck Creek continue de se concentrer sur la croissance internationale et la maturit du SaaS, elle sera un atout prodigieux pour aider diriger notre propre transformation stratgique et optimiser nos oprations financires , a dclar Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek. Il s'agit d'un moment palpitant pour nous tous, chez Duck Creek, et je suis persuad que son talent nous aidera continuer crer de la valeur pour nos clients, nos partenaires et nos parties prenantes.

Mme Kim a ajout : Je me rjouis de rejoindre Duck Creek alors que cette entreprise renforce sa position de leader dans le secteur mondial de l'assurance. Je suis honore d'avoir l'opportunit de travailler en troite collaboration avec Mike et toute l'quipe de Duck Creek au cours d'une priode de croissance acclre.

Mme Kim a acquis sa licence en conomie avec option tudes asio–amricaines l'UCLA. Elle a obtenu son MBA et un master de comptabilit la Northeastern University. Mme Kim est base dans le Grand Boston.

propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systmes d'assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des oprations agiles, intelligentes et prennes. Authenticit, mission et transparence sont les mots cls de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l'assurance devrait tre au service des individus et des entreprises quand, o et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du march sont disponibles sparment ou sous la forme d'une suite complte, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur www.duckcreek.com. Suivez Duck Creek sur ses rseaux sociaux pour connatre les toutes dernires informations "" LinkedIn et Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4a0ac0b9–1a79–4e33–a4bb–d27139e4383d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920167)

Duck Creek Technologies Announces New Chief Financial Officer

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces the appointment of Teresa M. Kim as chief financial officer (CFO). Kim is an accomplished senior finance leader with a strong background and history in cloud computing, technology platforms, and "Big Four" public accounting. She joins Duck Creek following a 20–year tenure with Akamai Technologies (Akamai), a worldwide content delivery network and cloud service company, where she most recently served as vice president (VP) of finance in their cloud technology group overseeing $2 billion–plus in revenues while helping the business to build a scaling world–class platform. While at Akamai, she also was VP of finance in their media and carrier division helping to lead strategic media customer contract negotiations. Previously, she held a role as assistant controller overseeing global accounting and operations leading a large team of 120 professionals and building out finance centers of excellence in India and Poland.

Prior to Akamai, Kim served as a senior auditor with Ernst &Young (EY), supporting clients in EY's technology, communications, and entertainment sector. She began her career in financial consulting roles with KPMG and Economic Analysis Corporation before moving into public accounting.

"Teresa is a dynamic and thoughtful leader with strong financial acumen, client focus, and experience across cloud and platform technology operations. As Duck Creek continues to focus on international growth and SaaS maturity, she will be a tremendous asset in helping to direct our own strategic transformation and optimize our financial operations," said Mike Jackowski, CEO of Duck Creek. "This is an exciting time for all of us at Duck Creek and I am confident her talent will help us to continue creating value for our customers, partners, and stakeholders."

Kim adds, "I'm excited to join Duck Creek as it strengthens its leadership position in the global insurance industry. I'm honored to have the opportunity to work closely with Mike and the entire Duck Creek team during a period of accelerated growth."

Kim earned her Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus in economics and minor in Asian American studies from UCLA. She earned her MBA and a master's degree in accounting from Northeastern University. Kim is based in the greater Boston area.

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit www.duckcreek.com to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information "" LinkedIn and Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4a0ac0b9–1a79–4e33–a4bb–d27139e4383d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8919541)

eXp World Holdings Nomeia Fred Reichheld para o Conselho Diretor

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) (a "Empresa") anunciou esta semana a nomeao do criador do Net Promoter System (NPS), Fred Reichheld, para o conselho de administrao da Empresa, a partir de 7 de setembro de 2023.

" com muita honra que damos as boas–vindas a Fred Reichheld ao nosso Conselho Diretor", disse Glenn Sanford, Fundador, CEO e Diretor da eXp World Holdings. "Para as empresas que valorizam a satisfao e a lealdade dos clientes e funcionrios, como ns, o Net Promoter System perfeito. A realizao de pesquisas regulares de NPS com nossos agentes e funcionrios desde 2016 tem sido fundamental para a nossa misso centrada no agente, e Fred compartilhou sua sabedoria com nossa equipe na Reunio com Acionistas deste ano. Estou muito feliz em t–lo no nosso Conselho de Administrao e estou pronto para este nosso trabalho conjunto."

Alm de criar o sistema NPS, Reichheld um palestrante bem conhecido e autor de best–sellers. Seu livro mais recente, "Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers", explica como o NPS ajuda as empresas a se tornarem verdadeiramente centradas no cliente, terem um crescimento lucrativo atravs da converso sistemtica de mais clientes em promotores, e menos negativos. Ele membro da Bain & Company e fundador da sua prtica de Fidelidade. Ele se formou com honras no Harvard College (BA, 1974) e na Harvard Business School (MBA, 1978).

Simultaneamente nomeao de Reichheld, Sir Darren Jacklin deixar o cargo, mas continuar a atuar no Conselho Diretor da eXp Realty Canada. Aps essas mudanas, o conselho da eXp World Holdings passar a contar com sete diretores, quatro dos quais so independentes. Jacklin atuou no Conselho de Administrao da eXp World Holdings durante quase 10 anos.

"Darren tem sido parte integrante desta empresa, e temos a sorte de ter sua viso e liderana contnuas no Conselho de Administrao da eXp Canada", disse Sanford. "Gostaria de agradecer pessoalmente a ele por toda a sua contribuio durante todos esses anos. Sua experincia com visitas a quatro continentes e mais de 50 pases para orientar empreendedores e proprietrios de empresas quanto a estratgias especficas e mensurveis projetadas voltadas para o sucesso ser de grande valia para ns. A eXp Canada se beneficiar muito com a sua experincia e sabedoria.”

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) a holding da eXp Realty , Virbela e SUCCESS Enterprises.

A eXp Realty a maior empresa imobiliria independente do mundo, com mais de 88.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canad, Reino Unido, Austrlia, frica do Sul, ndia, Mxico, Portugal, Frana, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itlia, Hong Kong, Colmbia, Espanha, Israel, Panam, Alemanha, Repblica Dominicana, Grcia, Nova Zelndia, Chile, Polnia e Dubai alm de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobilirio a oportunidade nica de ganhar prmios de capital por metas de produo e contribuies para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de solues tecnolgicas de corretagem e imobiliria, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, servios profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, que permite que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS e seus ativos de mdia, foi fundada em 1897 e uma marca e publicao lder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informao, visite https://expworldholdings.com.

Declarao de Previso

As declaraes de previso contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declaraes de previso que tm por base a atual opinio e suposies da administrao que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. As declaraes de previso so vlidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a empresa no tem nenhuma obrigao de atualizar ou revisar tais declaraes. Tais declaraes no so garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declaraes de previso incluem, mudanas nos negcios ou outras condies de mercado; dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em nveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, de aumentar a receita; e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comisso de Valores Mobilirios da empresa, incluindo, mas no se limitando ao Relatrio Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulrio 10–Q e no Relatrio Anual no Formulrio 10–K.

Contato de Relaes com a Mdia:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contato de Relaes com Investidores:

Denise Garcia


Foto deste comunicado disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/097fbd03–129c–44d0–bb81–073f4d26b3a7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8918661)

eXp World Holdings accueille Fred Reichheld au sein de son conseil d'administration

BELLINGHAM, Washington, 07 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) (la Socit ) a annonc cette semaine l'intgration de Fred Reichheld, crateur du Net Promoter System (NPS), au sein du conseil d'administration de la Socit, en date effective du 7 septembre 2023.

Nous sommes honors d'accueillir Fred Reichheld au sein de notre conseil d'administration , a dclar Glenn Sanford, fondateur, prsident et directeur gnral d'eXp World Holdings. Pour les socits comme la ntre, qui accordent de l'importance satisfaction de leurs clients et de leurs employs, le Net Promoter System est comparable au Saint Graal. Nous menons rgulirement des enqutes NPS auprs de nos agents et de notre personnel depuis 2016, et cela joue un rle crucial en vue d'accomplir notre mission centre sur les agents. Par ailleurs, Fred a partag sa sagesse avec notre quipe lors du Sommet des actionnaires de cette anne. Je suis ravi de le voir rejoindre notre conseil d'administration et impatient de travailler encore plus troitement avec lui.

En plus d'avoir cr le systme NPS, M. Reichheld est un confrencier convoit et auteur de best–sellers. Son tout dernier livre, Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers , explique comment le NPS aide les entreprises s'axer vritablement sur leurs clients et bnficier ainsi d'une croissance profitable en convertissant systmatiquement davantage de clients en promoteurs, et de moins en moins d'entre eux en dtracteurs. C'est actuellement un Bain & Company Fellow et c'est le fondateur de leur pratique Loyalty. Il a obtenu ses diplmes avec mention tant au Harvard College (une licence en 1974) qu' la Harvard Business School (un MBA en 1978).

Simultanment avec la nomination de M. Reichheld, Sir Darren Jacklin quittera son poste mais continuera de servir le conseil d'administration d'eXp Realty Canada. Suite ces changement, le conseil d'administration d'eXp World Holdings comprendra sept administrateurs, dont quatre indpendants. M. Jacklin a servi le conseil d'administration d'eXp World Holdings pendant prs de 10 ans.

Darren a t une part intgrante de cette entreprise, et nous avons de la chance de continuer bnficier de ses connaissances et de son leadership au sein du conseil d'administration d'eXp Canada , a comment M. Sanford. J'aimerais le remercier personnellement pour toutes ses contributions au fil des ans. Son exprience acquise en voyageant sur quatre continents et dans plus de 50 pays, o il a jou le rle de mentor auprs d'entrepreneurs et de chefs d'entreprise pour les conseiller sur des stratgies spcifiques et mesurables qui leur permettraient de russir, a t un excellent atout pour nous. eXp Canada bnficiera grandement de son exprience et de sa sagesse.

propos d'eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la socit holding d'eXp Realty , Virbela et SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty est la plus grande socit immobilire indpendante dans le monde avec plus de 88 000 agents aux tats–Unis, au Canada, au Royaume–Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, Porto Rico, au Brsil, en Italie, Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Isral, au Panama, en Allemagne, en Rpublique dominicaine, en Grce, en Nouvelle–Zlande, au Chili, en Pologne et Duba, et elle continue de se dvelopper l'chelle internationale. En tant que socit cote en bourse, eXp World Holdings fournit aux professionnels immobiliers l'opportunit unique d'obtenir des primes en actions en fonction de leurs objectifs de production et de leur contribution la croissance globale de l'entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entreprises offrent une gamme complte de solutions technologiques en matire de courtage et d'immobilier, y compris son modle innovant de courtage rsidentiel et commercial, ses services professionnels, ses outils de collaboration et son dveloppement personnel. Le service de courtage bas sur le cloud est aliment par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondment sociale et collaborative, permettant aux agents d'tre plus connects et productifs. SUCCESS Enterprises, ancre par le magazine SUCCESS et ses proprits mdiatiques connexes, a t cre en 1897 et est une marque ainsi qu'une publication de premier plan dans le domaine du dveloppement personnel et professionnel.

Pour tout complment d'information, veuillez consulter le site https://expworldholdings.com.

noncs prospectifs

Les noncs contenus dans les prsentes peuvent inclure des noncs de futures attentes et d'autres noncs prospectifs se basant sur les opinions et suppositions actuelles de la direction et impliquent des risques connus et inconnus ainsi que des incertitudes pouvant causer une diffrence substantielle entre les rsultats, performances ou vnements rels et ceux exprims ou sous–entendus dans ces noncs. Ces noncs prospectifs sont valables uniquement la date indique dans les prsentes, et la socit n'assume aucune obligation de les rviser ou de les mettre jour. Ces noncs ne sont pas des garanties de performances futures. Des facteurs importants pouvant causer une diffrence substantielle et dfavorable entre les rsultats rels et ceux exprims dans les noncs prospectifs comprennent les changements commerciaux ou d'autres conditions du march ; la difficult de maintenir la hausse des dpenses des niveaux modestes tout en augmentant les recettes ; et les autres risques dtaills de temps autre dans les dpts de la socit auprs de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, sans s'y limiter, le rapport trimestriel le plus rcemment dpos sur formulaire 10–Q et le rapport annuel sur formulaire 10–K.

Contact des relations avec les mdias :

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contact des relations avec les investisseurs :

Denise Garcia


Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/097fbd03–129c–44d0–bb81–073f4d26b3a7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8918661)

eXp World Holdings beruft Fred Reichheld in den Vorstand

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) (das "Unternehmen") gab diese Woche die Berufung von Fred Reichheld, dem Erfinder des Net Promoter –Systems (NPS) in den Vorstand des Unternehmens mit Wirkung zum 7. September 2023 bekannt.

"Wir fhlen uns geehrt, Fred Reichheld in unserem Vorstand willkommen zu heien", so Glenn Sanford, Grnder, CEO und Vorsitzender von eXp World Holdings. "Fr Unternehmen, die wie wir groen Wert auf die Zufriedenheit und Loyalitt von Kund*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen legen, ist das Net Promoter–System der heilige Gral. Die regelmigen NPS–Umfragen, die wir seit 2016 bei unseren Makler*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen durchfhren, sind zur Erfllung unserer Makler–orientierten Mission von entscheidender Bedeutung. Fred Reichheld teilte seine umfassende Fachkompetenz mit unserem Team auf dem diesjhrigen Shareholder Summit. Ich freue mich sehr ber seine Berufung in den Vorstand und die knftig noch engere Zusammenarbeit."

Fred Reichheld hat nicht nur das NPS–System entwickelt, er ist auch ein gefragter Redner und Bestsellerautor. In seinem neuesten Buch "Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers" (Die unschlagbare Strategie der Kundenliebe) erlutert er, wie das NPS es Unternehmen ermglicht, echte Kundenfokussierung zu erreichen und profitables Wachstum zu erzielen, indem die Unternehmen systematisch mehr Kunden zu Promotern machen und die Zahl der Kritiker verringern. Fred Reichheld ist derzeit Fellow der Bain & Company und Grnder der Loyalty Practice des Unternehmens. Er schloss sowohl das Harvard College (B.A., 1974) als auch die Harvard Business School (M.B.A., 1978) mit Auszeichnung ab.

Gleichzeitig mit der Ernennung Reichhelds wird Sir Darren Jacklin aus dem Vorstand ausscheiden, aber weiterhin im Vorstand von eXp Realty Canada ttig sein. Mit Inkrafttreten dieser nderungen setzt sich der Vorstand von eXp World Holdings aus sieben Mitgliedern, davon vier unabhngigen Mitgliedern, zusammen. Sir Darren Jacklin war fast 10 Jahre lang Vorstandsmitglied von eXp World Holdings.

"Darren Jacklin hat dieses Unternehmen mageblich geprgt und wir sind froh, dass er auch weiterhin im Vorstand von eXp Canada ttig ist", so Sanford. "Ich mchte ihm persnlich fr die vielen Beitrge danken, die er im Laufe der Jahre geleistet hat. Seine Erfahrung, die er auf vier Kontinenten und in ber 50 Lndern gesammelt hat, um Unternehmern und Geschftsinhabern spezifische und messbare Strategien fr ihren Erfolg zu vermitteln, war ein groer Gewinn fr uns. eXp Canada wird von seiner Erfahrung und profunden Expertise sehr profitieren."

ber eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) ist die Holdinggesellschaft von eXp Realty , Virbela und SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty ist mit mehr als 88.000 Maklerinnen und Maklern in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Knigreich, Australien, Sdafrika, Indien, Mexiko, Portugal, Frankreich, Puerto Rico, Brasilien, Italien, Hongkong, Kolumbien, Spanien, Israel, Panama, Deutschland, der Dominikanischen Republik, Griechenland, Neuseeland, Chile, Polen und Dubai das grte unabhngige Immobilienunternehmen der Welt und expandiert international weiter. Als brsennotiertes Unternehmen bietet eXp World Holdings Immobilienfachleuten die einzigartige Mglichkeit, Aktienprmien fr Produktionsziele und Beitrge zum Gesamtwachstum des Unternehmens zu erhalten. eXp World Holdings und seine Unternehmen bieten ein umfassendes Angebot an Makler– und Immobilientechnologielsungen, darunter ein innovatives Maklermodell fr Wohn– und Gewerbeimmobilien, professionelle Dienstleistungen, Tools fr die Zusammenarbeit und persnliche Entwicklung. Das Cloud–basierte Maklerunternehmen wird von Virbela untersttzt, einer immersiven 3D–Plattform mit sehr sozialer und kollaborativer Ausrichtung, die es den Makler*innen ermglicht, besser vernetzt und produktiver zu sein. SUCCESS Enterprises, verankert durch die Fachzeitschrift SUCCESS und die dazugehrigen Medien, wurde 1897 gegrndet und ist eine fhrende Marke und Publikation fr persnliche und berufliche Entwicklung.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://expworldholdings.com.

"Safe Harbor"–Erklrung

Die Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung knnen Aussagen zu zuknftigen Erwartungen und andere zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen enthalten, die auf den gegenwrtigen Ansichten und Annahmen des Managements beruhen und bekannte sowie unbekannte Risiken und Ungewissheiten beinhalten, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Ereignisse wesentlich von den in diesen Aussagen ausgedrckten oder implizierten abweichen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt der Verffentlichung dieses Dokuments, und das Unternehmen verpflichtet sich nicht, sie zu berarbeiten oder zu aktualisieren. Diese Aussagen sind keine Garantie fr knftige Leistungen. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich und nachteilig von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zum Ausdruck gebrachten Ergebnissen abweichen, gehren nderungen der Geschfts– oder sonstigen Marktbedingungen, die Schwierigkeit, das Kostenwachstum auf moderatem Niveau zu halten und gleichzeitig die Einnahmen zu steigern, sowie andere Risiken, die von Zeit zu Zeit in den bei der Securities and Exchange Commission eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens, darunter dem zuletzt eingereichten Quartalsbericht auf Formular 10–Q und dem Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K, beschrieben werden.


eXp World Holdings, Inc.



Denise Garcia


Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfgbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/097fbd03–129c–44d0–bb81–073f4d26b3a7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8918661)

eXp World Holdings Appoints Fred Reichheld to Board of Directors

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) (the "Company") this week announced the appointment of Net Promoter System (NPS) creator Fred Reichheld to the Company's board of directors, effective Sept. 7, 2023.

"We are honored to welcome Fred Reichheld to our Board of Directors," said Glenn Sanford, Founder, CEO and Chairman of eXp World Holdings. "For companies that value customer and employee satisfaction and loyalty, as we do, the holy grail is the Net Promoter System. Conducting regular NPS surveys with our agents and staff since 2016 is core to delivering on our agent–centric mission, and Fred shared his wisdom with our team at this year's Shareholder Summit. I am thrilled to have him on our Board of Directors and look forward to working even more closely together."

In addition to creating the NPS system, Reichheld is a sought–after speaker and best–selling author. His most recent book, "Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers," explains how NPS helps companies become truly customer–centric, experiencing profitable growth through systematically converting more customers into promoters and fewer into detractors. He is currently a Bain & Company Fellow and founder of their Loyalty practice. He graduated with honors both from Harvard College (B.A., 1974) and Harvard Business School (M.B.A., 1978).

Concurrent with Reichheld's appointment, Sir Darren Jacklin will step down but continue to serve on the eXp Realty Canada Board of Directors. Following these changes, the eXp World Holdings board will comprise seven directors, four of whom are independent. Jacklin served on the eXp World Holdings Board of Directors for nearly 10 years.

"Darren has been an integral part of this company, and we are fortunate to have his continued insight and leadership on the eXp Canada Board of Directors," said Sanford. "I would like to personally thank him for all his many contributions over the years. His experience traveling to four continents and over 50 countries mentoring entrepreneurs and business owners on specific and measurable strategies designed to build their success was a great asset to us. eXp Canada will greatly benefit from his experience and wisdom."

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty , Virbela and SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 88,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud–based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com.

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward–looking statements that are based on management's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such forward–looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward–looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10–Q and Annual Report on Form 10–K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/097fbd03–129c–44d0–bb81–073f4d26b3a7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8917806)