GMAC Expands Global Representation in Board and School Membership

RESTON, Va., Sept. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a global association of leading graduate business schools, today announced changes to its board of directors. Themin Suwardy, a GMAC board member since 2019 and associate provost of postgraduate professional education at Singapore Management University, has been elected to chair the GMAC board. Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla, director of operations and academic experience at Tecnolgico de Monterrey's EGADE Business School in Mexico, as well as Curtis Ferguson, managing partner at Ventech China, have joined the GMAC board as its newest members.

In addition, GMAC welcomed Asia School of Business (ASB) as its 227th member school. Based in Kuala Lumpur, ASB was established in 2015 by the central bank of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, in collaboration with MIT Sloan School of Management in response to the need for world–class talent in Malaysia, the region and emerging world. Today, ASB's award–winning MBA degree program has been hailed as one of the most innovative MBA programs in the world.

"GMAC research has shown that business schools in Asia Pacific are attracting more talent in–region than prior to the pandemic despite rebounding international mobility, while those in Latin America are benefiting from growing international applications," said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. "I am thrilled to have these talented individuals and the esteemed ASB organization deepening their engagement with the Council, enhancing our board diversity and membership roster. They are bringing valuable perspectives and critical insights to GMAC's global mission of helping business schools and talent discover and evaluate each other."

More about New Directors on GMAC Board

Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla has a proven track record as an academic leader at several institutions among Tec de Monterrey System, including Virtual University and TecMilenio. At EGADE Business School, she oversees all student academic and life experience, administrative operations, and logistics for in–person and online students. She is a member of the board for Somos El Cambio and Instituto de Formacion y Perfeccionamiento Policial de San Pedro, both academic institutions. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration, a master's in education and a Ph.D. in education innovation from Tecnolgico de Monterrey in addition to a master's in business analytics from EGADE Business School.

Curtis Ferguson is a managing partner of Ventech China, where he leads investment in the country's fast–growing consumer markets. He was a former executive at The Coca–Cola Company for nearly four decades and most recently the president of The Coca–Cola Greater China, Korea & Mongolia Business Unit. He has been actively involved in education, having served as the chairman of Cairo American College and on the Dean's Advisory Council of his alma mater Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. His initiative of a scholarship program benefiting disadvantaged students from the Middle East and Africa has led to him and Coca–Cola being awarded the U.S. State Department Award for Corporate Citizenship. Mr. Ferguson holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Indiana University Kelley School and is a graduate of the Executive Development Programs at Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

While GMAC welcomes the new leadership and addition to its board, GMAC also recognizes and thanks its outgoing board chair, Jon Erickson, former president of education and career services at ACT, and outgoing board member, Katy Montgomery, former associate dean of degree programmes at INSEAD.

"I have in the past years worked alongside Jon and Katy, witnessing firsthand their dedication as we together advocate for the graduate management education community. I am grateful for their contributions," said Themin Suwardy, the newly elected GMAC board chair. "I look forward to leading the board, including our new additions Ana Mara and Curt, to create more values for the schools and candidates we so tirelessly serve."

More about Asia School of Business and GMAC Membership

Asia School of Business (ASB) "" the first GMAC member school from Malaysia "" aspires to be a premier school of management in Asia recognized for its ability to develop transformative and principled leaders who will contribute to a better future and to the advancement of the emerging world. Their approach to learning focuses on classroom rigor combined with onsite action learning experiences throughout Asia. Besides the MBA degree program, ASB also offers an executive MBA, a master in central banking, and a master in management degree to be launched later this year.

To be considered for membership in GMAC, a school must maintain a selective admissions process; offer a master's program in business administration, management subjects or equivalent; and demonstrate support of GMAC's mission of providing the tools and information necessary for schools and talent to discover and evaluate each other.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission–driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world–class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC's websites, including, to learn about MBA and business master's programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master's programs. BusinessBecause and GMAC Tours are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8916819)

GMAC erweitert globale Repräsentanz im Vorstand und bei den Mitgliedsschulen

RESTON, Virginia, Sept. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Der Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), ein weltweiter Verband fhrender Business Schools mit postgradualen Studiengngen, hat heute Vernderungen in seinem Vorstand bekannt gegeben. Themin Suwardy, seit 2019 Vorstandsmitglied des GMAC und Associate Provost fr die postgraduale Ausbildung an der Singapore Management University, wurde zum Vorsitzenden des GMAC–Vorstands gewhlt. Als neue Mitglieder des GMAC–Vorstands wurden Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla, Direktorin fr Operations und Academic Experience an der EGADE Business School der Tecnolgico de Monterrey in Mexiko, und Curtis Ferguson, Managing Partner bei Ventech China, aufgenommen.

Auerdem hie der GMAC die Asia School of Business (ASB) als 227. Mitgliedsschule willkommen. Die ASB mit Sitz in Kuala Lumpur wurde 2015 von der malaysischen Zentralbank Bank Negara Malaysia in Zusammenarbeit mit der MIT Sloan School of Management gegrndet, um dem Bedarf an erstklassigen Talenten in Malaysia, der Region und den Schwellenlndern gerecht zu werden. Der renommierte MBA–Studiengang der ASB gehrt heute zu den innovativsten MBA–Programmen der Welt.

"Die Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen des GMAC zeigen, dass die Business Schools im Asien–Pazifikraum trotz der wieder ansteigenden internationalen Mobilitt mehr Talente aus der Region anziehen als vor der Pandemie, whrend die Schulen in Lateinamerika von einem Anstieg internationaler Bewerbungen profitieren", so Joy Jones, CEO von GMAC. "Ich freue mich sehr, dass diese Spitzenkrfte und die hochgeschtzte ASB–Organisation ihr Engagement im Gremium vertiefen und damit die Vielfalt in unserem Vorstand und die Mitgliederliste vergrern. Sie bringen wertvolle Perspektiven und wichtige Erkenntnisse in die globale Mission von GMAC ein, Business Schools und Talente dabei zu untersttzen, sich gegenseitig zu entdecken und zu bewerten."

Weitere Informationen ber unsere neuen Mitglieder des GMAC–Vorstands

Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla verfgt ber eine ausgezeichnete Erfolgsbilanz als akademische Fhrungskraft in verschiedenen Einrichtungen des Tec de Monterrey Systems, darunter die Virtual University und TecMilenio. An der EGADE Business School hat sie die Aufsicht ber die akademischen und Praxiserfahrungen der Studierenden, die Verwaltungsablufe und die Logistik der Studierenden vor Ort und der Online–Studierenden. Sie ist Mitglied des Vorstands von Somos El Cambio und des Instituto de Formacion y Perfeccionamiento Policial de San Pedro, beides akademische Einrichtungen. Sie hat einen Bachelor–Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaft, einen Master–Abschluss in Pdagogik und einen Ph.D. in Bildungsinnovation von der Tecnolgico de Monterrey sowie einen Master–Abschluss in Wirtschaftsanalytik von der EGADE Business School.

Curtis Ferguson ist geschftsfhrender Gesellschafter von Ventech China und hat die Aufsicht ber Investitionen in die schnell wachsenden Verbrauchermrkte des Landes. Er hatte fast vierzig Jahre eine leitende Position bei The Coca–Cola Company inne und war zuletzt Prsident des Geschftsbereichs The Coca–Cola Greater China, Korea & Mongolia. Er hat sich aktiv fr das Bildungswesen engagiert und war Vorsitzender des Cairo American College und Mitglied des Dekanatsbeirats der Kelley School of Business seiner Alma Mater, der Indiana University. Seine Initiative fr ein Stipendienprogramm zugunsten benachteiligter Studierender aus dem Nahen Osten und Afrika hat dazu gefhrt, dass er und Coca–Cola mit dem U.S. State Department Award for Corporate Citizenship ausgezeichnet wurden. Herr Ferguson hat einen Bachelor of Science von der Indiana University Kelley School und ist Absolvent der Executive Development Programs der Stanford Graduate School of Business und der Wharton School der University of Pennsylvania.

Der GMAC heit die neuen Fhrungskrfte und Mitglieder des Vorstands willkommen, mchte aber auch dem scheidenden Vorstandsvorsitzenden Jon Erickson, ehemaliger Prsident der Bildungs– und Karrieredienste bei ACT, und dem scheidenden Vorstandsmitglied Katy Montgomery, ehemalige stellvertretende Dekanin fr Studiengnge bei INSEAD, fr ihr Engagement danken.

"In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich mit Jon Erickson und Katy Montgomery zusammengearbeitet und durfte hautnah miterleben, wie sie sich mit groem Engagement fr die Gemeinschaft im Bereich postgradualer Management–Studiengnge einsetzten. Ich bin dankbar fr ihre wertvollen Beitrge", sagte Themin Suwardy, der neu gewhlte GMAC–Vorstandsvorsitzende. "Ich freue mich darauf, den Vorstand, einschlielich unserer neuen Mitglieder Ana Mara und Curt, zu leiten, um mehr Werte fr die Schulen und Kandidaten zu schaffen, fr die wir uns so unermdlich einsetzen."

Weitere Informationen ber die Asia School of Business und die GMAC–Mitgliedschaft

Asia School of Business (ASB) "" die erste GMAC–Mitgliedsschule aus Malaysia "" ist bestrebt, eine fhrende School of Management in Asien zu werden, die fr ihre Fhigkeit gewrdigt wird, transformative Fhrungspersnlichkeiten mit hohen Ansprchen an Fhrungsgrundstze auszubilden, die zu einer besseren Zukunft und zur Weiterentwicklung der Schwellenlnder beitragen werden. Ihr Lernansatz ist vor allem von Sorgfalt und Genauigkeit im Klassenzimmer in Kombination mit Lernerfahrungen in der Praxis in ganz Asien geprgt. Neben dem MBA–Studiengang bietet die ASB auch einen Executive MBA, einen Master in Central Banking und einen Master in Management an, der noch in diesem Jahr eingefhrt werden soll.

Um fr die Mitgliedschaft im GMAC in Betracht zu kommen, mssen Hochschulen ein selektives Aufnahmeverfahren durchlaufen, einen Master–Studiengang in Betriebswirtschaft, Managementfcher oder vergleichbare Fcher anbieten und ihre Untersttzung der Mission des GMAC nachweisen, d. h. die Instrumente und Informationen verfgbar machen, die Schulen und Talente bentigen, um sich gegenseitig zu entdecken und zu bewerten.

ber den GMAC

Der Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) ist ein zielorientierter Verband fhrender Wirtschaftshochschulen mit postgradualen Studiengngen auf der ganzen Welt. Der GMAC bietet erstklassige Forschung, Branchenkonferenzen, Rekrutierungstools und Bewertungen fr Akteure im Bereich des weiterfhrenden Managementausbildung sowie Ressourcen, Veranstaltungen und Dienstleistungen, die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten auf ihrem Weg durch die Hochschulausbildung untersttzen. Der Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), der vom GMAC entwickelt und durchgefhrt wird, ist die am weitesten verbreitete Prfung an Wirtschaftshochschulen.

Mehr als 12 Millionen Studieninteressierte vertrauen jedes Jahr auf die Websites des GMAC, darunter, um sich ber MBA– und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Masterstudiengnge zu informieren, Kontakte zu Hochschulen auf der ganzen Welt zu knpfen, sich auf Klausuren vorzubereiten und anzumelden und Ratschlge fr eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung fr MBA– und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Masterstudiengnge zu erhalten. BusinessBecause und GMAC Tours sind Tochtergesellschaften des GMAC, einer globalen Organisation mit Niederlassungen in China, Indien, dem Vereinigten Knigreich und den Vereinigten Staaten.

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Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobil: 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8916819)

Le GMAC étend sa représentation mondiale au sein de son conseil d'administration et accueille une nouvelle école

RESTON, Virginie, 05 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), une association internationale d'coles suprieures de commerce de premier plan, a annonc aujourd'hui des changements dans son conseil d'administration. Themin Suwardy, membre du conseil du GMAC depuis 2019 et prvt adjoint de l'enseignement professionnel de troisime cycle la Singapore Management University, a t lu la prsidence du conseil d'administration du GMAC. Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla, directrice des oprations et de l'exprience universitaire l'EGADE Business School de Tecnolgico de Monterrey Mexico, ainsi que Curtis Ferguson, associ directeur chez Ventech China, ont rejoint le conseil d'administration du GMAC en tant que tout nouveaux membres.

En outre, le GMAC a accueilli l'Asia School of Business (ASB) en tant que 227e cole membre. Base Kuala Lumpur, l'ASB a t cre en 2015 par la banque centrale de Malaisie, Bank Negara Malaysia, en collaboration avec la MIT Sloan School of Management en rponse au besoin de talents de classe mondiale en Malaisie, dans la rgion et dans les pays mergents. Aujourd'hui, le programme de MBA prim de l'ASB a t salu comme l'un des programmes de MBA les plus innovants au monde.

La recherche du GMAC a rvl que les coles de commerce en Asie–Pacifique attirent davantage de talents dans la rgion qu'avant la pandmie malgr le rebond de la mobilit internationale, tandis que celles d'Amrique latine bnficient de candidatures internationales en forte croissance , a dclar Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. Je suis ravie de voir ces personnes talentueuses et la prestigieuse cole ASB renforcer leur engagement envers le GMAC, amliorant ainsi la diversit de notre conseil d'administration et la liste de nos membres. Elles apportent de prcieuses perspectives et des informations critiques la mission mondiale du GMAC qui consiste aider les coles de commerce et les talents se dcouvrir et s'valuer mutuellement.

En savoir plus sur les nouveaux administrateurs du conseil du GMAC

Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla a fait ses preuves en tant que responsable universitaire de plusieurs institutions du systme Tec de Monterrey, dont l'Universit virtuelle et TecMilenio. l'EGADE Business School, elle supervise toutes les expriences universitaires et de vie des tudiants, les oprations administratives et la logistique pour les tudiants en personne et en ligne. Elle est membre du conseil d'administration de Somos El Cambio et de l'Instituto de Formacion y Perfeccionamiento Policial de San Pedro, les deux tant des institutions universitaires. Elle est titulaire d'une licence en administration des affaires, d'un master en ducation et d'un doctorat en innovation de l'ducation obtenus auprs du Tecnolgico de Monterrey, en plus d'un master en analytique des affaires dlivr par l'EGADE Business School.

Curtis Ferguson est associ directeur de Ventech China, o il dirige les investissements sur les marchs de consommation en rapide expansion du pays. Il a t cadre chez The Coca–Cola Company pendant prs de quatre dcennies et, plus rcemment, il occupait le poste de prsident de l'unit commerciale The Coca–Cola Greater China, Korea & Mongolia. Il s'est activement engag dans l'ducation, ayant exerc les fonctions de prsident du Cairo American College et sig au conseil consultatif du doyen de son alma mater, la Kelley School of Business de l'Universit de l'Indiana. Son initiative portant sur un programme de bourses qui bnficie aux tudiants dfavoriss du Moyen–Orient et de l'Afrique lui a valu, ainsi qu' Coca–Cola, de recevoir le prix U.S. State Department Award for Corporate Citizenship (Prix du Dpartement d'tat amricain pour la citoyennet d'entreprise). M. Ferguson est titulaire d'une licence dlivre par la Kelley School de l'Universit de l'Indiana et diplm des programmes de dveloppement des cadres de la Stanford Graduate School of Business et de la Wharton School de l'Universit de Pennsylvanie.

Tandis que le GMAC souhaite la bienvenue la nouvelle direction et aux nouveaux membres de son conseil d'administration, le GMAC salue et remercie galement son prsident de conseil sortant, Jon Erickson, ancien prsident des services d'ducation et de carrire chez ACT, et Katy Montgomery, membre sortante du conseil d'administration et ancienne doyenne associe des programmes d'tudes l'INSEAD.

Par le pass, j'ai travaill avec Jon et Katy et t un tmoin direct de leur engagement tandis que nous dfendions ensemble la communaut de l'enseignement suprieur en gestion. Je les remercie pour leurs contributions , a dclar Themin Suwardy, prsident nouvellement lu du conseil d'administration du GMAC. J'ai hte de diriger le conseil d'administration, avec nos nouveaux membres Ana Mara Zermeo Padilla et Curtis Ferguson, afin de crer plus de valeur pour les coles et les candidats que nous servons sans relche.

En savoir plus sur l'Asia School of Business et l'adhsion au GMAC

L'Asia School of Business (ASB), premire cole membre du GMAC base en Malaisie, aspire devenir une cole de management de premier plan en Asie, reconnue pour sa capacit former des leaders rformateurs et ayant des principes, qui contribueront un avenir meilleur et l'avancement du monde mergent. Son approche de l'apprentissage se concentre sur la rigueur en classe combine aux expriences d'apprentissage par l'action sur site dans toute l'Asie. En plus du programme de MBA, l'ASB propose aussi un MBA pour les cadres, un master en banque centrale et un master en management dont le lancement interviendra plus tard cette anne.

Pour tre considre comme membre du GMAC, une cole doit maintenir un processus d'admission slectif ; proposer un programme de master en administration des affaires, en management ou quivalent ; et dmontrer son soutien la mission du GMAC en fournissant les outils et les informations permettant aux coles et aux talents de se dcouvrir et de s'valuer mutuellement.

propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) est une association de prestigieuses coles suprieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d'une mission. Le GMAC fournit au secteur de l'enseignement suprieur en management des recherches, confrences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et valuations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, vnements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l'enseignement suprieur. Proprit du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l'examen du Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) est l'valuation pour cole de commerce la plus largement utilise.

Plus de 12 millions d'tudiants potentiels par an font confiance aux sites Web du GMAC, y compris, pour en savoir plus sur les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce, contacter les coles du monde entier, se prparer et s'inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procdures d'admission aux programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, Singapour, au Royaume–Uni et aux tats–Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, rendez–vous sur

Contact auprs des mdias :

Teresa Hsu
Cadre de direction, Relations avec les mdias
Portable : 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8916819)

Cellebrite Appoints Thomas E. Hogan as Executive Chairman of the Board

Seasoned Technology Leader to Partner with CEO Yossi Carmil to Further Company Growth and Strategic Priorities

TYSONS CORNER, Va. and PETAH TIKVA, Israel, Aug. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, announced today that proven industry veteran, Thomas E. Hogan has been appointed Executive Chairman of the Board.

Based in Austin, Texas, Hogan brings a remarkable 40+ year track record of exceptional shareholder returns, client impact, and employee growth. He has significant expertise in strategic M&A, sales and marketing, international operations, and talent acquisition and development. During his career Tom has led numerous acquisitions totally nearly $8B including marquis targets such as Mercury Interactive and Opsware. His career includes over a decade as both a private and publicly held software CEO as well as senior executive posts ranging from late stage private to mega–cap public companies.

"Tom's experience will be invaluable as we scale Cellebrite, extend our market leading digital intelligence solutions, and ultimately enable justice across the globe. I am excited to partner closely with Tom as we navigate our next chapter of growth and global impact," said Yossi Carmil, CEO, Cellebrite.

"I look forward to my new partnership with Yossi, Haim Shani and the entire Cellebrite board, and the talented men and women across Cellebrite, as we build upon the impressive momentum of the company. I am especially enthused about the mission–driven purpose of this organization and our opportunity to better equip law enforcement and judicial systems worldwide," said Thomas E. Hogan, Executive Chairman of the Board.

Hogan previously served as chairman and CEO of Kony, Inc, President and CEO of Vignette (VIGN), executive vice president of sales and marketing for Hewlett Packard, executive vice president of software for HP, executive vice president of CSC, chief sales officer at Siebel Systems, and most recently as a Operating Managing Director at Vista Equity Partners. He has held numerous public and private board positions including directorships at Citrix, Gainsight, Pluralsight, Drift, Vignette, Kony, Vastera, and Inforte. Tom holds a Masters in Management from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Cellebrite's current non–executive chairman, Haim Shani, will remain an active member of the board. Haim will leverage his extensive experience as the former CEO of NICE, the former Director General of the Israel Ministry of Finance, and his current role as founder and general manager of Israel Growth Partners, to further strengthen contributions from the Cellebrite board.

"On behalf of the entire Cellebrite board, I am pleased to welcome Tom to the Cellebrite team. Getting to know Tom as the head of the search committee and working with Yossi the past four years, I believe their combined strengths deliver the best leadership team in the industry. While I am passing the torch of chairman duties to Tom, I will continue to contribute as an active member of the Cellebrite board and look forward to working closely with Tom and the Cellebrite management team as we continue our journey," said Haim Shani, former Cellebrite chairman.

About Cellebrite

Cellebrite's (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes.

Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite's Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at,, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Caution Regarding Forward–Looking Statements

This document includes "forward–looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward–looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "forecast," "intend," "seek," "target," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "continue," "expect," "estimate," "may," "plan," "outlook," "future" and "project" and other similar expressions that predict, project or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Such forward–looking statements include estimated financial information. Such forward–looking statements with respect to revenues, earnings, performance, strategies, prospects, and other aspects of the business of Cellebrite are based on current expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those indicated by such forward–looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to: Cellebrite's ability to develop technologically advanced solutions and successfully integrate with the software solutions used by customers; acceptance of solutions by customers; errors, failures, defects or bugs in solutions; a failure to maintain sales and marketing personnel productivity or hire, integrate and retain additional sales and marketing personnel; the impact of the global COVID–19 pandemic; the impact of competition on pricing and on Cellebrite's market share; sub–optimal results from products due to misuse by customers; Cellebrite's failure to maintain and enhance its reputation and brand; inaccuracy of the estimates of Cellebrite's market opportunity and forecasts of market growth; changes to packaging and licensing models that adversely affect the ability to attract or retain customers; failure to manage future growth effectively; failure to introduce new solutions and add–ons; issues in the use of artificial intelligence resulting in reputational harm or liability; the need for additional capital to support the growth of Cellebrite's business; a failure to maintain the security of operations and the integrity of software solutions; the impact of government budgeting cycles and appropriations, early termination, audits, investigations, sanctions and penalties; a decline in government budgets, changes in spending or budgetary priorities, or delays in contract awards; a failure to adequately obtain, maintain, protect and enforce Cellebrite's intellectual property or infringement of the intellectual property rights of others; perceptions or court or regulatory decisions that Cellebrite's solutions violate privacy rights; the use of solutions by customers in a way that is, or that is perceived to be, incompatible with human rights; failure to comply with laws regarding privacy, data protection and security, technology protection, sanctions, export controls and other matters; and other factors, risks and uncertainties set forth in the sections titled "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward–Looking Statements" in our Annual Report on form 20–F filed with the SEC on March 29, 2022 and in other documents filed by Cellebrite with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), which are available free of charge at You are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, in this communication or elsewhere. Cellebrite undertakes no obligation to update its forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.

Cellebrite Contacts

Victor Cooper
Sr. Director of Corporate Communications + Content Operations
+1 404.804.5910

Andrew Kramer
VP, Investor Relations
+1 973.206.7760

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–8b12–4bd0–9ff6–ad1b46feb3e0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8889189)

Boyden Promotes Gabrielle Robinson and Nessrine Salah to Managing Partners in the Middle East

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, July 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Boyden, a premier global leadership and talent advisory firm is delighted to announce the promotions of Gabrielle Robinson and Nessrine Salah to Managing Partner, Boyden Middle East, in recognition of their expertise, dedication and commitment to the region.

"It is a huge privilege to experience the extraordinary dynamism, creativity, and aspirations of the region as an executive search specialist," comments Gabrielle Robinson, Managing Partner, Boyden Middle East. "These markets are exceptional in their agility, their focus on rapid commercial and social progress and their commitment to future–focused talent. It inspires Boyden to challenge and transform ourselves as we grow with the market, supporting organisational development and female talent. I look forward to many more rewarding years as the region expands its international cooperation and engagement in global affairs."

Boyden has worked with clients in the wider MENA region for nearly 25 years. The team has developed an outstanding reputation as trusted advisors on the talent agenda to governments, family offices, investment firms, regional businesses and multinationals. Boyden Middle East provides leadership consulting, executive search, interim management and board services for all markets, specifically aligned with their respective strategic Visions.

"We have accumulated an exceptional amount of knowledge and understanding of business in the Middle East region, advising senior executives and private equity firms on talent, capability building and levers for growth," adds Nessrine Salah, Managing Partner, Boyden Middle East and UAE Leader, EMEA Private Equity Practice. "Countries in the GCC are leveraging their economic strength and political stability to drive change and progress, investing in education, infrastructure, transportation and tourism, incorporating sustainability into all projects. It is a privilege to be part of such a dynamic and progressive region, both professionally and as an Arab national."

"Both Gabrielle Robinson and Nessrine Salah have been strong contributors to Boyden's success in the region. More importantly both are outstanding team players and continue to play a critical role in our ongoing efforts to strengthen our human capital capabilities," adds Magdy El Zein, Managing Director, Boyden Middle East.

The region's reputation for agility, fast–paced growth and economic development enables Boyden to attract senior executive talent for clients across its global footprint. Major initiatives are attracting significant investments, driving demand for leadership development, senior–level talent and non–executive directors.

About Boyden

Boyden is a premier leadership and talent advisory firm with more than 70 offices in over 45 countries. Our global reach enables us to serve client needs anywhere they conduct business. We connect great companies with great leaders through executive search, interim management and leadership consulting solutions. Boyden is ranked amongst the top companies on Forbes' Americas Best Executive Recruiting Firms for 2023. For further information, visit


Chris Swee
Chief Marketing Officer, Boyden
T: +1 914 747 0172

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869811)

Josh Tsui, PDG de Floship, s'apprête à prononcer un discours sur les aspirations des dirigeants concernant l'avenir de la technologie logistique et recevoir un prix lors du The Lead Innovation Summit à New York

NEW YORK et HONG KONG, 05 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, prestataire leader des solutions de chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires mondiales, a annonc aujourd'hui sa participation The Lead Innovation Summit, une confrence stratgique de premier plan pour les dcisionnaires mondiaux et les dirigeants des secteurs de la vente au dtail et de la consommation d'aujourd'hui. La confrence aura lieu dans la ville de New York les 12 et 13 juillet.

Le PDG de Floship, Josh Tsui, fera un discours sur les aspirations le mercredi 12 juillet pendant les questions–rponses de la session Optimisation des opportunits du commerce numrique de Dawit Heck, de Bain Capital Ventures. M. Tsui partagera des informations sur Floship, sur sa vision stratgique, ainsi que sur les ambitions transformationnelles de la socit, notamment ses rflexions sur l'avenir de l'intelligence artificielle gnrative dans l'e–commerce, avec un public de plus de 2 000 dirigeants de grandes marques mondiales de distribution.

Dans le cadre de ce discours, M. Tsui fournira des informations sur l'cosystme des chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires globales de Floship, illustrant la faon dont il relie chaque lment de base travers la chane de valeur du fabricant, les systmes d'entrept, les mcanismes de livraison et les solutions de retours via une plateforme entirement intgre.

De mme, pendant The Summit, Floship fera partie des socits reconnues sur la Leading 100 List de The Lead lors d'une crmonie de remise de prix, mettant l'honneur des startups technologiques innovantes qui faonnent l'avenir des entreprises brand–to–consumer, surtout concernant l'aide apporte ces entreprises dans l'adoption des chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires.

C'est un moment extrmement palpitant pour Floship, et je suis honor de la reconnaissance porte nos innovations sources de bouleversements concernant le modle business–to–consumer. La circularit de la chane d'approvisionnement et l'IA gnrative sont des domaines prioritaires de la chane d'approvisionnement extrmement importants pour les commerants car ils travaillent main dans la main afin de minimiser l'utilisation de matires premires, rduire les quantits excessives de dchets mis au rebut et automatiser les nombreux processus manuels intensifs , a dclar M. Tsui. Nous croyons que The Lead Innovation Summit fournit la toile de fond ncessaire pour continuer raconter cette histoire un public conscient de la ncessit de construire des chanes d'approvisionnement plus durables et plus intelligentes, en tirant parti de technologies qui permettent aux consommateurs, aux entreprises et l'conomie d'tre plus efficaces avec moins de ressources.

Les chanes d'approvisionnement circulaires impliquent que la socit rutilise ou revalorise les dchets et les retours des clients pour convertir ces ressources en produits nouveaux ou reconditionns. Cette stratgie est essentielle pour dvelopper des partenariats mondiaux. Floship a rcemment annonc ce genre de partenariat avec FedEx, conu pour fournir de meilleurs services d'excution et de logistique aux dtaillants de l'e–commerce dans le monde entier. Ce partenariat permet aux clients de FedEx oprant dans l'e–commerce d'accder au rseau mondial d'entrepts de Floship et aux puissantes capacits de sa plateforme logistique afin de rationaliser leurs oprations d'excution du commerce en ligne. Dans le mme temps, les clients de Floship seront en mesure de tirer parti des rseaux FedEx mondiaux ainsi que de toute une gamme d'options de transport FedEx tendues afin d'optimiser leurs oprations.

The Lead Innovation Summit est l'endroit vers lequel convergent plus de 2 000 leaders des communauts de la mode, de la beaut, de l'habitat, de la consommation et de la vente au dtail afin d'apprendre des marques grande chelle, des natifs du numrique et des catalyseurs de la technologie et d'entrer en contact avec eux. Ce sommet de deux jours rassemble plus de 140 confrenciers remarquables et comprend 45 sessions de contenu ; il analyse chaque aspect de l'activit direct–to–consumer d'une marque, en ligne et hors ligne.

propos de Floship
Les solutions d'cosystme de chane d'approvisionnement circulaire mondiales de Floship couvrent tous les aspects de la chane d'approvisionnement mondiale, assurant des efforts oprationnels minimaux pour les entreprises d'e–commerce tout en dpassant leurs attentes, permettant aux propritaires d'entreprises de se concentrer sur la stimulation de la croissance et de la flexibilit en termes d'investissements, tout en gagnant en tranquillit d'esprit. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur ou suivez–nous sur LinkedIn.

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Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Pour tout complment d'information propos de Floship, veuillez contacter :

James Linacre, Responsable des RP et communications

Tl. : (+852) 5333 9420

E–mail :

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869031)

Floship CEO Josh Tsui to Deliver Executive Vision Talk on Future of Logistics Technology & Accept Award at New York’s Lead Innovation Summit

NEW YORK and HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, a leading global circular supply chain solutions provider, today announced its participation in The Lead Innovation Summit, a leading strategy conference for global decision–makers and executives in today's retail and consumer industries. The conference takes place in New York City between 12 & 13 July.

Floship CEO Josh Tsui will deliver his Vision Talk on Wednesday, 12 July during the session "Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity" fielding questions from Dawit Heck of Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui will share information about Floship, his strategic vision, as well as the company's transformational ambitions including his thoughts on the future of generative AI in e–commerce to an audience of 2000+ executives from major global brand retailers.

As part of his talk, Tsui will share information about Floship's holistic circular supply chain ecosystem, illustrating how it connects every core component across the value chain from the manufacturer, warehouse systems, delivery mechanisms, and returns solutions through a wholly integrated platform.

Also at The Summit, Floship will be among the companies recognized on The Lead's Leading 100 List in an award ceremony, which honors innovative tech start–ups that are driving the future of brand–to–consumer businesses, especially in helping these businesses adopt circular supply chains.

"It is an extremely exciting time here at Floship, and I'm honored that we're being acknowledged for our disruptive innovations toward the business–to–consumer model. Supply chain circularity and generative AI are extremely important supply chain focus areas for merchants as they work hand–in–hand to minimize the use of raw materials, reduce excessive amounts of discarded waste materials, and automate many manually intensive processes," said Tsui. "We believe the Lead Innovation Summit provides the necessary backdrop to continue to tell this story to an audience who are cognizant of the need to build more sustainable and intelligent supply chains by leveraging technologies that empower consumers, businesses, and the economy to be more efficient with a leaner amount of resources."

Circular supply chains involve a company reusing or repurposing waste and customer returns to convert those resources into new or refurbished products, and this strategy is critical in building global partnerships. Floship recently announced one such partnership with FedEx that is designed to provide enhanced fulfillment and logistics services to e–tailers worldwide. The partnership gives FedEx's e–commerce customers access to Floship's global network of warehouses and powerful logistics platform's capabilities to streamline their e–commerce fulfillment operations. At the same time, Floship's customers will be able to leverage FedEx global networks as well as a full range of FedEx extensive transportation options to optimize their operations.

The Lead Innovation Summit is where 2,000+ leaders from the fashion, beauty, home, consumer & retail innovation communities converge to learn from and connect with scaled brands, digital natives, & technology enablers. The two–day summit features more than 140 stand–out speakers and 45 content sessions and breaks down every aspect of a brand's direct–to–consumer business, online and offline.

About Floship
Floship's global circular supply chain ecosystem solutions cover all aspects of the global supply chain, ensuring minimal operation effort for e–commerce businesses while exceeding their expectations, allowing business owners to concentrate on driving growth and investment flexibility while gaining peace of mind. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

For more information about Floship, please contact:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Phone: (+852) 5333 9420


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–bd4c–4a24–9422–a4429f79a882

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8868173)

Josh Tsui, CEO da Floship, Fará Palestra de Visão Executiva Sobre o Futuro da Tecnologia Logística e Receberá Prêmio no Lead Innovation Summit de Nova York

NOVA YORK e HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Floship, fornecedora lder global de solues de cadeia de suprimentos circular, anunciou hoje a sua participao no The Lead Innovation Summit, uma conferncia lder estratgica para decisores e executivos globais das indstrias de varejo e para consumidor. A conferncia ser realizada em Nova York entre 12 e 13 de julho.

Josh Tsui, CEO da Floship, apresentar sua Vision Talk na quarta–feira, 12 de julho, durante a sesso "Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity", respondendo s perguntas de Dawit Heck, da Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui compartilhar informaes e viso estratgica da Floship, bem como a ambio transformacional da empresa e sua opinio sobre o futuro da IA generativa no comrcio eletrnico com uma audincia de mais de 2.000 executivos de grandes varejistas de marcas globais.

Como parte da sua palestra, Tsui falar sobre o ecossistema holstico da cadeia de suprimentos circular da Floship, ilustrando como ele conecta todos os componentes principais da cadeia de valor do fabricante, sistemas de armazenamento, mecanismos de entrega e solues de devoluo por meio de uma plataforma totalmente integrada.

Durante o The Summit, a Floship ser uma das empresas reconhecidas da Lista Leading 100 da The Lead, em uma cerimnia de premiao que homenageia startups de tecnologia inovadoras que esto impulsionando o futuro das empresas de marca para consumidor, especialmente ajudando essas empresas a adotar cadeias de suprimentos circulares.

" um momento extremamente emocionante para Floship, e me sinto honrado por estarmos sendo reconhecidos por nossas inovaes disruptivas em relao ao modelo business–to–consumer. A circularidade da cadeia de suprimentos e a IA geradora so reas de foco da cadeia de suprimentos extremamente importantes para os comerciantes, pois trabalham lado a lado para minimizar o uso de matrias–primas, reduzir quantidades excessivas de resduos descartados e automatizar muitos processos intensivos manualmente", disse Tsui. "Acreditamos que o Lead Innovation Summit serve como o pano de fundo necessrio para que possamos continuar contando essa histria para um pblico que reconhece a necessidade de construir cadeias de suprimentos mais sustentveis e inteligentes, aproveitando tecnologias que capacitam consumidores, empresas e a economia a serem mais eficientes com uma quantidade menor de recursos."

As cadeias de suprimentos circulares envolvem uma empresa que reutiliza ou reaproveita resduos e devolues de clientes para converter esses recursos em produtos novos ou recondicionados, e essa estratgia fundamental para a criao de parcerias globais. A Floship anunciou recentemente uma parceria assim com a FedEx que foi projetada para fornecer servios aprimorados de atendimento e logstica para varejistas eletrnicos em todo o mundo. Essa parceria proporcionar aos clientes de e–commerce da FedEx acesso rede global de depsitos da Floship e aos recursos da potente plataforma de logstica para agilizar suas operaes de atendimento de e–commerce. Os clientes da Floship podero aproveitar as redes globais da FedEx, bem como uma ampla gama de opes de transporte da FedEx para otimizar suas operaes.

O Lead Innovation Summit onde mais de 2.000 lderes das comunidades de moda, beleza, casa, consumo e inovao de varejo convergem para aprender e se conectar com marcas em escala, nativos digitais e facilitadores de tecnologia. A conferncia de dois dias conta com mais de 140 palestrantes de destaque e 45 sesses de contedo e divide todos os aspectos do negcio direto ao consumidor de uma marca, on–line e off–line.

Sobre a Floship
As solues de ecossistema de cadeia de suprimentos circular global da Floship abrangem todos os aspectos da cadeia de suprimentos global, garantindo um esforo operacional mnimo para as empresas de e–commerce excedendo suas expectativas e permitindo que os proprietrios de empresas se concentrem em impulsionar o crescimento com a flexibilidade do investimento e, ao mesmo tempo, ter tranquilidade. Saiba mais em ou siga–nos no LinkedIn.

Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Para mais informaes sobre a Floship, contate:

James Linacre, Lder de Relaes Pblicas e Comunicaes

Telefone: (+852) 5333 9420


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869031)

Josh Tsui, CEO von Floship, hält Vortrag über die Zukunft der Logistiktechnologie und nimmt Preis auf Lead Innovation Summit in New York entgegen

NEW YORK und HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von zirkulren Lieferkettenlsungen, hat heute seine Teilnahme am Lead Innovation Summit bekanntgegeben, einer fhrenden Strategiekonferenz fr globale Entscheidungstrger und Fhrungskrfte in der heutigen Einzelhandels– und Verbraucherbranche. Die Konferenz findet am 12. und 13. Juli in New York City statt.

Der CEO von Floship, Josh Tsui, wird seinen Vision Talk am Mittwoch, 12. Juli, whrend der Sitzung "Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity" (Optimierung der Chancen im digitalen Handel) halten und sich den Fragen von Dawit Heck von Bain Capital Ventures stellen. Tsui wird einem Publikum von mehr als 2000 Fhrungskrften groer globaler Einzelhandelsunternehmen Informationen ber Floship, seine strategische Vision und die ehrgeizigen Transformationsziele des Unternehmens sowie seine Gedanken ber die Zukunft der generativen KI im E–Commerce mitteilen.

Im Rahmen seines Vortrags wird Tsui Informationen ber das ganzheitliche zirkulre Lieferketten–kosystem von Floship vorstellen und aufzeigen, wie es alle Kernkomponenten der Wertschpfungskette vom Hersteller ber Lagersysteme und Liefermechanismen bis hin zu Retourenlsungen ber eine vollstndig integrierte Plattform miteinander verbindet.

Ebenfalls wird Floship auf dem Summit zu den Unternehmen gehren, die auf der Leading 100–Liste von The Lead ausgezeichnet werden. Diese Liste ehrt innovative Technologie–Start–ups, die die Zukunft des Brand–to–Consumer–Modells vorantreiben, insbesondere wenn es darum geht, Unternehmen bei der Einfhrung zirkulrer Lieferketten zu untersttzen.

"Es ist eine extrem aufregende Zeit hier bei Floship, und ich fhle mich geehrt, dass wir fr unsere bahnbrechenden Innovationen im Bereich des Business–to–Consumer–Modells anerkannt werden. Die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Lieferkette und die generative KI sind fr Hndler uerst wichtige Schwerpunkte in der Lieferkette, da sie Hand in Hand arbeiten, um die Verwendung von Rohstoffen zu minimieren, bermige Mengen an weggeworfenen Abfallstoffen zu reduzieren und viele manuelle Prozesse zu automatisieren", so Tsui. "Wir glauben, dass der Lead Innovation Summit den ntigen Rahmen bietet, um diese Geschichte einem Publikum zu erzhlen, das sich der Notwendigkeit bewusst ist, nachhaltigere und intelligentere Lieferketten aufzubauen, indem es Technologien einsetzt, die es Verbrauchern, Unternehmen und der Wirtschaft ermglichen, effizienter und ressourcenschonender zu arbeiten."

Bei zirkulren Lieferketten geht es darum, dass ein Unternehmen Abflle und Kundenrcklufer wiederverwendet oder wiederverwertet, um diese Ressourcen in neue oder wiederaufbereitete Produkte umzuwandeln, und diese Strategie ist entscheidend fr den Aufbau globaler Partnerschaften. Floship kndigte krzlich eine solche Partnerschaft mit FedEx an, die darauf abzielt, E–Hndlern auf der ganzen Welt verbesserte Abwicklungs– und Logistikdienste anzubieten. Die Partnerschaft ermglicht E–Commerce–Kunden von FedEx Zugang zum globalen Lagernetzwerk von Floship und zu den Mglichkeiten der leistungsstarken Logistikplattform, um ihre Auftragsabwicklungsaktivitten im E–Commerce–Bereich zu rationalisieren. Gleichzeitig werden die Kunden von Floship in der Lage sein, die globalen Netzwerke von FedEx sowie die gesamte Palette der umfangreichen Transportoptionen von FedEx zu nutzen, um ihre Ablufe zu optimieren.

Auf dem Lead Innovation Summit treffen mehr als 2.000 fhrende Persnlichkeiten aus den Bereichen Mode, Beauty, Wohnen, Konsumgter und Einzelhandel aufeinander, um von skalierenden Marken, Digital Natives und Technologieanbietern zu lernen und sich mit ihnen auszutauschen. Das zweitgige Gipfeltreffen bietet mehr als 140 herausragende Redner und 45 inhaltliche Sitzungen und beleuchtet jeden Aspekt des Direct–to–Consumer–Geschfts einer Marke, online und offline.

ber Floship
Die Lsungen von Floship fr ein globales, zirkulres Lieferketten–kosystem decken alle Aspekte der globalen Lieferkette ab. Sie gewhrleisten einen minimalen Betriebsaufwand fr E–Commerce–Unternehmen, whrend ihre Erwartungen bertroffen werden. So knnen sich die Geschftsinhaber auf die Frderung von Wachstum und Investitionsflexibilitt konzentrieren, whrend sie gleichzeitig Sicherheit gewinnen. Mehr Informationen unter, oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn.

E–Mail Web
Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Fr weitere Informationen ber Floship wenden Sie sich bitte an:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Telefon: (+852) 5333 9420


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8869031)

TELUS Ventures Appoints Ravit Warsha Dor as Partner and Investment Director, Expanding Global Presence to Israel

TEL–AVIV, Israel and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TELUS Ventures, the strategic investment arm of global communications technology company TELUS, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ravit Warsha Dor as Partner and Investment Director, leading investments out of Israel. This appointment highlights TELUS Ventures' commitment to expanding its global presence and tapping into the vibrant startup and venture capital ecosystem in Israel, unlocking new strategic investment opportunities. Since 2020, TELUS Ventures has invested over USD $25 million in Israeli–based local startups and VC funds including Zebra Medical (now Nanox), Techsee and LionBird VC.

Ravit brings over 20 years of experience in investment management, business development, product, innovation and entrepreneurship. She will play a pivotal role in uncovering innovative companies and leading investments in Israel that align with TELUS Ventures' mission of transforming and elevating companies that address society's greatest opportunities and challenges across Digital Health, Ag Tech, Smart Cities, IoT, and consumer connectivity sectors. Prior to joining TELUS, Ravit was a Partner and head of Israel at Kamet Ventures. She has also served as Head of Innovation, National Digital Health at the Israel Ministry of Health. Ravit began her career in the Israeli Army Intelligence 8200 Unit and holds degrees from Tel–Aviv University (B.Sc. Bioinformatics) and Cambridge University, UK (MBA).

“By investing in some of the most exciting Israeli–based startups, TELUS Ventures aims to foster growth and innovation in the country,” said Terry Doyle, Managing Partner and Vice–president of TELUS Ventures. “We are thrilled to welcome Ravit to the TELUS Ventures team. Her extensive experience and deep understanding of the Israeli startup landscape will be instrumental in identifying and leading strategic investment opportunities for TELUS Ventures."

"I'm proud to be joining TELUS Ventures to help drive growth and impact within Israel's dynamic startup ecosystem," added Ravit. "I see the scale of innovation coming out of Israel firsthand, I'm honored to build upon the special connection with LionBird, and I look forward to working with TELUS to empower our portfolio companies to thrive and make a lasting impact in their respective industries."

About TELUS Ventures

As the strategic investment arm of TELUS Corporation (TSX: T, NYSE: TU), TELUS Ventures is one of Canada's most active corporate venture capital funds. Operating across 30 countries globally, TELUS is a dynamic, world–leading communications technology company that designs, builds and delivers next–generation solutions for global brands across high–growth industry verticals. TELUS Ventures invests globally in companies from Seed to Pre–IPO with a focus on innovative technologies such as AgTech, Digital HealthTech, Consumer Connectivity, IoT, 5G, and Business Enablement Platforms to actively drive new solutions across the TELUS ecosystem. Led by a team of experienced operators, investors and executives, the Ventures team is passionate about creating positive social impact through financial tools and has invested in more than 100 companies since inception. For more information please visit

For more information, please contact:

Franois Marchand
TELUS Public Relations

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8866584)