Bridge International Academies highlights the importance of educating girls this World Population Day

Bridge Nigeria pupil in class

NAIROBI, Kenya, July 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bridge International Academies is drawing attention to the urgency of educating African girls this World Population Day (11th July) – the first time Sub–Saharan Africa will have the largest population of children on the planet.

The schools network, which includes Bridge Kenya, Bridge Nigeria and Bridge Uganda, supports children and parents in underserved communities by providing an excellent education.

This World Population Day focuses on the theme of "gender equality and women's empowerment as a key factor in reducing poverty.'

Reuben Wambugu, Bridge Group Managing Director, said, "By 2050 Africa and Asia will be home to 85% of the world's young people, with the larger proportion in Africa. Currently, only 10% of children in sub–Saharan Africa are able to read a simple sentence by the age of 10. If these young people aren't provided with an adequate education, there will be a global shortage of scientists, doctors and engineers. This could lead to a range of possible global catastrophes. Educating women and girls has proved particularly effective in reducing poverty on a local level in the short term. And with the children of educated women shown to be healthier and better educated, this leads to faster and sustained poverty reduction through generations.

He continued, "While Bridge has seen fantastic improvements in learning outcomes for all those attending our schools, it is particularly heartening that Bridge's methodology has succeeded in achieving gender parity in the classroom. A new study by Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Michael Kremer in our Bridge Kenya schools confirms this, finding girls make the same leaps in learning as boys."

Speaking on the success of Bridge's methods, Bridge Nigeria Managing Director Foyinsola Akinjayeju said, "Bridge's model focuses on arming teachers with scientifically proven techniques to elevate the learning of girls. Through approaches, such as gender sensitive instruction in lesson and textbook materials, expecting equal participation through "cold calling' of boys and girls in the classroom and the use of female school leaders as role models, girls are empowered to succeed. By pushing this approach and the importance of women's empowerment, Bridge Nigeria alone has provided a life–changing education to tens of thousands of girls in underserved communities, helping them complete primary school, do well in secondary school and open up opportunities offering prosperity and success."

To learn more about the Bridge methodology – visit their website here.

You can reach out to Bridge International Academies at

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–c35b–483b–b919–d894909f989d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000829295)

Neue Studie zu Online-Glücksspiel zeigt Zusammenhang zwischen gesundheitlichen Problemen und übermäßiger Bildschirmzeit auf

LONDON, June 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die fhrende iGaming–Marke Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) hat eine einmonatige umfassende Studie durchgefhrt, in der gesundheitliche Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit Online–Glcksspiel und bermiger Bildschirm–/Gertenutzung untersucht wurden. Das Ziel der Studie ist es, das Bewusstsein zu schrfen und dazu beizutragen, Manahmen zur Frderung und Untersttzung eines verantwortungsvollen Umgangs mit Online–Glcksspielen zu strken. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse war, dass 41 % der befragten Online–Spieler unter Angstzustnden oder Depressionen leiden.

Der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung vom Mai 2023 lag auf Gesundheitszustnden wie Stress, Angstzustnden, Kopfschmerzen, Depressionen, Nacken– und Rckenschmerzen, Schlafstrungen und Schlaflosigkeit, die auf zu viel Bildschirmnutzung zurckzufhren sind. Hunderte von Online–Spielern wurden in vier Lndern befragt "" in Kanada, Neuseeland, dem Vereinigten Knigreich und den Vereinigten Staaten. Minimum Deposit Casinos konnte lebensverndernde Erkenntnisse ber den Zusammenhang zwischen Gewohnheiten in Zusammenhang mit Online–Glcksspielen und diesen gesundheitlichen Problemen gewinnen. Auf dieser Grundlage sollen in Zukunft nachhaltigere Anstze entwickelt werden, um das allgemeine Wohlbefinden von Online–Nutzern zu verbessern und ihnen zu helfen, die Bildschirmzeit zu begrenzen.

Wichtigste Ergebnisse

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen signifikante Trends in allen vier Lndern. Es wurde festgestellt, dass ein erheblicher Teil der Spieler Stress oder Angstzustnde hatte, wobei mobile Gerte die bevorzugte Plattform fr Online–Glcksspiele sind. Auerdem wurde die Hufigkeit von Kopfschmerzen und Migrne unter Glcksspielern aufgezeigt, was auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Hufigkeit des Online–Glcksspiels und dem Auftreten dieser Erkrankungen hinweist.

Die Studie zeigte auerdem, dass Depressionen, Schlafstrungen und Schlaflosigkeit unter Glcksspielern in allen vier Lndern weit verbreitet sind. Diese gesundheitlichen Bedenken traten hufiger bei denjenigen auf, die einen groen Teil ihrer Bildschirmzeit mit Glcksspielen verbrachten.

Den vollstndigen Bericht, der die Methodik und die Ergebnisse beschreibt, finden Sie hier:–the–online–gambling–habits–and–health–concerns–in–the–uk–ca–nz–us/

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000825448)

Une nouvelle étude sur les jeux d'argent en ligne révèle l'existence d'un lien entre les problèmes de santé et le fait de passer trop de temps devant les écrans

LONDRES, 15 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La marque leader des jeux en ligne, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), a men une tude approfondie d'un mois pour analyser les problmes de sant lis aux jeux d'argent en ligne et l'utilisation excessive des crans/appareils. L'objectif de l'tude s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une opration de sensibilisation et de renforcement des interventions visant promouvoir et encourager les pratiques responsables concernant les jeux d'argent en ligne. L'une des principales conclusions de l'tude indique que 41 % des joueurs en ligne interrogs souffraient d'anxit ou de dpression.

L'objet de la recherche effectue en mai 2023, rsultant de l'utilisation excessive des crans, tait li des problmes de sant tels que le stress, l'anxit, les maux de tte, la dpression, les douleurs au cou et au dos, les troubles du sommeil et l'insomnie. Des centaines de joueurs en ligne ont t interrogs dans quatre pays : au Canada, en Nouvelle–Zlande, au Royaume–Uni et aux tats–Unis. En tudiant le lien entre les habitudes associes aux jeux d'argent en ligne et ces problmes de sant, Minimum Deposit Casinos a tir plusieurs enseignements cls susceptibles de changer la vie des utilisateurs en ligne. Ces enseignements seront utiliss afin de crer des approches plus durables qui aideront les utilisateurs en ligne limiter leur temps d'cran et qui amlioreront leur bien–tre gnral l'avenir.

Principales conclusions

Les principales conclusions de l'tude ont rvl des tendances significatives dans les quatre pays. Il a ainsi t observ qu'une proportion importante de joueurs ressentaient du stress ou de l'anxit, les appareils mobiles reprsentant leur plateforme prfre pour les jeux d'argent en ligne. Les rsultats de cette tude ont galement soulign la prvalence des maux de tte et des migraines chez les joueurs, ce qui indique un lien entre la frquence du jeu en ligne et la survenue de ces affections.

L'tude a en outre rvl la prsence gnralise de la dpression, des troubles du sommeil et de l'insomnie chez les joueurs des quatre pays. Ces problmes de sant taient plus frquents chez les personnes interroges qui consacraient une grande partie de leur temps d'cran des jeux d'argent.

Le rapport complet dcrivant la mthodologie utilise et les rsultats obtenus est disponible ici :–the–online–gambling–habis–and–health–concerns–in–the–uk–ca–nz–us/

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Une infographie accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse suivante :–1d5f–4ef0–a69e–09ab07dbfce0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000825448)

Novo estudo sobre jogos de azar online encontra ligação entre condições de saúde e tempo excessivo de tela

LONDRES, June 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A marca lder de iGaming, Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC), realizou um estudo abrangente com um ms de durao analisando preocupaes de sade ligadas aos jogos de azar online e ao uso excessivo de telas/dispositivos. O objetivo do estudo est alinhado com a crescente conscientizao e ajuda a reforar as intervenes para promover e incentivar prticas responsveis de jogos de azar online. Uma das principais descobertas foi que 41% dos jogadores online entrevistados experimentaram ansiedade ou depresso.

O foco da pesquisa de maio de 2023 – decorrente do uso excessivo de telas – est relacionado a condies de sade como estresse, ansiedade, dores de cabea, depresso, dores no pescoo e nas costas, distrbios do sono e insnia. Centenas de jogadores online foram entrevistados em quatro pases – Canad, Nova Zelndia, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos. A Minimum Deposit Casinos encontrou ideias que revolucionam a conexo entre os hbitos de jogo online e estas questes de sade. Isso ser usado para criar abordagens mais sustentveis que visam melhorar e ajudar os usurios online a limitar o tempo de tela para seu bem–estar geral no futuro.

Principais Concluses

As principais descobertas do estudo revelaram tendncias significativas em todos os quatro pases. Observou–se que uma proporo substancial de jogadores sofreu estresse ou ansiedade, com os dispositivos mveis sendo a plataforma preferida para jogos de azar online. Tambm descreveu a prevalncia de dores de cabea e enxaquecas entre os jogadores, o que indica uma ligao entre a frequncia de jogos de azar online e a ocorrncia dessas condies.

O estudo revelou ainda a presena generalizada de depresso, distrbios do sono e insnia entre os jogadores em todas as quatro naes. Essas preocupaes com a sade foram mais prevalentes entre aqueles que gastaram grande parte de seu tempo de tela em jogos de azar.

O relatrio completo descrevendo a metodologia e os resultados pode ser encontrado aqui:–the–online–gambling–habits–and–health–concerns–in–the–uk–ca–nz–us/

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Um infogrfico que acompanha este anncio est disponvel em–1d5f–4ef0–a69e–09ab07dbfce0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000825448)

Bridge International Academies celebrates potential of all African children on Day of the African Child

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bridge International Academies is marking the Day of the African Child by celebrating the potential of each and every child in Africa.

The school network, which includes Bridge Kenya, Bridge Nigeria and Bridge Uganda, supports children and parents in underprivileged communities through quality education.

The day, commemorating a series of demonstrations and protests in 1976 led by thousands of South African school children, is synonymous with taking action in education, and 2023 marks a historic opportunity that if missed will be a great loss for Africa and the world.

2023 is the year when Sub–Saharan Africa leads the world as the region with the most young people (0–14) "" the size and acceleration of this age cohort are historically unprecedented. Additionally, 60% of the region's population is under 25 years of age.

Bridge Kenya pupil reads to class

Reuben Wambugu, Bridge Group Managing Director, said, "This demographic tipping point marks a historic moment of opportunity. With effective education, a skilled and energised future labour force could emerge from Africa and drive transformation both on the continent and around the world. Crippling rates of learning poverty threaten to derail this prospect however. Only 10% of children in sub–Saharan Africa are able to read a simple sentence by the age of 10."

A recent study in Kenya of Bridge International Academies pedagogies, led by Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Michael Kremer, confirmed its "highly standardised education has the potential to produce dramatic learning gains at scale."

Speaking on the success of Bridge's methods, Bridge Nigeria Managing Director, Foyinsola Akinjayeju, said, "Bridge Nigeria schools produce some of the top students in the Nigeria National Common Entrance Exam. 80% perform above the average sample for literacy compared to just 18% in public schools. For eight years now Bridge Kenya pupils too have exceeded the national average in their primary school exit exam. With results like these it is clear that all African children can and must benefit from access to a quality education which drives learning. Their potential is unlimited. All African parents want their children to learn. Bridge International Academies is supporting thousands of them to do so."

To learn more about the Bridge methodology – visit their website here.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–05b8–4922–ad83–a183bef5b20f

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000825399)