Elavon et FreedomPay sont sur le point de transformer le secteur des paiements dans l’hôtellerie et la vente au détail en Europe

LONDRES, 25 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, l’un des principaux prestataires de solutions de paiement au monde, a annoncé ce jour sa collaboration élargie en Europe avec FreedomPay, leader mondial en matière de technologies Next Level Commerce™. Le partenariat a pour objectif d’amener des solutions de commerce intégrées ainsi qu’une technologie de paiement omnicanal de pointe aux grandes entreprises dans les secteurs de la vente au détail et de l’hôtellerie.

L’accord associe l’acquisition d’Elavon aux technologies commerciales FreedomPay au bénéfice des commerçants d’Elavon à travers toute l’Europe. Les entreprises disposeront d’une flexibilité et d’options de paiement améliorées, de données sécurisées et d’une technologie de paiement parfaitement intégrée, sur les canaux de commerce physique comme électronique.

« Elavon et FreedomPay sont forts d’une expérience enviable en Europe, où ils permettent aux commerçants dans les secteurs de l’hôtellerie et de la vente au détail de développer leurs opérations et de mieux répondre aux besoins de leurs clients », a déclaré Hemlata Narasimhan, présidente d’Elavon en Europe. « Nous sommes heureux d’approfondir nos liens avec FreedomPay dans notre effort continu d’offrir l’expérience de paiement de premier ordre qui a fait notre renommée. »

Elavon est depuis longtemps positionné comme un leader dans le secteur des paiements dans l’hôtellerie et la vente au détail, et l’intégration à la plateforme de commerce FreedomPay permet de réunir les fonctions de sécurité, d’identité, de paiements, de suivi de la fidélité et de publicité et des solutions exclusives basées sur les données.

« Ensemble, Elavon et FreedomPay redessinent le paysage international du secteur des paiements, en offrant encore davantage de fonctionnalités et d’innovations aux entreprises et à leurs clients », a déclaré Chris Kronenthal, président de FreedomPay. « Les commerçants peuvent désormais s’attendre à une expérience de paiement fluide et harmonieuse, avec en prime un traitement des données, un suivi de la fidélité et une sécurité de qualité supérieure. »

À propos d’Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon, principale société spécialisée dans les paiements internationaux, emploie plus de 4 300 personnes et est présente dans 10 pays. Filiale d’U.S. Bancorp (NYSE : USB), Elavon fournit aux entreprises les technologies nécessaires pour accepter les paiements des clients, que ce soit pour des achats en magasin, à domicile ou en déplacement.

Sa plateforme se distingue par le fait qu’elle offre un accès commun à travers les pays, ce qui facilite la mise en place rapide et sécurisée de leur système de paiement par les entreprises.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Enregistrée en Irlande auprès du Bureau d’enregistrement des sociétés. La responsabilité des membres est limitée. Succursale du Royaume–Uni enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, exerçant ses activités sous le nom d’Elavon Merchant Services, est un établissement de crédit agréé et réglementé par la Banque centrale d’Irlande. Autorisé par la Prudential Regulation Authority (Autorité de régulation prudentielle britannique). Soumis à la réglementation de la Financial Conduct Authority (Autorité de conduite financière britannique) et à une réglementation limitée de la Prudential Regulatory Authority. Des informations plus détaillées concernant la portée de la réglementation appliquée auprès de nous par la Prudential Regulatory Authority sont disponibles sur demande.

À propos de FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

La plateforme Next Level Commerce™ de FreedomPay transforme les anciens systèmes et processus de paiement existants en systèmes de pointe, et permet aux commerçants de libérer la puissance des paiements. Choix privilégié pour beaucoup des plus grandes entreprises au monde dans les secteurs de la vente au détail, de l’hôtellerie, de l’hébergement, des jeux, des sports et divertissements, de la restauration, de l’éducation, de la santé et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a été spécialement conçue pour offrir des performances à toute épreuve dans l’environnement très complexe du commerce international.

La société maintient un environnement de sécurité de haut niveau et s’est illustrée comme la première à obtenir la validation très convoitée du PCI Security Standards Council (Conseil des normes de sécurité du secteur des cartes de paiement) concernant la norme de chiffrement point à point P2PE/EMV (Point–To–Point/Europay Mastercard Visa) en Amérique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matière de paiements, de sécurité, d’identité et d’analyse des données sont disponibles en boutique, en ligne et sur mobile, et sont prises en charge par une adoption rapide d’API (Application Programming Interface, ou interface de programmation d’application). La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay, qui a obtenu de nombreuses récompenses, fonctionne sur une pile technologique unique et unifiée à travers plusieurs continents, permettant aux entreprises d’offrir une expérience innovante supérieure à l’échelle mondiale.

Coordonnées :
Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton pour FreedomPay

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9105702)

Elavon and FreedomPay to transform payments for hospitality and retail in Europe

LONDON, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, a leading global payments provider, today announces its expanded collaboration in Europe with FreedomPay, a global leader in Next Level Commerce™ technologies. The partnership aims to deliver cutting–edge integrated commerce solutions and omni–channel payments technology to large enterprise merchants across Retail and Hospitality.

The agreement pairs Elavon acquiring with FreedomPay commerce technologies to benefit Elavon merchants across Europe, empowering businesses with enhanced payment flexibility and optionality, data security, and a seamlessly integrated payments technology across both physical and ecommerce channels.

“Elavon and FreedomPay have an enviable track record in Europe of helping hospitality and retail merchants grow their operations and better meet their customers’ needs,” said Hemlata Narasimhan, President of Elavon in Europe. “We’re pleased to extend our relationship with FreedomPay to continue to offer the first–class payments experience we’ve become known for.”

Elavon has long been a leader in hospitality and retail payments, and integrating with the FreedomPay Commerce Platform merges security, identity, payments, loyalty, and advertising with proprietary data driven solutions.

“Together, Elavon and FreedomPay are reshaping the global payments landscape, introducing greater functionality and innovation to enterprise businesses and their customers,” said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. “Merchants can now expect a seamless and consistent payments experience backed by Next Level data, loyalty, and security.”

About Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon is a leading global payments company with more than 4,300 employees and operations in 10 countries. A subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), Elavon provides businesses with the technology needed to accept payments from customers, whether they are shopping in stores, at home or on the go.

Its platform is distinctive in that it is common across countries, making it easier for businesses to get their payment system up and running quickly and securely.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Registered in Ireland with Companies Registration Office. The liability of the member is limited. United Kingdom branch registered in England and Wales under the number BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, trading as Elavon Merchant Services, is a credit institution authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.

About FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

Contact info:
Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton for FreedomPay

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9104791)

RSPO Celebrates 20 Years of Impact and Reaffirms the Power of Partnerships for the Next 20

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Nov. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil marked a special milestone at its Annual Roundtable conference (RT2023), themed "Partners for the Next 20", to reflect on nearly two decades of impact made possible through the collaborative efforts of RSPO's Members and partners. RT2023 presented an opportunity to take unified action on the core challenges facing the sustainable palm oil industry, including mitigating climate change, increasing uptake of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), protecting labour rights, and facilitating greater smallholder inclusion in green supply chains through compliance with emerging international regulations.

For nearly twenty years, the RSPO has facilitated global change to make the production and consumption of palm oil sustainable. Starting from 200 members from 16 countries in 2004, RSPO now counts more than 5,700 members in over 100 countries and territories spanning the globe.

In his opening remarks, RSPO CEO Joseph D'Cruz said, "Through nearly two decades of voluntary action, RSPO Members have banded together to raise the bars of sustainability within the industry. The impact we have collectively achieved is increasingly being acknowledged by stakeholders outside our industry, and we are seeing a definite shift in the sustainable palm oil narrative in our favour. As a global partnership to make palm oil sustainable, we must ride this trajectory and continue to evolve and pursue new territory. There is room now for us to move beyond a standard and certification system and develop tools that would enable the industry to demonstrate sustainability in the way that markets, regulators and customers demand today."

RSPO's key achievements over the last two decades were highlighted, including the increase in global certified area from just 125,000 hectares in 2008 to 4.9 million hectares across 23 countries in 2023. Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) supply reached a new milestone at 15.4 million metric tonnes, while RSPO Trademark licences have increased significantly to more than 1,600 licences in over 100 countries and territories, with growth seen in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, signalling significant opportunities in these markets. The RSPO Smallholder Support Fund (RSSF) has provided US$4.2 million in funding to support 44,203 farmers in 12 countries since 2013. Accounting for 40% of total palm oil production output in key producing countries, smallholders featured strongly at RT2023, focused on opportunities and pathways to facilitate greater inclusion in green supply chains through compliance with emerging international regulations.

Charting new territory, RSPO's Certification, Trade and Traceability System (CTTS), launched recently in October 2023 with the formation of the tripartite consortium of global agri–tech experts, exemplifies how the organisation is advancing and digitising its tracking and traceability systems into an end–to–end digital infrastructure. This is rooted by best–in–class solutions that will be able to meet current demands and anticipate the future needs of a sector that is rapidly evolving to meet tightening global regulations, starting with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), and is actively engaging with the European Commission for knowledge–sharing on this topic with all relevant parties.

Anne Rosenbarger and Jos Roberto Montenegro, Co–Chairs of the RSPO Board of Governors, together called for the successes of the past 20 years to be leveraged and scaled further through collective action and innovative approaches. "RSPO is strategically evolving to meet current and forthcoming challenges, including shifting regulatory and market expectations, by improving the auditability and implementability of our current standards and Assurance systems in order to be ready to connect to the broader industry's sustainability platforms," said Anne Rosenbarger. Following a comprehensive and highly consultative review of its current 2018 RSPO Principles and Criteria and 2019 RSPO Independent Smallholder Standard, a technical revision process is underway to produce a revised set of standards in 2024.

The conference also featured the RSPO Excellence Awards, which saw fifteen of its Members nominated for their outstanding contributions to sustainable palm oil. The winners were DSN Group for Innovation; Bumitama Agri Ltd. for Conservation Leadership; Musim Mas for Smallholder Impact; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo for Communicating for Good, and WWF International for Shared Responsibility. Learn more about the winners, nominees and their award–worthy initiatives here.

About RSPO:
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is a global partnership to make palm oil sustainable. Formed in 2004, the RSPO is a multi–stakeholder non–profit organisation that unites members from across the palm oil value chain, including oil palm producers, palm oil processors and traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, banks, and investors, environmental or nature conservation non–governmental organisations (NGOs), and social or developmental NGOs. As a partnership for progress and positive impact, the RSPO facilitates global change to make the production and consumption of palm oil sustainable. To inspire change, we communicate the environmental and social benefits. To make progress, we catalyse collaboration. To provide assurance, we set the standards of certification. The RSPO is registered as an international association in Zurich, Switzerland, with main offices in Malaysia and Indonesia, and offices in China, Colombia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. For further information, kindly contact: media@rspo.org

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:






GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8983091)

FreedomPay annonce un partenariat stratégique avec PAX Technology, Inc. pour des solutions de commerce mondial améliorées


FreedomPay, plateforme technologique de commerce privilgie des industries mondiales comprenant l'htellerie, l'hbergement, la vente au dtail et plus encore, annonce aujourd'hui sa collaboration avec PAX Technology, Inc., l'un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement lectroniques de la plante.

compter du deuxime trimestre 2024, FreedomPay lancera des appareils PAX Technology offrant une exprience de validation de commande se montrant la fois sre, fluide et unifie pour les consommateurs tout en permettant aux marchands de bnficier des capacits d'analyse des donnes et des programmes de fidlit avantageux de FreedomPay. Ce partenariat renforce l'engagement de FreedomPay favoriser un cosystme ouvert et accessible pour ses partenaires sectoriels et marchands.

FreedomPay se ddie offrir une exprience client sans gale en priorisant la vitesse, la scurit et la personnalisation , a dclar Chris Kronenthal, prsident de FreedomPay. En faisant quipe avec PAX Technology, les marchands du monde entier peuvent dsormais offrir une exprience commerciale de niveau suprieur.

Ce partenariat annonce une nouvelle re d'excellence commerciale pour les marchands et consommateurs du monde entier. Grce l'inclusion d'une connectivit sans fil 4G de pointe, les marchands pourront dsormais profiter de transactions rapides et fluides. Les appareils tout–en–un de PAX Technology, intgrant la fois point de vente et paiements, rationalisent les oprations et simplifient l'exprience de validation de commande.

Cette collaboration avec FreedomPay associe une technologie commerciale de pointe avec des solutions matrielles d'acceptation des paiements faisant figure de leaders du secteur, favorisant le commerce mondial en permettant des transactions faciles et sres tant pour les consommateurs que pour les entreprises , a comment Andy Chau, prsident et directeur gnral de PAX Technology, Inc. Notre ligne de terminaux Android constituera une solution de paiement extrmement flexible pour FreedomPay et ses clients.

propos de FreedomPay
La plateforme Next Level Commerce de FreedomPay transforme les systmes et processus de paiement existants pour les faire passer la pointe de la technologie et permet aux marchands de dvoiler la puissance des paiements. En tant que premier choix pour bon nombre des plus grandes entreprises du monde dans les domaines de la vente au dtail, de l'htellerie, de l'hbergement, des jeux, des sports et du divertissement, des services alimentaires, de l'ducation, des soins de sant et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a t spcialement conue pour fournir des performances solides dans l'environnement extrmement complexe du commerce mondial.

La socit maintient un environnement de scurit de classe mondiale et a t la premire obtenir la validation convoite du Conseil des normes de scurit de l'industrie des cartes de paiement (PCI) par rapport la norme de cryptage point point (P2PE/EMV) en Amrique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matire de paiements, de scurit, d'identit et d'analyse de donnes sont disponibles en magasin, en ligne et sur mobile et sont prises en charge par l'adoption rapide des API. La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay prime fonctionne sur une seule et unique pile technologique unifie sur plusieurs continents, permettant ainsi aux entreprises d'offrir une exprience innovante de niveau suprieur l'chelle mondiale. www.freedompay.com

propos de PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. est l'un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement lectroniques au monde, comptant 70 millions de terminaux situs dans plus de 120 pays. En tant que fabricants mondiaux de premier plan dans le domaine, nous sommes dtermins proposer des solutions de paiement innovantes, sres et de haute qualit aux entreprises, de toutes tailles, travers la plante. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur le site www.pax.us.

Contact :
Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies pour FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922545)

FreedomPay gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit PAX Technology, Inc. für verbesserte Lösungen beim globalen Handel bekannt


FreedomPay, die bevorzugte Commerce–Technologieplattform fr zahlreiche Branchen wie Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Einzelhandel und mehr, gibt heute seine Zusammenarbeit mit PAX Technology, Inc. bekannt, einem der weltweit grten Anbieter elektronischer Zahlungslsungen.

Im zweiten Quartal 2024 wird FreedomPay Gerte mit PAX–Technologie einfhren, die Verbrauchern ein sicheres, problemloses und einheitliches Kassenerlebnis bieten und Hndlern mit den robusten Treueprogrammen und Datenanalysefunktionen von FreedomPay untersttzen. Diese Partnerschaft unterstreicht das Bestreben von FreedomPay, ein offenes und zugngliches kosystem fr seine Hndler und Industriepartner zu frdern.

"FreedomPay hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein unvergleichliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten, indem es Geschwindigkeit, Sicherheit und Personalisierung in den Vordergrund stellt", so Chris Kronenthal, President von FreedomPay. "Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit PAX Technology knnen Hndler berall auf der Welt nun Hndlern und Verbrauchern ein Commerce–Erlebnis auf ganz neuem Level bieten."

Die Partnerschaft lutet eine neue ra von Spitzenleistungen im Handel fr Hndler und Verbraucher weltweit ein. Die Integration der hochmodernen 4G–Mobilfunkverbindung ermglicht Hndlern jetzt die problemlose und schnelle Durchfhrung der Transaktionen. Die All–in–One–Gerte von PAX Technology, die sowohl den Point–of–Sale als auch den Zahlungsverkehr integrieren, optimieren die Ablufe und vereinfachen den Zahlungsvorgang.

"Die Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay verbindet modernste Handelstechnologie mit branchenfhrenden Hardwarelsungen fr die Zahlungsakzeptanz und frdert den globalen Handel, indem sie sichere Transaktionen fr Verbraucher und Unternehmen ermglicht", sagte Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Unsere Android–Terminals bieten eine uerst flexible Zahlungslsung fr FreedomPay und seine Kunden."

ber FreedomPay
Die Next Level Commerce–Plattform von FreedomPay verwandelt bestehende Zahlungssysteme und –prozesse von veralteten in moderne Lsungen und ermglicht es Hndlern, neue Zahlungsmglichkeiten fr sich zu entdecken. Als erste Wahl fr viele der weltweit grten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Glcksspiel, Sport und Unterhaltung, Foodservice, Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und Finanzdienstleistungen wurde die Technologie von FreedomPay speziell entwickelt, um in der hochkomplexen Umgebung des globalen Handels eine felsenfeste Leistung zu erbringen.

Das Unternehmen unterhlt eine erstklassige Sicherheitsumgebung und war das erste Unternehmen, das vom PCI Security Standards Council die begehrte Validierung des Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) Standards in Nordamerika erhielt. Die robusten Lsungen von FreedomPay in den Bereichen Zahlungen, Sicherheit, Identitt und Datenanalyse sind in Geschften, online und mobil verfgbar und werden durch eine schnelle API–Einfhrung untersttzt. Die preisgekrnte FreedomPay Commerce–Plattform arbeitet auf einem einzigen, einheitlichen Technologie–Stack ber mehrere Kontinente hinweg und ermglicht es Unternehmen, ein innovatives Next Level–Erlebnis auf globaler Ebene zu bieten. www.freedompay.com

ber PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. ist einer der weltweit grten Anbieter von elektronischen Zahlungslsungen mit 70 Millionen Terminals in ber 120 Lndern. Als ein weltweit fhrender Hersteller von Zahlungslsungen haben wir uns verpflichtet, innovative, qualitativ hochwertige und sichere Zahlungslsungen fr groe und kleine Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt zu liefern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.pax.us.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922545)

FreedomPay Announces Strategic Partnership with PAX Technology, Inc. for Enhanced Global Commerce Solutions


FreedomPay, the preferred commerce technology platform for global industries including hospitality, lodging, retail and more, today announces its collaboration with PAX Technology, Inc., one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world.

Available in Q2 2024, FreedomPay will introduce PAX Technology devices to enable a secure, seamless, and unified checkout experience for consumers while empowering merchants with FreedomPay's robust loyalty programs and data analytics capabilities. This partnership reinforces FreedomPay's commitment to fostering an open and accessible ecosystem for its merchants and industry partners.

"FreedomPay is dedicated to delivering an unparalleled consumer experience by prioritizing speed, security and personalization," said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. "By teaming up with PAX Technology, merchants worldwide can now offer merchants and consumers a Next Level commerce experience."

The partnership signals a new era of commerce excellence for merchants and consumers globally. With the inclusion of cutting–edge 4G wireless connectivity, merchants can now enjoy seamless and rapid transactions. PAX Technology's all–in–one devices, integrating both point–of–sale and payments, streamlines operations and simplifies the checkout experience.

"This collaboration with FreedomPay combines cutting–edge commerce technology with industry–leading payment acceptance hardware solutions, driving global commerce by facilitating secure transactions for both consumers and businesses," said Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Our Android line of terminals will provide an extremely flexible payment solution for FreedomPay, and their customers."

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc.is one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world, with 70 million terminals located in over 120 countries. As a leading global manufacturer of payment solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative, high–quality, and secure payment solutions to businesses, large and small, worldwide. To learn more visit www.pax.us.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921905)

SMPO Releases CP01 Disposable Pod Kit With Multiple Flavors And Large Capacity

GUANGZHOU, China, Jan. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SMPO Vape, a leading e–cigarette brand, recently released a new series of CP01 disposable pod kits. With over 7 years in the e–cigarette industry, SMPO Vape has always been committed to producing quality vaping equipment for its international customers. The new product CP01 offers an unrivaled soft and smooth vaping experience, rich in flavors combined with a large capacity.

Outstanding features based on Stylish Design
The stylish pen–style CP01 has a slender and smooth body and gradient colors. Additionally, in order to provide users with a softer and smoother vaping experience, SMPO vape applies a 0.8resistor design. The unique airway design of the Pod of CP01 allows customers to smoothly rotate the Pod to enjoy both the 1:1 Cig–type vaping experience and Shisha vaping performance.

Long–lasting power
The CP01 has a built–in 750mAh large–capacity battery and is equipped with a type–C charging adapter. The product has an extremely fast charging time, only charging for 30 minutes to meet the use from day to night, helping customers get rid of low–power anxiety and enjoy vaping with long–lasting power.

Large–capacity and multi–flavor pods
The SMPO's CP01 is equipped with a 10ml large–capacity pod. Both its disposable pod kit and its CP pod can be sold separately. Moreover, there are a total of 8 flavors of CP01customers can benefit from more choices for satisfying their taste buds.

Eliminate oil leakage
E–liquid leakage has always been a problem that plagues many customers. In this regard, SMPO Vape specially designed the pre–filled cotton coil to prevent leakage. CP pods use mesh coils to help vape and provide a pure and silky taste.

About SMPO
SMPO Vape is a trusted e–cigarette brand that belongs to SHENZHEN YUEZHITU COMMERCIAL CO.LTD. SMPO's business covers 14 countries, spacing from R&D to manufacturing and wholesale of vaping products. The brand's products have been awarded more than 90 patents and have passed the certification of CE, ROHS, KC, and other international certificates.

Media Contact
Address: Room 503, Xinggang Tongchuanghui Tianquan Building, No. 6099 Baoan Avenue, Xinhe Community, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen,GuangDong Prov.China
Telephone: +86 15989315227
Email: marketing@smpovapor.com
Website: https://www.smpovapor.com/

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8738621)

Elo Partners with FreedomPay to Transform the Digital In-Store Experience

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the global leader in Next Level Commerce, and Elo, a leading global provider of interactive solutions and interactive display solutions, announce the integration of Elo's M60 Pay handheld computer with FreedomPay's secure commerce technology.

Built to accept today's popular payment and loyalty cards, the M60 Pay has a built–in EMV, magnetic stripe reader and NFC for cards with either chips or strips and digital contactless payments. The Android –based M60 Pay computer can transform from a mobile to a fixed POS solution with the optional docking station, expansion module and Elo touchscreen monitor.

Together, FreedomPay and Elo are reinventing the digital in–store experience by uniting Elo's innovative and interactive solutions with FreedomPay's industry–leading commerce technology platform to create a secure, frictionless, unified shopping experience for global consumers while supporting merchants with robust loyalty and data analytics capabilities.

"The M60 Pay makes decentralizing the checkout process and taking payments anywhere easy," said Craig Witsoe, CEO at Elo. "The partnership with FreedomPay will bring enhanced functionality and security to create a more personalized experience for consumers."

FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform offers many benefits to merchants and their customers, including:

  • The ability to unify commerce across properties, channels, and regions within a single open, fully agnostic, flexible platform;
  • A touchless ecosystem that supports contactless payments, QR technology, Apple Pay, and Google Pay; and
  • A fully integrated end–to–end solution enabling secure payments, identity–as–a–service, loyalty, and business intelligence.

"Consumers are looking continually for new payment functionality and greater customization when it comes to payments. The partnership with Elo will give customers secure and seamless checkout experience expected with FreedomPay coupled with the innovative and modular designed solutions from Elo," said Tom Durovsik, Founder & CEO of FreedomPay.

To learn more about the solution, visit FreedomPay at NRF booth #4250 or Elo at NRF booth #5803 to request a demo.

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock–solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award–winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About Elo
As a leading global supplier of interactive solutions, #EloIsEverywhere. To date, Elo has deployed more than 25 million installations in over 80 countries. A new Elo touchscreen is installed every 21 seconds, on average, somewhere in the world. Built on a unified architecture, Elo's broad portfolio allows its customers to easily Choose, Configure and Connect & Control to create a unique experience. Choose from all–in–one systems, open–frame monitors and touchscreen monitors ranging from 7 to 65 inches. Configure with Elo's unique Elo Edge Connect peripherals that allow use–specific solutions. Connect & Control with EloView , a secure, cloud–based platform for Android–powered devices. EloView enables secure deployment and management of a large network of interactive systems designed to reduce operating costs while increasing up–time and security.

Consumers can find Elo touchscreen solutions in self–service kiosks, point–of–sale terminals, interactive signage, gaming machines, hospitality systems, point–of–care displays and transportation applications, to name a few. Learn more at EloTouch.com.


Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8730050)

FreedomPay Announces Integration with Castles Technology to Expand Commerce Offering Globally

The partnership brings a unique consumer experience powered by loyalty and value–added services to millions of merchants globally.

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the commerce technology partner of choice for global leaders across hospitality, retail, restaurants and sports and entertainment, announce today a partnership with Castles Technology, a globally recognized and industry–leading manufacturer of payment hardware solutions.

"FreedomPay creates a world–class experience for consumers through optimized speed, security, and personalization," said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. "By partnering with Castles, merchants can provide a best–in–class commerce experience for consumers globally."

Available beginning Q1 2023, FreedomPay will offer Castles' all–in–one Android SmartPOS terminal to create a secure, frictionless and unified shopping experience for consumers while also supporting merchants with robust loyalty and data analytics capabilities. The move furthers its commitment towards an open and accessible ecosystem for FreedomPay's merchants and industry partners alike. "Ultimately, FreedomPay's proposition to the market is innovation based around choice and flexibility "" we take another step forward with this announcement," said Kronenthal.

"This partnership with FreedomPay brings together world–class commerce technology with industry–leading payment acceptance hardware solutions that drive global commerce by serving consumers and businesses to securely pay and get paid. Delivering innovation and trust is part of our DNA, and we are thrilled to be working with FreedomPay, who shares our ambitions to keep pushing our industry forward for our clients," said Ben Love, President & CTO of Castles Technology North America.

Castles devices offer merchants many benefits including:

  • FreedomPay's PCI–Validated P2PE solution and PCI PTS v6 firmware
  • Front and rear cameras for QR code payment acceptance and loyalty programs
  • Laser scanner for fast product scanning
  • 5" touchscreen with PIN on glass

Supported by Castles, FreedomPay continues its global expansion across 130+ countries, more than one hundred currencies and thousands of commerce partners.

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About Castles Technology
With thirty years of worldwide market experience, Castles Technology has established itself as a top global manufacturer of next–generation payment acceptance hardware. Our goal is to create simple, innovative, and secure payment solutions that provide mobility and flexibility for a diverse range of attended and unattended payment environments such as retail, vending, micro markets, restaurants, transportation, finance, lodging, and hospitality. We pride ourselves on crafting accessible payment solutions, reducing the lifetime cost of payment acceptance hardware, and providing robust integration options. Our North American headquarters are in Atlanta, GA, and Castles Technology has 11 regional offices across Asia, Europe, and North and South America.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies
(734) 395–0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8697871)

Announcing Green Horizons, a Trailblazing Cannabis Cultivation and CPG Brand Campus

COACHELLA VALLEY, Calif., April 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today Green Horizons announced plans for its massive, trailblazing Canna–Campus in Coachella Valley, which broke ground late last year and is under construction. The first–of–its–kind facility will feature scaled cannabis cultivation alongside CPG brand development, positioning the Company to become one of the largest vertically integrated brand platforms in the world. Green Horizons will also offer campus tours, education and workshops to outside visitors.

Green Horizons is launching the first 226,787 sq. ft. of its campus with options to scale to 1,000,000 sq. ft. as market conditions dictate. Phase I of the Green Horizons campus will consist of 101,787 sq. ft. of a state–of–the–art, sealed, Class "A" automated light deprivation greenhouse. Phase II adds an additional 125,000 sq. ft. that will serve as the Company's corporate headquarters as well as its brand incubator, along with additional light deprivation greenhouse cultivation space.

Green Horizons' mission is to fuel a portfolio of in–house brands with in–house supply to guarantee consistency and uniformity. Combining the management team's track record of cultivation excellence with the Company's high–tech sun powered cultivation facilities, Green Horizons aims to redefine the cultivation landscape to create a blue ocean of top shelf flower at greenhouse COGS. In leveraging its low–cost basis, Green Horizons will be able to continue scaling as commoditization exerts downward pressure on higher cost producers.

The Company will be formally announcing their much–anticipated debut brand, a crossover from the fashion world, which will launch in Q3 of 2022, to be followed by a value brand paying homage to the Coachella Valley, anticipated in summer 2023. Upon completion of the facility, the brands will be exclusively powered by proprietary genetics bred in–house by the Company, a cornerstone differentiator for all Green Horizons portfolio brands.

"The Coachella Valley is the perfect place to build a world class cultivation and CPG brand campus at this scale," said Carlos "Los" Arias, Chief Executive Officer of Green Horizons. "Coachella has long been a stalwart agricultural community, and I am honored to now help make Coachella a global cannabis destination. Being built to last is more important than being first, and we're just getting started."

Green Horizons was co–founded by Arias and Michael C. Meade. Arias leads the Company's vision to create culturally relevant brands that bring people together. Known for his high vibrational presence, Arias is an exemplar of community–minded collaboration that serves as the bedrock of the Company's culture. Meade serves as Green Horizons' President and largest investor. Through an unrelated entity, Meade is developing Coachella Cann Park, which is being leased to Green Horizons. Meade's development company has secured an $18.5M construction loan from Innovative Industrial Properties to fund construction of the property.

Arias and Meade are joined by founding investor Star Branding Investment Group, LLC, which brings its global entrepreneurial prowess to Green Horizons, drawing on its success in building global brands and experience in a wide range of operational matters. Brought together, Green Horizons and its principals have the requisite capabilities in–house to scale a profitable cultivation and CPG enterprise, synchronizing facility operations expertise and global brand prowess.


Green Horizons recognizes the privilege to work within the legal cannabis space and is committed to positive social change at the local level.

Education is a pillar of the Company. With a mission to destigmatize cannabis through education and transparency, Green Horizons will open its doors to offer campus tours to outside visitors, along with workshops and educational programs for the community and those interested in learning more about the cannabis plant and the industry.

The Company is partnering with the City of Coachella in launching the Build the Valley Initiative, which will consist of two prominent initiatives: first, building infrastructure for the community; and second, advocacy for expungement and job creation for which Green Horizons will create a dedicated Coachella Valley program. In addition to their local community activism, Green Horizons is also invested in the sustainable future of the cannabis industry and is a member of an industry task force, comprised of top operators, financiers and attorneys, whose aim is to eradicate the use of plastics in the cannabis supply chain.


Green Horizons is a next gen, vertically integrated cannabis company that builds CPG brands. With world class facilities to fuel globally relevant brands, the Company's aim is to crossover and create meaningful brands that bring people together. www.greenhorizons.io



Arias is regarded industry wide as a plant medicine expert, honed from his Cuban/Brazilian lineage and years of dedication to studying and working with medicinal plants all over the world. A lawyer by training, Arias is responsible for the Company's key strategic partnerships.



In addition to securing the first issued cannabis licenses in Riverside County 15 years ago for cultivation and retail, Meade went on to build a cannabis real estate empire in the desert valley, fueled by Wilson Meade commercial brokerage and Desert Rock Development.


Star Branding Investment Group, LLC is a private investment vehicle founded by Mr. Tommy Hilfiger and Mr. Joe Lamastra, through which it, and its subsidiaries seek investments in businesses across a broad range of industries.

For media inquiries please contact: press@weareprismatics.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/02b2422e–e386–488a–b236–26245b458b36

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8519638)