Zenas BioPharma annonce la publication d'une étude de phase 2 sur l'obéxélimab, un traitement expérimental pour la maladie liée aux IgG4 (ML-IgG4), dans The Lancet Rheumatology

L'tude a montr que l'obxlimab produisait une amlioration clinique rapide, forte et soutenue, y compris une rmission clinique complte, chez la plupart des patients atteints de ML–IgG4 active

Les rsultats soutiennent la poursuite du dveloppement de l'obxlimab pour le traitement de la ML–IgG4 et potentiellement d'autres maladies auto–immunes mdiation par les cellules B

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 02 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, une socit biopharmaceutique mondiale dtermine devenir un leader dans le dveloppement et la commercialisation de traitements bass sur l'immunit, annonce que The Lancet Rheumatology a publi les rsultats d'une tude de phase 2 valuant l'obxlimab pour le traitement de patients atteints de la maladie lie aux IgG4 (ML–IgG4). Sur la base des rsultats de cette tude, un essai de phase 3 chez des patients atteints de ML–IgG4 est en cours afin d'valuer davantage l'efficacit et l'innocuit de l'obxlimab administr par injection sous–cutane.

La ML–IgG4 est une maladie fibro–inflammatoire chronique mdiation immunitaire qui peut toucher plusieurs organes, notamment les glandes salivaires principales, les orbites, les glandes lacrymales, le pancras, l'arbre biliaire, les poumons, les reins et le rtropritoine. Environ 20 000 patients sont diagnostiqus comme tant atteints d'une ML–IgG4 rien qu'aux tats–Unis. Bien qu'elle soit de plus en plus reconnue, il reste ncessaire de poursuivre la recherche et de trouver des options thrapeutiques efficaces pour les personnes qui vivent avec cette maladie invalidante.

Dans le monde entier, l'utilisation de glucocorticodes est largement considre comme la norme de soins pour traiter la ML–IgG4. Il n'existe aucune option de traitement approuve pour cette condition. Bien que couramment utiliss, les glucocorticodes et les traitements de dpltion des cellules B disponibles conduisent rarement des rmissions long terme sans traitement, et sont associs un risque lev de toxicit chez ces patients. Ces traitements altrent galement les rponses vaccinales, y compris celles contre le SRAS–CoV–2 et la grippe.

Dans une tude pilote prospective ouverte bras unique et centre unique visant valuer l'efficacit et l'innocuit de l'obxlimab dans le traitement des patients atteints de ML–IgG4 (inscription NCT02725476 sur clinicaltrials.gov), l'obxlimab a dmontr une forte amlioration sur l'IgG4–RD Responder Index, qui mesure l'activit de la maladie, en inhibant la fonction des cellules B, sans les puiser.

Le manuscrit publi, intitul Obexelimab for the Treatment of Patients with IgG4–Related Disease: An Open–Label, Single–Arm, Pilot Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action (L'obxlimab pour le traitement des patients atteints de maladie lie aux IgG4 : une tude pilote ouverte bras unique visant valuer l'efficacit, l'innocuit et le mode d'action) est disponible en ligne et figurera dans le numro d'aot de The Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5(8) [E428–E429].

Ci–aprs figurent les principales conclusions du document :

  • L'obxelimab a produit une amlioration clinique rapide, forte et soutenue, y compris une rmission complte (score de 0 sur l'IgG4–RD Responder Index), chez la plupart des patients atteints de ML–IgG4 active.
  • Lors du traitement base d'obxlimab, des rductions des cellules B en circulation, y compris les plasmablastes, ont t observes sans preuve de mort cellulaire.
  • Par ailleurs, une rduction des cellules B en circulation et un rapide retour des niveaux quasi–normaux aprs arrt du traitement suggrent que l'obxlimab pourrait mener une squestration des cellules B dans les organes lymphode ou la moelle osseuse.
  • L'obxlimab s'est rvl bien tolr. La majorit des effets indsirables lis aux traitement taient de grades 1 ou 2, les plus courants tant des ractions lies la perfusion gastro–intestinale, modres pour la plupart.

Nos conclusions constituent un pas en avant considrable dans notre comprhension des mcanismes sous–jacents de la maladie lie aux IgG4, ouvrant la voie des stratgies de traitement plus cibles , a dclar John Stone, MD, MPH, professeur de mdecine la Harvard Medical School, et de la chaire de mdecine Edward A. Fox au Mass General Hospital. Notre quipe est honore de voir ses recherches tre reconnues par The Lancet Rheumatology, et nous sommes immensment reconnaissants aux patients qui ont particip cette tude rvolutionnaire.

propos de l'obxlimab

L'obxlimab est un anticorps monoclonal, humanis, non cytolytique, bifonctionnel et exprimental de phase 3 qui imite l'action de complexes antigne–anticorps en liant la CD19 et le FcRIIb afin d'inhiber l'activit des cellules de ligne B. Dans plusieurs tudes cliniques de stade prcoce pour diverses maladies auto–immunes, 198 sujets ont t traits avec l'obxlimab. Dans le cadre de ces tudes cliniques, l'obxlimab a dmontr une inhibition efficace de la fonction des cellules B sans les puiser, donnant lieu un effet thrapeutique encourageant chez les patients atteints de diverses maladies auto–immunes. Zenas a acquis des droits mondiaux exclusifs sur l'obxlimab auprs de Xencor, Inc.

Davantage d'informations sur l'tude de phase 3 (INDIGO) pour le traitement de la maladie lie aux IgG4 sont disponibles sur clinicaltrials.gov : NCT05662241.

propos de Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma est une socit biopharmaceutique mondiale dtermine devenir un leader dans le dveloppement et la commercialisation de traitements immunitaires pour les patients dans le monde entier. Avec un dveloppement et des oprations cliniques l'chelle mondiale, Zenas fait progresser un portefeuille mondial approfondi et quilibr de thrapies auto–immunes potentielles premires et meilleures de leur catgorie dans des domaines o les besoins mdicaux ne sont pas satisfaits, tout en rpondant aux exigences de valeur de l'environnement dynamique mondial des soins de sant. Le portefeuille de la socit continue de crotre grce notre stratgie de dveloppement commercial fructueuse. Notre quipe de direction exprimente et notre rseau de partenaires commerciaux stimulent l'excellence oprationnelle pour apporter des thrapies potentiellement transformatrices afin d'amliorer la vie des personnes confrontes des maladies rares et auto–immunes. Pour tout complment d'information sur Zenas BioPharma, veuillez consulter le site www.zenasbio.com et nous suivre sur Twitter l'adresse @ZenasBioPharma et LinkedIn.

Contact auprs des investisseurs et des mdias :
Joe Farmer, prsident et directeur de l'exploitation
Zenas BioPharma

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8886118)

Zenas BioPharma Announces Publication of Phase 2 Study of Obexelimab, an Investigational Treatment for IgG4-Related Disease (IgG4-RD), in The Lancet Rheumatology

Study found obexelimab produced rapid, strong, and sustained clinical improvement, including complete clinical remission, in most patients with active IgG4–RD

Results support the continued development of obexelimab for the treatment of IgG4–RD and potentially other B cell–mediated autoimmune conditions

WALTHAM, Mass., Aug. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immune–based therapies, announces The Lancet Rheumatology has published findings from a Phase 2 study evaluating obexelimab for the treatment of patients with IgG4–Related Disease (IgG4–RD). Based on the results of this study, a Phase 3 study in patients with IgG4–RD is ongoing to further investigate the efficacy and safety of obexelimab administered as a subcutaneous injection.

IgG4–RD is a chronic, immune–mediated fibro–inflammatory disease that can affect multiple organs including the major salivary glands, orbits, lacrimal glands, pancreas, biliary tree, lungs, kidneys, and retroperitoneum. Approximately 20,000 patients are diagnosed with IgG4–RD in the United States alone. Despite its increasing recognition, there remains a need for further research and effective therapeutic options for individuals living with this debilitating disease.

Across the world, the use of glucocorticoids is widely considered to be the standard of care for treating IgG4–RD. There are no approved treatment options for this condition. While commonly used, glucocorticoids and available B cell depleting therapies rarely lead to long–term, treatment–free remissions, and are associated with a high risk of toxicity in these patients. Such therapies also impair vaccine responses, including those for SARS–CoV–2 and influenza.

In a prospective, open–label, single arm, single–center pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of obexelimab in the treatment of patients with IgG4–RD (clinicaltrials.gov registration NCT02725476), obexelimab demonstrated strong improvement in the IgG4–RD Responder Index, a measure of disease activity, by inhibiting B cell function, without depleting B cells.

The published manuscript, titled "Obexelimab for the Treatment of Patients with IgG4–Related Disease: An Open–Label, Single–Arm, Pilot Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action," is available online and will appear in the August issue of The Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5(8) [E428–E429].

The following are the key findings in the paper:

  • Obexelimab produced rapid, strong, and sustained clinical improvement, including complete remission (IgG4–RD Responder Index score of 0), in most patients with active IgG4–RD.
  • During obexelimab treatment, reductions in circulating B cells, including plasmablasts, were observed without evidence of cell death.
  • Additionally, reduction of circulating B cells and rapid return to near normal levels after treatment discontinuation suggests that obexelimab may lead to B cell sequestration in lymphoid organs or the bone marrow.
  • Obexelimab was well tolerated. The majority of treatment–related adverse events were grades 1 or 2, with the most common adverse events being gastrointestinal infusion–related events, most of which were mild.

"Our findings are a significant step forward in understanding the underlying mechanisms of IgG4–Related Disease; paving the way for more targeted treatment strategies," said John Stone, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and the Edward A. Fox Chair in Medicine at Mass General Hospital. "Our team is honored to have our research recognized by The Lancet Rheumatology, and we are immensely grateful to the patients who participated in this groundbreaking study."

About Obexelimab

Obexelimab is an investigational Phase 3–stage, bifunctional, non–cytolytic, humanized monoclonal antibody that mimics the action of antigen–antibody complexes by binding CD19 and FcRIIb to inhibit B–lineage cell activity. In several early–stage clinical studies in various autoimmune diseases, 198 subjects were treated with obexelimab. In these clinical studies, obexelimab demonstrated effective inhibition of B cell function without depleting the cells, resulting in encouraging treatment effect in patients with various autoimmune diseases. Zenas acquired exclusive worldwide rights to obexelimab from Xencor, Inc.

More information on the Phase 3 (INDIGO) study for the treatment of IgG4 Related Disease is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241.

About Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma is a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immune–based therapies for patients around the world. With clinical development and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a deep and balanced global portfolio of potential first– and best–in–class autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need while meeting the value requirements of the dynamic global healthcare environment. The company's pipeline continues to grow through our successful business development strategy. Our experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those facing autoimmune and rare diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit www.zenasbio.com and follow us on Twitter at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

Investor and Media Contact:
Joe Farmer, President & COO
Zenas BioPharma

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8884766)

Medela Concludes Global Breastfeeding Symposium with Key Takeaways in Lactation Science to Inform Clinical Practice

Switzerland, Baar, June 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Medela, the brand trusted by millions of moms*, concluded its 16th Global Breastfeeding and Lactation Symposium, focused on advancing lactation science to improve care. This three–part world tour was held in three locations, kicking off in Chicago, Illinois in April, followed by Beijing, China in May, and concluding in Munich, Germany in June. All three events welcomed more than 2,600 healthcare professionals in maternal and infant care to learn about the latest research findings and key insights from globally and regionally renowned experts in human milk and lactation. Delivering on Medela's commitment of turning science into care, speaker presentations from the series will be available free of charge for virtual access through Medela University from next week.

"By bringing together top minds in lactation science from around the world, we are able to further our shared goal of improving maternal and infant health outcomes," said Annette Brls, CEO of Medela worldwide. "We know that conducting the research is only half of a much larger picture, which is why our Global Symposium is committed to creating a dynamic learning opportunity to transfer this knowledge from the experts in science and research to the leaders in healthcare settings around the world. We are bridging the gap between research and practice, making it accessible, free of charge, to the people who use and need it, with the sole intention of nurturing health for generations."

The global event featured presentations and discussions from experts, including:

PROF. LARS BODE (USA) | Lactation as a biological system: The dynamics of human milk composition

"Human milk and lactation do not stand in isolation; they are part of a dynamic biological system that is embedded in socioeconomic, cultural, behavioral, and environmental contexts," explains Professor Bode, Ph.D., at the University of California San Diego. "As a scientist, it was exciting to participate in Medela's Breastfeeding & Lactation Symposia because the events connect the science with the clinical application of human milk and lactation, which together is a major driver to advance the field with maximum impact on infant health and development."

PROF. DONNA GEDDES (AU) | Lactation as a biological system: The importance of dose

"As we seek to understand how human milk composition impacts the health of our next generation, we often default to analyzing concentrations of milk components. Yet when we measure the dose the baby receives, a new world opens up with the promise of innovative ways to improve the health of our children," says Professor Geddes from the University of Western Australia. "I appreciate the opportunity to share my scientific findings at this stellar conference, but I find the interaction with the participants invaluable, as they come from all disciplines essential to improving breastfeeding and breast milk delivery for all lactating women and their babies."

DR. REBECCA HOBAN (CA) | Initiation of lactation: Prophylactic lactation support as standard of care for mothers of NICU infants

"Although we know that mother's milk is literally lifesaving for preterm infants in the NICU, many mothers struggle to make enough milk for their babies, limiting their infant's lifelong milk dose and it is my passion to optimize lactation for these vulnerable families," shares Dr. Hoban, staff neonatologist and Director of Breastfeeding Medicine at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. "Medela's Symposium brings new lactation evidence to clinician leaders who will translate the science to the bedside for families around the world. It's a great way to "spread the word' about the latest findings in breastfeeding research!”

PROF. DIANE SPATZ (USA) | A call to action: Improving human milk and breastfeeding outcomes by prioritizing effective initiation of lactation

"There is a critical window for the establishment of a milk supply and, we as advocates and clinicians have an obligation to families to teach them the science of human milk and the physiology of lactation," explains Professor Diane Spatz, who also serves as chairperson for Medela's Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board in the Americas. Prof. Spatz presented a call to action about the need for prioritizing effective initiation of lactation in order to improve exclusivity and duration of breastfeeding. Prof. Spatz is a Professor of Perinatal Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing sharing a joint appointment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Held as a hybrid event in Beijing on May 13–14, the China Symposium focused on providing a platform for like–minded breastfeeding professionals to share ideas, experiences and best practices. In partnership with the China Maternity and Child Health Association, the event marked a shared commitment to educating individuals on the benefits of human milk, while strengthening the collective efforts to foster a supportive environment for breastfeeding in China.

PROF. CAO YUN (CHINA) | The impact of human milk feeding on the outcomes of NICU premature infants based on clinical research in China

"As an experienced NICU physician, I have been promoting human milk feeding since I learned of its benefits for NICU infants. I am pleased to see so many obstetrics, pediatrics, and nursing experts gathered here. The promotion of breastfeeding cannot be achieved without the cooperation of various departments and multi–disciplinary teams." says Prof. Cao Yun from Fudan University Children Hospital. "It is great that Medela organizes such an informative symposium that allows us to unite to promote breastfeeding in China."

PROF. YU HONG (CHINA) | Quality improvement study on breastfeeding in mother–infant–separation dyads after standardized interventions

"I was very excited to participate in this grand event organized by Medela and learned about global cutting–edge research," says Prof. Yu Hong from Southeast University Zhongda Hospital. "I led a multiple–center quality improvement study in Jiangsu Province, and our objective is to support lactation and improve the dose of own mother's milk feeding through the evidence–based interventions."

PROF. FENG QI (CHINA) | Clinical study on promoting breastfeeding of premature infants in China

"Breastfeeding is not only a mother's business, but also depends on family and social support," says Prof. Feng Qi from Peking University First Hospital. "At present, the government has issued documents to support breastfeeding, and we also have the consensus from professional groups. As more and more hospitals are paying increasing attention to breastfeeding, we need to proactively adopt best clinical practices to improve breastfeeding in the NICU."

DR. YUKI TAKAHASHI (JAPAN) | Effect of epidural analgesia on infant sucking and opportunities for improvement to achieve the standard of care for infants

"Intrapartum interventions such as epidural analgesia or induction of labor can influence skin–to–skin contact and rooting/suckling behavior, not only right after, but up to two days after birth," says Dr. Yuki Takahashi from Nagoya University Japan. "And the important thing is to prioritize breastfeeding support resources to provide behaviorally appropriate and individualized care during this critical period."

On June 23–24, Medela hosted the European Edition of their world tour in Munich, Germany, and welcomed two internationally renowned British speakers who shared their insights for improving lactation support in the neonatal intensive care unit. On day two of the symposium the healthcare experts on–site took these findings into curated workshops with the goal of translating them into clinical practice.

PROF. NEENA MODI (UK) | Perspectives: Prioritizing own mother s milk in the neonatal unit – need for standardized metrics that capture lactation and infant feeding

“Prioritizing the provision of own mother's milk (OMM) is a crucial step in neonatal care and thorough, high–quality data on lactation and infant feeding are fundamental in assessing the success of OMM provision and understanding the extent to which infants leave the neonatal unit breastfeeding," asserts Professor Neena Modi of the Imperial College London, who also serves as President–elect of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine. Prof. Modi underscored that by implementing standardized information recording in neonatal units, we can develop universally accepted quality indicators, improve care, and drive research for better breastfeeding outcomes.

DR. SARAH BATES (UK) | Spotlight: Improving survival & outcomes for preterm infants through optimizing early maternal breast milk – a national Quality Improvement toolkit from BAPM

"Optimizing own mother's milk (OMM) is crucial for the long–term health of preterm infants,” explained Dr. Sarah Bates, Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon. In her talk Dr. Bates shed light on the innovative national toolkits created by the British Association of Perinatal Medicine, demonstrating its utility in optimizing OMM for preterm infants from initiation of lactation to post–discharge. Her session, infused with success stories and insightful parental views, showcased how this initiative can positively reshape the health trajectories of preterm infants nationwide.

Turning science into care

Presentations from speakers will be available free of charge for virtual access through Medela University, an online professional education platform for lactation science offering continuing education units (CEUs).

In addition, Medela will host a series of educational webinars in the US and Europe to translate existing research findings into clinical practice and share important conclusions and expert recommendations. While the US webinars will focus primarily on disparities in breastfeeding and resources for clinicians to assess their own implicit bias and alter clinical practice to better support Black women who breastfeed, the European webinars will focus on improving lactation science and improving care in neonatal units.

Learn more about the Global Breastfeeding and Lactation Symposium at medela.com/symposium.

Media resources, including language versions of the press releases and visual assets are available for download at medela.com/symposium–media.

About Medela

Through advancing research, observing natural behavior, and listening to our customers, Medela turns science into care while nurturing health for generations. Medela supports millions of moms, babies, patients, and healthcare professionals in more than 100 countries all over the world. As the healthcare choice for more than 6 million hospitals and homes across the globe, Medela provides leading research–based breast milk feeding and baby products, healthcare solutions for hospitals, and clinical education. Medela is dedicated to building better health outcomes, simplifying and improving life, and developing breakthroughs that help moms, babies and patients live their life to the fullest. For more information, visit www.medela.com.

* Medela global sales, 2022


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8865260)

NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals e Alvogen Inc. anunciam colaboração para desenvolver e comercializar o NRX-101

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals e Alvogen iro colaborar no desenvolvimento e comercializao futuros de NRX–101 para tratar a depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento (S–TRBD) para os mercados globais
  • A Lotus Pharmaceuticals vai adquirir os direitos mundiais para o NRX–101 para a S–TRBD, e ser responsvel pela comercializao do NRX–101 em mercados fora dos EUA, por meio da presena direta da Lotus em determinados mercados asiticos ou por meio de sua diviso de exportao, que atualmente tem parcerias em vrios mercados, incluindo: Europa, Japo, China, Austrlia e Amrica Latina
  • A Alvogen, por meio da sua diviso Almatica voltada para o sistema nervoso central (SNC, ou CNS, em ingls), ser responsvel pela comercializao do NRX–101 nos Estados Unidos
  • A NRx poder receber at US$ 330 milhes em pagamentos de marcos vinculados ao progresso do desenvolvimento e s metas de vendas, assim como pagamentos de royalties na faixa de dois dgitos, escalonados at meados de dezenas, dependendo de determinados limiares de vendas nos EUA e um pagamento fixo de royalties para mercados fora dos EUA.
  • O acordo inclui um direito de primeira negociao para novas indicaes fora do campo da depresso bipolar com ideao suicida para o NRX–101 e/ou novos produtos potenciais contendo D–cicloserina associada a um antidepressivo/antipsictico

RADNOR, Pa. e MORRISTOWN, N.J. e TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT; “Lotus”), uma empresa farmacutica multinacional, a Alvogen, uma empresa farmacutica privada sediada nos Estados Unidos, e a NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) ("NRx Pharmaceuticals ou NRx"), uma empresa biofarmacutica de estgio clnico, anunciaram hoje um acordo de colaborao global que abrange o desenvolvimento e a comercializao de NRX–101 para a depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento (S–TRBD) para os mercados globais.

De acordo com os termos do contrato em relao ao NRX–101 para o mercado norte–americano, a NRx tem direito a receber um pagamento inicial de US$ 10 milhes caso consiga tanto uma verificao bem–sucedida do ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3 em andamento para S–TRBD e a concluso de uma reunio de Tipo B com a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) A NRx receberia um pagamento adicional de US$ 5 milhes aps o recebimento da aprovao da FDA para o NRX–101, assim como pagamentos de bnus por marcos de valores crescentes de at US$ 330 milhes, com base no cumprimento de determinadas metas de vendas lquidas. Alm dos pagamentos baseados no sucesso, a NRx poder receber royalties sobre as vendas lquidas entre 12% e 16%, dependendo de determinados nveis de vendas para o mercado norte–americano e outros pagamentos baseados no sucesso para mercados fora dos EUA.

A Lotus vai adquirir os direitos mundiais do NRX–101 para o tratamento da S–TRBD, e ser responsvel pela comercializao desse produto em mercados fora dos EUA por meio de sua presena comercial direta em determinados mercados asiticos ou por meio da diviso de exportao da Lotus, onde a empresa atualmente comercializa um extenso portflio de produtos por meio de parceiros de primeira linha. A Lotus trabalhar em parceria com a Alvogen, uma parceira de longa data da Lotus nos EUA, para comercializar o NRX–101 para o tratamento de S–TRBD no mercado americano, atravs do rtulo Almatica da Alvogen. A Almatica a diviso da Alvogen voltada para o sistema nervoso central (SNC, em ingls: CNS), que atualmente comercializa seis produtos da marca. A Alvogen e a Lotus se comprometeram a financiar o prximo estudo de registro sobre a depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento para apoiar a aprovao do NRX–101, dependendo do xito dos resultados do estudo clnico de Fase 2b/3 em andamento e da concluso de uma reunio de Tipo B com a FDA. A Lotus e a Alvogen tero o direito de primeira negociao para novas indicaes fora do campo da depresso bipolar com ideao suicida para o NRX–101 e/ou possveis novos produtos contendo D–cicloserina associada a um antidepressivo/antipsictico.

Stephan Willard, J.D., diretor executivo da NRx, observou que, “Essa colaborao pode acelerar o fornecimento do NRX–101 aos pacientes que lutam contra a depresso bipolar com ideao suicida e que precisam desesperadamente de melhores alternativas de tratamento. Com nossos recursos disponveis, acreditamos ser possvel financiar nossas operaes at obter os dados esperados do ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3. Essa parceria global minimiza significativamente a necessidade de futuros aportes de capital para o desenvolvimento e a comercializao de NRX–101 A Alvogen e a Lotus, com sua experincia em SNC e capacidades operacionais globais, so parceiras ideais para este e possivelmente outros programas NRx”.

Lisa Graver, Diretora Executiva da Alvogen, observou que “Um medicamento que melhore a depresso em pacientes bipolares com risco elevado de suicdio representaria uma melhoria significativa no tratamento, e consideramos os dados da Fase 2 da STABIL–B de NRX–101 promissores para esse efeito. Esse acordo est alinhado com nossa estratgia de desenvolver produtos de marca para o sistema nervoso central (SNC), com evidente diferenciao e benefcios para os pacientes, ao mesmo tempo em que aproveitamos nossos consagrados recursos de comercializao sob a marca Almatica. O NRX–101 um excelente complemento para nossa crescente linha de produtos voltados para o sistema nervoso central (SNC)”.

Petar Vazharov, CEO da Lotus, comentou: “Esta uma transao muito interessante para a Lotus. Na maior parte da ltima dcada, a Lotus conseguiu fazer a transio de uma empresa domstica de genricos de Taiwan para uma empresa farmacutica global, que exporta sua propriedade intelectual para todo o mundo por meio de nossa presena direta na sia ou por meio de nosso negcio de exportao, que inclui os EUA, Japo, China, Amrica Latina e Europa. O acrscimo do NRX–101 ao nosso canal est totalmente alinhado com o nosso objetivo estratgico de impulsionar a acentuada inovao que atende a necessidades mdicas significativas no atendidas”.

Estima–se que sete milhes de pessoas sofram de depresso bipolar somente nos EUA1. O risco de suicdio dentro do grupo muito alto, com dados indicando que 50% ou mais destes pacientes tentaro suicdio durante a vida2. Atualmente, no h medicamentos aprovados especificamente para pessoas com depresso bipolar e altos ndices de ideao suicida. O NRX–101 o primeiro medicamento experimental a ser estudado especificamente nessa populao vulnervel de pacientes. Os dados de validao do ensaio clnico de Fase 2 STABIL, no qual os pacientes com depresso bipolar e ideao suicida aguda foram randomizados para NRX–101 ou lurasidona aps a estabilizao com uma infuso de cetamina, mostraram um benefcio estatisticamente significativo do NRX–101 em relao lurasidona. Com base nesses dados, a FDA concedeu a Designao de Terapia Inovadora (BTD) e uma Avaliao de Protocolo Especial (SPA) para o NRX–101 em relao depresso bipolar com ideao suicida aguda.

A NRx Pharma anunciou recentemente que atualizou e expandiu seu ensaio clnico controlado, randomizado e em andamento de Fase 2 em relao depresso bipolar com ideao suicida subaguda para um ensaio clnico de registro de Fase 2b/3. Os resultados do ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3 em andamento so esperados para o final do ano de 2023. A NRx ir realizar uma teleconferncia para discutir com mais detalhes o impacto da transao.

Sobre o NRX–101

At 50% dos indivduos com transtorno bipolar tentam suicdio ao longo da vida, e as estimativas indicam que at 20% podem sucumbir ao suicdio3. O nico tratamento aprovado pela FDA para pacientes com depresso bipolar com tendncia suicida resistente ao tratamento ainda a terapia eletroconvulsiva.

Os antidepressivos convencionais podem aumentar o risco de suicdio em alguns pacientes; portanto, seus rtulos contm uma advertncia nesse sentido. O NRX–101 uma combinao patenteada, oral e de dose fixa de D–cicloserina e lurasidona, nenhuma das quais demonstrou potencial de dependncia em modelos pr–clnicos. Com base nos resultados de um estudo de prova de conceito de Fase 2, o NRX–101 recebeu a Designao de Terapia Inovadora da FDA para o tratamento de depresso bipolar grave em pacientes com Ideao e Comportamento Suicida Agudo (ASIB), aps a estabilizao inicial com cetamina ou outra terapia eficaz.

O NRX–101 um dos primeiros antidepressivos orais atualmente em fases avanadas de ensaios clnicos que tem como alvo os receptores NMDA no crebro, o que representa um novo mecanismo potencialmente essencial para o tratamento da depresso com e sem ideao suicida, assim como do TEPT e de outras indicaes. At o momento, o NRX–101 o nico medicamento experimental oral relacionado ao NMDA voltado para a depresso bipolar em pacientes com ideao suicida aguda e subaguda.

Sobre a NRx Pharmaceuticals

A NRx Pharmaceuticals uma empresa biofarmacutica de estgio clnico que desenvolve terapias para o tratamento de distrbios do sistema nervoso central, especificamente depresso bipolar com ideao suicida e transtorno de estresse ps–traumtico (TEPT). O principal programa da empresa, o NRX–101, uma associao oral, de dose fixa, de D–cicloserina e lurasidona, tem como alvo os receptores N–metil–D–aspartato (NMDA) do crebro, e est sendo investigado em um ensaio clnico de Fase 2b/3 para Depresso Bipolar com Ideao Suicida Resistente a Tratamento, que inclui pacientes com ideao suicida aguda e subaguda, uma indicao para a qual o nico tratamento aprovado a terapia de eletrochoque. O ensaio clnico anterior de Fase 2 STABIL–B da empresa, que avaliou o NRX–101 em pacientes com Depresso Bipolar Grave com Ideao e Comportamento Suicida Agudo (ASIB), demonstrou uma melhora substancial em relao terapia disponvel na reduo da depresso e da ideao suicida em comparao com o placebo, quando os pacientes foram tratados com NRX–101 aps uma nica dose de cetamina. Com base nos resultados do estudo STABIL–B, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concedeu um Acordo de Protocolo Especial e Designao de Terapia Inovadora para o NRX–101 em pacientes com Depresso Bipolar Grave com ASIB.

Sobre a Alvogen e a Almatica

A Alvogen uma empresa farmacutica de capital privado, focada no desenvolvimento, fabricao e venda de produtos genricos e de marca para o mercado norte–americano. A empresa tem um portflio e um canal diversificados, que incluem tanto produtos de marca quanto genricos, em vrias formas de administrao. A famlia de empresas Alvogen inclui a Alvogen US (genricos), a Almatica (marcas) e a Almaject (injetveis).

A Almatica Pharma LLC uma subsidiria integral da Alvogen, Inc., e uma empresa farmacutica dos EUA focada no desenvolvimento, aquisio e comercializao de produtos farmacuticos de marca. Seu portflio atual de produtos abrange uma srie de reas teraputicas, mas o foco promocional est nos distrbios e doenas do sistema nervoso central.

Sobre a Lotus

Fundada em 1966, a Lotus (1795: TT) uma empresa farmacutica internacional presente em todo o mundo, com foco na comercializao de produtos farmacuticos novos e genricos, oferecendo aos pacientes medicamentos melhores, seguros e mais acessveis. A empresa tem uma plataforma de P&D e fabricao reconhecida como a melhor da categoria na sia, e estabeleceu parcerias em quase todos os mercados globais, incluindo os EUA, a Europa, o Japo, a China e o Brasil. A Lotus gerencia mais de 100 projetos farmacuticos estrategicamente selecionados em desenvolvimento e registros em toda a sia e nos EUA, com mais de 250 produtos comerciais. A empresa investe em um portflio melhor e mais diversificado, que consiste em oncologia de alta complexidade e genricos complexos, alm de 505(b)2 e NCE, por meio de investimentos internos em P&D e parcerias de licenciamento, e tambm fortalece a competitividade do portflio adicionando produtos biossimilares com o apoio de parceiros estratgicos. Sua infraestrutura lder no setor certificada pela maioria das autoridades regulatrias avanadas em todo o mundo, incluindo a FDA dos EUA, a EMA da UE, a PMDA do Japo, a FDA da China e a ANVISA do Brasil.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Nota de Advertncia da NRX sobre Declaraes Prospectivas

Este comunicado da NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. inclui “declaraes prospectivas” dentro do significado das clusulas de “porto seguro” da Lei de Reforma de Litgio de Ttulos Privados dos EUA de 1995 (U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act), que podem incluir, entre outras, declaraes sobre nossas perspectivas financeiras, desenvolvimento de produtos, perspectivas de negcios e tendncias e condies do mercado e do setor, assim como estratgias, planos, objetivos e metas da empresa. Essas declaraes prospectivas baseiam–se em crenas, expectativas, estimativas, previses e projees atuais, assim como em suposies feitas pela gesto da Empresa e em informaes atualmente disponveis ltima.

A empresa no assume nenhuma obrigao de revisar qualquer declarao prospectiva, seja como resultado de novas informaes, eventos futuros ou de qualquer outra forma. Dessa forma, no se deve confiar em nenhuma declarao prospectiva, e todas as declaraes prospectivas so aqui qualificadas por referncia s declaraes de advertncia estabelecidas acima.

Nota de Advertncia da Lotus sobre Declaraes Prospectivas

Exceto pelas informaes histricas aqui contidas, os assuntos apresentados neste documento so declaraes prospectivas sujeitas a riscos e incertezas, que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam materialmente diferentes. Essas declaraes prospectivas no se baseiam em fatos histricos, mas, sim, nas expectativas da administrao em relao ao crescimento futuro, resultados de operaes, desempenho, capital futuro e outras despesas, vantagens competitivas, perspectivas e oportunidades de negcios. As declaraes que constam desta apresentao sobre nossos planos e intenes futuros, resultados, nvel de atividades, desempenho, metas ou realizaes ou outros eventos futuros constituem declaraes prospectivas. Sempre que possvel, palavras como “antecipar”, “acreditar”, “esperar”, “pode”, “poderia”, “ir”, “potencial”, “pretender”, “estimar”, “deveria”, “planejar”, “prever”, ou o negativo ou outras variaes de declaraes refletem as crenas e suposies atuais da gesto, e so baseadas nas informaes atualmente disponveis para a nossa gesto. Os investidores so aconselhados a no depositar confiana indevida nessas declaraes prospectivas, pois so realizadas considerando a data deste documento, e no assumimos nenhuma obrigao de atualizar ou revisar quaisquer declaraes prospectivas.

Contatos na Lotus:

Susan Liao, Chefe de Relaes com Investidores
+886 2 2700 5908

Contatos na NRX:

Matthew Duffy
Diretor de Negcios

Suzanne Messere
Relaes com Investidores

Contatos na Alvogen:

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823949)

NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals und Alvogen Inc. kündigen Zusammenarbeit zur Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX-101 an

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals und Alvogen kooperieren bei der weiteren Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX–101 gegen suizidgefhrdete behandlungsresistente bipolare Depression (S–TRBD) fr den globalen Markt
  • Lotus Pharmaceuticals wird die weltweiten Rechte an NRX–101 fr S–TRBD erwerben und fr die Vermarktung von NRX–101 in Mrkten auerhalb der USA verantwortlich sein. Dies geschieht durch die direkte Prsenz von Lotus in bestimmten asiatischen Mrkten oder durch ihre Exportabteilung, die derzeit Partnerschaften in zahlreichen Mrkten unterhlt, darunter in Europa, Japan, China, Australien und Lateinamerika.
  • Alvogen wird ber seinen auf das ZNS spezialisierten Geschftsbereich Almatica fr die Vermarktung von NRX–101 in den USA verantwortlich sein.
  • NRx hat Anspruch auf Meilensteinzahlungen in Hhe von bis zu 330 Mio. USD, die vom Entwicklungsfortschritt und den Umsatzzielen abhngen, sowie auf gestaffelte Lizenzgebhren im zweistelligen Bereich, die bis in den mittleren Zehnerbereich steigen und von bestimmten Umsatzschwellen in den USA abhngen, und auf eine feste Lizenzgebhr fr Mrkte auerhalb der USA.
  • Der Vertrag beinhaltet ein Erstverhandlungsrecht fr neue Indikationen auerhalb des Bereichs der bipolaren Depression mit Suizidalitt fr NRX–101 und/oder potenzielle neue Produkte, die D–Cycloserin in Kombination mit einem Antidepressivum/Antipsychotikum enthalten

RADNOR, Pa. und MORRISTOWN, N.J. und TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT; "Lotus"), ein multinationales Pharmaunternehmen, Alvogen, ein in Privatbesitz befindliches US–amerikanisches Pharmaunternehmen, und NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) ("NRx Pharmaceuticals oder NRx"), ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase, haben heute einen globalen Kooperationsvertrag bekannt gegeben, der die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX–101 zur Behandlung von suizidalen, behandlungsresistenten bipolaren Depressionen (S–TRBD) fr die globalen Mrkte umfasst.

Gem den Allgemeinen Geschftsbedingungen, die sich auf NRX–101 fr den US–Markt beziehen, hat NRx Anspruch auf eine erste Zahlung in Hhe von 10 Mio. USD, wenn sowohl die laufenden klinischen Studien der Phase 2b/3 in S–TRB erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden als auch ein Typ–B–Meeting mit der US–Arzneimittelbehrde (FDA) stattfindet. NRx wrde bei Erhalt der FDA–Zulassung fr NRX–101 eine zustzliche Zahlung in Hhe von 5 Mio. USD sowie Bonus–Meilensteinzahlungen in steigender Hhe bis zu 330 Mio. USD bei Erreichen bestimmter Nettoumsatzziele erhalten. Zustzlich zu den erfolgsabhngigen Zahlungen hat NRx Anspruch auf eine Lizenzgebhr auf den Nettoumsatz zwischen 12 % und 16 %, abhngig von bestimmten Umsatzschwellen fr den US–Markt, sowie auf weitere erfolgsabhngige Zahlungen fr Mrkte auerhalb der USA.

Lotus wird die weltweiten Rechte fr NRX–101 zur Behandlung von S–TRBD erwerben und fr die Vermarktung von NRX–101 in Mrkten auerhalb der USA verantwortlich sein. Dies geschieht durch die direkte kommerzielle Prsenz von Lotus in bestimmten asiatischen Mrkten oder durch die Exportabteilung von Lotus, wo das Unternehmen derzeit ein umfangreiches Produktportfolio ber erstklassige Partner vermarktet. Lotus wird mit Alvogen, einem langjhrigen Partner von Lotus in den USA, zusammenarbeiten, um NRX–101 zur Behandlung von S–TRBD auf dem US–Markt unter dem Label Almatica von Alvogen zu vermarkten. Almatica ist der auf das ZNS fokussierte Geschftsbereich von Alvogen, der derzeit sechs Markenprodukte vertreibt. Alvogen und Lotus haben sich verpflichtet, die nchste Zulassungsstudie zur Behandlung von suizidalen, behandlungsresistenten bipolaren Depressionen zu finanzieren, um die Zulassung von NRX–101 zu untersttzen, sofern die Ergebnisse der laufenden klinischen Phase IIb/III–Studie erfolgreich sind und ein Typ–B–Meeting mit der FDA abgeschlossen werden kann. Lotus und Alvogen haben ein Erstverhandlungsrecht fr neue Indikationen auerhalb des Bereichs der bipolaren Depression mit Suizidalitt fr NRX–101 und/oder potenzielle neue Produkte, die D–Cycloserin in Kombination mit einem Antidepressivum/Antipsychotikum enthalten.

Stephan Willard, J.D., Chief Executive Officer von NRx, kommentierte dies wie folgt: "Diese Zusammenarbeit kann die Bereitstellung von NRX–101 fr Patienten beschleunigen, die mit suizidalen bipolaren Depressionen zu kmpfen haben und dringend bessere Behandlungsalternativen bentigen. Wir glauben, dass wir mit unseren derzeitigen Ressourcen unseren Betrieb bis zu den erwarteten Daten der Phase IIb/III–Studie finanzieren knnen. Diese globale Partnerschaft minimiert den Bedarf an zuknftigen Kapitalaufnahmen fr die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von NRX–101 erheblich. Alvogen und Lotus sind mit ihrer ZNS–Expertise und ihren globalen operativen Fhigkeiten ideale Partner fr dieses und mglicherweise weitere NRx–Programme."

Lisa Graver, Chief Executive Officer von Alvogen, dazu: "Ein Medikament, das die Depression bei bipolaren Patienten mit erhhtem Selbstmordrisiko verbessert, wrde einen erheblichen Fortschritt der Behandlung darstellen, und wir betrachten die Phase II STABIL–B–Daten von NRX–101 als vielversprechend in dieser Hinsicht. Dieser Vertrag entspricht unserer Strategie, ZNS–Markenprodukte mit klarer Differenzierung und Patientennutzen zu entwickeln und dabei unsere bewhrten Vermarktungsfhigkeiten unter unserer Marke Almatica zu nutzen. NRX–101 ist eine hervorragende Ergnzung unserer wachsenden ZNS–Pipeline."

Petar Vazharov, Chief Executive Officer von Lotus, uerte sich dazu: "Dies ist eine spannende Transaktion fr Lotus. Im Laufe des letzten Jahrzehnts konnte sich Lotus von einem taiwanesischen Generikaunternehmen zu einem globalen Pharmaunternehmen entwickeln, das sein geistiges Eigentum in die ganze Welt exportiert, entweder durch unsere direkte Prsenz in Asien oder durch unser Exportgeschft, das die USA, Japan, China, Lateinamerika und Europa umfasst. Die Aufnahme von NRX–101 in unsere Pipeline entspricht voll und ganz unserem strategischen Ziel, Innovationen voranzutreiben, die auf einen erheblichen ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf abzielen."

Allein in den USA leben schtzungsweise sieben Millionen Menschen mit bipolarer Depression1. Das Selbstmordrisiko innerhalb der Gruppe ist sehr hoch. Die Daten deuten darauf hin, dass 50 % oder mehr dieser Patienten im Laufe ihres Lebens einen Selbstmordversuch unternehmen werden2. Derzeit gibt es keine Medikamente, die speziell fr Menschen mit bipolarer Depression und erhhter Suizidalitt zugelassen sind. NRX–101 ist das erste Prfprparat, das speziell in dieser gefhrdeten Patientengruppe untersucht wird. Proof–of–Concept–Daten aus der klinischen Phase–II–Studie STABIL, in der Patienten mit bipolarer Depression und akuter Suizidalitt nach einer Stabilisierung mit einer Infusion von Ketamin randomisiert NRX–101 oder Lurasidon erhielten, zeigten einen statistisch signifikanten Vorteil von NRX–101 gegenber Lurasidon. Auf der Grundlage dieser Daten erteilte die amerikanische Zulassungsbehrde FDA die Breakthrough Therapy Designation (BTD) und eine Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) fr NRX–101 bei bipolarer Depression mit akuter Suizidalitt.

NRx Pharma hat vor kurzem bekannt gegeben, dass es seine laufende randomisierte, kontrollierte klinische Phase–II–Studie zur Behandlung von bipolaren Depressionen mit subakuter Suizidalitt zu einer klinischen Phase–IIb/III–Zulassungsstudie aufgewertet und erweitert hat. Die Ergebnisse der laufenden klinischen Phase IIb/III–Studie werden bis Ende 2023 erwartet. NRx wird eine Telefonkonferenz abhalten, um die Auswirkungen der Transaktion nher zu erlutern.

ber NRX–101

Bis zu 50 % der Menschen mit einer bipolaren Strung unternehmen im Laufe ihres Lebens einen Suizidversuch, und Schtzungen gehen davon aus, dass bis zu 20 % durch Selbstmord ums Leben kommen3. Die einzige von der FDA zugelassene Behandlung fr Patienten mit behandlungsresistenten bipolaren Depressionen mit Suizidgedanken ist nach wie vor die Elektrokonvulsionstherapie.

Herkmmliche Antidepressiva knnen bei bestimmten Patienten das Risiko eines Selbstmordes erhhen; daher enthalten ihre Beipackzettel eine entsprechende Warnung. NRX–101 ist eine patentierte, oral einzunehmende, fest dosierte Kombination aus D–Cycloserin und Lurasidon, die beide in prklinischen Modellen kein Abhngigkeitspotenzial gezeigt haben. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse einer Phase II Proof–of–Concept–Studie erhielt NRX–101 von der FDA den Status eines Therapiedurchbruchs fr die Behandlung schwerer bipolarer Depressionen bei Patienten mit akuter Suizidalitt (Acute Suicidal Ideation & Behavior, ASIB) nach anfnglicher Stabilisierung mit Ketamin oder einer anderen wirksamen Therapie.

NRX–101 ist eines der ersten oralen Antidepressiva, das sich derzeit in der spten Phase der klinischen Studien befindet und auf den NMDA–Rezeptor im Gehirn abzielt. Dieser stellt mglicherweise einen wichtigen neuen Mechanismus zur Behandlung von Depressionen mit und ohne Suizidalitt sowie von PTBS und anderen Indikationen dar. Bislang ist NRX–101 das einzige orale NMDA–Prfprparat, das sich auf bipolare Depression bei Patienten mit akuter und subakuter Suizidalitt konzentriert.

ber NRx Pharmaceuticals

NRx Pharmaceuticals ist ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen im klinischen Stadium, das Therapeutika zur Behandlung von Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems entwickelt, insbesondere bipolare Depression mit Suizidalitt und posttraumatische Belastungsstrung (PTBS). Das fhrende Programm des Unternehmens, NRX–101, eine orale, fest dosierte Kombination aus D–Cycloserin und Lurasidon, zielt auf den N–Methyl–D–Aspartat (NMDA)–Rezeptor des Gehirns ab und wird in einer klinischen Studie der Phase IIb/III fr die behandlungsresistente bipolare Depression mit Suizidalitt untersucht, die sowohl Patienten mit akuter als auch subakuter Suizidalitt einschliet. Die vorangegangene klinische Phase–II–Studie STABIL–B des Unternehmens, in der NRX–101 bei Patienten mit schwerer bipolarer Depression mit akuten Suizidgedanken und suizidalem Verhalten (ASIB) untersucht wurde, zeigte im Vergleich zu Placebo eine erhebliche Verbesserung bei der Verringerung von Depression und Suizidalitt, wenn die Patienten nach einer einmaligen Gabe von Ketamin mit NRX–101 behandelt wurden. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der STABIL–B–Studie gewhrte die US–Arzneimittelbehrde (FDA) einen speziellen Vertrag und den Status eines Therapiedurchbruchs fr NRX–101 bei Patienten mit schwerer bipolarer Depression mit ASIB.

ber Alvogen und Almatica

Alvogen ist ein privates Pharmaunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung, Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Generika und Markenprodukten fr den US–Markt konzentriert. Das Unternehmen verfgt ber ein vielfltiges Portfolio und eine Pipeline, die sowohl Markenprodukte als auch Generika in verschiedenen Darreichungsformen umfasst. Zur Alvogen–Firmengruppe gehren Alvogen US (Generika), Almatica (Marken) und Almaject (Injektionsmittel).

Almatica Pharma LLC ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von Alvogen, Inc. und ist ein US–amerikanisches Pharmaunternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung, den Erwerb und die Vermarktung von pharmazeutischen Markenprodukten konzentriert. Das derzeitige Produktportfolio deckt eine Reihe von Therapiegebieten ab, aber der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems.

ber Lotus

Lotus (1795: TT) wurde 1966 gegrndet und ist ein internationales Pharmaunternehmen mit globaler Prsenz, das sich auf die Vermarktung neuartiger und generischer Arzneimittel konzentriert, um Patienten bessere, sichere sowie leichter zugngliche Medikamente anzubieten. Das Unternehmen verfgt ber eine anerkannte erstklassige F&E– und Produktionsplattform in Asien und hat Partnerschaften in fast allen globalen Mrkten, einschlielich den USA, Europa, Japan, China und Brasilien, aufgebaut. Lotus betreibt ber 100 strategisch ausgewhlte pharmazeutische Projekte in der Entwicklung und Zulassung in Asien und den USA mit ber 250 kommerziellen Produkten. Das Unternehmen investiert in ein diversifiziertes Best–Portfolio, das aus Onkologieprodukten mit hohen Barrieren, komplexen Generika sowie 505(b)2 und NCE besteht, und zwar ber interne F&E–Investitionen und Einlizenzierungspartnerschaften. Auerdem strkt das Unternehmen die Wettbewerbsfhigkeit seines Portfolios, indem es mit Untersttzung strategischer Partner Biosimilar–Produkte hinzufgt. Seine branchenfhrende Infrastruktur ist von den meisten fortschrittlichen Aufsichtsbehrden auf der ganzen Welt zertifiziert, darunter die US FDA, die EU EMA, die japanische PMDA, die chinesische FDA und die brasilianische ANVISA.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

NRX Hinweis zu zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen

Diese Mitteilung von NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. enthlt "zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen" im Sinne der "Safe Harbor"–Bestimmungen des U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995, die unter anderem Aussagen zu unseren finanziellen Aussichten, zur Produktentwicklung, zu den Geschftsaussichten, zu Markt– und Branchentrends und –bedingungen sowie zu den Strategien, Plnen und Zielen des Unternehmens enthalten knnen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beruhen auf den gegenwrtigen berzeugungen, Erwartungen, Schtzungen, Prognosen und Projektionen sowie auf den Annahmen und Informationen, die der Geschftsleitung des Unternehmens derzeit zur Verfgung stehen.

Das Unternehmen bernimmt keine Verpflichtung, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu revidieren, sei es aufgrund neuer Informationen, zuknftiger Events oder aus anderen Grnden. Dementsprechend sollten Sie sich nicht auf zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen verlassen, und alle zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen sind hierin durch den Verweis auf die oben genannten Vorsichtshinweise eingeschrnkt.

Lotus Hinweis zu zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen

Mit Ausnahme der hierin enthaltenen historischen Informationen handelt es sich bei den in diesem Dokument dargelegten Angelegenheiten um zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, die Risiken und Unsicherheiten unterliegen, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse erheblich abweichen. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beruhen nicht auf historischen Fakten, sondern auf den Erwartungen des Managements in Bezug auf zuknftiges Wachstum, Betriebsergebnisse, Leistung, zuknftige Kapital– und andere Ausgaben, Wettbewerbsvorteile, Geschftsaussichten und Chancen. Aussagen in dieser Prsentation ber unsere zuknftigen Plne und Absichten, Ergebnisse, Aktivitten, Leistungen, Ziele oder Errungenschaften oder andere zuknftige Events stellen zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen dar. Wo immer mglich, spiegeln Wrter wie "antizipieren", "glauben", "erwarten", "knnen", "knnten", "werden", "potenziell", "beabsichtigen", "schtzen", "sollten", "planen", "vorhersagen" oder die negativen oder anderen Varianten von Aussagen die gegenwrtigen berzeugungen und Annahmen des Managements wider und basieren auf den Informationen, die unserem Management derzeit zur Verfgung stehen. Investoren werden davor gewarnt, sich auf diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zu verlassen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Verffentlichung dieses Dokuments gemacht wurden, und wir bernehmen keine Verpflichtung, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu aktualisieren oder zu berarbeiten.

Lotus Kontakte:

Susan Liao, Head of Investor Relations
+886 2 2700 5908

NRX Kontakte:

Matthew Duffy
Chief Business Officer

Suzanne Messere
Investor Relations

Alvogen Kontakte:

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823949)

NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals et Alvogen Inc. annoncent leur collaboration pour le développement et la commercialisation du NRX-101

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals et Alvogen collaborent au dveloppement et la commercialisation sur les marchs mondiaux du NRX–101, mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements (S–TRBD)
  • Lotus Pharmaceuticals acquerra les droits internationaux du NRX–101, mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante au traitement, et sera responsable de sa commercialisation sur les marchs hors des tats–Unis, soit par le biais de sa prsence directe sur certains marchs asiatiques, soit par le biais de sa division des exportations, qui dispose actuellement de partenariats sur de nombreux marchs, y compris en Europe, au Japon, en Chine, en Australie et en Amrique latine
  • Alvogen, par l'intermdiaire de sa division Almatica dont le focus est le Systme Nerveux Central, sera responsable de la commercialisation du NRX–101 aux tats–Unis
  • NRx pourra recevoir jusqu' 330 millions de dollars en paiements d'tape lis aux progrs du dveloppement du mdicament et aux objectifs de vente, des paiements de redevances deux chiffres pouvant augmenter jusqu' la quinzaine en fonction de certains seuils de vente aux tats–Unis, ainsi qu'un paiement de redevances fixe pour les ventes sur les marchs hors des tats–Unis.
  • L'accord comprend un droit de premire ngociation pour de nouvelles applications du NRX–101 en dehors du champ de la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires, et/ou de nouveaux produits potentiels contenant de la D–cyclosrine en combinaison avec un antidpresseur / antipsychotique

RADNOR, Pa., MORRISTOWN, N.J., TAÏPEI, Taïwan, 07 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795 : TT ; Lotus ), socit pharmaceutique multinationale, Alvogen, socit pharmaceutique prive base aux tats–Unis, et NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq : NRXP) ( NRx Pharmaceuticals ou NRx ), socit biopharmaceutique en stade clinique, ont annonc aujourd'hui un accord de collaboration international portant sur le dveloppement et la commercialisation sur les marchs mondiaux du NRX–101, mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements (S–TRBD).

Selon les termes de l'accord, relatif au NRX–101 pour le march amricain, NRx aura le droit de recevoir un paiement initial de 10 millions de dollars aprs l'obtention d'un rsultat positif de l'essai clinique de phase 2b/3 en cours pour le traitement de la S–TRB, et aprs avoir particip une runion de type B avec la Food and Drug Administration amricaine (FDA ou Agence Amricaine des produits alimentaires et mdicamenteux). NRx recevra un paiement supplmentaire de 5 millions de dollars aprs rception de l'approbation de la FDA pour le NRX–101, ainsi que des paiements d'tape en prime et de montants croissants atteignant jusqu' 330 millions de dollars, en fonction de l'atteinte de certains objectifs de ventes nettes. En plus des paiements lis au franchissement d'tapes, NRx pourra recevoir une redevance reprsentant entre 12 % et 16 % des ventes nettes selon certains seuils de ventes pour le march amricain, et d'autres paiements lis au franchissement d'tapes pour les marchs hors des tats–Unis.

Lotus acquerra les droits internationaux du NRX–101 pour le traitement de la S–TRBD, et sera responsable de sa commercialisation sur les marchs hors des tats–Unis, soit par le biais de sa prsence directe sur certains marchs asiatiques, soit par le biais de sa division des exportations, par laquelle la socit commercialise actuellement un vaste portefeuille de produits grce ses partenaires de premier plan. Lotus s'associera Alvogen, partenaire de longue date de Lotus aux tats–Unis, pour la commercialisation sur le march amricain du NRX–101 pour le traitement de la S–TRBD sous le label Almatica d'Alvogen. Almatica est la division d'Alvogen spcialise dans le systme nerveux central (SNC) qui commercialise actuellement six produits sous marque. Alvogen et Lotus se sont engags financer la prochaine tude d'homologation du mdicament pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante au traitement afin de soutenir l'approbation du NRX–101, sous rserve de rsultats positifs de l'essai clinique de phase 2b/3 en cours et de la participation une runion de type B avec la FDA. Lotus et Alvogen auront un droit de premire ngociation pour de nouvelles applications du NRX–101 en dehors du champ de la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires, et/ou de nouveaux produits potentiels contenant de la D–cyclosrine en combinaison avec un antidpresseur / antipsychotique.

Stephan Willard, Docteur en droit et directeur gnral de NRx, a dclar : Cette collaboration peut acclrer la mise disposition du NRX–101 pour les patients aux prises avec une dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires qui ont dsesprment besoin de meilleures alternatives de traitement. Avec nos ressources actuelles, nous estimons pouvoir financer nos oprations jusqu'aux donnes attendues de l'essai de phase 2b/3. Ce partenariat international minimise considrablement la ncessit de lever des fonds pour le dveloppement et la commercialisation du NRX–101. Avec leur expertise dans le domaine du SNC et leurs capacits oprationnelles l'international, Alvogen et Lotus sont des partenaires idaux pour ce programme, et ventuellement pour d'autres programmes de NRx .

Lisa Graver, directrice gnrale d'Alvogen, a dclar : Un mdicament qui amliore l'tat de dpression chez les patients bipolaires prsentant un risque lev de suicide reprsenterait une amlioration significative des traitements, et nous considrons les donnes de la phase 2 STABIL–B du NRX–101 comme prometteuses cet gard. Cet accord est conforme notre stratgie de dveloppement de produits sous marque pour le SNC, prsentant une diffrenciation claire et un bnfice pour les patients, tout en tirant parti de nos capacits prouves de commercialisation sous notre label Almatica. Le NRX–101 constitue un excellent complment notre gamme en pleine expansion de produits SNC .

Petar Vazharov, directeur gnral de Lotus, a comment : Il s'agit d'une opration passionnante pour Lotus. En moins d'une dcennie, Lotus a russi transformer une entreprise tawanaise de produits gnriques d'envergure nationale en une entreprise pharmaceutique internationale qui exporte sa proprit intellectuelle dans le monde entier, soit par sa prsence directe en Asie, soit par ses activits d'exportation, notamment aux tats–Unis, au Japon, en Chine, en Amrique latine et en Europe. L'ajout du NRX–101 notre portefeuille de produits est tout fait conforme notre objectif stratgique, qui est de stimuler l'innovation pour rpondre d'importants besoins mdicaux non satisfaits .

On estime sept millions le nombre de personnes atteintes de dpression bipolaire, rien qu'aux tats–Unis1. Le risque de suicide au sein du groupe est trs lev, les donnes indiquant que 50 % ou plus de ces patients tenteront de se suicider au cours de leur vie2. Il n'existe actuellement aucun mdicament spcifiquement approuv pour les personnes souffrant de dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires importantes. Le NRX–101 est le premier mdicament exprimental tre spcifiquement tudi pour cette population vulnrable de patients. Les donnes de preuve de concept de l'essai clinique de phase 2 STABIL, pour lequel des patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire avec risque lev de suicide ont reu de faon alatoire le NRX–101 ou la lurasidone aprs stabilisation par une perfusion de ktamine, ont montr un bnfice statistiquement significatif du NRX–101 par rapport la lurasidone. Sur la base de ces donnes, la FDA amricaine a accord une dsignation de thrapie innovante (BTD) ainsi qu'un protocole d'valuation spcial (SPA) pour le NRX–101 dans le traitement de la dpression bipolaire avec risque lev de suicide.

NRx Pharma a rcemment annonc avoir amlior et tendu son essai clinique contrl et alatoire de phase 2 en cours pour le traitement de la dpression bipolaire avec risque de suicide subaigu pour en faire un essai clinique de phase 2b/3 d'homologation. Les rsultats de l'essai clinique de phase 2b/3 en cours sont attendus d'ici la fin de l'anne 2023. NRx organisera une confrence tlphonique afin de discuter plus en dtail de l'impact de l'accord.

propos du NRX–101

Jusqu' 50 % des personnes atteintes de troubles bipolaires tentent de se suicider au cours de leur vie et, selon les estimations, jusqu' 20 % d'entre elles y succombent{3. Le seul traitement approuv par la FDA pour les patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements reste la thrapie lectroconvulsive.

Les antidpresseurs conventionnels peuvent augmenter le risque de suicide chez certains patients ; c'est pourquoi leurs tiquettes contiennent un avertissement cet gard. Le NRX–101 est une combinaison brevete de D–cyclosrine et de lurasidone, administre par voie orale et dose fixe. Aucun des composants n'a montr de potentiel de dpendance dans les modles prcliniques. Sur la base des rsultats d'une tude de preuve de concept de phase 2, le NRX–101 a reu de la FDA la dsignation de thrapie innovante pour le traitement, aprs une stabilisation initiale par la ktamine ou toute autre thrapie efficace, de la dpression bipolaire svre chez les patients souffrant d'idation et de comportements suicidaires aigus (ASIB).

Le NRX–101 est l'un des premiers antidpresseurs oraux actuellement en phase finale d'tudes cliniques ciblant le rcepteur NMDA dans le cerveau, ce qui reprsente potentiellement un nouveau mcanisme cl pour traiter la dpression, avec et sans suicidalit, ainsi que le syndrome de stress post–traumatique et d'autres troubles. ce jour, le NRX–101 est le seul mdicament exprimental NMDA oral ciblant la dpression bipolaire chez les patients prsentant une suicidalit aigu et subaigu.

propos de NRx Pharmaceuticals

NRx Pharmaceuticals est une socit biopharmaceutique en stade clinique spcialise dans le dveloppement de thrapies pour le traitement des troubles du systme nerveux central, en particulier la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires et le syndrome de stress post–traumatique (SSPT). Le programme phare de la socit, le NRX–101, combinaison orale dose fixe de D–cyclosrine et de lurasidone, cible le rcepteur N–mthyl–D–aspartate (NMDA) du cerveau et fait actuellement l'objet d'un essai clinique de phase 2b/3 pour la dpression bipolaire avec tendances suicidaires rsistante aux traitements. L'essai clinique inclut des patients souffrant de suicidalit aigu et subaigu, un trouble pour lequel le seul traitement approuv est la thrapie par lectrochocs. L'essai clinique prcdent de phase 2 STABIL–B de la socit valuant le NRX–101 chez des patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire svre avec idation et comportements suicidaires aigus (ASIB) a dmontr une diminution substantielle, par rapport au traitement disponible, de la dpression et de la suicidalit par rapport au placebo, lorsque les patients taient traits avec le NRX–101 aprs une dose unique de ktamine. Sur la base des rsultats de l'essai STABIL–B, la FDA amricaine a octroy un accord de protocole d'valuation spcial et une dsignation de thrapie innovante pour le NRX–101 chez les patients souffrant de dpression bipolaire svre avec ASIB.

propos d'Alvogen et d'Almatica

Alvogen est une socit pharmaceutique prive spcialise dans le dveloppement, la fabrication et la vente de produits gnriques et sous marque pour le march amricain. L'entreprise dispose d'un portefeuille diversifi et d'une gamme qui inclut la fois des produits sous marque et des produits gnriques disponibles sous diffrentes formes d'administration. La famille de socits d'Alvogen comprend Alvogen US (produits gnriques), Almatica (produits sous marque) et Almaject (produits injectables).

Almatica Pharma LLC, une filiale entirement dtenue par Alvogen, Inc., est une socit pharmaceutique amricaine axe sur le dveloppement, l'acquisition et la commercialisation de produits pharmaceutiques sous marque. Son portefeuille actuel de produits couvre plusieurs domaines thrapeutiques, mais la promotion se concentre sur les troubles et les affections du systme nerveux central.

propos de Lotus

Fonde en 1966, Lotus (1795 : TT) est une socit pharmaceutique internationale prsente dans le monde entier, qui se concentre sur la commercialisation de nouveaux produits pharmaceutiques et de produits gnriques, offrant aux patients des mdicaments mieux adapts, plus srs et plus accessibles. La socit dispose d'une excellente plateforme de recherche–dveloppement et de fabrication reconnue en Asie et a tabli des partenariats sur presque tous les marchs mondiaux, notamment les tats–Unis, l'Europe, le Japon, la Chine et le Brsil. Lotus gre plus de 100 projets pharmaceutiques stratgiquement slectionns en cours de dveloppement et d'homologation en Asie et aux tats–Unis, portant sur plus de 250 produits commerciaux. L'entreprise investit dans un portefeuille diversifi de produits d'excellence, avec notamment des produits d'oncologie barrire leve, des produits gnriques complexes ainsi que des produits 505(b)2 et de Nouvelle Entit Chimique, par le biais d'investissements internes de recherche–dveloppement et de partenariats pour l'octroi de licences. L'entreprise renforce galement la comptitivit de son portefeuille en ajoutant des produits biosimilaires grce au soutien de partenaires stratgiques. Son infrastructure de pointe est certifie par la plupart des autorits rglementaires de haut niveau du monde entier, notamment la FDA aux tats–Unis, l'EMA en Europe, la PMDA au Japon, la FDA en Chine et l'ANVISA au Brsil.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Mise en garde de NRX concernant les dclarations prospectives

Ce communiqu de NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. contient des dclarations prospectives au sens des dispositions de la sphre de scurit de la Private Securities Litigation Reform Act des tats–Unis de 1995, qui peuvent inclure, sans s'y limiter, des dclarations concernant nos perspectives financires, le dveloppement de produits, les perspectives commerciales, les tendances et conditions du march et de l'industrie, ainsi que les stratgies, plans, objectifs et buts de l'entreprise. Ces dclarations prospectives sont fondes sur les convictions, les attentes, les estimations, les prvisions et les projections actuelles, ainsi que sur les hypothses formules par la direction de la socit et sur les informations dont elle dispose actuellement.

La Socit n'assume aucune obligation de modification de ces dclarations prospectives, que ce soit la suite de nouvelles informations, d'vnements futurs ou autres. En consquence, vous ne devez pas vous fier ces dclarations prospectives. Toutes les dclarations prospectives sont ici qualifies par rfrence aux avertissements noncs ci–dessus.

Mise en garde de Lotus concernant les dclarations prospectives

l'exception des informations passes contenues dans le prsent document, les sujets abords dans ce document sont des dclarations prospectives soumises des risques et des incertitudes susceptibles d'entraner des rsultats rels considrablement diffrents. Ces dclarations prospectives ne sont pas bases sur des faits historiques mais plutt sur les attentes de la direction concernant la croissance future, les rsultats d'exploitation, les performances, les dpenses d'investissement et autres dpenses futures, les avantages concurrentiels, les perspectives et opportunits commerciales. Les dclarations contenues dans cette prsentation concernant nos plans et intentions futurs, nos rsultats, notre niveau d'activit, nos performances, nos objectifs ou nos ralisations ou tout autre vnement futur constituent des dclarations prospectives. Dans la mesure du possible, les termes tels que anticiper , croire , s'attendre , peut , pourrait , sera , potentiel , avoir l'intention de , estimer , devrait , planifier , prdire , la forme ngative ou d'autres variations des dclarations refltent les convictions et les hypothses actuelles de la direction de l'entreprise et sont bases sur les informations actuellement notre disposition. Les investisseurs sont invits ne pas accorder une confiance excessive ces dclarations prospectives, qui sont nonces la date du prsent document, et nous n'assumons aucune obligation de mise jour ou de modification de ces dclarations prospectives.

Contacter Lotus :

Susan Liao, responsable des relations avec les investisseurs
+886 2 2700 5908

Contacter NRX :

Matthew Duffy
Chef de la direction des affaires

Suzanne Messere
Relations avec les investisseurs

Contacter Alvogen :

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823949)

NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals and Alvogen Inc. Announce Collaboration to Develop and Commercialize NRX-101

  • NRx Pharmaceuticals, Lotus Pharmaceuticals, and Alvogen to collaborate on the further development and commercialization of NRX–101 for suicidal treatment–resistant bipolar depression (S–TRBD) for global markets

  • Lotus Pharmaceuticals will acquire worldwide rights for NRX–101 for S–TRBD and will be responsible for commercialization of NRX–101 in markets outside the US through Lotus's direct presence in certain Asian markets or through their export division, which currently has partnerships in numerous markets, including in Europe, Japan, China, Australia and Latin America
  • Alvogen, through its CNS focused Almatica division, will be responsible for U.S. commercialization of NRX–101
  • NRx will be eligible to receive up to $330 million in milestone payments tied to development progress and sales targets as well as tiered double–digit escalating to the mid–teens royalty payments contingent upon certain sales thresholds in the U.S. and a fixed royalty payment for markets outside the U.S.
  • Agreement includes a right of first negotiation for new indications outside of the field of bipolar depression with suicidality for NRX–101 and/or potential new products containing D–cycloserine in combination with an antidepressant / antipsychotic

RADNOR, Pa. and MORRISTOWN, N.J. and TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT; "Lotus"), a multinational pharmaceutical company, Alvogen, a privately owned U.S. based pharmaceuticals company, and NRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) ("NRx Pharmaceuticals or NRx"), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced a global collaboration agreement covering the development and commercialization of NRX–101 for suicidal treatment–resistant bipolar depression (S–TRBD) for global markets.

Under the terms of the agreement, relating to NRX–101 for the U.S. market, NRx is entitled to receive an initial payment of $10 million upon achieving both a successful read–out from the ongoing Phase 2b/3 clinical trial in S–TRB and completion of a Type B meeting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). NRx would receive an additional payment of $5 million upon receipt of FDA approval for NRX–101 as well as bonus milestone payments of increasing amounts up to $330 million based on reaching certain net sales targets. In addition to success–based payments, NRx is eligible to receive a royalty on net sales between 12% and 16% contingent on certain sales thresholds for the U.S. market and other success–based payments for markets outside of the U.S.

Lotus will acquire worldwide rights for NRX–101 for treatment of S–TRBD and will be responsible for commercialization of NRX–101 in markets outside of the U.S. through their direct commercial presence in certain Asian markets or through Lotus's export division where the company currently markets an extensive portfolio of products through top–tier partners. Lotus will partner with Alvogen, a longstanding partner for Lotus in the U.S., to commercialize NRX–101 for treatment of S–TRBD in the U.S. market through Alvogen's Almatica label. Almatica is the CNS–focused division of Alvogen that currently markets six branded products. Alvogen and Lotus have committed to fund the next registrational study in suicidal treatment–resistant bipolar depression to support approval of NRX–101 contingent upon successful results of the ongoing Phase 2b/3 clinical trial and completion of a Type B meeting with the FDA. Lotus and Alvogen will have a right of first negotiation for new indications outside of the field of bipolar depression with suicidality for NRX–101 and/or potential new products containing D–cycloserine in combination with an antidepressant / antipsychotic.

Stephan Willard, J.D., Chief Executive Officer of NRx, commented, "This collaboration can accelerate the delivery of NRX–101 to patients grappling with suicidal bipolar depression who desperately need better treatment alternatives. With our current resources we believe we can fund our operations until the expected Phase 2b/3 trial data. This global partnership significantly minimizes the need for future capital raises for NRX–101 development and commercialization. Alvogen and Lotus, with their CNS expertise and global operational capabilities, are ideal partners for this and possibly other NRx programs."

Lisa Graver, Chief Executive Officer of Alvogen, commented, "A medication that improves depression in bipolar patients with elevated risk of suicide would represent a significant improvement in treatment, and we view the Phase 2 STABIL–B data of NRX–101 as promising to that effect. This agreement is congruent with our strategy of developing branded CNS products with clear differentiation and patient benefit while leveraging our proven commercialization capabilities under our Almatica brand. NRX–101 provides an excellent addition to our growing CNS pipeline."

Petar Vazharov, Chief Executive Officer of Lotus, commented, "This is an exciting transaction for Lotus. Over much of the last decade, Lotus has been able to transition itself from a domestic generics Taiwanese company into a global pharma company that exports its intellectual property all over the world through either our direct presence across Asia or through our export business that includes the U.S., Japan, China, Latin America and Europe. The addition of NRX–101 to our pipeline is completely in–line with our strategic objective to drive heightened innovation that addresses significant unmet medical needs."

An estimated seven million people are living with bipolar depression in the U.S. alone1. The risk of suicide within the group is very high, with data indicating that 50% or more of these patients will attempt suicide in their lifetime2. There are currently no medications specifically approved for people with bipolar depression and elevated levels of suicidality. NRX–101 is the first investigational medication to be specifically studied in this vulnerable patient population. Proof–of–concept data from the Phase 2 STABIL clinical trial, in which patients with bipolar depression and acute suicidality were randomized to NRX–101 or lurasidone after stabilization with one infusion of ketamine, showed a statistically significant benefit of NRX–101 vs lurasidone. Based on these data, the U.S. FDA granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation (BTD) and a Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) for NRX–101 in bipolar depression with acute suicidality.

NRx Pharma recently announced that it has upgraded and expanded its ongoing Phase 2 randomized, controlled clinical trial in bipolar depression with sub–acute suicidality to a registrational Phase 2b/3 clinical trial. Results from the ongoing Phase 2b/3 clinical trial are expected by year–end 2023. NRx will be hosting a conference call to discuss in greater detail the impact of the transaction.

About NRX–101

Up to 50% of individuals with bipolar disorder attempt suicide over their lifetime, and estimates indicate that up to 20% may succumb to suicide3. The only FDA–approved treatment for patients with treatment–resistant suicidal bipolar depression remains electroconvulsive therapy.

Conventional antidepressants can increase the risk of suicide in certain patients; hence their labels contain a warning to that effect. NRX–101 is a patented, oral, fixed dose combination of D–cycloserine and lurasidone, neither of which has shown addiction potential in preclinical models. Based on the results of a Phase 2 proof–of–concept study, NRX–101 received Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the FDA for the treatment of severe bipolar depression in patients with Acute Suicidal Ideation & Behavior (ASIB) after initial stabilization with ketamine or other effective therapy.

NRX–101 is one of the first oral antidepressants currently in late–stage clinical studies targeting the NMDA–receptor in the brain, which represents potentially a key new mechanism to treat depression with and without suicidality, as well as PTSD and other indications. To date, NRX–101 is the only oral NMDA investigational medicine focused on bipolar depression in patients with acute and sub–acute suicidality.

About NRx Pharmaceuticals

NRx Pharmaceuticals is a clinical–stage biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics for the treatment of central nervous system disorders, specifically bipolar depression with suicidality and post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The company's lead program NRX–101, an oral, fixed–dose combination of D–cycloserine and lurasidone, targets the brain's N–methyl–D–aspartate (NMDA) receptor and is being investigated in a Phase 2b/3 clinical trial for Suicidal Treatment–Resistant Bipolar Depression, which includes patients with both acute and sub–acute suicidality, an indication for which the only approved treatment is electroshock therapy. The company's prior Phase 2 STABIL–B clinical trial evaluating NRX–101 in patients with Severe Bipolar Depression with Acute Suicidal Ideation & Behavior (ASIB) demonstrated a substantial improvement over available therapy in reducing depression and suicidality compared to placebo when patients were treated with NRX–101 after a single dose of ketamine. Based on the findings from the STABIL–B trial, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted a Special Protocol Agreement and Breakthrough Therapy Designation for NRX–101 in patients with Severe Bipolar Depression with ASIB.

About Alvogen and Almatica

Alvogen is a privately held pharmaceutical company focused on developing, manufacturing and selling generic and branded products for the US market. The company has a diverse portfolio and pipeline that includes both branded and generic products across various administration forms. The Alvogen–family of companies includes Alvogen US (Generics), Almatica (Brands) and Almaject (Injectables).

Almatica Pharma LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alvogen, Inc. and is a U.S. pharmaceutical company focused on the development, acquisition and commercialization of branded pharmaceutical products. Its current product portfolio covers a range of therapeutic areas, but promotional focus is on central nervous system disorders and conditions.

About Lotus

Founded in 1966, Lotus (1795: TT) is an international pharmaceutical company with global presence, focused on commercializing novel and generic pharmaceuticals, offering patients better, safe and more accessible medicines. The Company has a recognized best–in–class R&D and manufacturing platform in Asia and has established partnerships in nearly every global market including the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, and Brazil. Lotus runs over 100 strategically selected pharmaceutical projects in development and registrations across Asia and the US, with over 250 commercial products. The Company invests in diversified best portfolio consisting of high–barrier oncology, complex generics as well as 505(b)2 and NCE via internal R&D investment and licensing–in partnership, and also strengthens its portfolio competitiveness by adding biosimilar products with support from strategic partners. Its industry–leading infrastructure certified by most of the advanced regulatory authorities around the world, including US FDA, EU EMA, Japan PMDA, China FDA, and Brazil ANVISA.

1Merikangas, K., et al.(2007). Lifetime and 12–Month Prevalence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 64:543–552

2Pallaskorpi, et al. Incidence and Predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorder: A 5–year follow–up study, Bipolar Disorders, 2016

3Psychiatric Times; Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

NRX Cautionary Note Regarding Forward–Looking Statements

This announcement of NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. includes “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which may include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our financial outlook, product development, business prospects, and market and industry trends and conditions, as well as the Company's strategies, plans, objectives, and goals. These forward–looking statements are based on current beliefs, expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections of, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, the Company's management.

The Company assumes no obligation to revise any forward–looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, you should not place reliance on any forward–looking statement, and all forward–looking statements are herein qualified by reference to the cautionary statements set forth above.

Lotus Cautionary Note Regarding Forward–Looking Statements

Except for historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this document are forward looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These forward–looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on management's expectations regarding future growth, results of operations, performance, future capital and other expenditures, competitive advantages, business prospects and opportunities. Statements in this presentation about our future plans and intentions, results, level of activities, performance, goals or achievements or other future events constitute forward looking statements. Wherever possible, words such as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "may", "could", "will", "potential", "intend", "estimate", "should", "plan", "predict", or the negative or other variations of statements reflect management's current beliefs and assumptions and are based on the information currently available to our management. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward–looking statements, which are made as of the date of this document and we assume no obligation to update or revise any forward–looking statements.

Lotus Contacts:

Susan Liao, Head of Investor Relations
+886 2 2700 5908

NRX Contacts:

Matthew Duffy
Chief Business Officer

Suzanne Messere
Investor Relations

Alvogen Contacts:

Andrea Sweet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000823518)

Zenas BioPharma Announces First Patient Dosed in Phase 3 Clinical Study of Obexelimab for the Treatment of Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease (IgG4-RD)

Global Phase 3 INDIGO study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of obexelimab in patients with IgG4–RD, a chronic and serious fibroinflammatory disease typically affecting multiple organs

IgG4–RD is the first of several potential disease indications to be pursued for obexelimab given its unique non–depleting, B–cell inhibition

WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immune–based therapies, today announced that the first patient has been dosed in the INDIGO Phase 3 registrational study of obexelimab. The INDIGO study will evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of obexelimab treatment in the prevention of IgG4–related disease (IgG4–RD) flare. Obexelimab is a high–affinity bifunctional antibody that inhibits B–cell lineages by simultaneously binding to CD19 and FcRIIB, thereby downregulating B–cell activity in patients with autoimmune diseases associated with autoantibodies, such as IgG4–RD.

"IgG4–RD is a chronic and serious fibroinflammatory condition that can affect nearly any organ system and can have a profound impact on many patients, leading to severe organ damage or death," said Hua Mu, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer at Zenas. "There are no currently approved treatments for patients living with IgG4–RD. Based upon the promising data from a Phase 2 study of obexelimab in IgG4–RD patients, we are excited to continue to evaluate the potential of obexelimab in the INDIGO study."

About the INDIGO Study

The INDIGO study is a global multicenter, randomized, double–blind, placebo–controlled study enrolling up to 200 adults with active IgG4–RD signs/symptoms (i.e., flare) that require steroid therapy. Patients will be randomized in a ratio of 1:1 to receive either obexelimab or placebo, administered as subcutaneous injections.

The primary endpoint of INDIGO is time to first IgG4–RD flare (defined as the reappearance of previous signs/symptoms or appearance of new signs/symptoms of IgG4–RD) that requires initiation of rescue therapy from randomization to Week 52. Safety will be evaluated throughout the study duration.

More information on the INDIGO study (NCT05662241) is available at clinicaltrials.gov.

About Obexelimab

Obexelimab is an investigational Phase 3–stage, novel bifunctional antibody with first–in–class potential that inhibits B–cell lineages that express CD19. Simultaneous binding to CD19 and FcRIIB by obexelimab mimics a natural antigen–antibody complex and downregulates B cell activity. In several early–stage clinical studies, 198 subjects were treated with obexelimab. In these clinical studies, the molecule demonstrated effective inhibition of B cell function without depleting the cells and generated an encouraging treatment effect in patients with multiple autoimmune diseases. Zenas acquired exclusive worldwide rights to obexelimab from Xencor, Inc.

About IgG4–RD

IgG4–RD is a chronic and serious fibroinflammatory disease typically affecting multiple organs (e.g., pancreas, liver, kidney, bile duct, salivary and lacrimal glands). Approximately 20,000 people are diagnosed with IgG4–RD in the US, with similar prevalence rates across geographies. Many patients have some degree of irreversible organ damage at the time of diagnosis. Although nearly all patients initially respond to glucocorticoid (GC) therapy, a majority of patients will relapse/flare within a few months of discontinuing treatment, requiring rescue therapy. Chronic GC therapy is also associated with toxicity in many patients.

About Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma is a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of immune–based therapies for patients around the world. With clinical development and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a deep and balanced global portfolio of potential first– and best–in–class autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need while meeting the value requirements of the dynamic global healthcare environment. The company's pipeline continues to grow through our successful business development strategy. Our experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those living with autoimmune and rare diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit www.zenasbio.com and follow us on Twitter at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

Investor and Media Contact:
Joe Farmer, President & COO
Zenas BioPharma

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8727743)

Two Female Scientists Win this year’s King Faisal Prize

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Two women scientists were announced King Faisal Prize for Medicine and Science laureates for 2023: a Covid–19 vaccine developer and a nanotechnology scientist. Six others were announced King Faisal Prize laureates for having enriched humanity with key and invaluable achievements and discoveries in the fields of Medicine, Science, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Studies, and Serving Islam.

The woman behind Oxford""AstraZeneca COVID–19 vaccine, Professor Sarah Gilbert, the Sad Chair of Vaccinology in the Nuffield Department of Medicine at Oxford University, was selected to receive King Faisal Prize in medicine. She has co–created the vaccine which has been in use in more than 180 countries saving billions of lives due to its efficiency, low cost and accessibility.

The vaccine is called "ChAdOx1 nCoV–19" and was achieved in 10 months of work using a novel approach. Instead of the traditional vaccines' method which uses a weakened or killed form of the original infection and requires a long time to develop in the human body, Gilbert genetically modified a weakened version of a common virus which caused a cold in chimpanzees to be injected in humans without causing an infection. This modified virus became the essence of the vaccine developed by Dr. Gilbert against coronavirus carrying the genetic instructions for the coronavirus spike protein. When entering the body cells, the virus uses a genetic code or instructions to produce the specific surface spike protein of the coronavirus inducing an immune response and preparing the immune system to attack coronavirus if it infects the body.

Dr. Gilbert's innovative vaccine technologies used lately for COVID–19 were also applied by her to Malaria, Ebola, Influenza, and MERS, with clinical trials of the latter taking place in the UK and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She also worked on developing a medicine for it. In fact, the patented ChAdOx1 technology was developed by Dr. Gilbert and other researchers at the University of Oxford in 2012. In 2014, she led the first trial of an Ebola vaccine after a large outbreak of the disease in West Africa. It was because of the ChAdOx1 technology and her accumulated research that the Oxford""AstraZeneca COVID–19 vaccine was produced so quickly.

The other woman scientist selected to receive King Faisal Prize in science is Professor Jackie Yi–Ru Ying; the A*STAR Senior Fellow and Director at NanoBio Lab, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research. She was chosen for her work on the synthesis of various advanced nanomaterials and systems, and their applications in catalysis, energy conversion, and biomedicine. Her inventions have been used to solve challenges in different fields of medicine, chemistry, and energy. Her development of stimuli–responsive polymeric nanoparticles led to a technology which can autoregulate the release of insulin, depending on the blood glucose levels in diabetic patients without the need for external blood glucose monitoring. Dr. Ying's laboratory has pioneered the synthesis of mesoporous and microporous transition metal oxides; a class of nanomaterials used in energy storage and conversion, by supramolecular templating (organizing or assembling entities).

Dr. Ying has more than 180 primary patents and patent applications; 32 of which have been licensed to multinational and start–up companies for a range of applications in nanomedicine, drug delivery, cell and tissue engineering, medical implants, biosensors, medical devices, and others. Her work is at the intersection of nanotechnology and technical medicine and has culminated in the establishment of six successful start–ups and spinoff companies.

Two other Medicine and Science Prize laureates were selected for 2023: Professor Dan Barouch, the Director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the William Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Professor Chad Mirkin, the Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN) and the Rathmann Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Medicine, Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University, respectively.

Professor Dan Barouch developed another COVID–19 viral vector vaccine; the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, using the same technology behind the Oxford""AstraZeneca COVID–19 vaccine. It was administered to hundreds of millions of people worldwide saving their lives. The vaccine was achieved quickly, like Oxford vaccine, in 13 months and was based on engineering a harmless adenovirus (called Ad26) which was a common type of virus that caused mild cold symptoms when it infected a person. The genetically modified virus carries the genetic code for the coronavirus spike protein. After the injection of adenovirus, the cells use the genetic code and produce a spike protein to train the immune system, creating antibodies and memory cells to protect against COVID–19 infection.

The development of the Ad26 vaccine platform was the result of research work and clinical trials to develop vaccine candidates for multiple pathogens of global significance, including HIV and Zika virus, and tuberculosis, making Professor Barouch a pioneer in the creation of a series of vaccine platform technologies that can be used when developing vaccines for emerging infectious diseases, such as COVID–19. Moreover, he led the world's first demonstration of Zika vaccine protection in preclinical studies and launched a series of phase 1 Zika vaccine clinical trials.

The work of Professor Chad Mirkin, which has been at the forefront of nano chemistry for over three decades, has helped define the modern age of nanotechnology. He is widely recognized for his invention of spherical nucleic acids (SNAs), which are nanostructures composed of nucleic acids in a spherical configuration which enter human cells and tissues and overcome biological barriers, making it possible to detect or treat a disease on the genetic level. More than 1,800 products for medical diagnostics, therapeutics, and life science research were based on this technology.

Professor Mirkin is a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence–based materials discovery. He invented dip–pen nanolithography, which was described by National Geographic as one of the "top 100 scientific discoveries that changed the world"; and HARP (high–area rapid printing) technology, a 3D printing process that can manufacture different products like ceramics at record–breaking throughput.

In addition to Medicine and Science, King Faisal Prize recognized this year the achievements of outstanding thinkers and scholars in the fields of Arabic Language & Literature and Islamic Studies, and honored exemplary leaders who played a pivotal role in serving Islam, Muslims, and humanity at large.

Professor Abdelfattah Kilito was announced the laureate for the "Arabic Language and Literature" prize focusing on "Classical Arabic Narrative and Modern Theories". He has been a visiting professor and lecturer at the New Sorbonne, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Chicago, the University of Oxford, and the College de France. Professor Robert Hillenbrand, Honorary Professorial Fellow in the department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (IMES) at the University of Edinburgh, was selected to receive the "Islamic Studies" prize in "Islamic Architecture". His work was distinguished by its geographic and temporal expansiveness, which covered North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, and Central Asia, and spanned from the early Islamic period till the 19th Century.

As for the Service to Islam Prize, Professor Choi Young Kil–Hamed and His Excellency Shaikh Nasser bin Abdullah Al Zaabi were this year's laureates.

Since 1979, King Faisal Prize in its 5 different categories has awarded 290 laureates who have made distinguished contributions to different sciences and causes. Each prize laureate is endowed with USD 200 thousand; a 24–carat gold medal weighing 200 grams, and a Certificate inscribed with the Laureate's name and a summary of their work which qualified them for the prize.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8723948)

Minovia Therapeutics Reports First Clinical Data Demonstrating Disease-Modifying Efficacy and Safety of Mitochondrial Augmentation Therapy in Pediatric Patients with Primary Mitochondrial Diseases

First in human clinical study provides proof–of–concept for mitochondrial augmentation therapy platform, which enables use of healthy mitochondria to improve mitochondrial function and mitigate effects of large–scale mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion syndromes

Study showed improved quality of life measures in children with Pearson Syndrome and Kearns–Sayre Syndrome spectrum

No treatment–related adverse effects reported in study

WOBURN, Mass. and HAIFA, Israel, Dec. 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Minovia Therapeutics, a clinical–stage global biotechnology company, today announced that the findings of the first clinical use of mitochondrial augmentation therapy (MAT) platform to treat pediatric patients with primary mitochondrial diseases have been published in Science Translational Medicine. The study was conducted in collaboration with global leaders in the field of hematology and primary mitochondrial disease at Sheba Medical Center (Tel Hashomer, Israel).

Single, large deletions in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can lead to a variety of devastating diseases, including Pearson Syndrome and Kearns–Sayre Syndrome (KSS). These mtDNA deletion syndromes are sporadic, uncurable and ultimately fatal. Pearson syndrome is a bone marrow failure disease that usually begins in infancy. In addition to presenting with sideroblastic anemia, patients are characterized by exocrine pancreas dysfunction. About half of patients die in infancy or childhood, while many who survive go on to develop KSS, a progressive multisystem disorder.

"These findings demonstrate that mitochondrial augmentation therapy is feasible in children with mitochondrial DNA deletion syndromes and that autologous CD34+ cells augmented with mitochondria derived from maternal blood may potentially deliver some functional improvement for patients living with these debilitating diseases for which there are no available therapies," said Elad Jacoby, M.D., Ph.D., Hemato–oncology Pediatric department, Sheba Medical Center.

MAT is designed to rescue mitochondrial function and metabolic activity in diseased cells through enrichment with healthy mitochondria. This builds upon Minovia's previous demonstration that MAT provides long–term functional benefit in an immunocompromised mouse model, and that mitochondria can transfer between hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vivo (Jacoby et al 2021). Preclinical studies showed that hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) can transfer normal mitochondria to hematopoietic and non–hematopoietic cells and improve disease features (Rocca et al., 2017).

Minovia is developing MAT to treat Primary Mitochondrial Diseases such as Pearson syndrome, as well as other mitochondrially–related sideroblastic anemias. The Company's lead investigational candidate, MNV–101 (MNV–BM–BLD), has been granted the Fast–Track, Orphan Drug and Rare Pediatric Disease designations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The latest study reported results from six patients ranging from 2 to 7 years of age: four with Pearson syndrome and two with KSS spectrum. All six patients suffered from significant failure to thrive and advanced multi–organ disease, which was either immediately or potentially life–threatening, requiring multiple ongoing supportive care interventions.

Key Findings

  • No treatment–related adverse events were reported. Adverse events related to the leukapheresis procedure were managed with standard medical care. Adverse events that occurred following treatment were expected due to the patient's underlying disease and resolved spontaneously or with appropriate treatment.
  • Higher levels of normal mitochondrial DNA were observed in the blood of four out of six patients, indicating a reduction of mitochondria with large DNA deletions.
  • Clinical improvement in aerobic function was observed in some patients, and five of six patients experienced weight gain.
  • Quality of life measurements showed improvement in most patients. Changes in the general well–being of children and physical activity were reported, along with increased time spent awake and in play.
  • A series of aerobic and endurance tests were performed on two patients. Both patients demonstrated improvement in leg muscle strength and endurance at 6 and 12 months post treatment.
  • One patient, who at baseline was unable to walk any distance, was able to walk 10 meters at 12 months and had improvement on the 30–second sit–to–stand test.
  • Another patient demonstrated improvement in muscle function in some tests and a sustained improvement in others, including the six–minute walk test and sit–to–stand capacity at 6 and 12 months.

"We are tremendously encouraged by evidence of improvement to the quality of life and well–being of the children treated with MAT, including clinical improvements in aerobic function, weight gain and increased strength and endurance,” said Natalie Yivgi Ohana, Ph.D., co–founder and CEO of Minovia. “We believe these findings lay important groundwork for further development of MAT and future clinical trials to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of MAT in patients with primary mitochondrial disorders and other diseases. Our excellent collaboration with the clinicians and teams at the Sheba Medical Center, as well as with patient advocacy groups, will enable us to accelerate the clinical development plans for Pearson Syndrome patients.”

About Primary Mitochondrial Diseases (PMD) and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Primary Mitochondrial Diseases (PMDs) are chronic, genetic disorders that occur when mitochondria fail to produce enough energy for the body to function properly. Mitochondrial diseases affect about one in 5,000 people globally and can be sporadic or inherited and onset can occur at any age. Mitochondrial diseases can affect almost any part of the body, including the cells of the brain, nerves, muscles, kidneys, heart, liver, eyes, ears or pancreas. Mitochondrial dysfunction also plays an important role in more prevalent diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and diabetes.

About Minovia
Minovia Therapeutics is a clinical–stage global biotechnology company committed to the discovery and development of novel approaches to treating diseases caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. Minovia's Mitochondrial Augmentation Therapy (MAT) platform is designed to extend and enhance human lives by restoring mitochondrial function using autologous stem cells enriched with healthy, functional mitochondria. This unique approach capitalizes on the natural ability of mitochondria to transfer between cells. The company's initial clinical focus is on primary mitochondrial diseases, such as Pearson syndrome, a fatal pediatric disease, and hematological disorders that include mitochondrial dysfunction. Minovia was founded by leading researchers in mitochondrial biology and is headquartered in Haifa, Israel, with operations in Massachusetts. For more information, visit http://minoviatx.com/.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8718621)