Yandex develops and open-sources Perforator, an open-source tool that can save businesses billions of dollars a year on server infrastructure

  • Yandex introduces Perforator, a tool that can identify and evaluate code inefficiencies across a company’s entire code base.
  • Perforator helps developers identify the most resource–intensive sections of code and provides detailed statistics for subsequent optimization.
  • The solution can help businesses reduce CPU resource usage by 20% annually.
  • By leveraging Perforator, companies can potentially save millions or even billions, depending on company size, and allocate resources for further innovation and growth.
  • Perforator can be accessed for free on GitHub.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Yandex, a global tech company, develops and open–sources Perforator, an innovative tool for continuous real–time monitoring and analysis of servers and applications.

Perforator helps developers identify the most resource–intensive sections of code and provides detailed statistics for subsequent optimization. By identifying code inefficiencies and supporting profile–guided optimization, Perforator delivers accurate data that enables businesses to manually optimize their applications and reduce infrastructure costs by up to 20%. Depending on company size, this could translate to millions or even billions saved annually.

“Perforator helps businesses get the most out of their servers without sacrificing performance,” said Sergey Skvortsov, a senior developer at Yandex who leads the team behind the tool. “Using Perforator, businesses can optimize their code, reduce server load, and ultimately lower energy and equipment costs.”

Why use Perforator?

Resource optimization is crucial for large data centers, big tech corporations, as well as small businesses and startups with limited resources. Instead of investing in additional equipment, companies can leverage Perforator to optimize their existing infrastructure without sacrificing performance. The tool has already been used for profiling in many Yandex services for over a year, and now it is accessible to companies, developers, and researchers worldwide.

Companies can deploy Perforator on their own servers, minimizing reliance on external cloud providers while maintaining full control over their data. This makes Perforator a strong fit for organizations with stringent data security requirements operating within closed infrastructures.

“Perforator can benefit companies of all sizes, from small businesses with 10–100 servers, which can save millions of dollars per year, to larger enterprises with thousands of servers and more, where savings can reach hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars annually” Sergey Skvortsov noted. “Regardless of your company size, Perforator can help you reduce infrastructure costs, freeing up resources for further innovation and growth.”

How Perforator works

Perforator provides detailed insights into server resource usage and analyzes the impact of code on performance, highlighting which applications consume the most system resources. Perforator uses eBPF technology to run small programs within the Linux kernel in a way that is safe and does not slow down the system. eBPF allows for improved monitoring, security, and performance optimization without changing the source code.

Perforator supports native programming languages such as C, C++, Go, Rust, Python, and Java. The solution enables in–depth analytics and data visualization with flame graphs, making problem diagnostics much more manageable.

An example of a flame graph generated by Perforator

“Perforator has been battle–tested in Yandex’s demanding environment for over a year and provides a wide range of features that make it a reliable and versatile solution for monitoring and optimizing server performance,” Sergey Skvortsov added.

One of Perforator's key advantages is its support for profile–guided optimization (PGO), which automatically accelerates C++ programs by up to 10%. Additionally, Perforator is designed to run seamlessly on individual computers, making it accessible not only to large businesses but also to startups and tech enthusiasts. Furthermore, Perforator offers essential features tailored for large organizations, including A/B testing capabilities that help make better–informed decisions.

Open–source solution for developers and businesses

The decision to make Perforator open source reflects Yandex's commitment to fostering community collaboration in developing system technologies.

“We believe that open–sourcing such fundamental system technologies helps drive tech innovation worldwide.”
— Sergey Skvortsov.

“We aim for our technologies to benefit the world and provide value to both developers and businesses. Additionally, the openness of the technology enables us to make decisions regarding the development of the profiling infrastructure together with the community.”

What’s next?

In the near future, Perforator will be enhanced with additional capabilities, including improved integration with Python and Java and more precise analysis of events.

Perforator's source code is now available on GitHub, alongside other Yandex open–source solutions, such as YaFSDP, a tool designed to accelerate the training of large language models.

Perforator is the latest addition to Yandex’s collection of open–source tools. You can view all of the company's open–source projects, including YaFSDP, AQLM, YTsaurus, and more, on this page.

About Yandex
Yandex is a global technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning. Its goal is to help consumers and businesses better navigate the online and offline world. Since 1997, Yandex has delivered world–class, locally relevant search and information services and developed market–leading on–demand transportation services, navigation products, and other mobile applications for millions of consumers worldwide.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–92ec–4c79–af73–20fd3c53d024

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9353266)

Lantronix Lança LM4, Nova Plataforma Out-of-Band Management Alimentada por IA na Cisco Live

IRVINE, Califórnia, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), líder global de computação e conectividade para soluções de IoT que permitem inteligência de AI Edge, lançará sua nova plataforma LM4 Out–of–Band Management (OOBM) alimentada por IA no Stand A10 durante a Cisco Live, entre 10 e 14 de fevereiro de 2025, na RAI de Amsterdã. O LM4 da Lantronix é o primeiro servidor de console da indústria especificamente projetado, dimensionado e precificado para Quadros de Distribuição Intermediários (Intermediate Distribution Frames – IDFs) e ambientes compactos, como caixas eletrônicos, quiosques e pontos de agregação de rede. Projetado para serviços de saúde, finanças, serviços públicos, telecomunicações, governo, varejo e fabricação, o LM4 oferece recursos de automação, conformidade e segurança cibernética de nível empresarial, aproveitando a tecnologia comprovada em redes militares e financeiras.

“Estamos muito contentes com o lançamento da plataforma LM4 Out–of–Band Management, que permite que nossos clientes utilizem a IA baseada em regras para recuperação e mitigação de infraestrutura de rede segura, confiável e automatizada”, disse Mathi Gurusamy, diretor de estratégia da Lantronix. “A Lantronix está empenhada em viabilizar a automação do gerenciamento de rede com soluções inovadoras que permitem que nossos clientes sejam mais eficientes, seguros e focados nos resultados.”

Os servidores de console serial alcançaram um mercado mundial de US $ 320 milhões em 2024 e estão crescendo a uma taxa constante de 7%, devendo chegar a US $ 391 milhões em 2026, de acordo com o Dell'Oro Group.

Out–of–Band Management em Todos os Lugares

Uma plataforma avançada de gerenciamento out–of–band, o LM4 pequeno, mas poderoso, fornece acesso, monitoramento contínuo e correção automatizada de problemas, bem como controle de dispositivos de infraestrutura de rede. Operacional independentemente de a rede estar ativa ou desativada, o sistema especializado usa IA baseada em regras para recuperar e mitigar automaticamente a infraestrutura de rede, com acesso confiável e seguro a equipamentos remotos durante uma interrupção. Com até quatro portas de conexões de console serial para gerenciamento direto de equipamentos, além de suporte para até 48 portas virtuais, o tamanho compacto e o preço acessível do LM4 permitem que os gerentes de rede utilizem out–of–band em todos os lugares, inclusive muitos locais anteriormente considerados muito pequenos e numerosos para gerenciamento out–of–band avançado.

Executando o poderoso software LMOS, o LM4 traz o poder do software baseado em NOC para a borda da rede para criar um plano de gerenciamento separado no rack com infraestrutura de rede. Com monitoramento contínuo e respostas automatizadas do runbook, o LM4 pode detectar e resolver problemas antes mesmo que as ferramentas tradicionais baseadas em NOC saibam que há um problema. Os LMOS contam com um modelo de autorização granular que se integra aos controles de acesso existentes, bem como às funções automatizadas de gerenciamento de alterações, inclusive a capacidade de armazenar vários arquivos de configuração e SO com backups locais para permitir a reversão automatizada de alterações de configuração com falha.

Padronização das Soluções da Série LM da Lantronix para OOB Management de Categoria Empresarial

O LM4 executa o mesmo software LMOS que os servidores de console LM83X e LM80, expandindo as opções de acesso ao console da Série LM de 2 a 104 portas. A Série LM é gerenciada centralmente pelo Lantronix Control Center, que está disponível para ser executado no local como uma VM ou hospedado na nuvem. Os produtos LM–Series da Lantronix permitem que os clientes padronizem seu gerenciamento out–of–band e implantem funcionalidades de nível empresarial e automação orientada por IA em todos os pontos da rede. O resultado é uma rede mais resiliente, mais fácil de gerenciar e com menos problemas, rolagens de caminhões de suporte reduzidas, e maior segurança e conformidade.

A Lantronix é a principal fonte de soluções out–of–band inovadoras, fornecendo um conjunto de plataformas confiáveis, seguras e fáceis de implantar, todas com suporte da sua excepcional equipe de serviço.

Também presentes na Cisco Live:

Soluções Out–of–Band Management

  • LM83X, que fornece out–of–band management orientado por IA de 8–104 dispositivos em conexões de console serial em um servidor de console escalável e robusto com entradas de energia duplas. 
  • LM80, que fornece uma solução out–of–band management serial de 8 portas que pode automatizar a maioria das tarefas rotineiras de manutenção e recuperação de TI de forma rápida e sem erros.
  • Lantronix Control Center, um único painel de vidro para gerenciar todos os dispositivos Lm–series para acesso remoto seguro, bem como para automatizar o gerenciamento de cada um dos dispositivos de infraestrutura de rede conectados. É uma fonte única para controles de Autorização–Autenticação–Contabilidade (Authorization–Authentication–Accounting – AAA), criando regras de monitoramento e ação sem scripts, com arquivamento central do sistema operacional do dispositivo monitorado e dos arquivos de configuração e relatórios de conformidade.

Gateways e Servidores de Console com Desempenho Confiável

  • EMG 8500, Gateway de Gerenciamento de Borda da Lantronix que fornece acesso remoto seguro para filiais, locais remotos, lojas de varejo ou qualquer lugar onde um gateway de dispositivo de rede externo seja necessário e o espaço seja limitado.
  • SLC 8000: Gerenciador de Console Avançado, fornecendo acesso seguro a equipamentos de TI com 8–48 portas de conexões de console RS–232 e USB.
  • Série G520, o gateway LTE CAT 4G e 5G celular de próxima geração da Lantronix projetado para aplicações industriais, inclusive Plataforma de Solução Percepxion™ Edge pré–ativado para aumentar a eficiência operacional e evitar ataques cibernéticos. 
  • Série X300, uma Solução de Gateway IoT Compacto Celular que inclui o hardware de gateway IoT da Lantronix e gerenciamento centralizado de dispositivos, dados celulares, segurança aprimorada e suporte técnico especializado em um pacote tudo–em–um.

Suporte Técnico Especializado

  • Serviços LEVEL Technical, fornecendo especialistas em suporte técnico dedicados para ajudar na implementação out–of–band e garantias limitadas de equipamentos vitalícios. 

Sobre a Lantronix

A Lantronix Inc. é líder global de soluções de IoT de computação e conectividade que visam mercados de alto crescimento, incluindo Smart Cities, Enterprise e Transportation. Os produtos e serviços da Lantronix capacitam as empresas a alcançar o sucesso nos mercados de IoT em crescimento, fornecendo soluções personalizáveis que capacitam AI Edge Intelligence. As soluções avançadas da Lantronix incluem infraestrutura de Subestações Inteligentes, sistemas de Infotainment e Vigilância por Vídeo, complementados com o avançado Out–of–Band Management (OOB) para Cloud e Edge Computing.

Para mais informação, visite Site da Lantronix.

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Contato de Mídia da Lantronix:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Gerente de Marketing e
Comunicações Corporativas

Contato para Analista e Investidor da Lantronix:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9353311)

Lantronix stellt auf der Cisco Live erstmals die neue LM4-Out-of-Band-Management-Plattform mit KI-Unterstützung vor

IRVINE, Kalifornien, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Rechen– und Konnektivitätslösungen für IoT–Lösungen, die KI–Edge–Intelligenz ermöglichen, wird seine neue LM4–Plattform für das Out–of–Band–Management (OOBM) mit KI–Unterstützung am Stand A10 während der Cisco Live vom 10. bis 14. Februar 2025 im Amsterdam RAI vorstellen. Der LM4 von Lantronix ist der erste Konsolenserver der Branche, der speziell für Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDFs) und kompakte Umgebungen wie Geldautomaten, Kioske und Netzwerk–Aggregationspunkte entwickelt, dimensioniert und bepreist wurde. Der LM4 wurde für das Gesundheitswesen, den Finanzsektor, Versorgungsunternehmen, Telekommunikationsunternehmen, Behörden, den Einzelhandel und die Fertigungsindustrie entwickelt und bietet Automatisierungs–, Compliance– und Cybersicherheitsfunktionen auf Unternehmensebene, wobei er auf Technologien zurückgreift, die sich in militärischen und finanziellen Netzwerken bewährt haben.

„Wir freuen uns, die Out–of–Band–Management–Plattform LM4 vorstellen zu können, die es unseren Kunden ermöglicht, regelbasierte KI für eine sichere, zuverlässige und automatisierte Wiederherstellung und Schadensbegrenzung der Netzwerkinfrastruktur zu nutzen“, so Mathi Gurusamy, Chief Strategy Officer bei Lantronix. „Bei Lantronix haben wir uns der Automatisierung des Netzwerkmanagements mit innovativen Lösungen verschrieben, die es unseren Kunden ermöglichen, effizienter, sicherer und gewinnorientierter zu arbeiten.“

Serielle Konsolenserver stellten im Jahr 2024 einen weltweiten Markt von 320 Millionen US–Dollar dar und wachsen laut der Dell'Oro Group mit einer konstanten Rate von 7 Prozent auf voraussichtlich 391 Millionen US–Dollar im Jahr 2026.

Out–of–Band–Management überall

Als fortschrittliche Out–of–Band–Management–Plattform bietet die kleine, aber leistungsstarke LM4 Zugriff, kontinuierliche Überwachung und automatische Behebung von Problemen sowie die Steuerung von Netzwerkinfrastrukturgeräten. Das Expertensystem ist unabhängig davon, ob das Netzwerk verfügbar ist oder nicht, einsatzbereit und nutzt regelbasierte KI, um die Netzwerkinfrastruktur automatisch wiederherzustellen und zu schützen, einschließlich eines zuverlässigen und sicheren Zugriffs auf Remote–Geräte während eines Ausfalls. Mit bis zu vier seriellen Konsolenanschlüssen für die direkte Verwaltung von Geräten und Unterstützung für bis zu 48 virtuelle Ports ermöglicht die kompakte Größe und der erschwingliche Preis der LM4 Netzwerkmanagern die Nutzung von Out–of–Band überall, auch an vielen Standorten, die bisher als zu klein und zahlreich für eine fortschrittliche Out–of–Band–Verwaltung galten.

Mit der leistungsstarken LMOS–Software bringt die LM4 die Leistungsfähigkeit von NOC–basierter Software an den Rand des Netzwerks, um eine separate Verwaltungsebene im Rack mit Netzwerkinfrastruktur zu schaffen. Durch kontinuierliche Überwachung und automatisierte Runbook–Antworten kann die LM4 Probleme erkennen und lösen, bevor herkömmliche NOC–basierte Tools überhaupt wissen, dass ein Problem vorliegt. LMOS verfügt über ein granulares Autorisierungsmodell, das sich in bestehende Zugriffskontrollen integrieren lässt, sowie über automatisierte Änderungsmanagementfunktionen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, mehrere Konfigurations– und Betriebssystemdateien mit lokalen Backups zu speichern, um ein automatisiertes Rollback fehlgeschlagener Konfigurationsänderungen zu ermöglichen.

Standardisieren Sie auf Lösungen der Lantronix LM–Serie für die unternehmensweite Verwaltung von OOB

Die LM4 läuft mit derselben LMOS–Software wie die LM83X– und LM80–Konsolenserver und erweitert die Konsolenzugriffsoptionen der LM–Serie auf 2 bis 104 Ports. Die LM–Serie wird zentral über das Lantronix Control Center verwaltet, das vor Ort als VM ausgeführt oder in der Cloud gehostet werden kann. Die Produkte der LM–Serie von Lantronix ermöglichen es Kunden, ihr Out–of–Band–Management zu standardisieren und an allen Punkten im Netzwerk Funktionen auf Unternehmensebene und KI–gesteuerte Automatisierung einzusetzen. Das Ergebnis ist ein widerstandsfähigeres Netzwerk, das einfacher zu verwalten ist, weniger Probleme verursacht, weniger Support–Einsätze erfordert und eine höhere Sicherheit und Compliance bietet.

Lantronix ist die erste Anlaufstelle für innovative Out–of–Band–Lösungen und bietet eine Reihe zuverlässiger, sicherer und einfach zu implementierender Plattformen, die alle von seinem hervorragenden Serviceteam unterstützt werden.

Außerdem werden auf der Cisco Live gezeigt:


  • LM83X, die KI–gesteuertes Out–of–Band–Management von 8–104 Geräten über serielle Konsolenverbindungen in einem skalierbaren und robusten Konsolenserver mit zwei Stromeingängen ermöglicht. 
  • LM80 bietet eine serielle, AI–gesteuerte Out–of–Band–Verwaltungslösung mit acht festen Ports, die einen Großteil der routinemäßigen IT–Wartungs– und Wiederherstellungsaufgaben schnell und fehlerfrei automatisieren kann.
  • Lantronix Control Center, eine einzige Benutzeroberfläche für die Verwaltung aller Geräte der LM–Serie für sicheren Fernzugriff sowie für die automatisierte Verwaltung jedes der angeschlossenen Netzwerkinfrastrukturgeräte. Es handelt sich um eine einzige Quelle für AAA–Kontrollen (Authorization–Authentication–Accounting), die die Erstellung von Überwachungs– und Aktionsregeln ohne Skripterstellung, die zentrale Archivierung sowohl des überwachten Gerätebetriebssystems als auch der Konfigurationsdateien und die Erstellung von Compliance–Berichten ermöglicht.

Zuverlässige Gateways und Konsolenserver mit bewährter Leistung

  • EMG 8500, das Edge Management Gateway von Lantronix, das einen sicheren Fernzugriff für Zweigstellen, entfernte Standorte, Stores oder überall dort ermöglicht, wo ein externes Netzwerk–Geräte–Gateway benötigt wird und der Platz begrenzt ist.
  • SLC 8000: Advanced Console Manager, bietet sicheren Zugriff auf IT–Geräte mit 8–48 Ports für RS–232– und USB–Konsolenverbindungen.
  • G520 Series, Lantronix LTE–CAT–4G– und 5G–Gateway der nächsten Generation für das Internet der Dinge (IoT) für industrielle Anwendungen, einschließlich der voraktivierten Percepxion™ Edge Solution Platform, um die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern und Cyberangriffe zu verhindern. 
  • X300 Series, eine kompakte IoT–Gateway–Lösung für Mobilfunk, die die IoT–Gateway–Hardware von Lantronix und eine zentralisierte Geräteverwaltung, Mobilfunkdaten, verbesserte Sicherheit und technischen Support durch Experten in einem Komplettpaket vereint.

Technischer Support durch Experten

  • LEVEL Technical Services stellt engagierte technische Support–Experten zur Verfügung, die bei der Implementierung von Out–of–Band–Einsätzen und begrenzten lebenslangen Gerätegarantien helfen. 

Über Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von IoT–Lösungen für Rechenleistung und Konnektivität, die auf wachstumsstarke Märkte wie Smart Cities, Unternehmen und Transportwesen abzielen. Die Produkte und Dienstleistungen von Lantronix ermöglichen es Unternehmen, auf den wachsenden IoT–Märkten erfolgreich zu sein, indem sie anpassbare Lösungen bereitstellen, die KI–Edge–Intelligenz ermöglichen. Zu den fortschrittlichen Lösungen von Lantronix gehören die Infrastruktur für intelligente Umspannwerke, Infotainmentsysteme und Videoüberwachung, ergänzt durch fortschrittliches Out–of–Band–Management (OOB) für Cloud– und Edge–Computing.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website von Lantronix.

„Safe Harbor“–Erklärung gemäß dem Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995: Diese Pressemitteilung enthält zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen im Sinne der US–Bundeswertpapiergesetze, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Aussagen zur Geschäftsführung von Lantronix. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen basieren auf unseren aktuellen Erwartungen und unterliegen erheblichen Risiken und Ungewissheiten, die dazu führen können, dass unsere tatsächlichen Ergebnisse, zukünftigen Geschäfts–, Finanz– oder Leistungsergebnisse erheblich von unseren historischen Ergebnissen oder von denen, die in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung ausgedrückt oder impliziert werden, abweichen. Zu den potenziellen Risiken und Ungewissheiten gehören unter anderem Faktoren wie die Auswirkungen negativer oder sich verschlechternder regionaler und weltweiter wirtschaftlicher Bedingungen oder Marktinstabilität auf unser Geschäft, einschließlich der Auswirkungen auf die Kaufentscheidungen unserer Kunden; unsere Fähigkeit, Unterbrechungen in unseren Lieferketten und denen unserer Zulieferer und Verkäufer aufgrund der COVID–19–Pandemie oder anderer Ausbrüche, Kriege und jüngster Spannungen in Europa, Asien und dem Nahen Osten oder anderer Faktoren abzumildern; künftige Reaktionen auf und Auswirkungen von Krisen im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit; Risiken im Bereich der Cybersicherheit; Änderungen geltender US–amerikanischer und ausländischer Cybersicherheitsrisiken; Änderungen der geltenden Gesetze, Vorschriften und Zölle der US–amerikanischen und ausländischer Regierungen; unsere Fähigkeit, unsere Übernahmestrategie erfolgreich umzusetzen oder erworbene Unternehmen zu integrieren; Schwierigkeiten und Kosten des Schutzes von Patenten und anderen Eigentumsrechten; die Höhe unserer Verschuldung, unsere Fähigkeit, unsere Verschuldung zu bedienen, und die Beschränkungen in unseren Schuldverträgen; sowie alle weiteren Faktoren, die in unserem Jahresbericht auf Formblatt 10–K für das am 30. Juni 2024 zu Ende gegangene Geschäftsjahr enthalten sind, der am 9. September 2024 bei der Securities and Exchange Commission (die „SEC“) eingereicht wurde, einschließlich des Abschnitts „Risikofaktoren“ in Punkt 1A von Teil I dieses Berichts, sowie in unseren anderen öffentlichen Einreichungen bei der SEC. Weitere Risikofaktoren können von Zeit zu Zeit in unseren zukünftigen Veröffentlichungen genannt werden. Darüber hinaus können die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse aufgrund zusätzlicher Risiken und Unsicherheiten, die uns derzeit nicht bekannt sind oder die wir derzeit als nicht wesentlich für unser Geschäft einschätzen, abweichen. Aus diesen Gründen sind die Anleger dazu angehalten, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen mit der gebotenen Vorsicht zur Kenntnis zu nehmen. Die in dieser Mitteilung enthaltenen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beziehen sich ausschließlich auf den Zeitpunkt ihrer Veröffentlichung. Wir lehnen ausdrücklich jede Absicht oder Verpflichtung ab, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen nach diesem Datum zu aktualisieren, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder durch die Regeln der Nasdaq Stock Market LLC festgelegt. Wenn wir zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen aktualisieren oder korrigieren, sollten Anleger nicht davon ausgehen, dass wir weitere Aktualisierungen oder Korrekturen vornehmen werden.

© 2025 Lantronix, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Lantronix ist eine eingetragene Marke. Andere Marken und Markennamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.

Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9353311)

Lantronix présentera sa nouvelle plateforme de gestion hors bande LM4 alimentée par l’IA au salon Cisco Live

IRVINE, Californie, 05 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ : LTRX), un leader mondial du calcul et de la connectivité pour les solutions IoT permettant l’intelligence en périphérie du réseau (AI Edge), présentera sa nouvelle plateforme LM4 de gestion hors bande (OOBM) alimentée par l’IA au stand A10 du salon Cisco Live, qui se déroule du 10 au 14 février 2025 au centre de conférences RAI d’Amsterdam. La plateforme LM4 de Lantronix est le premier serveur de console du secteur spécifiquement conçu, calibré et tarifé pour les répartiteurs intermédiaires (IDF) et les environnements compacts tels que les distributeurs automatiques de billets, les kiosques et les points d’agrégation de réseau. Destinée aux secteurs de la santé, de la finance, des services publics, des télécommunications, des administrations publiques, de la vente au détail et des industries manufacturières, la plateforme LM4 offre des capacités d’automatisation, de conformité et de cybersécurité de niveau professionnel, en s’appuyant sur une technologie éprouvée dans les réseaux militaires et financiers.

« Nous sommes ravis de présenter la plateforme de gestion hors bande LM4, qui permet à nos clients d’exploiter une intelligence artificielle basée sur des règles pour une restauration et une atténuation sécurisées, fiables et automatisées de l’infrastructure du réseau », a déclaré Mathi Gurusamy, responsable de la stratégie chez Lantronix. « Nous mettons tout en œuvre chez Lantronix pour permettre l’automatisation de la gestion réseau grâce à des solutions innovantes qui apportent à nos clients une plus grande efficacité et une meilleure sécurité afin de rester concentrés sur les résultats ».

Selon un rapport de Dell’Oro Group, les serveurs de console série représentaient un marché mondial de 320 millions de dollars en 2024 et leur croissance se maintient à un taux de 7 % avec une projection de 391 millions de dollars en 2026.

Généralisation de la gestion hors bande

Petite mais puissante, la LM4 est une plateforme avancée de gestion hors bande qui permet l’accès au réseau, la surveillance continue et la résolution automatisée des problèmes, ainsi que le contrôle des dispositifs de l’infrastructure du réseau. Restant opérationnel quel que soit l’état de fonctionnement du réseau, ce système expert utilise l’IA basée sur des règles pour restaurer l’infrastructure du réseau et en atténuer les défaillances automatiquement, assurant également un accès fiable et sécurisé à l’équipement distant pendant une panne. Grâce à ses quatre ports de connexion de console série pour la gestion directe des équipements et à la prise en charge de 48 ports virtuels, la taille compacte et le prix abordable de la plateforme LM4 permettent aux gestionnaires de réseau de bénéficier d’une gestion hors bande généralisée, y compris dans des sites jusqu’alors considérés comme trop petits et trop nombreux pour une gestion hors bande évoluée.

Exécutant le puissant logiciel LMOS, la plateforme LM4 apporte la puissance du logiciel de gestion de réseau (NOC) à la périphérie du réseau pour créer un plan de gestion séparé dans le rack avec l’infrastructure du réseau. Grâce à une surveillance continue et à des guides de réponses automatisées, LM4 peut détecter et résoudre les problèmes avant même que les outils NOC traditionnels en aient connaissance. Le logiciel LMOS propose un modèle d’autorisation granulaire qui s’intègre aux contrôles d’accès existants, ainsi que des fonctions de gestion automatisée des changements, y compris la possibilité de stocker plusieurs fichiers de configuration et de système d’exploitation avec des sauvegardes locales pour permettre une restauration automatique de la configuration en cas d’échec.

Standardisation grâce aux solutions de la série LM de Lantronix pour une gestion OOB de niveau professionnel

La plateforme LM4 exécute le même logiciel LMOS que les serveurs de console LM83X et LM80, ce qui élargit les options d’accès aux consoles de la série LM de 2 à 104 ports. La série LM est gérée de manière centralisée par le Lantronix Control Center, qui peut être installé sur site en tant que machine virtuelle ou hébergé dans le cloud. Les produits Lantronix de la série LM permettent aux clients de standardiser leur gestion hors bande et de déployer des fonctionnalités de niveau professionnel et une automatisation pilotée par l’IA à tous les points du réseau. Ainsi, le réseau est plus résilient et plus facile à gérer, avec moins de problèmes, une réduction du nombre de déplacements des techniciens de support et un renforcement de la sécurité et de la conformité.

Lantronix est la source privilégiée de solutions hors bande innovantes, offrant une suite de plateformes fiables, sécurisées et faciles à déployer, toutes soutenues par une équipe de service exceptionnelle.

Autres solutions présentées à Cisco Live :

Solutions de gestion hors bande

  • LM83X, une solution de gestion hors bande pilotée par l’IA de 8 à 104 appareils via des connexions de console série dans un serveur de console évolutif et robuste avec deux entrées d’alimentation. 
  • LM80, une solution de gestion hors bande fixe à 8 ports série pilotée par l’IA qui permet d’automatiser rapidement et sans erreur la majorité des tâches courantes de maintenance et de restauration des systèmes d’information.
  • Lantronix Control Center, une interface unique pour la gestion de tous les appareils de la série LM permettant un accès à distance sécurisé ainsi que l’automatisation de la gestion de chacun des appareils d’infrastructure de réseau connectés. Il s’agit d’une source unique pour les contrôles d’autorisation, d’authentification et de traçabilité (AAA), la création de règles de surveillance et d’action sans script, l’archivage centralisé du système d’exploitation et des fichiers de configuration des appareils surveillés, et les rapports de conformité.

Passerelles et serveurs de console fiables et performants

  • EMG 8500, la passerelle de gestion périphérique (Edge) de Lantronix qui offre un accès à distance sécurisé pour les succursales, les sites distants, les magasins de détail ou tout autre site où une passerelle de périphériques réseau hors site est nécessaire et où l’espace est limité.
  • SLC 8000: Advanced Console Manager, un gestionnaire de console avancé fournissant un accès sécurisé à l’équipement informatique avec 8 à 48 ports de connexions de console RS–232 et USB.
  • G520 Series, une passerelle cellulaire IoT LTE CAT 4G et 5G de nouvelle génération, conçue par Lantronix pour les applications industrielles, y compris la Percepxion™ Edge Solution Platform préactivée pour accroître l’efficacité opérationnelle et prévenir les cyber–attaques. 
  • X300 Series, une solution de passerelle IoT compacte cellulaire qui comprend le matériel de passerelle IoT de Lantronix et la gestion centralisée des appareils, des données cellulaires, une sécurité renforcée et une assistance technique spécialisée dans une formule tout–en–un.

Assistance technique spécialisée

  • LEVEL Technical Services, fournissant des experts en support technique dédiés pour aider à la mise en œuvre des déploiements hors bande et des garanties à vie limitées sur l’équipement. 

À propos de Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. est un leader mondial des solutions IoT de calcul et de connectivité destinées aux secteurs à forte croissance, notamment l’urbanisme intelligent, les entreprises et les transports. Les produits et services de Lantronix permettent aux entreprises de se démarquer sur les marchés de l’IoT en plein essor en proposant des solutions personnalisables qui exploitent l’intelligence artificielle en périphérie (AI Edge Intelligence). Les solutions de pointe développées par Lantronix comprennent une infrastructure de sous–stations intelligentes, des systèmes d’infodivertissement et de surveillance vidéo, mais également une administration hors bande (OOB) avancée adaptée au cloud et à l’informatique en périphérie.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site Internet de Lantronix.

Déclaration prospective au sens de la loi américaine Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995 : le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives au sens des lois fédérales sur les valeurs mobilières, y compris, sans toutefois s’y limiter, des déclarations sur le leadership de Lantronix. Ces déclarations prospectives sont fondées sur nos attentes actuelles et sont assujetties à des risques et incertitudes importants qui pourraient faire différer nos résultats réels, notre activité future, notre situation financière ou nos performances de nos résultats historiques ou de ceux exprimés ou induits dans toute déclaration prospective contenue dans ce communiqué de presse. Ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, entre autres, des facteurs tels que les effets négatifs ou la dégradation de la situation économique régionale et mondiale ou l’instabilité du marché ciblant nos activités, y compris les effets sur les décisions d’achat de nos clients ; notre capacité à atténuer toute perturbation de nos propres chaînes d’approvisionnement et de celles de nos fournisseurs et distributeurs induite par la pandémie de COVID–19 ou d’autres épidémies ; les guerres et tensions récentes en Europe, en Asie et au Moyen–Orient, ou d’autres facteurs semblables ; les réponses à venir et les conséquences des crises de santé publique ; les risques en matière de cybersécurité ; les modifications apportées aux lois, réglementations et droits de douane en vigueur aux États–Unis et dans les pays étrangers ; notre aptitude à mettre en œuvre avec succès notre stratégie d’acquisition ou d’intégration des entreprises rachetées ; les enjeux et frais liés à la protection des droits de brevet et autres droits de propriété ; notre niveau d’endettement; notre capacité à rembourser notre dette et les restrictions imposées à nos accords de dette ; ainsi que tout autre facteur supplémentaire repris dans notre rapport annuel sous le formulaire 10–K pour l’exercice clos le 30 juin 2024, déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (la « SEC ») le 9 septembre 2024 dernier, y compris à la rubrique « Facteurs de risque » sous l’alinéa 1A de la Partie I de ce rapport, ainsi que dans nos autres documents publics déposés auprès de la SEC. Des facteurs de risque supplémentaires peuvent être identifiés le cas échéant dans nos futurs dépôts. Par ailleurs, les résultats réels peuvent varier en raison de risques et incertitudes supplémentaires dont nous n’avons pas nécessairement conscience à ce jour ou que nous ne considérons pas comme majeurs pour nos activités. En conséquence, il est recommandé aux investisseurs de ne pas se fier indûment aux déclarations prospectives, lesquelles ne sont valables qu’à leur date de publication. Nous déclinons expressément toute intention ou obligation de les mettre à jour postérieurement à ce communiqué en vue de les adapter selon nos résultats réels ou les revirements intervenus dans nos avis ou attentes, sauf si la loi applicable ou les règles du Nasdaq Stock Market LLC l’exigent. Si nous actualisons ou corrigeons l’une quelconque de ces déclarations, les investisseurs ne sauraient tenir d’autres mises à jour ou révisions pour garanties.

© 2025 Lantronix, Inc. Tous droits réservés. Lantronix est une marque déposée. Les autres marques et noms commerciaux appartiennent à leurs détenteurs respectifs.

Contact médias — Lantronix :
Gail Kathryn Miller
Responsable du marketing et de la

Contact analystes et investisseurs — Lantronix :

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–a24a–413e–96ca–23443e7d1d6b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9353311)

Lantronix to Debut New LM4 AI-Powered Out-of-Band Management Platform at Cisco Live

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global leader of compute and connectivity for IoT solutions enabling AI Edge intelligence, will debut its new LM4 AI–powered Out–of–Band Management (OOBM) platform at Stand A10 during Cisco Live, February 10–14, 2025, at Amsterdam RAI. Lantronix’s LM4 is the industry’s first console server specifically designed, sized and priced for Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDFs) and compact environments such as ATMs, kiosks, and network aggregation points. Engineered for healthcare, finance, utilities, telecommunications, government, retail and manufacturing, the LM4 delivers enterprise–grade automation, compliance and cybersecurity capabilities, leveraging technology proven in military and financial networks.

“We’re excited to introduce the LM4 Out–of–Band Management platform, which enables our customers to leverage rules–based AI for secure, reliable and automated network infrastructure recovery and mitigation,” said Mathi Gurusamy, chief strategy officer at Lantronix. “At Lantronix, we are committed to enabling network management automation with innovative solutions that enable our customers to be more efficient, secure and bottom–line focused.”

Serial console servers represented a $320 million worldwide market in 2024 and are growing at a steady 7 percent rate to a projected $391 million in 2026, according to the Dell’Oro Group.

Out–of–Band Management Everywhere

An advanced out–of–band management platform, the small yet powerful LM4 provides access, continuous monitoring and automated remediation of issues as well as control of network infrastructure devices. Operational whether the network is up or down, the expert system uses rules–based AI to recover and mitigate network infrastructure automatically, including reliable and secure access to remote gear during an outage. With up to four ports of serial console connections for directly managing gear plus support for up to 48 virtual ports, the LM4’s compact size and affordable price enables network managers to utilize out–of–band everywhere, including many locations previously considered too small and numerous for advanced out–of–band management.

Running the powerful LMOS software, the LM4 brings the power of NOC–based software to the network’s edge to create a separate management plane in the rack with network infrastructure. With continuous monitoring and automated runbook responses, the LM4 can detect and solve issues before traditional NOC–based tools even know there is an issue. LMOS features a granular authorization model that integrates with existing access controls as well as automated change management functions, including the ability to store multiple config and OS files with local backups to enable automated rollback of failed config changes.

Standardize on Lantronix LM–Series Solutions for Enterprise–Grade OOB Management

The LM4 runs the same LMOS software as the LM83X and LM80 console servers, expanding the LM–Series console access options anywhere from 2–104 ports. The LM–Series is centrally managed by the Lantronix Control Center, which is available to run on–premises as a VM or hosted in the cloud. Lantronix’s LM–Series products allow customers to standardize their out–of–band management and deploy enterprise–grade functionality and AI–driven automation at all points in the network. The result is a more resilient network that’s easier to manage with fewer issues, reduced support truck rolls and stronger security and compliance.

Lantronix is the go–to source for innovative out–of–band solutions, providing a suite of reliable, secure and easy–to–deploy platforms, all supported by its exceptional service team.

Also being shown at Cisco Live are:

Out–of–Band Management Solutions

  • LM83X, delivering AI–driven out–of–band management of 8–104 devices over serial console connections in a scalable and robust console server with dual power inputs. 
  • LM80, providing a fixed 8–port serial AI–driven out–of–band management solution that can automate a majority of routine IT maintenance and recovery tasks quickly and error–free.
  • Lantronix Control Center, a single pane of glass for managing all LM–series devices for secure remote access as well as for automating management of each of the connected network infrastructure devices. It is a single source for Authorization–Authentication–Accounting (AAA) controls, creating monitoring and action rules without scripting, centrally archiving both monitored device operating system and configuration files and compliance reporting.

Reliable Gateways and Console Servers With Trusted Performance

  • EMG 8500, Lantronix’s Edge Management Gateway that provides secure remote access for branch offices, remote locations, retail stores or anywhere an offsite network device gateway is needed and where space is limited.
  • SLC 8000: Advanced Console Manager, providing secure access to IT equipment with 8–48 ports of RS–232 and USB console connections.
  • G520 Series, Lantronix’s next–generation IoT cellular LTE CAT 4G and 5G gateway designed for industrial applications, including pre–enabled Percepxion™ Edge Solution Platform to increase operational efficiency and prevent cyber–attacks. 
  • X300 Series, a Cellular Compact IoT Gateway Solution that includes Lantronix’s IoT gateway hardware and centralized device management, cellular data, enhanced security and expert technical support in an all–in–one package.

Expert Technical Support

  • LEVEL Technical Services, providing dedicated technical support experts to assist with implementing out–of–band deployments and limited lifetime equipment warranties. 

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global leader of compute and connectivity IoT solutions that target high–growth markets, including Smart Cities, Enterprise and Transportation. Lantronix’s products and services empower companies to succeed in the growing IoT markets by delivering customizable solutions that enable AI Edge Intelligence. Lantronix’s advanced solutions include Intelligent Substations infrastructure, Infotainment systems and Video Surveillance, supplemented with advanced Out–of–Band Management (OOB) for Cloud and Edge Computing.

For more information, visit the Lantronix website.

“Safe Harbor” Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward–looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws, including, without limitation, statements related to Lantronix leadership. These forward–looking statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results, future business, financial condition, or performance to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward–looking statement contained in this news release. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as the effects of negative or worsening regional and worldwide economic conditions or market instability on our business, including effects on purchasing decisions by our customers; our ability to mitigate any disruption in our and our suppliers’ and vendors’ supply chains due to the COVID–19 pandemic or other outbreaks, wars and recent tensions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, or other factors; future responses to and effects of public health crises; cybersecurity risks; changes in applicable U.S. and foreign government laws, regulations, and tariffs; our ability to successfully implement our acquisitions strategy or integrate acquired companies; difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights; the level of our indebtedness, our ability to service our indebtedness and the restrictions in our debt agreements; and any additional factors included in our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on Sept. 9, 2024, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part I of that report, as well as in our other public filings with the SEC. Additional risk factors may be identified from time to time in our future filings. In addition, actual results may differ as a result of additional risks and uncertainties of which we are currently unaware or which we do not currently view as material to our business. For these reasons, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward–looking statements. The forward–looking statements we make speak only as of the date on which they are made. We expressly disclaim any intent or obligation to update any forward–looking statements after the date hereof to conform such statements to actual results or to changes in our opinions or expectations, except as required by applicable law or the rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC. If we do update or correct any forward–looking statements, investors should not conclude that we will make additional updates or corrections.

©2025 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix is a registered trademark. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Lantronix Media Contact:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

Lantronix Analyst and Investor Contact:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–a24a–413e–96ca–23443e7d1d6b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352539)

GN introduces its most intelligent hearing portfolio yet, including ReSound Vivia – the world's smallest AI powered hearing aid

  • Built on decades of shared AI research and development across the GN Group, GN has pioneered a unique approach to AI that mimics the brain’s natural sound processing via a new Intelligent Focus feature to create a superior hearing experience in noise.
  • This breakthrough technology is packed in the world's smallest rechargeable Receiver–in–Ear hearing aid, (microRIE), ReSound Vivia™ offering all–day battery power and comfort without compromise.
  • ReSound Vivia is powered by a dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) chip trained on 13.5 million spoken sentences that spotlights speech and eliminates distracting noise, offering the best solution for hearing in noise without cutting people off from the world around them.
  • To enable even more people to experience their best–in–class technologies, GN is bringing some of its most advanced features, including Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) Audio and Auracast™ broadcast audio, to a new essentials range with the launch of ReSound Savi™.

BALLERUP, Denmark, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GN, the global leader in hearing aid innovation, today announces the launch of ReSound Vivia, the world's smallest AI powered hearing aid, and ReSound Savi, an essentials range featuring Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast broadcast audio.

The new ReSound Vivia hearing aids deliver unparalleled sound quality in noisy environments and all–day comfort without compromising size or battery life. Central to this innovation is GN's unique human approach to AI, which models the brain's natural sound processing capability to create voice clarity in complex listening environments. GN's Intelligent Focus feature is distinctive in its ability to respond to the direction a person is looking, ensuring the AI enhances sounds based on the user's natural response to their environment. GN’s proprietary technology provides a more natural and effortless listening experience, even in challenging situations like noisy restaurants or crowded venues.

A new, dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) chip enables the superior listening experience. This DNN–powered solution is up to 17 times more efficient than other leading hearing solutions with directionality and DNN noise reduction, resulting in a significant improvement to speech understanding.1 Trained on 13.5 million spoken sentences in various languages and with varied vocal effort, across 3.9 million tuned sound parameters, the DNN can perform 4.9 trillion operations per day to spotlight speech and reduce background noise.

Studies show ReSound Vivia offers the world's best hearing in noise experience, with 64% of users experiencing improved hearing in noisy environments compared to other AI hearing solutions, so they can enjoy conversations with greater ease and understanding.1

All of this advanced technology is packed into the world's smallest AI hearing aid, the ReSound Vivia microRIE. The microRIE style offers 30 hours wear on one battery charge and 20 hours of use for a typical day using a combination of Intelligent Focus and streaming.2 This all–day power ensures users can enjoy uninterrupted hearing and seamless connectivity without compromise.

Brian Dam Pedersen, Chief Technology Officer, Head of Research and Technology at GN, explains: “With ReSound Vivia, we've fundamentally reimagined how AI can enhance the hearing experience. Our unique Intelligent Focus feature mimics natural human behavior, allowing the AI to prioritize sounds based on where the user is looking, not just how loud they are. This creates a far more intuitive and natural listening experience, seamlessly integrating with the user's own perception of their environment. It's not just about amplifying sound; it's about intelligently enhancing the sounds that matter most. And we are not stopping here – all the knowledge, capabilities, and research we have acquired will be applied across other GN products and projects, furthering innovation across the Group.”

Recognizing the importance of accessibility, GN is launching ReSound Savi to ensure that even more people with hearing loss can experience the latest in connectivity innovation. Both ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi support Bluetooth LE Audio, including Auracast broadcast audio, the state–of–the–art low–energy connectivity feature. Building on a legacy of seamless connectivity, more people than ever will enjoy new streaming and communication opportunities in public places such as theaters, airports, restaurants, and arenas.  

As part of these launches, GN also introduces the world’s first app which integrates an Auracast Assistant for hearing aids. Connecting to Auracast is now as simple as a single tap in the ReSound Smart 3D™ app. This streamlined process simplifies selecting Auracast streams, even with smartphones and devices that don’t yet have an Auracast assistant built in.

Scott Davis, Hearing division President at GN, describes: “ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi represent a significant leap forward. Now you can have it all with ReSound Vivia, which combines world leading sound quality, all–day battery life, and the smallest size on the market for discretion and comfort, so users can hear their best without compromise. With ReSound Savi, we're making our cutting–edge connectivity, including Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast, accessible to a wider audience. These two product lines demonstrate GN's unwavering commitment to delivering innovation that brings people closer to each other and the things they love to do.”

GN understands the challenges and specific needs of hearing care professionals. This is why, alongside the launch of ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi, GN is introducing improvements to fitting software, alignment of domes and receivers for optimal comfort and acoustic performance across the portfolio, and exchangeable mic filters for easy care that improves hygiene and device longevity. These enhancements are designed to streamline clinic workflow, improve fitting accuracy, and ultimately enhance the user experience.

The new ReSound Vivia hearing aids are available in a microRIE rechargeable and two non–rechargeable RIE models, including a CROS model in the microRIE style – all in a wide variety of colors – including the new and elegant Navy Blue and Red. ReSound Savi is available in a new miniRIE rechargeable and two non–rechargeable RIE models in five modern colors. ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi hearing aids will be rolled out in the US and Germany on 20th February with more markets following, along with the equivalent Beltone Envision™ and Beltone Commence™ line–ups.

For more information, visit the ReSound and Beltone websites.

© 2025 GN Hearing A/S. All rights reserved. ReSound and Beltone are trademarks of GN Hearing A/S. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Auracast word mark and logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

For further information, please contact:

Press and the media

Marie Schleimann Nordlund
Director of Communication & Community
Tel: +45 3126 3734
Steen Frentz Laursen
Vice President, Group Communication
Tel: +45 45 75 07 21

Investors and analysts

Rune Sandager
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +45 45 75 92 57


About GN

GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technologies that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real–life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

GN was founded more than 150 years ago with a vision to connect the world. Today, inspired by our strong heritage, GN touches more lives than ever with our unique expertise and the broadest portfolio of products and services in our history – bringing people closer to what is important to them.

We market our solutions with the brands Jabra, ReSound, SteelSeries, Beltone, Interton, BlueParrott, Danavox, and FalCom in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, GN Group employs more than 7,000 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO). 
Visit our homepage and connect with us on LinkedInFacebook and  X.


1 Jespersen, Dieu & Rubachandran (2024)
2 GN Proprietary data on file

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–cf35–49ef–8198–92f1e3783997–a0c3–488c–844c–7559280496bf

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:–d637–48a1–8aa6–ef0e0fd54548

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001046467)

Beltone Debuts Latest Hearing Innovations with Beltone Envision(TM) Hearing Aids –The World’s Best Technology for Hearing in Noise And New Auracast Assistant

BALLERUP, Denmark, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Beltone proudly introduces its latest innovation: Beltone Envision™ hearing aids. Featuring the world’s best technology for hearing in noise1, Beltone Envision sets a new standard in noise management and voice clarity. These hearing aids keep users connected to their surroundings while bringing important sounds, like a friend's voice during a conversation at a busy restaurant, into clear focus.

Only 1 in 5 people who could benefit from hearing aids actually use them, leaving many to miss out on the sounds of life, communicating and socializing2. Representing Beltone’s most advanced hearing technology to date, Beltone Envision hearing aids empower users to connect with family, collaborate with colleagues, and engage fully with their surroundings. These devices intelligently detect the environment, noise levels, and speech cues, automatically adjusting settings for an optimal listening experience. 

Everyday noises such as air conditioning, traffic, kitchen sounds, and wind noise can be particularly distracting for those with hearing loss. The artificial intelligence (AI)3 inside Beltone Envision is trained to recognize and suppress thousands of unwanted noises while highlighting the sounds and voices users want to hear, ensuring a clearer and more focused listening experience. Beltone's unique human approach to AI mimics natural behavior, allowing the AI to prioritize sounds based on where the user is looking, not just how loud they are ensuring the user is in control and is the decision maker. A new, dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) chip enables the superior listening experience. This DNN–powered solution is up to 17 times more efficient than other leading hearing solutions with directionality and DNN noise reduction, resulting in a significant improvement to speech understanding4.

Available in the world’s smallest AI hearing aid5 and new streamlined RIE (receiver–in–ear) styles, Beltone Envision offers a discreet, modern, and comfortable solution to hearing loss, along with the clearest Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) Audio experience ever6, without compromising size, comfort or a full day battery performance. Compatible with Auracast™ broadcast audio, the next generation of assistive listening technology, Beltone Envision helps users stay connected to news and entertainment directly through their hearing aids. Additionally, Beltone is introducing a groundbreaking feature to the highly–rated Beltone HearMax™ app: the Auracast Assistant. This first–of–its–kind feature simplifies the listening experience, enabling users to connect to Auracast broadcasts with just a tap.

Beltone is also launching a new essential range of hearing aids with Beltone Commence™. Suitable for individuals with mild to profound hearing loss, Beltone Commence combines innovative technology, updated designs, and future–proof connectivity, including Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast broadcast audio, offering a powerful hearing solution for all to experience.

“Our goal is to enhance the lives of individuals with hearing loss at any stage of their hearing care journey. Whether you are a new or current hearing aid user, Beltone meets you where you are. With the introduction of our latest innovations, Beltone Envision and Beltone Commence, we are excited to continue offering the most advanced hearing aids that cater to all lifestyles, budgets, and types of hearing loss, ensuring everyone has access to quality hearing care and technology.”Scott Davis, Hearing division President at GN.

Key Features of Beltone Envision:

  • Advanced Noise Management & Voice Clarity: Utilizing cutting–edge AI technology, Beltone Envision excels at managing and reducing background noise. For example, in a bustling restaurant, these hearing aids can minimize the clatter of dishes and surrounding conversations, allowing users to clearly hear and engage with their companions.
  • New & Comfortable Designs: The microRIE style, our smallest option, offers a discreet fit with its gently curved shape, while the updated RIE styles are also ergonomically designed for all–day comfort. Available in a variety of colors, including new Navy Blue and bold Red, these designs cater to personal style preferences.
  • Effortless Streaming: Users can easily stream TV audio, music, and more directly to their Beltone Envision hearing aids for crystal–clear sound. Additionally, they can take important phone or video calls hands–free7 while on the go, simply by tapping their ear or device8.

Plus, Beltone Envision and Beltone Commence hearing aids are built to last with an all–over coating that makes them weatherproof and sweatproof, allowing users to enjoy their day regardless of the weather. Available in both rechargeable and replaceable battery styles, the rechargeable option provides all–day power on a single charge9, making these hearing aids perfect for on–the–go lifestyles.

The new Beltone Envision and Beltone Commence hearing aids will be available in the US and Germany starting on February 20, 2025 with more markets following. For more information, please visit

© 2025 GN Hearing A/S. All rights reserved. ReSound and Beltone are trademarks of GN Hearing A/S. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Auracast word mark and logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

For further information, please contact:

Press and the media

Marie Schleimann Nordlund
Director of Communication & Community
Tel: +45 3126 3734
Steen Frentz Laursen
Vice President, Group Communication
Tel: +45 45 75 07 21


About GN

GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technologies that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real–life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

GN was founded more than 150 years ago with a vision to connect the world. Today, inspired by our strong heritage, GN touches more lives than ever with our unique expertise and the broadest portfolio of products and services in our history – bringing people closer to what is important to them.

We market our solutions with the brands Jabra, ReSound, SteelSeries, Beltone, Interton, BlueParrott, Danavox, and FalCom in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, GN Group employs more than 7,000 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO). 
Visit our homepage and connect with us on LinkedInFacebook and X.

About Beltone

Beltone is a leading hearing brand based on individual care and technically optimal hearing solutions – sold via 1,500 Beltone branded hearing care stores in the US and via hearing care professional in select other markets. Visit us at and connect with us on LinkedIn.

1 Schumacher & Growth (2025), Cui & Groth (2024), Quilter (2021), GN Proprietary Data on File
2 Deafness and hearing loss. World Health Organization 2022
3 Available only in Beltone Envision microRIE style
4 Jespersen, Dieu & Rubachandran (2024)
5 GN Proprietary Data on File
6 Based on claims by Bluetooth SIG
7 Hands–free calls are available on compatible iOS and Android™ devices. For a list of devices check:–us/help–center/compatibility
8 TapControl is available with Beltone Envision microRIEs. Hands–free calls are available on compatible iOS and Android™ devices. For a list of devices check:–us/help–center/compatibility
9 Styles with replaceable batteries are also available. GN Proprietary Data on File

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–9f35–4d9b–8f61–908c156fb177–7882–4c2d–8f8a–5eefc7a967a7

Video accompanying this announcement is available at:–e197–408e–b37f–4d26aa95cf88

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001046468)

Relo Metrics, Meltwater Team Up to Redefine Sponsorship Measurement in Sports and Entertainment

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Relo Metrics, the leading sports measurement platform, and Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social, and consumer intelligence, today announced a new partnership that will transform how sports and entertainment customers measure and maximize sponsorship performance in the digital landscape. This collaboration will enable customers to unlock unparalleled insights with Relo’s AI–powered sponsorship analytics platform alongside Meltwater’s media intelligence solutions.

2024 has been the year of sports, and the overall live entertainment industry continues to have a renaissance worldwide. The need for all parties to ensure that their messages are breaking through, and that all the value is being properly measured has risen in strategic importance.

The vast digital media landscape, the thousands of websites that cover sports, entertainment, and news are the source of trillions of impressions worldwide. Previously all of that engagement and brand exposure in stories, photos, and videos was not being measured and valued in relation to a brand and a sports team, or a brand and an entertainment event. With this partnership, customers will now gain access to even more actionable insights on sponsorship performance including media values and impressions, alongside all the other channels of measurement in the Relo and Meltwater platforms.

The primary customer profiles benefiting from this partnership include:

  • Rights Holders (Sports Properties, Teams, and Leagues): Closing the gap between marketing, social, PR/comms and partnership sales teams with insights that measure partner performance across the season, assisting with renewing partnerships and growing revenue potential.
  • Brands: Within marketing there are planning and execution teams that cut across all marketing and communication channels uniting it with media strategy and experiential marketing.
  • Agencies: This partnership will enable various agencies within PR, Media, and Sports to collaborate on data strategy and measurement.

“This partnership with Meltwater is a game–changer for the sports and entertainment industry. By providing even more insights into media and sponsorship measurement we are unlocking a massive, previously untapped source of brand value,” said Jay Prasad, CEO of Relo Metrics. “By adding additional media insights alongside broadcast and social exposure, we’re empowering rights holders, brands, and agencies to see the full picture of their sponsorship performance, and ultimately drive more strategic and data–backed decisions. This is a huge leap forward in delivering actionable insights that transform how sponsorships are valued.”

Meltwater’s suite of solutions unlocks the power of media, social, and consumer data, transforming them into actionable insights to give customers a competitive edge. With the most comprehensive dataset in the industry and more than 1 billion pieces of media and social content analyzed each day, Meltwater empowers companies with easy–to–action insights that drive data–backed decision–making. Its suite of solutions spans media intelligence, media relations, social listening, social media management, influencer marketing, consumer intelligence, and more.

For brands, agencies, rights holders, and media companies who seek to maximize the impact and ROI of their sports sponsorship investments, Relo Metrics provides unparalleled performance analytics that delivers granular insights and full–funnel measurement. Relo differentiates itself by offering deterministic conversion and attribution metrics, empowering stakeholders to understand the true value and outcomes of their sponsorships.

A key part of this strategy is Relo Metrics’ partner ecosystem by which is enabling Relo to go beyond valuation, named strategic partnerships with complementary technologies in the sports marketing space, giving clients a complete picture of their sponsorship performance.

“In today’s rapidly–evolving media landscape, it’s critical that brands have a comprehensive view of their performance and brand value across all channels. Meltwater is excited to partner with Relo Metrics to enable brands, agencies, rights holders, and media companies to gain a more holistic view of the impact of their sponsorships and optimize their strategies to reach even greater heights,” said Doug Balut, SVP of Global Alliances and Partnerships at Meltwater.

Relo Metrics
Relo Metrics is an AI–powered sponsorship analytics platform that enables brands to track and optimize their sponsorship investments and powers teams and leagues with the insights they need to retain and grow revenue. The company tracks sponsor exposure across live broadcasts, social media, and streaming platforms and delivers actionable insights via a fast, single–solution platform. For more information, visit

Meltwater empowers companies with a suite of solutions that spans media, social, consumer and sales intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content each day and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner of choice for global brands making an impact. Learn more at

Hannah Shain, VP Marketing, Relo Metrics,
Jonalyn Morris (US) / Shawn Belluigi (EMEA), Bubble Agency,

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9351610)

Zoom to Release Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Full Fiscal Year 2025

SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 30, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced it will release its financial results for the fourth quarter and full fiscal year 2025 on Monday, February 24, 2025, after the market closes.

A live Zoom Webinar of the event can be accessed at 2:00 pm PT / 5:00 pm ET through Zoom’s investor relations website at A replay will be available approximately two hours after the conclusion of the live event.

About Zoom
Zoom’s mission is to provide an AI–first work platform for human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer experience teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at

Public Relations
Colleen Rodriguez
Head of Global PR for Zoom

Investor Relations
Charles Eveslage
Head of Investor Relations for Zoom

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9350562)

AI-Media Introduz Soluções de Linguagem de Ponta na ISE 2025

BARCELONA, Espanha, Jan. 29, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI–Media, líder mundial em soluções de tecnologias completas de legendagem e tradução, tem o grande prazer de anunciar a sua presença na Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2025, o principal evento de tecnologia de AV e soluções integradas. De 4 a 7 de fevereiro, em Barcelona, a AI–Media demonstrará suas inovações de ponta que estão revolucionando a acessibilidade, aprimorando o envolvimento do público e solidificando sua expansão em toda a Europa.

Os participantes podem visitar a AI–Media no estande # 4G500 e ver como suas soluções estão redefinindo o futuro da legendagem e acessibilidade para emissoras e profissionais de AV.

Inovação Pioneira na ISE 2025

A AI–Media está estabelecendo novos padrões em fluxos de trabalho de acessibilidade com suas tecnologias orientadas por IA integrados perfeitamente às infraestruturas SDI e IP, juntamente com suporte aos recursos avançados de API e GPI. Visitantes da AI–Media poderão ver:

  • Legendagens EXI por IA ao Vivo: Alcance precisão incomparável, capacidade de resposta em tempo real e eficiência de custos excepcional.
  • Legendas e Traduções Multilíngues: Elimine as barreiras linguísticas com traduções em tempo real que capacitam o público global a se conectar sem esforço.
  • Tecnologia de Codificação Líder do Setor: Explore os codificadores de vídeo SDI e IP confiáveis da AI–Media, utilizado pelas principais emissoras para um desempenho excepcional em ambientes presenciais e de streaming.
  • Introdução Exclusiva: LEXI Voice: Testemunhe o futuro da tradução de voz em tempo real com o LEXI Voice, a tecnologia inovadora da AI–Media que irá transformar o setor após seu lançamento no final deste ano.

Criação de um Futuro Mais Acessível

“A AI–Media, se dedica em eliminar os limites da inovação para atender as necessidades em constantes mudanças dos clientes”, disse James Ward, Dirigente de Vendas da AI–Media. “Com a união da inovação com a praticidade, oferecemos soluções escaláveis que capacitam emissoras e profissionais de AV a alcançar diversos públicos, atender às demandas regulatórias, como a Lei Europeia de Acessibilidade, e revolucionar a forma como o conteúdo é consumido. A ISE 2025 é uma oportunidade incrível para demonstrar o poder transformador da nossa tecnologia.”

Navegando a Lei Europeia da Acessibilidade (EAA)

Com a Lei Europeia de Acessibilidade (EAA), que entrará em vigor em 28 de junho de 2025, as emissoras e os profissionais de AV estão tendo que se preparar para garantir a conformidade com a acessibilidade. As soluções avançadas da AI–Media são projetadas para atender a esses requisitos sem esforço, oferecendo integração e escalabilidade perfeitas, além de aumentar o envolvimento do público.

Por que a ISE é importante para a AI–Media

Temos muito orgulho de dar continuidade ao nosso legado de inovação e de liderança no espaço da legendagem. A ISE oferece uma oportunidade incomparável de conexão com líderes do setor, exploração das últimas tendências e estabelecimento de parcerias estratégicas com integradores de sistemas de AV em toda a Europa.

Conheça a AI–Media na ISE 2025

Não perca a oportunidade de ver as soluções transformadoras da AI–Media na ISE 2025. Visite Estande #4G500 para ver demonstrações ao vivo e como a IA–Mídia pode revolucionar suas estratégias de acessibilidade e linguagem. Para agendar uma reunião ou obter mais informações, visite ai–

Sobre a AI–Media

Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a AI–Media é uma empresa pioneira de tecnologias especializada em soluções de fluxo de trabalho de legendagens ocultas e de legendagens com base em IA. Como líder global, a AI–Media fornece tecnologia e soluções de legendagem e tradução ao vivo e gravadas de alta qualidade com base em IA para uma gama diversificada de clientes e mercados em todo o mundo. Pela primeira vez em fevereiro de 2024, a AI–Media revelou dados inovadores que mostram a superioridade do seu produto de legendagem por IA, a LEXI, em comparação com os fluxos de trabalho humanos tradicionais. Com a nossa profunda experiência no setor e a sofisticada tecnologia de IA para criar soluções que agilizem e simplifiquem os processos, a AI–Media capacita as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais de todo o mundo a garantir uma acessibilidade total e inclusivo ao seu conteúdo.

A AI–Media (ASX: AIM) começou a ser negociada no ASX em 15 de setembro de 2020.  

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9349440)