iHerb lança Digital Wellness Hub para Fortalecer os Objetivos Pessoais de Saúde

IRVINE, Califórnia, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A iHerb, um dos principais varejistas online do mundo de vitaminas, minerais, suplementos e outros produtos de saúde e bem–estar, anunciou hoje o lançamento do seu iHerb Wellness Hub, um destino multimídia online de bem–estar, fitness, nutrição, beleza e muito mais. Esta plataforma global inovadora apresenta uma ampla gama de artigos de saúde, receitas, vídeos e podcasts, fornecendo informações valiosas sobre o papel que vitaminas, minerais e suplementos, ervas e remédios naturais desempenham na promoção de um estilo de vida saudável.

Disponível em 14 idiomas, o iHerb Wellness Hub capacita sua comunidade global a tomar decisões informadas sobre produtos de saúde e bem–estar por meio de recursos abrangentes e acessíveis. A plataforma oferece uma gama diversificada de conteúdo, com mais de 1.200 artigos escritos por especialistas, incluindo médicos, naturopatas, nutricionistas e outros líderes do setor de saúde.

“Com a abundância da desinformação disponível online, encontrar fontes confiáveis de conteúdo relacionado à saúde passou a ser crucial”, disse Neil Folgate, Vice–Presidente Sênior de Marketing Global da iHerb. “O iHerb Wellness Hub foi projetado para ajudar a resolver esse problema com a seleção de conteúdo objetivo com base em pesquisas que abrangem uma variedade de tópicos relacionados à dieta e nutrição, longevidade, energia, metabolismo e saúde geral. Temos orgulho de ajudar os consumidores a fazer escolhas informadas sobre sua saúde com confiança e continuaremos esses esforços com o espírito de promover o bem–estar em todo o mundo.”

O conteúdo orientado por especialistas garante que todos tenham acesso ilimitado a informações confiáveis para tomada de decisões de bem–estar, para que possam dar o próximo passo na sua jornada de saúde. Isso é particularmente impactante em um momento em que, de acordo com o NIH*, quase 60% dos adultos têm dificuldades para distinguir fontes confiáveis de informações de saúde online. Mantendo–se fiel à sua missão de décadas de tornar a saúde e o bem–estar acessíveis a todos, o iHerb Wellness Hub é totalmente gratuito e não exige que os visitantes criem um perfil online para obter acesso.

Para os consumidores que queiram saber sobre os benefícios potenciais de vitaminas específicas, a importância de minerais essenciais ou os suplementos mais eficazes para suas necessidades, o iHerb Wellness Hub serve como um recurso confiável para todas as suas dúvidas relacionadas à saúde.

O iHerb Wellness Hub substituirá o popular iHerb Blog, que atraiu quase 20 milhões de visitantes em 2024. O novo Wellness Hub organiza o extenso conteúdo do blog da iHerb, permitindo que os consumidores naveguem facilmente pela vasta biblioteca que agora é categorizada por Bem–Estar, Fitness, Nutrição e Beleza. O iHerb Wellness Hub oferece dicas sobre como gerenciar o sono, a saúde intestinal, a menopausa, a saúde óssea, a perda de cabelo e muito mais. Alguns dos artigos também incluem maneiras naturais de aumentar a testosterona, como apoiar o envelhecimento saudável e os benefícios da mucina de caracol para o cuidado diário da pele.

Qualquer pessoa que esteja pronta para cuidar da sua saúde pode se juntar à crescente comunidade de entusiastas do bem–estar que estão utilizando o iHerb Wellness Hub para orientar e aprimorar sua jornada pessoal de saúde.

Os seguintes artigos: “How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle” e “How to Detox your Body in 8 Simple Steps” oferecem orientações práticas para um novo começo de ano.

O Wellness Hub não pretende fornecer diagnóstico, tratamento ou aconselhamento médico.


Sobre a iHerb:
A iHerb é um dos principais varejistas online do mundo dedicado a oferecer uma seleção imbatível de vitaminas, minerais, suplementos e outros produtos de saúde e bem–estar, incluindo nutrição esportiva, beleza, banho e cuidados pessoais, mercearia, cuidados com bebês e animais de estimação de mais de 1.800 marcas conceituadas. Apoiada por uma força de trabalho global com uma equipe de 3.000 membros, a iHerb atende a mais de 12 milhões de clientes globais em 180 países e 22 idiomas. A sofisticada rede de logística global da iHerb é ancorada por sete centros de atendimento com controle climático localizados nos EUA e na Ásia, oferecendo aos clientes uma experiência de compra perfeita e confiável. Fundada em 1996 e sediada em Irvine, Califórnia, a iHerb tem a missão de tornar a saúde e o bem–estar acessíveis a todos. Para mais informações, visite corporate.iherb.com.

iHerb Mídia:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326453)

iHerb lanciert digitales Gesundheitsportal zur Unterstützung persönlicher Gesundheitsziele

IRVINE, Kalifornien, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iHerb, einer der weltweit größten Online–Händler für Vitamine, Mineralien, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und andere Gesundheits– und Wellnessprodukte, hat heute den Launch seines iHerb–Gesundheitsportals bekannt gegeben, eines Online–Multimedia–Portals für Wellness, Fitness, Ernährung, Beauty und mehr. Auf dieser innovativen globalen Plattform wird eine Vielzahl von gesundheitsrelevanten Artikeln, Rezepten, Videos und Podcasts bereitgestellt, die wertvolle Einblicke zur Rolle von Vitaminen, Mineralien, Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, Kräutern und Naturheilmitteln im Hinblick auf einen gesunden Lebensstil bieten.

Das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal ist in 14 Sprachen verfügbar und bietet seiner globalen Community mithilfe umfassender, frei zugänglicher Ressourcen die Möglichkeit, sich gezielt über Gesundheits– und Wellnessprodukte zu informieren. Das vielfältige Angebot der Plattform umfasst unter anderem mehr als 1.200 von Ärzten, Naturheilkundlern, Medizinern, Ernährungsberatern und anderen Experten aus der Gesundheitsbranche verfasste Artikel.

„Vertrauenswürdige Informationsquellen für gesundheitsbezogene Inhalte sind angesichts der Fülle an Falschinformationen im Internet wichtiger denn je“, so Neil Folgate, SVP of Global Marketing bei iHerb. „Mit dem iHerb–Gesundheitsportal wollen wir diesem Missstand entgegenwirken, indem wir objektive, forschungsbasierte Inhalte kuratieren, die eine Vielzahl von Themen rund um Ernährung, Langlebigkeit, Energie, Stoffwechsel und allgemeine Gesundheit abdecken. Wir sind stolz darauf, Verbraucher dabei zu unterstützen, fundierte Entscheidungen in Bezug auf ihre Gesundheit zu treffen, und werden unsere Bemühungen fortsetzen, um das Thema Wellness weltweit zu fördern.“

Dank der von Experten erstellten Inhalte haben Verbraucher uneingeschränkten Zugang zu seriösen Informationen, wenn es darum geht, Entscheidungen über ihr Wohlergehen zu treffen, und können so auf ihrem Weg zum Wohlbefinden die nächsten Schritte unternehmen. Dies ist insbesondere in einer Zeit von Bedeutung, in der laut NIH* fast 60 Prozent der Erwachsenen Mühe haben, seriöse Quellen für Gesundheitsinformationen im Internet zu finden. Ganz im Sinne des seit Jahrzehnten bestehenden Auftrags, Gesundheit und Wellness für jedermann zugänglich zu machen, ist das iHerb–Gesundheitsportalkomplett kostenlos und kann auch von Besuchern ohne Online–Profil genutzt werden.

Ob Verbraucher sich über das Wirkungspotenzial bestimmter Vitamine, die Bedeutung essenzieller Mineralien oder die wirksamsten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für ihre Bedürfnisse informieren möchten – das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal ist eine vertrauenswürdige Quelle für alle gesundheitsbezogenen Fragen.

Das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal wird den beliebten iHerb Blog ersetzen, der 2024 fast 20 Millionen Besucher zählte. Im neuen Gesundheitsportal sind die umfangreichen Blog–Inhalte von iHerb übersichtlich gegliedert, sodass Verbraucher leichter durch die umfangreiche, nun nach den Kategorien Wellness, Fitness, Ernährung und Beauty geordnete Bibliothek navigieren können. Das iHerb–Gesundheitsportal bietet Tipps zu den Themen Schlaf, Darmgesundheit, Menopause, Knochengesundheit, Haarausfall und vielem mehr. Einige Beiträge befassen sich auch mit natürlichen Methoden zur Steigerung des Testosteronspiegels, Strategien für gesundes Altern und den Vorzügen von Schneckenschleim bei der täglichen Hautpflege.

Wer seine Gesundheit selbst in die Hand nehmen möchte, kann sich der wachsenden Community von Wellness–Fans anschließen, die ihre ganz persönliche Gesundheitsreise mit dem iHerb–Gesundheitsportal unterstützen und verbessern.

Die folgenden informativen Beiträge: „How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle“ und „How to Detox your Body in 8 Simple Steps“ bieten praktische Unterstützung für einen frischen Start in das neue Jahr.

Das Gesundheitsportal bietet keine Diagnose, Behandlung oder medizinische Beratung.


Über iHerb:
iHerb ist einer der weltweit führenden Online–Händler, der seinen Kunden ein einzigartiges Angebot an Vitaminen, Mineralien, Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln und anderen Gesundheits– und Wellness–Produkten, einschließlich Sportlernahrung, Beauty–, Bade– und Körperpflegeprodukten, Lebensmitteln, Baby– und Haustierbedarf von über 1.800 renommierten Marken bereitstellt. Mit der Unterstützung von 3.000 Mitarbeitern weltweit bedient iHerb mehr als 12 Millionen Kunden in 180 Ländern und 22 Sprachen. Das hochentwickelte globale Logistiknetzwerk von iHerb umfasst sieben klimatisierte Fulfillment Center in den USA und Asien, die den Kunden ein reibungsloses und zuverlässiges Einkaufserlebnis bieten. Das 1996 gegründete Unternehmen mit Sitz in Irvine, Kalifornien, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Gesundheit und Wellness für alle zugänglich zu machen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: corporate.iherb.com.

iHerb Media Relations:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326453)

iHerb lance son Centre du bien-être numérique pour permettre aux utilisateurs d’atteindre leurs objectifs santé

IRVINE, Californie, 03 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iHerb, l’un des principaux détaillants en ligne de vitamines, minéraux, compléments et autres produits de santé et de bien–être, a annoncé ce jour le lancement de son Centre du bien–être iHerb, un environnement multimédia en ligne dédié au bien–être, à la remise en forme, à la nutrition, à la beauté et bien plus encore. Cette plateforme mondiale innovante propose un large éventail d’articles sur la santé, de recettes, de vidéos et de podcasts, qui apportent de précieux détails sur le rôle que jouent les vitamines, minéraux, compléments, herbes et remèdes naturels pour favoriser un mode de vie sain.

Disponible en 14 langues, le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb permet à sa communauté internationale de faire des choix éclairés en matière de produits de santé et de bien–être grâce à des ressources exhaustives et accessibles. La plateforme propose un large éventail de contenus, notamment plus de 1 200 articles rédigés par des experts, y compris des médecins, des naturopathes, des diététiciens agréés et d’autres autorités du secteur de la santé.

« Face aux fausses informations qui fourmillent sur Internet, il est devenu primordial de trouver des sources fiables en matière de contenu lié à la santé », a déclaré Neil Folgate, vice–président principal du marketing mondial chez iHerb. « Le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb est conçu pour répondre à ce besoin en proposant un contenu objectif et basé sur des recherches, couvrant divers sujets liés à l’alimentation et à la nutrition, à la longévité, à l’énergie, au métabolisme et à la santé en général. Nous sommes fiers d’aider les consommateurs à faire des choix éclairés concernant leur santé et nous poursuivrons ces efforts dans le cadre de notre effort d’améliorer le bien–être à l’échelle mondiale ».

Le contenu créé par les experts permet à chacun d’accéder sans limites à des informations fiables afin de faire des choix éclairés en matière de bien–être, et de progresser dans son parcours de santé. Cela est particulièrement pertinent à une époque où, selon les NIH*, près de 60 % des adultes peinent à distinguer les sources fiables d’informations sur la santé en ligne. Fidèle à sa mission de rendre la santé et le bien–être accessibles à tous depuis des décennies, le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb est entièrement gratuit et ne nécessite pas la création d’un profil en ligne pour y accéder.

Que les consommateurs souhaitent en apprendre davantage sur les bienfaits potentiels de certaines vitamines, sur l’importance des minéraux essentiels ou sur les compléments les plus efficaces en fonction de leurs besoins, le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb constitue une ressource de confiance pour toutes leurs questions relatives à la santé.

Le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb remplace l’ancien blog très populaire d’iHerb, fréquenté par près de 20 millions de visiteurs en 2024. Le nouveau Centre du bien–être organise le riche contenu du blog d’iHerb et permet aux consommateurs de naviguer facilement dans la vaste bibliothèque désormais classée par catégories : Bien–être, Remise en forme, Nutrition et Beauté. Il offre également des conseils sur la gestion du sommeil, la santé intestinale, la ménopause, la santé osseuse et la chute de cheveux, entre autres thématiques. Entre autres, certains articles présentent des méthodes naturelles permettant d’augmenter le taux de testostérone, des conseils pour bien vieillir et les bénéfices de la mucine d’escargot pour les soins quotidiens de la peau.

Toute personne prête à prendre sa santé en main peut rejoindre la communauté grandissante des passionnés de bien–être qui utilisent le Centre du bien–être d’iHerb pour orienter et enrichir son parcours de santé personnel.

Parmi les articles intéressants disponibles, on peut citer « Prendre une activité physique aérobique » et « Conseils pour détoxifier votre corps » qui offrent des conseils pratiques pour commencer l’année sur de bonnes bases.

Le Centre du bien–être n’a pas vocation à fournir de diagnostics, de traitements ou de conseils médicaux.

* https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/08/finding–reliable–health–information–online

À propos d’iHerb : 
iHerb est l’un des principaux détaillants en ligne au monde à proposer une sélection unique de vitamines, minéraux, compléments et d’autres produits de santé et de bien–être, y compris des produits de nutrition sportive, de beauté, pour le bain et les soins personnels, des produits d’épicerie, pour bébés et pour animaux de compagnie de plus de 1 800 marques réputées. Avec une équipe internationale de 3 000 employés, iHerb séduit plus de 12 millions de clients à travers 180 pays et se décline en 22 langues. Le réseau logistique mondial sophistiqué d’iHerb s’appuie sur sept centres de traitement des commandes climatisés situés aux États–Unis et en Asie, offrant aux clients une expérience d’achat fluide et fiable. Fondée en 1996 et basée à Irvine, en Californie, iHerb poursuit sa mission visant à rendre la santé et le bien–être accessibles à tous. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site corporate.iherb.com.

Relations avec les médias auprès d’iHerb : 

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9326453)

iHerb Debuts Digital Wellness Hub to Empower Personal Health Goals

IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iHerb, one of the world's leading online retailers for vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, today announced the launch of its iHerb Wellness Hub, an online multimedia destination for wellness, fitness, nutrition, beauty and more. This innovative global platform features a wide array of health articles, recipes, videos, and podcasts, providing valuable insights on the role vitamins, minerals, and supplements, herbs and natural remedies play in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Available in 14 languages, the iHerb Wellness Hub empowers its global community to make informed decisions about health and wellness products through comprehensive, accessible resources. The platform offers a diverse range of content, including over 1,200 articles written by experts, including doctors, naturopathic doctors, physicians, registered dietitians, and other leaders in the healthcare industry.

“With the abundance of misinformation available online, finding trustworthy sources for health–related content has never been more important,” said Neil Folgate, SVP of Global Marketing at iHerb. “The iHerb Wellness Hub is designed to help address this issue by curating objective, research–based content that covers a variety of topics related to diet and nutrition, longevity, energy, metabolism, and overall health. We're proud to help consumers confidently make informed choices about their health and will continue these efforts in the spirit of advancing wellness globally.”

The expert–driven content ensures that individuals have unlimited access to reliable information when making decisions about their well–being, empowering them to take the next step in their health journey. This is particularly impactful at a time when, according to NIH*, nearly 60 percent of adults struggle to distinguish reliable sources of health information online. Staying true to its decades–long mission of making health and wellness accessible to all, the iHerb Wellness Hub is completely free and doesn’t require visitors to create an online profile to gain access.

Whether consumers are wanting to learn about the potential benefits of specific vitamins, the importance of essential minerals, or the most effective supplements for their needs, the iHerb Wellness Hub serves as a trusted resource for all their health–related queries.

The iHerb Wellness Hub will replace the popular iHerb Blog, which attracted nearly 20 million visitors in 2024. The new Wellness Hub organizes iHerb’s extensive blog content, enabling consumers to easily navigate the vast library that is now categorized by Wellness, Fitness, Nutrition and Beauty. The iHerb Wellness Hub offers tips on managing sleep, gut health, menopause, bone health, hair loss, and so much more. Some of the articles also include natural ways to increase testosterone, how to support healthy aging, and the benefits of snail mucin for daily skincare.

Anyone who is ready to take charge of their health can join the growing community of wellness enthusiasts who are utilizing the iHerb Wellness Hub to guide and enhance their personal health journey.

The following insightful articles: “How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle” and “How to Detox your Body in 8 Simple Steps” offer practical guidance for a fresh start to the new year.

The Wellness Hub does not intend to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice.

* https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2020/08/finding–reliable–health–information–online

About iHerb:
iHerb is one of the world's leading online retailers dedicated to offering an unbeatable selection of vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, including sports nutrition, beauty, bath and personal care, grocery, baby and pet care from over 1,800 reputable brands. Supported by a global workforce of 3,000 team members, iHerb serves over 12 million global customers across 180 countries and 22 languages. iHerb's sophisticated global logistics network is anchored by seven climate–controlled fulfillment centers located in the U.S. and Asia, providing customers a seamless and reliable shopping experience. Founded in 1996 and based in Irvine, California, iHerb is on a mission to make health and wellness accessible to all. For more information, please visit corporate.iherb.com.

iHerb Media Relations:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3f0d1fca–e9f3–4169–9306–072eef590ef7

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9325948)

Wilbur Watch Co. Named 2024 American Watch Brand of the Year

NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wilbur Watch Co. is proud to announce that it has been voted the 2024 American Watch Brand of the Year at the prestigious WatchPro Awards in New York City. This esteemed award recognizes the innovative craftsmanship, forward–thinking design, and unparalleled commitment to excellence that Wilbur Watch Co. has embodied since its inception.

The WatchPro Awards, one of the most respected accolades in the watchmaking industry, are determined by votes from leading industry professionals, including retailers, brands, and insiders. In a highly competitive year, Wilbur Watch Co. stood out for its bold designs and precision engineering, pushing the boundaries of modern horology.

“We're not here to follow the rules; we're here to break them. This award is a testament to disrupting the ordinary and creating something daring, unapologetic, and unforgettable,” said Jason Wilbur, Founder and CEO of Wilbur Watch Co. “This is just the beginning. We're redefining what it means to wear a watch, and we’re grateful to everyone who believes in our mission to push beyond the expected.”

The ceremony, held on the evening of September 4th, 2024, celebrated the finest in the watch industry, and Wilbur Watch Co.'s win underscores its commitment to reshaping the landscape of luxury timepieces.

For more information about Wilbur Watch Co. and its award–winning collections, visit WilburCo.com.

About Wilbur Watch Co.
Wilbur Watch Co. is an American–based watch brand known for its avant–garde designs, precise engineering, and dedication to innovation. With each timepiece, Wilbur challenges the conventions of traditional watchmaking to deliver a bold, unapologetic statement in horology.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9230129)

Shocking Internal Report Exposes Rampant Discrimination at the Head of Canada's Public Service

OTTAWA, July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination released an internal report obtained through the Access to Information Act, which revealed blatant and widespread discrimination at the Privy Council Office (PCO). The federal government is Canada’s largest single employer, and it relies on the Privy Council Office to manage the public service, while also supporting the Prime Minister and the federal Cabinet. As such, the findings are extremely troubling, and a concern to all Canadians.

Through interviews with staff conducted over the course of six months, Dr. Rachel Zellars discovered a workplace where racial stereotyping, microaggressions, and verbal violence was regularly practiced and normalized, including at the executive level, and a culture that discouraged reporting, and lacked accountability mechanisms. Further, Dr. Zellars found that white employees and executives detailed career–advancing opportunities that were in stark contrast to those of Black, Indigenous, and racialized employees, who were clustered in temporary and lower–level positions.

In 2021, the then Clerk of the Privy Council, Ian Shugart, issued a Call to Action to public service leaders to take specific and meaningful actions to address racism, equity, and inclusion. But in the report, Black and racialized employees at PCO describe its Corporate Services department as a key barrier to that Call to Action.

The PCO provided the Coalition with an update on the steps they have taken since this report was released internally. While its list of initiatives show some attempt to implement the report’s recommendations, they lack the depth required to fully tackle the systemic issues identified, and there are still many key recommendations that have not been addressed.

The Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination is calling for:

  • The resignation of Deputy Clerk Natalie Drouin, who was responsible for the discrimination file since 2021; and the resignation of Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Ministerial Services and Corporate Affairs, Matthew Shea, the head of Corporate Services since 2017.
  • The federal government to appoint a Black Equity Commissioner to address systemic anti–Black racism across all levels of government (similar to the two representatives appointed to address Antisemitism and Islamophobia)
  • The federal government to establish a department of African Canadian Affairs to centralize and give priority anti–Black racism work.
  • The federal government to immediately implement the Employment Equity Act amendments it promised in December 2023, to add Black Canadians as an employment equity group.
  • The federal government to provide restitution to Black public sector workers who have launched a class action lawsuit based on years of discrimination, as identified in multiple federal reports.


“It is shocking that this level of blatant discrimination occurred in one of Canada’s highest offices. Once again, those who have been perpetrators of discrimination are being tasked with implementing change. This approach has consistently failed, and it’s time for real arms–length accountability mechanisms, and structural changes to meaningfully address anti–Black discrimination.” Nicholas Marcus Thompson, President, Black Class Action Secretariat.

“This report underscores the urgent need for the federal government to immediately table the Employment Equity Act amendments, in line with the Task Force's recommendations. Additionally, the government must swiftly settle the class action filed by Black public service workers to address the systemic discrimination they have endured.” Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice President, Canadian Labour Congress.

“As representatives of professionals working within PCO, we are outraged that such discriminatory practices have been allowed to persist. It is clear that significant, structural changes are urgently needed to create a fair and inclusive workplace for all employees. The federal government must act decisively to implement the necessary reforms and ensure accountability at all levels.” Nathan Prier, President, Canadian Association of Professional Employees.

The Coalition Against Workplace Discrimination consists of: The Black Class Action Secretariat (BCAS), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA), The Enchanté Network, the Red Coalition, the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC), 613–819 Black Hub, the Black Canadians Civil Society Coalition (BCCSC). The Coalition previously highlighted discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which is currently being investigated by an international accreditation body.

MEDIA CONTACT: media@bcas–scrn.org

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9195217)

Un rapport interne choquant révèle une discrimination rampante à la tête de la fonction publique canadienne

OTTAWA, 29 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd'hui, la Coalition contre la discrimination en milieu de travail a publié un rapport interne obtenu grâce à la Loi sur l'accès à l'information, qui révèle une discrimination flagrante et généralisée au Bureau du Conseil privé (BCP). Le gouvernement fédéral est le plus grand employeur au Canada et il dépend du Bureau du Conseil privé pour gérer la fonction publique, tout en soutenant le Premier ministre et le Cabinet fédéral. Par conséquent, les conclusions de ce rapport sont extrêmement préoccupantes et concernent tous les Canadiens.

Grâce à des entretiens avec le personnel menés sur une période de six mois, la Dre Rachel Zellars a découvert un lieu de travail où les stéréotypes raciaux, les microagressions et la violence verbale étaient régulièrement pratiqués et normalisés, y compris au niveau exécutif, et une culture qui décourageait les signalements et manquait de mécanismes de responsabilisation. De plus, la Dre Zellars a constaté que les employés et cadres blancs bénéficiaient d'opportunités de progression de carrière qui étaient en contraste frappant avec celles des employés noirs, autochtones et racialisés, qui étaient regroupés dans des postes temporaires et de niveau inférieur.

En 2021, l'ancien greffier du Conseil privé, Ian Shugart, a lancé un appel à l'action aux dirigeants de la fonction publique pour qu'ils prennent des mesures spécifiques et significatives pour lutter contre le racisme, l'équité et l'inclusion. Mais dans le rapport, les employés noirs et racialisés du BCP décrivent son département des services généraux comme un obstacle majeur à cet appel à l'action.

Le BCP a fourni à la Coalition une mise à jour sur les mesures qu'ils ont prises depuis la publication interne de ce rapport. Bien que leur liste d'initiatives montre une tentative d'implémentation des recommandations du rapport, elles manquent de la profondeur nécessaire pour s'attaquer pleinement aux problèmes systémiques identifiés, et de nombreuses recommandations clés n'ont toujours pas été abordées.

La Coalition contre la discrimination en milieu de travail demande :

  • La démission de la sous–greffière Natalie Drouin, responsable du dossier de la discrimination depuis 2021, et la démission du secrétaire adjoint du Cabinet, Services ministériels et affaires corporatives, Matthew Shea, à la tête des services généraux depuis 2017.
  • Le gouvernement fédéral doit nommer un commissaire à l'équité pour les Noirs afin de s'attaquer au racisme anti–Noirs systémique à tous les niveaux du gouvernement (similaire aux deux représentants nommés pour lutter contre l'antisémitisme et l'islamophobie).
  • Le gouvernement fédéral doit établir un département des affaires afro–canadiennes pour centraliser et prioriser le travail contre le racisme anti–Noirs.
  • Le gouvernement fédéral doit immédiatement mettre en œuvre les amendements à la Loi sur l'équité en matière d'emploi qu'il a promis en décembre 2023, pour ajouter les Canadiens noirs comme groupe d'équité en matière d'emploi.
  • Le gouvernement fédéral doit fournir une restitution aux travailleurs noirs du secteur public qui ont lancé un recours collectif basé sur des années de discrimination, comme l'ont identifié de nombreux rapports fédéraux.


« Il est choquant que ce niveau de discrimination flagrante se soit produit dans l'un des bureaux les plus élevés du Canada. Encore une fois, ceux qui ont été les auteurs de la discrimination sont chargés de mettre en œuvre le changement. Cette approche a constamment échoué, et il est temps d'avoir de véritables mécanismes de responsabilisation indépendants et des changements structurels pour s'attaquer de manière significative à la discrimination anti–Noirs. » Nicholas Marcus Thompson, Président, Secrétariat recours collectif noir (SRCN).

« Ce rapport souligne l'urgence pour le gouvernement fédéral de déposer immédiatement les amendements à la Loi sur l'équité en matière d'emploi, conformément aux recommandations du groupe de travail. De plus, le gouvernement doit régler rapidement le recours collectif déposé par les travailleurs noirs de la fonction publique pour s'attaquer à la discrimination systémique qu'ils ont subie. » Larry Rousseau, Vice–président exécutif, Congrès du travail du Canada.

« En tant que représentants des professionnels travaillant au sein du BCP, nous sommes outrés que de telles pratiques discriminatoires aient été autorisées à persister. Il est clair que des changements structurels significatifs et urgents sont nécessaires pour créer un lieu de travail juste et inclusif pour tous les employés. Le gouvernement fédéral doit agir de manière décisive pour mettre en œuvre les réformes nécessaires et assurer la responsabilisation à tous les niveaux. » Nathan Prier, Président, Association canadienne des employés professionnels.

La Coalition contre la discrimination en milieu de travail est composée de : Secrétariat recours collectif noir (SRCN), l'Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada (AFPC), l'Association canadienne des employés professionnels (ACEP), le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP), l'Alliance des infirmières noires canadiennes (AINC), le Réseau Enchanté, la Coalition Rouge, la Fédération des Canadiens noirs (FCN), 613–819 Black Hub, la Coalition de la société civile des Canadiens noirs (CSCCN).


Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible au : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/18fc6358–7910–4230–9764–4ccc8268e748

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9195217)

Notice of Proposed Settlement and Plan of Allocation Involving Purchasers of Perrigo Common Stock from April 21, 2015 through May 2, 2017 and Owners of Perrigo Common Stock as of November 12, 2015



itself and all others similarly situated,



JOSEPH C. PAPA, et al.,


Case No. 1:16–cv–02805–RMB–LDW




To: (1) All persons who purchased Perrigo Company plc’s (“Perrigo”) publicly traded common stock between April 21, 2015 and May 2, 2017, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), on the New York Stock Exchange or any other trading center within the United States and were damaged thereby;

(2) All persons who purchased Perrigo’s publicly traded common stock between April 21, 2015 and May 2, 2017, both dates inclusive, on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and were damaged thereby; and

(3) All persons who owned Perrigo common stock as of November 12, 2015 and held such stock through at least 8:00 a.m. on November 13, 2015 (whether or not a person tendered their shares in response to the tender offer of Mylan, N.V”).¹


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and an Order of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, that the Court–appointed Lead Plaintiff, on behalf of itself and the Court–certified Class, in the above–captioned securities class action (the “Action”) has reached a proposed settlement of the Action with defendants Perrigo Company plc (“Perrigo”) and Joseph C. Papa (collectively, “Defendants”) for $97,000,000 in cash that, if approved, will resolve all claims in the Action.

A hearing will be held on September 5, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., before the Honorable Leda Dunn Wettre, United States Magistrate Judge, in person in Courtroom 3C of the Martin Luther King Building & U.S. Courthouse, 50 Walnut Street, Newark, NJ 07101, to determine: (i) whether the proposed Settlement should be approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate; (ii) whether the Action should be dismissed with prejudice against Defendants, and the releases specified and described in the Stipulation and Agreement of Settlement dated April 4, 2024 should be granted; (iii) whether the proposed Plan of Allocation should be approved as fair and reasonable; and (iv) whether Lead Counsel’s application for an award of attorneys’ fees and payment of expenses should be approved.

If you are a member of the Class, your rights will be affected by the pending Action and the Settlement, and you may be entitled to share in the Net Settlement Fund. If you have not yet received the full printed Notice of (I) Proposed Settlement and Plan of Allocation; (II) Settlement Hearing; and (III) Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Litigation Expenses (the “Settlement Notice”) and the Claim Form, you may obtain copies of these documents by contacting the Claims Administrator at Perrigo Securities Litigation, c/o JND Legal Administration, P.O. Box 91374, Seattle, WA 98111, 1–833–674–0175, info@PerrigoSecuritiesLitigation.com. Copies of the Settlement Notice and Claim Form can also be downloaded from the website for the Action, www.PerrigoSecuritiesLitigation.com.

If you are a Class Member, in order to be eligible to receive a payment under the proposed Settlement, you must submit a Claim Form online or postmarked no later than August 26, 2024. If you are a Class Member and do not submit a proper Claim Form, you will not be eligible to share in the distribution of the net proceeds of the Settlement but you will nevertheless be bound by any judgments or orders entered by the Court in the Action.

Any objections to the proposed Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation, and/or Lead Counsel’s application for attorneys’ fees and payment of expenses, must be filed with the Court and delivered to Lead Counsel and counsel for Defendants such that they are received no later than August 6, 2024, in accordance with the instructions set forth in the Settlement Notice.

Please do not contact the Court, the Clerk’s office, Perrigo, any other Defendant in the Action, or their counsel regarding this notice. All questions about this notice, the proposed Settlement, or your eligibility to participate in the Settlement should be directed the Claims Administrator or Lead Counsel.

Requests for the Settlement Notice and Claim Form should be made to:

Perrigo Securities Litigation
c/o JND Legal Administration
P.O. Box 91374
Seattle, WA 98111

Inquiries, other than requests for the Settlement Notice and Claim Form, may be made to Lead Counsel:

Pomerantz LLP
Joshua Silverman
10 S. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60603

Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP
James A. Harrod
1251 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

By Order of the Court

¹ Certain persons and entities are excluded from the Class by definition and others are excluded pursuant to request. The full definition of the Class including a complete description of who is excluded from the Class is set forth in the full Settlement Notice referred to above.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9154224)

Canada Under Investigation by UN Partner for Anti-Black Discrimination

TORONTO, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a landmark decision, the international body that hands out human rights accreditations has concluded that there is enough basis to review Canada’s “A” status – an unprecedented move that puts it among the ranks of countries like Russia, Iraq, and Venezuela.

The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) — a United Nations partner — has launched a “Special Review” of the accreditation of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). This comes as the result of a complaint by a coalition of Canadian human rights organizations, which submitted federal findings of anti–Black discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Commission as evidence.

Despite admitting to human rights violations, the Canadian government is currently vying for a seat in the United Nations Human Rights Council from 2028–2030, with a vote happening in 2026.

“With this international review, the Canadian government is now on notice,” says Nicholas Marcus Thompson, with the Black Class Action Secretariat, the coalition lead. “It cannot claim to be a global leader in human rights, while discriminating against its own at home.”

If the international body finds there are grounds to downgrade the CHRC to “B” status, for the first time ever, it will no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council, its subsidiary bodies, and some General Assembly bodies and mechanisms. Further, it will lose the right to vote and hold governance positions at GANHRI.

“The implications of this decision are very serious as Canada has never had its status reviewed in its more than 30 years as a GANHRI member,” says Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretary General for Amnesty International Canada. “We urge the Canadian government and the Commission to take all necessary measures to guarantee the integrity of the Commission and its critical role for Canadians.”

In line with the International Decade for People of African Descent, the coalition is calling for:

  • JUSTICE: Creating a properly funded direct–access model to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (removing CHRC’s role as a gatekeeper with the power to dismiss claims before they reach the Tribunal)
  • RECOGNITION: Expediting Employment Equity Act amendments to include Black people as an employment equity group.
  • DEVELOPMENT: Appointing a Black Equity Commissioner to address discrimination in the public service.

WATCH PRESS CONFERENCE AND ACCESS PHOTOS HERE: https://www.bcas–srcn.org/post/chrc–under–special–review–for–discrimination

MEDIA CONTACT: Ginella Massa, Massa Media & Comms | info@massamedia.ca


On Feb 26, 2024, a coalition of human rights organizations submitted a complaint to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).

The coalition consists of: The Black Class Action Secretariat (BCAS), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA), The Enchanté Network, the Red Coalition, the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC), 613–819 Black Hub, the Black Canadians Civil Society Coalition (BCCSC) and The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

The group provided as evidence: the findings of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's and the Senate Human Rights Committee's findings of anti–black discrimination.

The complaint highlighted: violations to international human rights laws, and the Paris Principles, internationally agreed upon minimum standards which member human rights institutions are required to adhere to.

The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) is one of the largest human rights networks worldwide, representing more than 110 National Human rights institutions. It is a recognised, and trusted partner, of the United Nations. GANHRI’s Sub–Committee on Accreditation is responsible for reviewing and accrediting national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles. The SCA met March 26–28 and published its report and recommendations on June 7, 2024. It decided to initiate a review of Iraq and Canada.

Canada has been a member of GAHNRI since its inception in 1993, through the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Its last accreditation review period was from 2016–2022, with its next review slated for 2027. This unprecedented “Special Review”, which Canada has never been subject to in its member history, will investigate the five year period preceding its most recent “A” status accreditation in 2022.

GANHRI members are reviewed every 5 years. As of December 2023, GANHRI is composed of 120 members: 88 “A” status accredited NHRIs and 32 “B” status accredited NHRIs.

There are currently two levels of accreditation:
Status “A” (Fully compliant with the Paris Principles): Institutions participate fully in the international and regional work and meetings of national institutions as voting members, and they can hold office in the Bureau of the International Coordinating Committee or any sub–committee the Bureau establishes. They are also able to participate in sessions of the Human Rights Council and take the floor under any agenda item, submit documentation and take up separate seating.
Status “B” (Partially compliant with the Paris Principles): Institutions may participate as observers in the international and regional meetings of the national human rights institutions. They cannot vote or hold office with the Bureau or its sub–committees. They are not given NHRIs badges, nor may they take the floor under agenda items and submit documentation to the Human Rights Council.

Countries that have previously been under Special Review: Burundi, Madagascar, Nigeria, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Indonesia, Jordan, Nepal, Great Britain, Panama, Venezuela, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Russia, Iraq.

Special Review Process and timeline: GANHRI will conduct Canada’s Special Review in the fall of 2024, with a decision in the ensuing months. It will examine the five year period from 2016–2022 that led to its most recent “A” status accreditation. If Canada is downgraded to “B” status, it will no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council, its subsidiary bodies and some General Assembly bodies and mechanisms, and will lose the right to vote and hold governance positions at GANHRI.



MAP: Countries subjected to Special Review

MAP: GANHRI countries with A/B certifications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9153017)

Canada Under Investigation by UN Partner for Anti-Black Discrimination

TORONTO, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a landmark decision, the international body that hands out human rights accreditations has concluded that there is enough basis to review Canada’s “A” status – an unprecedented move that puts it among the ranks of countries like Russia, Iraq, and Venezuela.

The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) — a United Nations partner — has launched a “Special Review” of the accreditation of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). This comes as the result of a complaint by a coalition of Canadian human rights organizations, which submitted federal findings of anti–Black discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Commission as evidence.

Despite admitting to human rights violations, the Canadian government is currently vying for a seat in the United Nations Human Rights Council from 2028–2030, with a vote happening in 2026.

“With this international review, the Canadian government is now on notice,” says Nicholas Marcus Thompson, with the Black Class Action Secretariat, the coalition lead. “It cannot claim to be a global leader in human rights, while discriminating against its own at home.”

If the international body finds there are grounds to downgrade the CHRC to “B” status, for the first time ever, it will no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council, its subsidiary bodies, and some General Assembly bodies and mechanisms. Further, it will lose the right to vote and hold governance positions at GANHRI.

“The implications of this decision are very serious as Canada has never had its status reviewed in its more than 30 years as a GANHRI member,” says Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretary General for Amnesty International Canada. “We urge the Canadian government and the Commission to take all necessary measures to guarantee the integrity of the Commission and its critical role for Canadians.”

In line with the International Decade for People of African Descent, the coalition is calling for:

  • JUSTICE: Creating a properly funded direct–access model to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (removing CHRC’s role as a gatekeeper with the power to dismiss claims before they reach the Tribunal)
  • RECOGNITION: Expediting Employment Equity Act amendments to include Black people as an employment equity group.
  • DEVELOPMENT: Appointing a Black Equity Commissioner to address discrimination in the public service.

WATCH PRESS CONFERENCE AND ACCESS PHOTOS HERE: https://www.bcas–srcn.org/post/chrc–under–special–review–for–discrimination

MEDIA CONTACT: Ginella Massa, Massa Media & Comms | info@massamedia.ca


On Feb 26, 2024, a coalition of human rights organizations submitted a complaint to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).

The coalition consists of: The Black Class Action Secretariat (BCAS), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), the Canadian Black Nurses Alliance (CBNA), The Enchanté Network, the Red Coalition, the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC), 613–819 Black Hub, the Black Canadians Civil Society Coalition (BCCSC) and The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

The group provided as evidence: the findings of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's and the Senate Human Rights Committee's findings of anti–black discrimination.

The complaint highlighted: violations to international human rights laws, and the Paris Principles, internationally agreed upon minimum standards which member human rights institutions are required to adhere to.

The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) is one of the largest human rights networks worldwide, representing more than 110 National Human rights institutions. It is a recognised, and trusted partner, of the United Nations. GANHRI’s Sub–Committee on Accreditation is responsible for reviewing and accrediting national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles. The SCA met March 26–28 and published its report and recommendations on June 7, 2024. It decided to initiate a review of Iraq and Canada.

Canada has been a member of GAHNRI since its inception in 1993, through the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Its last accreditation review period was from 2016–2022, with its next review slated for 2027. This unprecedented “Special Review”, which Canada has never been subject to in its member history, will investigate the five year period preceding its most recent “A” status accreditation in 2022.

GANHRI members are reviewed every 5 years. As of December 2023, GANHRI is composed of 120 members: 88 “A” status accredited NHRIs and 32 “B” status accredited NHRIs.

There are currently two levels of accreditation:
Status “A” (Fully compliant with the Paris Principles): Institutions participate fully in the international and regional work and meetings of national institutions as voting members, and they can hold office in the Bureau of the International Coordinating Committee or any sub–committee the Bureau establishes. They are also able to participate in sessions of the Human Rights Council and take the floor under any agenda item, submit documentation and take up separate seating.
Status “B” (Partially compliant with the Paris Principles): Institutions may participate as observers in the international and regional meetings of the national human rights institutions. They cannot vote or hold office with the Bureau or its sub–committees. They are not given NHRIs badges, nor may they take the floor under agenda items and submit documentation to the Human Rights Council.

Countries that have previously been under Special Review: Burundi, Madagascar, Nigeria, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Indonesia, Jordan, Nepal, Great Britain, Panama, Venezuela, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Russia, Iraq.

Special Review Process and timeline: GANHRI will conduct Canada’s Special Review in the fall of 2024, with a decision in the ensuing months. It will examine the five year period from 2016–2022 that led to its most recent “A” status accreditation. If Canada is downgraded to “B” status, it will no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council, its subsidiary bodies and some General Assembly bodies and mechanisms, and will lose the right to vote and hold governance positions at GANHRI.



MAP: Countries subjected to Special Review

MAP: GANHRI countries with A/B certifications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9153017)