Auszeichnung von WilsonHCG als Leader und Star Performer in der PEAK Matrix®-Bewertung 2023 für globale RPO-Dienste der Everest Group

TAMPA, Florida, June 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG wurde in der jhrlichen PEAK Matrix –Bewertung der Everest Group in der Kategorie “Global Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services” erneut als Leader und Star Performer ausgezeichnet.

Die PEAK Matrix analysiert die sich verndernde Dynamik der RPO–Landschaft und bietet eine objektive, datengesttzte vergleichende Bewertung von mehr als 45 RPO–Anbietern auf der Grundlage ihrer Gesamtfhigkeit in unterschiedlichen globalen Dienstleistungsmrkten.

"Wir fhlen uns sehr geehrt ber die erneute Auszeichnung als Leader und Star Performer. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gehen jeden Tag an ihre Grenzen und darber hinaus, um die Unternehmen unserer Kunden dabei zu untersttzen, besser zu werden "" ihr Engagement fr Spitzenleistungen ist in der heutigen, sich schnell wandelnden Talentlandschaft von entscheidender Bedeutung", so John Wilson, CEO von WilsonHCG. "Wir sind auch stolz auf unsere Ernennung als "Wichtiger Mitbewerber" (Major Contender) im Asien–Pazifik–Raum, einer Region, in der wir in den letzten 12 Monaten weiter expandiert haben."

Arkadev Basak, Partner der Everest Group, kommentierte die globale Einstufung von WilsonHCG als Leader und Star Performer wie folgt: "Neben seiner umfassenden Fachkompetenz bei der Rekrutierung von hochqualifiziertem Personal fr Nischenpositionen zeichnet sich WilsonHCG durch seine globale Prsenz und sein analytisches Angebot aus. Die bernahme von Claro und Tracking Talent hat das Dienstleistungsangebot von WilsonHCG gestrkt und dazu beigetragen, dass das Unternehmen in der PEAK Matrix –Bewertung 2023 der Everest Group in der Kategorie “Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services "" Global” als Leader und Star Performer eingestuft wurde."

Die Everest Group lobte die starke Erfolgsbilanz von WilsonHCG bei der Rekrutierung hochqualifizierter Angestellter und die Verdopplung des Engagements im Bereich Gesundheitswesen und Biowissenschaften (HLS) sowie die bedeutende Vermittlungsfhigkeit in Nordamerika und die starke Prsenz in der EMEA–Region.

Weitere Hhepunkte der Bewertung sind:

  • Untersttzung mehrerer Abnehmerbranchen durch das Netzwerk von WilsonHCG.
  • das umfangreiche Netz von Partnerschaften des Unternehmens mit Technologieanbietern.
  • die bernahme von Claro, um ein marktfhrendes Angebot fr Talentmarkt–Intelligenz zu schaffen.

WilsonHCG wurde auerdem als Leader und Star Performer in Nordamerika, als Major Contender und Star Performer in der EMEA–Region und als Major Contender in der APAC–Region ausgezeichnet.

Arkadev Basak ergnzte: "WilsonHCG ist ein wichtiger Akteur in Nordamerika aufgrund seiner starken Vermittlungsfhigkeiten und der Fhigkeit, Nischenpositionen fr Angestellte zu besetzen, insbesondere in den Bereichen Hightech, Gesundheitswesen und Biowissenschaften. Die Reihe von organischen und anorganischen Investitionen zur Erhhung der Marktdurchdringung, zur Verbesserung des technologischen und des Beratungsangebots trug dazu bei, dass das Unternehmen in der PEAK Matrix – Bewertung 2023 fr Nordamerika der Everest Group in der Kategorie "Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services" als Leader und Star Performer eingestuft wurde".

Weitere Informationen zur PEAK Matrix finden Sie auf der Website der Everest Group.

ber WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG ist ein mehrfach ausgezeichneter, weltweit fhrender Anbieter von umfassenden Talentlsungen. Als strategischer Partner untersttzt das Unternehmen einige der angesehensten Marken der Welt beim Aufbau umfassender Talentfunktionen. Mit einer weltweiten Prsenz in mehr als 65 Lndern und auf sechs Kontinenten bietet WilsonHCG ein umfangreiches Angebot an konfigurierbaren Talent–Dienstleistungen, einschlielich Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Vermittlung von Fhrungskrften, Zeitarbeitslsungen und Beratungsdienstleistungen.

TALENT. Es ist mehr als eine Lsung, es ist das, was wir sind.

Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

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WilsonHCG named a Leader and a Star Performer in Everest Group’s 2023 Global RPO Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment

TAMPA, Fla., June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG has been named a Leader and a Star Performer once again in Everest Group's annual Global Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services PEAK Matrix Assessment.

The PEAK Matrix analyzes the changing dynamics of the RPO landscape, providing an objective, data–driven comparative assessment of more than 45 RPO providers based on their overall capability across different global services markets.

“We're honored to be named a Leader and a Star Performer yet again. Our people go above and beyond every day to help our clients' businesses get better "" their dedication to excellence is critical in today's rapidly evolving talent landscape," said John Wilson, CEO at WilsonHCG. "We're also proud of our position as a Major Contender in APAC, as this is a region that we've continued to expand in over the past 12 months."

Commenting on WilsonHCG's global status as a Leader and a Star Performance, Arkadev Basak, Partner, Everest Group, said: "Along with its deep expertise in sourcing niche high–skilled roles, WilsonHCG stands out due to its global footprint and analytical offerings. Its acquisition of Claro and Tracking Talent has fortified its service offerings and helped position WilsonHCG as a Leader and a Star performer on Everest Group's Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023 "" Global.”

WilsonHCG's strong track record for hiring high–skill white collar candidates and its doubling down on the healthcare and life sciences (HLS) space was commended by Everest Group, as was its significant delivery capability in North America and strong presence in EMEA.

Other highlights of the assessment include:

  • How WilsonHCG's network of global delivery centers support multiple buyer industries.
  • The company's vast web of partnerships with technology vendors.
  • Its acquisition of Claro to provide a market–leading offering for talent market intelligence.

WilsonHCG was also named a Leader and a Star Performer in North America, a Major Contender and a Star Performer in EMEA and a Major Contender in APAC.

Basak continued: "WilsonHCG is a key player in North America due to its strong delivery capabilities and ability to hire niche white collar roles particularly in high–tech, healthcare and life sciences. Its string of organic and inorganic investments to increase market penetration, improve technological capabilities and advisory offerings has helped in its positioning as a Leader and a Star Performer on Everest Group's Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023 – North America.”

To learn more about the PEAK Matrix please visit the Everest Group website.

About WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG is an award–winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world's most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent talent solutions and technology advisory.

TALENT. It's more than a solution; it's who we are.

Media contact
Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–761d–4037–b8b5–adce40d52acd

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8866171)

New Oceana Analysis Finds Tuna Fisheries Are Masking USD $411 Million Blue Shark Industry

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new Oceana–commissioned study reveals that vessels authorized to fish in the waters of designated tuna regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) are operating major shark fisheries, propping up a massive blue shark (Prionace glauca) commercial fishery with a landing value worth USD $411 million. This first–of–its–kind analysis shows the catch value of blue shark exceeds that of each of the three iconic bluefin tuna fisheries. The report confirms blue shark represents 60% of all reported global shark catches, singularly dominating both the shark fin and meat trade, while direct management of the species remains absent.

Last month at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, world leaders voted to provide protections for 60 shark species, including blue sharks. This decision means these species can only be traded if their stocks are proven to be sustainably managed. Except for a 2019 catch limit set under the jurisdiction of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) RFMO, blue sharks are fished without any limits. "Despite being considered one of the most resilient and abundant shark species, blue shark populations are threatened by poor management," said Philip Chou, Oceana's Senior Director of Global Policy. "Without proper management, blue sharks and the ecosystems they balance face a perilous future. Direct and active fishery management of blue sharks must begin immediately."

This report analyzed global data on the catch, trade, and management of sharks and tuna reported to the Food and Agriculture Organization and RFMOs. Researchers led by Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. found that nearly 200,000 metric tons of blue shark were legally caught and landed in 2019, amounting to over 7 million blue sharks. Of that catch, 90% was brought in by large–scale commercial fleets, mostly longliners, with 74% flagged to distant–water fishing nations. Spain and Taiwan are responsible for roughly half the total blue shark catch.

To access Oceana's summary and the full report, visit This research was prepared for Oceana's Transparent Oceans Initiative "" an international program that illuminates the global footprint of the world's distant–water fishing fleets, catalyzing policy change to protect the ocean and the communities who rely on it.

Contact: Anna Baxter,

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8711327)

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair set to showcase works from over 1,500 First Nations artists, represented by a record 76 community Art Centres from across Australia

DARWIN, Australia, July 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives will be celebrated in Darwin, Australia, from 2–7 August in an unmissable showcase of art, design and culture at Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) Foundation's series of iconic events.

The Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) is Australia's largest and most celebrated First Nations visual art event, which will return for the 16th year to run both online and in person this 5–7 August.

The internationally celebrated art fair sits alongside the Foundation's two Indigenous Fashion Projects events, Country to Couture on the 2 August, and the National Indigenous Fashion Awards on the 3 August, bringing Australia's most acclaimed and vibrant First Nations artists and designers to the national and global stage.

As the only Australian event of its kind, DAAF has secured a reputation as one of the country's most significant and internationally recognised arts events, creating a unique opportunity to connect with, and ethically purchase art directly from Art Centres, as well as meeting the artists and learning firsthand about their cultural heritage, stories, history and traditional artistic practices through a range of masterclasses, talks and demonstrations.

DAAF 2022 is on track to be the most successful and widest reaching yet, with a record 76 Art Centres participating in the Foundation's inaugural hybrid delivery of the event. In 2021, the Fair achieved a record $3.12 million AUD in sales with 100 per cent of profits going back to the Art Centres and their communities. The Fair itself takes no commission from artwork sold.

DAAF Foundation are proud to be part of a collective of organisations championing music, arts, and ideas from the world's oldest living cultures. Taking place in Australia's Top End each July–August, alongside DAAF Foundation's renowned Fair and fashion events, will be:

  • Garma Festival | Yothu Yindi Foundation | 29 July – 1 August
  • Salon des Refuss | Salon Art Projects | 3–13 August
  • Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards | Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory | 5 August 2022 "" January 2023
  • National Indigenous Music Awards | Music NT | 6 August

The first week of August is predicted to be one of the biggest showcases of First Nations talent in the world. Music, art and culture will collide as The Collective unifies to bring the public a unique experience across the creative industries in the Northern Territory.

For more information about the 16th Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair and for priority access to the digital Art Fair, visit

Georgina Dawson

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair: Media Snippet

Surforma Globally Launches Ballistic Plate

PORTO, Portugal, July 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Surforma has launched on the world market CompactShield, a ballistic plate for use in urban environments with civil risks, aimed at more demanding markets for the protection of people, especially in countries in regional blocks such as America, Africa, and the Middle East.

The Efanor group company "" which owns the Sonae group "" affirms that the new solution is the result of 3 years of research and development in partnership with Beyondcomposite, gaining a great advantage over existing ones, essentially in its applicability as a decorative solution, thereby not needing two components: ballistic protection and surface design, in addition to weight, durability, price.

With level IIIA, III, and IV protection, according to the NIJ standard 0108:01, the new ballistic CompactShield is mainly intended for the sectors of construction (public buildings, police stations, banks, etc.) and transport (armoured vehicles, bus driver barriers, shipping containers, etc.).

“It is a technological revolution where, in addition to protecting human lives, we incorporate the decorative factor in a single solution, allowing its application to have different uses, namely in the transport and construction sectors,” says Miguel Nogueira, Surforma CEO.

The company has, this way, started a process of globally repositioning its Laminates and Compacts business, both structurally, with the introduction of new raw materials, and technically, by investing in new ranges with improved performance.

“With our new innovation strategy and product pipeline, sales can grow by 10% in the next 5 years, essentially through exports, and resulting in a forecasted increase of 7M in business by 2025,” he states.


Set up in 1959, the company is the origin of the Sonae Group, a Portuguese multinational that is present in 62 countries and which manages a diversified portfolio of businesses in the areas of industry, retail, financial services, technology, shopping centres, and telecommunications. In 2021, the group's turnover exceeded 8 billion.

With over 60 years of innovation and leadership in the sector, and with the aim of creating its own identity and holding a prominent position in the production and distribution of Laminates and Compacts, SURFORMA was set up in 2018: a global brand focused essentially on the Furniture, Construction, and Decoration industries. The company operates in over 30 countries, in 5 continents.


Ricardo Rodrigues, Chief Executive Officer & Founder
+351 22 532 3550

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–fdfa–438c–817d–2f8f6219a1c1

Surforma Globally Launches Ballistic Plate

PORTO, Portugal, July 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Surforma has launched on the world market CompactShield, a ballistic plate for use in urban environments with civil risks, aimed at more demanding markets for the protection of people, especially in countries in regional blocks such as America, Africa, and the Middle East.

The Efanor group company "" which owns the Sonae group "" affirms that the new solution is the result of 3 years of research and development in partnership with Beyondcomposite, gaining a great advantage over existing ones, essentially in its applicability as a decorative solution, thereby not needing two components: ballistic protection and surface design, in addition to weight, durability, price.

With level IIIA, III, and IV protection, according to the NIJ standard 0108:01, the new ballistic CompactShield is mainly intended for the sectors of construction (public buildings, police stations, banks, etc.) and transport (armoured vehicles, bus driver barriers, shipping containers, etc.).

“It is a technological revolution where, in addition to protecting human lives, we incorporate the decorative factor in a single solution, allowing its application to have different uses, namely in the transport and construction sectors,” says Miguel Nogueira, Surforma CEO.

The company has, this way, started a process of globally repositioning its Laminates and Compacts business, both structurally, with the introduction of new raw materials, and technically, by investing in new ranges with improved performance.

“With our new innovation strategy and product pipeline, sales can grow by 10% in the next 5 years, essentially through exports, and resulting in a forecasted increase of 7M in business by 2025,” he states.


Set up in 1959, the company is the origin of the Sonae Group, a Portuguese multinational that is present in 62 countries and which manages a diversified portfolio of businesses in the areas of industry, retail, financial services, technology, shopping centres, and telecommunications. In 2021, the group's turnover exceeded 8 billion.

With over 60 years of innovation and leadership in the sector, and with the aim of creating its own identity and holding a prominent position in the production and distribution of Laminates and Compacts, SURFORMA was set up in 2018: a global brand focused essentially on the Furniture, Construction, and Decoration industries. The company operates in over 30 countries, in 5 continents.


Ricardo Rodrigues, Chief Executive Officer & Founder
+351 22 532 3550

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–fdfa–438c–817d–2f8f6219a1c1

Surforma Globally Launches Ballistic Plate

PORTO, Portugal, July 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Surforma has launched on the world market CompactShield, a ballistic plate for use in urban environments with civil risks, aimed at more demanding markets for the protection of people, especially in countries in regional blocks such as America, Africa, and the Middle East.

The Efanor group company "" which owns the Sonae group "" affirms that the new solution is the result of 3 years of research and development in partnership with Beyondcomposite, gaining a great advantage over existing ones, essentially in its applicability as a decorative solution, thereby not needing two components: ballistic protection and surface design, in addition to weight, durability, price.

With level IIIA, III, and IV protection, according to the NIJ standard 0108:01, the new ballistic CompactShield is mainly intended for the sectors of construction (public buildings, police stations, banks, etc.) and transport (armoured vehicles, bus driver barriers, shipping containers, etc.).

“It is a technological revolution where, in addition to protecting human lives, we incorporate the decorative factor in a single solution, allowing its application to have different uses, namely in the transport and construction sectors,” says Miguel Nogueira, Surforma CEO.

The company has, this way, started a process of globally repositioning its Laminates and Compacts business, both structurally, with the introduction of new raw materials, and technically, by investing in new ranges with improved performance.

“With our new innovation strategy and product pipeline, sales can grow by 10% in the next 5 years, essentially through exports, and resulting in a forecasted increase of 7M in business by 2025,” he states.


Set up in 1959, the company is the origin of the Sonae Group, a Portuguese multinational that is present in 62 countries and which manages a diversified portfolio of businesses in the areas of industry, retail, financial services, technology, shopping centres, and telecommunications. In 2021, the group's turnover exceeded 8 billion.

With over 60 years of innovation and leadership in the sector, and with the aim of creating its own identity and holding a prominent position in the production and distribution of Laminates and Compacts, SURFORMA was set up in 2018: a global brand focused essentially on the Furniture, Construction, and Decoration industries. The company operates in over 30 countries, in 5 continents.


Ricardo Rodrigues, Chief Executive Officer & Founder
+351 22 532 3550

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–fdfa–438c–817d–2f8f6219a1c1

WPP's Gain Theory Named A Leader in Marketing Measurement and Optimization Solutions

NEW YORK, Jan. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gain Theory, a global foresight consultancy that accelerates growth for ambitious brands, has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Marketing Measurement and Optimization Solutions, Q1 2022.

The Forrester MMO wave evaluates and benchmarks the most significant marketing measurement and optimization providers against current offering, strategy, and market presence. Forrester categorizes providers as either Leaders, Strong Performers, Contenders or Challengers.

The Forrester report states that "Large global enterprises with complex marketing budgets in search of high–touch services should put Gain Theory on their short list" and notes that Gain Theory's "services offering really shines among the competitive set."

Gain Theory received the highest scores possible across 13 criteria, defined as superior relative to other vendors in the evaluation. Gain Theory's highest scores include the use case criteria of "Brand Portfolio Management', "Omnichannel Marketing Strategy and Planning' and "Insights Driven Business'. Full marks were also given to Gain Theory in the criteria of "Unified Measurement Methodology', "Marketing Strategy Consulting', "Business Strategy Consulting' and "Change Management Consulting'.

Of note is the top mark possible given to Gain Theory in "Unified Measurement Methodology'. The report states "Gain Theory's long–term approach is to advance its planning and optimization recommendations by incorporating more customer behaviors and data signals."

With regard to Gain Theory's ability to advise on enterprise–wide business growth levers, top marks were also given in the "Business Strategy Consulting" criterion which evaluated vendors' ability to apply its measurement and optimization capabilities across areas such as customer churn analysis, pricing analysis, demand generation analysis and other functional insights.

"At a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty, organizations need a more holistic and future–facing approach to accelerating growth. We have enabled our clients to do this by activating smart business strategies that fuse hindsight, insight, and foresight. We are delighted about our position as a Leader in Forrester's Wave report," said Gain Theory Global CEO, Manjiry Tamhane, "It confirms for us the unique value that we deliver to our clients globally who trust us to focus on what matters the most, simplify the complex at speed, and ultimately make a meaningful difference to their business performance."

About Gain Theory

Gain Theory is a global foresight consultancy, focused on accelerating growth for ambitious brands.

Our experts in data, advanced analytics, technology and consultancy fuse hindsight, insight, and foresight to improve investment decisions and activate growth at speed.

Available in 62 markets, our award–winning solutions and highly specialized vertical expertise support clients via four measurement and optimization pillars: Foundations for Growth, Data Excellence, Growth Accelerators and Activating for Growth.

To focus on what matters the most for clients, Gain Theory's proprietary Marketing Effectiveness Index evaluates and benchmarks marketing effectiveness maturity "" establishing critical gaps standing in the way of accelerated growth. Built on data, the Marketing Effectiveness Index benchmarks against sector and industry to help inform transformational roadmap priorities.

Gain Theory is"a"WPP"agency"(NYSE: WPP).""""

Find out more at and follow our social channels via LinkedIn or Twitter.

For press queries please contact:
Claudia Sestini
Global CMO, Gain Theory

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8466452)