BRF Ingredients, Symrise Awarded Top Performing Krill Replacements in F3 Challenge

NEW ORLEANS, March 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The F3 – Future of Fish Feed announced today the winners of the F3 Krill Replacement Challenge, recognizing Brazil–based BRF Ingredients and Germany–based Symrise for their groundbreaking innovations to replace krill in aquaculture feed. These companies are jointly winning the top prize for developing promising alternatives to krill, poised to transform the future of responsible aquaculture feed production.

“The F3 Krill Replacement Challenge has highlighted the incredible innovation and potential within the aquaculture industry, demonstrating that there are multiple solutions to replace krill,” said Kevin Fitzsimmons, chair of the F3 – Future of Fish Feed Initiative and professor and director of International Initiatives at the University of Arizona. “These alternatives will help protect our oceans while ensuring the continued growth of aquaculture.”

Symrise won for their protein hydrolysate ingredients and BRF Ingredients for their chicken hydrolysate. The winning companies shared the $100,000 USD grand prize, which was awarded during the Opening Plenary Session on March 7 at the World Aquaculture Society’s Aquaculture 2025 Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

These two companies' products emerged as the top performing krill replacements in a 12–week feed trial on Atlantic salmon, demonstrating superior growth, feed consumption, and survival rates. The two winners were chosen from a pool of 10 finalists, who were themselves selected from 40 global companies that entered the F3 Challenge to test their krillmeal alternatives to offer innovative solutions that could transform feed production and reduce the environmental impact of traditional krill sourcing. Testing was performed to confirm all products being used in the trial were free of marine animal ingredients.

About the Winners

BRF Ingredients is an interdependent business unit of BRF, which aims to add value to raw materials in the agricultural chain and leverage the circular economy, through an awareness of innovation, efficiency and sustainability, generating performance ingredients for BRF and, for the Food Ingredients, Animal Nutrition and Human Health markets. BioActio Health & Performance is BRF Ingredients' Chicken Hydrolyzed Protein, an ingredient rich in scientifically proven functional bioactive peptides. Produced through the enzymatic hydrolysis process of chicken raw material proteins (offal, giblets and chicken meat), it is an ingredient that promotes maximum performance and health, as well as being hypoallergenic.

“For us at BRF Ingredients, this recognition reinforces our commitment to feed the world with sustainable, high quality and global standard Ingredients. We congratulate all participants while celebrating our hydrolyzed products team’s technical skills and talent,” said Marcel Sacco, vice president of marketing and new channels at BRF Ingredients.

Symrise is a global supplier of fragrances, flavors, and ingredients for food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, serving clients in 160 countries with a focus on creating tailored, safe products that enhance quality of life and well–being. Symrise Aqua Feed leads the development of aquaculture feed ingredients, to reduce reliance on wild–caught proteins, including a functional hydrolysates support plant–based protein solutions for aquaculture, improving feed performance and sustainability.

“As a firm believer in the immense potential of byproduct valorization, I see this award as a testament to our ability to develop natural ingredients from circularly sourced raw materials,” said Vincent Percier, marketing director at Symrise Aqua Feed. “This innovation enables us to replace wild and endangered species like krill in feed formulations, contributing to a more sustainable global food production footprint.”

In addition, the F3 judges awarded honorable mentions to three companies for their exceptional performance as promising krill replacements: China–based Calysseo (single–cell protein), Netherlands–based Orffa Additives (amino–acid extract) and France–based Phileo by Lesaffre (yeast extract).

The F3 Krill Replacement Challenge, the fourth in a series of aquaculture–industry focused feed contests hosted by the F3 Initiative, was designed to spark innovation for alternatives to krill in aquaculture feed. This challenge was inspired by feed companies, particularly from China, who suggested finding alternative attractants and palatants would significantly assist in the transition to “fish–free” feed. These krill replacement products have the potential to greatly benefit a wide range of farmed seafood producers seeking to improve the performance of “fish–free” feeds, making these alternatives a promising solution for enhancing feed quality and appeal.

The environmental impact of sourcing marine ingredients for animal feed, pet food, and nutraceuticals has raised concerns among environmental advocates and the public, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable alternatives to wild–caught forage fish and krill, a critical priority as the global demand continues to rise.

Overfishing, climate change, and industrial harvesting have strained krill stocks, threatening their role as a key food source for many marine species. More sustainable alternatives are essential to reduce reliance on krill, protect ocean biodiversity, and ensure the future of aquaculture without further depleting ocean resources.

The F3 Initiative was founded on the belief that the ocean’s current fish stocks are insufficient to meet the needs of a growing global population, and that the development of innovative aquaculture feed ingredients is essential to secure a sustainable, food–secure future. The first three contests focused on eliminating wild–caught forage fish in feed.

The F3 – Future of Fish Feed is set to announce its next competition, focused on whole fish farm production, in the summer of 2025.

The Future of Fish Feed (F3) is a collaborative effort between NGOs, academic institutions, and private partnerships to accelerate the commercialization of innovative, substitute aquaculture feed ingredients to replace wild–caught fish.

Contact info:
Annie Reisewitz
MAR Communications
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9390708)

Bombardier honorée comme lauréate des prix d’Aviation Week Network pour la gérance environnementale

  • L’initiative pionnière de Bombardier de publier des déclarations environnementales de produit est louangée à la remise des prix 2025 d’Aviation Week Network
  • L’entreprise est le seul constructeur d’avions d’affaires dans le monde qui communique publiquement l’empreinte environnementale de l’ensemble de son portefeuille d’avions en production tout au long de leur cycle de vie

MONTRÉAL, 07 mars 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier est fière d’annoncer qu’elle a été reconnue comme lauréate des prix d’Aviation Week Network pour la publication de déclarations environnementales de produit avec tous ses avions en production. Cet honneur récompense ses efforts pionniers en matière de présentation de l’information environnementale dans l’industrie aéronautique. L’importante initiative, menée par l’équipe d’Innovation aéronautique de Bombardier et faisant appel à plusieurs intervenants internes et externes, vise à mesurer et à communiquer l’empreinte environnementale des avions de l’entreprise tout au long de leur cycle de vie, et incarne ses principes de progrès, d’innovation et de leadership.

Sa plus récente déclaration environnementale de produit ayant été publiée en 2024, Bombardier est devenue le seul constructeur d’avions d’affaires dans le monde qui communique publiquement l’empreinte environnementale de l’ensemble de son portefeuille d’avions en production. Les déclarations environnementales de produit sont publiques et accessibles sur le site Web de l’entreprise.

« Cette initiative a créé un précédent dans notre secteur et montre que Bombardier a une longueur d’avance en communiquant ouvertement les renseignements environnementaux de tous ses avions », a affirmé Sean Johnson, vice–président de l’innovation aéronautique chez Bombardier. « L’élaboration de la méthodologie scientifique derrière l’analyse du cycle de vie effectuée pour le programme Global 7500 de Bombardier il y a plusieurs années est toujours considérée comme un exemple par nos pairs. Cette démarche consistant à communiquer nos données environnementales en toute humilité pour explorer collectivement les moyens d’apporter des améliorations significatives devrait devenir la nouvelle norme. »

Éléments cruciaux de la stratégie environnementale globale de Bombardier, les déclarations environnementales de produit représentent un pas important vers une plus grande transparence. En plus de fournir des observations factuelles sur l’optimisation du rendement environnemental d’un produit à chaque étape de son cycle de vie, la publication de déclarations environnementales de produit est un acte de responsabilité et offre de précieux renseignements aux clients. Cette expertise environnementale renforce les efforts de Bombardier en faveur de l’utilisation de carburant d’aviation durable et est avantageuse pour le projet de recherche EcoJet à long terme de l’entreprise.

La remise des prix 2025 d’Aviation Week Network s’est déroulée le 6 mars 2025 au National Building Museum, à Washington, aux États–Unis.

À propos de Bombardier

Chez Bombardier (BBD–B.TO), nous concevons, construisons, modifions et entretenons les avions les plus performants du monde pour les particuliers, les entreprises, les forces armées et les gouvernements les plus avisés du monde. Cela signifie non seulement de dépasser les exigences des normes, mais aussi de comprendre les clients suffisamment bien pour anticiper leurs besoins inexprimés.

Pour eux, nous tenons à jouer un rôle de pionniers pour l’avenir de l’aviation – en innovant pour rendre le transport aérien plus fiable, plus efficace et plus durable. De plus, nous tenons absolument à faire preuve d’un savoir–faire attentionné sans pareil, en renforçant la confiance de nos clients et en leur offrant l’expérience de haut niveau à laquelle ils s’attendent. Parce que les gens qui façonnent le monde auront toujours besoin des moyens les plus productifs et les plus responsables pour s’y déplacer.

Les clients de Bombardier exploitent une flotte d’environ 5 100 avions, soutenus par un vaste réseau mondial de membres de l’équipe Bombardier, ainsi que par 10 établissements de services dans six pays. Les avions Bombardier aux performances de premier ordre sont fièrement construits dans des installations d’activités liées aux aérostructures, à l’assemblage ou à la finition au Canada, aux États–Unis et au Mexique. En 2024, Bombardier a été honorée par le prestigieux prix Red Dot du « Meilleur des meilleurs » pour les marques et le design en communication.


Vous trouverez des nouvelles et des renseignements sur l’entreprise, y compris le rapport de Bombardier sur les aspects environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance, ainsi que les plans de l’entreprise pour couvrir la totalité de ses opérations aériennes avec un mélange de carburant d’aviation durable en utilisant le système « Réserver et réclamer », sur le site

Pour en savoir plus sur les produits et le réseau de service à la clientèle de Bombardier à l’avant–garde de l’industrie, consultez le site Suivez–nous sur X @Bombardier.

Ressources pour les médias
Formulaire générique de relations médias 

Marie–Andrée Charron
marie–[email protected]

Bombardier et Global 7500 sont des marques déposées ou non déposées de Bombardier Inc. ou de ses filiales. 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9390818)

Bombardier Honored with Aviation Week Network Laureate Award for Environmental Stewardship

  • Bombardier’s precedent–setting initiative to publish Environmental Product Declarations commended at the 2025 Aviation Week Network’s Laureate Awards
  • The company is the only business jet manufacturer in the world to publicly disclose the environmental footprint of its entire in–production aircraft portfolio over their full life cycle

MONTREAL, March 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier is proud to announce that it has been recognized as an Aviation Week Laureate Award winner for the publication of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for all its in–production aircraft. This honor acknowledges its pioneering efforts in environmental disclosure within the aerospace industry. The initiative, a significant undertaking led by Bombardier’s Aircraft Innovation team and involving multiple internal and external parties, aims to measure and communicate the environmental footprint of the company’s aircraft over their full life cycle, and embodies its spirit of progress, innovation, and leadership.

With the publication of its latest EPD in 2024, Bombardier became the only business jet manufacturer in the world to publicly disclose the environmental footprint of its entire portfolio of in–production aircraft. The EPDs are public and accessible on the company’s website.

“This initiative has set a precedent in our industry and shows how Bombardier is ahead of the curve in openly sharing the environmental information for all its aircraft,” said Sean Johnson, Vice President, Aircraft Innovation at Bombardier. “The development of the scientific methodology behind the life cycle analysis conducted on the Bombardier Global 7500 program years ago is still regarded as an exemplar among our peers. The practice of humbly sharing our environmental data to collectively explore how to drive meaningful improvement should become the new standard.”

As a crucial component of Bombardier’s extensive environmental strategy, the EPDs represent a significant step toward greater transparency. In addition to providing factual insights into optimizing the environmental performance of a product at every stage of its life cycle, the publication of EPDs is an act of accountability and offers valuable information to customers. This environmental expertise reinforces Bombardier’s advocacy efforts for the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and is worthwhile for the company’s long term EcoJet research project.

The 2025 Aviation Week Laureate Awards were celebrated on March 6, 2025, at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.

About Bombardier

At Bombardier (BBD–B.TO), we design, build, modify and maintain the world’s best–performing aircraft for the world’s most discerning people and businesses, governments and militaries. That means not simply exceeding standards but understanding customers well enough to anticipate their unspoken needs.

For them, we are committed to pioneering the future of aviation—innovating to make flying more reliable, efficient and sustainable. And we are passionate about delivering unrivaled craftsmanship and care, giving our customers greater confidence and the elevated experience they deserve and expect. Because people who shape the world will always need the most productive and responsible ways to move through it.

Bombardier customers operate a fleet of approximately 5,100 aircraft, supported by a vast network of Bombardier team members worldwide and 10 service facilities across six countries. Bombardier’s performance–leading jets are proudly manufactured in aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. In 2024, Bombardier was honoured with the prestigious “Red Dot: Best of the Best” award for Brands and Communication Design.     

For Information

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier’s Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company’s initiative to cover all its flight operations with a blend of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) utilizing the Book–and–Claim system visit

Learn more about Bombardier’s industry–leading products and customer service network at Follow us on X @Bombardier.

Media Contacts
General media contact webform

Marie–Andrée Charron
marie–[email protected]

Bombardier and Global 7500 are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9390818)

PDI Technologies präsentiert die „The Retail Marketeers European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards”

HAMBURG, Deutschland und FRANKFURT, Deutschland, March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags freuen sich The Retail Marketeers und PDI Technologies bekannt zu geben, dass PDI Technologies die European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards in den Jahren 2025 und 2026 exklusiv präsentieren wird. Diese neu geschaffenen Auszeichnungen wurden entwickelt, um herausragende weibliche Führungskräfte aus ganz Europa zu ehren und werden 2025 erstmals verliehen, um hervorragende Leistungen in den Bereichen Führung, Innovation und Geschäftswachstum anzuerkennen.

Die Preisverleihung findet am 3. Dezember 2025 im Rahmen der The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention statt, dem jährlichen Branchentreffen der globalen Führungskräfte der Tankstellenindustrie.

„Wir sind stolz darauf, die ersten European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards ins Leben zu rufen“, erklärt Dawn Desai, SVP & GM, Enterprise Solutions bei PDI Technologies. „Diese Auszeichnungen spiegeln die Grundwerte von PDI Technologies wider. Unsere globale Kultur fördert Vielfalt und Inklusion und schätzt Mut, Neugier und Zusammenarbeit, um ein förderliches Umfeld für alle zu schaffen.“

Christian Warning, Eigentümer der The Retail Marketeers GmbH, ergänzt: „Wir wollen gemeinsam mit PDI Technologies weibliche Vordenkerinnen in unserer immer noch sehr männlich dominierten Branche auszeichnen und Unternehmen animieren, weibliche Talente zu fördern und in Top–Führungspositionen zu bringen, so wie es PDI Technologies vorbildlich aufzeigt.“

In diesem Eröffnungsjahr werden die Preisträger sorgfältig von Branchenexperten ausgewählt. Weitere Einzelheiten werden in den kommenden Monaten bekannt gegeben, während sich das Programm weiterentwickelt, einschließlich Einzelheiten zur Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung und der Zeremonie.

Über die The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention

Die The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention ist das jährliche Top–Event für Entscheider im globalen Convenience–Einzelhandel. Am 2. und 3. Dezember 2025 treffen sich die führenden Köpfe der Branche zum neunten Mal in Hamburg. Im Rahmen dieses Gipfeltreffens findet auch der NACS Convenience Leaders Exchange für die D–A–CH–Region statt. Henry O. Armour, Präsident und CEO von NACS, und Christian Warning, NACS Relationship Partner D–A–CH und Inhaber von The Retail Marketeers, werden Führungskräfte von lokalen, nationalen und multinationalen Einzelhändlern aus der D–A–CH–Region begrüßen.

Über PDI Technologies

Mit 40 Jahren Branchenführerschaft ist PDI Technologies, Inc. an der Schnittstelle zwischen Produktivität und Umsatzwachstum angesiedelt und liefert leistungsstarke Lösungen, die das Rückgrat des Ökosystems des Convenience–Einzelhandels und des Mineralölgroßhandels bilden. „Connecting Convenience“ ist unser Markenversprechen auf der ganzen Welt, denn wir ermöglichen Unternehmen, ihre Produktivität zu steigern, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und schneller mit ihren Kunden in Kontakt zu treten. Von groß angelegten ERP– und Logistikvorgängen bis hin zu Treueprogrammen und Cybersicherheit vereinfachen wir die Lieferkette der Branche für alles, was als Nächstes kommt. Heute bedienen wir über 200.000 Standorte in mehr als 60 Ländern und verfügen über regionale Niederlassungen in Amerika, EMEA und APAC.

Christian Warning im Namen von The Retail Marketeers GmbH
[email protected]
+49 160 974 42 730

Dimitra Farou | Sr. Manager, Regional Marketing, International
im Namen von PDI Technologies
+49 69 8237 9613
[email protected]

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung ist verfügbar unter:–821b–4b45–b3be–95a50862970a/de

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389426)

PDI Technologies Presents “The Retail Marketeers European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards”

HAMBURG, Germany and FRANKFURT, Germany, March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On the occasion of International Women’s Day, The Retail Marketeers and PDI Technologies are pleased to announce that PDI Technologies will exclusively present the inaugural European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards. Designed to honor outstanding female leaders from across Europe, these newly established awards will debut in 2025 to recognize excellence in leadership, innovation, and business growth.

The ceremony will take place on December 3, 2025, as part of The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention in Hamburg, Germany, the annual industry gathering for global leaders in the fuel retail sector.

“We are proud to co–launch the first European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards,” explained Dawn Desai, SVP & GM, Enterprise Solutions, at PDI Technologies. “These awards reflect our core values at PDI Technologies. Our global culture fosters diversity and inclusion, and it values courage, curiosity, and collaboration to create an environment that empowers everyone in the industry.”

Christian Warning, owner of The Retail Marketeers GmbH, added, “Together with PDI Technologies, we want to recognize female thought leaders in our still predominantly male–dominated industry and encourage companies to support female talent and promote them into top leadership positions, as PDI Technologies exemplifies.”

In this inaugural year, the honorees will be carefully selected by a panel of industry experts. Additional details will be available in the coming months as the program evolves, including how to attend the event and ceremony.

About The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention

The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention is the annual highlight for decision–makers in global convenience retail. On December 2 and 3, 2025, this unique English–speaking industry event in the heart of Hamburg will bring together the leading minds from across the entire value chain for the ninth time. This two–day summit of the petrol station industry will also feature the NACS Convenience Leaders Exchange for the D–A–CH region. NACS President and CEO Henry O. Armour and Christian Warning, NACS Relationship Partner D–A–CH and owner of The Retail Marketeers, will welcome executives from local, national, and multinational convenience retailers in the D–A–CH region.

About PDI Technologies

With 40 years of industry leadership, PDI Technologies, Inc. resides at the intersection of productivity and sales growth, delivering powerful solutions that serve as the backbone of the convenience retail and petroleum wholesale ecosystem. “Connecting Convenience” is our brand promise across the globe, as we empower businesses to increase productivity, make informed decisions, and engage faster with their customers. From large–scale ERP and logistics operations to loyalty programs and cybersecurity, we’re simplifying the industry supply chain for whatever comes next. Today, we serve over 200,000 locations in more than 60 countries and have regional offices in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC.


Christian Warning on behalf of The Retail Marketeers GmbH
[email protected]
+49 160 974 42 730

Dimitra Farou | Sr. Manager, Regional Marketing, International
on behalf of PDI Technologies
+49 69 8237 9613
[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–821b–4b45–b3be–95a50862970a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389426)

Les étudiants de l’université Dauphine grands vainqueurs du Denodo University Challenge

PALO ALTO, État de Californie, 05 mars 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Denodo, acteur leader de la gestion des données, annonce que l’équipe Data Shoe de l’université Paris–Dauphine, en France remporte le dernier Denodo University Challenge, intitulé « Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy » (les données au service du changement social : comment améliorer l’espérance de vie). L’équipe gagnante réunit Nassim Fatmi et Youcef Azouaoui sous la houlette de leur capitaine Dounia Bouloudene. Le lien ci–dessus renvoie vers une vidéo, fournie par leurs soins, qui présente la solution. L’université espagnole A Coruña (université de La Corogne) a en outre remporté un prix récompensant la plus grande participation d’équipes à ce concours.

Le programme académique de Denodo prépare les étudiants au moyen de modules de formation virtuels et adaptés à leur rythme, d’ateliers en temps réel et d’un accès sans frais à un environnement de sa plateforme. Le dernier Denodo University Challenge, annoncé en septembre 2024, a mis les équipes estudiantines au défi de développer la solution la plus efficace pour exploiter les données et l’analytique en vue d’améliorer les pratiques ESG et, en définitive, l’espérance de vie.

Pour les étudiants participants, le challenge « Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy » a sous–tendu l’intégration d’opinions sur les sources de données, à la fois préfournies et identifiées par leurs soins pour associer l’espérance de vie à différents facteurs en vue de tirer des conclusions. Un tel exercice leur a imposé des analyses de données moyennant des outils de reporting et/ou de visualisation, et la réalisation de graphiques et autres visuels en amont de la présentation de leurs travaux.

L’équipe gagnante, Data Shoe, a démontré que l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins de santé, la réduction de la pollution de l’air et la promotion en faveur de la stabilité politique constituent des atouts majeurs pour améliorer l’espérance de vie, et que l’avancement des politiques publiques dans ces domaines peut à la fois déclencher un progrès social significatif et améliorer la qualité de vie à l’échelle mondiale. Pour résoudre ce challenge, l’équipe Data Shoe a identifié, consulté et intégré des données publiques disponibles sur la pollution de l’air et la stabilité politique.

Le jury a par ailleurs salué l’excellent travail réalisé par l’équipe Data Shoe dans l’explication des métadonnées entrées sur la plateforme Denodo et relayées par le module Denodo Design Studio et dans la restitution d’un résumé clair dans leur rapport sous Microsoft Power BI, annexé de visuels faciles à comprendre. Les conclusions de l’équipe étaient également bien étayées par leur analyse.

La capitaine, Dounia, s’est exprimée au nom de toute l’équipe en ces termes : « Le Denodo University Challenge nous a appris à réfléchir de manière stratégique pour résoudre des enjeux complexes d’intégration de données en utilisant efficacement la plateforme Denodo, et à extraire des informations pertinentes à partir de données brutes. Nos plus grands obstacles ont été de choisir la meilleure manière d’optimiser notre approche et d’identifier les plus pertinentes sources de données. Nous les avons surmontés grâce au travail d’équipe et à notre persévérance. »

« J’ai ressenti une extrême fierté envers le niveau de professionnalisme dont l’équipe Data Shoe a fait preuve dans cette compétition », observe Alberto Pan, Directeur technique de Denodo. « Ensemble, ils ont su démontrer l’importance de bonnes données, enrichies par une couche sémantique, pour répondre de manière claire et articulée aux questions de longévité. Les fonctionnalités de gestion logique des données de la plateforme Denodo, tout comme le support au développement low code/no code, facilitent l’apprentissage rapide de la plateforme et la conception de solutions pour les étudiants, et jusqu’aux individus sans expérience approfondie en gestion des données. L’équipe Data Shoe a su tirer parti de ces capacités pour élaborer rapidement une solution robuste et bien conçue. »

Le prochain Denodo University Challenge, axé sur l’IA, est ouvert à la pré–inscription dès aujourd’hui.

Contacts médias
[email protected]

À propos de Denodo
Denodo est un acteur leader de la gestion des données. Sa plateforme primée est une référence en gestion logique des données et permet de fournir des données dans la langue des affaires et à un rythme adapté, pour toutes les initiatives liées aux données au sein de toute organisation. À l’appui d’un retour sur investissement supérieur à 400 % et d’un bénéfice chiffré en millions de dollars, les clients de Denodo, spécialisés dans plus de 30 secteurs et répartis à travers le monde, ont pu récupérer leur investissement en moins de six mois. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur le site Internet

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389230)

Studierende der Dauphine Universität gewinnen Denodo University Challenge

PALO ALTO, Kalifornien, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Denodo, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Datenmanagement, gab bekannt, dass der Gewinner der jüngsten Denodo University Challenge, Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy, das Team Data Shoe von der Universität Dauphine in Paris, Frankreich ist. Das Team besteht aus Dounia Bouloudene (Kapitänin), Nassim Fatmi und Youcef Azouaoui (Die oben verlinkte Seite enthält ein von Data Shoe bereitgestelltes Video, das die Lösung des Gewinners zeigt). Darüber hinaus wurde die Universidade da A Coruña in Spanien mit einem Preis für die Teilnahme der meisten Teams an diesem Wettbewerb ausgezeichnet.

Das Akademische Programm von Denodo bereitet Studierende durch virtuelle, selbstgesteuerte Trainingsmodule, Live–Workshops und eine kostenlose Version der Denodo–Plattform vor. Bei der letzten University Challenge, die im September letzten Jahres angekündigt wurde, wurden Studierendenteams mit der Aufgabe konfrontiert, die effektivste Lösung für die Nutzung von Daten und Analysen zur Verbesserung der ESG–Praktiken und letztlich der Lebenserwartung zu entwickeln.

Die Challenge „Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy“ verlangte von den Studierenden die Integration von Datenquellen, sowohl bereitgestellte als auch selbst identifizierte, um so die Lebenserwartung mit einer Vielzahl von Faktoren in Beziehung zu setzen und Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen. Dabei mussten die Studierenden die Daten mithilfe von Berichts– und/oder Visualisierungstools analysieren sowie Diagramme und andere Darstellungen erstellen, um ihre Ergebnisse zu präsentieren.

Das Gewinnerteam Data Shoe hat gezeigt, dass die Verbesserung des Zugangs zur Gesundheitsversorgung, die Verringerung der Luftverschmutzung und die Förderung der politischen Stabilität entscheidend für die Verbesserung der Lebenserwartung sind und dass die Förderung der öffentlichen Politik in diesen Bereichen nicht nur einen bedeutenden sozialen Fortschritt, sondern auch eine bessere Lebensqualität auf der ganzen Welt bewirken kann. Um diese Aufgabe zu lösen, hat das Team Data Shoe öffentlich verfügbare Daten über Luftverschmutzung und politische Stabilität identifiziert, abgerufen und integriert.

Die Jury stellte außerdem fest, dass Data Shoe die in der Denodo–Plattform erstellten Metadaten mit Hilfe des Denodo Design Studios hervorragend erklärt und in ihrem Microsoft Power BI–Bericht eine klare Darstellung mit leicht verständlichen Grafiken geliefert hat. Die Schlussfolgerungen des Teams wurden durch seine Analyse gut unterstützt.

Dounia sprach für das ganze Team, als sie sagte: „Die Denodo University Challenge hat uns beigebracht, wie man strategisch über die Lösung komplexer Datenintegrationsprobleme nachdenkt. Dabei wurde die Denodo Plattform effektiv mit dem Ziel eingesetzt, relevante Erkenntnisse aus Rohdaten zu gewinnen. Unsere größten Herausforderungen waren die Wahl der besten Methode zur Optimierung unseres Ansatzes und die Suche nach den wertvollsten Datenquellen. Durch Teamarbeit und Beharrlichkeit konnten wir diese Herausforderungen meistern.“

„Ich war sehr stolz auf die Professionalität, mit der das Team Data Shoe an diesem Wettbewerb teilgenommen hat“, sagte Alberto Pan, Chief Technology Officer bei Denodo. „Durch ihre Zusammenarbeit haben sie gezeigt, wie wichtig gute Daten sind, die durch eine semantische Ebene erweitert werden, um Fragen zur Langlebigkeit auf klare und vertretbare Weise zu beantworten. Die logischen Datenverwaltungsfunktionen der Denodo–Plattform, wie z. B. die Unterstützung von Low Code/Ono Code Development, machen es auch Studierenden und Personen ohne umfassende Datenverwaltungserfahrung leicht, die Plattform schnell zu erlernen und Lösungen zu entwickeln. Das Team Data Shoe hat diese Möglichkeiten optimal genutzt, um in kürzester Zeit eine stabile, gut durchdachte Lösung zu entwickeln.“

Die nächste Denodo University Challenge mit dem Schwerpunkt KI ist ab heute für Voranmeldungen geöffnet.

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Über Denodo
Denodo ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Datenmanagement. Die preisgekrönte Denodo–Plattform ist die führende logische Datenmanagementplattform für die Bereitstellung von Daten in der Sprache des Unternehmens, in der Geschwindigkeit des Unternehmens, für alle datenbezogenen Initiativen im gesamten Unternehmen. Mit einem ROI von über 400 % und Gewinnen in Millionenhöhe haben sich die Investitionen von Denodo–Kunden in Unternehmen in über 30 Branchen auf der ganzen Welt in weniger als sechs Monaten amortisiert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9389230)

Dauphine University Students Win Denodo University Challenge

PALO ALTO, Calif., March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Denodo, a leader in data management, announced that the winner of the latest Denodo University Challenge, Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy, is the Data Shoe team from Dauphine University, in Paris, France, with members Dounia Bouloudene (captain), Nassim Fatmi, and Youcef Azouaoui (The page hyperlinked above includes a video, supplied by Data Shoe, that showcases the winning solution). Additionally, the Universidade da A Coruña, in Spain, was awarded a prize for contributing the most teams to this competition.

The Denodo Academic Program prepares students through virtual, self–paced training modules, live workshops, and a free version of the Denodo Platform. The latest University Challenge, announced in September of last year, put teams of students through the paces as they raced to build the most effective solution for leveraging data and analytics to improve ESG practices and ultimately life expectancy.

The Data for Social Change: Improve Life Expectancy challenge required students to integrate views of data sources, both supplied and student–identified, to correlate life expectancy with a variety of factors and draw conclusions. The challenge required students to analyze the data using reporting and/or visualization tools and build graphs and other representations to present their findings.

The winning team, Data Shoe, demonstrated that improving healthcare access, reducing air pollution, and fostering political stability are critical to the improvement of life expectancy, and that advancing public policies in these areas can drive not only significant social progress, but also better quality of life, globally. To solve this Challenge, the Data Shoe team identified, accessed, and integrated publicly available data related to air pollution and political stability.

The judges also determined that Data Shoe did an excellent job of explaining the metadata created in the Denodo Platform using the Denodo Design Studio and providing a clear narrative in their Microsoft Power BI report, along with easy–to–understand visuals. The team’s conclusions were well supported by their analysis.

Dounia spoke for the whole team when she said, “The Denodo University Challenge taught us how to think strategically about solving complex data integration problems by efficiently using the Denodo Platform, with the aim of retrieving relevant insights from raw data. Our biggest challenges were choosing the best way to optimize our approach and finding the most valuable data sources, but teamwork and perseverance allowed us to overcome them.”

“I was extremely proud of the level of professionalism that the Data Shoe team brought to this competition,” said Alberto Pan, chief technology officer at Denodo. “Working together, they demonstrated the importance of good data, enhanced through a semantic layer, to answer questions about longevity in a clear, defensible way. The Denodo Platform’s logical data management capabilities, such as support for low code/no code development, makes it easy for students and those without extensive data management experience to rapidly learn the platform and develop solutions. The Data Shoe team leveraged these capabilities to quickly build a robust, well–designed solution.”

The next Denodo University Challenge, focused on AI, is open for pre–registration starting today.

Media Contacts
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About Denodo
Denodo is a leader in data management. The award–winning Denodo Platform is the leading logical data management platform for delivering data in the language of business, at the speed of business, for all data–related initiatives across the organization. Realizing more than 400% ROI and millions of dollars in benefits, Denodo’s customers across enterprises in 30+ industries all over the world have received payback in less than six months. For more information, visit

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9388502)

Axi Recognised With ‘Best Workplace 2025’ Award by Xref Engage

SYDNEY, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading online FX and CFD broker Axi announced that it has been recognised with the Best Workplace 2025 award by Xref Engage. The latest award builds on the broker’s previous recognition by Voice Project, where Axi won the ‘Best Workplace’ award for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021.

Rajesh Yohannan, CEO at Axi, shared his excitement for the company’s newest recognition: “This award is a testament to the strong culture we’ve built together—one grounded in innovation, collaboration, and a shared commitment to excellence. At Axi, we continually invest in creating a safe and respectful environment where everyone can express their opinion and be heard, and thrive and succeed, and we’re incredibly proud to see our efforts reaffirmed.

Founded in 2007, the Australian–based broker has grown from a two–person startup to a highly respected global group of companies, with over 400 staff members from 45+ nationalities across nine offices worldwide: Australia, Singapore, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Dubai, Philippines, Malaysia, India, and Vanuatu.

The latest accolade follows a series of other notable achievements for Axi. In 2024, the broker was recognised with the ‘Innovator of the Year’ award at the 2024 Dubai Forex Expo and was recently named ‘Most Innovative Proprietary Trading Firm’ by Finance Feeds. Additionally, the broker was also named Best Broker (MENA), Most Trusted Broker (LatAm), Most Reliable Broker (Europe), and Best Introducing Broker Programme (Asia) for 2024 by Global Forex Awards.

About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFD trading company, with thousands of customers in 100+ countries worldwide. Axi offers CFDs for several asset classes including Forex, Shares, Gold, Oil, Coffee, and more.

For more information or additional comments from Axi, please contact: [email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–307b–4f21–bcf2–1af3f88de766

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001050815)

Global Nonprofit NFTE Announces Winners of First-Ever “Imagination League” in World Series of Innovation

New York, NY, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) — in partnership with Aramco, the Citi Foundation, and MetLife Foundation — proudly announces the winners of the Imagination League of the World Series of Innovation (WSI). Since 2009, NFTE’s annual WSI competition has invited young people from around the world to come up with creative solutions addressing real–world issues tied to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

This year marked a significant expansion of WSI, which was offered for the first time to a younger audience of children ages 5–12 through the Imagination League, and in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, and Hindi, thanks to the generous support of Aramco. The program aimed to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs to think critically about global challenges and devise innovative solutions. 

“Through the World Series of Innovation Imagination League, NFTE provides a platform for our youngest entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and engage meaningfully with global problems,” said Dr. J.D. LaRock, President & CEO of NFTE. “As the program continues to grow, I’m excited to see it inspire even more young innovators to consider how their ideas can contribute to a sustainable future for all.” 

“We are proud to support WSI and especially the newly expanded Imagination League. This comes as part of our commitment to provide children around the world with greater opportunities to learn and participate through ensuring resource accessibility in multiple languages,” said Hadeel Al–Eisa, Corporate Citizenship Manager at Aramco. “The talent and creativity of these young innovators is incredible. Their ideas not only reflect their potential but also highlight the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and sustainability from an early age.” 

Overall, this year’s World Series of Innovation drew a total of 5,112 participants from 82 countries, with 1,161 participating in the Imagination League and competing for the chance to win up to $600 in prizes. Each challenge is linked to a specific SDG, encouraging participants to think critically about pressing global issues: 

  • Harlyn Bowns & Becca Dean from Randall Middle School in Florida won the Aramco Clean Water Challenge with their idea CWW, a long filtration pipeline that can stretch for miles to filter out harmful germs in contaminated water. 
  • Michal Lucian Prenoveau and Avi Dhillon from Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida won the Citi Foundation Youth Economic Advancement Challenge with their idea Stock Up on Jobz, an app designed for kids who want to explore additional ways to earn money within their community. 
  • Myra Saxena from Herbert Hoover Elementary School in California won the MetLife Foundation Good Health and Well–Being Challenge with her idea Healthy Littles, a convenient platform for children with diabetes to research healthy habits, discover diabetes–friendly recipes, and log their food intake. 

The winners of the World Series of Innovation Impact League (ages 13–24) will be announced on April 14, 2025. 

Learn more about the NFTE WSI innovation challenges, the sponsoring organizations, and the prizes being offered at Find out more about the winning entries at


For media inquiries, please contact NFTE National Communications Director Denise Berkhalter, APR, 917–281–4362, at [email protected]

About NFTE 

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) ignites the entrepreneurial mindset with unique learning experiences that empower students to own their futures. A global nonprofit founded in 1987, NFTE provides high–quality entrepreneurship education to middle school, high school, and postsecondary students. NFTE brings the power of entrepreneurship to students, regardless of family income, community resources, special needs, gender identity, race, or ethnicity. NFTE has educated more than a million students, delivering our programs in school, out of school, in–person, online, or through hybrid models. Visit to learn more. 


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9360222)