Deriv Expands Global Reach with 7 New Offices

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, one of the world's largest online brokers, opened 7 new offices worldwide in 2022 to broaden its reach and leverage talented professionals spread across the globe.

In the fast–moving world of financial trading, changes are inevitable. Trading firms need to adapt to the evolving financial environment and innovate on their feet. Deriv has always been a broker able to adapt to changes. Last year was one of success and expansion for the firm, reflected in its opening of 7 new offices worldwide.

Deriv's new office locations ranged from Vanuatu in the east to the Cayman Islands in the west and spanned 3 continents. Deriv opened 2 new offices in Asia, 2 in Europe, and one each in South America, Oceania, and the Caribbean.

Singapore and Amman, Jordan, became Deriv's latest offices in Asia. Reading, UK, and Berlin, Germany, were the European additions to Deriv workplaces. A new office was set up in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, making it the company's second workplace in the country, adding to its existing address in Asuncin. George Town, Cayman Islands, and Port Vila, Vanuatu, were the other Deriv workplaces in 2022.

The latest additions take the total Deriv office count up to 20 in 16 countries and will help the company reach new clients in more locations as it looks to become the world's number 1 trading provider.

As it expands globally, Deriv aims to tap into the vast talent pool that exists across the world and provide its employees with the best tools to enhance their knowledge, skills, and experience which will in turn enable them to contribute to the company's growth and success. Several Deriv locations have been certified with the 'Best Places to Work' for 2022 by Great Place to Work (GPTW).

Jean–Yves Sireau, the CEO of Deriv, said: "At Deriv, we believe that talent isn't restricted by geography. Our 7 new offices have allowed us to explore new markets "" some of them in non–English–speaking countries "" and hire quality professionals to help us achieve our goals in 2023. We are expanding our reach by adding new products and services, and customising them to local needs as we integrate our systems with AI language tools, including Amazon Translate."

He added: "Our hires at the new offices have helped us strengthen our technical infrastructure, add expertise, and create localised educational materials for traders on our platforms."

Over the course of 2023, Deriv will look to add new employees at its latest offices and to its existing multinational and multicultural workforce "" that currently stands at over 1,200 "" as it aims to become the world's number 1 trading provider. If you want to be part of this successful and fast–growing team, check out open positions at Deriv.

About Deriv

Starting its journey in 1999, Deriv's mission has been to make online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Deriv's product offering includes intuitive trading platforms, over 200 tradable assets (in markets such as forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies), unique trade types, and more. With more than 1,200 employees in 20 global offices spread across 16 countries, Deriv strives to provide the best work environment, which includes positive work culture, timely addressing of employee concerns, celebrating achievements, and conducting initiatives to boost their morale.

Aleksandra Zuzic

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–345e–4315–a55e–62d7dc21ad3a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808216)

Deriv accroît sa présence dans le monde avec 7 nouveaux bureaux

CYBERJAYA, Malaisie, 04 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, l'un des plus grands brokers en ligne au monde, a ouvert 7 nouveaux bureaux dans le monde en 2022 afin d'largir sa prsence et de s'appuyer sur des professionnels talentueux rpartis dans le monde entier.

Dans un monde en constante volution des transactions financires, les changements sont invitables. Les socits de trading doivent s'adapter l'volution de l'environnement financier et innover en permanence. Deriv a toujours t un broker capable de s'adapter aux changements. L'anne dernire a t marque par le succs et l'expansion de la socit, comme en tmoigne l'ouverture de sept nouveaux bureaux dans le monde.

Les nouveaux bureaux de Deriv se situent entre le Vanuatu l'est et les les Camans l'ouest et couvrent trois continents. Deriv a ouvert 2 nouveaux bureaux en Asie, 2 en Europe, et un en Amrique du Sud, en Ocanie et dans les Carabes.

Singapour et Amman, en Jordanie, sont devenus les derniers bureaux de Deriv en Asie. Reading, au Royaume–Uni, et Berlin, en Allemagne, ont t les nouveaux lieux de travail de Deriv en Europe. Un nouveau bureau a t ouvert Ciudad del Este, au Paraguay, ce qui en fait le deuxime lieu de travail de l'entreprise dans le pays, en plus de l'adresse existante Asuncin. George Town, aux les Camans, et Port Vila, au Vanuatu, sont les autres lieux de travail de Deriv en 2022.

Ces nouvelles implantations portent le nombre total de bureaux Deriv 20 dans 16 pays et aideront l'entreprise atteindre de nouveaux clients dans un plus grand nombre d'endroits, alors qu'elle cherche devenir le premier fournisseur de services de trading au monde.

Dans le cadre de son expansion mondiale, Deriv vise exploiter le vaste rservoir de talents qui existe dans le monde entier et fournir ses employs les meilleurs outils pour amliorer leurs connaissances, leurs comptences et leur exprience, ce qui leur permettra de contribuer la croissance et la russite de l'entreprise. Plusieurs sites de Deriv ont t certifis par Great Place to Work (GPTW) comme “Best Places to Work” pour 2022.

Jean–Yves Sireau, PDG de Deriv, a dclar : ” Chez Deriv, nous pensons que les talents ne sont pas limits par la gographie. Nos sept nouveaux bureaux nous ont permis d'explorer de nouveaux marchs – dont certains dans des pays non anglophones – et de recruter des professionnels de qualit pour nous aider atteindre nos objectifs en 2023. Nous tendons notre porte en ajoutant de nouveaux produits et services, et en les adaptant aux besoins locaux mesure que nous intgrons nos systmes avec des outils linguistiques d'IA, notamment Amazon Translate.”

Il a ajout : “Nos recrutements dans les nouveaux bureaux nous ont aids renforcer notre infrastructure technique, ajouter de l'expertise et crer du matriel ducatif localis pour les traders sur nos plateformes”.

Au cours de l'anne 2023, Deriv cherchera recruter de nouveaux talents dans ses nouveaux bureaux ainsi que dans ses effectifs multinationaux et multiculturels existants – qui s'lvent actuellement plus de 1 200 personnes – dans le but de devenir le premier acteur du trading mondial. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de cette quipe performante et en pleine expansion, consultez les postes pourvoir chez Deriv.

propos de Deriv

Deriv a commenc son histoire en 1999, avec pour mission de rendre le trading en ligne accessible tout le monde, n'importe o. L'offre de Deriv comprend des plateformes de trading intuitives, plus de 200 actifs ngociables (sur des marchs tels que le forex, les actions et les crypto–monnaies), des types de transactions uniques, et bien plus encore. Avec plus de 1 200 employs dans 20 bureaux rpartis dans 16 pays, Deriv s'efforce d'offrir le meilleur environnement de travail possible, ce qui inclut une culture de travail positive, la prise en compte rapide des proccupations des employs, la clbration des russites et la mise en "uvre d'initiatives visant stimuler leur moral.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse suivante :–345e–4315–a55e–62d7dc21ad3a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808215)

A Deriv amplia o seu alcance global com 7 novos escritórios

CYBERJAYA, Malásia, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Deriv, uma das maiores corretoras online do mundo, abriu 7 novos escritrios ao redor do mundo em 2022 para ampliar o seu alcance e alavancar profissionais talentosos espalhados por todo o mundo.

Com o movimento acelerado do mundo da negociao financeira, as mudanas so inevitveis. As empresas de negociao precisam se adaptar ao ambiente financeiro em constante evoluo e inovar rapidamente. A Deriv sempre foi uma corretora capaz de se adaptar s mudanas. O ano passado foi de sucesso e expanso para a empresa, o que resultou na abertura de 7 novos escritrios ao redor do mundo.

Os novos escritrios da Deriv esto distribudos desde Vanuatu, na parte leste do globo, at s Ilhas Cayman, no oeste, se estendendo por 3 continentes. A Deriv abriu dois novos escritrios na sia, dois na Europa e um escritrio na Amrica do Sul, na Oceania e no Caribe.

Singapura e Amman (Jordnia), tornaram–se os mais recentes escritrios da Deriv na sia. Reading (Reino Unido), e Berlim (Alemanha), so os novos escritrios europeus da Deriv. Um novo escritrio foi inaugurado em Ciudad del Este, no Paraguai, que se tornou o segundo escritrio da empresa no pas, somando–se ao j existente escritrio na capital paraguaia, Assuno. George Town (Ilhas Cayman), Port Vila (Vanuatu), foram os demais polos da Deriv em 2022.

As incorporaes mais recentes elevam o nmero total de escritrios da Deriv para 20, em 16 pases, e ajudaro a empresa a conquistar novos clientes em mais lugares, j que ela avana com afinco para se tornar a principal provedora de negociao online no mundo.

medida em que se expande mundialmente, a Deriv busca aproveitar o grande leque de talentos que existe pelo mundo e proporcionar aos seus funcionrios as melhores ferramentas para aperfeioar seus conhecimentos, habilidades e experincias que, por sua vez, iro permitir que eles contribuam para o crescimento e sucesso da empresa. Vrios escritrios da Deriv foram certificados em 2022 com o "Best Places to Work" (Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar) concedido pela Great Place to Work (GPTW).

Jean–Yves Sireau, o CEO da Deriv, destacou: "Na Deriv, ns acreditamos que o talento no se limita pela geografia. Os nossos 7 novos escritrios nos permitiram explorar novos mercados – alguns deles em pases onde o ingls no falado – e contratar profissionais de qualidade que nos ajudem a atingir os nossos objetivos em 2023. Estamos ampliando o nosso alcance ao adicionar novos produtos e servios, e personalizando todos eles s necessidades locais medida que integramos os nossos sistemas com ferramentas de idiomas de IA, incluindo a Amazon Translate."

Ele completa: "Nossas contrataes nos novos escritrios nos ajudaram a fortalecer nossa infraestrutura tcnica, agregar experincia e criar materiais didticos personalizados para os traders em nossas plataformas."

Durante o ano de 2023, a Deriv pretende incluir novos funcionrios em seus escritrios mais recentes e a sua j existente equipe de colaboradores multinacional e multicultural – que atualmente superior a 1.200 – j que aspira se tornar a principal provedora de negociao online no mundo. Se voc quiser fazer parte desta equipe de grande sucesso e crescimento acelerado, confira as vagas disponveis na Deriv.

Sobre a Deriv

Iniciando sua jornada em 1999, a misso da Deriv tem sido tornar a negociao online acessvel a qualquer um, em qualquer lugar. A oferta de produtos da Deriv inclui plataformas de negociao intuitivas, mais de 200 ativos negociveis (em mercados como forex, aes e criptomoedas), tipos de negociao exclusivos e muito mais. Com mais de 1.200 colaboradores em 20 escritrios internacionais espalhados por 16 pases, a Deriv se esfora para proporcionar o melhor ambiente de trabalho, o que inclui uma cultura de trabalho positiva, assistncia imediata s preocupaes de seus colaboradores, a comemorao de suas conquistas, e a realizao de iniciativas que visam elevar a moral dos seus colaboradores.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em–345e–4315–a55e–62d7dc21ad3a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808215)

A Deriv é acreditada Ouro pela Investors in People

DUBAI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Deriv, uma das lderes na indstria de fintech, conquistou a acreditao Ouro da We invest in people. Este o primeiro reconhecimento da indstria conquistado em 2023, uma de suas inmeras metas este ano.

Receber a acreditao Ouro um triunfo e algo que apenas 17% das organizaes que a Investors in People (IIP) avalia conseguem alcanar. Este ttulo vlido por 3 anos. A IIP premia as empresas que aperfeioam o seu modelo de gesto para demonstrar confiana, motivar seus colaboradores a aprimorarem suas habilidades e conhecimentos, e permanecer geis em meio s mudanas.

Para a Deriv, a acreditao Ouro reconhece tanto a abordagem de liderana, quanto s prticas humanizadas e a cultura de confiana que o corretor tem se dedicado a construir em todos os escritrios da Deriv. Os resultados da pesquisa comprovam que 80% dos funcionrios concordam com prticas humanizadas consistentes. Eles valorizam a cultura de trabalho empoderada que os inspira a estar em alto nvel e a dar o melhor de si.

Os resultados da pesquisa tambm revelam que a Deriv oferece oportunidades de crescimento na carreira, e que se preocupa em colocar as pessoas em primeiro lugar. Os funcionrios participam da inovao e transformao atravs de uma mudana na mentalidade, que parte do "pensar pequeno" ao "pensar grande", sobre os seus objetivos profissionais, sobre a empresa e a indstria.

As empresas pr–selecionadas se baseiam em trs princpios:

Liderana: Qual o grau de confiana existente entre os funcionrios e a equipe de liderana? Os lderes esto altura de seus valores e inspiram de fato a cultura adequada?

Apoio: Existem as estruturas certas para que os funcionrios possam realizar bem seu trabalho? Os funcionrios so recompensados por trabalharem bem? E recebem o apoio adequado caso estejam com dificuldades?

Aperfeioamento: Existem muitas oportunidades para que os funcionrios cresam e se desenvolvam? A empresa est pronta para qualquer mudana que o futuro possa trazer?

O processo:

  • O representante da IIP conversa com a empresa, seus funcionrios, e tambm sobre qual a motivao para a conquista do ttulo.
  • A IIP encaminha uma pesquisa aos funcionrios para conferir como eles se sentem em relao ao trabalho na empresa e quo bem eles recebem apoio.
  • A IIP realiza entrevistas individuais com os funcionrios e participa de reunies para obter informaes sobre o ambiente de trabalho. As principais concluses so publicadas em um relatrio que revela o fracasso ou o sucesso da empresa na conquista da acreditao. O relatrio tambm inclui recomendaes da IPP sobre os prximos passos para a empresa.
  • A IIP cria um plano de ao para as mudanas que a empresa deve implementar durante o perodo de acreditao.

A acreditao coloca a Deriv em 1 lugar no ranking no setor de finanas e seguros, e em 3 lugar no ranking mundial no setor de tecnologia/TI. Os rankings so para organizaes com capacidade para 250 a 4.999 funcionrios.

Ao comentar sobre o prmio, Seema Hallon, Chefe de Gesto de Pessoas, declarou:

"Esta uma conquista que nos enche de orgulho! Na Deriv, tentamos ao mximo criar um ambiente de trabalho que estimule cada membro da equipe a tomar posse de seus respectivos papis, e "elevar o nvel' para trazer tona a melhor contribuio para os seus cargos. A nossa cultura de confiana, impulsionada por nossos valores, tem base no dilogo transparente, na participao ativa e na diverso em conjunto. Estamos felizes por fazer parte desta jornada de excelncia com a IIP e desejamos chegar em breve categoria Platina! "

""A Deriv tem planos ambiciosos de crescimento para 2023. Ela est procura de profissionais qualificados para ampliar o seu ambiente de trabalho dinmico, diversificado e de ritmo acelerado. Junte–se a ns nesta jornada, confira as nossas vagas abertas.

Sobre a Deriv

Nos ltimos 23 anos, a misso da Deriv tem sido tornar a negociao online acessvel a qualquer um, em qualquer lugar. A oferta de produtos da Deriv inclui plataformas de negociao intuitivas, mais de 200 ativos negociveis (em mercados como forex, aes e criptomoedas), tipos de negociao exclusivos e muito mais. Com mais de 1.200 colaboradores em 20 escritrios internacionais espalhados por 16 pases, a Deriv se esfora para proporcionar o melhor ambiente de trabalho, o que inclui uma cultura de trabalho positiva, assistncia imediata s preocupaes de seus colaboradores, a comemorao de suas conquistas, e a realizao de iniciativas que visam elevar a moral dos seus colaboradores.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:–2e51–4da5–8bdc–e8ccab8ef6b2–744f–4eb2–a533–d19989a1f090–ef28–4ce4–a375–c0296647ba71

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000804883)

Deriv gets Gold accreditation by Investors in People

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, one of the leaders in the fintech industry, achieved We invest in people, gold accreditation. This is the first industry accolade received in 2023, one of its many goals this year.

Being awarded gold is a triumph and something only 17% of organisations that Investors in People (IIP) assess achieve. This accreditation is for 3 years. IIP celebrates companies that finetune their management style to demonstrate trust, motivate employees to improve skills and knowledge, and remain agile to change.

For Deriv the gold accreditation acknowledges the leadership approach, people practices, and culture of trust that the broker has strived to build in all its offices. Survey results reveal 80% of employees agree on solid people practices. They appreciate the empowering work culture which inspires them to be on their "A' game and work their best.

The insights captured also indicate Deriv provides career advancement opportunities and cares about putting people first. Employees participate in innovation and transformation through a shift from small to big thinking about their work scopes, the business, and the industry.

The shortlisting companies relies on three principles:

Leading: How much trust is there between employees and the leadership team? Do leaders live up to their values and inspire the right culture?

Supporting: Are the right structures in place so employees can do their job well? Are employees rewarded for doing well? And supported properly if they're struggling?

Improving: Are there plenty of opportunities for employees to grow and develop? Is the company ready for any changes the future might bring?

The process:

  • IIP representative talks to the company, its employees, and what is the motive for achieving accreditation.
  • IIP sends out a survey to employees to see how they feel about working in the company and how well they are supported.
  • IIP conducts one–on–one interviews with employees and attends meetings to gain insight into the workplace.
  • The key findings are published in a report revealing the company's failure or success in achieving the accreditation. The report also includes recommendations from IIP on the next steps for the company.
  • IIP creates an action plan for what changes the company should make over the accreditation period.

The accreditation positions Deriv in 1st ranking in the finance and insurance activities sector and 3rd ranking globally in the technology/IT sector. Rankings are for organisations with employee strength of 250""4,999.

Commenting on the award, Seema Hallon, Head of People Management, said:

"This is a proud achievement for us! At Deriv, we try our best to create a work environment that encourages every team member to take ownership of their jobs and "up their game' to bring out the best contribution to their roles. Our culture of trust, driven by our values, is based on open conversations, active involvement, agile working and fun together. We are excited to be on this journey of excellence with IIP and hope to be in the Platinum category soon!"

""Deriv has ambitious growth plans for 2023. It is looking for skilled professionals to expand its dynamic, diverse, and fast–paced workplace. Join us in our journey, view our open positions.

About Deriv

Over the last 23 years, Deriv's mission has been to make online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Deriv's product offering includes intuitive trading platforms, over 200 tradable assets (in markets such as forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies), unique trade types, and more. With more than 1,200 employees in 20 global offices spread across 16 countries, Deriv strives to provide the best work environment, which includes positive work culture, timely addressing of employee concerns, celebrating achievements, and conducting initiatives to boost their morale.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–2e51–4da5–8bdc–e8ccab8ef6b2–744f–4eb2–a533–d19989a1f090–ef28–4ce4–a375–c0296647ba71

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000804883)

Deriv reçoit l'accréditation Gold d'Investors in People

DUBAÏ, Emirats Arabes Unis, 19 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, l'un des leaders de l'industrie fintech, a obtenu l'accrditation We invest in people, gold. Il s'agit de la premire distinction reue par l'industrie en 2023, l'un de ses nombreux objectifs de l'anne.

L'obtention de la mdaille d'or est un triomphe que seules 17% des organisations values par Investors in People (IIP) atteignent. Cette accrditation est valable trois ans. L'IIP rcompense les entreprises qui affinent leur style de gestion pour faire preuve de confiance, motiver les employs amliorer leurs comptences et leurs connaissances, et rester flexibles face au changement.

Pour Deriv l'accrditation Gold reconnat l'approche du leadership, les pratiques du personnel et la culture de confiance que le courtier s'est efforc d'instaurer dans tous ses bureaux. Les rsultats de l'enqute rvlent que 80 % des employs sont d'accord sur la qualit des pratiques humaines. Ils apprcient la culture de travail responsabilisante qui les incite donner le meilleur d'eux–mmes.

Les informations recueillies indiquent galement que Deriv offre des possibilits d'avancement et se soucie de faire passer les collaborateurs en premier. Les employs participent l'innovation et la transformation en passant d'une petite une grande rflexion sur leur travail, l'entreprise et l'industrie.

La prslection des entreprises repose sur trois principes :

Diriger : Quel est le degr de confiance entre les employs et l'quipe dirigeante ? Les dirigeants sont–ils la hauteur de leurs valeurs et inspirent–ils la bonne culture ?

Soutenir : Les structures adquates sont–elles en place pour permettre aux employs de bien faire leur travail ? Les employs sont–ils rcompenss lorsqu'ils font bien leur travail ? Et sont–ils soutenus correctement s'ils rencontrent des difficults ?

Amliorer : Les employs ont–ils de nombreuses possibilits d'voluer et de se dvelopper ? L'entreprise est–elle prte faire face aux changements que l'avenir pourrait lui rserver ?

Le processus :

  • Un reprsentant de l'IIP s'entretient avec l'entreprise et ses employs et leur explique les raisons de l'obtention de l'accrditation.
  • IIP envoie une enqute aux employs pour savoir ce qu'ils pensent de leur travail dans l'entreprise et de la faon dont ils sont soutenus.
  • L'IIP mne des entretiens individuels avec les employs et assiste des runions pour se faire une ide du lieu de travail.
  • L'IIP mne des entretiens individuels avec les employs et assiste des runions pour se faire une ide du lieu de travail. Les principales conclusions sont publies dans un rapport qui indique si l'entreprise a russi ou chou obtenir l'accrditation. Le rapport contient galement des recommandations de l'IIP sur les prochaines tapes suivre par l'entreprise.
  • L'IIP labore un plan d'action sur les changements que l'entreprise doit apporter au cours de la priode d'accrditation.

L'accrditation place Deriv au 1er rang dans le secteur des activits financires et d'assurance et au 3e rang mondial dans le secteur des technologies de l'information. Les classements concernent les organisations dont l'effectif est compris entre 250 et 4 999 personnes.

Seema Hallon, responsable de la gestion du personnel, a comment cette rcompense :

“C'est une grande fiert pour nous ! Chez Deriv, nous faisons de notre mieux pour crer un environnement de travail qui encourage chaque membre de l'quipe s'approprier son travail et se surpasser pour apporter la meilleure contribution possible son rle. Notre culture de la confiance, guide par nos valeurs, est base sur des conversations ouvertes, une implication active, un travail agile et le plaisir de travailler ensemble. Nous sommes ravis d'tre sur la voie de l'excellence avec l'IIP et esprons tre bientt dans la catgorie Platine !

Deriv a des projets de croissance ambitieux pour 2023. Elle est la recherche de professionnels comptents pour dvelopper son lieu de travail dynamique, diversifi et en constante volution. Rejoignez–nous dans notre aventure, consultez nos offres d'emploi.

propos de Deriv

Au cours des 23 dernires annes, la mission de Deriv a t de rendre le trading en ligne accessible tous, partout. L'offre de Deriv comprend des plateformes de trading intuitives, plus de 200 actifs ngociables (sur des marchs tels que le forex, les actions et les crypto–monnaies), des types de transactions uniques, et bien plus encore. Avec plus de 1 200 employs dans 20 bureaux rpartis dans 16 pays, Deriv s'efforce d'offrir le meilleur environnement de travail possible, ce qui inclut une culture de travail positive, la prise en compte rapide des proccupations des employs, la clbration des russites et la mise en "uvre d'initiatives visant stimuler leur moral.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Des photos accompagnant ce communiqu sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :–2e51–4da5–8bdc–e8ccab8ef6b2–744f–4eb2–a533–d19989a1f090–ef28–4ce4–a375–c0296647ba71

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000804883)

Deriv’s partnership conference for top African achievers was a success

KIGALI, Rwanda, Dec. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — From September 30 to October 2, 2022, Deriv hosted their top–performing affiliates in Africa at a conference filled with networking opportunities, knowledge–sharing sessions, and social engagements. Deriv team members came from all over the region to meet with the affiliates from their respective countries.

A total of 100 top affiliates from Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Namibia, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, and Uganda attended the 2–day conference that took place in Kigali, Rwanda. The affiliates participated in intimate roundtable discussions to exchange ideas and give feedback to improve Deriv's partnership programmes. There were also learning sessions conducted by the affiliates themselves and the Deriv team.

Godfrey Zvenyika, Head of the Deriv Rwanda office, said, "The management and Africa Global Partnerships team planned and executed this event to absolute perfection. This conference gave us insight into how our partners can network and feed off each other, resulting in them performing even better. It was a total pleasure watching the interactions and networking during this conference."

The success of this inaugural conference has inspired plans for future events. Godfrey continued, "This is the first of many to come, and I believe the conferences can only get better. We are already looking forward to the next conference in February 2023 for the Francophone countries."

Isabel Gambura, Country Manager, further added, "The conference gave us an amazing opportunity to connect face–to–face and share experiences with our affiliates, people we have been partnering with for years. In fact, one of our top partners shared a very touching story about how our partnership had allowed her to lead an independent life. It was truly great to see how our programmes impact our partners' lives."

The event ended with a gala dinner to celebrate the achievements of all the conference attendees throughout their Deriv partnership. Check out the highlights of the conference here.

About Deriv

For the last 22 years, Deriv has built an extensive global affiliate network through some of the most attractive partnership programmes in the industry. With a mission to make online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere, it offers various opportunities to earn commission via a diverse suite of trading apps for desktop and mobile. Its affiliates all around the world enjoy 24/7 support and exclusive resources. Deriv's product offering includes seven intuitive trading platforms, over 200 tradable assets in markets such as forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies, unique trade types, and more. Some trading conditions, assets, and platforms are unavailable to clients residing in the European Union.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–dfb4–47c1–8c80–1a8f70604e4d–3028–46ff–9ca2–d62b8f417a21

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:–110e–4fe0–8d4d–58b9d8af61c2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8720931)

Deriv global offices certified as a Great Place to Work® for 2022-23

Celebrating achievements in Deriv's office in Malaysia

Cyberjaya, MALAYSIA, Dec. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, one of the world's largest online brokers, once again proved that great work challenges and dynamic work culture are the driving force behind its global success. Cyberjaya, Dubai, Asuncion, Minsk, Birkirkara, Limassol, Kigali, Ipoh, Malaka, and Labuan offices have been recognised as the "Best Places to Work' for 2022 by Great Place to Work (GPTW).

Deriv's offices in different regions made the top 30 workplaces list for the first time. The official list was announced based on the confidential feedback of employees on work culture, employee engagement, and job satisfaction and an audit of management policies and practices by the organiser's 'Trust Index '.

The surveys conducted in the offices across regions revealed that 100% said they are treated fairly regardless of gender and race. All agreed that the management is honest and ethical in its business practices. According to the survey results, a positive and fun environment, complemented by its supportive culture, made this possible.

Deriv efforts and commitment to building a workplace culture that focuses on core values of Integrity, Customer focus, Competence, and Teamwork ensued a positive outcome. The work culture is open and transparent and treats employees from diverse backgrounds with equality and honesty.

Jean–Yves Sireau, Chief Executive Officer shares, “We want Deriv to be a vibrant community of dynamic people who loves to build things, bring innovative solutions to exciting business challenges, and have fun together. Winning several "Best Places to Work' awards is a testimonial that we are on the right path!”

Click on the link to know the complete list of Deriv's certified offices.

GPTW certification celebrations across Deriv offices.

Deriv's office in Dubai – A Great Place to Work

Deriv's employees in Malta celebrated GPTW certification.

This information is considered accurate and correct at the date of publication. Changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact the accuracy of the information.

About Deriv
For the last 22 years, Deriv's mission has been to make online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Deriv's product offering includes intuitive trading platforms, over 200 tradable assets (in markets such as forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies), unique trade types, and more. Platforms and assets offered vary by country. With more than 950 employees present globally, Deriv strives to provide the best work environment, which includes positive work culture, timely addressing of employee concerns, celebrating employee achievements, and conducting initiatives to boost employee morale.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–38ce–4302–a07d–cd1d338efe77–da46–4f2e–9ebd–b04eeb52b5b7–b97d–47ea–9ee5–5131969d001f

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Deriv X – a highly customisable CFD trading platform

South America, Asia, Africa, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv Group Ltd, an international provider of trading platforms and services, has launched a CFD trading platform, Deriv X, a white–labelled version of DXtrade.

Deriv X, the newest addition to Deriv Group's suite of trading platforms, was developed alongside Devexperts, a software provider for global financial companies, based on DXtrade, Devexperts' SaaS trading solution.

The highly customisable Deriv X offers CFD trading on the most popular financial markets "" forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Deriv has also incorporated its proprietary synthetic indices into the platform. These indices are available to trade 24/7 and mimic real–world market movements while remaining unaffected by political and economic events. Synthetic indices offer a different UX to clients and are based on a cryptographically secure random number generator and regularly audited by an independent third party for fairness. These unique features make synthetic indices one of the most popular trading instruments among Deriv's clients.

Volatility indices – Deriv X

Deriv X is also equipped with a wide range of trading tools, making the platform a great choice for beginners and professional traders.

Beginners can benefit from key features, including:

  • A customisable interface that allows traders to drag and drop widgets, creating unique layouts in multiple workspaces
  • An embedded trading journal and dashboard to store all logs and help track and analyse trading activity
  • A chart with 90+ indicators and 13 drawing tools to enable traders to analyse multiple trades simultaneously

Trade Forex on Deriv X

While professional traders can also take advantage of:

  • Multiple widgets that can be set up in a workspace moved from one workspace to another or even to a separate window. For example, if a trader relies on technical analysis, they can craft a workspace consisting of just chart widgets.
  • Partial position closure, which allows traders to implement more complex risk management trading strategies
  • One–click trading that traders can enable by linking customisable watchlists across widgets

All these features are available on Deriv X and accessible via the web–based trading platform and iOS/Android mobile trading app. The platform is currently available to traders worldwide, except for those residing in Europe.

Jean–Yves Sireau, CEO of Deriv, commented on the launch of Deriv X: "Innovative thinking has always been the core of our growth strategy. Deriv is continuously working on introducing new products and services to give our clients the opportunity to utilise the latest technology, maximising their probability of success. We put our clients at the centre of everything we do, and use all our resources to help them always be one step ahead of the market."

Vitaly Kudinov, SVP of Business Development at Devexperts said: "Startups and established brokers know that trading platforms are not merely tools. Trading platforms are key elements of their business. Broker success depends heavily on how simple and user–friendly their platform is for clients and how smoothly and quickly it can be scaled to support x2, x5, x10, and even x100 user accounts. To achieve this, some brokers are building their own software, which is a long and expensive route. The path to creating usability and scalability for the Deriv X platform was extremely short since it's a white–label of DXtrade. I am excited to see Deriv's international community of traders enjoying Deriv X "" a platform we built with passion and integrity."

About Deriv
Deriv is one of the oldest brokers in the industry. Its story starts back in 1999, with only one office and continues to this day with 16 offices in 13 different countries and over 850 team members. Deriv's primary mission is to make trading available to everyone, everywhere. And the company is certainly moving towards its goal, constantly introducing new platforms and services to its growing clientele list.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–0fc7–4fbc–9334–c3fdf4615f78–67db–4c15–bf59–947bc6d9ae82