DEBx Medical obtient de nouveaux investissements auprès de TVM Capital Healthcare

Grâce au deuxième tour d’investissement de TVM Capital Healthcare, DEBx Medical s’apprête à accélérer sa croissance dans le domaine des solutions de traitement des plaies chroniques.

AMSTERDAM et DUBAÏ, Émirats arabes unis, 13 nov. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DEBx Medical, entreprise basée à Amsterdam et championne de l’innovation dans le domaine des soins avancés des plaies, annonce la réussite de son deuxième tour d’investissement de capitaux mené par TVM Capital Healthcare. Ce financement accélérera l’expansion internationale de DEBx Medical sur les principaux marchés mondiaux.

Faisant suite à un premier tour de financement réussi, l’investissement reflète la confiance croissante que suscite l’approche innovante de DEBx Medical en matière de gestion des plaies chroniques, notamment grâce à sa solution révolutionnaire, DEBRICHEM®. Cet agent dessiccant topique est utilisé pour éradiquer le biofilm et l’infection des plaies chroniques.

Un développement sur le marché international qui vise à transformer le traitement des plaies chroniques

Ce deuxième tour d’investissement soutient la stratégie de développement de l’entreprise sur les marchés réglementés et concurrentiels, et viendra ainsi soutenir davantage encore la mission que DEBx Medical s’est fixée en matière de transformation de la gestion des plaies chroniques et d’amélioration des résultats pour les patients.

Pour les systèmes de santé du monde entier, les plaies chroniques représentent un fardeau considérable, non seulement du fait de leur prévalence mais aussi en raison des coûts associés, des complications, et des impacts sur la qualité de vie des patients.

Parce qu’elle permet d’éradiquer complètement le biofilm et l’infection des plaies chroniques, DEBRICHEM® offre une solution inégalée. Après avoir obtenu les certifications CE et ISO, l’entreprise a pu soigner avec succès des milliers de patients depuis le lancement de son produit sur le marché.

Point de vue des investisseurs

« Ce nouveau tour de financement de TVM Capital Healthcare va accélérera la commercialisation de DEBRICHEM® dans le monde entier tout en permettant à DEBx Medical d’atteindre davantage de patients et de soulager les souffrances causées par des plaies non cicatrisantes », a commenté Tristan de Boysson, associé gérant de TVM Capital Healthcare. « Par ailleurs, nous nous engageons à nouveau dans la stratégie du fonds Afiyah de TVM Healthcare visant à apporter des solutions innovantes à la région MENA, en particulier au Royaume d’Arabie saoudite, et nous sommes impatients d’entamer notre collaboration avec cette équipe impressionnante en vue d’atteindre ces objectifs. »

Le renouvellement de l’investissement de TVM Capital Healthcare permettra à DEBx Medical d’élargir ses activités commerciales.

« Nous sommes ravis de franchir cette étape clé dans l’expansion mondiale de DEBx Medical », a déclaré Bert Quint, PDG de DEBx Medical. « Ce tour de financement nous permettra de pénétrer des marchés clés dans le monde entier, là où le fardeau des plaies chroniques reste important. Le soutien de nos investisseurs apporte une solide validation du potentiel de notre produit à transformer les pratiques de soins des plaies dans le monde entier. »

Stimuler l’innovation en matière de soin des plaies

En offrant aux professionnels de la santé une solution puissante pour le traitement des plaies chroniques, DEBRICHEM® a déjà eu un impact significatif en Europe et dans certaines régions de la région MENA, et notamment en Arabie saoudite. Le produit a en effet obtenu des résultats remarquables en contribuant à relancer le processus de cicatrisation des plaies malgré l’obstacle que constituent le biofilm et l’infection.

DEBRICHEM®'s Mode of Action on Animated Wound Model: DEBRICHEM®

Une coupure de presse accompagnant cette annonce est disponible en cliquant sur ce lien.

Croissance et développement futurs

En plus d’étendre sa présence géographique, DEBx Medical continuera ses activités de recherche et développement pour introduire de nouvelles solutions de traitement des plaies. L’entreprise privilégie les données cliniques et la médecine fondée sur des données probantes, et c’est ce même principe qui continuera d’animer sa démarche de développement de son portefeuille de produits en vue de répondre aux besoins non satisfaits en matière de traitement des plaies chroniques.

À propos de DEBx Medical

DEBx Medical consacre ses activités à la transformation du traitement des plaies grâce à des solutions innovantes et scientifiques. Fondée en 2019, l’entreprise s’est fixé pour mission d’améliorer la vie des patients souffrant de plaies chroniques en fournissant aux professionnels des outils révolutionnaires pour traiter efficacement les plaies complexes. Le produit phare de la société, DEBRICHEM®, est un agent dessiccant topique qui élimine le biofilm et l’infection, favorisant ainsi une cicatrisation plus rapide et plus efficace des plaies. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez cette page Internet : DEBx Medical – Innovating The Future of Wound Care (debx–

À propos de TVM Capital Healthcare

TVM Capital Healthcare est une société mondiale de capital–investissement spécialisée dans les marchés émergents. Basée à Dubaï et à Singapour, la société possède des bureaux à Riyad, Boston, Munich et Ho Chi Minh–Ville. Afin d’améliorer l’accès local à des soins de santé de qualité et abordables, l’entreprise investit des capitaux d’expansion et de croissance dans des entreprises de soins de santé, ainsi que dans des sources locales de produits médicaux dans les secteurs des produits pharmaceutiques, des dispositifs médicaux et des solutions diagnostiques. Les partenaires d’investissement et d’exploitation, épaulés par un solide groupe de conseillers régionaux et internationaux expérimentés, possèdent une longue expérience en matière d’investissement dans le secteur de la santé et une solide expérience opérationnelle au Moyen–Orient et en Asie du Sud–Est. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez : 

Pour les demandes médias, veuillez contacter :

DEBx Medical : Chandrita Jaisinghani, press@debx–, +31 85 0878096

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001013002)

A DEBx Medical garante investimento expandido da TVM Capital Healthcare

A DEBx Medical está preparada para um crescimento acelerado em soluções para feridas crônicas, com o apoio da segunda rodada de investimento da TVM Capital Healthcare.

AMSTERDÃ e DUBAI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A DEBx Medical, uma líder inovadora com sede em Amsterdã na área de cuidados avançados de feridas, anuncia a bem–sucedida conclusão de sua segunda rodada de investimentos, liderada pela TVM Capital Healthcare. O financiamento acelerará a expansão global da DEBx Medical para os principais mercados ao redor do mundo.

O investimento segue uma bem–sucedida rodada inicial de financiamento e reflete a crescente confiança na abordagem inovadora da DEBx Medical para o tratamento de feridas crônicas, especialmente por meio de sua solução inovadora, DEBRICHEM®, um agente dIssecante tópico usado para erradicar biofilme e infecção de feridas crônicas.

A expansão global do mercado transformará o tratamento de feridas crônicas

Esta segunda rodada de investimento irá corroborar com a estratégia da empresa de se expandir para mercados altamente regulamentados e competitivos, fortalecendo ainda mais a missão da DEBx Medical de transformar o tratamento de feridas crônicas e melhorar os resultados dos pacientes.

As feridas crônicas impõem uma carga considerável aos sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo, não apenas devido à sua frequência, mas também aos custos associados, complicações e impactos na qualidade de vida dos pacientes.

O DEBRICHEM® oferece uma solução incomparável, erradicando completamente o biofilme e a infecção das feridas crônicas. Com as certificações CE e ISO obtidas, a empresa já tratou com sucesso milhares de pacientes desde sua introdução no mercado.

Perspectiva do investidor

“Esta nova rodada de financiamento da TVM Capital Healthcare acelerará a comercialização do DEBRICHEM® mundialmente e permitirá que a DEBx Medical alcance mais pacientes e alivie o sofrimento causado pelas feridas que não cicatrizam”, comentou Tristan de Boysson, sócio–gerente da TVM Capital Healthcare. “Também estamos reafirmando nosso compromisso com a estratégia do TVM Healthcare Afiyah Fund para levar soluções inovadoras à região MENA, particularmente ao Reino da Arábia Saudita, e esperamos trabalhar com essa equipe impressionante para alcançar esses objetivos.”

O investimento renovado da TVM Capital Healthcare permitirá ainda que a DEBx Medical amplie suas iniciativas de comercialização.

“Estamos entusiasmados em dar este importante passo na jornada da DEBx Medical em direção à expansão global”, disse Bert Quint, CEO da DEBx Medical. “Esta rodada de financiamento nos permitirá entrar nos principais mercados mundiais, onde o impacto das feridas crônicas ainda é significativo. O apoio dos nossos investidores é uma forte validação do potencial do nosso produto para transformar as práticas de cuidado de feridas em todo o mundo.”

Conduzindo a inovação no tratamento de feridas

O DEBRICHEM® já teve um impacto significativo na Europa e em partes da região MENA, incluindo a Arábia Saudita, oferecendo aos profissionais de saúde uma solução poderosa para tratar feridas crônicas. O produto tem mostrado resultados notáveis ao ajudar a reiniciar o processo de cicatrização em feridas onde o biofilme e a infecção eram uma barreira.

DEBRICHEM®'s Mode of Action on Animated Wound Model: DEBRICHEM®

Um trecho de mídia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível clicando neste link.

Crescimento e desenvolvimento futuro

Além de expandir seu alcance geográfico, a DEBx Medical planeja continuar avançando em seus esforços de pesquisa e desenvolvimento para introduzir novas soluções no cuidado de feridas. O foco da empresa em dados clínicos e medicina baseada em evidências continuará a ser um fator fundamental enquanto ela busca ampliar seu portfólio de produtos e atender às necessidades não atendidas no tratamento de feridas crônicas.

Sobre a DEBx Medical

A DEBx Medical é dedicada a transformar o tratamento de feridas por meio de soluções inovadoras e cientificamente fundamentadas. Fundada em 2019, a missão da empresa é melhorar a vida dos pacientes com feridas crônicas, fornecendo aos profissionais de saúde ferramentas revolucionárias para tratar feridas complexas de forma eficaz. O DEBRICHEM®, produto principal da empresa, é um agente dissecante tópico que elimina biofilme e infecção, promovendo uma cicatrização de feridas mais rápida e eficiente. Para mais informações, visite: DEBx Medical – Innovating The Future of Wound Care (debx–

Sobre a TVM Capital Healthcare

A TVM Capital Healthcare é uma empresa global de capital privado especializada em saúde e com foco em mercados emergentes. Com sede em Dubai e Cingapura, e escritórios em Riade, Boston, Munique e na cidade de Ho Chi Minh, a empresa investe capital de expansão e crescimento em empresas de saúde para melhorar o acesso local a tratamentos de qualidade e acessíveis, além de fontes locais de produtos médicos nos setores farmacêutico, de dispositivos médicos e diagnósticos. Os parceiros de investimento e operação, assim como um robusto grupo de conselheiros seniores regionais e internacionais, possuem longos históricos de sucesso em investimentos no setor de saúde e vasta experiência operacional no Oriente Médio e Sudeste Asiático. Para mais informações, acesse: 

Para comunicação social, entre em contato com:

DEBx Medical: Chandrita Jaisinghani, press@debx–, +31 85 0878096

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001013002)

DEBx Medical Secures Expanded Investment from TVM Capital Healthcare

DEBx Medical is poised for accelerated growth in chronic wound solutions, bolstered by the second round of investment by TVM Capital Healthcare.

AMSTERDAM and DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DEBx Medical, an Amsterdam–based pioneering innovator in the field of advanced wound care, announces the successful completion of its second capital investment round led by TVM Capital Healthcare. The funding will accelerate DEBx Medical’s global expansion into major markets around the world.

The investment follows a successful initial round of funding and reflects growing confidence in DEBx Medical’s innovative approach to chronic wound management, specifically through its breakthrough solution, DEBRICHEM®, a topical desiccating agent used to eradicate biofilm and infection from chronic wounds.

Global Market Expansion to Transform Chronic Wound Care

This second investment round will support the company’s strategy to expand into the highly regulated and competitive markets, further supporting DEBx Medical’s mission to transform the management of chronic wounds and improve patient outcomes.

Chronic wounds impose a considerable burden on healthcare systems world over, not just due to their prevalence but also due to the associated costs, complications, and impacts on patients' quality of life.

DEBRICHEM® offers an unparalleled solution completely eradicating biofilm and infection from chronic wounds, and with CE and ISO certifications obtained, the company has successfully treated thousands of patients since its market introduction.

Investor Perspective

“This new round of funding from TVM Capital Healthcare will accelerate the commercialization of DEBRICHEM® worldwide and enable DEBx Medical to reach more patients and alleviate the suffering caused by non–healing wounds,” commented Tristan de Boysson, Managing Partner of TVM Capital Healthcare. “We are also recommitting to the TVM Healthcare Afiyah Fund strategy to bring innovative solutions to the MENA region, particularly, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and look forward to working with this impressive team to achieve those objectives.”

TVM Capital Healthcare’s renewed investment will further enable DEBx Medical to expand its commercialization efforts.

“We are excited to take this important step in DEBx Medical’s journey toward global expansion,” said Bert Quint, CEO of DEBx Medical. “This round of funding will allow us to enter key markets around the world, where the burden of chronic wounds remains significant. Our investors’ support is a strong validation of our product’s potential to transform wound care practices worldwide.”

Driving Innovation in Wound Care

DEBRICHEM® has already made a significant impact in Europe and parts of the MENA region, including KSA, offering healthcare professionals a powerful solution to treat chronic wounds. The product has shown remarkable results in helping restart the healing process in wounds where biofilm and infection have been a barrier.

DEBRICHEM®'s Mode of Action on Animated Wound Model: DEBRICHEM®

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

Future Growth and Development

In addition to expanding its geographic reach, DEBx Medical plans to continue advancing its research and development efforts to introduce new solutions in wound care. The company’s focus on clinical data and evidence–based medicine will remain a driving force as it seeks to broaden its product portfolio and address unmet needs in chronic wound treatment.

About DEBx Medical

DEBx Medical is dedicated to transforming wound care through innovative, scientifically driven solutions. Founded in 2019, the company’s mission is to improve the lives of patients with chronic wounds by providing healthcare professionals with groundbreaking tools to treat complex wounds effectively. DEBRICHEM®, the company’s flagship product, is a topical desiccating agent that eliminates biofilm and infection, promoting faster and more efficient wound healing. For more information, visit: DEBx Medical – Innovating The Future of Wound Care (debx–

About TVM Capital Healthcare

TVM Capital Healthcare is a global healthcare private equity firm specializing in emerging markets. Headquartered in Dubai and Singapore, with offices in Riyadh, Boston, Munich, and Ho Chi Minh City, the firm invests expansion and growth capital in healthcare companies to improve local access to quality and affordable care, as well as local sources of medical products in the pharma, medical device, and diagnostics sectors. Investment and operating partners, as well as a strong group of regional and international senior advisors, have long–standing track records in healthcare investing and deep operating experience in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. For more information visit: 

For media inquiries, please contact:

DEBx Medical: Chandrita Jaisinghani, press@debx–, +31 85 0878096

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001013002)

DEBx Medical sichert sich erweiterte Investition von TVM Capital Healthcare

DEBx Medical ist bereit für ein beschleunigtes Wachstum im Bereich der Lösungen für chronische Wunden, gestützt durch die zweite Investitionsrunde von TVM Capital Healthcare.

AMSTERDAM und DUBAI, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DEBx Medical, ein in Amsterdam ansässiger, innovativer Pionier auf dem Gebiet der fortschrittlichen Wundversorgung, gibt den erfolgreichen Abschluss seiner zweiten Kapitalinvestitionsrunde unter der Leitung von TVM Capital Healthcare bekannt. Die Finanzierung wird die globale Expansion von DEBx Medical in die wichtigsten Märkte der Welt beschleunigen.

Die Investition folgt auf eine erfolgreiche erste Finanzierungsrunde und spiegelt das wachsende Vertrauen in den innovativen Ansatz von DEBx Medical im Bereich der Behandlung chronischer Wunden wider, insbesondere durch die bahnbrechende Lösung DEBRICHEM®, ein topisches Austrocknungsmittel zur Beseitigung von Biofilm und Infektionen in chronischen Wunden.

Globale Marktexpansion wird die Versorgung chronischer Wunden verändern

Diese zweite Investitionsrunde wird die Strategie des Unternehmens unterstützen, in die stark regulierten und wettbewerbsintensiven Märkte zu expandieren und die Mission von DEBx Medical zu unterstützen, das Management chronischer Wunden zu verändern und die Ergebnisse für die Patienten zu verbessern.

Chronische Wunden stellen weltweit eine erhebliche Belastung für die Gesundheitssysteme dar, nicht nur wegen ihrer Häufigkeit, sondern auch wegen der damit verbundenen Kosten, Komplikationen und der Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität der Patienten.

DEBRICHEM® bietet eine unvergleichliche Lösung zur vollständigen Beseitigung von Biofilm und Infektionen in chronischen Wunden. Mit den erhaltenen CE– und ISO–Zertifizierungen hat das Unternehmen seit seiner Markteinführung bereits Tausende von Patienten erfolgreich behandelt.


„Diese neue Finanzierungsrunde von TVM Capital Healthcare wird die weltweite Vermarktung von DEBRICHEM® beschleunigen und DEBx Medical in die Lage versetzen, mehr Patienten zu erreichen und das durch nicht heilende Wunden verursachte Leiden zu lindern“, so Tristan de Boysson, Managing Partner von TVM Capital Healthcare. „Wir halten auch an der Strategie des TVM Healthcare Afiyah Fund fest, innovative Lösungen in die MENA–Region zu bringen, insbesondere in das Königreich Saudi–Arabien, und freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit diesem beeindruckenden Team, um diese Ziele zu erreichen.“

Die erneute Investition von TVM Capital Healthcare wird DEBx Medical in die Lage versetzen, seine Vermarktungsbemühungen weiter auszubauen.

„Wir freuen uns, diesen wichtigen Schritt auf dem Weg der globalen Expansion von DEBx Medical zu machen“, so Bert Quint, CEO von DEBx Medical. „Diese Finanzierungsrunde wird es uns ermöglichen, in Schlüsselmärkte auf der ganzen Welt vorzudringen, in denen die Belastung durch chronische Wunden nach wie vor erheblich ist. Die Unterstützung unserer Investoren ist eine starke Bestätigung für das Potenzial unseres Produkts, die Wundversorgung weltweit zu verändern.“

Vorantreiben der Innovation in der Wundversorgung

DEBRICHEM® hat in Europa und in Teilen der MENA–Region, einschließlich im KSA, bereits große Erfolge erzielt und bietet medizinischen Fachkräften eine leistungsstarke Lösung zur Behandlung chronischer Wunden. Das Produkt hat bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse bei der Wiederaufnahme des Heilungsprozesses von Wunden gezeigt, bei denen Biofilm und Infektionen ein Hindernis darstellten.

DEBRICHEM®'s Mode of Action on Animated Wound Model: DEBRICHEM®

Ein Medien–Snippet zu dieser Ankündigung ist durch Anklicken dieses Links verfügbar.

Künftiges Wachstum und Entwicklung

Neben der Ausweitung seiner geografischen Reichweite plant DEBx Medical, seine Forschungs– und Entwicklungsbemühungen weiter voranzutreiben, um neue Lösungen für die Wundversorgung einzuführen. Die Konzentration des Unternehmens auf klinische Daten und evidenzbasierte Medizin wird auch weiterhin eine treibende Kraft sein, wenn es darum geht, sein Produktportfolio zu erweitern und den ungedeckten Bedarf in der Behandlung chronischer Wunden zu decken.

Über DEBx Medical

DEBx Medical hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Wundversorgung durch innovative, wissenschaftlich fundierte Lösungen zu verbessern. Das 2019 gegründete Unternehmen hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Leben von Patienten mit chronischen Wunden zu verbessern, indem es medizinischem Fachpersonal bahnbrechende Hilfsmittel zur effektiven Behandlung komplexer Wunden zur Verfügung stellt. DEBRICHEM®, das Vorzeigeprodukt des Unternehmens, ist ein topisches Trocknungsmittel, das Biofilm und Infektionen beseitigt und eine schnellere und effizientere Wundheilung fördert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: DEBx Medical – Innovating The Future of Wound Care (debx–

Über TVM Capital Healthcare

TVM Capital Healthcare ist ein weltweit tätiges Private–Equity–Unternehmen im Gesundheitswesen, das sich auf Schwellenländer spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Dubai und Singapur und Niederlassungen in Riad, Boston, München und Ho–Chi–Minh–Stadt investiert Expansions– und Wachstumskapital in Unternehmen des Gesundheitswesens, um den lokalen Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertiger und erschwinglicher Versorgung zu verbessern, sowie in lokale Anbieter von medizinischen Produkten in den Bereichen Pharma, Medizintechnik und Diagnostik. Die Investitions– und Betriebspartner sowie eine starke Gruppe regionaler und internationaler Berater verfügen über eine langjährige Erfolgsbilanz bei Investitionen im Gesundheitswesen und über umfassende operative Erfahrung im Nahen Osten und in Südostasien. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte: 

Für Medienanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

DEBx Medical: Chandrita Jaisinghani, press@debx–, +31 85 0878096

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001013002)

Angelini Pharma Enters Into An Exclusive Option Agreement With Cureverse to License Global Development and Commercialization Rights For A Novel and Innovative Clinical-Stage Brain Health Asset

  • The agreement gives Angelini Pharma an option to exclusive licensing rights to develop and commercialize CV–011, a clinical Phase 1 investigational novel compound with broad potential to treat brain health diseases
  • Cureverse receives undisclosed upfront payments and is eligible for future milestone–dependent payments and royalties, while retaining rights to commercialize CV–01 in the Republic of Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
  • The collaboration builds on Angelini Pharma’s strong portfolio and deep therapeutic expertise in brain health as well as Cureverse’s early development know–how and capabilities

ROME, Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Angelini Pharma, part of the privately owned Angelini Industries, and Cureverse Inc., an early–stage research and development company, announced today that they entered into an exclusive global option agreement for the development and commercialization of Cureverse’s innovative brain health asset CV–01.

Under the terms of the agreement, Angelini Pharma will lead all the development efforts for CV–01 and, following an initial option period, will have the right to obtain the global exclusive development and commercialization license for the compound, outside of the Republic of Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. CV–01 is a novel and innovative investigational compound that activates protective pathways regulated by the nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2) and has a strong potential to be a medication with disease–modifying properties across a range of brain health disorders, including epilepsy.i CV–01 is an investigational compound currently undergoing a Phase 1 clinical trial in the Republic of Korea and is being developed by Cureverse for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Cureverse will receive an upfront payment and will also be eligible to receive additional payments upon pre–defined development and commercial milestones of up to approx. US$360 million, as well as tiered royalties on post–approval net sales.

“Our strategic collaboration with Cureverse further strengthens Angelini Pharma’s position as an emerging leader in brain health,” said Jacopo Andreose, Chief Executive Officer of Angelini Pharma. “Neurological conditions such as epilepsy are among leading causes of disease burden worldwide.ii While significant progress has been achieved in the past 15 years, many people living with epilepsy are still unable to reach seizure control despite combination treatment of several anti–seizure medications.iii Through the development of CV–01 and potentially other compounds, we aim to provide much–needed solutions for people living with brain health conditions across the world.”

“Our research has unveiled the remarkable potential of CV–01 to transform the landscape of brain health, from epilepsy to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease,” said Sung Jin Cho, Chief Executive Officer at Cureverse Inc. “We are truly delighted to be partnering with Angelini Pharma on this journey. Their deep therapeutic expertise and commitment to brain health perfectly align with our vision. Together, we are not just developing a treatment—we are paving the way for a future where patients with neurological conditions have access to truly life–changing therapies.”

About Brain Health
Brain health as a therapeutic area includes both neurological and mental health conditions.iv Brain health is defined by the World Health Organization as a state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social–emotional, behavioral and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the course of their life, irrespective of the presence or absence of disorders.v

Brain health represents an urgent global health priority. An estimated 179 million Europeans are living with brain health conditionsvi and more than 18% of all health loss around the world is associated with brain conditions.vii Additionally, brain health conditions are responsible for considerable individual, economic and societal impact, including loss of independence, reduced productivity, strained relationships, increased risk of suicide as well as high healthcare costs.viii There is an urgent need to raise awareness, and reduce stigma, prejudice and discrimination, to ensure that brain health is valued, promoted and protected for all.v

About Epilepsy
Epilepsy is one of the most widespread neurological diseases in the world, affecting globally approximately 50 million people of all ages.ix In Europe, up to six million people are estimated to be living with this disease.x Epilepsy can have multiple potential causes, including structural, metabolic, genetic and other factors, though approximately half of cases worldwide do not have a known cause.ix

The complications associated with epilepsy are severe, with a risk of premature mortality up to three times higher than the general population.ix The recurrent seizures associated with this condition also have wide–ranging effects on a person’s broader physical and mental health, education and employment opportunities and other quality of life factors. ix

Treatments are available to help reduce seizures and improve quality of life, however approximately 40% of people living with epilepsy are still uncontrolled despite the treatment with two anti–seizure medications.iii

About Angelini Pharma
Angelini Pharma is an international pharmaceutical company, part of the privately owned multi–business Angelini Industries. The Company researches, develops and commercializes health solutions with a focus on the areas of Brain Health, including Mental Health and Epilepsy, and Consumer Health. Founded in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century, Angelini Pharma operates directly in 20 countries, employing more than 3,000 people. Its products are marketed in over 70 countries through strategic alliances with leading international pharmaceutical groups. For more information about Angelini Pharma please visit

About Angelini Industries
Angelini Industries is a multinational industrial group founded in Ancona in 1919 by Francesco Angelini. Today, Angelini Industries represents a solid and diversified industrial reality that employs approximately 5,800 employees and operates in 21 countries around the world with revenues of over 2 billion euros, generated in the health, industrial technology, and consumer goods sectors. A targeted investment strategy for growth; constant commitment to research and development; deep knowledge of markets and business sectors, make Angelini Industries one of the Italian companies of excellence in the sectors in which it operates. To learn more visit

About Cureverse Inc.
Founded in 2021, Cureverse has rapidly become a key innovator in the Korean biotech landscape, with a bold vision to revolutionize brain health on a global scale. Specializing in cutting–edge small–molecule therapies, Cureverse focuses on tackling central nervous system (CNS) disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (AD), aiming to bring hope to millions worldwide. While many AD drugs have made it to market, a true breakthrough has yet to be realized—until now. At the heart of our innovation is CV–01, a 'First–in–Class' therapy that uniquely targets the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway, activating Nrf2 through precise modulation. This approach offers unprecedented selectivity, effectively controlling neuroinflammation with precision unmatched by existing treatments. Alongside CV–01, Cureverse is actively advancing CV–02, a biased S1P1 agonist that is now IND–ready, as well as several promising follow–up non–clinical programs. With recent IND approvals and strong clinical progress, Cureverse is well–positioned to transform the way we treat neurological conditions and improve patients' lives across the globe.

Media Contact                
Chiara Antoniucci
Global Head of Brand and Media Communications, Angelini Pharma
Phone: +39 3477133926
Email: [email protected]

Sung Jin Cho
Chief Executive Officer, Cureverse Inc.
Email: [email protected], [email protected]


1 CV–01 is an investigational compound, not approved for use by regulatory authorities

i Data on file from Cureverse.
ii Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Global burden of conditions affecting the nervous system. Available at:–analysis/library/global–burden–conditions–affecting–nervous–system Last accessed: October 2024.
iii Chen Z, Brodie MJ, Liew D, Kwan P. Treatment Outcomes in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy Treated With Established and New Antiepileptic Drugs: A 30–Year Longitudinal Cohort Study. JAMA Neurol. 2018 Mar 1;75(3):279–286.
iv Winkler AS, et al. Lancet Glob Health. 2024;12(5):e735–e736.
v World Health Organization. Optimizing brain health across the life course: WHO position paper. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022.
vi Nutt D, et al. Eurohealth (Int) 2017;23:21–5.
vii Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Understanding brain health around the world. Available at: Last accessed: October 2024.
viii World Health Organization. World mental health report: transforming mental health for all. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022.
ix WHO. “Epilepsy Key Facts.” N.p., 9 Feb. 2023. Web. 24 Aug. 2023.
x Behr et al. Epidemiology of epilepsy. Revue Neurologique 2016 Jan; 172(1):27–36. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2015.11.003.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000998317)

Curium Announces Strategic Partnership with PeptiDream for Prostate Cancer Theranostics in Japan

  • Collaboration to include the clinical development, regulatory filing, and commercialization in Japan of 177Lu–PSMA–I&T and 64Cu–PSMA–I&T
  • Builds on long–standing relationship between the two companies
  • In Japan around 90,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year

PARIS, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curium, a world leader in nuclear medicine, announced today that it has entered into a strategic partnership with PDRadiopharma Inc, a wholly–owned subsidiary of PeptiDream, for the clinical development, regulatory filing, and commercialization in Japan of 177Lu–PSMA–I&T and 64Cu–PSMA–I&T. The two agents 177Lu–PSMA–I&T and 64Cu–PSMA–I&T target prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expressed on prostate cancer cells and are being investigated for prostate cancer treatment and diagnostics. Both target tumors with high levels of PSMA expression and thus potentially forming a theranostic (therapeutic & diagnostic) pair.

Under the terms of the partnership, Curium and PDRadiopharma will jointly collaborate on clinical development activities of 177Lu–PSMA–I&T and 64Cu–PSMA–I&T in Japan, with PDRadiopharma leading regulatory filing, manufacturing, commercialization, and distribution activities in Japan. Curium will continue to lead global development of the two agents and support PDRadiopharma through technology transfer to support the set–up of manufacturing lines in Japan – including a high throughput Copper 64 manufacturing line based on Curium’s proprietary technology.

Patrick C. Reid, President & CEO of PeptiDream commented: “Targeted radiopharmaceuticals are rapidly revolutionizing how we both diagnose and treat cancer. At PeptiDream and PDRadiopharma we are focused on expanding our pipeline of these powerful targeted therapies, and we are thrilled to be able to accelerate those efforts by partnering with Curium to bring their highly promising prostate cancer targeting radiopharmaceuticals to patients in Japan.”

Masato Murakami, President of PDRadiopharma & CMO of PeptiDream commented: “We are excited to partner with Curium in the development of 177Lu–PSMA–I&T and 64Cu–PSMA–I&T, highly promising products for both the diagnosis and treatment of PSMA–expressing prostate cancer. We look forward to working with Curium to deliver these much–needed agents to prostate cancer patients in Japan as quickly as possible.”

Chaitanya Tatineni, Curium’s CEO International Markets commented: “As a global innovator in the field of radiopharmaceuticals with a promising late–stage oncology pipeline, Curium is delighted to partner with PDRadiopharma which has more than four decades of experience in Japan. Curium and PDRadiopharma plan to leverage their complementary strengths to accelerate the development of innovative products for the benefit of prostate cancer patients in Japan.”

Prostate cancer continues to be widely prevalent in Japan. Annually, there are approximately 90,000 – 100,000 new cases, with patients with metastatic castration–resistant prostate cancer having an overall survival rate of approximately three years in clinical trial settings, and even shorter in the real–world, and there remains a significant unmet medical need for therapies.

177Lu–PSMA–I&T, a PSMA inhibitor conjugated with the radioisotope Lutetium 177, is currently being tested by Curium in a global pivotal Phase 3 ECLIPSE trial ( identifier; NCT05204927). ECLIPSE is a multi–center, open–label, randomized clinical trial comparing the safety and efficacy of 177Lu–PSMA–I&T versus hormone therapy in patients with metastatic castration–resistant prostate cancer. The ECLIPSE trial enrolled over 400 patients, across 51 trial sites in the United States and Europe.

64Cu–PSMA–I&T PET is currently being investigated in 2 multicenter Phase 3 trials; SOLAR RECUR testing the diagnostic performance in men with biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer ( identifier NCT06235099) and SOLAR STAGE testing the diagnostic performance in men with newly diagnosed unfavorable intermediate– to high–risk prostate cancer ( identifier; NCT06235151). The first in human Phase 1/2 SOLAR trial met the co–primary endpoints of region–level correct localization rate and patient–level correct detection rate in patients with histologically–proven metastatic prostate cancer. PSMA–targeted PET/CT imaging is increasingly emerging as a highly sensitive method for detection of locally recurrent or metastatic lesions in the context of biochemical recurrence and for localization of primary prostate cancer.

Curium and PDRadiopharma have a long–standing relationship in the radiopharmaceutical field.

For more information:

PeptiDream Inc.
Yuko Okimoto, IR & Public Affairs
[email protected]

PDRadiopharma Inc.
Noriko Tanaka, General Affairs
s–info–[email protected]

Ross Bethell
VP, Head of Global Communications
[email protected]

About PeptiDream Inc.
PeptiDream Inc. (Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market 4587) is leading the translation of macrocyclic peptides into a whole new class of innovative medicines to address unmet medical needs and improve the quality of life of patients worldwide. In its radiopharmaceutical business, through its wholly–owned subsidiary PDRadiopharma, PeptiDream markets and sells a number of approved radiopharmaceuticals and radiodiagnostics in Japan, as well as leveraging its proprietary Peptide Discovery Platform System (PDPS) technology to discover and develop a deep pipeline of innovative targeted radiotherapeutics and radiodiagnostics, spanning both wholly–owned internal programs and globally partnered programs. In its non–radiopharmaceutical business, PeptiDream is similarly leveraging PDPS to discover and develop a broad and diverse pipeline of investigational peptide therapeutics, peptide drug conjugates (PDC) and multi–functional peptide conjugates (MPC) across an extensive global network of discovery and development partners.   PeptiDream is headquartered in Kawasaki, Japan. For more information about our company, science and pipeline, please visit

About PDRadiopharma
PDRadiopharma, a wholly–owned subsidiary of PeptiDream since 2022, has been providing high–quality radiopharmaceuticals through the research and development, manufacturing, regulatory and sales as a forerunner in the field in radiopharmaceuticals, since it started its business in 1968. PDRadiopharma currently markets 21 radiodiagnostic products (spanning both SPECT and PET products) and 8 radiotherapeutic products (3 product categories) in Japan. Additionally, PDRadiopharma and PeptiDream are developing a broad pipeline of radiotherapeutics and radiodiagnostics for both the Japan and global markets. For more information about PDRadiopharma, please visit

About Curium
Curium is a world leader in nuclear medicine. We develop, manufacture, and distribute world–class radiopharmaceutical products to help patients around the globe. Our proven heritage combined with a pioneering approach are the hallmarks to deliver innovation, excellence, and unparalleled service. With manufacturing facilities across Europe and the United States, Curium delivers SPECT, PET and therapeutic radiopharmaceutical solutions for life–threatening diseases to over 14 million patients annually. The name ‘Curium’ honors the legacy of pioneering radioactive materials researchers Marie and Pierre Curie, after whom the radioactive element curium was named and emphasizes our focus on nuclear medicine. To learn more, visit    

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9249316)

A new report from the Access to Medicine Foundation reveals how patient-focused pharma companies' access efforts are

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The latest report from the Access to Medicine Foundation takes a first–ever look at the critical issue of how some of the largest pharmaceutical companies are reaching patients worldwide, especially in low– and middle–income countries (LMICs).

Ahead of the 2024 Access to Medicine Index, the Foundation examined the patient reach commitments and measurement approaches of the 20 companies that will be ranked in the upcoming Index in November. The analysis identified 42 unique approaches to measuring patient reach, each with varying degrees of comprehensiveness. Companies like AstraZeneca, Novartis, and Roche are leading the way with more nuanced approaches that go beyond simply tracking sales, enhancing the accuracy of their patient reach calculations. The report also emphasises that while many companies have set ambitious goals for reaching more patients in LMICs, these commitments could benefit from further refinement in order to drive real change.

What does the report find?

Encouragingly, 19 of the 20 companies assessed have reported using approaches to track the patients they reach with their essential medicines in LMICs, with the exception of AbbVie. However, these approaches vary widely.

Notably, many pharmaceutical companies set ambitious goals and make public commitments to expand their global patient reach, particularly in LMICs. A few of these commitments, including those set by Bayer, GSK and Johnson & Johnson, are clear, measurable and ambitious, with targets aligned with high global disease burdens.

However, findings also reveal significant potential for companies to refine their commitments and better their efforts to reach those in need. For example, the major insulin manufacturers—Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi—control over 90% of the market share and have pledged to expand access to their products in LMICs. Yet, their commitments collectively address only 1% of the diabetes prevalence within the 113 LMICs in the scope of the Index, which currently stands at over 350 million cases out of the global 525 million cases, according to Global Burden of Disease data from 2021.

“We have seen that the pharmaceutical industry is making ambitious commitments to reach more patients worldwide. However, this report reveals that there is still much work to be done in achieving meaningful impact and calls for urgent steps to ensure lifesaving products reach every patient, everywhere.”                    

Jayasree K. Iyer, CEO, Access to Medicine Foundation.

Next steps

To address chronic health inequity, the pharma industry and its partners must embed patient reach at the core of their business and partnerships. Using the key findings and recommendations identified in the Foundation's report, companies can strengthen and expand their current approaches, as well as collaborate and learn from one another.

Contact: Divya Verma, Head of Communication

[email protected] / +31 (0) 20 215 3535

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000990240)

Neuer Bericht der Access to Medicine Foundation zeigt Einsatz von Pharmaunternehmen für einen besseren Zugang zu Medikamenten für Patienten

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Der neueste Bericht der Access to Medicine Foundation wirft erstmals einen Blick auf die entscheidende Frage, wie einige der größten Pharmaunternehmen Patienten weltweit erreichen, insbesondere in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen.

Im Vorfeld des Access to Medicine Index 2024 hat die Stiftung die Verpflichtungen zur Patientenversorgung und die Messansätze der 20 Unternehmen untersucht, die im kommenden Index im November bewertet werden. Die Analyse identifizierte 42 einzigartige Ansätze zur Messung der Patientenreichweite, die jeweils unterschiedlich umfassend waren. Unternehmen wie AstraZeneca, Novartis und Roche gehen mit differenzierteren Ansätzen voran, die über die reine Verfolgung von Verkäufen hinausgehen und die Genauigkeit ihrer Berechnungen zur Patientenreichweite verbessern. Der Bericht betont auch, dass sich viele Unternehmen zwar ehrgeizige Ziele gesetzt haben, um mehr Patienten in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen zu erreichen, diese Verpflichtungen jedoch noch weiter verfeinert werden könnten, um echte Veränderungen voranzutreiben.

Zu welchen Schlussfolgerungen kommt der Bericht?

Erfreulicherweise haben 19 der 20 bewerteten Unternehmen angegeben, dass sie Ansätze zur Nachverfolgung der Patienten verwenden, die sie mit ihren lebenswichtigen Medikamenten in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen erreichen, mit Ausnahme von AbbVie. Diese Ansätze unterscheiden sich jedoch stark voneinander.

Insbesondere setzen sich viele Pharmaunternehmen ehrgeizige Ziele und verpflichten sich öffentlich, ihre globale Reichweite für Patienten, insbesondere in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen, zu erweitern. Einige dieser Verpflichtungen, darunter die von Bayer, GSK und Johnson & Johnson, sind klar, messbar und ehrgeizig, wobei die Ziele auf die hohe globale Krankheitslast abgestimmt sind.

Die Ergebnisse zeigen jedoch auch, dass Unternehmen ihr Engagement zu verfeinern und ihre Bemühungen, Bedürftige zu erreichen, zu verbessern. So kontrollieren beispielsweise die großen Insulinhersteller – Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk und Sanofi – über 90 % des Marktanteils und haben sich verpflichtet, den Zugang zu ihren Produkten in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen zu erweitern. Dennoch decken ihre Verpflichtungen zusammen nur 1 % der Diabetesprävalenz in den 113 Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen ab, die im Rahmen des Index erfasst werden. Laut den Daten zur globalen Krankheitslast aus dem Jahr 2021 beläuft sich die Diabetesprävalenz derzeit auf über 350 Millionen Fälle von weltweit 525 Millionen Fällen.

„Wir haben gesehen, dass die Pharmaindustrie ehrgeizige Verpflichtungen eingeht, um mehr Patienten weltweit zu erreichen. Dieser Bericht zeigt jedoch, dass noch viel zu tun ist, um eine spürbare Wirkung zu erzielen, und fordert dringende Maßnahmen, um sicherzustellen, dass lebensrettende Produkte jeden Patienten überall erreichen.“ 

Jayasree K. Iyer, CEO, Access to Medicine Foundation.

Nächste Schritte

Um chronische gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten zu beseitigen, müssen die Pharmaindustrie und ihre Partner die Patientenansprache in den Mittelpunkt ihres Geschäfts und ihrer Partnerschaften stellen. Unternehmen können die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus dem Bericht der Stiftung nutzen, um ihre aktuellen Ansätze zu stärken und zu erweitern sowie um zusammenzuarbeiten und voneinander zu lernen.

Kontakt: Divya Verma, Head of Communication

[email protected] / +31 (0) 20 215 3535

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000990497)

Un nouveau rapport de l’Access to Medicine Foundation révèle à quel point les efforts des entreprises pharmaceutiques en matière d’accès aux médicaments sont axés sur les patients

AMSTERDAM, 10 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le dernier rapport de l’Access to Medicine Foundation se penche pour la première fois sur la question cruciale de l’approche de certaines des plus grandes entreprises pharmaceutiques visant à améliorer l’accès aux médicaments pour les patients dans le monde entier, en particulier dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire (PRFI).

En prévision de l’Indice d’accès aux médicaments (Access to Medicine Index) 2024, la Fondation a examiné les engagements en matière d’accès aux médicaments pour les patients et les méthodes de mesure des 20 entreprises qui seront classées dans le prochain Indice en novembre. L’analyse a permis d’identifier 42 approches uniques de mesure de l’accès aux médicaments, chacune présentant un degré d’exhaustivité variable. Des entreprises telles que AstraZeneca, Novartis et Roche ouvrent la voie avec des approches plus nuancées qui vont au–delà du simple suivi des ventes, améliorant ainsi la précision de leurs calculs de l’accès aux médicaments pour les patients. Le rapport souligne également que si de nombreuses entreprises se sont fixé des objectifs ambitieux pour élargir l’accès aux médicaments à un plus grand nombre de patients dans les pays à revenu faible (PRF), ces engagements pourraient être affinés afin de susciter un véritable changement.

Quel constat le rapport établit–il ?

Il est encourageant de constater que 19 des 20 entreprises évaluées, à l’exception d’AbbVie, ont déclaré utiliser des approches visant à effectuer un suivi de l’accès aux médicaments essentiels pour leurs patients résidant dans les PRFI. Toutefois, ces approches varient considérablement.

Plusieurs entreprises pharmaceutiques, notamment, se fixent des objectifs ambitieux et s’engagent publiquement à élargir l’accès aux médicaments de leurs patients à l’échelle mondiale, en particulier dans les PRFI. Quelques–uns de ces engagements, notamment ceux de Bayer, GSK et Johnson & Johnson, sont clairs, mesurables et ambitieux, avec des objectifs alignés sur la charge de morbidité mondiale.

Toutefois, les résultats révèlent également que les entreprises ont la possibilité d’affiner leurs engagements et d’améliorer leurs efforts en matière d’accès aux médicaments pour les personnes qui en ont besoin. Par exemple, les principaux fabricants d’insuline — Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk et Sanofi — contrôlent plus de 90 % des parts de marché et se sont engagés à élargir l’accès à leurs produits dans les PRFI. Pourtant, leurs engagements ne concernent collectivement que 1 % de la prévalence du diabète dans les 113 PRFI couverts par l’Indice, qui s’élève actuellement à plus de 350 millions de cas sur les 525 millions de cas mondiaux, selon les données de 2021 sur la charge de morbidité mondiale.

« Nous avons pu constater que l’industrie pharmaceutique prenait des engagements ambitieux pour élargir l’accès aux médicaments pour les patients du monde entier. Cependant, ce rapport révèle qu’il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour obtenir des résultats significatifs et appelle à des mesures urgentes pour garantir l’accès de tous les patients aux médicaments salvateurs, aux quatre coins de la planète. » 

Jayasree K. Iyer, PDG, Access to Medicine Foundation.

Prochaines étapes

Afin de lutter contre les inégalités chroniques en matière de santé, l’industrie pharmaceutique et ses partenaires doivent placer l’accès aux médicaments pour les patients au cœur de leurs activités et de leurs partenariats. En s’appuyant sur les principales conclusions et recommandations du rapport de la Fondation, les entreprises peuvent renforcer et élargir leurs approches actuelles, mais aussi collaborer et apprendre les unes des autres.

Interlocutrice : Divya Verma, Responsable de la communication

[email protected]/+31 (0) 20 215 3535

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000990497)

Um novo relatório da “Access to Medicine Foundation” revela como os esforços de acesso das empresas farmacêuticas estão centrados nos pacientes

AMESTERDÃO, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O mais recente relatório da Access to Medicine Foundation analisa, pela primeira vez, a questão crítica de como algumas das maiores empresas farmacêuticas estão a chegar aos pacientes em todo o mundo, especialmente nos países com rendimentos médios e inferiores (PRMI).

Antes do Índice de Acesso a Medicamentos de 2024, a Fundação examinou os compromissos de alcance dos pacientes e as abordagens de medição das 20 empresas que serão classificadas no próximo Índice em novembro. A análise identificou 42 abordagens únicas para medir o alcance dos pacientes, cada uma com diferentes graus de abrangência. Empresas como a AstraZeneca, a Novartis e a Roche estão a liderar com abordagens mais detalhadas que vão além do simples acompanhamento de vendas, melhorando a precisão dos seus cálculos de alcance de pacientes. O relatório sublinha também que, embora muitas empresas tenham estabelecido objetivos ambiciosos para chegar a mais doentes nos PRMI, estes compromissos poderiam beneficiar de um maior aperfeiçoamento para promover uma verdadeira mudança.

Quais são as conclusões do relatório?

É encorajador o facto de 19 das 20 empresas avaliadas terem comunicado a utilização de abordagens para acompanhar os pacientes a que chegam com os seus medicamentos essenciais nos PRMI, com exceção da AbbVie. No entanto, estas abordagens variam muito.

Nomeadamente, muitas empresas farmacêuticas estabelecem objetivos ambiciosos e assumem compromissos públicos para expandir o seu alcance global em termos de pacientes, particularmente nos PRMI. Alguns destes compromissos, incluindo os estabelecidos pelas Bayer, GSK e Johnson & Johnson, são claros, mensuráveis e ambiciosos, com objetivos alinhados com os elevados encargos globais com doenças.

No entanto, as conclusões também revelam um potencial significativo para as empresas aperfeiçoarem os seus compromissos e melhorarem os seus esforços para chegar aos mais necessitados. Por exemplo, os principais fabricantes de insulina, como a Eli Lilly, a Novo Nordisk e a Sanofi, controlam mais de 90% da quota de mercado e comprometeram–se a expandir o acesso aos seus produtos nos PRMI. No entanto, coletivamente, os seus compromissos, abordam apenas 1% da prevalência da diabetes nos 113 PRMI no âmbito do Índice, que atualmente se situa em mais de 350 milhões de casos dos 525 milhões de casos globais, de acordo com os dados do Global Burden of Disease de 2021.

“Verificamos que a indústria farmacêutica está a assumir compromissos ambiciosos para chegar a mais pacientes em todo o mundo. No entanto, este relatório revela que ainda há muito trabalho a fazer para alcançar um impacto significativo, e apela a medidas urgentes para garantir que os produtos que salvam vidas cheguem a todos os pacientes, em todo o lado”.                    

Jayasree K. Iyer, Diretor Executivo da Access to Medicine Foundation.

Os próximos passos

Para combater a desigualdade crónica na saúde, a indústria farmacêutica e os rsepetivos parceiros devem integrar o alcance dos pacientes no centro das suas atividades e parcerias. Recorrendo às principais conclusões e recomendações identificadas no relatório da Fundação, as empresas podem reforçar e expandir as respetivas abordagens atuais, bem como colaborar e aprender umas com as outras.

Contacto: Divya Verma, Direção de Comunicação

[email protected] / +31 (0) 20 215 3535

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000990497)