Monsha’at: معرض Biban 2024 يساهم في تسريع التحول الريادي في السعودية مع الإعلان عن اتفاقيات تتجاوز قيمتها 10.6 مليار ريال سعودي

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, Nov. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — قامت الهيئة العامة للمنشآت الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم ”منشآت“ Monsha’at بخطوة هامة نحو إعادة رسم معالم قطاع ريادة الأعمال في المملكة العربية السعودية، بعد الإعلان عن 16 اتفاقية بقيمة تتجاوز 10.6 مليار ريال سعودي في اليوم الرابع من معرض “بيبان 24” (Biban 2024).

وفي إطار جهودها المتواصلة الرامية إلى تمكين رواد الأعمال السعوديين وتعزيز البنية التحتية للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في المملكة، أعلنت منشآتMonsha’at رسمياً عن إبرام جملة من الاتفاقيات. وتهدف هذه العقود إلى تخصيص محافظ مالية كبيرة لتمويل مجتمع رواد الأعمال السعودي الذي يشهد نمواً سريعاً في المملكة العربية السعودية. وتشمل هذه الاتفاقيات تخصيص محفظة مالية بقيمة 3.1 مليار ريال سعودي، بالتعاون مع شركة Tayseer Finance، بالإضافة إلى محفظة بقيمة 2 مليار ريال سعودي مع Lendo Company. كما أعلنت منشآت Monsha’at عن محفظة بقيمة مليار ريال سعودي مع شركة Tarmeez Capital. من شأن هذه الاتفاقيات أن تزوّد الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بالفرصة لتحقيق النجاح المنشود والوصول بسهولة إلى الأدوات والموارد الحيوية اللازمة.

ومن جهته، أعلن بنك National Commercial Bank عن إطلاق 15 فرعًا جديدًا متخصصًا في دعم الشركات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أطلق Arab Bank منصة ”anb digital“، وهي منصة تمّ إنشاؤها لتمكين الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة من تقديم الطلبات للحصول على التمويل وعلى الموافقات المبدئية وتوقيع العقود إلكترونياً.

كما شدّد اليوم الرابع من منتدى ”بيبان 24“ Biban 2024– وهو المنتدى الرائد للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في المملكة – على ضرورة صقل المهارات وبناء القدرات، من خلال استضافة سلسلة من الندوات وورش العمل. وشملت هذه الورش والندوات مجموعة متنوعة من الموضوعات والمجالات، لتمكين المشاركين والحضور ورواد الأعمال في المنطقة وخارجها من اكتساب الرؤى الهامة والوصول إلى الموارد اللازمة وتعزيز أواصر العلاقات.

الجدير بالذكر أنّ الهيئة العامة للمنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة في المملكة العربية السعودية “منشآت” Monsha’at تنظم هذا الحدث في مركز الرياض للواجهات للمعارض والمؤتمرات. ويسعى هذا الملتقى الذي يقام تحت شعار “وجهة عالمية للفرص“، إلى دفع عجلة نمو وتطوير منظومة ريادة الأعمال السعودية لرواد الأعمال في البلاد وخارجها.

وتماشيًا مع هذا الهدف – ومع أهداف رؤية السعودية 2030 – سيتيح المنتدى للزوار والحضور فرصة مواتية لإطلاق العنان لابتكاراتهم، حيث ستتم دعوة المشاركين لاستكشاف 9 مجالات رئيسية أو ما يُعرف ب”الأبواب”. وتشمل هذه الأبواب مجالات عدة من بينها “التمكين”، و”الشركات سريعة النمو”، و”التمويل والاستثمار”، و”الشركات الناشئة”، و”الابتكار”، و”التجارة الإلكترونية”، و”الانطلاق”، و”الامتياز التجاري”، و”السوق”.

تعتبر هذه الأبواب مجالات متخصصة تتيح للشركات ورواد الأعمال استكشاف كيفية الارتقاء بمستوى ريادة الأعمال وتحقيق الإمكانات الكاملة لأعمالهم.

جهات الاتصال:
Tarek Chahine
البريد الإلكتروني:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001012575)

Monsha'at : Biban 2024 accélère la transformation de l'entrepreneuriat saoudien avec des accords d’une valeur de plus de 10,6 milliards de riyals saoudiens

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 11 nov. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L'Autorité générale des petites et moyennes entreprises du Royaume d'Arabie saoudite, Monsha'at, a franchi une nouvelle étape importante dans son parcours vers le réaménagement du paysage de l'entrepreneuriat saoudien, suite à l'annonce de 16 accords d'une valeur de plus de 10,6 milliards de riyals saoudiens au quatrième jour de Biban24.

En poursuivant ses efforts continus visant à autonomiser les entrepreneurs saoudiens et renforcer l'infrastructure des PME du Royaume, Monsha'at a également annoncé officiellement un large éventail d'accords permettant d’allouer des portefeuilles financiers substantiels pour financer la communauté d'entrepreneurs en rapide croissance en Arabie saoudite. Cela comprend un portefeuille d'une valeur de 3,1 milliards de riyals saoudiens, en collaboration avec Tayseer Finance, ainsi qu'un portefeuille évalué à 2 milliards de riyals saoudiens avec Lendo Company. Monsha'at a également annoncé un portefeuille de 1 milliard de riyals saoudiens avec Tarmeez Capital. Ces accords visent pleinement à fournir aux PME des tremplins vers le succès et à faciliter un accès plus fluide et plus rapide aux outils et ressources essentiels.

La National Commercial Bank (NCB) a également annoncé 15 nouvelles agences spécialisées destinées à soutenir les PMEs. Par ailleurs, Arab Bank a lancé “anb digital”, une plateforme conçue pour permettre aux PME de soumettre les demandes de financement, de recevoir des approbations préliminaires et de signer des contrats électroniquement.

Le quatrième jour de Biban24, le forum phare des PME du Royaume, a également mis l'accent sur le développement des compétences et le renforcement des capacités, avec une série de séminaires et d'ateliers. Couvrant une diversité de sujets et de domaines d'intérêt, ces ateliers et séminaires ont été organisés pour permettre aux participants et aux entrepreneurs de la région et d'ailleurs d'accéder à des informations, des ressources et des connexions essentielles.

Organisé par Monsha’at, l’Autorité générale des petites et moyennes entreprises du Royaume d’Arabie saoudite, l'événement se déroule au Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center. Tenue sous le thème « Destination mondiale pour les opportunités », la rencontre est axée sur la stimulation de la croissance et du développement de l'écosystème entrepreneurial saoudien pour les entrepreneurs locaux et internationaux.

Conformément à cet objectif et aux objectifs de la Vision 2030, le forum immergera les visiteurs et les participants dans une atmosphère propice à l'innovation, invitant les participants à explorer 9 domaines clés, ou “Portes”. Il s'agit notamment des Portes de l’ « Autonomisation », des « Entreprises à croissance rapide », du « Financement et investissement », de la « Startup », de l’ « Innovation », du « E–commerce », du « Début », de la « Franchise » et du « Marché ».

Ces Portes sont des domaines spécialisés où les entreprises et les entrepreneurs auront l'occasion d'explorer comment promouvoir l’entreprenariat et réaliser leur potentiel commercial.

Tarek Chahine

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001012575)

Monsha’at: Biban24 fuels regional SME growth and development with landmark agreements worth over SAR 35 billion launched during exhibition

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Biban24 — Saudi Arabia’s flagship startup and SME forum — set the stage for the advancement of Saudi entrepreneurship, bringing leading and budding entrepreneurs, businesses and investors from around the world together to launch a series of remarkable agreements worth more than $9 billion.

Organized by Monsha’at, the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Biban24 — which took place from 5 to 9 November at the Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center — The forum attracted an impressive 182,000 visitors, and raised the bar for SME partnership–working, creating a constructive environment for investors and entrepreneurs to launch impactful partnerships and businesses.

The fifth and final day of the gathering brought leading entities together to sign a diverse selection of innovative agreements, Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) and exclusive partnerships aimed at advancing regional and global entrepreneurship.

Notably, on Day 5 of the event, Tameed launched a financing portfolio worth SAR 2.6 billion. Interactive Smart Communications also introduced a financing portfolio valued at SAR 1 billion, while Mudarabah announced a portfolio of SAR 1 billion. Additionally, Saudi Aramco announced investment rounds from WAED Ventures worth SAR 18 million.

Biban24 also hosted the final rounds of the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC). 100 finalists — representing 52 countries — participated in the finals of the annual startup pitch competition, providing competitors the chance to win $1 million in cash prizes and benefit from  providing competitors the chance to win $1 million in cash prizes and benefit from networking and access to investment opportunities.

In previous years, the EWC featured several award tracks, including “Growth Stage”, “Early Stage”, “Idea Stage”, and “Innovation Priorities”, all aimed at supporting and empowering entrepreneurs worldwide to develop their projects, hone their skills, and engage with a global network of mentors and advisors.

The 2025 edition of the competition placed an emphasis on a new strategic track dedicated to space technologies, encompassing several subfields such as mining, health and sports, agriculture, and resource management. This track complements the general track, with cash prizes specifically for space technologies totaling $200,000, in addition to the overall prize pool of $800,000.

On the final day of Biban24, Nomiq was announced as the winner of the “Idea Stage”, Yumari was ranked first place in the “Early Stage” track, while MisMar was named as the winner of the “Growth Stage”.

VitruvianMD was revealed as the overall winner of the healthcare category. EnergyX took first place in the energy category, and Salutes Space was recognized with top honors in the “Economies of the Future” category. Marine Innovation was announced as the winner of the competition’s sustainability category.

Tarek Chahine

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001012393)

Monsha’at: Biban 2024 accelerates transformation of Saudi entrepreneurship with over SAR 10.6 billion worth of agreements

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Monsha’at, has taken another important step towards reshaping the Saudi entrepreneurship landscape, following the announcement of 16 agreements worth more than SAR 10.6 billion on the fourth day of Biban24.

Extending its ongoing efforts to empower Saudi entrepreneurs and bolster the Kingdom’s SME infrastructure, Monsha’at also officially announced a wide selection of agreements to allocate substantial financial portfolios to financing Saudi Arabia’s rapidly growing community of entrepreneurs. This includes a portfolio worth SAR 3.1 billion, in collaboration with Tayseer Finance; as well as a portfolio valued at SAR 2 billion with Lendo Company. Monsha’at also announced a SAR 1 billion portfolio with Tarmeez Capital. These agreements are fully geared towards providing SMEs with steppingstones to success and facilitating more seamless and ready access to vital tools and resources.

The National Commercial Bank (NCB) also announced the launch of 15 new branches specialized in supporting SMEs. Additionally, Arab Bank launched the “anb digital”, a platform created to enable SMEs to submit financing applications, receive preliminary approvals, and sign contracts electronically.

The fourth day of Biban24 — the Kingdom’s flagship SME forum — also placed an emphasis on upskilling and capacity building, with a range of seminars and workshops being hosted. Covering a diversity of subjects and areas of interest, these workshops and seminars were held to empower participants, attendees and entrepreneurs from the region and beyond with access to all–important insights, resources and connections.

Organized by Monsha’at, the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the event is being hosted at the Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center. Held under the theme of Global Destination for Opportunities, the gathering is focused on driving the growth and development of the Saudi entrepreneurial ecosystem for local and international entrepreneurs.

In line with this goal — and the objectives of Vision 2030 — the forum will immerse visitors and attendees in an enabling atmosphere conducive to innovation, with participants being invited to explore 9 key areas, or “Doors”. These include the “Enablement”, “Fast–growing Enterprises”, “Funding and Investment”, “Startup”, “Innovation”, “E–commerce”, “Start”, “Franchise”, and “Market” Doors.

These Doors are specialized areas where businesses and entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to explore how to reach the next level and fulfil their business potential.

Tarek Chahine

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001012340)

Agventure raises $9.5 million from AgDevCo to help expand its canola oil and seed processing in Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya and LONDON, Nov. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Specialist agricultural investor AgDevCo is pleased to announce its latest investment in Kenya, into Agventure, a farmer–owned business that is leading the way in regenerative agricultural practices for non–irrigated cereal–based systems.

Agventure was established in 2010 with the mission of enabling Kenyan farmers to develop more sustainable farming practices. Agventure consists of a collective of farmers, researchers, educators, and entrepreneurs working to model, promote, and share regenerative production methods throughout the food system.

Today the group supplies over 45,000 tonnes of food crops into the local market, across a range of crops including wheat, barley, maize, canola, sunflower, green peas, chickpeas, lupins, fava beans and others. Through its Centre of Excellence, the company reaches and trains over 700 small and medium sized farmers across the country, encouraging them to introduce rotational crops including canola, into their farming system to help promote soil health. Agventure then provides a guaranteed offtake for the canola seed, which it processes and sells to the Kenyan market.

AgDevCo’s mezzanine loan of $9.5 million will enable the company to continue to develop its canola oil production capabilities – it sells oil under the Pure Mountain brand in Kenya – allowing the company to increase its volumes purchased from outgrower farmers. It will also help to build Agventure Seed’s platform to supply high quality certified seed to farmers.

AgDevCo’s Managing Director for East Africa, Rebecca Sankar, said, “We are excited to be supporting Agventure in its journey to add more value commodity crops, which increases the availability of high quality, locally produced food for the domestic market and reduces reliance on imports.”

Agventure’s CEO, Don White, said, “Agventure is looking forward to working with AgDevCo to expand and strengthen our business and in doing so expand availability of regenerative agriculture solutions to many more farmers.”

AgDevCo is a specialist investor in African agriculture, growing sustainable and impactful agribusiness, with USD 280m under management. Its vision is a thriving commercial agriculture sector, which benefits both people and planet by investing in and supporting agribusinesses to grow, create jobs, produce, and process food and link farmers to markets. AgDevCo supports its partners to work towards climate sustainability, and where possible, regenerative solutions. AgDevCo has made more than 65 investments to date. More information can be found at

Sam Hayley, Senior Investment Manager

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–23b6–4586–9fb1–cb3afcd63202

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001012023)

Tropo Farms secures $10m from AgDevCo to expand tilapia fish production in Ghana

ACCRA, Ghana and LONDON, Oct. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Specialist agriculture investor AgDevCo has signed a long–term investment with Tropo Farms, the leading tilapia fish producer in West Africa and among the largest in Sub–Saharan Africa. Tropo Farms employs 917 people and supplies fish to the local market through about 3,000 market traders, the majority of whom are women.

Ghana has one of the highest fish consumption rates in Africa, consuming over 800,000 tonnes per year. This investment will boost the country’s aquaculture industry to satisfy the growing local demand for high quality, affordable fish as a sustainable alternative to wild catch and imports.

Tropo Farms is a pioneer in African aquaculture. Established by founder Mark Amechi in 1997, Tropo has developed sophisticated aquaculture practices tailored for local conditions.

AgDevCo’s investment of $10m will finance the construction of a modern processing facility and other production equipment. This will increase the company’s capacity to 30,000 tonnes within five years, contributing to improved nutrition and food security in Ghana.

Tropo sees opportunities for further aquaculture projects in West Africa, which it plans to pursue with AgDevCo and other strategic co–investors.

“Investing in Tropo Farms supports production of an important protein source in Ghana, contributes to import substitution and promotes economic growth. Our investment will enhance operational efficiency and sustainable aquaculture practices,” said Kweku Koranteng, AgDevCo’s Investment Director for West Africa.

“This loan is a major milestone for Tropo Farms. It will expand our logistics and distribution network while bringing more benefits to the communities where we operate. We are pleased to partner with AgDevCo, who brings flexible long–term capital to support our growth, as well as agribusiness expertise,” said Francisco Murillo, Tropo Farms CEO.

Mark Amechi, founder of Tropo Farms, added: “This agreement will not only enable us to scale our production volume and market share within Ghana but also represents a critical step toward realising our long–held ambitions of expanding further into the underdeveloped West African aquaculture sector.”

AgDevCo is a specialist investor in African agriculture, growing sustainable and impactful agribusiness, with $280m under management. Their vision is a thriving commercial agriculture sector, which benefits both people and planet by investing in and supporting agribusinesses to grow, create jobs, produce, and process food and link farmers to markets. They support their partners to work towards climate sustainability, and where possible, regenerative solutions. AgDevCo has made more than 65 investments to date.

Contact details for media:

Kweku Koranteng,

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–7995–475e–9db9–9c4d9e33964c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001010025)

11x Obtém Financiamento da Benchmark de US $ 24 milhões para a Série A para a Criação do Futuro do Trabalho Digital

Investimento Irá Acelerar o Desenvolvimento de Trabalhadores Digitais Alimentados por IA e Expansão da Presença Global

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A 11x, uma startup de IA pioneira que está transformando a força de trabalho moderna com trabalhadores digitais autônomos, anunciou hoje o fechamento de uma rodada de financiamento da Série A de US $ 24 milhões. A rodada foi liderada pela Benchmark, com participação da Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, HubSpot Ventures, Project A, 20VC, 20Growth e 20Sales.

Fundada em 2022 pelo CEO Hasan Sukkar, a 11x simplifica as operações de Go–to–Market (GTM) com trabalhadores digitais alimentados por IA, permitindo que as equipes se concentrem no trabalho estratégico.

“Não visamos os gastos com SaaS e sim os orçamentos de contratação. O nosso foco é vender trabalho”, disse Guillaume Roux–Romestaing, Dirigente de Parcerias da 11x.

Abordagem ao Desafio GTM

Nas últimas duas décadas as ferramentas GTM passaram a ser cada vez mais fragmentadas. A proliferação de software especializado – de CRMs e plataformas de automação de marketing a ferramentas de engajamento de vendas e serviços de enriquecimento de dados – sobrecarregou as equipes de receita.

“Desde que o Salesforce foi inventado em 1999, o acúmulo de software GTM especializado nas equipes levou a sistemas fragmentados e custos operacionais inflados. Cada nova ferramenta geralmente requer suas próprias integrações, manutenção e treinamento, eliminando quaisquer ganhos de eficiência que essas ferramentas deveriam proporcionar”, explicou Keith Fearon, Dirigente de Crescimento da 11x.

A Solução 11x

A 11x está redefinindo a força de trabalho com o desenvolvimento de trabalhadores digitais alimentados por IA que executam fluxos de trabalho de forma autônoma nas equipes de receita. Com a automatização das funções tradicionalmente desempenhadas por funcionários, esses trabalhadores digitais podem ser “contratados” para lidar com tarefas de forma eficiente e em escala.

“O ponto principal é separar tarefas específicas tradicionalmente realizadas pelos funcionários e revendê–las”, disse Sarah Tavel, Sócia Geral da Benchmark.

No início deste ano, a 11x lançou a “Alice”, uma Representante de Desenvolvimento de Vendas baseada em IA. Alice ganhou força significativa ao ajudar as empresas a crescer no piloto automático, automatizando a prospecção, o engajamento multicanal e a personalização em escala. O recente lançamento do “Jordan”, um representante de telefone de IA focado na qualificação de leads de entrada, já recebeu o interesse de empresas com o objetivo de agilizar seus processos de “velocidade para liderar”.

Impacto do Investimento e Planos de Crescimento

O financiamento da Série A acelerará o pipeline de desenvolvimento de produtos da 11x, expandirá a equipe e aumentará sua presença no mercado global, particularmente no mercado dos EUA, para onde a empresa transferiu recentemente sua sede. A equipe continua a crescer lá, atraindo contratações importantes de empresas líderes de tecnologia, como o CTO Prabhav Jain (ex–Dirigente de Engenharia de Serviços Financeiros da Brex).

“Em dois anos, acreditamos que os trabalhadores digitais serão uma parte regular da forma como as empresas em todo o mundo operam”, disse Hasan Sukkar.

Sobre a 11x

A 11x é uma startup de IA fundada em 2022 por Hasan Sukkar. A empresa é especializada no desenvolvimento de trabalhadores digitais autônomos que automatizam os fluxos de trabalho de Go–to–Market (GTM), permitindo que as organizações aumentem a eficiência e reduzam os custos. A 11x se concentra em automatizar funções em equipes de GTM, como Vendas, Marketing e Operações de Receita.

Para mais informação, visite

Keith Fearon – Dirigente de Crescimento da 11x

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em–804c–49a2–83fe–94fbdcdbff65–a9c8–4d71–b427–dbfa36170db5

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231958)

11x obtient un financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars dirigé par Benchmark pour créer l’avenir du travail numérique

L’investissement permettra d’accélérer le développement des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA et d’étendre l’empreinte mondiale

SAN FRANCISCO, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, une startup pionnière en matière d’IA transformant la main–d’œuvre moderne au moyen de travailleurs numériques autonomes, a annoncé aujourd’hui la clôture d’un tour de financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars. Le tour de table a été dirigé par Benchmark, avec la participation de Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, HubSpot Ventures, Project A, 20VC, 20Growth, et 20Sales.

Fondée en 2022 par le PDG Hasan Sukkar, 11x simplifie les opérations Go–to–Market (GTM) grâce à des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA, permettant ainsi aux équipes de se concentrer sur le travail stratégique.

« Nous ne ciblons pas les dépenses SaaS, nous ciblons les budgets d’embauche. Notre métier est de vendre du travail », a déclaré Guillaume Roux–Romestaing, Responsable des partenariats chez 11x.

Relever le défi du GTM

Ces deux dernières décennies, le paysage des outils GTM est devenu de plus en plus fragmenté. La prolifération de logiciels spécialisés, allant des CRM et des plateformes d’automatisation du marketing aux outils d’engagement des ventes en passant par les services d’enrichissement des données, a alourdi la tâche des équipes chargées des recettes.

« Depuis l’invention de Salesforce en 1999, l’accumulation de logiciels GTM spécialisés dans les équipes a conduit à des systèmes fragmentés et à des coûts opérationnels élevés. Chaque nouvel outil nécessite souvent ses propres intégrations, sa propre maintenance et sa propre formation, annulant ainsi les gains d’efficacité que ces outils étaient censés apporter », a indiqué Keith Fearon, Responsable de la croissance chez 11x.

La solution 11x

11x redéfinit la main–d’œuvre en développant des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA qui exécutent de manière autonome les flux de travail dans les équipes chargées des recettes. En automatisant les rôles traditionnellement assumés par les employés, ces travailleurs numériques peuvent être « embauchés » pour traiter les tâches efficacement et à grande échelle.

« La clé est de dégrouper les tâches spécifiques traditionnellement effectuées par les employés et de les revendre », a expliqué Sarah Tavel, Commanditée chez Benchmark.

Au début de l’année, 11x a lancé « Alice », une représentante du développement des ventes alimentée par l’IA. Alice a connu un succès considérable en aidant les entreprises à se développer en pilote automatique grâce à l’automatisation de la prospection, de l’engagement multicanal et de la personnalisation à grande échelle. Le lancement récent de « Jordan », un téléconseiller assisté par l’IA qui se concentre sur la qualification des prospects entrants, a déjà suscité l’intérêt des entreprises qui souhaitent rationaliser leurs processus « speed to lead ».

Impact de l’investissement et plans de croissance

Le financement de la série A permettra à 11x d’accélérer le développement de ses produits, d’agrandir son équipe et de renforcer sa présence sur le marché mondial, en particulier sur le marché américain, où l’entreprise a récemment transféré son siège. L’équipe continue de se développer dans ce pays, attirant des personnes clés issues de grandes entreprises technologiques, comme le Directeur technique Prabhav Jain (ancien responsable de l’ingénierie des services financiers chez Brex).

« Dans deux ans, nous pensons que les travailleurs numériques feront partie intégrante du mode de fonctionnement des entreprises du monde entier », a affirmé Hasan Sukkar.

À propos de 11x

11x est une startup d’IA fondée en 2022 par Hasan Sukkar. La société est spécialisée dans le développement de travailleurs numériques autonomes chargés d’automatiser les flux de travail liés au Go–to–Market (GTM), permettant ainsi aux organisations d’accroître leur efficacité et de réduire leurs coûts. 11x se concentre sur l’automatisation des rôles dans les équipes GTM telles que les ventes, le marketing et les opérations relatives aux recettes.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site

Contact :
Keith Fearon – Responsable de la croissance chez 11x
E–mail :

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231958)

11x sichert Serie A-Finanzierungzur Gestaltung der Zukunft der digitalen Arbeit in Höhe von 24 Mio. USD unter Führung von Benchmark

Investition zur Beschleunigung der Entwicklung KI–gestützter digitaler Arbeitskräfte und zur Ausweitung der globalen Präsenz

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, ein bahnbrechendes KI–Startup, das die moderne Arbeitswelt mit autonomen digitalen Arbeitskräften umgestaltet, hat heute den Abschluss einer Serie–A–Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 24 Mio. USD bekanntgegeben. Die Runde wurde von Benchmark geleitet, mit Beteiligung von Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, HubSpot Ventures, Project A, 20VC, 20Growth und 20Sales.

Das 2022 von CEO Hasan Sukkar gegründete Unternehmen 11x vereinfacht Go–to–Market (GTM)–Abläufe mit KI–gesteuerten digitalen Mitarbeitern, damit sich die Teams auf strategische Aufgaben konzentrieren können.

„Wir zielen nicht auf SaaS–Ausgaben, sondern auf Einstellungsbudgets ab. Unser Geschäft ist es, Arbeit zu verkaufen,“ so Guillaume Roux–Romestaing, Head of Partnerships bei 11x.

Herausforderungen im Bereich GTM angehen

In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten hat sich die Landschaft der GTM–Tools zunehmend fragmentiert. Die Verbreitung von Spezialsoftware — von CRM und Marketing–Automatisierungsplattformen bis hin zu Tools für das Engagement im Vertrieb und Dienstleistungen zur Datenanreicherung — hat die Umsatzteams belastet.

„Seit der Erfindung von Salesforce im Jahr 1999 hat die Anhäufung von spezialisierter GTM–Software in Teams zu fragmentierten Systemen und aufgeblähten Betriebskosten geführt. Jedes neue Tool erfordert oft eine eigene Integration, Wartung und Schulung, was letztendlich jegliche Effizienzsteigerung, die diese Tools bieten sollten, zunichte macht“, erklärt Keith Fearon, Head of Growth bei 11x.

Die Lösung von 11x

11x definiert die Arbeitswelt neu, indem es KI–gestützte digitale Mitarbeiter entwickelt, die autonom Arbeitsabläufe in Umsatzteams ausführen. Durch die Automatisierung von Aufgaben, die traditionell von Mitarbeitern ausgeführt werden, können diese digitalen Mitarbeiter „eingestellt“ werden, um Aufgaben effizient und in großem Umfang zu erledigen.

„Der Schlüssel liegt darin, bestimmte Aufgaben, die traditionell von Mitarbeitern ausgeführt werden, zu entbündeln und neu zu verkaufen“, so Sarah Tavel, General Partner bei Benchmark.

Anfang dieses Jahres brachte 11x „Alice“ auf den Markt, eine KI–gestützte Vertreterin für Verkaufsentwicklung. Alice hat sich einen Namen gemacht, indem sie Unternehmen dabei hilft, auf Autopilot zu wachsen, indem sie die Akquise, das Multi–Channel–Engagement und die Personalisierung in großem Umfang automatisiert. Die kürzliche Markteinführung von „Jordan“, einem KI–Telefonagenten, der sich auf die Qualifizierung von Inbound–Leads konzentriert, hat bereits das Interesse von Unternehmen geweckt, die ihre „Speed–to–Lead“–Prozesse rationalisieren wollen.

Auswirkungen von Investitionen und Wachstumspläne

Die Serie–A–Finanzierung wird die Produktentwicklungspipeline von 11x beschleunigen, das Team erweitern und die globale Marktpräsenz des Unternehmens stärken, insbesondere auf dem US–Markt, wohin das Unternehmen kürzlich seinen Hauptsitz verlegt hat. Das Team wächst dort weiter und zieht wichtige Mitarbeiter von führenden Technologieunternehmen an, wie z. B. CTO Prabhav Jain (ehemaliger Head of Financial Services Engineering bei Brex).

„Wir glauben, dass digitale Arbeitskräfte in zwei Jahren ein fester Bestandteil der Arbeitsweise von Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt sein werden“, so Hasan Sukkar.

Über 11x

11x ist ein KI–Startup, das 2022 von Hasan Sukkar gegründet wurde. Das Unternehmen ist auf die Entwicklung autonomer digitaler Mitarbeiter spezialisiert, die Go–to–Market–Workflows (GTM) automatisieren und es Unternehmen ermöglichen, ihre Effizienz zu steigern und Kosten zu senken. 11x konzentriert sich auf die Automatisierung von Aufgaben in GTM–Teams wie Vertrieb, Marketing und Revenue Operations.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Keith Fearon – Head of Growth @ 11x

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231958)

11x Secures $24 Million Series A Funding Led by Benchmark to Create the Future of Digital Work

Investment to Accelerate the Development of AI–Powered Digital Workers and Expand Global Footprint

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, a pioneering AI startup transforming the modern workforce with autonomous digital workers, announced closing a $24 million Series A funding round today. The round was led by Benchmark, with participation from Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, HubSpot Ventures, Project A, 20VC, 20Growth, and 20Sales.

Founded in 2022 by CEO Hasan Sukkar, 11x simplifies Go–to–Market (GTM) operations with AI–powered digital workers, allowing teams to focus on strategic work.

“We don’t target SaaS spend; we target hiring budgets. We’re in the business of selling work,” said Guillaume Roux–Romestaing, Head of Partnerships at 11x.

Addressing the GTM Challenge

Over the past two decades, the landscape of GTM tools has become increasingly fragmented. The proliferation of specialized software—from CRMs and marketing automation platforms to sales engagement tools and data enrichment services—has burdened revenue teams.

“Since Salesforce was invented in 1999, the accumulation of specialized GTM software in teams has led to fragmented systems and bloated operational costs. Each new tool often requires its own integrations, maintenance, and training, ultimately eliminating any efficiency gains these tools were supposed to provide,” explained Keith Fearon, Head of Growth at 11x.

The 11x Solution

11x is redefining the workforce by developing AI–powered digital workers that autonomously execute workflows in revenue teams. By automating roles traditionally performed by employees, these digital workers can be “hired” to handle tasks efficiently and at scale.

“The key is to unbundle specific tasks traditionally performed by employees and to re–sell them,” noted Sarah Tavel, General Partner at Benchmark.

Earlier this year, 11x launched “Alice,” an AI–powered Sales Development Representative. Alice has gained significant traction by helping companies grow on autopilot by automating prospecting, multi–channel engagement, and personalization at scale. The recent launch of “Jordan,” an AI phone rep focused on inbound lead qualification, has already received interest from businesses aiming to streamline their “speed to lead” processes.

Investment Impact and Growth Plans

The Series A funding will accelerate 11x’s product development pipeline, expand its team, and enhance its global market presence, particularly in the US market, where the company has recently relocated its headquarters. The team continues to grow there, attracting key hires from leading tech companies such as CTO Prabhav Jain (former Head of Financial Services Engineering at Brex).

“In two years, we believe that digital workers will be a regular part of how companies around the world operate,” said Hasan Sukkar.

About 11x

11x is an AI startup founded in 2022 by Hasan Sukkar. The company specializes in developing autonomous digital workers that automate Go–to–Market (GTM) workflows, enabling organizations to increase efficiency and reduce costs. 11x focuses on automating roles in GTM teams such as Sales, Marketing, and Revenue Operations.

For more information, visit

Keith Fearon – Head of Growth @ 11x

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231325)