Akur8 sichert sich $120 Millionen in Series-C Finanzierungsrunde, um die Expansion seiner aktuariellen Plattform der nächsten Generation zu beschleunigen

PARIS und LONDON und NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Akur8, die auf Machine Learning basierende Plattform für Versicherungspricing und –reservierung, gab heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen eine Series–C Finanzierung in Höhe von 120 Millionen US–Dollar erhalten hat, womit sich das Gesamtinvestitment auf 180 Millionen US–Dollar ansteigt. Diese jüngste Finanzierungsrunde wurde angeführt von One Peak, einem führenden Growth Equity Unternehmen, zusammen mit einer Beteiligung der Partners Group, einem der größten Unternehmen in der globalen Private Market Industrie, und dem bereits bestehenden Investor Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE:GWRE). Mit dieser neuen Finanzierung kann Akur8 sein Produktportfolio ausbauen und das Wachstum in wichtigen globalen Märkten beschleunigen.

Akur8 wurde speziell für Versicherer entwickelt und revolutioniert seit 2019 das Versicherungspricing mit transparenter KI. Seine Cloud–basierte, vollständig integrierte Plattform ermöglicht es Versicherern, Tarife in nie dagewesener Geschwindigkeit zu erstellen, finanzielle Ergebnisse direkt zu beeinflussen und Risikobewertungen zu verbessern. Durch die Übernahme der Arius–Reservierungsplattform (siehe PR) erweitert Akur8 sein Produktportfolio, vergrößert seinen Kundenstamm und unterstützt Versicherungsunternehmen weltweit, ihre Prozesse zu optimieren und fundiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Die neuen Mittel werden in folgende Bereiche investiert:

  • Produktinnovation: Akur8 wird in Forschung und Entwicklung investieren, um seine Pricing–Plattform um zwei neue Module zu erweitern:
    (1) Optim, das Versicherern ermöglicht, die für ihre Ziele optimale Tarifierungsstrategie zu finden, und
    (2) Deploy, Akur8s Rating–Engine, die es den Pricing–Teams ermöglicht, ihre Tarife nahtlos in Produktion zu bringen.
  • Beschleunigung des Wachstums der kürzlich akquirierten Arius–Reservierungsplattform: Mit dem Eintritt ins Reserving wird Akur8 strategisch neue Marktsegmente anvisieren und die Lücke zwischen Pricing und Reserving schließen. Die umfassende Erfahrung im Bereich SaaS und KI wird Akur8 in die Produktentwicklung der Akur8 Reserving Plattform einfließen lassen.
  • Globale Expansion: Neben Forschung und Entwicklung wird diese Finanzierungrunde entscheidend zu Akur8s strategischen Expansion in wichtigen Wachstumsmärkten, insbesondere in Nordamerika, voranzutreiben. Mit der stärkeren Präsenz in dieser Region wird Akur8 neue Kundensegmente erschließen und seine Angebote gezielt an die spezifischen Bedürfnisse dieser Märkte anpassen.

“Wir freuen uns auf die enge Zusammenarbeit mit unseren neuen Investoren One Peak und Partners Group, zwei führenden Investmentfirmen, die unsere Vision von Innovation und Exzellenz teilen. Mit ihrer Unterstützung wollen wir unsere Produktentwicklung beschleunigen und den Branchentrends voraus sein, um Versicherern weltweit eine unvergleichliche, integrierte, aktuarielle Plattform zu bieten“, so Samuel Falmagne, CEO und Co–Founder von Akur8.

Brune de Linares, Chief Client Officer und Co–Founder von Akur8, fügte hinzu: „Diese Finanzierungsrunde wird uns es ermöglichen, die sich entwickelnden Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden besser zu erfüllen, ihre Effizienz zu steigern und sie mit innovativen Tools auszustatten, um in einer zunehmend wettbewerbsorientierten Versicherungslandschaft erfolgreich zu sein. Wir freuen uns über die Wachstumsmöglichkeiten und Fortschritte, die diese Investition bedeutet.“

Humbert de Liedekerke Beaufort, Mitbegründer und Managing Partner von One Peak, sagte: „Akur8 bietet eine wirklich einzigartige cloudbasierte End–to–End–Plattform für Aktuare, die proprietäre Algorithmen des Machine Learnings nutzt, um den Pricingprozess der Versicherer zu beschleunigen und zu präzisieren, während gleichzeitig volle Transparenz, Überprüfbarkeit und Kontrolle über die erstellten Modelle gewährleistet wird. Wir sind besonders beeindruckt von der benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche von Akur8, der einfachen Bereitstellung und dem guten Ruf, den das Unternehmen bei den weltweit führenden Versicherern für seinen hervorragenden Kundenservice genießt. Wir freuen uns auf eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem erfahrenen Führungsteam von Akur8, um das nächste Kapitel der globalen Expansion, der Marktführerschaft und der Innovation des Unternehmens zu gestalten.

Pierre Curis, Private Equity Technology, Partners Group, kommentiert: „Akur8 hat eine herausragende Pricing–Plattform der nächsten Generation entwickelt, die von der zunehmenden Komplexität der Versicherer und der wachsenden Akzeptanz neuer Technologien profitiert. Wir freuen uns, Akur8s ehrgeiziges Managementteam, das sich der Innovation und der Kundenzufriedenheit verschrieben hat, beim Eintritt in die nächste spannende Wachstumsphase zu unterstützen.“

Walter Billet Avocats fungierte bei dieser Transaktion als Rechtsberater für Akur8 und berät das Unternehmen seit seiner Gründung. Perella Weinberg Partners agierte in dieser Finanzierungsrunde als Finanzberater für Akur8.

Über Akur8
Akur8 revolutioniert die Versicherungsbranche mit seiner innovativen Pricing– und Reservierungssuite.
Unsere Next–Gen Pricing– und Reservierungsplattform kombiniert moderne Technologie mit aktuarieller Exzellenz, um Versicherern aus allen Sparten Geschwindigkeit, Performance, Transparenz und Zuverlässigkeit zu bieten.
Akur8 unterstützt mehr als 250 Kunden in mehr als 40 Ländern, darunter AXA, Generali, Munich Re, MAPFRE, HDI, Tokio Marine und MS&AD. Mehr als 3000 Aktuare nutzen Akur8 täglich, um ihre Pricing– und Reservierungsmodelle zu erstellen.

Über One Peak
One Peak ist eine führende, auf Wachstumskapital spezialisierte Beteiligungsgesellschaft mit einem verwalteten Vermögen von 2 Milliarden US–Dollar, die in Technologieunternehmen in der Aufbauphase investiert. One Peak stellt außergewöhnlichen Unternehmern Wachstumskapital, operatives Fachwissen und Zugang zu seinem umfangreichen Netzwerk zur Verfügung, um innovative und schnell wachsende Unternehmen in nachhaltige und richtungsweisende Marktführer zu verwandeln. Zu den Investitionen von One Peak gehören neben Akur8 auch Ardoq, Coro, Cymulate, Deepki, Docplanner, Keepit, Lucca, Neo4J, Pandadoc, Spryker und viele andere. Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie www.onepeak.tech.

Über Partners Group
Partners Group ist eines der größten Unternehmen in der globalen Private–Markets–Branche mit rund 1.800 Fachleuten und einem verwalteten Vermögen von etwa 150 Mrd. USD. Das Unternehmen verfügt über Investitionsprogramme in den Bereichen Private Equity, Private Credit, Infrastruktur, Immobilien und Royalties. Partners Group hat seine Wurzeln in der Schweiz und ist in Colorado, dem Hauptstandort in Nord– und Südamerika, angesiedelt und unterscheidet sich damit vom Rest der Branche. Das Unternehmen nutzt seine Kultur und seinen operativ orientierten Ansatz, um attraktive Anlagethemen zu identifizieren und Unternehmen und Vermögenswerte zu Marktführern aufzubauen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte www.partnersgroup.com oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn.

Vera Buttinger
Marketing Director
+33 7 66 31 47 58

One Peak
Lauren Sharman
Head of Platform
+44 7393 569004

Partners Group
Henry Weston
Communications Manager
+44 77 4876 0944

Fotos zu dieser Ankündigung sind verfügbar unter:



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9230614)

Akur8 capta 120 milhões de dólares em Série C para acelerar o crescimento da sua plataforma atuarial de ponta

PARIS e LONDRES e NOVA YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Akur8, plataforma de precificação e provisões técnicas de seguros baseada em aprendizado de máquina, anunciou hoje que garantiu US$ 120 milhões em financiamento Série C, elevando seu investimento total para US$ 180 milhões. Essa última rodada de financiamento foi liderada pela One Peak, uma das principais empresas de venture capital que investe em scale–ups de tecnologia, com a participação da Partners Group, uma das maiores empresas do setor de private equity, e do investidor histórico Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE:GWRE). O novo financiamento reforça significativamente a capacidade da Akur8 de expandir seu portfólio de produtos e impulsionar seu crescimento nos principais mercados globais.

Desenvolvida explicitamente para seguradoras, a Akur8 vem revolucionando a precificação de seguros não vida com IA transparente desde 2019. Sua plataforma totalmente integrada e baseada em nuvem permite que as seguradoras definam preços a uma velocidade sem precedentes, influenciando diretamente os resultados financeiros e aprimorando as avaliações de risco. Com a recente aquisição da plataforma de reservas Arius (leia comunicado de imprensa), a Akur8 expande ainda mais seu portfólio de produtos e base de clientes, ampliando o valor entregue às operadoras de seguros em todo o mundo.

O novo financiamento será utilizado para:

  • Incentivar a inovação dos produtos: A Akur8 investirá em P&D para enriquecer a sua plataforma de precificação de seguros com dois novos módulos:
    (1) Optim, que permite às seguradoras determinar a melhor estratégia de preços de seguros para atingir o seu objetivo comercial, e
    (2) Deploy, O novo motor de cálculo da Akur8, que permite aos times de pricing colocar os seus modelos em produção sem problemas.
  • Impulsionar o crescimento aproveitando a recente aquisição da Arius: Ao entrar no setor de provisões técnicas atuariais, a Akur8 visa estrategicamente novos segmentos de mercado e preenche a lacuna entre provisões e preços. Com a sua profunda experiência em SaaS e IA, a Akur8 irá acelerar o desenvolvimento do produto da Plataforma de reserving Akur8.
  • Acelerar a expansão global: Além de P&D, este financiamento será fundamental para impulsionar a expansão estratégica da Akur8 nos principais mercados em crescimento, particularmente nas Américas. Ao reforçar a sua posição nesta região, a Akur8 penetrará em novos segmentos de clientes e adaptará as suas ofertas para responder às exigências únicas destes mercados.

“Estamos ansiosos por colaborar estreitamente com os nossos novos investidores One Peak e Partners Group, duas empresas de investimento líderes que compartilham a nossa visão de inovação e excelência. Com o seu apoio, estamos empenhados em acelerar os nossos esforços de desenvolvimento de produtos e em mantermo–nos à frente das tendências do setor para oferecer uma plataforma atuarial integrada e sem paralelo às seguradoras a nível mundial”, declarou Samuel Falmagne, CEO e cofundador da Akur8.

Brune de Linares, Chief Client Officer e cofundadora da Akur8, acrescentou: “Com esta última captação, responderemos melhor às necessidades em evolução dos nossos clientes, melhorando a eficiência operacional e equipando seguradoras com ferramentas inovadoras para prosperar em um cenário de seguros cada vez mais competitivo. Estamos entusiasmados com as oportunidades de crescimento e os avanços que este investimento irá desbloquear para o nosso sucesso contínuo.”

Humbert de Liedekerke Beaufort, cofundador e Managing Partner da One Peak, disse: “A Akur8 oferece uma plataforma atuarial verdadeiramente única, baseada na nuvem e end–to–end, que utiliza algoritmos proprietários de machine learning para injetar velocidade e precisão no processo de precificação de seguros, ao mesmo tempo que garante total transparência, auditabilidade e controlo sobre os modelos criados. Ficamos particularmente impressionados com a interface amigável da Akur8, a facilidade de implementação e a reputação entre as principais seguradoras do mundo pelo seu excelente serviço ao cliente. Estamos ansiosos por trabalhar em estreita colaboração com o time executivo experiente da Akur8 à medida que traçam o próximo capítulo da expansão global da empresa, da liderança de mercado e da jornada de inovação.”

Pierre Curis, responsável por Tech Growth Equity na Partners Group, comenta: “A Akur8 desenvolveu uma plataforma de pricing diferenciada e de ponta que beneficia do crescente impulso para a sofisticação entre as seguradoras e da crescente adoção de novas tecnologias. Estamos entusiasmados por apoiar uma liderança ambiciosa, empenhada na inovação e na satisfação do cliente, à medida que embarcam nesta nova e excitante fase de crescimento.”

Walter Billet Avocats atuou como consultor jurídico da Akur8 nesta transação e tem acompanhado a empresa desde a sua criação. A Perella Weinberg Partners atuou como consultor financeiro da Akur8 nesta transação.

Sobre a  Akur8
A Akur8 está transformando o setor dos seguros patrimoniais com o seu conjunto inovador de soluções de precificação e provisões técnicas.
A nossa plataforma Next Gen Pricing and Reserving combina tecnologia de ponta com excelência atuarial para gerar valor ao negócio, proporcionando velocidade, desempenho, transparência e fiabilidade a seguradoras de todas as dimensões. 
A Akur8 atende a mais de 250 clientes em mais de 40 países, incluindo AXA, Generali, Munich Re, MAPFRE, HDI, Tokio Marine e MS&AD. Mais de 3000 atuários usam a plataforma da Akur8 diariamente para criar os seus modelos de preços e projeções de provisões em todos os tipos de produto.

Sobre a One Peak
A One Peak é uma empresa líder em capital de crescimento especializado, com 2 mil milhões de dólares em ativos sob gestão, que investe em empresas tecnológicas em fase de expansão. A One Peak fornece capital de crescimento, experiência operacional e acesso à sua extensa rede a empresários excepcionais, com o objetivo de ajudar a transformar empresas inovadoras e de crescimento rápido em líderes duradouros e definidores de categorias. Para além da Akur8, os investimentos da One Peak incluem a Ardoq, Coro, Cymulate, Deepki, Docplanner, Keepit, Lucca, Neo4J, Pandadoc, Spryker e muitas outras. Para saber mais, visite www.onepeak.tech.

Sobre a Partners Group
O Partners Group é uma das maiores empresas da indústria global de mercados privados, com cerca de 1.800 profissionais e aproximadamente 150 mil milhões de dólares em ativos sob gestão. A empresa tem programas de investimento e mandatos personalizados que abrangem private equity, crédito privado, infraestrutura, imóveis e royalties. Com sua herança na Suíça e sua principal presença nas Américas, no Colorado, o Partners Group é construído de forma diferente do resto da indústria. A empresa aproveita sua cultura diferenciada e sua abordagem operacionalmente orientada para identificar temas de investimento atraentes e para transformar empresas e ativos em líderes de mercado. Para mais informações, por favor visite www.partnersgroup.com ou siga–nos no LinkedIn.

Contatos para a imprensa

Vera Buttinger
Marketing Director
+33 7 66 31 47 58

One Peak
Lauren Sharman
Head of Platform
+44 7393 569004

Partners Group
Henry Weston
Communications Manager
+44 77 4876 0944

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9230614)

Akur8 Secures $120 Million in Series C Round to Accelerate Growth of its Next Generation Actuarial Platform

PARIS and LONDON and NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Akur8, the machine learning–powered insurance pricing and reserving platform, announced today that it has secured $120 million in series C funding, bringing its total raised investment to $180 million. This latest funding round was led by One Peak, a leading growth equity firm investing in software scale–ups, with participation from Partners Group, one of the largest firms in the global private markets industry acting on behalf of its clients, and historical investor Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE:GWRE). The new funding will significantly bolster Akur8’s ability to expand its product portfolio and fuel its growth in key global markets.

Developed explicitly for insurers, Akur8 has been revolutionizing non–life insurance pricing with transparent AI since 2019. Its cloud–based, fully integrated platform empowers insurers to price at unprecedented speed, directly influencing financial outcomes and enhancing risk assessments. With the recent acquisition of the Arius reserving platform (read PR), Akur8 further expands its product portfolio and customer base, amplifying the value delivered to insurance carriers worldwide.

The new funding will be used to:

  • Fuel product innovation: Akur8 will invest in R&D to enrich its insurance pricing platform with two new modules:
    (1) Optim, which enables insurers to determine the optimal insurance pricing strategy to meet their business objective, and
    (2) Deploy, Akur8’s new rating engine, enabling pricing teams to seamlessly bring their rates into production.
  • Drive growth by leveraging Akur8’s recent acquisition of Arius: As Akur8 enters the insurance reserving sector, it will strategically target new market segments and bridge the gap between reserving and pricing. With its deep expertise in SaaS and AI, Akur8 will fast–track the product development of the Akur8 Reserving platform.
  • Accelerate global expansion: In addition to R&D, this funding will be instrumental in driving Akur8’s strategic expansion into key growth markets, particularly in North America. By strengthening its foothold in this region, Akur8 will penetrate new customer segments and tailor its offerings to address the unique demands of these markets.

“We look forward to collaborating closely with our new investors One Peak and Partners Group, two leading investment firms that share our vision for innovation and excellence. With their support, we are committed to accelerating our product development efforts and staying ahead of industry trends to offer an unparalleled, integrated actuarial platform for insurers globally,” stated Samuel Falmagne, CEO and Co–Founder of Akur8.

Brune de Linares, Chief Client Officer and Co–Founder of Akur8, added: “This latest round of funding will empower us to better meet our customers' evolving needs, enhance their operational efficiency, and equip them with innovative tools to thrive in an increasingly competitive insurance landscape. We are excited about the growth opportunities and advancements this investment will unlock for our continued success.”

Humbert de Liedekerke Beaufort, Co–Founder and Managing Partner of One Peak, said: “Akur8 offers a truly unique cloud–based end–to–end actuarial platform, which leverages proprietary machine learning algorithms to inject speed and accuracy to insurers’ pricing process, whilst ensuring full transparency, auditability and control over the models created. We have been particularly impressed by Akur8’s user–friendly interface, ease of deployment, and reputation among the world’s leading insurers for its outstanding customer service. We look forward to working closely with Akur8’s seasoned executive team as they chart the next chapter of the company's global expansion, market leadership, and innovation journey.”

Pierre Curis, Private Equity Technology, Partners Group, comments: “Akur8 has developed a differentiated, next–generation pricing platform that benefits from the increasing push for sophistication among insurers and from the growing adoption of new technologies. We are excited to support an ambitious management team committed to innovation and customer satisfaction as they embark on this next exciting phase of growth.”

Walter Billet Avocats acted as legal advisor for Akur8 in this transaction and has been advising the company since its creation. Perella Weinberg Partners served as financial advisor for Akur8 in this transaction.

About Akur8
Akur8 is transforming the non–life insurance industry with its innovative suite of pricing and reserving solutions.
Our Next Gen Pricing and Reserving Platform combines cutting–edge technology with actuarial excellence to drive business value, bringing speed, performance, transparency, and reliability to insurers of all sizes.
Akur8 serves 250+ customers across 40+ countries, including AXA, Generali, Munich Re, MAPFRE, HDI, Tokio Marine, and MS&AD. Over 3000 actuaries use Akur8 daily to build their pricing models and reserving projections across all lines of business.

About One Peak
One Peak is a leading specialist growth equity firm with $2.0 billion in assets under management that invests in technology companies in the scale–up phase. One Peak provides growth capital, operating expertise, and access to its extensive network to exceptional entrepreneurs, with a view to help transform innovative and rapidly growing businesses into lasting, category–defining leaders. In addition to Akur8, One Peak’s investments include Ardoq, Coro, Cymulate, Deepki, Docplanner, Keepit, Lucca, Neo4J, Pandadoc, Spryker, and many more. To learn more, visit www.onepeak.tech.

About Partners Group
Partners Group is one of the largest firms in the global private markets industry, with around 1,800 professionals and approximately USD 150 billion in assets under management. The firm has investment programs and custom mandates spanning private equity, private credit, infrastructure, real estate, and royalties. With its heritage in Switzerland and its primary presence in the Americas in Colorado, Partners Group is built differently from the rest of the industry. The firm leverages its differentiated culture and its operationally oriented approach to identify attractive investment themes and to build businesses and assets into market leaders. For more information, please visit www.partnersgroup.com or follow us on LinkedIn.

Media Contacts:
Vera Buttinger
Marketing Director
+33 7 66 31 47 58

One Peak
Lauren Sharman
Head of Platform
+44 7393 569004

Partners Group
Henry Weston
Communications Manager
+44 77 4876 0944

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9230614)

Akur8 lève 120 millions de dollars en série C pour accélérer la croissance de sa plateforme actuarielle nouvelle génération

PARIS et LONDRES et NEW YORK, 16 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Akur8, la plateforme de tarification assurantielle et de reserving basée sur le machine learning, a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle avait obtenu un financement de 120 millions de dollars en série C, ce qui porte son investissement total à 180 millions de dollars. Ce dernier tour de table a été mené par One Peak, une société d'investissement de premier plan qui investit dans des entreprises technologiques en phase d'expansion, avec la participation de Partners Group, l'une des plus grandes sociétés du secteur des marchés privés mondiaux, et l’investisseur historique Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE:GWRE). Cette nouvelle levée de fonds renforcera considérablement la capacité d'Akur8 à élargir son portefeuille de produits et à alimenter sa croissance sur les principaux marchés mondiaux.

Spécialement développée pour les assureurs, Akur8 révolutionne depuis 2019 la tarification de l'assurance non–vie avec une Intelligence Artificielle (IA) transparente. Sa plateforme, entièrement intégrée et basée sur le cloud, apporte aux assureurs une rapidité sans précédent au cours du processus de tarification, permettant d’influencer directement les résultats financiers et d’améliorer l'évaluation des risques. Avec la récente acquisition de la plateforme de reserving Arius (lire le communiqué), Akur8 élargit encore son portefeuille de produits et sa base de clients, amplifiant ainsi la valeur offerte aux compagnies d'assurance dans le monde entier.

Le nouveau financement sera utilisé pour :

  • Alimenter l'innovation en matière de produits : Akur8 investira en R&D afin d'enrichir sa plateforme de tarification assurantielle de deux nouveaux modules :
    (1) Optim, qui permet aux assureurs de déterminer la stratégie de tarification optimale pour atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux, et
    (2) Deploy, le nouveau moteur de tarification d'Akur8, qui permet aux équipes de tarification de mettre leurs tarifs en production de manière transparente.
  • Stimuler la croissance en tirant profit de la récente acquisition d'Arius par Akur8 : En entrant dans le secteur du reserving, Akur8 ciblera stratégiquement de nouveaux segments de marché et comblera le fossé entre le reserving et la tarification. Grâce à son expertise en matière de SaaS et d'IA, Akur8 accélérera le développement du produit de la plateforme Akur8 Reserving.
  • Accélérer l'expansion mondiale : Outre la R&D, ce financement jouera un rôle déterminant dans l'expansion stratégique d'Akur8 sur les principaux marchés de croissance, en particulier en Amérique du Nord. En renforçant sa position dans cette région, Akur8 pénétrera de nouveaux segments de clientèle et adaptera ses offres pour répondre aux demandes uniques de ces marchés.

« Nous nous réjouissons de collaborer étroitement avec nos nouveaux investisseurs One Peak et Partners Group, deux sociétés d'investissement de premier plan qui partagent notre vision de l'innovation et de l'excellence. Avec leur soutien, nous sommes prêts à accélérer nos efforts de développement de nos produits et à rester à la pointe des tendances du secteur afin d’offrir une plateforme actuarielle intégrée et inégalée aux assureurs du monde entier », a déclaré Samuel Falmagne, CEO et cofondateur d'Akur8.

Brune de Linares, Chief Client Officer et cofondatrice d'Akur8, a ajouté : « Cette dernière levée de fonds nous permettra de mieux répondre aux besoins en constante évolution de nos clients, d'améliorer leur efficacité opérationnelle et de les équiper avec des outils innovants pour réussir dans environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel. Nous sommes ravis des opportunités de croissance et des avancées que cet investissement va débloquer pour la poursuite de notre succès. »

Humbert de Liedekerke Beaufort, cofondateur et Managing Partner de One Peak, a déclaré : « Akur8 offre une plateforme actuarielle tout–en–un basée sur le cloud qui est vraiment unique et exploite des algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique exclusifs pour injecter de la vitesse et de la précision dans le processus de tarification assurantielle, tout en garantissant une transparence, une auditabilité et un contrôle sur les modèles créés. Nous avons été particulièrement impressionnés par l'interface user–friendly d'Akur8, sa simplicité de déploiement et sa réputation parmi les principaux assureurs mondiaux pour son service client exceptionnel. Nous sommes impatients de collaborer étroitement avec l'équipe dirigeante très expérimentée d'Akur8, alors qu'ils tracent le prochain chapitre de l'expansion mondiale de l'entreprise, de son leadership sur le marché et de son parcours en matière d'innovation. »

Pierre Curis, Private Equity Technology, chez Partners Group, commente : « Akur8 a développé une plateforme de tarification différenciée de nouvelle génération qui bénéficie de la volonté croissante de sophistication des assureurs et de l'adoption croissante des nouvelles technologies. Nous sommes ravis de soutenir une équipe de direction ambitieuse, engagée dans l'innovation et la satisfaction des clients, alors qu'elle s'apprête à entamer une nouvelle phase de croissance passionnante. »

Walter Billet Avocats a été le conseiller juridique d'Akur8 dans cette transaction et conseille la société depuis sa création. Perella Weinberg Partners a été le conseiller financier d'Akur8 dans cette transaction.

A propos d’Akur8
Akur8 transforme le secteur de l'assurance non–vie grâce à ses solutions innovantes de tarification et de provisionnement.
Notre plateforme de tarification et de provisionnement de nouvelle génération associe une technologie de pointe à l'excellence actuarielle pour générer de la valeur commerciale, en apportant rapidité, performance, transparence et fiabilité aux assureurs de toutes tailles.
Akur8 compte plus de 250 clients dans plus de 40 pays, dont AXA, Generali, Munich Re, MAPFRE, HDI, Tokio Marine et MS&AD. Plus de 3 000 actuaires utilisent Akur8 quotidiennement pour construire leurs modèles de tarification et leurs projections de provisionnement dans toutes les branches d'activité.

A propos de One Peak
One Peak est une société d'investissement spécialisée dans la croissance, avec 2 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion, qui investit dans des entreprises technologiques en phase d'expansion. One Peak apporte un financement de croissance, une expertise opérationnelle et ouvre l'accès à son vaste réseau à des entrepreneurs exceptionnels, dans le but d'aider à transformer des entreprises innovantes et à croissance rapide en leaders durables qui définissent leur catégorie. En plus d ‘Akur8, One Peak a investi dans Ardoq, Coro, Cymulate, Deepki, Docplanner, Keepit, Lucca, Neo4J, Pandadoc, Spryker et bien d'autres encore. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site www.onepeak.tech.

A propos de Partners Group
Partners Group est l'une des plus grandes sociétés du secteur des marchés privés mondiaux, avec environ 1 800 professionnels et quelque 150 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion. La société dispose de programmes d'investissement et de mandats personnalisés couvrant le capital–investissement, le crédit privé, les infrastructures, l'immobilier et les redevances. Avec son héritage Suisse et sa présence principale au Colorado pour les Amériques, Partners Group est construit différemment du reste de l'industrie. La société s'appuie sur sa culture différenciée et son approche opérationnelle pour identifier des thèmes d'investissement attrayants et pour faire des entreprises et des actifs des leaders du marché. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site www.partnersgroup.com ou nous suivre sur LinkedIn.

Contacts Média :

Vera Buttinger
Marketing Director
+33 7 66 31 47 58

One Peak
Lauren Sharman
Head of Platform
+44 7393 569004

Partners Group
Henry Weston
Communications Manager
+44 77 4876 0944

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9230614)

Successful Completion of $100m Tap Issue

Ittihad Successfully Completes $100 Million Tap Issue of Initial $350 Million Sukuk:

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ittihad is pleased to announce the successful completion of a $100 million tap issue of its $350 million sukuk, originally issued in November 2023. The sukuk, which carries a coupon interest rate of 9.75%, will mature in November 2028.

The tap issuance was placed at an issue price of 102.1, resulting in a yield of 9.0%. This yield reflects an improvement over the original terms.

The proceeds from this new issue will be utilized to refinance existing debt, thereby extending the company's debt maturity profile and enhancing its financial flexibility.

The tap issue garnered strong interest from international investors, who accounted for 70% of the new issue (34.5% from the US Offshore accounts, 22% from the UK and 13.5% from Europe), with the remaining 30% from regional asset managers. This significant international participation underscores the growing confidence in Ittihad's strong financial profile and enhances the diversification of its investor base, serving the company's long–term strategic goals. The demand from investors is a testament to Ittihad's enduring success story and its ability to attract and retain the confidence of regional and international investors. The company remains committed to its strategic objectives and will continue to pursue initiatives that strengthen its financial position and drive sustainable growth.

J.P. Morgan acted as sole lead manager and bookrunner on this transaction.

For further information, please contact:

Wasfi Al Tayara
Corporate Finance and Investor Relations Manager
+971 2 6581888



About Ittihad
Ittihad is a privately owned business founded in 2008 and headquartered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with investments in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The Company exports products and services to over 50 countries worldwide. It has a talented team of more than 8,000 members from over 57 nationalities with sector–wide expertise and a commitment to operational excellence.

Since 2015, Ittihad has pursued a strategy of investing in businesses with leading domestic positions in the UAE and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as well as strong international export potential. The Company focuses on long–term investments, all structured for business–to–business (B2B) export and designed to capture the unique value proposition offered by the UAE and the region.

Ittihad is committed to powering wealth creation through assets that balance profitability with sustainability and generate positive outcomes for stakeholders, society, and the planet.

This information is provided by Reach, the non–regulatory press release distribution service of RNS, part of the London Stock Exchange. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9177963)

Zenas BioPharma Announces Upsized $200 Million Series C Financing to Advance Mid- and Late-Stage Immunology-Focused Clinical Development Programs

Financing led by SR One, NEA, Norwest Venture Partners, and Delos Capital with significant participation from Enavate Sciences, Longitude Capital, and other new and existing investors

Proceeds to support ongoing mid– to late–stage clinical development programs for Company’s lead I&I product candidate, obexelimab

WALTHAM, Mass., May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of inflammation and immunology–directed therapies, today announced the closing of an upsized $200 million Series C preferred stock financing. The financing round was led by SR One along with NEA, Norwest Venture Partners, and Delos Capital with significant participation from Enavate Sciences and Longitude Capital. Additional new investors, the Federated Hermes Kaufmann Funds, and Arrowmark Partners, along with existing investors, Fairmount, Wellington Management, Rock Springs Capital, Pivotal bioVenture Partners, Vivo Capital, Quan Venture Fund, and Superstring Capital participated in the financing. In conjunction with the financing, Jake Nunn, venture partner at SR One, and Tim Xiao, Partner at Delos Capital, joined Zenas’ Board of Directors.

Proceeds will support ongoing mid– to late–stage clinical development programs for the Company’s lead product candidate, obexelimab, a bifunctional monoclonal antibody designed to bind both CD19 and FcγRIIb to inhibit the activity of B cells, plasmablasts, and CD19–expressing plasma cells.

The obexelimab clinical programs include an ongoing Phase 3 registration–directed trial in IgG4–Related Disease, two planned Phase 2 randomized controlled trials in Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and an ongoing open label Phase 2 trial in Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia.

“We are pleased and appreciative of the support we have received from this group of tremendous life sciences investors as we advance the ongoing obexelimab development program across multiple auto–immune diseases,” said Lonnie Moulder, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Zenas BioPharma. “Their commitment to Zenas is a testament to our vision to be a global leader in bringing innovative immunology–based therapies to patients around the world. This financing enables us to complete multiple potentially value driving clinical programs.”

“We are excited to support Zenas’ continued progress toward its goal of becoming a global leader in innovative immunology–based therapies, and we are confident in the capabilities of this exceptional team to advance the comprehensive development program for obexelimab across multiple potential indications,” said Jake Nunn, venture partner at SR One. “At SR One, we invest in companies like Zenas whose science has the potential to rewrite the medical textbooks and meaningfully transform patient care. We are proud to serve as lead investor alongside an exceptional syndicate and look forward to supporting Zenas in advancing a pipeline of innovative new therapeutic approaches for patients living with inflammatory and immune–mediated diseases.”

About Obexelimab

Obexelimab is a bifunctional monoclonal antibody designed to bind both CD19 and FcγRIIb to inhibit B–lineage cell activity.  Obexelimab has demonstrated clinical activity and was well–tolerated in five clinical trials, including in several autoimmune diseases, in which 198 subjects were dosed. In these clinical studies, obexelimab demonstrated inhibition of B cell function without depleting the cells, resulting in encouraging treatment effect in patients with various autoimmune diseases. Zenas acquired exclusive worldwide rights to obexelimab from Xencor, Inc. Obexelimab is currently being studied in a global Phase 3 clinical study in patients with IgG4–Related Disease and a global Phase 2/3 study in patients with Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (wAIHA). Clinical development of obexelimab for Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is under way. 

More information on the Phase 3 (INDIGO) study for the treatment of IgG4–Related Disease is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241. More information on the Phase 2/3 (SApHiAre) study for the treatment of wAIHA is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05786573. 

About Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma is a clinical–stage global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of inflammation and immunology (I&I) directed therapies for patients in need around the world. With clinical development capabilities and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a portfolio of potentially differentiated autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need. Zenas’ experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those facing autoimmune and rare diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit www.zenasbio.com and follow us on X at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

About SR One

SR One is a transatlantic biotechnology venture capital firm that collaborates with entrepreneurs and investment partners in an effort to build elite biotechnology companies. The Company’s mission is to translate innovative technologies and scientific discoveries into next–generation medicines with the potential to benefit patients with significant unmet medical needs. SR One leadership has worked together to build and invest in biotechnology companies for more than a decade. Working alongside the investment team, SR One’s venture partners bring deep operational experience to help company creation initiatives and support portfolio companies with financing and corporate strategies. SR One has offices in Redwood City, CA, and Philadelphia, PA, in the US and London in the UK. For more information, please visit www.srone.com.

About NEA

New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA) is a global venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs build transformational businesses across multiple stages, sectors and geographies. Founded in 1977, NEA has over $25 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2023, and invests in technology and healthcare companies at all stages in a company's lifecycle, from seed stage through IPO. The firm's long track record of investing includes more than 270 portfolio company IPOs and more than 450 mergers and acquisitions. For more information, please visit www.nea.com.

About Norwest Venture Partners

Norwest Venture Partners is a global venture and growth equity investment firm managing more than $15.5 billion in capital. Since its inception, Norwest has invested in more than 700 companies and currently partners with more than 230 companies in its venture and growth equity portfolio. The firm invests in early– to late–stage businesses across key sectors with a focus on enterprise, consumer and healthcare. The Norwest team offers a deep network of connections, extensive operating experience, and a wide range of impactful services to help CEOs and founders scale their businesses. Norwest has offices in Menlo Park and San Francisco, Calif.; Mumbai, India; and Tel Aviv, Israel. For more information, please visit www.nvp.com.

About Delos Capital

Delos Capital is a life sciences investment firm that partners with extraordinary teams pursuing breakthrough medicines that meaningfully improve the lives of patients. We are a collaborative, global team of seasoned biotech investors, company–builders, operators, and industry analysts, and we aim to serve the companies into which we invest by bringing both capital and substantive biotech expertise. We have designed, built, financed, and supported both novel platforms and approved medicines that strengthen hundreds of millions of lives across the world. Our global team is spread across offices in Cambridge, MA and in East Asia, allowing us to blend deep experiences operating at the epicenter of global biotech venture with proprietary insights into innovations from emerging biotech clusters. Delos Capital currently manages three funds, with ~US$600 million in total capital under management. For more information, please visit www.deloscapital.com.

Investor and Media Contact:
Argot Partners


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9111837)

EMGA décroche un financement de 15 millions de dollars US pour Banco Improsa au Costa Rica

LONDRES, 24 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En partenariat avec Banco Improsa, Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP, ci–après « EMGA », annonce avoir obtenu l’ouverture d’une ligne de crédit à hauteur de 15 millions de dollars auprès de l’Agence japonaise de coopération internationale (ou JICA pour Japan International Cooperation Agency).

« Malgré la complexité du contexte macroéconomique mondial, nous nous réjouissons d’appuyer une fois de plus la vision durable de Banco Improsa pour soutenir les PME au Costa Rica et de mener à bien ce financement. » observe Sajeev Chakkalakal, Responsable de la branche Investissement et directeur général d’EMGA.

Félix Alpizar Lobo, Directeur général de Banco Improsa, commente la transaction en ces termes : « Ce financement confirme notre engagement en faveur du renforcement des PME au Costa Rica, et Banco Improsa est fière de partager l’objectif de la JICA en contribuant à la croissance économique et sociale des pays en voie de développement. »

Jeremy Dobson, directeur général d’EMGA, ajoute que « La solide gestion et la bonne santé financière de Banco Improsa ont joué un rôle clé pour aider l’équipe de la branche Investissement d’EMGA à obtenir ce financement. Ce soutien de la JICA contribuera à renforcer davantage la capacité de Banco Improsa à faire progresser son portefeuille de prêts dédiés aux PME. »


L’Agence japonaise de coopération internationale est une agence gouvernementale qui fournit une part majeure de l’aide publique au développement pour le compte du gouvernement japonais. Elle est chargée de soutenir la croissance économique et sociale dans les pays en voie de développement et de promouvoir la coopération internationale.


Implantée à Londres et à New York, EMGA vient en aide aux établissements financiers et aux entreprises en quête de nouveaux capitaux d’emprunt ou de capitaux propres. Son équipe multinationale compte des décennies d’expérience dans la réalisation de transactions pour le compte de ses clients sur les marchés émergents et les économies frontières de tous les pays du monde, y compris au Costa Rica qui reste un marché clé. EMGA continue d’élargir son rayonnement géographique et d’étoffer son offre de services en capitalisant sur son expérience reconnue dans la formation de capital et les prestations de conseil stratégique étendues à divers cycles économiques. Elle assied ainsi sa position prédominante sur le marché de banque d’investissement de niche ciblée sur les marchés émergents.


Forte de plus de 37 ans d’expérience, Banco Improsa est une banque commerciale dont le modèle relationnel d’affaires et l’assise sur les marchés de niche convergent vers une spécialisation visant la fourniture de solutions et de services de financement aux petites et moyennes entreprises (ou PME), entre autres. Elle fait partie des premières banques privées du Costa Rica à proposer des services non financiers à ses clients et propose des conseils et un appui aux PME de longue date. Le principal facteur de réussite de Banco Improsa réside dans son engagement à respecter des normes élevées de service, en toute agilité et flexibilité, qui alliées à sa gamme de solutions financières personnalisées, lui a permis d’atteindre une franche position sur ce secteur.

Banco Improsa est une filiale du Grupo Financiero Improsa (ou GFI).

Coordonnées :

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946462)

A EMGA obtém financiamento de US$ 15 milhões para o Banco Improsa na Costa Rica

LONDRES, April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), em parceria com o Banco Improsa, anuncia que obteve uma linha de crédito de US$ 15 milhões da Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, chefe de banco de investimento e diretor administrativo da EMGA, afirmou: “Apesar de um ambiente macroeconômico global complicado, temos o prazer de mais uma vez facilitar a visão contínua do Banco Improsa de apoiar as PMEs na Costa Rica e concluir essa solução de financiamento.”

Ao comentar a transação, Felix Alpizar Lobo, gerente geral do Banco Improsa, disse: “Esse financiamento reitera nosso compromisso de fortalecer o segmento de PMEs na Costa Rica. O Banco Improsa orgulha–se de compartilhar o objetivo da JICA que é contribuir para o crescimento econômico e social dos países em desenvolvimento.”

Jeremy Dobson, diretor administrativo da EMGA, acrescentou: “A sólida gestão e a posição financeira saudável do Banco Improsa foram fatores fundamentais para ajudar a equipe do banco de investimentos da EMGA a garantir esse financiamento, e essa linha de crédito da JICA reforçará ainda mais a capacidade do Banco Improsa de aumentar sua principal carteira de empréstimos para PMEs.”


A Japan International Cooperation Agency é uma agência governamental que fornece a maior parte da Assistência Oficial ao Desenvolvimento para o governo do Japão. Ela foi criada para ajudar no crescimento econômico e social dos países em desenvolvimento e na promoção da cooperação internacional.


A EMGA, com filiais em Londres e Nova York, auxilia instituições financeiras e empresas que buscam novos capitais de dívida ou acionários. A equipe multinacional da EMGA combina décadas da experiência necessária para concluir transações em nome de seus clientes nos mercados emergentes e economias de fronteira do mundo, incluindo a Costa Rica, que continua sendo um mercado importante. Com um histórico comprovado em formação de capital e consultoria estratégica ao longo de diversos ciclos econômicos, a EMGA continua expandindo seu alcance geográfico e sua oferta de serviços, solidificando sua posição no mercado como um dos bancos de investimento de nicho mais proeminentes do setor voltado para mercados emergentes.


É um banco comercial com mais de 37 anos de experiência, cujo modelo de negócios relacional e o foco em nichos de mercado são voltados para o fornecimento de soluções e serviços de financiamento para pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs), entre outros. O Banco Improsa foi um dos primeiros bancos privados da Costa Rica a prestar serviços não financeiros a seus clientes e conta com um longo histórico de aconselhamento e apoio a PMEs. O principal fator de sucesso do Banco Improsa é seu compromisso com elevados padrões de atendimento ágil e flexível, o que, aliado à oferta de soluções financeiras personalizadas, lhe conferiu uma sólida posição nesses segmentos.

O Banco Improsa é uma empresa subsidiária do Grupo Financiero Improsa (GFI).

Informações de contato

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946462)

EMGA sichert Finanzierung von 15 Mio. US-Dollar für Banco Improsa in Costa Rica

LONDON, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) gibt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Banco Improsa bekannt, dass sie eine Kreditlinie in Höhe von 15 Millionen US–Dollar von der Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) erhalten hat.

Head of Investment Banking und Managing Director von EMGA, Sajeev Chakkalakal, dazu: „Trotz des schwierigen globalen makroökonomischen Umfelds freuen wir uns, dass wir Banco Improsas Vision, KMU in Costa Rica zu unterstützen, erneut unterstützen und diese Finanzierungslösung abschließen konnten.“

Felix Alpizar Lobo, General Manager von Banco Improsa, kommentierte die Transaktion mit den Worten: „Diese Finanzierung bekräftigt unser Engagement für die Stärkung des KMU–Segments in Costa Rica. Die Banco Improsa ist stolz darauf, das Ziel der JICA zu teilen, einen Beitrag zum wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wachstum der Entwicklungsländer zu leisten.“

Jeremy Dobson, Managing Director der EMGA, fügte hinzu: „Das starke Management und die gesunde Finanzlage von Banco Improsa waren die Schlüsselfaktoren, die dem Investmentbanking–Team der EMGA geholfen haben, diese Finanzierung zu sichern, und diese JICA–Fazilität wird die Fähigkeit von Banco Improsa weiter stärken, ihren Kernbestand an KMU–Krediten auszubauen.“


Die Japan International Cooperation Agency ist eine Regierungsbehörde, die den größten Teil der offiziellen Entwicklungshilfe für die japanische Regierung leistet. Sie hat die Aufgabe, das wirtschaftliche und soziale Wachstum der Entwicklungsländer zu unterstützen und die internationale Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.


EMGA, mit Büros in London und New York, unterstützt Finanzinstitute und Unternehmen bei der Suche nach neuem Fremd– oder Eigenkapital. Das multinationale Team der EMGA verfügt über die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung, die notwendig ist, um Transaktionen für ihre Kunden in den Schwellen– und Grenzmärkten der Welt durchzuführen, einschließlich Costa Rica, das nach wie vor ein wichtiger Markt ist. Mit einer nachgewiesenen Erfolgsbilanz in den Bereichen Kapitalbildung und strategische Beratung in verschiedenen Konjunkturzyklen baut EMGA seine geografische Reichweite und sein Serviceangebot weiter aus und festigt seinen Platz auf dem Markt als eine der branchenweit herausragenden, auf Schwellenländer fokussierten Nischen–Investmentbanken.


Sie ist eine Geschäftsbank mit mehr als 37 Jahren Erfahrung, deren Geschäftsmodell auf Beziehungen und Nischenmärkte ausgerichtet ist und die sich unter anderem auf die Bereitstellung von Finanzierungslösungen und Dienstleistungen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) spezialisiert hat. Die Banco Improsa war eine der ersten Privatbanken in Costa Rica, die ihren Kunden nicht–finanzielle Dienstleistungen anbot, und verfügt über eine langjährige Erfahrung in der Beratung und Unterstützung von KMU. Der wichtigste Erfolgsfaktor der Banco Improsa ist ihr Engagement für hohe Standards in Bezug auf einen agilen und flexiblen Service, der ihr zusammen mit dem Angebot maßgeschneiderter Finanzlösungen eine solide Position in diesen Segmenten verschafft hat.

Die Banco Improsa ist eine Tochtergesellschaft der Grupo Financiero Improsa (GFI).


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946462)

EMGA secures US$ 15M financing for Banco Improsa in Costa Rica

LONDON, April 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), in partnership with Banco Improsa, announces that it has secured a US$15 million line of credit from The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

EMGA’s Head of Investment Banking and Managing Director of EMGA, Sajeev Chakkalakal, stated: “In spite of a challenging global macroeconomic environment, we are pleased to once again facilitate Banco Improsa’s continued vision to supporting SMEs in Costa Rica and complete this financing solution.”

Commenting on the transaction, Felix Alpizar Lobo, General Manager of Banco Improsa, said: “This financing reaffirms our commitment to strengthening the SME segment in Costa Rica. Banco Improsa is proud to share JICA's objective of contributing to the economic and social growth of developing countries.”

EMGA’s Managing Director Jeremy Dobson added: “Banco Improsa's strong management and healthy financial position were key factors in helping the EMGA Investment Banking team secure this funding, and this JICA facility will further strengthen Banco Improsa’s ability to grow its core SME lending book.”


The Japan International Cooperation Agency is a governmental agency that provides most of the Official Development Assistance for the Government of Japan. It is chartered with assisting the economic and social growth of developing countries, and the promotion international cooperation.


EMGA, with offices in London and New York, assists financial institutions and corporations seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA’s multi–national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions on behalf of their clients within the world’s emerging markets and frontier economies, including Costa Rica which remains a key market. With a proven track record in capital formation and strategic advisory throughout diverse economic cycles, EMGA continues expanding its geographic reach and service offering, solidifying its place in the market as one of the industries pre–eminent emerging markets focused niche investment banks.


It is a commercial bank with more than 37 years of experience, whose relational business model and focus on niche markets specializes in providing financing solutions and services to small and medium–sized enterprises (SMEs), among others. Banco Improsa was one of the first private banks in Costa Rica to offer non–financial services to its clients and has a long–standing history of providing advice and support to SMEs. Banco Improsa's key success factor is its commitment to high standards of agile and flexible service, which, together with the offer of customized financial solutions, has enabled it to achieve a solid position in these segments.

Banco Improsa is a subsidiary of Grupo Financiero Improsa (GFI).

Contact details:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946184)