EMGA obtient un engagement pour un financement par dette senior de 30 millions de dollars américains pour Citizens Development Business Finance PLC au Sri Lanka

LONDRES, 11 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), banque d’investissement spécialisée dans les marchés émergents, vient d’obtenir un engagement de 30 millions de dollars américains en financement par dette senior pour Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB), basée au Sri Lanka. EMGA a initié, structuré et négocié cet accord de financement, avec le soutien financier de l’Agence Américaine de Financement pour le Développement International (DFC).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, directeur des services de banque d’investissement chez EMGA, a ainsi déclaré : « Malgré les difficultés rencontrées, nous sommes ravis d’avoir à nouveau fourni une solution de financement innovante à la CDB. Nous estimons que cela constitue une étape importante, puisqu’il s’agit du premier engagement de financement externe obtenu pour une IFNB (Institution Financière Non Bancaire) sri–lankaise depuis plusieurs années. Cela permettra également à CDB de continuer à soutenir les PME, y compris les entreprises appartenant à des femmes, ainsi que le secteur des énergies renouvelables dans le pays. »

Jeremy Dobson, directeur des opérations chez EMGA, a ajouté : « La forte capacité financière de CDB a permis à EMGA de naviguer les courants macroéconomiques divergents qui prévalent au Sri Lanka et d’obtenir l’engagement pour ce financement. Cette réussite souligne non seulement l’expertise d’EMGA dans la gestion d’environnements financiers complexes, mais également la collaboration fructueuse entre EMGA, CDB et la DFC, qui a permis de créer un précédent positif pour une institution financière sri–lankaise de premier plan, lui permettant d’obtenir un financement externe dans un climat économique difficile. »

Maryam Khosharay, vice–présidente adjointe du service des crédits au développement de la DFC, a ainsi confié : « Nous sommes très heureux de poursuivre l’engagement de la DFC à soutenir les investissements au Sri Lanka, en particulier ceux favorisant le financement bénéficiant les femmes et les actifs verts et ce en période de difficultés économiques et de hauts prix des énergies. »

Commentant la transaction, le directeur des finances de CDB, Roshan Abeygoonewardena, a précisé que CDB n’a cessé de renforcer la base de la pyramide économique, ce qui est un principe fondamental de son programme de développement durable. « Nous estimons que les femmes entrepreneurs, en particulier dans les microentreprises et les PME, sont les rouages de l’économie. Donner la priorité à l’autonomisation des femmes dans notre modèle d’entreprise avec un accès au financement qui, à son tour, stimulera l’indépendance et l’inclusion financières, sera crucial pour donner de l’élan au développement et à l’agenda économique du Sri Lanka. »

La société EMGA (Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP), dotée de bureaux à Londres et à New York, aide les institutions financières et les entreprises à la recherche de nouveaux capitaux d’emprunt ou de fonds propres. L’équipe multinationale d’EMGA représente les décennies d’expérience nécessaires pour mener à bien des transactions dans la plupart des pays émergents, y compris le Sri Lanka. EMGA continue d’étendre sa portée géographique, consolidant ainsi sa place en tant que banque d’investissement spécialisée prédominante, dont le focus est les marchés émergents.

Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) figure parmi les cinq plus grandes institutions financières non bancaires du Sri Lanka. C’est également l’un des établissements financiers les plus innovants du pays, avec un engagement fort en faveur de la durabilité ainsi qu’une gouvernance d’entreprise, une prise de responsabilité et une transparence exemplaires. Elle est réputée pour son bouleversement du secteur des services financiers grâce à des innovations technologiques de grande envergure et des solutions financières avant–gardistes.

L’Agence Américaine de Financement pour le Développement International (DFC) est l’organisme du gouvernement américain du financement pour le développement. La DFC s’associe au secteur privé pour financer des solutions aux défis les plus critiques auxquels les régions en voie de développement sont confrontées aujourd’hui. Nous investissons dans des secteurs tels que l’énergie, les soins de santé, les infrastructures, l’agriculture, les petites entreprises et les services financiers. Les investissements de la DFC répondent à des normes rigoureuses et respectent l’environnement, les droits de l’homme et les droits des travailleurs.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000908404)

EMGA sichert sich Zusage für vorrangige Fremdfinanzierung in Höhe von 30,0 Mio. USD für Citizens Development Business Finance PLC in Sri Lanka

LONDON, Jan. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), eine auf Schwellenländer spezialisierte Investmentbank, hat erfolgreich eine Zusage für eine vorrangige Fremdfinanzierung in Höhe von 30,0 Mio. USD für Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) mit Sitz in Sri Lanka erhalten. EMGA initiierte, strukturierte und verhandelte diese Finanzierung mit finanzieller Unterstützung der U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Leiter des Bereichs Investment Banking bei EMGA, dazu: „Trotz der Herausforderungen, mit denen wir konfrontiert waren, freuen wir uns, erneut eine innovative Finanzierungslösung für CDB entwickelt zu haben. Wir glauben, dass dies ein wichtiger Meilenstein ist, da dies die erste externe Finanzierungszusage für ein srilankisches Nichtbanken–Finanzunternehmen seit mehreren Jahren ist. Dies wird CDB auch ermöglichen, weiterhin KMU, einschließlich Unternehmen in Frauenhand, sowie den Sektor der erneuerbaren Energien im Land zu unterstützen.“

Jeremy Dobson, Chief Operating Officer von EMGA, dazu: „Die starke Finanzkraft von CDB ermöglichte es EMGA, die vorherrschenden makroökonomischen Gegenwinde in Sri Lanka zu meistern und sich die Zusage für diese Finanzierung zu sichern. Dieser Erfolg unterstreicht nicht nur die Kompetenz von EMGA bei der Navigation durch komplexe Finanzlandschaften, sondern auch die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit zwischen EMGA, CDB und der DFC, mit der ein positiver Präzedenzfall für ein führendes srilankisches Finanzinstitut geschaffen wurde, das sich in einem schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld externe Finanzmittel sichern konnte.“

Maryam Khosharay, Deputy Vice President des Office of Development Credit bei der DFC, dazu: „Wir freuen uns sehr, das Engagement der DFC zur Förderung von Investitionen in Sri Lanka fortzusetzen, insbesondere zur Förderung der Finanzierung von Frauen und umweltfreundlichen Anlagen in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Schwierigkeiten und hoher Energiepreise.“

Roshan Abeygoonewardena, Director Corporate Finance bei CDB, kommentierte die Transaktion mit den Worten, dass CDB das unterste Ende der Pyramide als übergreifendes Ethos der Nachhaltigkeitsagenda des Unternehmens kontinuierlich gestärkt hat. „Für uns Unternehmerinnen drehen sich die Räder der Wirtschaft vor allem im Mikrosegment und im Bereich der KMU. Die Stärkung der Rolle der Frau in unserem Geschäftsmodell und der Zugang zu Finanzmitteln, der wiederum die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit und Inklusion fördert, werden das Allheilmittel sein, um die Entwicklung und die wirtschaftliche Agenda Sri Lankas voranzutreiben.“

Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) mit Sitz in London und New York unterstützt Finanzinstitute und Unternehmen, die neues Fremd– oder Eigenkapital suchen. Das multinationale Team von EMGA vereint die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung, die notwendig ist, um Transaktionen in den meisten Schwellenländern, einschließlich Sri Lanka, durchzuführen. EMGA baut seine geografische Reichweite weiter aus und festigt damit seine Position als herausragende, auf Schwellenländer fokussierte Nischen–Investmentbank.

Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) gehört zu den fünf größten Nichtbank–Finanzinstituten in Sri Lanka und ist eines der innovativsten Finanzinstitute des Landes mit einem starken Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit, vorbildliche Unternehmensführung, Verantwortlichkeit und Transparenz. Es ist dafür bekannt, dass es die Finanzdienstleistungsbranche mit weitreichenden technologischen Innovationen und innovativen Finanzlösungen auf den Kopf stellt.

Die U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) ist die Entwicklungsfinanzierungsinstitution der US–Regierung. Die DFC arbeitet mit dem privaten Sektor zusammen, um Lösungen für die größten Herausforderungen zu finanzieren, mit denen die Entwicklungsländer heute konfrontiert sind. Wir investieren in Sektoren wie Energie, Gesundheitswesen, Infrastruktur, Landwirtschaft, kleine Unternehmen und Finanzdienstleistungen. Die Investitionen der DFC halten sich an hohe Standards und respektieren die Umwelt, die Menschenrechte und die Rechte der Arbeitnehmer.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000908404)

EMGA Secures a Commitment for USD 30.0 Million Senior Debt Finance for Citizens Development Business Finance PLC in Sri Lanka

LONDON, Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), an investment bank specializing in emerging markets, has successfully secured a commitment for USD 30.0 million in senior debt finance for Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) based in Sri Lanka. EMGA originated, structured, and negotiated this financing arrangement, with the financial support provided by the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, EMGA's Head of Investment Banking commented, “Despite the challenges we faced, we are delighted to have delivered again an innovative funding solution for CDB. We believe this marks a significant milestone, in being the first external funding commitment secured for a Sri Lankan NBFI in several years. It will also allow for CDB to continue to support SMEs, including female–owned enterprises, as well as the renewable energy sector in the country.”

Jeremy Dobson, EMGA's Chief Operating Officer commentated, “CDB's strong financial standing enabled EMGA to navigate the prevailing macroeconomic headwinds in Sri Lanka to secure the commitment for this funding. This achievement not only underscores EMGA's expertise in navigating complex financial landscapes, but also highlights the successful collaboration between EMGA, CDB, and DFC in setting a positive precedent for a leading Sri Lankan financial institution to secure external funding in challenging economic climates.”

Maryam Khosharay, DFC’s Deputy Vice President of the Office of Development Credit commented, “We are very glad to continue DFC’s commitment to bolstering investments in Sri Lanka especially those advancing financing for women and green assets in times of economic difficulty and high energy prices.”

Commenting on the transaction, Director Corporate Finance of CDB Roshan Abeygoonewardena opined that CDB has been continually strengthening the bottom of the pyramid as an overarching ethos of its sustainability agenda. “For us women entrepreneurs, especially in the micro and SMEs is where the wheels of the economy turn. Prioritizing women’s empowerment in our business model with access to finance which in turn will spur financial independence and inclusivity will be the panacea in adding fillip to Sri Lanka’s development and economic agenda.”

Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), based in London and New York helps financial institutions and corporates seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA’s multi–national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions within most emerging countries, including Sri Lanka. EMGA continues to expand its geographic reach, solidifying its place as a preeminent, emerging market focused, niche investment bank.

Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) stands among the five largest non–Bank financial institutions in Sri Lanka and is one of the most innovative financial institutions in the country, with a strong commitment to sustainability, exemplary corporate governance, accountability, and transparency. It is renowned for disrupting the financial services industry with far–reaching technological innovations and cutting–edge financial solutions.

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is the U.S. Government's development finance institution. DFC partners with the private sector to finance solutions to the most critical challenges facing the developing world today. We invest across sectors including energy, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and small business and financial services. DFC investments adhere to high standards and respect the environment, human rights, and worker rights.

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Project Worldwide Expands Sports, Web3 & Entertainment Capabilities with Investment in Talisman

NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Employee–owned network of creative agencies, Project Worldwide, is making a substantial strategic investment in Talisman, a full–service sports marketing agency that has forged remarkable partnerships between world–class brands and sports rights holders who have stamped their dominance in Formula 1 including partnering with Kraken & Williams Racing to identify and source key partnerships and significant business development opportunities across F1 races worldwide. Recognized for creativity, data utilization, and innovation, Talisman's expertise extends beyond F1, encompassing Sports, Web3, Gaming and Entertainment. The agency has achieved success working with a roster of world–class brands including Kraken, TUMI, Fanduel, McLaren, Lamborghini, ONE Championship and various stakeholders across the EPL, NBA, MLB, NFL and more.

Based in Dubai and experiencing explosive growth since its 2021 launch, the investment will allow Talisman to expand into the U.S. as well as tap into Project's global offices in 24 countries, which will see Talisman establishing commercial offices in New York, Los Angeles, London, Riyadh and Singapore.

Talisman was founded by Dharpan Randhawa, a sports marketing industry veteran who previously served as McLaren Racing's Senior Vice President of its Asia–Pacific region as well as Vice President of sales for Lagardre Sports (SPORTFIVE). Talisman has over 100 years of combined industry experience with a high–caliber advisory team including Tom Fox, Javier Villamizar and Kenneth Berger. Fox started his career on the brand side working with Gatorade and Nike, and later worked the sports side serving as President of the MLS team the San Jose Earthquakes as well as Chief Commercial Officer of Arsenal FC and CEO of Aston Villa. Villamizar leads Softbank's Vision Fund as Operating Partner and brings 25+ years of international "deal closing" experience managing multi–billion regional operations. Berger has a proven track record of business success throughout Asia including Regional Vice President at IMG & Head of Asia for the UFC. He launched Sports Marketing Japan (SMJ) which in 2009 was sold to Yoshimoto Kogyo, Japan's largest entertainment production entity and talent agency.

"We've always been highly selective and deliberate about the agencies we bring into our network, looking for those who are largely founder–led, creative and passionate about collaboration," said Robert G. Vallee, Jr., Project's Chairman and CEO. "After getting to know Dharpan and the team, we knew this was an excellent fit and we are excited to unlock the potential of our businesses coming together."

Talisman is joining the Project Sports, Gaming and Entertainment Collective, which now spans the full spectrum of sports marketing services including sports business consulting, sports sponsorships, brand campaigns and activations, digital innovation, content–centric programming, data/analytics and talent booking. Project SGE conceives of and creates iconic, culturally driven integrated marketing campaigns and programs for blue–chip clients, start–ups and everything in between. Talisman will be able to tap into the talents of Project's 13 other creative agencies including GPJ, OS Studios, G7, Motive, Praytell, Wondersauce and more.

"All of the Project agencies are built for "hyperconnective' creativity, which allows for seamless ideation, rapid adaptation, and collective innovation across platforms and programs," said Matt Statman, Motive founder, Chief Creative Officer and Chief Executive Officer as well as President of Project Integrated Agency Group. "We are fueled by strategy, driven by creativity, and known for flawless execution and can't wait for Talisman to provide more ammunition to construct meaningful bonds between brands and moments in culture."

As part of this transformative collaboration, Talisman is announcing several key changes to its leadership team. Founder Dharpan Randhawa will assume the role of CEO, Charlie Evans will take on the vital role of Chief Revenue Officer, overseeing revenue generation and growth strategies and Logan Furr will serve as Chief Partnerships Officer, leading efforts in forging valuable brand partnerships globally.

"Our journey has been defined by exponential growth, and our expansion into the US market is a testament to our robust trajectory," said Dharpan Randhawa, Talisman founder and CEO. "This strategic partnership with Project SGE is a game–changer. It not only provides Talisman with the resources to accelerate our presence in the United States, but also enhances our capabilities to offer clients and partners a more complete service portfolio. Together, we're poised to reshape the industry landscape and serve our clients with an unmatched, holistic approach."

Learn more about Project at Project.com and Talisman at TheTalismanAgency.com.

Media Contact:
Jeannie Evanchan

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/aa5893fe–22ea–4f86–a442–6c4b7c2f779d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8991976)

VAST Data schließt Finanzierungsrunde der Serie E ab und verdreifacht nahezu seine Bewertung auf 9,1 Mrd. USD

KEINE UNTERNEHMENSZENTRALE | NEW YORK, Dec. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VAST Data, das Unternehmen fr KI–Datenplattformen, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass es sich eine Serie–E–Finanzierung in Hhe von 118 Mio. USD gesichert hat, die von Fidelity Management & Research Company angefhrt und von New Enterprise Associates (NEA), BOND Capital und Drive Capital begleitet wird.

Die Finanzierung wird die Aufgabe von VAST Data vorantreiben, eine neue Kategorie von Infrastruktur zu schaffen, die Daten in den Mittelpunkt des Denkens, Reagierens und Erkennens von Systemen stellt. Dieser Durchbruch wird Unternehmen in die Lage versetzen, ihre dringlichsten Datenherausforderungen effektiv zu bewltigen und beispiellose Fortschritte in Technologie, Wirtschaft, sozialer Dynamik und wissenschaftlicher Forschung zu erzielen.

Die Plattform von VAST Data vereint Speicher–, Datenbank– und containerisierte Compute–Engine–Services in einer einzigen, skalierbaren Softwareplattform, die von Grund auf fr den Betrieb von KI– und GPU–beschleunigten Tools in modernen Rechenzentren und Clouds entwickelt wurde. Die Plattform ermglicht es Unternehmen auf einzigartige Weise, alle Daten, sowohl strukturierte als auch unstrukturierte, wie sie in der natrlichen Welt vorkommen, zu verstehen, um bessere Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und neue Werte zu erschlieen.

"Wir brauchen einen neuen KI–Daten–Stack", so Renen Hallak, CEO und Mitbegrnder von VAST Data. "Um im Zeitalter von KI und Deep Learning wirklich etwas zu bewirken, braucht man nicht nur viele Daten, sondern auch qualitativ hochwertige Daten, die richtig organisiert und zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort verfgbar sind. Die Plattform von VAST Data bietet eine KI–Infrastruktur, die den Weg fr automatisierte Entdeckungen ebnet, die einige der komplexesten Herausforderungen der Menschheit lsen knnen."

"Wir glauben, dass VAST Data ein Pionier auf dem Gebiet der KI–GPUs ist", so Scott Sandell, Chairman, CEO und CIO von NEA. "Mit Deep Learning im Zentrum der massiven KI–Bewegung, die wir erleben, sind das Interesse und die Investitionen in VAST Data eskaliert, und wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team von VAST Data, das den Einfluss und die Innovation in der globalen KI–Technologiebranche vorantreibt."

Die Finanzierung folgt auf ein entscheidendes Kalenderjahr 2023, das von folgenden Faktoren geprgt war:

  • Beeindruckende Geschftsdynamik: Am Ende des 3. Quartals berschritt VAST Data die Marke von 1 Mrd. USD bei den kumulierten Software–Buchungen. Das Unternehmen ist im Jahresvergleich um das 3,3–Fache gewachsen und hat in den letzten 12 Quartalen einen positiven Cashflow mit einer Bruttomarge von fast 90 % erzielt.
  • Unternehmen aus allen Branchen vertrauen auf VAST Data: VAST Data verfgt ber eine wachsende Kundenliste globaler Unternehmen, darunter Booking Holdings, Inc., U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, Verizon, Boston Children"s Hospital, Pixar, Zoom und viele andere, was fr eine starke Marktvalidierung spricht.
  • Die KI–Cloud–Infrastruktur neu denken: Durch innovative Kundenpartnerschaften mit Unternehmen wie CoreWeave, Lambda und Core42 (ehemals G42 Cloud) stellt VAST Data die Infrastruktur bereit, die speziell fr KI–Clouds der nchsten Generation entwickelt wurde.
  • Vertieftes Engagement fr Partner: Seit seiner Grndung hat VAST Data eng mit Partnern zusammengearbeitet, um technologische Kompromisse und Barrieren zu berwinden und gleichzeitig das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Im Mai 2023 hat VAST Data diese Mission mit der Erlangung der NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD–Zertifizierung fr die VAST Data–Plattform weiter vorangetrieben und macht KI–Implementierungen in groem Mastab einfacher, schneller, zuverlssiger und leichter zu verwalten. Im April 2023 ist VAST Data eine strategische Partnerschaft mit HPE eingegangen, um Unternehmenskunden dabei zu untersttzen, unstrukturierte Daten in groem Mastab mit hoher Performance zu verwalten und so die "Time to Insight" zu verkrzen.
  • Globale Expansion: Mit inzwischen mehr als 700 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern weltweit baut VAST Data seine geschftliche Prsenz aktiv aus und dringt in neue Regionen im asiatisch–pazifischen Raum, im Nahen Osten und in Europa vor.

Untersttzende Zitate

Die Fhigkeit der Plattform von VAST Data, groe Datenmengen in beispiellosem Umfang und mit beispielloser Geschwindigkeit zu verarbeiten, verndert die Art und Weise, wie die Branche arbeitet, und unterstreicht die zentrale Rolle von Deep Learning–KI bei der Gestaltung des knftigen Fortschritts. Diese Ansicht wurde von Kunden und Partnern aus der gesamten Branche geteilt, darunter:

"Daten sind das wertvollste Kapital eines jeden Unternehmens", so Manuvir Das, Vice President of Enterprise Computing bei NVIDIA. "NVIDIA und VAST Data arbeiten zusammen, damit Unternehmen ihre Daten mit beschleunigtem Computing und Cloud–basierten KI–Lsungen nutzen knnen, um ihre grten Herausforderungen zu bewltigen."

"Einige der weltweit datenintensivsten und computertechnisch fortschrittlichsten Kunden vertrauen auf CoreWeave, NVIDIA und VAST, um die sichersten und skalierbarsten Lsungen auf der schnellsten und flexibelsten KI–Infrastruktur der Branche bereitzustellen", so Michael Intrator, CEO und Mitbegrnder von CoreWeave. "Wir fhlen uns geehrt, mit VAST zusammenzuarbeiten, um mageschneiderte Accelerated–Computing–Lsungen anzubieten, die die komplexen KI– und Datenherausforderungen lsen, mit denen Unternehmen heute und in Zukunft konfrontiert sind."

"Daten sind der einzige Wettbewerbsvorteil in der KI. Daher ist eine Infrastruktur, die den Datenzugriff vereinfacht und skaliert, fr jedes Unternehmen, das KI–Modelle trainiert, von entscheidender Bedeutung", so Sanjeev Mohan, Principal bei SanjMo. "Mit einer modernen Datenplattform, die auf die fr KI erforderliche Leistung und Skalierung zugeschnitten ist, ist VAST Data gut positioniert, um eine groe Chance zu nutzen."

Zustzliche Ressourcen:

ber VAST Data:
VAST Data ist die Datenplattform fr das Zeitalter der knstlichen Intelligenz. Als neuer Standard fr die KI–Infrastruktur von Unternehmen vertrauen Unternehmen auf die Plattform von VAST Data, um ihre datenintensiven Datenverarbeitungsanforderungen zu erfllen. VAST Data ermglicht es Unternehmen, das volle Potenzial ihrer Daten auszuschpfen, indem es eine einfache, skalierbare KI–Infrastruktur bereitstellt, die von Grund auf fr Deep Learning und GPU–beschleunigte Rechenzentren und Clouds entwickelt wurde. VAST Data wurde 2019 gegrndet und ist das am schnellsten wachsende Dateninfrastrukturunternehmen in der Geschichte. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte https://vastdata.com und folgen Sie VAST Data auf X (ehemals Twitter) und LinkedIn.


Austin Weedfall

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8991518)

VAST Data évaluée à 9,1 milliards de dollars après sa dernière levée de fonds en série E, faisant presque tripler sa valorisation

SANS SIÈGE SOCIAL | NEW YORK, 07 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VAST Data, la socit d'infrastructure de donnes conue pour l'IA, annonce ce jour avoir lev 118 millions de dollars dans le cadre d'une opration de financement de srie E dirige par Fidelity Management & Research Company, et appuye par New Enterprise Associates (ou NEA), BOND Capital et Drive Capital.

Le financement permettra VAST Data de poursuivre sa mission visant dvelopper une nouvelle catgorie d'infrastructure plaant les donnes au c"ur des mcanismes de rflexion, raction et dcouverte des systmes. Cette innovation permettra aux entreprises de relever profitablement les dfis en lien avec les donnes les plus urgents, et ouvre ainsi la voie des avances indites dans des domaines comme la technologie, l'conomie, les dynamiques sociales ou la recherche scientifique.

La plateforme de donnes VAST Data rassemble des services de stockage, de base de donnes et de moteurs de calcul conteneuriss sous un seul toit prenant la forme d'une plateforme logicielle volutive, initialement conue pour alimenter l'IA et les outils acclrs par les units de traitement graphique dans les centres de donnes et les environnements cloud modernes. La plateforme simplifie la comprhension des donnes dans leur ensemble, qu'elles soient structures ou non sous leur forme naturelle, avec pour objectif d'apporter des perspectives suprieures et de dgager une valeur nouvelle.

Une nouvelle pile de donnes IA s'impose dclare Renen Hallak, PDG et co–fondateur de VAST Data. Et de poursuivre : Il est indispensable de se reposer sur de nombreuses donnes, de qualit suprieure, soigneusement organises et stockes de manire adquate l'instant T pour avoir un vritable impact dans cette re de l'IA et de l'apprentissage profond. La plateforme VAST Data propose une infrastructure d'IA qui ouvre la voie la dcouverte automatise, capable de rsoudre des dfis parmi les plus complexes de l'humanit .

Nous sommes convaincus que la plateforme VAST Data fait office de pionnier du domaine des units de traitement graphique (ou GPU "" Graphical Processing Unit) et de l'intelligence artificielle remarque Scott Sandell, Prsident, PDG et Directeur des investissements chez NEA, avant de conclure : L'apprentissage profond est au c"ur de l'engouement de masse pour l'IA tel que nous l'observons, ce qui suscite un effet crescendo de l'intrt des investisseurs envers la plateforme de VAST Data. Nous sommes enchants de cette association, l'heure o les quipes de VAST Data exercent une telle influence et fait preuve de tant d'innovation dans le secteur mondial des technologies IA .

Le financement fait suite une anne 2023 dcisive, marque par :

  • Un engouement commercial de taille : l'issue du 3e trimestre de son exercice fiscal, VAST Data a dpass le milliard de dollars de rservations logicielles cumules. La socit a enregistr une croissance multiplie par 3,3 en glissement annuel, et a maintenu flot son flux de trsorerie au cours des 12 derniers trimestres, ralisant une marge brute de prs de 90 %.
  • Une confiance marque de la part des entreprises spcialises dans tous les secteurs d'activits : VAST Data compte un portefeuille croissant de clients d'envergure mondiale, dont entre autres Booking Holdings, Inc., la force arienne amricaine, le ministre amricain de l'nergie, Verizon, l'hpital pour enfants Boston Children's Hospital, Pixar, ou Zoom, signe d'un profond ancrage sur le march.
  • Une rvolution de l'infrastructure cloud pour l'IA : l'appui de partenariats novateurs avec des entreprises telles que CoreWeave, Lambda ou Core42, anciennement G42 Cloud, VAST Data dveloppe une infrastructure conue spcifiquement pour les environnements cloud d'IA de nouvelle gnration.
  • Un engagement renforc envers ses partenaires : Depuis sa cration, VAST Data travaille en troite collaboration avec ses partenaires pour liminer les concessions et les obstacles technologiques tout en optimisant l'exprience client globale. En mai 2023, VAST Data a valoris cet engagement par l'obtention de l'agrment DGX SuperPOD dcern par NVIDIA, qui rcompense les efforts envers la simplification, l'acclration, la fiabilit et l'aisance de gestion des dploiements d'IA. En avril 2023, VAST Data a conclu un partenariat stratgique avec HPE, visant accompagner les clients professionnels dans la gestion de leurs donnes non structures l'appui de performances leves et grande chelle, et leur permettre des clairages plus rapides.
  • Un essor mondial : Avec le concours de plus de 700 employs rpartis dans le monde entier, VAST Data dveloppe activement sa prsence commerciale, et accde de nouveaux marchs dans la rgion Asie–Pacifique, mais aussi au Moyen–Orient et en Europe.


La plateforme de VAST Data est capable de traiter de grandes quantits de donnes une chelle et une vitesse ingales, ce qui induit un mouvement de transition oprationnelle dans l'industrie, et souligne le rle cl que jouera l'apprentissage profond reposant sur l'IA dans les prochaines avances. Ce sentiment est partag par des clients et des partenaires de l'industrie, qui s'expriment ainsi :

Selon Manuvir Das, Vice–prsident des solutions informatiques destines aux entreprises chez NVIDIA, Les donnes reprsentent le plus prcieux patrimoine de chaque entreprise. La collaboration entre NVIDIA et VAST Data permet aux entreprises d'exploiter leurs donnes en se reposant sur des solutions de calcul acclr et d'IA en mode cloud pour relever leurs plus grands enjeux .

D'aprs Michael Intrator, PDG et co–fondateur de CoreWeave, Des entreprises parmi les plus friandes en donnes et les plus avances en informatique de la plante font confiance CoreWeave, NVIDIA et VAST pour fournir les solutions les plus scurises et les plus volutives du segment relatif l'infrastructure d'IA, et les plus rapides et les plus flexibles de l'industrie. C'est un honneur de nous associer VAST pour concevoir des solutions de calcul acclr, spcialement conues pour rsoudre les enjeux complexes de l'IA et des donnes auxquels les entreprises sont confrontes aujourd'hui et l'avenir .

Pour Sanjeev Mohan, Directeur de SanjMo, Les donnes constituant un avantage concurrentiel unique en IA, une infrastructure capable de simplifier et de moduler l'accs aux donnes grande chelle est essentielle aux modles d'apprentissage base d'IA de toute organisation. Avec sa plateforme de donnes moderne, la conception adquate pour rpondre aux exigences de performance et d'chelle de l'intelligence artificielle, VAST Data est bien positionne pour saisir des opportunits de taille .

Ressources complmentaires :

propos de VAST Data :
VAST Data est la socit l'origine d'une plateforme de donnes conue pour l're de l'IA. Sa plateforme tablit une nouvelle norme pour les infrastructures d'IA des entreprises, laquelle les organisations font confiance pour rpondre leurs besoins informatiques les plus extrmes en matire de donnes. VAST Data permet aux entreprises d'exploiter pleinement le potentiel de leurs donnes en leur proposant une infrastructure d'IA simple, volutive et conue ds le dpart pour alimenter les centres de donnes et les environnements cloud acclrs par les modles d'apprentissage profond et les units de traitement graphique. Fonde en 2019, VAST Data est la socit d'infrastructure de donnes la croissance la plus rapide de toute l'histoire. Pour en savoir plus sur VAST Data, consultez notre site Internet : https://vastdata.com et suivez–nous sur X (anciennement Twitter) et LinkedIn.

Contact presse :

Austin Weedfall

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8991518)

VAST Data Closes Series E Funding Round, Nearly Triples Valuation to $9.1 Billion

NO–HEADQUARTERS | NEW YORK, Dec. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VAST Data, the AI data platform company, announced today that it has secured $118 million in Series E funding, led by Fidelity Management & Research Company and accompanied by New Enterprise Associates (NEA), BOND Capital and Drive Capital.

The funding will advance VAST Data's mission to deliver a new category of infrastructure that puts data at the center of how systems think, react, and discover. This breakthrough will empower organizations to effectively address their most pressing data challenges, enabling unprecedented advancements in technology, economics, social dynamics, and scientific research.

The VAST Data Platform unifies storage, database, and containerized compute engine services into a single, scalable software platform architected from the ground up to power AI and GPU–accelerated tools in modern data centers and clouds. The platform uniquely enables organizations to understand all data, both structured and unstructured as it exists in the natural world, to generate superior insights and unlock new value.

"A new AI data stack is required," said Renen Hallak, CEO and Co–Founder of VAST Data. "To be truly impactful in this era of AI and deep learning, you not only want to have a lot of data, but also high quality data that is correctly organized and available at the right place, at the right time. The VAST Data Platform delivers AI infrastructure that opens the door to automated discovery that can solve some of humanity's most complex challenges."

"We believe that VAST Data is a pioneer in the AI GPU space," said Scott Sandell, Chairman, CEO and CIO at NEA. "With deep learning at the center of the massive AI movement we are experiencing, interest and investment in VAST Data has escalated, and we are thrilled to partner with the VAST Data team as they drive influence and innovation in the global AI technology sector."

The funding follows a pivotal 2023 calendar year, marked by:

  • Impressive Business Momentum: At the end of FY'Q3, VAST Data surpassed $1 billion in cumulative software bookings. The company achieved 3.3x year–over–year (YoY) growth and maintained positive cash flow for the last 12 quarters with a gross margin of nearly 90%.
  • Organizations Across All Industries Trust VAST Data: VAST Data has amassed a growing customer roster of global enterprises including Booking Holdings, Inc., U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, Verizon, Boston Children's Hospital, Pixar, and Zoom, among others, signaling strong market validation.
  • Reimagining AI Cloud Infrastructure: Through innovative customer partnerships with companies like CoreWeave, Lambda and Core42 (formerly G42 Cloud), VAST Data is delivering the infrastructure that is purpose built for next–generation AI clouds.
  • Deepened Commitment to Partners: Since its founding, VAST Data has worked closely with partners to break down technology tradeoffs and barriers while improving the overall customer experience. In May 2023, VAST Data furthered this mission with the VAST Data Platform achieving NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD certification, making large scale AI deployments simpler, faster, more reliable and easier to manage. In April 2023, VAST Data entered into a strategic partnership with HPE, helping enterprise customers manage unstructured data with high performance at scale to deliver superior time to data insight.
  • Global Expansion: Now with more than 700 employees worldwide VAST Data is actively broadening its business footprint, penetrating new regions in Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Europe.

Supporting Quotes

The VAST Data Platform's capacity to process large quantities of data at unparalleled scale and speed signifies a transformative shift in industry operations, underscoring the pivotal role of deep learning AI in shaping future advancements. This sentiment was shared by customers and partners across the industry, including:

"Data is every company's most valuable asset," said Manuvir Das, vice president of Enterprise Computing at NVIDIA. "NVIDIA and Vast Data are collaborating to enable enterprises to harness their data using accelerated computing and cloud–based AI solutions to tackle their biggest challenges."

“Some of the most data–intensive and computationally advanced customers on the planet trust CoreWeave, NVIDIA and VAST to deliver the most secure and scalable solutions on top of the industry's fastest and most flexible AI infrastructure,” said Michael Intrator, CEO and co–founder of CoreWeave. “We're honored to partner with VAST to provide purpose–built accelerated computing solutions that solve the complex AI and data challenges that enterprises face now and into the future."

“Data is the only competitive advantage in AI and therefore infrastructure that can simplify and scale data access is crucial for any organization training AI models,” said Sanjeev Mohan, Principal, SanjMo. “With a modern data platform fine–tuned for the performance and scale AI requires, VAST Data is well–positioned to capture a massive opportunity.”

Additional Resources:

About VAST Data:
VAST Data is the data platform company built for the AI era. As the new standard for enterprise AI infrastructure, organizations trust the VAST Data Platform to serve their most data–intensive computing needs. VAST Data empowers enterprises to unlock the full potential of their data by providing AI infrastructure that is simple, scalable, and architected from the ground up to power deep learning and GPU–accelerated data centers and clouds. Launched in 2019, VAST Data is the fastest growing data infrastructure company in history. For more information, please visit https://vastdata.com and follow VAST Data on X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn.

Media Contact:

Austin Weedfall

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990742)

Pacific Green Enters Into Transaction to Sell Its 249MW / 373.5MWh Sheaf Energy Park Battery Development for an Enterprise Value of £210 Million (US$258 Million)

Dover, DE, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pacific Green Technologies, Inc. (“Pacific Green”, OTCQB: PGTK) announces that it has entered into a transaction to sell 100% of the shares in Pacific Green Battery Energy Parks 2 Limited ("PGBEP2") to Sosteneo Fund 1 HoldCo S..r.l. ("Sosteneo HoldCo") for 210 million (US$258 million) (the "Transaction").

PGBEP2 is the holding company for 100% subsidiary, Sheaf Energy Limited, Pacific Green's 249 MW / 373.5 MWh battery energy storage system in Kent, England ("Sheaf Energy Park"), which will begin commercial operations in July 2025.

Sosteneo HoldCo is an investment vehicle for the Sosteneo Energy Transition Fund, managed by Sosteneo SGR S.p.A. ("Sosteneo"), a specialist manager of greenfield infrastructure projects related to the energy transition and part of the Generali ecosystem of asset management firms.

Under the terms of the Transaction, Pacific Green and Sosteneo have granted each other respective options to buy or sell the shares in PGBEP2.

As part of the Transaction, Sosteneo will provide a capital expenditure loan, which together with the senior debt facility, will fully fund the development and construction of Sheaf Energy Park.

About Pacific Green Technologies, Inc.:

Pacific Green is focused on addressing the world's need for cleaner and more sustainable energy. Pacific Green offers Battery Energy Storage Systems and Concentrated Solar Power to complement its environmental technologies division. Pacific Green has offices in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Saudi Arabia and China.

For more information, visit Pacific Green's website:

Notice Regarding Forward–Looking Statements:

This news release contains "forward–looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward–looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward–looking statements include, among other things, the continued development of Sheaf Energy Park, the continuation of the Transaction, any potential business developments and future interest in Pacific Green's battery, solar and environmental technologies.

Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward–looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the continuation of the development of Sheaf Energy Park, the continuation of the Transaction and general economic and political conditions. These forward–looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and Pacific Green assumes no obligation to update the forward–looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward–looking statements. Although Pacific Green believes that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in Pacific Green's annual report on Form 10–K for the most recent fiscal year, Pacific Green's quarterly reports on Form 10–Q and other periodic reports filed from time–to–time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974156)

Pacific Green Reaches Financial Close for £120 Million (US$146 Million) of Funding for Its 249 MW / 373.5 MWh Sheaf Energy Park Battery Development

Dover, DE, Nov. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pacific Green Technologies, Inc. (“Pacific Green”, OTCQB: PGTK) announces that it has reached financial close on a 120 million (US$146 million) senior debt facility (the "Facility") for Pacific Green's 249 MW / 373.5 MWh Sheaf Energy Park battery energy storage system in Kent, England ("Sheaf Energy Park").

The Facility is provided by a two–bank syndicate, with National Westminster Bank plc ("NatWest") and UK Infrastructure Bank Limited ("UKIB") contributing 60 million (US$73 million) each. The Facility will be used to fund the development and construction of Sheaf Energy Park, following which repayment will occur on a 10 year amortization profile upon the start of commercial operations.

Scott Poulter, Pacific Green's CEO, commented: "Sheaf Energy Park represents one of the largest project–financed battery energy storage systems in the world. We are pleased to have NatWest's and UKIB's participation in the Facility, which is a strong confirmation of the robustness of the project."

Jacob Lloyd, Head of Specialist Asset Finance at NatWest, added: "Pacific Green is one of the fastest growing independent renewable energy developers, and we are excited to support them with Sheaf Energy Park and future projects to come as they continue their growth in the renewable energy sector."

John Flint, CEO of UKIB, added: "The rapid scale–up of renewables onto the grid means the UK needs more storage capacity, and we need it fast. Our support for Pacific Green and the Sheaf Energy Park project is a great example of how UKIB's debt financing can help accelerate large storage projects to bring them online sooner, while also providing crucial market confidence in the sector."

About Pacific Green Technologies, Inc.:

Pacific Green is focused on addressing the world's need for cleaner and more sustainable energy. Pacific Green offers Battery Energy Storage Systems and Concentrated Solar Power to complement its environmental technologies division. Pacific Green has offices in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Saudi Arabia and China.

For more information, visit Pacific Green's website:

Notice Regarding Forward–Looking Statements:

This news release contains "forward–looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward–looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward–looking statements include, among other things, the continued development of Sheaf Energy Park, any potential business developments and future interest in Pacific Green's battery, solar and environmental technologies.

Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward–looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the continuation of the development of Sheaf Energy Park and general economic and political conditions. These forward–looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and Pacific Green assumes no obligation to update the forward–looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward–looking statements. Although Pacific Green believes that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in Pacific Green's annual report on Form 10–K for the most recent fiscal year, Pacific Green's quarterly reports on Form 10–Q and other periodic reports filed from time–to–time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971866)

ScyllaDB Raises $43M to Take on MongoDB at Scale, Push Database Performance to New Levels

SUNNYVALE, Calif. and HERZLIYA, Israel, Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ScyllaDB, the database for data–intensive apps that require high throughput and predictable low latency, has raised $43M in funding, led by global VC Eight Roads Ventures and AB Private Credit Investors, the private corporate credit and growth stage capital platform of AllianceBernstein. Additional investors in ScyllaDB include TLV partners, Magma Ventures and Qualcomm Ventures. These funds will enable ScyllaDB to accelerate its momentum with MongoDB customers who are wrestling with scale.

ScyllaDB, used by 400+ global companies such as Discord, Epic Games, and Palo Alto Networks, has been experiencing a surge in demand from teams replacing MongoDB as they hit barriers to scale. Across industries, R&D teams are increasingly realizing that ScyllaDB's dramatically different database architecture delivers better performance and horizontal scalability for data–intensive workloads. In an independent benchmark, ScyllaDB achieved up to 68X lower latencies vs. MongoDB, up to 20X higher throughput, and 19X better price/performance ratio. Overall, the study compared a total of 133 performance measurements and ScyllaDB outperformed MongoDB in 132 of 133 measurements. These results build upon previous benchmarks vs. Cassandra, DynamoDB, and other databases that ScyllaDB is commonly used to replace.

This funding comes during a momentous year for ScyllaDB. Earlier this year, the company announced 100% year–over–year growth in its Database–as–a–Service (DBaaS) offering and 800% overall revenue growth that landed ScyllaDB a spot in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500. Last month, ScyllaDB was named Google Cloud Customer of the Year. And tomorrow, ScyllaDB will be hosting over 15,000 engineers at P99 CONF, the largest conference of its kind.

Davor Hebel, Managing Partner at Eight Roads Ventures commented, "The NoSQL database market size has reached $13 billion, still growing 21% year–over–year, making it one of the largest and fastest growing software segments. ScyllaDB is uniquely positioned to help companies address the challenges of continued data proliferation and the performance needs of modern applications. We have been impressed by the team's execution since our original investment in 2019 and are excited to deepen our partnership further."

"ScyllaDB is architected through its shard–per–core design to capitalize on continuing hardware innovations," explained Dor Laor, ScyllaDB Co–Founder and CEO. "Other NoSQL databases are effectively insulated from the underlying hardware. With the amount of data doubling every year and new usages driven by AI, customers require fast, scalable and cost–effective solutions "" and ScyllaDB displaces leading database vendors on a daily basis."

About ScyllaDB

ScyllaDB is the database for data–intensive apps that require high throughput and low latency. It enables teams to harness the ever–increasing computing power of modern infrastructures "" eliminating barriers to scale as data grows. Unlike any other database, ScyllaDB is built with deep architectural advancements that enable exceptional end–user experiences at radically lower costs. Over 400 game–changing companies like Disney+ Hotstar, Expedia, Discord, Crypto.com, Zillow, Starbucks, Comcast, and Samsung use ScyllaDB for their toughest database challenges. ScyllaDB is available as free open source software, a fully–supported enterprise product, and a fully managed service on multiple cloud providers. For more information: ScyllaDB.com

Media Contact:

Wayne Ariola


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8950305)