ATNi Launches 5th Global Access to Nutrition Index as Industry and Policy Makers Grapple with Food Polycrisis

UTRECHT, The Netherlands, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, ATNi launches the 5th edition of the Global Access to Nutrition Index, the largest yet, assessing the world’s 30 largest food and beverage manufacturers and over 52,000 products, representing 23% global market share.

One in five deaths globally is associated with a poor diet. One out of eight adults are affected by obesity, 150 million children are too short for their age because of poor nutrition, and close to a third of women of reproductive age, and half of children, consume inadequate micronutrients.

The Index reveals some important progress. More companies are setting targets to improve their portfolio healthiness, now using internationally recognized Nutrient Profiling Models (NPMs) to classify products as ‘healthier’.

However, overall, there have been only marginal improvements in key metrics such as healthiness of product portfolios. Concurrently, the estimated sales values of company’s healthier products have increased, showing consumers are increasingly purchasing healthier products. Worryingly, product portfolio healthiness was found to be lowest in low–income countries, highlighting disparities in product offerings across different markets and income groups.

Global Index 2024 – key findings

Product Healthiness

Among the 52,414 products analyzed from 30 companies using the Health Star Rating (HSR) system, 31%—a total of 16,467 products—met the healthier threshold (3.5 stars and above out of 5), representing an estimated 34% of the companies' combined sales in 2022. ATNi challenges companies to derive at least half their sales from healthy products by 2030. Today only 30% of companies are meeting this target.

Differences by market and income

Overall food product healthiness in low– and lower middle–income countries scored much lower (mean HSR 1.8) than in high–income countries (mean HSR 2.3). At the aggregate level, the share of ‘less healthy’ products which the 30 assessed companies are marketing is higher in low– and middle–income countries than in high–income countries. 

Reporting and disclosures

30% of companies assessed, now use an internationally recognized Nutrient Profiling Model to report on portfolio healthiness, with 20% doing so to report on overall percentages of global sales. While the quality, coverage, and transparency of this reporting varies significantly, this shift reflects the growing appetite for reporting against (inter–)national standards.


No company has a policy to fully prohibit marketing unhealthy foods to children under 18 across all marketing channels and techniques, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Four companies have taken positive steps, raising their age thresholds to 16 years while only two are marketing ‘healthier’ products defined by a government–endorsed model.   

ATNi calls on

Companies: voluntarily stop marketing to under 18s, improve product portfolio healthiness and fully disclose sales from healthy and unhealthy products using an internationally recognised Nutrient Profiling Model.

Governments: regulate and build an enabling environment that helps companies protect public health. Well–designed fiscal policies to make healthier foods more affordable and less healthy foods more expensive are also needed. 

Responsible investors: help hold the companies to account by investing in those acting responsibly, considering the financial costs of long–term ill health caused by current food environment and products.

“'Health is wealth.' We know this is true, but most food companies have not yet placed nutrition as core to their business. There is progress, but our findings show overall subpar performance and weaknesses in the market.”

Greg S. Garrett, Executive Director, ATNi

“Only 31% of the 52,000+ food products assessed by ATNi meet the health criteria. This is not good enough. Companies need to start doing better demonstrating that they care about the public health of their consumer base.”

Jessica Fanzo, Professor of Climate and Director of the Food for Humanity Initiative, Columbia University

Media Contact – Philip Eisenhart

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011759)

ATNi veröffentlicht den 5. Global Access to Nutrition Index, während sich Industrie und Politik mit der Nahrungsmittelkrise als Teil der weltweiten Polykrise auseinandersetzen

UTRECHT, Niederlande, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATNi veröffentlicht heute die fünfte und bisher größte Ausgabe des Global Access to Nutrition Index, der die 30 größten Lebensmittel– und Getränkehersteller der Welt und über 52.000 Produkte bewertet, die zusammen einen Weltmarktanteil von 23% ausmachen.

Jeder fünfte Todesfall weltweit ist auf falsche oder unzureichende Ernährung zurückzuführen. Jeder achte Erwachsene ist von Adipositas betroffen, 150 Millionen Kinder sind aufgrund von Mangelernährung zu klein für ihr Alter, fast ein Drittel der Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter und die Hälfte der Kinder nehmen zu wenig Mikronährstoffe zu sich.

Der Index weist auf einige wichtige Fortschritte hin. Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen sich Ziele zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsverträglichkeit ihres Portfolios und stützen sich dabei auf international anerkannte Nährwertprofile (Nutrient Profiling Models, NPMs), um Produkte als „gesünder“ zu klassifizieren.

Insgesamt gab es jedoch nur marginale Verbesserungen bei Schlüsselindikatoren wie der Gesundheit des Produktportfolios. Gleichzeitig sind die geschätzten Verkaufswerte der gesünderen Produkte der Unternehmen gestiegen. Dies zeigt, dass Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher zunehmend gesündere Produkte kaufen. Besorgniserregend ist, dass die Gesundheitsverträglichkeit des Produktportfolios in Ländern mit niedrigem Einkommen am niedrigsten war, was die Unterschiede im Produktangebot zwischen verschiedenen Märkten und Einkommensgruppen verdeutlicht.

Wichtigste Ergebnisse des Global Index 2024

Gesundheitsverträglichkeit der Produkte

Von den 52.414 Produkten von 30 Unternehmen, die mit dem Health Star Rating (HSR) analysiert wurden, erreichten 31 % – insgesamt 16.467 Artikel – die Schwelle für gesündere Produkte (3,5 von 5 Sternen oder mehr), was schätzungsweise 34 % des Gesamtumsatzes der Unternehmen im Jahr 2022 entspricht. ATNi fordert Unternehmen auf, bis 2030 mindestens die Hälfte ihres Umsatzes mit gesunden Produkten zu erzielen. Derzeit erreichen nur 30 % der Unternehmen dieses Ziel.

Unterschiede je nach Markt und Einkommen

Die Bewertung der allgemeinen Gesundheit von Lebensmitteln fällt in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen deutlich schlechter aus (mittlerer HSR 1,8) als in Ländern mit hohem Einkommen (mittlerer HSR 2,3). Insgesamt ist der Anteil „weniger gesunder“ Produkte, die von den 30 bewerteten Unternehmen vermarktet werden, in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen höher als in Ländern mit hohem Einkommen.

Berichterstattung und Transparenz

30 % der bewerteten Unternehmen verwenden inzwischen ein international anerkanntes Nährwertprofil, um die gesundheitliche Verträglichkeit ihres Portfolios darzustellen. 20 % der Unternehmen berichten auf diese Weise über den globalen Anteil am weltweiten Umsatz. Obwohl Qualität, Umfang und Transparenz dieser Berichte sehr unterschiedlich sind, spiegelt diese Entwicklung das wachsende Interesse an einer Orientierung an (inter–)nationalen Standards wider.


Kein Unternehmen hat eine Richtlinie erlassen, die – wie von der World Health Organization (WHO) empfohlen – die Vermarktung ungesunder Lebensmittel an Kinder unter 18 Jahren in allen Marketingkanälen und mit allen Marketingtechniken vollständig verbietet. Vier Unternehmen haben positive Schritte unternommen und das empfohlene Mindestalter für den Kauf ihrer Produkte auf 16 Jahre angehoben, während nur zwei Unternehmen „gesündere“ Produkte vermarkten, die nach einem von der Regierung anerkannten Modell als solche definiert sind.

Forderungen von ATNi

Unternehmen: sollten freiwillig auf die Vermarktung an Personen unter 18 Jahren verzichten, ihr Produktportfolio gesünder gestalten und ihre Umsätze aus dem Verkauf gesunder und ungesunder Produkte unter Verwendung eines international anerkannten Nährwertprofils vollständig offenlegen.

Regierungen: sollten Vorschriften erlassen und ein günstiges Umfeld schaffen, um Unternehmen bei der Förderung der öffentlichen Gesundheit zu unterstützen. Auch eine durchdachte Steuerpolitik ist notwendig, um gesündere Lebensmittel erschwinglicher und weniger gesunde Lebensmittel teurer zu machen.

Verantwortungsbewusste Investoren: sollten dazu beitragen, Unternehmen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen, indem sie in verantwortungsbewusst handelnde Unternehmen investieren und auch die finanziellen Kosten langfristiger Gesundheitsschäden berücksichtigen, die durch die aktuelle Ernährungssituation und die entsprechenden Produkte verursacht werden.

„'Gesundheit ist Reichtum'. Wir sind uns dessen bewusst. Dennoch steht gesunde Ernährung bei den meisten Lebensmittelunternehmen noch nicht im Mittelpunkt. Es gibt Fortschritte, aber unsere Ergebnisse zeigen insgesamt unterdurchschnittliche Leistungen und Schwachstellen am Markt“.

Greg S. Garrett, Geschäftsführer, ATNi

„Nur 31 % der über 52.000 von ATNi bewerteten Lebensmittel erfüllen die Gesundheitskriterien. Das ist nicht gut genug. Unternehmen müssen besser unter Beweis stellen, dass ihnen die (öffentliche) Gesundheit ihrer Kundinnen und Kunden am Herzen liegt“.

Jessica Fanzo, Professorin für Klimawissenschaften und Direktorin der Food for Humanity Initiative an der Columbia University

Medienkontakt – Philip Eisenhart

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011891)

L’ATNi lance le 5e Indice mondial d’accès à la nutrition alors que l’industrie et les décideurs politiques sont aux prises avec la polycrise alimentaire

UTRECHT, Pays–Bas, 07 nov. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, l’ATNi lance la 5e édition de l’Indice mondial d’accès à la nutrition, la plus importante à ce jour. Cet indice évalue les 30 plus grands fabricants mondiaux de produits alimentaires et de boissons et plus de 52 000 produits représentant 23% de la part de marché mondiale.

À l’échelle mondiale, un décès sur cinq est lié à une mauvaise alimentation. Un adulte sur huit est touché par l’obésité, 150 millions d’enfants souffrent d’un retard de croissance lié à une mauvaise alimentation, et près d’un tiers des femmes en âge de procréer et la moitié des enfants consomment des micronutriments inadéquats.

L’Indice fait apparaître quelques progrès importants. Un nombre croissant d’entreprises se fixent des objectifs d’amélioration de la salubrité de leur portefeuille de produits et utilisent désormais des modèles de profilage nutritionnel (MPN) reconnus au niveau international pour classer les produits comme étant « plus sains ».

Cependant, dans l’ensemble, les améliorations dans les indicateurs clés restent marginales tels que la salubrité des portefeuilles de produits. Parallèlement, la valeur estimative des ventes de produits plus sains par ces entreprises a augmenté, ce qui indique que les consommateurs achètent de plus en plus de produits plus sains. La faible salubrité des portefeuilles de produits dans les pays à faible revenu est toutefois préoccupante, ce qui met en évidence les disparités présentes dans les offres de produits selon les marchés et les groupes de revenus concernés.

Indice mondial 2024 – principales conclusions

Salubrité des produits

Sur les 52 414 produits analysés, issus de 30 entreprises utilisant le système Health Star Rating (HSR), 31% (soit 16 467 produits au total) ont atteint le seuil de qualité plus saine (3,5 étoiles et plus sur 5), ce qui représente environ 34% des ventes combinées des entreprises en 2022. L’ATNi met au défi les entreprises de réaliser au moins la moitié de leurs ventes avec des produits sains d’ici 2030. Actuellement, seules 30 % des entreprises atteignent cet objectif.

Des disparités selon les marchés et les groupes de revenus

La qualité nutritionnelle des produits alimentaires dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire inférieur est bien plus faible (HSR moyen de 1,8) que dans les pays à revenu élevé (HSR moyen de 2,3). Au niveau global, la part des produits « moins sains » commercialisés par les 30 entreprises évaluées est plus importante dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire que dans les pays à revenu élevé.

Rapports et publications d’informations

Désormais, 30 % des entreprises évaluées utilisent un modèle de profilage nutritionnel reconnu à l’échelle internationale pour rendre compte de la salubrité de leur portefeuille de produits, et 20% l’utilisent afin de rendre compte des pourcentages globaux des ventes mondiales. Bien que la qualité, le périmètre et la transparence de ces rapports varient considérablement, cela reflète un intérêt croissant pour des rapports conformes aux normes (inter)nationales.


Aucune entreprise n’interdit complètement la commercialisation d’aliments malsains auprès des enfants de moins de 18 ans sur l’ensemble des circuits et techniques de commercialisation, comme le recommande l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). Quatre entreprises ont pris des mesures positives en relevant leur seuil d’âge à 16 ans, tandis que deux seulement commercialisent des produits « plus sains » selon un modèle gouvernemental approuvé.

L’ATNi appelle

les entreprises : à cesser volontairement de commercialiser leurs produits auprès des moins de 18 ans, à améliorer la salubrité de leur portefeuille de produits et à publier intégralement leurs ventes de produits sains et malsains en utilisant un modèle de profilage nutritionnel reconnu à l’échelle internationale.

les gouvernements : à réglementer et à créer un environnement propice qui aide les entreprises à protéger la santé publique. Il est également nécessaire de mettre en place des politiques fiscales bien conçues pour rendre les aliments plus sains plus abordables et les moins sains plus coûteux.

les investisseurs responsables : à contribuer à responsabiliser les entreprises en investissant dans celles qui agissent de manière responsable, compte tenu des coûts financiers liés aux problèmes de santé à long terme causés par l’environnement et les produits alimentaires actuels.

« “La santé est une richesse.” Même si cela est vrai, la majorité des entreprises agroalimentaires n’ont pas encore placé la nutrition au cœur de leurs activités. Bien que des progrès aient été réalisés, nos conclusions indiquent des performances globalement inférieures à la moyenne ainsi que des faiblesses sur le marché. »

Greg S. Garrett, directeur exécutif de l’ATNi

« Sur les plus de 52 000 produits alimentaires évalués par l’ATNi, seuls 31 % répondent aux critères de santé. Cela n’est pas suffisant. Il est essentiel que les entreprises commencent à améliorer leurs performances afin de prouver qu’elles se préoccupent réellement de la santé publique de leur clientèle. »

Jessica Fanzo, professeure en sciences du climat et directrice de la Food for Humanity Initiative à l’Université de Columbia

Contact média – Philip Eisenhart

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011891)

ATNi lança 5º Índice Global de Acesso à Nutrição enquanto a indústria e os formuladores de políticas lutam contra a policrise alimentar

UTRECHT, Países Baixos, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hoje, a ATNi lança a 5a edição do Índice Global de Acesso à Nutrição, o maior até o momento, avaliando os 30 maiores fabricantes de alimentos e bebidas do mundo e mais de 52.000 produtos, representando 23% de participação do mercado global.

Uma em cada cinco mortes em todo o mundo está associada a uma dieta pobre. Um em cada oito adultos é afetado pela obesidade, 150 milhões de crianças são muito baixas para sua idade devido à má nutrição e cerca de um terço das mulheres em idade reprodutiva e metade das crianças consomem micronutrientes inadequados.

O Índice revela alguns avanços importantes. Mais empresas estão estabelecendo metas para melhorar a saúde de seus portfólios, agora usando Modelos de Perfil de Nutrientes (MPNs) reconhecidos internacionalmente para classificar os produtos como “mais saudáveis”.

No entanto, de modo geral, houve apenas melhorias marginais em métricas chave, como a saúde dos portfólios de produtos. Ao mesmo tempo, o valor estimado das vendas de produtos mais saudáveis das empresas aumentou, mostrando que os consumidores estão comprando cada vez mais produtos saudáveis. Preocupantemente, a saúde dos portfólios de produtos foi encontrada em níveis mais baixos em países de baixa renda, destacando disparidades na oferta de produtos entre diferentes mercados e grupos de renda.

Índice Global 2024 – principais descobertas

Saúde dos Produtos

Entre os 52.414 produtos analisados de 30 empresas usando o sistema Health Star Rating (HSR), 31% — um total de 16.467 produtos — atingiram o limiar de saúde (3,5 estrelas ou mais de 5), representando um valor estimado de 34% das vendas combinadas das empresas em 2022. A ATNi desafia as empresas a obter pelo menos metade de suas vendas de produtos saudáveis até 2030. Atualmente, apenas 30% das empresas estão atingindo essa meta.

Diferenças por mercado e renda

A saúde geral dos produtos alimentícios em países de baixa e média–baixa renda teve uma pontuação muito menor (HSR médio 1,8) do que em países de alta renda (HSR médio 2,3). No nível agregado, a parcela de produtos “menos saudáveis” que as 30 empresas avaliadas estão comercializando é maior em países de baixa e média renda do que em países de alta renda.

Relatórios e divulgações

30% das empresas avaliadas agora utilizam um Modelo de Perfil Nutricional reconhecido internacionalmente para relatar a saúde de seus portfólios, com 20% fazendo isso para relatar as porcentagens globais de vendas. Embora a qualidade, abrangência e transparência desses relatórios variem significativamente, essa mudança reflete o crescente interesse por relatórios que sigam padrões (inter)nacionais.


Nenhuma empresa possui uma política para proibir totalmente o marketing de alimentos não saudáveis para menores de 18 anos em todos os canais e técnicas de marketing, conforme recomendado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Quatro empresas tomaram medidas positivas, elevando seus limites de idade para 16 anos, enquanto apenas duas estão comercializando produtos “mais saudáveis” definidos por um modelo aprovado pelo governo.

A ATNi faz um apelo a

Empresas: que interrompam voluntariamente o marketing para menores de 18 anos, melhorem a saúde de seus portfólios de produtos e divulguem integralmente as vendas de produtos saudáveis e não saudáveis, usando um Modelo de Perfil Nutricional reconhecido internacionalmente.

Governos: regulem e construam um ambiente favorável que ajude as empresas a proteger a saúde pública. Também são necessárias políticas fiscais bem elaboradas para tornar os alimentos mais saudáveis mais acessíveis e os menos saudáveis mais caros.

Investidores responsáveis: ajudem a responsabilizar as empresas investindo naquelas que agem de forma responsável, considerando os custos financeiros da má saúde de longo prazo causada pelo ambiente alimentar e pelos produtos atuais.

“'Saúde é riqueza.' Sabemos que isso é verdade, mas a maioria das empresas de alimentos ainda não colocou a nutrição no centro dos negócios. Há progresso, mas nossas descobertas mostram um desempenho geral abaixo do esperado e fraquezas no mercado.”

Greg S. Garrett, diretor executivo, ATNi

“Apenas 31% dos mais de 52.000 produtos alimentícios avaliados pela ATNi atendem aos critérios de saúde. Isso não é suficiente. As empresas precisam começar a demonstrar melhor que se importam com a saúde pública de sua base de consumidores.”

Jessica Fanzo, professora de Clima e diretora da Iniciativa Food for Humanity, Universidade de Columbia

Contato da Mídia – Philip Eisenhart

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011891)

The Bazaar DC by José Andrés (JF33) Obtains USCIS Project Approval

WASHINGTON, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EB5 Capital, a leading EB–5 Regional Center operator, is pleased to report that on May 30, 2024, its restaurant project, The Bazaar DC by José Andrés (JF33), was approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This Form I–956F approval signifies that USCIS has verified the compliance of JF33, and the individual foreign investors who invested in the project are now closer to obtaining conditional residency in the United States.

The Bazaar DC by José Andrés (JF33) is the development of a 227–seat, approximately 10,000 square–foot, high–end restaurant located in the historic Waldorf Astoria in Washington, DC. EB5 Capital provided a portion of the financing for JF33. The Bazaar DC by José Andrés opened to the public in 2023 and is among 20 EB5 Capital projects in the nation’s capital. In 2019, EB5 Capital also supported the financing of The Ritz–Carlton New York, NoMad, which includes another location of The Bazaar.

EB5 Capital’s JF33 project is owned and managed by José Andrés Group (JAG), a highly reputable and respected restaurant operator based in Washington, DC with nearly 40 restaurant concepts across the United States and internationally, including The Bazaar by José Andrés, barmini, Jaleo, Zaytinya, China Poblano, Oyamel, China Chilcano, in addition to an array of others in its fast–casual division. Sam Bakhshandehpour was recently promoted to Global CEO of the José Andrés Group (JAG), formerly he served as President, and world–famous chef and humanitarian José Andrés, will continue to serve as Founder and Executive Chairman of JAG.

“We would like to congratulate the investors who joined JF33, the first restaurant project in our 40–project portfolio,” said Patrick Rainey, Senior Vice President of Investments at EB5 Capital. “This approval is also a major milestone for our team as it marks our 10ᵗʰ project approved since the EB–5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 went into effect.”

EB5 Capital is looking forward to receiving individual I–526E petition approvals from USCIS soon and supporting its investors with the next steps in the immigration process. The firm will continue to identify and execute on EB–5 projects that not only meet the rigorous requirements of USCIS but contribute meaningfully to local communities and economies across the United States.

About EB5 Capital

EB5 Capital provides qualified foreign investors with opportunities to invest in job–creating commercial real estate projects under the United States Immigrant Investor Program (EB–5 Visa Program). Headquartered in Washington, DC, EB5 Capital’s distinguished track record and leadership in the industry has attracted investors from over 75 countries. As one of the oldest and most active Regional Center operators in the country, the firm has raised over $1 billion of foreign capital across approximately 40 EB–5 projects. 100% of our investors’ funds are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance prior to their deployment into our projects. Please visit for more information.

Katherine Willis
Director, Marketing & Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9152932)

Sweegen Triumphs in Federal Court Appeal, Securing Victory Against PureCircle

Foothill Ranch, Calif., Jan. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sweegen, the global leader in pioneering wellness ingredient and taste modulation technologies, announced a landmark victory in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which has sided with Sweegen and affirmed the invalidation of PureCircle's patents covering the highly sought–after stevia sweetener Rebaudioside M (Reb M).

Sweegen is the primary producer of non–GMO Reb M originating from the stevia leaf, made with a proprietary clean bioconversion method. This appellate victory further solidifies Sweegen’s technological leadership position in the stevia sweetener industry at large.

Reb M, a highly coveted steviol glycoside molecule, plays a crucial role in the global production of stevia sweeteners. This Federal Circuit decision removes any lingering doubt that Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) customers may be encumbered by PureCircle’s patents for using Sweegen’s Reb M.

“As one of the staunchest stewards of proprietary technologies in wellness ingredients, Sweegen has actively defended its intellectual property rights while upholding a commitment to respecting the rights of others,” stated Sweegen’s CEO Steven Chen. “Throughout this litigation, we consistently asserted the invalidity of PureCircle's patents, considering their case against Sweegen as baseless and spurious. This triumph in the U.S. Court of Appeals serves to highlight Sweegen's dedication to principled innovation and fair competition within the industry.”

In May 2022, Sweegen secured a groundbreaking summary judgment, declaring PureCircle's asserted patents related to the production of Reb M as invalid. The affirmation today of this judgment by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit solidifies Sweegen's position and removes any impediments that PureCircle's patents may have posed for producers in the United States. Specifically, the federal court’s Opinion confirmed the district court's decision that certain claims in the patents were found invalid due to a lack of written description. Additionally, it determined that a specific claim in one of the patents is unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 101.

“Sweegen's commitment to innovation, excellence, and fair competition has been reaffirmed through the successful appeal process,” said Chen. “This victory not only strengthens Sweegen's position in the market but also contributes to the broader landscape of the stevia sweetener industry. Sweegen is positioned to lead the charge in shaping a landscape of limitless possibilities, delivering unparalleled sweetness to consumers and driving positive change on a global scale.”

Sweegen remains committed to driving positive change within the sweetener industry and will continue to invest in research and development to deliver cutting–edge solutions to its global customer base.

In Nov. 2023, Sweegen announced it was addressing the pressing issue of mislabeling within the stevia industry, specifically concerning Reb M stevia sold under intentionally false claims. Through independent testing, the company has determined that certain third–party Reb M products sold to food and beverage companies under label claims of “Reb–M 95%,” “Bioconversion Reb–M 95%,” or “Stevia (Organic) Extract Reb–M 95%” are not made through extraction or bioconversion. Sweegen continues its investigation into the adulterated Reb M.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit case is Pure Circle Inc., et al v. Sweegen, et al., case number appeal number 2022–1946.

This Appeal is from the first summary judgment case PureCircle USA Inc., et al. v. Sweegen, Inc., et al., case number 8:18–CV–01679–JVS–JDE, in the United States District Court, Central District of California, Southern Division, Judge James V. Selna. Sweegen was represented at both the US District Court and the Federal Circuit by John Christopher “JC” Rozendaal, Dennies Varughese, Michael E. Joffre, Anna G. Phillips, and Sasha Rao of the law firm Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox PLLC.


About Sweegen
Sweegen provides sweet taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

We are on a mission to reduce the sugar and artificial sweeteners in our global diet.  Partnering with customers, we create delicious zero–sugar products that consumers love.  With the best modern sweeteners in our portfolio, such as Bestevia® Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, and brazzein, along with our deep knowledge of flavor taste modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market–leading solutions that customers want, and consumers prefer. Well. Into the Future.

For more information, please contact and visit Sweegen’s website,


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9011707)

Mosa Meat Becomes B Corp Certified

Maastricht, Netherlands, Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mosa Meat, a leader in cultivated beef production, announced today to have become a Certified B Corporation. This marks a significant milestone in the company's commitment to creating a more sustainable food system and bringing together partners, investors and suppliers who use business as a force for good. Upon certification, Mosa Meat became the first cultivated meat company worldwide to become B Corp Certified.

Founded in 2016, Mosa Meat gained international acclaim in 2013 when its founders, Mark Post and Peter Verstrate, introduced the world's first cultivated beef hamburger grown directly from cow cells. Since then, the company has been dedicated to producing real beef in a manner that benefits people, animals, and the planet. Mosa Meat's B Corp Certification validates its mission to fundamentally reshape the global food system, showcasing its environmental and social performance, commitment to accountability, transparency and leadership in driving economic systems change.

“We are thrilled to become B Corp Certified,” said Maarten Bosch, CEO of Mosa Meat. “This certification validates our commitment to sustainable practices and ethical foundations as well as strengthens our position as trendsetters in the global cellular agriculture movement. We believe in creating real, delicious meat that positively impacts the climate and our food system and are optimistic that these values will be shared across the many stakeholders in our nascent field of cellular agriculture.”

Leonardo DiCaprio, advisor and investor said "Mosa Meat continues to be a champion for change. I am proud to see Mosa Meat be the first cultivated meat company in the world to become B Corp Certified and hope it is the first of many."

To receive B Corp Certification businesses are assessed on performance, accountability, and transparency in their social and environmental impact. They are holistically evaluated on aspects ranging from governance and mission to environmental practices, workers' welfare and supply chain practices. With this certification Mosa Meat joins a community of caring, responsible and courageous leaders like Patagonia, Amy's Kitchen, and Ben & Jerry's that have become a Certified B Corporation previously.

After more than a year of thorough evaluation, Mosa Meat became B Corp Certified with two Impact Business Models (IBMs): "Resource Conservation' and "Mission Locked'.

  • Resource Conservation recognizes products/services that reduce resource use (energy and water)
  • Mission locked recognizes companies that protect their mission and ability to formally consider stakeholders in decision making through their corporate structure or corporate governing documents

For an IBM certification, companies need to demonstrate principles that are specific, material, verifiable, lasting, and extraordinary. While the B Corp process is quite selective for companies to go through, gaining an IBM is considered to be even more challenging.

To realise the biggest positive climate impact, Mosa Meat is focused on cultivating beef over other types of meat first, and uses 100% renewable energy at their production facility. According to an independent, peer–reviewed Life Cycle Analysis study, cultivated beef production could reduce climate impact by 92%, air pollution by 93%, use 95% less land and 78% less water when compared to industrial beef production. Additionally, cultivated beef production offers the opportunity to free up land for more regenerative agriculture and re–wilding of habitats, which would further reduce negative impacts of food production. The automated process through which cultivated meat is produced, and the clean environment of its manufacturing, will also drastically reduce the need for antibiotics use and the risk of pathogens, contaminants and foodborne illnesses associated with intensive animal farming.

Mosa Meat is a global food technology company pioneering a cleaner, kinder way of making real beef. Our founders introduced the world's first cultivated beef hamburger in 2013, by growing it directly from cow cells. Founded in 2016, Mosa Meat is now scaling up production of the same beef that people love, but in a way that is better for people, animals, and the planet. A diverse and growing team of food–loving problem–solvers, we are united in our mission to fundamentally reshape the global food system. Headquartered in Maastricht, The Netherlands, Mosa Meat is a privately held company backed by Lowercarbon Capital, Bell Food Group, Nutreco, Mitsubishi Corporation, Leonardo DiCaprio and others.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8916610)

Sweegen's Rebaudioside M sweetener technology receives regulatory approval in Taiwan

Foothill Ranch, Calif., Aug. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global sweetness and flavor innovator Sweegen has announced that its Bestevia Rebaudiosides M (Reb M), D, and E have received full authorization from the Taiwan FDA for use in food and beverages. This recent regulatory approval marks another milestone in Sweegen successfully opening new markets in countries where brands seek new generation stevia ingredients to expand their sugar reduction solutions.

Reb M, a high–purity steviol glycoside derived from the stevia plant, is renowned for its clean and sugar–like taste profile. The best–tasting part of the stevia leaf, such as Reb M is found in trace quantities of the leaf's composition.

For food and beverage producers, Sweegen's Reb M technology offers several commercially significant advantages. Sweegen's Signature Stevia starts with stevia, not GMO corn or sugar beets. The ingredient innovator leverages proprietary bioconversion technology to produce a range of zero–calorie sweeteners with assured quality, regulatory compliance, and competitive prices. These products generate a lower carbon footprint.

As Sweegen continues to excel in commercialization and secures essential regulatory approvals in key markets like the EMEA and the U.K., the company witnesses substantial sales growth throughout 2023.

In addition to those critical regulatory approvals, Sweegen now offers its food and beverage manufacturing customers the right to use its Reb M in all non–alcoholic beverages anywhere in the world without infringing the relevant application patents. Customers already use Sweegen's Reb M in other applications.

“At Sweegen, our focus revolves around safety, quality, and adherence to regulatory standards," said Vice President of Technical and Regulatory Affairs, Hadi Omrani. "We are expanding our global footprint by opening new markets to create access to innovative sweetener technologies."

With increased interest from the global CPG companies and their desire for guaranteed capacity and supply chain redundancy, Sweegen has been working to establish and expand production facilities in major markets, including EMEA, North America, and APAC.

“The approval of Bestevia Reb M in Taiwan represents a breakthrough for brands aiming to create better–for–you foods and beverages," said Vice President of Global Innovation, Casey McCormick. "Bestevia Reb M opens innovative avenues for reducing and even eliminating sugar, surpassing consumer expectations and contributing to public health goals aimed at curtailing sugar intake.”

Sweegen has recently achieved FEMA GRAS status for its sweet proteins, brazzein and thaumatin II, which serve as valuable complements to steviol glycosides in the realm of food and beverage production. This addition reinforces Sweegen's commitment to broadening its portfolio of innovative taste–modulating flavors. These sweet proteins are pivotal in assisting food and beverage manufacturers in meeting the rising demand for better–for–you products, aligning seamlessly with consumers' holistic wellness preferences. The brazzein technology takes center stage in Sweegen's newly launched Sweetensify flavor technology for taste modulation. It is an ideal tool for brands aiming to replicate sugar–like tastes in their food and beverage offerings.

Sweegen is dedicated to revolutionizing the sweetener market with innovative solutions that promote healthier choices without compromising taste. The full authorization of Bestevia Reb M in Taiwan reinforces Sweegen's leadership in the nature–based sweetener space and positions the company as a trusted partner for food and beverage manufacturers worldwide.Top of FormBottom of Form


About Sweegen

Sweegen provides sweet–taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

The company aims to reduce sugar and artificial sweeteners in the global diet. Partnering with customers, Sweegen creates delicious zero–sugar products that consumers love. With the best modern sweeteners in its portfolio, such as Bestevia Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, and sweet proteins brazzein and thaumatin, along with its deep knowledge of flavor modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market–leading solutions that customers want, and consumers prefer. Well. Into the Future.

Forward–Looking Statements

This press release includes "forward–looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1996. Sweegen's actual results may differ from the estimates, assumptions, and other illustrative material contained herein, and consequently, a reader should not rely on these forward–looking statements as predictions of future events. These forward–looking statements include, without limitation, illustrative information regarding Sweegen's bottom–up assumed market potential, assumed hit rate, and the resulting revenue based on these model inputs. These forward–looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results.

Industry, Market, and Other Data

In this press release, we rely on and refer to information and statistics regarding market participants in the sectors in which Sweegen competes and other data. We obtained this information and statistics from our own internal estimates and third–party sources, including reports by market research firms and company filings. We do not expressly refer to these sources. All of this information involves a number of assumptions and limitations, and the sources of such information cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. The industry in which Sweegen operates is subject to a high degree of uncertainty and risk due to a variety of important factors, any of which could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in the estimates made by Sweegen or third parties.

Further Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward–Looking Statements

This press release contains forward–looking statements, including, among other statements, statements regarding the future prospects for Reb M stevia leaf sweetener, brazzein, and thaumatin. These statements are based on current expectations but are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and beyond Sweegen's control.

Relevant risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward–looking statements and, therefore, should be carefully considered. Sweegen assumes no obligation to update any forward–looking statements as a result of new information or future events or developments.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8914192)

Sensegen launches bio-based Exotic Flavors collection

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., June 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sensegen, the pioneering biotechnology–based solution provider in taste, smell, and beauty, has launched its highly anticipated Exotic Flavors collection.

Sensegen has created a range of captivating flavors for food and beverages. The collection features six unique exotic true–to–fruit flavors: lychee, guava, papaya, yuzu, dragon fruit, and violet.

“We are thrilled to introduce the Exotic Flavors collection to the market, representing a significant milestone in our mission to redefine taste and consumer experiences," said Natasha D'Souza, VP of Flavors and Consumer Experience at Sensegen.

"Our research has revealed that exotic flavors transcend vacation settings and have become a top preference for various occasions and drink preferences. By leveraging our bio–based solutions, we invite food and beverage companies to explore the immense potential of these flavors across different categories and create truly personalized experiences for their consumers," said D'Souza.

According to Sensegen's Sensory and Consumer Insights Center, 48% of consumers identified exotics as a top flavor. Consumers are open to more adventurous flavors in social settings or when they feel exploratory. In alcoholic beverages, consumers consider unique, exotic, and natural flavors as the top three desired characteristics.

Sensegen will unveil the Exotic Flavors collection at IFT First in Chicago, July 17–19, 2023, at its creative partner Blue California's booth S1670. In anticipation of the collection, IFT attendees will be the first to taste food and beverage prototypes made with the flavors and complimentary ingredients from Sensegen's sugar reduction solutions partner Sweegen.

What to Experience at IFT First 2023
IFT Attendees can expect several exciting prototypes to inspire their products with the Exotic Flavors.
A sneak preview is below.

  • Yuzu–flavored iced tea featuring Sensegen's yuzu natural flavor with Blue California's longevity vitamin ergothioneine and Sweegen's Signature Stevia and taste modulation solutions.
  • Dark chocolate truffles flavored with Sensegen lychee and natural violet flavor.
  • A better–for–you Guava energy drink made with Sensegen's guava natural flavor and 50% reduced sugar with Sweegen's Sweetensify Flavors for taste modulation. Guava has risen 22% YOY in beverages and 5% on restaurant menus.
  • Papaya–flavored refresher featuring Sensegen's papaya natural flavor. Papaya has increased by 19% on restaurant menus.
  • Dragon fruit–flavored sparkling water flavored with Sensegen's dragon fruit natural flavor.

This launch results from Sensegen's relentless pursuit of innovation and commitment to providing consumers with unique taste experiences. The Exotic Flavors collection is supported by the company's proprietary quantitative research conducted nationally with over 1,500 consumers. This comprehensive study explored the beverage and food choices people make in various situations, the influence of mood on those decisions, and the underlying reasons behind them.

Sensegen's insights from this research offer invaluable guidance to food and beverage companies seeking to inspire innovation with mood–centric flavors. By understanding that mood, food, and beverage choices can vary significantly among individuals, industry players can use this research to tap into the full potential of their offerings and deliver tailored experiences to their diverse consumer base.

In line with Sensegen's commitment to sustainability and biotechnology, the Exotic Flavors collection is produced by bioconversion. This approach ensures the highest quality and authenticity while minimizing the environmental impact of flavor production.


About Sensegen
Sensegen is the science of good sense. We've got nature down to a science.

As a division of Blue California Ingredients, our innovative taste, smell, and beauty creative center is dedicated solely to delivering plant–based, natural, and sustainable solutions. Our diverse team of experts collaborates with advanced bio–techniques and collaborates as a team to provide unique consumer–validated ingredients.

At Sensegen, we've pioneered a way of formulating nature without compromise or harm, providing one–of–a–kind solutions for Taste, Smell, and Beauty.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8865558)