Official Statement: Saurabh Chandrakar Clarifies Misinformation Surrounding Wedding Expenses and Other Allegations

DELHI, India, Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In light of recent media reports surrounding the Mahadev App case, Mr. Saurabh Chandrakar, an entrepreneur hailing from Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, finds it imperative to address the glaring misinformation and unfounded accusations that have surfaced. As a dedicated businessman with an unblemished record, Mr. Chandrakar has been taken aback by the baseless claims regarding his alleged involvement in illicit activities.

Contrary to sensationalized reports, Mr. Chandrakar vehemently asserts that the entire wedding ceremony, costing around AED 10 million, was entirely funded by his internal accruals and savings. Meticulous well–documented records substantiating the sources of his income are available. Circulating news suggesting a payment of INR 200 Crores in cash raise incredulity, and while Mr. Chandrakar questions the feasibility of such an enormous cash transaction, he emphasizes the lack of practicality of such claims.

Mr. Chandrakar refutes claims about the alleged extravagant expenses reported by certain sources. He specifically indicates that all financial aspects of the event were overseen by professional event managers, and no cash transactions were involved at any stage of the planning or execution; to insinuate otherwise is purely speculative and unfounded. Documents and financial records are available to substantiate these facts, providing clear evidence that dispels any notions of impropriety.

Furthermore, Mr. Chandrakar firmly believes that the mention of celebrities at the event was grossly exaggerated. He indicates that all those who attended the wedding were engaged by the event management company, which facilitated their attendance. Mr. Chandrakar is also keen to emphasize that all artists were hired by the company exclusively to attend and perform at the event. There were no direct financial transactions between Mr. Chandrakar and these celebrities, as all payments were processed in complete transparency through the event management company, via legal banking channels.

Mr. Chandrakar strongly asserts no association with the Mahadev App or its operations. Accusations depicting him as the “Founder/Promoter/Director” of the Mahadev App lack credibility and are unequivocally false. Additionally, claims about his involvement in 60 illicit offshore platforms are baseless and entirely unsubstantiated.

Mr. Chandrakar vehemently denies any suspicious connections with individuals or organisations that participate in unlawful activities. Any similar allegations are merely rumours, completely baseless, and nothing more than "a figment of imagination.' He strongly expresses astonishment at such allegations.

It is also imperative to clarify that there are no operations in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, or Nepal associated with Mr. Chandrakar. Such claims are entirely false and defamatory, lacking any shred of truth. Mr. Chandrakar has never travelled to these countries, and any claims of his alleged participation in illicit activities in these regions lack any foundation and completely slanderous.

Mr. Chandrakar earnestly urges media outlets to cease spreading unfounded rumours and sensationalized and exaggerated stories that not only tarnish his reputation but also erode public trust in responsible journalism.

Source: Newsbeatwire

Saurabh Chandrakar

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–24c5–4c3c–8148–43e700c2dfb9

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000864407)

Sourabh Chandrakar nie avec véhémence les accusations liées à l'arnaque de l'application Mahadev

DELHI, Inde, 13 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — M. Sourabh Chandrakar, qui a rcemment fait face de graves accusations lies l'application Mahadev, affirme fermement qu'il n'est en aucune faon impliqu dans le stratagme de fraude financire prsum. Il regrette profondment d'avoir t impliqu tort et accus d'tre le cerveau de cette opration.

Il affirme fermement que ces allgations sont dnues de tout fondement et constituent une tentative visant ternir la rputation d'honntes citoyens. Il souligne que le fait de jouir d'un style de vie confortable ne doit pas tre interprt tort comme une preuve de son implication dans des activits illgales.

M. Chandrakar exhorte tous les mdias prendre en compte ces faits, rectifier le discours dominant et orienter les ressources vers les vritables fautifs. Il s'engage offrir sa pleine coopration aux autorits pour garantir que justice soit rendue et que la vrit prvale sans tache. Il appelle galement une enqute juste et impartiale sur cette affaire, soulignant son engagement cooprer pleinement pour traduire les vritables auteurs en justice.

propos Sourabh Chandrakar

En Inde, l'entreprise Juice Factory propre Sourabh Chandrakar compte 25 succursales dans tout Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Issu d'un milieu modeste, il a dirig plusieurs entreprises lies aux produits de grande consommation, la construction, la sous–traitance et au dveloppement au Moyen–Orient.

La principale station tout au long de son parcours entrepreneurial au Moyen–Orient est Empire One Global Real Estate , o il occupe le poste de co–directeur gnral. M. Uppal et M. Chandrakar ont tous deux cr de la valeur au–del de l'immobilier pour leurs clients bass au Moyen–Orient et dans le monde.

Le texte du communiqu issu d'une traduction ne doit d'aucune manire tre considr comme officiel. La seule version du communiqu qui fasse foi est celle du communiqu dans sa langue d'origine. La traduction devra toujours tre confronte au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.

Source: AETOSWire

Saurabh Chandrakar

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000854131)

Sourabh Chandrakar nega veementemente a acusação na fraude da aplicação Mahadev

DELI, Índia, Oct. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sourabh Chandrakar, que recentemente enfrentou graves acusaes relacionadas com a Aplicao Mahadev, afirma veementemente que no tem qualquer envolvimento no suposto esquema de fraude financeira. Lamenta profundamente ter sido erroneamente implicado e retratado como o orquestrador por trs dessa operao.

Afirma firmemente que essas alegaes carecem de qualquer fundamento e so um esforo para manchar a boa reputao de um cidado ntegro. Sublinha que desfrutar de um estilo de vida confortvel no deve ser mal interpretado como prova do seu envolvimento em atividades ilegais.

Insiste que todos os meios de comunicao considerem estes factos, corrijam a narrativa predominante e direcionem os recursos para os verdadeiros infratores. Est empenhado em oferecer a sua total cooperao s autoridades para garantir que a justia seja feita e a verdade prevalea sem manchas.
Apela a uma investigao justa e imparcial sobre o assunto, sublinhando o seu compromisso de cooperar plenamente para levar os verdadeiros autores justia.

Sobre Sourabh Chandrakar

Na ndia, a empresa de Sourabh Chandrakar, “Juice Factory”, tem 25 filiais em Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Vem de uma origem humilde e tem gerido vrios negcios relacionados com FMCG, construo, subcontratao e desenvolvimento no Mdio Oriente, juntamente com vrios parceiros e marcas.

A sua experincia de empreendedor no Mdio Oriente a “Empire One Global Real Estate”, onde detm o cargo de Codiretor–geral. Tanto o Sr. Uppal como o Sr. Chandrakar tm criado valor alm do setor imobilirio para os seus clientes do Mdio Oriente Mdio e em todo o mundo.

Fonte: AETOSWire

Saurabh Chandrakar

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000854131)

Sourabh Chandrakar bestreitet vehement Anschuldigungen in Bezug auf den Mahadev App-Betrug

DELHI, Indien, Oct. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Herr Sourabh Chandrakar, der krzlich mit schweren Anschuldigungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Mahadev–Antrag konfrontiert wurde, beteuert nachdrcklich, dass er in keiner Weise an dem angeblichen Finanzbetrug beteiligt ist. Er bedauert zutiefst, dass er zu Unrecht als Drahtzieher dieser Operation dargestellt wird.

Er ist der festen berzeugung, dass diese Anschuldigungen jeder Grundlage entbehren und ein Versuch sind, dem guten Ruf eines aufrechten Brgers zu schaden. Er betont, dass der Genuss eines komfortablen Lebensstils nicht als Beweis fr seine Beteiligung an ungesetzlichen Aktivitten missverstanden werden sollte.

Die Einzelpersonen fordern alle Medien auf, diese Fakten zu bercksichtigen, die vorherrschende Darstellung zu korrigieren und die Ressourcen auf die tatschlichen beltter zu richten. Er verpflichtet sich, den Behrden seine volle Untersttzung anzubieten, um sicherzustellen, dass der Gerechtigkeit Genge getan wird und die Wahrheit ungetrbt ans Licht kommt. Er drngt auf eine faire und unvoreingenommene Untersuchung der Angelegenheit und betont seine Bereitschaft zur vollen Kooperation, um die tatschlichen Tter vor Gericht zu bringen.

ber Sourabh Chandrakar

In Indien hat Sourabh Chandrakars Unternehmen "Juice Factory" 25 Filialen in ganz Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Er kommt aus bescheidenen Verhltnissen und hat im Nahen Osten zusammen mit verschiedenen Partnern und Marken verschiedene FMCG–, Bau–, Subunternehmer– und Entwicklungsgeschfte gefhrt.

Seine unternehmerische Ttigkeit im Nahen Osten beinhaltet "Empire One Global Real Estate", wo er die Position des Co–Geschftsfhrers innehat. Sowohl Herr Uppal als auch Herr Chandrakar haben fr ihre Kunden aus dem Nahen Osten und der ganzen Welt Werte geschaffen, die ber den Immobilienmarkt hinausgehen.

*Quelle: NewsBeatWire

Sourabh Chandrakar

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000854131)

Sourabh Chandrakar Vehemently Denies Accusation in the Mahadev App Scam

DELHI, India, Oct. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mr. Sourabh Chandrakar, who has recently faced grave accusations related to the Mahadev Application, strongly asserts that he has no involvement whatsoever in the alleged financial fraud scheme. He deeply regrets being wrongly implicated and depicted as the orchestrator behind this operation.

He firmly states that these allegations lack any foundation and are an effort to smear the good standing of an upstanding citizen. He emphasizes that enjoying a comfortable lifestyle should not be misconstrued as evidence of his engagement in unlawful activities.

The individuals urge all media outlets to consider these facts, rectify the prevailing narrative, and direct resources toward the actual wrongdoers. He is committed to offering his complete cooperation to the authorities to ensure justice is served and the truth prevails untarnished. He urges a fair and unbiased investigation into the matter, emphasizing his commitment to cooperating fully to bring the actual perpetrators to justice.

About Sourabh Chandrakar

In India, Saurabh Chandrakar's business "Juice Factory" has 25 branches all over Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

He hails from a humble background and has been running various FMCG, construction, sub–contracting and development–related businesses in the Middle East along with various partners and brands.

His entrepreneurial stint in the Middle East is "Empire One Global Real Estate' wherein he enjoys the position of Co–Managing Director. Both Mr. Uppal and Mr. Chandrakar have been creating value beyond real estate for their clients based out of the Middle East and globally.

*Source: NewsBeatWire

Saurabh Chandrakar

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000843938)

Response to World Health Organization Reviews of Aspartame

BRUSSELS, Belgium, July 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In response to two World Health Organization (WHO) evaluations of aspartame, one of the most thoroughly researched ingredients in the world, released today, the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) applauds the WHO's reaffirmation of aspartame's safety by its leading scientific body responsible for evaluating the safety of food additives, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). These conclusions are consistent with the findings of over 90 global food safety agencies who have confirmed aspartame's safety, including the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), that has reviewed aspartame twice, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"JECFA has once again reaffirmed aspartame's safety after conducting a thorough, comprehensive and scientifically rigorous review," said ISA Secretary General Frances Hunt–Wood. "Aspartame, like all low/no calorie sweeteners, when used as part of a balanced diet, provides consumers with choice to reduce sugar intake, a critical public health objective."

As part of its comprehensive assessment, reconfirming the safety of aspartame, JECFA examined IARC's conclusions and found no concern for human health. Importantly, IARC is not a food safety body and its 2B classification does not consider intake levels nor actual risk, making an IARC review far less comprehensive than the thorough reviews conducted by food safety bodies like JECFA and potentially confusing for consumers.

To put this in context, IARC's 2B classification puts aspartame in the same category as kimchi and other pickled vegetables. IARC would be the first to say that they don't suggest people should stop using kimchi at meals.

As part of an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, aspartame can be used to further public health objectives on sugar intake reduction and ultimately assist in weight and diabetes management, as well as with dental health.

For media enquiries, please contact the ISA PR agency: "" Phone (24/7): +1 (833) 318–2430

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8874554)

Disposable Vaping Devices Wreak Havoc On Our Global Ecosystem

TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Not only are disposable vaping devices fueling the world's ongoing youth vaping epidemic, these single–use plastic e–cigarettes are responsible for the growing, exorbitant amount of toxic waste plaguing our earth. As if it isn't harmful enough that disposable vape products are purposely targeting our youth with brightly colored packaging, eye–catching branding, and appealing fruit & dessert flavors; the plastics, heavy metals, and lithium batteries that these devices are comprised of are now a leading source of environmental pollution.

Similar to what we've seen with combustible cigarette butts, littered disposable vaping devices are now a major source of contamination to our ecosystem, on a worldwide scale. The issue is not just the non–decomposable plastic casings we see scattered in the streets, on beaches, and in parks far too often. Disposable vaping devices also leach hazardous waste from their lithium batteries and heavy metals from their circuitry systems. The moment these toxic materials penetrate our environment, the corruption of our ecosystem and our wildlife begins. In addition to the harmful and toxic chemicals found in lithium batteries, these types of batteries are known to explode or start fires if disposed of improperly. Not to mention the illegal child labor associated with up to 30% of cobalt mining facilities responsible for sourcing the material used in lithium–ion batteries.

With disposable devices being the preferred method of vaping among our youth, it is no mystery why we are seeing as much e–cigarette pollution as we are today. A standard disposable vape pen only holds enough E–liquid to last a few days, causing the average user to cycle through approximately 2 to 3 devices per week. That's a lot of waste! Every day, respective Customs entities are seeing thousands of palettes of these disposable vape devices enter from China. If we want to take action and do our part to mitigate the global environmental pollution crisis and the undeniable youth vaping epidemic, we need to stop the infection at its root – put an end to Chinese disposable vaping devices.

About Pure Laboratories

Operating since 2009, Pure Laboratories (Pure Labs) is a Veteran–Owned state–of–the–art 110,000–sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility located in Gainesville, Florida. Nicopure Labs, a subsidiary of Pure Labs, is an industry leading manufacturer of American–Made tobacco and menthol E–liquid products. Nicopure Labs is best known for its award–winning E–liquid and hardware brand, Halo. With a 10,000–sq. ft. cleanroom, Pure Labs is synonymous with quality manufacturing. Pure Labs' corporate headquarters are based in Tampa Florida, with additional operations located in Europe.

For additional information about carrying Halo's premium American–made e–liquid and innovative line of vaporizer devices, please email Halo's principal distribution partner, Syndicate Distribution at

For additional information on Pure Laboratories' full capabilities visit

For media inquiries, please email

Samantha Knight
Pure Labs

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8729729)

Promote education on diabetes for a healthier tomorrow

BRUSSELS, Belgium, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) is delighted to renew its support to World Diabetes Day (WDD) for the eleventh consecutive year, joining the call to action from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) to highlight the need for better access to quality diabetes education to protect tomorrow.1

Promoting better access to diabetes education
More than half a billion people are currently living with diabetes worldwide and millions more are at risk of developing diabetes. One in two people with diabetes don't know they have the disease and remain undiagnosed. Importantly also, it is predicted that by 2030 the number of adults living with diabetes will rise to 643 million, and to 784 million by 2045.2 Therefore, people living with diabetes need access to ongoing diabetes education, including on nutrition, to understand their condition and carry out the daily self–care essential to staying healthy and avoiding complications.

Join the workshop organised by the Mexican Diabetes Federation
Healthcare professionals are invited to join the workshop organised on 23rd November 2022 from 5:00 to 7:00pm, Mexico City time (midnight to 2:00am CET on 24th November), by the Mexican Diabetes Federation (Federacin Mexicana de Diabetes "" FMD) and supported by the ISA on the theme "Uses and benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners'. More information on the programme and registration is available here.

Discover the latest dietary guidelines for obesity and diabetes management
A webinar by the European Federation of Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) and its European Specialist Dietetic Network (ESDN) on Obesity taking place in November 2022 (exact date TBC) will present the latest nutritional guidelines for obesity and diabetes management, including about the role of sugars and low/no calorie sweeteners. More information will be available soon.

Education on low/no calorie sweeteners can help people living with diabetes: ISA campaign for WDD 2022
Both health professionals and people living with diabetes need to have better access to nutrition education in diabetes, including about the role of low/no calorie sweeteners in diabetes control.

Low/no calorie sweeteners offer people with diabetes broader food choices by providing the pleasure of sweet taste without affecting blood glucose control.3 Studies show that unlike carbohydrates, low/no calorie sweeteners do not raise blood sugar level,4,5 and that people with diabetes can use them safely. This is also recognised by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which authorised the health claim that low/no calorie sweeteners used as a replacement for sugars induce a lower blood sugar rise after consumption compared to sugar–containing foods and drinks.6

The ISA website provides numerous educational materials on low/no calorie sweeteners' role in diabetes, including recordings of previous webinars and scientific events, as well as various resources for healthcare professionals that have been developed with the aim to provide evidence–based scientific information on the safety, use, role and benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners, such as the infographic: "Low/no calorie sweeteners in diabetes' and the media factsheet "Diabetes and Blood Sugar Control with Low/no Calorie Sweeteners'.

ISA activities for World Diabetes Day have been endorsed by diabetes organisations including the Brazilian diabetes association7(ANAD), the Colombian Diabetology Federation8 (FDC), the Mexican Diabetes Federation9 (FMD) and the Brazilian Federation of Diabetes' Organisations10 (FENAD).

Share the ISA campaign for World Diabetes Day 2022 on social media with your friends, family and network by using the dedicated hashtags #ISA4WDD, #WDD2022 and #EducationToProtect.

Follow @SweetenersAndU, ISA Facebook and LinkedIn pages, and subscribe to the ISA YouTube channel to find out more about this campaign and webinars and to advance your knowledge on what can be done to prevent or manage diabetes!

More information about ISA activities for World Diabetes Day is available here.

ISA Video to Promote education on diabetes for a healthier tomorrow – ISA supports World Diabetes Day 2022 is available here.


  1. World Diabetes Day (WDD) 2022. Available at:
  2. IDF Diabetes Atlas. Available at:
  3. Diabetes UK. The use of low or no calorie sweeteners. Position Statement (Updated December 2018). Available at:–statements–reports/food–nutrition–lifestyle/use–of–low–or–no–calorie–sweetners
  4. Nichol AD, Holle MJ, An R. Glycemic impact of non–nutritive sweeteners: a systematic review and meta–analysis of randomized controlled trials. Eur J Clin Nutr 2018; 72: 796–804
  5. Greyling A, Appleton KM, Raben A, Mela DJ. Acute glycemic and insulinemic effects of low–energy sweeteners: a systematic review and meta–analysis of randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2020; 112(4): 1002–1014
  6. EFSA Scientific opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to intense sweeteners. EFSA 2011 Journal 9(6): 2229, and 9(4): 2076
  7. Federacin Diabetolgica Colombiana
  8. Federacin Mexicana de Diabetes

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:–54bc–4c7e–9239–099313ecc0cf

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8696305)

Low/no calorie sweeteners do not increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases

BRUSSELS, Belgium, Sept. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) responds to the new study by Debras, Chazelas et al.1 on low/no calorie sweeteners and cardiovascular diseases highlighting that, contrary to claims made in this study, there is no causal evidence that low/no calorie sweeteners could increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).

Indeed, whilst the Debras, Chazelas et al study claim to show an association between low/no calorie sweeteners intake and CVD risk, there is no evidence of a plausible mechanism to support potential effects of low/no calorie sweeteners on cardiometabolic health.2 The safety of all approved low/no calorie sweeteners has been confirmed by food safety bodies worldwide including the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and of the World Health Organization (WHO)3, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)4, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)5.

Actually, the intake of low/no calorie sweeteners in the NutriNet–Sant cohort was extremely low, even for higher consumers (defined in the study as participants with sweetener intake above the sex specific median among consumers). Importantly, experts have questioned the ability to detect an association between low/no calorie sweeteners at such low levels of intake and any health outcome and stressed that, in such circumstances, confounding factors become more influential.6 By design, observational studies cannot establish a cause–and–effect relationship due to their observational nature and the inability to exclude residual confounding or, importantly, attenuate the effects of reverse causality.7

Contrary to the study by Debras, Chazelas et al, a systematic review and meta–analysis of prospective cohort studies including change and substitutions analyses that mitigate the influence of reverse causality providing more consistent and robust associations found that low/no calorie sweetened beverages are associated with lower risk of coronary heart disease and CVD mortality in the intended substitution for sugar–sweetened beverages.8 These findings are in line with evidence from randomised controlled trials which confirm no adverse effect of low/no calorie sweeteners on cardiometabolic risk factors including blood pressure, lipid levels, blood glucose and body weight, and in fact some benefits when used to replace sugars in the diet. 9,10

At a time when non–communicable diseases including diabetes and dental diseases remain major global health challenges, and in light of current public health recommendations to reduce overall sugar intake, low/no calorie sweeteners can be helpful in creating healthier food environments. They provide people with a wide choice of sweet–tasting options with low or no calories, and thus can be a useful tool, when used in place of sugar and as part of a balanced diet, in helping reduce overall sugar and calorie intake, as well as in managing blood glucose levels.11 Low/no calorie sweeteners are also not fermentable by oral bacteria, which means that they do not contribute to tooth demineralisation, which is one of the reasons for tooth decay.12

1 Debras C, Chazelas E, Sellem L, et al. Artificial sweeteners and risk of cardiovascular diseases: results from the prospective NutriNet–Sante cohort. BMJ 2022;378:e071204.
2 Pyrogianni V, La Vecchia C. Letter by Pyrogianni and La Vecchia Regarding Article, "Artificially Sweetened Beverages and Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, and All–Cause Mortality in the Women's Health Initiative". Stroke. 2019 Jun;50(6):e169
6 Magnuson B. Comments in response to the article by Debras et al "Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: Results from the NutriNet–Sant population–based cohort study". Available at:–e06a–4e33–ba10–f1a96bc43152
7 La Vecchia C. Comments in response to the article by Debras et al "Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: Results from the NutriNet–Sant population–based cohort study". Available at:–cd1c–42eb–85aa–7ea0cf0d5ccd
8 Lee JJ, Khan TA, McGlynn et al. Relation of Change or Substitution of Low– and No–Calorie Sweetened Beverages With Cardiometabolic Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta–analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Diabetes Care. 2022 Aug 1;45(8):1917–1930
9 McGlynn ND, Khan TA, Wang L, et al. Association of Low– and No–Calorie Sweetened Beverages as a Replacement for Sugar–Sweetened Beverages With Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta–analysis. JAMA Network Open 2022 Mar 1;5(3):e222092
10 Rios–Leyvraz M, Montez J (World Health Organization)". Health effects of the use of non–sugar sweeteners: a systematic review and meta–analysis. World Health Organization (WHO) 2022. License: CC BY–NC–SA 3.0 IGO
11 Diabetes UK. The use of low or no calorie sweeteners. Position Statement (Updated December 2018). Available at:–statements–reports/food–nutrition–lifestyle/use–of–low–or–no–calorie–sweetners
12 EFSA Scientific opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to intense sweeteners. EFSA 2011 Journal 9(6): 2229, and 9(4): 2076

ISA – Avenue de Tervueren 13A "" Bte 7, B–1040 Brussels, Belgium – Tel: +32 (0)2 736 53 54 – Fax: +32 (0)2 732 34 27
E–mail: – Website: – TVA BE 424.301.259

Saudi Falcons Club: Experts praise the impact of the International Saudi Falcons and Hunting Exhibition as global breeders attend the fourth edition in Riyadh

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Aug. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Falcon experts from breeding farms around the world have been singing the praises of this year's International Saudi Falcons and Hunting Exhibition just two days into the event.

Now in its fourth year, the exhibition is larger than ever with visitation expected to top 500,000 over the course of the event, which runs from 25th August – 3rd September. Over 350 exhibitors are in attendance and many have shared their delight at the impact the exhibition is having on the industry.

Held at the Saudi Falcons Club HQ at Malham, attendees are greeted by the vast auditorium packed with falconry stalls, memorabilia, technology, equipment, photographs and items detailing the rich history of falconry in Saudi Arabia, including a huge stand showing the important work the Saudi Falcons Club does to promote the art of falconry and also the conservation of birds of prey. Namely with its Hadad project that helps the conservation of both two migratory falcons – the Saker falcon and the Peregrine falcon, along with the two resident birds, the Barbary falcon and the Lanner falcon.

International falcon breeders have been showcasing their stunning birds, with farms being represented from around the world. Numerous breeders from Europe include the UK's Fox and Desert falcons, France's SB Falcons and Hura Falcons from Belgium. From further afield, Sullivan Mews are attending from USA while more locally Gulf Falcons are in attendance from Bahrain.

French Breeder Philippe Hertel from SB Falcons said: "It's my second participation at the exhibition and we are very proud and happy to have our farm here. For us it's very important to be a part of the event as the business in Saudi Arabia there is a lot of falconers so of course we should be here to present our birds. We specialize in racing and so we have very fast falcons, we have had some winners in the past, so it's important for the people here to see what we have to offer. The organization of the event is very good, from the shipping to the accommodation etc. It's the best in the world compared to other events.”

German Breeder Ulf Voss from Voss Falcons said: "It's the first time we are here, we are very happy to have been invited! We have 38 falcons with a great racing and hunting history. We try to bring the best racing falcons while making some great contacts for the future. We hope to increase our business with Saudi Arabia and so we are here getting our brand name out there to the people within the industry, it's the most important thing for us right now. Saudi Arabia is the place to be for falconry at the moment and so it's a really interesting market right now."

Belgian Breeder Giel Van Haecke from Hura Falcons said: "It is very well organized, and it's a great place for people to gather, connect and meet. You can't get any better for the breeder, it's a great place to sell birds and you need an event like this to make your name. Everyone is very friendly and there is a lot of different birds this year and when you breed quality there is no problem."

The exhibition has a special section dedicated solely to the history of falconry both in Saudi Arabia and around the world. This area is full of interactive exhibits in place to educate and inspire the next generation of falconers in the Middle East. Other areas include an art gallery, featuring Saudi artist Hila Alhmod who is displaying a stunning Peregrine falcon, which has been created by pyrography. There is also an impressive auction hall for the daily falcon auctions. Education is a huge theme this year and experts are giving daily talks on the art of falconry, and there's a big emphasis on encouraging the next generation of falconers through motivational speaking and children's learning areas.

Now in its fourth year, the International Saudi Falcons and Hunting Exhibition 2022, has been welcoming visitors and exhibitors from over 30 participating countries, making it the biggest edition of the event thus far. The event, taking place in Riyadh, runs until 3rd September 2022.

Media Contact: Ahmad AlRefaie – +966 54 501 7470 – ahmad.alrefaie@xpotential–

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–f957–43a0–94c1–8429d510453f