Elavon und FreedomPay planen Transformation des Zahlungsverkehrs im europäischen Gastgewerbe und Einzelhandel

LONDON, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, ein führender globaler Zahlungsanbieter, gibt heute seine erweiterte Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay in Europa bekannt, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Next Level Commerce™–Technologien. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, hochmoderne integrierte Handelslösungen und Omni–Channel–Zahlungstechnologie für große Unternehmen im Einzelhandel und im Gastgewerbe bereitzustellen.

Die Vereinbarung verbindet die Akquisetechnologie von Elavon mit den Handelstechnologien von FreedomPay, von denen mit Elavon zusammenarbeitende Händler in ganz Europa profitieren. So bietet sie Unternehmen mehr Flexibilität und Wahlmöglichkeiten bei der Bezahlung, Datensicherheit und eine nahtlos integrierte Zahlungstechnologie für physische und E–Commerce–Kanäle.

„Elavon und FreedomPay blicken in Europa auf eine beneidenswerte Erfolgsbilanz zurück, wenn es darum geht, Händlern im Gastgewerbe und im Einzelhandel dabei zu helfen, ihr Geschäft auszubauen und die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden besser zu erfüllen“, so Hemlata Narasimhan, President von Elavon in Europa. „Wir freuen uns darauf, die Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay zu erweitern, um weiterhin das erstklassige Zahlungserlebnis bieten zu können, für das wir mittlerweile bekannt sind.“

Elavon ist seit langem führend im Bereich des Zahlungsverkehrs im Gastgewerbe und im Einzelhandel. Durch die Integration in die FreedomPay Commerce Platform werden Sicherheit, Identität, Zahlungen, Kundentreue und Werbung mit proprietären datengesteuerten Lösungen zusammengeführt.

„Gemeinsam gestalten Elavon und FreedomPay die globale Zahlungslandschaft neu und bieten Unternehmen und ihren Kunden mehr Funktionalität und Innovation“, so Chris Kronenthal, President von FreedomPay. „Händler können jetzt ein nahtloses und konsistentes Zahlungserlebnis erwarten, das durch Next–Level–Daten, Loyalität und Sicherheit unterstützt wird.“

Über Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Zahlungsverkehr mit über 4.300 Mitarbeitenden und Niederlassungen in 10 Ländern. Elavon, eine Tochtergesellschaft der U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), stellt Unternehmen die Technologie zur Verfügung, die sie benötigen, um Zahlungen von Kunden entgegennehmen zu können, egal ob diese in Geschäften, zu Hause oder unterwegs einkaufen.

Die Plattform des Unternehmens zeichnet sich durch ihre länderübergreifende Einheitlichkeit aus, was es für Unternehmen einfacher macht, ihr Zahlungssystem schnell und sicher in Betrieb zu nehmen.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Eingetragen in Irland beim Companies Registration Office. Die Haftung des Mitglieds ist beschränkt. Die Niederlassung im Vereinigten Königreich ist eingetragen in England und Wales unter der Nummer BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, firmierend als Elavon Merchant Services, ist ein von der irischen Zentralbank zugelassenes und reguliertes Kreditinstitut. Zugelassen von der Prudential Regulation Authority. Unterliegt der Regulierung durch die Financial Conduct Authority und einer beschränkten Regulierung durch die Prudential Regulation Authority. Einzelheiten zum Umfang unserer Regulierung durch die Prudential Regulation Authority sind auf Anfrage bei uns erhältlich.

Über FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

Die Next Level Commerce™–Plattform von FreedomPay verwandelt überholte Zahlungssysteme und –prozesse in moderne Lösungen und ermöglicht es Händlern, die Macht des Bezahlens zu entfesseln. Als erste Wahl für viele der weltweit größten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Glücksspiel, Sport und Unterhaltung, Systemgastronomie, Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und Finanzdienstleistungen wurde die Technologie von FreedomPay speziell entwickelt, um in der hochkomplexen Umgebung des globalen Handels felsenfeste Leistungen zu erbringen.

Das Unternehmen unterhält eine erstklassige Sicherheitsumgebung und war das erste Unternehmen, das vom PCI Security Standards Council die begehrte Validierung des Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) Standards in Nordamerika erhielt. Die robusten Lösungen von FreedomPay in den Bereichen Zahlungen, Sicherheit, Identität und Datenanalyse sind in Geschäften, online und mobil verfügbar und werden durch eine schnelle API–Einführung unterstützt. Die preisgekrönte FreedomPay Commerce–Plattform arbeitet auf einem einzigen, einheitlichen Technologie–Stack über mehrere Kontinente hinweg und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ein innovatives Next Level–Erlebnis auf globaler Ebene zu bieten.

Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton für FreedomPay

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9105702)

Elavon and FreedomPay to transform payments for hospitality and retail in Europe

LONDON, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, a leading global payments provider, today announces its expanded collaboration in Europe with FreedomPay, a global leader in Next Level Commerce™ technologies. The partnership aims to deliver cutting–edge integrated commerce solutions and omni–channel payments technology to large enterprise merchants across Retail and Hospitality.

The agreement pairs Elavon acquiring with FreedomPay commerce technologies to benefit Elavon merchants across Europe, empowering businesses with enhanced payment flexibility and optionality, data security, and a seamlessly integrated payments technology across both physical and ecommerce channels.

“Elavon and FreedomPay have an enviable track record in Europe of helping hospitality and retail merchants grow their operations and better meet their customers’ needs,” said Hemlata Narasimhan, President of Elavon in Europe. “We’re pleased to extend our relationship with FreedomPay to continue to offer the first–class payments experience we’ve become known for.”

Elavon has long been a leader in hospitality and retail payments, and integrating with the FreedomPay Commerce Platform merges security, identity, payments, loyalty, and advertising with proprietary data driven solutions.

“Together, Elavon and FreedomPay are reshaping the global payments landscape, introducing greater functionality and innovation to enterprise businesses and their customers,” said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. “Merchants can now expect a seamless and consistent payments experience backed by Next Level data, loyalty, and security.”

About Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon is a leading global payments company with more than 4,300 employees and operations in 10 countries. A subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), Elavon provides businesses with the technology needed to accept payments from customers, whether they are shopping in stores, at home or on the go.

Its platform is distinctive in that it is common across countries, making it easier for businesses to get their payment system up and running quickly and securely.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Registered in Ireland with Companies Registration Office. The liability of the member is limited. United Kingdom branch registered in England and Wales under the number BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, trading as Elavon Merchant Services, is a credit institution authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.

About FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

Contact info:
Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton for FreedomPay

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9104791)

UK businesses must prioritise payment technology to build customer loyalty and stay competitive: New research from Lloyds Bank and FreedomPay

London, United Kingdom, April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

  • Less than a third (27%) of businesses are confident they offer seamless payments experiences.
  • Almost two–thirds of businesses (59%) across Retail, Food & Beverages and Hospitality believe a good checkout experience offers the same competitive advantage as having the best products.
  • Customer preference is the factor most likely to influence businesses’ investment in payment technologies.

New research from Lloyds Bank and FreedomPay highlights the importance of UK businesses investing in new payment technology.

Two–thirds (59%) of UK Retail, Food & Beverage (F&B) and Hospitality companies were found to already put payments at the heart of their customer experience strategy, reflecting the growing importance of payment options to customers.

For retail–focused businesses, 59% believe that a good checkout experience is essential to building customer loyalty, with respondents believing it is as much a competitive advantage as having the best products.

Meanwhile, 57% of retailers said that a poor payment experience could have a detrimental effect on their business, pushing customers to competitors who offer a better experience.

The findings come as payment infrastructure is increasingly viewed as a critical part of customers’ shopping experience. As high inflation takes its toll on both independent venues and enterprise chains, this research demonstrates the need for businesses to prioritise customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

A Chip Off the Old Block

However, despite understanding the importance of providing a good payment experience for customers, making this a reality appears to be a challenge for many businesses.

Half of all business surveyed (49%) said they had not invested in payment solution updates at all, and only 27% of respondents felt confident in their omnichannel payment experience offering. 

This disparity highlights that businesses have a lot of room for growth, as investment in new payment technology could lead to significantly enhanced customer experiences and result in increased sales.

Data leads to better customer engagement

Other findings highlighted how businesses are using data, with many understanding that payments data can help them to make more informed decisions. 80% of respondents said they are using payments data to learn more about their customers to tailor services and products for them, which can be crucial to maintaining customer engagement and driving brand loyalty.

FreedomPay’s President Chris Kronenthal said:
“What is evident from our research is that brands must focus on payments innovation now more than ever. Understanding what customers expect and want from a payment experience is fundamental to ensuring that customers keep coming back. Choosing the right payments partner can support strategic business decisions and streamline checkout to help to deliver a personalised, seamless, and data–driven experience any time, any place.”

Melinda Roylett, Managing Director, Lloyds Bank Merchant Services said:
“The way we pay has undergone rapid shifts in the past few years. Accelerated by the pandemic, technological advancements and innovative ways of using open banking have led to the increasing adoption of contactless, digital wallet solutions and embedded finance options such as Buy Now, Pay Later. Consumers now have more choice than ever. This means that businesses also need to think about how they use the payment experience at checkout to build business growth.”

We hope you enjoy the full Report at lloydsbank.com/paymentsinsight


FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com


  • Lloyds Banking Group is a leading UK based financial services group providing a wide range of banking and financial services, focused on personal and commercial customers.
  • We are proud to be by the side of British business, supporting more than 1 million UK businesses with leading digital and relationship banking services, as they start up, grow, thrive and trade internationally. 
  • As part of the Group, Lloyds Bank Cardnet Merchant Services offers leading end–to–end payment acceptance solutions. We help businesses from all parts of the UK, and across all different sectors and sizes, giving them the support they need to take payments online, in store, or over the phone at any time.
  • For more information on how we help businesses to receive payments please visit: www.lloydsbank.com/cardnet


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9104694)

FreedomPay annonce un partenariat stratégique avec PAX Technology, Inc. pour des solutions de commerce mondial améliorées


FreedomPay, plateforme technologique de commerce privilgie des industries mondiales comprenant l'htellerie, l'hbergement, la vente au dtail et plus encore, annonce aujourd'hui sa collaboration avec PAX Technology, Inc., l'un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement lectroniques de la plante.

compter du deuxime trimestre 2024, FreedomPay lancera des appareils PAX Technology offrant une exprience de validation de commande se montrant la fois sre, fluide et unifie pour les consommateurs tout en permettant aux marchands de bnficier des capacits d'analyse des donnes et des programmes de fidlit avantageux de FreedomPay. Ce partenariat renforce l'engagement de FreedomPay favoriser un cosystme ouvert et accessible pour ses partenaires sectoriels et marchands.

FreedomPay se ddie offrir une exprience client sans gale en priorisant la vitesse, la scurit et la personnalisation , a dclar Chris Kronenthal, prsident de FreedomPay. En faisant quipe avec PAX Technology, les marchands du monde entier peuvent dsormais offrir une exprience commerciale de niveau suprieur.

Ce partenariat annonce une nouvelle re d'excellence commerciale pour les marchands et consommateurs du monde entier. Grce l'inclusion d'une connectivit sans fil 4G de pointe, les marchands pourront dsormais profiter de transactions rapides et fluides. Les appareils tout–en–un de PAX Technology, intgrant la fois point de vente et paiements, rationalisent les oprations et simplifient l'exprience de validation de commande.

Cette collaboration avec FreedomPay associe une technologie commerciale de pointe avec des solutions matrielles d'acceptation des paiements faisant figure de leaders du secteur, favorisant le commerce mondial en permettant des transactions faciles et sres tant pour les consommateurs que pour les entreprises , a comment Andy Chau, prsident et directeur gnral de PAX Technology, Inc. Notre ligne de terminaux Android constituera une solution de paiement extrmement flexible pour FreedomPay et ses clients.

propos de FreedomPay
La plateforme Next Level Commerce de FreedomPay transforme les systmes et processus de paiement existants pour les faire passer la pointe de la technologie et permet aux marchands de dvoiler la puissance des paiements. En tant que premier choix pour bon nombre des plus grandes entreprises du monde dans les domaines de la vente au dtail, de l'htellerie, de l'hbergement, des jeux, des sports et du divertissement, des services alimentaires, de l'ducation, des soins de sant et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a t spcialement conue pour fournir des performances solides dans l'environnement extrmement complexe du commerce mondial.

La socit maintient un environnement de scurit de classe mondiale et a t la premire obtenir la validation convoite du Conseil des normes de scurit de l'industrie des cartes de paiement (PCI) par rapport la norme de cryptage point point (P2PE/EMV) en Amrique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matire de paiements, de scurit, d'identit et d'analyse de donnes sont disponibles en magasin, en ligne et sur mobile et sont prises en charge par l'adoption rapide des API. La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay prime fonctionne sur une seule et unique pile technologique unifie sur plusieurs continents, permettant ainsi aux entreprises d'offrir une exprience innovante de niveau suprieur l'chelle mondiale. www.freedompay.com

propos de PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. est l'un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement lectroniques au monde, comptant 70 millions de terminaux situs dans plus de 120 pays. En tant que fabricants mondiaux de premier plan dans le domaine, nous sommes dtermins proposer des solutions de paiement innovantes, sres et de haute qualit aux entreprises, de toutes tailles, travers la plante. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur le site www.pax.us.

Contact :
Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies pour FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922545)

FreedomPay gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit PAX Technology, Inc. für verbesserte Lösungen beim globalen Handel bekannt


FreedomPay, die bevorzugte Commerce–Technologieplattform fr zahlreiche Branchen wie Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Einzelhandel und mehr, gibt heute seine Zusammenarbeit mit PAX Technology, Inc. bekannt, einem der weltweit grten Anbieter elektronischer Zahlungslsungen.

Im zweiten Quartal 2024 wird FreedomPay Gerte mit PAX–Technologie einfhren, die Verbrauchern ein sicheres, problemloses und einheitliches Kassenerlebnis bieten und Hndlern mit den robusten Treueprogrammen und Datenanalysefunktionen von FreedomPay untersttzen. Diese Partnerschaft unterstreicht das Bestreben von FreedomPay, ein offenes und zugngliches kosystem fr seine Hndler und Industriepartner zu frdern.

"FreedomPay hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein unvergleichliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten, indem es Geschwindigkeit, Sicherheit und Personalisierung in den Vordergrund stellt", so Chris Kronenthal, President von FreedomPay. "Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit PAX Technology knnen Hndler berall auf der Welt nun Hndlern und Verbrauchern ein Commerce–Erlebnis auf ganz neuem Level bieten."

Die Partnerschaft lutet eine neue ra von Spitzenleistungen im Handel fr Hndler und Verbraucher weltweit ein. Die Integration der hochmodernen 4G–Mobilfunkverbindung ermglicht Hndlern jetzt die problemlose und schnelle Durchfhrung der Transaktionen. Die All–in–One–Gerte von PAX Technology, die sowohl den Point–of–Sale als auch den Zahlungsverkehr integrieren, optimieren die Ablufe und vereinfachen den Zahlungsvorgang.

"Die Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay verbindet modernste Handelstechnologie mit branchenfhrenden Hardwarelsungen fr die Zahlungsakzeptanz und frdert den globalen Handel, indem sie sichere Transaktionen fr Verbraucher und Unternehmen ermglicht", sagte Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Unsere Android–Terminals bieten eine uerst flexible Zahlungslsung fr FreedomPay und seine Kunden."

ber FreedomPay
Die Next Level Commerce–Plattform von FreedomPay verwandelt bestehende Zahlungssysteme und –prozesse von veralteten in moderne Lsungen und ermglicht es Hndlern, neue Zahlungsmglichkeiten fr sich zu entdecken. Als erste Wahl fr viele der weltweit grten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Glcksspiel, Sport und Unterhaltung, Foodservice, Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und Finanzdienstleistungen wurde die Technologie von FreedomPay speziell entwickelt, um in der hochkomplexen Umgebung des globalen Handels eine felsenfeste Leistung zu erbringen.

Das Unternehmen unterhlt eine erstklassige Sicherheitsumgebung und war das erste Unternehmen, das vom PCI Security Standards Council die begehrte Validierung des Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) Standards in Nordamerika erhielt. Die robusten Lsungen von FreedomPay in den Bereichen Zahlungen, Sicherheit, Identitt und Datenanalyse sind in Geschften, online und mobil verfgbar und werden durch eine schnelle API–Einfhrung untersttzt. Die preisgekrnte FreedomPay Commerce–Plattform arbeitet auf einem einzigen, einheitlichen Technologie–Stack ber mehrere Kontinente hinweg und ermglicht es Unternehmen, ein innovatives Next Level–Erlebnis auf globaler Ebene zu bieten. www.freedompay.com

ber PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. ist einer der weltweit grten Anbieter von elektronischen Zahlungslsungen mit 70 Millionen Terminals in ber 120 Lndern. Als ein weltweit fhrender Hersteller von Zahlungslsungen haben wir uns verpflichtet, innovative, qualitativ hochwertige und sichere Zahlungslsungen fr groe und kleine Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt zu liefern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.pax.us.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922545)

FreedomPay Announces Strategic Partnership with PAX Technology, Inc. for Enhanced Global Commerce Solutions


FreedomPay, the preferred commerce technology platform for global industries including hospitality, lodging, retail and more, today announces its collaboration with PAX Technology, Inc., one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world.

Available in Q2 2024, FreedomPay will introduce PAX Technology devices to enable a secure, seamless, and unified checkout experience for consumers while empowering merchants with FreedomPay's robust loyalty programs and data analytics capabilities. This partnership reinforces FreedomPay's commitment to fostering an open and accessible ecosystem for its merchants and industry partners.

"FreedomPay is dedicated to delivering an unparalleled consumer experience by prioritizing speed, security and personalization," said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. "By teaming up with PAX Technology, merchants worldwide can now offer merchants and consumers a Next Level commerce experience."

The partnership signals a new era of commerce excellence for merchants and consumers globally. With the inclusion of cutting–edge 4G wireless connectivity, merchants can now enjoy seamless and rapid transactions. PAX Technology's all–in–one devices, integrating both point–of–sale and payments, streamlines operations and simplifies the checkout experience.

"This collaboration with FreedomPay combines cutting–edge commerce technology with industry–leading payment acceptance hardware solutions, driving global commerce by facilitating secure transactions for both consumers and businesses," said Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Our Android line of terminals will provide an extremely flexible payment solution for FreedomPay, and their customers."

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc.is one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world, with 70 million terminals located in over 120 countries. As a leading global manufacturer of payment solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative, high–quality, and secure payment solutions to businesses, large and small, worldwide. To learn more visit www.pax.us.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921905)

FreedomPay Announces Strategic Partnership with PAX Technology, Inc. for Enhanced Global Commerce Solutions

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the preferred commerce technology platform for global industries including hospitality, lodging, retail and more, today announces its collaboration with PAX Technology, Inc., one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world.

Available in Q2 2024, FreedomPay will introduce PAX Technology devices to enable a secure, seamless, and unified checkout experience for consumers while empowering merchants with FreedomPay's robust loyalty programs and data analytics capabilities. This partnership reinforces FreedomPay's commitment to fostering an open and accessible ecosystem for its merchants and industry partners.

"FreedomPay is dedicated to delivering an unparalleled consumer experience by prioritizing speed, security and personalization," said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. "By teaming up with PAX Technology, merchants worldwide can now offer merchants and consumers a Next Level commerce experience."

The partnership signals a new era of commerce excellence for merchants and consumers globally. With the inclusion of cutting–edge 4G wireless connectivity, merchants can now enjoy seamless and rapid transactions. PAX Technology's all–in–one devices, integrating both point–of–sale and payments, streamlines operations and simplifies the checkout experience.

"This collaboration with FreedomPay combines cutting–edge commerce technology with industry–leading payment acceptance hardware solutions, driving global commerce by facilitating secure transactions for both consumers and businesses," said Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Our Android line of terminals will provide an extremely flexible payment solution for FreedomPay, and their customers."

About FreedomPay

FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc.is one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world, with 70 million terminals located in over 120 countries. As a leading global manufacturer of payment solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative, high–quality, and secure payment solutions to businesses, large and small, worldwide. To learn more visit www.pax.us.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922209)

FreedomPay Partners with Visa to Offer Global Omnichannel Network Tokenization

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, a global leader in Next Level Commerce, announces a partnership with Visa to integrate Visa's network tokenization capabilities within FreedomPay's global identity and tokenization framework. The true omnichannel global tokenization product will provide network tokens across card brands, helping to keep merchants compliant with cross–border and in–region data and privacy regulations, while helping merchants qualify for lower interchange rates for certain Visa network tokenized transactions.

"With the growing number of connected devices, changing consumer behaviors and shifting privacy regulations, the benefits of utilizing network tokens are many. Using the Visa Acceptance Platform, Visa has the scale and flexibility to seamlessly provision them for FreedomPay's clients around the globe, helping to improve customer experience, improve authorization rates and reduce fraud," said Bill Dobbins, SVP, Head of Acquiring and Enablement at Visa.

Network tokenization will also help streamline the customer journey, providing a seamless experience across borders and merchant locations. The new capabilities will be integrated into FreedomPay's larger identity suite, offering a 360–degree view of the customer to the merchant, creating a more personalized checkout experience through data–driven loyalty and incentives.

"FreedomPay is trusted by the largest brands across hospitality, retail, F&B and more to provide repeatable and scalable next level solutions for security, data management and compliance, and to create a personalized and seamless customer journey around the globe," said David Knowlton, CTO at FreedomPay. "By partnering with Visa for network tokenization, FreedomPay will provide merchants with more flexibility and geographic coverage, including in harder–to–access regions, when managing customer and card data."

Additional features will also be supported without any changes to the merchant's systems such as supporting card on file use cases with digital wallet taps as well as token life cycle management.

About FreedomPay

FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8862332)

Toast Selects FreedomPay as its Preferred Payments Partner for Global Enterprise Merchants

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the world's leading independent commerce platform and Toast, the all–in–one digital platform built for the entire restaurant community, signed a partnership agreement making FreedomPay Toast's preferred payments gateway partner for select enterprise brands.

Toast will be able to offer its cloud–based digital platform for restaurants to leading enterprise merchants in the U.S. and Canada who are on the award–winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform.

Kelly Esten, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Enterprise at Toast stated: "As the restaurant industry rapidly adapts to new service models, Toast continues to deliver the industry's trusted digital platform to help restaurants of all sizes and types""including franchisees""drive profitability, create the streamlined dining experiences guests expect, and make managing food service operations across properties easier than ever. We look forward to partnering with FreedomPay as we drive our enterprise expansion."

FreedomPay Senior Vice President, Sales & Digital Development Nate Ware added: "This exciting collaboration between FreedomPay and Toast delivers advanced capabilities to large merchants. We are quite simply "unleashing the power of pay' to thousands more businesses to help support Toast's growth across enterprise level merchant solutions."

FreedomPay is one of the world's fastest growing Fintechs, innovating and transforming commerce to Next Level payment solutions. FreedomPay is aggressively expanding in new markets including the Middle East, South America, Africa and APAC. FreedomPay has recently been named one of the Fastest Growing FinTechs to Watch in 2022 and is a finalist for the Best Payment System in the PayTech Awards, London 2023.

FreedomPay and Toast will be exhibiting together at HITEC in Toronto, June 26–29. Visit booth 516/518 to learn more.

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8856540)

Elo Partners with FreedomPay to Transform the Digital In-Store Experience

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the global leader in Next Level Commerce, and Elo, a leading global provider of interactive solutions and interactive display solutions, announce the integration of Elo's M60 Pay handheld computer with FreedomPay's secure commerce technology.

Built to accept today's popular payment and loyalty cards, the M60 Pay has a built–in EMV, magnetic stripe reader and NFC for cards with either chips or strips and digital contactless payments. The Android –based M60 Pay computer can transform from a mobile to a fixed POS solution with the optional docking station, expansion module and Elo touchscreen monitor.

Together, FreedomPay and Elo are reinventing the digital in–store experience by uniting Elo's innovative and interactive solutions with FreedomPay's industry–leading commerce technology platform to create a secure, frictionless, unified shopping experience for global consumers while supporting merchants with robust loyalty and data analytics capabilities.

"The M60 Pay makes decentralizing the checkout process and taking payments anywhere easy," said Craig Witsoe, CEO at Elo. "The partnership with FreedomPay will bring enhanced functionality and security to create a more personalized experience for consumers."

FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform offers many benefits to merchants and their customers, including:

  • The ability to unify commerce across properties, channels, and regions within a single open, fully agnostic, flexible platform;
  • A touchless ecosystem that supports contactless payments, QR technology, Apple Pay, and Google Pay; and
  • A fully integrated end–to–end solution enabling secure payments, identity–as–a–service, loyalty, and business intelligence.

"Consumers are looking continually for new payment functionality and greater customization when it comes to payments. The partnership with Elo will give customers secure and seamless checkout experience expected with FreedomPay coupled with the innovative and modular designed solutions from Elo," said Tom Durovsik, Founder & CEO of FreedomPay.

To learn more about the solution, visit FreedomPay at NRF booth #4250 or Elo at NRF booth #5803 to request a demo.

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock–solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award–winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About Elo
As a leading global supplier of interactive solutions, #EloIsEverywhere. To date, Elo has deployed more than 25 million installations in over 80 countries. A new Elo touchscreen is installed every 21 seconds, on average, somewhere in the world. Built on a unified architecture, Elo's broad portfolio allows its customers to easily Choose, Configure and Connect & Control to create a unique experience. Choose from all–in–one systems, open–frame monitors and touchscreen monitors ranging from 7 to 65 inches. Configure with Elo's unique Elo Edge Connect peripherals that allow use–specific solutions. Connect & Control with EloView , a secure, cloud–based platform for Android–powered devices. EloView enables secure deployment and management of a large network of interactive systems designed to reduce operating costs while increasing up–time and security.

Consumers can find Elo touchscreen solutions in self–service kiosks, point–of–sale terminals, interactive signage, gaming machines, hospitality systems, point–of–care displays and transportation applications, to name a few. Learn more at EloTouch.com.


Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8730050)