Malvern, Pennsylvania (USA), Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rajant Corporation, the pioneer of Kinetic Mesh wireless networks and global distribution partner AIRadio, has solved the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM)'s Metro M8 line connectivity challenge, making reliable Wi–Fi available to all commuters. Using Rajant Kinetic Mesh wireless radio nodes, known as Hawk BreadCrumbs , all M8 passengers can access 300Mbps of uninterrupted internet while traveling at high speeds underground. IMM debuted the Rajant–enabled Wi–Fi commuter service on August 17, 2023, the 24th anniversary of the August 17, 1999, earthquake.

IMM is pointing out that the internet infrastructure put in place by AIRadio within the Metro cars and terminal is of great importance for day–to–day communication needs as well as emergencies. According to Erol Ozguner, CIO at IMM, "Thanks to the infrastructural investments we have made, 2.5 million passengers traveling by the metros will enjoy the internet as they can use it more efficiently." Nihat Narin, the President of ISTTELKOM, Subsidiary of IMM, stressed the desire to make the commuter travel experience more contemporary and comfortable by further expanding the free IMM Wi–Fi service on the metros. Noted Mr Narin, "We are working non–stop with a view to encouraging the people of Istanbul to prefer the rail systems more often, as we further improve the technological infrastructure of the city."

AIRadio VP Sales and Business Development Koral Turkkan shared, "Deploying a dedicated LTE or even a 5G network was not an option due to challenges, such as CAPEX and OPEX costs. Further, neither LTE or 5G provide seamless handoffs to maintain user–application connections, whether for entertainment like Netflix or live–streamed Google Meet. As a distributor of Rajant, we know Kinetic Mesh is a truly disruptive technology that has delivered several very large project wins for AIRadio, so we brought this high bandwidth wireless solution to IMM's attention. Now, the M8 metro line's 40,000+ daily passengers have the convenience and peace–of–mind access to the internet as they rapidly travel underground. A first ever real–time video conference between Turkey, Kazakhstan, and South Africa was captured using Google Meet." Watch here.

Rajant Sales Director in Eastern Europe/Central Asia Marcin Kusztal concluded, "Rajant Kinetic Mesh BreadCrumb wireless nodes have seen extensive deployments supporting high–mobility applications for underground and tunnel environments. In the case of the Istanbul Metro, AIRadio installed Hawk BreadCrumbs in combination with Rajant RCP tunnel antennas and SlipStream XG for both trackside and on–train deployment, which exceeded the required average throughput per customer, per train."

More details are available in the published case study.


About AIRadio
AIRadio is based in the United Arab Emirates and is a member of AIR Group, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. AIRadio is a premier technology company that began in 1990 and has since grown to direct offices in twelve countries and partners in over 60 countries all over the world, including the US, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

About Rajant Corporation
Rajant Corporation is the broadband communications technology company that invented Kinetic Mesh networking, BreadCrumb wireless nodes, and InstaMesh networking software. With Rajant, customers can rapidly deploy a highly adaptable and scalable network that leverages the power of real–time data to deliver on–demand, mission–critical business intelligence. A low–latency, high–throughput, and secure solution for a variety of data, voice, video, and autonomous applications, Rajant's Kinetic Mesh networks provide industrial customers with full mobility, allowing them to take their private network applications and data anywhere. With successful deployments in more than 80 countries for customers in military, mining, ports, rail, oil & gas, petrochemical plants, municipalities, and agriculture. Rajant is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, with additional facilities and offices in Arizona and Kentucky. For more information, visit or follow Rajant on LinkedIn and Twitter.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8971852)

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro lança o plano estratégico de Soudah Peaks

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Real, o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro Ministro e Presidente da Soudah Development lanou o plano estratgico para desenvolver Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa em Soudah Peaks, um destino turstico de luxo na montanha situado a 3015 metros acima do nvel do mar no pico mais alto da Arbia Saudita. Situado em um ambiente natural e cultural extraordinrio na regio de Aseer (sudoeste da Arbia Saudita), o projeto uma parte essencial dos esforos do Fundo de Investimento Pblico (PIF) para diversificar a economia atravs da expanso de indstrias vitais como o turismo, a hotelaria e o entretenimento, e apoiar a estratgia de desenvolvimento de Aseer.

SAR o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman, Presidente do Conselho de Administrao da Soudah Development, afirmou que Soudah Peaks representa uma nova era de turismo de montanha de luxo, proporcionando uma experincia de vivncia sem precedentes, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e a riqueza cultural e patrimonial. Est estrategicamente alinhado com os objetivos da Viso 2030 de expandir o turismo e o entretenimento, apoiar o crescimento econmico, atrair investimentos, contribuir com mais de 29 bilhes de SAR para o PIB acumulado do Reino e criar milhares de oportunidades de emprego diretas e indiretas.

SAR disse: "O plano estratgico reafirma nosso empenho relativamente aos esforos globais de preservao do ambiente e dos recursos naturais para as geraes futuras e visa contribuir para a diversificao das fontes de rendimento nacionais e a construo de uma economia forte que atraia investimentos locais e globais."

SAR acrescentou: "Soudah Peaks ser um acrscimo significativo ao setor do turismo na Arbia Saudita e colocar o Reino no mapa do turismo mundial, destacando e celebrando simultaneamente a riqueza da cultura e do patrimnio do pas. Os visitantes tero a oportunidade de descobrir a beleza de Soudah Peaks, explorar sua cultura e patrimnio ricos e experimentar a autntica hospitalidade da comunidade local. Soudah Peaks oferecer experincias inesquecveis rodeadas por entre uma vegetao exuberante, acima das nuvens."

Soudah Peaks tem como objetivo oferecer servios de hotelaria de luxo de alta qualidade a mais de dois milhes de visitantes ao longo do ano at 2033. O plano estratgico est sendo concebido para refletir os estilos tradicionais e arquitetnicos locais e promover o patrimnio cultural e paisagstico da regio. O destino ser o lar de 6 zonas de desenvolvimento nicas: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal e Red Rock. Cada uma delas oferecer uma gama de instalaes de nvel mundial, incluindo hotis, estncias de luxo nas montanhas, chals residenciais, moradias, manses de luxo, atraes comerciais e de entretenimento, bem como atraes ao ar livre dedicadas ao esporte, aventura, ao bem–estar e cultura.

A Soudah Development entregar 2700 chaves de hotelaria, 1336 unidades residenciais e 80.000 metros quadrados de espao comercial em Soudah Peaks at 2033. O plano estratgico ser desenvolvido em trs fases, com 940 chaves de hotel, 391 unidades residenciais e 32.000 metros quadrados de espao comercial previsto para ser concludo em 2027, na primeira fase.

Soudah Peaks est situado ao longo de mais de 627 quilmetros quadrados de natureza inspiradora, com menos de 1% do terreno adquirido para construo, refletindo o compromisso da Soudah Development em proteger e preservar o meio ambiente, seguindo os melhores padres de sustentabilidade, e contribuindo para os esforos da Saudi Green Initiative.

Como uma sociedade annima fechada detida pelo PIF, a Soudah Development tem como objetivo desenvolver um destino turstico de luxo nico nas montanhas da Arbia Saudita, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e o patrimnio cultural da rea do projeto, que se estende por Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa.

Sobre a Soudah Development
A Soudah Development uma sociedade annima fechada detida integralmente pelo Fundo de Investimento Pblico (PIF) da Arbia Saudita. Ela foi criada para promover o desenvolvimento de um destino turstico de luxo nas montanhas, abrangendo Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa, na regio de Aseer, no sudoeste da Arbia Saudita. Seu objetivo preservar a paisagem natural e respeitar o rico patrimnio cultural da regio, alm de atrair 2 milhes de visitantes todos os anos at 2033. A Soudah Development foi anunciada por SAR o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro Ministro e Presidente do PIF, em 24 de fevereiro de 2021.

Para mais informaes acesse os links abaixo:
Site: e
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn e Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Ou entre em contato por e–mail:

Fonte: NewsBeatWire


Mohammed A. Alshehri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841665)

Seine Königliche Hoheit, der Kronprinz, stellt den Masterplan für Soudah Peaks vor

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Seine Knigliche Hoheit Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premierminister und Vorsitzender von Soudah Development, hat den Masterplan zur Entwicklung von Soudah und Teilen von Rijal Almaa zu Soudah Peaks – einem luxurisen Bergtourismusziel in 3.015 Metern Hhe auf dem hchsten Gipfel Saudi–Arabiens – vorgestellt. Das Projekt liegt in einer auergewhnlichen natrlichen und kulturellen Umgebung in der Region Aseer (Sdwest–Saudi–Arabien) und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Bemhungen des ffentlichen Investitionsfonds (Public Investment Fund, PIF), die Wirtschaft durch den Ausbau wichtiger Branchen wie Tourismus, Gastgewerbe und Unterhaltung zu diversifizieren und die Entwicklungsstrategie von Aseer zu untersttzen.

Seine Knigliche Hoheit Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats von Soudah Development, erklrte, dass Soudah Peaks eine neue ra des luxurisen Bergtourismus darstellt, indem es ein noch nie dagewesenes Erlebnis bietet und gleichzeitig die Natur, die Kultur und das reiche Kulturerbe bewahrt. Es ist strategisch auf die Ziele der Vision 2030 ausgerichtet, die darin bestehen, den Tourismus und die Unterhaltungsindustrie auszubauen, das Wirtschaftswachstum zu frdern, Investitionen anzuziehen, mehr als 29 Mrd. SAR zum kumulierten BIP des Knigreichs beizutragen und Tausende von direkten und indirekten Arbeitspltzen zu schaffen.

Seine Knigliche Hoheit dazu: "Der Masterplan bekrftigt unser Engagement fr die weltweiten Bemhungen um den Erhalt der Umwelt und der natrlichen Ressourcen fr knftige Generationen und soll dazu beitragen, die nationalen Einkommensquellen zu diversifizieren und eine starke Wirtschaft aufzubauen, die lokale und globale Investitionen anzieht."

Seine Knigliche Hoheit fgte hinzu: "Soudah Peaks wird eine bedeutende Bereicherung fr den Tourismussektor in Saudi–Arabien sein und das Knigreich auf der globalen Tourismuskarte platzieren, whrend gleichzeitig die reiche Kultur und das Erbe des Landes hervorgehoben und gefeiert werden." Die Besucher haben die Mglichkeit, die Schnheit der Soudah Peaks zu entdecken, ihre reiche Kultur und ihr Erbe zu erkunden und die authentische Gastfreundschaft der lokalen Gemeinschaft zu erleben. Soudah Peaks wird unvergessliche Erlebnisse inmitten von ppigem Grn ber den Wolken bieten."

Soudah Peaks will bis zum Jahr 2033 ber zwei Millionen Besuchern im Jahr luxurise Dienstleistungen im Gastgewerbe anbieten. Der Masterplan soll die lokalen traditionellen und architektonischen Stile widerspiegeln und sowohl das kulturelle als auch das landschaftliche Erbe der Region frdern. Das Reiseziel wird 6 einzigartige Entwicklungszonen beherbergen: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal und Red Rock. Jede dieser Zonen bietet eine Reihe von Einrichtungen von Weltrang, darunter Hotels, luxurise Bergresorts, Wohnchalets, Villen, Premium–Villen, Unterhaltungs– und Geschftsattraktionen sowie Outdoor–Attraktionen fr Sport, Abenteuer, Wellness und Kultur.

Soudah Development wird fr Soudah Peaks bis 2033 2.700 Hotelzimmer, 1.336 Wohneinheiten und 80.000 Quadratmeter Gewerbeflche bereitstellen. Der Masterplan wird in drei Phasen entwickelt, wobei die erste Phase mit 940 Hotelzimmern, 391 Wohneinheiten und 32.000 Quadratmetern Einzelhandelsflche voraussichtlich im Jahr 2027 abgeschlossen sein wird.

Soudah Peaks erstreckt sich ber mehr als 627 Quadratkilometer atemberaubender Natur, wobei weniger als 1 % des Gelndes fr den Bau erworben wurde. Dies spiegelt das Engagement von Soudah Development fr den Schutz und die Erhaltung der Umwelt, die Einhaltung der besten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards und den Beitrag zu den Bemhungen der Saudi Green Initiative wider.

Als geschlossene Aktiengesellschaft im Besitz des PIF hat Soudah Development das Ziel, ein einzigartiges luxurises Tourismusziel in den Bergen Saudi–Arabiens zu entwickeln und gleichzeitig die Natur und das kulturelle Erbe des Projektgebiets, das sich ber Soudah und Teile von Rijal Almaa erstreckt, zu erhalten.

ber Soudah Development
Soudah Development ist eine geschlossene Aktiengesellschaft, die sich vollstndig im Eigentum des Public Investment Fund (PIF) von Saudi–Arabien befindet. Es wurde gegrndet, um die Entwicklung eines luxurisen Bergtourismusziels voranzutreiben, das Soudah und Teile von Rijal Almaa in der Region Aseer im Sdwesten Saudi–Arabiens umfasst. Es zielt darauf ab, die natrliche Landschaft zu erhalten und das reiche kulturelle Erbe der Region zu respektieren, whrend es bis 2033 jhrlich 2 Millionen Besucher anziehen soll. Soudah Development wurde am 24. Februar 2021 von Seiner Kniglichen Hoheit Kronprinz Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premierminister und Vorsitzender des PIF, angekndigt.

Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die folgenden Links:
Website: &
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, und Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Oder per E–Mail:

Quelle: NewsBeatWire


Mohammed A. Alshehri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841581)

Son Altesse Royale le prince héritier d'Arabie saoudite lève le voile sur le plan directeur du projet « Soudah Peaks »

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 28 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Royale le prince hritier saoudien Mohammed ben Salmane, Premier ministre et Prsident de la Soudah Development Company a dvoil son programme cadre visant dvelopper la rgion montagneuse d'Al Soudah et certaines zones de la valle de Rijal Almaa pour en faire Soudah Peaks , une destination de tourisme de montagne de luxe situe 3 015 mtres d'altitude sur le plus haut sommet d'Arabie saoudite. Ce projet qui prend forme dans la province d'Asir, au sud–ouest de l'Arabie saoudite, se situe au c"ur d'un environnement naturel et culturel insolite, et constitue un enjeu cl pour le Fonds public d'investissement d'Arabie saoudite (ou PIF) dont les initiatives visent diversifier l'conomie du Royaume en boostant des secteurs d'activit majeurs comme le tourisme, l'htellerie ou les loisirs, tout en soutenant la stratgie de dveloppement rgionale.

S.A.R. le prince hritier Mohammed ben Salmane, Prsident du Conseil d'administration de Soudah Development, a dclar que le programme Soudah Peaks inaugure l'entre du tourisme de montagne de luxe dans une nouvelle re, ds lors que ce projet procure aux visiteurs une exprience sans prcdent tout en prservant l'environnement naturel et la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale de la rgion. Du point de vue stratgique, le projet s'aligne sur les objectifs du plan de dveloppement Saudi Vision 2030. Celui–ci vise notamment faire fructifier le tourisme et les loisirs, soutenir la croissance conomique, solliciter les investissements, contribuer hauteur de plus de 29 milliards de riyals saoudiens au PIB cumul du Royaume, et crer des milliers d'emplois directs et indirects.

Le plan directeur du projet Soudah Peaks confirme notre engagement mondial en faveur de la protection de notre environnement et de nos ressources naturelles pour le bien des gnrations futures. Il nous permet d'assurer la transition du Royaume vers un nouveau modle de dveloppement et de construire une conomie plus forte, qui attirera les investisseurs l'chelle rgionale mais aussi ceux du monde entier , a expliqu S.A.R. le prince hritier, avant d'ajouter :

Soudah Peaks est un jalon de taille dans le dveloppement du tourisme saoudien. Ce projet qui place le Royaume au c"ur des destinations mondiales met en lumire et l'honneur la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale de notre pays. Les visiteurs pourront s'merveiller de la beaut de Soudah Peaks, explorer la richesse de sa culture et la signature unique de son patrimoine, et se rjouir du caractre authentique de l'hospitalit locale. Le cadre verdoyant situ au–dessus des nuages fera de Soudah Peaks une destination de voyage inoubliable .

Soudah Peaks vise proposer ses visiteurs des complexes hteliers haut de gamme et luxueux, pouvant accueillir plus de deux millions de personnes tout au long de l'anne d'ici 2033. Le plan directeur est conu de manire s'inspirer du style traditionnel de l'architecture locale, ce qui contribuera promouvoir le patrimoine culturel et paysager de la rgion. La destination s'tendra six zones de dveloppement uniques, savoir : Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal et Red Rock. Chacune d'entre elles accueillera toute une gamme d'installations de haut calibre, et notamment des htels, des stations de ski de luxe, des chalets rsidentiels, des villas, des manoirs haut de gamme, des attractions commerciales et des aires de divertissement, ainsi que des zones de plein air ddies au sport, l'aventure, au bien–tre et la culture.

D'ici 2033, Soudah Development fera btir 2 700 chambres d'htel et 1 336 units rsidentielles Soudah Peaks, qui comptera galement pas moins de 80 000 mtres carrs de zone commerciale. Le plan directeur prvoit de se dployer en trois phases. L'objectif de la premire phase vise l'aboutissement de 940 htels, 391 complexes usage rsidentiel, et 32 000 mtres carrs de centre commercial d'ici 2027.

Soudah Peaks s'tend sur plus de 627 kilomtres carrs de fascinante nature, o les terres rserves la construction ne reprsentent que 1 % de la surface. Cette condition reflte le double engagement pris par Soudah Development en faveur de la protection et de la prservation de l'environnement par la mise en place des meilleures pratiques en matire de dveloppement durable, en contribuant ainsi aux initiatives vertes du Royaume rassembles sous le projet Saudi Green Initiative.

Soudah Development est une socit par actions de type ferm dtenue par le Fonds d'investissement public d'Arabie saoudite. Sa mission consiste piloter le dveloppement d'une destination touristique de montagne de luxe en Arabie Saoudite tout en prservant le paysage naturel et le folklore de la rgion d'Al Soudah et de certaines parties de Rijal Almaa.

propos de Soudah Development
Soudah Development est une socit par actions de type ferm dtenue 100 % par le Fonds d'investissement public d'Arabie saoudite. Soudah Development s'attache dvelopper une destination touristique de montagne de luxe qui s'tend d'Al Soudah certaines zones de la valle de Rijal Almaa, au c"ur de la province d'Asir, situe au sud–ouest de l'Arabie saoudite. Son ambition est d'en prserver le patrimoine naturel dans le respect du riche folklore local, tout en attirant deux millions de visiteurs par an l'horizon 2033. S.A.R. le prince Mohammed ben Salmane, Premier ministre et Prsident du fonds souverain du Royaume a annonc la cration de la Soudah Development Company le 24 fvrier 2021.

Pour en savoir plus, nous vous invitons consulter les liens ci–dessous :
Sites web : et
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, et Facebook : @Soudahpeaks
Ou envoyez un courriel :

Source : NewsBeatWire

Contacts :

Mohammed A. Alshehri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841565)

SAR o Príncipe Herdeiro lança o plano estratégico de Soudah Peaks

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Real o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro–Ministro e Presidente da Soudah Development, lanou o plano estratgico para desenvolver Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa em Soudah Peaks, um destino turstico de luxo na montanha situado a 3015 metros acima do nvel do mar no pico mais alto da Arbia Saudita. Situado num ambiente natural e cultural extraordinrio na regio de Aseer (no sudoeste da Arbia Saudita), o projeto uma parte essencial dos esforos do Fundo de Investimento Pblico (PIF) para diversificar a economia atravs da expanso de indstrias vitais como o turismo, a hotelaria e o entretenimento, e apoiar a estratgia de desenvolvimento de Aseer.

SAR o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammed bin Salman, Presidente do Conselho de Administrao da Soudah Development, afirmou que Soudah Peaks representa uma nova era de turismo de montanha de luxo, proporcionando uma experincia de vivncia sem precedentes, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e a riqueza cultural e patrimonial. Est estrategicamente alinhado com os objectivos da Viso 2030 de expandir o turismo e o entretenimento, apoiar o crescimento econmico, atrair investimento, contribuir com mais de 29 mil milhes de SAR para o PIB acumulado do Reino e criar milhares de oportunidades de emprego diretas e indiretas.

SAR disse: “O plano estratgico reafirma o nosso empenho relativamente aos esforos globais de preservao do ambiente e dos recursos naturais para as geraes futuras e visa contribuir para a diversificao das fontes de rendimento nacionais e para a construo de uma economia forte que atraia investimentos locais e globais”.

SAR acrescentou: “Soudah Peaks constituir um acrscimo significativo ao setor do turismo na Arbia Saudita e colocar o Reino no mapa do turismo mundial, destacando e celebrando simultaneamente a riqueza da cultura e do patrimnio do pas. Os visitantes tero a oportunidade de descobrir a beleza de Soudah Peaks, explorar a sua cultura e patrimnio ricos e experimentar a autntica hospitalidade da comunidade local. Soudah Peaks oferecer experincias inesquecveis rodeadas por vegetao luxuriante, acima das nuvens”.

Soudah Peaks tem como objetivo oferecer servios de hotelaria de luxo de alta qualidade a mais de dois milhes de visitantes em todas as pocas do ano at 2033. O plano estratgico est a ser concebido para refletir os estilos tradicionais e arquitetnicos locais e ir promover o patrimnio cultural e paisagstico da regio. O destino ser lar de 6 zonas de desenvolvimento nicas: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal e Red Rock. Cada uma delas oferecer uma gama de instalaes de nvel mundial, incluindo hotis, estncias de montanha de luxo, chals residenciais, moradias, manses de luxo, atraes comerciais e de entretenimento, bem como atraes ao ar livre dedicadas ao desporto, aventura, ao bem–estar e cultura.

A Soudah Development assegurar a entrega de 2700 chaves de hotelaria, 1336 unidades residenciais e 80 000 metros quadrados de espao comercial no Soudah Peaks at 2033. O plano estratgico ser desenvolvido em trs fases, com 940 chaves de hotel, 391 unidades residenciais e 32 000 metros quadrados de espao comercial que devero estar concludos em 2027, na primeira fase.

Soudah Peaks est situado ao longo de mais de 627 quilmetros quadrados de natureza inspiradora, com a aquisio de menos de 1% do terreno para construo, o que reflete o compromisso da Soudah Development em proteger e preservar o ambiente, seguindo os melhores padres de sustentabilidade e contribuindo para os esforos da Saudi Green Initiative.

Como uma sociedade annima fechada detida pelo PIF, a Soudah Development visa desenvolver um destino turstico de luxo na montanha nico na Arbia Saudita, preservando simultaneamente o ambiente natural e o patrimnio cultural da rea do projeto, que se estende por Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa.

Sobre a Soudah Development
A Soudah Development uma sociedade annima fechada detida a 100% pelo Fundo de Investimento Pblico (PIF) da Arbia Saudita. Foi criado para promover o desenvolvimento de um destino turstico de luxo na montanha, abrangendo Soudah e partes de Rijal Almaa, na regio de Aseer, no sudoeste da Arbia Saudita. Tem como objetivo preservar a paisagem natural e respeitar o rico patrimnio cultural da regio, atraindo 2 milhes de visitantes todos os anos at 2033. A Soudah Development foi anunciada por SAR o Prncipe Herdeiro Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Primeiro–Ministro e Presidente do PIF, em 24 de fevereiro de 2021.

Para mais informaes, visite os links abaixo:
Site: e
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn e Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Ou contacte–nos por e–mail:


Mohammed A. Alshehri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841565)

Le prince héritier Mohammed bin Salman dévoile le plan directeur de Soudah Peaks

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 27 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Royale, le prince hritier saoudien Mohammed ben Salmane bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premier ministre et prsident de Soudah Development, a dvoil le plan directeur pour dvelopper un nouveau projet dans la rgion montagneuse de Soudah et certaines parties de Rijal Almaa. Le projet Soudah Peaks prvoit la cration d'une destination de tourisme de montagne de luxe 3015 mtres d'altitude, sur le plus haut sommet d'Arabie saoudite. Situ dans un environnement naturel et culturel extraordinaire dans la rgion d'Asir, dans le sud–ouest de l'Arabie saoudite, le projet sert d'lment cl des efforts du Fonds d'investissement public (PIF) visant diversifier l'conomie en dveloppant des industries vitales telles que le tourisme, l'htellerie et les loisirs, et en soutenant la stratgie de dveloppement d'Asir.

Le prince hritier Mohammed bin Salman, prsident du conseil d'administration de Soudah Development, a dclar que Soudah Peaks reprsentait une nouvelle re du tourisme de montagne de luxe, dans la mesure o il propose une exprience de vie sans prcdent tout en prservant l'environnement naturel et la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale. Ce projet est stratgiquement conforme aux objectifs de la Vision 2030, savoir dvelopper le tourisme et les loisirs, soutenir la croissance conomique, attirer les investissements, contribuer hauteur de plus de 29 milliards de riyals saoudiens au PIB cumul du Royaume et crer des milliers de possibilits d'emploi directes et indirectes.

Et son altesse royale d'ajouter : Le plan directeur raffirme notre engagement aux efforts mondiaux visant prserver l'environnement et les ressources naturelles pour les gnrations futures contribuer la diversification des sources de revenus nationaux et la construction d'une conomie solide qui attire les investissements locaux et mondiaux .

Soudah Peaks sera une addition importante au secteur du tourisme en Arabie saoudite et placera le Royaume sur la carte du tourisme mondial, tout en clbrant la richesse de la culture et du patrimoine du pays. Les visiteurs auront l'occasion de dcouvrir la beaut de Soudah Peaks, d'explorer la richesse de sa culture et de son patrimoine, et de vivre l'exprience de l'hospitalit authentique de la communaut locale. Soudah Peaks proposera des expriences inoubliables dans un cadre verdoyant, au–dessus des nuages , a indiqu le prince hritier.

Soudah Peaks vise fournir des services d'hospitalit luxueux et haut de gamme plus de deux millions de visiteurs tout au long de l'anne d'ici 2033. Le plan directeur est conu de manire reflter les styles traditionnels et architecturaux locaux et promouvoir le patrimoine culturel et paysager de la rgion. La destination comptera six zones de dveloppement uniques : Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal et Red Rock. Chacune d'entre elles disposera d'une gamme d'installations de classe mondiale, notamment des htels, des stations de montagne de luxe, des chalets rsidentiels, des villas, des manoirs haut de gamme, des attractions commerciales et de divertissement, ainsi que des attractions en plein air ddies au sport, l'aventure, au bien–tre et la culture.

Soudah Development fournira 2700 chambres d'htel, 1336 units rsidentielles et 80 000 mtres carrs d'espace commercial pour Soudah Peaks d'ici 2033. Le plan directeur sera dvelopp sur trois phases. L'achvement de la premire phase est prvu pour 2027 avec 940 chambres d'htel, 391 units rsidentielles et 32 000 mtres carrs d'espace commercial.

Soudah Peaks s'tend sur plus de 627 kilomtres carrs surplombant un paysage naturel impressionnant, avec moins de 1 % des terrains acquis des fins de construction. Il reflte en effet l'engagement de Soudah Development protger et prserver l'environnement, en adoptant les meilleures normes de dveloppement durable, et en contribuant aux efforts de l'Initiative verte saoudienne.

En tant que socit par actions ferme appartenant au PIF, Soudah Development vise dvelopper une destination touristique de montagne de luxe unique en Arabie Saoudite, tout en prservant l'environnement naturel et le patrimoine culturel de la zone du projet rpartie sur Soudah et certaines parties de Rijal Almaa.

propos de Soudah Development
Soudah Development est une socit anonyme ferme entirement dtenue par le Fonds d'investissement public (PIF) de l'Arabie saoudite. Elle a t cre pour stimuler le dveloppement d'une destination touristique de montagne de luxe, couvrant Soudah et certaines parties de Rijal Almaa, dans la rgion d'Asir, au sud–ouest de l'Arabie saoudite. Elle vise prserver le paysage naturel et respecter le riche patrimoine culturel de la rgion, en attirant 2 millions de visiteurs chaque anne d'ici 2033. Le dveloppement de Soudah a t annonc le 24 fvrier 2021 par SAR le prince hritier Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premier ministre et prsident du PIF.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les liens suivants :
Sites lectroniques : et
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn et Facebook : @Soudahpeaks
Ou par email :

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Mohammed A. Alshehri

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841475)

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prime Minister, and Chairman of Soudah Development has launched the masterplan to develop Soudah and parts of Rijal Almaa into Soudah Peaks "" a luxury mountain tourism destination set 3,015 meters above sea level on Saudi Arabia's highest peak. Situated within an extraordinary natural and cultural environment in the Aseer region (southwest Saudi Arabia), the project is a key part of the Public Investment Fund (PIF)'s efforts to diversify the economy by expanding vital industries such as tourism, hospitality, and entertainment, and supporting Aseer development strategy.

HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Chairman of Soudah Development's Board of Directors, stated that Soudah Peaks represents a new era of luxury mountain tourism by providing an unprecedented living experience while preserving the natural environment, cultural, and heritage richness. It is strategically aligned with Vision 2030 goals of expanding tourism and entertainment, supporting economic growth, attracting investments, contributing more than SAR 29 billion to the Kingdom's cumulative GDP, and creating thousands of direct and indirect job opportunities.

HRH said, "The masterplan reaffirms our commitment to global efforts in preserving the environment and natural resources for future generations and aims to contribute to diversifying national income sources and building a strong economy that attracts local and global investments."

HRH added, “Soudah Peaks will be a significant addition to the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia and place the Kingdom on the global tourism map, whilst highlighting and celebrating the country's rich culture and heritage. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the beauty of Soudah Peaks, explore its rich culture and heritage, and experience the authentic hospitality of the local community. Soudah Peaks will offer unforgettable experiences amidst lush greenery, above the clouds."

Soudah Peaks aims to offer high–end luxurious hospitality services to over two million visitors throughout the year by 2033. The masterplan is being designed to reflect the local traditional, and architectural styles, and will promote both the cultural and landscape heritage of the region. The destination will be home to 6 unique development zones: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal, and Red Rock. Each will offer a range of world–class facilities including hotels, luxury mountain resorts, residential chalets, villas, premium mansion sites, entertainment and commercial attractions, as well as outdoor attractions dedicated to sports, adventure, wellness and culture.

Soudah Development will deliver 2,700 hospitality keys, 1,336 residential units, and 80,000 square meters of commercial space for Soudah Peaks by 2033. The masterplan will be developed over three phases, with 940 hotel keys, 391 residential units, and 32,000 square meters of retail space expected to be completed in 2027, within Phase one.

Soudah Peaks is set across more than 627 square kilometers of awe–inspiring nature, with less than 1% of the land being acquired for building, reflecting Soudah Development's commitment to protecting and preserving the environment, following best–in–class sustainability standards, and contributing to the efforts of the Saudi Green Initiative.

As a closed joint–stock company owned by PIF, Soudah Development aims to develop a unique luxury mountain tourism destination in Saudi Arabia, whilst preserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of the project area spread across Soudah and parts of Rijal Almaa.

About Soudah Development
Soudah Development is a closed joint–stock company fully owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia. It has been established to drive the development of a luxury mountain tourism destination, covering Soudah and parts of Rijal Almaa, in the Aseer region in southwest Saudi Arabia. It aims to preserve the natural landscape and respect the rich cultural heritage of the region, whilst attracting 2 million visitors every year by 2033. Soudah Development was announced by HRH Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prime Minister, and Chairman of PIF, on February 24, 2021.

For more information, visit the links below:
Website: &
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Or by email:

Source: NewsBeatWire


Mohammed A. Alshehri

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks' masterplan

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000841357)

St Kitts and Nevis announces further monumental changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme

Basseterre, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the Government of St Kitts and Nevis proudly announces further groundbreaking changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme, a move that signals the country's intention to remain as the reference point for the international investment migration industry. The monumental changes have been made to ensure that only high net worth investors and persons who value the citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis are attracted to the Programme.

For nearly 40 years, St Kitts and Nevis has been the pioneer of the global investor immigration industry, charting new territory with forward–looking solutions based on solid legislative principles and strict due diligence policies. The Programme has allowed the nation to thrive, giving Kittitians and Nevisians the opportunity to advance without overreliance on international financial aid.

The new changes, further to those made in December 2022, are aimed at safeguarding the nation's integrity, making the Programme sustainable and preserving the privileged status of being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis.

"Today, St Kitts and Nevis takes another bold step in reaffirming our intention to not only offer the best Citizenship by Investment Programme in the world, but also to offer a programme held together by a tight regulatory system designed to be a best–in–practice defence mechanism against illicit actors and those who try to bypass our high–end investment and contribution options. We are continuously committed to preserving the exclusivity and prestige associated with being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis," said Prime Minister the Hon. Dr. Terrence Drew.

"This Government has always taken a considered approach when making decisions that impact not only the people of St Kitts and Nevis, but the international community as well. We have done some deep introspection, analysed the Programme, spoken to our international partners and have decided that now is the right time to show the world, as we did in December 2022, that our citizenship is not accessible to those who do not value our citizenship or understand what St Kitts and Nevis has to offer the world. We will continue to engage with the international community to provide clarity and assurance to investors that St Kitts and Nevis is a safe destination for long term investments," continued Prime Minister Drew.

"Since coming into office less than a year ago, I have sought to work with well–intentioned partners who share my vision of where we can take our island nation on the global stage. We have done everything in our power to protect and advocate for the good name of St Kitts and Nevis. We have continuously instituted changes that will not only alleviate the concerns of our international stakeholders and position us as a compelling emerging market destination for authentic foreign direct investment, but these changes are also aimed at ensuring that our people continue to be proud to be called a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis."

The Government of St Kitts and Nevis has made further sweeping changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme, which include the introduction of a new investment option called the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC). The SISC replaces the previous Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) and investors contributing towards this option will be advancing St Kitts and Nevis into a Sustainable Island State based on the following seven pillars:

  1. Increasing local food production;

2. Transitioning to Green Energy;

3. Diversifying the economy;

4. Attracting and supporting sustainable industries;

5. Evolving the Creative Economy;

6. Recovering from the impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic; and

7. Expanding social protection and safety nets to protect the most vulnerable.

Contributions start from US$250,000 for one applicant only and increase as a spouse or dependants are added. For a family of two, the contribution amount increases to US$300,000 and for a family of three or four, the minimum Sustainable Island State Contribution is US$350,000.

The minimum amount for investing in the Developer's Real Estate Option is now US$400,000. The property must be held for a period of seven years and can be re–sold, once, to another purchaser who wants to apply for Citizenship by Investment.

An Approved Private Home, which can be a condominium or single–family dwelling, qualifies to be sold as a Citizenship by Investment option if a minimum investment of US$400,000 is paid to the condominium owner or US$800,000 is paid to the single–family dwelling owner, by the main applicant.

Again, the private home must be held for a period of seven years and cannot be sold to another purchaser who wants to apply for Citizenship by Investment unless the Federal Cabinet is satisfied that substantial further investment was injected into the real estate by way of further construction, renovation or otherwise.

A public benefit unit in an Approved Public Benefit Project will qualify for Citizenship by Investment, if a minimum contribution of US$250,000 is paid to the Approved Public Benefactor by the main applicant. This option is limited to Approved Public Benefactors who, by their projects, maximise local employment; embark upon programmes including transfer of technology and local capacity building; transfer all real estate to the State on substantial completion; and assume all financial risks.

Investors applying for Citizenship by Investment are now required to have a mandatory interview either virtually or in person at a location specified by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and approved by the Board of Governors. Interviews will be conducted by an independent professional firm commissioned by the Citizenship by Investment Unit, who will also perform background due diligence checks, or the Unit itself.

All background due diligence checks will be commissioned by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and will be conducted by independent professional firms from the United Kingdom, USA and Europe, and in accordance with the requirements set by the Board of Governors.

Once the Citizenship by Investment application has been approved, all processes and due diligence checks are finalised and the investment is made, a Certificate of Registration will be issued to the main applicant. The Certificate of Registration must be collected in person in St Kitts and Nevis or at an Embassy or Consulate specified by the Citizenship by Investment Unit as approved by the Board of Governors.

Further, the Board of Governors have been empowered to regulate all Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents, who must have their businesses registered under the laws of St Kitts and Nevis. Major limitations have also been included with respect to the methods by which the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme is to be advertised internationally.

"In this ever–changing and unpredictable world, it is imperative that the Government of St Kitts and Nevis and its Citizenship by Investment Programme continue to adapt to the needs of our people and to attract the right kind of international investment necessary to uplift our country. While we have always been the benchmark of the global investor immigration industry, we understand that in order to remain as one of the most sought–after economic citizenship programmes in the world, we need to continue to evolve and forge a path for ourselves that is sustainable in the long term," added Mr. Michael Martin, Head of the country's Citizenship by Investment Unit."

The changes aim to boost international investor confidence and bolster St Kitts and Nevis' reputation globally.

St Kitts and Nevis continues to demonstrate the traits that underpin its resilience, growth ambitions and willingness to cooperate with international counterparts. These include a competent, responsive, skilled and credible Citizenship by Investment Unit with several layers to solidify the integrity of the Unit including a Board of Governors and a Technical Committee. The country also has a stable political system and macroeconomic framework, consistency in the enforcement of law by the independent judiciary, a vibrant and resourceful private sector and a free and independent media.

St Kitts and Nevis wish to attract distinguished applicants who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments, possess substantial investment capabilities, and are committed to making significant contributions to the country's growth and development."

The primary objective of this approach is to ensure that St Kitts and Nevis maintains the highest standards of citizenship and fosters a vibrant community of nationals who share a common vision for the nation's advancement."St Kitts and Nevis is on a path toward sustainable growth and the changes to the Citizenship by Investment Programme show a clear direction that the country is setting itself apart.

High net worth persons looking to invest in professionally regulated projects or contribute meaningfully towards societal advancement, should choose St Kitts and Nevis.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8882238)

EB5 Capital’s Riverfront at the Navy Yard (JF8) Project Receives First I-829 Approval

WASHINGTON, July 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EB5 Capital is pleased to announce that it has received notice from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regarding the first I–829 petition approval associated with an investor in the firm's Riverfront at the Navy Yard (JF8) project. The I–829 approval marks a significant achievement for the investor, who has now been granted permanent residency status by USCIS.

Riverfront at the Navy Yard, a 9–story apartment building boasting 305 luxurious units, is strategically situated along the picturesque riverfront in southeast Washington, DC, near the iconic United States Capitol building. Complementing the development's elegance is 20,000 square feet of ground–floor retail space, state–of–the–art below–grade parking, and an array of upscale amenities. Conveniently adjacent to both Nationals Park and the Audi Stadium, residents can enjoy unparalleled access to world–class entertainment and sporting events.

"It is rewarding to witness this industrial and historical district, established in the late 1700's, transform into such a vibrant urban neighborhood, entertainment hub, and waterfront destination," said Brian Ostar, President of EB5 Capital. "We are proud that our EB–5 investors could be part of this transformation, and we look forward to seeing additional I–829 approval notices for this project soon."

EB5 Capital played a vital role in financing the construction of this project, successfully raising $17 million to support its development. Since opening its doors to the public in 2016, the apartments have garnered immense popularity, resulting in the refinancing of the EB–5 loan the following year. Recognized as one of the largest riverfront redevelopment projects in the nation, the Capitol Riverfront area continues to attract residents and visitors alike with its blend of commercial, residential, and recreational offerings.

EB5 Capital extends its heartfelt congratulations to our investor for obtaining the I–829 approval and achieving permanent residency status through the Riverfront at the Navy Yard project. The success of this venture exemplifies the positive impact the EB–5 program has on job creation and community development.

About EB5 Capital

EB5 Capital provides qualified foreign investors with opportunities to invest in job–creating commercial real estate projects under the United States Immigrant Investor Program (EB–5 Visa Program). As one of the oldest and most active Regional Center operators in the country, the firm has raised approximately one billion dollars of foreign capital across more than 35 EB–5 projects. Headquartered in Washington, DC, EB5 Capital's distinguished track record and leadership in the industry has attracted investors from over 70 countries. Please visit for more information.

Katherine Willis
Director, Marketing & Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8879751)

St Kitts and Nevis announces extension to Citizenship by Investment Programme Sustainable Growth Fund Limited Time Offer due to unprecedented demand

Basseterre, June 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — International investors have been clamouring to take advantage of one of the best deals in the investment migration industry this year "" St Kitts and Nevis' Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) Limited Time Offer (LTO) which allows investors to gain approval for alternative citizenship in the country in as little as 60 days for a reduced fee.

In December 2022, the St Kitts and Nevis Head of the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU), Michael Martin, announced the enactment of the updated St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Regulations 2023, which included the introduction of the LTO for the SGF investment option effective 1 January 2023 "" 30 June 2023.

On 29 June 2023, Michael Martin made the following comment regarding the LTO:

"We have received an overwhelming response and demand for our Sustainable Growth Fund investment option through the Limited Time Offer and felt that we had to extend the offering for another seven months until 31 January 2024. International investors continue to see the value of the world's first and finest Citizenship by Investment Programme and this proves it".

The SGF remains the quickest and easiest route to alternative citizenship in St Kitts and Nevis and now until 31 January 2024, a main applicant can acquire alternative citizenship by contributing only US$125,000 to the SGF and receiving approval in principle within 60 days of acknowledgement by the CIU of submission of their application.

Under the LTO, the minimum SGF contributions are as follows:

  • Single applicant "" US$ 125,000
  • Main applicant and a spouse "" US$150,000
  • Main applicant and up to three dependants "" US$170,000
  • Each additional dependant under 18 "" US$10,000
  • Each additional dependant over 18 "" US$25,000

Revenue from the SGF has facilitated economic development and social upliftment in the country. The SGF is used to provide financial support to educational institutions, and medical facilities, as well as support infrastructural development, increase tourism, preserve local culture and heritage and support sustainable growth initiatives in the twin–island nation.

Discerning investors are seeing the benefits of being part of St Kitts and Nevis' success story. Following upgrades to the CBI Regulations, the country now offers one of the most secure and best–regulated investment migration offerings in the world.

This means that international investors looking to hedge their bets in a stable and growing economy should look no further than St Kitts and Nevis.

This extension is a fantastic opportunity for investors to obtain citizenship through the LTO. This is a final extension and from 1 February 2024, the minimum SGF contribution will increase to the amounts prior to the LTO period.

The country is making sure that it has only the best to offer international entrepreneurs and families who have realised that global powerhouses are no longer illustrious investment options due to security risks. Investors want to ensure that they can safeguard their families and wealth in a global economy that has been offering nothing but uncertainty since the onset of the COVID–19 pandemic in 2020.

Smaller governments such as that of St Kitts and Nevis have found ways, through CBI, to protect themselves from global shocks, offer favourable business policies aimed at growing corporations in international markets and, by using international funds channelled to the SGF, can diversify and grow their economy to meet global needs.

St Kitts and Nevis continues to create a name for itself as a financial nexus in the Caribbean with an attractive CBI programme underpinned by a sound legal framework and robust multi–layered due diligence."""

For nearly 40 years, St Kitts and Nevis has been the pioneer of the global investor immigration industry and those who recognise this are taking advantage of the LTO.

St Kitts and Nevis continues to create a name for itself as a financial nexus in the Caribbean with an attractive CBI programme underpinned by a sound legal framework and robust multi–layered due diligence."""

For nearly 40 years, St Kitts and Nevis has been the pioneer of the global investor immigration industry and those who recognise this are taking advantage of the LTO.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8867177)