WHR Global Publica Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WHR Global (WHR), lder da indstria global de realocao de funcionrios, anunciou a publicao do "Ask the Expert" (Pergunta ao Especialista), Relatrio Internacional de Benchmark de Auxlios e Dirias para 2023.

A misso da WHR fornecer aos clientes servios de realocao superiores e, para isso, precisamos estar em sintonia com o custo de vida global. Para isso, criamos o Ask the Expert, Relatrio Internacional de Benchmark de Auxlios e Dirias para 2023, um guia abrangente para entender o verdadeiro custo de vida, no apenas em uma cidade, mas em muitas cidades do mundo.

“Com base na minha experincia pessoal como ex–expatriado residente na Sua e ex–coordenador de relocao, trago um profundo entendimento dos desafios e complexidades da realocao internacional", disse Sean Thrun, Gerente de Iniciativas Estratgicas da WHR. "Este relatrio de referncia e conhecimento em primeira mo equipa a WHR com a capacidade de fornecer informaes e orientaes valiosas para as equipes de mobilidade, permitindo que elas naveguem nas complexidades das atribuies globais com mais eficincia."

O Relatrio inclui 8,8 milhes de preos em 11.000 cidades. Os benchmarks the preos por pas incluem preos de aluguel de unidades de 1 e 3 quartos dentro e fora dos centros das cidades, custo mensal de servios pblicos comuns, transporte local e muito mais. Com o conhecimento das realidades bsicas do custo de vida as equipes de realocao podem criar solues escalveis, ajudando as empresas a fazer mudanas mais produtivas, facilitando muito a realocao do funcionrio.

O Relatrio permite que as empresas "confiram a opinio" sobre seus auxlios e dirias, independentemente de optarem pela administrao de valores fixos globais ou variveis locais. Caso as equipes de mobilidade global achem que os auxlios e dirias oferecidos aos seus funcionrios so inferiores mdia do pas, contate a WHR hoje para uma consulta gratuita, inclusive detalhes do relatrio de benchmark por cidade.

As equipes de mobilidade global podem usar este Relatrio, que abrange 99 pases, para comparar o seguinte:

  • Auxlios mensais de moradia para atribuies e passageiros,
  • Auxlios mensais de utilidades pblicas para atribuies e passageiros,
  • Auxlios mensais de transporte para atribuies e passageiros,
  • Dirias de transporte para viagens e visitas de busca de moradia, e
  • Dirias de refeies para viagens e visitas de busca de moradia.

Seja voc um gerente de realocao ou um lder de negcios, o investimento no Relatrio Internacional de Benchmark de Auxlios e Dirias para 2023 hoje pode ajud–lo a tomar as decises mais informadas para o seu oramento de realocao e polticas de benefcios para funcionrios.

Para mais detalhes e fazer o download completo, clique em 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report "Ask an Expert".

O benchmark Ask the Expert, Relatrio Internacional de Benchmark de Auxlios e Dirias para 2023, destina–se apenas a fins informativos.

Sobre a WHR Global

A WHR Global (WHR) uma empresa global de gesto de relocao privada, orientada para o cliente, distinguida pela sua melhor prestao de servios e tecnologia proprietria de ponta. A WHR tem escritrios nos Estados Unidos, Sua e Cingapura. Com sua taxa de reteno de clientes de 100% na ltima dcada, o WHR continua a se posicionar como lder confivel na relocao global de funcionrios. A WHR vive por sua viso e paixo por Advancing Lives Forward e Making the Complex Simple. Para mais informao sobre a WHR, visite https://www.whrg.com/, ou siga–nos no LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Gerente de Iniciativas Estratgicas
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8874927)

WHR Global publie un rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités, « Ask an Expert » 2023

MILWAUKEE, 17 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), un leader dans le secteur mondial de la mutation des employs, a annonc la publication de son Rapport comparatif international sur les allocations et indemnits du nom de Ask an Expert 2023 !

Chez WHR, notre mission est de fournir nos clients des services de mutation de qualit suprieure, et pour ce faire, nous devons tre en phase avec le cot de la vie l'chelle mondiale. Afin d'y parvenir, nous avons cr le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnits Ask an Expert 2023. Il s'agit d'un guide complet pour comprendre le vritable cot de la vie, pas seulement dans une ville, mais aussi dans de nombreuses villes du monde entier.

Fort de ma propre exprience d'ancien expatri ayant rsid en Suisse, et en tant qu'ancien coordinateur de mutations, j'apporte une comprhension approfondie des dfis et complexits de la mutation internationale , a dclar Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratgiques chez WHR. Ce rapport comparatif et ces connaissances de premire main permettent WHR de fournir des informations et des conseils prcieux aux quipes charges de la mobilit afin de grer plus efficacement les complexits des missions internationales.

Le rapport comprend 8,8 millions de soumissions de prix provenant de 11 000 villes, et les prix compars par pays incluent les prix de location pour 1 et 3 chambres coucher l'intrieur et l'extrieur des centres–villes, les cots des services utilitaires publics gnraux par mois, les transports locaux et plus encore. Comprendre les ralits du cot de la vie aide les quipes de mutation crer des solutions modulables et permet aux entreprises de prendre des dcisions plus productives, fluidifiant plus que jamais le changement pour les employs.

Le rapport permet aux entreprises de comparer et contrler leurs allocations et indemnits, qu'elles choisissent d'administrer des montants fixes l'chelle mondiale ou variables selon les lieux. Si des quipes de mobilit internationale constatent que les allocations et indemnits offertes leurs employs sont infrieures la moyenne du pays en question, nous les invitons contacter WHR ds prsent pour une consultation gratuite, comprenant un dtail du rapport comparatif par ville.

Les quipes de mobilit internationale peuvent utiliser ce rapport, qui couvre 99 pays, pour comparer les lments suivants :

  • Allocations mensuelles de logement pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Allocations mensuelles de services utilitaires publics pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Allocations mensuelles de transport pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Indemnits de transport pour les voyages de reconnaissance et de recherche d'un logement, et
  • Indemnits de repas pour les voyages de reconnaissance et de recherche d'un logement.

Que vous soyez responsable de la mutation ou chef d'entreprise, investir dans le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnits Ask an Expert 2023 ds aujourd'hui peut vous aider prendre les dcisions les plus claires pour votre budget de mutation et vos politiques d'avantages sociaux pour le personnel.

Pour plus de donnes et tlcharger l'intgralit du Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnits Ask an Expert 2023, rendez–vous ici.

Le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnits Ask an Expert 2023 est uniquement destin informer.

propos de WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) est une socit prive de gestion des mutations l'chelle mondiale, axe sur le client, qui se distingue par la meilleure prestation de services de sa catgorie et par une technologie de pointe dont elle est propritaire. WHR possde des bureaux aux tats–Unis, en Suisse et Singapour. Avec son taux de rtention de la clientle de 100 % au cours des dix dernires annes, WHR continue de se positionner en tant que fournisseur de confiance dans le domaine de la mutation des employs l'chelle mondiale. WHR vit grce sa vision et sa passion pour son crdo Advancing Lives Forward et son principe de simplifier ce qui est complexe. Pour en savoir plus sur WHR, veuillez consulter le site https://www.whrg.com/, ou nous suivre sur LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Contact :
Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratgiques
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8874927)

WHR Global Releases Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced the release of its international 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report called "Ask an Expert!"

At WHR, our mission is to provide clients with superior relocation services, and to do so, we need to be in tune with the global cost of living. To accomplish this, we created the Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report, a comprehensive guide to understanding the true cost of living, not just in one city, but in many cities worldwide.

"Drawing from my own personal experience as a former expat residing in Switzerland, and a former relocation coordinator, I bring a deep understanding of the challenges and intricacies of international relocation," said Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager at WHR. "This benchmark report and firsthand knowledge equips WHR with the ability to provide valuable insights and guidance to mobility teams, enabling them to navigate the complexities of global assignments more effectively."

The Report includes 8.8 million price submissions from 11,000 cities, and prices benchmarked by country include rental prices for 1 & 3 bedrooms both inside and outside of city centers, common utilities costs per month, local transportation, and more. Understanding the ground realities of cost of living helps relocation teams create scalable solutions and helps businesses have more productive moves, making the transition for employees smoother than ever.

The Report allows businesses to "check the pulse" of their allowances and per diems, whether they choose to administer fixed amounts globally, or variable by location. If global mobility teams find that the allowances and per diems offered to their employees are lower than the average for that country, contact WHR today for a free consultation, including a breakdown of the benchmark report by city.

Global mobility teams may use this Report, which covers 99 countries, to benchmark the following:

  • Monthly housing allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Monthly utilities allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Monthly transportation allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Transportation per diems for preview and home finding trips, and
  • Meal per diems for preview and home finding trips.

Whether you are a relocation manager or a business leader, investing in the Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report today can help you make the most informed decisions for your relocation budget and employee benefits policies.

See more data and download the complete 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report "Ask an Expert" here.

The Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark is intended for informational purposes only.

About WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client–driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best–in–class service delivery and cutting–edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in the United States, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward and Making the Complex Simple. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com/, or follow on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8874927)

WHR Global veröffentlicht den 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report „Ask an Expert“

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), ein fhrendes Unternehmen auf dem Gebiet der globalen Mitarbeiterentsendung, gab die Verffentlichung seines internationalen 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report namens "Ask an Expert!" bekannt.

Wir bei WHR haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, unseren Kunden erstklassige Entsendungsdienstleistungen zu bieten, und dazu mssen wir die weltweiten Lebenshaltungskosten bercksichtigen. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir den 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report "Ask an Expert" erstellt, einen umfassenden Leitfaden zum Verstndnis der wahren Lebenshaltungskosten, nicht nur in einer Stadt, sondern in vielen Stdten weltweit.

"Als ehemaliger Expat, der in der Schweiz gelebt hat, und als Koordinator fr Entsendungen bringe ich eigene Erfahrungen und ein tiefes Verstndnis fr die Herausforderungen und Feinheiten einer internationalen Entsendung mit", sagte Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager bei WHR. "Dieser Benchmark–Bericht und das Wissen aus erster Hand versetzen WHR in die Lage, den Relocation–Teams wertvolle Einblicke und Anleitungen zu geben, damit sie die Komplexitt globaler Einstze effektiver bewltigen knnen."

Der Bericht umfasst 8,8 Millionen Preisangaben aus 11.000 Stdten. Die nach Lndern geordneten Preise beinhalten Mietpreise fr Wohnungen/Huser mit 1 und 3 Schlafzimmern sowohl innerhalb als auch auerhalb von Stadtzentren, allgemeine Nebenkosten pro Monat, rtliche Verkehrsmittel und mehr. Das Wissen um die Lebenshaltungskosten hilft Relocation–Teams, skalierbare Lsungen zu entwickeln und Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, Umzge produktiver zu gestalten, sodass der bergang fr die Mitarbeitenden reibungsloser als je zuvor verluft.

Der Bericht ermglicht es Unternehmen, den "Puls" ihrer Spesen und Tagespauschalen zu prfen, unabhngig davon, ob sie sich dafr entscheiden, weltweit feste Betrge oder standortabhngig variable Betrge zu verwalten. Wenn globale Mobilittsteams feststellen, dass die Spesen und Tagespauschalen ihrer Mitarbeitenden unter dem Durchschnitt des jeweiligen Landes liegen, wenden Sie sich noch heute an WHR, um eine kostenlose Beratung zu erhalten, einschlielich einer Aufschlsselung des Benchmark–Berichts nach Stdten.

Globale Mobilittsteams knnen diesen Bericht, der 99 Lnder abdeckt, zum Benchmarking folgender Punkte nutzen:

  • Monatliche Wohngeldzuschsse fr Einstze und Pendler,
  • Monatliche Nebenkostenpauschale fr Einstze und Pendler,
  • Monatliche Fahrtkostenzuschsse fr Einstze und Pendler,
  • Fahrtkostenpauschalen pro Tag fr Besichtigungen und Wohnungssuche,
  • Verpflegungspauschalen pro Tag fr Besichtigungen und Wohnungssuche.

Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein Relocation Manager oder eine Fhrungskraft sind, die Investition in den Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report kann Ihnen dabei helfen, die besten Entscheidungen fr Ihr Umzugsbudget und die Sozialleistungen fr Ihre Mitarbeitenden zu treffen.

Weitere Daten und den vollstndigen Bericht zum Herunterladen finden Sie hier: 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report "Ask an Expert".

Die "Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark" dient nur Informationszwecken.

ber WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) ist ein privates, kundenorientiertes Unternehmen fr globales Entsendungsmanagement, das sich durch erstklassige Dienstleistungen und modernste, firmeneigene Technologien auszeichnet. WHR hat Niederlassungen in den USA, der Schweiz und Singapur. Mit einer Kundenbindungsrate von 100 % ber die letzten 10 Jahre ist WHR weiterhin der vertrauenswrdige Marktfhrer im Bereich internationaler Personaltransfers. WHR lebt seine Vision und Leidenschaft gem seinem Motto "Advancing Lives Forward " und "Making the Complex Simple". Um mehr ber WHR zu erfahren, besuchen Sie https://www.whrg.com/ oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn oder Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8874927)

GLASSBEL and HALIO Collaborate to Strengthen Value of Smart Glass for EU and the Middle East Markets

HAYWARD, Calif., July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HALIO, designer of the world's fastest, most beautiful, eco–friendly, and technologically advanced architectural smart glass, announced today a partnership with GLASSBEL, a European–based leader in architectural and interior glass manufacturing.

  • Markets are demanding innovative, energy–efficient facades.
  • Integrating HALIO's technology into GLASSBEL's Insulated Glass Units (IGU's) provides an immediate/impactful solution, by offering fast, sustainable smart glass to a wide range of European and Middle Eastern customers.
  • Smart glass significantly impacts building occupant well–being.
  • HALIO significantly reduces energy costs and reduces any building's carbon footprint.
  • HALIO's ASTM2141 certification and patented design provide proven durability.

This partnership leverages GLASSBEL's extensive experience and network to further expand the availability and delivery of HALIO technology.

"We are excited to partner with HALIO. Their smart glass solution is the best available, offering unparalleled speed, facade uniformity, and aesthetically pleasing neutral colors. It's a game–changer," stated Dmitri Sobolevski, CEO of GLASSBEL.

"Our partnership with GLASSBEL is an exciting milestone for HALIO. Their commitment to quality, expertise in glass fabrication, and geographical reach, makes this an ideal partnership for our customers in Europe and the Middle East. We're proud to jointly offer the fastest, energy–efficient and utmost beautiful smart glass in the market," emphasized Bruce Sohn, CEO of HALIO.

About HALIO:

HALIO Smart Glass is the world's fastest and most advanced electrochromic technology, enabling control of daylight to minimize glare while optimizing energy savings by reducing solar heat gain. HALIO powered IGUs are available directly from HALIO and third–party fabricators, including Viracon and GLASSBEL with various glass coatings and configurations. Explore HALIO at www.halioinc.com.


GLASSBEL has an established legacy of successfully completing architectural projects. We are deeply committed to precision and innovation, combining meticulous diligence, innovative glass processing techniques, and a relentless pursuit of excellence to consistently deliver exceptional solutions that surpass our customer's expectations. We tailor each project to meet the unique requirements of our clients. Learn more at GLASSBEL.com.

Media Contact:
Carol Warren
[email protected]

Corporate Contact:
Dmitry Lipkin
VP, Global Marketing
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8873794)