Ein von der UN unterstützter offener Brief – unter anderen von Gillian Anderson und Forest Whitaker unterzeichnet – fordert Regierungen der Welt zur Lösung der alarmierenden Krise der Gewalt auf, von der weltweit jedes zweite Kind betroffen ist

LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Opfer, Experten und Fürsprecher weltweit starten eine globale Initiative zur Bekämpfung des schockierenden Problems der Gewalt gegen Kinder.

Sie haben heute [am 17. September] einen offenen Brief veröffentlicht, in dem sie von den Staats– und Regierungschefs der Welt vor der ersten Globalen Ministerkonferenz zur Beendigung der Gewalt gegen Kinder, die im November in Kolumbien stattfindet, dringende Maßnahmen fordern.

Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, wie die Schauspieler, Kulturschaffenden und Autoren Calle & Poché, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson, Shudu Musida und Will Poulter, haben den von Project Everyone initiierten und von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation und UNICEF unterstützten Brief unterzeichnet.

Laut Zahlen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation ist jedes zweite Kind weltweit – über eine Milliarde – jedes Jahr von Gewalt betroffen, von sexuellem Missbrauch und Bandengewalt bis hin zu Kinderheirat und Kinderarbeit.

Neben führenden Experten wie dem Trauma–Spezialisten Bessel van der Kolk, den Kinderrechtsaktivisten Hina Jilani und Prinzessin Mabel van Oranje sowie dem Friedensnobelpreisträger Dr. Denis Mukwege haben sich auch einige Opfer von Gewalt in der Kindheit den hochkarätigen Fürsprechern angeschlossen.

Durch die Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit soll der Brief zu dringendem Handeln anregen und Veränderungen auf lokaler und globaler Ebene vorantreiben. Die Gruppe fordert die Staats– und Regierungschefs der Welt auf, die bevorstehende Ministerkonferenz zu nutzen, um sich auf entscheidende Strategien zu konzentrieren und sicherzustellen, dass Hilfs– und Unterstützungsdienste für jedes bedürftige Kind universell zugänglich sind.

In dem eindringlichen offenen Brief werden die Staats– und Regierungschefs der Welt aufgefordert, an der Kolumbien–Konferenz teilzunehmen und konkrete, innovative Zusagen zu machen, die dem Ausmaß und der Schwere der Krise angemessen sind.

Untersuchungen belegen, dass die Gewalt gegen Kinder mit den richtigen Ansätzen deutlich reduziert werden kann. Länder, die evidenzbasierte Strategien umsetzen, können einen Rückgang um bis zu 50 % verzeichnen.

Dr. Etienne Krug, Direktor der Abteilung für soziale Determinanten der Gesundheit bei der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, erklärte:

„Jedes zweite Kind wird jedes Jahr Opfer grausamer Gewalttaten, doch das Problem erhält nicht die verdiente Aufmerksamkeit, Finanzierung oder politische Priorisierung. Nachgewiesenermaßen kann Gewalt gegen Kinder verhindert werden. Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt sind jetzt aufgerufen, diese einmalige Chance zu ergreifen, um diesen Wandel für die 1 Milliarde weltweit betroffenen Kinder zu erreichen.“

Lesen Sie den vollständigen Brief HIER.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231780)

Carta aberta apoiada pela ONU – incluindo os signatários Gillian Anderson e Forest Whitaker – pede aos governos que enfrentem a alarmante crise de violência que afeta 1 em cada 2 crianças em todo o mundo

LONDRES, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sobreviventes, especialistas e defensores de todo o mundo dão início um esforço global para enfrentar a questão chocante da violência contra crianças.

Hoje [17 de setembro] eles publicaram uma carta aberta exigindo ações urgentes dos líderes mundiais antes da primeira Conferência Ministerial Global sobre o Fim da Violência contra Crianças, a ser realizada na Colômbia em novembro.

Figuras públicas, incluindo atores, criadores e autores Calle & Poché, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson, Shudu Musida e Will Poulter, assinaram a carta, que foi coordenada pelo Project Everyone e é apoiada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde e pela UNICEF.

De acordo com dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde, uma em cada duas crianças em todo o mundo – mais de 1 bilhão – sofre violência a cada ano, desde abuso sexual e violência de gangues até casamento e trabalho infantil.

Vários sobreviventes da violência infantil se uniram aos defensores conhecidos, juntamente com especialistas importantes como a de trauma Bessel van der Kolk, as ativistas dos direitos da criança Hina Jilani e a princesa Mabel van Oranje, e o vencedor do Prêmio Nobel da Paz, Dr. Denis Mukwege.

Com o aumento da conscientização, a carta tem por objetivo inspirar ações urgentes e impulsionar mudanças nos níveis local e global. O grupo está pedindo aos líderes mundiais que usem a próxima Conferência Ministerial para se concentrar em estratégias cruciais e garantir que os serviços de resposta e apoio sejam universalmente acessíveis a todas as crianças necessitadas.

A impressionante carta aberta pede aos líderes mundiais que participem da conferência da Colômbia e assumam compromissos concretos e inovadores que correspondam ao nível e à gravidade da crise.

Evidências mostram que, com as abordagens corretas, a violência contra crianças pode ser reduzida significativamente. Países que implementam estratégias com base em evidências podem ter reduções de até 50%.

O Dr. Etienne Krug, Diretor do Departamento de Determinantes Sociais da Saúde da Organização Mundial de Saúde, disse:

“Metade de todas as crianças está sujeita a atos cruéis de violência todos os anos, mas a questão não recebe a atenção, o financiamento ou a priorização política que merece. Evidências demonstram que a violência contra crianças pode ser evitada. Os governos em todo o mundo devem aproveitar esta oportunidade crucial para tornar essa mudança uma realidade para o bilhão de crianças neste planeta que sofrem todos os anos.”

Veja a carta completa AQUI.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231780)

Avec le soutien de l’ONU, une lettre ouverte – dont les signataires incluent Gillian Anderson et Forest Whitaker – appelle les gouvernements à faire face à la crise alarmante des violences dont est victime un enfant sur deux dans le monde

LONDRES, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des survivants, des experts et des défenseurs du monde entier entreprennent une action mondiale pour lutter contre le phénomène révoltant des violences à l’encontre des enfants.

Ils ont publié aujourd’hui [17 septembre] une lettre ouverte exigeant une action urgente de la part des dirigeants mondiaux avant la toute première Conférence ministérielle mondiale sur l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des enfants, qui se tiendra en Colombie en novembre prochain.

Des personnalités telles que les acteurs, créateurs et auteurs Calle & Poché, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson, Shudu Musida et Will Poulter ont ajouté leur nom à la lettre, qui a été coordonnée par Project Everyone et soutenue par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé et l’UNICEF.

Selon les chiffres de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, un enfant sur deux dans le monde, soit plus d’un milliard, est victime de violences chaque année, qu’il s’agisse d’abus sexuels, de violences en bande, de mariages forcés ou encore de travail infantile.

Un certain nombre de survivants de violences subies pendant l’enfance ont rejoint les défenseurs les plus connus, aux côtés d’experts de premier plan tels que Bessel van der Kolk, spécialiste des traumatismes, Hina Jilani et la princesse Mabel van Oranje, militantes des droits de l’enfant, et le Dr Denis Mukwege, lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix.

En sensibilisant l’opinion publique, la lettre cherche à inspirer des actions urgentes et à susciter des changements aux niveaux local et mondial. Le groupe appelle les dirigeants mondiaux à profiter de la prochaine conférence ministérielle pour se concentrer sur des stratégies essentielles et pour veiller à ce que les services d’intervention et de soutien soient universellement accessibles à tous les enfants dans le besoin.

La lettre ouverte appelle les dirigeants mondiaux à participer à la conférence qui se tiendra en Colombie et à prendre des engagements concrets et novateurs à la hauteur de l’ampleur et de la gravité de la crise.

Les faits montrent qu’en adoptant les bonnes approches, il est possible de réduire considérablement les violences à l’encontre des enfants. Les pays appliquant des stratégies fondées sur des données probantes obtiennent un recul pouvant aller jusqu’à 50 %.

Le Dr Etienne Krug, directeur du département des déterminants sociaux de la santé à l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, a déclaré :

« La moitié des enfants sont victimes d’actes de violence cruels chaque année, mais ce problème ne reçoit pas l’attention, le financement ou la priorité politique nécessaires. Il est prouvé que les violences à l’encontre des enfants peuvent être évitées. Les gouvernements du monde entier doivent maintenant saisir cette opportunité cruciale pour faire de ce changement une réalité en faveur du milliard d’enfants qui subissent des violences chaque année dans le monde ».

La lettre intégrale peut être consultée ICI.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9231780)

Yili Reports FY2024 H1 Revenue of 59.9 Billion Yuan with 19% YoY Growth in Net Profit Attributable to the Parent Company

HOHHOT, China, Sept. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On August 29, Yili Group (600887.SS) released its FY2024 H1 report. During the reporting period, the company continued to solidify its industrial leadership with a total revenue of 59.915 billion yuan ($8.45 billion). With a record–high growth of 19.44% YoY in net profit attributable to the parent company totaling 7.531 billion yuan ($1.06 billion), it has set a new record amongst Asian dairy companies.

Yili reports FY2024 H1 revenue of 59.9 billion yuan with 19% YoY growth in net profit attributable to the parent company

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

In the 2024 Global Dairy Top 20 Report published by Rabobank, Yili once again secured its place among the global top five, firmly holding onto its top leadership position in the Asian dairy industry for the 11th consecutive year.

In FY2024 H1, the company's liquid milk business recorded a revenue of 36.887 billion yuan ($5.20 billion), continuing to lead the industry in terms of business scale and market share. The revenue generated from the milk powder business and other related businesses increased by 7.31% YoY and stood at 14.509 billion yuan ($2.05 billion), with its overall sales topping the domestic market. The ice cream business achieved a revenue of 7.322 billion yuan ($1.03 billion), ranking at the top of the market segment in terms of business scale and market share for 29 consecutive years.

Meanwhile, the company doubled down on its innovation efforts, actively pursuing diversified growth strategies to foster new areas of development. During the reporting period, Yili's flagship new products accounted for 15.2% of its total revenue. The water beverage business doubled its overall revenue YoY, driving sustained business momentum.

While strengthening its presence in the domestic market, Yili's internationalization strategy has also achieved notable progress, with overseas revenue recording 4% YoY growth in FY2024 H1. With 81 production bases across the globe, Yili's products have been exported to over 60 countries and regions.

In July 2024, several core products of Yili obtained the approval of the U.S. FDA and landed in local markets for sale, including AMBPOMIAL yoghurt, Youngfun milk beverage and Chocliz ice cream. Following this, Yili unveiled its first U.S. flagship store in Los Angeles. In Thailand and Indonesia, the Group's ice cream brands such as Cremo and Joyday continue to lead in the markets with the highest growth.

Leveraging its solid growth, Yili also adheres to pursuing sustainable development and promoting the integration of commercial and social value. In May 2024, Yili released the world's first ESG value accounting report in the food industry. The report shows that in 2023, Yili's external donations amounted to 280 million yuan ($39.48 million) and its operations created a positive impact value of 6.805 billion yuan ($0.96 billion).

In MSCI's 2024 ESG ratings, the company achieved a significant milestone with an AA rating, marking four consecutive years of improvement.

Integrating UN SDGs into its strategy, the company actively engages members of the “Net–Zero Carbon Alliance” and partners across the industrial chain to promote carbon footprint reduction and water conservation.

Source: Yili Group

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9223845)

La Fondation Andan annonce la mise en jeu du Prix pour l'innovation en matière d'inclusion des réfugiés en collaboration avec l'initiative MIT Solve du Massachusetts Institute of Technology

ZURICH, Suisse, 17 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L'organisation humanitaire à but non lucratif basée en Suisse, la Fondation Andan, en collaboration avec l'initiative MIT Solve du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), est ravie d'annoncer la mise en jeu du Prix Andan pour l'innovation en matière d'inclusion des réfugiés de cette année qui vise à promouvoir des solutions qui font progresser l'inclusion économique, financière et politique des réfugiés au sein de leurs communautés d’accueil.

Le Prix Andan pour l'innovation en matière d'inclusion des réfugiés, doté de 50 000 USD, est décerné chaque année aux solutions les plus prometteuses répondant aux besoins et aux défis des réfugiés et vise à soutenir des approches innovantes qui favorisent l'intégration, l'autonomisation et le développement durable des populations déplacées.

MIT Solve lance des appels ouverts à la recherche de solutions exceptionnelles et variées aux défis mondiaux les plus urgents, auprès de toute personne, n'importe où dans le monde. Les innovateurs sélectionnés bénéficient du soutien du MIT et de sa fervente communauté, ce qui leur permet d’accroître leur impact et de susciter un changement durable.

Des initiatives conjointes pour favoriser les solutions d’innovation

La Fondation Andan recherche des solutions axées sur les domaines suivants :

  • Inclusion économique et moyens de subsistance : développer des technologies et des modèles économiques qui créent des opportunités économiques durables pour les réfugiés et les populations déplacées.
  • Inclusion financière : rechercher des solutions pour le développement de services financiers abordables pour les communautés mal desservies et pour l’amélioration de la croissance économique.
  • Inclusion politique : rechercher des solutions pour l’autonomisation des communautés marginalisées en luttant contre les restrictions du droit de vote et le manque de représentation.

Les gagnants du prix seront annoncés le 23 septembre 2024 lors de la finale du Solve Challenge qui aura lieu pendant la semaine de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à New York.

Notes à l'attention des rédacteurs

À propos de la Fondation Andan

La Fondation Andan est une organisation humanitaire à but non lucratif basée en Suisse et fondée par Christian Kaelin. Elle est réglementée par l'Autorité fédérale de surveillance des fondations et auditée chaque année par BDO.

Andan mène des projets du secteur privé visant à soutenir les familles qui fuient leur foyer à cause de la guerre, des conflits internes et du changement climatique. Elle repère et met en place des solutions innovantes et durables visant à promouvoir l’autonomie des réfugiés, à renforcer leur résilience et à favoriser leur intégration dans leur nouveau pays. Andan privilégie les projets offrant plus de perspectives économiques, financières et politiques aux populations réfugiées et aux communautés qui les accueillent. Andan facilite et promeut les partenariats entre le secteur privé et les agences des Nations unies, les gouvernements, les ONG et les institutions académiques qui s’intéressent à de la cause des réfugiés et des migrants.


À propos de MIT Solve

MIT Solve est une initiative du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conçue dans le but de relever des défis mondiaux grâce à l'innovation et à l'entrepreneuriat. Lancée en 2015, l’initiative MIT Solve organise des défis annuels qui attirent différentes solutions technologiques du monde entier. L'initiative se concentre sur des questions urgentes telles que la durabilité, l'éducation, la santé et la prospérité économique. Grâce à son approche inclusive, MIT Solve offre aux entrepreneurs sociaux un financement, un mentorat et des relations avec des partenaires influents. Ce modèle distinctif encourage les solutions évolutives, permettant ainsi aux idées transformatrices de générer des impacts tangibles pour les communautés mal desservies du monde entier.


Contact média

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Bushra Zaidan


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000972069)

A Andan Foundation anuncia o Prêmio de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados em colaboração com o MIT Solve do Massachusetts Institute of Technology

ZURIQUE, Suíça, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Andan Foundation, uma organização humanitária sem fins lucrativos sediada na Suíça, em colaboração com o MIT Solve do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), tem o prazer de anunciar o Prêmio Andan de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados, que busca promover soluções que promovam a inclusão econômica, financeira e política de refugiados nas comunidades que os acolhem.

O Prêmio Andan de Inovação em Inclusão de Refugiados, no valor de US$ 50.000, é concedido todos os anos às soluções mais promissoras que atendem às necessidades e adversidades impostas aos refugiados e tem como objetivo apoiar iniciativas inovadoras que promovam a integração, a capacitação e o desenvolvimento sustentável das populações deslocadas.

O MIT Solve lança convites abertos para soluções excepcionais e diversificadas para os mais urgentes desafios globais, de qualquer pessoa, em qualquer parte do mundo. Os inovadores que forem selecionados recebem o apoio do MIT e de sua comunidade de apoiadores para ampliar o impacto e promover mudanças sustentáveis.

Iniciativas conjuntas para promover soluções inovadoras

A Andan Foundation está em busca de soluções que privilegiem:

  • Inclusão econômica e meios de subsistência: Desenvolvimento de tecnologias e modelos de negócios que gerem oportunidades econômicas sustentáveis para refugiados e populações deslocadas.
  • Inclusão financeira: Busca de soluções para estender o acesso a serviços financeiros para comunidades carentes e estimular o crescimento econômico.
  • Inclusão política: Busca de soluções para capacitar comunidades marginalizadas, tratando da supressão de eleitores e da falta de representação.

Os vencedores do prêmio serão anunciados nas finais do Solve Challenge em 23 de setembro de 2024, por ocasião da Semana da Assembleia Geral da ONU, na cidade de Nova York.

Notas aos editores

Sobre a Andan Foundation

A Andan Foundation é uma organização humanitária sem fins lucrativos com sede na Suíça, fundada pelo Dr. Christian Kaelin. Ela é regulamentada pela Autoridade Federal Suíça para Supervisão de Fundações e auditada anualmente pela BDO.

A Andan coordena projetos da iniciativa privada para apoiar famílias que fogem de suas casas devido a guerras, conflitos internos e mudanças climáticas. Ela identifica e desenvolve soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis, promovendo a autossuficiência dos refugiados, aumentando sua resiliência e fomentando sua inclusão em seus novos países. A Andan prioriza projetos que ampliem as oportunidades econômicas, financeiras e políticas tanto para as populações de refugiados quanto para as comunidades que os acolhem. A Andan facilita e promove parcerias entre o setor privado e as agências da ONU, governos, ONGs e instituições acadêmicas preocupadas com refugiados e migrantes.


Sobre o MIT Solve

O MIT Solve é uma iniciativa do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) criada para enfrentar os desafios globais com base em inovação e empreendedorismo. Lançado em 2015, o MIT Solve lança desafios anuais que atraem soluções diversificadas e tecnológicas do mundo inteiro. A iniciativa enfoca questões urgentes, como sustentabilidade, educação, saúde e prosperidade econômica. Com sua abordagem inclusiva, o MIT Solve capacita empreendedores sociais com financiamento, orientação e acesso a parceiros influentes. Esse modelo diferenciado estimula soluções escalonáveis, permitindo que ideias transformadoras gerem impactos tangíveis para comunidades carentes em todo o mundo.


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Para informações adicionais, entre em contato com:

Bushra Zaidan


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000972069)

Andan Foundation gibt Preis für Innovation bei der Integration von Flüchtlingen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem MIT Solve des Massachusetts Institute of Technology bekannt

ZÜRICH, Schweiz, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die in der Schweiz ansässige humanitäre gemeinnützige Organisation Andan Foundation freut sich, in Zusammenarbeit mit MIT Solve des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) den diesjährigen Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion (Preis für Innovation bei der Integration von Flüchtlingen) bekanntzugeben. Mit diesem Preis sollen Lösungen gefördert werden, die die wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und politische Integration von Flüchtlingen in ihren Aufnahmegemeinschaften vorantreibt.

Der mit 50.000 USD dotierte Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion wird jedes Jahr an die vielversprechendsten Lösungen vergeben, die sich mit den Bedürfnissen und Herausforderungen von Flüchtlingen befassen, und zielt darauf ab, innovative Ansätze zu unterstützen, die die Integration, das Empowerment und die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Vertriebenen fördern.

MIT Solve veröffentlicht Ausschreibungen für außergewöhnliche und vielfältige Lösungen für die drängendsten globalen Herausforderungen, die sich an alle Menschen überall auf der Welt richten. Ausgewählte Innovatoren erhalten die Unterstützung des MIT und seiner Unterstützergemeinschaft, um ihre Wirkung zu verstärken und dauerhafte Veränderungen voranzutreiben.

Gemeinsame Initiativen zur Förderung von Innovationslösungen

Die Andan Foundation sucht nach Lösungen, die sich auf Folgendes konzentrieren:

  • Wirtschaftliche Integration und Existenzgrundlagen: Entwicklung von Technologien und Geschäftsmodellen, die nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten für Flüchtlinge und Vertriebene schaffen.
  • Finanzielle Integration: Suche nach Lösungen zur Ausweitung erschwinglicher Finanzdienstleistungen für unterversorgte Gemeinschaften und zur Förderung des Wirtschaftswachstums.
  • Politische Integration: Suche nach Lösungen zur Stärkung marginalisierter Gemeinschaften durch die Bekämpfung von Wählerunterdrückung und mangelnder Vertretung.

Die Preisträger werden bei den Solve Challenge Finals am 23. September 2024 während der Woche der UN–Generalversammlung in New York City bekanntgegeben.

Hinweise für Redakteure:

Über die Andan Foundation

Die Andan Foundation ist eine gemeinnützige humanitäre Stiftung mit Sitz in der Schweiz, die von Dr. Christian Kaelin gegründet wurde. Sie wird von der Schweizerischen Eidgenössischen Stiftungsaufsichtsbehörde reguliert und jährlich von der BDO geprüft.

Andan leitet privatwirtschaftliche Initiativen zur Unterstützung von Familien, die aufgrund von Krieg, internen Konflikten und Klimawandel aus ihrer Heimat fliehen. Die Stiftung identifiziert und entwickelt innovative, nachhaltige Lösungen, die die Selbstständigkeit der Flüchtlinge fördern, ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit stärken und ihre Integration in ihren neuen Ländern unterstützen. Andan priorisiert Projekte, die die wirtschaftlichen, finanziellen und politischen Möglichkeiten sowohl für die Flüchtlingsbevölkerung als auch für die Gemeinden, die sie aufnehmen, erweitern. Andan erleichtert und fördert Partnerschaften zwischen dem privaten Sektor und UN–Organisationen, Regierungen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und akademischen Einrichtungen, die sich mit Flüchtlingen sowie Migranten beschäftigen.


Über MIT Solve

MIT Solve ist eine Initiative des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), die darauf abzielt, globale Herausforderungen durch Innovation und Unternehmertum anzugehen. MIT Solve wurde 2015 ins Leben gerufen und stellt jährliche Aufgaben, um vielfältige, technologieorientierte Lösungen aus der ganzen Welt zu erhalten. Die Initiative konzentriert sich auf dringende Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Bildung, Gesundheit und wirtschaftlichen Wohlstand. Durch ihren integrativen Ansatz unterstützt MIT Solve soziale Unternehmer mit Finanzmitteln, Mentoring und Verbindungen zu einflussreichen Partnern. Dieses besondere Modell fördert skalierbare Lösungen und ermöglicht es, dass transformative Ideen spürbare Auswirkungen auf unterversorgte Gemeinschaften in der ganzen Welt haben.



Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Bushra Zaidan


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000972069)

Andan Foundation Announces Award for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion in Collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Solve

ZURICH, Switzerland, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Swiss–based humanitarian non–profit organisation, Andan Foundation, in collaboration with MIT Solve of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is delighted to announce this year’s Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion, which seeks to promote solutions that advance the economic, financial, and political inclusion of refugees within their hosting communities.

The USD 50,000 Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion is awarded every year to the most promising solutions that address the needs and challenges of refugees and is aimed at supporting innovative approaches that foster integration, empowerment, and sustainable development for displaced populations.

MIT Solve launches open calls for exceptional and diverse solutions to the most pressing global challenges, from anyone, anywhere in the world. Selected innovators get the backing of MIT and their community of supporters to scale impact and drive lasting change.

Joint initiatives to foster innovation solutions

The Andan Foundation is looking for solutions that focus on:

  • Economic Inclusion and Livelihoods: Developing technologies and business models that create sustainable economic opportunities for refugees and displaced populations.
  • Financial Inclusion: Seeking solutions to expand affordable financial services for underserved communities and enhance economic growth.
  • Political Inclusion: Seeking solutions to empower marginalized communities by addressing voter suppression and lack of representation.

Prize winners will be announced at the Solve Challenge Finals on 23 September 2024 during the UN General Assembly Week in New York City.

Notes to Editors

About The Andan Foundation

The Andan Foundation is a non–profit humanitarian organization based in Switzerland founded by Dr. Christian Kaelin. It is regulated by the Swiss Federal Authority for the Supervision of Foundations and audited annually by BDO.

Andan leads private sector initiatives to support families fleeing their homes due to war, internal conflict, and climate change. It identifies and develops innovative, sustainable solutions promoting refugees’ self–reliance, boosting their resilience, and fostering their inclusion in their new countries. Andan prioritizes projects that expand economic, financial, and political opportunities for both refugee populations and the communities that welcome them. Andan facilitates and propels partnerships between the private sector and UN agencies, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions concerned with refugees and migrants.


About MIT Solve

MIT Solve is an initiative by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) designed to address global challenges through innovation and entrepreneurship. Launched in 2015, MIT Solve runs annual challenges that attract diverse, tech–driven solutions from around the world. The initiative focuses on pressing issues such as sustainability, education, health, and economic prosperity. Through its inclusive approach, MIT Solve empowers social entrepreneurs with funding, mentorship, and connections to influential partners. This distinctive model nurtures scalable solutions, enabling transformative ideas to generate tangible impacts for underserved communities globally.


Media Contact

For further information, please contact:

Bushra Zaidan


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000971795)

The 2024 China Guanxian Steel Plate Industry Opening-up and International Precision Procurement Conference held in Guanxian County, Shandong Province

GUANXIAN, China, July 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The 2024 China Guanxian Steel Plate Industry Opening–up and International Precision Procurement Conference under the theme of “Shandong Good Products for Global Trade” was held in Guanxian County from June 26 to 28.

The 2024 China Guanxian Steel Plate Industry Opening–up

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

The steel plate industry is a distinctive pillar industry of Guanxian County, with 1,233 steel plate processing companies and over 35,000 employees, processing various types of steel plates totaling 16 million tons annually. Products are exported to over 120 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. Many steel plate “star products” from Guanxian County are used in major projects at home and abroad. Guanxian County has become the largest fine steel plate processing industry cluster in the country, as well as a demonstration base and characteristic industrial cluster for the transformation and upgrading of Shandong Province's high–quality steel plate foreign trade.

The conference, organized by the People's Government of Guanxian County, featured a series of activities including SGS “Global Procurement Base” certification, factory inspection, procurement matchmaking, and cooperation agreements. During the event, Guanxian County was certified as the SGS “Global Procurement Base” for the steel plate industry, and over 100 overseas buyers engaged in in–depth discussions and exchanges with more than 110 local steel plate companies on steel plate procurement and market expansion.

Guanxian County promotes green and intelligent development through optimized industrial processes, improved technological equipment, enhanced comprehensive waste utilization, and digital transformation. Focusing on innovation–driven development, the county is strengthening the new advantage of “digital and intelligence +” to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces through industrial optimization and unimpeded trade channels.

Source: The People's Government of Guanxian County

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9172922)

Rovio, SEGA, and Prime Focus Studios Announce The Angry Birds Movie 3 Is In Production At DNEG Animation

Jason Sudeikis and Josh Gad return to the flock

The Angry Birds Movie franchise has so far grossed
more than $500m at the worldwide box office

LONDON, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rovio Entertainment Corporation, SEGA, and Namit Malhotra’s production company Prime Focus Studios, announced today that they are starting production on The Angry Birds Movie 3, with DNEG Animation attached as animation partner. Prime Focus Studios, Rovio, and SEGA will produce the movie in association with One Cool Group, Flywheel Media, and dentsu.

The third installment in the franchise will follow the continuing adventures of Red and Chuck, voiced once again by Jason Sudeikis (Ted Lasso, SNL, We’re the Millers) and Josh Gad (Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Gutenberg!, Murder on the Orient Express). Jason Sudeikis is represented by Brillstein Entertainment Partners and TAG. Josh Gad is represented by Sugar 23, CAA and JSSK. More casting news will be coming soon.

The film follows the success of the first two Angry Birds movies, which together have grossed more than $500m at the worldwide box office and have demonstrated fantastic results on streaming platforms, signalling strong demand for the third theatrical installment.

The Angry Birds Movie 3 will be directed by John Rice (Angry Birds, Beavis and Butt–Head Do The Universe). The screenplay will be written by Thurop Van Orman (Angry Birds 2, Adventure Time, Flapjack), who will also executive produce alongside Toru Nakahara (Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Prime, Golden Axe). The film will be produced by John Cohen (Despicable Me, The Garfield Movie, Angry Birds), Dan Chuba (The Mitchells vs. the Machines), and Carla Connor (The Willoughbys).

Returning to the Angry Birds design team is Jeanie Chang as production designer and Francesca Natale as character designer. The head of story is Vadim Bazhanov and the lead editor is Sarah K. Reimers. Storyboards, art development, and animation will be handled by DNEG Animation.

Rovio and SEGA will produce alongside Namit Malhotra and his production company Prime Focus Studios, which recently co–produced The Garfield Movie with Alcon Entertainment. Prime Focus Studios is also currently in production on Animal Friends with Legendary Entertainment and Ryan Reynolds’ Maximum Effort, and Indian epic Ramayana with actor–producer Yash’s Monster Mind Creations.

“The Angry Birds brand knows no bounds, and an all–new Angry Birds adventure underscores how the worlds and narratives crafted in our games can seamlessly transcend into the realm of film and beyond,” said Alexandre Pelletier–Normand, CEO at Rovio Entertainment. “Rovio is fully committed to creating entertainment that sparks imagination across various platforms. We’ve seen continuous success in everything from games and feature films to licensed products and amusement parks, and we are thrilled to return once again to the vibrant Angry Birds world with our new partners.”

“The Angry Birds games are a global phenomenon and the film franchise has enjoyed worldwide success,” added Crosby Clyse, Managing Director of DNEG Animation. “Our amazing DNEG Animation team is thrilled to be teaming up once again with Prime Focus Studios and with our new friends at Rovio to create an all–new high–velocity adventure set in this colourful, crazy world.”

“Innovation is part of dentsu’s DNA and we are always looking for new and exciting projects to deliver differentiated, integrated growth opportunities for our clients. We believe in the positive impact of entertainment, creating meaningful connections between people and brands,” commented Jean Lin, Global President – Global Practices, dentsu. “We are so proud to partner with Prime Focus Studios and DNEG Animation to help bring the next installment of the beloved global Angry Birds franchise to life.”

“The Angry Birds brand truly reflects the size and scale of content Flywheel Media are focusing on,” said Don McGregor, Founder and CEO, Flywheel Media. “We are thrilled to be joining forces with such incredible partners to deliver this film to audiences around the world.”

The Angry Birds Movie opened at #1 in 50 countries on its release in 2016 and has grossed more than $350m at the worldwide box office. Rovio’s mobile games surpassed 5 billion downloads in 2022.

“We are thrilled to announce that the brand–new film of the globally beloved and successful Angry Birds franchise is to be in production,” said Shuji Utsumi, President and COO at SEGA. “SEGA has been focusing on its Transmedia strategy to advance the value of its intellectual properties (IP) across games and diverse media landscapes. We believe that the upcoming The Angry Birds Movie 3 perfectly aligns with our strategy and presents a great opportunity for us to bring the charm of the Angry Birds brand to fans across the globe.”

“I’m delighted to be partnering with Rovio, SEGA, One Cool, Flywheel, dentsu, and the incredible team of returning filmmakers and voice talent on this movie. It’s an honour to be part of the next chapter in the amazing Angry Birds story,” concluded Producer Namit Malhotra. “Prime Focus Studios is in production on an impressive roster of high–profile features and I am excited that The Angry Birds Movie 3 will be the next big animated project on our slate after The Garfield Movie.”

Angry Birds and all related properties, titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Rovio Entertainment Corporation and are used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

About Prime Focus Studios
Led by filmmaker and Global CEO of DNEG, Namit Malhotra, Prime Focus Studios is an independent production company dedicated to the creation of innovative and exciting global content.

Prime Focus Studios, which recently co–produced The Garfield Movie with Alcon Entertainment for Sony Pictures, is currently in production on three major motion pictures: Indian epic Ramayana with Rocking Star Yash’s Monster Mind Creations; Animal Friends with Legendary Entertainment and Ryan Reynolds’ production company Maximum Effort; and The Angry Birds Movie 3, with Rovio Entertainment Corporation and SEGA.

About Rovio
Rovio Entertainment Corporation is a global mobile–first games company that creates, develops and publishes mobile games, which have been downloaded over 5 billion times. Rovio is best known for the global Angry Birds brand, which started as a popular mobile game in 2009, and has since evolved from games to various entertainment, animations, and consumer products in brand licensing. Rovio has produced The Angry Birds Movie (2016), and its sequel, The Angry Birds Movie 2 was released in 2019. The company offers multiple mobile games and has seven game studios – one in Espoo (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark), Barcelona (Spain), Montreal and Toronto (Canada), as well as a subsidiary in Izmir (Turkey) called Ruby Games. Most of the employees are based in Finland, where Rovio is headquartered. Rovio is owned by SEGA.

About DNEG Animation
DNEG Animation is a world–class animation studio that creates captivating stories and compelling characters through beautiful animation. Built on the passion and talents of our team, we help bring unique worlds to life. From complex graphic novel adaptations to beautifully stylized films, we are dedicated to furthering the craft of animation. Recent and upcoming projects on behalf of our filmmaking partners include The Garfield Movie, The Angry Birds Movie 3, The Cat In The Hat, That Christmas, Nimona, Under the Boardwalk, Entergalactic, and Ron’s Gone Wrong.

DNEG Animation is part of DNEG (www.dneg.com), a world–leading visual entertainment services company for the creation of feature film, television, multiplatform content, and immersive experiences, with worldwide offices and studios across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

About One Cool Group
Pioneered and led by Hong Kong actor and producer Louis Koo in 2013, One Cool Group has evolved from a local film production company to a major player in Asia and beyond. One Cool’s motto, “Thrive through Creativity. Strive for Diversity”, unites a fast–growing team of more than 300 film professionals based at its Hong Kong headquarters and affiliated offices in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea. A diversified portfolio encompasses all aspects of filmmaking from financing, artist management, casting, editing, sound effects, visual production, to distribution, promotions, and more. One Cool collaborates in global feature films, partnering with Sony Pictures Animation on Vivo and the Oscar–nominated The Mitchells vs. the Machines, with Alcon Entertainment on The Garfield Movie, and with independent film producers. One Cool is forging ahead with pioneering AI techniques in various aspects of filmmaking.

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About dentsu
Dentsu is an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world’s leading organizations. Founded in 1901 in Tokyo, Japan, and now present in over 145 countries and regions, it has a proven track record of nurturing and developing innovations, combining the talents of its global network of leadership brands to develop impactful and integrated growth solutions for clients. Dentsu delivers end–to–end experience transformation (EX) by integrating its services across Media, CXM and Creative, while its business transformation (BX) mindset pushes the boundaries of transformation and sustainable growth for brands, people and society.

Dentsu, Innovating to Impact.

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About Flywheel
Flywheel Media is a new film company collaborating with the world’s largest brands, harnessing their storytelling power to engage new and existing fans.

We create movies for the big screen designed to entertain and inspire audiences globally.

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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b0e8e84d–15de–4b97–90bc–e012be6016dd

A video accompanying this announcement is available at https://youtu.be/8RGho3YHbGg

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000964990)