Eanan Al Samma and Jetoptera commence flight test campaign in the U.A.E.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates and EDMONDS, Wash., June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — We are excited to share the news that Jetoptera and Eanan Al Samma have kicked off the flight test campaign of a subscale, box–wing VTOL aircraft which is a flight test bed for the J–500 autopilot development.

The subscale eVTOL version of the J–500 VTOL cargo UAV being co–developed by the two companies is one of the tools for perfecting the automated transitions to and from forward flight. The goal of the campaign is to further integrate the J–series flight controls to develop the autopilot and navigation system for the larger J–500 UAV. The J–500 will address the U.A.E. market. It will be powered by the unique, patented Fluidic Propulsive System™ developed by Jetoptera and will have a maximum speed of 200 knots and payloads of up to 50 kg.

The subscale eVTOL model is battery powered and is operated in automated mode, including VTOL, hover, and transitions to and from forward flight. The tests conducted so far show excellent automated conversions from hover to forward flight and vice versa, as well as hover maneuverability of the aircraft, without pilot intervention. In automated mode, the mission is uploaded to the onboard control system and the entire mission is executed without any interaction from the pilot.

The subscale model uses electric ducted fans for propulsion. Over the next few months, the vehicle will be upgraded and tested with the J–500 avionics developed by EANAN utilizing the Embention Veronte autopilot as adapted to the unique controls of the J–series aircraft developed by Jetoptera.

The two companies remain on track to complete the construction of the first prototype of the J–500 by the end of 2024. Data collected from the subscale aircraft informs the requirements for the J–500.

The flight test campaign of the subscale model has commenced at the Xrange test field near Abu Dhabi and will continue over the next few months. Multiple automated missions conducted to date include vertical take–off, hover, transitions, horizontal flight, vertical landing and endurance tests. Just like the J–500, the subscale model is also capable of conventional take–off and landing.

“Our collaboration with Eanan Al Samma on the co–development of the J–500 has reached the important milestone of automated VTOL flights in the U.A.E. The first flights of our J–series architecture in the U.A.E. today also kicked off the development of the controls and avionics for the larger J–500. Using the subscale aircraft at the location, we are collecting important flight data that are instrumental for the development and validation of the avionics planned for the FPS–powered vehicle. The partnership with Eanan Al Samma allows Jetoptera to accelerate our roadmap for the introduction of the larger J–series air taxis, on location, under the unique local conditions, where the primary market target is,” said Dr. Andrei Evulet, CEO of Jetoptera.

“Our partnership with Jetoptera marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize the UAS industry. By integrating Jetoptera’s FPS technology, we are enhancing the capabilities and operational efficiency of our aircraft, offering our clients unparalleled performance and reliability. This collaboration fits perfectly into Eanan’s strategy of continuously seeking innovative and game–changing technologies to maintain our leadership in the market,” said Eanan Al Samma’s CEO, Ulrich Weckx.

About Eanan Al Samma

Eanan Al Samma is a leading provider of advanced Unmanned Aerial Systems, based in Dubai, UAE and committed to delivering innovative and reliable UAS solutions. With a focus on cutting–edge technology and operational excellence, Eanan Al Samma is at the forefront of the UAS industry, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in aerial operations.

For more information, visit www.eanan.ae
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Eanandxb
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eananofficial/?viewAsMember=true

About Jetoptera

Jetoptera’s vision is to create a world where aerial mobility is commonplace for both cargo and people. We have developed a unique propulsion system integrated with a novel airframe. This allows us to create lighter, more efficient, and less complex aircraft. Our technology enables vertical and short takeoff and landing (V/STOL), high speeds, sizable payloads and range, and maneuverability.

Connect with Jetoptera:
LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/18447683/
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Jetoptera/
YouTube at https://youtu.be/QEILXoyZl7I

Media Contact: todd@jetoptera.com

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at



GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9149000)

EANAN AL SAMMA (EANAN) وJetoptera, Inc. تقيمان شراكة لتدشين منصات VTOL التي تديرها Fluidic Propulsive System™.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة وإدموندز، واشنطن،, Nov. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  وقّعت EANAN Dubai وJetoptera, Inc.‎ اتفاقية لتعزيز محفظة EANAN المتنامية من الطائرات في دبي. تعمل هذه الطائرات على تهيئة الساحة لخيارات التنقل في المستقبل عن طريق الشركة الرائدة في مجال الطائرات بدون طيار التي يتم تصميمها وإنتاجها في دبي.

وسوف تقود EANAN تطوير سلسلة من الطائرات بداية من طائرة J–500 التي تشتمل على نظام Jetoptera الفريد “Fluidic Propulsive System™‎،” وهو عبارة عن نظام الدفع Jetoptera بدون رفاصات الذي يوفر مستويات أعلى من السلامة، حيث لا توجد رفاصات خارجية متحركة أو أجزاء دوارة فضلاً عما تتسم به من قدرة التحمل لفترات طويلة والتشغيل الهادئ للغاية وقدرات الإقلاع والهبوط الرأسي (VTOL). سوف يعمل النهج التكاملي بين EANAN وJetoptera على تمكين خطط EANAN الطموحة للابتكار التقني ونمو حركة الطيران المستدام في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

وسوف يعمل نظام Fluidic Propulsive System™‎ غير المُعتمِد على الطاقة من شركة Jetoptera على تشغيل النموذج الأولي من J–series 500–lb. سيتم إنشاء النموذج الأولي المستقبلي، الذي يوفر نطاقًا لمسافة 500 ميل وسرعات قصوى تصل إلى 200 عقدة، واختباره في دبي، ومن المستهدف إقلاع أول رحلة في عام 2024. وفي معرض تعليقه على هذه المناسبة، قال الدكتور Andrei Evulet، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لشركة Jetoptera “من المتوقع أن يكون نموذج العرض الناجح لسلسلة طائرات J–500 الأول في العديد من السلاسل الأكبر حجمًا بشكل متزايد لطائرات الشاحنات ومنصات VTOL المزودة بطواقم بشرية والتي تديرها FPS™‎. إننا متحمسون لخطة التطوير السريع ونأمل أن نوفر لدبي حلول دفع قوية للغاية يمكن نشرها على العديد من المنصات والهياكل”.

لقد ابتكرت شركة Jetoptera الكائن مقرها في إدموندز بولاية واشنطن نظام Fluidic Propulsive System™‎ بدون رفاص الذي سيوفر الطاقة لفئة جديدة من طائرات الإقلاع والهبوط (VTOL وSTOL) لإحداث طفرة في قطاع طائرات الهليكوبتر والاستحواذ على حصة كبيرة من سوق حركة النقل المتقدمة البالغة قيمتها 1 تريليون دولار أمريكي.

EANAN هي شركة تكنولوجية إماراتية تقود مرحلة التطور القادمة في النقل من خلال النقل الجوي المتقدم (AAM). يقع مقر EANAN في مركز محمد بن راشد للفضاء (MBRAH) جنوب دبي، وهي أول شركة تصنع الطائرات بدون طيار المتقدمة في دبي. تعزز EANAN الكفاءات الإماراتية والابتكار والمهارة بهدف أن تصبح أول شركة تجارية تدعم حركة النقل الجوي في المدينة.

وتعليقًا على هذه المناسبة، قال Ulrich Wecx الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة EANAN “يمتلك النقل الجوي المتقدم إمكانات هائلة غير محدودة لتحويل الاقتصاديات والمجتمعات، بداية من توفير النقل الخالي من الاختناقات وحتى التسليم السريع للبضائع والمساعدة في الاستجابة لحالات الطوارئ ومراقبة المرافق النائية، الأمر الذي يجعل وسائل النقل أكثر توافرًا وفعالية وصداقة للبيئة”.

تواصل مع Jetoptera:
LinkedIn على https://www.linkedin.com/company/18447683
Facebook على https://www.facebook.com/Jetoptera
YouTube على https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7hrqMeTpKlpV_vsd–_LdQ

مسؤول التواصل الإعلامي: todd@jetoptera.com

تتوفر صورة فوتوغرافية مصاحبة لهذا الإعلان على https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/7cb2cb84–a8f4–4b16–8efe–d27147554593


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8986587)

EANAN AL SAMMA (EANAN) وJetoptera, Inc. تقيمان شراكة لتدشين منصات VTOL التي تديرها Fluidic Propulsive System™.

·, Nov. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ' EANAN Dubai Jetoptera, Inc." EANAN · . · · · · .

EANAN · · · J–500 JetopteraFluidic Propulsive System"Jetoptera · · (VTOL). EANAN Jetoptera ·· EANAN · · .

Fluidic Propulsive System" · Jetoptera J–series 500–lb. · 500 200 2024. Andrei Evulet Jetoptera ” · J–500 · VTOL · FPS". · · “.

Jetoptera · Fluidic Propulsive System" · · · (VTOL STOL) · · · 1 .


Ulrich Wecx EANAN ” · “.

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/18447683
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Jetoptera
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7hrqMeTpKlpV_vsd–_LdQ

: todd@jetoptera.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8986587)

EANAN AL SAMMA (EANAN) and Jetoptera, Inc. partner to launch VTOL platforms powered by Fluidic Propulsive System™.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates and EDMONDS, Wash., Nov. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EANAN Dubai and Jetoptera, Inc. have signed an agreement to enhance EANAN's growing portfolio of aircraft in Dubai. These aircraft set the course of future mobility options by the leader of unmanned aircraft designed and produced in Dubai.

EANAN will lead the development of a series of aircraft starting with the J–500 featuring Jetoptera's unique "Fluidic Propulsive System," Jetoptera's bladeless propulsion method that enables enhanced safety, as there are no external moving blades or rotors, long endurance, very quiet operation, and vertical take–off and landing (VTOL) capabilities. EANAN and Jetoptera's synergistic approach will enable EANAN's ambitious plans for technological innovation and sustainable air mobility growth in the U.A.E.

Jetoptera's energy–agnostic Fluidic Propulsive System will power the J–series 500–lb prototype. The futuristic prototype, offering a 500–mile range and top speeds of 200 knots, will be constructed and tested in Dubai, targeting a first flight in 2024. "The successful J–500 series demonstrator is expected to be the first of several increasingly larger scaled series of cargo and manned VTOL platforms powered by FPS. We love the rapid development plan and hope to bring to Dubai highly capable propulsion solutions that can be deployed on several platforms and architectures," said Dr. Andrei Evulet, CEO and co–founder of Jetoptera.

Edmonds, Washington USA based Jetoptera has invented a bladeless Fluidic Propulsive System that will power a new class of vertical and short take–off and landing (VTOL and STOL) aircraft to disrupt the helicopter industry and capture a significant share of the $1 trillion advanced air mobility market opportunity.

EANAN is a UAE technology company leading the next evolutionary step in transportation through advanced air mobility (AAM). Based in the Mohammed Bin Rashid Aerospace Hub (MBRAH), Dubai South, EANAN is the first company to make advanced unmanned aircraft in Dubai. EANAN nurtures Emirati talent, imagination, and ingenuity, with the aim of becoming the first commercially operating air mobility company in the city.

"From congestion–free travel to faster delivery of goods and from assisting emergency response to monitoring remote facilities, AAM's potential to transform economies and societies, making transportation more accessible, efficient, and environmentally friendly is unlimited," said Ulrich Wecx, CEO of EANAN.

Connect with Jetoptera:
LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/18447683/
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Jetoptera/
YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7hrqMeTpKlpV_vsd–_LdQ

Media Contact: todd@jetoptera.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/7cb2cb84–a8f4–4b16–8efe–d27147554593

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8985760)

Reinforcing Success – Fluidic Propulsive System™ Development & New Crowdfunding Initiative

EDMONDS, Wash., June 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Jetoptera announced the launch of their Regulation Crowdfunding raise via StartEngine. We are creating a transformative aerospace propulsion system and capability to evolve vertical takeoff and landing aircraft beyond propellers and rotors.

Jetoptera invites you to be the catalyst, a pioneer, and adventurer with us on this amazing journey to bring forth a safe, quiet multi–use method of propulsion which is focused on S/VTOL, small and medium helicopter replacement with missions spanning logistics, air ambulance, VIP transportation and commonplace aerial mobility, as well as on high–speed VTOL, and wing in ground effect maritime craft, that can scale to a vast array of sizes and applications.

"We are encouraged and enthusiastic about the extensive data we are collecting with the support of the US Air Force to refine the design of our new scalable prototype FPS based vehicles," said Founder and CEO Dr. Andrei Evulet. "Advancements in such a transformational capability as Fluidic Propulsive Systems and their integration into advanced airframe designs demands our attention, focus and determination to make FPS propelled vehicles in the air, land and sea commonplace in the years to come."

To learn more about your Jetoptera Crowdfunded investment opportunity, please go to https://www.startengine.com/jetoptera/

Jetoptera is a propulsion system, drone, and aerial mobility startup with the vision to create a world where aerial mobility is commonplace. To that end, we have developed and demonstrated a unique Fluidic Propulsive System integrated with a novel airframe, protected by 60 granted and allowed patents and another 100+ pending. This has many advantages over other approaches: faster, simpler, quieter, more compact, and lower cost. Our distributed propulsion system lends itself naturally to our mission, to create vertical and short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) aircraft, with other applications such as wing in ground effect vehicles to enable unmatched speed, range, payload, and efficiency to transport cargo and people.

Todd Newton
Vice President
+1 (703) 589–3739

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8572130)