Getinge wählt zentralisierte IP-Management-Plattform von Anaqua

BOSTON und MÜNCHEN, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, der fhrende Technologieanbieter fr Innovation und Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP), gab heute bekannt, dass sich das globale Medizintechnik–Unternehmen Getinge fr die AQX–Plattform von Anaqua entschieden hat, um die Verwaltung aller seiner IP–Assets an einem einzigen, zentralen Ort zu konsolidieren.

Getinge wurde 1904 in Schweden gegrndet und versorgt Krankenhuser und Life–Science–Einrichtungen in 133 Lndern mit Produkten und Lsungen, die darauf abzielen, klinische Ergebnisse zu verbessern und Arbeitsablufe zu optimieren.

Anna Maria Lagerqvist Gahm, Leiterin IP & Digital Law bei Getinge, sagte: "Mit unserem umfangreichen Angebot an Produkten und Lsungen fr Intensivpflege, Herz–Kreislauf–Eingriffe, Operationssle, sterile Aufbereitung, Life Science und digitale Gesundheitslsungen und unserer starken internationalen Prsenz in mehr als 40 Lndern war es wichtig, die Effizienz und Koordination unseres IP–Managements durch die Konsolidierung auf einer zentralen Plattform zu verbessern. AQX ermglicht uns dies und bietet gleichzeitig hochintegrierte Funktionalitten zum Beispiel bei Analyse und Erfindungs–Management."

Bob Romeo, CEO von Anaqua, sagte: "Getinge konzentriert sich darauf, seinen Kunden durch die entwickelten Produkte und Lsungen dabei zu helfen, Leben zu retten, und hat das Ziel, zum weltweit vertrauenswrdigsten und angesehensten Medizintechnik–Unternehmen zu werden. Wir freuen uns, Getinge auf diesem Weg zu begleiten, indem wir bei der Verwaltung und dem Schutz der wertvollen geistigen Eigentumswerte des Unternehmens untersttzen. Anaqua bleibt weiter aktiv, um den sich stndig weiterentwickelnden Anforderungen der innovativsten Life–Science–Unternehmen der Welt gerecht zu werden und diese zu bertreffen."

ber Getinge

Mit der festen berzeugung, dass jeder Mensch und jede Gemeinschaft Zugang zur bestmglichen medizinischen Versorgung haben sollte, versorgt Getinge Krankenhuser und Life–Science–Einrichtungen mit Produkten und Lsungen, die darauf abzielen, klinische Ergebnisse zu verbessern und Arbeitsablufe zu optimieren. Das Angebot umfasst Produkte und Lsungen fr die Intensivpflege, Herz–Kreislauf–Eingriffe, Operationssle, Sterilgutaufbereitung und Life Science. Getinge beschftigt weltweit ber 11.000 Mitarbeiter und die Produkte werden in 133 Lndern verkauft.

ber Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. ist ein fhrender Anbieter von integrierten Technologielsungen und Dienstleistungen fr das Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP) fr Unternehmen und Anwaltskanzleien. Seine Softwarelsungen fr das IP–Management, AQX und PATTSY WAVE , bieten Best–Practice–Workflows mit Big–Data–Analysen und technologiegesttzten Diensten, um eine intelligente Umgebung zu schaffen, die die IP–Strategie informiert, die Entscheidungsfindung im IP–Bereich ermglicht und die IP–Ablufe rationalisiert, zugeschnitten auf die Bedrfnisse der einzelnen Segmente. Heute nutzen fast die Hlfte der 100 grten US–Patentanmelder und globalen Marken sowie eine wachsende Zahl von Anwaltskanzleien weltweit die Lsungen von Anaqua. Mehr als eine Million IP–Fhrungskrfte, Anwlte, Rechtsanwaltsgehilfen, Administratoren und Innovatoren nutzen die Plattform fr ihre IP–Management–Anforderungen. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Boston, mit Niederlassungen in den USA, Europa, Australien und Asien. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte oder LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8852728)

African governments harness education data to reverse learning crisis

LONDON, May 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — African education leaders travelling to London to showcase NewGlobe–supported transformational public educational programs at the prestigious Education World Forum (EWF), May 8 – 10.

Harnessing education data to drive learning transformation will be a key takeaway for the global education community at EWF, the biggest gathering of education ministers in the world.

They face what World Bank Education Director, Jaime Saavedra, calls, "the most serious crisis in education in 100 years."

Data from the World Bank shows global Learning Poverty "" defined as the percentage of 10–year–olds unable to read a simple sentence "" in low and middle–income countries has increased from 50% to 70% while in Sub–Saharan Africa it is 90%.

Despite such enormous challenges, NewGlobe–supported programs in Nigeria, Liberia, Rwanda, and Manipur (India) are leading the way in the use of education data–led solutions to Learning Poverty.

The success stories of the EKOEXCEL, EdoBEST, BayelsaPRIME, KwaraLEARN, Bridge Liberia, RwandaEQUIP, and STAR Education programs will be on display at EWF. All are seeing huge improvements in learning outcomes.

Underpinning their success is a data–driven structured pedagogy, independently assessed in Kenya in a study led by Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Michael Kremer. It confirmed learning gains among the "largest ever measured in international education."

The EKOEXCEL program in Lagos State, Nigeria is an exemplary case of using data–driven solutions to reverse Learning Poverty. One of the program's initiatives, the "Situation Room' will be on display at EWF.

The Situation Room visualizes data from all 1012 primary schools in Lagos State, offering powerful insights. Using NewGlobe's Spotlight software, gives education leaders access to key data in real time "" empowering the government to make informed interventions.

Lagos State Education Commissioner, Folashade Adefisayo said:

"If there are any problems in schools, we are able to track them, so people going there to solve the problem have a lot of data in their hands; they would know how many children and teachers there are, whether the head teacher is at school and whether students are having learning difficulties in a subject."

Within eight weeks of EKOEXCEL's launch, literacy learning rates measured three times faster, and numeracy two times faster, than schools not in the program.

EWF promises to inspire governments to harness education data to reshape education and overcome Learning Poverty, with visionary African governments leading.

For additional information, contact:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808910)

WHR Global publie son Rapport comparatif sur les services de destination « Ask the Expert » 2023

MILWAUKEE, 25 avr. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), un leader dans le secteur mondial de la mutation des employs, a annonc la publication de son Rapport comparatif sur les services de destination du nom de Ask the Expert 2023. WHR a sond 32 entreprises de son rseau de prestataires de services de destination de confiance, couvrant 56 pays travers le monde. WHR croit que son Rapport comparatif aidera ses actuels et futurs clients valuer leurs programmes de mobilit mondiaux par rapport aux offres de services de destination d'autres socits pour la mutation des employs et cessionnaires. Alors que les entreprises continuent de concourir pour disposer des meilleurs talents, les avantages de la mutation doivent tre comptitifs.

Les services de destination aident les employs en mutation s'intgrer leur nouveau lieu et peuvent inclure ce qui suit : prsentation du lieu ; enregistrement dans le lieu ; gestion de location, dpart de location et gestion de proprit ; recherche de logement ; conseils en hypothque ; hbergement temporaire ; aide professionnelle pour les poux et compagnons ; aide l'immigration (rglementations en matire de visa et d'immigration) ; recherche d'cole pour les enfants ; transport des animaux domestiques ; formation linguistique et culturelle ; et d'autres services d'intgration.

Les donnes du Rapport comparatif de WHR comprennent ce qui suit pour 56 pays :

  • Le nombre moyen de jours pendant lesquels les entreprises offrent des services de destination et les jours recommands, par pays (par employs de niveau initial, intermdiaire et cadre ; et par tailles de familles variables).
  • L'accord de location le plus courant pour les expatris, par pays.
  • Les services de destination prsentant le plus de difficults, par pays.
  • Les services de dpart proposs aux employs quittant un lieu, par pays.
  • Facilit ou difficult rcuprer des dpts de garantie et chancier, par pays.
  • Services de destination recommands additionnels, par pays.

Selon Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratgiques chez WHR : La ralisation d'un rapport comparatif sur les services de destination aide rpondre des questions cls qui sont cruciales pour l'engagement et la rtention des employs : offrons–nous suffisamment de soutien nos employs ? Devrions–nous fournir des services de dpart, ou les employs sont–ils capables de se dbrouiller par eux–mmes ? Que doivent savoir nos employs quand ils partiront pour ce pays ? Si vos employs sont trs spcialiss et difficiles remplacer, ce Rapport comparatif guidera le niveau de service que vous fournissiez et aidera vos employs effectuer leur mutation en pleine conscience.

Les conclusions de ce Rapport comparatif complet comprennent :

  • En Allemagne, la rcupration d'un dpt de garantie peut prendre jusqu' 11 mois parce que le locataire doit attendre les calculs des entreprises de services publics, qui se produisent la fin de l'anne.
  • Aux Philippines, un prestataire de services de destination a recommand au moins deux jours de soutien pour les employs de niveau initial (famille monomembre) et cinq jours de soutien pour les employs de niveau cadre (famille comptant trois membres).

Pour plus de donnes et tlcharger l'intgralit du Rapport comparatif sur les services de destination Ask the Expert 2023, rendez–vous ici.

propos de WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) est une socit prive de gestion des mutations l'chelle mondiale, axe sur le client, qui se distingue par la meilleure prestation de services de sa catgorie et par une technologie de pointe dont elle est propritaire. WHR possde des bureaux Milwaukee, dans le Wisconsin, Ble, en Suisse, et Singapour. Avec son taux de rtention de la clientle de 100 % au cours des dix dernires annes, WHR continue de se positionner en tant que fournisseur de confiance dans le domaine de la mutation des employs l'chelle mondiale. WHR vit grce sa vision et sa passion pour son crdo Advancing Lives Forward et son principe de simplifier ce qui est complexe. Pour en savoir plus sur WHR, rendez–vous sur, ou suivez–nous sur LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Contact auprs des mdias : Mindy Stroiman, rdactrice d'entreprise

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8812389)

WHR Global Releases “Ask the Expert” 2023 Destination Services Benchmark Report

MILWAUKEE, April 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced the release of its international 2023 Destination Services Benchmark Report called "Ask the Expert." WHR surveyed 32 companies from its trusted destination services provider network, covering 56 countries worldwide. WHR believes its Benchmark report will help current and future clients compare their global mobility programs to other companies' destination service offerings for relocating employees and assignees. As companies continue to compete for talent, relocation benefits must be competitive.

Destination services help relocating employees get settled in their new location and can include the following: Area Orientation; Local Registration; Tenancy Management, Lease Check Out and Property Management; Home Search; Mortgage Counseling; Temporary Housing; Spousal and Partner Career Assistance; Help with Immigration (Visa and Immigration Regulations); School Search for Children; Moving Pets; Language and Cultural Training; and Other Settling–In Services.

WHR's Benchmark data includes the following for 56 countries:

  • The average number of days companies offer destination services and days recommended, by country (by entry–level, mid–level and executive–level employees; and by varying family sizes).
  • The most common leasing arrangement for expats, by country.
  • Destination services presenting the most difficulty, by country.
  • Departure services offered for employees leaving a location, by country.
  • Ease or difficulty getting security deposits back and timeline, by country.
  • Additional recommended destination services, by country.

According to WHR Strategic Initiatives Manager, Sean Thrun, "Benchmarking destination services helps answer key questions that are critical to employee engagement and retention: Am I offering my employees enough support? Should we provide departure services, or are employees capable of handling on their own? What should my employees be aware of when they move to this country? If your employees are highly specialized and difficult to replace, this Benchmark will guide the service level you provide, and help your employees relocate eyes wide open.”

Findings from the comprehensive Benchmark include:

  • In Germany, a security deposit can take up to 11 months to be returned because the tenant must wait until the end of the year for utility company calculations.
  • In the Philippines, a destination service provider recommended at least two days support for entry–level employees (with family sizes of one) and five days of support for executive–level employees (with family sizes of three).

See more data and download the complete 2023 Destination Services Benchmark Report "Ask the Expert" here.

About WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client–driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best–in–class service delivery and cutting–edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Milwaukee, Wis., Basel, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward and Making the Complex Simple. To learn more about WHR, visit, or follow on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Media Contact: Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8812389)

WHR Global veröffentlicht den 2023 Destination Services Benchmark Report „Ask the Expert“

MILWAUKEE, April 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), ein fhrendes Unternehmen auf dem Gebiet der globalen Mitarbeiterentsendung, gab die Verffentlichung seines internationalen 2023 Destination Services Benchmark Report mit dem Namen "Ask the Expert" bekannt. WHR befragte 32 Unternehmen aus ihrem Netzwerk vertrauenswrdiger Anbieter von Bestimmungsorten, die weltweit 56 Lnder abdecken. WHR ist der Ansicht, dass der Benchmarkbericht aktuellen und zuknftigen Kunden dabei helfen wird, ihre globalen Mobilittsprogramme mit den Angeboten von Bestimmungsorten anderer Unternehmen zu vergleichen, die Mitarbeiter und Bevollmchtigte entsenden. Da die Unternehmen weiterhin um Talente konkurrieren, mssen die Entsendungsleistungen wettbewerbsfhig sein.

Die Dienstleistungen am Zielort helfen entsandten Mitarbeitern bei der Eingewhnung an ihrem neuen Standort und umfassen u. a. Folgendes: Orientierung in der Region, Anmeldung vor Ort, Mietvertrge, Mietvertragsablauf und Hausverwaltung, Wohnungssuche, Hypothekenberatung, vorbergehende Unterbringung, Untersttzung von Ehegatt*innen und Partner*innen bei der beruflichen Orientierung, Hilfe bei der Einwanderung (Visa und Einwanderungsbestimmungen), Schulsuche fr Kinder, Einfuhr von Haustieren, Sprach– und Kulturtraining sowie andere Eingliederungsdienste.

Die Benchmarkdaten von WHR beziehen sich fr die 56 Lnder auf Folgendes:

  • Die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Tage, an denen Unternehmen Dienstleistungen am Zielort anbieten, und die Anzahl der empfohlenen Tage, aufgeschlsselt nach Lndern (nach Berufseinsteigern, mittleren und leitenden Angestellten sowie nach unterschiedlichen Familiengren).
  • Die gngigsten Mietvereinbarungen fr Expats, aufgeschlsselt nach Land.
  • Dienstleistungen am Zielort mit den grten Schwierigkeiten, aufgeschlsselt nach Land.
  • Ausreisedienste fr Mitarbeiter, die einen Standort verlassen, nach Land.
  • Leichtigkeit bzw. Schwierigkeit, Kautionen zurckzuerhalten, und Zeitplan, nach Land.
  • Zustzliche empfohlene Dienstleistungen am Zielort, nach Land.

Sean Thrun, WHR Strategic Initiatives Manager, meinte dazu: "Das Benchmarking von Dienstleistungen am Zielort hilft bei der Beantwortung wichtiger Fragen, die fr das Engagement und die Bindung von Mitarbeitern entscheidend sind: Biete ich meinen Mitarbeitern gengend Untersttzung? Sollen wir Entsendungsdienste anbieten oder sind die Mitarbeiter in der Lage, dies selbst zu tun? Worauf sollten meine Mitarbeiter achten, wenn sie in dieses Land ziehen? Wenn Ihre Mitarbeiter hochspezialisiert und schwer ersetzbar sind, kann Sie diese Benchmark ber das Level an Dienstleistungen anleiten, das Sie anbieten knnen, um Ihren Mitarbeitern zu helfen, die Entsendung mit offenen Augen anzugehen."

Zu den Ergebnissen des umfassenden Benchmarkberichts gehren:

  • In Deutschland kann es bis zu 11 Monate dauern, bis eine Kaution zurckgezahlt wird, weil der Mieter bis zum Jahresende auf die Abrechnungen der Versorger warten muss.
  • Auf den Philippinen empfahl ein Anbieter von Dienstleistungen am Zielort mindestens zwei Tage Untersttzung fr Mitarbeiter der Einstiegsstufe (fr eine Person) und fnf Tage Untersttzung fr Mitarbeiter der Fhrungsebene (fr dreikpfige Familien).

Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie dem Bericht. Sie knnen den vollstndigen 2023 Destination Services Benchmark Report "Ask the Expert" hier herunterladen.

ber WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) ist ein privates, kundenorientiertes Unternehmen fr globales Entsendungsmanagement, das sich durch erstklassige Dienstleistungen und modernste, firmeneigene Technologien auszeichnet. WHR hat Niederlassungen in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), Basel (Schweiz) und Singapur. Mit einer 100–prozentigen Kundenbindungsrate in den letzten zehn Jahren positioniert sich WHR weiterhin als zuverlssiger Marktfhrer im Bereich der globalen Mitarbeiterentsendung. WHR lebt seine Vision und Leidenschaft gem seiner Philosophie Advancing Lives Forward und Making the Complex Simple. Um mehr ber WHR zu erfahren, besuchen Sie, oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn oder Twitter.

Medienkontakt: Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8812389)

WHR Global Publica “Ask the Expert” Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Serviços de Destino para 2023

MILWAUKEE, April 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WHR Global (WHR), lder da indstria global de realocao de funcionrios, anunciou a publicao do "Ask the Expert" (Pergunte ao Especialista), Relatrio Internacional de Benchmark de Servios de Destino para 2023. A WHR entrevistou 32 empresas da sua rede de provedores de servios de destino confiveis, que abrangem 56 pases do mundo. A WHR acredita que seu relatrio de Benchmark ajudar os clientes atuais e futuros a comparar seus programas de mobilidade global com as ofertas de servios de destino de outras empresas para a realocao de funcionrios e cessionrios. medida que as empresas continuam a competir por talentos, os benefcios da realocao devem ser competitivos.

Os servios de destino ajudam os funcionrios a se instalarem em um novo local e podem incluir o seguinte: Orientao de rea; Registro Local; Gesto de Aluguis, Check–out de Aluguel e Gesto de Propriedade; Busca de Casa; Aconselhamento de Hipoteca; Acomodao Temporria; Assistncia de Carreira de Cnjuge e Parceiro; Ajuda com Imigrao (Regulamentos de Visto e Imigrao); Busca de Escolas para Crianas; Mudana de Animais de Estimao; Estudo de Idioma e Cultural; e Outros Servios de Adaptao.

Os dados de referncia da WHR incluem o seguinte para 56 pases:

  • O nmero mdio de dias que as empresas oferecem servios de destino e dias recomendados, por pas (por funcionrios de nvel bsico, mdio e executivo; e por tamanhos variados de famlias).
  • O acordo de leasing mais comum para expatriados, por pas.
  • Servios de destino que apresentam maior dificuldade, por pas.
  • Servios de partida oferecidos para funcionrios que saem de um local, por pas.
  • Facilidade ou dificuldade em obter depsitos de segurana de volta e o tempo de espera, por pas.
  • Servios de destino adicionais recomendados, por pas.

De acordo com o Gerente de Iniciativas Estratgicas da WHR, Sean Thrun: "O benchmarking dos servios de destino responde s principais perguntas que so essenciais para a atrao e a reteno dos funcionrios: Estou oferecendo apoio suficiente aos meus funcionrios? Devemos fornecer servios de partida ou os funcionrios podem fazer isto por conta prpria? O que os meus funcionrios precisam saber ante de se mudarem para este pas? Para o caso de funcionrios altamente especializados e difceis de serem substitudos, esse benchmark oferece orientao quanto ao nvel de servio que deve ser fornecido e ajuda os funcionrios estarem cientes do que os esperam.

O relatrio do benchmark abrangente inclui:

  • Na Alemanha, um depsito de segurana pode levar at 11 meses para ser devolvido porque o inquilino deve esperar at o final do ano para os clculos da empresa de servios pblicos sejam realizados.
  • Nas Filipinas, um provedor de servios de destino recomendou pelo menos dois dias de suporte para funcionrios iniciantes (com uma famlia de um membro) e cinco dias de suporte para funcionrios de nvel executivo (com uma famlia com trs membros).

Veja mais dados e faa o download do completo Relatrio de Benchmark de Servios de Destino para 2023 "Ask the Expert" aqui.

Sobre a WHR Global
A WHR Global (WHR) uma empresa global de gesto de relocao privada, orientada para o cliente, distinguida pela sua melhor prestao de servios e tecnologia proprietria de ponta. A WHR tem escritrios em Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sua e Cingapura. Com sua taxa de reteno de clientes de 100% na ltima dcada, o WHR continua a se posicionar como lder confivel na relocao global de funcionrios. A WHR vive por sua viso e paixo por Advancing Lives Forward e Making the Complex Simple. Para mais informao sobre a WHR, visite, ou siga–nos no LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Contato com a Mdia: Mindy Stroiman, Redatora Corporativa

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8812389)

Falcon Autotech Expands Presence in the Middle East with New Office Opening

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Falcon Autotech (Falcon) is pleased to announce the opening of its new office in Dubai, UAE, marking a significant milestone in the company's expansion into the Middle East market. The new location will enable Falcon to better serve its existing customers in the region and expand its reach to new markets and prospects.

The decision to establish a presence in the Middle East was driven by the growing demand for Falcon's solution in the region, as well as the strategic importance of Middle East as a hub for business and innovation. With a team of experienced professionals based in region, Falcon is well–positioned to support the needs of clients in a wide range of industries, including CEP, eCommerce, Fashion & Retail, FMCG, Auto and Pharma.

"We are thrilled to be opening our new office in Middle East," said Sandeep Bansal, CBO of Falcon. "This is an exciting opportunity for us to expand our global reach and provide world–class warehouse automation solutions to our customers in the Middle East. We believe that Dubai is the ideal location for us to establish a strong presence in the region, and we look forward to building strong relationships with our clients and partners in the Middle Eastern region."

Falcon has a long history of delivering innovative warehouse automation solutions and outstanding customer service to clients around the world. With the opening of its new office in Dubai, the company is poised to continue its growth and expand its reach in the Middle East.

For more information about Falcon and its products and services, please visit

Abhishek Kumar
Marketing Manager
Falcon Autotech

About Falcon:
Falcon Autotech is a global intralogistics automation solutions company. With over 10 years of experience, Falcon has worked with some of the most innovative brands in E–Commerce, CEP, Fashion, Food/FMCG, Auto, and Pharmaceutical Industries. With its proprietary software and robust hardware integration capabilities, Falcon designs, manufactures, supplies, implements, and maintains world–class warehouse automation systems globally. Falcon's strong research and development team and the continuous focus on innovation reflect our strong solution line around Sortation, Robotics, Conveying, Vision Systems, and IoT. Falcon has done over 1,800 installations across 15 countries on 4 continents.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8808835)

Anaqua Provides Platform for Intellectual Property Management to Fujitsu

BOSTON, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announced that information and communications technology company Fujitsu has adopted Anaqua's AQX platform to optimize the digital management of the company's IP portfolios.

Anaqua will provide its AQX platform to Fujitsu to seamlessly connect and enhance global collaboration among R&D sites, IP departments, and outside counsel, bringing increased efficiency to the development of IP and management of the innovation lifecycle. AQX will also help empower Fujitsu in the timely execution of their global IP strategy through the establishment of a more data–driven approach to developing and maintaining an IP portfolio that best supports the broader business. In addition, through Anaqua's cloud hosting services and commitment to security, certification processes, and compliance programming, the AQX platform will deliver a robust security environment for Fujitsu.

"We believe that the AQX IP management system, which is a global cloud service, will enable us to standardize and further enhance efficiency of IP operations, replacing our previous on–premise legacy system," said Kanna Kimura, Director of the Cloud Services Management Department of the Digital System Platform Division of Fujitsu Limited.

Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua, said: "Anaqua will provide the best support for the management and protection of Fujitsu's IP assets, which are critical in delivering the company's goal of making a more sustainable world through the power of innovation."

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech–enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision–making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment's need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua's solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company's global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Director, Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8794452)

WHR Introduces New Enterprise Business Intelligence Tool to Serve Clients

MILWAUKEE, March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced release of its newest enterprise business intelligence tool specifically designed to serve its customers' growing needs. The new tool, called WHR Insights, is a series of interactive data visualizations embedded into the WHR Client Portal that can be customized to each client's relocation programs, benefits, policies and other KPIs. WHR Insights analyzes data on employee spend (e.g., household goods shipments), survey satisfaction, policy exceptions, and individual components. The tool, free to all clients, facilitates clients making better decisions on where to relocate employees; what level of housing and other benefits to provide; and how to give the best overall support to employees during a relocation or assignment transition.

Watch a short video about WHR Insights here.

By using WHR Insights, mobility and HR teams can optimize programs, ensuring they are providing the best possible support to employees during the relocation or assignment process and in turn, increase employee satisfaction and retention. New data is refreshed nightly, allowing clients to view data in real time.

According to WHR's Strategic Initiatives Manager, Sean Thrun, “WHR Insights is the latest addition to our client technology suite. We believe interactive data analytics should be the norm in global mobility, not the exception. Through WHR Insights, all stakeholders can make informed decisions that are crucial to the success of their mobility programs. Procurement can track diversity spend, employee satisfaction and more when calculating at–risk fees per the master services agreement. Finance teams can view relocation budget forecasts and accruals, filtering by cost center or division and exporting the data instantly for further manipulation in Excel. Mobility teams start by choosing dashboard templates prebuilt by WHR, whether it's core–flex component utilization, household goods only, budget vs. actual, lump sum, policy exceptions, initiations, employee satisfaction or home sale. Then, we customize each dashboard to your program, policy and organizational structure at your request.

"With WHR Insights, companies can make informed decisions that benefit both the employee and the organization, leading to improved retention rates and increased productivity. In today's competitive business landscape, having the right solution set like WHR Insights can give companies a strategic advantage in employee relocation.”

About WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client–driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best–in–class service delivery and cutting–edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Milwaukee, Wis., Basel, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward and Making the Complex Simple. To learn more about WHR, visit, or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Media Contact: Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8754875)

New Down Syndrome Resource Available in Spanish and Japanese

DENVER, Dec. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL), published a Spanish and Japanese version of the GLOBAL Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome ("GLOBAL Adult Guideline") in collaboration with the El Centro de la Universidad Catlica de Sndrome de Down in Chile (Centro UC Sndrome de Down or CUSD) and the Japan Down Syndrome Association (JDSA).

The GLOBAL Adult Guideline is the first evidence–based guideline for adults with Down syndrome and was published in English in JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association, in 2020. The guideline authors include the directors of the largest adult Down syndrome clinics in the US, and the current nine medical topics are: behavior, dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis, atlantoaxial instability, thyroid disease, and celiac disease. GLOBAL is working to expand the topics to include sleep apnea, solid tumors, leukemia, vision/eye care, and physical therapy and fitness.

In addition to the 80–page guideline for medical professionals, GLOBAL has also published a much shorter family–friendly version, and toolkits that include easy to follow assessments for Celiac disease, Diabetes, Behavior, and annual check–ups.

All of these resources for adults are now available in Spanish and Japanese at no cost on the GLOBAL website, DS–Connect : The Down Syndrome Registry, CUSD website, and JDSA website.

"GLOBAL is pleased to be able to reach Spanish and Japanese speakers who have Down syndrome and their families in the U.S. in collaboration from the National Institutes of Health/DS–Connect ," says Michelle Sie Whitten, President & CEO of the Global Down Syndrome Foundation. "The NIH's Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development has been supportive from the beginning. We are also deeply grateful for Dr. Macarena Lizama at CUSD and Dr. Hiroshi Tamai, President of JDSA, Dr. Chisen Takeuchi of the JDSA for helping to ensure this reaches hundreds of thousands of Spanish and Japanese speakers around the world."

GLOBAL has worked with Congress since 2006 advocating for a trans–NIH Down syndrome research funding program and for increased funding. In December of 2010, GLOBAL and the NIH co–organized the first Down syndrome research conference with a focus on registries and biobanks. One important result was the establishment of DS–Connect : The Down Syndrome Registry.

"It is so important for me and other people with Down syndrome to have this in Spanish," says Yadiro Carrillo, a 32–year–old self–advocate and entrepreneur who happens to have Down syndrome. "I need to know how to take care of myself as an adult!"

"Seeing the guideline in Spanish feels like GLOBAL values Spanish –speaking families like mine," said Yadira Carrillo, mother of a 32–year–old daughter who has Down syndrome. "Language is a barrier some families face to receiving medical care and I know this will help so many people in the U.S. and internationally." In Chile, GLOBAL has been working closely with Dr. Lizama on many projects including creating the Spanish version of the GLOBAL Guideline and the COVID–19 and Down Syndrome Resource.

"What Michelle, Bryn Gelaro and their team have accomplished in research and medical care is so important," says Dr. Macarena Lizama, Medical Director of the El Centro de la Universidad Catlica de Sndrome de Down in Chile. "We are honored to collaborate with GLOBAL on this transformative resource and to improve medical equity, especially for Spanish–speaking countries where medical care access and basic resources for people with Down syndrome can be very scarce. I will be very proud to use this resource in my clinic and share it with my colleagues and families."

Dr. Hiroshi Tamai echoes this sentiment, "We are grateful for the collaboration we have had with GLOBAL and to have this important resource in Japanese is a dream come true. My daughter and thousands of Japanese adults with Down syndrome will surely benefit. We look forward to working with GLOBAL and adding new medical areas in the next few years."

GLOBAL is currently working with the Ministries of Health in both Chile and Japan to ensure the guidelines are available free of charge and easily findable on their disability home pages.

To learn more about the GLOBAL Adult Guideline and download your copy today, visit–care–guidelines–for–adults/

To learn more about Global Down Syndrome Foundation, visit

About Global Down Syndrome Foundation
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL) is the largest non–profit in the U.S. working to save lives and dramatically improve health outcomes for people with Down syndrome. GLOBAL has donated more than $32 million to establish the first Down syndrome research institute supporting over 400 scientists and over 2,200 patients with Down syndrome from 33 states and 10 countries. Working closely with Congress and the National Institutes of Health, GLOBAL is the lead advocacy organization in the U.S. for Down syndrome research and care. GLOBAL has a membership of over 100 Down syndrome organizations worldwide, and is part of a network of Affiliates "" the"Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, the"Sie Center for Down Syndrome, and the"University of Colorado Alzheimer's and Cognition Center""" all on the Anschutz Medical Campus.

GLOBAL's widely circulated medical publications include"Global Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome,"Prenatal & Newborn Down Syndrome Information and the award–winning magazine"Down Syndrome World"TM". GLOBAL also organizes the"Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show, the largest Down syndrome fundraiser in the world. Visit and follow us on social media (Facebook & Twitter: @GDSFoundation, Instagram: @globaldownsyndrome).

While content of this press release and the GLOBAL Guideline was developed by GLOBAL and the GLOBAL Guideline Authors, we are unable and do not intend to provide medical advice or legal advice to individuals. Please contact your health care provider(s) or legal advisor(s) for questions specific to your individual health history or care.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8721542)