BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions breaks ground on new green hydrogen investment in Budenheim, Germany

  • New facility will produce electrolysis and fuel cell components to support the global energy transition
  • Production is planned to commence in the summer of 2025
  • Joint investment with other partners

BUDENHEIM, Germany, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) commenced construction of its first state–of–the–art production facility for green hydrogen and fuel cell components in Budenheim, Germany, near Frankfurt. The products produced at this site will include newly developed low–iridium–loaded catalyst coated membranes (CCMs), a key functional part for proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis. This will complement the Celtec® membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for high–temperature fuel cells, which will also be produced at the facility. MEAs are critical components in fuel cells that enable hydrogen together with oxygen from the air to be converted efficiently into electricity.

The ECMS hydrogen business operates globally, with activities in Europe, North America and Asia. As the renewable energy ecosystem develops rapidly, the production of green hydrogen from water electrolysis will become a crucial pillar in supporting the global energy transition. The new facility will enable the commercial launch of newly developed CCMs for PEM electrolyzers with multi–gigawatt capacity to serve the global market. This investment allows ECMS to expand its capabilities in precious metals, catalysts and recycling, positioning itself as an integrated, full–loop, end–to–end solution provider across a range of product lines in the green hydrogen space.

“This new site in Budenheim fulfills a key part of our global strategy for hydrogen,” said Tim Ingle, Senior Vice President of Precious Metal Services and Recycling for ECMS. “As a global leader in precious metals services and catalyst recycling, the investment solidifies our support for the growing hydrogen economy with circular solutions that improve performance and reduce costs for PEM electrolyzers and fuel cells.”

“Our new products have progressed successfully from R&D into pilot scale. Production in Budenheim signifies a major milestone for the market introduction of these products and positions us in a strong place to leverage this sizeable business opportunity,” said Saeed Alerasool, Senior Vice President R&D and Application for ECMS.

The opening of the Budenheim site is planned for the summer of 2025. The facility, on the premises of an industrial site, is situated in the center of Europe within the Rhein–Main metropolitan area. The project is being developed with Trigona Fuel Cell Components GmbH and Grundstücksverwaltung Rheinufer GmbH & Co. KG.

About BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions

Leveraging its deep expertise as a global leader in catalysis and precious metals, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) serves customers in many industries including automotive, aerospace, indoor air quality, semiconductors, and hydrogen economy, and provides full loop services with its precious metals trading and recycling offering. With a focus on circular solutions and sustainability, ECMS is committed to helping our customers create a cleaner, more sustainable world. Protecting the elements of life is our purpose and this inspires us to ever–new solutions. ECMS operates globally in 16 countries with over 4,500 employees and 21 production sites.

Media Relations contact:
Betsy Arnone
+1 973–519–9808
Email: betsy.arnone@basf–
Additional contact:
Katarzyna Postawa
+48 882001062
Email: katarzyna.postawa@basf–
33 S. Wood Ave
Iselin, NJ 08830

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–bb57–4ebf–9a9c–411bbbfa7787

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9175995)

شركة GEMXX Corporation تُعلن انضمام Ali S. Abood إلى مجلس إدارة Latin Energy Partners

لاس فيجاس،, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

من خلال IBNيسر شركة GEMXX Corporation (المتداولة خارج البورصة تحت الرمز: GEMZ) (والمشار إليها فيما يلي بلفظGEMXXأوالشركة“)، أن تعلن عن انضمام Ali S. Abood إلى مجلس إدارة ذراعها الاستثماري الرئيسي، Latin Energy Partners. تأتي هذه الإضافة الاستراتيجية إلى مجلس الإدارة لتتواءم مع التزام شركة GEMXX بتعزيز محفظتها الاستثمارية وتوسيع تأثيرها في قطاع الطاقة الإقليمي.

يمتلك Ali S. Abood خبرات هائلة في قطاعات الأعمال الدولية والتمويل والاستشارات، مع التركيز بصفة خاصة على سوق الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا. وتشمل خبراته العريضة شغل مناصب إدارية رفيعة وأدوار استشارية في العديد من المؤسسات متعددة الجنسيات، في قطاعات منها لتعدين والطاقة وتداول السلع والخدمات المالية.

إن الروح الريادية للسيد/ Abood واستراتيجياته التسويقية المبتكرة نجحت على الدوام في ضمان صفقات عمل هائلة لعملائه. كما أن خبرته في ترتيب التمويل من خلال وكالات الائتمان الحكومية الدولية والقروض المشتركة كانت عاملاً مساعدًا في تسهيل صفقات تجارية كبرى. تشمل المناصب البارزة خلال حياته العملية المميزة شغله مناصب رفيعة لدى شركة Esso (Exxon) والبنك التجاري السعودي، إلى جانب مناصبه الاستشارية في شركات الدفاع والهندسة والعديد من شركات التكنولوجيا.

وفي معرض تعليقه على هذه المناسبة، قال السيد/ Abood “لقد ساعدت خبراتي الهائلة في الأعمال والتمويل الدولي، لا سيما في قطاع الطاقة، في إعدادي بشكل جيد لشغل هذا المنصب البارز. ولا يوجد أي تكتل نفطي بري آخر يمتلك مثل هذه الإمكانيات التي تصل لإنتاج عدة مليارات من البراميل. إنني أتطلع إلى الاستفادة من خبراتي في ترسيخ علاقات عمل وتوفير فرص تمويل رئيسية ترتقي بشركة Latin Energy Partners إلى آفاق جديدة”.

السيد/ Abood حاصل على درجة علمية في تجارة الأعمال ويمتلك مؤهلات احترافية في المحاسبة والتمويل، وبهذا تعزز خلفيته الأكاديمية خبراته العملية. وهو يشتهر بمهارات التفاوض الدبلوماسية وعلاقاته مع شخصيات سياسية وتجارية رفيعة المستوى في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وحول العالم، ومن ثم فهو يتبوأ مكانة جيدة للمساهمة في النمو والنجاح الاستراتيجي لشركة Latin Energy Partners.

وبهذه المناسبة، قال Richard Clowater، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة GEMXX Corporation “نشعر بالحماسة للإعلان عن انضمام Ali S. Abood إلى مجلس إدارة Latin Energy Partners“. وأضاف “إن خبراته العريضة وسجله الحافل في ضمان علاقات عمل قوية وتوفير التمويل للمؤسسات تمثل قيمة لا تُقدر بثمن في إطار سعينا لتوسيع استثماراتنا في قطاع الطاقة. إننا واثقون من أن قيادة السيد/ Abood وأفكاره الثاقبة سوف تعزز النمو الهائل والنجاح الكبير لشركة Latin Energy Partners“.

شركة Latin Energy Partners هي شركة رائدة ناشئة ومستقلة عاملة في قطاع الاستكشاف والإنتاج تعمل على استكشاف احتياطيات الهيدروكربونات الهائلة في أمريكا اللاتينية، وهي واحدة من مناطق الهيدروكربونات على مستوى العالم التي لم تحظ بالقدر الكافي من الاستكشاف. تأتي مساعينا مدعومة بحقوق ملكية فكرية شاملة وفهم قوي للبيئة الجيولوجية الإقليمية.

وتُقدم Latin Energy Partners نفسها باعتبارها شركة رائدة محتملة في قطاع “أصول النفط والغاز” بأمريكا اللاتينية وتلتزم بالتطور المستدام والمسؤول للموارد الطبيعية من خلال تطبيق أساليب صديقة للبيئة والمجتمع بشكل عام.

للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: Latin Energy Partners

شركة GEMXX Corporation (المتداولة خارج البورصة تحت الرمز: GEMZ؛ $GEMZ) هي شركة عامة مدرجة في البورصة متخصصة في التعدين وإنتاج الذهب والأحجار الكريمة والمجوهرات وتوصيلها للأسواق العالمية. كما تعمل الشركة على التوسيع الاستراتيجي لنموذج أعمالها بحيث يشمل تمويل حقوق الملكية الخاصة لاستكشاف حقول النفط المحتملة العملاقة والهائلة في أمريكا اللاتينية. تمثل قناة الأعمال الجديدة هذه خطوة محسوبة لتحديد الأحواض النادرة أو التي يتم تجاهلها أو التي لم تشهد أعمال استكشاف كافية والتي يسود اعتقاد بأنها تشتمل على احتياطيات نفطية هائلة.

وفي ضوء الانتشار العالمي لشركة GEMXX Corporation والتزامها الراسخ بالتميز والابتكار، فإنها تتبوأ مكانة قوية تتيح لها استكشاف بيئة الأسواق المتطورة وتحفيز النجاح طويل الأجل لمساهميها.

للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: GEMXX Corporation

بيان الملاذ الآمن

يشتمل هذا الإصدار الصحفي على بيانات استشرافية تهدف إلى توفير ملاذ آمن من الالتزام المقرر في ضوء قانون إصلاح التقاضي للأوراق المالية الخاصة الأمريكي لعام 1995. تشتمل هذه البيانات على كلمات من قبيل “يؤمن”، و”يتوقع”، و”يتنبأ”، و”يخطط” وتنطوي على مخاطر وشكوك قد تؤدي إلى اختلاف النتائج الفعلية بشكل جوهري. تشمل هذه المخاطر، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، قدرتنا على الابتكار والتكيف مع تغيرات القطاع وتوسيع قاعدة عملائنا والتنافس بفاعلية والحفاظ على الاستقرار المالي وإدارة آليات الأسواق العامة. تنطبق البيانات الاستشرافية على تاريخ إعدادها فقط ولا نتحمل أي التزام بتحديث أي بيانات استشرافية.

توقيع /S/ Richard Clowater، الرئيس التنفيذي
GEMXX Corporation

للحصول على مزيد من لمعلومات، يُرجى التواصل مع:

اتصالات الشركات:
Los Angeles, California
Office 310.299.1717

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9169168)

GEMXX Corporation Announces Ali S. Abood Joining the Board of Latin Energy Partners

LAS VEGAS, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via IBN — GEMXX Corporation (OTC: GEMZ) (“GEMXX” or the “Company”), GEMXX Corporation is pleased to announce that Ali S. Abood has joined the board of our primary investment target, Latin Energy Partners. This strategic addition to the board aligns with GEMXX's commitment to strengthening its investment portfolio and expanding its influence in the global energy sector.

Ali S. Abood brings a wealth of experience in international business, finance, and consultancy, with a particular focus on the Middle East and Africa. His extensive career includes senior directorships and advisory roles in numerous multinational corporations, spanning sectors such as mining, energy, commodity trading, and financial services.

Mr. Abood's entrepreneurial spirit and innovative marketing strategies have consistently secured substantial business deals for his clients. His expertise in arranging funding through international government credit agencies and syndicated loans has been instrumental in facilitating major business transactions. Notable roles in his distinguished career include key positions at Esso (Exxon) and the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia, as well as consultancy work for defense, engineering, and various technology firms.

“My extensive experience in international business and finance, particularly in the energy sector, has prepared me well for this exciting role. No other onshore oil blocks have this multi–billion–barrel potential. I look forward to leveraging my expertise to secure key business relationships and funding opportunities that will drive Latin Energy Partners to new heights,” commented Mr. Abood.

With a Business Commerce degree and professional qualifications in Accountancy and Finance, Mr. Abood's academic background complements his practical experience. Known for his diplomatic negotiation skills and high–level political and senior business contacts in the Middle East, Africa and around the world, he is well–positioned to contribute to the strategic growth and success of Latin Energy Partners.

“We are thrilled to announce Ali S. Abood has joined the board of Latin Energy Partners,” said Richard Clowater, CEO of GEMXX Corporation. “His extensive experience and proven track record in securing significant business relationships and funding will be invaluable as we continue to expand our investments in the energy sector. We are confident that Mr. Abood's leadership and insights will drive substantial growth and success for Latin Energy Partners.”

Latin Energy Partners is an emerging leader and an independent E&P company involved in exploring significant hydrocarbon reserves in Latin America, one of the world’s underexplored hydrocarbon regions. Our endeavors are supported by comprehensive intellectual property and a robust understanding of the regional geological landscape.

Latin Energy Partners positions itself to be a potential leader in “Oil & Gas Assets” in Latin America and is committed to sustainably and responsibly developing natural resources by employing techniques that are friendly to the environment and society at large.

For more information visit: Latin Energy Partners

GEMXX Corporation (OTC: GEMZ; $GEMZ) is a publicly traded, mine–to–market gold, gemstone and jewelry producer with global reach. The company is also strategically expanding its business model to include private equity funding for the exploration of potential giant and super–giant oil fields in Latin America. This new business channel represents a calculated move to identify rare, overlooked or underexplored basins believed to contain substantial oil reserves.

With a global reach and a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation, GEMXX Corporation is well–positioned to navigate the evolving market landscape and drive long–term success for its shareholders.

For more information, please visit: GEMXX Corporation


This press release contains forward–looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include words such as “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” and “plans,” and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These risks include, but are not limited to, our ability to innovate and adapt to industry changes, expand our customer base, compete effectively, maintain financial stability, and manage public market dynamics. Forward–looking statements are made as of the date hereof, and we disclaim any obligation to update any forward–looking statements.

Signed, /S/ Richard Clowater, CEO
GEMXX Corporation

For further information, please contact:

Corporate Communications:
Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9168350)

IG ASIA Acquires Majority Interest in the Pribrezhniy Porphyry Copper Deposit in the Republic of Kazakhstan

CHARLESTOWN, Nevis, May 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IG ASIA LLC (“IG Asia” or the “Company”), a private Nevis based company, is pleased to announce it has entered into a conditional agreement with Rio Tinto International Holdings Limited (the “Vendor”) to acquire its 75% ownership interest in the Pribrezhniy porphyry copper deposit (>1Mt contained copper) and five additional underexplored prospect areas located in the most prolific porphyry belt in the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “Project”, Figure 1) (the “Transaction”). On completion of the Transaction, IG Asia will acquire 75% of the Project which has a scoping level engineering analysis performed by Rio Tinto Exploration Kazakhstan.   The remaining 25% of the joint venture is owned by KazGeology, a Kazakhstan state geological resources entity. Ongoing exploration work has demonstrated significant potential for expansion and further discovery.


  • Transaction supports IG Asia’s path toward becoming a leading regional copper explorer and developer

    • This asset is a flagship project for IG Asia alongside its TN5 project in Mongolia. TN5 is located between world class Oyu Tolgoi and Kharmagtai deposits of Rio Tinto and Xanadu Mines where the target is a large Tier 1 copper–gold–molybdenum porphyry.
    • The Company is proposing technical work at Pribrezhniy with the objective of further increasing upside in the project through a combination of increased mineral inventory and optimized processing.
  • Pribrezhniy is ideally located within an established mining district
    • The Project is located in the most prolific porphyry belt in the Republic of Kazakhstan containing several commercial discoveries such as the Aktogay (2.2Bt @ 0.37% Cu), Taysogan, Sayak and Kounrad deposits.
    • Located at the eastern end of the Kounrad group of copper deposits it boasts excellent mining infrastructure with access to power, water, a dual line railway and smelter in the district.
    • The Project license area covers 832km2 of exploration ground with the exploration stage of the license being valid until February 2029 to produce a feasibility study on Pribrezhniy and advance two additional prospects within the license.
  • Transaction terms are focused squarely on the path to project and mine development
    • Upon completion of the Transaction, the Company shall pay the Vendor USD 2.23M primarily for reimbursement of exploration work performed in 2023.
    • Additional expenditures of USD 11M to reach a prefeasibility level project by 2029.
    • An additional one–time payment of USD 20M and a NSR royalty are due to the Vendor upon reaching certain nameplate production milestones.

Richard Leveille, former VP Exploration for Freeport McMoran and Director and Chief Copper Consultant for IG Asia commented, ” The Pribrezhniy acquisition represents a unique opportunity for IG Asia to leapfrog from a greenfields explorer to having a scoping–level project near excellent infrastructure in a favorable mining–friendly jurisdiction.

Thomas E. Bowens, founder and Executive Director of IG Asia states, “The acquisition of the Pribrezhniy deposit is a major development for IG Global and our IG Asia subsidiary. In just over two years our team has advanced IG Asia from a green fields exploration company to a multi tiered exploration and development company. The Pribrezhniy acquisition provides IGA with an advanced copper molybdenum porphyry deposit that has undergone a successful scoping study indicating robust economics. This acquisition provides a major step forward for the company and adds substantial value to our current portfolio of copper, gold and lithium brine projects underway in Kazakhstan and Mongolia.   I am very proud of our outstanding IG Asia team. IG Asia is well underway to becoming a major force in the mineral exploration and mining industry in Central Asia.”

Figure 1: Location of Pribrezhniy and other deposit areas of interest. P1 = Pribrezhniy; P2 = Prikounradsky; S1 = South Kounrad, NE1 & NE2 = Pribrezhniy Northeast & Northwest. Shabigon is an exclave located 120km west of the main area.


Pribrezhniy represents the eastward end of the Kounrad group of copper deposits. The geology comprises typical A, B and D veins in a porphyry system encompassing breccia zones and alteration hosted by monzogranite, monzogranite porphyry and tonalite (Figure 2). Copper mineralization is associated with a late monzonite porphyry phase, but mineralization is also found in an earlier phase of monzogranite that forms a wide arc (Northern, Southern and Eastern Zones).

An additional intrusive phase of monzogranite was assumed to form a barren core. However, at the end of the final evaluation drilling campaign (over 50,000m of diamond drilling was carried out by Rio Tinto Exploration Kazakhstan between 2018–2023), significant intercepts of mineralised breccia were encountered in the previously untested central ‘barren’ monzogranite in the last few diamond drill holes, including (refer to Table 1 and Appendix A herein):

Table 1: Summary of selected significant intercepts over down–the–hole thicknesses at campaign end.

Drillhole ID Lithology Downhole
interval (m)
Weighted ave.,
Cu %
Weighted ave.,
Ag g/t
PRIB0109 Breccia Hydrothermal 124.7 0.74 2.7
PRIB0111 Breccia Hydrothermal 64.0 0.34 1.3
PRIB0112 Monzogranite 43.6 0.47 0.9

Figure 2:
Geology of Pribrezhniy showing north and south mineralized zones either side of a barren core of monzogranite. Holes highlighted in blue are for geotechnical sampling to support starter open pits, 2023 series holes are shown in red. IG developed oxide ore zone subtypes shown in insets: blanket oxide = BOX (red) and supergene subtypes = SUPER (blue) are shown for each zone.

Figure 3: Mineralised core intercepts from drillhole P98, Eastern Zone

a) Oxide.78.8m depth. Hematite–goethite–jarosite weathering with malachite. 40.0m @ 0.39% Cu

Sulphide. 199.8m depth. Quartz–chalcopyrite–molybdenite veinlet dissemination with sericite alteration. 18.0m @ 0.64% Cu

Figure 4: Examples of mineralised veinsets from Eastern Zone

a) P105, 207m depth. B–type quartz–pyrite–chalcopyrite–molybdenite vein in monzodiorite

b) P106, 168m depth. Quartz–chalcopyrite D–type with sericite selvage cutting rejuvenated A–veins with K–feldspar in granodiorite

Robust metallurgical, hydrogeological, geotechnical and environmental studies were carried out between 2018–2020 to advance a scoping level study including an estimate of mineral inventory:

Table 2: Global Geology mineral inventory after 2021–2022

OXIDE ONLY 80 213 0.27 0.27
COMBINED SULPHIDE 722 2,275 100 0.31 0.014 0.38

 * Cu equivalent is calculated on a price deck of USD9,000/t for copper and USD44,000/t for molybdenum according to the formula: Cu eq. grade = [(Cu price x Cu grade + Mo price x Mo grade)/Cu price x Cu grade] x Cu grade

Prices are based on rounding down the LME daily metal price for 10 April 2024 to Cu = USD4.2/lb and Mo = USD20/lb

Image 1: Copper oxide mineralization in weathered granite


IG Asia performed its own optimization and NSR studies to produce a high–level financial analysis based on the following mineral inventory for a stand–alone heap leach operation recovering from oxide and a combined oxide + hypogene operation where cash flow is generated from oxide during construction of the sulphide concentrator. Both bottom–lines for each scenario were positive with profitability indices >1. Silver, in addition, is present in sufficient quantities in the copper concentrate (up to 70ppm in Cu scavenger circuits) to be a credit in a smelter contract and the Company will look to include it in future resource estimates.

Table 3: In–Pit Mineralisation (satisficer shells) 2023

IRR % Profit
OXIDE ONLY 0.89 43 0.29 119 162 2.74 $147 4.3 2 53 >2
0.62 700 0.24 301 1,001 0.43 $716 26.4 9 18 1.6

Given the very favourable economic conditions, enhanced by excellent mining infrastructure (access to power, water, dual line railway and smelter in the district), IG embarked on producing a preliminary 3D model of oxide ore subtypes based on extracting acid leachable copper and cyanide leachable copper phase analyses from the Vendor’s comprehensive database:

  • AsCu >65% = BOX (will heap leach)
  • AsCu 50–64% = OTHER (may heap leach if blended)
  • CNCu >35% = SUPER (will heap leach)

To yield an estimation of heap leachable oxide resources. Volumes and tonnages for each mineral category are quoted at 0.1% Cu cut–off grade:

Table 4: IG in–house preliminary estimates of oxide ore subtypes based on drill data up to November 2023.

Name   Volume m3 Tonnage t Grade Cu % In–situ Cu content t
1 BOX   6 452 000 16 711 000 0.29 49 000
2 SUPER   11 095 000 28 736 000 0.26 75 000
3 OTHER   916 000 2 374 000 0.28 6 000
    Total potentially leachable 47 821 000 0.27 130 000

The estimates represent an order of magnitude assessment, given wide data spacing and lack of rigorous application of mining modifying factors but can be used as an optimistic scenario for an 8–10–year SX/EW operation fed from within the Prebrezhniy deposit area alone.


IG Asia will use the expenditure commitment of USD 9M to February 2029 to carry out the following strategy:

  • Oxide Only Project
    • Fully outline and define resources, particularly supergene, eastern extensions and centre within the Pribrezhniy deposit and investigate oxide copper concentrations at the other prospects within the license.
    • Perform heap leach specific testwork on representative ore subtypes.
  • Combined Sulphide Project
    • Fully outline newly discovered high–grade breccia from surface –with an aim to define the full extent of the higher–grade breccia ‘sweetener’.
    • Improve sulphide resource definition.
    • Increase level of accuracy in project metrics including water management plan to benefit local users where water is a scarce resource.
  • Definition Phase Studies
    Three main study areas to complete are:
    • Comprehensive ESIA including upgraded 3D hydrogeological model integrated with a water management plan.
    • Preliminary oxide Mine Development Project Plan on SXEW operation over 8 yr LoM.
    • Combined oxide + sulphide Pre–Feasibility Study at +/– 30% level of accuracy.

Image 2: Drilling at Central Zone, Pribrezhniy

Qualified Person, Technical Information 

Steve McRobbie, MAusIMM. Vice President Projects of IG Asia LLC, has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, and has prepared, validated and approved the technical and scientific content of this news release.

About IG Asia

IG Asia is focused on world class opportunities in the mineral–rich countries of Kazakhstan and Mongolia. On the heels of IG Global Group’s successful exploration and discoveries at IG Copper and IG Tintic, founder Thomas E. Bowens formed IG Asia recognizing the vast mineral discovery potential of Kazakhstan and Mongolia, and the opportunity presented by the modernization of their attractive foreign investment frameworks.  IGG’s exceptional technical team and regional experience is its strategic advantage. For more information:

About IG Global Group LLC

IGG is a private international holding company focused on the exploration and development of world class mineral deposits. The Company’s activities include mineral exploration, mining operations and mining services. Founded in 2010 by Thomas E. Bowens, a Certified Professional Geologist, with degrees in Economics, Geological Engineering (Magna Cum Laude) and a master’s degree in Geology (the latter two from the Colorado School of Mines).  IGG brings together experienced professionals who are innovators in their fields with selected technical consultants who are well–versed in the latest industry exploration and mine development techniques and technologies. For more information

CONTACT Steven McRobbie, VP Projects:
  Stephanie Ashton, VP Business Development:


SELECTED DRILL RESULTS FROM FINAL HOLES OF RTX’S 2023 DRILLING CAMPAIGN (Refer Figure 2 for location on the deposit)

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–5401–466d–bfdc–941282c35801–26c6–44dd–aee1–0d551e051d0f–9818–4633–bba3–e7263f5a1138–071b–44a0–be42–11d9a765d9b1–291c–4d86–aad3–061088fa1ac0–d3fa–4446–84af–2f6981335acc–2490–4e2d–a319–03e351a8980b–43f7–4001–b883–ef9b4403faad–f575–439b–8ae8–26abf3e6a72c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9109617)

Two Anglo American mines are first African iron ore operations audited against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining

SEATTLE, March 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today the Initiative for Responsible Mining (IRMA) released the audits of Kumba Iron Ore’s Kolomela and Sishen iron ore operations against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. Independent audit firm ERM–CVS assessed both operations at IRMA 75 when measuring their performance against the Standard’s best practice social and environmental criteria. Kumba Iron Ore is an Anglo American subsidiary.

The IRMA 75 achievement level means that ERM–CVS verified that the operations at least substantially met all 40 critical requirements of the IRMA Standard, as well as at least 75% of the Standard’s criteria in each of the four principle areas: social responsibility, environmental responsibility, business integrity and planning for positive legacies. The full audit reports are available on the Kolomela and Sishen audit pages on the IRMA website.

“The information stakeholders need to decide what’s going well — and what may require more attention.”

“This report demonstrates that mines can point to transparent, independent evaluations of their environmental and social performance,” said Aimee Boulanger, Executive Director of IRMA. “Through detailed IRMA audit reports, mining companies, communities and companies that purchase mined materials can gain the information they need to decide what’s going well — and what may require more attention — at specific mines.”

As the IRMA Standard is recognized and adopted around the globe, these audits are first steps in a deepening dialogue between mining companies and those affected by their operations. Because the process is still evolving, IRMA cautions that the results should be reviewed and interpreted accordingly.

“These mines began audits during the early COVID years. Their timelines were delayed by travel challenges, and then the company’s decision to use the optional corrective action period to make improvements. The public has long awaited opportunity to review the information included here, and we applaud Anglo American for volunteering these mines for audit against such comprehensive criteria.” Ms. Boulanger went on to say, “That said, the IRMA Standard is relatively new for companies that volunteer to be audited, and even our accredited auditors are still learning. The same is true for community members and workers who are interviewed as part of the process, some of whom may not yet feel comfortable engaging. So, the Kolomela and Sishen audits need to be read with this in mind.”

The reports also provide an honest accounting of IRMA’s progress as the Standard and assessment process continue to mature.

“If the results don't fully reflect the experience of communities, Indigenous rights holders or other affected groups, we want to hear from them,” Ms. Boulanger said. “We’ll help them communicate with the company to better understand its performance, and with the auditors on any issues they feel were overlooked in the review. This is a cornerstone of our own commitment to transparency. We invite anyone who has criticisms of our work to join us in making it better. Finding ways to improve is built into our system — and a measure of its success.”

The IRMA Standard is being updated in 2024; input on how to improve the IRMA Standard is welcomed. Chapters in the IRMA Standard include requirements on protection to human rights, water resources, worker health and safety, biodiversity, Indigenous free, prior, informed consent and more.

“Committing to an IRMA audit reflects our desire to improve and our openness to dialogue.”

Mpumi Zikalala, Chief Executive for Kumba Iron Ore said, “Our achievement of IRMA 75 for Kolomela and Sishen mines is testament to the hard work of our teams. The result is informed by evidence from a diverse range of stakeholders including employees, governments, NGOs, and communities alike. This invaluable input will drive our ongoing efforts to enhance sustainability performance. Achieving excellent results in IRMA audits serves as recognition and proof of our commitment to high standards, best practices, transparency and assurance.”

Including Kolomela and Sishen, 19 industrial–scale mines worldwide are within the IRMA independent assessment system. After an initial self–assessment, a participating mine engages a third–party audit firm — trained and approved by IRMA — to conduct a detailed independent evaluation, including on–site visits to the mine and nearby communities. Following the release of the initial audit, a shorter surveillance audit checks on the mine’s performance. Three years after the initial audit, the operation is fully audited again (Note: The first mines audited in the IRMA system have had extensions to this timeline due to Covid delays and launch–phase learning; updated full reviews will be required to maintain or increase achievement scores.)

The independent IRMA system is the only global mining standard that provides equal power to the public sector (communities and Indigenous rights holders, mine workers, and environmental and human rights advocates) alongside the private sector (mining companies, mined materials purchasers and investors).


4 April Webinar
WHAT: Learn about the meaning of the audit results, and how stakeholders can make use of the increased transparency an IRMA audit provides. All registrants will receive a webinar recording. Scheduled for 1 hour, the webinar will reserve at least 30 minutes for Q&A.


  • IRMA Executive Director Aimee Boulanger
  • IRMA Africa Regional Lead Davidzo Muchawaya
  • Kumba Iron Ore Head of Corporate Affairs Pranill Ramchander
  • IRMA Assurance Director Michelle Smith

WHEN: Thursday, 4 April, 2pm South Africa time

HOW: Register at–sishen–release–webinar

For More Information:


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079853)

Two Anglo American mines are first South African operations audited against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining

Amandelbult and Mototolo achieve IRMA 50 and IRMA 75, respectively

SEATTLE, Feb. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today the Initiative for Responsible Mining (IRMA) released the audits of Anglo American’s Amandelbult and Mototolo PGM operations against the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining. Independent audit firm ERM–CVS assessed Amandelbult at IRMA 50 and Mototolo at IRMA 75 when measuring their performance against the Standard’s best practice social and environmental criteria.

IRMA also released the surveillance (interim) audit for Anglo’s Unki PGM operation in Zimbabwe, as conducted by audit firm SCS Global. In 2021, Unki achieved IRMA 75 in IRMA’s first–ever on–site audit; a surveillance audit is a more limited check–in, so it does not result in further detailed scoring but rather provides updates on performance.

IRMA 50 or 75 means that ERM–CVS verified that the operations at least substantially met all 40 critical requirements of the IRMA Standard, as well as at least 50 or 75% of the Standard’s criteria in each of the four principle areas: social responsibility, environmental responsibility, business integrity and planning for positive legacies. The full audit reports are available on the Amandelbult and Mototolo audit pages, as well as Unki’s surveillance report, on the IRMA website.

“The information stakeholders need to decide what’s going well — and what may require more attention.”

“This report demonstrates that mines can point to transparent, independent evaluations of their environmental and social performance,” said Aimee Boulanger, Executive Director of IRMA. “Through detailed IRMA audit reports, mining companies, communities and companies that purchase mined materials can gain the information they need to decide what’s going well — and what may require more attention — at specific mines.”

As the IRMA Standard is recognized and adopted around the globe, these audits are first steps in a deepening dialogue between mining companies and those affected by their operations. Because the process is still evolving, IRMA cautions that the initial results should be reviewed and interpreted accordingly.

“These mines began audits during the early Covid years. The timeline was delayed by travel challenges, and then the company’s decision to use the optional corrective action period to make improvements. The public has long awaited opportunity to review the information included here, and we applaud Anglo American for volunteering these mines for audit against such comprehensive criteria.” Ms. Boulanger went on to say, “That said, the IRMA Standard is relatively new for companies that volunteer to be audited, and even our accredited auditors are still learning. The same is true for community members and workers who are interviewed as part of the process, some of whom may not yet feel comfortable engaging. So, the Amandelbult and Mototolo audits need to be read with this in mind.”

The reports also provide an honest accounting of IRMA’s progress as the Standard and assessment process continue to mature.

“If the results don't fully reflect the experience of communities, Indigenous rights holders or other affected groups, we want to hear from them,” Ms. Boulanger said. “We’ll help them communicate with the company to better understand its performance, and with the auditors on any issues they feel were overlooked in the review. This is a cornerstone of our own commitment to transparency. We invite anyone who has criticisms of our work to join us in making it better. Finding ways to improve is built into our system — and a measure of its success.”

The IRMA Standard is being updated in 2024; input on how to improve the IRMA Standard is welcomed. Chapters in the IRMA Standard include requirements on protection to human rights, water resources, worker health and safety, biodiversity, Indigenous free, prior, informed consent and more.

“Committing to an IRMA audit reflects our desire to improve and our openness to dialogue.”

Craig Miller, CEO of Anglo American Platinum said, “This significant milestone at Mototolo and Amandelbult mines in our overall adoption of IRMA enables us to promote transparency and best practice in sustainability, while adding value to our global customers by helping them to meet increasing expectations for responsibly mined materials in an efficient and credible way. With Unki mine achieving IRMA 75 in 2021, and now the achievements of Mototolo with IRMA 75 and Amandelbult with IRMA 50, we are continuing to make great progress towards our sustainable mining plan target of having all our mining operations assured against a recognised responsible mining standard by 2025.”

Including Amandelbult, Mototolo and Unki, 19 industrial–scale mines worldwide are within the IRMA independent assessment system. After an initial self–assessment, a participating mine engages a third–party audit firm — trained and approved by IRMA — to conduct a detailed independent evaluation, including on–site visits to the mine and nearby communities. Following the release of the initial audit, a shorter surveillance audit checks on the mine’s performance. Three years after the initial audit, the operation is fully audited again (Note: The first mines audited in the IRMA system have had extensions to this timeline due to Covid delays and launch–phase learning; updated full reviews will be required to maintain or increase achievement scores.)

The independent IRMA system is the only global mining standard that provides equal power to the public sector (communities and Indigenous rights holders, mine workers, and environmental and human rights advocates) alongside the private sector (mining companies, mined materials purchasers and investors).

Learn more at the Feb 27th Webinar Q&A

  • Tuesday, 27 Feb, 4pm South Africa time (UTC+2)
  • Speakers:
    IRMA Executive Director Aimee Boulanger,
    IRMA Africa Regional Lead Davidzo Muchawaya
    IRMA Assurance Director Michelle Smith,
    Anglo American Platinum Head of Sustainability Stephen Bullock
  • A discussion and Q&A about the meaning of the audit results, and how the increased transparency an IRMA audit provides can be used by stakeholders to improve the operation.
  • All registrants will receive a recording.

For More Information:


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9038587)

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) completes acquisition of Arc Metal AB in Sweden

  • Acquisition adds smelting capability to serve spent automotive catalyst customers in Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Complements ECMS’s global recycling operations and precious metal services
  • Broadens range of materials that can be processed by ECMS

ISELIN, N.J., Feb. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) has completed the acquisition of Arc Metal AB in Hofors, Sweden. The asset purchase adds toll smelting and processing of spent automotive catalyst in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and further complements ECMS’s existing global precious metal recycling operations in Cinderford, UK, Seneca and Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Caldwell, Texas, USA.

“We are thrilled to officially welcome our new colleagues with the successful acquisition of Arc Metal,” said Tim Ingle, Senior Vice President, Precious Metal Services and Recycling, ECMS. “Now we can turn our attention to growing our recycling business in EMEA by meeting increased customer demand for spent automotive recycling and utilizing our expanded capabilities to process high carbon containing materials, like silicon carbide found in spent automotive catalyst materials.”

The additional smelting capacity at the Sweden site will also increase utilization of new refinery capacity in Seneca, South Carolina. Recycled catalysts go through a smelting process and are then refined to produce the high purity precious metal needed to make new catalysts and other end use products, supporting a circular economy.

In addition, the acquisition bolsters ECMS’s ability to deliver its 100 percent recycled metal offering Verdium™, which is based on mass balance. Recycled platinum group metals can lower carbon emissions by up to 97 percent, in comparison to refining mined or primary materials1. One kilogram of Verdium saves over thirty metric tons of carbon, enabling customers to verify their carbon reduction, track progress to their sustainability goals and help lower their Scope 3 emissions. UL Solutions has provided independent, third–party validation of the physical chain of custody and mass balance accounting of Verdium.

To learn more about BASF’s recycling business, visit

1 Source: Sphera Solutions GmbH (2022): GaBi Database Edition 2022, SP37

About BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions
Leveraging its deep expertise as a global leader in catalysis and precious metals, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) serves customers in many industries including automotive, aerospace, indoor air quality, semiconductors, and hydrogen economy, and provides full loop services with its precious metals trading and recycling offering. With a focus on circular solutions and sustainability, ECMS is committed to helping our customers create a cleaner, more sustainable world. Protecting the elements of life is our purpose and this inspires us to ever–new solutions. ECMS operates globally in 15 countries with over 4,500 employees and 20 production sites.

Media Relations contact:
Betsy Arnone
Phone: +1 973–519–9808

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9030038)

Oitenta países participam da Mesa Redonda Ministerial

RIAD, Arábia Saudita, Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Future Minerals Forum (FMF) anunciou hoje que sua Mesa Redonda Ministerial, a ser realizada em 9 de janeiro de 2024, antes da terceira edição do Fórum, deverá bater recordes de participação. Do total de 80 com presença confirmada até o momento, mais de 45 enviarão ministros para participar de discussões com as partes interessadas nessa reunião única, além de 20 organizações internacionais oficiais, 30 organizações não governamentais e 13 associações comerciais.

Por ser a reunião de mais alto nível sobre minerais realizada no mundo, a Mesa Redonda representa um ponto de virada histórico para o setor mundial de mineração e metais, a contribuição da Super Região que se estende da África à Ásia Ocidental e Central e o papel de liderança do Reino nesse setor e nessa região.

A Mesa Redonda Ministerial é uma iniciativa de várias partes interessadas conduzida pelo governo e criada pela Arábia Saudita para melhorar a cooperação internacional na produção de minerais essenciais envolvidos na transformação do setor de energia. A reunião acontece em um momento em que o setor de minerais enfrenta desafios sem precedentes, gerados pela crescente demanda por minerais e metais de transição energética, em que todos os países estão empenhados em garantir cadeias de suprimentos estáveis.

Além disso, a Mesa Redonda Ministerial enfatiza a importância da colaboração para enfrentar esse desafio global já previsto.

Sua Excelência, o Vice–Ministro de Assuntos de Mineração, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, salientou que o número de ministros que confirmaram presença na Mesa Redonda reflete o peso político e econômico do Reino e a crescente importância dos minerais nos últimos anos. Esse nível de participação demonstra que o FMF se consolidou como a principal plataforma global responsável por moldar o futuro dos minerais. Sua Eminência declarou: “A representação governamental de alto nível de países que produzem e consomem minerais significa que os governos de todo o mundo tomaram consciência da importância dos minerais e estão empenhados em garantir cadeias de suprimentos confiáveis para eles. Isso é particularmente relevante para os minerais estratégicos que são essenciais para os programas e projetos de transformação de energia e para os setores correlatos.”

A Mesa Redonda incluirá uma discussão sobre a concorrência que o mercado de metais está enfrentando em nível internacional e como criar espaço para que os países, em meio a essa concorrência, cheguem a um acordo mútuo.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000907098)

80 pays autour de la Table ronde ministérielle

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 03 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur (ou FMF) a annoncé aujourd’hui que sa Table ronde ministérielle, prévue le 9 janvier 2024 en amont de l’ouverture de la troisième édition de l’événement, devrait battre tous les records de présence. Sur les quatre–vingts pays ayant à ce jour confirmé leur participation, plus de quarante–cinq mandateront des ministres pour participer aux débats entre les participants de cette réunion unique. 20 organisations internationales officielles, 30 organisations non gouvernementales et 13 associations professionnelles ont également confirmé leur présence.

En tant que plus grand rassemblement sur les minéraux du monde, la Table ronde représente un tournant historique mondial pour le secteur des mines et des métaux, mais aussi pour la super région qui s’étend de l’Afrique à l’Asie occidentale et centrale, et plaide en faveur du leadership régional du royaume saoudien dans ce secteur.

La Table ronde ministérielle est une initiative multipartite à l’initiative du gouvernement et organisée par l’Arabie saoudite pour renforcer la coopération internationale en matière de production de minéraux essentiels à la transformation du secteur énergétique. Cette réunion se matérialise à l’heure où le secteur minier fait face à des enjeux sans précédent en lien avec la demande croissante de minéraux et de métaux induite par la transition énergétique, tous les pays s’efforçant de maintenir des chaînes d’approvisionnement stables.

En outre, la Table ronde ministérielle souligne l’importance de la collaboration pour anticiper ce défi planétaire.

S.E. le vice–ministre des Affaires minières, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, a observé que le nombre de ministres ayant confirmé leur présence à la Table ronde reflète le poids politique et économique du Royaume et l’importance croissante des minéraux ces dernières années. Un tel niveau de participation démontre que le FMF s’est imposé comme une plateforme mondiale de premier plan pour façonner l’avenir des minéraux. S.E. a déclaré : « Une représentation gouvernementale de haut niveau des pays producteurs et consommateurs de minéraux traduit la prise de conscience des gouvernements du monde entier envers l’importance des minéraux, à l’heure où tous cherchent à sécuriser des chaînes d’approvisionnement fiables, et notamment pour les minéraux stratégiques, essentiels aux programmes et projets de transition énergétique et aux industries connexes ».

La Table ronde prévoit un débat sur la concurrence, enjeu majeur du marché international des métaux, et envisage de réfléchir à la meilleure manière d’aboutir à un accord entre les pays.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000907098)

80 Länder nehmen an Ministeriellem Runden Tisch teil

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das Future Minerals Forum (FMF) gab heute bekannt, dass der Ministerielle Runde Tisch, der am 9. Januar 2024 im Vorfeld der dritten Ausgabe des Forums stattfinden wird, einen neuen Teilnehmerrekord aufstellen wird. Von den achtzig Ländern, die bisher ihre Teilnahme bestätigt haben, werden mehr als fünfundvierzig Minister entsenden, um an den Diskussionen mit den Interessenvertretern auf dieser einen Tagung teilzunehmen. Hinzu kommen 20 offizielle internationale Organisationen, 30 Nichtregierungsorganisationen und 13 Wirtschaftsverbände.

Als höchstes Treffen zum Thema Mineralien in der Welt stellt der Runde Tisch einen historischen Wendepunkt für den globalen Bergbau– und Metallsektor, den Beitrag der Superregion, die sich von Afrika bis West– und Zentralasien erstreckt, und die Führungsrolle des Königreichs in diesem Sektor und in der Region dar.

Der Ministerielle Runde Tisch ist eine von Saudi–Arabien ins Leben gerufene, von der Regierung geleitete Multi–Stakeholder–Initiative zur Verbesserung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit bei der Gewinnung kritischer Mineralien für die Transformation des Energiesektors. Das Treffen findet zu einer Zeit statt, in der der Mineraliensektor vor noch nie dagewesenen Herausforderungen steht, die durch die steigende Nachfrage nach Mineralien und Metallen für die Energiewende bedingt sind, und in der alle Länder um die Sicherung stabiler Lieferketten ringen.

Darüber hinaus unterstreicht der Ministerielle Runde Tisch die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit bei der Bewältigung dieser zu erwartenden globalen Herausforderung.

S.E. Vizeminister für Bergbauangelegenheiten, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, hob hervor, dass die Anzahl der Minister, die ihre Teilnahme am Runden Tisch zugesagt haben, das politische und wirtschaftliche Gewicht des Königreichs und die zunehmende Bedeutung von Mineralien in den letzten Jahren widerspiegelt. Diese Teilnehmerzahl zeigt, dass sich das FMF als führende globale Plattform für die Gestaltung der Zukunft von Mineralien etabliert hat. S.E. erklärte: „Die hochrangige Vertretung von Regierungen aus Ländern, die Mineralien produzieren und verbrauchen, bedeutet, dass sich die Regierungen in der ganzen Welt nun der Bedeutung von Mineralien bewusst sind, da sie versuchen, zuverlässige Lieferketten für sie zu sichern. Dies gilt insbesondere für die strategischen Mineralien, die für Programme und Projekte zur Energiewende und die damit verbundenen Industrien von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.“

Bei dem Rundtischgespräch wird es auch um den Wettbewerb gehen, den der Metallmarkt auf internationaler Ebene erlebt, und um die Frage, wie inmitten dieses Wettbewerbs Raum für eine Einigung der Länder untereinander geschaffen werden kann.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000907098)