Les Prix Stevie® annoncent les lauréats de la 20e édition des International Business Awards® du monde entier

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 15 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des entreprises et dirigeants de haut niveau du monde entier ont t lus laurats des Prix Stevie d'or, d'argent et de bronze dans le cadre des 20e International Business Awards annuels, le seul programme international de rcompenses pour les entreprises.

Les laurats ont t slectionns parmi plus de 3 700 candidatures soumises par des organisations tablies dans 61 pays.

Une liste complte de tous les laurats des Prix Stevie d'or, d'argent et de bronze 2023 par catgorie est disponible l'adresse www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Cette anne, plus de 230 cadres travers le monde ont t membres de 11 jurys de slection des laurats des Stevies.

Le grand gagnant des Prix Stevie d'or, d'argent et de bronze est IBM, d'Armonk, dans l'tat de New York, aux tats–Unis, avec 21 prix. Les autres laurats de plusieurs Prix Stevie comprennent HALKBANK, Istanbul, Turquie (20 prix), Viettel Group, Hano, Vietnam (17 prix), Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonsie (17 prix), Ayala Land, Inc., Makati, Philippines (16 prix), DHL Express, travers le monde (14 prix), A.S. Watson Group, Hong Kong (12 prix), Tata Consultancy Services, travers le monde (11 prix), LLYC, Madrid, Espagne (10 prix), OPET, Istanbul, Turquie (10 prix), HeyMo The Experience Design Company, Istanbul, Turquie (9 prix), Uniomedia Communications, Budapest, Hongrie (9 prix), AD Ports Group, Abu Dhabi, mirats arabes unis (8 prix), FPT Software, Hano, Vietnam (8 prix), Akbank T.A., Istanbul, Turquie (7 prix), Cisco Systems, San Jos, Californie, tats–Unis (7 prix), Maersk, Montral, Canada (7 prix), Everise, Plantation, Floride, tats–Unis (6 prix), Ernst & Young, travers le monde (6 prix), Globe Telecom Inc., Taguig, Philippines (6 prix), Green Door Co, Sydney, Australie (6 prix), nupco, Riyad, Arabie saoudite (6 prix), Philip Morris International, Lausanne, Suisse (6 prix), TriNet, Dublin, Californie, tats–Unis (6 prix), WNS, Mumbai, Inde (6 prix), ZER, Istanbul, Turquie (6 prix), Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Canada (5 prix), Enerjisa retim, Istanbul, Turquie (5 prix), Lounge Group, Budapest, Hongrie (5 prix), PJ Lhuillier, Inc. | Makati, Philippines (5 prix), Purpol Marketing, Chippenham, Wiltshire, Royaume–Uni (5 prix), Megaworld Foundation, Inc., Taguig, Philippines (5 prix), Zimat Consultores, Mexico, Mexique (5 prix).

Halkbank, pionnire du dveloppement du secteur bancaire turc depuis 83 ans, a remport huit Prix Stevie d'or, soit plus que n'importe quelle autre entreprise.

Toutes les entreprises du monde peuvent participer aux IBA et peuvent soumettre leurs candidatures dans un large ventail de catgories rcompensant les russites dans des domaines tels que la gestion, le marketing, les relations publiques, le service la clientle, les ressources humaines, les nouveaux produits et services, les technologies, les sites Web, les applications, les vnements, et bien plus.

Les prix seront remis lors d'un gala organis Rome, en Italie, le 13 octobre 2023.

propos des prix Stevie
Les prix Stevie sont dcerns dans huit programmes : les prix Stevie en Asie–Pacifique, les prix Stevie en Allemagne, les prix Stevie au Moyen–Orient et en Afrique du Nord, les American Business Awards , les International Business Awards , les prix Stevie pour les grands employeurs, les prix Stevie pour les femmes entrepreneurs et les prix Stevie pour les ventes et le service la clientle. Les concours des Prix Stevie reoivent chaque anne plus de 12 000 nominations manant d'entreprises de plus de 70 pays. En rcompensant les entreprises de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que leurs collaborateurs, les Stevie Awards reconnaissent les performances exceptionnelles sur le lieu de travail dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les Prix Stevie, visitez le site http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Contact marketing
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547–8389

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d3c48626–c892–4855–a6bc–db17ff9a72f5

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8894660)

Stevie® Awards verkünden weltweite Gewinner der 20. International Business Awards®

FAIRFAX, Virginia, Aug. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Unternehmen und Fhrungskrfte auf der ganzen Welt, die sich besonders bewhrt haben, sind bei den 20. International Business Awards mit dem goldenen, silbernen oder bronzenen Stevie Award ausgezeichnet worden. Die jhrlich stattfindenden Stevie Awards sind das weltweit einzige internationale, allumfassende Business Awards–Programm.

Die Gewinner wurden aus mehr als 3.700 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aus 61 Lndern ausgewhlt.

Eine vollstndige Liste aller diesjhrigen Gewinner des goldenen, silbernen und bronzenen Stevie Award nach Kategorie ist unter www.stevieawards.com/IBA verfgbar.

Weltweit haben mehr als 230 Fhrungskrfte in 11 Jurys teilgenommen, um die Gewinner der Stevie Awards zu bestimmen.

Der Top–Gewinner der goldenen, silbernen und bronzenen Stevie Awards ist IBM aus Armonk, New York, USA, mit 21 Auszeichnungen. Weitere Gewinner mehrerer Stevie Awards sind die HALKBANK, Istanbul, Trkei (20), die Viettel Group, Hanoi, Vietnam (17), Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesien (17), Ayala Land, Inc., Makati City, Philippinen (16), DHL Express, weltweit (14), A.S. Watson Group, Hong Kong (12), Tata Consultancy Services, weltweit (11), LLYC, Madrid, Spanien (10), OPET, Istanbul, Trkei (10), HeyMo The Experience Design Company, Istanbul, Trkei (9), Uniomedia Communications, Budapest, Ungarn (9), AD Ports Group, Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (8), FPT Software, Hanoi, Vietnam (8), Akbank T.A., Istanbul, Trkei (7), Cisco Systems, San Jos, Kalifornien, USA (7), Maersk, Montreal, Kanada (7), Everise, Plantation, Florida, USA (6), Ernst & Young, weltweit (6), Globe Telecom Inc., Taguig City, Philippinen (6), Green Door Co, Sydney, Australien (6), nupco, Riyadh, Saudi–Arabien (6), Philip Morris International, Lausanne, Schweiz (6), TriNet, Dublin, Kalifornien, USA (6), WNS, Mumbai, Indien (6), ZER, Istanbul, Trkei (6), Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Kanada (5), Enerjisa retim, Istanbul, Trkei (5), Lounge Group, Budapest, Ungarn (5), PJ Lhuillier, Inc., Makati City, Philippinen (5), Purpol Marketing, Chippenham, Wiltshire, Vereinigtes Knigreich (5), Megaworld Foundation, Inc., Taguig City, Philippinen (5) und Zimat Consultores, Mexiko City, Mexiko (5).

Die Halkbank, die seit 83 Jahren Pionierarbeit in der Entwicklung des trkischen Bankensektors leistet, konnte mit acht goldenen Stevie Awards mehr Auszeichnungen als jedes andere Unternehmen verzeichnen.

Alle Unternehmen weltweit sind zur Teilnahme an den IBAs berechtigt und knnen Nominierungen fr ihre Leistungen in einer Vielzahl von Kategorien einreichen, unter anderem in den Bereichen Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Kundenservice, Personalwesen, Neue Produkte und Services, Technologie, Websites, Apps und Veranstaltungen.

Die Auszeichnungen werden am 13. Oktober 2023 im Rahmen einer Gala im italienischen Rom verliehen.

ber die Stevie Awards
Die Stevie Awards werden in acht Programmen verliehen: die Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, die German Stevie Awards, die Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards , The International Business Awards , die Stevie Awards for Great Employers, die Stevie Awards for Women in Business sowie die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Die Stevie Awards–Wettbewerbe zhlen jhrlich mehr als 12.000 Teilnehmer von Unternehmen aus mehr als 70 Lndern. Die Stevies ehren Unternehmen aller Arten und Gren sowie die dahinterstehenden Menschen, indem sie herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz auf der ganzen Welt auszeichnen. Weitere Informationen zu den Stevie Awards finden Sie unter http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547–8389

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfgbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d3c48626–c892–4855–a6bc–db17ff9a72f5

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8894660)

Stevie® Awards Anuncia Vencedores do 20th Annual International Business Awards® de Todo o Mundo

FAIRFAX, Va., Aug. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Empresas e executivos de sucesso de todo o mundo foram reconhecidos com os prmios Stevie Award Ouro, Prata e Bronze no The 20th Annual International Business Awards , o nico programa de premiao mundial para empresas.

Os vencedores foram selecionados dentre mais de 3.700 nomeaes enviadas por organizaes de 61 pases.

Uma lista completa de todos os vencedores do Stevie Award Ouro, Prata e Bronze de 2023 por categoria pode ser encontrada em www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

Mais de 230 executivos de todo o mundo participaram nos 11 corpos de jurados para a escolha dos vencedores dos Stevies.

O principal vencedor dos Stevies Ouro, Prata e Bronze no Prmio foi a IBM de Armonk, NY, EUA com 21. Outros vencedores de vrios Stevie Awards incluem HALKBANK, Istambul, Turquia (20), Viettel Group, Hani, Vietn (17), Telkom Indonsia, Jacarta, Indonsia (17), Ayala Land, Inc., Makati City, Filipinas (16), DHL Express, em todo o mundo (14), A.S. Watson Group, Hong Kong (12), Tata Consultancy Services, em todo o mundo (11), LLYC, Madri, Espanha (10), OPET, Istambul, Turquia (10), HeyMo The Experience Design Company, Istambul, Turquia (9), Uniomedia Communications, Budapeste, Hungria (9), AD Ports Group, Abu Dhabi, Emirados rabes Unidos (8), FPT Software, Hani, Vietn (8), Akbank T.A., Istambul, Turquia (7), Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA, EUA (7), Maersk, Montreal, Canad (7), Everise, Plantation, FL, EUA (6), Ernst & Young, em todo o mundo (6), Globe Telecom Inc., Taguig City, Filipinas (6), Green Door Co, Sydney, Austrlia (6), nupco, Riade, Arbia Saudita (6), Philip Morris International, Lausanne, Sua (6), TriNet, Dublin, CA, EUA (6), WNS, Mumbai, ndia (6), ZER, Istambul, Turquia (6), Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Canad (5), Enerjisa retim, Istambul, Turquia (5), Lounge Group, Budapeste, Hungria (5), PJ Lhuillier, Inc. | Makati City, Filipinas (5), Purpol Marketing, Chippenham, Wiltshire, Reino Unido (5), Megaworld Foundation, Inc., Taguig City, Filipinas (5), Zimat Consultores, Cidade do Mxico, Mxico (5).

A Halkbank, pioneira de desenvolvimento do setor bancrio da Turquia h 83 anos, recebeu oito Stevie Awards de Ouro, mais do que qualquer outra empresa da competio.

Todas as empresas do mundo so elegveis para competir nas IBAs e podem enviar inscries para uma ampla gama de categorias de realizaes em gesto, marketing, relaes pblicas, atendimento ao cliente, recursos humanos, novos produtos e servios, tecnologia, sites, aplicativos, eventos e muito mais.

Os prmios sero entregues durante um evento de gala em Roma, Itlia, no dia 13 de outubro de 2023.

Sobre os Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards so concedidos em oito programas: Stevie Awards sia–Pacfico, Stevie Awards Alemo, Stevie Awards Oriente Mdio e frica do Norte, The American Business Awards , The International Business Awards , Stevie Awards para Grandes Empregadoras, Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais e Stevie Awards para Vendas e Servio ao Cliente. Os concursos Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 nomeaes todos os anos de empresas de mais de 70 pases. Honrando empresas de todos os tipos e tamanhos, e as pessoas por trs delas, os Stevies reconhecem excelente desempenho no local de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Contato de Marketing
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547–8389

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d3c48626–c892–4855–a6bc–db17ff9a72f5

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8894660)

Stevie® Awards Announce Winners in 20th Annual International Business Awards® from Across the Globe

FAIRFAX, Va., Aug. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — High–achieving organizations and executives around the world have been recognized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners in The 20th Annual International Business Awards , the world's only international, all–encompassing business awards program.

Winners were selected from more than 3,700 nominations submitted by organizations in 61 nations.

A complete list of all 2023 Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at www.StevieAwards.com/IBA.

More than 230 executives worldwide participated on 11 juries to determine the Stevie winners.

The top winner of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards is IBM of Armonk, NY USA with 21. Other winners of multiple Stevie Awards include HALKBANK, Istanbul, Turkey (20), Viettel Group, Hanoi, Vietnam (17), Telkom Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (17), Ayala Land, Inc., Makati City, Philippines (16), DHL Express, worldwide (14), A.S. Watson Group, Hong Kong (12), Tata Consultancy Services, worldwide (11), LLYC, Madrid, Spain (10), OPET, Istanbul, Turkey (10), HeyMo The Experience Design Company, Istanbul, Turkey (9), Uniomedia Communications, Budapest, Hungary (9), AD Ports Group, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (8), FPT Software, Hanoi, Vietnam (8), Akbank T.A., Istanbul, Turkey (7), Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA USA (7), Maersk, Montreal, Canada (7), Everise, Plantation, FL USA (6), Ernst & Young, worldwide (6), Globe Telecom Inc., Taguig City, Philippines (6), Green Door Co, Sydney, Australia (6), nupco, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (6), Philip Morris International, Lausanne, Switzerland (6), TriNet, Dublin, CA USA (6), WNS, Mumbai, India (6), ZER, Istanbul, Turkey (6), Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Canada (5), Enerjisa retim, Istanbul, Turkey (5), Lounge Group, Budapest, Hungary (5), PJ Lhuillier, Inc. | Makati City, Philippines (5), Purpol Marketing, Chippenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom (5), Megaworld Foundation, Inc., Taguig City, Philippines (5), Zimat Consultores, Mexico City, Mexico (5).

Halkbank, pioneering the development of the Turkish banking sector for 83 years, has won eight Gold Stevie Awards, more than any other organization.

All organizations worldwide are eligible to compete in the IBAs, and may submit nominations in a wide range of categories for achievement in management, marketing, public relations, customer service, human resources, new products and services, technology, web sites, apps, events, and more.

The awards will be presented during a gala event in Rome, Italy on October 13, 2023.

About the Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards , The International Business Awards , the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 entries each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Marketing Contact
Nina Moore
[email protected]
+1 (703) 547–8389

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d3c48626–c892–4855–a6bc–db17ff9a72f5

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8893579)

Gewinner der 17. jährlichen Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service wurden bekannt gegeben

FAIRFAX, Va., March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Am Freitagabend wurden die Gewinner der 17. jhrlichen Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, weltweit anerkannt als Top–Auszeichnungen in den Bereichen Kundendienst und Vertrieb, im Rahmen einer Gala in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, bekannt gegeben. An der Gala nahmen mehr als 400 Fhrungskrfte aus der ganzen Welt teil.

Die vollstndige Liste der Gewinner der Stevie–Auszeichnungen in den jeweiligen Kategorien ist verfgbar unter http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

DP DHL war mit 46 goldenen, silbernen und bronzenen Stevie Awards das am meisten geehrte Unternehmen in diesem Jahr und damit der Top–Gewinner der Grand Stevie Award–Auszeichnungen. Dies ist das 11. Jahr in Folge, in dem das multinationale Unternehmen fr Paketzustellung und Lieferkettenmanagement mit Hauptsitz in Bonn, Deutschland, einen Grand Stevie in dem Programm gewonnen hat, und das neunte der 11 Jahre, in denen es den ersten Platz auf der Liste der am meisten ausgezeichneten Unternehmen belegte.

Weitere Gewinner des Grand Stevie Award sind, in absteigender Reihenfolge, IBM, Sales Partnerships, Support Services Group, ValueSelling Associates, UPMC Health Plan, PowerSchool Group, GoHealth, TalkDesk und Michael Kors.

Mehr als 2.300 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aller Gren und aus nahezu allen Branchen wurden fr den diesjhrigen Wettbewerb ausgewertet. Die Finalisten wurden anhand der durchschnittlichen Bewertung von mehr als 170 Fachleuten weltweit in sieben spezialisierten Bewertungskommissionen ermittelt. Die Nominierungen wurden in mehr als 60 Kategorien fr Leistungen im Bereich Kundendienst und Kontaktzentrum bercksichtigt, darunter Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service und Customer Service Department of the Year. Dazu gibt es 60 Kategorien fr Leistungen im Bereich Vertrieb und Geschftsentwicklung, von Senior Sales Executive of the Year ber Sales Training oder Business Development Executive of the Year bis hin zu Sales Department of the Year. Zudem gibt es Kategorien, um unter anderem neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Lsungsanbieter auszuzeichnen.

Sales Partnerships, Inc. gewann 12 Gold–Auszeichnungen und damit die meisten im gesamten Wettbewerb. Zu den weiteren Gewinnern von zwei oder mehr Gold Stevie Awards gehren: Alight Solutions, Blackhawk Network, ClearSource BPO, DP DHL, EFG Companies, Genpact, GoHealth, IBM, ICW Group, Janek Performance Group, JK Moving, LivePerson, MetTel, Michael Kors, MONAT Global Corp, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Optum, Paradigm Marketing and Design, PREMIER Bankcard, Rapid Phone Center, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SAP, SoftPro, Splunk, Tata Consultancy Services, TELUS Smart Security & Automation, TIM Brasil, TransPerfect, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., UPMC Health Plan, Perceptyx, Veeam und WNS (Holdings) Limited.

Die Gewinner in einer besonderen Kategorie, dem Sales Partnerships Ethics in Sales Award, wurden ebenfalls am Freitag bekannt gegeben. Mit dieser Auszeichnung werden Unternehmen fr vorbildliche Praktiken und Leistungen bei der Umsetzung hchster ethischer Standards in der Vertriebsbranche gewrdigt. Der Gewinner des Gold Stevie Award in dieser Kategorie ist Greater Prairie Business Consulting. Der Silbergewinner ist Belkins, und die Bronzegewinner sind Cal Dental USA und Integrity Solutions.

Die Prsentationen wurden live per Livestream bertragen und knnen online angesehen werden.

Die Nominierungen fr die Ausgabe 2024 der Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service werden ab Juli dieses Jahres entgegengenommen. Das Teilnahmepaket kann unter http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales angefordert werden.

Die Auszeichnungen werden von den Stevie Awards vergeben, die acht der weltweit fhrenden Auszeichnungsveranstaltungen fr Unternehmen organisieren, darunter die renommierten International Business Awards und American Business Awards .

ber die Stevie Awards
Die Stevie Awards werden in acht Programmen verliehen: die Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, die German Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards , The International Business Awards , die Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, die Stevie Awards for Women in Business, die Stevie Awards for Great Employers sowie die Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Die Stevie Awards verzeichnen jhrlich mehr als 12.000 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aus mehr als 70 Lndern. Die Stevies ehren Unternehmen aller Arten und Gren sowie die dahinterstehenden Menschen, indem sie herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz auf der ganzen Welt auszeichnen. Weitere Informationen zu den Stevie Awards finden Sie unter www.StevieAwards.com.

Zu den Sponsoren der 17. jhrlichen Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service gehren Sales Partnerships, Inc., Support Service Group und ValueSelling Associates, Inc.


Nina Moore
+1 (703) 547–8389
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8783289)

Vencedores do 17º Annual Stevie® Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente

FAIRFAX, Va., March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os vencedores do 17 Stevie Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente, reconhecido como o principal prmio de atendimento ao cliente e de vendas do mundo, foram entregues na noite de sexta–feira em uma cerimnia de gala em Las Vegas, Nevada, EUA, com a participao de mais de 400 executivos de todo o mundo.

A lista completa de vencedores do Stevie por categoria pode ser encontrada em http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

A DP DHL, com 46 premiaes nas categorias Ouro, Prata e Bronze no Stevie Awards, foi a organizao mais homenageada deste ano, recebendo o trofu Grand Stevie Award. Este o 11 ano consecutivo em que a empresa multinacional de entrega de pacotes e gesto de cadeia de suprimentos, com sede em Bonn, na Alemanha, recebe um Grand Stevie no programa, e o nono ano dos 11 em que ficou em primeiro lugar na lista das organizaes mais homenageadas.

Outros vencedores do Grand Stevie Award, em ordem decrescente, incluem IBM, Sales Partnerships, Support Services Group, ValueSelling Associates, UPMC Health Plan, PowerSchool Group, GoHealth, TalkDesk e Michael Kors.

Mais de 2.300 indicaes de organizaes de cada indstria foram avaliadas na competio deste ano. Os finalistas foram escolhidos pelas pontuaes mdias por mais de 170 profissionais em todo o mundo em sete comisses julgadoras especializadas. As inscries foram consideradas em mais de 60 categorias de conquistas em atendimento ao cliente e contact center, incluindo Contact Center do Ano, Prmio de Inovao de Atendimento ao Cliente e Departamento de Atendimento ao Cliente do Ano; 60 categorias de conquistas em vendas e desenvolvimento de negcios, variando de Executivo de Vendas Snior do Ano a Treinamento de Vendas ou Executivo de Desenvolvimento de Negcios do Ano a Departamento de Vendas do Ano; e categorias de novos produtos e servios e provedores de solues, dentre outros.

A Sales Partnerships, Inc. recebeu 12 premiaes de Ouro, o maior nmero da competio. Outros vencedores de dois ou mais Stevie Awards de Ouro so: Alight Solutions, Blackhawk Network, ClearSource BPO, DP DHL, EFG Companies, Genpact, GoHealth, IBM, ICW Group, Janek Performance Group, JK Moving, LivePerson, MetTel, Michael Kors, MONAT Global Corp, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Optum, Paradigm Marketing and Design, PREMIER Bankcard, Rapid Phone Center, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SAP, SoftPro, Splunk, Tata Consultancy Services, TELUS Smart Security & Automation, TIM Brasil, TransPerfect, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., UPMC Health Plan, Perceptyx, Veeam e WNS (Holdings) Limited.

Os vencedores de uma categoria especial, o Prmio tica em Vendas das Parcerias de Vendas, tambm foram anunciados na sexta–feira. Este prmio reconhece as organizaes por suas melhores prticas e realizaes, demonstrando os mais altos padres ticos no setor de vendas. O vencedor do Stevie de Ouro nesta categoria a Greater Prairie Business Consulting. O vencedor da premiao de Prata a Belkins, e os vencedores do Stevie de Bronze so a Cal Dental USA e a Integrity Solutions.

A apresentao foi transmitida ao vivo via Livestream e est disponvel online.

As indicaes para a edio de 2024 dos Stevie Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente sero aceitas a partir de julho deste ano. O kit de inscrio pode ser solicitado em http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Os prmios so apresentados pelo Stevie Awards, que organiza oito das principais premiaes de negcios do mundo, incluindo os prestigiados International Business Awards e American Business Awards .

Sobre os Stevie Awards
Os Stevie Awards so concedidos em sete programas: Stevie Awards sia–Pacfico, Stevie Awards Alemo, The American Business Awards , The International Business Awards , Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais, Stevie Awards para Grande Empregadores , e Stevie Awards para Vendas e Servio ao Cliente. Os concursos Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 nomeaes todos os anos de empresas de mais de 70 pases. Honrando empresas de todos os tipos e tamanhos, e as pessoas por trs delas, os Stevies reconhecem excelente desempenho no local de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em www.StevieAwards.com.

Patrocinadores do 17 Stevie Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente incluem Sales Partnerships, Inc., Services Group e ValueSelling Associates, Inc.


Nina Moore
(703) 547–8389
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8783289)

Les lauréats ont été révélés lors de la 17e édition annuelle des Stevie® Awards pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 07 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les laurats de la 17e dition annuelle des Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service la clientle, reconnus comme les meilleurs prix du service la clientle et des ventes dans le monde, ont t dvoils vendredi soir lors d'une crmonie de gala Las Vegas, dans l'tat amricain du Nevada, en prsence de plus de 400 cadres du monde entier.

La liste complte des laurats des Stevie par catgorie est disponible l'adresse http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

DP DHL, avec 46 prix Stevie d'or, d'argent et de bronze, a t l'entreprise la plus honore cette anne, remportant le trophe Grand Stevie Award. C'est la 11e anne conscutive que la socit multinationale de livraison de colis et de gestion de la chane d'approvisionnement, dont le sige social est situ Bonn, en Allemagne, remporte un Grand Stevie dans le programme, et la neuvime anne sur les 11 au cours desquelles elle s'est classe en tte de liste des entreprises les plus honores.

Les autres laurats du Grand Stevie Award, par ordre dcroissant, sont notamment IBM, Sales Partnerships, Support Services Group, ValueSelling Associates, UPMC Health Plan, PowerSchool Group, GoHealth, TalkDesk et Michael Kors.

Plus de 2 300 candidatures d'entreprises de toutes tailles et de pratiquement tous les secteurs ont t examines lors du concours de cette anne. Les finalistes ont t dtermins grce aux notes moyennes attribues par plus de 170 professionnels dans le monde entier rpartis dans sept comits de jury spcialiss. Les candidatures ont t prises en considration dans plus de 60 catgories pour les ralisations du service client et du centre de contact, y compris Contact Center of the Year (Centre de contact de l'anne), Award for Innovation in Customer Service (Prix de l'innovation dans le service client) et Customer Service Department of the Year (Service client de l'anne) ; 60 catgories pour les ventes et les ralisations en dveloppement commercial, allant de Senior Sales Executive of the Year (Directeur commercial senior de l'anne) Sales Training or Business Development Executive of the Year (Responsable de la formation commerciale ou du dveloppement commercial de l'anne) et Sales Department of the Year (Service commercial de l'anne) ; et des catgories visant reconnatre les nouveaux produits et services et les fournisseurs de solutions, entre autres.

Sales Partnerships, Inc. a remport 12 prix d'or, soit le nombre le plus lev de prix dcerns lors du concours. Les autres gagnants d'au moins deux prix Stevie d'or sont : Alight Solutions, Blackhawk Network, ClearSource BPO, DP DHL, EFG Companies, Genpact, GoHealth, IBM, ICW Group, Janek Performance Group, JK Moving, LivePerson, MetTel, Michael Kors, MONAT Global Corp, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Optum, Paradigm Marketing and Design, PREMIER Bankcard, Rapid Phone Center, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SAP, SoftPro, Splunk, Tata Consultancy Services, TELUS Smart Security & Automation, TIM Brasil, TransPerfect, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., UPMC Health Plan, Perceptyx, Veeam et WNS (Holdings) Limited.

Les gagnants d'une catgorie spciale, le Sales Partnerships Ethics in Sales Award (Prix de l'thique des partenariats commerciaux dans la vente), ont galement t annoncs vendredi. Ce prix rcompense les organisations pour leurs meilleures pratiques et leurs ralisations dans la dmonstration des normes thiques les plus leves du secteur des ventes. Le laurat du prix Stevie d'or dans cette catgorie est Greater Prairie Business Consulting. Le laurat du prix Stevie d'argent est Belkins, et les laurats du Stevie de bronze sont Cal Dental USA et Integrity Solutions.

Les crmonies de remise ont t diffuses en direct via Livestream et sont disponibles pour un visionnage en ligne.

Les candidatures pour l'dition 2024 des Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service la clientle seront acceptes partir du mois de juillet 2023. Le kit d'inscription peut tre demand l'adresse http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Les prix sont remis par les Stevie Awards, qui organisent huit des plus grands programmes mondiaux de rcompenses commerciales, dont les prestigieux International Business Awards et les American Business Awards .

propos des Stevie Awards
Les Stevie Awards sont dcerns dans huit programmes : les Stevie Awards en Asie–Pacifique, les Stevie Awards en Allemagne, les Stevie Awards au Moyen–Orient et en Afrique du Nord, les American Business Awards , les International Business Awards , les Stevie Awards pour les grands employeurs, les Stevie Awards pour les femmes entrepreneurs et les Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service la clientle. Les concours Stevie Awards reoivent chaque anne plus de 12 000 candidatures manant d'entreprises dans plus de 70 pays. En rcompensant les entreprises de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que leurs collaborateurs, les Stevies reconnaissent les performances exceptionnelles sur le lieu de travail dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les Stevie Awards, visitez le site www.StevieAwards.com.

Les Sponsors de la 17e dition annuelle des Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service la clientle comprennent Sales Partnerships, Inc., Support Service Group et ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Contact :

Nina Moore
(703) 547–8389
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8783289)

Winners Announced in 17th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service

FAIRFAX, Va., March 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Winners in the 17th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, recognized as the world's top customer service awards and sales awards, were unveiled on Friday night at a gala ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada USA, attended by more than 400 executives from around the world.

The complete list of Stevie Winners by category is available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

DP DHL, with 46 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award wins, was the most honored organization this year, earning the top Grand Stevie Award trophy. This is the 11th year in a row in which the multinational package delivery and supply chain management company, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, has won a Grand Stevie in the program, and the ninth year of the 11 in which they placed first on the list of most honored organizations.

Other Grand Stevie Award winners, in descending order, include IBM, Sales Partnerships, Support Services Group, ValueSelling Associates, UPMC Health Plan, PowerSchool Group, GoHealth, TalkDesk and Michael Kors.

More than 2,300 nominations from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were evaluated in this year's competition. Finalists were determined by the average scores of more than 170 professionals worldwide in seven specialized judging committees. Entries were considered in more than 60 categories for customer service and contact center achievements, including Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service, and Customer Service Department of the Year; 60 categories for sales and business development achievements, ranging from Senior Sales Executive of the Year to Sales Training or Business Development Executive of the Year to Sales Department of the Year; and categories to recognize new products and services and solution providers, among others.

Sales Partnerships, Inc. won 12 Golds, the most in the competition. Other winners of two or more Gold Stevie Awards include: Alight Solutions, Blackhawk Network, ClearSource BPO, DP DHL, EFG Companies, Genpact, GoHealth, IBM, ICW Group, Janek Performance Group, JK Moving, LivePerson, MetTel, Michael Kors, MONAT Global Corp, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Optum, Paradigm Marketing and Design, PREMIER Bankcard, Rapid Phone Center, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SAP, SoftPro, Splunk, Tata Consultancy Services, TELUS Smart Security & Automation, TIM Brasil, TransPerfect, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., UPMC Health Plan, Perceptyx, Veeam, and WNS (Holdings) Limited.

Winners in one special category, the Sales Partnerships Ethics in Sales Award, were also announced on Friday. This award recognizes organizations for best practices and achievements in demonstrating the highest ethical standards in the sales industry. The Gold Stevie winner in this category is Greater Prairie Business Consulting. The Silver winner is Belkins, and the Bronze Stevie Winners are Cal Dental USA and Integrity Solutions.

The presentations were broadcast live via Livestream and are available to watch online.

Nominations for the 2024 edition of the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service will be accepted starting this July. The entry kit may be requested at http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes eight of the world's leading business award shows including the prestigious International Business Awards and American Business Awards .

About the Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards , The International Business Awards , the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at www.StevieAwards.com.

Sponsors of the 17th annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service include Sales Partnerships, Inc., Support Service Group, and ValueSelling Associates, Inc.


Nina Moore
(703) 547–8389
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8781987)

Playtika Agrees to $25 Million Minority Investment in Mobile Gaming Company Ace Games

HERZLIYA, Israel and ISTANBUL, Turkey, Nov. 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Playtika Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: PLTK) (“Playtika”), a mobile gaming entertainment and technology market leader with a portfolio of top casual titles, today announced execution of an agreement for a $25 million minority investment in Turkish mobile gaming company Ace Games ("Ace"). Ace is the developer of Fiona's Farm, a free–to–play innovative casual mobile game that expertly and uniquely combines the mechanics of Match–3, farming, decoration, and narrative–driven games into one immersive mobile gaming experience for players.

Ace was founded in 2020 by its Chief Executive Officer, Hakan Bas, co–founder of Peak Games, the developer of Toy Blast and Toon Blast (sold for $1.8 billion). It is led by an experienced and talented team of industry veterans from companies like Dream Games and Playrix, and the team has a proven track record in the mobile casual gaming space.

"Our investment in Ace Games is an important milestone in the execution of our new games investment strategy as Playtika continues to seek exposure to high–growth potential game IP in cost–effective ways," said Robert Antokol, Chief Executive Officer of Playtika. "The talented team at Ace has built a best–in–class and innovative product on the "Match–3 and Meta' game model. Playtika can greatly complement Ace with our LiveOps and Digital Studio capabilities, leveraging our enhanced monetization and game operations leadership in mobile gaming."

"Playtika has an unrivaled reputation for delivering superior in–game experiences, scaling mobile games to global dominance in their respective categories," said Hakan Bas, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ace. "We are excited to be teaming up with Playtika as an investor and partner that will help us continue to grow this title, and possibly others, into leading mobile game franchises."

About Playtika Holding Corp.
Playtika is a mobile gaming entertainment and technology market leader with a portfolio of multiple game titles. Founded in 2010,"Playtika"was among the first to offer free–to–play social games on social networks and, shortly after, on mobile platforms. Headquartered in"Herzliya,"Israel, and guided by a mission to entertain the world through infinite ways to play,"Playtika"has employees across offices worldwide.

About Ace Games
Ace Games is a next generation global mobile gaming studio with a novel approach to the casual gaming genre. Founded in 2020 by Hakan Bas (Co–Founder of Peak Games, acquired by Zynga) and backed by NfX and Actera, the company is currently working on the global launch of its Match–3 game "" Fiona's Farm "" with a unique triple layer meta gameplay. Ace is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey and powered by a multi–generational approach with the aim to become a true interactive gaming powerhouse.

Forward Looking Information
In this press release, we make "forward–looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward–looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Further, statements that include words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “present,” “preserve,” “project,” “pursue,” “will,” or “would,” or the negative of these words or other words or expressions of similar meaning may identify forward–looking statements.

Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in the forward–looking statements include without limitation:

  • our reliance on third–party platforms, such as the iOS App Store, Facebook, and Google Play Store, to distribute our games and collect revenues, and the risk that such platforms may adversely change their policies;
  • our reliance on a limited number of games to generate the majority of our revenue;
  • our reliance on a small percentage of total users to generate a majority of our revenue;
  • our free–to–play business model, and the value of virtual items sold in our games, is highly dependent on how we manage the game revenues and pricing models;
  • our inability to complete acquisitions and integrate any acquired businesses successfully could limit our growth or disrupt our plans and operations;
  • our inability to enhance the monetization and game operations in our investments;
  • we may be unable to successfully develop new games;
  • our ability to compete in a highly competitive industry with low barriers to entry;
  • we have significant indebtedness and are subject to the obligations and restrictive covenants under our debt instruments;
  • legal or regulatory restrictions or proceedings could adversely impact our business and limit the growth of our operations;
  • risks related to our international operations and ownership, including our significant operations in Israel, Ukraine and Belarus and the fact that our controlling stockholder is a Chinese–owned company;
  • our reliance on key personnel;
  • the closing conditions in the agreement are not met or our inability to complete the investment for any reason;
  • security breaches or other disruptions could compromise our information or our players' information and expose us to liability; and
  • our inability to protect our intellectual property and proprietary information could adversely impact our business.

Additional factors that may cause future events and actual results, financial or otherwise, to differ, potentially materially, from those discussed in or implied by the forward–looking statements include the risks and uncertainties discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward–looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee that the future results, levels of activity, performance or events and circumstances reflected in the forward–looking statements will be achieved or occur, and reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. Given these risks and uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward–looking statements.

Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update any forward–looking statements for any reason to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expectations.

Media Contact:
Darlan Monterisi
[email protected]

Investor Contact:
David Niederman
[email protected]

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8701060)