Lumi Global erwirbt Assembly Voting, um seine Führungsposition im Produktbereich zu stärken und die internationale Expansion zu beschleunigen

LIPHOOK, Vereinigtes Königreich, Dec. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lumi Global, ein weltweit führender Anbieter technologiebasierter Lösungen für Hauptversammlungen, Investor Relations und Mitgliederversammlungen, gibt stolz die Übernahme von Assembly Voting bekannt, einem Technologieunternehmen, das sich auf umfassende, überprüfbare, cloudbasierte Wahl– und Abstimmungslösungen über seine proprietäre Plattform Electa spezialisiert hat. Diese strategische Übernahme stärkt das Engagement von Lumi Global für Innovation und erweitert gleichzeitig seine Fähigkeiten über die Live–Meeting–Umgebung hinaus auf neue Marktchancen.

Die wichtigsten Highlights der Übernahme

  1. Ausbau des Produkt–Leaderships
    • Assembly Voting führt eine fortschrittliche End–to–End–Verifizierbarkeit in das Portfolio von Lumi ein und gewährleistet sichere, transparente und verifizierbare Wahl– und Abstimmungsprozesse für Kunden weltweit.
    • Lumi Global bietet schon seit Langem Lösungen für anonyme Abstimmungen an. Assembly Voting erweitert diese Möglichkeiten durch seine fortschrittlichen Funktionen und festigt die Position von Lumi Global als führender Anbieter von Konferenztechnologie und Wahlsystemen.
  2. Stärkung des Produktportfolios
    • Die Electa–Plattform wurde speziell für geplante Wahlen und asynchrone Abstimmungen entwickelt und ergänzt die bestehenden Lösungen von Lumi Global für Live–Meetings und synchrone Abstimmungen.
    • Mit dem Fokus auf Überprüfbarkeit, Sicherheit und Skalierbarkeit erweitert die Electa–Plattform die Fähigkeit von Lumi, Organisationen in jeder Phase ihrer Entscheidungsprozesse zu unterstützen, sowohl vor als auch während wichtiger Besprechungen.
  3. Förderung der internationalen Expansion
    • Diese Übernahme etabliert die Präsenz von Lumi Global in Dänemark und Spanien und eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten in diesen strategisch wichtigen Märkten.
    • Lumi Global ist strategisch positioniert, um die Electa–Plattform in seinen Schlüsselmärkten in Nordamerika, EMEA und APAC einzusetzen.
  4. Innovation durch Expertise
    • Die Einbindung des erfahrenen Entwicklungsteams von Assembly Voting bereichert die Innovationspipeline von Lumi Global und eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Zusammenarbeit und Wachstum.
    • Die Exzellenz der Electa–Plattform wird durch eine unabhängige Studie des Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) bestätigt, in der sie unter 82 analysierten Tools zu den weltweit besten elektronischen Wahlsystemen zählt. Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability, Society) von KIT, die für ihre Arbeit im Bereich Cybersicherheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit bekannt ist, hat Electas starken Fokus auf diesen Gebieten hervorgehoben und damit die Glaubwürdigkeit und Führungsrolle des Unternehmens in diesem Bereich gestärkt. Die vollständige Studie finden Sie hier.


„Diese Übernahme ist ein mutiger Schritt nach vorne für Lumi Global, da wir unsere Produktkapazitäten über den Tag des Meetings hinaus auf den breiteren Markt für Wahlen ausdehnen“, so Richard Taylor, CEO von Lumi Global. „Die Integration der innovativen Technologien von Assembly Voting in die globale Plattform von Lumi wird neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen und sicherstellen, dass wir bei technologiebasierten Lösungen für Versammlungen, Wahlen und Abstimmungen bei Jahreshauptversammlungen, Investor Relations und Mitgliederorganisationen weltweit weiterhin an vorderster Front stehen.“

„Wir freuen uns sehr, Lumi Global beizutreten, einem Unternehmen, dessen Vision und innovativer Ansatz perfekt mit unseren übereinstimmen“, so Jacob Gyldenkaerne dazu, CEO von Assembly Voting. „Diese Partnerschaft erweitert nicht nur die Reichweite unserer Technologie, sondern verbessert auch unsere Fähigkeit, einer noch vielfältigeren, globalen Kundenbasis mit durchgängigen, überprüfbaren Wahllösungen zu dienen.“

Unterstützung der strategischen Ziele von Lumi Global

Die Übernahme von Assembly Voting durch Lumi Global unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens, die Sitzungen und Wahlen zu unterstützen, die für fundierte Entscheidungen weltweit von Bedeutung sind. Da Live–Treffen und Hauptversammlungen zunehmend in digitale Formate übergehen, haben sich auch Wahlen von traditionellen Papierwahlzetteln zu sichereren und zuverlässigeren digitalen Plattformen weiterentwickelt. Diese digitale Transformation schafft die Möglichkeit einer einheitlichen Plattform, die beide Bedürfnisse nahtlos bedient. Die Kunden von Lumi Global suchen zunehmend nach einer umfassenden Lösung, die diese Integration bietet.

Über Lumi Global

Lumi Global unterstützt die Sitzungen und Wahlen, die für die wichtigsten Entscheidungen der Welt von Bedeutung sind, und sorgt für ein nahtloses, ansprechendes Erlebnis für Teilnehmer vor Ort und online. Die innovative Technologie und die einzigartige globale Präsenz von Lumi Global ermöglichen fundierte Entscheidungen bei Jahresversammlungen, Wahlen, Mitgliederversammlungen, Legislativsitzungen, IR–Sitzungen und Gewinnaufrufen. Seit über 30 Jahren treibt Lumi Innovationen in der Branche voran und entwickelt gemeinsam mit Kunden Lösungen, um Komplexes zu vereinfachen und stressfreie, reibungslose Meetings zu ermöglichen, die Verantwortlichkeit und sinnvolles Engagement fördern.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Sylvie Harton
Chief Business Strategy Officer

Ein Video zu dieser Ankündigung finden Sie unter–db1a–4f84–b5a9–de6d0e1e94b3

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001040200)

Lumi Global adquire a Assembly Voting para fortalecer a liderança de produtos e acelerar a expansão internacional

LIPHOOK, Reino Unido, Dec. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Lumi Global, líder global em soluções de reuniões orientadas para a tecnologia em Assembleias Gerais Anuais, Relações com Investidores e Reuniões de Membros, orgulhosamente anuncia a aquisição da Assembly Voting, uma empresa de tecnologia especializada em eleições e soluções de votação baseadas em nuvem verificáveis de ponta a ponta por meio de sua plataforma proprietária, Electa. Essa aquisição estratégica reforça o compromisso da Lumi Global com a inovação, ao mesmo tempo em que expande suas capacidades além do ambiente de reuniões ao vivo, para novas oportunidades de mercado.

Principais destaques da aquisição

  1. Aprimorando a liderança do produto
    • A Assembly Voting adiciona verificabilidade avançada de ponta a ponta ao portfólio da Lumi, garantindo processos de eleição e votação seguros, transparentes e verificáveis para clientes em todo o mundo.
    • Embora a Lumi Global já ofereça soluções de votação anônima há bastante tempo, a Assembly Voting eleva essa capacidade a um novo patamar com seus recursos avançados, consolidando a posição da Lumi Global como líder em tecnologia de reuniões e soluções para eleições.
  2. Ampliação do portfólio de produtos
    • A plataforma Electa foi projetada especificamente para eleições agendadas e votações assíncronas, complementando as soluções existentes da Lumi Global voltadas para reuniões ao vivo e votações síncronas.
    • Com foco em verificabilidade, segurança e escalabilidade, a plataforma Electa amplia a capacidade da Lumi de apoiar organizações em todas as etapas de seus processos de tomada de decisão, tanto antes quanto durante reuniões importantes.
  3. Impulsionando a expansão internacional
    • Essa aquisição estabelece a presença da Lumi Global na Dinamarca e na Espanha, abrindo novas oportunidades nesses mercados estrategicamente significativos.
    • A Lumi Global está estrategicamente posicionada para implementar a plataforma Electa em seus principais mercados da América do Norte, EMEA e APAC.
  4. Impulsionando a inovação com expertise
    • A inclusão da experiente equipe de desenvolvimento da Assembly Voting enriquece o pipeline de inovação da Lumi Global, trazendo novas oportunidades de colaboração e crescimento.
    • A excelência da plataforma Electa é ainda validada por um estudo independente conduzido pelo Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), que a classificou entre as melhores soluções de votação eletrônica do mundo em uma análise de 82 ferramentas. O grupo de pesquisa SECUSO (Segurança, Usabilidade, Sociedade) do KIT, renomado por seu trabalho em cibersegurança e usabilidade, destacou o forte foco da Electa nessas áreas, reforçando sua credibilidade e liderança no setor. O estudo completo está disponível aqui.

Perspectivas de liderança

“Essa aquisição marca um avanço significativo para a Lumi Global, ao expandirmos nossas capacidades de produto além do dia da reunião e para o mercado mais amplo de eleições”, afirmou Richard Taylor, CEO da Lumi Global. “A integração das tecnologias inovadoras da Assembly Voting à plataforma global da Lumi desbloqueará novas oportunidades, garantindo que permaneçamos na vanguarda das soluções tecnológicas para reuniões, eleições e votações em Assembleias Gerais Anuais, Relações com Investidores e Organizações de Membros em todo o mundo.”

“Estamos entusiasmados por nos juntar à Lumi Global, uma empresa cuja visão e abordagem inovadora estão perfeitamente alinhadas com as nossas”, disse Jacob Gyldenkaerne, CEO da Assembly Voting. “Essa parceria não apenas amplia o alcance da nossa tecnologia, mas também fortalece nossa capacidade de atender uma base de clientes ainda mais diversificada e global com soluções de eleições verificáveis de ponta a ponta.”

Apoiando os objetivos estratégicos da Lumi Global

A aquisição da Assembly Voting pela Lumi Global ressalta sua dedicação em viabilizar reuniões e eleições essenciais para decisões confiáveis em todo o mundo. À medida que reuniões presenciais e assembleias gerais se adaptam a formatos cada vez mais digitais, as eleições também evoluíram, passando das cédulas de papel tradicionais para plataformas digitais mais seguras e confiáveis. Essa transformação digital cria a oportunidade para uma plataforma unificada que atenda perfeitamente a ambas as necessidades. Os clientes da Lumi Global buscam, cada vez mais, uma solução abrangente que ofereça essa integração.

Sobre a Lumi Global

A Lumi Global viabiliza reuniões e eleições essenciais para decisões confiáveis em todo o mundo, proporcionando experiências integradas e envolventes para participantes presenciais e online. Com tecnologia de ponta e presença global única, a Lumi Global capacita a tomada de decisões informadas em assembleias anuais, eleições, reuniões de membros, reuniões legislativas, reuniões de relações com investidores e teleconferências de resultados financeiros. Há mais de 30 anos, a Lumi lidera a inovação do setor, cocriando soluções com seus clientes para simplificar o complexo e oferecer reuniões impecáveis, sem estresse, que promovem responsabilidade e engajamento significativo.

Para mais informações, entre em contato:

Sylvie Harton
Chief Business Strategy Officer

Um vídeo que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em–db1a–4f84–b5a9–de6d0e1e94b3

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001040200)

Lumi Global fait l’acquisition de la société Assembly Voting afin de renforcer son leadership en matière de produits et d’accélérer son expansion internationale

LIPHOOK, Royaume–Uni, 22 déc. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lumi Global, leader mondial des solutions technologiques de réunion pour les assemblées générales annuelles, les relations avec les investisseurs et les réunions des membres, est fier d’annoncer l’acquisition d’Assembly Voting, une société technologique spécialisée dans les solutions de vote et d’élection vérifiables de bout en bout basées sur le cloud via sa plateforme propriétaire, Electa. Cette acquisition stratégique vient renforcer l’engagement de Lumi Global en faveur de l’innovation tout en étendant ses capacités au–delà de l’environnement des réunions en direct pour s’orienter vers de nouvelles opportunités de marché.

Principaux points forts de l’acquisition

  1. Renforcement du leadership de l’entreprise en matière de produits
    • Par son acquisition, Assembly Voting introduit dans le portefeuille de Lumi une vérifiabilité avancée de bout en bout, ce qui permet de garantir des processus d’élection et de vote sécurisés, transparents et vérifiables pour les clients du monde entier.
    • Alors que Lumi Global propose depuis longtemps des solutions de vote anonyme, Assembly Voting vient renforcer cette capacité grâce à ses fonctionnalités avancées, consolidant ainsi la position de Lumi Global en tant que leader dans le domaine des technologies de réunion et des solutions d’élection.
  2. Renforcement du portefeuille de produits
    • Spécialement conçue pour les élections programmées et le vote asynchrone, la plateforme Electa vient compléter les solutions de Lumi Global conçues jusqu’à présent pour les réunions en direct et le vote synchrone.
    • Parce qu’elle met l’accent sur la vérifiabilité, la sécurité et l’évolutivité, la plateforme Electa accroît la capacité de Lumi à soutenir les organisations à chaque étape de leurs processus décisionnels, avant et pendant leurs réunions clés.
  3. Accélération de l’expansion internationale
    • Grâce à cette acquisition, Lumi Global renforce sa présence au Danemark et en Espagne et ouvre de nouvelles opportunités sur ces marchés d’importance stratégique.
    • Lumi Global bénéficie d’un positionnement stratégique idéal pour assurer le déploiement de la plateforme Electa sur ses marchés clés d’Amérique du Nord, de la région EMEA et de la région APAC.
  4. L’expertise au service de l’innovation
    • En venant enrichir le processus d’innovation de Lumi Global, l’intégration de l’équipe de développement expérimentée d’Assembly Voting permettra également à Lumi Global de bénéficier de nouvelles opportunités en matière de collaboration et de croissance.
    • L’excellence de la plateforme Electa est également validée par une étude indépendante du Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) qui l’a classée parmi les meilleures solutions de vote électronique au monde sur un total de 82 outils analysés. Réputé pour ses travaux sur la cybersécurité et l’utilisabilité, le groupe de recherche SECUSO (Security, Usability, Society) du KIT a souligné l’importance particulière accordée à ces aspects par Electa, ce qui renforce sa crédibilité et son leadership dans le domaine. Vous pouvez accéder à l’étude complète ici.

Le point de vue des dirigeants

« Cette acquisition marque une avancée audacieuse pour Lumi Global, car elle nous permet d’étendre nos capacités produits au–delà des seules réunions ponctuelles pour atteindre le marché plus large des élections », a déclaré Richard Taylor, PDG de Lumi Global. « En ouvrant de nouvelles opportunités, l’intégration des technologies innovantes d’Assembly Voting avec la plateforme mondiale de Lumi nous permettra de rester à l’avant–garde des solutions technologiques de réunion, d’élection et de vote dans les assemblées générales annuelles, les événements de relations avec les investisseurs et les réunions d’organisations membres dans le monde entier. »

« Nous sommes ravis de rejoindre Lumi Global, car la vision et l’approche innovante de cette entreprise sont en parfaite adéquation avec les nôtres », a déclaré Jacob Gyldenkaerne, PDG d’Assembly Voting. « Non seulement ce partenariat vient élargir la portée de notre technologie, mais il améliore également notre capacité à servir une clientèle mondiale encore plus diversifiée avec des solutions vérifiables de bout en bout en matière d’élection. »

Un soutien aux objectifs stratégiques de Lumi Global

L’acquisition d’Assembly Voting par Lumi Global témoigne de son engagement dans la gestion des réunions et des élections importantes en vue d’obtenir des décisions fiables dans le monde entier. Si les réunions en direct et les assemblées générales adoptent des formats de plus en plus numériques, les élections ont également évolué pour passer des bulletins de vote papier traditionnels à des plateformes numériques plus sûres et plus fiables. Cette transformation numérique est pour nous l’occasion de créer une plateforme unifiée répondant parfaitement à ces deux besoins. Les clients de Lumi Global sont de plus en plus à la recherche d’une solution complète qui offre une telle intégration.

À propos de Lumi Global

En gérant les réunions et les élections importantes en vue d’obtenir les décisions les plus fiables au monde, Lumi Global garantit des expériences fluides et engageantes pour les participants en présentiel et en ligne. Grâce à la technologie de pointe de Lumi Global et à sa présence mondiale unique, il est désormais possible d’obtenir une prise de décision éclairée lors des réunions annuelles, des élections, des réunions des membres, des réunions législatives, des événements de relations avec les investisseurs et des conférences téléphoniques sur les résultats des entreprises. Depuis plus de 30 ans, Lumi est au cœur de l’innovation industrielle en co–créant avec ses clients des solutions visant à simplifier les réunions complexes pour en faire des événements fluides et sereins qui favorisent la responsabilisation et l’engagement de manière significative.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter :

Sylvie Harton
Directrice de la stratégie commerciale

Une vidéo annexée au présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–db1a–4f84–b5a9–de6d0e1e94b3

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001040200)

Lumi Global Acquires Assembly Voting to Strengthen Product Leadership and Accelerate International Expansion

LIPHOOK, United Kingdom, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lumi Global, a global leader in technology–driven meeting solutions across Annual General Meetings, Investor Relations, and Member meetings, proudly announces the acquisition of Assembly Voting, a technology company specializing in end–to–end verifiable, cloud–based elections and voting solutions via its proprietary platform, Electa. This strategic acquisition reinforces Lumi Global’s commitment to innovation while expanding its capabilities beyond the live meeting environment to new market opportunities.

Key Highlights of the Acquisition

  1. Enhancing Product Leadership
    • Assembly Voting introduces advanced end–to–end verifiability to Lumi’s portfolio, ensuring secure, transparent, and verifiable election and voting processes for clients worldwide.
    • While Lumi Global has long offered anonymous voting solutions, Assembly Voting further elevates this capability with its advanced features, solidifying Lumi Global’s position as a leader in meeting technology and election solutions.
  2. Strengthening Product Portfolio
    • The Electa platform is purpose–built for scheduled elections and asynchronous voting, complementing Lumi Global’s existing solutions designed for live meetings and synchronous voting.
    • With a focus on verifiability, security, and scalability, the Electa platform broadens Lumi’s ability to support organizations at every stage of their decision–making processes, both before and during key meetings.
  3. Catalyzing International Expansion
    • This acquisition establishes Lumi Global’s presence in Denmark and Spain, opening new opportunities in these strategically significant markets.
    • Lumi Global is strategically positioned to deploy the Electa platform across its key markets in North America, EMEA, and APAC.
  4. Driving Innovation with Expertise
    • The inclusion of Assembly Voting’s experienced development team enriches Lumi Global’s innovation pipeline, bringing new opportunities for collaboration and growth.
    • The Electa platform’s excellence is further validated by an independent study conducted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), which ranked it among the top electronic voting solutions globally out of 82 tools analyzed. KIT’s SECUSO (Security, Usability, Society) research group, renowned for its work in cybersecurity and usability, has emphasized Electa’s robust focus on these areas, reinforcing its credibility and leadership in the field. The full study is available here.

Leadership Perspectives

“This acquisition marks a bold step forward for Lumi Global, as we extend our product capabilities beyond the meeting day and into the wider elections market,” said Richard Taylor, CEO of Lumi Global. “The integration of Assembly Voting’s innovative technologies with Lumi’s Global platform will unlock new opportunities, ensuring we remain at the forefront of technology–driven meeting, election and voting solutions in Annual General Meetings, Investor Relations, and Member organization worldwide.”

“We are thrilled to join Lumi Global, a company whose vision and innovative approach align perfectly with ours,” said Jacob Gyldenkaerne, CEO of Assembly Voting. “This partnership not only expands the reach of our technology but also enhances our ability to serve an even more diverse, global client base with end–to–end verifiable election solutions.”

Supporting Lumi Global’s Strategic Goals

Lumi Global’s acquisition of Assembly Voting underscores its dedication to powering the meetings and elections that matter for trusted decisions worldwide. As live meetings and general assemblies transition to increasingly digital formats, elections have similarly evolved from traditional paper ballots to more secure and reliable digital platforms. This digital transformation creates the opportunity for a unified platform that seamlessly serves both needs. Lumi Global’s clients are increasingly seeking a comprehensive solution that delivers this integration.

About Lumi Global

Lumi Global powers the meetings and elections that matter for the world’s most trusted decisions, ensuring seamless, engaging experiences for in–room and online participants. Lumi Global’s cutting–edge technology and unique global presence empower informed decision–making across annual meetings, elections, member meetings, legislative meetings, IR meetings, and earnings calls. For over 30 years, Lumi has driven industry innovation, co–creating solutions with customers to simplify the complex and deliver stress–free, flawless meetings that foster accountability and meaningful engagement.

For more information, please contact:

Sylvie Harton
Chief Business Strategy Officer

A video accompanying this announcement is available at–db1a–4f84–b5a9–de6d0e1e94b3

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001029818)

Namib Minerals and Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. VI Announce Filing of Registration Statement in Connection with their Proposed Business Combination and Namib Minerals’ Planned Nasdaq Listing

  • Namib Minerals and co–registrant Greenstone Corporation (“Greenstone”) filed a registration statement on Form F–4 (the “Registration Statement”) with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), a critical step in advancing their previously announced proposed business combination with Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. VI (Nasdaq: HCVI) (“HCVI” or “Hennessy Capital”), and planned Nasdaq listing of Namib Minerals’ ordinary shares under the ticker “NAMM.”
  • The proposed business combination values Namib Minerals at a pre–money enterprise value of $500 million with up to an additional 30 million of contingent ordinary shares tied to the completion of operational milestones.(1)
  • Transaction proceeds are intended to be used to accelerate Namib Minerals’ growth plans for Greenstone’s assets, including the restart of two gold mines in Zimbabwe and expansion into prospective battery metal assets, including copper and cobalt, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the “DRC”).
  • How mine, a high–grade cash–generating gold asset currently owned by Greenstone, supports low–cost production, while restart efforts at the Mazowe and Redwing mines aim to establish Namib Minerals as a multi–asset producer in Africa.

NEW YORK, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Namib Minerals, which would become a public company upon consummation of the proposed business combination, Greenstone, an affiliate of Namib Minerals and an established African gold producer with an attractive portfolio of mining assets in Zimbabwe, and HCVI, a Nasdaq listed special purpose acquisition company, today announced the filing of the Registration Statement with the SEC on Friday, December 6, 2024. This filing represents a key milestone in connection with their previously announced proposed business combination, which is expected to result in Namib Minerals listing its ordinary shares and warrants on Nasdaq under the ticker symbols “NAMM” and “NAMMW,” respectively, subject to approval of its listing application. While the Registration Statement has not yet become effective and the information contained therein is subject to change, it provides important information about Namib Minerals, Greenstone, HCVI, and the proposed business combination.

Upon completion of the transaction, Namib Minerals will own Greenstone’s mining and exploration assets and plans to accelerate its growth strategy and build out its portfolio of mining assets. Located strategically in the Bulawayo Greenstone Belt of Southern Zimbabwe, Greenstone’s cash flow generating How mine has produced over 1.8Moz of gold between 1941 and 2023. Restart efforts at the Mazowe and Redwing mines, historically producing gold mines currently on care and maintenance, aim to diversify Namib Minerals’ production scale upon the mines’ recommencement. The Mazowe and Redwing mines have total measured and indicated resource estimates of 291koz at 7.77 g/t Au and 1,188koz at 3.83 g/t Au, respectively, and inferred resource estimates of 915koz at 8.65 g/t Au and 1,328koz at 2.61 g/t Au, respectively, based on technical report summaries for each mine prepared in compliance with Subpart 1300 of Regulation S–K promulgated by the SEC (“S–K 1300”). Greenstone also currently holds interests in 13 battery metals exploration permits in the DRC, including six initial diamond drilling holes that show potential for copper and cobalt. Located in the resource–rich Haut Katanga and Lualaba Provinces, these assets position Namib Minerals to capitalize on the rising global demand for battery metals.

Greenstone Snapshot:

  • Established, well–known African gold producer – Produced ~589koz from 2012 to 2023(2)
  • Operating in Zimbabwe since 2002 – Greenstone brings a proven management team with operational and developmental success
  • Producing positive cash flow – 1H 2024 Revenue: $42M(3) / 2023 Revenue: $65M(4); 1H 2024 Profit: $9.2M(3) / 2023 Profit: $3.6M(4); 1H 2024 Adj. EBITDA: $17M(5) / 2023 Adj. EBITDA: $20M(5)
  • One production stage asset, two exploration stage assets – As of December 31, 2023, total measured and indicated mineral resources: 1.6Moz at 3.92 g/t Au(6); total inferred mineral resources: 2.4Moz(6)
  • Well–positioned to unlock shareholder value as a multi–asset producer in Africa – Preparation works and feasibility studies underway at the Mazowe and Redwing mines
  • Certified to ISO Standards(7) – 0.86 lost time injury frequency rate in 2023(8)

“As Namib Minerals takes this significant step toward becoming a publicly traded company, we remain dedicated to our mission of creating safe, sustainable, and profitable mining operations,” said Ibrahima Tall, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Namib Minerals. “This transaction positions us to advance our strategy, from restarting the Mazowe and Redwing gold mines to expanding our focus on copper and cobalt potential in the DRC. We are excited about the opportunities this partnership creates to deliver long–term value to our stakeholders while contributing responsibly to the communities where we operate.”

“Filing the Registration Statement marks an important milestone in the proposed Namib–Hennessy Capital business combination,” said Daniel Hennessy, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Hennessy Capital. “We are proud to support Namib Minerals as it continues to build a leading Pan–African platform for precious and critical metals production. Namib Minerals stood out as a compelling partner due to its history of mining in precious metals, opportunities for future expansion and its mission to create safe, sustainable and profitable operations in the communities it serves. With its strong portfolio of assets and clear growth strategy, Namib Minerals is well–positioned to capitalize on increasing global demand for these essential resources.”

Proposed Transaction Highlights

The proposed business combination implies a pro forma combined enterprise value of Namib Minerals at approximately $602 million, excluding additional earnout consideration, assuming no further redemptions of HCVI’s public shares and $60 million in targeted PIPE funding to be obtained prior to the closing of the transaction. The boards of directors of HCVI, Greenstone, and Namib Minerals have approved the proposed transaction, which is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025, subject to, among other things, the approvals by stockholders of HCVI and Greenstone and satisfaction or waiver of the other conditions set forth in the business combination agreement, dated June 17, 2024 (as amended on December 6, 2024, the “Business Combination Agreement”). At closing of the proposed business combination, Greenstone’s existing shareholders will exchange their equity in Greenstone for approximately 74% of the equity of Namib Minerals.

Net proceeds from the transaction are expected to enable Namib Minerals to invest further into the How mine, while also contributing to the restart of production at the Mazowe and Redwing mines, each in Zimbabwe, and to help fund the expansion of operations into the DRC.

Additional information about the proposed business combination, including a copy of the Business Combination Agreement, is available on the Current Report on Form 8–K, dated June 17, 2024, filed by HCVI with the SEC on June 18, 2024 and available at


(1)   Pre–money equity value of $500 million excludes additional 30 million of contingent ordinary shares ($300M value) to be issued by Namib Minerals to current Greenstone shareholders upon the completion of operational milestones.
(2)   Internal historical production numbers aligning with the How Mine S–K 1300 Technical Report Summary, December 2024; Mazowe Mine S–K 1300 Technical Report Summary, December 2024; Redwing Mine S–K 1300 Technical Report Summary, December 2024.
(3)   Unaudited interim financial statements and notes of Greenstone as of and for the six months ended June 30, 2024.
(4)   Audited financial statements and notes of Greenstone as of and for the year ended December 31, 2023.
(5)   Adjusted EBITDA is a non–International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) measure, which should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for IFRS measures. See “Use of Non–IFRS Financial Measures” below for more information.
(6)   How Mine S–K 1300 Technical Report Summary, December 2024, exclusive of Mineral Reserves; Mazowe Mine S–K 1300 Technical Report Summary, December 2024; Redwing Mine S–K 1300 Technical Report Summary, December 2024.
(7)   Unaudited Greenstone 2023 Annual Report, Recertification achieved on all three international standards–based management systems; ISO 14001 of 2015: Environmental Management Systems (EMS), ISO 9001 of 2015: Quality Management Systems (QMS) and ISO 45001 of 2018: Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OHSMS).
(8)   How Mine internal management safety reporting.


Cohen & Company Capital Markets is serving as exclusive financial advisor and lead capital markets advisor to Greenstone and Namib Minerals, while Jett Capital Advisors LLC is serving as financial advisor to HCVI. Greenberg Traurig, LLP is serving as U.S. legal counsel to Greenstone and Namib Minerals, Sidley Austin LLP is serving as legal counsel to HCVI, and Appleby (Cayman) Ltd. is serving as Cayman Islands legal counsel to Greenstone and Namib. BDO South Africa Inc. is serving as auditor to Greenstone and Namib Minerals, and Alliance Advisors Investor Relations is serving as investor relations advisor for the transaction.

About Greenstone Corporation and Namib Minerals

Greenstone is a gold producer, developer and explorer with operations focused in Zimbabwe. Greenstone is a significant player in Zimbabwe’s mining industry, driving sustainable growth and innovation across the sector. Currently Greenstone operates an underground mine in Zimbabwe, with additional exploration assets in Zimbabwe and the DRC. Greenstone operates using conventional mining as well as modern processes and is seeking alternative areas of growth. Upon the closing of the proposed business transaction, Namib Minerals will hold all of Greenstone’s assets.

For additional information, please visit

About Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. VI

Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. VI is a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) listed on the Nasdaq Global Market (NASDAQ: HCVI). HCVI was formed by Daniel J. Hennessy for the purpose of acquiring, and introducing to the public markets, a strong and competitive company operating in the industrial sector.

For additional information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements

All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements regarding HCVI’s, Greenstone’s, or Namib Minerals’ future financial position, results of operations, business strategy, and plans and objectives of their respective management teams for future operations, are forward–looking statements. Any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are also forward–looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward–looking statements by words such as “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “intend,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “seek,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “may,” “target,” “should,” “will,” “would,” “will be,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” “preliminary,” or similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward–looking. Forward–looking statements include, without limitation, HCVI’s, Greenstone’s, or their respective management teams’ expectations concerning the outlook for their or Namib Minerals’ business, productivity, plans, and goals for future operational improvements and capital investments, operational performance, future market conditions, or economic performance and developments in the capital and credit markets and expected future financial performance, including the restart of the Mazowe mine and the Redwing mine and related expansion plans, capital expenditure plans and timeline, the development and goals of the prospective exploration licenses in the DRC, mineral reserve and resource estimates, production and other operating results, productivity improvements, expected net proceeds, expected additional funding, the percentage of redemptions of HCVI’s public stockholders, growth prospects and outlook of Namib Minerals’ operations, individually or in the aggregate, including the achievement of project milestones, commencement and completion of commercial operations of certain of Namib Minerals’ exploration and production projects, as well as any information concerning possible or assumed future results of operations of Namib Minerals. Forward–looking statements also include statements regarding the expected benefits of the proposed business combination. The forward–looking statements are based on the current expectations of the respective management teams of Greenstone and HCVI, as applicable, and are inherently subject to uncertainties and changes in circumstance and their potential effects. There can be no assurance that future developments will be those that have been anticipated. These forward–looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward–looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, (i) the risk that the proposed business combination may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, which may adversely affect the price of HCVI’s securities; (ii) the risk that the proposed business combination may not be completed by HCVI’s business combination deadline and the potential failure to obtain an extension of the business combination deadline if sought by HCVI; (iii) the failure to satisfy the conditions to the consummation of the proposed business combination, including the adoption of the Business Combination Agreement by the stockholders of HCVI and Greenstone, the satisfaction of the $25 million minimum cash amount following redemptions by HCVI’s public stockholders and the receipt of certain regulatory approvals; (iv) market risks, including the price of gold; (v) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of the Business Combination Agreement; (vi) the effect of the announcement or pendency of the proposed business combination on Greenstone’s business relationships, performance, and business generally; (vii) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against Greenstone or HCVI related to the Business Combination Agreement or the proposed business combination; (viii) failure to realize the anticipated benefits of the proposed business combination; (ix) the inability to maintain the listing of HCVI’s securities or to meet listing requirements and maintain the listing of Namib Minerals’ securities on the Nasdaq; (x) the inability to remediate the identified material weaknesses in Greenstone’s internal control over financial reporting, which, if not corrected, could adversely affect the reliability of Greenstone’s and Namib Minerals’ financial reporting; (xi) the risk that the price of Namib Minerals’ securities may be volatile due to a variety of factors, including changes in the highly competitive industries in which Greenstone plans to operate, variations in performance across competitors, changes in laws, regulations, technologies, natural disasters or health epidemics/pandemics, national security tensions, and macro–economic and social environments affecting its business, and changes in the combined capital structure; (xii) the inability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations after the completion of the proposed business combination, identify and realize additional opportunities, and manage its growth and expanding operations; (xiii) the risk that Greenstone may not be able to successfully develop its assets, including expanding the How mine, restarting and expanding its other mines in Zimbabwe or developing its exploration permits in the DRC; (xiv) the risk that Greenstone will be unable to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; (xv) political and social risks of operating in Zimbabwe and the DRC; (xvi) the operational hazards and risks that Namib Minerals faces; and (xvii) the risk that additional financing in connection with the proposed business combination may not be raised on favorable terms, in a sufficient amount to satisfy the $25 million (post–redemptions) minimum cash amount condition to the Business Combination Agreement, or at all. The foregoing list is not exhaustive, and there may be additional risks that neither HCVI nor Greenstone presently know or that HCVI and Greenstone currently believe are immaterial. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors, any other factors discussed in this press release and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of HCVI’s Annual Report on Form 10–K for the year ended December, 31, 2023, which was filed with the SEC on March 29, 2024, the risks described in the Registration Statement, which includes a preliminary proxy statement/prospectus, and those discussed and identified in filings made with the SEC by HCVI and Namib Minerals from time to time. Greenstone and HCVI caution you against placing undue reliance on forward–looking statements, which reflect current beliefs and are based on information currently available as of the date a forward–looking statement is made. Forward–looking statements set forth in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release. None of Greenstone, HCVI, or Namib Minerals undertakes any obligation to revise forward–looking statements to reflect future events, changes in circumstances, or changes in beliefs. In the event that any forward–looking statement is updated, no inference should be made that Greenstone, HCVI, or Namib Minerals will make additional updates with respect to that statement, related matters, or any other forward–looking statements. Any corrections or revisions and other important assumptions and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from forward–looking statements, including discussions of significant risk factors, may appear, up to the consummation of the proposed business combination, in HCVI’s or Namib Minerals’ public filings with the SEC, which are or will be (as appropriate) accessible at, and which you are advised to review carefully.

Important Information for Investors and Stockholders

In connection with the proposed business combination, Namib Minerals and Greenstone, as co–registrant, have filed with the SEC the Registration Statement, which includes a prospectus with respect to Namib Minerals’ securities to be issued in connection with the proposed business combination and a proxy statement to be distributed to holders of HCVI’s common stock in connection with HCVI’s solicitation of proxies for the vote by HCVI’s stockholders with respect to the proposed business combination and other matters to be described in the Registration Statement (the “Proxy Statement”). After the SEC declares the Registration Statement effective, HCVI plans to file the definitive Proxy Statement with the SEC and to mail copies to stockholders of HCVI as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed business combination. This press release does not contain all the information that should be considered concerning the proposed business combination and is not a substitute for the Registration Statement, Proxy Statement or for any other document that Namib Minerals or HCVI may file with the SEC. Before making any investment or voting decision, investors and security holders of HCVI and Namib Minerals are urged to read the Registration Statement and the Proxy Statement, and any amendments or supplements thereto, as well as all other relevant materials filed or that will be filed with the SEC in connection with the proposed business combination as they become available because they will contain important information about Greenstone, HCVI, Namib Minerals and the proposed business combination. Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the Registration Statement, the Proxy Statement and all other relevant documents filed or that will be filed with the SEC by Namib Minerals and HCVI through the website maintained by the SEC at In addition, the documents filed by Namib Minerals and HCVI may be obtained free of charge from HCVI’s website at or by directing a request to Nicholas Geeza, Chief Financial Officer, PO Box 1036, 195 US Hwy 50, Suite 309, Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448; Tel: (775) 339–1671. The information contained on, or that may be accessed through, the websites referenced in this press release is not incorporated by reference into, and is not a part of, this press release.

Participants in the Solicitation

Greenstone, HCVI, Namib Minerals and their respective directors, executive officers and other members of management and employees may, under the rules of the SEC, be deemed to be participants in the solicitations of proxies from HCVI’s stockholders in connection with the proposed business combination. For more information about the names, affiliations and interests of HCVI’s directors and executive officers, please refer to HCVI’s annual report on Form 10–K filed with the SEC on March 29, 2024 and the Registration Statement, Proxy Statement and other relevant materials filed with the SEC in connection with the proposed business combination from time to time. Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their direct and indirect interests, which may, in some cases, be different than those of HCVI’s stockholders generally, are included in the Registration Statement and the Proxy Statement. Stockholders, potential investors and other interested persons should read the Registration Statement and the Proxy Statement carefully before making any voting or investment decisions. You may obtain free copies of these documents from the sources indicated above.

Use of Non–IFRS Financial Measures

Greenstone utilizes non–IFRS financial measures, including Adjusted EBITDA, to complement its IFRS reporting and provide stakeholders with a deeper understanding of its operational performance and financial health. These measures offer insights into trends and factors that IFRS metrics may not fully capture, and Greenstone believes they are essential for formulating strategic decisions and business plans. Non–IFRS financial measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information presented in compliance with IFRS, and non–IFRS financial measures as used by Greenstone may not be comparable to similarly titled amounts used by other companies. While not a substitute for IFRS results, they exclude items not indicative of Greenstone’s core operations, enhancing comparability across periods. Greenstone defines Adjusted EBITDA as profit for the period before finance cost, loss on sale, related party credit loss, taxes, depreciation, impairment of long lived assets, interest income, financial guarantee remeasurement, and share–based payments. The table below presents Greenstone’s Adjusted EBITDA for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the six–month period ended June 30, 2024, reconciled to Greenstone’s Profit for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the six–month period ended June 30, 2024, respectively, which is the most comparable IFRS measure:

(In thousands)     31–Dec–23
Profit for the period ended     $ 3,627     9,175  
Finance cost     2,415     1,057  
Loss on sale       41      
Related party credit loss       6,818     552  
Income tax expense       5,254     4,433  
Depreciation       2,705     1,666  
Interest income       (114 )    
Financial guarantee remeasurement       (486 )   (2,746 )
Share–based payments           2,834  
Adjusted EBITDA     $ 20,260     16,971  

Cautionary Note Regarding Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
Estimates of “measured”, “indicated,” and “inferred” mineral resources as well as “mineral reserves” shown in this press release are defined in S–K 1300. The estimation of measured resources and indicated resources involves greater uncertainty as to their existence and economic feasibility than the estimation of proven and probable mineral reserves. The estimation of inferred resources involves far greater uncertainty as to their existence and economic viability than the estimation of other categories of resources. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any or all of the mineral resources are economically or legally mineable or that these mineral resources will ever be converted into mineral reserves. You are cautioned that mineral resources do not have demonstrated economic viability.

No Offer or Solicitation
This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or exchange, the solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation to purchase, any securities, or a solicitation of any vote, consent or approval, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale may be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction. No offering of securities in the proposed business combination shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption therefrom.


Greenstone Corporation/Namib Minerals:

Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. VI:
Nicholas Geeza

Investor Relations:
Caroline Sawamoto

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9315817)

Recursion and Exscientia, two leaders in the AI drug discovery space, have officially combined to advance the industrialization of drug discovery

  • Recursion unveils post–combination technology–enabled portfolio with more than 10 clinical and preclinical programs, 10 advanced discovery programs, and more than 10 partnered programs
  • Platform will focus on first and best–in–class drug discovery and development, demonstrating the ability to find novel insights and dramatically reduce the time and cost of discovery
  • Recursion will host an update call today, November 20, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. ET / 5:30 a.m. MT / 12:30 p.m. GMT on LinkedIn, X and Youtube

SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The business combination of two AI–powered drug discovery and development companies, Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX) and Exscientia has been completed, with Exscientia becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Recursion creating a vertically–integrated and technology–enabled drug discovery platform. Exscientia ADSs (Nasdaq: EXAI) ceased trading and will be delisted from Nasdaq.

“I believe the combination of the incredible teams and platforms at Exscientia and Recursion position us as the leader of the AI–enabled drug discovery and development space,” said Chris Gibson, Ph.D., Co–Founder and CEO of Recursion. “With more than 10 clinical and preclinical programs in the internal pipeline, more than 10 partnered programs and over $450M in upfront and realized milestone payments received from partners to date out of more than $20B possible, we are advancing a flywheel of discovery and creating value in our pipeline through technology.”

“The combination of our platforms and people make us the company to beat,” said David Hallett, Ph.D., former CSO and Interim CEO of Exscientia and newly appointed Chief Scientific Officer at Recursion. “With our combined strength of real–world proprietary data and the models we’ve created – hypothesizing, testing and learning in a continuous loop – we're redefining the space by shrinking timelines and costs, identifying and optimizing lead candidates faster than traditional methods.”

The Company is pleased to share updates on the combined entity’s pipeline, partnerships, and platform below:


The combined pipeline represents more than 10 clinical and preclinical programs. In addition there are approximately 10 advanced discovery programs in the current pipeline.

Updated guidance is bulleted below as well as a snapshot of our pipeline:

  • REC–617 (CDK7 inhibitor; Advanced Solid Tumors): Initial Phase 1 monotherapy safety and PK/PD data expected at the AACR Special Conference on December 9th 2024, and a webinar to follow on December 10th 2024.
  • REV102 (ENPP1 inhibitor; Hypophosphatasia): Development candidate nomination expected in Q4 2024
  • REC–4881 (MEK1/2 inhibitor, Familial Adenomatous Polyposis): Phase 1b/2 safety and early efficacy data expected in H1 2025
  • REC–2282 (pan–HDAC inhibitor; Neurofibromatosis Type 2): PFS6 futility analysis expected by H1 2025
  • REC–3565 (MALT1 inhibitor, B–Cell Malignancies): Phase 1 first patient dosed (FPD) expected in Q1 2025
  • REC–4539 (LSD1 inhibitor, Small–Cell Lung Cancer): Phase 1 first patient dosed (FPD) expected in H1 2025
  • REC–994 (Superoxide scavenger, Cerebral Cavernous Malformation): Further data to be shared at an upcoming medical conference / publication / webinar in H1 2025; regulatory update expected by H2 2025
  • REC–394 (C. difficile Toxin B selective inhibitor, C. difficile): Phase 2 update expected in Q1 2026
  • REC–1245 (RBM39 degrader; Solid Tumors and Lymphoma): Phase 1 dose–escalation data update expected in H1 2026
  • REC–4209 (undisclosed target; Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis): IND–enabling studies are ongoing
  • REC–4881 in APC/AXIN1 indications have been deprioritized as part of a disciplined strategic prioritization of the portfolio. Study status will be updated on


The combined company’s therapeutic partnerships represent more than 10 partnered programs in areas such as oncology and immunology. The combined company has received approximately $450M in upfront and milestone payments from partnerships to date. Through these partnerships, we have the potential to receive more than approximately $20B in additional milestone payments before royalties.


With chemical design and synthesis methods from Exscientia and over 60 petabytes of proprietary data generated in house or licensed from partners like Helix and Tempus, the combined entity will strengthen the Recursion OS to be a first–in–class and best–in–class drug discovery and development platform.

The platform will continue to drive iterative loops of hypotheses and active learning all the way from research to development, with the goal of eventually creating virtual cells that will allow the company to execute clinical trials at scale.

Company, Board, and Leadership Updates

The combined company will have approximately 800 employees with the headquarters remaining in Salt Lake City, and primary offices in Toronto, Montreal, Milpitas, New York, the Oxford area, and London.

Individual board and executive leadership changes of Recursion, effective as of November 20, 2024, are summarized below:

  • Franziska Michor, a former member of the Board of Directors of Exscientia, was appointed as a Class II Director of the Board of Directors of Recursion, with her initial term to extend until the 2026 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Recursion.
  • Ben Taylor, former Chief Financial and Strategy Officer of Exscientia, was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company and President of Recursion UK.
  • Dave Hallett, former Interim Chief Executive Officer of Exscientia, was appointed as Chief Scientific Officer of the Company.
  • Kristen Rushton, Chief Business Operations Officer of the Company, was promoted to Chief Operating Officer of the Company.
  • Matthew Kinn, Senior Vice President, Business Development and Corporate Initiatives of the Company was promoted to serve as Chief Business Officer of the Company.
  • Lina Nilsson, Senior Vice President, Emerging Technologies of the Company, was promoted to serve on the executive team as Senior Vice President, Head of Platform of the Company.
  • Michael Secora, Tina Marriott, and Laura Schaevitz will transition from their executive roles into advisor roles for the combined company. All three have provided many years of dedicated service to the Company and we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for each of them. Recursion would not be where it is today without their dedication and efforts.

Update Call Information

Recursion will host an update call today at 7:30 a.m. ET / 5:30 a.m. MT / 12:30 p.m. GMT. The Company will broadcast the live stream from Recursion’s X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn and YouTube accounts, and on Exscientia’s LinkedIn account. Questions can be submitted via this link ahead of time or during the livestream.

About Recursion
Recursion is a leading, clinical–stage TechBio company decoding biology to industrialize drug discovery. Central to its mission is the Recursion Operating System (OS), a platform built across diverse technologies that continuously expands one of the world’s largest proprietary biological, chemical and patient–centric datasets. Recursion leverages sophisticated machine–learning algorithms to distill from its dataset a collection of trillions of searchable relationships across biology and chemistry unconstrained by human bias. By commanding massive experimental scale—up to millions of wet lab experiments weekly—and massive computational scale—owning and operating one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world—Recursion is uniting technology, biology, chemistry and patient–centric data to advance the future of medicine.

Recursion is headquartered in Salt Lake City, where it is a founding member of BioHive, the Utah life sciences industry collective. Recursion also has other primary offices in Toronto, Montreal, the San Francisco Bay Area, New York, the Oxford area, and London.

Recursion Investor Relations

Recursion Media

Forward Looking Statements

Statements contained herein which are not historical facts may be considered forward–looking statements under federal securities laws and may be identified by words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “potential,” “predicts,” “projects,” “seeks,” “should,” “will,” or words of similar meaning and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the leadership position of the combined company and its impact on the industry; the ability for the combined business to accelerate the discovery of better solutions for patients; the timing of IND submissions and IND enabling studies; the potential to receive upfront, milestone, and royalty payments and work on over 60 therapeutic programs; the strengthening of the Recursion OS through the combined company; the continued learning of Recursion’s platform and the creation of virtual cells to enable execution of clinical trials at scale; Recursion’s achievement of efficiencies; the continuous expansion of the Recursion OS datasets; and advancing the future of medicine; the outlook for Recursion’s future business and financial performance; and others. Such forward–looking statements are based on the current beliefs of Recursion’s management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to them, which are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Actual outcomes and results may vary materially from these forward–looking statements based on a variety of risks and uncertainties including: the ability of the combined company to retain key personnel; the ability to realize the benefits of the combination, including cost synergies; the ability to successfully integrate Exscientia's business with Recursion’s business, at all or in a timely manner; the amount of the costs, fees, expenses and charges related to the combination; the effect of economic, market or business conditions, including competition, regulatory approvals and commercializing drug candidates, or changes in such conditions, have on the combined company’s operations, revenue, cash flow, operating expenses, employee hiring and retention, relationships with business partners, the development or launch of technology enabled drug discovery, and commercializing drug candidates; the risks of conducting business internationally; the impact of changes in interest rates by the Federal Reserve and other central banks; the impact of potential inflation, volatility in foreign currency exchange rates and supply chain disruptions; the ability to maintain technology–enabled drug discovery in the biopharma industry; and risks relating to the market value of Recursion’s Class A common stock.

Other important factors and information are contained in Recursion’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10–K, including the risks summarized in the section entitled “Risk Factors,” Recursion’s subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q, the joint definitive proxy statement filed by Recursion and Exscientia on October 10, 2024, as amended by the supplemental disclosures filed by Recursion on November 6, 2024, and each of Recursion’s other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), which can be accessed at, or All forward–looking statements are qualified by these cautionary statements and apply only as of the date they are made. Recursion undertakes no obligation to update any forward–looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–0ccf–4210–938d–f585a9b073ee–518d–48a8–b8d3–430cd726d651–a7a7–4abf–a76f–82356a3682ac

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9277015)

Acquisition d’Anaqua par Nordic Capital, un investisseur privé de premier plan dans le domaine des technologies et des paiements

BOSTON, 18 nov. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions et de services technologiques d'innovation et de gestion de droits de propriété intellectuelle (PI), annonce aujourd'hui que Nordic Capital, un investisseur expérimenté en capital–investissement dans le domaine de la technologie et des paiements à l'échelle mondiale, est entré en négociations exclusives en vue d’acquérir une participation majoritaire dans Anaqua auprès de ses actionnaires existants menés par Astorg. Dans le cadre de cette transaction, Nordic Capital deviendrait l'actionnaire de contrôle d'Anaqua, succédant à Astorg, qui a été l'investisseur principal d'Anaqua depuis 2019, et a soutenu la croissance forte et continue d'Anaqua au cours des cinq dernières années.

Cette acquisition représenterait un investissement stratégique axé sur la poursuite de la croissance, le soutien de l'expansion mondiale d'Anaqua et le renforcement de sa position sur le marché en continuant à améliorer son logiciel de premier ordre et ses capacités opérationnelles. Cette annonce intervient au cours de la 20ème année d'existence de l’entreprise qui fournit des solutions logicielles de gestion de droits de propriété intellectuelle. Les plateformes d'Anaqua, AQX® et PATTSY WAVE®, se distinguent en combinant les meilleures pratiques notamment en termes de workflows, d'analyse de données, de dépôt de brevets à l’étranger, et de paiement des renouvellements de brevets et de marques, le tout intégré dans un écosystème intelligent conçu pour optimiser les opérations, définir une stratégie avisée et prendre de meilleures décisions autour des portefeuilles de propriété intellectuelle des clients.

Nordic Capital a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans l'accélération de la croissance des entreprises technologiques innovantes et serait prêt à tirer parti de sa connaissance approfondie du secteur et des opérations pour créer de la valeur et accélérer la mise en oeuvre des plans ambitieux d'Anaqua. Nordic Capital a réalisé 33 investissements technologiques dans des entreprises d'une valeur totale d'environ 26 milliards d'euros, avec une longue tradition d'investissement dans des partenariats avec les propriétaires, les fondateurs et les dirigeants.

« Nordic Capital partage notre vision d'une plateforme logicielle de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle, ce qui en fait le partenaire idéal pour notre prochaine phase de croissance. Leur expérience approfondie du secteur, leur expérience réussie en matière d'investissement dans des sociétés de logiciels et leur vaste réseau mondial nous aideraient à continuer à transformer l'industrie de la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle », a commenté Bob Romeo, PDG d'Anaqua. « Nordic Capital nous permettrait d'accélérer notre expansion mondiale, d'améliorer nos solutions technologiques et d'atteindre l'excellence opérationnelle, tout cela pour le bénéfice ultime de nos clients », a ajouté Justin Crotty, COO d'Anaqua.

« Nordic Capital a suivi de près les progrès impressionnants d'Anaqua et serait heureux d'investir dans un leader de la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle et des technologies de l'innovation. Ce partenariat serait en ligne avec notre engagement de soutenir les entreprises qui conduisent la transformation de l'industrie et s'inscrirait parfaitement dans la stratégie d'investissement technologique de Nordic Capital. Nous sommes impatients de soutenir Anaqua dans sa prochaine phase de croissance, en l'aidant à étendre son empreinte mondiale et en établissant la principale plateforme de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle pour les industries axées sur l'innovation », a déclaré Fredrik Näslund, associé et responsable de la technologie et des paiements, chez Nordic Capital Advisors.

« Nous sommes fiers de notre partenariat fructueux avec Anaqua, qui marque notre premier investissement aux États–Unis. Au cours des cinq dernières années, nous avons apprécié notre étroite collaboration avec Bob, Justin et toute l'équipe, entreprenant ensemble un parcours de transformation et de croissance. Nous avons hâte de voir Anaqua continuer à prospérer dans son prochain chapitre, » conclut François de Mitry, CIO, Astorg.

Les accords définitifs relatifs à l'acquisition seraient conclus après information et consultation des instances représentatives du personnel. La transaction est soumise aux autorisations réglementaires habituelles et devrait être finalisée d'ici le premier trimestre 2025.

Arma Partners et Jefferies ont agi en tant que conseillers financiers exclusifs et Latham & Watkins a agi en tant que conseiller juridique d'Astorg et d'Anaqua dans le cadre de cette transaction. William Blair a agi en tant que conseiller financier de Nordic Capital.

A propos d’Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. est un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions et services technologiques intégrés de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle (PI). Ses logiciels, AQX® et PATTSY WAVE®, combinent les meilleurs outils pour définir une stratégie de PI avisée. Ses technologies, qui reposent notamment sur des workflows et des capacités d’analyses avancés, offre un environnement de travail intelligent conçu pour prendre de meilleures décisions et optimiser les opérations de PI. Aujourd'hui, près de la moitié des 100 premiers déposants de brevets américains et des marques mondiales, ainsi qu'un nombre croissant de cabinets de conseils en PI dans le monde, utilisent les solutions Anaqua. Plus d'un million de décideurs, avocats, juristes, gestionnaires et innovateurs utilisent les logiciels Anaqua pour leurs besoins de gestion de la PI. Le siège de la société est situé à Boston, avec des bureaux aux États–Unis, en Europe, en Asie et en Australie. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site, ou la page entreprise d’Anaqua sur LinkedIn.

A propos de Nordic Capital
Nordic Capital est un grand investisseur en capitaux privés qui s'engage résolument à créer des entreprises durables plus fortes grâce à l’amélioration opérationnelle et à la croissance transformatrice. Nordic Capital se concentre sur certains secteurs et régions où la société a une grande expérience et une longue histoire. Les secteurs sur lesquels elle se concentre sont : la santé, la technologie et les paiements, les services financiers et, les services et technologies industrielles. Ses régions clés sont l’Europe et le monde pour les investissements dans les soins de santé ainsi que la technologie et les paiements. Depuis sa création en 1989, Nordic Capital a investi 26 milliards d’euros dans le cadre de plus de 150 placements. Les fonds les plus récents sont Nordic Capital XI, avec 9 milliards d'euros de capital investi, et Nordic Capital Evolution, avec 1,2 milliard d'euros de capital investi, apporté principalement par des investisseurs institutionnels internationaux tels que des fonds de pension. Nordic Capital Advisors dispose de bureaux locaux en Suède, au Royaume–Uni, aux États–Unis, en Allemagne, au Danemark, en Finlande, en Norvège et en Corée du Sud.

“Nordic Capital” désigne l’un ou l’ensemble des véhicules d’investissement sous la marque Nordic Capital, ou associés à celle–ci, ainsi que leurs entités de gestion associées. Nordic Capital est conseillée par plusieurs entités sous–conseillères non discrétionnaires, dont l’une ou l’ensemble sont désignés sous le nom “Nordic Capital Advisors”.

A propos d’Astorg

Astorg est une société européenne de private equity qui gère plus de 24 milliards d'euros d'actifs et dont le siège social est au Luxembourg. Astorg travaille avec des entrepreneurs et des équipes de direction pour acquérir des entreprises mondiales leaders sur leur marché, principalement basées en Europe, en leur fournissant l'orientation stratégique, la gouvernance et le capital dont elles ont besoin pour atteindre leurs objectifs de croissance. Bénéficiant d'une culture entrepreneuriale distincte, d'une perspective d'actionnaire à long terme et d'un organe de décision allégé, Astorg possède une expertise sectorielle précieuse dans les domaines de la santé, des logiciels et de la technologie, des services aux entreprises et des sociétés industrielles basées sur la technologie. Astorg a des bureaux à Luxembourg, Londres, Paris, New York, Francfort, Milan. Pour plus d’informations sur Astorg: | Suivez Astorg sur LinkedIn

Contacts presse :
Nordic Capital
Elin Ljung
Directeur général, responsable de la communication et du développement durable
+46 70–866 10 40

Contact média Etats–Unis – Brunswick Group

Contact presse

Nancy Hegarty
VP – Marketing

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9275522)

Anaqua to be acquired by Nordic Capital, a leading technology & payments private equity investor

BOSTON, Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, a leading provider of innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services, today announces that Nordic Capital, an experienced private equity investor in Technology & Payments globally, has entered into exclusive negotiations to acquire a controlling interest in Anaqua from its existing shareholders led by Astorg. As part of this transaction, Nordic Capital would become the controlling shareholder of Anaqua, succeeding Astorg, who has been the primary investor in Anaqua since 2019, and has supported Anaqua’s strong and consistent growth over the past five years.

This acquisition would represent a strategic investment focused on driving continued growth, supporting Anaqua’s global expansion and further strengthening its market position by continuing to enhance its best–in–class software and its operational capabilities. This announcement comes during the organization’s 20th year of delivering software–led IP management solutions. Anaqua’s differentiated platforms, AQX® and PATTSY WAVE®, combine best–practice workflows, data analytics, foreign filings, and patent and trademark renewal payments, all embedded in an intelligent ecosystem to streamline operations, inform strategy and empower decision–making around customers’ valuable IP portfolios.

Nordic Capital has over 20 years of experience accelerating the growth of innovative technology companies and would be set to leverage its deep sub–sector and operational knowledge to create value and boost Anaqua’s ambitious plans. It has made 33 technology investments in companies with an aggregate enterprise value of circa EUR 26 billion, with a long history of investing in partnerships with owners, founders and management.

“Nordic Capital shares our vision of a software–led IP management platform, making them the ideal partner for our next phase of growth. Their deep sector experience, successful history of investing in software companies and vast global network would help us continue to transform the IP management industry,” commented Bob Romeo, CEO at Anaqua. “Nordic Capital would enable us to accelerate our global expansion, enhance our technology–driven solutions and drive operational excellence, all of which would be for the ultimate benefit of our clients,” added Justin Crotty, COO at Anaqua.

“Nordic Capital has closely followed Anaqua’s impressive progress and would be pleased to invest in a leader in IP management and innovation technology. This partnership would align with our commitment to supporting companies that drive industry transformation and would fit perfectly with Nordic Capital’s technology investment strategy. We look forward to supporting Anaqua in its next phase of growth, helping them to expand their global footprint further and establishing the leading IP management platform for innovation–driven industries,” stated Fredrik Näslund, Partner and Head of Technology & Payments, at Nordic Capital Advisors.

“We are proud of our successful partnership with Anaqua, marking our first investment in the United States. Over the past five years, we have valued our close collaboration with Bob, Justin and the entire team, undertaking together a transformative journey of growth. We look forward to seeing Anaqua continue to thrive in its next chapter,” concluded François de Mitry, CIO, Astorg.

Definitive agreements for the acquisition would be entered into after information and consultation with employee representative bodies. The transaction would be subject to customary regulatory approvals and would be expected to close by Q1 2025.

Arma Partners and Jefferies acted as exclusive financial advisors and Latham & Watkins acted as legal advisor to Astorg and Anaqua on this transaction. William Blair acted as financial advisor to Nordic Capital.

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated technology solutions and services for the management of intellectual property (IP). Anaqua's AQX® and PATTSY WAVE® IP management solutions combine best practice workflows with big data analytics and technology–enabled services to create an intelligent environment that informs IP strategies, enables IP decisions and streamlines IP processes. Today, nearly half of the 100 largest U.S. patent applicants and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide, use Anaqua's solutions. Over two million IP executives, lawyers, paralegals, administrators and innovators use the platform for their IP management. The company is headquartered in Boston, with additional offices in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia. For more information, please visit or LinkedIn.

About Nordic Capital
Nordic Capital is a leading sector–specialist private equity investor with a resolute commitment to creating stronger, sustainable businesses through operational improvement and transformative growth. Nordic Capital focuses on selected regions and sectors where it has deep experience and a long history. Focus sectors are Healthcare, Technology & Payments, Financial Services, and Services & Industrial Tech. Key regions are Europe and globally for Healthcare and Technology & Payments investments. Since inception in 1989, Nordic Capital has invested EUR 26 billion in close to 150 investments. The most recent entities are Nordic Capital XI with EUR 9.0 billion in committed capital and Nordic Capital Evolution with EUR 1.2 billion in committed capital, principally provided by international institutional investors such as pension funds. Nordic Capital Advisors have local offices in Sweden, the UK, the US, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and South Korea.

“Nordic Capital” refers to, depending on the context, any, or all, Nordic Capital branded entities, vehicles, structures, and associated entities. The general partners and/or delegated portfolio managers of Nordic Capital’s entities and vehicles are advised by several non–discretionary sub–advisory entities, any or all of which are referred to as “Nordic Capital Advisors”.

About Astorg
Astorg is a leading pan–European private equity firm with over €24 billion of assets under management. Astorg works with entrepreneurs and management teams to acquire market leading global companies headquartered in Europe or the US, providing them with the strategic guidance, governance and capital they need to achieve their growth goals. Enjoying a distinct entrepreneurial culture, a long–term shareholder perspective and a lean decision–making body, Astorg has valuable industry expertise in healthcare, software, technology, business services and technology–based industrial companies. Headquartered in Luxembourg, Astorg has offices in London, Paris, New York, Frankfurt, and Milan.

Press contacts:
Nordic Capital
Elin Ljung
Managing Director, Head of Communications & Sustainability
+46 70–866 10 40

US media contact – Brunswick Group

Company Contact:
Nancy Hegarty
VP, Marketing

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9275522)

Cloudera Adquire Plataforma da Octopai para Fornecer Dados Confiáveis em Todo o Acervo de Dados da Nuvem Híbrida

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Cloudera, a única verdadeira plataforma híbrida para dados, análises e IA, anunciou que assinou um acordo definitivo com a Octopai B.I. Ltd. (Octopai) para a aquisição da linhagem de dados e catálogo da Octopai que permite que as organizações entendam e governem seus dados. A transação aumentará significativamente o catálogo de dados e os recursos de gerenciamento de metadados da Cloudera.

As empresas estão sob crescente pressão para incorporar a tomada de decisões baseada nos dados das operações dos seus negócios. Eles querem utilizar seus dados para iniciativas de IA, aprendizado de máquina e análise preditiva, e isso exige uma estratégia abrangente de inteligência de dados para o encontro de todos os dados relevantes, contextuais e confiáveis em toda a empresa. Mas para muitas empresas – particularmente as de finanças, saúde, varejo e telecomunicações que lidam com dados altamente regulamentados, sensíveis e volumosos – ter uma visão completa de todo o conjunto de dados ainda é um desafio, pois exigem recursos em várias soluções de dados em ambientes híbridos.

“Com as organizações orientadas por dados adotando arquiteturas de dados híbridas e distribuídas, a capacidade de gerenciamento automático de metadados é fundamental para o fornecimento de uma visão unificada de autoatendimento dos dados”, disse Sanjeev Mohan, analista principal da SanjMo. “As estratégias unificadas de metadados resultam em insights analíticos em que os consumidores de dados confiam. Eles também garantem segurança, aumentam a governança e fornecem uma visão consistente de todo o acervo de dados. O aumento do gerenciamento de dados, da governança e dos recursos de IA da Cloudera com a linhagem de dados multicamadas da Octopai, com mais de 50 conectores de fonte de dados, e o gerenciamento automatizado de metadados resultam em uma solução abrangente de metadados e inteligência de dados.”

Fundada em 2016, a Octopai transformou o cenário de gerenciamento de metadados com a utilização do mapeamento automatizado de dados e gráficos de conhecimento para enriquecer e ativar metadados para fornecer insights sobre o cenário de dados. Isso, juntamente com uma experiência intuitiva e copilotos de IA, acelera o uso de dados de alta qualidade para resultados analíticos e de IA. Os clientes da Octopai nas principais empresas economizam tempo na análise de mudanças ou impacto, reduzem erros e custos nas suas operações de dados e cumprem as regulamentações em evolução.

As soluções automatizadas da Octopai para linhagem de dados, descoberta de dados, catálogo de dados, mapeamento e análise de impacto em ambientes de dados complexos complementam a estratégia de arquitetura de dados moderna da Cloudera. Com o gerenciamento integrado de metadados e a linhagem de dados multidimensionais da Octopai, os clientes da Cloudera podem obter visibilidade de uma infinidade de soluções de dados para que possam alimentar sua IA, análise preditiva e outras ferramentas de tomada de decisão com dados confiáveis. Os clientes também podem esperar melhor:

  • Descoberta de dados – Encontro rápido de dados relevantes em conjuntos de dados complexos e distribuídos em ambientes de nuvem, locais e híbridos, bem como compreensão das origens dos dados e sua confiabilidade. Essa visibilidade clara da fonte de dados, do histórico e das transformações garante que as decisões sejam baseadas em dados precisos e confiáveis.
  • Qualidade dos Dados – Rastreamento da jornada dos dados desde sua origem até seu estado atual. Com a Octopai, os clientes podem resolver problemas com a qualidade dos dados que resultam em dados não confiáveis, má tomada de decisões e produtos de dados abaixo do padrão, garantindo que dados confiáveis e de qualidade sejam utilizados em toda a empresa.
  • Governança de dados – Com o mapeamento e catalogação automática dos dados entre sistemas em um hub de conhecimento, com insights detalhados sobre fluxos de dados, transformações e processos, a Octopai pode ajudar os clientes corporativos a cumprir regulamentos como GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA e muito mais.
  • Assistência à migração – Utilização da linhagem orientada por parceiro e o agente genAI Octomize AI por equipes de dados para mitigação de riscos, redução de erros e garantia de que os dados migrados permaneçam precisos, consistentes e utilizáveis quando transferidos para um novo ambiente.

“Ao usar dados nas tomadas de decisões críticas para os negócios, as empresas não podem se dar ao luxo de ter pontos cegos ou imprecisões, e certamente não devem permitir que a identificação de dados confiáveis atrase o progresso”, disse Charles Sansbury, CEO da Cloudera. “Nossos clientes precisam descobrir dados automaticamente em vários repositórios, mostrar uma linhagem profunda de ativos dentro e fora da propriedade da Cloudera e utilizar um catálogo de dados robusto para identificar ativos de dados que podem ser consumidos. A aquisição da plataforma da Octopai aprimora a plataforma de dados, análise e IA da Cloudera, permitindo que os clientes tenham maior visibilidade dos seus dados, independentemente do seu provedor de gerenciamento de dados.”

“A Cloudera e a Octopai representam uma simbiose perfeita, reunindo dados centralizados e gerenciamento de metadados”, observou Yael Ben Arie, CEO da Octopai. “Ao combinar os recursos de metadados da Octopai com a abrangente plataforma de dados, análise e IA da Cloudera, enfrentamos o desafio crítico de entender e governar os dados em ambientes multinuvem e locais. Esta aquisição estabelecerá a linhagem de dados e a plataforma de catálogo da Octopai como o padrão para o gerenciamento de metadados, acelerando a missão da Cloudera de preparar os clientes para a era da IA. Estamos empolgados em oferecer a linhagem de dados de nível empresarial e o gerenciamento de metadados para organizações em uma escala sem precedentes.”

A transação está sujeita às condições habituais de fechamento e a Cloudera prevê que a conclusão da transação deve ocorrer antes do final de novembro de 2024. Para mais informação sobre a aquisição da plataforma da Octopai pela Cloudera, leia o blog da Cloudera.

Para mais informações sobre como a Cloudera pode permitir que a sua organização obtenha mais valor dos seus maiores volumes de dados, visite:–data–platform.

Sobre a Cloudera
A Cloudera é a única verdadeira plataforma híbrida para dados, análise e IA. Com 100 vezes mais dados sob gerenciamento do que outros fornecedores exclusivos de nuvem, a Cloudera capacita empresas globais a transformar dados de todos os tipos, em qualquer nuvem pública ou privada, em insights valiosos e confiáveis. Nossa lakehouse de dados abertos oferece gerenciamento de dados escalável e seguro com análises nativas da nuvem portáteis, permitindo que os clientes tragam modelos GenAI para seus dados, mantendo a privacidade e garantindo implantações de IA responsáveis e confiáveis. As maiores marcas mundiais de serviços financeiros, seguros, mídia, manufatura e governo contam com a Cloudera para usar seus dados para resolver o que era impossível – hoje e no futuro.

Para mais informação, visite e siga–nos no LinkedIn e X. A Cloudera e as marcas associadas são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da Cloudera, Inc. Todos os outros nomes de empresas e produtos podem ser marcas comerciais de seus respectivos proprietários.

Jess Hohn–Cabana

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9274464)

Cloudera erwirbt Plattform von Octopai zur Bereitstellung vertrauenswürdiger Daten für gesamten hybriden Cloud-Datenbestand

SANTA CLARA, Kalifornien, Nov. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cloudera, die einzige echte hybride Plattform für Daten, Analytik und KI, hat den Abschluss einer endgültigen Vereinbarung mit Octopai B.I. Ltd. (Octopai) über den Erwerb der Datenabgleich– und Katalogplattform von Octopai bekanntgegeben, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihre Daten zu verstehen und zu verwalten. Die Transaktion wird die Datenkatalog– und Metadatenmanagement–Funktionen von Cloudera erheblich erweitern.

Unternehmen stehen zunehmend unter dem Druck, datengestützte Entscheidungsprozesse in ihre Geschäftsabläufe einzubinden. Sie wollen ihre Daten für KI, maschinelles Lernen und Initiativen im Bereich der prädiktiven Analytik nutzen, was eine umfassende Data–Intelligence–Strategie erfordert, um alle relevanten, kontextbezogenen und vertrauenswürdigen Daten im gesamten Unternehmen zu finden. Für viele Unternehmen – insbesondere in den Bereichen Finanzwesen, Gesundheitswesen, Einzelhandel und Telekommunikation, die mit hochgradig regulierten, sensiblen und voluminösen Daten arbeiten – ist es jedoch nach wie vor eine Herausforderung, einen vollständigen Überblick über den gesamten Datenbestand zu haben, da sie Funktionen für mehrere Datenlösungen in hybriden Umgebungen benötigen.

„Da datengesteuerte Unternehmen hybride, verteilte Datenarchitekturen einführen, ist die Möglichkeit, Metadaten automatisch zu verwalten, von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Bereitstellung einer einheitlichen Self–Service–Ansicht der Daten“, so Sanjeev Mohan, Principal Analyst bei SanjMo. „Einheitliche Metadatenstrategien führen zu analytischen Erkenntnissen, denen die Datenkonsumenten vertrauen. Außerdem gewährleisten sie Sicherheit, verbessern die Governance und bieten einen einheitlichen Überblick über den gesamten Datenbestand. Die Ergänzung der Datenmanagement–, Governance– und KI–Funktionen von Cloudera mit der unternehmenstauglichen, mehrschichtigen Datenabgleichsfunktion von Octopai mit über 50 Datenquellenkonnektoren und automatisiertem Metadatenmanagement führt zu einer umfassenden Lösung für Metadaten und Data Intelligence.“

Octopai wurde 2016 gegründet und hat die Landschaft des Metadatenmanagements verändert, indem das Unternehmen automatisiertes Datenmapping und Wissensgraphen zur Anreicherung und Aktivierung von Metadaten einsetzt, um Einblicke in die Datenlandschaft zu liefern. In Verbindung mit einem intuitiven Erlebnis und KI–Copiloten beschleunigt dies die Nutzung hochwertiger Daten für Analyse– und KI–Ergebnisse. Heute sparen Kunden von Octopai in führenden Unternehmen Zeit bei der Analyse von Änderungen oder Auswirkungen, reduzieren Fehler und Kosten bei ihren Datenoperationen und erfüllen die sich entwickelnden Vorschriften.

Die automatisierten Lösungen von Octopai für Datenabgleich, Datenentdeckung, Datenkatalogisierung, Kartierung und Auswirkungsanalysen in komplexen Datenumgebungen ergänzen die moderne Datenarchitekturstrategie von Cloudera. Mit dem integrierten Metadatenmanagement und der multidimensionalen Datenabfolge von Octopai erhalten Kunden von Cloudera Transparenz über eine Vielzahl von Datenlösungen, so dass sie ihre Tools für KI, prädiktive Analysen und andere Bereiche der Entscheidungsfindung mit zuverlässigen Daten versorgen können. Kunden können auch Verbesserungen in folgenden Bereichen erwarten:

  • Datenauffindbarkeit – Schnelles Auffinden relevanter Daten in komplexen und verteilten Datensätzen in der Cloud, vor Ort und in hybriden Umgebungen sowie Verständnis der Datenherkunft und ihrer Zuverlässigkeit. Durch diesen klaren Einblick in die Datenquelle, den Verlauf und die Umwandlungen wird sichergestellt, dass Entscheidungen auf genauen und zuverlässigen Daten beruhen.
  • Datenqualität – Verfolgen Sie den Weg der Daten von ihrer Quelle bis zu ihrem aktuellen Zustand. Mit Octopai können Kunden Datenqualitätsprobleme lösen, die zu unzuverlässigen Daten, schlechter Entscheidungsfindung und minderwertigen Datenprodukten führen, und sicherstellen, dass vertrauenswürdige Qualitätsdaten im gesamten Unternehmen genutzt werden.
  • Daten–Governance – Durch die automatische Zuordnung und Katalogisierung von Daten über Systeme hinweg in einer Wissensdrehscheibe mit detaillierten Einblicken in Datenflüsse, –transformationen und –prozesse kann Octopai Unternehmenskunden bei der Einhaltung von Vorschriften wie der DSGVO, CCPA, HIPAA und anderen unterstützen.
  • Migrationsunterstützung – Anwendung des partnergesteuerten Abgleichs und des Octomize AI GenKI–Agenten für Datenteams, um Risiken zu minimieren, Fehler zu reduzieren und sicherzustellen, dass die migrierten Daten nach der Übertragung in eine neue Umgebung korrekt, konsistent und nutzbar bleiben.

„Wenn Unternehmen Daten nutzen, um geschäftskritische Entscheidungen zu treffen, können sie sich keine blinden Flecken oder Ungenauigkeiten leisten, und sie sollten auf keinen Fall zulassen, dass die Identifizierung vertrauenswürdiger Daten den Fortschritt bremst“, so Charles Sansbury, CEO von Cloudera. „Unsere Kunden müssen Daten über mehrere Repositorys hinweg automatisch erkennen, eine tiefe Abstammung von Assets sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Cloudera–Portfolios anzeigen und einen robusten Datenkatalog nutzen, um Daten–Assets zu identifizieren, die genutzt werden können. Die Übernahme der Plattform von Octopai erweitert die Daten–, Analyse– und KI–Plattform von Cloudera und ermöglicht es Kunden, unabhängig von ihrem Datenmanagement–Anbieter eine bessere Sicht auf ihre Daten zu haben.“

„Cloudera und Octopai stellen eine perfekte Symbiose dar, indem sie zentralisiertes Daten– und Metadatenmanagement zusammenbringen“, so Yael Ben Arie, CEO von Octopai. „Durch die Kombination der Metadaten–Funktionen von Octopai mit der umfassenden Daten–, Analyse– und KI–Plattform von Cloudera gehen wir die kritische Herausforderung an, Daten in Multi–Cloud– und On–Premises–Umgebungen zu verstehen und zu verwalten. Diese Übernahme wird die Datenabgleich– und Katalogplattform von Octopai als Standard für das Metadatenmanagement etablieren und gleichzeitig die Mission von Cloudera beschleunigen, Kunden auf die KI–Ära vorzubereiten. Wir freuen uns darauf, Unternehmen ein Daten– und Metadatenmanagement auf Unternehmensebene in einem noch nie dagewesenen Umfang anbieten zu können.“

Die Transaktion unterliegt den üblichen Abschlussbedingungen und Cloudera geht davon aus, dass der Abschluss der Transaktion vor Ende November 2024 erfolgen wird. Weitere Informationen zur Übernahme der Plattform von Octopai durch Cloudera finden Sie im Cloudera–Blog.

Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie Cloudera Ihr Unternehmen in die Lage versetzen kann, mehr Wert aus Ihren größten Datenmengen zu schöpfen, besuchen Sie uns:–data–platform.

Über Cloudera
Cloudera ist die einzige echte Hybridplattform für Daten, Analysen und KI. Mit 100–mal mehr verwalteten Daten als andere reine Cloud–Anbieter ermöglicht Cloudera globalen Unternehmen, Daten aller Art in jeder öffentlichen oder privaten Cloud in wertvolle, vertrauenswürdige Erkenntnisse umzuwandeln. Unser Open Data Lakehouse bietet skalierbares und sicheres Datenmanagement mit portablen, cloud–nativen Analysen, sodass Kunden GenAI–Modelle in ihre Daten einbringen können, während der Datenschutz gewahrt bleibt und eine verantwortungsvolle, zuverlässige KI–Bereitstellung gewährleistet ist. Die weltweit größten Marken in den Bereichen Finanzdienstleistungen, Versicherungen, Medien, Produktion und Behörden verlassen sich auf Cloudera, um mit ihren Daten das scheinbar Unmögliche möglich zu machen – heute und in Zukunft.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn und X. Cloudera und zugehörige Marken sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken von Cloudera, Inc. Alle anderen Unternehmens– und Produktnamen können Marken ihrer jeweiligen Eigentümer sein.

Jess Hohn–Cabana

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9274464)