CGTN: الرئيس الصيني Xi Jinping يزور السكان المتضررين من الفيضانات قبيل عيد الربيع

نشرت شبكة CGTN مقالًا عن زيارة الرئيس الصيني Xi Jinping الأخيرة لقرية في مقاطعة لياونينغ شمال شرق الصين والتي تضررت بشدة من الفيضانات في أغسطس/آب الماضي. يُسلّط المقال الضوء على تقليد زيارة الرئيس للمواطنين العاديين قبيل عيد الربيع، ويستعرض لحظات مؤثرة من زياراته، ويشرح كيف ترسّخ أفعاله التزامه بضمان حياة سعيدة للشعب.

بكين, Jan. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — بينما يتبقى ما يقارب أسبوع على عيد الربيع، وهو العطلة الأهم في التقويم الصيني، تستعد العائلات المتضررة من الفيضانات في قرية تشوجياغو بمقاطعة لياونينغ شمال شرق الصين للاحتفال بالعام الصيني الجديد في منازل جديدة.

شهد أغسطس/ آب الماضي هطول أمطار غزيرة على مقاطعة سويزونغ الواقعة في لياونينغ، ما تسبب في حدوث فيضانات شديدة أثرت بشدة على حياة ما يصل إلى 185,000 شخص في 110 قرية في 10 بلدات. كانت قرية تشوجياغو المنخفضة من بين المناطق الأكثر تضررًا، حيث دُمرت طرقها، وغمرت المياه أكثر من 70 هكتارًا من الأراضي الزراعية، وتضرر أكثر من 50 منزلًا – اعتبر41 منها غير صالحة للترميم.

كما نُقل 186 شخصًا من سكان القرية من 41 أسرة متضررة بشكل جماعي إلى موقع جديد على أرض مرتفعة. ثم بدأ مشروع البناء في أوائل سبتمبر/أيلول لضمان حصول السكان على منزل يأويهم قبل حلول فصل الشتاء البارد في شمال شرق الصين. وبحلول 24 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2024، انتقل هؤلاء القرويين إلى منازل تم بناؤها حديثًا.

ورغم الانخفاض الشديد لدرجات الحرارة، استقطع الرئيس Xi Jinping وقتًا من جدول أعماله المزدحم لزيارة سكان القرى في تشوجياغو يوم الأربعاء.

وتفقد Xi، الذي يشغل أيضًا منصب الأمين العام للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، التقدم المُحرز في عملية الترميم وإعادة الإعمار في أعقاب الكارثة، كما استفسر من السكان المحليين عن جودة المنازل التي أُعيد بناؤها ومستويات ظروفهم المعيشية اليومية.  

من جهته قال الرئيس Xi لسكان القرى: “لقد تعرضت هولوداو لفيضانات شديدة العام الماضي. لذا شعرت بالقلق عليكم وجئت اليوم لأتفقد أحوالكم قبل عيد الربيع”.

وأضاف قائلًا: “ما رأيته اليوم يجعلني أشعر بالارتياح”.

“حيث يمكن للناس دائمًا الاعتماد على الحزب والحكومة”

وفي إشارة إلى عدد من الكوارث الطبيعية التي وقعت في مختلف أنحاء البلاد العام الماضي، أعرب Xi يوم الأربعاء عن ثقته في أن عمليات الترميم وإعادة الإعمار في المناطق المتضررة ستحقق نتائج جيدة.

قال Xi في هذا الصدد: “لطالما وضعنا الشعب في المقام الأول، يمكن للناس دائمًا الاعتماد على الحزب والحكومة في أصعب الأوقات، وسنساعدهم في التغلب على الصعوبات وسنعيد بناء منازلهم”.

وبالعودة إلى أثر زيارات الرئيس قبل عيد الربيع، فلطالما كانت “إعادة الإعمار بعد الكوارث” موضوعًا رئيسيًا يتم التطرق إليه بشكل مباشر.

وإلى جانب الزيارة الأخيرة إلى تشوجياغو، أجرى Xi في فبراير/شباط الماضي زيارة للمتضررين من الفيضانات في قرية ديليوبو الواقعة في بلدية تيانجين. وقال Xi في حديثه لسكان القرية: “لا يمكن أن تزدهر البلاد إلا إذا شعر الشعب بالأمان”، مضيفًا أن القيادة المركزية للحزب “اتخذت قرارًا بتحسين معيشة الشعب من خلال سعيها لتعزيز بناء مشروعات الحفاظ على المياه والسيطرة على الفيضانات”.

وفي يناير/ كانون الثاني 2022 ورغم تساقط الثلوج، أجرى Xi زيارة لسكان قرية صغيرة تدعى فنجنانيوان في مقاطعة شانشي شمالي الصين والتي تضررت بشدة من فيضانات الخريف. وقال Xi: “إن عزم الحزب الشيوعي الصيني على ضمان أن يعيش جميع الصينيين حياة سعيدة لم يتغير منذ أكثر من قرن، ولن يتزعزع أبدًا”.

كما تفقد Xi أيضًا بلدة ينغتشو الواقعة في منطقة ونتشوان بمقاطعة سيشوان في فبراير/شباط 2018، والتي كانت مركزًا لزلزال قوي أودى بحياة عشرات الآلاف في عام 2008. قال Xi خلال الزيارة: “وظيفتي هي خدمة الشعب”.

قضاء وقت مع المواطنين

وتأتي هذه الزيارة إلى لياونينغ استمرارًا لتقليد حافظ عليه الرئيس Xi على مدى 13 عامًا متتالية: زيارة الناس على المستوى البسيط والشعبي قبل عيد الربيع، تاركًا العديد من اللحظات المؤثرة.

وخلال زيارة تفقدية سابقة للمهرجان في تشانغجياكو بمقاطعة خبي في يناير/كانون الثاني 2017، زار Xi قرية ديشنغ حيث ساعد أحد سكان القرية في عملية حساب دخل الأسرة ونفقاتها بدقة.

في فبراير/شباط 2016، زار Xi قرية شينشان في مقاطعة جيانغشي حيث انضم إلى سكان القرية في إعداد وجبة سيبا الاحتفالية المتمثلة في كعكة الأرز المطاطية التقليدية. وقال مازحًا أن عملية ضرب مكونات الوجبة بالمطرقة كان تمرينًا بدنيًا جيدًا.

وعند تفقده لمنطقة منغوليا الداخلية ذاتية الحكم في يناير/كانون الثاني 2014، زار Xi دارًا لرعاية الأطفال حيث استخدم لغة الإشارة للتواصل مع ضعاف السمع. وفي رسالته الأخيرة بمناسبة العام الجديد، أكّد الرئيس Xi Jinping قائلًا “إن ضمان حياة سعيدة لشعبنا هو الأهم من بين جميع المسؤوليات التي تقع على عاتقنا”. جدول أعمال الرئيس المزدحم دليل حي على أن الأفعال تُترجم الأقوال.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى النقر على:–01–23/Xi–Jinping–visits–flood–affected–residents–ahead–of–Spring–Festival–1AoP9YVemLC/p.html

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9337441)

CGTN: Xi Jinping visits flood-affected residents ahead of Spring Festival

CGTN publishes an article on Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent visit to a village in northeast China's Liaoning Province, which was heavily affected by floods last August. The article highlights the president's tradition of visiting ordinary citizens ahead of the Spring Festival, reviews heartwarming moments from his visits, and explains how Xi's actions reinforce his commitment to ensuring a happy life for the people.

BEIJING, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With just over a week until the Spring Festival, the most important holiday on the Chinese calendar, families affected by flooding in Zhujiagou Village, northeast China's Liaoning Province, are preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year in new homes.

Last August, torrential rains lashed Liaoning's Suizhong County, triggering severe flooding and heavily affecting the lives of as many as 185,000 residents in 110 villages across 10 townships. The low–lying Zhujiagou Village was among the hardest–hit areas, with roads destroyed, over 70 hectares of farmlands inundated, and more than 50 homes damaged – 41 of which were deemed unsafe for repair.

The 186 villagers from the 41 affected households were collectively relocated to a new site on higher ground. A construction project then began in early September to ensure residents could have a roof over their heads before the arrival of the cold winter in northeast China. By October 24, 2024, all these villagers had moved into newly–built homes.

Braving freezing temperatures, President Xi Jinping took time out of his busy schedule to visit the villagers in Zhujiagou on Wednesday.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, inspected the progress in post–disaster restoration and reconstruction and asked locals about the quality of the reconstructed homes and the standards of their daily living conditions.  

“Huludao suffered severe flooding last year. I have been concerned about you and came to see you before the Spring Festival,” Xi told the villagers.

“What I've seen today makes me feel relieved,” he added.

'People can always count on Party, government'

Noting a number of natural disasters that occurred across the country last year, Xi on Wednesday expressed his belief that restoration and reconstruction in the affected areas will yield good results.

“We have always put the people first,” Xi said. “The people can always count on the Party and the government in their most difficult times, and we will help them overcome difficulties and rebuild their homes.”

Looking back at the footprints of the president's visits ahead of the Spring Festival, “post–disaster reconstruction” has been a major corner to be addressed head–on.

In addition to the recent visit to Zhujiagou, last February Xi visited those affected by the floods in Diliubu Village, Tianjin Municipality. As he told the villagers, “Only when the people are secure can the country prosper,” adding that the Party's central leadership has “made a resolution to improve the livelihood of the people by striving to enhance the construction of water conservancy and flood control projects.”

Back in January 2022, he braved the snow to visit people in a small village called Fengnanyuan in north China's Shanxi Province that had been hit hard by autumn floods. “The CPC's resolve to ensure all Chinese people live happy lives has remained unchanged for more than a century, and it will not falter,” said Xi.

He also visited Yingxiu, a township in Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province in February 2018, which was the epicenter of a major earthquake that claimed the lives of tens of thousands in 2008. “My job is to serve the people,” Xi said during the visit.

Spending time with people

The visit to Liaoning continues a tradition Xi has maintained for 13 consecutive years: visiting people at the primary and grassroots level ahead of Spring Festival, leaving many heartwarming moments.

During a pre–festival inspection in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province in January 2017, Xi visited Desheng Village, where he helped a villager meticulously calculate household income and expenses.

In February 2016, Xi visited Shenshan Village in Jiangxi Province and joined the villagers in making the festive snack ciba, a traditional glutinous rice cake. He quipped that pounding the snack with a mallet was a good workout.

When inspecting northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in January 2014, Xi went to a children's welfare home where he used sign language to interact with the hearing–impaired. In his latest New Year message, Xi Jinping again stressed that “of all the jobs in front of us, the most important is to ensure a happy life for our people.” The president's busy schedule is a vivid demonstration of actions backing up words.

For more information, please click:–01–23/Xi–Jinping–visits–flood–affected–residents–ahead–of–Spring–Festival–1AoP9YVemLC/p.html

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336909)

Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission Launches Art Week Riyadh: A New Platform Celebrating A Thriving Art Scene

  • From insights into private collections and gallery–led exhibitions to a series of talks and workshops, Art Week Riyadh’s inaugural edition, taking place from 6–13 April 2025, will be held under the theme At The Edge
  • An initiative of the Ministry of Culture’s Visual Arts Commission, the event is a platform for amplifying Saudi Arabia’s dynamic art scene, by fostering exchange and supporting the arts as a cornerstone of the Kingdom’s future

JAX 01, Courtesy the Visual Arts Commission, Saudi Arabia.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Saudi Visual Arts Commission announces the inaugural edition of Art Week Riyadh, a unique initiative that celebrates Saudi Arabia’s thriving art scene. Taking place from 6 to 13 April 2025, this event will gather leading local and international galleries, cultural institutions, artists, patrons, collectors, and art enthusiasts.

Art Week Riyadh, a non–commercial initiative, builds on the foundations of a dynamic art community to cultivate a collaborative landscape where the visual arts will continue to flourish for generations to come. With programming designed to honour the past, celebrate the present, and invest in the future, Art Week Riyadh will showcase the depth and breadth of Saudi’s art landscape.

The week–long inaugural event will span a diverse line–up of programming and activities and will take place across the city of Riyadh, headquartered at the JAX District in the historic town of Diriyah. Highlights include:

  • Exhibitions: Showcasing works by established and emerging artists presented by leading Saudi and international galleries;
  • Collectors’ exhibitions: Curated displays of private collections, granting unprecedented access to rarely seen works;
  • Public programming and events: Engaging talks, workshops, and performances that emphasise education, collaboration, and inclusivity, designed to inspire and connect audiences.

Under the theme At The Edge, the inaugural edition will explore thresholds, transitions, and liminal spaces, reflecting Riyadh’s role as a centre of global cultural engagement.

Art Week Riyadh, which runs from 6 to 13 April 2025, is an initiative of Saudi Arabia’s Visual Arts Commission — one of 11 sector–specific commissions under the Ministry of Culture, leading the development of the visual arts sector in Saudi Arabia.

Dina Amin, CEO of the Visual Arts Commission, comments:

“Art Week Riyadh is about building a robust and inclusive framework—one that supports innovation, creativity and thought leadership, and an unwavering commitment to preserving and advancing culture. By bringing together diverse elements of the Saudi art sector, it aims to empower and nurture practitioners and foster a shared vision of growth, opportunity, and cultural enrichment.”


Press kit available here.

For more information regarding Art Week Riyadh please contact:

International press enquiries: Pelham Communications
Rania Habib / Zara Doshi: / 

Local press enquiries: March PR
Angelina Soueidi:

About Art Week Riyadh
Art Week Riyadh, a new initiative by the Visual Arts Commission, is a city–wide platform for showcasing and celebrating the dynamic Saudi art landscape. Rooted in the country's thriving art scene, it will spotlight Riyadh's position as a key art world destination, uniting leading local and international institutions, galleries, patrons and practitioners. This distinctive weeklong event will feature exhibitions presented by galleries, highlights from prominent private collections, and an engaging public program – all of which will serve as an inclusive platform for artistic dialogue and exchange, nurturing a culture of art collecting and patronage, and contributing to Saudi Arabia's creative economy. The website page can be found here. #ArtWeekRiyadh #ArtWeekRiyadh2025

About the Visual Arts Commission
The Visual Arts Commission is one of 11 sector–specific commissions under the Ministry of Culture. Founded in 2020, it is leading the development of the visual arts sector in Saudi Arabia. The Commission is working to nurture the talent of art enthusiasts, practitioners, and professionals in the country, and support the production and exhibition of artwork in all its forms, locally and internationally. To learn more about the Visual Arts Commission, please visit and the commission’s page on X: @MOCVisualArts.

About the Ministry of Culture
Saudi Arabia has a vast history of arts and culture. The Ministry of Culture is developing Saudi Arabia’s cultural economy and enriching the daily lives of citizens, residents, and visitors. Overseeing 11 sector–specific commissions, the Ministry works towards the support of and preservation of a vibrant culture that is true to its past and looks to the future by cherishing heritage and unleashing new and inspiring forms of expression for all. Find the Ministry of Culture on social media: X @MOCSaudi (Arabic); @MOCSaudi_En (English) | Instagram @mocsaudi

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–5638–41eb–b781–c3be07a538f9

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9336650)

Publication relating to transparency notifications



Publication relating to transparency notifications

Mont–Saint–Guibert (Belgium), January 20, 2025, 10:30 pm CET / 4:30 pm ET In accordance with article 14 of the Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) announces that it received a transparency notification as detailed below.

BlackRock, Inc.

On January 16, 2025, Nyxoah received a transparency notification from BlackRock, Inc. and related persons. Based on the notification, BlackRock, Inc. (together with its controlled undertakings) holds 1,105,907 voting rights, consisting of 1,065,035 shares and 40,872 equivalent financial instruments, representing 2.95% of the total number of voting rights on January 14, 2025 (37,427,265).

The notification dated January 15, 2025 contains the following information:

  • Reason for the notification:
    • Acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights
    • Downward crossing of the lowest threshold
  • Notification by: a parent undertaking or a controlling person
  • Persons subject to the notification requirement:
    • BlackRock, Inc. (with address at 50 Hudson Yards, New York, NY, 10001, U.S.A.)
    • BlackRock Advisors, LLC (with address at 50 Hudson Yards, New York, NY, 10001, U.S.A.)
    • BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. (with address at 50 Hudson Yards, New York, NY, 10001, U.S.A.)
    • BlackRock Fund Advisors (with address at 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, U.S.A.)
    • BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association (with address at 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, U.S.A.)
    • BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (with address at 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL, U.K.)
    • BlackRock Investment Management, LLC (with address at 1 University Square Drive, Princeton, NJ, 8540, U.S.A.)
  • Date on which the threshold was crossed: January 14, 2025
  • Threshold that is crossed: 3%
  • Denominator: 37,427,265
  • Notified details:
A) Voting rights Previous notification After the transaction
  # of voting rights # of voting rights % of voting rights
Holders of voting rights   Linked to securities Not linked to the securities Linked to securities Not linked to the securities
BlackRock, Inc. 0 0   0.00%  
BlackRock Advisors, LLC 1,089,161 1,031,849   2.76%  
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. 6,167 6,167   0.02%  
BlackRock Fund Advisors 255 255   0.00%  
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association 2,551 2,551   0.01%  
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 1,080 1,080   0.00%  
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC 23,444 23,133   0.06%  
Subtotal 1,122,658 1,065,035   2.85%  
  TOTAL 1,065,035   2.85%  

B) Equivalent financial instruments After the transaction
Holders of equivalent financial instruments Type of financial instrument Expiration date Exercise period or date # of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised % of voting rights Settlement
BlackRock Advisors, LLC Securities Lent     38,900 0.10% physical
BlackRock Fund Advisors Securities Lent     200 0.00% physical
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. Contract Difference     1,772 0.00% cash
  TOTAL     40,872 0.10%  

  TOTAL (A & B) # of voting rights % of voting rights  
        1,105,907 2.95%  
  • Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held:

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
Trident Merger, LLC
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock International Holdings, Inc.
BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.
BlackRock Holdco 3, LLC
BlackRock Cayman 1 LP
BlackRock Cayman West Bay Finco Limited
BlackRock Cayman West Bay IV Limited
BlackRock Group Limited
BlackRock Finance Europe Limited
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC
BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC
BlackRock Delaware Holdings Inc.
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC
BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC
BlackRock Delaware Holdings Inc.
BlackRock Fund Advisors

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock Capital Holdings, Inc.
BlackRock Advisors, LLC

  • Additional information: The disclosure obligation arose due to total holdings in voting rights for BlackRock, Inc. going below 3%.


* *

John Landry, CFO


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001043925)

Publication relative à des notifications de transparence



Publication relative à des notifications de transparence

Mont–Saint–Guibert (Belgique), le 20 janvier 2025, 22:30h CET / 16:30h ET Conformément à l'article 14 de la loi du 2 mai 2007 relative à la publicité des participations importantes, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq : NYXH) annonce qu’elle a reçu une notification de transparence comme détaillé ci–dessous.

BlackRock, Inc.

Le 16 janvier 2025, Nyxoah a reçu une notification de transparence de BlackRock, Inc. et de personnes liées. Sur la base de la notification, BlackRock, Inc. (avec ses entreprises contrôlées) détient 1.105.907 droits de vote, soit 1.065.035 actions et 40.872 instruments financiers assimilés, représentant 2,95% du nombre total des droits de vote en date du 14 janvier 2025 (37.427.265).

La notification datée du 15 janvier 2025 contient les informations suivantes :

  • Motif de la notification :
    • Acquisition ou cession de titres conférant le droit de vote ou de droits de vote
    • Franchissement vers le bas du seuil minimum
  • Notification par : une entreprise mère ou une personne détenant le contrôle
  • Personnes tenues à la notification :
    • BlackRock, Inc. (avec adresse à 50 Hudson Yards, New York, NY, 10001, Etats–Unis)
    • BlackRock Advisors, LLC (avec adresse à 50 Hudson Yards, New York, NY, 10001, Etats–Unis)
    • BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. (avec adresse à 50 Hudson Yards, New York, NY, 10001, Etats–Unis)
    • BlackRock Fund Advisors (avec adresse à 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, Etats–Unis)
    • BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association (avec adresse à 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA, 94105, Etats–Unis)
    • BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (avec adresse à 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL, Royaume–Uni)
    • BlackRock Investment Management, LLC (avec adresse à 1 University Square Drive, Princeton, NJ, 8540, Etats–Unis)
  • Date du dépassement de seuil : le 14 janvier 2025
  • Seuil franchi : 3%
  • Dénominateur : 37.427.265
  • Détails de la notification :
A) Droits de vote Notification précédente Après la transaction
  # droits de vote # droits de vote % de droits de vote
Détenteurs de droits de vote   Attachés à des titres Non liés à des titres Attachés à des titres Non liés à des titres
BlackRock, Inc. 0 0   0,00%  
BlackRock Advisors, LLC 1.089.161 1.031.849


BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. 6.167 6.167   0,02%  
BlackRock Fund Advisors 255 255   0,00%  
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association 2.551 2.551   0,01%  
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 1.080 1.080   0,00%  
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC 23.444 23.133   0,06%  
Sous–total 1.122.658 1.065.035


  TOTAL 1.065.035



B) Instruments financiers assimilés Après la transaction
Détenteurs d’instruments financiers assimilés Type d’instrument financier Date d’échéance Date ou délai d’exercice ou de conversion # droits de vote pouvant être acquis en cas d’exercice de l’instrument % de droits de vote Règlement
BlackRock Advisors, LLC Prêt d’actions     38.900 0,10% physique
BlackRock Fund Advisors Prêt d’actions     200 0,00% physique
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. Différence de contrat     1.772 0,00% espèces
  TOTAL     40.872 0,10%  

  TOTAL (A & B) # droits de vote % de droits de vote  
        1.105.907 2,95%  
  • Chaine des entreprises contrôlées par l'intermédiaire desquelles la participation est effectivement détenue :

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
Trident Merger, LLC
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock International Holdings, Inc.
BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.
BlackRock Holdco 3, LLC
BlackRock Cayman 1 LP
BlackRock Cayman West Bay Finco Limited
BlackRock Cayman West Bay IV Limited
BlackRock Group Limited
BlackRock Finance Europe Limited
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC
BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC
BlackRock Delaware Holdings Inc.
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC
BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC
BlackRock Delaware Holdings Inc.
BlackRock Fund Advisors

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock Finance, Inc.
BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock Capital Holdings, Inc.
BlackRock Advisors, LLC

  • Information supplémentaire : L'obligation d'information est née du fait que le total des droits de vote détenus par BlackRock, Inc. est passé en dessous de 3 %.


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John Landry, CFO

Pièce jointe

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001043925)

Meltwater Achieves ISO 42001 Certification, in Industry First

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Meltwater, a global leader in media, social and consumer intelligence, is proud to announce that the company is the first in its industry to receive ISO 42001 certification for responsible development and use of AI systems. ISO 42001 is the world’s first AI management system standard for organizations that have established a robust framework for managing risks and opportunities in AI systems and who meet the highest standards of information security and privacy.

ISO 42001 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS), such as Meltwater’s industry–leading AI engine. This certification demonstrates Meltwater's commitment to responsible AI governance with strict policies and procedures, as well as safeguarding customer data and ensuring transparency and accountability in handling sensitive information, the details of which can be found on Meltwater’s Trust Center.

For Meltwater customers, this certification means they can trust the company's ability to protect their data. With the growing concerns surrounding data privacy and security, the ISO 42001 certification is a testament to Meltwater's proactive approach in addressing these challenges. At Meltwater, AI is responsibly developed with transparency, security, risk mitigation and customer–centricity at the heart of the approach.

The certification process involves a comprehensive evaluation of Meltwater's information security policies, risk management strategies, and operational procedures. This rigorous assessment ensures that the company not only meets but exceeds the expectations set forth by the ISO standards. As a result, Meltwater is better equipped to respond to potential security threats and to continuously improve its information security practices.

“Achieving ISO 42001 certification marks a significant milestone in Meltwater’s AI journey. We process over a billion pieces of content and perform 15 billion AI inferences daily for our customers and this certification validates not just our commitment to responsible AI development, but our ability to operate AI systems at massive scale while maintaining the highest standards of governance,” said Aditya Jami, Chief Technology Officer at Meltwater. “Building upon our ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications, this new standard demonstrates our proactive approach to AI management and risk mitigation.”

Meltwater's achievement of the ISO 42001 certification underscores its commitment to delivering exceptional value to its customers while prioritizing their security and privacy. This milestone not only strengthens Meltwater's position in the market but also sets a benchmark for excellence in the media intelligence industry.

The certification can be found on Meltwater’s new Trust Center, a centralized portal for customers and partners to access compliance certifications and documents, information on security controls, and frequently asked questions. The Trust Center is another way Meltwater is investing in trust and security, and enabling customers and prospects to easily self–service the security information they need.

For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello

About Meltwater:
Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9333354)

Southwest Airlines Co. Announcement: Southwest Airlines Co. Investors Are Encouraged to Contact The Rosen Law Firm About Ongoing Investigation of Breaches of Fiduciary Duties by the Directors and Officers – LUV

NEW YORK, Dec. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces it is investigating potential breaches of fiduciary duties by the directors and officers of Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) in connection with Southwest Airlines’ information technology infrastructure impacting Southwest Airlines’ business, operations, and stock price.

If you currently own shares of Southwest Airlines stock, please visit the firm’s website at–form/?case_id=10716 for more information. You may also contact Phillip Kim of Rosen Law Firm toll free at 866–767–3653 or via email at

Why Rosen Law: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:–rosen–law–firm, on Twitter: or on Facebook:

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:        

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686–1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
        Fax: (212) 202–3827

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9323815)

ROSEN, A TRUSTED AND LEADING FIRM, Encourages Joint Stock Company Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action First Filed by the Firm – KSPI

NEW YORK, Dec. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces it has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of purchasers of securities of Joint Stock Company (NASDAQ: KSPI) between January 19, 2024 and September 19, 2024, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”). A class action has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than February 18, 2025 in the securities class action first filed by the Firm.

SO WHAT: If you purchased securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the class action, go to–form/?case_id=29172 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than February 18, 2025. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made materially false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) continued doing business with Russian entities, and also providing services to Russian citizens, after Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, thereby exposing to the undisclosed risk of sanctions; (2) engaged in undisclosed related party transactions; (3) certain of’s executives have links to reputed criminals; and (4) as a result, defendants’ statements about’s business, operations, and prospects were materially false and misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the class action, go to–form/?case_id=29172 call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll–free at 866–767–3653 or email for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:–rosen–law–firm or on Twitter: or on Facebook:

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686–1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767–3653
        Fax: (212) 202–3827

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9323810)

Lumi Global erwirbt Assembly Voting, um seine Führungsposition im Produktbereich zu stärken und die internationale Expansion zu beschleunigen

LIPHOOK, Vereinigtes Königreich, Dec. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lumi Global, ein weltweit führender Anbieter technologiebasierter Lösungen für Hauptversammlungen, Investor Relations und Mitgliederversammlungen, gibt stolz die Übernahme von Assembly Voting bekannt, einem Technologieunternehmen, das sich auf umfassende, überprüfbare, cloudbasierte Wahl– und Abstimmungslösungen über seine proprietäre Plattform Electa spezialisiert hat. Diese strategische Übernahme stärkt das Engagement von Lumi Global für Innovation und erweitert gleichzeitig seine Fähigkeiten über die Live–Meeting–Umgebung hinaus auf neue Marktchancen.

Die wichtigsten Highlights der Übernahme

  1. Ausbau des Produkt–Leaderships
    • Assembly Voting führt eine fortschrittliche End–to–End–Verifizierbarkeit in das Portfolio von Lumi ein und gewährleistet sichere, transparente und verifizierbare Wahl– und Abstimmungsprozesse für Kunden weltweit.
    • Lumi Global bietet schon seit Langem Lösungen für anonyme Abstimmungen an. Assembly Voting erweitert diese Möglichkeiten durch seine fortschrittlichen Funktionen und festigt die Position von Lumi Global als führender Anbieter von Konferenztechnologie und Wahlsystemen.
  2. Stärkung des Produktportfolios
    • Die Electa–Plattform wurde speziell für geplante Wahlen und asynchrone Abstimmungen entwickelt und ergänzt die bestehenden Lösungen von Lumi Global für Live–Meetings und synchrone Abstimmungen.
    • Mit dem Fokus auf Überprüfbarkeit, Sicherheit und Skalierbarkeit erweitert die Electa–Plattform die Fähigkeit von Lumi, Organisationen in jeder Phase ihrer Entscheidungsprozesse zu unterstützen, sowohl vor als auch während wichtiger Besprechungen.
  3. Förderung der internationalen Expansion
    • Diese Übernahme etabliert die Präsenz von Lumi Global in Dänemark und Spanien und eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten in diesen strategisch wichtigen Märkten.
    • Lumi Global ist strategisch positioniert, um die Electa–Plattform in seinen Schlüsselmärkten in Nordamerika, EMEA und APAC einzusetzen.
  4. Innovation durch Expertise
    • Die Einbindung des erfahrenen Entwicklungsteams von Assembly Voting bereichert die Innovationspipeline von Lumi Global und eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Zusammenarbeit und Wachstum.
    • Die Exzellenz der Electa–Plattform wird durch eine unabhängige Studie des Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) bestätigt, in der sie unter 82 analysierten Tools zu den weltweit besten elektronischen Wahlsystemen zählt. Die Forschungsgruppe SECUSO (Security, Usability, Society) von KIT, die für ihre Arbeit im Bereich Cybersicherheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit bekannt ist, hat Electas starken Fokus auf diesen Gebieten hervorgehoben und damit die Glaubwürdigkeit und Führungsrolle des Unternehmens in diesem Bereich gestärkt. Die vollständige Studie finden Sie hier.


„Diese Übernahme ist ein mutiger Schritt nach vorne für Lumi Global, da wir unsere Produktkapazitäten über den Tag des Meetings hinaus auf den breiteren Markt für Wahlen ausdehnen“, so Richard Taylor, CEO von Lumi Global. „Die Integration der innovativen Technologien von Assembly Voting in die globale Plattform von Lumi wird neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen und sicherstellen, dass wir bei technologiebasierten Lösungen für Versammlungen, Wahlen und Abstimmungen bei Jahreshauptversammlungen, Investor Relations und Mitgliederorganisationen weltweit weiterhin an vorderster Front stehen.“

„Wir freuen uns sehr, Lumi Global beizutreten, einem Unternehmen, dessen Vision und innovativer Ansatz perfekt mit unseren übereinstimmen“, so Jacob Gyldenkaerne dazu, CEO von Assembly Voting. „Diese Partnerschaft erweitert nicht nur die Reichweite unserer Technologie, sondern verbessert auch unsere Fähigkeit, einer noch vielfältigeren, globalen Kundenbasis mit durchgängigen, überprüfbaren Wahllösungen zu dienen.“

Unterstützung der strategischen Ziele von Lumi Global

Die Übernahme von Assembly Voting durch Lumi Global unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens, die Sitzungen und Wahlen zu unterstützen, die für fundierte Entscheidungen weltweit von Bedeutung sind. Da Live–Treffen und Hauptversammlungen zunehmend in digitale Formate übergehen, haben sich auch Wahlen von traditionellen Papierwahlzetteln zu sichereren und zuverlässigeren digitalen Plattformen weiterentwickelt. Diese digitale Transformation schafft die Möglichkeit einer einheitlichen Plattform, die beide Bedürfnisse nahtlos bedient. Die Kunden von Lumi Global suchen zunehmend nach einer umfassenden Lösung, die diese Integration bietet.

Über Lumi Global

Lumi Global unterstützt die Sitzungen und Wahlen, die für die wichtigsten Entscheidungen der Welt von Bedeutung sind, und sorgt für ein nahtloses, ansprechendes Erlebnis für Teilnehmer vor Ort und online. Die innovative Technologie und die einzigartige globale Präsenz von Lumi Global ermöglichen fundierte Entscheidungen bei Jahresversammlungen, Wahlen, Mitgliederversammlungen, Legislativsitzungen, IR–Sitzungen und Gewinnaufrufen. Seit über 30 Jahren treibt Lumi Innovationen in der Branche voran und entwickelt gemeinsam mit Kunden Lösungen, um Komplexes zu vereinfachen und stressfreie, reibungslose Meetings zu ermöglichen, die Verantwortlichkeit und sinnvolles Engagement fördern.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Sylvie Harton
Chief Business Strategy Officer

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