Lantronix Acelera a Liderança em IoT com Aquisição Estratégica do Portfólio NetComm Enterprise IoT da DZS

  • Expansão do portfólio IoT Wireless Connect da Lantronix com Tecnologia 5G de Ponta
  • Fortalecimento da Oferta Competitiva, Acréscimo de Novos Clientes Blue–Chip

IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), líder global em soluções de IoT de computação e conectividade IoT, anunciou hoje que assinou um contrato definitivo de aquisição da NetComm Wireless Pty Ltd (“NetComm”), subsidiária da DZS, Inc., todos os ativos da unidade de Internet das Coisas (IoT) por US $ 6,5 milhões em dinheiro, e assumindo certas responsabilidades. A aquisição complementa o foco da Lantronix nos mercados verticais de Enterprise e Smart City e expande seus recursos 5G de próxima geração.

“A aquisição estratégica do portfólio de IoT da Netcomm fortalece nossas ofertas de Compute e Connect, fornecendo aos nossos clientes soluções de IoT de ponta”, disse Saleel Awsare, presidente e CEO da Lantronix. “A aquisição expande nosso portfólio de Gateway, Roteadores e Modems, incluindo os mais recentes produtos 5G, aprimorando nossas soluções de Edge Compute. Também adiciona novos clientes empresariais de primeira linha para oportunidades adicionais de vendas cruzadas, abrindo novas oportunidades para os nossos produtos em mercados geográficos não atendidos e ricos em metas, como Austrália e Nova Zelândia.”

O fechamento da aquisição está sujeito a certas condições. A Lantronix prevê o fechamento da transação no segundo trimestre fiscal de 2025. A Lantronix espera que, após o fechamento, a aquisição seja um acréscimo e acelere o foco estratégico da empresa em soluções inovadoras de IoT Industrial em escala. Ao integrar esse novo portfólio de IoT, a Lantronix aprimorará suas soluções de conectividade em áreas de missão crítica, como infraestrutura crítica, monitoramento de ativos e telecomunicações.

No centro desta aquisição estão as soluções 4G e 5G que permitem conectividade Ethernet–to–Cellular e Wi–Fi® ultrarrápidas para máquinas nos ambientes mais exigentes. Projetados para setores que exigem conectividade robusta e confiável, esses produtos oferecem desempenho de baixa latência e recursos superiores de gerenciamento remoto. Algumas das empresas mais proeminentes do mundo confiam nesta suíte de IoT. A Lantronix espera que o portfólio de Empresas NetComm da DSZ gere uma receita entre US $ 6 e US $ 7 milhões no ano de 2024.

Sobre a Lantronix

A Lantronix Inc. é líder global de soluções de IoT de computação e conectividade que visam setores de alto crescimento, incluindo Smart Cities, Automotive e Enterprise. Os produtos e serviços da Lantronix capacitam as empresas a alcançar o sucesso nos mercados de IoT em crescimento, fornecendo soluções personalizáveis que abordam cada camada da pilha de IoT. As soluções de ponta da Lantronix incluem infraestrutura de Subestações Inteligentes, sistemas de Infotainment e Vigilância por Vídeo, complementados com o avançado Out–of–Band Management (OOB) para Cloud e Edge Computing.

Para mais informação, visite o site Lantronix.

Este comunicado de imprensa contém declarações de previsão, incluindo declarações sobre nossas expectativas em relação aos benefícios da nossa aquisição do portfólio corporativo de IoT da NetComm da DSZ, como o fortalecimento da nossa oferta competitiva, trazendo novos nomes de primeira linha para nossa base de clientes e desbloqueando oportunidades de crescimento para nossos clientes de IoT, bem como a conclusão antecipada da aquisição proposta ou a ocasião da mesma e a natureza agregada da aquisição proposta. As declarações de previsão têm por objetivo atender aos requisitos de porto seguro das responsabilidades da Lei de Reforma de Litígios de Títulos Privados de 1995. Nossas declarações de previsão tomam por base nossas expectativas e projeções atuais sobre as tendências que possam nossos negócios e a indústria, e outros futuros eventos. Embora façamos declarações de previsão somente quando acreditamos ter um embasamento razoável para tal, não podemos garantir sua precisão. As declarações de previsão estão sujeitas a riscos e incertezas substanciais que podem fazer com que nossos resultados ou experiências, ou negócios futuros, condição financeira ou resultados ou desempenho das operações, sejam substancialmente diferentes dos nossos resultados históricos, expressos ou implícitos, em qualquer declaração de previsão contida neste comunicado de imprensa. Outros fatores que poderiam ter um efeito adverso relevante nas nossas operações e perspectivas futuras ou que poderiam fazer com que os resultados reais diferissem materialmente das nossas expectativas incluem, mas não estão limitados a: a capacidade de concluir a aquisição proposta nos termos e cronograma previstos; nossa capacidade de integrar os ativos adquiridos com sucesso após o fechamento e obter benefícios antecipados com eles; a possibilidade de que várias condições de fechamento para a aquisição possam não ser satisfeitas ou renunciadas; riscos relacionados a quaisquer passivos imprevistos assumidos com os ativos adquiridos; os efeitos das condições econômicas regionais e mundiais negativas ou piores, ou instabilidade do mercado nos nossos negócios, incluindo efeitos nas decisões de compra dos nossos clientes; nossa capacidade de mitigar qualquer interrupção nas nossas cadeias de fornecimento e nas dos nossos fornecedores devido à pandemia de COVID–19 ou outros surtos, guerras e conflitos recentes na Europa, Ásia e Oriente Médio, hostilidades no Mar Vermelho, ou outras causas; nossa capacidade de converter com sucesso a nossa carteira de pedidos e demanda atual; nossa capacidade de implementar com sucesso a nossa estratégia de aquisições ou integração de empresas adquiridas; incerteza quanto à rentabilidade futura dos negócios adquiridos, e atrasos na realização de, ou na falha em realizar, qualquer acréscimo de transações de aquisição; aquisição, gerenciamento e integração de novas operações, negócios ou ativos, e o desvio associado da atenção da administração ou outros custos ou dificuldades relacionados; nossa capacidade de continuar a gerar receita de produtos vendidos em mercados maduros; nossa capacidade de desenvolver, comercializar e vender novos produtos; nossa capacidade de ter sucesso com nossas ofertas de novo software; flutuações na nossa receita devido ao tempo de pedidos de determinados clientes com base no projeto; tempo imprevisível das nossas receitas devido ao longo ciclo de vendas dos nossos produtos e serviços, e possíveis atrasos na conclusão dos projetos pelos clientes; nossa capacidade de prever com precisão a demanda futura dos nossos produtos; atrasos nas revisões qualificadas dos produtos existentes; restrições ou atrasos no fornecimento de, ou problemas de controle de qualidade com, certos materiais ou componentes; dificuldades associadas à entrega, qualidade ou custo dos nossos produtos dos nossos fabricantes contratados ou fornecedores; riscos relacionados à terceirização das operações de fabricação e internacionais; dificuldades associadas aos nossos distribuidores ou revendedores; intensa concorrência no nosso setor e resultante pressão descendente sobre os preços; aumentos nos níveis de estoque e obsolescência de estoque; erros ou defeitos não detectados de software ou hardware nos nossos produtos; riscos de segurança cibernética; nossa capacidade de obter certificações ou aprovações apropriadas do setor dos órgãos reguladores governamentais; mudanças nas leis, regulamentos e tarifas aplicáveis do governo dos EUA e de outros países; nossa capacidade de proteger patentes e outros direitos de propriedade e evitar a violação dos direitos de tecnologia proprietária de terceiros; questões relacionadas à estabilidade das nossas instituições e relacionamentos financeiros e bancários; nível do nosso endividamento, nossa capacidade de atender nosso endividamento e as restrições dos nossos contratos de dívida; impacto do aumento das taxas de juros; nossa capacidade de atrair e reter gestão qualificada; e quaisquer fatores adicionais incluídos no nosso Relatório Anual no Formulário 10–K do exercício fiscal encerrado em 30 de junho de 2024, arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (a “SEC”) em 9 de setembro de 2024, incluindo na seção intitulada “Fatores de Risco” no Item 1A da Parte I desse relatório; e nos nossos outros registros públicos na SEC. Além disso, os resultados reais podem ser diferentes devido aos riscos e incertezas adicionais que não sejam do nosso conhecimento no momento ou que não sejam considerados como relevantes para os nossos negócios. Devido a tudo isso, os investidores não devem depositar confiança indevida em qualquer declaração voltada para o futuro. As declarações de previsão que fazemos são válidas somente a partir da data em que são feitas. Rejeitamos expressamente qualquer intenção ou obrigação de atualizar qualquer declaração de previsão a partir da data de hoje para adequar tais declarações a resultados reais ou mudanças na nossa opinião ou expectativas, exceto conforme exigido por lei ou pelas regras da Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC. Caso façamos alguma atualização ou correção de quaisquer declarações de previsão, os investidores não devem inferir que faremos outras atualizações ou correções futuras.© 2024 Lantronix, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. Lantronix é uma marca comercial registrada. Todas as outras marcas comerciais são de propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários.

Contato de Mídia da Lantronix:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Gerente de Marketing e
Comunicações Corporativas

Contato para Analista e Investidor da Lantronix:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9270461)

Lantronix stärkt seine IoT-Führungsrolle durch strategische Übernahme des IoT-Geschäftsportfolios von DZS NetComm

  • Erweiterung des IoT–Wireless–Portfolios von Lantronix mit modernster 5G–Technologie
  • Stärkung des Wettbewerbsangebots und Gewinn neuer Blue–Chip–Kunden

IRVINE, Kalifornien, Nov. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich IoT–Computing und IoT–Konnektivität, gab heute bekannt, dass es eine verbindliche Vereinbarung zur Übernahme der IoT–Geschäftseinheit von NetComm Wireless Pty Ltd („NetComm“), einer Tochtergesellschaft der DZS, Inc., unterzeichnet hat. Der Kaufpreis beträgt 6,5 Mio. US–Dollar in bar, sowie die Übernahme bestimmter Verbindlichkeiten. Die Übernahme ergänzt den Fokus von Lantronix auf die vertikalen Märkte Enterprise und Smart City und erweitert das Portfolio um hochmoderne 5G–Technologie.

„Die strategische Übernahme des IoT–Portfolios von NetComm stärkt unser Angebot im Bereich Computing und Konnektivität und bietet unseren Kunden modernste IoT–Lösungen“, erklärte Saleel Awsare, Präsident und CEO von Lantronix. „Mit dieser Übernahme erweitern wir unser Portfolio an Gateways, Routern und Modems, einschließlich der neuesten 5G–Produkte, und verbessern unsere Edge–Computing–Lösungen. Darüber hinaus gewinnen wir neue erstklassige Unternehmenskunden dazu, die uns zusätzliche Cross–Selling–Möglichkeiten bieten, und wir erschließen mit unseren Produkten zielgerichtete, unbediente geografische Märkte wie Australien und Neuseeland.“

Der Abschluss der Übernahme ist an bestimmte Bedingungen geknüpft. Lantronix geht davon aus, dass die Transaktion im zweiten Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025 abgeschlossen wird. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass sich die Übernahme unmittelbar wertsteigernd auswirken und die strategische Ausrichtung auf innovative Industrial–IoT–Lösungen im großen Maßstab vorantreiben wird. Mit der Integration des neuen IoT–Portfolios will Lantronix seine Konnektivitätslösungen in missionskritischen Bereichen wie kritische Infrastruktur, Asset Monitoring und Telekommunikation stärken.

Im Mittelpunkt der Übernahme stehen 4G– und 5G–Lösungen, die ultraschnelle Ethernet–zu–Mobilfunk– und Wi–Fi®–Verbindungen für Maschinen in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen ermöglichen. Diese Produkte wurden speziell für Branchen entwickelt, die eine robuste und zuverlässige Konnektivität benötigen, und zeichnen sich durch geringe Latenzzeiten und hervorragende Fernwartungsfunktionen aus. Diese IoT–Suite ist das Produkt der Wahl für einige der führenden Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt. Lantronix erwartet, dass das Geschäftsportfolio von DZS NetComm im Kalenderjahr 2024 einen Umsatz zwischen 6 und 7 Mio. US–Dollar erzielen wird.

Über Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von IoT–Lösungen für Rechenleistung und Konnektivität, die auf wachstumsstarke Branchen wie Smart Cities, Automotive und Enterprise abzielen. Die Produkte und Dienstleistungen von Lantronix ermöglichen es Unternehmen, in den wachsenden IoT–Märkten erfolgreich zu sein, indem sie anpassbare Lösungen liefern, die jede Schicht des IoT–Stacks adressieren. Zu den führenden Lösungen von Lantronix gehören die Infrastruktur für intelligente Umspannwerke, Infotainment–Systeme und Videoüberwachung, ergänzt durch fortschrittliches Out–of–Band–Management (OOB) für Cloud– und Edge–Computing.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website von Lantronix.

Diese Pressemitteilung enthält zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, darunter Erwartungen hinsichtlich der Vorteile der Übernahme des Enterprise–IoT–Portfolios von DZS NetComm, wie die Stärkung unseres Wettbewerbsangebots, die Gewinnung neuer erstklassiger Kunden und die Erschließung neuer Wachstumschancen für unsere IoT–Kunden, sowie den erwarteten Abschluss der geplanten Übernahme und deren positive Auswirkungen auf die Ertragslage des Unternehmens. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen unterliegen den Safe Harbor–Bestimmungen des Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995. Wir haben diese Aussagen auf Basis unserer aktuellen Erwartungen und Einschätzungen der für unser Geschäft relevanten Trends sowie weiterer zukünftiger Entwicklungen getroffen. Obwohl wir davon überzeugt sind, dass unsere Annahmen eine solide Grundlage bieten, können wir ihre Genauigkeit nicht garantieren. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen unterliegen wesentlichen Risiken und Unsicherheiten, die dazu führen können, dass unsere tatsächlichen Ergebnisse oder Ereignisse, unsere künftige Entwicklung, unsere Finanzlage, unsere Betriebsergebnisse oder unsere Leistung wesentlich von denjenigen abweichen, die in diesen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen ausdrücklich oder implizit angenommen werden. Weitere Faktoren, die sich nachteilig auf unser Geschäft oder unsere Zukunftsaussichten auswirken oder dazu führen könnten, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von unseren Erwartungen abweichen, sind unter anderem: Unsere Fähigkeit, die geplante Übernahme zu den erwarteten Bedingungen und in dem erwarteten Zeitrahmen abzuschließen; unsere Fähigkeit, die erworbenen Vermögenswerte nach Abschluss erfolgreich zu integrieren und die erwarteten Vorteile zu erzielen; die Möglichkeit, dass bestimmte Abschlussbedingungen nicht erfüllt oder aufgehoben werden; Risiken im Zusammenhang mit unvorhergesehenen Verbindlichkeiten, die mit den erworbenen Vermögenswerten verbunden sind; die Auswirkungen negativer oder sich verschlechternder regionaler und globaler Wirtschaftsbedingungen oder Marktinstabilitäten auf unser Geschäft, einschließlich möglicher Auswirkungen auf die Kaufentscheidungen unserer Kunden; unsere Fähigkeit, Unterbrechungen in unseren Lieferketten und denen unserer Zulieferer und Partner infolge der COVID–19–Pandemie oder anderer Epidemien, Krisen und Konflikte in Europa, Asien, im Nahen Osten und am Roten Meer zu bewältigen; unsere Fähigkeit, ausstehende Aufträge und die aktuelle Nachfrage erfolgreich zu bedienen; die erfolgreiche Umsetzung unserer Übernahmestrategie und die Integration erworbener Unternehmen; Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich der zukünftigen Rentabilität erworbener Unternehmen und Verzögerungen bei der Realisierung oder der Nichtrealisierung von Gewinnen aus Übernahmen; Herausforderungen bei der Übernahme, Verwaltung und Integration neuer Geschäftseinheiten oder Vermögenswerte und die damit verbundenen Kosten oder Managementaufwendungen; die Fähigkeit, weiterhin Umsätze in gesättigten Märkten zu generieren und erfolgreich neue Produkte zu entwickeln und zu verkaufen; unser Erfolg mit neuen Softwareangeboten; Umsatzschwankungen aufgrund von projektbezogenen Aufträgen bestimmter Kunden; unvorhersehbare Umsatzentwicklungen aufgrund der langen Verkaufszyklen unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie möglicher Verzögerungen bei der Umsetzung von Kundenprojekten; unsere Fähigkeit, die zukünftige Nachfrage nach unseren Produkten genau vorherzusagen; Verzögerungen bei der Qualifizierung überarbeiteter Produkte; Engpässe oder Verzögerungen bei der Lieferung von Materialien oder Komponenten sowie mögliche Probleme bei der Qualitätskontrolle; Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Lieferung, der Qualität oder den Kosten unserer Produkte durch Vertragshersteller oder Zulieferer; Risiken, die sich aus der Auslagerung der Produktion und aus internationalen Geschäftsaktivitäten ergeben; Schwierigkeiten mit Distributoren oder Wiederverkäufern; intensiver Wettbewerb in unserer Branche und der daraus resultierende Preisdruck; steigende Lagerbestände und das Risiko veralteter Lagerbestände; unentdeckte Software– oder Hardwarefehler oder Mängel unserer Produkte; Risiken im Bereich der Cybersicherheit; unsere Fähigkeit, erforderliche Branchenzertifikate oder behördliche Genehmigungen zu erhalten; Änderungen der anwendbaren gesetzlichen Vorschriften und Zölle in den USA und anderen Ländern; unsere Fähigkeit, Patente und andere geistige Eigentumsrechte zu schützen und die Verletzung geistiger Eigentumsrechte Dritter zu vermeiden; mögliche Probleme bei der Stabilität unserer Bankbeziehungen und Finanzinstitute; die Höhe unserer Verschuldung und unsere Fähigkeit, diese zu bedienen, sowie Beschränkungen in unseren Kreditvereinbarungen; die Auswirkungen von Zinserhöhungen; unsere Fähigkeit, qualifizierte Führungskräfte zu gewinnen und zu halten; und alle weiteren Faktoren, die in unserem Jahresbericht auf Formular 10–K für das am 30. Juni 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr, der am 9. September 2024 bei der Securities and Exchange Commission („SEC”) eingereicht wurde, einschließlich des Abschnitts „Risikofaktoren“ in Abschnitt 1A von Teil I dieses Berichts, sowie in unseren anderen öffentlichen Einreichungen bei der SEC enthalten sind. Darüber hinaus können die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse aufgrund zusätzlicher Risiken und Unsicherheiten, die uns derzeit nicht bekannt sind oder die wir derzeit als nicht wesentlich für unser Geschäft einschätzen, abweichen. Aus diesen Gründen sind die Anleger dazu angehalten, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen mit der gebotenen Vorsicht zur Kenntnis zu nehmen. Die in dieser Mitteilung enthaltenen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen beziehen sich ausschließlich auf den Zeitpunkt ihrer Veröffentlichung. Wir lehnen ausdrücklich jede Absicht oder Verpflichtung ab, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen nach diesem Datum zu aktualisieren, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder durch die Regeln der Nasdaq Stock Market LLC festgelegt. Wenn wir zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen aktualisieren oder korrigieren, sollten Anleger daraus nicht ableiten, dass wir in Zukunft weitere Korrekturen vornehmen werden. © 2024 Lantronix, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Lantronix ist eine eingetragene Marke. Andere Marken und Markennamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.

Lantronix – Medienkontakt:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

Lantronix – Analysten– und Anlegerkontakt:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9270461)

Lantronix Accelerates IoT Leadership With Strategic Acquisition of DZS’s NetComm Enterprise IoT Portfolio

  • Expands Lantronix’s IoT Wireless Connect Portfolio With Cutting–Edge 5G Technology
  • Strengthens Competitive Offering, Adds New Blue–Chip Customers

IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global leader in IoT compute and connectivity IoT solutions, today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire from NetComm Wireless Pty Ltd (“NetComm”), a subsidiary of DZS, Inc., all of the assets of its enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) business for $6.5 million in cash together with assumptions of certain liabilities. The acquisition complements Lantronix’s focus on the Enterprise and Smart City vertical markets and expands its next–generation 5G capabilities.

“The strategic acquisition of Netcomm’s IoT portfolio strengthens our Compute and Connect offerings by providing our customers with leading–edge IoT solutions,” stated Saleel Awsare, president and CEO of Lantronix. “The acquisition expands our portfolio in Gateway, Routers and Modems, including the latest 5G products, which enhances our Edge Compute solutions. It also adds new blue–chip Enterprise customers for additional cross–selling opportunities and opens our products to target–rich unserved geographic markets, such as Australia and New Zealand.”

The closing of the acquisition is subject to certain conditions. Lantronix believes that the transaction will close during the second quarter of fiscal 2025. Lantronix expects the acquisition to be accretive upon closing and will accelerate the company’s strategic focus on innovative Industrial IoT solutions at scale. By integrating this new IoT portfolio, Lantronix will enhance its connectivity solutions in mission–critical areas, such as critical infrastructure, asset monitoring and telecommunications.

At the core of this acquisition are 4G and 5G solutions that enable ultra–fast Ethernet–to–Cellular and Wi–Fi® connectivity for machines in the most demanding environments. Designed for industries that require rugged, reliable connectivity, these products deliver low–latency performance and superior remote management capabilities. This IoT suite is trusted by some of the world’s most prominent companies. Lantronix expects DSZ’s NetComm enterprise portfolio to generate between $6 million and $7 million in revenue during calendar year 2024.

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global leader of compute and connectivity IoT solutions that target high–growth industries including Smart Cities, Automotive and Enterprise. Lantronix’s products and services empower companies to succeed in the growing IoT markets by delivering customizable solutions that address each layer of the IoT Stack. Lantronix’s leading–edge solutions include Intelligent Substations infrastructure, Infotainment systems and Video Surveillance, supplemented with advanced Out–of–Band Management (OOB) for Cloud and Edge Computing. 

For more information, visit the Lantronix website.

This news release contains forward–looking statements, including statements about our expectations concerning the benefits of our acquisition of DSZ’s NetComm enterprise IoT portfolio such as strengthening our competitive offering, bringing new blue–chip names to our customer base and unlocking growth opportunities for our IoT customers, as well as the anticipated completion of the proposed acquisition or the timing thereof and the accretive nature of the proposed acquisition. These forward–looking statements are intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We have based our forward–looking statements on our current expectations and projections about trends affecting our business and industry and other future events. Although we do not make forward–looking statements unless we believe we have a reasonable basis for doing so, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Forward–looking statements are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our results or experiences, or future business, financial condition, results of operations or performance, to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward–looking statement contained in this news release. Other factors which could have a material adverse effect on our operations and future prospects or which could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations include, but are not limited to: the ability to complete the proposed acquisition on anticipated terms and timetable; our ability to integrate the acquired assets successfully after the closing and achieve anticipated benefits from them; the possibility that various closing conditions for the acquisition may not be satisfied or waived; risks relating to any unforeseen liabilities assumed with the acquired assets; the effects of negative or worsening regional and worldwide economic conditions or market instability on our business, including effects on purchasing decisions by our customers; our ability to mitigate any disruption in our and our suppliers’ and vendors’ supply chains due to the COVID–19 pandemic or other outbreaks, wars and recent conflicts in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, hostilities in the Red Sea, or other causes; our ability to successfully convert our backlog and current demand; our ability to successfully implement our acquisitions strategy or integrate acquired companies; uncertainty as to the future profitability of acquired businesses, and delays in the realization of, or the failure to realize, any accretion from acquisition transactions; acquiring, managing and integrating new operations, businesses or assets, and the associated diversion of management attention or other related costs or difficulties; our ability to continue to generate revenue from products sold into mature markets; our ability to develop, market, and sell new products; our ability to succeed with our new software offerings; fluctuations in our revenue due to the project–based timing of orders from certain customers; unpredictable timing of our revenues due to the lengthy sales cycle for our products and services and potential delays in customer completion of projects; our ability to accurately forecast future demand for our products; delays in qualifying revisions of existing products; constraints or delays in the supply of, or quality control issues with, certain materials or components; difficulties associated with the delivery, quality or cost of our products from our contract manufacturers or suppliers; risks related to the outsourcing of manufacturing and international operations; difficulties associated with our distributors or resellers; intense competition in our industry and resultant downward price pressure; rises in inventory levels and inventory obsolescence; undetected software or hardware errors or defects in our products; cybersecurity risks; our ability to obtain appropriate industry certifications or approvals from governmental regulatory bodies; changes in applicable U.S. and foreign government laws, regulations, and tariffs; our ability to protect patents and other proprietary rights and avoid infringement of others’ proprietary technology rights; issues relating to the stability of our financial and banking institutions and relationships; the level of our indebtedness, our ability to service our indebtedness and the restrictions in our debt agreements; the impact of rising interest rates; our ability to attract and retain qualified management; and any additional factors included in our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on Sept. 9, 2024, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part I of that report; and in our other public filings with the SEC. In addition, actual results may differ as a result of additional risks and uncertainties of which we are currently unaware or which we do not currently view as material to our business. For these reasons, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward–looking statements. The forward–looking statements we make speak only as of the date on which they are made. We expressly disclaim any intent or obligation to update any forward–looking statements after the date hereof to conform such statements to actual results or to changes in our opinions or expectations, except as required by applicable law or the rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC. If we do update or correct any forward–looking statements, investors should not conclude that we will make additional updates or corrections.© 2024 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix is a registered trademark. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Lantronix Media Contact:
Gail Kathryn Miller 
Corporate Marketing & 
Communications Manager 

Lantronix Analyst and Investor Contact:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9269763)

Zenas BioPharma to Participate in Upcoming Healthcare Investor Conferences

WALTHAM, Mass, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, Inc. (“Zenas” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: ZBIO), a clinical–stage global biopharmaceutical company committed to being a leader in the development and commercialization of transformative immunology–based therapies, today announced the Company’s participation at the following healthcare investor conferences:

  • Guggenheim’s Inaugural Healthcare Innovation Conference on November 12, 2024, in Boston, MA
  • Jefferies London Healthcare Conference on November 19, 2024 presentation at 4:00 p.m. to 4:25 p.m. GDT, in London
  • Citi’s 2024 Global Healthcare Conference on December 3, 2024 presentation at 9:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. ET, in Miami, FL
  • Evercore ISI HealthCONx Conference on December 4, 2024 presentation at 1:20 p.m. to 1:40 p.m. ET, in Coral Gables, FL

Live webcasts and archived replays of the Company’s presentations at the Jefferies, Citi and Evercore conferences can be accessed under “Events and Presentations” in the Investors and Media section of the Zenas BioPharma website.

About Zenas BioPharma, Inc.

Zenas is a clinical–stage global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of transformative immunology–based therapies for patients in need. Our core business strategy combines our experienced leadership team with a disciplined product candidate acquisition approach to identify, acquire and develop product candidates globally that we believe can provide superior clinical benefits to patients living with autoimmune diseases. Zenas’ lead product candidate, obexelimab, is a bifunctional monoclonal antibody designed to bind both CD19 and FcγRIIb, which are broadly present across B cell lineage, to inhibit the activity of cells that are implicated in many autoimmune diseases without depleting them. We believe that obexelimab’s mechanism of action and chronic dosing regimen may broadly and effectively address the pathogenic role of B cell lineage in chronic autoimmune disease. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit and follow us on X at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

The Zenas BioPharma word mark and logos are trademarks of Zenas BioPharma, Inc. or its affiliated companies.

Investor Contact:
Matthew Osborne
Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

Media Contact:
Argot Partners

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9268589)

Nyxoah Présente ses Résultats Financiers et d’Exploitation pour le Troisième Trimestre 2024


Nyxoah Présente ses Résultats Financiers et d’Exploitation pour le Troisième Trimestre 2024
L'approbation de la FDA est en bonne voie pour le premier trimestre 2025,
l'équipe commerciale américaine est en cours de constitution
La Société est entièrement financée par des liquidités jusqu'à la mi–2026

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium – 6 Novembre 2024, 22h05 CET / 16h05 ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (« Nyxoah » ou la « Société »), une société de technologie médicale développant des alternatives thérapeutiques révolutionnaires pour l'apnée obstructive du sommeil (AOS) par la neuromodulation, a rapporté aujourd’hui ses résultats financiers et d’exploitation pour le troisième trimestre 2024.

Temps Forts Financiers et d’Exploitation

  • Présentation des résultats concluants de DREAM à l'International Surgical Sleep Society en septembre.
  • Levée de 24,6 millions d'euros par le biais d'un programme ATM auprès d'un fonds unique américain dédié au secteur de la santé, ce qui nous donne une flexibilité supplémentaire alors que nous nous dirigeons vers la commercialisation aux États–Unis et prolonge notre marge de manœuvre financière jusqu'à la mi–2026.
  • Renforcement de l'organisation américaine avec la nomination de John Landry au poste de Chief Financial Officer et l'arrivée de plusieurs leaders commerciaux clés aux États–Unis.
  • Ventes de 1,3 million d'euros au troisième trimestre, soit une croissance de 30 % par rapport au troisième trimestre 2023.
  • Trésorerie totale de 71,0 millions d'euros à la fin du trimestre, 95,6 millions d'euros proforma incluant les 24,6 millions d'euros levés.

« Nos actions au cours du troisième trimestre nous ont permis de nous positionner favorablement en vue d'un lancement commercial réussi aux États–Unis. Sur la base des solides données DREAM présentées en septembre, nous avons levé des capitaux supplémentaires et nous nous concentrons activement sur le renforcement de notre équipe commerciale aux États–Unis », a commenté Olivier Taelman, CEO de Nyxoah. « Je suis plus confiant que jamais dans le fait que nous avons préparé Genio pour un démarrage commercial solide aux États–Unis immédiatement après l'approbation de la FDA. »

Résultats du Troisième Trimestre 2024

(non audités) (en milliers)

      Pour la période de trois mois terminée le 30 septembre   Pour la période de neuf mois terminée le 30 septembre
      2024   2023   2024   2023
Chiffre d'affaires     € 1 266   € 976   € 3 258   € 2 524
Coût des biens vendus     ( 482)   ( 336)   (1 217)   ( 930)
Bénéfice brut     € 784   € 640   € 2 041   € 1 594
Frais de recherche et de développement     (7 902)   (6 568)   (22 573)   (19 330)
Frais de vente, dépenses administratives et autres frais généraux     (8 042)   (5 058)   (20 396)   (16 794)
Autres revenus / (frais) d'exploitation     180     430   265
Perte d'exploitation de la période     € (14 980)   € (10 986)   € (40 498)   € (34 265)
Produits financiers     1 138   2 178   4 615   3 592
Charges financières     (3 043)   (1 033)   (5 480)   (2 765)
Perte de la période avant impôts     € (16 885)   € (9 841)   € (41 363)   € (33 438)
Impôts sur le revenu     ( 173)   2 229   ( 724)   1 119
Perte de la période     € (17 058)   € (7 612)   € (42 087)   € (32 319)
Perte attribuable aux actionnaires     € (17 058)   € (7 612)   € (42 087)   € (32 319)
Autres éléments du résultat global                  
Eléments pouvant être reclassifiés en bénéfices ou en pertes (nets d'impôts)                  
Différences de conversion de devises     ( 209)   ( 10)   ( 221)   ( 88)
Perte globale totale de la période, nette d'impôts     € (17 267)   € (7 622)   € (42 308)   € (32 407)
Perte attribuable aux actionnaires     € (17 267)   € (7 622)   € (42 308)   € (32 407)
Perte de base par action (en €)     € (0,496)   € (0,266)   € (1,346)   € (1,166)
Perte diluée par action (en €)     € (0,496)   € (0,266)   € (1,346)   € (1,166)


      30 septembre
  31 décembre
Actifs non courants          
Immobilisations corporelles     4 461   4 188
Immobilisations incorporelles     49 558   46 608
Droit d'utilisation des actifs     3 635   3 788
Actif d'impôts différés     53   56
Autres créances à long terme     1 475   1 166
      € 59 182   € 55 806
Actifs courants          
Stocks     5 272   3 315
Créances commerciales     2 504   2 758
Autres créances     2 992   3 212
Autres actifs courants     1 837   1 318
Actifs financiers     42 299   36 138
Trésorerie et équivalents de trésorerie     28 678   21 610
      € 83 582   € 68 351
Total de l'actif     € 142 764   € 124 157
Capital et réserves          
Capital     5 908   4 926
Prime d'émission     290 906   246 127
Réserve pour paiement fondé sur des actions     8 943   7 661
Autres éléments du résultat global     ( 84)   137
Résultats reportés     (200 966)   (160 829)
Total des capitaux propres attribuables aux actionnaires     € 104 707   € 98 022
Passifs non courants          
Dettes financières     19 143   8 373
Passifs locatifs     2 636   3 116
Passifs au titre des retraites     47   9
Provisions     398   185
Passif d'impôts différés     12   9
      € 22 236   € 11 692
Passifs courants          
Dettes financières     399   364
Passifs locatifs     1 151   851
Dettes commerciales     7 109   8 108
Passif d'impôts exigibles     2 495   1 988
Autres dettes     4 667   3 132
      € 15 821   € 14 443
Total du passif     € 38 057   € 26 135
Total des capitaux propres et du passif     € 142 764   € 124 157


Le chiffre d'affaires s'est élevé à 1,3 million d'euros pour le troisième trimestre se terminant le 30 septembre 2024, contre 1,0 million d'euros pour le troisième trimestre se terminant le 30 juin 2023.

Coût des marchandises vendues
Le coût des marchandises vendues s'est élevé à 482 000 € pour le trimestre se terminant le 30 septembre 2024, soit une marge brute de 0,8 million d’euros, ou une marge brute de 62,0 %. À titre de comparaison, le coût total des marchandises vendues était de 336 000 € au troisième trimestre 2023, pour un bénéfice brut de 0,6 million d’euros, soit une marge brute de 66,0 %.

Recherche et développement
Pour le troisième trimestre clos le 30 septembre 2024, les dépenses de recherche et développement se sont élevées à 7,9 millions d'euros, contre 6,6 millions d'euros pour le troisième trimestre clos le 30 septembre 2023.

Perte d'exploitation
La perte d'exploitation totale pour le troisième trimestre se terminant le 30 septembre 2024 s'est élevée à 15,0 millions d'euros, contre 11,0 millions d'euros pour le troisième trimestre se terminant le 30 septembre 2023. Cette évolution s'explique par l'accélération des dépenses d’activités commerciales et de R&D de la Société, ainsi que par les activités cliniques en cours.

Position de trésorerie

Au 30 septembre 2024, la trésorerie et les actifs financiers s'élevaient à 71,0 millions d'euros, contre 57,7 millions d'euros au 31 décembre 2023. La consommation totale de trésorerie a été d'environ 5,6 millions d'euros par mois au cours du troisième trimestre 2024.

Troisième trimestre 2024

Le rapport financier de Nyxoah pour le deuxième trimestre et le premier semestre 2024, y compris les détails des résultats consolidés audités, sont disponibles sur la page investisseurs du site web de Nyxoah (

Conférence téléphonique et webcast

Le management de la Société organisera une conférence téléphonique pour discuter ses résultats financiers le mercredi 6 novembre, à 22h30 CET / 16h30 ET.

La retransmission de la conférence téléphonique sera accessible sur la page Investor Relations du site web de Nyxoah ou par le biais de ce lien : Nyxoah's Q3 2024 earnings call webcast. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas l'intention de poser une question au Management, la Société recommande d'écouter la webdiffusion.

Si vous avez l'intention de poser une question, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant : Nyxoah’s Q3 2024 earnings call. Après l'inscription, un courriel sera envoyé, comprenant les détails de la connexion et un code d'accès unique à la conférence téléphonique nécessaire pour rejoindre l'appel en direct. Pour s'assurer que vous êtes connecté avant le début de la conférence, la Société suggère de s'inscrire au moins 10 minutes avant le début de l'appel.

Le webcast archivé pourra être réécouté peu après la clôture de la conférence.

À propos de Nyxoah
Nyxoah réinvente le sommeil pour le milliard de personnes qui souffrent d'apnée obstructive du sommeil (AOS). Nous sommes une société de technologie médicale qui développe des alternatives de traitement révolutionnaires pour l'AOS grâce à la neuromodulation. Notre première innovation est Genio®, un dispositif de neuromodulation hypoglosse sans pile, inséré par une simple incision sous le menton et contrôlé par un dispositif portable. Grâce à notre engagement en faveur de l'innovation et des preuves cliniques, nous avons obtenu les meilleurs résultats de sa catégorie en matière de réduction du fardeau du SAOS.

Suite à l'achèvement réussi de l'étude BLAST OSA, le système Genio® a reçu son marquage CE européen en 2019. Nyxoah a réalisé deux introductions en bourse réussies : sur Euronext Bruxelles en septembre 2020 et sur le NASDAQ en juillet 2021. Suite aux résultats positifs de l'étude BETTER SLEEP, Nyxoah a reçu l'approbation du marquage CE pour l'élargissement de ses indications thérapeutiques aux patients atteints d'effondrement concentrique complet (CCC), actuellement contre–indiqués dans la thérapie des concurrents. En outre, la société a annoncé les résultats positifs de l'étude pivot DREAM IDE en vue de l'approbation de la FDA et de la commercialisation aux États–Unis.

Attention – Marquage CE depuis 2019. Dispositif expérimental aux États–Unis. Limité par la loi fédérale américaine à un usage expérimental aux États–Unis.


Certaines déclarations, croyances et opinions contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont de nature prospective et reflètent les attentes actuelles de la société ou, le cas échéant, des administrateurs ou de la direction de la société concernant le système Genio®, les études cliniques prévues et en cours sur le système Genio®, les avantages potentiels du système Genio®, les objectifs de Nyxoah concernant le développement, la voie réglementaire et l'utilisation potentielle du système Genio®, l'utilité des données cliniques pour l'obtention éventuelle de l'approbation de la FDA pour le système Genio®, et la communication des données de l'essai pivot DREAM de Nyxoah aux États–Unis, l'obtention de l'approbation de la FDA, l'entrée sur le marché américain et la clôture anticipée et l'utilisation du produit de l'offre. De par leur nature, les déclarations prospectives impliquent un certain nombre de risques, d'incertitudes, d'hypothèses et d'autres facteurs susceptibles d'entraîner une différence matérielle entre les résultats ou événements réels et ceux exprimés ou sous–entendus dans les déclarations prospectives. Ces risques, incertitudes, hypothèses et facteurs pourraient avoir une incidence négative sur les résultats et les effets financiers des plans et des événements décrits dans le présent document. En outre, ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, sans s'y limiter, les risques et incertitudes énoncés dans la section « Facteurs de risque “ du rapport annuel de la Société sur le formulaire 20–F pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023, déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (” SEC ») le 20 mars 2024, et des rapports ultérieurs que la société dépose auprès de la SEC. Une multitude de facteurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les changements dans la demande, la concurrence et la technologie, peuvent faire en sorte que les événements, les performances ou les résultats réels diffèrent de manière significative de tout développement anticipé. Les déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse concernant des tendances ou des activités passées ne constituent pas des garanties de performances futures et ne doivent pas être considérées comme une déclaration selon laquelle ces tendances ou activités se poursuivront à l'avenir. En outre, même si les résultats ou développements réels sont conformes aux déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse, ces résultats ou développements peuvent ne pas être représentatifs des résultats ou développements des périodes futures. Aucune déclaration ou garantie n'est donnée quant à l'exactitude ou à la justesse de ces déclarations prévisionnelles. En conséquence, la Société décline expressément toute obligation ou tout engagement de publier des mises à jour ou des révisions des déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse à la suite d'un changement des attentes ou d'un changement des événements, conditions, hypothèses ou circonstances sur lesquels ces déclarations prospectives sont basées, sauf si la loi ou la réglementation l'exige expressément. Ni la Société, ni ses conseillers ou représentants, ni aucune de ses filiales, ni les dirigeants ou employés de ces personnes ne garantissent que les hypothèses sous–jacentes à ces déclarations prospectives sont exemptes d'erreurs et n'acceptent aucune responsabilité quant à l'exactitude future des déclarations prospectives contenues dans ce communiqué de presse ou quant à la survenance effective des développements prévus. Vous ne devriez pas accorder une confiance excessive aux déclarations prospectives, qui ne sont valables qu'à la date du présent communiqué de presse.

Le présent communiqué de presse ne constitue pas une offre de vente ou une sollicitation d'une offre d'achat des titres faisant l'objet de l'offre, et il n'y aura pas de vente de ces titres dans une juridiction où une offre, une sollicitation ou une vente serait illégale avant l'enregistrement ou la qualification en vertu des lois sur les valeurs mobilières de cette juridiction.


Loïc Moreau

For Media
In United States
FINN Partners – Glenn Silver

In Belgium/France
Backstage Communication – Gunther De Backer

In International/Germany
MC Services – Anne Hennecke

Pièce jointe

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011732)

Nyxoah Reports Third Quarter Financial and Operating Results


Nyxoah Reports Third Quarter Financial and Operating Results
FDA approval on track for first quarter 2025, U.S. commercial team build out in progress
Company fully funded with cash until mid 2026

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium – November 6, 2024, 10:05pm CET / 4:05pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company that develops breakthrough treatment alternatives for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) through neuromodulation, today reported financial and operating results for the third quarter of 2024.

Recent Financial and Operating Highlights

  • Presented compelling DREAM data results at International Surgical Sleep Society in September.
  • Raised €24.6 million through an ATM program from a single U.S. healthcare–dedicated fund providing incremental flexibility as we shift into U.S. commercialization and extending cash runway until mid 2026.
  • Strengthened U.S. organization with the hiring of John Landry as Chief Financial Officer and the addition of several key commercial leaders in the U.S.
  • Reported third quarter sales of €1.3 million, representing 30% growth versus third quarter 2023.
  • Total cash position of €71.0 million at the end of the quarter, €95.6 million proforma including the €24.6 million raised.

“Our actions in the third quarter have further positioned us well for a successful U.S. commercial launch. On the back of the robust DREAM data presented in September, we have raised additional capital and are actively focused on building up our U.S. commercial team,” commented Olivier Taelman, Nyxoah’s Chief Executive Officer. “I am more confident than ever that we have set Genio up for a strong commercial start in the U.S. immediately after FDA approval.”

Third Quarter 2024 Results

(in thousands)


For the three months ended September 30,


For the nine months ended September 30,

















Cost of goods sold 








Gross profit 

€ 784


€ 640


€ 2,041


€ 1,594

Research and Development Expense 








Selling, General and Administrative Expense 



(5 058)





Other income/(expense) 







Operating loss for the period 








Financial income 








Financial expense 








Loss for the period before taxes 








Income taxes 








Loss for the period 
















Loss attributable to equity holders 
















Other comprehensive income/(loss) 








Items that may not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss (net of tax) 








Currency translation differences 








Total comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax 



€ (7,622)





Loss attributable to equity holders 



€ (7,622)













Basic loss per share (in EUR) 








Diluted loss per share (in EUR) 









(in thousands)




As at




September 30,


December 31, 2023







Non–current assets






Property, plant and equipment






Intangible assets






Right of use assets






Deferred tax asset






Other long–term receivables











€ 55,806

Current assets












Trade receivables






Other receivables






Other current assets






Financial assets






Cash and cash equivalents











€ 68,351

Total assets





€ 124,157













Capital and reserves












Share premium






Share based payment reserve






Other comprehensive income






Retained loss






Total equity attributable to shareholders





€ 98,022













Non–current liabilities






Financial debt






Lease liability






Pension liability












Deferred tax liability











€ 11,692

Current liabilities






Financial debt






Lease liability






Trade payables






Current tax liability






Other payables











€ 14,443

Total liabilities





€ 26,135

Total equity and liabilities





€ 124,157

Revenue was €1.3 million for the third quarter ending September 30, 2024, compared to €1.0 million for the third quarter ending September 30, 2023.

Cost of Goods Sold

Cost of goods sold was €482,000 for the three months ending September 30, 2024, representing a gross profit of €0.8 million, or gross margin of 62.0%. This compares to total cost of goods sold of €336,000 in the third quarter of 2023, for a gross profit of €0.6 million, or gross margin of 66.0%.

Research and Development
For the third quarter ending September 30, 2024, research and development expenses were €7.9 million, versus €6.6 million for the third quarter ending September 30, 2023.

Operating Loss
Total operating loss for the third quarter ending September 30, 2024, was €15.0 million versus €11.0 million in the third quarter ending September 30, 2023. This increase was primarily driven by expanded commercial activities, higher R&D investments, and ongoing clinical activities.

Cash Position
As of September 30, 2024, cash and financial assets totaled €71.0 million, compared to €57.7 million on December 31, 2023. Total cash burn was approximately €5.6 million per month during the third quarter 2024.

Third Quarter 2024
Nyxoah’s financial report for the third quarter 2024, including details of the consolidated results, are available on the investor page of Nyxoah’s website (

Conference call and webcast presentation
Company management will host a conference call to discuss financial results on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, beginning at 10:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET.

A webcast of the call will be accessible via the Investor Relations page of the Nyxoah website or through this link: Nyxoah's Q3 2024 earnings call webcast. For those not planning to ask a question of management, the Company recommends listening via the webcast.

If you plan to ask a question, please use the following link: Nyxoah’s Q3 2024 earnings call. After registering, an email will be sent, including dial–in details and a unique conference call access code required to join the live call. To ensure you are connected prior to the beginning of the call, the Company suggests registering a minimum of 10 minutes before the start of the call.

The archived webcast will be available for replay shortly after the close of the call.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is reinventing sleep for the billion people that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We are a medical technology company that develops breakthrough treatment alternatives for OSA through neuromodulation. Our first innovation is Genio®, a battery–free hypoglossal neuromodulation device that is inserted through a single incision under the chin and controlled by a wearable. Through our commitment to innovation and clinical evidence, we have shown best–in–class outcomes for reducing OSA burden.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext Brussels in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company announced positive outcomes from the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and U.S. commercialization approval.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.


Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward–looking, which reflect the Company's or, as appropriate, the Company directors' or managements' current expectations regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; and reporting data from Nyxoah’s DREAM U.S. pivotal trial; receipt of FDA approval; entrance to the U.S. market; and the anticipated closing and use of the proceeds from the offering. By their nature, forward–looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Additionally, these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20–F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 20, 2024, and subsequent reports that the Company files with the SEC. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities are not guarantees of future performance and should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. In addition, even if actual results or developments are consistent with the forward–looking statements contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. No representations and warranties are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward–looking statements. As a result, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward–looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward–looking statements are based, except if specifically required to do so by law or regulation. Neither the Company nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such person's officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward–looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward–looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities in the offering, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.


Loïc Moreau

For Media
In United States
FINN Partners – Glenn Silver

In Belgium/France
Backstage Communication – Gunther De Backer

In International/Germany
MC Services – Anne Hennecke


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011732)

Yossi Carmil to Step Down as CEO After Nearly 20 Years

TYSONS CORNER, Va. and PETAH TIKVA, Israel, Nov. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite (NASDAQ: CLBT), a global leader in premier Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced a planned leadership transition following Yossi Carmil’s decision to step down from his current role as CEO and as a member of the Board of Directors by December 31, 2024. The Board has initiated a formal search for a new CEO, retaining an executive recruiting firm to advance this effort. Thomas E. Hogan, Cellebrite’s executive chairman, will serve as interim CEO upon Carmil’s departure and until the search is complete and a new CEO joins Cellebrite.

“Cellebrite is indebted to Yossi Carmil. He is a rare CEO – one who has led the Company from its days as a small entrepreneurial start up through a successful market focus shift, major product and business model transformations, a public listing on Nasdaq and multiple phases of growth to establish Cellebrite’s position as the leading platform for accelerating justice around the world,” said Hogan. “As reflected by our strong financial performance and bright outlook for the future, Cellebrite moves forward extremely well positioned to sustain its business momentum.”

Carmil joined Cellebrite in 2004 as the Company’s fifth employee and became CEO one year later. Under Carmil’s leadership, Cellebrite has grown from 18 people working in a small office in the outskirts of Tel Aviv to over 1,100 people, a dozen offices worldwide and customers in more than 100 countries. Through game–changing innovation, Cellebrite established itself as the leading provider of digital investigative software for the public and private sectors and is trusted by approximately 7,000 customers worldwide. More recently, Carmil has played an instrumental role in leading Cellebrite to achieve a wide range of milestones that include taking Cellebrite public in 2021, completing the transition to a subscription business model, launching Cellebrite’s AI–driven Case–to–Closure platform and delivering consistently strong, profitable growth. As a result, the Company’s market valuation has doubled since going public to approximately $4 billion.

“Leading Cellebrite as CEO for the past 19 years has been an amazing journey and the Company’s success would not have been possible without the support of our customers, partners and investors, and the innumerable contributions from our talented workforce,” said Carmil. “Cellebrite has an incredibly bright future and the timing is right for a new leader to advance our mission and take the Company to the next level. We have assembled a strong leadership team, an exciting technological roadmap and a compelling strategic plan that is aimed at driving value creation for all key stakeholders. I am confident in Cellebrite’s strategic direction and its ability to capitalize on the opportunities ahead.”

Hogan joined Cellebrite as executive chairman in August 2023 and has worked closely with Carmil and the broader Cellebrite leadership team to help advance the Company’s strategy and operational execution. Hogan is a proven technology and software executive with a remarkable 40+ year track record of exceptional shareholder returns, client impact and employee growth. Hogan’s experience includes over a decade as both a private and publicly held software CEO as well as senior executive posts ranging from late stage private to mega–cap public companies.

About Cellebrite
Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Investigation platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more, visit us at,, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Note: References to our website and the websites of third parties mentioned in this press release are inactive textual references only, and information contained therein or connected thereto is not incorporated into this press release.

References to Websites and Social Media Platforms
References to information included on, or accessible through, websites and social media platforms do not constitute incorporation by reference of the information contained at or available through such websites or social media platforms, and you should not consider such information to be part of this press release.

Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This document includes “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “forecast,” “intend,” “seek,” “target,” “anticipate,” “will,” “appear,” “approximate,” “foresee,” “might,” “possible,” “potential,” “believe,” “could,” “predict,” “should,” “could,” “continue,” “expect,” “estimate,” “may,” “plan,” “outlook,” “future” and “project” and other similar expressions that predict, project or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Such forward–looking statements include comments related to the timing associated with the CEO succession plan as well as the following statements: We have assembled a strong leadership team, an exciting technological roadmap and a compelling strategic plan that is aimed at driving value creation for all key stakeholders; and I am confident in Cellebrite’s strategic direction and its ability to capitalize on the opportunities ahead – I look forward to seeing all that Cellebrite will accomplish over the coming years. Such forward–looking statements including those with respect to commentary associated with future performance, strategies, prospects, and other aspects of Cellebrite’s business are based on current expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those indicated by such forward–looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to: Cellebrite’s ability to keep pace with technological advances and evolving industry standards; Cellebrite’s material dependence on the purchase, acceptance and use of its solutions by law enforcement and government agencies; real or perceived errors, failures, defects or bugs in Cellebrite’s DI solutions; Cellebrite’s failure to maintain the productivity of sales and marketing personnel, including relating to hiring, integrating and retaining personnel; intense competition in all of Cellebrite’s markets; the inadvertent or deliberate misuse of Cellebrite’s solutions; failure to manage its growth effectively; Cellebrite’s ability to introduce new solutions and add–ons; its dependency on its customers renewing their subscriptions; the low volume of business Cellebrite conducts via e–commerce; risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence; the risk of requiring additional capital to support the growth of its business; risks associated with higher costs or unavailability of materials used to create its hardware product components; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; lengthy sales cycle for some of Cellebrite’s solutions; near term declines in new or renewed agreements; risks associated with inability to retain qualified personnel and senior management; the security of Cellebrite’s operations and the integrity of its software solutions; risks associated with the negative publicity related to Cellebrite’s business and use of its products; risks related to Cellebrite’s intellectual property; the regulatory constraints to which Cellebrite is subject; risks associated with Cellebrite’s operations in Israel, including the ongoing Israel–Hamas war and the risk of a greater regional conflict; risks associated with different corporate governance requirements applicable to Israeli companies and risks associated with being a foreign private issuer and an emerging growth company; market volatility in the price of Cellebrite’s shares; changing tax laws and regulations; risks associated with joint, ventures, partnerships and strategic initiatives; risks associated with Cellebrite’s significant international operations; risks associated with Cellebrite’s failure to comply with anti–corruption, trade compliance, anti–money–laundering and economic sanctions laws and regulations; risks relating to the adequacy of Cellebrite’s existing systems, processes, policies, procedures, internal controls and personnel for Cellebrite’s current and future operations and reporting needs; and other factors, risks and uncertainties set forth in the section titled “Risk Factors” in Cellebrite’s annual report on Form 20–F filed with the SEC on March 21, 2024 and as amended on April 12, 2024, and in other documents filed by Cellebrite with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which are available free of charge at You are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, in this communication or elsewhere. Cellebrite undertakes no obligation to update its forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.


Investors Relations
Andrew Kramer
Vice President, Investor Relations
+1 973.206.7760

Victor Cooper
Sr. Director of Corporate Communications + Content Operations
+1 404.804.5910

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9268172)

Nyxoah Nomme John Landry au Poste de Chief Financial Officer

Nyxoah Nomme John Landry au Poste de Chief Financial Officer

L'actuel CFO, Loïc Moreau, nommé au poste de Président International

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium – 4 Novembre 2024, 22h45 CET / 16h45 ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (« Nyxoah » ou la « Société »), une société de technologie médicale développant des alternatives thérapeutiques révolutionnaires pour l'apnée obstructive du sommeil (AOS) par la neuromodulation, a annoncé aujourd'hui la nomination de John Landry au poste de Chief Financial Officer (CFO), à compter du 4 novembre 2024. Cette nomination stratégique, combinée au récent déménagement aux États–Unis d’Olivier Taelman, CEO de Nyxoah, renforce le focus de la Société sur le marché américain.

M. Landry apporte plus de deux décennies d’expérience de direction financière dans les secteurs de la santé et des technologies médicales, avec une expertise significative dans la stimulation de la croissance et de l'efficacité opérationnelle au sein de sociétés publiques et privées. Plus récemment, il a occupé le poste de CFO chez Vapotherm Inc. où il a joué un rôle déterminant dans la mise en œuvre de stratégies financières contribuant à la croissance significative du chiffre d'affaires et l’expansion des parts de marché aux États–Unis.

« Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir John au sein de Nyxoah. Son expertise financière approfondie et sa grande expérience du secteur de la santé aux États–Unis, combinées à sa solide expérience des relations avec les investisseurs, seront inestimables pour accélérer notre croissance sur ce marché crucial », a déclaré Olivier Taelman, CEO de Nyxoah. « Le leadership de John nous aidera à optimiser davantage nos stratégies financières et notre efficacité opérationnelle alors que nous préparons Genio à la commercialisation aux États–Unis. »

En outre, Nyxoah annonce que Loïc Moreau, actuellement CFO, est nommé au poste nouvellement créé de Président international. À ce titre, il sera le fer de lance des efforts d'expansion globale de Nyxoah, en se concentrant sur le renforcement de la présence de la Société sur les principaux marchés internationaux.

Cette annonce reflète l'ambition de Nyxoah de constituer une équipe de leadership solide et diversifiée pour soutenir ses objectifs de croissance ambitieux.

À propos de Nyxoah
Nyxoah réinvente le sommeil pour le milliard de personnes qui souffrent d'apnée obstructive du sommeil (AOS). Nous sommes une société de technologie médicale qui développe des alternatives de traitement révolutionnaires pour l'AOS grâce à la neuromodulation. Notre première innovation est Genio®, un dispositif de neuromodulation hypoglosse sans pile, inséré par une simple incision sous le menton et contrôlé par un dispositif portable. Grâce à notre engagement en faveur de l'innovation et des preuves cliniques, nous avons obtenu les meilleurs résultats de sa catégorie en matière de réduction du fardeau du SAOS.

Suite à l'achèvement réussi de l'étude BLAST OSA, le système Genio® a reçu son marquage CE européen en 2019. Nyxoah a réalisé deux introductions en bourse réussies : sur Euronext Bruxelles en septembre 2020 et sur le NASDAQ en juillet 2021. Suite aux résultats positifs de l'étude BETTER SLEEP, Nyxoah a reçu l'approbation du marquage CE pour l'élargissement de ses indications thérapeutiques aux patients atteints d'effondrement concentrique complet (CCC), actuellement contre–indiqués dans la thérapie des concurrents. En outre, la société a annoncé les résultats positifs de l'étude pivot DREAM IDE en vue de l'approbation de la FDA et de la commercialisation aux États–Unis.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le rapport annuel de la société pour l'exercice 2023 et visiter le site

Attention – Marquage CE depuis 2019. Dispositif expérimental aux États–Unis. Limité par la loi fédérale américaine à un usage expérimental aux États–Unis.


Certaines déclarations, croyances et opinions contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont prospectives et reflètent les attentes et croyances actuelles de Nyxoah concernant le système Genio®, les études cliniques prévues et en cours du système Genio®, les avantages potentiels du système Genio®, les objectifs de Nyxoah concernant le développement, la voie réglementaire et l'utilisation potentielle du système Genio®, l'utilité des données cliniques dans l'obtention potentielle de l'approbation de la FDA pour le système Genio®, et l'obtention potentielle de l'approbation de la FDA et l'entrée sur le marché des États–Unis. De par leur nature, les déclarations prévisionnelles impliquent un certain nombre de risques, d'incertitudes, d'hypothèses et d'autres facteurs qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats ou les événements réels diffèrent matériellement de ceux exprimés ou sous–entendus dans les déclarations prévisionnelles. Ces risques, incertitudes, hypothèses et facteurs pourraient avoir une incidence négative sur les résultats et les effets financiers des plans et des événements décrits dans le présent document. En outre, ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, sans s'y limiter, les risques et incertitudes énoncés dans la section « Facteurs de risque » du rapport annuel de Nyxoah sur le formulaire 20–F pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023, déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (« SEC ») le 20 mars 2024, et des rapports ultérieurs que Nyxoah dépose auprès de la SEC. Une multitude de facteurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les changements dans la demande, la concurrence et la technologie, peuvent faire en sorte que les événements, les performances ou les résultats réels diffèrent de manière significative de tout développement anticipé. Les déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse concernant des tendances ou des activités passées ne constituent pas des garanties de performances futures et ne doivent pas être considérées comme une déclaration selon laquelle ces tendances ou activités se poursuivront à l'avenir. En outre, même si les résultats ou les développements réels sont conformes aux déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse, ces résultats ou développements peuvent ne pas être représentatifs des résultats ou développements des périodes futures. Aucune déclaration ni garantie n'est donnée quant à l'exactitude ou à la justesse de ces déclarations prospectives. Par conséquent, Nyxoah décline expressément toute obligation ou engagement de publier des mises à jour ou des révisions des énoncés prospectifs contenus dans le présent communiqué de presse à la suite d'un changement des attentes ou d'un changement des événements, conditions, hypothèses ou circonstances sur lesquels ces énoncés prospectifs sont fondés, sauf si la loi ou la réglementation l'exige expressément. Ni Nyxoah, ni ses conseillers ou représentants, ni aucune de ses filiales, ni aucun de leurs dirigeants ou employés ne garantissent que les hypothèses qui sous–tendent ces énoncés prospectifs sont exemptes d'erreurs, ni n'acceptent de responsabilité quant à l'exactitude future des énoncés prospectifs contenus dans le présent communiqué de presse ou quant à la réalisation effective des développements prévus. Vous ne devriez pas accorder une confiance excessive aux déclarations prospectives, qui ne sont valables qu'à la date du présent communiqué de presse.

Contacts :

Loïc Moreau

For Media
In United States
FINN Partners – Glenn Silver

In Belgium/France
Backstage Communication – Gunther De Backer

In International/Germany
MC Services – Anne Hennecke


Pièce jointe

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011263)

Nyxoah Appoints John Landry as Chief Financial Officer

Nyxoah Appoints John Landry as Chief Financial Officer

Current CFO, Loïc Moreau, to Transition into Role of President International

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium – November 4, 2024, 10:45pm CET / 4:45pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company that develops breakthrough treatment alternatives for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) through neuromodulation, today announced the appointment of John Landry as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective November 4, 2024. This strategic appointment, in combination with the recent move to the United States of CEO Olivier Taelman, strengthens the Company’s focus on the U.S. market.

Mr. Landry brings over two decades of financial leadership experience in the healthcare and medtech sectors, with a proven track record of driving growth and operational efficiency in public and private companies. Most recently, he served as CFO at Vapotherm Inc., where he played an instrumental role in executing financial strategies that supported significant revenue growth and market share expansion in the U.S. market.

“We are delighted to welcome John to Nyxoah. His deep financial expertise and extensive experience in the U.S. healthcare landscape in combination with his strong investor relations experience will be invaluable as we accelerate our growth in this critical market,” said Olivier Taelman, CEO of Nyxoah. “John’s leadership will help us further optimize our financial strategies and drive operational efficiencies as we prepare Genio for commercialization in the US.”

Additionally, Nyxoah announces that Loïc Moreau, currently CFO, will transition into the newly created role of President International. In this capacity, Mr. Moreau will spearhead Nyxoah’s global expansion efforts, focusing on strengthening the Company’s presence in key international markets.

This announcement reflects Nyxoah’s commitment to building a strong, diversified leadership team to support its ambitious growth objectives.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is reinventing sleep for the billion people that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We are a medical technology company that develops breakthrough treatment alternatives for OSA through neuromodulation. Our first innovation is Genio®, a battery–free hypoglossal neuromodulation device that is inserted through a single incision under the chin and controlled by a wearable. Through our commitment to innovation and clinical evidence, we have shown best–in–class outcomes for reducing OSA burden.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext Brussels in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company announced positive outcomes from the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and U.S. commercialization approval.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.


Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward–looking, reflecting Nyxoah's current expectations and beliefs regarding the Genio® system; planned and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; and potential receipt of FDA approval and entrance into the U.S. market. By their nature, forward–looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Additionally, these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of Nyxoah’s Annual Report on Form 20–F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 20, 2024, and subsequent reports that Nyxoah files with the SEC. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities are not guarantees of future performance and should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. In addition, even if actual results or developments are consistent with the forward–looking statements contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. No representations and warranties are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward–looking statements. As a result, Nyxoah expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward–looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward–looking statements are based, except if specifically required to do so by law or regulation. Neither Nyxoah nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such person's officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward–looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward–looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.


Loïc Moreau

For Media
In United States
FINN Partners – Glenn Silver

In Belgium/France
Backstage Communication – Gunther De Backer

In International/Germany
MC Services – Anne Hennecke


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001011263)

Zoom to Release Financial Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2025

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced it will release its financial results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2025 on Monday, November 25, 2024, after the market closes.

A live Zoom Webinar of the event can be accessed at 2:00 pm PT / 5:00 pm ET through Zoom’s investor relations website at A replay will be available approximately two hours after the conclusion of the live event.

About Zoom
Zoom’s mission is to provide an AI–first work platform for human connection. Reimagine teamwork with Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s open collaboration platform with AI Companion empowers teams to be more productive. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer experience teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more information at

Public Relations
Colleen Rodriguez
Head of Global PR for Zoom

Investor Relations
Charles Eveslage
Head of Investor Relations for Zoom

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9264666)