Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jetex, a global leader in executive aviation, is the first to offer SAF to customers in the United Arab Emirates. Building on the success of supplying SAF at selected locations in Europe, Jetex will now offer aircraft operators and private owners the possibility of significantly reducing emissions whenever they operate flights from its flagship private terminal in Dubai.

"Bringing SAF to the United Arab Emirates is a milestone achievement, and today I am pleased that we finally can offer this type of aircraft fuel to our customers in Dubai in partnership with Shell Aviation. It is even more important in light of 2023 being announced as the Year of Sustainability in the UAE as it cements our ambition to reduce carbon emissions", said Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex.

As a safe and fully certified drop–in fuel compatible with existing aircraft fleet and airport infrastructure, SAF can be blended with conventional jet fuel at a ratio of up to 50%, creating an aviation fuel that is significantly lower in lifecycle carbon emissions. In its neat form, SAF can reduce lifecycle emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional jet fuel.

Doris Tan, General Manager Asia and Middle East, Shell Aviation, said: "To reduce emissions from flying, all parts of the aviation value chain need to play their part. This is particularly crucial for private business customers as they can create a concentrated, high–impact demand for SAF. Additionally, expanding the availability of SAF to new locations is equally important, which is why it's been highly rewarding to work with Jetex to enhance our SAF capabilities in the Middle East by delivering SAF at DWC for the first time."

Jetex's environment strategy focuses on reducing carbon emissions, recycling and adapting the latest green technologies across its global network. The company's efforts are aligned with IATA's commitment to fly net zero by 2050 and achieving this requires a combination of maximum elimination of emissions at the source, offsetting and carbon capture technologies.

It is vital for the future of aviation to continue to address climate change and Jetex remains focused on playing its part to reduce the impact on the planet.

– END –

About Jetex:

An award–winning global leader in executive aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best–in–class trip support solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), aircraft fueling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel. To find out more about Jetex, visit and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8975124)

Blacklane Enters Partnership With SIXT and Closes Series F Round

  • SIXT invests significant million euro sum in Blacklane, turning the company into one of its important shareholders
  • SIXT and Blacklane will jointly drive international growth by initially focusing on North America
  • Partnership includes integration of Blacklane services into SIXT app and gives Blacklane's chauffeurs partners access to SIXT's vehicles and connected services
  • SIXT investment marks second closing of series F round after previous investments by Mercedes–Benz Mobility and Gargash Enterprises

BERLIN , Sept. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, global chauffeur service Blacklane announced a partnership under which leading international provider of high–quality mobility services SIXT will become one of Blacklane's important shareholders. In future, Blacklane and SIXT will jointly work on expanding their footprint in international markets, initially with a special focus on North America, for both companies the most important growth market.

Blacklane's chauffeur services will be available via the SIXT app in the US and other international markets in 2024, offering Blacklane as additional premium mobility option on the platform. The partnership will also benefit both companies through for example leveraging SIXT's fleet capabilities and connected services. This will offer guests and chauffeur partners an even broader choice of vehicles and services.

"We at SIXT are committed to providing premium mobility solutions in car rental, carsharing, subscription, and ride–hailing services. We welcome Blacklane on board as an additional valued partner in our mobility ecosystem and are looking forward to jointly create synergies for our business with this partnership", said Nico Gabriel, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at SIXT.

"We are thrilled to win SIXT as our partner and investor in this funding round", said Dr. Jens Wohltorf, CEO and Co–Founder of Blacklane. "Their extensive experience in the ground transportation and travel industry, combined with our expertise in premium chauffeur services, create a powerful bond that will drive both company's global growth and innovation and solidify Blacklane's position as industry leader."

The investment marks the second closing of Blacklane's series F funding, providing Blacklane with a significant million euro investment at a valuation roughly 50% higher than the previous one from 2020. The first round of this F series was backed by prominent investors Mercedes–Benz Mobility and Gargash Enterprises, driving Blacklane's growth in the Middle East.

With the completion of this Series F round, Blacklane is poised to strengthen its position as global leader in premium ground transportation. Coming out of a highly successful period where Blacklane quadrupled revenues in 2022 year–over–year, the company now plans to accelerate its growth by investing in new services such as its City to City–program, connecting metropolitan areas via 127 routes in 11 countries. The funding round will also contribute to the expansion of Blacklane's German and global employee base of 300, driving the company's growth and further strengthening its presence in its domestic market as well as abroad.

Additionally, the funding will support Blacklane's sustainability efforts by implementing innovative mobility solutions. The company is committed to deliver 15% of its rides with electric vehicles by year–end 2023, and 50% by 2025. Blacklane is also offsetting all rides back to its founding in 2011.

SIXT joins notable investors such as Mercedes Benz Mobility, Al Fahim Group, Gargash Enterprises, b2venture and Alstin Capital, all of which demonstrate confidence in Blacklane's business model and growth expectations.

Click here ( to download the press kit.

We are Blacklane, providers of premium global chauffeur services. Our mission is to create true peace of mind for discerning guests by delivering perfect experiences around the world to inspire for a better future. Blacklane offers airport transfers, City to City commutes, In City mobility options and chauffeur services by the hour in over 50 countries globally, either pre–booked or On Demand. Whether it's for business or pleasure, Blacklane and its 300 employees and thousands of chauffeur partners have the right premium transportation service for you. By changing how people move, we opened up new opportunities for our chauffeur providers and set industry standards for climate protection in the travel industry. Book on or download our app.

For Blacklane global media inquiries, please contact:

Blacklane GmbH
Radmila Palov

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–915d–4057–897f–f6ed288fd8ba

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8928938)

Digital concierge Perfect.Live raises 600 000 EUR in pre-seed round to personalise and simplify access to services, developing a fully operational GPT-powered app

TALLINN, Estonia, June 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Perfect.Live (trading name of Dear Innovations O), an early–stage startup specialising in luxury concierge lifestyle solutions announces 600 000 EUR raised in a recent investment round. The funding is used to further develop and enhance their innovative GPT–powered concierge service, catering to individuals who seek access to exclusive services, eliminating the time–consuming manual tasks like phone calls and emails, which are often hindered by the lack of available data and time.

The Perfect.Live app utilises state–of–the–art machine learning algorithms to provide a seamless, efficient and personalised service. The app is designed to understand the users' needs based on the prompts they feed into the app, offering an unparalleled level of convenience. The app effectively acts as a "digital concierge" which is a term usually associated with the world of luxury hotels and restaurants.

The team behind Perfect.Live is changing that narrative. "There is no Uber for organising your life yet – and our goal is to provide just that," says Dmitri Laush, the founder & CEO of Perfect.Live.

Top requests of the app include experiences such as access to F1 Monaco Grand Prix exclusive superyacht parties and Cannes festival events, as well as accommodation at Cote d'Azur during F1 GP and Cannes. Providing private VIP transportation, such as helicopters, boats and luxury cars, and last–minute tables at top restaurants "" these kinds of requests can be managed easily through the Perfect.Live app.

The recent investment round was led by a group of Baltic investors, including Eduards Zolotuhins, managing partner and CEO at 3ED Ventures, Sergei Verbitski from Server Partners, Igor Mlder from Capital Mill and Andrei Doktorov whose previous ventures include and many others.

The funds raised in this investment round will be allocated towards expanding the company's development team, enhancing the app's features and functionality, and scaling its operations to meet the growing global demand.

Perfect.Live is founded by Dmitri Laush, an angel investor and advisor backing numerous businesses in WEB3, blockchain, lifestyle and luxury. He has previously founded GetID and Admiral Markets which was one of the first adopters of online trading with financial instruments.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–e997–40f5–a73f–09e80d304449

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000826152)

Dave & Buster's s'apprête à ouvrir 20 restaurants en Inde et en Australie

DALLAS, 07 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dave & Buster's, chane suprme dans les domaines de la gastronomie, des boissons et du divertissement, annonce deux accords importants supplmentaires dans le cadre de ses plans d'expansion mondiale. Le premier accord inclut un partenariat portant sur 15 restaurants en Inde avec Malpani Group, tandis que le deuxime comprend un partenariat pour 5 restaurants avec NightOwl Entertainment Group en Australie. Ces alliances stratgiques marquent les deuxime et troisime accords de franchise multi–restaurants Dave & Buster's, implantant solidement la marque dans les rgions APAC et MOA avec un total de 31 restaurants engags dans son dveloppement depuis l'annonce de ses plans d'expansion mondiale en 2022.

Nous sommes heureux de faire quipe avec Malpani Group pour apporter l'exprience Dave & Buster's au consommateur indien, l'conomie dynamique de l'Inde ayant class le pays dans le top 5 mondial. Malpani Group, connu pour sa passion de l'innovation et sa croissance diversifie, est en voie de dominer le secteur du divertissement intrieur et extrieur , a dclar Antonio Bautista, directeur du dveloppement international chez Dave & Buster's. Et d'ajouter : De mme, nous sommes heureux de joindre nos forces celles de NightOwl Entertainment Group, une socit avant–gardiste dans les domaines de l'htellerie et du divertissement, qui rvolutionne le secteur en Australie. Le march dynamique australien prsente une importante opportunit de croissance, et NightOwl Entertainment Group, qui est rput pour son approche innovante, constitue le partenaire idal pour notre marque. Nous avons hte d'apporter notre exprience sans gale du divertissement ce march dynamique.

Jai Malpani, directeur de Malpani Group, a exprim son enthousiasme pour ce partenariat. Nous sommes ravis de faire quipe avec Dave & Buster's, une marque tablie l'historique prouv dans le secteur du divertissement , a dclar M. Malpani. Selon nous, son expertise en divertissement familial et en expriences gastronomiques compltera notre portefeuille, et nous sommes impatients de collaborer avec succs.

David Heaton, le fondateur et PDG de NightOwl Entertainment, a galement fait part de son enthousiasme pour ce partenariat. Nous sommes incroyablement heureux de faire quipe avec la marque qui fait figure de pionnier du divertissement localis et qui reste la rfrence dans ce domaine l'chelle mondiale , a comment M. Heaton. Nous sommes persuads qu'ensemble, nous apporterons des expriences ingales nos clients.

Dave & Buster's a mis en "uvre plusieurs initiatives stratgiques pour assurer une expansion mondiale fructueuse, notamment une empreinte personnalisable sur mesure visant rpondre aux exigences spcifiques du march et la localisation d'offres de menus prsentant une forte rsonance rgionale afin de satisfaire aux prfrences et aux gots locaux. La socit a galement introduit un modle tarifaire dynamique exclusif permettant de proposer des options de prix flexibles, lanc des programmes marketing mondiaux dmographiquement agnostiques mais localement excutables, et mis en "uvre des bouquets et stratgies de divertissement uniques pour se diffrencier sur le march.

Dave & Buster's se rjouit aussi de proposer ses clients des divertissements localiss et des programmes tard le soir, en plus de prsenter des expriences immersives visant amliorer l'engagement client dans le domaine comptitif de la socialisation. Grce ces initiatives, Dave & Buster's a la certitude de fournir une exprience exceptionnelle ses clients mondiaux.

propos de Dave & Buster's
Fonde en 1982 et base Coppell, au Texas, la socit Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc., est le propritaire et l'oprateur de 200 sites en Amrique du Nord qui offrent des expriences de divertissement et de restauration de premier plan aux clients par le biais de deux marques distinctes : Dave & Buster's et Main Event. Dave & Buster's possde 152 restaurants dans 41 tats, Porto Rico et au Canada et offre aux clients la possibilit de prendre un verre, se restaurer et se divertir , dans un seul et mme endroit. Chaque restaurant propose une carte avec un grand choix d'entres et de hors–d'"uvre, une slection complte de boissons alcoolises et non alcoolises, ainsi qu'une vaste palette d'attractions de divertissement axes sur les jeux et le visionnage de sports en direct et d'autres vnements tlviss. Main Event exploite 52 centres dans 17 tats du pays, et propose un bowling de pointe, des jeux de laser, des centaines de jeux d'arcade et de ralit virtuelle, ce qui en fait le lieu idal pour permettre aux familles de jouer ensemble et de crer des souvenirs. Pour tout complment d'information sur chaque marque, veuillez consulter les sites et

propos de Malpani Group :
Malpani Group, bas Sangamner, est une maison d'affaires trs diversifie dont les centres d'intrt s'tendent des nergies renouvelables aux produits de grande consommation, en passant par l'immobilier et bien d'autres domaines. Cependant, les russites du groupe vont bien au–del de son portefeuille d'entreprises diversifi. Malpani Group s'est toujours engag en faveur de la satisfaction client et de la responsabilit sociale, et cela a t la cl de sa croissance phnomnale.

Malpani Group est actuellement l'un des plus importants propritaires et oprateurs de parcs aquatiques et d'attractions d'Inde. Il exploite Imagicaa, le plus grand parc thme et aquatique d'Inde, ainsi que cinq autres parcs dans le pays. Ses parcs d'attractions et aquatiques sont devenus des destinations populaires pour les familles, les amateurs de sensations fortes et les touristes, offrant une exprience unique et immersive pour tous les ges. De par son engagement indfectible en faveur de l'excellence et de la satisfaction client, Malpani Group a tabli une nouvelle norme de responsabilit sociale et de russite commerciale, refltant sa solide conviction selon laquelle il faut rendre la pareille la socit.

propos de NightOwl Entertainment
tabli en 2008, NightOwl Entertainment est l'un des groupes hteliers les plus importants de Perth. Il exploite plusieurs tablissements travers Perth et en construit bien d'autres l'chelle nationale ! Chacun a une identit et une cible dmographique bien distinctes. 'uvrant dans le secteur des pubs et clubs, ainsi que des sites de divertissement dsormais, il pratique une philosophie d'entreprise solide et possde l'un des systmes de gestion des plus sophistiqus de l'industrie, avec des procdures et processus centraliss, des analyses de donnes respectant les meilleures pratiques et une formation interne du personnel sur mesure.

Contact auprs des mdias :
Antonio Bautista

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8853720)

Dave & Buster's eröffnet 20 Filialen in Indien und Australien

DALLAS, June 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dave & Buster's, die ultimative Adresse fr Essen, Trinken und Unterhaltung, kndigt zwei weitere wichtige Deals fr seine globalen Expansionsplne an. Die erste Vereinbarung umfasst eine Partnerschaft mit der Malpani Group und 15 Filialen in Indien. Bei dem zweiten Deal geht es um eine Partnerschaft mit der NightOwl Entertainment Group und 5 Filialen in Australien. Diese strategischen Allianzen stellen zwei weitere Franchise–Vereinbarungen fr mehrere Standorte von Dave & Buster's dar und festigen die Position der Marke in der Asien–Pazifik– und der MEA–Region mit insgesamt 31 Filialen, die seit der Ankndigung der globalen Expansionsplne im Jahr 2022 aufgebaut werden.

"Wir freuen uns sehr ber die Zusammenarbeit mit der Malpani Group, um den indischen Verbrauchern den Zugang zum Dave & Buster's–Erlebnis zu ermglichen, insbesondere da Indien durch seine pulsierende Wirtschaft zu den TOP 5 der Weltrangliste gehrt. Die Malpani Group ist fr ihre Leidenschaft fr Innovation und diversifiziertes Wachstum bekannt. Sie ist prdestiniert dafr, eine fhrende Position in der Unterhaltungsbranche im Indoor– und Outdoorbereich einzunehmen", so Antonio Bautista, Chief International Development Officer von Dave & Buster's. Er fgte hinzu: "Ebenso freuen wir uns ber unsere Partnerschaft mit der NightOwl Entertainment Group, einem zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen im Bereich Gastgewerbe und Unterhaltung, das die Branche in Australien revolutioniert. Australiens dynamischer Markt bietet erhebliche Wachstumschancen, und die fr ihren innovativen Ansatz bekannte NightOwl Entertainment Group ist der ideale Partner fr unsere Marke. Wir knnen es kaum erwarten, unser erstklassiges Unterhaltungserlebnis auf diesem pulsierenden Markt einzufhren."

Jai Malpani, Director der Malpani Group, zeigte sich begeistert von der Partnerschaft. "Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Dave & Buster's, einer etablierten Marke mit einer ausgezeichneten Erfolgsbilanz in der Unterhaltungsbranche", sagte Malpani. "Wir sind berzeugt, dass die Fachkompetenz des Unternehmens in den Bereichen Familienunterhaltung und Erlebnisgastronomie unser Portfolio ergnzen wird. Wir freuen uns auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit."

David Heaton, Grnder und CEO von NightOwl Entertainment, uerte sich ebenfalls sehr positiv ber die Partnerschaft. "Wir freuen uns sehr, mit der Marke zusammenzuarbeiten, die Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der ortsbezogenen Unterhaltung geleistet hat und auch weiterhin weltweit als Referenz in diesem Bereich gilt", so Heaton. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass wir gemeinsam unseren Kunden ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis bieten knnen."

Dave & Buster's hat mehrere strategische Initiativen fr die erfolgreiche Umsetzung einer globalen Expansion auf den Weg gebracht, darunter eine anpassbare, auf die spezifischen Marktanforderungen zugeschnittene Prsenz und die Anpassung der Menangebote an die regionale Kche, um den lokalen Prferenzen und Geschmacksvorlieben gerecht zu werden. Darber hinaus hat das Unternehmen ein eigenes dynamisches Preismodell fr eine flexible Preisgestaltung eingefhrt, globale Marketingprogramme initiiert, die demografisch unabhngig, aber lokal durchfhrbar sind, sowie eine einzigartige Unterhaltungsstrategie und Pakete umgesetzt, um sich auf dem Markt von Mitbewerbern abzuheben.

Dave & Buster's freut sich auch darauf, seinen Kunden regionale Unterhaltung und Late–Night–Programme anzubieten und immersive Erlebnisse einzufhren, um die Kundenbindung in dem wettbewerbsintensiven Socializing–Bereich zu erhhen. Mit diesen Initiativen ist Dave & Buster's zuversichtlich, seinen Kunden weltweit ein auergewhnliches Erlebnis bieten zu knnen.

ber Dave & Buster's
Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc. wurde 1982 gegrndet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Coppell, Texas. Das Unternehmen ist Eigentmer und Betreiber von 200 Lokalen in Nordamerika, die ihren Gsten unter zwei verschiedenen Marken erstklassige Unterhaltungs– und Gastronomieerlebnisse bieten: Dave & Buster's and Main Event. Dave & Buster's hat 152 Filialen in 41 US–Bundesstaaten, Puerto Rico und Kanada und bietet seinen Gsten die Mglichkeit, an "einem Ort zu essen, zu trinken, zu spielen und fernzusehen". Jede Filiale bietet eine umfassende Speisekarte mit Hauptgerichten und Vorspeisen, eine groe Auswahl an alkoholischen und alkoholfreien Getrnken sowie ein umfangreiches Unterhaltungsangebot mit Spielen, Live–Sportbertragungen und anderen TV–Events. Main Event betreibt landesweit 52 Zentren in 17 US–Bundesstaaten und bietet moderne Bowling–Anlagen, Laser–Tag, Hunderte von Arcade–Spielen und virtuelle Realitt "" der perfekte Ort fr Familien, um sich zu treffen und unvergessliche Momente zu erleben. Weitere Informationen zu der jeweiligen Marke finden Sie unter und

ber Malpani Group:
Die Malpani Group aus Sangamner ist ein gut diversifiziertes Unternehmen mit Interessen in den Bereichen erneuerbare Energien, FMCG–Produkte, Immobilien, Hotels und mehr. Die Erfolgsgeschichte der Gruppe geht jedoch ber ihr vielfltiges Geschftsportfolio hinaus. Die Malpani Group hat sich stets der Kundenzufriedenheit und der sozialen Verantwortung verschrieben, was das phnomenale Wachstum des Unternehmens vorantrieb.

Die Malpani Group ist einer der fhrenden Eigentmer und Betreiber von Vergngungs– und Wasserparks in Indien. Sie betreibt Indiens grten Themen– und Wasserpark, Imagicaa, sowie fnf weitere Parks in Indien. Ihre Vergngungs– und Wasserparks sind zu einem beliebten Ziel fr Familien, Nervenkitzel–Suchende und Touristen geworden und bieten ein einzigartiges Erlebnis fr alle Altersgruppen. Mit ihrem unerschtterlichen Engagement fr Spitzenleistungen und Kundenzufriedenheit setzt die Malpani Group einen neuen Standard fr Geschftserfolg und soziale Verantwortung, der ihre berzeugung, der Gesellschaft etwas zurckzugeben, widerspiegelt.

ber NightOwl Entertainment
NightOwl Entertainment wurde 2008 gegrndet und ist eines der grten Unternehmen der Gastgewerbebranche in Perth. Das Unternehmen betreibt mehrere Lokalitten in Perth und baut landesweit viele weitere auf! Jede hat eine eigene Identitt und eine eigene Zielgruppe. In der Kneipen– und Clubbranche und jetzt auch in der ortsbezogenen Unterhaltung praktizieren wir ein starkes Unternehmensethos und verfgen ber eines der ausgefeiltesten Unternehmensfhrungssysteme der Branche mit zentralisierten Prozessen und Verfahren, Best–Practice–Datenanalysen und mageschneiderten internen Schulungen fr Mitarbeiter.

Antonio Bautista

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8853720)

Dave & Buster's abrirá 20 lojas na Índia e na Austrália

DALLAS, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Dave & Buster's, o destino final de alimentos, bebidas e entretenimento, anunciou o fechamento de mais dois acordos significativos para seus planos de expanso global. O primeiro acordo inclui uma parceria de 15 lojas na ndia com o Malpani Group, e o segundo acordo uma parceria de 5 lojas com o NightOwl Entertainment Group na Austrlia. Essas alianas estratgicas marcam o segundo e terceiro contratos de franquia multi–loja da Dave & Buster's, e consolidam a marca nas regies APAC e MEA com um total de 31 lojas comprometidas com o desenvolvimento desde que os planos de expanso global foram anunciados em 2022.

"Estamos entusiasmados com a parceria com o Malpani Group para levar a experincia da Dave & Buster's ao consumidor indiano, com a vibrante economia da ndia sendo classificada entre as 5 melhores do mundo. O Malpani Group, conhecido por sua dedicao para com a inovao e crescimento diversificado, est prestes a dominar a indstria de entretenimento domstico e externo", disse Antonio Bautista, Diretor de Desenvolvimento Internacional da Dave & Buster's. "Estamos tambm muito satisfeitos em unir foras com o NightOwl Entertainment Group, uma empresa de hospitalidade e entretenimento com viso do futuro que revoluciona a indstria na Austrlia. O mercado dinmico da Austrlia apresenta uma oportunidade significativa de crescimento, e o NightOwl Entertainment Group, conhecido por sua abordagem inovadora, o parceiro ideal para a nossa marca. Estamos prontos para oferecer a nossa incomparvel experincia de entretenimento para este mercado vibrante.”

Jai Malpani, Diretor do Malpani Group, expressou seu entusiasmo pela parceria. "Estamos muito contentes com a parceria com a Dave & Buster's, uma marca estabelecida com um histrico comprovado na indstria do entretenimento", disse Malpani. "Acreditamos que sua experincia em entretenimento e gastronomia para a famlia complementar nosso portflio, e estamos ansiosos para uma colaborao bem–sucedida".

David Heaton, Fundador e CEO da NightOwl Entertainment, tambm compartilhou seu entusiasmo pela parceria. "Estamos incrivelmente entusiasmados com a parceria com a marca pioneira no entretenimento com base em localizao e que continua a ser o ponto de referncia global neste espao", disse Heaton. "Estamos confiantes de que, juntos, poderemos proporcionar experincias incomparveis para os nossos clientes."

A Dave & Buster's implementou vrias iniciativas estratgicas para garantir uma expanso global bem–sucedida, incluindo uma pegada personalizvel adaptada para atender a requisitos especficos do mercado e a localizao de ofertas de menu com alta ressonncia regional para atender s preferncias e gostos locais. Eles tambm introduziram um modelo dinmico de preos proprietrio com opes de preos flexveis, lanaram programas de marketing global demograficamente agnsticos, mas executveis localmente, e implementaram uma estratgia e pacotes de diverso nicos para se diferenciarem no mercado.

A Dave & Buster's tambm est empolgada em oferecer entretenimento e programao noturna localizada para os clientes e introduzir experincias imersivas para aprimorar o envolvimento do cliente no espao de socializao competitivo. Com essas iniciativas, a Dave & Buster's est confiante de que ir proporcionar uma experincia excepcional aos seus clientes em todo o mundo.

Sobre a Dave & Buster's
Fundada em 1982 e sediada em Coppell, Texas, a Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc., proprietria e operadora de 200 pontos na Amrica do Norte que oferecem experincia de entretenimento e refeies de primeira linha para os nossos clientes com duas marcas distintas: Dave & Buster's e Main Event. A Dave & Buster's tem 152 lojas em 41 estados, Porto Rico e Canad, oferecendo para seus clientes a oportunidade de “Comer, Beber, Jogar e Assistir”, em um nico local. Cada restaurante tem um menu completo de pratos e aperitivos, uma seleo variada de bebidas alcolicas e no alcolicas, e diversos entretenimentos para os clientes que podem jogar games e assistir ao vivo esportes e outros eventos televisionados. O Main Event com 52 centros em 17 estados nos EUA, jogos de boliche de ltima gerao, laser tag, centenas de jogos de arcade e realidade virtual, o lugar ideal para as famlias se conectarem e criarem memrias. Para mais informaes sobre cada marca, visite e

Sobre o Malpani Group:
O Malpani Group da Sangamner uma empresa bem diversificada com interesses em energia renovvel, produtos FMCG, imveis, hotis e muito mais. Mas a histria de sucesso do grupo vai alm do seu portflio diversificado de empresas. O Malpani Group sempre esteve comprometido com a satisfao do cliente e a responsabilidade social, o que tem sido essencial para o seu crescimento fenomenal.

Atualmente, o Malpani Group um dos principais proprietrios e operadores de parques de diverses e aquticos da ndia. Eles operam o maior parque temtico e aqutico da ndia, o Imagicaa, juntamente com outros cinco parques na ndia. Seus parques de diverses e aquticos tornaram–se um destino popular para famlias, caadores de emoes e turistas, oferecendo uma experincia nica e imersiva para todas as idades. Com seu compromisso inabalvel com a excelncia e a satisfao do cliente, o Malpani Group estabeleceu um novo padro para o sucesso dos negcios e a responsabilidade social, com base na sua forte dedicao para com a retribuio para a sociedade.

Sobre a NightOwl Entertainment
Fundada em 2008, a NightOwl Entertainment um dos maiores grupos de hospitalidade de Perth. O grupo tem operaes em vrios locais em Perth e est ampliando o seu portflio em todo o pas! Cada local tem uma identidade e alvo demogrfico distintos. Na rea de pubs e clubes e, agora, de entretenimento com base em localizao, o grupo segue um forte ethos corporativo com um dos sistemas de gesto mais sofisticados da indstria, com processos e procedimentos centralizados, melhores prticas de anlise de dados e treinamento interno sob medida para a equipe.

Contato com a Mdia:
Antonio Bautista

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8853720)

Dave & Buster’s to open 20 stores in India and Australia

DALLAS, June 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dave & Buster's, the ultimate destination for food, drinks, and entertainment, announces two more significant deals for its global expansion plans. The first deal includes a 15–store partnership in India with the Malpani Group, and the second deal comprises a 5–store partnership with the NightOwl Entertainment Group in Australia. These strategic alliances mark Dave & Buster's second and third multi–store franchise agreements, firmly cementing the brand in the APAC and MEA regions with a total of 31 stores committed to development since global expansion plans were announced in 2022.

“We're thrilled to partner with the Malpani Group to bring the Dave & Buster's experience to the Indian consumer, as India's vibrant economy has ranked the country in the top 5 globally. The Malpani Group, known for its passion for innovation and diversified growth, is poised to dominate the indoor and outdoor entertainment industry," said Antonio Bautista Chief International Development Officer for Dave & Buster's. He added, "Likewise, we're delighted to join forces with the NightOwl Entertainment Group, a forward–thinking hospitality and entertainment company revolutionizing the industry in Australia. Australia's dynamic market presents a significant opportunity for growth, and the NightOwl Entertainment Group, renowned for its innovative approach, is the ideal partner for our brand. We can't wait to bring our unparalleled entertainment experience to this vibrant market.”

Jai Malpani, Director of Malpani Group, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership. “We are delighted to partner with Dave & Buster's, an established brand with a proven track record in the entertainment industry," said Malpani. "We believe their expertise in family entertainment and dining experiences will complement our portfolio, and we look forward to a successful collaboration.”

David Heaton, the Founder and CEO of NightOwl Entertainment, also shared his excitement for the partnership. “We're incredibly excited to partner with the brand that pioneered location–based entertainment and continues to be the point of reference globally in this space," said Heaton. "We're confident that together, we'll bring unparalleled experiences to our customers.”

Dave & Buster's has implemented several strategic initiatives to ensure a successful global expansion, including a customizable footprint tailored to meet specific market requirements and the localization of menu offerings with high regional resonance to cater to local preferences and tastes. They have also introduced a proprietary dynamic pricing model to offer flexible pricing options, launched global marketing programs that are demographically agnostic yet locally executable, and implemented a unique amusement strategy and packages to differentiate themselves in the market.

Dave & Buster's is also excited to offer localized entertainment and late–night programming for customers and introduce immersive experiences to enhance customer engagement in the competitive socializing space. With these initiatives, Dave & Buster's is confident they will provide an exceptional experience to their global customers.

About Dave & Buster's
Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Coppell, Texas, Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc., is the owner and operator of 200 venues in North America that offer premier entertainment and dining experiences to guests through two distinct brands: Dave & Buster's and Main Event. Dave & Buster's has 152 stores in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada and offers guests the opportunity to "Eat, Drink, Play and Watch," all in one location. Each store offers a full menu of entres and appetizers, a complete selection of alcoholic and non–alcoholic beverages, and an extensive assortment of entertainment attractions centered around playing games and watching live sports and other televised events. Main Event operates 52 centers in 17 states across the country and offers state–of–the–art bowling, laser tag, hundreds of arcade games, and virtual reality, making it the perfect place for families to connect and make memories. For more information about each brand, visit and

About Malpani Group:
The Malpani Group from Sangamner is a well–diversified business house with interests in renewable energy, FMCG products, real estate, hotels, and more. However, the group's success story goes beyond its diverse portfolio of businesses. The Malpani Group has always been committed to customer satisfaction and social responsibility, which has been the key to its phenomenal growth.

Currently, the Malpani Group is one of the leading owners and operators of amusement and water parks in India. They operate India's largest theme and water park, Imagicaa, along with five other parks in India. Their amusement and water parks have become a popular destination for families, thrill–seekers, and tourists, offering a unique and immersive experience for all ages. With their unwavering commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, the Malpani Group has set a new standard for business success and social responsibility, reflecting their strong belief in giving back to society.

About NightOwl Entertainment
Established in 2008, NightOwl Entertainment is one of Perth's largest hospitality groups. Operating several venues across Perth and building many more nationally! Each with a distinct identity and target demographic. In the business of pubs and clubs and now location Based Entertainment practicing a strong corporate ethos and boasting one of the most sophisticated management systems in the industry, with centralized processes and procedures, best practice data analytics, and bespoke in–house training for staff.

Media Contact:
Antonio Bautista

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8852831)


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, May 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jetex entered in an agreement with 360 Jet Fuel Ltd. to offer its customers more flexibility and wider access to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

SAF is a liquid fuel currently used in commercial aviation which reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80%. It can be produced from a number of sources including waste oil and fats, green and municipal waste and non–food crops. It can also be produced synthetically via a process that captures carbon directly from the air.

Part of what makes SAF sustainable is ensuring sustainability in its supply chain. Transporting SAF to a specific airport or flight is not always possible and could lead to higher greenhouse gas emissions. The Book & Claim system provides a solution for these situations.

The new 360 GREEN FUEL book & claim system allows Jetex customers to source SAF based on their total aviation footprint in one transaction, rather than sourcing through each location individually. This means that SAF can be sourced for flights out of airports that do not have SAF supply available.

Sourcing SAF on a Book & Claim basis will allow purchasing any volume of SAF, including 100% of fuel needs or a carbon neutral scenario, without technical limitations such as blending limits.

Jetex customers will be able to claim the C02 emission reduction they achieved by the amount of fossil fuel replaced with SAF acquired They will receive a certificate specifying the amount of SAF purchased and an audited statement outlining the corresponding CO2 reduction. This documentation can be utilized for sustainability reporting purposes.

To ensure credibility and verifiable emission reductions, 360 Jet Fuel sources physical SAF quantities from ISCC+ certified suppliers, guaranteeing full traceability of the claimed amounts, and ensures delivery to an airline partner within the aviation sector. The solution provided by 360 Jet Fuel undergoes rigorous third–party auditing, ensuring traceability to each delivery batch and eliminating any doubts of double claiming.

The new agreement takes Jetex a step closer to being fully carbon–neutral globally and is aligned with IATA's commitment to achieving 65% SAF share by 2050.

Click here to see Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex, on progressing the sustainability agenda.

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About Jetex:
An award–winning global leader in executive aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best–in–class trip support solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), aircraft fueling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel. To find out more about Jetex, visit and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8844534)

Architects Lina Ghotmeh and Asif Khan appointed for two major museums in AlUla, Saudi Arabia

ALULA, Saudi Arabia, May 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) announces Lina Ghotmeh and Asif Khan as architects for two upcoming museums in its constellation of cultural assets. Ghotmeh will design the contemporary art museum and Khan will design the museum of the Incense Road. Both museums are situated in AlUla, a destination in northwest Arabia with 7,000 years of continuous human history.

Khan, who was awarded a MBE for his services to architecture and is currently working on the renewal of the Barbican Centre and the new London Museum, is known for his radical approach to architecture, which merges history with the future, grounding projects in material experimentation and social context.

Award winning Ghotmeh, who is designing the 2023 Serpentine Pavilion, creates work that sits at the intersection of art, architecture and design. Her practice is developed through a process of thorough historical research, emerging in complete symbiosis with nature as exquisite interventions that enliven memories and the senses.

The architects were chosen through an international competition. The jury comprised of key stakeholders and specialists in architecture, landscape and museology, supported by a technical panel, and was chaired by Dr Khaled Azzam, the architect of AlUla's Journey Through Time Masterplan.

We are excited to announce the appointed architects to these two significant museums "" the first of 15 cultural assets being developed as part of AlUla's Journey Through Time Masterplan. AlUla is a spectacular landscape of discovery, where heritage, works of nature and humankind combine to reveal a long and intimate relationship between people and their environment. This Masterplan will guide the reinvigoration of AlUla establishing a new cultural legacy including the implementation of a circular economy expected to create 38,000 new jobs.

Dr Khaled Azzam "" Architect, Journey Through Time Masterplan, Royal Commission for AlUla

The architecture of the contemporary art museum in AlUla immerses visitors in a creative journey from the desert expanse to the lush cultural oasis of AlUla, interweaving the natural environment, agriculture and art to reveal the heart of contemporary culture. Through a series of garden pavilions, the museum presents a constant interplay between art and nature, capturing the essence of this unique place. The galleries offer surprising and anchored perspectives on the many facets of AlUla, from the microclimates of the oasis to the expanse of the desert, evoking a deep sense of attachment to the land and its heritage.

Lina Ghotmeh, architect, contemporary art museum in AlUla

AlUla resonated with me deeply as did the local community members I met. The design takes the form of a public space, not a museum within walls, situated in AlJadidah village with galleries and spaces for sensory experiences and learning. The mountains are a constant background, whose sand dunes reach down to greet the edges of the museum, while stepped terraces of gardens act as a new interface between the village and the oasis.

I am excited about how the museum of the Incense Road can be brought into the collective memory of the world, and become a transformative asset for the local community.

Asif Khan, architect, museum of the Incense Road

The contemporary art museum in AlUla is a museum of regional and global contemporary art with Arabia at its heart. Offering a core collection of works by artists from regions adjoining the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean in dialogue with their contemporaries from across the world, the collection aims to evolve in partnership with these artists, including a robust programme of commissioned works. As the primary art museum in AlUla, it contributes to the region's legacy as a cultural beacon, generating opportunities for artists, designers, creatives and curators.

An adjoining series of artist–designed gardens will ensure the experience is connected to the landscape in which it sits. Integrated into the distinctive AlUla oasis, set amongst vegetable gardens, palm groves, mountain ranges and an ancient settlement, the museum will explore sensitive environmental design and function as a catalyst for environmental renewal and regeneration of the oasis. It will be structured as an archipelago of pavilion galleries interspersed with a mosaic of artist gardens. Its balance of interior and exterior galleries and gardens will allow visitors to define their own encounters both with art and the natural landscape.

The museum of the Incense Road will be the world's first museum dedicated to this epic and millennia–old network of major land and sea trading routes, celebrating AlUla's cultural legacy as a place of exchange at the confluence of civilisations. Bringing to life global histories, through which ideas, goods and culture were exchanged, it shines a light on north–west Arabia as a cultural epicentre. Living and dynamic narratives will include spotlighting the discoveries of ongoing excavations, highlighting the active nature of AlUla's archaeological sites and the cultural importance of the Incense Road. At the forefront of innovative museum practice, it will enable visitors to engage through layered, multidisciplinary interpretation anchored by carefully curated collections.

The museum of the Incense Road is being developed in dialogue with AlUla's ancient heritage "" including Hegra, Saudi Arabia's first UNESCO World Heritage Site "" and its host village, AlJadidah. It will be an extension of the urban fabric that sits towards the oasis edge, looking out on a vista where Dadan and Hegra "" once vibrant cities that thrived as a result of the Incense Road "" are located. Guided by subject experts and the local community, the museum of the Incense Road will continue to be developed through extensive local and international collaboration with specialists across fields including academia and museology.

Both museums offer a unique entry point into AlUla's rich and extensive cultural offering and will be developed with a socially responsible approach to the preservation, interpretation, meaningful community engagement and presentation of AlUla's cultural inheritance. They will consider how to reduce environmental impact while building meaningful spaces, particularly regarding conservation, controlled temperature, humidity and lighting, and will work with a network of cultural leaders at an institutional, thematic and discipline level in the spirit of reciprocal exchange.

Notes to editors

About AlUla:

Located 1,100 km from Riyadh, in north–west Saudi Arabia, AlUla is a place of extraordinary natural and human heritage. The vast area, covering 22,561km , includes a lush oasis valley, towering sandstone mountains and ancient cultural heritage sites dating back thousands of years to when the Lihyan and Nabataean kingdoms reigned.

The most well–known and recognised site in AlUla is Hegra, Saudi Arabia's first UNESCO World Heritage Site. A 52–hectare ancient city, Hegra was the principal southern city of the Nabataean Kingdom and comprises more than 100 well–preserved tombs with elaborate facades cut out of the sandstone outcrops surrounding the walled urban settlement. Current research also suggests Hegra was the most southern outpost of the Roman Empire after the Nabataeans were conquered in 106 CE.

In addition to Hegra, AlUla is home to fascinating historical and archaeological sites such as Ancient Dadan, the capital of the Dadan and Lihyan Kingdoms, which is considered one of the most developed 1st–millennium BCE cities of the Arabian Peninsula; thousands of ancient rock art sites and inscriptions at Jabal Ikmah; and AlUla Old Town, a labyrinth of more than 900 mudbrick homes developed from at least the 12th century.

About The Royal Commission for AlUla:

The Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) was established by royal decree in July 2017 to protect and safeguard AlUla, a region of outstanding natural and cultural significance in north–west Saudi Arabia. RCU is embarking on a long–term plan to develop and deliver a sensitive, sustainable transformation of the region, reaffirming it as one of the country's most important archaeological and cultural destinations and preparing it to welcome visitors from around the world. RCU's development work in AlUla encompasses a broad range of initiatives across archaeology, tourism, culture, education and the arts, reflecting the ambitious commitment to cultivate tourism and leisure in Saudi Arabia, outlined in Vision 2030.

Lina Ghotmeh works and lives in Paris, where she leads her multidisciplinary practice Lina Ghotmeh "" Architecture. Her visionary and materially sensitive works emerge in complete symbiosis with their environment while soliciting memory and senses.

Lina Ghotmeh is the nominated Architect for this year's 22nd Serpentine Pavilion and her projects include Ateliers Herms (first low carbon, energy positive building in France) delivered this April 2023, Stone Garden crafted tower and gallery spaces in Beirut (Dezeen Architecture of the year 2021 Prize), the Estonian National Museum (Grand Prix Afex 2016, project she designed in partnership with Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane), Wonderlab Master crafts exhibition in Tokyo and Beijing & award winning Les Grands Verres restaurants for the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.

She is the recipient of multiple awards including the 2020 Schelling Prize, the 2020 Tamayouz "Woman of Outstanding Achievement", the French Fine Arts Academy Cardin Award 2019, the Architecture Academy Dejean 2016 and the French Ministry AJAP Prize in 2008. Her works have been exhibited at the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice, at the MAXXI in Rome, and currently at the Cooper Hewitt in New York. She is active in Academic life and was Louis I Khan professor at Yale and Gehry Chair at the University of Toronto.

Asif Khan founded his London–based practice in 2007, which designs buildings, landscapes, installations, exhibitions and objects. His work is concerned with sensory experience, craftsmanship, cultural exchange and the merging of history with future worlds.

Asif Khan is currently working on the Barbican Art Centre Renewal, the new London Museum, opening 2026, itself the largest cultural project in Europe, and Liverpool Canning Dock waterfront transformation, a site at the centre of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. In 2020 he completed 6.5km of public realm design of Dubai Expo 2020, where his carbon–fibre Entry Portals received the Dezeen public award 2021 and nomination for the Aga Khan award for Architecture. He received the Grand Prix for Innovation (Cannes 2014) and Architect of the Year (German Design Council 2017).

His works have been exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts, V&A, Milan Salone, Milan Triennale, Gwangju Design Biennale, the Design Museum, London, London Design Week, Tokyo Design Week, and currently at MAAT Lisbon. He has taught at the Royal College of Art and at Musashino Art University, Tokyo. Khan was awarded an MBE for Services to Architecture in 2017 and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Design Museum in London.

Press contacts:

Vicky Newark
Pelham Communications

Sherif Elhalafawy
Royal Commission for AlUla

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8842227)

Global Chauffeur Service Blacklane Names Ebony S. Morczinek as Chief Financial Officer

Morczinek will accelerate the continuous scaling of Blacklane by driving growth through capacity optimization and the use of finance to drive strategy and localisation.

BERLIN, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, global chauffeur service Blacklane announced that it has appointed Ebony S. Morczinek as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective immediately. She will report to Blacklane CEO and Co–Founder Dr. Jens Wohltorf, and is charged with optimizing the finance functions with a focus on enabling global and local operational management to drive Blacklane's growth. With more than 20 years of experience directing all facets of economics, operations, and executive–level business administration for top–tier organizations, Morczinek brings proven leadership and valuable insights to the Blacklane team.

Most recently, Morczinek served as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Europe for global meal kit provider Marley Spoon, where she was recognized for doubling gross revenue while leading integrated operations across six countries in Europe. Before that, she was the Chief Financial Officer of the Global Services division at Likewize (formerly Brightstar Corporation), where she spearheaded IPO readiness for the global telecommunications company. Stations at companies such as Citigroup and Lufthansa complement her career, giving her experience in working with large organizations as well as start–ups.

"I am thrilled to join the Blacklane team and further establish our leadership position in the premium mobility and travel industry," said Ebony S. Morczinek. "My goal is to support Blacklane's growth trajectory in a sustainable way, while having a keen eye on the business opportunities which will come through markets and our investor community. My thanks go to Jens and the Board for the trust they have placed in me as we drive Blacklane's success story based on a common mission to create true peace of mind by delivering perfect experiences around the world to inspire a better future."

"We are continuing to grow Blacklane's executive team and it fills me with great pleasure to welcome Ebony to our group," says Dr. Jens Wohltorf, Co–Founder And CEO of Blacklane. "Coming out of a highly successful period where we quadrupled revenue in 2022 year–over–year and won a significant investment from Gargash Group and Mercedes–Benz Mobility, in 2023 we plan to introduce innovative products as well as expand and open markets. Ebony's expertise in a wide range of strategic operational and financial tasks will bring Blacklane to the next level as it continues to revolutionize our industry."

Press Materials

Blacklane's global chauffeur service brings peace of mind to travelers moving through a fast–paced world. The crew's dedication to safety, reliability, and smart technology places Blacklane at the forefront of a new era of stress–free travel. Since 2017, the company has been carbon–neutral, combining a five–star guest experience with care for the planet. Upgrade your travels on Blacklane's mobile apps or website.

For Blacklane global media inquiries, please contact:
Blacklane GmbH

Radmila Palov

+49 157 80 67 4435

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8831916)